Book review: Ghost Soldiers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Steve Wagner



The stuff heroes are made of

Ghost Soldiers
By Hampton Sides

Review by Charles Lewis

  World War II is coming to a close. The Japanese are keen to cover up
atrocities they have committed against prisoners of war in the
Philippines. Most prisoners, survivors of the Bataan Death March, who
are in any semblance of good health have already been shipped off to
Japan, Taiwan or mainland China to work as slave labor.

  At the Puerto Princesa prison camp on Palawan, Japanese prison guards
begin killing American and allied POWs as the American army prepares
to retake the Philippines. A few POWs are able to escape the massacre
and their stories eventually reach the American High Command.

  A decision is made to rescue the long suffering, doomed prisoners at
the Cabanatuan prison camp on the main island of Luzon. The army has
been training a group of former mule skinners in New Guinea. The army
doesn't need to use mules to haul equipment anymore, and these big,
tough farm boys seem like a good choice to use as a new elite force;
Army Rangers. The Rangers get their first assignment; rescue what is
left of the prisoners at Cabanatuan before they are killed by the
retreating Japanese.

  In Ghost Soldiers, The Forgotten Epic Story Of World War II's Most
Dramatic Mission, Hampton Sides has provided us with a well written,
thoroughly researched hitherto relatively unknown story that should
have been told long ago.

  He does a good job attempting to explain the brutality of the prison
guards. They are not good enough to be the regular army, they are the
dregs, they wish they were at the front. The Japanese Imperial Army
uses physical violence as a form of punishment within its own ranks.
Since the guards, who are often Korean or Taiwanese, are the lowest
of the low, they cannot resist beating the POWs, who are even lower
than themselves.

  The book jumps between details of the last stand on the Bataan
peninsula, life in the Cabanatuan prison camp and details of the
raid. At times there are too many details about the prison camp and
Bataan, and not enough about the raid. I found myself looking to see
how many more pages I had to go before I got back to the raid more
than once.

  Personal histories of the soldiers taking part in the raid and some
of the POWs are very detailed but redundant on more than one
occasion. More information about how some of the lower ranking
Rangers felt during the build-up to the raid would have been a
welcome addition.

  Descriptions of living conditions for the defenders of Bataan and the
POWs are vivid and realistic. There are, however, too many
descriptions of grotesque food. One passage about monkey hands in
stew would be enough. I would also have liked to have heard a little
more about the nurses who cared for the wounded on Bataan and were
eventually transferred to Corregidor. I was left wondering where they
were imprisoned and how they were treated.

  Something lacking in other books about the Death March, the opinions
and feelings of regular Philippine people, are most welcome here in
Sides' book. The reasons for the Filipinos' empathy for the Americans
and their deep hated of the Japanese are explained quite well.

  After witnessing years of murder, torture and brutality being
committed by the Japanese Imperial Army, the Americans have arrived
to liberate the islands. Add to this the humanity and natural
hospitality of the Philippine people. Acts of selfless compassion
towards the prisoners, often at great personal risk, are heart

  The Japanese occupation of the Philippines was brutal. In addition,
Sides explains, to slap a Filipino in the face is to create a deadly
enemy for life. The Japanese have a propensity to slap.

  There is, however, a complete lack of information regarding the fate
of the Philippine soldiers who were part of the Death March. In the
beginning of the book, we are told that the Philippine army fought
tooth and nail defending Bataan and that after the surrender, they
joined the Americans on the Death March. No other mention of what
became of them is made.

  Sides informs us that Shigeji Mori, the Cabanatuan commandant, and
Camp O'Donnell commandant Yoshio Tsuneyoshi were sentenced to life
at hard labor. We are left to wonder, however, how much of their
sentences they actually served. The man believed responsible for many
of the worst atrocities of the Death March, Colonel Masanobu Tsuji,
escaped prosecution.

  After being liberated, the former prisoners gather strength at an
evacuation hospital where they are paid a visit by General Douglas
MacArthur. When they finally head back to the U.S., the ship that
carries them takes a zigzag route to avoid Japanese submarines. After
a month at sea, the boat finally pulls into San Francisco bay.

  Thousands of people lining the Golden Gate Bridge shower trinkets on
the boat; flowers, money, tickets 

Xinhua: U.S. Warplanes Attack Northern Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi



  U.S. Warplanes Attack Northern Iraq



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-20 


  WASHINGTON, April 19 (Xinhuanet) -- U.S. warplanes on Friday 
  attacked Iraqi air defense system in northern Iraq in response to Iraqi 
  anti-aircraft fire, the U.S. military officials said. 
  "Coalition aircraft responded to the Iraqi attacks by dropping 
  precision ordnance on elements of the Iraqi integrated air defensesystem 
  from locations east of Mosul," the U.S. European Command said in a 
  "All coalition aircraft departed the area safely," the statement 
  It was the first attack on northern Iraq since February and 
  thethird this year, U.S. officials said. 
  U.S. warplanes on Monday attacked an Iraqi air defense site in 
  "no-fly" zone of southern Iraq. Enditem 


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Colombia: Rebels 'seek refuge in Venezuela' - Financial Times [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


Bush voices concern as Colombian rebels 'seek refuge in Venezuela'
Financial Times; Apr 19, 2002

US President George W. Bush yesterday expressed concern over Colombian
charges that rebels had taken refuge in neighbouring Venezuela, and said he
planned to step up efforts to help Colombia fight the terrorist groups.

The comments, following Mr Bush's meeting with Andres Pastrana, Colombia's
president, underscored how the US's global war on terrorism is strengthening
its military involvement in Colombia and exacerbating tensions with

Mr Bush said he would push Congress to approve legislation that would for
the first time allow US military aid for Colombia to be used not only for
anti-drug operations but for armed action against suspected terrorist
groups. The proposal was endorsed this week by Republican and Democratic
leaders in Congress, following meetings on Wednesday with Mr Pastrana.

The Colombian leader said the two countries were fighting a common enemy
that is narcotrafficking and narcoterrorism.

In talks yesterday Mr Bush said the two presidents concentrated on how to
change the focus of our strategy from counter-narcotics to include

That new emphasis will place a harsher spotlight on Venezuela's alleged
links with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc), the guerrilla
army that the US considers a terrorist group. Farc groups have been accused
of operating out of Venezuelan territory and the Colombian military says the
organisation smuggles arms and ammunition through Venezuela.

Venezuela's interior minister is alleged to have previously carried out
secret missions to talk to Farc.

Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, has also heavily criticised Plan
Colombia, the US-backed counter-drugs programme, saying it would spark a
spillover of problems into his country. Venezuela has refused to allow US
aircraft to fly over its territory to monitor drug smuggling flights, which
critics say has left a hole in regional counter-narcotics efforts.

Mr Pastrana said yesterday that he was seeking assurances from Venezuela
that Farc members who were operating out of Mexico before their offices were
shut down by the Mexican government last week had not moved to Venezuela.

The allegation of ties to Farc is likely to put more strain on US relations
with Venezuela. The US has come under harsh criticism from many Latin
American countries for failing to denounce the attempted military coup last
week against Mr Chavez.

Mr Bush said yesterday that, while the US clearly opposed
extra-constitutional action, it was important for Mr Chavez to address
the reasons why there was so much turmoil on the streets. He repeated past
criticisms of the Venezuelan president for interfering with freedom of the

But he said the US remained prepared to work with any government in the
region that tried to rout out terror.

Colombia has had a turbulent relationship with Venezuela throughout the
Chavez era. Bogota accused Venezuela of meddling in Mr Pastrana's peace
strategy; peace talks collapsed in February.


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FT: US warns it may aid Taiwan on missile defence [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi



ASIA-PACIFIC: US warns it 
  may aid Taiwan on missile defence Financial Times; Apr 19, 
  The US warned yesterday that it would consider providing missile 
  defences for Taiwan if China continued what 
  Washington believes is an accelerated build-up of firepower aimed at the 
  Admiral Dennis Blair, the head of the US Pacific Command, said China 
  had recently increased its deployment of short-range ballistic missiles 
  and now had 300 of them ranged against Taiwan.
  "They cannot make a decisive military difference yet, but if they 
  continue to increase in number and accuracy there will come a time when 
  they threaten the sufficient defence of Taiwan," 
  Admiral Blair told a forum in Hong Kong.
  "And at that time, I'm sure there will be consideration of missile 
  defences for Taiwan."
  The unusually blunt warning comes after clear signs of expanding 
  military co-operation between Taiwan and the US, 
  much to the irritation of Beijing. The US Defense Department said earlier 
  this month a navy-led team would travel to Taiwan, 
  possibly as early as next month, to discuss eight submarines the US 
  promised to sell to the island as part of a big arms package approved by 
  President George W. Bush last year.
  Admiral Blair also called for more detailed intelligence sharing with 
  China as part of the international war on terrorism. He said the two sides 
  had been co-operating well on sharing general information but now needed 
  to get down to specifics.
  "Who's getting on an airplane? What name is that person using, when are 
  they arriving here? We haven't achieved really that level of intelligence 
  exchange with China, which we have with other countries that we are 
  working with in the region," Admiral Blair said.
  Speak out on Korea, Bush told
  A US government commis-sion has accused North Korea of letting its 
  people starve while the state pursues weapons of mass destruction and 
  called for President George W. Bush to speak out about the "humanitarian 
  disaster" gripping the communist country, Andrew Ward writes from 
  The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, set up to advise 
  the president on states that suppress religion, said in a report to Mr 
  Bush the people of North Korea were "perhaps the least free on earth" and 
  urged him to take action against human rights abuses by the country's 
  military regime.

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Guardian: The Soviet threat was a myth [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi



The Soviet threat was a 
Stalin had no intention of attacking the west. We were to blame for the cold 
April 19, 2002The 
On a long and reluctant journey to 
Damascus, as I researched the diaries and memoirs of the key figures involved, 
it dawned on me that my orthodox view of the cold war as a struggle to the death 
between Good (Britain and America) and Evil (the Soviet Union) was seriously 
mistaken. In fact, as history will almost certainly judge, it was one of the 
most unnecessary conflicts of all time, and certainly the most perilous. 
The cold war began within months of the end of the second world war, when the 
Soviet Union was diagnosed as inherently aggressive. It was installing communist 
governments throughout central and eastern Europe. The triumphant Red Army was 
ready and able to conquer western Europe whenever it was unleashed by Stalin, 
who was dedicated to the global triumph of communism. But "we" - principally the 
US and Britain - had learnt from painful experience that it was futile to seek 
accommodation with "expansionist" dictators. We had to stand up to Stalin, in 
President Truman's phrase, "with an iron fist". 
It was a Manichean doctrine, seductive in its simplicity. But the supposed 
military threat was wholly implausible. Had the Russians, devastated by the war, 
invaded the west, they would have had a desperate battle to reach the Channel 
coast. Britain would have been supplied with an endless stream of men and 
material from the US, making invasion virtually hopeless. And even if the 
Soviets, ignoring the A-bomb, had conquered Europe against all odds, they would 
have been left facing an implacable US: the ultimate unwinnable war. In short, 
there was no Soviet military danger. Stalin was not insane. 
Nor was he a devout ideologue dedicated to world communism. He was committed, 
above all else, to retaining power, and ruling Russia by mass terror. Stalin had 
long been opposed to the idea that Russia should pursue world revolution. He had 
broken with Trotsky, and proclaimed the ideal of "socialism in one country". 
Foreign communist parties were encouraged to influence their own nations' 
actions. But it was never Stalin's idea that they should establish potentially 
rival communist governments. Yugoslavia and China were to demonstrate the peril 
of rival communist powers. 
The cold war began because of Russia's reluctance to allow independence to 
Poland. Stalin was held to have reneged on promises at Yalta. Roosevelt and 
Churchill had demanded that Poland be allowed a government that would be "free" 
and also "friendly to Russia". It was a dishonest formula. As recently as 1920, 
the two countries had been at war. No freely elected Polish government would be 
friendly to the USSR. Furthermore, as Stalin pointed out at Yalta, Russia had 
been twice invaded through Poland by Germany in 26 years, with devastating 
consequences. The invasion of 1941 had led to the deaths of 20 million Russians. 
Any postwar Russian government - communist, tsarist or social democratic - would 
have insisted on effective control at least of Poland, if not of larger areas of 
eastern Europe, as a buffer zone against future attacks. 
The cold war warrior Harry Truman came to office in April 1945. The existing 
White House, including the belligerent Admiral Leahy, convinced him that he must 
make an aggressive start. In May, Churchill told Anthony Eden, the foreign 
secretary, that the Americans ought not to withdraw to the lines previously 
agreed. There had, he said, to be a "showdown" while the Allies were still 
strong militarily. Otherwise there was "very little prospect" of preventing a 
third world war. 
Churchill's iron curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri, in March 1946 - the 
phrase originated with Dr Goebbels, warning of the same red peril - reflects the 
great warrior's view of the Soviet menace. Not surprisingly, however, it was 
seen by the Russians as a threat. Referring to the new "tyrannies", Churchill 
said: "It is not our duty at this time when difficulties are so numerous to 
interfere forcibly in the internal affairs of countries." The inevitable 
implication was that there would be a time when difficulties were not so 
Truman had adopted an aggressive attitude to Russia the previous October. He 
produced 12 points which he said would govern American policy, including the 
importance of opening up free markets. The programme would be based on 
"righteousness". There could be "no compromise with evil". Since half his points 
were aimed at Soviet rule in eastern Europe, the evil he had in mind was plain. 
He added that no one would be allowed to interfere with US policy in Latin 
So Russian interference in countries essential to its safety was evil. But 
exclusive US domination of its own sphere of influence was righteous. In any 

Re: Guardian: The Soviet threat was a myth [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Richard Roper


Yes, totally correct in general, but inaccurate on
many details - the truth is far worse. Truman also
knew he was lying when he talked of evil, he wanted
his own sphere of influence.
Many British documents are now being made public.

I am extremely busy at the moment and will reply in
detail later.

--- Stasi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Soviet threat was a myth 
 Stalin had no intention of attacking the west. We
 were to blame for the cold war 
 Andrew Alexander
 Friday April 19, 2002
 The Guardian 
 On a long and reluctant journey to Damascus, as I
 researched the diaries and memoirs of the key
 figures involved, it dawned on me that my orthodox
 view of the cold war as a struggle to the death
 between Good (Britain and America) and Evil (the
 Soviet Union) was seriously mistaken. In fact, as
 history will almost certainly judge, it was one of
 the most unnecessary conflicts of all time, and
 certainly the most perilous. 
 The cold war began within months of the end of the
 second world war, when the Soviet Union was
 diagnosed as inherently aggressive. It was
 installing communist governments throughout central
 and eastern Europe. The triumphant Red Army was
 ready and able to conquer western Europe whenever it
 was unleashed by Stalin, who was dedicated to the
 global triumph of communism. But we - principally
 the US and Britain - had learnt from painful
 experience that it was futile to seek accommodation
 with expansionist dictators. We had to stand up to
 Stalin, in President Truman's phrase, with an iron
 It was a Manichean doctrine, seductive in its
 simplicity. But the supposed military threat was
 wholly implausible. Had the Russians, devastated by
 the war, invaded the west, they would have had a
 desperate battle to reach the Channel coast. Britain
 would have been supplied with an endless stream of
 men and material from the US, making invasion
 virtually hopeless. And even if the Soviets,
 ignoring the A-bomb, had conquered Europe against
 all odds, they would have been left facing an
 implacable US: the ultimate unwinnable war. In
 short, there was no Soviet military danger. Stalin
 was not insane. 
 Nor was he a devout ideologue dedicated to world
 communism. He was committed, above all else, to
 retaining power, and ruling Russia by mass terror.
 Stalin had long been opposed to the idea that Russia
 should pursue world revolution. He had broken with
 Trotsky, and proclaimed the ideal of socialism in
 one country. Foreign communist parties were
 encouraged to influence their own nations' actions.
 But it was never Stalin's idea that they should
 establish potentially rival communist governments.
 Yugoslavia and China were to demonstrate the peril
 of rival communist powers. 
 The cold war began because of Russia's reluctance to
 allow independence to Poland. Stalin was held to
 have reneged on promises at Yalta. Roosevelt and
 Churchill had demanded that Poland be allowed a
 government that would be free and also friendly
 to Russia. It was a dishonest formula. As recently
 as 1920, the two countries had been at war. No
 freely elected Polish government would be friendly
 to the USSR. Furthermore, as Stalin pointed out at
 Yalta, Russia had been twice invaded through Poland
 by Germany in 26 years, with devastating
 consequences. The invasion of 1941 had led to the
 deaths of 20 million Russians. Any postwar Russian
 government - communist, tsarist or social democratic
 - would have insisted on effective control at least
 of Poland, if not of larger areas of eastern Europe,
 as a buffer zone against future attacks. 
 The cold war warrior Harry Truman came to office in
 April 1945. The existing White House, including the
 belligerent Admiral Leahy, convinced him that he
 must make an aggressive start. In May, Churchill
 told Anthony Eden, the foreign secretary, that the
 Americans ought not to withdraw to the lines
 previously agreed. There had, he said, to be a
 showdown while the Allies were still strong
 militarily. Otherwise there was very little
 prospect of preventing a third world war. 
 Churchill's iron curtain speech at Fulton, Missouri,
 in March 1946 - the phrase originated with Dr
 Goebbels, warning of the same red peril - reflects
 the great warrior's view of the Soviet menace. Not
 surprisingly, however, it was seen by the Russians
 as a threat. Referring to the new tyrannies,
 Churchill said: It is not our duty at this time
 when difficulties are so numerous to interfere
 forcibly in the internal affairs of countries. The
 inevitable implication was that there would be a
 time when difficulties were not so numerous. 
 Truman had adopted an aggressive attitude to Russia
 the previous October. He produced 12 points which he
 said would 

BBC: S Korea and Japan restore military ties [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


Saturday, 20 April, 2002, 06:55 GMT 07:55 UK 
S Korea and Japan restore military 

Japan and South Korea have agreed to restore military ties suspended last 
year over a dispute about history books. 
The agreement was reached after a meeting between Japan's Defence Minister 
Gen Nakatani and his South Korean counterpart Kim Dong-Shin. 
Military exchange visits will resume and a joint navy search and rescue 
exercise will take place in September. South Korea announced a series of 
measures against Japan in July last year, after Japan refused to change 
controversial text-books which Seoul said glossed over Japan's colonial and 
wartime record. 
Relations improved last month during a visit to South Korea by the Japanese 
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi; he apologised for South Korea's suffering 
under Japanese colonial rule. 
From the newsroom of the BBC World 

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Xinhua: Commentary: People Who Trample on Human Rights Should Be Condemned [WWW.

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi




  Commentary: People Who Trample on Human Rights Should Be 



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-19 


   BEIJING, April 19 (Xinhuanet) -- A 
  humanitarian disaster is threatening civilian lives in Palestinian 
  cities and villages where Israeli troops ride roughshod over the human 
  rights of Palestinians. Innocent civilians have been 
  massacred; men have been arrested;houses have been destroyed; women, 
  children and the elderly have been made homeless; and there is no food 
  or water.  In face of such a terrible and horrendous 
  situation occurring in the West Bank, people can not help but raise an 
  outcry against the Israeli government to cease and desist and stop 
  trampling on humanity! People around the world will 
  not forget the inhuman treatment and massacre of the Jewish people 
  during World War II. The Jewish people still bear the scars of their 
  suffering. As it was pointed out by a Jewish leader, the cruel 
  treatment of Jews "can be forgiven, but not forgotten." But what is 
  now going on in the WestBank means that the Israeli government's 
  actions are no different than their previous persecutors. Some seem to 
  have forgotten the pain as soon as the wounds healed. Palestinians in 
  this region areexperiencing the same suffering the Jewish people 
  experienced during World War II. This too is also a sad part of human 
  history. Yet today's humanitarian catastrophe facing the 
  Palestinians isnothing but the continuation of Israel's policy of 
  collective punishment and retaliation against some individual 
  Palestinians extreme actions against Israel. Israeli troops used to 
  demolish arab houses,raze woods, block roads or isolate whole 
  villages, forcing pregnant women to gave birth to children on the road 
  and cause patients to die for being deprived access to a 
  hospital. Ignoring the international community's repeated 
  warnings, the Israeli government has acted with indifference to 
  Palestinians andhave violated international laws and principles that 
  protect humanrights. The Israeli troops on Monday even waged attacks 
  on the refugee camp in Jenin, creating incredibly horrible scenes of 
  death and destruction and went far in their complete disregard of 
  human life. The Israeli government has become 
  more abusive and violent, attempting to break their will and 
  resistance to Israel's illegal occupation. The Israeli government 
  however hasn't realized that the tougher it treats the Palestinian 
  people, the greater Palestinians' hatred toward Israel grows. In the 
  long run, Israel can only face a deteriorating security situation, and 
  it will never force the Palestinian people to accept its illegal 
  occupation. Neither did the Israel government expect 
  that its refusal to allow international human rights and aide groups' 
  to investigate the Jenin camp would arouse the anger of people around 
  the world. The United Nations top human rights body condemned Israel 
  on Monday for its "mass murders" of Palestinians and demanded it end 
  its military offensive in the occupied territories. If the Israel 
  government doesn't stop its outrages at once, it will earn itself 
  eternal infamy in history. Enditem 


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Stratfor: North Korea Prepares for Nuclear Contingencies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


 S T R A T F O R


 18 April 2002



 North Korea Prepares for Nuclear Contingencies


 A broad shift in U.S. foreign policy since Sept. 11, which
 surprised many of Washington's own allies, has raised few
 eyebrows in North Korea. Pyongyang has long viewed itself as
 being in Washington's gun sights, and the shift in U.S.-
 designated nomenclature -- from rogue nation to member of the
 axis of evil -- has only confirmed this belief. Because
 Pyongyang's ultimate goal is regime survival, Washington's
 increasing unilateralism will serve both as a lever for Pyongyang
 to disrupt the U.S. alliance system and as further justification
 for an accelerated self-strengthening program, focusing primarily
 on the military.


 North Korea recently has begun re-engaging South Korea and Japan,
 is discussing economics with Southeast Asia and Europe and has
 offered to reopen talks with the United States, while
 simultaneously issuing anti-U.S. diatribes and threatening to
 restart its nuclear program. This is business as usual for
 Pyongyang, which has based much of its survival strategy on the
 seemingly contradictory tracks of issuing military threats,
 admitting internal weakness and offering limited concessions.

 Over the past few years, the United States has changed North
 Korea's moniker from rogue nation to a more conciliatory state
 of concern to its most recent label: member of the axis of
 evil. Despite these changes in nomenclature, Pyongyang has
 wavered little from pursuing its primary goal: the perpetuation
 of the regime. The post-Sept. 11 shift in U.S. foreign policy,
 and Washington's determination to prevent potential terrorists
 from gaining access to weapons of mass destruction, have placed
 the United States -- an unstoppable object -- on a collision
 course with the immovable wall of North Korea.

 North Korea's inclusion on Washington's list of potential anti-
 terrorism targets came as little surprise to Pyongyang. Sources
 close to Pyongyang confirmed that North Korean leaders have
 always believed the United States would ultimately return to
 strike them, and they have maintained the Army First policy to
 prepare for such an eventuality. Pyongyang's weapons programs,
 which include developing missiles and potential nuclear weapons,
 serve a two-fold purpose. First, North Korea hopes that by having
 an extensive military, it can dissuade the United States from
 attacking. Barring that, military planners want to ensure that if
 Washington does initiate military action, North Korea can deliver
 an irreparable counterstrike -- if not to the mainland United
 States, at least to South Korea and Japan.

 This does not mean that Pyongyang remotely believes it could
 destroy the United States or successfully carry out the
 reunification of the Korean Peninsula through force so long as
 U.S. forces are based there. Pyongyang's ultimate goal is regime
 survival, not self-annihilation. Survival, however, is predicated
 on strength -- not only in military terms but also in the
 economic and political spheres. Since the end of the Cold War and
 the loss of China and the Soviet Union as its two primary
 sponsors, North Korea has shifted tactics in its quest for
 survival: It is seeking new forms of economic assistance and
 investment and working to undermine the U.S. alliance structure,
 particularly the Washington-Seoul-Tokyo security triangle.

 The overlap of the administration of former U.S. President Bill
 Clinton and President Kim Dae Jung's administration in Seoul
 opened a unique door for Pyongyang, giving the regime time to
 recover from the loss of its Cold War sponsors and to find ways
 to reanimate its moribund economy. As the Clinton years drew to a
 close, however, Pyongyang saw this door closing as well,
 prompting leaders to accelerate economic and political contact
 with Europe and the rest of Asia as a bulwark against a
 potentially more hostile regime in Washington.

 The election of U.S. President George W. Bush was a turning point
 for Pyongyang, one that was only confirmed by the post-Sept. 11
 U.S. policy changes, the axis of evil label and Washington's
 evolving nuclear doctrine. Pyongyang fully understood that the
 Bush administration was taking the United States back to a much
 clearer and less conciliatory policy than that of Clinton.
 Leaders also were quite cognizant of Washington's ability and
 will, if necessary, to strike unilaterally at North Korea.
 Officials concluded there was little they could do to alter
 Washington's opinion short of stepping down from power and
 abolishing the 

Xinhua: Northern Philippine Residents Irked by Noisy U.S. Warplanes [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi



  Northern Philippine Residents Irked by Noisy U.S. 



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-19 


  MANILA, April 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Local residents living near an 
  airport inside the Clark economic zone in the northern Philippineshave 
  been complaining of noise brought about by the U.S. aircraft involved in a 
  Philippine-U.S. military exercise. 
  Mayor Marino Morales of Mabalacat town where the Clark economiczone 
  sits has been receiving complaints about the intensifying noise from local 
  residents, the Philippine News Agency reported Friday. 
  Over 2,000 US troops will be flying in to join the 28,000 Filipino 
  soldiers for the coming joint exercise coded "Balikatan 02-2" from April 
  22 to May 6 in central Luzon in the northern Philippines. 
  "The noise of flying aircraft has now become a health concern among 
  local residents who have become used to a more quiet area since the 
  Americans (troops) pulled out from Clark field in 1991,"said Jose Dayrit, 
  executive secretary of the mayor. 
  More U.S. aircraft has been regularly landing and taking off atthe 
  Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA) in the Clark zone since 
  Wednesday, carrying military personnel and equipment. The aircraft 
  includes C-5 Galaxy cargo carriers. 
  Residents in the northern city of San Francisco and the neighboring 
  villages have also been complaining of the noise in early morning which 
  they described as "irritating and disturbing." 
  Military officials said U.S. military jet fighters such as 
  F-18Hornets are scheduled to arrive in Clark shortly, which will create 
  louder noise than the C-130. 
  In last year's joint exercises, some local officials even 
  wroteletters to the related national government body to complain of 
  theexcessive noises. Enditem 


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Xinhua: New Changes Seen in Global Geo-Strategy After September 11 Event: Chines

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi



  New Changes Seen in Global Geo-Strategy After September 11 
  Event: Chinese Schola



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-19 


  SINGAPORE, April 19 (Xinhuanet) -- A well-known Chinese scholar has 
  said that international geo-strategic structure has taken on some new 
  changes after the September 11 event although the "post- September 11" 
  general situation has not changed significantly in the Asia-Pacific and 
  the whole world. 
  In his speech at the ASEAN-China dialogue held here earlier this 
  week, Lu Zhongwei, president of China Institute of Contemporary 
  International Relations, pointed out, "The global geo-strategic structure 
  is fermenting a new round of changes with Asia-Pacific being the center of 
  The international terrorist organizations and other hidden actors 
  have come out from behind the curtain to the stage and acted as the new 
  players on the international chessboard, he said,noting "They are now 
  publicly playing the game with the traditional states and international 
  organizations in an unsymmetry manner." 
  The security boundary has changed from an international conceptinto 
  a domestic one with the U.S. attaching unusual strategic importance to the 
  homeland defense, he added. 
  He said that the rules of geo-political games are also 
  changing,mentioning the definition of terrorism, the use of military 
  forcesin war on terror, the demarcation between terrorist camp and 
  counter-terrorist camp, the leadership of counter-terrorism and soon. 
  Lu underlined that the most notable change lies in the reshuffling 
  of geo-political situation in the Asia-Pacific where regional countries 
  began to adjust overall strategies including counter-terrorist strategies. 

  "In the big context of Asia-Pacific strategic structure, a new 
  strategic line connecting by three critical sub-regions-- South  
  Southeast Asia, Central Asia and West Asia-- has emerged on the southern 
  edge of the Asian continent," he said. 
  Noting that "some uncertainties have already been seen along this 
  arc," he pointed out a number of new developments such as more and more 
  aggressive U.S. military presence and strategy in Central Asia, heating up 
  tension between India and Pakistan in South Asia, intensified 
  Palestinian-Israeli conflicts in West Asiaand strengthened military 
  cooperation between the U.S. and some Southeast Asian countries in the 
  name of jointly countering terrorism. Enditem 


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Guardian: Son of Milan crash pilot says it was suicide [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


Son of Milan crash pilot says it was 
WillanSaturday April 
20, 2002The 
Suicide emerged yesterday as a 
possible explanation for the mystery of why an experienced pilot flew his 
private plane into Milan's tallest skyscraper on a clear spring afternoon. 
Three people, including the Swiss-Italian pilot, died in Thursday's incident 
which sent shockwaves around the world for its evocation of the September 11 
attack on the World Trade Centre in New York. 
"What accident! It was a suicide, suicide, do you understand?" the pilot's 
son, Marco Fasulo, told the Rome daily La Repubblica. "They wanted to rip him 
off, ruin him financially, and he killed himself," Mr Fasulo, himself a pilot 
for the Swiss airline Crossair, told the paper. 
Luigi Fasulo, 67, crashed his white and orange single engine Rockwell Air 
Commander into the facade of the Lombardy regional government's office building, 
devastating its upper floors and setting the 30-storey tower alight. The two 
other victims were female lawyers working for the regional government, one of 
whom was blown out of the building by the explosion. Eleven people were 
recovering from burn and blast injuries in hospital. 
La Repubblica also quoted a friend of Fasulo who said the pilot was 
devastated by his financial problems. "I'm ruined, he told me," the friend, 
identified only as Franco, told the paper. "They have taken everything I have, 
they have stolen more than a million dollars." 
Fasulo, who left the Swiss airport of Locarno at 5.15pm to fly to Milan, had 
attempted to land at Linate airport but had botched his approach and reported 
trouble with his landing gear. Told by air traffic control to circle near the 
airport, he suddenly headed off into central Milan, flying low towards the 
city's tallest building. 
According to some reports in the Italian media yesterday there was confusion 
over air traffic control orders with Fasulo at one point apparently carrying out 
a command which had been issued to a helicopter pilot who was in nearby 
Described as a "cowboy pilot" by some colleagues, he had once been forced to 
land in a potato field after running out of fuel and had recently damaged 
landing lights at Zurich airport by landing too short. 
Roberto Formigoni, the president of the Lombardy regional government, also 
appeared to lend credence to the suicide theory. "It was an absolutely strange 
accident," he said. "The plane went in with the precision of a laser ray." 
Fasulo's wife rejected the suggestion, however. "My husband was serene," 
Folimena Fasulo told an Italian radio yesterday. But she confirmed her husband's 
financial problems. "We were defrauded by some Italians," she said. "Those 
criminals have ruined us, so there was no reason to be happy." 
Italian police have begun an investigation into Fasulo's financial affairs. 
The tone of Fasulo's conversations with the control tower were calm and he 
informed them in the last one, at 5.43pm, that he was attempting a manual 
solution to the undercarriage problem. 
"For the moment we have excluded the hypothesis of terrorism," said Giuseppe 
De Angelis of Milan police. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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Venezuela: Postmortem of a Coup - Stratfor [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi



Venezuela: Postmortem of a Coup
19 April 2002


As the smoke clears from an attempted coup in Venezuela, it is becoming more
and more obvious that no fewer than three opposition factions were involved.
The lack of cohesion between these groups, combined with President Hugo
Chavez's own contingency plan, rendered the coup a failure.


The military coup that briefly toppled Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
April 11-12 was unusual in several ways: There was no organized plan in the
armed forces (FAN) to launch a coup against Chavez that specific day; rival
military factions never fired at each other; and the same military factions
that toppled Chavez returned him to power within 24 hours, according to
published reports and knowledgeable STRATFOR sources in Caracas.

International audiences -- and in fact, many Venezuelans -- were baffled by
Chavez's tumultuous overthrow and swift return to power between April 11 and
April 14. Many have speculated that Chavez launched a controlled auto-coup
to flush out his numerous opponents within the FAN and opposition political

In fact, as Caracas returns to normalcy, it's becoming clearer that
extremist groups on both sides that strongly support or oppose the Chavez
regime likely took advantage of this situation -- the largest
anti-government demonstration in Venezuela's history -- to trigger a violent
confrontation that unseated Chavez, but ultimately restored him to power.
STRATFOR has pieced together the following chain of events April 11-12 from
public and private sources in Venezuela:

About three hours before gunfire erupted in downtown Caracas, the FAN's high
command knew from intelligence personnel that infiltrated pro-Chavez
Bolivarian Circles that a plan existed to disrupt an anti-Chavez protest
march of at least 350,000 Venezuelans, the daily El Universal reported April
18. FAN intelligence indicated that extremist anti-Chavez groups were also
seeking a confrontation that day. However, efforts to coordinate an
effective security response and pre-empt the violence were hindered by
disagreements between Chavez and senior military officers over how to

Reportedly, Chavez insisted that soldiers and tanks be deployed to
Miraflores presidential palace to break up the unexpectedly large
anti-Chavez march. However, General Manuel Rosendo, chief of the FAN's joint
unified command, CUFAN, resisted the president's orders because he and other
military officers opposed confronting peaceful protesters with assault
rifles and tanks.

Rosendo also argued that Chavez should issue orders to withdraw several
thousand civilian Bolivarian Militia members from the downtown area near
Miraflores. However, Chavez ignored Rosendo's advice and issued orders to
Fort Tiuna to deploy troops and armored vehicles. Meanwhile, in downtown
Caracas, a cordon of several hundred National Guard soldiers formed a line
that was intended theoretically to keep the pro- and anti-Chavez groups far
apart. The National Guard security cordon was facing the advancing
anti-Chavez protesters, while behind the soldiers several thousand
Bolivarian Circle members and pro-Chavez supporters armed with rocks, clubs,
Molotov cocktails and, in many cases, handguns, became visibly more
inflamed, according to STRATFOR sources on site.

A phalanx of Caracas Metropolitan Police reinforced by a water cannon
protected the front of the advancing anti-Chavez march on Baralt Avenue. As
the marchers reached the corners of Llaguno and La Pedrera, still several
blocks from Miraflores, snipers began firing simultaneously at both anti-
and pro-Chavez protesters from at least three buildings, including the Eden
Hotel, La Nacional office building -- in which are housed municipal
government offices -- and the rooftop of the Foreign Ministry's parking
garage, according to the daily TalCual, which confirmed the presence of six
snipers atop two of the buildings.

Two of the alleged snipers subsequently were detained and identified by name
as Environment Ministry security department employees. Television video
footage of the violence also showed dozens of alleged Bolivarian Circle
members firing handguns in the direction of the anti-Chavez protesters.
Although Chavez government officials claim that no MVR or Bolivarian Circles
fired weapons at anyone, one of the videotaped shooters was identified by
name as an elected MVR municipal official, while three or four others were
also identified as having links to the MVR.

In all, 15 persons were killed and over 157 wounded by gunfire April 11 in
downtown Caracas. STRATFOR sources in the Caracas medical examiner's office
report that nearly all of the fatalities resulted from head or neck shots
fired from higher elevations. The violence -- especially videotaped footage
of pro-Chavez supporters firing into the anti-Chavez protesters and
eyewitness accounts of senior 

CNN: U.S. concern over China missile build-up [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


U.S. concern over China missile build-up

April 18, 2002 Posted: 6:57 PM HKT 
(1057 GMT)




  More than 300 missiles are aimed at Taiwan 






By Andrew DemariaCNN
HONG KONG, China (CNN) -- Although China currently lacks the 
military capability to take and hold Taiwan, the U.S. commander for the Pacific 
says he is concerned about the missile balance across the Taiwan Strait. 

Admiral Dennis C. Blair, the Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Pacific Command, told 
delegates at a Hong Kong luncheon Thursday that China had accelerated its 
deployment of missiles which target Taiwan. 
"These missiles can cause a great deal of destruction to Taiwan. They cannot 
make a decisive military difference yet, but if they continue to increase in 
number and accuracy there'll come a time when they threaten the sufficient 
defense of Taiwan." 
Blair said that more than 300 missiles where aimed at Taiwan but stressed 
that the military situation there was "more stable than newspapers indicate." 

Beijing considers Taiwan a renegade province and part of China since they 
spilt and were governed separately following the communist victory on the 
mainland in 1949. 
China has maintained its intention to reunify with Taiwan under the 'One 
China policy,' even if it requires war, and has warned that any moves to declare 
Taiwan independent would be met with force. 
'Stable situation'








  Dennis C. Blair speaks about the Taiwan Strait 
  situation.893K / 1:23 minWAV 








The Philippines: 
War on terror's second front 






warning on U.S.-China ties 



  More news from ourAsia 

For its part, Washington's policy is to defend Taiwan in the event of 
conflict although the exact details of its commitment to the island's security 
have traditionally been left deliberately ambiguous. 
With measured weapons sales and increased capabilities of U.S. forces in the 
Pacific, Blair said that U.S. ties with Taiwan had ensured a "stable military 
balance" in the region for the "foreseeable future." 
"I believe that on the basis of this stable balance, Taiwan and China's 
peaceful achievement of one China -- which is the policy of China, the policy of 
Taiwan and the policy of the United States -- can move forward," Blair said. 

However, a peaceful resolution to the one China issue could be threatened by 
further military build-ups on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the admiral said. 

"We will have the same basic military situation at a higher and higher level 
of armament which I don't think does a lot of good for anybody and certainly 
doesn't foster the sort of peaceful resolution of the issues there which we want 
to maintain," Blair said. 
North Korean missiles

Blair (R) greets Philippine Southcom Chief Lt. 
  Gen. Roy Cimatu in the southern 

Jenin: the bloody truth - Sunday Times [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


Jenin: the bloody truth
Was it a massacre? Marie Colvin in the ruins of the refugee camp found cold
comfort for propagandists on either side

THE first medical teams allowed into the Jenin refugee camp last week
followed the chickens. Human senses were overwhelmed by the devastation and
the stench of death, but the birds were not distracted. They were hungry.
Two rusty-coloured fowl pecking away at a bundle in the street drew a Red
Cross team to the remains of Jamal Sabagh.
He wasn't really recognisable to an untrained eye. His body had been lying
there for more than a week. The Israeli army had banned ambulances from the
camp for 11 days, and neighbours were too terrified to go to him.

Tank tracks led to his body, over it and onwards through the mud. What had
once been a young man was rotting flesh mingled with shredded clothing,
mashed into the earth. One foot was all that looked human.

Sabagh was no fighter, his brother and friends say. He was 28 and a father
of three. His wife and children had fled on the first day of the Israeli
invasion, Wednesday, April 3, but he stayed because he was diabetic and was
too ill to run away. He was also afraid he would be mistaken for a fighter.

Two days later, he left his house when the Israelis yelled over megaphones
that they were going to blow it up. He walked, directed by soldiers in
armoured personnel carriers, with other men to Seha Street at the centre of
the camp, carrying his bag of medicines. He joined the crowd. Soldiers
yelled at him to take off his shirt, then his trousers. He clung to his bag
of medicine as he tried to unbuckle his belt, and he was slow. The soldiers
shot him, friends say.

Medical workers shooed away the chickens, wrapped Sabagh's remains in a rug,
then lifted them into the back of a small open-bed truck. It drove off, past
burned and shell-holed buildings, looking like a medieval plague wagon.

Across the narrow street was a forlorn pile of men's jeans, polyester
tracksuit tops and cheap shoes - left by those who had got their clothes off
in time, to prove they had no bombs strapped to their bodies, and had been
taken to the Israeli army base at the nearby village of Salem.

As the rescue teams spread out over Jenin camp last week, after the Israeli
army claimed victory in its battle against several hundred armed Palestinian
radicals, it was clear something cataclysmic had occurred.

Instead of the Hawamish neighbourhood -previously a jumble of mismatched
cinderblock homes - a vista lay open to the hills beyond.

Stunned and dusty in this new world, returning Palestinians wandered around
a moonscape the size of two football pitches. It was littered with the
detritus of human life - blankets, a little girl's tartan skirt, a child's
orange boxing glove, shoes, a musical keyboard. Women in hijab headscarves
dug at the crushed rubble with buckets and bare hands. Five-year-old Ahmed
Hindi cried: I want to go home. He didn't know he was standing on it.

Images of this man-made earthquake zone have flashed around the world as
evidence that the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, is responsible for
another war crime in Jenin on a par with the massacre of Palestinians in the
Chatila and Sabra refugee camps in Beirut 20 years ago.

Israel has responded that the devastation was the consequence of a pitched
battle against entrenched terrorists.

What really happened? Tragedy doesn't necessarily breed truth. The
propaganda war had begun before the white dust settled over Jenin.

Rafi Laderman, a personable Israeli reserve major, emerged from the
battlefield and made the rounds of the media in his rumpled green uniform.
His clear plastic spectacles signalled his real job as a marketing

Laderman insisted that all the buildings in the refugee camp had been
destroyed by explosive booby traps set by the terrorists, or levelled by
Israeli bulldozers because they presented additional engineering
difficulties that could endanger civilians. He himself had stopped the
fighting to lead Palestinian civilians to safety.

All that seemed disingenuous. Equally unlikely were Palestinian claims that
the Israelis had killed 500 Palestinians in cold blood, most civilians, and
buried them in mass graves under the rubble after running them over with
tanks. Israel said about 70 had been killed.

Terje Roed-Larsen, the United Nations envoy to the Middle East, cut through
the propaganda by stating the obvious: No military operation can justify
this scale of destruction. Whatever the purpose was, the effect is
collective punishment of a whole society.

He and his family received telephone death threats from Israeli callers for
his pains.

Under pressure from many sides - including the United States, Britain, the
United Nations and the European Union - Israel has agreed to a UN
fact-finding mission. The trouble with such missions, however, is that they
become bogged 

Xinhua: Britain Delays Dossier On Iraq Indefinitely: Reports [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi




  Britain Delays Dossier On Iraq Indefinitely: 



  Xinhuanet 2002-04-20 


   LONDON, April 20 (Xinhuanet) -- The 
  long-awaited dossier Prime Minister Tony Blair has promised would 
  justify his support for a U.S.-led military offensive on Iraq is being 
  delayed indefinitely due to unresolved dispute at the highest levels 
  of government, Financial Times reported on Saturday. 
  The Foreign Office was quoted as confirming that the dossier nolonger 
  had a firm publication date, and that a final draft has still to be 
  agreed. It would be released "when we judge that the time is right," 
  it said. The British government is thought to have 
  encountered resistance to the plan among senior Whitehall officials, 
  some ministers and the secret intelligence service MI6, the newspaper 
  said. In contrast to previous intelligence dossiers on 
  al-Qaeda used by the Blair government to justify policy initiatives, 
  the information on Iraq was judged by some officials as 
  insufficient to convince critics within the Labor Party that the 
  full-scale offensive against Iraq was justified. 
  Senior defense sources also said there were debates within government 
  on how much could be included in such a document without revealing 
  sensitive information or compromising intelligence 
  sources. Enditem 


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Jimmy Carter: America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic


April 21, 2002

America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace


ATLANTA - In January 1996, with full support from Israel and responding
to the invitation of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the Carter
Center helped to monitor a democratic election in the West Bank and
Gaza, which was well organized, open and fair. In that election, 88
members were elected to the Palestinian National Authority, with Yasir
Arafat as president. Legally and practically, the Palestinian people
were encouraged to form their own government, with the expectation that
they would soon have full sovereignty as a state.

When the election was over, I made a strong effort to persuade the
leaders of Hamas to accept the election results, with Mr. Arafat as
their leader. I relayed a message offering them full participation in
the process of developing a permanent constitutional framework for the
new political entity, but they refused to accept this proposal. Despite
this rejection, it was a time of peace and hope, and there was no threat
of violence or even peaceful demonstrations. The legal status of the
Palestinian people has not changed since then, but their plight has
grown desperate.

Ariel Sharon is a strong and forceful man and has never equivocated in
his public declarations nor deviated from his ultimate purpose. His
rejection of all peace agreements that included Israeli withdrawal from
Arab lands, his invasion of Lebanon, his provocative visit to the Temple
Mount, the destruction of villages and homes, the arrests of thousands
of Palestinians and his open defiance of President George W. Bush's
demand that he comply with international law have all been orchestrated
to accomplish his ultimate
goals: to establish Israeli settlements as widely as possible throughout
occupied territories and to deny Palestinians a cohesive political

There is adequate blame on the other side. Even when he was free and
enjoying the full trappings of political power, Yasir Arafat never
exerted control over Hamas and other radical Palestinians who reject the
concept of a peaceful Israeli existence and adopt any means to
accomplish their goal. Mr. Arafat's all-too-rare denunciations of
violence have been spasmodic, often expressed only in English and likely
insincere. He may well see the suicide attacks as one of the few ways to
retaliate against his tormentors, to dramatize the suffering of his
people, or as a means for him, vicariously, to be a martyr.

Tragically, the policies of Mr. Sharon have greatly strengthened these
criminal elements, enhanced their popular support, and encouraged
misguided young men and women to sacrifice their own lives in attacking
innocent Israeli citizens. The abhorrent suicide bombings are also
counterproductive in that they discredit the Palestinian cause, help
perpetuate the military occupation and destruction of villages, and
obstruct efforts toward peace and justice.

The situation is not hopeless. There is an ultimate avenue to peace in
the implementation of United Nations resolutions, including Resolution
242, expressed most recently in the highly publicized proposal of Saudi
Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah. The basic premises of these resolutions
are withdrawal of Israelis from Palestinian lands in exchange for full
acceptance of Israel and Israel's right to live in peace. This is a
reasonable solution for many Israelis, having been accepted in 1978 by
Prime Minister Menachem Begin and ratified by the Israeli Knesset.
Egypt, offering the greatest threat to Israel, responded by establishing
full diplomatic relations and honoring Israeli rights, including
unimpeded use of the Suez canal. This set a pattern for what can and
must be done by all other Arab nations. Through constructive
negotiations, both sides can consider some modifications of the 1967
boundary lines.

East Jerusalem can be jointly administered with unimpeded access to holy
places, and the right of return can be addressed by permitting a limited
number of displaced Palestinians to return to their homeland with fair
compensation to others. It will be a good investment for the
international community to pay this cost.

With the ready and potentially unanimous backing of the international
community, the United States government can bring about such a solution
to the existing imbroglio. Demands on both sides should be so patently
fair and balanced that at least a majority of citizens in the affected
area will respond with approval, and an international force can monitor
compliance with agreed peace terms, as was approved for the Sinai region
in 1979 following Israel's withdrawal from Egyptian territory.

There are two existing factors that offer success to United States
persuasion. One is the legal requirement that American weapons are to be
used by Israel only for defensive purposes, a premise certainly 

Media Drawn Into West Bank Propaganda War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic


Media Drawn Into West Bank Propaganda War

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 18, 2002; 8:53 AM

The Israeli assault on the West Bank town of Jenin has produced
dramatically different media accounts.

The British press is playing it as a massacre, while American newspapers
say there's no such evidence.

How on earth can journalists visiting the same refugee camp reach such
different conclusions?

At the moment, there is no hard evidence of deliberate mass killings, as
some Palestinians have alleged. The media on both sides of the Atlantic
have reported those charges.

There is little doubt that civilians have been killed, as tragically
happens in all wars. The Palestinian allegations should be aggressively
pursued. But jumping the gun, so to speak, is dangerous business.

Keep in mind that British papers are openly ideological, Tory or Liberal
(although some would argue the American press is quietly ideological).
Some of the British press reports seethe with anger toward Israel.

The Brits also are willing to make sensational charges based on thin
evidence. It was a British newspaper, after all, that ran a piece about
American torture of Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Bay. That never
came even close to being proven, but it fit the European stereotype of
an arrogant and unfeeling Uncle Sam.

So caveat emptor.

The Independent runs this no-doubt-about-it headline: Amid the ruins of
Jenin, the grisly evidence of a war crime.

Writes reporter Phil Reeves: A monstrous war crime that Israel has
tried to cover up for a fortnight has finally been exposed. Its troops
have caused devastation in the centre of the Jenin refugee camp, reached
yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of people are still living
amid the ruins. . . .

A quiet, sad-looking young man called Kamal Anis led us across the
wasteland, littered now with detritus of what were once households, foam
rubber, torn clothes, shoes, tin cans, children's toys. He suddenly
stopped. This was a mass grave, he said, pointing.

We stared at a mound of debris. Here, he said, he saw the Israeli
soldiers pile 30 bodies beneath a half-wrecked house. When the pile was
complete, they bulldozed the building, bringing its ruins down on the
corpses. Then they flattened the area with a tank.

The Times of London has this report by Janine di Giovanni:,,3-268533,00.html

The refugees I had interviewed in recent days while trying to enter the
camp were not lying. If anything, they underestimated the carnage and
the horror. Rarely, in more than a decade of war reporting from Bosnia,
Chechnya, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, have I seen such deliberate destruction,
such disrespect for human life.

This was not only a town of fighters, as Israeli soldiers told me. It
was a town of women, children and old men, who have seen the camp grow
into a warren of ramshackle homes over half a century. Amnesty
International called for an immediate investigation into 'the killings
of hundreds of Palestinians,' saying crucial evidence may be destroyed
as Israel 'continues to impede access.'

Now pull back to America and examine the New York Times account:

Since the Israeli assault on Jenin began nearly two weeks ago, aid
groups have complained that Israeli soldiers have blocked ambulances and
prevented aid from reaching the camp. A team from the International
Committee of the Red Cross was allowed to enter the camp for the first
time today to search for wounded, evacuate the sick and remove bodies.

The Red Cross said it had recovered six bodies and had seen a total of
about two dozen dead in a search of a portion of the camp. Red Cross
officials said they were unaware of the case of the man who was pulled
from the rubble, which has apparently not been reported to them.

Saed Dabayeh, who said he stayed in the camp through the fighting, led
a group of reporters to a pile of rubble where he said he watched from
his bedroom window as Israeli soldiers buried 10 bodies. 'There was a
hole here where they buried bodies,' he said. 'And then they collapsed a
house on top of it.'

The Palestinian accounts could not be verified.

And The Washington Post report:

The rubble has obscured many facts, but some are indisputable. Some of
the most brutal urban battles, heaviest air barrages and most
devastating ground tactics in more than two weeks of Israeli assaults
against Palestinian towns and communities across the West Bank have been
waged here.

Others are less clear. Interviews with residents inside the camp and
international aid workers who were allowed here for the first time today
indicated that no evidence 

Demonstrators Rally to Palestinian Cause [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Sunday, April 21, 2002 in the Washingtion Post 

  Demonstrators Rally to 
  Palestinian Cause 

  by Manny Fernandez

Tens of thousands converged on 
  downtown Washington yesterday to demonstrate for a variety of causes, but 
  it was the numbers and passion of busloads of Arab Americans and their 
  supporters that dominated the streets. 

  Protesters for Palestinian solidarity demonstrate in 
Washington Saturday, April 20, 2002. Tens of thousands of protesters 
joined forces in Washington to demonstrate against everything from 
U.S. policy in the Mideast to globalization and corporate greed. (AP 
Photo/Jacqueline Roggenbrodt) 
  Eager to make their presence 
  felt and their voices heard in the nation's capital as never before, Arab 
  and Muslim families marched and chanted for an end to U.S. military aid to 
  Israel, overwhelming the messages of those with other causes in a peaceful 
  day of downtown rallies and marches. 
  Young men wore the Palestinian flag around their necks like a cape. 
  Arabic was heard nearly as often as English, and cardboard signs held by 
  women and children denounced Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and 
  President Bush. Protesters rallying against corporate wrongs and the 
  global economy found themselves tweaking Vietnam War-era chants to the 
  Palestinian cause, shouting, "One, two, three, four: We don't want no 
  Mideast war!"
  "The message here is we must support the Palestinian people against a 
  military occupation and an apartheid state," said Randa Jamal, a graduate 
  student at New York's Columbia University who joined thousands at a 
  pro-Palestinian rally near the White House. She said her cousins were 
  killed in Ramallah, and her 16-year-old sister has been unable to attend 
  school because of the Israeli occupation. "What they are going through," 
  she said, "is crimes against humanity."
  Palestinian rights was the theme of two of four permitted marches that 
  merged on Pennsylvania Avenue NW in a loud and colorful procession to the 
  Capitol. The host of other issues  anti-corporate globalization, antiwar 
  and anti-U.S. policies in several areas  were boiled down to an essence 
  visible on banners, placards and T-shirts. Banners read: "Drop debt, not 
  bombs" and "Peace treaty in Korea now." Bumper stickers on T-shirts 
  declared: "No blank check for endless war" and "We are all 
  It was possible to stand on the Washington Monument grounds and hear 
  simultaneous speeches from three rallies nearby  antiwar demonstrators, 
  counter-demonstrators and pro-Palestinian activists  in a mind-boggling 
  surround-sound mix. Protesters came from the Anti-War Committee in 
  Minneapolis, Middlebury College in Vermont and the D.C. chapter of the 
  International Socialist Organization. There were teenage anti-capitalists 
  with black bandanas over their faces marching alongside Muslim mothers 
  wrapped in traditional headdress and pushing baby strollers.
  Other demonstrations are planned today and tomorrow near the Washington 
  Monument grounds and outside the Washington Hilton, the site of a 
  pro-Israel lobbying group's annual conference.
  District police officials said the crowds were larger than they had 
  anticipated and put the number at about 75,000. Metro transit officials 
  said ridership increased significantly yesterday, but estimates would not 
  be available until today. Organizers of the Palestinian-rights rally at 
  the Ellipse said the gathering was the largest demonstration for Palestine 
  in U.S. history.
  "We are here because we want to do something, to send a message," said 
  Amal K. David, a Palestinian American who weathered a 12-hour trip in a 
  21-bus caravan from the Detroit area to join the rally organized by 
  International Answer, an antiwar, anti-racism coalition that shifted the 
  theme of its protest as the violence in the Middle East escalated. In 
  tears, David spoke of the destruction that U.S.-financed Israeli weapons 
  and tanks have done to Palestinians, saying: "My beloved country is 
  financing such death and destruction. I am so ashamed."
  Many pro-Palestinian marchers said they learned of the march through 
  their mosques. "All over the U.S., everybody got the word," said Issam 
  Khalil of the Bronx, who traveled in a fleet of 50 buses from New 
  Several downtown blocks away, several thousand other pro-Palestinian 
  activists took to the streets for another march to free Palestine. The 

Venezuela Coup Linked to Bush Team [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Sunday, April 21, 2002 in the Observer of London 

  Venezuela Coup Linked to Bush 
  TeamSpecialists in the 'dirty wars' of the Eighties 
  encouraged the plotters who tried to topple President Chavez

  by Ed Vulliamy in New York

The failed coup in Venezuela was 
  closely tied to senior officials in the US government, The Observer has 
  established. They have long histories in the 'dirty wars' of the 1980s, 
  and links to death squads working in Central America at that time. 
  Washington's involvement in the turbulent events that briefly removed 
  left-wing leader Hugo Chavez from power last weekend resurrects fears 
  about US ambitions in the hemisphere. 
  It also also deepens doubts about policy in the region being made by 
  appointees to the Bush administration, all of whom owe their careers to 
  serving in the dirty wars under President Reagan. 
  One of them, Elliot Abrams, who gave a nod to the attempted Venezuelan 
  coup, has a conviction for misleading Congress over the infamous 
  Iran-Contra affair. 
  The Bush administration has tried to distance itself from the coup. It 
  immediately endorsed the new government under businessman Pedro Carmona. 
  But the coup was sent dramatically into reverse after 48 hours. 
  Now officials at the Organization of American States and other 
  diplomatic sources, talking to The Observer, assert that the US 
  administration was not only aware the coup was about to take place, but 
  had sanctioned it, presuming it to be destined for success. 
  The visits by Venezuelans plotting a coup, including Carmona himself, 
  began, say sources, 'several months ago', and continued until weeks before 
  the putsch last weekend. The visitors were received at the White House by 
  the man President George Bush tasked to be his key policy-maker for Latin 
  America, Otto Reich. 
  Reich is a right-wing Cuban-American who, under Reagan, ran the Office 
  for Public Diplomacy. It reported in theory to the State Department, but 
  Reich was shown by congressional investigations to report directly to 
  Reagan's National Security Aide, Colonel Oliver North, in the White House. 

  North was convicted and shamed for his role in Iran-Contra, whereby 
  arms bought by busting US sanctions on Iran were sold to the Contra 
  guerrillas and death squads, in revolt against the Marxist government in 
  Reich also has close ties to Venezuela, having been made ambassador to 
  Caracas in 1986. His appointment was contested both by Democrats in 
  Washington and political leaders in the Latin American country. The 
  objections were overridden as Venezuela sought access to the US oil 
  Reich is said by OAS sources to have had 'a number of meetings with 
  Carmona and other leaders of the coup' over several months. The coup was 
  discussed in some detail, right down to its timing and chances of success, 
  which were deemed to be excellent. 
  On the day Carmona claimed power, Reich summoned ambassadors from Latin 
  America and the Caribbean to his office. He said the removal of Chavez was 
  not a rupture of democratic rule, as he had resigned and was 'responsible 
  for his fate'. He said the US would support the Carmona government. 
  But the crucial figure around the coup was Abrams, who operates in the 
  White House as senior director of the National Security Council for 
  'democracy, human rights and international operations'. He was a leading 
  theoretician of the school known as 'Hemispherism', which put a priority 
  on combating Marxism in the Americas. 
  It led to the coup in Chile in 1973, and the sponsorship of regimes and 
  death squads that followed it in Argentina, El Salvador, Honduras, 
  Guatemala and elsewhere. During the Contras' rampage in Nicaragua, he 
  worked directly to North. 
  Congressional investigations found Abrams had harvested illegal funding 
  for the rebellion. Convicted for withholding information from the inquiry, 
  he was pardoned by George Bush senior. 
  A third member of the Latin American triangle in US policy-making is 
  John Negroponte, now ambassador to the United Nations. He was Reagan's 
  ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985 when a US-trained death squad, 
  Battalion 3-16, tortured and murdered scores of activists. A diplomatic 
  source said Negroponte had been 'informed that there might be some 
  movement in Venezuela on Chavez' at the beginning of the year. 
  More than 100 people died in events before and after the coup. In 
  Caracas on Friday a military judge confined five 

Bush Team Tarnishes US Status as Champion of Democracy... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Sunday, April 21, 2002 in the Los Angeles Times 

  A Sometime Champion of 
  DemocracyThe Bush administration's initial acceptance of 
  Venezuela's coup erodes the United States' moral authority.

  by Chris Kraul and William Orme

MEXICO CITY -- The Bush 
  administration's rapid initial approval of this month's coup in Venezuela 
  has tarnished its status as self-proclaimed champion of democracy and the 
  rule of law in Latin America. 
  Moreover, the reaction to the attempted ouster of President Hugo Chavez 
  especially rankled Latin leaders because it followed recent trade and 
  security measures in which the U.S. has been seen as contradicting its 
  The practical effects could include an erosion in support for U.S. 
  policies on Iraq and the Middle East conflict, Latin American diplomats 
  say. To be sure, there is little sympathy in the region for Chavez, who 
  has trampled on a few democratic principles himself. But by seemingly 
  backing the overthrow of a freely elected leader, the United States has 
  diminished its capacity for moral suasion. 
  "There is at least a short-term cost. It's not something people will 
  forget," said Carlos Elizondo Mayer-Serra, a political scientist and 
  director of the Mexico City-based Center for Economic Research and 
  Teaching. "It's a displacement of the very ends that the United States is 
  trying to promote." 
  After Chavez was replaced April 12, White House Press Secretary Ari 
  Fleischer declared the Bush administration's support for new elections. 
  And National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said on a television news 
  show two days later that Chavez's policies were not working for his 
  country. But the administration has insisted that it took no action to 
  encourage a coup or ensure its success. 
  Response Draws Fire 
  For all the administration's talk of backing democracies and free 
  markets, its response gave the impression that the U.S. government 
  selectively supports coups d'etat and a short-circuiting of the popular 
  will, various observers in the hemisphere say. 
  A leading Brazilian newspaper, O Globo, said, "Washington's impatience, 
  its supposed approval of the coup leaders and its hurry to approve an 
  interim government bring back memories of a past that democracies of the 
  continent repudiate with fervor." 
  Most Latin American leaders--led by the presidents of Mexico, Brazil 
  and Argentina--were quick to condemn the coup attempt. Upon his return to 
  office, Chavez singled out Mexico's Vicente Fox by thanking him for 
  refusing to recognize the coup leaders. 
  The Brazilian government reacted "with pleasure to Venezuela's return 
  to constitutional order and its democratic process. . . . It marks an 
  important achievement in the reaffirmation of Latin American values and 
  democratic principles." 
  By contrast, President Ricardo Lagos of Chile is under fire at home for 
  his seemingly ambivalent initial response to the news. Lagos' fellow 
  leftists say Chilean leaders have a special responsibility to denounce 
  coup attempts, given the violent 1973 overthrow of President Salvador 
  But it was the U.S. reaction that had immediate repercussions at the 
  United Nations, with Latin American diplomats holding a private conclave 
  and the large developing-nation bloc uniting quickly behind Chavez and, by 
  implicit extension, against Washington. 
  The consensus, participants said, was that the coup plotters had acted 
  only because they believed--rightly or not--that they had been given a 
  green light by the Bush administration. 
  "The United States blew it badly," said a senior Latin American 
  diplomat at the U.N. from a country that is normally supportive of 
  Washington. "It is now trying to get out of this situation the best that 
  it can. But damage has definitely been done." 
  U.S. Actions a Concern 
  The Venezuelan fiasco occurred amid lingering bitterness in the region 
  after the U.S. slapped tariffs of up to 30% on foreign steel this year. 
  That measure in effect seals off the U.S. market from exporters such as 
  Brazil, which says the tariff runs counter to free trade principles. 
  U.S. law enforcement agencies' roundup of hundreds of foreigners after 
  Sept. 11 and the secrecy surrounding their detention also concern many 
  Latin Americans for what the actions convey about legal institutions that 
  heretofore were regarded as exemplary. 
  "Some of the measures have been more appropriate to a dictatorship, and 

US Tries To Remove Diplomat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic


US Tries To Remove Diplomat
Standing In Way Of War With Iraq
By George Monbiot
The Guardian - London

On Sunday, the US government will launch an international coup. It has
been planned for a month. It will be executed quietly, and most of us
won't know what is happening until it's too late. It is seeking to
overthrow 60 years of multilateralism in favour of a global regime built
on force.

The coup begins with its attempt, in five days' time, to unseat the man
in charge of ridding the world of chemical weapons. If it succeeds, this
will be the first time that the head of a multilateral agency will have
been deposed in this manner. Every other international body will then
become vulnerable to attack. The coup will also shut down the peaceful
options for dealing with the chemical weapons Iraq may possess, helping
to ensure that war then becomes the only means of destroying them.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) enforces
the chemical weapons convention. It inspects labs and factories and
arsenals and oversees the destruction of the weapons they contain. Its
director-general is a workaholic Brazilian diplomat called Jose Bustani.
He has, arguably, done more in the past five years to promote world
peace than anyone else on earth. His inspectors have overseen the
destruction of 2 million chemical weapons and two-thirds of the world's
chemical weapon facilities. He has so successfully cajoled reluctant
nations that the number of signatories to the convention has risen from
87 to 145 in the past five years: the fastest growth rate of any
multilateral body in recent times.

In May 2000, as a tribute to his extraordinary record, Bustani was
re-elected unanimously by the member states for a second five-year term,
even though he had yet to complete his first one. Last year Colin Powell
wrote to him to thank him for his very impressive work. But now
everything has changed. The man celebrated for his achievements has been
denounced as an enemy of the people.

In January, with no prior warning or explanation, the US state
department asked the Brazilian government to recall him, on the grounds
that it did not like his management style. This request directly
contravenes the chemical weapons convention, which states the
director-general ... shall not seek or receive instructions from any
government. Brazil refused. In March the US government accused Bustani
of financial mismanagement, demoralisation of his staff, bias and
ill-considered initiatives. It warned that if he wanted to avoid
damage to his reputation, he must resign.

Again, the US was trampling the convention, which insists that member
states shall not seek to influence the staff. He refused to go. On
March 19 the US proposed a vote of no confidence in Bustani. It lost. So
it then did something unprecedented in the history of multi lateral
diplomacy. It called a special session of the member states to oust
him. The session begins on Sunday. And this time the US is likely to get
what it wants.

Since losing the vote last month, the United States, which is supposed
to be the organisation's biggest donor, has been twisting the arms of
weaker nations, refusing to pay its dues unless they support it, with
the result that the OPCW could go under. Last week Bustani told me, the
Europeans are so afraid that the US will abandon the convention that
they are prepared to sacrifice my post to keep it on board. His last
hope is that the United Kingdom, whose record of support for the
organisation has so far been exemplary, will make a stand. The meeting
on Sunday will present Tony Blair's government with one of the clearest
choices it has yet faced between multilateralism and the special

The US has not sought to substantiate the charges it has made against
Bustani. The OPCW is certainly suffering from a financial crisis, but
that is largely because the US unilaterally capped its budget and then
failed to pay what it owed. The organisation's accounts have just been
audited and found to be perfectly sound. Staff morale is higher than any
organisation as underfunded as the OPCW could reasonably expect.
Bustani's real crimes are contained in the last two charges, of bias
and ill-considered initiatives.

The charge of bias arises precisely because the OPCW is not biased. It
has sought to examine facilities in the United States with the same
rigour with which it examines facilities anywhere else. But, just like
Iraq, the US has refused to accept weapons inspectors from countries it
regards as hostile to its interests, and has told those who have been
allowed in which parts of a site they may and may not inspect. It has
also passed special legislation permitting the president to block
unannounced inspections, and banning inspectors from removing samples of
its chemicals.

Ill-considered initiatives is code for the attempts Bustani has made,
in line with 

Cuba is 'too fun to be a regime' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 21 April 2002. Some Americans Embrace Their Lives in Cuba, Holding
to Socialist Ideals .

HAVANA -- The wall of windows at Lorna Burdsall's seventh floor
apartment overlooks a bay ringed by trash. The vintage red elevator,
installed before Fidel Castro seized power, is decrepit.

Still, the American widow of Red Beard - the socialist revolutionary
who went on to become Cuba's top intelligence chief - says her 47 years
in the Caribbean country have given her few complaints.

The heat is one of the few things that I haven't gotten used to in
Cuba, says Burdsall, 73, apologizing for not hearing the doorbell at
first because she had retreated to her air-conditioned bedroom.

Burdsall, who moved to Cuba from New York in 1955, is one of more than a
dozen Americans who call this communist island home, still clinging to
the ideals of a socialist revolution as capitalism expands its hold
around the globe.

I would like to be a good communist, but I don't think they exist, the
white-haired fiery grandmother says.

Socialism, however, is a good step toward that perfect society; it's an

Amitai Etzioni, a sociologist at George Washington University who
specializes in American culture, said: Leftists are looking for a place
for their beliefs and Cuba is one of the last hopes, a remnant of

In Burdsall's sparse apartment on the outskirts of Havana, there are no
outward signs of her revolutionary life except for faded pictures of
herself with Cuban leader Fidel Castro, Argentine revolutionary Che
Guevara and her husband, Manuel Pineiro, known as Barbarroja for the
thick red beard he grew while a guerrilla in the Sierra Maestra.

The Cuba that Burdsall now calls home is a world away from the place she
discovered after marrying Pineiro, whose older brothers owned a
distributing agency for Hatuey beer and Bacardi rum. He was studying
business administration at Columbia University when he met her.

He was dancing the most fabulous mambo, Burdsall recalls.

After marrying him, Burdsall put her career as a dancer on hold to
follow her husband and his dream of starting a revolution in Cuba.
Shortly after their arrival, Pineiro was engrossed in the pro-Castro
underground working to overthrow the dictator Fulgencio Batista.

When we came, it was very dangerous, she says. We moved around a lot.
The conditions were terrible. I remember ants in the soup and staying in
places where the rats would eat my high-heeled shoes.

Burdsall became pregnant and before long, was keeping weapons and
ammunition in her baby's room. The guns - like her husband - eventually
ended up in the Sierra Maestra where Castro and his rebels were training
to overthrow Batista.

Two years after their victory in 1959, Pineiro was named deputy minister
of the interior and went on to head Cuba's security and intelligence
operations. He later helped train leftist groups throughout Latin

He was completely committed to the revolution, she says.

Burdsall resumed her own career in dance, founding the Compania Danza
Contemporanea and becoming national director of dance and modern dance
under the culture ministry.

She traveled frequently back and forth to the United States and
eventually divorced Pineiro after 20 years of marriage. He died three
years ago.

Today, although still committed to her husband's dreams, Burdsall openly
criticizes Cuba. She says low wages and a dependency on U.S. dollars has
forced some doctors - who earn the equivalent of $20 a month - to work
as piano players to earn the coveted currency.

But she believes the good outweighs the bad.

I think that if Manuel were alive today he would say that most of the
things they set out to accomplish in the revolution were achieved,
particularly in the areas of education, medicine and the arts, but it's
only logical that some would be disappointed with the way some things
turned out.

Michael Fuller's journey to Cuba in 1994 was motivated by politics, not
love. He came as a member of the solidarity brigades, an international
group dedicated to helping Cubans that he joined while living in Spain.

I thought about returning to Spain but all things pointed to me
staying. My very presence was an act of solidarity, says the
37-year-old native of Syracuse, N.Y.

He lives in Tarara, a town 14 miles east of Havana where more than
15,000 children and adults affected by Ukraine's 1986 Chernobyl nuclear
disaster have received medical treatment.

Fuller, who now works as a writer and teacher, says he's committed to
Cuba's communist policies.

I eat great. I don't miss ownership and I have come to accept the
philosophy, he says.

I suppose I could use a car, but I don't miss the commercials on TV and
I've gained serenity here. I've also gained a family and faith in the

Fuller criticizes U.S. perceptions of Cuba.

Some still refer to Cuba as a regime but it's too fun to be a regime.

I don't rule out returning to the 

Fwd: Lettre de Nouvelles des Mai Mai (3) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread petokraka78


In a message dated 18/04/02 18:45:07 Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj:Lettre de Nouvelles des Mai Mai (3) 
Date:18/04/02 18:45:07 Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet 

Le général JOSEPH PADIRI BULENDA David vient de publier un Communiqué de Presse concernant l'accord de réunification du Territoire National

Regardez l'URL suivant:

Constantin Muhondosi
Chargé de Relations Extérieurs
Tel.: 00 243 98301060


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Title: Lettre de Nouvelles des Mai Mai (3)

Le général JOSEPH PADIRI BULENDA David vient de publier un Communiqué de Presse concernant l'accord de réunification du Territoire National

Regardez l'URL suivant:

Constantin Muhondosi
Chargé de Relations Extérieurs
Tel.: 00 243 98301060

---End Message---

ICTY to move against KLA?????? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread petokraka78


[Who will be arrested??? Thaci, Ceku, Rexhepi, Haradinaj, Albright???...not bloody likely! Don't even bother holding your breath on this one..]

U.N. May Indict Kosovo Albanian
.c The Associated Press 

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) - The chief U.N. prosecutor said Friday that a Balkan war crimes tribunal that has so far focused on Serbian suspects may finish investigations into ethnic Albanian rebels in Kosovo later this year and hand down indictments.
Carla del Ponte met top Kosovo officials at the end of a three-day Balkan tour in which she pressed governments in Bosnia and Serbia to hand over indicted suspects for trial in The Hague, Netherlands.
The U.N. war crimes tribunal has been criticized for alleged bias against Serbs. Most of those indicted for crimes in the Croatian, Bosnian and Kosovo wars are Serbs held responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians. No ethnic Albanian has been publicly indicted so far for wrongdoing.
But Del Ponte said her investigators hoped to finish probes later this year into three cases involving suspects from the Kosovo Liberation Army, a rebel group that fought for independence of the Yugoslav province.
``I'm sure that this year we will issue the first indictment,'' she said.
Standing at her side, Michael Steiner, the top U.N. official running the province, said his mission will offer full support to prosecute those responsible for war crimes, regardless of their origin.
``There is no nationality when it comes to war crimes,'' Steiner said.
Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova and Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi pledged their support.
``We have said before that no one stands above the law,'' Rexhepi said. ``The tribunal has the right to investigate in every place where the fighting took place.''
NATO's air war in 1999 ended former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic Albanians that left at least 10,000 of them killed. Milosevic is currently on trial in the Hague.
A committee gathering information on crimes against humanity and violations of international law in Belgrade says 3,276 Serbs and other non-Albanians are missing since the 1998-2001 conflict in Kosovo.
Most of the victims were killed or abducted after NATO-led peacekeepers and the United Nations took over the province in June 1999, according to the committee.
On Friday, assailants hurled a hand grenade into the last Serb-owned restaurant in the predominantly ethnic Albanian town of Presevo in southern Serbia, near the Kosovo border. No one was injured, but the restaurant was ruined, a Yugoslav government statement said.

 04/19/02 12:56 EDT


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Bush: Hard choices, real leadership needed [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Bush: Hard choices, real leadership needed 

From the Washington Politics  Policy DeskPublished 4/20/2002 10:26 
WASHINGTON, April 20 (UPI) -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat must act to 
end acts of terrorism and Israel must continue troop withdrawals from 
Palestinian territory to diffuse the current crisis in the Middle East, 
President George Bush said Saturday,
Long-term peace and security, however, will require "real leadership."
"All parties must realize that the only long-term solution is for two states 
-- Israel and Palestine -- to live side by side in security and peace," Bush 
said in his weekly radio address. "This will require hard choices and real 
leadership by Israelis and Palestinians, and their Arab neighbors.
"The time is now for all of us to make the choice for peace. America will 
continue to work toward this vision of peace in the Middle East."
The president's remarks follow the return to Washington by Secretary of State 
Colin Powell from a six-day mission to the region, during which he met both 
Sharon and Arafat.
No cease-fire was brokered by Powell, but Arafat met U.S. demands to publicly 
condemn the acts of Palestinian terrorism that have killed scores of Israelis in 
recent weeks. Sharon also began withdrawing troops from some Palestinian areas 
occupied in response to the terrorism.
"In this region, we are confronting hatred that is centuries old, and 
disputes that have been ignored for decades," Bush said.
He said the Palestinian Authority "must act on its words of condemnation 
against terror. Israel must continue its withdrawals. All Arab nations must 
confront terror in their own region. All parties must stop funding or inciting 
terror, and must state clearly that a murderer is not a martyr; he or she is 
just a murderer."
Bush also used his weekly address to give a pep talk on U.S. efforts against 
terrorism following Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the country.
He noted that in addition to military action in Afghanistan, 161 countries 
have joined together to block more than $100 million in financial assets of 
suspect organizations, and more than 1,600 terrorists and their supporters have 
been arrested or detained in 95 countries.
"We're making progress," he said. "Yet nothing about this war will be quick 
or easy. We face dangers and sacrifices ahead."
But, he added, "We are determined, we are steadfast, and we will continue for 
as long as it takes, until the mission is done."
2002 United Press International

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RE: Cuba is 'too fun to be a regime' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread cube321


Today, although still committed to her husband's dreams, Burdsall 
criticizes Cuba.

  Ah, but impossible. Free speech exists only in western democracies. 

Barry Stoller wrote:
 AP. 21 April 2002. Some Americans Embrace Their Lives in Cuba, Holding
 to Socialist Ideals .
 HAVANA -- The wall of windows at Lorna Burdsall's seventh floor
 apartment overlooks a bay ringed by trash. The vintage red elevator,
 installed before Fidel Castro seized power, is decrepit.
 Still, the American widow of Red Beard - the socialist revolutionary
 who went on to become Cuba's top intelligence chief - says her 47 years
 in the Caribbean country have given her few complaints.
 The heat is one of the few things that I haven't gotten used to in
 Cuba, says Burdsall, 73, apologizing for not hearing the doorbell at
 first because she had retreated to her air-conditioned bedroom.
 Burdsall, who moved to Cuba from New York in 1955, is one of more than a
 dozen Americans who call this communist island home, still clinging to
 the ideals of a socialist revolution as capitalism expands its hold
 around the globe.
 I would like to be a good communist, but I don't think they exist, the
 white-haired fiery grandmother says.
 Socialism, however, is a good step toward that perfect society; it's an
 Amitai Etzioni, a sociologist at George Washington University who
 specializes in American culture, said: Leftists are looking for a place
 for their beliefs and Cuba is one of the last hopes, a remnant of
 In Burdsall's sparse apartment on the outskirts of Havana, there are no
 outward signs of her revolutionary life except for faded pictures of
 herself with Cuban leader Fidel Castro, Argentine revolutionary Che
 Guevara and her husband, Manuel Pineiro, known as Barbarroja for the
 thick red beard he grew while a guerrilla in the Sierra Maestra.
 The Cuba that Burdsall now calls home is a world away from the place she
 discovered after marrying Pineiro, whose older brothers owned a
 distributing agency for Hatuey beer and Bacardi rum. He was studying
 business administration at Columbia University when he met her.
 He was dancing the most fabulous mambo, Burdsall recalls.
 After marrying him, Burdsall put her career as a dancer on hold to
 follow her husband and his dream of starting a revolution in Cuba.
 Shortly after their arrival, Pineiro was engrossed in the pro-Castro
 underground working to overthrow the dictator Fulgencio Batista.
 When we came, it was very dangerous, she says. We moved around a lot.
 The conditions were terrible. I remember ants in the soup and staying in
 places where the rats would eat my high-heeled shoes.
 Burdsall became pregnant and before long, was keeping weapons and
 ammunition in her baby's room. The guns - like her husband - eventually
 ended up in the Sierra Maestra where Castro and his rebels were training
 to overthrow Batista.
 Two years after their victory in 1959, Pineiro was named deputy minister
 of the interior and went on to head Cuba's security and intelligence
 operations. He later helped train leftist groups throughout Latin
 He was completely committed to the revolution, she says.
 Burdsall resumed her own career in dance, founding the Compania Danza
 Contemporanea and becoming national director of dance and modern dance
 under the culture ministry.
 She traveled frequently back and forth to the United States and
 eventually divorced Pineiro after 20 years of marriage. He died three
 years ago.
 Today, although still committed to her husband's dreams, Burdsall openly
 criticizes Cuba. She says low wages and a dependency on U.S. dollars has
 forced some doctors - who earn the equivalent of $20 a month - to work
 as piano players to earn the coveted currency.
 But she believes the good outweighs the bad.
 I think that if Manuel were alive today he would say that most of the
 things they set out to accomplish in the revolution were achieved,
 particularly in the areas of education, medicine and the arts, but it's
 only logical that some would be disappointed with the way some things
 turned out.
 Michael Fuller's journey to Cuba in 1994 was motivated by politics, not
 love. He came as a member of the solidarity brigades, an international
 group dedicated to helping Cubans that he joined while living in Spain.
 I thought about returning to Spain but all things pointed to me
 staying. My very presence was an act of solidarity, says the
 37-year-old native of Syracuse, N.Y.
 He lives in Tarara, a town 14 miles east of Havana where more than
 15,000 children and adults affected by Ukraine's 1986 Chernobyl nuclear
 disaster have received medical treatment.
 Fuller, who now works as a writer and teacher, says he's committed to
 Cuba's communist policies.
 I eat great. I don't miss ownership and I have come to accept the
 philosophy, he says.

UK: Suicide Killer - Everyman - BBC1 Wednesday 2:30am [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Stasi


Everyman - 
Suicide Killers.

BBC1 Wednesday Morning - 
(UK Only)

Definately one to set the video for, this is, despite it's sensationalist 
title, one of the most inspiring (and almost sympathetic) portrayals of what it 
takes to become a martyr in a sacrifice action.

With much actual footage from guerrilla organisations such as those in 
Palestine and Sri Lankaand interviews with members of suicide squads 
(including a deeply moving and eloquant interview with an 8-year old Palestinian 
girl who explains her desire to grow up to become a suicide bomber for the 
resistance) contrasted with interviews with the clearly loaded bourgeois 
families of thecapitalist scum who died on S11, this programme really 
places the whole debate on how and why people make this ultimate sacrifice into 
a clear focus. 

One to show at meetings along withthe previously shown BBC2 
Correspondent programme on the Palestinian Resistance. Brilliant.

It was shown several weeks back and is now (thankfully)being repeated 
(with signing) as part of the BBC's programmes for the deaf (hence the ungodly 
hour of broadcast).

SET THE VIDEO NOW. (VideoPlus code - 8826057)


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Iraq: $25,000 for each Jenin homeless [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 21 April 2002. Saddam orders $25,000 for each Jenin homeless.

BAGHDAD -- Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Sunday ordered $25,000 to
be given to each Palestinian whose house was destroyed during the
Israeli assault on the Jenin refugee camp, the official Iraqi News
Agency said.

The agency said Saddam had chaired a cabinet meeting that reviewed the
situation in the Middle East and the fate of Palestinian people facing
a hateful, bloody, criminal Zionist scheme.

The agency quoted a statement by the cabinet as saying the president
has ordered the allocation of $25,000 for each house demolished in Jenin
by the criminal Zionists.

A senior U.N. official said on Sunday initial assessments showed that
about 800 dwellings had been destroyed and many more damaged in the
Jenin camp, making 4,000 to 5,000 people homeless.

Saddam earlier this month ordered 10 million euros ($8.8 million) be
allocated to support a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation
which began in September 2000.

Baghdad offers cash to relatives of Palestinians killed in clashes with
Israeli troops and free education in Iraqi universities to Palestinians
living in territories under Palestinian Authority rule.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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70 Mexicans Dead Crossing into U.S. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Bill Howard


Global and Local Analysis  Action ... ]

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- Original Message -
From: Walter Lippmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 4:02 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] 70 Mexicans Dead Crossing into U.S.

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

source - Luis A. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Rights of undocumented violated;
Mexican government looks the other way

Han muerto 70 mexicanos en cuatro meses en
su intento por cruzar hacia EE.UU. (Sigue versión en Español)

De la Torre: Number of Mexicans crossing the border does not decrease


La Jornada
CBIACS Press Review

So far this year, 70 Mexicans have died attempting to cross the
border into the United States without documentation. It is estimated
that one Mexican will die every day while attempting to cross the
border, said the general director of Migrant Services of the
Presidential Office for Mexicans Abroad, Omar de la Torre de la Mora.

Interviewed at Boca del Río, Veracruz, he remembered that 380
Mexicans died last year, most of them from either drowning in the
river or dehydrating in the desert.

At the same time, he admitted that, following the attacks of
September 11, violence and harassment towards the Mexican community
in the U.S. increased to such an extent that 50 consulates had to be
placed on alert.

Speaking at the inauguration of the Eleventh National Meeting of
State Offices for Migrant Services, the federal official pointed out
that recent statistics show that the flow of migrants attempting to
cross the northern border has not decreased. Also at this meeting,
the participants unanimously rebuked a U.S. Supreme Court ruling
against Mexican workers, describing it as a legal blunder that
increases the vulnerability of migrants.

Despite the hardening of U.S. immigration policy following the
attacks, 70 Mexicans died during the first 14 weeks of the year. He
explained that most drowned in the river or died of dehydration in
the desert. He added that the highest death rate occurs in the desert
stretches between Sonora and Arizona and Laredo and Nuevo Laredo, the
most dangerous point on the border.

Officials Fired

Felipe de Jesús Preciado Coronado, commissioner for the National
Institute of Migration (INM) said that 900 officials were removed
from their positions due to various errors and crimes. 180 of these
were fired mainly for assaulting Central American undocumented
migrants and 12 were brought before the Public Ministry on charges of
belonging to bands dedicated to illegal human trafficking.

On the other hand, the California Foundation for Rural Assistance, an
international organization known for its defense of the rights of the
undocumented, condemned the Mexican government for not taking a
position at the U. N. Human Rights Commission against the U.S.
immigrant control operatives at the southern California border.

The organization's director, Claudia Smith, said that the Mexican
diplomats at the work sessions of the United Nations in Geneva,
Switzerland set forth their positions regarding human rights
situations around the world, such as Cuba and Iraq, but said nothing
about the problems confronting the prospective undocumented migrants
at the border band between the U.S. and Mexico.

Meanwhile, a truck bearing the logo of the international delivery
company, Fedex was used to transport 15 Mexicans wishing to travel to
Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Translated by
Luis Martin


No baja el número de connacionales que buscan atravesar la frontera:
De la Torre

Han muerto 70 mexicanos en cuatro meses en su intento por cruzar
hacia Estados Unidos


En lo que va del año, 70 connacionales han fallecido en la frontera
norte, en su intento por ingresar de manera indocumentada a Estados
Unidos. Se estima que durante 2002 morirá un mexicano diariamente al
buscar cruzar la zona, sostuvo el director general de Atención a
Migrantes de la Oficina Presidencial para Mexicanos en el Exterior,
Omar de la Torre de la Mora.

Entrevistado en Boca del Río, Veracruz, recordó que el año anterior
fallecieron 380 mexicanos, en su mayoría ahogados en el río Bravo y
deshidratados en el desierto. Pese a que desde septiembre se
endureció la política migratoria estadunidense, el flujo de migrantes
se mantiene, señaló.

Asimismo, admitió que tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre se
incrementó la violencia y el hostigamiento hacia la comunidad
mexicana radicada en Estados Unidos, por lo que se pusieron en
alerta los 50 consulados.

Presente en la inauguración de la Decimoprimera reunión nacional de
oficinas estatales para la atención de los 

Make Or Break For Bush [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Make Or Break For 
BushPresident George W. Bush faces a crisis 
that will make or break his presidency. Ironically, to use his words applied to 
Yasser Arafat, Bush finds himself in a situation of his own making.Last 
week, the president was publicly humiliated by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel 
Sharon, who arrogantly ignored Bush's repeated calls for the Israelis to stop 
their military operation and pull out of the West Bank. The secretary of state 
was also publicly humiliated. The king of Morocco kept him cooling his heels for 
two hours before consenting to see him and then, in front of the press, 
embarrassed him with a hostile but legitimate question, "Why are you here 
instead of in Jerusalem?" All of the Arab leaders, in fact, instead of heeding 
Bush's demand that they condemn terrorism, laid new demands on the United 
States.Bush seriously misread Sharon. That's probably because he is 
ignorant of the Middle East and its history. I think he relies on his staff to 
give him little yes-or-no choices to make. If Bush had bothered to read the 
British and Israeli press or, God forbid, one or two books on the conflict, he 
would have known: Sharon started the intifada; Sharon has been the one who has 
refused to negotiate for the past 14 months; Sharon has systematically destroyed 
the Palestinian Authority and the Oslo peace process; and Sharon does not intend 
to yield an inch of the West Bank.All of this time, Bush has apparently 
thought that if the Palestinians would just lie down, Sharon would resume the 
negotiations. Apparently, he wasn't aware that Arafat did keep the peace for 
three weeks, and Sharon's response was to start a program of systematically 
assassinating Palestinian political leaders. Bush, of course, routinely condemns 
every act of resistance by the Palestinians, and the most he has ever said to 
the Israelis is, "Gee, I hope you show some restraint."So now his 
reputation and that of the United States is at stake. It isn't just the Arab 
world that is fed up with Israel's brutality and flaunting of international law 
and America's one-sided support for Israel. It's the European Union, the United 
Nations and Russia. Serious demonstrations against Israel and the United States 
are taking place all over the world.So here's Bush's dilemma: Sharon 
will not stop his military operation. Sharon will not negotiate with the 
Palestinians. Bush will have to force him. The reason Sharon feels confident in 
humiliating the president is because he believes that the Israeli lobby has such 
a lock on Congress that it will prevent Bush from taking any measures to punish 
him for his defiance. Hence, when Bush butts heads with Sharon, he will also 
have to butt heads with the Israeli lobby.The question upon which the 
success or failure of his administration depends is, does Bush have the guts to 
do that? I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see. If Bush caves in to 
Sharon, American prestige will plummet, and his coalition for his war on 
terrorism will fall apart. Moreover, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will 
eventually start a wider war in the Middle East, for which Bush will be justly 
blamed.The reason this is a situation of his own making is that Bush 
should have pressured Sharon into negotiations 14 months ago, instead of falling 
for Sharon's ruse that he wouldn't talk while Palestinians were resisting the 
occupation. Bush should have been equally critical of the Israeli violence. It 
has apparently taken him 14 months to realize that the Palestinian violence is 
provoked by the Israeli violence.His popularity, while still high, is 
already starting to drop, and if he lets Ariel Sharon walk all over him, I 
predict he will be a one-term president. The larger question for the American 
people is this: Who runs American foreign policy, the 
elected president or the Israeli lobby?Charley Reese 
can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]. 2002 by King 
Features Syndicate, Inc 


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Palestine Update Apr 21 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 2:42 PM
Subject: [kominform2] Palestine Update Apr 21

UPDATE: Ramallah

April 21, 2002: Urgent alert: We have been informed by people inside the
Presidential Compound that they have received information from a reliable
IDF source that a special commander force is planning to enter the building

April 20, 2002: 17.55:The power station supplying the area of Ramallah has
been bombed and both Ramallah and Al-Bireh are now without electricity.


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British activist seeks Kissinger arrest [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 21 April 2002. British Activist Seeks Kissinger Arrest.

LONDON -- A British human rights activist said he would apply to a
London court on Monday for an arrest warrant to be issued against former
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on war crimes charges.

The action comes days after a Spanish judge called for the Nobel peace
prize winning statesman to be questioned by international police about
crimes committed by South American military dictatorships in the 1970s
and 80s.

Peter Tatchell, a political and gay rights activist, said he would seek
a warrant at London's Bow Street Magistrates Court for Kissinger's
arrest on charges of war crimes under the Geneva Conventions.

British law states that violations of the Geneva Conventions are war
crimes. There are no immunities from prosecution, Tatchell said in a

British police said they were unaware of Tatchell's court application.

Tatchell said Monday's warrant, if issued, would allege that Kissinger
had commissioned, aided and abetted and procured war crimes in Vietnam,
Laos and Cambodia while he was President Richard Nixon's National
Security Adviser from 1969 to 1973, and secretary of state from 1973-77
under the governments of Nixon and his successor Gerald Ford.

German-born Kissinger is due in London on Wednesday to address a meeting
of Britain's Institute of Directors.

Last week, Spanish High Court judge Balthazar Garzon asked Interpol to
question Kissinger in London about whether he knew of human rights
abuses by Latin American governments while he was serving in Washington.

The judge's order called for authorities to ask Kissinger if he knew of
Operation Condor -- a plan by regimes in Brazil, Argentina, Chile,
Uruguay and Paraguay to persecute opponents.

Kissinger's spokesman said he would cooperate with the Spanish judge's
inquiry but stressed he was seen as a witness and not as accused.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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How the British fought terror in Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-21 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


How the British fought terror in 
JeninBy Rafael Medoff
(April 18) 'Demolishing the homes of Arab civilians... Shooting handcuffed 
prisoners... Forcing local Arabs to test areas where mines may have been 
These sound like the sort of accusations made by British and other European 
officials concerning Israel's recent actions in Jenin. In fact, they are 
descriptions from official British documents concerning the methods used by the 
British authorities to combat Palestinian Arab terrorism in Jenin and elsewhere 
in 1938. 
The documents were declassified by London in 1989. They provide details of 
the British Mandatory government's response to the assassination of a British 
district commissioner by a Palestinian Arab terrorist in Jenin in the summer of 
Even after the suspected assassin was captured (and then shot dead while 
allegedly trying to escape), the British authorities decided that "a large 
portion of the town should be blown up" as punishment. On August 25 of that 
year, a British convoy brought 4,200 kilos of explosives to Jenin for that 
In the Jenin operation and on other occasions, local Arabs were forced to 
drive "mine-sweeping taxis" ahead of British vehicles in areas where Palestinian 
Arab terrorists were believed to have planted mines, in order "to reduce 
[British] landmine casualties." 
The British authorities frequently used these and similar methods to combat 
Palestinian Arab terrorism in the late 1930s. 
BRITISH forces responded to the presence of terrorists in the Arab village of 
Miar, north of Haifa, by blowing up house after house in October 1938. 
"When the troops left, there was little else remaining of the once-busy 
village except a pile of mangled masonry," The New York Times reported. 
The declassified documents refer to an incident in Jaffa in which a 
handcuffed prisoner was shot by the British police. 
Under Emergency Regulation 19b, the British Mandate government could demolish 
any house located in a village where terrorists resided, even if that particular 
house had no direct connection to terrorist activity. Mandate official Hugh Foot 
later recalled: "When we thought that a village was harboring rebels, we'd go 
there and mark one of the large houses. Then, if an incident was traced to that 
village, we'd blow up the house we'd marked." 
The High Commissioner for Palestine, Harold MacMichael, defended the 
practice: "The provision is drastic, but the situation has demanded drastic 
MacMichael was furious over what he called the "grossly exaggerated 
accusations" that England's critics were circulating concerning British 
anti-terror tactics in Palestine. Arab allegations that British soldiers gouged 
out the eyes of Arab prisoners were quoted prominently in the Nazi German press 
and elsewhere. 
The declassified documents also record discussions among officials of the 
Colonial Office concerning the rightness or wrongness of the anti-terror methods 
used in Palestine. Lord Dufferin remarked: "British lives are being lost and I 
don't think that we, from the security of Whitehall, can protest squeamishly 
about measures taken by the men in the frontline." 
Sir John Shuckburgh defended the tactics on the grounds that the British were 
confronted "not with a chivalrous opponent playing the game according to the 
rules, but with gangsters and murderers." 
There were many differences between British policy in the 1930s and Israeli 
policy today, but one stands out - the British, faced with a level of 
Palestinian Arab terrorism considerably less lethal than that which Israel faces 
today, utilized anti-terror methods considerably harsher than those used by 
Israeli forces. 
The writer is visiting scholar in the Jewish Studies Program at 
SUNY-Purchase. His most recent book is Baksheesh Diplomacy: Secret 
Negotiations Between American Jewish Leaders and Arab Officials on the Eve of 
World War II (Lexington Books, 2001)

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