Cheering on democracy's overthrow [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


Cheering on democracy's overthrow 
The putsch against Venezuela's elected leader failed -
this time

Isabel Hilton
Tuesday April 16, 2002
The Guardian

The Foreign Office minister Denis MacShane was not the
only one caught out by Hugo Chavez's return to power
in Venezuela on Sunday, but he was certainly one of
the most embarrassed. Mr MacShane committed the
undiplomatic error of describing Chavez as a "ranting
demagogue". Of course, when he let slip those
unfortunate comments, Mr MacShane thought that Hugo
Chavez was a leftwing ex-president of a country with
important mineral reserves in which the US takes a
strong interest. 

Unfortunately for Mr MacShane, the ranting demagogue
in question was restored to his job by a combination
of people power and constitutionally minded army
officers. Odd, though, that Friday's coup, a procedure
not normally considered an aid to democratic practice,
did not attract the condemnation it deserved. Chavez,
after all, has twice been elected president by the
largest margins in Venezuela's history. 

In Washington, where the administration blamed Chavez
himself for the coup that briefly removed him from
office, the reaction to his restoration was even
stranger. Far from welcoming the triumph of democracy,
the US administration reprimanded Chavez - expressing
the menacing hope that he would be more careful in
future, presumably in case he overthrew himself again.

Given that the protection of democracy has so often
been invoked in the past as an excuse for US military
intervention in the third world, surely Washington
should have been rebuking Pedro Carmona Estanga, the
businessman in charge of the coup - or even preparing
a military expedition to restore President Chavez to

The attempt to overthrow Chavez did not really come as
a surprise. The only question was what took them so
long. Nearly a year ago, a visiting Venezuelan, now
living in the US, confidently informed me that a coup
was in preparation, with the full support of senior
figures in Washington. Chavez had been elected on a
promise of radical social reform in a direct challenge
to Venezuela's oligarchy. It was unlikely that they
would let it pass. 

As for the US interest, it hardly needs rehearsing.
Every Latin American reformer, from Guatemala's Jacobo
Arbenz to Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega, has been
perceived in Washington as a threat to US interests.
When the reformer has control of the world's fourth
largest oil production and makes a point of
cultivating the friendship of Fidel Castro and
visiting Saddam Hussein, he almost writes the script
on Washington's behalf. 

The coup-maker's handbook maps out the standard
procedure: organise the discontent that reform has
aroused, reduce the place to chaos and provoke some
violent clashes. At that point the forces of reason
can intervene to restore order and proclaim new
elections - which will not be held until the capacity
of the defeated forces to fight them has been

So what went wrong this time? Perhaps it is a little
more difficult, in the absence of the "communist
menace", to portray such a coup as a blow for
democracy. In Venezuela's case, this was even more
tricky since the two traditional oligarchic political
parties that shared the country's power for nearly 50
years are completely discredited. 

The oligarchy has been forced back on substitute
organisations - the Catholic Church, the main business
organisation Fedecamaras and some trade unions - to
challenge the elected government. In their brief
moment of triumph, though, the depth of the
coup-mongers' anti-democratic agenda became clear.
They suspended congress, took control of the supreme
court and were holding Chavez a prisoner. 

Far from being perceived as an enemy of democracy,
Chavez has emerged as a popular hero. He is supported
not only by the poor - the 80% of Venezuelans who had
seen little benefit from their country's riches until
Chavez launched a large-scale public works and welfare
programme - but also by most of the armed forces in a
country where the army has long been a force for
constitutional government. 

Whatever Chavez's failings, the radical realignment of
Venezuelan politics that he represents remains
legitimate in the eyes of most Venezuelans. There is
opposition, of course, but it is up to the opposition
to fight that battle constitutionally. It is only
those who lack democratic support who fall back on the
tired formula of overthrowing democracy in the name of

Chavez returned to power at the weekend in an
apparently magnanimous state. For the sake of
Venezuela, he should try to maintain that magnanimity.
But given the weekend's events, it is not Chavez who
needs lectures on how to behave. No doubt he has his
demagogic moments, but it would be perverse to call
him paranoid. They were out to get him; they still
are. Where will Mr M


2002-04-15 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Gift to Kim Jong Il from Communist Party Of India
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a
gift by H. S. Surjeet, general secretary of the central committee of the
Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. THe gift was handed to an official
concerned by Suneet Chopra, member of the c.c., the Communist Party of India
(marxist) who is a delegate of the party on a visit to the DPRK.

Greetings to Lao prime minister
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Premier Hong Song Nam of the DPRK cabinet
sent a message of greetings to his Lao counterpart Boungnang Vorachit.. The
message extended warm congratulations to him upon his reappointment as prime
minister of the government of Laos.
    In the belief that the traditional relations of friendship and
cooperation between the two countries would continue to consolidate and
develop in the future, too, the message sincerely wished him great success
in his responsible work for the modernization and industrialization of the
    DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun also sent a message of greetings to
Somsavath Lengsavath upon his reappointment as deputy prime minister and
foreign minister of Laos.

Reception given by WPK Central Committee
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea gave a reception at the People's Palace of Culture yesterday
in honor of the visiting political party delegations and delegates of
different countries on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of
President Kim Il Sung. Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the WPK Central
Committee, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung who embarked upon the road of
revolution in his early years founded the immortal Juche idea to clearly
indicate the way of the struggle of the popular masses for independence and
hewed out the era of independence through his great revolutionary practice.
    The WPK will in the future, too, further strengthen friendship and unity
with all the progressive political parties of the world aspiring after
independence and socialism against imperialism and make positive
contributions to the common cause for the building of a new, independent and
just world in the idea of independence, friendship and peace, he added.
    Then, followed speeches of Muhammad Zouher Mashariqa, vice-president of
Syria and member of the national and regional leadership of the Baath Arab
Socialist Party of Syria who is heading the delegation of the Baath Arab
Socialist Party and the National Progressive Front of Syria, in a speech
said that the friendly and cooperative relations between Syria and the DPRK
provided by Hafez Al Assad and Kim Il Sung will further strengthen and
develop by Bashar Al Assad and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Jorgen Petersen, chairman of the Danish Communist Party (M-L) who is
heading a delegation of the party, in a speech said that Kim Il Sung devoted
his all to the accomplishment of the human cause of independence and the
socialist cause till the last moments of his life as a genuine
    A art performance was given at the reception.

Floral basket to Kim Jong Il from Mongolian President
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a floral
basket from Mongolian President Natsagiin Bagabandi on the occasion of the
90th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The basket was handed to an
official concerned by Janchivdorjyn Lombo, Mongolian Ambassador to the DPRK.

Kim Jong Il sends educational aid fund and stipends to children of Koreans
in Japan
     Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il sent educational aid
fund and stipends worth 262,600,000 yen in the Japanese currency for the
development of the democratic national education of the General Association
of Korean residents in Japan. The educational aid fund and stipends sent by
President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the 148th installment for the
children of Koreans in Japan totaled 44,866,563,000 yen in the Japanese

Senior DPRK officials meet Russian guests
    Pyongyang, April 15 (KCNA) -- Premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam
met and had a friendly talk with Vladimir Anatoliyevich Yakovlev, mayor of
st. Petersburg of Russia, and his party who paid a courtesy call on him at
the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. Present there were Ri Kwang Gun,
minister of Foreign Trade, Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Pyongyang City
People's Committee, Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of Foreign A

Report: Nepal: 50 Police, 12 Rebels.killed in Clash [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis & Action ... ]

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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 9:09 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Nepal. Over 50 policemen killed.

From: poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Revolutionary_Diary] Nepal Peoples War News

AFP. 11 April 2002. Over 50 police killed in clashes with Maoist rebels
in Nepal.

KATHMANDU -- More than 50 policemen and 12 Maoist rebels were killed in
clashes in southwestern Nepal early Friday, officials said.

"Nearly 3,000 Maoist rebels suddenly attacked two police posts at
Satbaria and Lamahi areas in Dang district late Thursday night which
continued until the early hours of Friday morning," a senior home
ministry official told AFP.

Dang is some 450 kilometres (281 miles) southwest of the capital,

"There were 80 to 90 policemen stationed at the Lamahi police post where
heavy Maoist casualties were reported and the bodies of at least 12
rebels were recovered," the source said.

"In this clash, more than 50 policemen are feared killed but we are
awaiting detailed reports," he said.

The source said the Satbaria police post, which was manned by around 100
armed policemen, was attacked by over a thousand rebels who looted
nearly 100 self-loading rifles (SLRs).


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Argentina. Workers Controlled Factories Declaration [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis & Action ... ]

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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 9:18 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Argentina. Workers Controlled Factories Declaration


Subject: [Arg_Solid] Argentina: Workers Controlled Factories Declaration


Faced with any attempt of ouster and repression, we call for the defense of
the occupations of factories and businesses. Our struggle is fraternal with
all workers and  people against unemployment, the high cost of living and
the robbery by the bankers and government of our small savings.

Business closings are multiplying. Employers and government cannot assure
production and work. On the contrary, in January there were a thousand
layoffs every day. In February it rose to two thousand a day. In March the
figure is growing as already 65 thousand are in the street. Since the year
began they have laid off one worker every minute! The International Monetary
Fund in addition demands layoffs of state workers in the provinces.

In Brukman Clothing in Buenos Aires, in Zanon Ceramics in Neuquen, in the
metal facotry La Baskonia in La Matanza, in other facotries and businesses a
new road is being tried: occupy the instalations so that there is not one
more layoff.  In Zanon and Brukman we call for the State to take over under
workers control.

But we are not waiting with our arms crossed for the State to take charge.
The plants are functioning under workers control and our administration

In many other enterprises, companeros are trying to form workers
cooperatives, when the employers walk away and empty out the factory. We
exercise and defend the right of workers to take in their own hands the
resolution of the social disaster of increasing unemployment.

We should follow the example of the Neighborhood Assemblies  that mobilized
when the police attempted to oust the workers of Brukman: We formed a great
solidarity network with the neighborhood assemblies and with the university
and high school students. Everyone who participates in the event of April
13th is commited to going out in support of all the occupied factories: An
attack at one is an attack at all.

In our own defense and to extend our example to all those who want to rsist
clsures and layoffs, we are calling a Plenary or National Council to
coordinate the different enterprises where the workers have taken over their
workplace and are under workers control.

We do not only want to maintain  existing jobs, we want work for everyone.
There are more than three million companeros unemployed. The 150 pesos and
the "social plans" of Duhalde and his advisers are no solution because it
does not cover basic necessities and less than half the unemployed will be

We fight for the unity of employed and unemployed. That is why we
participated in the Piquetero Assemblies of Matanza and the National
Assembly in Plaza de Mayo sharing our struggle with the Bloque Piquetero

In Neuquen, the ceramic workers of Zanon and its union SOECN work side by
side with the Movement of Unemployed Workers (MTD). Together we demand
genuine work  with a plan of public works controlled by workers, for schools
to be built which students and teachers need. for public hosptials and homes
which the workers and people demand.

The workers of Brukman who put to work their plant believe believe that our
production would have more social meaning is we were sewing hospital sheets
of which there is shortage and school clothing for the children of our

We call for the movements of unemployed to fight for a program of genuine
work and to not participate in the Consultative Councils of the government
and the political henchmen.  We fight to put into practice regional
coordinating meetings between employed, unemployed, neighborhood asemblies,
and a new Natioal Assembly of Workers and Piqueteros, with delegates elected
in rank and file meetings at the workplace and neighborhoods, with a mandate
to plan for a national struggle for bread and work for everyone.

With the brutal rise in prices the wages of 8 million workers has been
reduced.  The leaders of the trade union federations do not support our
struggle against layoffs and closings. They leave the workers in the hands
of the "social plans" of Duahlde. Besides, they are allowing a scandelous
robbery to our wages and pensions without calling for a minimal struggle.
How much time do these leaders need to break the truce and their support to
this government of hunger?  How can we as workers get the great trade unions
on our side?

We address all those who work in industry and public services that can
paralyze the country  just as in the stoppogas aga

South Africa. COSATU at protest at Israeli and US embassies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis & Action ... ]

[Subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject: [kominform2] South Africa. COSATU at protest at Israeli and US embassies

From: "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [L-I] COSATU at protest at Israeli and US embassies

Speech by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) President Willie
Madisha on the Occasion of the Protest March to the Israeli and US
Embassies - Pretoria 12 April 2002

Leaders of the South African Communist Party, ANC and
SANCO Comrades and friends!

Dear comrades,

Never has silenced being so deafening!

Never has state terrorism been condoned in the face of
many wars that are being fought under the banner of anti-

In the history of humankind, never have we seen so many
people being maimed and the rest of the international
community digging their heads in the sand.

When the UN, through a resolution, called for the founding
of the Palestinian state, never did the world suspect that it
would amount to savage attacks, maiming of women and
children, bombing of infrastructure and anarchy. Since
1948, the Palestinian people have been in struggle to
ensure that they stay like all of humanity in a country that
they will call their home.

In the same period, the Israeli regimes have fought to deny
the Palestinian people this important birthright.
Notwithstanding the aggression the Israeli has pursued
against the innocent, they have intensified their action and
seized more land in 1967 following the war that took place.

For the last 18 months the Palestinian people have been
intensifying the offensive against the apartheid Israeli to
ensure that their dreams for a free Palestine are realized.
The Arial Sharon regime responded with army tanks,
missiles and other forms of heavy military artillery, which
has seen young children and innocent civilian killed.

The UN for its part is guilty of failing to stop the genocide
against the Palestinians. It possesses both the moral and
political responsibility to ensure that the people of Palestine
are given what is due to them. The UN Security Council
resolutions, as well as the general assembly, have been
violated for decades and have not done anything to punish
Israel. In spite of the UN resolution that calls on Israel to
stop its occupation of Gaza strip and West Bank, the UN
has not taken action as it did in Iraqi dispute.

Millions of Palestinians have been forced into exile.
Whereas people of Jewish origin are allowed into Israel
from wherever they are under the "Law of Return", the
people of Palestine who are in exile are being denied the
right of return to their motherland through the same "Law of

The US has been pumping 5 billion US dollars annually and
arming the apartheid Israel against the Palestinians. It is
these billions of dollars that have killed more than 2000
young people mostly under the age of 15. Arial Sharon has
the full support of the US.

In March, the military forces attacked the headquarters of
the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions
(PGFTU). This is a clear case of state terrorism and has
treated everybody in the world with contempt.

In South Africa we have a direct experience of a similar
situation to that of the Middle East.

We expect the same solidarity that was expressed with us
from the world. On our part, while we call for a cessation of
hostilities, we want to make it clear that in this case, Sharon
and his surrogates are aggressors. We call on the Israel to
withdraw its forces from all occupied Palestine land.

We demand that Sharon open negotiations with the leaders
of the PLO, President Arafat and stop the siege in his
headquarters of Ramallah which he has been secluded for
the last 4 months. If they dare kill Arafat, there would not be
peace in the Middle East because of the vacuum that will

COSATU side by side with its alliance partners will be
mobilizing the co-ordinating other action with the
international trade union movement as a whole to ensure
that all the demands for a free Palestine are realized.

Viva PLO!
Viva Yasser Arafat!

Patrick Craven and Moloto Mothapo
Acting COSATU Spokespersons



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Communist Party of Turkey speech to Balkan AntiNATO Coordination Centre [WWW.STO

2002-04-15 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis & Action ... ]

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- Original Message -
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: CP of Turkey, ,Speech to the BAN-c Meeting March 2002
News, documents and calls for action from communist and workers'
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 CP of Turkey, ,Speech to the BAN-c Meeting March 2002
   From: Communist Party of Turkey, Mon, 15 Apr 2002

Balkan AntiNATO Coordination Center BAN-c
Views and actions of Balkan movements
Tel: [+3]0310 286580,[+3]010 2592298 - Fax: [+3]0310 286581,[+3]010
Osman Aða Mahallesi Nüshet Efendi caddesi no:38 Kadýköy/Ýstanbul
Tel: +90 216 414 65 04  fax: +90 216 346 11 37 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Ban-C Meeting-March 2002
Dear comrades,

It is a pleasure for me and my comrades to be in this lovely city again,
although we would all prefer to be here under the circumstances where
there existed no NATO, no imperialism, no destructive weapons and no
exploitation. Well, let's continue to work for this, for cleaning up
this beautiful region, the Balkans.

I will try to deal on both issues namely the role of Turkey in NATO's
enlargement process and the recent development on the Cyprus problem.

Dear friends and comrades,

You already know that the U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney came to Turkey
after visiting several countries in the Middle East. Communist Party of
Turkey and some other anti-imperialist forces organized demonstrations
in very hard conditions when thousands of special police units and their
fellow CIA personnel invaded Ankara and other cities. Our task was and
still is to prevent a new war against Iraq.

The first results of Cheney's visit might easily make us relieved, as
all the leaders of different countries that he met openly criticized a
possible military operation to Iraq. However one must take into account
that, it is not easy to know what happened behind the closed doors.
There is no official joint statement on the issue, there is only rumor
and speculation. Thus, we have to be clever enough to work on details
which are in total a clear evidence that there is a very dirty
bargaining going on between the United States and it allies in the

As the Communist Party of Turkey, we have been trying to focus on this
bargain since last December when Turkish government announced that «U.S.
should take into account the losses of Turkey during the Gulf War». Then
the government added that they cannot accept an independent Kurdish
state in Northern Iraq.

I don't think that there is a need to say something about my countries
relation with U.S imperialism. This relation became even more close
after the 11th of September events. Objectively speaking, there is a
limit for the capitalist Turkey to resist a specific U.S. plan. It
should be clear that, the Turkish government's concern about a military
operation to Iraq is real. However their strong inclination to play the
major role in U.S initiatives in the region is something more actual. So
the bargaining points here are the following:

· To increase the price for participating a war against Iraq.
· To overcome the effective obstacle of a lobby in U.S. Senate which
does not permit some hi-tech weapons to be sold to Turkey.
· To get the support of U.S. to organize a security belt or even an
occupied region inside Iraq.

Every day we have to read several articles in the daily press about the
developments on these three issues. Although the public opinion is
against a new war, we already know that this might easily change over a

Plus the monopolies don't care the public opinion when they realize
that, there is no organized action against their projects.

A few words should be said here about the NATO influence in the
Caucasian republics and the Central Asia. If we realize what Turkey is
doing in that area clearly, than we will be aware of the real
possibility of an aggression against Iraq. Turkish military is playing a
very important role in the enlargement process of NATO in the region.
Just one year ago in the Ban-C meeting I did have a chance to give
examples of Turkish Army's engagement in the Balkans and in Azerbaijan.
It is pity that now I have to speak about a broader area. Pl

Iraq War: The Coming Disaster [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Igor Najfeld


>Monday, April 15, 2002
>Featured Views
>  Share This Article With Your
> Friends
>   Published on Sunday, April 14, 2002 in the Los Angeles Times
>   Iraq War: The Coming Disaster
>   by Immanuel Wallerstein
>   NEW HAVEN -- George W. Bush is a geopolitical incompetent. He
> has
>   allowed a clique of hawks to induce him to take a position on
> invading Iraq
>   from which he cannot extract himself, one which will have
> nothing but
>   negative consequences for the United States--and the rest of
> the world. He
>   will find himself badly hurt politically, perhaps fatally. And
> he will rapidly
>   diminish the already declining power of the United States in
> the world. A
>   war against Iraq will destroy many lives immediately, both
> Iraqi and
>   American, because it seems clear that high-altitude,
> surgical-strike air
>   attacks will not suffice in military terms. Invading Iraq will
> lead to a degree
>   of turmoil in the Arab-Islamic world hitherto unimagined.
> Other Arab
>   leaders don't like Saddam Hussein one bit, but their
> populations won't
>   stand for what they will inevitably feel is an unprovoked
> attack on an Arab
>   state, leaving leaders with little choice but to be swept
> along in the turmoil
>   or drown. And an attack on Iraq might ultimately spark the use
> of nuclear
>   weapons, which, if unleashed now, will be hard to again make
> illegitimate.
>   Iraq may not have such weapons yet, but we can't be sure. Even
> if it
>   doesn't, might it not attack Israel with conventional missiles
> that would
>   prompt Israel to respond with the nuclear weapons we know it
> has? For that
>   matter, are we really sure that, if the fighting gets tough,
> the U.S. is not
>   ready to use tactical nuclear weapons?
>   How have we gotten into such a disastrous cul-de-sac?
>   It seems probable that U.S. military action against Iraq is
> now not a
>   question of whether but of when. The U.S. government insists
> action is
>   necessary because Iraq has been defying United Nations
> resolutions and
>   represents an imminent danger to the world in general, and to
> the U.S. in
>   particular. This explanation of the expected military action
> is so thin that it
>   cannot be taken seriously. Defying U.N. resolutions or other
> international
>   enjoinders has been commonplace for the last 50 years. I need
> hardly
>   remind anyone that the U.S. refused to defer to a 1986 World
> Court
>   decision condemning U.S. actions in Nicaragua. And President
> Bush has
>   made it amply clear that he will not honor any treaty should
> he think it
>   dangerous to U.S. interests. Israel has, of course, been
> defying U.N.
>   resolutions for more than 30 years, and is doing so again as I
> write this
>   commentary. And the record of other U.N. members is not much
> better. So
>   Hussein has been defying quite explicit U.N. resolutions. What
> else is
>   new?
>   Is Hussein an imminent threat to anyone? In August 1990, Iraq
> invaded
>   Kuwait. That action, at least, did pose an imminent threat.
> The U.S.
>   response was the Persian Gulf War, in which we pushed the
> Iraqis out of
>   Kuwait and then decided to stop there--for good military and
> political
>   reasons. But that left Hussein in power.
>   The U.N. passed various resolutions requiring Iraq to abandon
> nuclear,
>   chemical and bacteriological weapons and mandated inspection
> teams to
>   verify that it had done so. The U.N. also put in place a
> variety of
>   embargoes against Iraq. As we know, over the decade since
> then, the
>   system of constraints on Iraq put in place by these U.N.
> resolutions has
>   weakened considerably, but not totally by any means.
>   Several weeks ago, Iraq and Kuwait signed an agreement in
> which Iraq
>   agreed to respect the sovereignty of Kuwait. The foreign
> minister of
>   Kuwait, Sheik Sabah al Ahmed al Jabbar al Sabah said his
> country is now
>   "100% satisfied," adding that he had written the agreement
> himself. A
>   spokesperson for the United States nonetheless exhibited
> skepticism. The
>   U.S. is not about to be deterred simply because Kuwait is
> "satisfied." What
>   is Kuwait, that it should participate in such a decision?
>   U.S. hawks believe that only the use of force--very

RE: Response from Tony Regusters Re: Jo Reid's "On the Margin" program [WWW.STOP

2002-04-15 Thread cube321


 Well done, Nancy!


Nancy Hey wrote:
> Response from Tony Regusters Re: Jo Reid's "On the Margin" program
> >From :  "Tony Regusters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject :  Re: Jo Reid's "On the Margin" program
> Date :  Mon, 15 Apr 2002 17:55:30 +
> Dear Ms. Hey,
>  Please know that I will take your concerns very
> seriously, as they reflect my own.  I did not hear the interview in
> question, but will meet with Ms. Reid to further obtain details.
>  I certainly, truly believe that every word you
> wrote reflects the new  paradigm for a restored Pacifica -- and that it 
> is
> my role as the guy hired by the "true Pacifica people" to assure that 
> the
> editorial views, news and information promoted on WPFW's airwaves are in
> synchronization with our hardworking allies in the NGO, institutional 
> and
> activist community.
>  I promise you that I will investigate this matter
> and the issue at hand and take steps to assure that it does not reoccur.
>  Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
>  Tony Regusters
>  interim General Manager
> From: "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:40:56 -0400
> From:  DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq
> To:  Mr. Tony Regusters, WPFW Radio
> Subject:  Interview with Samantha Powers on the March 28th edition
> of "On the Margin"
>  Dear Mr. Regusters:
>  We at the DC Coalition to Stop the War Against
> Iraq raise serious objections about the interview you aired on the 3/38
> edition of Josephine Reid's show "On the Margin", in which Ms. Reid
> interviewed Samantha Powers, author of a book titled "A Problem From 
> Hell",
> a book about responding to cases of genocide in the world.
>  We are appalled that in the interview, Ms.
> Powers shamelessly advocated American military intervention in any area 
> of
> the world where there are  civil wars going on, and charges of genocide
> being committed against various ethnic groups.  She defended American
> military intervention in Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo, and said that 
> the
> US should intervene militarily in other areas of the world as well, such 
> as
> Rwanda.  She went on to say that she felt former President Bill Clinton
> should have intervened even earlier,
> and with more firepower than he did in Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo.
> Her position on intervention in the Balkans was very hypocritical, since 
> it
> was American intervention in the form of support for secessionists in 
> the
> early  1990's that led to the breakup of Yugoslavia and the resulting 
> ethnic
> conflicts in the first place.
>  We feel that arguments such as Ms. Powers' in
> favor of US military intervention are very self-righteous, in that they
> imply that the United States has the moral authority to tell other 
> countries
> how they should resolve their internal conflicts, and that the US 
> supposedly
> has a "moral" duty to intervene in conflicted areas in the name of
> "humanitarian" intervention.
>  Pacifica is a network that purports to be
> progressive, and was founded by  pacifists.  Many people in the 
> progressive
> community such as ourselves look to Pacifica for alternative views not 
> aired
> in the mainstream media, especially those that support the kind of work 
> that
> groups such as our own do to promote peace and oppose American 
> imperialistic
> wars abroad.
> That is why we are disappointed that your network would see fit to air 
> such
> a pro-militarist and pro-imperialist piece as the Samantha Powers
> interview.   This viewpoint is heard constantly in the commercial media, 
> and
> on NPR -  there is no need to give it further air time in an alternative
> media source  like Pacifica.
>  We believe that it is very dangerous at this
> time of increasing militarism  and war fervor for your network to be
> promoting and encouraging such pro-interventionist sentiments, 
> especially
> without even offering counter arguments on the show.  The ploy of 
> couching
> wars in terms of "humanitarian intervention", as Ms. Powers does is
> dangerous, because it gives these wars an air of undeserved legitimacy.
> Bill Clinton's claims that the war against
> Serbia was a war to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, and
> George Bush's claims that the war against the Taliban "liberated" Afghan
> women, only disguise the fact that these wars have caused thousands of
> innocent civilians to die, and that the true reason for these 
> interventions
> was not concern for human rights.  Rath

US: ' not just a majority of votes' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 15 April 2002. U.S. withholds support for reinstated Chavez.

WASHINGTON -- The United States on Monday withheld support for
reinstated Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying his return to power
over the weekend did not amount to a full restoration of Venezuelan

The Bush administration was clearly pleased when the military forced
President Chavez out of office early on Friday of last week and appeared
caught by surprise when the tide turned again in Chavez's favor on

A senior U.S. official, who asked not to be named, said the political
future of Chavez and Venezuela remained uncertain.

"It's not totally clear exactly where certain players are and what the
status of things is... There is no absolute in terms of where the
situation stands," he said.

Another senior official cast doubt on Chavez's legitimacy.

[N.B.] "He was democratically elected. He won a majority of votes.
Legitimacy is something that is conferred not just by a majority of
votes, however," he said .

The United States has a long history of intervening to overthrow leftist
and populist leaders in Latin America. Venezuela is especially important
to U.S. interests because it exports 1.5 million barrels of oil a day to
the U.S. market.

The Council on Hemispheric Affairs, a liberal think-tank on Latin
American affairs, said the Bush White House was the big loser from
events in Venezuela.

"Whether there is evidence or not, there is not a political person in
Latin America who doesn't believe that the CIA played some kind of role
in the short-lived ouster of Venezuela's President Chavez," it said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Milosevic Says Kosovo Massacre Staged by Rebels [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread
Title: Message

--- Says Kosovo Massacre Staged by RebelsMon Apr 15,11:55 
AM ETBy Eric OnstadTHE HAGUE (Reuters) - Slobodan Milosevic (news - 
web sites) at his trial on Monday accused separatist Kosovo Albanian guerrillas 
of fabricating an alleged atrocity by Serb forces in 1999 in a bid to spur a 
shocked West into attacking Yugoslavia.The killing of about 45 ethnic 
Albanians in Racak in January 1999 shocked the outside world and was widely 
credited with stiffening NATO (news - web sites)'s resolve to launch its 11-week 
campaign of air strikes against Yugoslavia two months later.The former 
Serb strongman, accused of genocide and crimes against humanity in Croatia, 
Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s, could face life behind bars if convicted at the 
end of Europe's biggest international war crimes trial since World War 
Two.The Hague (news - web sites) tribunal heard last week from a Western 
observer that dozens of unarmed men dressed in slippers and rubber boots were 
found shot in the head at Racak in 1999 after Serb forces entered the village. 
Milosevic disputed the testimony.Milosevic told the war crimes court 
that ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) guerrillas shifted corpses 
around Racak to an open mass grave as part of a ruse to convince Western 
observers that Serb forces had butchered villagers. He said Serb forces had only 
killed KLA guerrillas in gun battles."It may be, as Serb authorities 
claim, and many Europeans tended to believe, that the victims were in fact 
killed in the shoot-out reported by police and then aligned to give the 
appearance of a massacre," Milosevic said quoting from an Italian press 
report.IN COLD BLOODThe 60-year-old accused, who is conducting 
his own defense at the United Nations (news - web sites) court against charges 
he has rejected as "false," vigorously challenged testimony that Racak's 
villagers had been gunned down.Retired British general Karel 
Drewienkiewicz, who served in Kosovo with a mission of the Organization for 
Security and Cooperation (news - web sites) in Europe (OSCE (news - web sites)), 
said he was convinced a massacre had taken place and had not been staged by the 
KLA."I know what I saw on the hillside and it was not 
was men who had been gunned down in cold blood," said 
Drewienkiewicz.Drewienkiewicz acknowledged, however, that a fierce 
battle had taken place between KLA guerrillas and Serb forces at Racak and that 
there had been a "lapse" of some 15 hours overnight before Western observers 
viewed the scene.Last week Drewienkiewicz told the court he saw men shot 
in the head at Racak. They had been dressed in carpet slippers and rubber 
boots.Since his trial opened in February Milosevic has accuses the West 
and Islamic militant group al-Qaeda of supporting a "terrorist" campaign by the 
separatist Kosovo Liberation Army to destabilize the Balkans.He declined 
to enter pleas to the charges against him. Not guilty pleas were entered on his 
behalf. The trial is expected to last at least two 

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"Every Serb is Radovan" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread


   BELGRADE, April 15 (AFP) - Posters of Bosnian Serb war crimes
fugitive Radovan Karadzic appeared in Serbia's two largest cities on
Monday, imploring Serbs to oppose war crimes trials with the banner
"Every Serb is Radovan."
   The posters were plastered throughout downtown Belgrade and Novi Sad
after Yugoslavia last week adopted a law on extraditing suspects wanted
for trial by the UN war crimes court in The Hague.
   Under the law, some 15 war crimes suspects living on the territory of
Yugoslavia could be turned over to The Hague.
   Karadzic and his wartime military commander Ratko Mladic, accused of
war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, are said to be moving
between the Serb-run entity of Bosnia and the territory of Montenegro
and Serbia.
   Serbia's former interior minister Vlajko Stojiljkovic died Saturday,
a few days after shooting himself in the head in front of the Yugoslav
parliament which had just passed the bill.


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Chavez: US plane on prison island in coup [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 15 April 2002. Chavez probes U.S. plane on prison island in

CARACAS -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Monday he would
investigate the mysterious presence of a U.S.-registered civilian plane
on the island where he was held during a military coup that briefly
overthrew him last week.

But the populist former paratrooper -- democratically elected in 1998 --
said he was prepared to give Washington the benefit of the doubt over
its ambiguous statements appearing to welcome his short-lived downfall.

"I think they were victims of misinformation," Chavez told a news
conference, referring to the U.S. government with uncharacteristic
diplomacy, adding he guaranteed no interruption of Venezuelan oil
supplies to the United States.

U.S. officials made it known that they were not unhappy to see the
ouster of Chavez, a close friend of Cuba's Fidel Castro who is fond of
anti-American rhetoric. They greeted his swift return to power at the
helm of the world's fourth-largest oil exporter with reservation.

When asked about Chavez's return U.S. State Department spokesman Philip
Reeker said on Monday, "We want to see a return [!] to democracy."

[N.B.] A senior U.S. official, who asked not to be named, said the
political future of Chavez and Venezuela remained uncertain.

For his part, Chavez said he was fascinated by the presence of a plane
with U.S. markings on the Venezuelan Caribbean island of La Orchila
where he was held after Friday's coup.

At the time, the military was trying to persuade him to resign and fly
into foreign exile.

"I saw the plane. It bore the markings of a private plane from the
United States, not an official plane. This is being investigated. What
was it doing there?" Chavez asked.

He said a number of Venezuelan nationals hostile to his rule were known
to be living in the United States.

"They left here with a lot of money which they robbed," he said.

Chavez added that U.S. Ambassador Charles Shapiro was aware of the
presence of the aircraft on La Orchila.

"The ambassador recognized in fact that there was a plane in La Orchila
with U.S. markings," Chavez said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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US deepens its hostility towards Chavez [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 15 April 2002. Chavez ordered armed forces to fire on
demonstrators: US official.

WASHINGTON -- President Hugo Chavez's government ordered armed forces to
fire on anti-Chavez demonstrators last week, a senior state department
official said Monday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"He says he needs to reflect, and one of the things I think he needs to
reflect on is what drove him, a man who calls himself a man of the
people, what drove him to order his people to be killed by their own
armed forces, such an immoral and illegal order they refused to follow,"
the official charged.

"I think he should also reflect on his relations with his neighbours,
his relations with radical movements around the world, his relations
with failed regimes around the world" such as Cuba, Iran, and Libya.

The comments marked a distinct hardening in tone from Washington, which
neither celebrated Chavez's return nor explicitly rejected the interim
regime that replaced him for just under 48 hours in a failed weekend

The official denied that Washington had maintained contact with coup
plotters, after Newsweek magazine reported that they disclosed their
plan to authorities at the US embassy in Caracas less than two months

[N.B.] He said that members of the opposition, including members of the
military, had indeed met with US officials "to complain and to tell us
about the situation."

"We expressed our concern about antidemocratic characteristics or
aspects of the Chavez administration," while making it clear that "the
Venezuelan people have the right to choose their own leaders."

"We continue to monitor events in Venezuela with great concern," State
Department deputy spokesman Philip Reeker said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Powell must see for himself what Israel inflicted on Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread mart-remote

"Karen Lee Wald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

"Maceo Carillo Martinet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fisk: Powell should go to Jenin

Mon, 15 Apr 2002 07:07:38 -0700

NOTE FROM KAREN: Although I heartily agree with Robert Fisk on almost everything, and hope it is at least embarrassing for Washington that it looks like Israel is calling the shots, I think it is absurd to say that is the case as long as the US controls the purse strings. Israel owes not only its ability to wage war, but its very existence, to the $14 million a day that the US doles out (from taxpayer pockets). All it would take would be for the administration to say: Get out of the territory you have been illegally occupying or your funds dry up tomorrow. 

So the real question is, Why doesn't it say that, and who exactly could make the decision? Could the president, or does it have to be Congress? If it must be Congress, we have a more complicated situation. We should look, at any rate, why most members of Congress are reported to be siding with Israel. Is it simply the old story of the circular spending? (Congress gives money to the people who line their campaign coffers; that money is used to continue to line the coffers of friendly Congress members. It happens with the rightwing Cuban-Americans groups too). 

Powell must see for himself what Israel inflicted on Jenin

Mr Powell must see for himself what Israel inflicted 
on Jenin.The credibility of US policy on the conflict 
has been shattered.
Robert Fisk: 14 April 2002Why doesn't Colin Powell go to Jenin? What has happened to the world's moral compass – indeed to the United States – when America's most famous ex-general, the Secretary of State of the most powerful country on earth, on a supposedly desperate mission to stop the bloodshed in the Middle East, fails to grasp what is taking place in front of his nose? The stench of decaying corpses is wafting out of the Palestinian city. The Israeli army is still keeping the Red Cross and journalists from seeing the evidence of the mass killings that have taken place there. "Hundreds'' – on Israel's own admission – have died, including civilians. Why, for God's sake, can't Mr Powell do the decent thing and demand an explanation for the extraordinary, sinister events that have taken place in Jenin?Instead, after joshing with Ariel Sharon after his arrival in Jerusalem on Friday, Mr Powell is playing games, demanding that Yasser Arafat condemn Friday's bloody suicide bombing in Jerusalem (total, six dead and 65 wounded) while failing to utter more than a word of "concern'' for the infinitely more terrible death toll in Jenin. Is Mr Powell frightened of the Israelis? Does he really have to debase himself in this way? Does he think that meeting Arafat, or refusing to do so, takes precedence over the enormous humanitarian tragedy and slaughter that has overwhelmed the Palestinians? Is President Bush – whose demand that Ariel Sharon withdraw his troops from the West Bank has been blandly ignored – so gutless, so cynical, as to allow this charade to continue? For this is the endgame, the very final proof that the United States is no longer morally worthy of being a Middle East peacemaker.Even for one who has witnessed so much duplicity in the Middle East, it is a shock to reflect on the events of the past nine days. Let's just remember, as the Americans would say, "the facts". Almost two weeks ago, the United Nations Security Council, with the active participation and support of the United States, demanded an immediate end to Israel's reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza. President Bush insisted that Mr Sharon should follow the advice of "Israel's American friends'' and – because our own Mr Blair was with the President at the time – of "Israel's British friends", and withdraw. "When I say withdraw, I mean it," Mr Bush snapped three days later. But of course, it's now clear that he meant nothing of the kind.Instead, he sent Mr Powell off on his "urgent" mission of peace, a journey to Israel and the West Bank that would take the Secretary of State an incredible eight days – just enough time, Mr Bush presumably thought, to allow his "good friend'' Mr Sharon to finish his latest bloody adventure in the West Bank. Supposedly unaware that Israel's chief of staff, Shoal Mofaz, had told Mr Sharon that he needed at least eight weeks to "finish the job'' of crushing the Palestinians, Mr Powell wandered off around the Mediterranean, dawdling in Morocco, Spain, Egypt and Jordan before finally washing up in Israel on Friday morning. If Washington firefighters took that long to reach a blaze, the American capital would long ago have turned to ashes. But of course, the purpose of Mr Powell's idleness was to allow enough time for Jenin to be turned to ashes. Mission, I suppose, accomplished.As Israel's indisciplined soldiery 

Response from Tony Regusters Re: Jo Reid's "On the Margin" program [WWW.STOPNATO

2002-04-15 Thread Nancy Hey


Response from Tony Regusters Re: Jo Reid's "On the Margin" program

>From :  "Tony Regusters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject :  Re: Jo Reid's "On the Margin" program
Date :  Mon, 15 Apr 2002 17:55:30 +

Dear Ms. Hey,

 Please know that I will take your concerns very
seriously, as they reflect my own.  I did not hear the interview in
question, but will meet with Ms. Reid to further obtain details.

 I certainly, truly believe that every word you
wrote reflects the new  paradigm for a restored Pacifica -- and that it is
my role as the guy hired by the "true Pacifica people" to assure that the
editorial views, news and information promoted on WPFW's airwaves are in
synchronization with our hardworking allies in the NGO, institutional and
activist community.

 I promise you that I will investigate this matter
and the issue at hand and take steps to assure that it does not reoccur.

 Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

 Tony Regusters
 interim General Manager

From: "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:40:56 -0400

From:  DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq
To:  Mr. Tony Regusters, WPFW Radio
Subject:  Interview with Samantha Powers on the March 28th edition
of "On the Margin"

 Dear Mr. Regusters:

 We at the DC Coalition to Stop the War Against
Iraq raise serious objections about the interview you aired on the 3/38
edition of Josephine Reid's show "On the Margin", in which Ms. Reid
interviewed Samantha Powers, author of a book titled "A Problem From Hell",
a book about responding to cases of genocide in the world.

 We are appalled that in the interview, Ms.
Powers shamelessly advocated American military intervention in any area of
the world where there are  civil wars going on, and charges of genocide
being committed against various ethnic groups.  She defended American
military intervention in Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo, and said that the
US should intervene militarily in other areas of the world as well, such as
Rwanda.  She went on to say that she felt former President Bill Clinton
should have intervened even earlier,
and with more firepower than he did in Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo.
Her position on intervention in the Balkans was very hypocritical, since it
was American intervention in the form of support for secessionists in the
early  1990's that led to the breakup of Yugoslavia and the resulting ethnic
conflicts in the first place.

 We feel that arguments such as Ms. Powers' in
favor of US military intervention are very self-righteous, in that they
imply that the United States has the moral authority to tell other countries
how they should resolve their internal conflicts, and that the US supposedly
has a "moral" duty to intervene in conflicted areas in the name of
"humanitarian" intervention.

 Pacifica is a network that purports to be
progressive, and was founded by  pacifists.  Many people in the progressive
community such as ourselves look to Pacifica for alternative views not aired
in the mainstream media, especially those that support the kind of work that
groups such as our own do to promote peace and oppose American imperialistic
wars abroad.
That is why we are disappointed that your network would see fit to air such
a pro-militarist and pro-imperialist piece as the Samantha Powers
interview.   This viewpoint is heard constantly in the commercial media, and
on NPR -  there is no need to give it further air time in an alternative
media source  like Pacifica.

 We believe that it is very dangerous at this
time of increasing militarism  and war fervor for your network to be
promoting and encouraging such pro-interventionist sentiments, especially
without even offering counter arguments on the show.  The ploy of couching
wars in terms of "humanitarian intervention", as Ms. Powers does is
dangerous, because it gives these wars an air of undeserved legitimacy.
Bill Clinton's claims that the war against
Serbia was a war to protect the rights of ethnic minorities, and
George Bush's claims that the war against the Taliban "liberated" Afghan
women, only disguise the fact that these wars have caused thousands of
innocent civilians to die, and that the true reason for these interventions
was not concern for human rights.  Rather, the war in Kosovo was fought for
the expansion of Western economic control over Eastern Europe, and access to
Caspian Sea oil, and intervention in the Middle East and Afghanistan is done
for the sake of controlling the access of competing industrialized nations
to oil and dominating a region 

Letter to Pacifica Radio re. interview with Samantha Powers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-15 Thread Nancy Hey


Letter to Pacifica Radio re. interview with Samantha Powers

>From :  "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject :  Interview with Samantha Powers on the March 28th edition of "On
the Margin"
Date :  Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:42:14 -0400

From:  DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq
To:  Mr. Tony Regusters, WPFW Radio Subject:  Interview with Samantha Powers
on the March 28th edition of "On the Margin"

Dear Mr. Regusters:

 We at the DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq
raise serious objections about the interview you aired on the 3/38 edition
of Josephine Reid's show "On the Margin", in which Ms. Reid interviewed
Samantha Powers, author of a book titled "A Problem From Hell", a book about
responding to cases of genocide in the world.

 We are appalled that in the interview, Ms. Powers
shamelessly advocated American military intervention in any area of the
world where there are civil wars going on, and charges of genocide being
committed against various ethnic groups.  She defended American military
intervention in Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo, and said that the US
should intervene militarily in other areas of the world as well, such as
Rwanda.  She went on to say that she felt former President Bill Clinton
should have intervened even earlier, and with more firepower than he did in
Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo.  Her position on intervention in the Balkans was
very hypocritical, since it was American intervention in the form of support
for secessionists in the early 1990's that led to the breakup of Yugoslavia
and the resulting ethnic conflicts in the first place.

 We feel that arguments such as Ms. Powers' in favor
of US military intervention are very self-righteous, in that they imply that
the United States has the moral authority to tell other countries how they
should resolve their internal conflicts, and that the US supposedly has a
"moral" duty to intervene in conflicted areas in the name of "humanitarian"

 Pacifica is a network that purports to be
progressive, and was founded by pacifists.  Many people in the progressive
community such as ourselves look to Pacifica for alternative views not aired
in the mainstream media, especially those that support the kind of work that
groups such as our own do to promote peace and oppose American imperialistic
wars abroad.  That is why we are disappointed that your network would see
fit to air such a pro-militarist and pro-imperialist piece as the Samantha
Powers interview.  This viewpoint is heard constantly in the commercial
media, and on NPR - there is no need to give it further air time in an
alternative media source like Pacifica.

 We believe that it is very dangerous at this time
of increasing militarism and war fervor for your network to be promoting and
encouraging such pro-interventionist sentiments, especially without even
offering counter arguments on the show.  The ploy of couching wars in terms
of "humanitarian intervention", as Ms. Powers does is dangerous, because it
gives these wars an air of undeserved legitimacy.  Bill Clinton's claims
that the war against Serbia was a war to protect the rights of ethnic
minorities, and George Bush's claims that the war against the Taliban
"liberated" Afghan women, only disguise the fact that these wars have caused
thousands of innocent civilians to die, and that the true reason for these
interventions was not concern for human rights.  Rather, the war in Kosovo
was fought for the expansion of Western economic control over Eastern
Europe, and access to Caspian Sea oil, and intervention in the Middle East
and Afghanistan is done for the sake of controlling the access of competing
industrialized nations to oil and dominating a region that is at the
connecting point of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

 We believe that if there are real cases of genocide
happening and people feel compelled to do something to help in these
situations there are charitable non-governmental organizations that
activists can support as individuals that will help the victims.  However,
progressives should never call for the military force of the US government
to be brought down on smaller, weaker nations, and the US government should
not be the judge of what does or does not constitute "genocide", as the US
government is, itself, guilty of crimes against people that could be
considered "genocide".

 In the spirit of supporting Pacifica's true mission
statement, we ask that you please use your time to air alternative,
anti-military viewpoints, rather than the pro-military propaganda that
already gets so much air time in the mainstream media.

 Nancy Hey, on behalf of
 The DC Coalition to Stop the

Mr Powell Must See For Himself What Israel Inflicted on Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-15 Thread
Title: Message



  Published on Sunday, April 14, 2002 in lndependent/UK 

  Mr Powell Must See For Himself 
  What Israel Inflicted on Jenin 


  by Robert Fisk
Why doesn't Colin Powell go to Jenin? 
  What has happened to the world's moral compass – indeed to the United 
  States – when America's most famous ex-general, the Secretary of State of 
  the most powerful country on earth, on a supposedly desperate mission to 
  stop the bloodshed in the Middle East, fails to grasp what is taking place 
  in front of his nose? The stench of decaying corpses is wafting out of the 
  Palestinian city. The Israeli army is still keeping the Red Cross and 
  journalists from seeing the evidence of the mass killings that have taken 
  place there. "Hundreds'' – on Israel's own admission – have died, 
  including civilians. Why, for God's sake, can't Mr Powell do the decent 
  thing and demand an explanation for the extraordinary, sinister events 
  that have taken place in Jenin? 
  Instead, after joshing with Ariel Sharon after his arrival in Jerusalem 
  on Friday, Mr Powell is playing games, demanding that Yasser Arafat 
  condemn Friday's bloody suicide bombing in Jerusalem (total, six dead and 
  65 wounded) while failing to utter more than a word of "concern'' for the 
  infinitely more terrible death toll in Jenin. Is Mr Powell frightened of 
  the Israelis? Does he really have to debase himself in this way? Does he 
  think that meeting Arafat, or refusing to do so, takes precedence over the 
  enormous humanitarian tragedy and slaughter that has overwhelmed the 
  Palestinians? Is President Bush – whose demand that Ariel Sharon withdraw 
  his troops from the West Bank has been blandly ignored – so gutless, so 
  cynical, as to allow this charade to continue? For this is the endgame, 
  the very final proof that the United States is no longer morally worthy of 
  being a Middle East peacemaker.
  Even for one who has witnessed so much duplicity in the Middle East, it 
  is a shock to reflect on the events of the past nine days. Let's just 
  remember, as the Americans would say, "the facts". Almost two weeks ago, 
  the United Nations Security Council, with the active participation and 
  support of the United States, demanded an immediate end to Israel's 
  reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza. President Bush insisted that Mr 
  Sharon should follow the advice of "Israel's American friends'' and – 
  because our own Mr Blair was with the President at the time – of "Israel's 
  British friends", and withdraw. "When I say withdraw, I mean it," Mr Bush 
  snapped three days later. But of course, it's now clear that he meant 
  nothing of the kind.
  Instead, he sent Mr Powell off on his "urgent" mission of peace, a 
  journey to Israel and the West Bank that would take the Secretary of State 
  an incredible eight days – just enough time, Mr Bush presumably thought, 
  to allow his "good friend'' Mr Sharon to finish his latest bloody 
  adventure in the West Bank. Supposedly unaware that Israel's chief of 
  staff, Shoal Mofaz, had told Mr Sharon that he needed at least eight weeks 
  to "finish the job'' of crushing the Palestinians, Mr Powell wandered off 
  around the Mediterranean, dawdling in Morocco, Spain, Egypt and Jordan 
  before finally washing up in Israel on Friday morning. If Washington 
  firefighters took that long to reach a blaze, the American capital would 
  long ago have turned to ashes. But of course, the purpose of Mr Powell's 
  idleness was to allow enough time for Jenin to be turned to ashes. 
  Mission, I suppose, accomplished.
  As Israel's undisciplined soldiery yesterday continued to hide their 
  deeds from the outside world by preventing the Red Cross, aid workers, 
  ambulances and journalists from entering the rubble of Jenin, Mr Powell 
  was sitting idly by in Israel, calling for the "utmost restraint'' from an 
  army that has not yet finished filling the mass graves of Jenin. That he 
  should see a visit to Yasser Arafat – the grotesque, corrupt old man of 
  Ramallah – as the make-or-break issue of his "peacemaking" shows just how 
  skewed Mr Powell's morality has become. Mr Arafat's advisers (let's not 
  give any credit to the would-be "martyr-chairman" of the Palestinian 
  Authority for this) shrewdly announced that it is for Mr Powell to condemn 
  the killings in Jenin, for Mr Arafat could be expected to condemn the 
  vicious suicide bombing in Jerusalem on Friday. And even though Mr Arafat 
  mouthed the relevant words of contrition and condemnation yesterday 
  afternoon, it makes little difference.

America's Lonesome Diplomatic Strategy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread
Title: Message



  Published on Monday, April 15, 2002 in the Chicago Tribune 

  America's Lonesome Diplomatic 
  StrategyBush Vision Puts U.S. Out On a Limb

  by Salim Muwakkil
This nation is heading down a 
  dangerous, solitary road that is almost destined to lead to global hatred 
  and distrust. 
  We've squandered opportunities to increase global security through 
  international cooperation that were presented by the Sept. 11 tragedy. 
  Instead of helping create a world that reduces the lure of terrorism, 
  we've done the opposite. 
  The latest U.S. act of self-sabotage is its opposition to the world's 
  first permanent International Criminal Court, which was officially 
  ratified at an April 11 ceremony in the United Nations. Beginning in July, 
  the court will have the authority to prosecute people charged with war 
  crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if their governments are 
  unable or unwilling to try them. 
  The 1998 treaty establishing the court was negotiated in Rome after the 
  ethnic cleansing in the Balkans and the genocide in Rwanda. 
  The U.S. during the Clinton administration was one of the 139 nations 
  that signed the treaty, although Clinton never submitted it to the Senate 
  for ratification. 
  Now the Bush administration is considering "unsigning" the treaty. UN 
  officials, human rights groups and some of the U.S.' closest allies, 
  including Britain, France, Canada and Germany, have lauded the court as a 
  powerful new tool in the fight against war crimes. 
  Why isn't the U.S. a kindred spirit in this quest for international 
  justice? Especially since all of our allies have signed on to the court 
  and our global war on terrorism seeks their help? Instead, the U.S. has 
  vehemently opposed the treaty and has vowed to take action to ensure U.S. 
  citizens cannot fall under the court's jurisdiction. 
  The Bush administration reportedly fears the court might carry out 
  frivolous trials against U.S. soldiers engaged in overseas combat or 
  peacekeeping missions. 
  Let me suggest, however, the real motive: The U.S. is trying to 
  maintain its global dominance. The world's last superpower (the French 
  call us a "hyperpower") simply will not submit to the judgments of lesser 
  When the Bushites and the religious right-wingers in his camp say "God 
  Bless America," they must mean it as a fait accompli. God already has 
  blessed America--and only America. 
  Because of our God-blessed power and wisdom, they reason, we are the 
  only country capable of running the world. 
  Such reasoning certainly would explain the actions of the Bush 
  administration, which has taken unilateral arrogance to a new level. 
  Name an international treaty, Bush has rebuffed it: The Kyoto Protocol 
  to reduce greenhouse gases; a global agreement to curb the illicit sale of 
  small arms; the Biological Weapons Protocol; the Comprehensive Test Ban 
  Treaty; the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. 
  All of these treaties were strongly supported by U.S. allies and most 
  of the international community. 
  Thus, the Bush administration's rejection of the Rome Treaty's world 
  criminal court should come as no great surprise. Dubya is just a 
  unilateral kind of guy. 
  But already we are paying the price of that unilateralism. In the 
  Middle East, for example, Bush's simplistic rhetoric has come back to 
  haunt us. His oracular division of nations into those "with us or with the 
  terrorists," may sound decisive in times of crisis. But upon reflection, 
  it sounds rather simplistic. 
  Bush's combative "wanted dead or alive" language was wildly popular to 
  an American public weaned on white hat/black hat dichotomies, and no 
  Republican dared to challenge a president with Bush's stratospheric 
  approval ratings. 
  Reducing complicated conflicts to simple Texas sound bites may enthrall 
  Bush's right-wing posse, but it undermines the foundations of successful 
  diplomacy. His wiser counsels, such as Secretary of State Colin Powell, 
  know that international relations require finely calibrated approaches. 
  We see an example of diplomacy devalued in the way Israeli Prime 
  Minister Ariel Sharon has defied Bush's stern urgings to terminate the 
  savage invasion of Palestinian territories and in former Israeli Prime 
  Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cheeky address to Congress Wednesday. 
  Both men are using Bush's own intemperate words to prosecute and 
  justify what most of the world is calling war crimes against Palestinian 
  If Bush us

Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu Calls US Soft On Israel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread
Title: Message



  Published on Sunday, April 14, 2002 in the Boston Globe 

  Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu 
  Calls US Soft On IsraelNobelist speaks to Boston group on 
  Mideast crisis

  by Steven Wilmsen
Likening Israel's treatment of 
  Palestinians to the oppression of blacks by the white apartheid government 
  in South Africa, Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu yesterday chided the Bush 
  administration for being too soft on prime minister Ariel Sharon. 
  ''I can't believe the United States really believes in its impotence'' 
  to halt Israel's military reprisals, Tutu told reporters at Boston's Old 
  South Church, where the retired archbishop spoke at a conference aimed at 
  ending the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.
  ''They have leverage, and they know they have leverage,'' he said. 
  ''Any administration knows it has the capacity. Whether they have the will 
  is another thing.''
  Tutu said the Bush administration should demand Israel withdraw from 
  the Gaza and the West Bank, adding that Israel's isolation of Yasir Arafat 
  was ''bizarre and humiliating.''
  Speaking earlier to a gathering of about 500 peace activists and 
  members of the pro-Palestinian group Sabeel at the church, he urged a 
  movement in the United States to ''put out a clarion call to the people 
  and the government of Israel.''
  ''An unjust Israeli government - no matter how powerful - will 
  ultimately fall,'' he said.
  Jewish leaders reacted strongly to Tutu's remarks.
  ''It's tragic that a person of his moral credentials would sacrifice 
  them with such an ugly slur,'' said Rob Leikind, director of the New 
  England chapter of the Anti-Defamation League. ''Israel is in a simple 
  fight for survival. It's a sad day for all of us when people engage in 
  that kind of hyperbole.''
  Tutu said that he opposes Palestinian suicide bombings, but that the 
  only way to achieve peace is for Israel to make the first move.
  With a crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters lining the sidewalks 
  outside, Tutu said he also is ''saddened'' by the apparent lack of 
  sympathy for the Palestinian cause in America and by the Bush 
  administration's apparent unwillingness to rebuff Israeli interests at 
  ''Somehow, the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal, where to 
  criticize them is to be immediately dubbed as anti-Semitic,'' he said. 
  ''The Jewish lobby is powerful. Very powerful. So what? This is God's 
  Tutu, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his role in dismantling 
  the white government of South Africa, in part by inspiring a peaceful 
  black uprising and focusing world attention on the region - said the 
  movement was inspired ''on a deep level'' by Jewish traditions and by 
  Israeli Jews themselves.
  But on a recent visit to Palestinian towns, he said he viewed Israeli 
  destruction with a Palestinian villager.
  ''He pointed out in the distance and said, `That used to be my home, 
  but Jews live there now,''' Tutu said. ''I then recalled how in South 
  Africa, people of color would point in much the same way at their homes 
  that were now occupied by whites.
  ''I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at roadblocks. It 
  reminded me of what happened to us in South Africa, where they battered us 
  and heckled us, and they took joy in humiliating us. My heart aches. Have 
  my Jewish friends forgotten their own history? Have they turned their 
  backs on their own profound religious traditions?''
  Tutu urged college students to protest Israel's action as they 
  protested apartheid in the 1980s and said the fact that blacks are free 
  now should give people hope for peace in the Middle East.
  ''We are free today in South Africa because of people like yourselves, 
  people who - when it looked like they were trying to make hell freeze over 
  - you went on. And look at us now. We are free.''
  Meanwhile, protesters outside displayed banners and signs reading 
  ''Palestinians are People Too'' and ''No more US $$ to Israel.''
  ''Why is there so much hate?'' asked Husam Hamdam, who lives in Boston 
  but grew up in the Palestinian town of Jenin, where Israeli bulldozers 
  have wreaked havoc in recent days. ''My parents went there to start a new 
  life, and now it is taken away again. These people, they have been 
  crucified twice.''
  © Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper 

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Venezuela to continue supplying Cuba with oil [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 15 April 2002. Venezuela to continue supplying Cuba with oil:

CARACAS -- Venezuela will continue supplying oil to the government of
President Fidel Castro in Cuba, President Hugo Chavez said Monday, only
three days after failed coup leaders said they would stop the shipments.

The decision by Venezuela's short-lived interim government to suspend
oil exports to Cuba was a major threat to the island's economy.

"Not a single barrel for Cuba," Edgar Paredes, a manager at the
state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela, had proclaimed Friday.

Chavez is Castro's closest ally in the Americas.

Venezuela had been selling about 53,000 barrels of oil a day to Cuba at
a discounted price under an arrangement signed in 2000 between Chavez
and Castro.

Trade between the two nations went from 463.3 million dollars in 1999 to
912.4 million in 2000, according to the latest official figures, as
Venezuela took over from Spain as Cuba's main trading partner.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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NEWS ON CONGO 042: 2/2 Negotiations and war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rolf Martens


NEWS ON CONGO 042: 2/2 Negotiations and war
[Posted: 15.04.02]

[Continued from "NEWS ON CONGO 041"]

C.  AFP: *"Hundreds of dead" in South Kivu, according to
a Congolese Tutsi party*

KIGALI, 14 April 2002 (AFP)

Hundreds of people have been killed in the province of South
Kivu, in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), since
the beginning of the military operations by the Rwandan army
against a leader of Congolese Tutsi, according to a communique
from an organization representing this community which was
transmitted on Sunday to the AFP at Kigali.

The movement of the Forces Républicaines Fédéralistes (FRF),
which represents the interests of the local community of the
Banyamulenge, states that "between 4,000 and 6,000 military
of the Rwandan army (...) have encircled" the High Plateaus
in the province of South Kivu (east) in order to attack the
commandant Patrick Masunzu.

This former officer of the rebellion [" " - RM] of the Ras-
semblement congolais pour la démocratie (RCD) since almost
two months back is opposing militarily this rebel movement,
which controls all of eastern DRC with the help of Rwanda,
and which today considers him "a deserter".

The Rwandan Patriotic Army (ARP) has taken direct part in the
combats at the end of March, sending several thousands of men
into the Banyamulenge areas of the High Plateaus, vast stret-
ches of pasture land at an altitude of more than 2,000 metres.

"Hundreds of deaths have occurred at Minembwe and in its sur-
roundings. Terrorized and humiliated, the Banyamulenge popu-
lations also are victims of the pillaging and the arbitrary
arrests by the occupation troops", the communique of the FRF

"In its military campaign against the occupation, the comman-
dant Masunzu is holding his positions well. He enjoys the to-
tal support of his whole community and of thousands of resis-
tance fighters of the Mai-Mai (militias of native tribes,
traditionally, however, hostile to the Congolese Tutsi - AFP)
who have joined him", according to the FRF, whose leadership
lives in exile in Europe.

The FRF has "always held that the return of peace to the Congo
cannot take place by means of the inter-Congolese dialogue
which is being held at Sun City (South Africa)", underlines
the communique. They are calling on "other Congolese patriots,
in particular those in the occupied territories, to unite with
them to concertedly combat the occupation", the text ends.

Another Banyamulenge organization, Shikama, has stated in a
communique that "these confrontations have already caused the
deaths of nearly 500 people, among whom in particular women,
old people and children have been targeted in helicopter bom-
bardments, and more than 200 deaths on the side of the Rwandan

There at the moment is no summing-up on these combats by an
independent and reliable source.

Shikama also accuses the Kigali government of lying in order
to justify its military intervention in this region "so as to
pursue armed groups and militias guilty of genocide". No trace
of such a presence is reported in this area, under the control
of the Commandant Masunzu since 1999, underlines Shikama.

This justification "is only one of the pretexts for pillaging
all the better the mineral and forest resources of the DRC,
installing a rear base at these plateaus of Minembwe and
creating a countryside colony there", charges Shikama.

Shikama demands the demilitarisation of the Kivu and its
being brought under the mandate of the Mission of Observation
of the United Nations in the Congo (MONUC). It also calls for
"the creation of an international and independent commission
of inquiry (...) for investigating the violations of human
rights and the war crimes committed by the APR and its Congo-
lese ally the RCD", its communique ends.


The so-called inter-Congolese Dialogue is taking place under
the auspices of the Lusaka agreement of 1999, which imposed
harsh conditions on the DR Congo:

In that country, the one subjected to the aggression, with
one-half of it under foreign occupation, a dialogue was to be
held between the government, on the one hand, and various mup-
pet forces of the aggressors', on the other, for a so-called
peaceful settlement of the conflict and a so-called democratic
development. Nothing similar was envisaged for those states
which were perpetrating the aggression, instigated by the im-
perialists, and which were and are the ones really ruled un-

The Lusaka agreement did contain the provision too that the
foreign troops in the DR Congo were to withdraw - something
which has not taken place. Under the circumstances at hand,
it probably was correct for the government of the DR Congo
to accept this agreement, I've argued in earlier items of
the present series.

But of course this was an *unequal* treaty, quite similar to
those which we


2002-04-15 Thread
Title: Message


NEW BIN LADEN VIDEO Al Jazeera has announced that it has 
received another exclusive video of Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden 
appears in the short clip released by Al Jazeera, the Qatar-based TV station, 
chatting and stroking his beard, flanked by his partners in Al Qaeda. It is 
difficult to discern his state of health because the picture is dark but reading 
from the fluent movements of his arms, he does not come across as someone who is 
supposed to be moribund. He has been in adverse situations before, many 
times, during his time as a terrorist fighter against the Soviet Armed Forces, 
supporting the legitimate government of Dr. Najibullah, so Osama Bin laden can 
be described as a survivor. Other videos released by Al Jazeera have 
been made around one month before the release. Should this be the case with the 
present video, which will be released in its entirety by Al Jazeera on Thursday, 
it would appear that Bin laden is not inside the mountainous regions of eastern 
Afghanistan, because the mountain peaks would have been covered in snow, this 
not being the case in the video. Timothy BANCROFT-HINCHEY 

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NEWS ON CONGO 041: 1/2 Negotiations and war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rolf Martens


NEWS ON CONGO 041: 1/2 Negotiations and war
[Posted: 15.04.02]

NOTE: On websites with information on the DR Congo and for
some contact addresses, see endnote last in "NOC 042", the
continuation of this posting. New here is that the Mai-Mai
movement, which is fighting the aggressors in the east, now
has its own website, at


The items 041 and 042 contain the following parts:

In 041:

A:  On the imperialist war against the DR Congo (same
text as in intro note to "NOC 040", 23.03.02)

B:  Two articles (in my translation from the French)
from the Kinshasa newspaper l'Avenir, Thursday 11.04,
on the ongoing negotiations respectively on the war

In 042:

C:  A message from Kigali (capital of Rwanda) by the news
 agency AFP, Sunday 14.04 (in translation)

D:  Some more information on the most recent events, and
an attempt at analysis of the present situation in
 connection with the negotiations at Sun City, South

[Texts in B and C and informations in D according to
postings to the discussion groups congokin_opinions
and CONGOTRIBUNE and to the DR Congo's Permanent
Mission at the UN; addresses see endnote.]


In the DR Congo, then called "Zaire", an uprising against the
Mobutu dictatorship which had oppressed and fleeced the
people in favour of imperialism since 35 years back started
in late 1996 and was victorious on 17.05.1997, when the pre-
sent state, the Democratic Republic of Congo, was founded.
The liberation struggle was led by Laurent-Désiré Kabila,
who also became the first president of the DRC.

The DR Congo from the start set itself the goal of freeing
the country from imperialist exploitation and building up
an actually democratic form of government in it, thereby
also setting up an example for all of Africa and for simi-
larly exploited countries elsewhere.

Because of this, the US and other imperialists instigated a
war of aggression against that country on 02.08.1998 by three
neighbouring states, a war which so far, directly or indi-
rectly, has cost the lives of over 3,000,000 people and which
still continues. One-half of the DR Congo today is under fo-
reign occupation. The people in the whole country continues
to suffer enormously. It very much needs the support of the
people in all other countries.

After the foul murder of L-D Kabila on 16.01.2001, his son,
Joseph Kabila, was installed as president; a government led
by J. Kabila has continued the struggle against the aggres-
sion since then.

Since some weeks back now, a conference is being held in
Sun City, South Africa, in which attempts by the imperia-
lists to gain control over the whole of the DR Congo by so-
called "peaceful" means are confronted by the strivings of
the Congolese people and the country's lawful government to
retain the independence of the DRC.

The UN Security Council on 19.03 by its Resolution 1399
(2002) condemned the recent military seizure by the aggres-
sors, in flagrant violation of the present armistice, of
the city of Moliro in the south-east of the DR Congo, and
demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the
forces of the so-called "RCD-Goma", one of the aggressors'
puppets, from that city.


L'Avenir: *Sun City. A republican front to save the Congo*
Kinshasa, 11.04.2002

At the moment when everyone hoped for a solution, even if a
late one, of the Congolese crisis, the Rassemblement congo-
lais pour la Démocratie (RCD/Goma) [the RCD, which has been
acting as a military muppet of one of the invading countries,
Rwanda, a large part of it based at Goma in occupied eastern
DR Congo - RM] has sounded a note different from those of the
other participants in the negotiations. It rejects as a whole
the South African president's proposal.

[That is, the first proposal by Mbeki for an agreement, put
forward on 10.04. He on the next day, 11.04, put forward a
second, after consultations with the aggressor-friendly so-
called "mediator", Masire, one clearly more favourable to
those Congolese so-called "rebel" organizations which have
helped the Rwandan and Ugandan invaders. The negotiations at
Sun City were scheduled to last until 12.04. On 11.04, it was
also proposed that they would be extended until 18.04. This
has been accepted by all the participating parties. - RM]

One thus is back at the starting-point. And given the time
which there is left for the delegates to pack up and go, one
fears that one will return empty-handed to the country, with
all those consequences which this means. The Congolese public
opinion can see in this the irresponsible behaviour of those
who aspire to govern the DR Congo. In connection with the pro-
posal of president Thabo Mbeki, it 

US/NATO-Backed Georgia Threatens, Backs Down Russia On Its Own Border [WWW.STOPN

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


Shevardnadze: Russian troops' deployment in Georgian
region was calculated to destabilize situation 
By Misha Dzhindzhikhashvili
April 15, 2002 

-It was the latest surge of tension between Georgia
and Russia over Abkhazia, which exercises de facto
independence. The separatist government has appealed
to Russia for protection, alleging that the U.S.
military training of Georgia's ragtag army to fight
terrorists could in fact help the Georgian forces to
unleash a new offensive on their Black Sea province. 
-A United Nations-brokered protocol signed April 2
called for Georgian troops to withdraw by April 10 and
for joint patrols by Russian peacekeepers and U.N.
The newly arrived Russian troops pulled out of the
gorge Saturday, but not before Georgian Defense
Minister David Tevzadze threatened 
-"If all of this had not ended peacefully, wide-scale
military actions would probably have begun and ... led
to the renewal of the conflict in Abkhazia,"
Shevardnadze said Monday during his weekly radio

TBILISI, Georgia - President Eduard Shevardnadze
accused Russia on Monday of trying to destabilize his
already volatile country by landing troops in a
disputed region without prior agreement from Georgian
Helicopters ferried about 80 Russian servicemen into
the Kodori Gorge region of breakaway Abkhazia on
Friday. The Russian government said it was an ordinary
deployment of peacekeepers in the separatist region,
which Russian troops have patrolled since 1994
following the 1992-93 war between Georgian troops and
Abkhazian rebels. Georgia objected that it had not
been notified in advance. 
It was the latest surge of tension between Georgia and
Russia over Abkhazia, which exercises de facto
independence. The separatist government has appealed
to Russia for protection, alleging that the U.S.
military training of Georgia's ragtag army to fight
terrorists could in fact help the Georgian forces to
unleash a new offensive on their Black Sea province. 
The Kodori gorge, divided roughly equally between
Georgian government forces and Abkhazian separatists
until this month, has been a particular flash point of
tension. A United Nations-brokered protocol signed
April 2 called for Georgian troops to withdraw by
April 10 and for joint patrols by Russian peacekeepers
and U.N. observers. 
The newly arrived Russian troops pulled out of the
gorge Saturday, but not before Georgian Defense
Minister David Tevzadze threatened that his troops
would open fire on them. Shevardnadze rushed to the
region on Friday to try to draw international
attention to what he called a potentially explosive
"If all of this had not ended peacefully, wide-scale
military actions would probably have begun and ... led
to the renewal of the conflict in Abkhazia,"
Shevardnadze said Monday during his weekly radio
Georgia frequently has accused Russian peacekeepers of
favoring the Abkhazian separatist, but refrained from
demanding their permanent withdrawal for fear of
unleashing another war. Some 16,000 were killed in the
war and 300,000 mostly ethnic Georgians forced to flee
their homes. The refugees make up a vocal pressure
group for Tbilisi to keep up pressure on the
"If the Kodori gorge had been lost (last week), that
would have provoked an explosion of agitation among
the refugees, in society, and led to alarm in (other)
regions," Shevardnadze said Monday. 
He expressed gratitude to Russian President Vladimir
Putin, whom he credited with defusing the situation
after the two presidents spoke on the telephone. 
[Of course] 

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Step-by-step atomic bomb guide 'made public' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Steve Wagner

Monday, 15 April, 2002, 14:50 GMT 15:50 UK
Step-by-step bomb guide 'made public'

Atomic bombs were first built in Britain in the 1940s

  The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) says it is "checking" claims that
one of its documents - detailing a step-by-step guide on how to
build an atomic bomb - has been put in a public office for all to

  The file is said to be in the archives at the Public Record
Office, which can be accessed by anyone, including terrorists, and
gives measurements, diagrams and precise details on bomb-building,
the Daily Telegraph reported.

  Shadow defence secretary Bernard Jenkin criticised such a move as
a "monstrous free gift to terrorists" and called for an immediate
government investigation.

  He told BBC News Online: "The fact that this information has been
lying in the public records office is extraordinary.

  "Such information may already be in the public domain, but why
needlessly help rogue states and terrorist organisations with such
comprehensive instructions on how to make an atom bomb?

  "I will be pressing the government for a comprehensive

Stringent review

  As a result of the outcry, a spokesman for the MoD said it had
sent someone along to the Public Record Office to check the
content of the files.

  He added: "We have a very stringent review process of all
documents and before they are placed on public file they are very
carefully checked for any sensitive material.

  "We would not just put any document in the public domain."

  The files are said to relate to the construction of Blue Danube,
the first British atomic bomb, which was built in the late 1940s
and early 1950s.

  It is also said to describe various ways in which such a bomb
could be smuggled into the country.

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Target Ukraine: US Steps Up 'Axis Of Evil' Smear [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


[The U.S. is intensifying its saber rattling against
Ukraine and its neighbor Belarus, accusing each of
allegedly aiding and abetting the infamous 'axis of
evil' through arms sales to Baghdad.
The most ominous aspect of the following report is the
contention that the putative sales "could increase
dramatically danger levels to US and British pilots."
Which is to say bombers.
Endangering the lives of US servicemen is a serious -
the most serious - accusation that can be leveled in
today's unipolar militarized world and is as clear a
threat to both countries as can be made.
Comparable to the threats, delivered directly in the
Ukranian capital last year by U.S. officials, that
Ukraine must immediately abrogate a previous contract
for military helicopters to Macedonia when the latter
nation was under siege by US/NATO-supported UCK-NLA
terrorists operating out of Kosovo. 
The message then as now could not be more blunt: Halt
or else.
And then there's the question of NATO candidate member
and supplier of military forces to Afghanistan,
Romania, threatening Ukraine over disputed territory
in the Black Sea.
Intimidation and fragmentation are the hallmarks of
the refurbished NATO, a greater danger to the world
with each passing day.]

Kuchma Accused of Selling Advanced Anti-aircaft
Weapons to Iraq
KIEV, Apr 15, 2002 -- (dpa) Ukrainian President Leonid
Kuchma has been accused of selling advanced
anti-aircraft weapons to Sadaam Hussein of Iraq,
Ukrainian news agencies reported Sunday.
Reports cited a statement made in California by former
Kuchma bodyguard Mykola Melnichenko, who said he had
shown a U.S. grand jury proof that Kuchma ordered and
personally controlled deliveries of Kolchuga radars to
the Iraqi dictator.
Ukrainian weapons experts describe the Kolchuga as a
passive radar designed to detect stealth and other
aircraft without emitting any electronic signature.
Components of the system are reportedly manufactured
in Kiev and Odessa.
The secret Ukraine-Iraq arms deal took place in the
late 1990s and was worth 100 million dollars,
Melnichenko claimed.
Melnichenko reportedly said he presented a San
Francisco grand jury with original audio recordings of
conversations between Kuchma and former Ukrspetsexport
director Valery Malev discussing the transaction.
Ukrspetsexport is the Ukrainian government monopoly
weapons export. Malev died in a car crash last month.
The tape played to San Francisco judge Martha Boersch
reportedly documented Kuchma instructing Malev to
disguise the radar shipment to Iraq as truck parts
from Ukraine's Kremenchuh KrAZ automobile factory, and
to provide false passports to Ukrainian technicians
accompanying the shipment.
The recording also contained evidence of a Kuchma
scheme to cut a Jordanian middleman out of the
transaction, the Ukrainska Pravda web magazine
Kuchma has repeatedly denied allegations he organized
illegal transfers of Ukrainian weapons abroad, a
charge made by his opponents in 1997. Anti-corruption
deputy Oleksander Zhyr made the first public
allegation Kuchma sold weapons to Iraq last month.
The Kolchuga system, were it in fact in use with Iraqi
troops, could increase dramatically danger levels to
U.S. and British pilots enforcing two no-fly zones in
Iraq, Ukrainian military specialists said.
The Kolchuga makes no electronic transmissions and is
therefore invisible to most U.S. anti-radar missiles,
which home in on a radar's emissions.
(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur


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News, 15.4.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 15th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

  Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:
  The EU Backs Off On Israel

  The EU Foreign Ministers buried talks of sanctions against
  Israel at their meeting in Luxembourg. But they are doubtful
  of Israel's idea for a regional conference.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the 
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_498043_1_A,00.html 

   Survivors in Air China Crash

   Thirty-nine people have miraculously survived a jetliner crash in
   South Korea. Earlier on Monday, an Air China passenger aircraft went
   down in a wooded South Korean mountain during heavy rain and fog.
   There were 167 passengers and crew on board, most of whom were
   Korean. The location of the crash has made search and rescue efforts
   difficult, but officials said at least one of the flight recorders
   had been recovered. South Korean cabinet ministers have already
   ordered checks of their country's main transportation systems, ahead
   of soccer's World Cup finals, to be co-hosted in South Korea in six
   weeks. Monday's crash was the first for Air China in nearly five

   Israel Arrests Top Palestinian Leader

   Israel has arrested a leading Palestinian figure close to President
   Yasser Arafat. Israeli security sources said they had arrested
   Marwan Barghouthi, considered by Israel as the top militant in the
   area. Barghouti is the secretary general of the Arafat's Fatah
   movement in the West Bank. He has been sought by Israel since the
   launch of the latest West Bank offensive. Israel has accused
   Barghouti of leading Fatah militants to carry out scores of attacks
   against Israelis.

   U.S. Secretary of State Calls on Syria and Lebanon to Rein in

   U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell has held talks with leaders in
   Lebanon and Syria on a one-day sidetrip from Jerusalem. During his
   visits in both Beirut and Damascus, he appealed to leaders to rein in
   Hizbollah guerrillas. Powell said recent border attacks by the
   Hizbollah against Israel threatened to widen the conflict in the
   region. Powell is on a mission in the Middle East to bring about a
   resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian violence but so far, separate
   meetings with Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat have brought about no
   agreements nor committments from either side regarding the current

   EU Decides to Bury Talk of Sanctions against Israel

   European Union foreign ministers have decided not to discuss imposing
   sanctions against Israel for its offensive in the West Bank, and
   instead have opted to rally behind Powell and his mission in the
   Middle East. Diplomats of the 15 nations were also ready to reject a
   call by the European Commission for an emergency meeting with Israel,
   at least until the U.S Secretary of State has ended his peacemaking
   drive. Meanwhile, the U.N.'s top human rights body condemned Israel
   on Monday for "mass killings" of Palestinians and demanded a pull-out
   from occupied Palestinian areas. A number of the EU states backed
   the resolution, but Britain and Germany voted against it while Italy

   Arabic Newspaper Prints Statement from Mullah Omar

   An Arabic newspaper has printed what it claims is a statement from
   the former Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar. The daily al-Hayat
   quoted Omar as saying that Jews and Americans were conducting a
   losing war against Islam and the Palestinians. A similar statement,
   also attributed to Mullah Omar, was published on an internet web site
   which has regularly carried news about Afghanistan as well as alleged
   statements by Taliban leaders. Omar has been on the run since the
   war in Afghanistan began. He is considered to be one of Washington's
   most wanted men.

   Four U.S. Soldiers Die in Rocket Accident

   Four American soldiers were killed and one badly injured on Monday
   while destroying abandoned Taliban rockets near the southern Afghan
   city of Kandahar. A spokesman for the provincial government in
   Kandahar told news sources that the incident was an accident and not
   an act of sabotage. At Bagram Air Base just outside the Afghan
   capital Kabul, a U.S. military spokesman said five soldiers were
   involved in disposing of 107mm rockets when the accident happened.
   Monday's accident appeared similar to an incident in Kabul last month
   when three Danish soldiers along with two German soldiers were killed
   while disposing of Soviet-era ground-to-air rockets.

   Hanover Trade Fair Begins

   Hanover's annual industrial trade fair - regarded as the world's
   biggest - has opened its doors, featuring innovations of almost 7,000
   exhibitors from 69 countries.
   Over the next six days, 200,000 gue

From Baltic To Black Seas: Turkey Pushes Latvian NATO Bid [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


LETA (Latvia) 
Sezer: Turkey will support Latvia's entry in NATO
during Prague summit
RIGA, April 15 (LETA) - During the NATO summit in
Prague this November, that will decide on enlargement
of the alliance, Turkey will support Latvia's
inclusion in NATO, Turkish President Ahmet Necdet
Sezer said today after his meeting with President
Vaira Vike-Freiberga. 
Turkey will support all NATO candidate countries that
comply with NATO criteria, including Latvia. 
In commenting on specific candidate countries, Sezer
said that during the NATO summit in Reykjavik this
May, each candidate country's readiness to enter the
alliance would be clear. 
According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, cooperation
with Turkey is very important to Latvia currently
because both counties wish to enter the European
Union. Besides, Turkey is an important partner for
Latvia in the defense sector, taking into account
Turkey's membership in NATO and Latvia's desire to

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Fwd: Six Die on Roma Nation Day [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 14/04/02 04:55:22 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Six Die on Roma Nation Day 
Date:14/04/02 04:55:22 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 


Original sender: Ustiben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Six Die on Roma Nation Day


Police investigating six deaths

Ustiben reports:  ROMA NATION DAY, this year marking the Millennium
Jubilee of the exodus from India, saw the biggest celebrations yet.

Crowds gathered at towns and cities along the Danube, on the Rhein,
beside the Sava at Zagreb, on the Vardar in Skopje, and Sofija's Iskur

In Belgrade, at the junction of the Danube and Sava, President
Kostunica of Yugoslavia honoured Roma by attending the ceremony.

Among other Danube events were those at Budapest and in Bulgaria at
Vidin, Lom and Ruse. From the Volga in Russia to the Plata, in
Argentina, Roma cast their flowers on the waters in memory of those
who began the great migrations a thousand years ago.

The feelings of the day are summed  up by  the words of Juan Ramirez,
president of the Romani Union in Spain: "These migrations have been no
bed of roses - and continue today with the forced "move-ons" and
migrations by those compelled to seek asylum."

Roma asylum-seekers and refugees were prominent at River Ceremonies on
the Thames in London, the Arno and Ardige in Italy, and Sweden's Malmo
Canal, as well as in Ireland at Galway Bay and on the Shannon at

Attention was drawn to the refugee issue at events on the Nisava in
Serbia and at Prizen in Kosovo. Human rights abuses were the subject
of a major "8 April" demonstration at Sibiu, in Romania, and at the
ceremony on the Dambovita in Bucurest, as well as that on the banks of
the Vltava in Prague.

The day was also marked by floral tributes on the Garonne in France,
at Cape Fear River, North Carolina,  and in Tirana, Albania.

All were linked in spirit by the River Ceremony held at a Sikh temple
on the Ghagar, near Chandigarh,  India, arranged by veteran activist
Pandit W.R Rishi, who lent his inspiration to this unique jubilee.

The day, however, was marred by the deaths of six members of a Polish
Roma family killed by an explosion in a hotel in the Czech Republic.
Police are investigating the incident which occurred at Louny,
according to a report by Ondrej Gina.

A surviving member, Tony Siwak, told Gina that among the dead is a
five year old girl. They had come from Plock, in Poland.

(This report on ROMA NATION DAY is an initial roundup only)

Photographs of the River Ceremony on Thames are available free on

MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern


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--- Begin Message ---


Original sender: Ustiben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Six Die on Roma Nation Day


Police investigating six deaths

Ustiben reports:  ROMA NATION DAY, this year marking the Millennium
Jubilee of the exodus from India, saw the biggest celebrations yet.

Crowds gathered at towns and cities along the Danube, on the Rhein,
beside the Sava at Zagreb, on the Vardar in Skopje, and Sofija's Iskur

In Belgrade, at the junction of the Danube and Sava, President
Kostunica of Yugoslavia honoured Roma by attending the ceremony.

Among other Danube events were those at Budapest and in Bulgaria at
Vidin, Lom and Ruse. From the Volga in Russia to the Plata, in
Argentina, Roma cast their flowers on the waters in memory of those
who began the great migrations a thousand years ago.

The feelings of the day are summed  up by  the words of Juan Ramirez,
president of the Romani Union in Spain: "These migrations have been no
bed of roses - and continue today with the forced "move-ons" and
migrations by those compelled to seek asylum."

Roma asylum-seekers and refugees were prominent at River Ceremonies on
the Thames in London, the Arno and Ardige in Italy, and Sweden's Malmo
Canal, as well as in Ireland at Galway Bay and on the Shannon at

Attention was drawn to the refugee issue at events on the Nisava in
Serbia and at Prizen in Kosovo. Human rights abuses were the subject
of a major "8 April" demonstration at Sibiu, in Romania, and at the
ceremony on the Dambovita in Bu

US air strike on Iraq - civilian targets hit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 15 April 2002. US warplanes strike site in southern Iraq.

WASHINGTON -- US warplanes struck an air defense site in southern Iraq
on Monday in response to Iraqi fire on coalition aircraft enforcing a
no-fly zone, the US military said.

It was the first US air strike in southern Iraq since January 21.

In Baghdad, a military spokesman said US and British warplanes bombed
civilian targets in southern Iraq but did not report casualties.

"Enemy warplanes ... raided civilian installations in Zi-Qar province
(375 kilometers, or 235 miles, south of Baghdad) in an attempt to harm
Iraq's struggling people," he said, quoted by Iraq's official INA news

The raiding planes were driven back to their bases in Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait by anti-aircraft fire and surface-to-air missiles, the spokesman

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Milosevic: Kosovo massacre staged by KLA [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 15 April 2002.  Milosevic Says Kosovo Massacre Staged by

THE HAGUE -- Slobodan Milosevic at his trial on Monday accused
separatist Kosovo Albanian guerrillas of fabricating an alleged atrocity
by Serb forces in 1999 in a bid to spur a shocked West into attacking

The killing of about 45 ethnic Albanians in Racak in January 1999
shocked the outside world and was widely credited with stiffening NATO's
resolve to launch its 11-week campaign of air strikes against Yugoslavia
two months later.

The Hague tribunal heard last week from a Western observer that dozens
of unarmed men dressed in slippers and rubber boots were found shot in
the head at Racak in 1999 after Serb forces entered the village.
Milosevic disputed the testimony.

 Milosevic told the war crimes court that ethnic Albanian Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) guerrillas shifted corpses around Racak to an open
mass grave as part of a ruse to convince Western observers that Serb
forces had butchered villagers. He said Serb forces had only killed KLA
guerrillas in gun battles.

"It may be, as Serb authorities claim, and many Europeans tended to
believe, that the victims were in fact killed in the shoot-out reported
by police and then aligned to give the appearance of a massacre,"
Milosevic said quoting from an Italian press report.

The 60-year-old accused, who is conducting his own defense at the United
Nations court against charges he has rejected as "false," vigorously
challenged testimony that Racak's villagers had been gunned down.

Retired British general Karel Drewienkiewicz acknowledged that a fierce
battle had taken place between KLA guerrillas and Serb forces at Racak
and that there had been a "lapse" of some 15 hours overnight before
Western observers viewed the scene.

Last week Drewienkiewicz told the court he saw men shot in the head at
Racak. They had been dressed in carpet slippers and rubber boots.

Since his trial opened in February Milosevic has accuses the West and
Islamic militant group al-Qaeda of supporting a "terrorist" campaign by
the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army to destabilize the Balkans.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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FW: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 13:12
To: jonathan
Subject: Fw: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson

- Original Message -
From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ayo Obisanya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dr Antia Daniel"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dr Ayo Awe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dr Martin Biyo'o
Mveng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Kofi Amegashie"
Sent: 15 April 2002 08:04
Subject: Israel should learn from SA's Apartheid past!!/Basson

> Subject: Israel repeating mistakes of apartheid rulers
> 22:38 12/04/2002Last update - 00:36 13/04/2002
> Mbeki: Israel repeating mistakes of apartheid rulers
> By Reuters
> CAPE TOWN - Israel is repeating the mistakes of South Africa's apartheid
> rulers in its effort to crush a popular rebellion, South African President
> Thabo Mbeki said on Friday.
> Mbeki said in a weekly online letter that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was
> wrong to demand an end to Palestinian violence as a pre-condition for
> South Africa has consistently criticized Israel's handling of the crisis,
> but Mbeki said he was equally concerned about the rights and the losses of
> both Israelis and Palestinians.
> "When we call for respect for life, we must state firmly that we refer
> to Israelis and Palestinians," he said.
> "However...we must proceed from the concrete reality that the Israelis
> their own independent state and homeland. The Palestinians do not."
> Israeli forces launched a military offensive in the West Bank two weeks
> to try to crush Palestinian militants blamed for a series of suicide
> that killed dozens of Israelis.
> Mbeki said South Africa's own experience, in which tens of thousands of
> people died in the uprising against white minority rule, had shown that an
> oppressed people fought because they had "nothing to lose but their
> servitude", not because they were told to fight.
> South Africa's white rulers, who negotiated themselves out of power
> 1990 and 1994, fought for 30 years to maintain their exclusive hold on
> power.
> Police and government agents shot protesters, assassinated civic leaders,
> jailed activists and banished high-profile opponents in a bid to break the
> uprising that eventually forced them into talks.
> "The rulers of Israel are repeating the costly mistakes made by the
> of apartheid in our country," Mbeki said.
> "Everything that has happened in the Palestinian territories in almost two
> years says, in action, that the Palestinians and especially the youth are
> ready to march against tanks and armoured cars because it is no longer
> possible for them to live as a dispossessed people.
> "The attempt to search and destroy so-called agitators and terrorists in
> their midst, in the belief that these are the instigators of the
> without whom the rebellion would cease, is to live in worse than a fool's
> paradise," he said.
> Welcoming U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's peace mission, he said
> leaders of both the people of Israel and Palestine have a common
> responsibility to take advantage of the presence of the Secretary of State
> to break the chain of violence."
> Powell, on a Middle East peace mission, is due to hold talks with
> Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat on Saturday at Arafat's
> in Ramallah, besieged by Israeli forces.
> *


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AI: X-Ray PoW treatment cruel and degrading [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 15 April 2002. Amnesty International Condemns Treatment of
Guantanamo Detainees.

LONDON -- The treatment of al-Qaida and Taliban suspects at a U.S.
military base at Guantanamo Bay undermines human rights and may be cruel
and degrading, Amnesty International asserted Monday.

In a 62-page memorandum sent to the U.S. government, Amnesty also
accuses Washington of flouting international law by refusing detainees
access to legal counsel.

"The U.S. government must ensure that all its actions in relation to
those in its custody in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay comply with
international law and standards," the human rights group said.

"This is crucial if justice is to be done and seen to be done, and if
respect for the rule of law and human rights is not to be undermined."

The U.S. embassy in London declined to comment on the report.

The camp has been inspected by officials from the International
Committee of the Red Cross.

Human rights groups have expressed concern that Washington is reserving
the right to try the captives on its own terms and is calling them
"unlawful combatants" instead of "prisoners of war" - a designation that
bring them under the Geneva Convention.

According to the memorandum, which was sent to Washington last week and
made public Monday, U.S. authorities have refused to provide full
information about the circumstances of many of the arrests, including
whether they occurred in Afghanistan, Pakistan or elsewhere.

Washington has "undermined the presumption of innocence through a
pattern of public commentary on the presumed guilt" of the detainees and
has "raised the prospect of indefinite detention without charge or
trial," the memorandum states.

"The U.S.A.'s pick and choose approach to the Geneva Conventions is
unacceptable, as is its failure to respect fundamental international
human rights standards," Amnesty said.

A London-based Amnesty spokeswoman, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
said the organization was repeating a request, first made in January,
for access to the camp.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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FW: Israeli War Crimes,& US double standards!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 07:08
To: jonathan; Kofi Amegashie; Ayo Obisanya
Subject: Israeli War Crimes,& US double standards!!!

At least the UK media are being objective of sorts.Does this mean that the
Jewish controlled US networks aren't aware of what's going on???

The camp that became a slaughterhouse
By Justin Huggler
14 April 2002

A woman with her leg all but ripped off by a helicopter rocket, the
mangled remains hanging on by a thread of skin as she slowly bleeds to
death. A 10-year-old boy lying dead in the street, his arm blown off and
a great hole in his side. A mother shot dead when she ran into the
street to scream for help for her dying son. The wounded left to die
slowly, in horrible agony, because the ambulances were not allowed in to
treat them.

A terrible crime has been committed by Israel in Jenin refugee camp, and
the world is turning a blind eye. Colin Powell, the US Secretary of
State, visited the scene of a suicide bombing that murdered six Israelis
in Jerusalem, but he did not visit Jenin, where the Israelis admit they
killed at least 100 Palestinians. The Israel army claims all of the dead
were armed men, that it took special care to avoid civilian casualties.
But we saw the helicopter rockets rain down on desperately crowded
areas: civilian casualties could not have been prevented.

The Israeli army sealed off the entire area around Jenin yesterday,
arresting journalists who ventured into it. That is because they have
something to hide in Jenin: the bodies.

The Israeli army has told the Israeli courts that it will not start
burying the bodies until Sunday. But there are abundant eyewitnesses who
say they have already seen the soldiers piling the bodies in mass
graves. Hiding the bodies is what Slobodan Milosevic did in Kosovo.

Either way, the Palestinians are not allowed to bury their own dead,
because Israel does not want the world to see what happened inside Jenin
refugee camp. The grieving have no way of knowing where to find the
bodies of those they have lost.

For nine days, Jenin camp became a slaughterhouse. Fifteen thousand
Palestinians lived in a square kilometre in the camp, a packed warren of
narrow lanes. Thousands of terrified civilians, women and children,
cowered inside their homes while the Israeli helicopters rained down
rockets on them and tanks fired shells into the camp.

The wounded were left to die. The Israeli army refused to allow
ambulances in to treat them, which is a war crime under the Geneva
Conventions. The Red Cross has publicly said people have died because
Israel blocked the ambulances. Slobodan Milosevic is on trial in the
Hague for breaking the Geneva Conventions, while Ariel Sharon shakes
Colin Powell's hand for the television cameras. The Geneva Conventions
are in tatters in Israel.

The Israeli authorities may be able to hide the evidence, but they
cannot silence the stories that have been pouring out of those who
managed to escape the carnage in the camp. These stories cannot be
verified yet, but there are scores of them, and many agree in details.
Fikri abu al-Heija was one of those who came out of the carnage in the camp.

"At the beginning the soldiers came and surrounded the camp with tanks,"
he says. "There were two Apache helicopters. A rocket hit our house ?
they were concentrating the rockets on the houses. All the windows were
broken by the explosions. All you could hear was explosions. When the
rocket hit the house, everybody gathered together on the lower floors. A
woman was with us from the second floor who had had her leg almost cut
off by the rocket. It was just hanging on by a little piece of skin. We
saw the ambulance coming for her but the soldiers stopped it."

Six days after the attack, Mr abu al-Heija was captured by the soldiers.
"They made us take off our clothes and tied us in groups of five with
metal wire. As we were walking through the camp we saw demolished
houses, burning houses, bodies in the street. Every 10 or 20 metres
there was a body. I recognised some. One was a cousin of mine. His name
was Ashraf abu al-Heija."

The Palestinians have been writing all the accounts like Mr abu
al-Heija's down: they are not going to allow what happened at Jenin to
be covered up. The Independent on Sunday has seen these meticulous
handwritten notes, of which several copies have been made. There are
records of everybody who used to live in the camp, and it will be
possible to match the missing with the accounts of the dead. The
Palestinians say there are 200 missing.

The names are coming out now: Mohammed Hamad, Nidal Nubam, Mustafa
Shnewa. A man who asked to remain anonymous says he saw their bodies
being put in a mass grave in the Haret al-Hawashin neighbourhood.

Yusra Ahmad, a mentally disabled woman, was killed by a helicopter

FW: US credibility in ME shattered!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan


-Original Message-
From: Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 April 2002 07:33
To: jonathan; Kofi Amegashie
Subject: US credibility in ME shattered!!!

Robert Fisk: Mr Powell must see for himself what Israel inflicted on Jenin

The credibility of US policy on the conflict has been shattered
Independent Digital (UK) Ltd4 April 2002

The credibility of US policy on the conflict has been shattered

14 April 2002

Why doesn't Colin Powell go to Jenin? What has happened to the world's
moral compass - indeed to the United States - when America's most famous
ex-general, the Secretary of State of the most powerful country on
earth, on a supposedly desperate mission to stop the bloodshed in the
Middle East, fails to grasp what is taking place in front of his nose?
The stench of decaying corpses is wafting out of the Palestinian city.
The Israeli army is still keeping the Red Cross and journalists from
seeing the evidence of the mass killings that have taken place there.
"Hundreds'' - on Israel's own admission - have died, including
civilians. Why, for God's sake, can't Mr Powell do the decent thing and
demand an explanation for the extraordinary, sinister events that have
taken place in Jenin?
Instead, after joshing with Ariel Sharon after his arrival in
Jerusalem on Friday, Mr Powell is playing games, demanding that Yasser
Arafat condemn Friday's bloody suicide bombing in Jerusalem (total, six
dead and 65 wounded) while failing to utter more than a word of
"concern'' for the infinitely more terrible death toll in Jenin. Is Mr
Powell frightened of the Israelis? Does he really have to debase himself
in this way? Does he think that meeting Arafat, or refusing to do so,
takes precedence over the enormous humanitarian tragedy and slaughter
that has overwhelmed the Palestinians? Is President Bush - whose demand
that Ariel Sharon withdraw his troops from the West Bank has been
blandly ignored - so gutless, so cynical, as to allow this charade to
continue? For this is the endgame, the very final proof that the United
States is no longer morally worthy of being a Middle East peacemaker.
Even for one who has witnessed so much duplicity in the Middle East,
it is a shock to reflect on the events of the past nine days. Let's just
remember, as the Americans would say, "the facts". Almost two weeks ago,
the United Nations Security Council, with the active participation and
support of the United States, demanded an immediate end to Israel's
reoccupation of the West Bank and Gaza. President Bush insisted that Mr
Sharon should follow the advice of "Israel's American friends'' and -
because our own Mr Blair was with the President at the time - of
"Israel's British friends", and withdraw. "When I say withdraw, I mean
it," Mr Bush snapped three days later. But of course, it's now clear
that he meant nothing of the kind.
Instead, he sent Mr Powell off on his "urgent" mission of peace, a
journey to Israel and the West Bank that would take the Secretary of
State an incredible eight days - just enough time, Mr Bush presumably
thought, to allow his "good friend'' Mr Sharon to finish his latest
bloody adventure in the West Bank. Supposedly unaware that Israel's
chief of staff, Shoal Mofaz, had told Mr Sharon that he needed at least
eight weeks to "finish the job'' of crushing the Palestinians, Mr Powell
wandered off around the Mediterranean, dawdling in Morocco, Spain, Egypt
and Jordan before finally washing up in Israel on Friday morning. If
Washington firefighters took that long to reach a blaze, the American
capital would long ago have turned to ashes. But of course, the purpose
of Mr Powell's idleness was to allow enough time for Jenin to be turned
to ashes. Mission, I suppose, accomplished.
As Israel's indisciplined soldiery yesterday continued to hide their
deeds from the outside world by preventing the Red Cross, aid workers,
ambulances and journalists from entering the rubble of Jenin, Mr Powell
was sitting idly by in Israel, calling for the "utmost restraint'' from
an army that has not yet finished filling the mass graves of Jenin. That
he should see a visit to Yasser Arafat - the grotesque, corrupt old man
of Ramallah - as the make-or-break issue of his "peacemaking" shows just
how skewed Mr Powell's morality has become. Mr Arafat's advisers (let's
not give any credit to the would-be "martyr-chairman" of the Palestinian
Authority for this) shrewdly announced that it is for Mr Powell to
condemn the killings in Jenin, for Mr Arafat could be expected to
condemn the vicious suicide bombing in Jerusalem on Friday. And even
though Mr Arafat mouthed the relevant words of contrition and
condemnation yesterday afternoon, it makes little difference.
All last week, while Mr Sharon's soldiers were running amok in
Jenin, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer was playing the role 

Coup plotters in contact with US embassy [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 15 April 2002. Venezuelan coup plotters were in contact with US
embassy: report.

WASHINGTON -- Venezuelan military officers, who unsuccessfully tried to
topple President Hugo Chavez last week, were in contact with the US
embassy in Caracas less than two months ago, Newsweek magazine reported

The report cited Bush administration sources as saying that in late
February, dissident Venezuelan military officers had informed embassy
officials about planning a coup.

The officers were told that "this was not acceptable, that a coup was
not the way to go," the weekly reported quoting an unnamed source.

But according to Newsweek, Chavez was widely seen in Washington as a
hostile figure whose erratic leadership threatened US oil supplies as
well as efforts to crack down on guerrilla forces tied to drug
trafficking and terrorism in neighboring Colombia.

The coup, which was launched late Thursday, succeeded in ousting Chavez
for two days.

The United States expressed no sympathy for Chavez after he was ejected
from power early Friday and did not explicitly reject the interim
government that replaced him.

"The people of Venezuela have sent a clear message to President Chavez
that they want both democracy and reform[!]," the White House said later
in a statement.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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FW: "Suffer the little children" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread jonathan
Title: "Suffer the little children"


-Original Message-From: John O 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 15 April 2002 09:48To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: "Suffer the little 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns 
Hamstead  Road
    Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947  Fax:  0121-554-7891
 Web site:

 "Suffer the little children"

   "Suffer the little children who come unto Britain, for 
theirs shall be the kingdom of the accommodation and removal 
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, chapters 2 & 
5,  verses numerous

    "and deportation, shall follow them, all the days 
of their lives."
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, chapter 4, verse 

    The Nationality, Immigration and 
Asylum bill, was published last Friday the 12th 
of April. Its sheer nastiness beggars description. None of the concerns of those 
asked to submit consultative papers on the bill were met. NCADC doubts the 
papers were even read.

    Children who have no choice of where they are born, or 
choice of what countries their parents choose to seek asylum, are the latest 
targets of New Labour's immigration paranoia.
   Legislation now going through parliament, if it becomes law, 
will mean that children on arrival will face Induction Centres, Accommodation 
Centres and Removal Centres.
    Children held in accommodation centres will be subject 
to statutory segregation, they will not be allowed to attend schools or 
nurseries outside the centre. (Part 2, clause 30,3).
    Children can be served with deportation notices, along 
with their parents. (Part 4, clause 52,1)
   If they are dispersed into the community, they will find 
themselves in the most deprived areas of the UK. If their parents asylum claim 
fails, the children no matter how young or however long they have been here, can 
be put in detention to await removal. In all of this they will have no 

  For their parents and individuals the Nationality, Immigration 
and Asylum bill, just means more detention and dispersal, which always lead 
to discrimination, destitution, self harm, and more than likely back to 
detention and then removal. All this they face if they don't die trying to get 
here or commit suicide in desperation not to be returned to their country of 
    Families in accommodation centres will be means 
tested, (part 2, clause 27).
    Sentence first, judgement afterwards: Super fast 
tracking - a deportation order can be served and removal directions set on the 
same day that an asylum claim is made, or any time afterwards, (part 4, clause 
56, 4a), though not enforceable till final decision on claim.

   These are just a few examples of a thoroughly unjust bill. 
David Blunkett said when presenting "Secure Borders, Safe Haven", the precursor 
to the bill, this would create a "more robust, faster and efficient 
system." Robust it certainly is, if R is for 
rotten, O for obscene, B 
for brutal, U for ugly, 
S for sick and T for tyrannical.
 "The bill is even 
harsher than the white paper," Habib Rahman, Joint Council for the 
Welfare of Immigrants. 

 "The government's 
proposals to crack down on those who abuse the asylum system is in real danger 
of cracking down on those who genuinely need it - those who have been persecuted 
in other countries, those who have a right to be here." John Wadham, 
director of Liberty.
    The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum bill, is not yet law. Let your MP know what you think about 
the new bill. Use which you can access from the left hand frame 

Copies of the proposed legislation the Nationality, Immigration and 
Asylum bill, (this is a technical document, in PDF format), with the more 
readable explanatory document (word doc), can be obtained from NCADC.

For the bill, return a BLANK message in the subject line put: subscribe 
bill doc

For the  Explanatory document, return a BLANK message in the subject 
line put: subscribe Explanatory doc.

For both, return a BLANK message in the subject line put: subscribe 

This is an automated service, any messages which contain text in the body, 
will bounce back to you.

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NATO Selects 5 Rapid Deployment Sites For 250,000 Troops Outside W. Europe [WWW

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


Stars And Stripes
Monday, April 15, 2002  
NATO selects sites in five nations
for rapid-deployment commands

By Terry Boyd, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Monday, April 15, 2002

IZMIR, Turkey — NATO officials have selected sites in
five nations for six new commands, capable of rapidly
sending forces — as many as 250,000 troops — to
trouble spots outside Western Europe.

Five High-Readiness Force Headquarters should be up
and running by this summer, but part of the selection
and certification process might take until 2004.

The commands join a high-readiness headquarters in
Rheindahlen, Germany, attached to Allied Command
Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), said Ian Kemp, a
London-based NATO specialist for Jane’s Weekly, which
tracks the world’s militaries.

The headquarters that will be attached to EuroCorps
include: Strasbourg, France; the Germany/Netherlands
Corps in Munster, Germany; III Corps of the Turkish
Army, Istanbul; and new headquarters in Valencia,
Spain, and Milan, Italy.

Two Lower-Readiness Headquarters are planned for
Warsaw, Poland, and at Thessaloniki, Greece, said
German Lt. Col. Harmut Beilmann, a spokesman at SHAPE
headquarters in Brussels. 

Since 1991, NATO officials have tried to create a more
flexible command structure to deal with regional
conflicts, moving away from the Cold War scenarios of
defending Europe against Soviet and Warsaw Bloc forces
toward conflicts like the Balkans and the war on

Just what sort of forces and capabilities each
headquarters will have depends on the host nation and
contributing countries. For example, the majority of
ARRC forces are contributed by the United Kingdom, and
range from tank-heavy armored divisions to airborne
units specializing in mountain operations.

Each high-readiness headquarters must be able to
deploy its first elements within two weeks and its
entire force within two to three months, according to
NATO documents. The new strategy focuses on a
combination of reaction forces, main-defense forces
and augmentation forces that will relieve the
high-readiness forces should wars or peacekeeping
missions run longer than two six-month rotations.

A spokesman for the Turkish General Staff in Ankara,
Turkey, said he doesn’t expect the Turkish government
to commit to the force until after a final SHAPE
evaluation in December.

The concept requires a multi-national command, and the
10 allied nations represented at Joint Command
Southeast are planning to provide assets to the
approximately 500-person headquarters staff, according
to NATO sources.

"This implies that some staff members in our
headquarters may be moved to the High-Readiness
Headquarters this summer," Ataman said. "As the world
changes, so does NATO."

Between 20 and 30 American slots at the command will
transfer there from Izmir. It will be up to member
nations and the host nations to provide manning for
the new headquarters, Beilmann said. 

The other five candidates will have to prove they can
perform at ARRC’s level, capable of everything from
peacekeeping to war fighting, Kemp said.

SHAPE officials will judge the new headquarters on
about 400 criteria, Kemp said. 

The Germany/Netherlands Corps passed its initial
evaluation, with a final inspection in November, Kemp
said. EuroCorp’s initial evaluation is scheduled for
April 26, with the final in November. Istanbul’s
initial evaluation is scheduled for May, with its
final inspection Oct. 10. Initial inspections of Italy
and Spain are scheduled for June, with the final
evaluations in December.

Still, there might be obstacles to carrying out the
plans because of financial burdens on host countries,
as well as international politics. Even ARRC, which
has been standing for eight years and deployed to
Kosovo and Bosnia, "had to invest considerably more
money in [satellite communications] and infrastructure
to become a HHQ headquarters," Kemp said. 

Turkey — NATO’s second-largest force after the United
States in terms of troops — is concerned that
EuroCorps will use NATO assets while excluding it and
NATO member Norway, which are not EU members.

Last year, Turkish officials said that, if EuroCorps
is selected for one of the high-readiness
headquarters, it must be open to non-EU NATO members,
with input in the EU’s security and defense-policy
planning process.

Each site’s evaluations will go to the Supreme Allied
Commander, Europe — currently U.S. Air Force Gen.
Joseph Ralston. The SACEUR will send his
recommendation to NATO’s Military Committee, with the
final candidates going before the North Atlantic
Council, NATO’s political body, for a final selection

NATO officials don’t expect a final selection vote
before next year, or even 2004, Beilmann said.

However, for SHAPE to begin the evaluation process,
the commands must be up and function at full
capability, Kemp said.


Georgia Holds Largest Ever Military Exercise In Tense Caucasus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Russia Journal
23:03 [Sunday 14th April, 2002] 
Georgia holds military exercises 

-Georgia has conducted large-scale military exercises
under NATO auspices in recent years, but last week's
exercises were the largest the country had held on its

MOSCOW (Associated Press)- The impoverished military
of former Soviet Georgia, gearing up for the arrival
of U.S. troops who will train Georgians to fight
terrorists, has wrapped up its largest-ever exercises
in a Black Sea port. 

About 3,000 servicemen from the army, air force and
navy took part in the maneuvers in Poti, which
included 12 ships donated from Turkey, Greece,
Bulgaria and Ukraine to replace Soviet-era ships that
Russia withdrew from the port after the 1991 collapse
of the USSR. 

The 17,000-member Georgian military has also received
aid from the United States, in the form of helicopters
and support for the border guard force. 

Boosting that cooperation to a new level, the United
States announced in February that it would send
military instructors to help train Georgian troops to
fight terrorists as part of the international
anti-terror campaign. U.S. officials have said
terrorists may be hiding in Georgia's Pankisi Gorge on
the border with breakaway Chechnya. No date for the
U.S. troops' arrival has been announced. 

The last day of the military exercises Friday was
almost derailed by a standoff between Georgian troops
and Russian peacekeepers in a gorge in the breakaway
Abkhazia region. The Russian peacekeepers began
withdrawing Saturday from the Kodori Gorge, but
tensions remained high between Russia and Georgia over
the decade-old Abkhazia conflict. 

Georgia has conducted large-scale military exercises
under NATO auspices in recent years, but last week's
exercises were the largest the country had held on its

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The New York Times Twisted Definition OF "Democracy" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread mart-remote
The New York Times should also be reminded that not only was Chavez democraticly elected in a landslide vote, the CIA sponsored military coup that they hailed as "democratic" was overwhelmed and overturned by a groundswell of the Venezuelan people themselves in what can only be described as the ultimate expression of real "peoples" democracy!   mart

Sun, 14 Apr 2002 23:14:46 -0400




Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

[Emperor's Clothes] - 14 April 2002


By D. Baatar, Jared Israel, Nestor Gorojovsky & Nico Varkevisser

To paraphrase an old proverb: "Celebrate in haste; repent at

On September 13th the New York Times rushed to gloat that one more
opponent of the US Empire had been crushed.

Never you mind that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez had been elected
by overwhelming popular vote. (In contrast, might we note, to George
Walker Bush.)

An editorial in the Times described the Venezuelan military/big
business coup d'état as an effort to reassert democracy:

"Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be
dictator...[because] the military intervened and handed power to a
respected business leader." - N Y Times (1)

And the Times added:

"But democracy has not yet been restored, and won't be until a new
president is elected." (1)

In the bad old Cold War days, the US Establishment used to attack its
opponents for not holding multiparty elections.

Well, Venezuela did hold multiparty elections and Chávez won by a
landslide. But this was not sufficient.

In the New World Order, democracy is not defined any longer as
holding elections. Democracy is defined as supporting US polices. No
matter how many elections Chávez won by how many landslides, his
resistance to US Diktat made him by definition antidemocratic, that
is, "a would-be dictator."

Thus when the military took over Venezuela three days ago and
installed a pro-Washington big business leader as President, the
Times did not describe this military coup d'état as a threat to
democracy. Rather, they described it as *ending* a threat to

Similarly, in the past, NY Times editorials have immediately
applauded coup d'états in Yugoslavia (overthrowing elected President
Slobodan Milosevic) and the Philippines (overthrowing elected
President Joseph Estrada).

But this time the Times gloated a bit too soon.


Since the New World Order has re-defined democracy as subservience to
US diktat, it is only fair that the democratic content of every event
should be given a rating by the US government.

Thus it is by no means surprising that the US State Department issued
a Press Statement rating the democratic content of the Venezuelan
coup d'état.

The only problem is, the State Department, like the New York Times,
published a bit too soon.

Within hours of the coup, a State Department Press Statement declared
unqualified support for the coup. This document praised the military,
which had just seized power, for acting with "restraint" and blamed
Hugo Chávez for the coup d'état because under his government:

"essential elements of democracy...have been weakened in recent
- months." State Dep't Statement (2)

To what "essential elements of democracy" might State be referring?
They didn't say, but all the newspapers have pointed out that the big
dispute in Venezuela has been over the State-owned oil company.

Venezuelan President Chávez had weakened "essential elements of
democracy" by appointing as leaders of the state-owned oil company
people that were (horrors!) loyal to his administration rather than
to Chevron Oil and, perhaps even worse, by selling oil to Cuba at an
affordable price.

Chávez must not have been aware that that willingness to strangle
Cuba is a crucial component of the New World Order's definition of

The State Department declaration repeated the common media line,
without introducing a shred of evidence, that:

"Chávez supporters, on orders, fired on unarmed, peaceful protestors,
resulting in more than 100 wounded or killed." (2)


"The results of these provocations are: Chávez resigned the
presidency. Before resigning, he dismissed the Vice President and the
Cabinet. A transition civilian government has promised early
elections." (2)

So let's get this right.

First, Chávez ordered his supporters to kill a few opponents. This
could hardly have been expected to disperse a large demonstration
which had been called by leading TV stations and part of the
military. But it could certainly have been expected to assist
military leaders who were openly looking for - or trying to
manufacture - an excuse to stage a coup d

Public inquiry urged into Gulf War syndrome [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-15 Thread Rick Rozoff


April 15, 2002 
Public inquiry urged into Gulf War syndrome 

-Veterans allege their ill-health may be linked to
exposure during the conflict to depleted uranium -
used by the British Army in the tip of armour-piercing

A fresh call is being made for the Prime Minister to
authorise a public inquiry into Gulf War Syndrome.

Solicitors representing more than 600 ex-servicemen
who believe they are victims of the illness have
contacted Tony Blair.

Thousands of veterans of the 1991 war have complained
of a range of illnesses since returning from the Gulf,
including cancer and nervous system disorders.

The Ministry of Defence is carrying out research into
veterans' health, but insists no evidence has so far
emerged of a specific illness caused by the war.

Veterans allege their ill-health may be linked to
exposure during the conflict to depleted uranium -
used by the British Army in the tip of armour-piercing
shells - or organo-phosphate pesticides.

There is also speculation about the effects of
undergoing multiple vaccinations to protect against
the danger of biological warfare agents like anthrax
and plague.

Patrick Allen, of London solicitors Hodge, Jones &
Allen, told Tony Blair that all of these issues should
be dealt with by a public inquiry.

He wrote: "There continue to be grave worries about
the causes of Gulf War illness and the things that
went wrong during the war.

"Investigations are continuing into the role of
depleted uranium and whether this has affected
veterans' health.

"The way in which multiple vaccinations were
administered and the effect that this may have had on
veterans' health is of concern. It was disclosed to
Parliament that organo-phosphates had been used in the
Gulf and purchased from unlicensed local suppliers."

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2002-04-15 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Order of KPA Supreme Commander on raising military ranks
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army, issued order no.00152 to raise the military ranks of
KPA commanding officers on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. According to
the order dated April 13, Kim Yun Sim, Kim Jong Gak and Ryo Cyun Sok were
promoted to generals.
    The military rank of colonel general was conferred on Paek Sang Ho, Kang
Yong Ho, Ri Thae Il, Kim Yang Jom and Pak Sung Won and that of lieut.
General on Ri Yong Ho, Ri Yong Gil, Hwang Hong Sik, Pak Su Chol and Pang Kuk
Hwan. Ri Yong Rae and 39 others were promoted to major generals.
    The order said that the proud course of the KPA and the feats performed
by it in defending the socialist red flag and ensuring the revolutionary
cause of Juche by force of arms are associated with the patriotic devotion
and efforts made by its commanding officers to glorify their military
    It expressed the firm belief that as hardcore members of the Korean
revolutionary armed forces, those commanding officers, true to the
army-based leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, would increase the
military power in every way to fully ensure the security of the country and
the revolutionary cause of Juche with arms and perform greater feats in the
efforts to build a socialist powerful nation.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from BCP central committee
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A gift was presented to leader Kim Jong
Il by the central committee of the Brazilian Communist Party. It was handed
by Jose Reinaldo Carvalho, vice-president of its central committee, who is
heading its delegation on a visit to the DPRK to Choe Thae Bok, secretary of
the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Friday.

People's rally protests projected introduction of U.S.-made fighters
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- An all-people rally was reportedly held
in Seoul on April 10 to accuse the "Ministry of National Defense" in South
Korea of its unwarranted decision to introduce the selected fighters under
the sponsorship of the "joint action for the probe into the truth behind the
suspected pressure from outside and the withdrawal of the decision to
purchase F-15K". Its participants charged that the second-phase work pushed
forward by the ministry without disclosing the truth about the first-phase
selection of fighters of the next generation is a wrong attitude fooling the
    A resolution adopted at the rally warned that if the bellicose forces
persistently select fighters defying the just demand of the people in South
Korea, they will not be able to escape a judgement of history and demanded
the immediate withdrawal of the selection of U.S.-made fighters infringing
upon the interests of the nation.

DPRK delegate on protection of human rights
     Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A DPRK delegate proposed some matters
arising in taking a fair and effective measure to protect and promote human
rights in conformity with the present reality. such proposal was made on
April 8 when the main agenda item "violations of human rights and basic
freedom in all regions of the world" was under discussion at the 58th
meeting of the un commission on human rights. In his speech at the meeting,
the delegate held that no country should be allowed to interfere in other
countries' internal affairs and encroach upon their sovereignty over the
human rights issue. And the principles of impartiality, objectiveness and
non-selection should be strictly observed in international discussion and
handling of human rights issue, he said.
    The DPRK has set it as the supreme principle of state activity to ensure
that people are placed in the center of everything in politics, the economy,
culture and all other fields and it is made to serve them, he noted, and
    The Korean people are highly proud and confident of the people-centered
socialist system chosen by themselves and the DPRK government has enforced
practical policies for the protection and promotion of human rights one
after another, regarding human rights as inviolable.
    The DPRK will honestly fulfill its obligations under international
conventions on human rights and continue attaching importance to cooperation
in the human rights field.

Chinese government offers grant aid to DPRK
    Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- The government of the People's Republic of
China decided to offer a grant-in-aid equivalent to 50,000,000 yuan to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the occasion of the 90th birth
anniversary of Preside