2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 8:48 PM

Army Shifting Equipment to Asia
  By Robert Burns
  AP Military Writer
  Thursday, Aug. 30, 2001; 5:28 p.m. EDT

  WASHINGTON -- The Army intends to move some of its weapons and other
war-fighting equipment from Europe to Asia, reflecting a shift in strategic focus by
the Bush administration, the Army's top official said Thursday.

  No troops are moving yet, but Army Secretary Thomas White left open the
possibility the service might expand or reconfigure its presence in the Asia-Pacific
region while maintaining its basic commitments in Europe.

  There's been a heightened awareness or concern about the Pacific region, White
said in an interview with a group of reporters. It's been talked about a lot. I think
we in the Army will have to look at that very closely, look at our stationing around
the Pacific Rim.

  He was asked whether the Army is considering, for example, basing troops on
Guam, a U.S. territory in the Pacific where the Air Force maintains a staging base for
its aircraft operating in the region.

  You have to see if there are opportunities for forward basing or engagement on
the Pacific Rim, he replied. I think all the services are going to do that.

  The Army has almost 29,000 soldiers based permanently in Japan and South Korea.
Its other major overseas presence is in Europe, where about 65,000 soldiers are posted
mostly in Germany.

  If the administration were to decide to put more troops in the Asia-Pacific
region as well as weapons and equipment, it inevitably would cause consternation among
allies and others, White said.

  I suppose any time you make shifts in strategy and deployments, there's a lot
of concern by a lot of different people, he said. Consequently it will take time, if
that's what the secretary (of defense) and the president decide to do. He emphasized
that no such decisions have been made.

  Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has made clear he believes the U.S.
military needs to be oriented more toward potential threats in the Asia-Pacific
region, not just the traditional worry about North Korea but also China. Rumsfeld has
stressed, also, that putting more focus on Asia should not be interpreted as reduced
interest in Europe.

  When he visited Europe in June, Rumsfeld took pains to emphasize the U.S.
commitment to NATO allies. He dismissed speculation that he favors reducing the U.S.
troop presence in Europe, saying he didn't want to cause tremors unnecessarily by
suggesting Europe was less important to the United States.

  In Thursday's interview, White said the extent to which the Army increases its
attention on Asia will depend on the outcome of Rumsfeld's lengthy review of U.S.
strategy, which White said is not yet completed.

  If the Pacific becomes of greater importance than it typically has in the past,
relative to Europe and the other regions of the world, you're going to re-examine the
whole business of troop positioning, he said. We're doing that.

  For starters, the Army intends to move war-fighting equipment now stored in
Germany and Italy to locations in the Asia-Pacific region, he said.

  It's a signal, once again, that we're going to shift our available resources
around to fit the strategy, White said.

  He did not say how many weapons or how much equipment would be moved, but an
aide said it would be enough to equip several combat brigades. A typical combat
brigade comprises about 5,000 troops.

  Col. Tom Begines, an Army spokesman, said equipment intended to support an Army
battalion (about 1,200 soldiers) would be moved from Europe to South Korea, but he was
unsure of other details.

  Some of the equipment in Europe may be moved to Diego Garcia, where the Army
already has weapons and equipment stored aboard ships, one White aide said. That
British-owned island in the Indian Ocean now is used primarily as a forward base for
Air Force B-52 bombers and support aircraft.

  White said he was not familiar with other details of the intended move, such as
the timing and exact locations. He did not say what kinds of weapons and equipment
would be moved, but typically it would include armored vehicles, missile launchers,
ammunition, fuel and other support equipment.

  A trade publication, Inside the Army, reported Aug. 13 that an internal Army
document described a plan for redistributing war-fighting stocks from Europe to
existing caches in southwest Asia - a region that includes Diego Garcia - and in South
Korea. It also said the 

Thousands rally in Durban against Israel and U.S. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Thousands rally in Durban against Israel and U.S.

Thousands rally in Durban against Israel and U.S.

DURBAN, South Africa, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Thousands of
demonstrators chanting
anti-Israeli and anti-American slogans marched through the
centre of Durban
on Friday as a world conference against racism got under

Israel is an apartheid state and Free, Free Palestine
were among banners
waved by the protesters, estimated to number 10,000, as they
headed for a
meeting to be addressed by U.S. civil rights leader Jesse

Another banner read: George Bush: Palestinian blood is on
your hands.

Both the United States and Israel have sent only low-level
delegations to the
United Nations-organised World Conference Against Racism in
protest at what
they say is an anti-Israel bias in draft texts drawn up for
the meeting.

Arab states have dropped clauses equating Zionism with
Racism but want
foreign occupation -- a veiled reference to Israeli
actions in Palestinian
territories -- to be branded as a new kind of apartheid.

Armed police looked on as marchers filed through central
city streets but
there were no immediate reports of any violence.

07:33 08-31-01

U.N. Chief: Racism Summit Can't Afford Failure

By Richard Waddington

DURBAN, South Africa (Aug. 31) - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi
Annan on Friday
urged delegates to an acrimonious global conference against
racism to set
aside their differences, saying the meeting could not afford
to fail.

''If we leave here without agreement we shall give comfort
to the worst
elements in every society,'' he told the opening session of
the eight-day
World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination,
Xenophobia and
Related Intolerance.

Acknowledging rows that dogged preparations for the United
meeting in the South African port of Durban -- Washington
has sent only a
low-level delegation because of what it says is an
anti-Israeli bias -- was a
test of the international community's ability to unite on a
vital issue.

''Let us not fail that test,'' he said.

Annan sought to sound a conciliatory note on the two most
contentious issues
-- how to deal with, if at all, conflict in the Middle East
and how to
address the historic ill of slavery.

Arab states have been insisting that the conference text
contain a specific
reference to what it says is racist treatment by Israel of
Palestinians in
the occupied territories.

Describing the Holocaust, in which some six million Jews
were killed by the
Nazis in World War Two, as ''the ultimate abomination,''
Annan said Israel
could not use the tragedy as an excuse never to examine its
own behavior.

''We cannot expect Palestinians to accept this (the
Holocaust) as a reason
why the wrongs done to them -- displacement, occupation,
blockage, and now
extra-judicial killings -- should be ignored, whatever label
one uses to
describe them,'' he said.

But Annan said the conference was not the place for mutual
recriminations and
that its aim was to look to the future.

He sent the same message on slavery, for which some African
states want an
explicit apology and possibly financial reparations from
former slave-trading

''Our aim must be to banish from this new century the hatred
and prejudice
that have disfigured previous centuries,'' he said.

The emphasis of the conference was on practical measures to
combat racism and
discrimination against ethnic minorities from which few
countries were immune.

''We must not leave this city without agreeing on practical
measures which
all states should take to fill that pledge,'' he said.

European countries and the United States, the main players
in the traffic of
slaves from Africa to north and south America for some 400
years up to the
19th century, reject any talk of reparations and are wary of
any wording in
the conference texts that could leave them open to legal

REUTERS  Reut09:05 08-31-01

Jackson: Zionism Criticism to Come Out
.c The Associated Press

DURBAN, South Africa (AP) - The Palestinian delegation has
agreed to drop
criticism of Israel and Zionism in a final declaration for
the U.N.
conference against racism, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said

Following a three-hour meeting with Yasser Arafat, Jackson
said the
Palestinian leader had agreed to oppose efforts to criticize
Israel and
Zionism, and to recognize the Holocaust as the worst crime
of the 20th

The Palestinians were not immediately available for comment.

Jackson presented reporters with a handwritten draft of the
document signed
by Arafat in which he said he did not want the U.N.
conference to derail over
criticism of 

U.S. hard-line policy under fire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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  Pyongyang, August 30 (KCNA) -- The international community and world
peace and stability remain disturbed due to the u.s. hard-line policy, says
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
The extremely adventurous policy pursued by the bush administration
since its emergence is to maintain its position as the world's only
superpower and control the world as it pleases.
But its hard-line policy and hegemonism are rebuffed and opposed
worldwide and have thrown Washington into a quagmire.
Russia warned that it would take a strong counter-measure against the
U.S. moves to establish the Missile Defense system (MD) which might spark a
global nuclear arms race.
Many countries including china dismissed MD as unreasonable and
dangerous and are opposed to it.
Even the U.S. allies advised Washington to think twice over MD when they
were requested to support it, clarifying their view that it lacks reason to
convince the world.
The U.S. hard-line policy is the desperate effort of the weak.
It is quite clear that the hard-line policy of the Bush administration
will throw it into a bottomless quagmire.

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German Defense Minister, Like NATO, Is Above The Law [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[A glimpse into what sort of New Order Germany and its
Brothers of the Bayonet intend to bring to Macedonia;
basically the same type they've introduced into the
NATO-created crime and prostitution-infested hellholes
of Bosnia and Kosovo.]   

German Defense Minister Under Fire Gy GEIR MOULSON
Associated Press Writer 
The Associated Press
Friday, Aug. 31, 2001; 6:03 p.m. EDT
BERLIN –– Opposition leaders demanded the resignation
of Germany's defense minister Friday, enraged that he
used government planes to shuttle between Berlin and a
Spanish vacation just as German troops joined NATO's
hazardous mission in Macedonia. 
Rudolf Scharping's office denied the defense minister
misused taxpayers' money. In comments for the Saturday
edition of the daily Bild, Scharping said he abided by
his ministry's guidelines and added, I'm fulfilling
my work obligations 100 percent. 
Scharping has been under fire from the opposition for
months over issues including belated compensation for
Cold War-era radar technicians who suffered from
cancer to complaints that Germany's military is
ill-equipped for NATO peacekeeping missions. 
The German media also has been scathing. After a
magazine last week showed Scharping frolicking in a
pool on the Spanish island of Mallorca with his
girlfriend, the influential weekly Der Spiegel ran a
cover story Monday calling him an embarrassment to the
center-left government, which faces national elections
next year. 
On Friday, the conservative Christian Democrats'
leader in parliament, Friedrich Merz, demanded that
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder put an end to the
colorful goings-on. His call was echoed by other
Christian Democrat party leaders, including chairwoman
Angela Merkel. Schroeder and Scharping are from the
center-left Social Democrat party. 
The liberal Free Democrats' leader, Guido Westerwelle,
told the daily Die Welt that a defense minister
without authority can't stay in office. 
In comments televised late Friday, Social Democratic
Secretary-General Franz Muentefering defended
Scharping's good work and his right to a vacation.
He said there were no grounds for Scharping to step
Scharping raised eyebrows last week when Germany's
Bunte magazine printed the pictures from Mallorca just
as the government scrambled to assemble a
parliamentary majority for German participation in
NATO's operation to disarm Albanian rebels in
Following a newspaper report of Scharping's flights to
and from Mallorca, the Defense Ministry said Friday he
had used government planes to return for a special
Cabinet meeting on Macedonia last week and for a
parliament session this week to approve sending the
Commercial flights couldn't be obtained, the
ministry said. All these flights are oriented toward
the valid guidelines on using government planes. 

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Crimes Under The Guise Of Human Rights [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[For some reason the author seems to be an admirer of
Mr. Kostunica, but otherwise his points are worth

Dr. Milan Tepavac
September 1, 2001 
It seems to me that I've never in my life read
something so disgusting, distorting and poisonous as
this piece of a NGO which calls itself Human Rights
Watch (see below). If Goebels and  Zdanov were alive
they would die of envy. We have here an example of
what the Orwellian New World Order has done to the
mind and soul of some people.This is my first and last
time that I pay any attention to that organization. 
1. Can the United Nations Security Council establish
an international court? 
Of course not. The fact is that the Security Council,
when adopting the resolution 827, establishing
International Criminal Tribunal for Former
Yugososlavia (ICTY) acted ultra vires and the passing
of time cannot validate it. Quod initio invalidum est,
non potest tractu temporis convalescere. That
resolution is really a black hole of international
law, and - I do not hesitate to say - that those
fifteen sitting in the SC who adopted it are criminals
under international law because they delivered a death
blow to international law and should be accountable
for it under its very law - Article 7(4) of its
Statute. Many international lawyers have the same
opinion about ICTY. A German NGO from Berlin simply
  1. The indictment [against Mr. Milosevic] issued
by the Chief Prosecutor of the so-called
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia is legally invalid because this Tribunal
has no jurisdiction whatsoever in the present or any
other case. 
  2. The Tribunal derives its raison d'être
exclusively from Security Council resolution 827,
adopted at the Council's 3217th meeting on 25 May
1993. In this resolution, establishing the so-called
International Criminal Tribunal, the Security
Council states that it acts under Chapter VII of the
Charter of the United Nations. 
  3. When adopting the above resolution, the Security
Council acted ultra vires. According to the provisions
of the U.N. Charter, the Council has no competence
whatsoever in judicial matters. The provisions of
Chapter VII determine the Council's competence in
matters of international security but not in matters
of criminal justice or other judicial matters. The
sole authority in international judicial matters rests
with the International Court of Justice 
Now, any further discussion about ICTY from the legal
point of view should stop here. But, let's, for the
sake of argument, suppose that it were established
So, even if ICTY were established according to
international law, its Statute would invalidate it
with many of its provisions and - its omissions! 
The Security Council had no right whatsoever to
formulate substantive rules of international criminal
law and prescribe penalties for them, since it is not
legislative body!!. But, omissions are even more
interesting! It lacks the prime, supreme international
crime - the crime of aggressive war, whether
international or internal, civil war. It was purposely
done by those fifteen criminals in the Security
Council: in order to protect from criminal
responsibility those who planned, instigated, ordered,
committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the
planning, preparation or execution of the secessionist
wars in Yugoslavia and NATO aggression against it. So,
we have the situation that a Bosnian peasant worker
gets life imprisonment, while real culprits - Tudjman,
Kucan, Izetbegovic, Gligorov, Genscher, Kohl, Clinton,
Pope, Badinter, Carrington, Albright, Zimmermann,
Eagelberger, Wesley Clark and many more - get red
carpets. So, those fifteen of the SC made a mockery of
international law and irreparable damage to the
concept of justice. It is a deadly blow to our
civilization. Maybe the greatest crime today against
international law and order is the attempt to impose
the pronouncements of such a Tribunal as international
2. Indictment against president Milosevic 
Now, let us turn to the indictment against Mr.
Milosevic, disregarding, again for the sake of
argument, the illegality of the ICTY and its Statute.
The conditio sine qua non for the application of the
international humanitarian law is the existence of the
war or armed conflict on a given territory.
Without a war or armed conflict there are no
violations of the rules of IHL. So, the chief
prosecutor of the ICTY Louise Arbour had to have a
war or armed conflict in the sense of international
humanitarian law. She needed it. So, she just invented
it by stating that there was in Kosovo the state of
war! Let's look at the positive international
humanitarian law: Protocol Additional to the Geneva
Conventions of August 12, 1949 and Relating to the
Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed
Conflicts (Protocol II) in para 1 of Article 1 states

What Billions Buy In Belarus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[This 'report' is from Transitions Online, one of
heaven knows how many newspapers and Web sites owned
by George S. throughout Eastern Europe and the world.
I would seriously doubt that he himself can remember
what he owns, except that there's very little he
doesn't, so by process of eliminationAnyway, they
can all be depended upon to toe the line.
With the billions of dollars being lavishly dished out
by the State Department, the OSCE, the National
Endowment for Democracy, the Open Society Institute
and scores of others, it's downright reassuring that
the best they can come up with are adolescent
inanities like those described below.
Enough to give one faith in the future.
Times for changes, indeed]

posted on TOL Wire on 31 August 2001 
Happy birthday, Lukashenka! 
from Racyja 
MINSK, 30 August (Racyja)--Members of the youth
opposition organization Malady Front intended to give
incumbent Alyaksandr Lukashenka a criminal code,
tomatoes, and dried crusts for his birthday. The
action was staged near the president?s administration.
Demonstrators held orange balloons with the slogan I
love Belarus and a ballot-box with the inscription
Chose another president!, in which they placed the
gifts for Lukashenka. They were recommended by
policemen to mail their presents to the president.
Meanwhile, the youth coalition Time for changes was
also gathering presents for Lukashenka on the Freedom
Square, including an old bed pan, a pack of crusts,
and chicken eggs. Their slogan was: Make a present
for the dear man in the last days of his fruitful

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NATOized Hungary Revels In Its Fascist Past [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[The following bit of revisionist apologetics is
typical of much of Eastern Europe in the era of a
revitalized, expansionist NATO.
From Latvia to Hungary and from Croatia to Estonia,
NATO members and candidates - seemingly as a matter of
course and design - are now celebrating their World
War II Axis collaborationist regimes, rewriting their
text books to make heroes out of villains, inciting
anti-foreigner and irredentist sentiments among the
populace,  and clamoring for the return of territory
redistributed after the end of the war.
The government of Hungary, one of the first three
members inducted in NATO's first round of expansion,
is even promoting a sort of pan-Magyarism by granting
passports and presumed citizenship rights to ethnic
Hungarians living in Yugoslavia, Romania, Slovakia and
How this will play out in the future dismemberment of
what's left of Yugoslavia as well as in Romania and
elsewhere seems obvious.
We've alread seen Hungarian officials refuse to
apologize for the death camps their allegedly
non-fascist government ran in the Vojvodina area of
Yugoslavia in World War II. In fact they've attempted
to justify their role in the extermination of Serbs,
Jews and Roma there.
Anyone unconvinced about the nature of the
nazi-collaborationist, clerico-fascist regime in
Budapest in the 1930s and 1940s only has to look up
information on Admiral Horthy and the Arrow Cross
Party on the Internet and come to their own
If this is the New World Order, it bears frightening
resemblances to the old.]

The Budapest Sun
August 30, 2001 - Volume IX, Issue 35 Lobbying groups
reject 'fascist era' label
By Gerson Perry
THE unearthing and resurrection of a statue to Greater
Hungary by Viktor Orbán's Government and an Associated
Press report on the incident under the headline
Fascist-Era Statue Raised in Hungary, has sparked an
outcry by Hungarian lobbying groups. 
The Hungarian Lobby, a political and cultural action
group, bombarded the executive editor of the
Associated Press Jon Wolman with hundreds of e-mails
and letters demanding a correction to the article that
suggested the statue was raised during Hungary's
Fascist era. 
Dr F L Jajczay, a member of the Presidential Board of
the Hungarian National World Council, said, The
editor, who approved the release of this news item,
should review the definition of Fascism/Fascist and
the historical facts about the political and social
system in Hungary between the two World Wars. This
news item is a very nice example of inciting hatred
against an identifiable group. 
Fascism, according to Webster's New World Dictionary,
is a system of government characterized by rigid
one-party dictatorship, forcible oppression of
opposition, belligerent nationalism, racism and
László Papp suggested fellow Hungarian Lobby members
write to the AP along these lines: May I respectfully
suggest you send your reporter or correspondent back
to History Class 101. 
His concept and information on a 'Fascist Hungary' is
totally and shamefully wrong. Yes, there was a Fascist
regime in Hungary, but not in 1934, instead in 1944
after Germany occupied the country. 
Papp added, The country had a conservative rightist
majority in the democratically elected Parliament in
1934 with leftist minority, including
Social-Democrats, and some other liberal parties. 
So did and do other countries. You would not
characterize the Bush administration 'Fascist' for its
conservative ideology? Or do you? A correction and
apology is in order. 
Another lobby member, writing in a similar vein said
that, our weak anti-Jewish laws angered Hitler, but
actual deportations took place only after the
occupation of Hungary... More than 200,000 thousand
Jews were saved in the 'Last island of freedom in
Europe, east of the Pyrenees'. 
Jajczay said, As far as the Hungarians hating Trianon
and the revisionism is concerned, there is a question
for you: If after a lost war Great Britain would have
lost - without a plebiscite - Scotland to Norway, York
to Denmark, Kent to Netherlands and Cornwall to
France, the United States would have similarly lost
New Mexico and Texas to Mexico, Florida to Cuba, New
York to Canada. What would have been the reaction of
the English and American people and governments? 
The Associated Press has yet to respond - or offer a
correction - to its August 12 article. 
Copyright 2001 * The Budapest Sun * All Rights

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NATO: Big Plans For Bulgaria [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[Just in the past few days two leading members of the
U.S. Senate foreign policy elite - John McCain and
Richard Lugar - have issued separate calls for
Bulgaria's early entry into NATO.
McCain even made a special trip to Sofia.
The Graf Ignatievo airforce base, referred to below,
is of strategic importance to NATO's activities in the
Balkans, and is to be substantially upgraded to become
even more so.
The accelerated development of Bulgaria as a key NATO
base of operations is planned in conjunction with
NATO's new role in Macedonia.] 

Blue News
Newsnewsgroup: Blue News Bulgaria English, 31.08.2001
Bulgarian air force base converted to NATO standards 
Sofia (Bluebull) - Bulgaria's Minister of Defense
Nikolay Svinarov formally announced the completion of
a major reconstruction at the Graf Ignatievo airforce
base, near Plovdiv. 
The main strip of the base was extended to 3 km which
makes it compliant with the landing requirements for
all NATO fighter and cargo aircraft. 
The whole project, which includes the relevant signal
and safety infrastructure, was completed for three
months by a local state-owned construction company. 
The ministry of defense has spent BGN 10 million on
the whole project. 
The Graf Ignatievo airforce base houses also the
headquarters of the international peace-keeping
brigade comprising military units from several Balkan

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Castro Says Palestinians Suffer 'Genocide,' Hits US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Steve Wagner

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Castro Says Palestinians Suffer 'Genocide,' Hits US

Saturday September  1  8:16 AM ET

DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - Cuban leader Fidel
Castro on Friday branded Israeli actions against
Palestinians as genocide and blasted the United States
for seeking to hobble debate at a U.N. conference
against racism.

  ``(Nobody) has the right to set preconditions to
the conference or urge it to avoid the
discussion...(of) the way we decide to rate the
dreadful genocide perpetrated, at this very moment,
against our Palestinian brothers,'' Castro said.

  At least 548 Palestinians and 157 Israelis have
been killed since protests against Israeli occupation
erupted in September last year after peace talks
froze. On Saturday the Palestinians accused Israel of
assassinating a senior security official in a car
blast in Gaza.

  Israeli security officials denied Israel was

  Middle East bloodshed has dominated the 153-nation
World Conference Against Racism that opened in the
South African city of Durban on Friday.

  The United States has cut its representation to a
junior level in protest at what it sees as an
anti-Israeli bias and has warned it may withdraw
altogether unless the language in draft texts is

  Middle East tension and demands by some African
states that rich countries pay reparations for the
past ills of slavery are threatening to torpedo the
conference which organizers intended as a landmark in
the struggle against racism.

  The veteran Cuban leader backed the call for
reparations, saying that countries that had grown rich
on ill-gotten gains from human trafficking had the
resources to pay.

  ``This is an unavoidable moral duty,'' Castro said
in his formal address to the conference which is being
attended by some 6,000 delegates from 153 countries.

  The conference, which runs until September 7, is
due to draw up a declaration of principles along with
detailed plan of action to fight racism worldwide.

  But Washington and European powers are wary of
issuing any formal apology for slavery for fear it
could give grounds for legal action against them and
they reject any talk of reparations.

  ``(The) rich and squandering world is in
possession of the technical and financial resources
necessary to pay what is due to mankind,'' Castro

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FYROM Demands UN Troops To Patrol Borders [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Rick Rozoff

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[Please note UN - and not NATO - forces to restore
order; and a UN mission to patrol the borders, not to
maintain the status quo after foreign-based terrorists
have seized as much territory as they could.
Exactly as with Kosovo three years ago, the only role
for any outside force should be to protect a sovereign
nation and its people from terrorist assaults
emanating from abroad; assaults that could never have
occurred without Western connivance and assistance.
The rest of the report that follows is the standard
NATOise pabulum about evil nationalist Slavs and so
Though the final paragraph is significant in that it
quotes verbaim, without commentary or disclaimer, the
non-negotiable demands placed by the CIA-trained
NLA/KLA, which is not a party to the so-called peace
accords, on the multi-ethnic parliament of Macedonia
as though such a threat was perfectly normal and
worthy of being honored.] 

Macedonia demands U.N. peacekeepers
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.September
01, 2001
SKOPJE, Macedonia, Aug 31, 2001 (United Press
International via COMTEX) -- President Boris
Trajkovski called on the international community
Friday to guarantee peace in Macedonia after
ratification of a political accord and rebel
disarmament are completed.
We expect the international community to help us keep
and enforce the peace, he said in an address to
parliament. I am asking today for a reintroduction of
the United Nations Preventative Deployment force
--UNPREDEP, that operated in Macedonia from 1992
until March 1999. 
UNPREDEP was a successful mission and it kept the
peace by patrolling the borders, Trajkovski said. 
U.S. soldiers led the former U.N. peacekeeping
operation in Macedonia, which consisted of about 1,000
soldiers deployed along the country's borders with
Albania, Kosovo and Serbia. The mission was scrapped
after China vetoed an extension of its mandate in the
U.N. Security Council on the eve of the NATO campaign
against Yugoslavia. 
NATO has said that its current force of about 5,000
troops in Macedonia will leave at the end of its
mandate to collect weapons from ethnic Albanian
rebels. Western diplomats have been discussing in
recent days what, if any, international presence could
be sent to Macedonia to keep the lid on ethnic
tensions after the guerrilla force known as the
National Liberation Army is disbanded. 
Trajkovski also urged his country's parliament to
ratify the internationally mediated peace deal signed
almost three weeks ago by both ethnic Albanian and
Macedonian political leaders. The agreement is not
perfect, but no agreement ever is, Trajkovski told
legislators. It is the best thing we have right now
and it does have many positive points. 
Macedonian hard-liners are opposed to the deal, saying
the country is being forced at gunpoint to overhaul
its constitution. 
Strasho Angelovski, head of an extreme nationalist
political party known as MAAK, led a blockade of
parliament Friday morning to try to prevent lawmakers
getting inside and opening debate on the agreement.
The planned morning session was delayed six hours
until riot police pushed back the few hundred
demonstrators blocking the entrances to parliament. 
Angelovski said that in particular he was opposed to a
provision of the peace accord that would guarantee
proportional employment of ethnic Albanians in police
and government. He said the new law would encourage a
demographic explosion of Albanians seeking to further
expand their share of government jobs in the future. 
Inside the parliament, Branko Crvenkovski said his
moderate SDSM would support the peace deal, as
expected. Officials of the prime minister's VMRO party
have also said they will back initial parliamentary
measures to move debate on the agreement forward. 
However, two members of parliament from VMRO
addressing the session said they would defy their
party leadership and vote against the deal. One of
them, Gjorgi Kotevski, said a referendum should decide
the fate of the accord because the parliament alone
lacks the moral authority to make such sweeping
Ethnic Albanian rebels have made the passage of a
procedural vote expected by next Tuesday a
precondition for further handovers of weapons to NATO.

We expect the Macedonian Parliament to meet its
commitments in order to [also] complete the first
phase, an NLA Commander known as Cela told the
Albanian-language Fakti newspaper. If parliament does
not start implementing the agreement, we will
interrupt the operation and we will not continue the
second phase of disarmament until the (parliament)
meets the obligations foreseen in the agreement.


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2001-09-01 Thread Petokraka78

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Dear Party of Citizens,

the ICTY is not the same as the International Criminal Court (ICC) created in Rome in 
1998.  The ICC, in fact, has yet to be officially inaugurated as it lacks the proper 
number of ratifications for the treaty to enter into force.  

The ICTY should also not be confused with the ICJ (International Court of Justice), 
which was designed to adjudicate disputes between states and in front of which 
Yugoslavia brought a complaint against NATO states for their aggression in 1999 (the 
case was apparently dropped by the new NATO-backed authorities in Yugoslavia).

So what is the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)?  Good 
question.  The ICTY was created in 1993 as an ad-hoc creation of the United Nations 
Security Council (UNSC) in violation of Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 the UN Charter, which 
empowers the UNSC only to create subsidiary organs.  The ICTY however is an organ of 
the UN that over-rides state sovereignty in the persecution of individuals, is 
open-ended and was never ratified by the members of the UN General Assembly.  Thus the 
ICTY is of dubious legal identity as an international court since it was created 
without the approval of UN member states, but was an adhoc creation of the UNSC under 
dubious circumstances.

This is the difference between the various courts, hope this helped.



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Some of US Army Soldiers in Europe to Be Shifted to Asia-Pacific Region [WWW.STO

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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Military equipment stationed in Europe for an Army combat brigade was
already being moved to Asia as part of a new Bush administration strategy,
White told a group of reporters. He said that troops were likely to follow.

However, White did not say exactly how much weaponry and equipment would be
moved and how many soldiers would be shifted.

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has not announced a change in defense
strategy, but he has indicated that in the aftermath of the Cold War it
would make sense to increase focus on potential threats in Asia and the

It's a signal once again that we are going to shift our available resources
around to fit the new strategy putting more emphasis on Asia, White said.

But, the US Army's top civilian official said that he will fight any
Pentagon move to cut his 480,000 troops.

I don't intend to cut force structure, White said, adding that Rumsfeld
was letting the services make initial decisions on force size. That study is
to be completed for Congress by the end of September.

Currently, the United States  has some 100,000
military personnel from all services stationed in Europe and another 100,
000 in the Asia-Pacific region. The Army has 65,000 in Europe, most of them
in Germany , and
21,000 in Japan  and
South Korea. 

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Israeli Communist Forum condemns assasination of Palestinian Leader [WWW.STOPNAT

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 4:02 AM
Subject: Israeli Communist Forum statement

Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 00:00:13 -
Subject: [Peoples War] Israeli Communist Forum statement

State Terrorism Backed by the United States

The criminal assassination of Abu Ali Mustafa, leader of the Popular
for the Liberation of Palestine, is a further sharp escalation in the
march of the Sharon Government, increasing even more the danger of
war in the Middle East.

The Israeli Communist Forum condemns the Sharon-Peres Government, in
nearly all Zionist parties participate, for this despicable crime of
murdering in cold blood a political leader, head of the second-largest
organization in the PLO. We strongly condemn the support (more
biased than ever) which the United States government extends to the
of murder and aggression - a support which encouraged the Government
Israel to commit that heinous crime.

The Sharon-Peres-Ben Eliezer government does not content itself with
murder. It is escalating its military operations, making use of
airplanes, helicopter gunshots, missiles and tanks against
Palestinian towns
and villages. Barbaric military operations are conducted deeper and
inside territory which is supposed to be under complete Palestinian
(A areas).

The experience of the past months has shown, again and again, that
all the
assassinations and bombings did not stop the struggle of the Arab
Palestinian people. On the contrary, it increases their determination
gain their legitimate national rights. This is also evident in the
acts of
resistance which followed immediately upon the despicable murder. In
past months, the Palestinians made important achievements in their
This is evident, among other things, in the fact that in many parts
of the
Occupied Territories there is nearly no Israeli civilian traffic;
that the
state of Israel is paying a heavy economic price for the escalation,
including an almost complete collapse of the tourist industry; and
that the
Palestinian position on the international arena is improving, while
that of
Israel is weakening.

The closure and blockade of Palestinian communities, the daily
suffered by Palestinians who need to cross Israeli military
checkpoints, and
the ongoing rampage by settler vigilantes - none of them can stop the
Palestinian struggle, nor can they prevent the Palestinian authority
continuing to function. Still, the Israeli measures are taking a
daily toll
of casualties among the Palestinian civilian population, causing a
deterioration of their already depressed standard of living; this
is pushing some Palestinians into acts of desperation, such as suicide
bombings directed at innocent civilians inside Israel.

The inescapable conclusion from the events of the past months is that
solution can be achieved by force. Not only will the use of even more
by the Israeli Army solve nothing; on the contrary, it would lead to
more bloodletting - not only of Palestinians but also of Israelis.

We call upon the government of Israel to cease its policy of state
terrorism, assassinations and barbaric bombings, and to accept a
on the basis of recent diplomatic initiatives. An inseparable part of
such a
cease fire would be the return of Israeli forces to the positions
held prior
to October 2000, as well as a complete freeze of construction in all

Israel must carry out all its obligations under previous agreements,
start negotiations on a permanent solution. Such a solution can only
achieved on the basis of withdrawal to the June 1967 borders, the
of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
including East Jerusalem, and recognition of the Palestinian
refugees' right
to have their problem solved in accordance with the relevant UN

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Protest NATO: Oct 6 Ottawa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 4:08 AM
Subject: Protest NATO: Oct 6 Ottawa

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In a message dated 03/08/01 18:56:02 Eastern Daylight Time,

 Calling all Activists! This is an urgent  Call to Dis Arms!

NATO PA* is coming to Ottawa!  October 5-8, 2001   Please join us in
building towards the:
No to NATO! Festival of Creative NonViolence--  what
Saturday, October 6, at 1 p.m.  --  when
  Gathering at the US Embassy (MacKenzie Ave.) -- where

JOIN THE FESTIVITIES!  Celebrate the diversity of creative nonviolence!!
Here are some of the ideas we've been discussing.  We need your help now
to turn these and other ideas into reality:

 large puppets and street theatre
 symbolic conversion of police barricades around NATO mtgs. into prison
walls to contain war criminals
 poetry/spoken word/musical performances
 speaker phone/sound system creating a live connection to anti-NATO
activists around the world
 radical cheerleaders, the Raging Grannies and the Grumbling Gramps (?)
interfaith peace service
distribution of free vegetarian food
civil disobedience to attempt citizens arrests of NATO war leaders
boycott of corporations sponsoring/supporting the NATO visit
projecting images of NATO's war against Yugoslavia (slides, videos)
onto exterior walls of significant buildings

GET BUSY!  Start preparing for Olympics of nonviolent action! We are
inviting activists from far and wide to come together to build this
celebration of peacemaking!  We would like to see as many creative
activities as possible to counter NATO's warmaking.  Let's demonstrate to
NATO, corporations, governments, the general public and the media, that
there is a vibrant, dynamic, diverse and lively movement opposed to
militarism and corporate globalization.  Please work with others to take
on a project (large or small) to prepare the most imaginative action,
performance or display that you can muster!  Embrace your spirit of
creativity and nonviolence to send the message loud and clear:  We are
holding NATO leaders accountable for their crimes against peace and


Please help to promote this Festival.  Spread the word to friends and
colleagues:  Circulate this email announcement to your contacts, to
listserves, make phone calls, put notices in publications, make
announcements at meetings, shout from the rooftops and generally encourage
as many people as possible to attend!


Please ask organizations to endorse the Festival so that our list of
sponsoring groups is as comprehensive as possible on future publicity
materials.  Please consider asking for endorsements from groups focused on
peace, anti-globalization, human rights, the environment, social justice,
poverty as well as labour unions and religious, youth and feminist
organizations, to name but a few.


Please urge groups to bring their creative energies, props and performances
to the Festival. Get together with others to plan some particular activity
that creatively conveys a message that you feel strongly about.  (We're
hoping to see puppets, costumes, street theatre, satirical songs, clever
banners, flags, photos, signs and many other diverse symbolic
representations to dramatically conveying who we are, what we stand for and
why we think NATO should be behind bars!)  Please let us know what you're
planning so we can compile a list to help publicize your activities and
possibly direct some volunteers your way for a specific project!


Of course, some money would help too!  We have received no funding for this
event.  If you can't make it to the Festival, or even if you are attending,
please remember that any donation -large or small -- would be very much
appreciated.  Please ask unions, NGOs and other individuals for grants or
donations to help us make this festival a great success.
Cheques can be made payable to the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (or
just COAT), and mailed to 541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario K1R 5R2 Canada
(earmarked Festival of Creative Nonviolence.)


The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade has created the no_to_nato list
serve to discuss and build nonviolent responses to NATO's visit to Ottawa.
To join our list, just send the following message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
subscribe no_to_nato (Then, when you receive an automated email simply reply
to it and you're subscribed.)
You can connect to the no_to_nato archive of email postings from the COAT
website: or view 

Nepal: Hopes Of Breakthrough - Maoists Say They Are Committed ToPeace - BBC Onli

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 10:42 AM
Subject: Nepal: Hopes Of Breakthrough - Maoists Say They Are Committed ToPeace - BBC

Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 08:16:41 +0100
Subject: [Peoples War] Nepal: Hopes Of Breakthrough - Maoists Say They Are
Committed To Peace - BBC Online

Friday, 31 August, 2001, 12:29 GMT 13:29 UK

Hopes of Nepal breakthrough

The Maoists say they are committed to peace

By Sushil Sharma from Kathmandu

Hopes for the peaceful settlement of the Maoist insurgency in Nepal have
increased after the first formal talks between the government and the

There has been no substantive outcome, but the talks are the beginning of
the negotiating process.

The first face-to-face meeting between the two sides has helped reduce
mutual distrust and increase crucial confidence.

The outcome of Thursday's four-hour long meeting at the luxury resort,
Godavari, on the outskirts of the capital, Kathmandu, has been welcomed by
violence-weary Nepalis.

Committed to talks

Having witnessed the death of nearly 1,800 people in less than six years of
the bloody Maoist rebellion, the generally peaceful Nepalis had been longing
for peace.

Nearly 1,800 people have died in less than six years

What until recently was considered elusive now looks achievable following
the first formal peace talks.

The most significant factor about the talks was the public commitment of the
government and the rebels to peace.

The two sides vowed to resolve all problems and differences peacefully.

In keeping with this commitment, they have agreed to continue talking - with
the next round scheduled in two weeks.

This has increased hopes that the truce, which came into force last month,
will become permanent. Not surprisingly, the mood is upbeat.


The outcome of the first formal talks have been widely hailed as a vital
breakthrough, though fundamental differences still divide the government and
the rebels.

The government is determined to defend the constitutional monarchy and multi
party parliamentary democracy, which the rebels want to replace with a
communist republic.

But the two sides can ill afford to let these differences get the better of
the peace moves, in the wake of the continuing pressure at home and abroad
for a negotiated solution.

It is likely that despite their public rhetoric the rebels will eventually
settle for much less than what they have been fighting for - a republican

The government is also likely to be flexible enough to agree to drastic
changes in the present constitution to accommodate most of the rebels'

The journey ahead looks exciting after the first formal peace talks in six
years, but the road to peace will certainly not be without hurdles.


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2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 4:21 PM
=== + ===
Thurs. Aug 30, 2001

U.S Air Force and NASA Work Closer on Strategic Space
By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO -- The United States Air Force
and NASA are beefing up their cooperative efforts to
develop reusable launch vehicle technologies in an
effort to assure the American military's dominance and
control of space for national security purposes.

A just completed review of NASA and Air Force
cooperation in space urges for a closer affiliation
with the civilian space agency on reusable space
launch technologies, and other technology work now

Reusable space launchers

An early outcome of this affiliation is for the
U.S. Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs,
Colorado to significantly increase the Air Force
presence at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. The
NASA field center is now engaged in shaping next
generation reusable space launch vehicles, ostensibly
to replace the space shuttle in future years - a $5.8
billion, five year program tagged the Space Launch
Initiative, or SLI for short.

For its part, NASA has committed to better focus
technology work in reusable launchers toward national
security objectives, but doing so in a way that is
consistent with the space agency's primary objectives
in SLI, said Air Force Lt. General Roger DeKok, Vice
Commander, USAF Space Command.

The Air Force is going to be involved far more
closely with NASA in their Space Launch Initiative,
DeKok said.

Realignment and restructuring

Lester Lyles, Commander, Air Force Material
Command, said that a realignment is now underway
between the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
in Los Angeles, California with the U.S. Space
Command. This new organizational structure may also
include the realignment of some Air Force laboratories
to enhance work on space technologies, he said.

We cannot afford to loose this battle of
technological dominance, and we will not loose that
battle, Lyles said.

Science and technology to protect U.S. space assets,
and to deny any adversary use of similar hardware,
demands preeminence in research, Lyles said. And we
are dedicated to keeping it that way, he said.

There's a lot more we can gain by a closer link with
NASA and their various centers in the area of space
and aeronautical technology, Lyles said.

Partnership in the making
A Space Partnership Council video meeting was held
earlier this month, bringing together NASA's Daniel
Goldin, General Ralph Eberhart, Commander of the U.S.
Space Command, and Keith Hall, Director of the
National Reconnaissance Office. That meeting
kick-started a 60-day review by the Air Force to look
at the basis for NASA's decisions in awarding
contracts for the SLI, and also to gain a military
perspective regarding the space agency's X-series of
programs, including the now-canceled X-33 program.

The X-33 was a possible replacement for the Space

The X-33 was an experimental reusable, suborbital
space plane that was scuttled by NASA after the space
agency and industry teams spent over $1.2 billion.
There is on-going discussion regarding revival of the
project, but under the wing of the U.S. Air Force.

DeKok and other Air Force officials offered snapshot
views of a reshaping of military space prowess here at
Space 2001, a conference organized by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and
being held here August 28-30.

The shift toward greater emphasis on space for
national security needs is being led by Secretary of
Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Prior to being appointed to
his post by President Bush, Rumsfeld led a national
commission on use of space for national security

Space power

Acknowledging that melding military organizations
to create a more unified aerospace force is a tough
assignment, DeKok said this is not a hostile
takeover. This is a merger of the willing.

We are mindful of the fact that people are going to
judge us not by what we say, but what we do in this
process, DeKok said. This new organization will allow
the U.S. Air Force to be a better steward of all of
the services' requirements, along with the needs of
the National Reconnaissance Office, in establishing a
more coherent and better focused national security
space program, he said.

Retired General, R. Fogleman, former Air Force Chief
of Staff, likened the growth of military space power
today to the evolution of air power that began 

EU US Software Giant at odds over Monopoly [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Bill Howard

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Habana, August 31 (RHC)--Share indexes fell on Wall Street yesterday with
the news that the European Commission would be expanding its charges against
Microsoft Corporation for including Media Player in its program, which
limits user preferences.

The operating systems of Window 2000 and Windows XP both include such
software, which gives them an unfair advantage over competitors, says the
new complaint. Media Player permits one to see and hear audio and video
files on the computer.

The Commission said it would not attempt to block the distribution of the
new Windows XP system, but would energetically pursue Microsoft under
anti-trust legislation. Due to its current monopoly on the world market,
Microsoft maintains an unfair advantage over its competitors, claims the

The charges brought against Microsoft are separate from those brought
against the software giant in the US, in which 17 states have filed
anti-monopoly cases against it. Microsoft was found guilty as charged in a
June court ruling.

The Wall Street effect on the second most important corporation in the US
was to drive prices down, ending the day with a slide of 100 points.
Microsoft's share price dropped from $5.18 to $3.15 after the announcement
was made.

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Re: What Billions Buy In Belarus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread cube321

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  Reminds me of those characters, Oxfor... 

On 1 Sep 01, at 5:11, Rick Rozoff wrote:

 Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
 [This 'report' is from Transitions Online, one of
 heaven knows how many newspapers and Web sites owned
 by George S. throughout Eastern Europe and the world.
 I would seriously doubt that he himself can remember
 what he owns, except that there's very little he
 doesn't, so by process of eliminationAnyway, they
 can all be depended upon to toe the line.
 With the billions of dollars being lavishly dished out
 by the State Department, the OSCE, the National
 Endowment for Democracy, the Open Society Institute
 and scores of others, it's downright reassuring that
 the best they can come up with are adolescent
 inanities like those described below.
 Enough to give one faith in the future.
 Times for changes, indeed]
 posted on TOL Wire on 31 August 2001 
 Happy birthday, Lukashenka! 
 from Racyja 
 MINSK, 30 August (Racyja)--Members of the youth
 opposition organization Malady Front intended to give
 incumbent Alyaksandr Lukashenka a criminal code,
 tomatoes, and dried crusts for his birthday. The
 action was staged near the president?s administration.
 Demonstrators held orange balloons with the slogan I
 love Belarus and a ballot-box with the inscription
 Chose another president!, in which they placed the
 gifts for Lukashenka. They were recommended by
 policemen to mail their presents to the president.
 Meanwhile, the youth coalition Time for changes was
 also gathering presents for Lukashenka on the Freedom
 Square, including an old bed pan, a pack of crusts,
 and chicken eggs. Their slogan was: Make a present
 for the dear man in the last days of his fruitful
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Macedonian leader thanks Russia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

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Macedonian leader thanks Russia
KIEV, Ukraine - Macedonian President Boris 
Trajkovski thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday for his country's 
position on the conflict in the Balkan nation and called for an international 
conference on borders in the region, a news report said. The two leaders 
met on the sidelines of Ukrainian independence celebrations. Russia has 
supported the Macedonian government in its conflict with ethnic Albanian rebels, 
and on Thursday, Putin expressed doubts that NATO's mission to disarm the rebels 
would succeed. At the meeting Friday morning, Trajkovski thanked Putin 
for Russia's position on the conflict and for its role in the Balkans in 
general, the Interfax news agency said. Trajkovski called for joint 
Russian and Macedonian efforts for peace in the Balkans and for an international 
conference on borders and human rights in the Balkans, the agency said. 
"This is the only way to bring the region out of crisis," he was quoted 
as saying. After the meeting, Putin told journalists that tension in the 
Balkans stemmed from "terrorists, and not rebels who are allegedly concerned 
about humanitarian, language and religious problems." Russia, a harsh 
critic of NATO actions in Kosovo, has suggested that the conflict there spilled 
over into Macedonia because of the alliance's failure to disarm the Kosovo 
Albanian rebels./The Associated 
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Global Justice, Not Global Economy, Should be Canada's Agenda [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2001-09-01 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message

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Global Justice, Not Global Economy, Should be 
Canada's Agenda 


by Mohamed Elmasry 

The U.S. is still driving hard to promote 
its global economy agenda, an agenda that would see massive expansion of free 
trade around the world. As the world's largest economic power, the U.S. 
naturally stands to reap the greatest direct benefit from globalization. 
But the world cannot survive with such a 
single-issue agenda. There is dire need for a balancing force, a global justice 
agenda, for which only Canada can campaign. 
Most Canadians rightly believe that this 
great, unique, and distinct nation of ours has a mission in the world to promote 
global justice and fight against hunger, poverty, desperation and human misery. 

Most Canadians also believe that justice 
is necessary for the achievement of true world peace and they will, therefore, 
support their government on policies which effectively promote this two-fold 
goal, both at home and abroad. 
They have applauded Canada's past 
peace-keeping and diplomatic efforts in Bosnia, Kosovo and numerous other 
troubled parts of the world. They have stood behind the movement to obliterate 
anti-personnel landmines from every continent. They have lent their support to 
efforts at reforming the United Nations Security Council. 
At heart, Canadians sincerely believe in 
their collective power to do good, so it is not surprising that they are liked 
and respected the world over. Numerous Americans thank God that their neighbour, 
Canada, has spoken out on critical international issues when their own 
government has been held hostage to self-seeking domestic politics. 
In fact, many Americans have come to 
believe that their government, regardless of who is in power, has no true 
foreign policy to speak of, only a domestic one. This has been alarmingly 
apparent from day one of President George W. Bush's administration. 
He insisted on excluding Cuba from the 
Quebec Summit of the Americas (to please influential Cuban Americans); he asked 
Palestinians to stop Middle East violence without demanding an end to the 
Israeli occupation of their land (to appease the American Jewish lobby); he 
withdrew from the Kyoto Environmental Agreement (to satisfy the corporate 
lobby); and he stopped funding any medical clinics abroad where therapeutic 
abortions might be performed (to appease right-wing religious fundamentalists). 

There is some virtue in being so blatantly 
selfish, for it can be rationalized away as "self-preservation." By whatever 
name you call it, U.S. international policies (myopic as they are) are firmly in 
its grip. 
But Canadians cannot afford to follow the 
American lead (or, retreat) where international relations are concerned. We have 
long realized that a firm commitment to global justice and peace must be an 
integral part of our struggle for social justice here at home.
The late Lester Bowles Pearson, one of 
Canada's most loved and respected Prime Ministers, 
introduced a comprehensive pension plan for the elderly, 
a national medicare system to keep our people healthy, and even 
managed to unite Canadians around a new maple leaf flag -- how could 
we imagine Canada Day without it? And on the global 
stage, Pearson's efforts as Minister of External Affairs 
(1948-57) to resolve the Suez Crisis were accorded the 
well-deserved honour of the 1957 Nobel Peace 
Pearson showed generations of Canadians 
that when diplomacy fails, the solution is more 
diplomacy -- not outdated and dangerous threats of 
war-reparations, or punishing economic sanctions which seem to be 
the only recourse of current American policy.
War and sanctions cannot achieve any goal 
more effectively than genuine peace can. While some 
conflicts may seem temporarily justifiable, it is 
irresponsible to fall back on the old "first, arms buildup -- then negotiations" style of intervention. Canada is far more 
qualified to avert wars than to launch them, for 
conflict resolution is closest to the essence of our 
national psyche. Yet despite Canada's impressive track 
record as one of the world's most respected peace-brokers, our 
American neighbors seem not to want our advice.
Even at this moment, ongoing U.S. 
sanctions against Cuba, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Syria, 
Iran, Afghanistan and Sudan are hurting this planet's 
most vulnerable people -- its children. Sanctions are a 
genocidal policy anywhere and certainly do not contribute to 
achieving peace. Just as a polluted environment could 
eventually kill us all, while a few make tons of money 
in the short-term, so sanctions produce a short-term 
illusion of peace, when all they really do is degrade and 
weaken a society to such an extent that mere survival absorbs all 
its energies.
The negative impact of a foreign policy 
that is gradually abandoning Canada's traditional role 
as a peacemaking and