US Pushes For Georgian Bases In Black Sea, Caucasus [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Civil Georgia
March 3, 2003

US-Georgian Military Agreement Stirs Parliament

-According to the document, the US government is
entitled to access and use of mutually agreed
territories and facilities in Georgia for use by the
US government’s military and civilian personnel,
transport, vessels, and aircraft or for any other
-“The agreement has too many uncertainties. It does
not clarify exactly what kind of arms the military and
civilian personnel will have the right to carry.
Besides, talking generally, why should an American
military serviceman have the right to carry firearms
on the whole territory of Georgia? I am against this.”

(Tbilisi, March 3, Civil Georgia) The US Ambassador to
Georgia Richard Miles will meet the representatives of
the Parliamentary factions, to lobby for ratification
of the US-Georgian Agreement on Defense Cooperation. 

On February 27, the Parliament launched the discussion
on an Agreement, signed by the government of Georgia
on December 10. But instead of an easy go-ahead for a
step at increased defense partnership with the US,
numerous objections of the MPs forced the parliament
to postpone the voting. Some parliamentarians said the
Agreement is “discriminating” against Georgia. 

According to the document, the US government is
entitled to access and use of mutually agreed
territories and facilities in Georgia for use by the
US government’s military and civilian personnel,
transport, vessels, and aircraft or for any other

If the agreement is ratified, the US government’s
military and civilian personnel will also be able to
enter and leave the country without visas and
passports, using only their ID cards, or under
collective or individual orders. They will also enjoy
privileges and immunities, similar to those of the
administrative and technical staff of the embassy.
According to the agreement, the military and civilian
personnel will have the right to possess and carry
arms on the Georgian territory. These simplified entry
requirements and immunities triggered the basic
objections of the MPs. 

“The agreement has too many uncertainties. It does not
clarify exactly what kind of arms the military and
civilian personnel will have the right to carry.
Besides, talking generally, why should an American
military serviceman have the right to carry firearms
on the whole territory of Georgia? I am against this,”
MP Hamlet Chipashvili of Revival faction, one of the
most active opponents of the Agreement told Civil

Chipashvili also says that this agreement will be
damaging for the budget, because “according to the
agreement, this personnel, as well as any income or
imported goods, or any property purchased or owned
within Georgia, will be tax-exempt”.

The executive authorities are extremely concerned by
the Parliament’s position. They say a failure to
ratify the document might jeopardize the USD 64
million Train and Equip Program (GTEP) for the
Georgian army. 

“Ratification of the agreement is the necessary
condition for successful implementation of the Train
and Equip Program,” says Zviad Mukbaniani, Chairman of
the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee. 

In his traditional radio interview on March 3,
President Shevardnadze criticized those Parliament
members, who have forced postponement of discussion of
the agreement. 

“I cannot understand such attitude of these MPs
towards the US-Georgian military cooperation
agreement. Don’t they realize the importance of the
matter? Such approach to the United State, which has
already provided and continues providing such
significant financial and military assistance, is
completely incorrect,” Shevardnadze said. 

On February 27, the agreement was returned to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Relations
Committee for further adjustments. But the chairman of
the committee Zviad Mukbaniani believes there is
nothing to be adjusted in the document. 

“I am strongly against revising the agreement. This is
a bilateral agreement, which the Parliament should
either approve or reject. I am confident that next
week the Parliament will ratify the agreement without
unnecessary debates and discussions,” says Mukbaniani.

By Nino Khutsidze, Civil Georgia


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With 20% Jobless, Poland Spends Billions For 48 US Warplanes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

[To become 'NATO interoperable']

March 4, 2003

Poland will likely sign deal to buy F-16 combat jets
with Lockheed Martin by end-April  

-Poland picked Lockheed Martin's offer of 48 F-16 jets
at the end of December over Anglo-Swedish BAE
Systems/Saab's offer of Gripen plans and Dassault's
offer of Mirages. The Americans put forward an offset
worth USD 9.8 bln

Warsaw. (Interfax-Europe) - Poland is likely to sign
the main deal to buy 48 F-16 combat jets at end- April
instead of at end-February, as earlier planned, due to
problems negotiating the compensatory offset deal
offered by Lockheed Martin, the supplier of the jets,
Polish Deputy Defense Minster Janusz Zemke told
reporters Tuesday (February 25). 

We have the main agreement about the purchase of the
F-16s and ammunition ready to sign. But work on the
offset agreement is still going on and we think that
from Poland's point of view it is better to sign all
agreements on the same day. We have until the end of
April for that, Zemke said. 

The minister added that the government would have only
60 days to negotiate the offset deal -- which is
designed to compensate Poland for the USD 3.5 bln
price tag by channeling investment into the economy --
if it signs the main agreement. 
The offset deal is required for the main agreement to
be valid, according to Polish law. 

Poland picked Lockheed Martin's offer of 48 F-16 jets
at the end of December over Anglo-Swedish BAE
Systems/Saab's offer of Gripen plans and Dassault's
offer of Mirages. The Americans put forward an offset
worth USD 9.8 bln, though the Polish commission
overseeing negotiation of the offset program have
revised this amount to USD 6.2 bln. 

Zemke said in December that if the agreement with the
winner of the tender fails to be signed, talks would
be started with the runner-up, namely, BAE/Saab. Zemke
said the Anglo-Swedish group prolonged the validity of
its offer to the end of June. 

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Netizens Unite [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

The Times Of India
February 4, 2003

Netizens Unite

-But what can all those around the world who oppose
this mindless militarism do other than feel powerless?
We believe that one easily accessible way for world
citizens to protest against this war is literally a
mouse click away. As inhabitants of an increasingly
globalised and borderless world, they should use the
ultimate instrument of supra-nationalism — the
Internet — to register their opposition and say no to
the war. Netizens of the world unite, you've nothing
to lose but your chains of chauvinism.

America's threatened war against Iraq has divided the
world. First between the few friendly governments that
support its unilateral action and the many that don't.
And second between officialdom on the one hand and the
people on the other. 

This latter division is particularly significant
because it has pitted democratically elected
governments that back Washington against the
overwhelming anti-war sentiment of their own people.
But none of this has made the slightest difference to
president Bush and his team of hawks.  In the Security
Council — where a cleverly-worded resolution,
implicitly authorising the use of military force,
awaits approval — Washington has used its immense
diplomatic and financial muscle to browbeat dissenting
member-states into changing their minds. Nor has this
carrot and stick approach remained confined to
backdoor official channels. According to a report
published on Sunday in the London-based Observer,
Washington has embarked on an unprecedented 'dirty
tricks' campaign — involving aggressive surveillance,
phone intercepts, the works — to force recalcitrant
Council delegates to fall in line. Given the overt and
covert pressures, it seems likely that before the vote
on the joint US-UK resolution is finally called,
Washington might well have secured the grudging
backing of the required two-thirds majority in the

In such an eventuality, the three permanent Council
members — France, Russia and China — who have thus far
resisted the US war cry, may well conclude that the
price of formally opposing the resolution, through a
veto, is perhaps too heavy to pay. The irony, of
course, is that the US is bent on waging a war just
when Iraq has shown ever greater willingness to
cooperate with the UN weapons inspection programme;
the latest being its decision to destroy the Al Samoud
missiles. In other words, contrary to the US position,
the case in favour of extending the time-frame of the
inspections regime for a peaceful disarmament of Iraq
is today stronger than ever. But what can all those
around the world who oppose this mindless militarism
do other than feel powerless? We believe that one
easily accessible way for world citizens to protest
against this war is literally a mouse click away. As
inhabitants of an increasingly globalised and
borderless world, they should use the ultimate
instrument of supra-nationalism — the Internet — to
register their opposition and say no to the war.
Netizens of the world unite, you've nothing to lose
but your chains of chauvinism.


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Iraq War May Start On May 13th; France Next 'Casualty' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

1) Report: War Against Iraq To Start Om March 13;
French President To Be Next Target
2) US Congress Plans (Economic) War Against France,00130018.htm

The Hindustan Times
March 4, 2003

Iraq war may start on Mar 13: Report 
Press Trust of India
London, March 3 

-One of the first casualties of the conflict - apart
from Saddam - is likely to be French President Jacques
Chirac who is against war on Iraq, the paper said.
It said US President George W Bush telephoned Chirac
last week and told him that we will not forgive and
we will not forget.

A US-led war against Iraq could start as soon as March
13, just hours after a crucial UN Security Council
vote on Baghdad, a media report said on Monday.

The moment we know we have the nine (UN Security
Council) votes needed (for a military action against
Iraq), we will go for it. The military won't hang
around after that, a top US intelligence source was
quoted as saying by Britain's Sun newspaper.

The timing is tactical, the unnamed intelligence
source said.

A new Iraq resolution is expected to be put to vote in
UN Security Council on March 12, following this
Friday's report by UN Chief UN Weapons Inspector Hans
Blix on Iraq.

The paper also reported that allied commander warned
Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein last night that the war
will be soon, it will be swift and it will be short.

It said Saddam's palaces and other known hiding places
will be targeted, and ground troops will go in as soon
as possible after the bomb blitz.

One of the first casualties of the conflict - apart
from Saddam - is likely to be French President Jacques
Chirac who is against war on Iraq, the paper said.

It said US President George W Bush telephoned Chirac
last week and told him that we will not forgive and
we will not forget.

Both France and US are the permanent members of the
15-member UN Security Council. The other three
permanent members are Russia, China and Britain.

Financial Times
March 3, 2003

Congress considers measures against France 
By Deborah McGregor 

-His comments reflect a growing resentment in Congress
that may yet result in punitive legislation, directed
mainly at France but also extending to other European
countries, including Germany.

Dennis Hastert, the Republican Speaker of the House of
Representatives, has a reputation for being a calming
presence among his highly strung troops. The former
high-school wrestling coach is inclined to throw a
burly arm around an irate colleague, counselling
patience rather than revolution.

But recently Mr Hastert has surprised many of his
fellow Republicans with outbursts of frustration, both
privately and publicly, against an unlikely target:

At a recent closed-door gathering of House
Republicans, he launched into an impassioned tirade
against France that was greeted with resounding
approval from the party rank and file.

The most high-profile public outburst came in an
interview Mr Hastert gave recently to his hometown
newspaper, the Chicago Tribune. He urged going
nose-to-nose with Paris over its vocal opposition to
US war plans for Iraq. Denouncing French
obstreperousness, he slammed the European nation for
being motivated by commercial interests in Iraqi oil
production and for trying to use diplomatic tensions
at the United Nations to increase its international

His comments reflect a growing resentment in Congress
that may yet result in punitive legislation, directed
mainly at France but also extending to other European
countries, including Germany.

Several Republicans have echoed Mr Hastert's
sentiment, including Senator John McCain, who recently
compared France to a fading beauty.

They remind me of an ageing movie actress in the
1940s who's still trying to dine out on her looks,
said Mr McCain. The cynical role France is playing
proves that you cannot be a great nation unless you
have great purpose, and they've lost their purpose.

Reflecting the toughening attitude, Bill Thomas, the
powerful Republican chairman of the House ways and
means committee, has already suggested that if the EU
does not substantially reform its agricultural policy
the Congress may vote to leave the World Trade
Organisation. Congress is due to vote on renewing the
US's WTO membership in 2005.

Mr Hastert has cited a list of trade-related
grievances against France and recommended putting
bright orange health warning labels on some imported
French wines. He is preparing legislation that would
require warnings that the wine may contain cow's
blood, a traditional agent used to remove excess
tannins from red wine that was banned by the European
Union in 1998 because of concerns about mad cow

I think it's a health issue that we ought to at 

Bulgaria: Frontline Of US Military Build-Up, More Warplanes Arrive [WWW.STOPNAT

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

1,2) Two More US Planes Land At Black Sea Airport AS
Warplanes, Troops, Equipment Pour Into Bulgaria
3) Bulgaria: Frontline Of US Military Build-Up

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

Another two US planes landed in Sarafovo

The operation of transporting US military equipment
and people to Bulgaria Burgas airport continued on
Monday as two KC-10 Extender tanker jets landed there,
Bulgarian Info radio reported. 
The aircraft that took off from a New Jersey base
brought jet fuel, equipment and seventy combaters
[combat troops]. Thus the US contingent in Burgas,
some 390km east of Bulgaria's capital Sofia, already
numbers 200. Unloaded and refuelled, the tanker jets
left for the US the same day. 

The information center that US militaries equip at the
Burgas airport will be ready within a month. 

On February 7 Bulgaria's Parliament agreed to allow
the overflight and transit passage by US and allied
troops through Bulgaria in a possible war against Iraq
for a period of six months. The lawmakers also passed
a motion authorising the use of the air base in the
Burgas residential district of Sarafovo by the US -led

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

US aircraft arrive at Bulgaria's Black Sea airbase 
Source: The Times Of India

US aircraft arrived at a Bulgarian airbase near the
Black Sea town of Bourgas on Monday, as part of the
build-up of forces for a possible war on Iraq, a
Defence Ministry official said. The official told
Reuters two of the US aircraft that flew into the base
were refuelling planes. A third was carrying military
The official indicated more US planes may arrive in
the coming days. The base was used by US forces in
late 2001 during the US-led military campaign against

Bulgaria, grateful for US support in winning it a NATO
invitation last November, has offered Washington the
use of the Bourgas base in the event of a war.

It has also sanctioned the dispatch of 150 troops near
Iraq to tackle non-conventional warfare threats.

Washington, which accuses Baghdad of harbouring
weapons of mass destruction, has threatened to attack
Iraq if it does not disarm and warned time is fast
running out.

Bulgaria, once the Soviet Union's closest ally, is one
of the strongest supporters of the US position on Iraq
in the UN Security Council.

On Saturday, the parliament in neighbouring Turkey
narrowly blocked US troops from deploying in the
country -- a setback for Washington's plans for a
northern front against Iraq.

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

Bulgaria finds itself in the frontline of US military

On a beach by the grey waters of the Black sea, scores
of young American airmen are racing against the clock
to get ready for war. Surrounded by Kalashnikov-toting
Bulgarian military police, fenced in by red corrugated
iron, and shrouded by a pine grove, the men of the US
air force's 409th air expeditionary group are pioneers
in a mission that is reconfiguring decades of the US
military presence in Europe and redrawing Europe's
military map.

We're in a rush, said Sergeant Jason Smith, just
arrived from Charleston in North Carolina. Our main
role is to support the global war on terror. And we're
preparing for future operations.

Since last Tuesday night when two US Hercules
transport aircraft dropped out of the sky from
Ramstein base in Germany on to Bulgaria's Burgas
airport, 200 metres from the Americans' beachside
encampment, the airmen, many barely out of their
teens, have been working frantically to get Burgas fit
for the US war machine.

The battleship-grey transports - huge C-5 Galaxies,
C-141s and the C-130 Hercules - have been landing
almost every day over the past week, disgorging hot
dogs and Coke, computers and secure phone systems,
huge tarpaulins for a tent city, showers and tanks
of water, and more troops and pilots.

Yesterday afternoon a brace of KC-10A Extender jets,
the biggest air tankers in the USAF, landed at Burgas
to play a key role in the campaign against Saddam
Hussein. The two tanker jets, capable of carrying more
than 160,000kg of fuel, are to be followed by at least
14 others.

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The Human Face Of Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

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2003-03-04 Thread Yadollah Mohammadi

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 3 MARCH 2003

Pakistan hands Alleged 9/11 Plotter To U.S.
March 3  2003

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP)-U.S. authorities have taken the suspected 
mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks out of Pakistan to an undisclosed 
location after capturing him in a joint raid by CIA and Pakistani 
agents, a senior government official said yesterday.
The arrest Saturday of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, a senior operative in 
Osama bin Laden’s alQaeda network, and two other men outside the 
Pakistani capital of Islamabad likely will hurt the terrorist 
organization’s ability to strike and could provide the United States 
with new clues in the hunt for bin Laden.
“It’s hard to overstates how significant this is,” White House 
spokesman Ari  Fleischer said. “It’s a wonderful blow to inflict on 
Mohammed, 37, is perhaps the most senior al-Qaeda member after bin 
Laden and his deputy, Ayman al Zawahri.
A naturalized Pakistani who was born in Kuwait, Mohammed is on the 
FBI’s most-wanted list and. Allegedly had a hand in many of alQaeda most 
notorious attacks. The reward of up $25 million for information leading 
to his capture.
There also has been suspicion that Mohammed was involved in last year’s 
kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, and 
mayhave even carried out his execution.
A senior Pakistani government official, speaking on condition of 
anonymity said Mohammed was “no longer in Pakistan” and had been taken 
by U.S. officials to an undisclosed location, The official said the 
second foreigner has also been handed over to U.S. officials.
Mohammed was arrested along with an unidentified man of Middle Eastern 
origin and a Pakistani identified as Ahmed Abdul Qadoos, a 42-year-old 
member of one of the country’s main religious parties, hamaat-e-Islami.
The government official said the Middle Estern suspect was “also 
proving to be an important,” but would not disclose his identity.
Mohammed is the third senior al Qaeda figure to be arrested in 
Pakistan. He was taken Saturday in Rawalpindi, a city near the Pakistani 
capital of Islamabad, Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said. 
CIA officers and Pakistani authorities carried out the operation that 
led to Mohammed’s capture, according to American officials, who spoken 
on condition of anonymity.
“This is a great success today, but the war on terrorism goes on 
tomorrow,” said Jim Wilkinson, a spokesman at U.S Central Command in 
Tampa, Florida.
“There’s still a lot of work to do.”
U.S. officials say Mohammed organized the Sept.11,2001, terror mission 
that sent hijacked passenger jets crashing into the World Trade Center, 
the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, killing more than 3,000 
But even before then, mohammed was wanted in connection with plots in 
the Philippines to bomb transinto CIA headquarters. Those were broken up 
in 1995.
He also has been linked to April’s bombing of a synagogue in Tunisia. 
At least 19 tourists, mostly Germans, were killed then.
Mohammed narrowly escaped capture in a raid about a week ago in the 
southwestern town of Quetta, a Pakistani government source said. During 
that raid, a Middle Eastern man, arrested, according to the source, who 
spoke to The associated Press on conition of anonymity.
 “at the time of that raid in Quetta the authorities were looking for 
Khalid Shaikh but he escaped and from there they followed him to 
rawalpindi,” the official said. “They got information from the man they 
picked up in Quetta and from phone calls until they tracked him down to 
Senior government official said the three men were arrested about 3 
a.m. local time Saturday at a house where Qadoos, Ahmed’s cousin, said 
only Ahmed, his wife and two children were in the house. There also was 
a guard outside, he said.
“The police pounded on the gates and then they rushed through. There 
was some firing, but no one was hurt and then they beat the guard and 
broke the lock on the front door,” Omar Qadoos said.
He said police held the family at gunpoint while they collected 
cassettes, a computer and computer discs, leaving the floor littered 
with clothes, papers and other items.
Mohammed’s ties to terrorism are 

US 'no comment' on NSA bugging of UN delegates [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread ProletarianNews

AFP. 4 March 2003. US refuses to comment on report of 'dirty tricks' to
win UN vote on Iraq.

WASHINGTON -- The United States steadfastly refused to comment Monday on
a report it is waging a secret dirty tricks campaign against UN
Security Council members to win votes for a resolution opening the way
for war against Iraq.

Neither the White House nor the State Department would be drawn into
making any statement on the report in London's Observer newspaper that
said it had obtained a document detailing US surveillance of the home
and office telephones and e-mails of UN delegates.

The administration never comments on anything involving any people
involved in intelligence, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said.
The administration does not answer questions of that nature.

At the State Department, spokesman Richard Boucher repeatedly declined
to respond to questions about the report and stayed mum even when asked
if he could deny it.

It doesn't matter what the paper is or whether it's true or not, I
wouldn't have any comment on that kind of allegation, he told

I would not have any comment whatsoever on that kind of question or
allegation because we never comment on intelligence matters, and I'm not
going to do it now, Boucher said.

The paper said the disclosures were made in a memorandum written by a
top official at the National Security Agency (NSA), the US body which
intercepts communications around the world, and circulated to senior
agents in his organization and to a friendly foreign intelligence

The memo describes orders to staff at the agency to step up surveillance
particularly directed at ... UN Security Council members to provide
up-to-the-minute intelligence on the voting intentions of UN members
regarding the issue of Iraq, according to the Observer.

The leaked memorandum, dated January 31, makes clear that the target of
the heightened surveillance efforts are the delegations from Angola,
Cameroon, Chile, Mexico, Guinea and Pakistan at the UN headquarters in
New York, it said.

Chile's foreign minister Soledad Alvear ordered Chile's embassy in
London to look into The Observer's claims after meeting with Chile's UN
Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdes and Chilean President Ricardo Lagos.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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Russian Press Analyses Of US Iraq War Plans [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

1) US 'Seeking Not To Settle Iraqi Crisis, But To
Provoke War'
2) Turkish Parliament's Refusal A Serious Political
Defeat For George Bush
3) Vladimir Putin Applauds Turkish Parliament's Vote
Against US Troop Deployment
4) Russian Military Expert On US War Plans
5) Russian Analyst: US Planning To 'Quickly Switch
Over' From Massive Bombardments To All-Out War

Russian Information Agency
March 4, 2003


MOSCOW, March 4, 2003. /from a RIA Novosti
correspondent/. - A sharp activation of US and UK air
forces in Iraq testifies to the fact that the
operation might begin just in a few days, Leonid
Ivashov, Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical
Problems, said on Tuesday. 

According to him, the increase in air strikes by US
and UK aircraft in Iraq proves first of all that the
question whether the US operation against Iraq will
take place or not has already been decided in
Washington. The US is seeking not to settle the Iraqi
crisis, but to provoke war. At present the US is
actually conducting a preliminary stage of the
operation to bring informational influence to bear
upon and hold down morally and psychologically Iraq's
army and civilians. The Russian expert also pointed
out that a significant part of February's air strikes
were targeted at communication centres. The US is
reasonably seeking to disable Iraq's military
infrastructure, first of all troops control systems.
All the above-said tells of a decision to begin the
operation, which might be taken in a few days,
Ivashov believes. 

Russian Information Agency
March 4, 2003


MOSCOW, March 4th, 2003. /From a RIA Novosti
correspondent/. - Sergei Rogov, head of the USA-Canada
Studies Institute under the Russian Academy of
Sciences sees the refusal of the Turkish Parliament to
deploy the U.S. troops in Turkey as George W. Bush's
serious political defeat. According to Mr. Rogov, the
Northern Turkish front would have posed a serious
threat to Iraq because a simultaneous military strike
both from the north and from the south could have led
to a rapid victory against Iraq. 

Now the U.S. troops, Mr. Rogov stressed, will have to
attack Iraq from one direction only and it will be
easier for Iraq to organize defence. According to him,
it will cause more casualties among U.S. servicemen
and protract hostilities. 

Russian Information Agency
March 4, 2003


Vladimir Putin highly assessed the decision made by
the Turkish parliament to bloc the possibility of
using the country's military bases for US armed forces
operations against Iraq. 

The Russian President declared at a session with
government members in the Kremlin on Tuesday that this
is the most important event of the last days. 

May be it was unexpected for somebody but not for
Russia, said the head of state and added that we
understand what the Turkish parliament was guided by.


Russian Information Agency
March 4, 2003


-[T]here is no ruling out a partisan war in the
country with a population of 22 mln, which can drag
out both the military operation and post-war
settlement in Iraq, the official believes. 
Klyuchenok is sceptical about the intention to
overthrow power in Baghdad, alluding to the example of
Afghanistan, where the take-over resulted in a
vigorous flourishing of drug production and trade. 

MOSCOW, March 4, 2003. /from a RIA Novosti corr./ -
The scenario of a possible military operation against
Iraq is unlikely to differ much from the Desert Storm
operation, Lieutenant General Vasily Klyuchenok,
deputy head of the Federation Council's Defence and
Security Committee, said at Tuesday's press conference
in RIA Novosti. 

The main constituent of the potential military
operation will be the use of high-precision weapons
and ample aviation, he believes. First of all,
strikes will be targeted at the objects mentioned by
US Secretary of State Colin Powell in the UN Security
Council early in February, Klyuchenok said. 

The MP thinks the main target of the land operation to
be the take-over of Baghdad. 

The coalition hopes for soonest and positive results
of the military action in Iraq, Vasily Klyuchenok

Real Purpose Of Iraq War: Project For The New American Empire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
March 4, 2003


MOSCOW, March 4, 2003. /RIA Novosti political
commentator Vladimir Simonov/. - The official reasons
why the USA should go to war in Iraq have always
featured a certain omission. The uncoordinated
accusations by no means explain the severity of the
sentence. Let's say that Baghdad destroys five
Al-Samud-2 rockets on average a day. From the point of
view of the UN inspectors working in the country, this
zeal is gratifying, but Washington calls it the
latest trap. Why? 

Iraq's links with al-Qaeda remain unproven.
Nevertheless, the USA continues to claim that the
Iraqi regime, which cannot lift a finger without the
UN inspectors or US spy planes knowing about it,
presents a lethal terrorist threat, justifying war,
the loss of tens of thousands of lives, environmental
disaster, a wave of terrorism and chaos in the Arab

Who in their right mind would believe this? And who
would also believe that sensible people in the US
administration believe it? The justification for the
war against Iraq clearly lacks some kind of a secret,
main argument. 

Serious analysts see this argument in the form of
Iraqi oil, defending Israeli interests, the
opportunity to test new weapons on the battlefield or
America's desire to rejuvenate its flagging economy
through military orders. 

These are not empty words. However, to concentrate on
just these details would be myopic. We would not see
the most important aspect, because the main point is
so massive that is well beyond the bounds of
traditional thinking as practised by the international

The heart of the matter is the following. If the war
against Iraq is launched, then this will mean that the
United States will turn into the centre of a global
empire, where Washington will decide the fates of
governments, divide up the riches of foreign economies
and impose democracy in its own, American sense of the

This is by no means improvisation, as some observers
might think. The war will be the embodiment of a
concept of US world domination worked out over ten
years by the very same ambitious and energetic people
who now occupy key posts in George Bush's

It is necessary to backtrack to 1997 to understand
everything properly. A group of neo-conservatives then
founded the New American century project [Project for
the New American Century]
dedicated to philosophical thinking about the USA's
future role in global politics. 

In September 2000, when George Bush was running for
presidency, the New American Century prepared a report
called Rebuilding America's Defenses. The document's
main idea, to quote the authors, was to exercise
American leadership around the globe. In post Soviet
Union era, the sole superpower of the United States
sought to take on the role of a new empire stretching
from the Khan Horde to Rome. 

Pax Americana would really mean Power Americana, or a
world subjugated to American might. 

The Rebuilding America's Defenses report became a kind
of geopolitical Bible for George Bush. His
administration has done much of what it proposed. For
example, the brains behind the report suggested
tearing up the 1972 ABM Treaty and throwing it into
the rubbish bin, while taking up plans to deploy an
anti-missile shield in space. This has been done. 

The report recommended that military spending be
increased from 3% of GDP to 3.8% to facilitate the
creation of an infrastructure for the American order.
In 2003, the Bush administration has demanded that
Congress confirm an allotment of 379 billion dollars
to the military's budget. This is the same 3.8% of GDP
right down to the dollar. 

The administration's punctuality in following the
recommendations of the New American century is not
surprising if we recall the top posts the project's
ideologues are now occupying. 

Paul Wolfowitz is now Deputy Defense Secretary. John
Bolton is Undersecretary of State. Stephen A. Cambone
is the Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation,
while Eliot Cohen and Devon Cross sit on the Council
of Defense Policy under Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.
Lewis Libby heads Vice-President Dick Cheney's

Accordingly, the entire host of the presidential
entourage has come from the same corridor of the
extremely conservative highly interventionist (in its
philosophy) New American Century that envisages the
advent of an epoch of America's unanswerable will in
international affairs. 

If we understand this, then the enigma will cease to
exist. For example, why is the American administration
so thoroughly discussing its plans for a military
attack against Iraq, but, apparently, is completely
ignoring the no less crucial problem of its withdrawal
from the country? 

The answer lies in the fact that the USA has no

US NATO Commander: Move Bases Nearer Next War Theaters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
March 4, 2003


NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe General James
Jones on 3 March told journalists in Stuttgart,
Germany, that intensive talks are under way with NATO
member countries about overhauling the U.S.
military-base strategy, including the possibility of
shifting resources to countries in East-Central
Europe, AFP reported. Jones denied media reports that
Washington is planning major base closures in Germany,
in part in punishment for Germany's strident
opposition to a possible U.S.-led war against Iraq
[sic]. He said that by the end of July he will visit
all 19 current NATO member countries as well as the
seven countries invited last November to join the
organization, and that he hopes to have a plan for
transforming the U.S. base system ready by March 2004.
Implementation would begin soon afterward, he said.
The changes would involve scaling down the massive
U.S. military presence in Western Europe established
during the Cold War and creating a lily pad network
of hubs to which forces would rotate according to
changing military needs. Jones said the United States
needs to respond more fully to asymmetric
challenges, including terrorism by individuals and
groups, rather than warfare organized by states. Jones
also said he is holding ongoing talks with Russia
about how it might view the U.S. plans to set up
operations in Eastern Europe, adding, Russia should
play an important role in the development. [sic] MS 

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Until Bulgaria Is 'Baptized' As NATO Member, US Makes Rules [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

The location of American bases in Bulgaria is unlikely
before our NATO accession

When we become a full NATO member we will be a part of
this structure and then we’ll be able to make
proposals for location of foreign bases here, said for
BNR the Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Lubomir Todorov.
He defined the variant for bilateral agreement for
location of US bases in Bulgaria in the period of
pre-NATO accession as unlikely, but not impossible. 
Lubomir Todorov also pointed out that a new concept
for structuring of the Alliance military forces is
probably impending. It is to affect the new sources of
threat and to optimize the system of security after
the enlargement. 

Regarding the information that the delegations of some
of the UN Security Council member countries, as well
as the Bulgarian delegation have been tapped by the US
special services, the Foreign Ministry Spokesman said
that first of all the source of these statements
should be made clear, then the case should be
investigated and then we can talk of an official
Bulgarian reaction. 

If the information is confirmed, there most probably
will be a reaction on our part and it will be in the
form of rapid protest, said Lubomir Todorov. 

Bulgaria Today
March 4, 2003

US Bases Location in State Possible 

The problem of location of NATO military bases in
Bulgaria is to be discussed only after the country
enters the Alliance, spokesman of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs announced.

He explained that a new concept of NATO military
forces restructures would probably be applied. It is
to cover the new sources of threats and optimize the
security system after the enlargement. When Bulgaria
becomes a NATO member it will be a part of this
structure and than location of foreign bases will be
possible, Foreign Ministry spokesman declared. Todorov
added that offering location of military bases in
foreign countries was an ordinary NATO practice. 

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Bulgaria: But...NATO Uber Alles [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Bulgaria Online
March 4, 2003

Military Bases Might Crop Up in Bulgaria before NATO

US military bases might be established in Bulgaria
before the country has formally joined NATO. According
to an official from Bulgaria's foreign ministry this
was possible though not very likely.

According to Lyubomir Todorov, spokesmen of the
foreign ministry in Sofia, a new concept for
dislocation of NATO military forces is looming. It
will consider the epicenters of the modern threats and
will optimize the security system after the
enlargement of the alliance.

Following Bulgaria's NATO entry, we will become a
part of the structure and we will be able to make
proposals for establishment of military bases in the
country, Todorov pointed out.

Last week, Bulgaria's defense minister said that
Bulgaria might offer four to five bases to US
militaries. He strongly favors this idea as the bases
are expected to push upwards the economic development
in host regions.

Gen. James Jones, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, is
to start a tour across NATO members and the seven NATO
aspirants over the upcoming reform of the US military
bases system and the transfer of resources to the
candidate countries in Eastern Europe. The visits are
scheduled to take place by the end of July.

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To Russia With Love From North American NATO 'Allies' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
March 4, 2003


MOSCOW, March 4, 2003. /from a RIA Novosti
correspondent/.- The US and Canadian Consulates lead
in visa refusals to Russians. The Russian share of
visa refusals by Canadian and US consulates amounts to
26% and 25% respectively, Igor Suzdaltsev, a member of
the board of the Russo-American Visa Council public
association, said at a press conference in RIA

By contrast, according to the council, less than 3% of
Russians are refused visas in consulates of other
countries, Suzdaltsev pointed out. 

Annually some 120,000 Russian nationals apply for
visas to US consulates, and about 13,000 to Canadian
ones, the official specified. 

According to Suzdaltsev, members of the council are
concerned about the growing number of US entry
refusals to Russian scientists, businessmen and
cultural workers, which is considered by the
Russian-American Visa Council to harm scientific and
humanitarian relations between the two countries. 

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Russian FM: Will Take On 'War Party' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff


Russian Information Agency
March 4, 2003

LONDON, March 4, 2003. /From RIA Novosti
correspondent/. Russia is not going to remain passive
when the UN Security Council starts discussing the
Iraqi issue. 

For Russia in a situation like this with Iraq,
keeping aloof is not the right kind of policy, said
Russia's Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on Tuesday, at
an Internet conference on the BBC. 

The minister recalled that Russia, like the other
permanent UN Security Council members, has the right
of veto. And if the need arises, Russia may use this
right, Ivanov said. 

According to the minister, Moscow intends to press for
unity in the UN Security Council. In Ivanov's view, a
split in the Security Council may make the situation
more complex. 

The Russian diplomatic chief made it clear that the US
and the UK, in his view, would find it hard to
persuade other Security Council members of the need to
pass a second resolution on the Iraqi issue. 

We believe that Iraq's disarmament can be achieved,
and there is no element of play in Russia's position.
Refraining is not the kind of position Russia will
take, he said. 

The Russian diplomatic supremo said that Russia is
ready to take on the party of war. 

If, however, the war nevertheless breaks out, Russia
will try to stop it and re-route settlement of the
situation into political channels, the Russian
minister said. Ivanov remarked that Russia is not
ready to use force to solve the Iraqi crisis. 

Russian Information Agency
March 4, 2003


LONDON, March 4. /RIA Novosti/ - If war breaks out in
Iraq, Moscow will work to stop it and re-route the
situation into political channels, Igor Ivanov,
Russia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, said to a BBC
web conference. 

There is still a chance to avoid use of force. Russia
firmly insists on the crisis settled by political
means, and will go on using such means. The USA and
other countries which are out to sever the knot
bypassing the UN Security Council are badly
blundering, stressed the minister. 

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TV Smash-In at NBC Studios to protest biased media [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Geese 4 Peace

Meet the People: No More Media Lies
by Noah Hypocrisy 11:43am Sun Mar 2 '03

Fed-Up Viewers Say, “No More Lies!”
People Smash Their TVs at NBC Studios

March 2, 2003

Fed-Up Viewers Say, “No More Lies!”
People Smash Their TVs at NBC Studios
WASHINGTON, DC - Early Sunday morning, a group
of disgruntled television viewers calling themselves
“Meet The People” disowned their television sets in
front of NBC studios to protest the pro-war media
bias prevalent in Sunday morning talk shows. They then
proceeded to smash the sets, under a banner that
screamed, “Dismantle Weapons of Mass Deception.”
One television smasher, Noah Hypocrisy, told
reporters that he was fed-up with the invasion of
the military-industrial-media complex in his life,
especially in light of the impending war on Iraq:
“In the United States and other Western powers,
the corporate-owned media depend on the military
for information, accepting what military officers
at the Pentagon or the White House spinners
offer as undeniable fact.”

“I’m not that gullible, and I’m mad as hell at what
I’m seeing on my television set!” Hypocrisy said,
in between hammer strokes with what seemed
to be a Titleist golf pitching wedge.
Another disenchanted viewer, Louisville Slugger
in hand, lamented the heavy political biases she
observes in the mainstream media: “In 2001, NBC
Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight, and CBS
Evening News interviewed U.S. sources who were
92% white, 85% male, and 75% Republican,”
cried Ceci Truth. “How objective is that?!!!”

Timed for the taping of NBC’s Sunday morning talk
show “Meet the Press,” Meet the People barricaded
the Nebraska Avenue entrance to the studios with
a motley collection of their former television sets.
Video of the dismantling will be available today at .

The People were determined that this was only the

“We won’t stop here, and we encourage other
thinking people to do similar actions. If the war on
Iraq begins, we aren’t going to sit stupidly in our
living rooms and accept the lies the corporate media
try to feed us.”

“We plan to seek out other weapons of mass
deception: newspaper, radio, and other television
studios. As their propaganda tries to drown out the truth,
our level of disgust and resistance will escalate!”

No War for Oil!

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Majority of Russians praise Stalin's role in history [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread ProletarianNews

AFP. 4 March 2003. Majority of Russians praise Stalin's role in history.

MOSCOW -- More than half of Russians think Joseph Stalin played a
positive role in Russian history, according to a new poll published
Tuesday on the eve of the Soviet leader's 50th death anniversary.

Fifty-three percent said they thought he played a positive role, while
33  percent said they thought he played a negative role, the All-Russian
Center  for Public Opinion Research found.

Fourteen percent said they could not answer.

Some 36 percent said that despite his mistakes, Stalin should be
celebrated for his role in leading the Soviet Union to win World War II
-- up from 31 percent in a 1998 poll.

Some 27 percent said they viewed him as a murderous tyrant, while 20
percent said they viewed him as a wise leader who led the Soviet Union
to superpower status.

The research center interviewed 1,600 Russians from February 28 to March
3, ahead of the 50th anniversary of Stalin's death on March 5.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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Editorial: Russia's Andrew Jackson [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread ProletarianNews

'In the visitors' book at the Man and Symbol exhibit, one person
mused: I wonder, will our country live to see the moment when Stalin is
perceived as an ordinary person, instead of as either the devil
incarnate or the Father of the Peoples?' (AP, 2 March 2003).

Is there really anything new to bring to the topic of Stalin? I doubt
it, but I will briefly outline my position, if only to satisfy the
curiosity of the Stalinists who call me a Trotskyist and the Trotskyists
who call me a Stalinist.

I see Stalin as the Soviet version of the US's Andrew Jackson -- a
historical inevitability.

Engels: '[H]istory is about the most cruel of all goddesses, and she
leads her triumphal car over heaps of corpses, not only in war, but also
in peaceful economic development' (letter to Danielson, 24 London

(Engels happened to be talking about industrialization in Russia there.)

Stalin was a builder and, like many other builders, he often used
destructive forces with which to build. Molotov estimated some 20% of of
purge victims were innocent (Molotov Remembers, 1993, pp. 257-58) -- and
he came close to joining that number himself. 20% is a lot.

Of course, Stalin prevailed over Hitler. Intense industrialization,
intense collectivization, even intense purges (recall the separatist
campaigns in the Ukraine as late as the 1950s) built -- and defended --
socialism in Russia.

Stalin: 'We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must
cover this distance in ten years. Either we do this or they will crush
us' (4 February 1931).

Before Stalin came to power, Russia was the geopolitical equivalent of,
say, Brazil; by the time he died, it was the geopolitical equivalent of
... the USSR. And that was truly something.

Fifty-three percent of Russians said they thought Stalin played a
positive role in Russian history, according to the All-Russian Center
for Public Opinion Research (AFP, 4 March 2003).

Of course, the Soviet Union famously confronted its Stalinist history,
starting with Khrushchev's 'secret speech' in the 1950s, whereas the US
still honors Jackson daily, as his portrait graces every 20 dollar

* Even a soft commie like Pete Seeger said 'I'll apologize for...
thinking that Stalin was simply a hard driver and not a supremely
cruel leader,' quickly adding: 'White people in the USA should [also]
consider apologizing for stealing land from Native Americans and
enslaving blacks' (Where Have All the Flowers Gone: A Musical
Autobiography, p. 22). It was all the same historical process, that
harsh process Engels spoke of in the above quote.

Here it is, 50 years after the death of Stalin and the media is full of
'gulag museums' and 'previously unknown Kremlin archives.' Horrors
abound. Nobody mentions the liberation of Berlin or the first woman
astronaut or the universal healthcare, of course.

When Andrew Jackson's birthday or date-of-death rolls around, do we see
Dan Rather interviewing Cherokees on their miserable reservations,
asking questions like 'how do you feel about the Indian Removal Act of
1830?' I think not.

Too much has been made of 'deStalinization' in the West, however. It was
Khrushchev who said of Stalin, unequivocally, in his memoirs: 'He was
incorruptible and irreconcilable in class questions. It was one of his
strongest qualities, and he was greatly respected for it' (Khrushchev
Remembers, 1970, p. 222).

Most Russians today seem to agree.

Of course, it's a hard, confusing topic -- evaluating Stalin. A great
man with great flaws, a great era marked by great errors. It's hard to
praise him; it's wrong to damn him.

How does one separate Stalin from the Stalin era? One cannot -- the man
and the era were the same; it is all inexorably combined, a dialectical
tapestry as confounding, as frustrating as life (and death) itself.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller, editor,


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2003-03-04 Thread Nancy Hey


I wonder if a major reason for NATO wanting to jail Dr Seselj is because
of his outspoken support for Iraq.
peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

mart-remote wrote:
From: "Comit_International_pour_la_Dfense_de_Slobodan_Milosevic"
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 18:36:02 +0100
Statement from FCDSM/CFDSM
(Frenchspeaking Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic)
February 26, 2003
Dr Seselj has been jailed this day in the gaols of the so-called “ICTY”.
After the kidnapping of President Milosevic and the jailing of numerous
Serbian patriots, this new prosecution show again that the ICTY is not
a normal court, but a political machine in service of Washin! gton and
Dr Seselj is, in fact, indicted in 2003 for so-called “war crimes” perpetrate
in 1991-1993, so Ten years after. This indiction arrive in reality a few
weeks after the shinning success of Dr Seselj, candidate of the United
Patriotic Opposition (SPS, JUL, SRS), with the support of Slobodan Milosevic,
at the Serbian presidential election.
The ICTY, under command of NATO, demonstrate here that its only goal
is to impeach the Serbian Patriotic Opposition to restablish Socialism
and to overthrow the Western muppets who are in power in Beograd after
the ramping coup of October 2000, in depriving it of its charismatic leaders
Milosevic and Seselj.
The iniquitous “Judges” of the ICTY are the whores of America and NATO
is their pander.
FCDSM proclaim again its active support to Dr Seselj and President Milosevic.
In order to answer to the persecution of the ICTY, FCDSM decide also
to make its action wider and to give its help not only to! President Milosevic,
the fist Resistant to NATO and “New World Order”, but also to Dr Seselj
and to all the Serbian Patriots jailed in Den Hague by NATO.
The FCDSM has decided in order that to participate in the activities
of the “International Committee to Defend the Serbian Political Prisonners”
(ICDSPP / CIDPPS), launched this February 24 in Brussels.
In this way of united struggle, the Internet site of the FCDSM (
become from this day common to the two committees and the Newspaper “SOLIDARITY
MILOSEVIC” will be published by the two committees.

Tel. 02/218.73.09
(Internat. + 32 2 218 73 09)
Fax 02/218.73.59
(Internat. + 32 2 218 73 59)
Paris Tl/Fax
(Internat. +

Communiqu de presse du FCDSM/CFDSM
(Comit Francophone po! ur la Dfense de Slobodan Milosevic)
26 fvrier 2003
Le Dr Seselj vient d’tre emprisonn ce jour dans les geles
du soi-disant  TPIY . Aprs le kidnapping du Prsident
Milosevic et l’emprisonnement de dizaines de patriotes serbes, cette nouvelle
procdure rvle  nouveau que le TPIY n’est
pas un tribunal mais une machinerie politique au service de Washington
et de l’OTAN.
Le Dr Seselj est, en effet, inculp en 2003, pour des 
crimes de guerre  soi-disant commis en 1991-93, soit dix ans aprs
les faits. Cette inculpation intervient en fait quelques semaines aprs
la brillante perce du Dr Seselj, candidat de l’opposition patriotique
unie (SPS, JUL, SRS), soutenu par Slobodan Milosevic,  l’lection
prsidentielle serbe.
Le TPIY, aux ordres de l’OTAN, dmontre! ainsi que son seul
but est d’empcher l’opposition patriotique serbe de rtablir
le Socialisme et de renverser les marionnettes pro-occidentales au pouvoir
 Belgrade depuis le coup d’tat rampant d’octobre 2000,
en la privant de ses leaders charismatiques, Milosevic et Seselj.
Les  juges  iniques du TPIY sont les putains de l’Amrique
et l’OTAN est leur maquereau !
Le CFDSM raffirme son soutien actif au Dr Seselj et au Prsident
Afin de rpondre aux agissements du TPIY, le CFDSM dcide
galement d’largir son champ d’action et d’apporter son
soutien non seulement au Prsident Milosevic, le premier des rsistants
 l’OTAN et au  Nouvel Ordre Mondial , mais aussi
au Dr Seselj et  tous les patriotes serbes dtenus dans
les geles de La Haye.
Le CFDSM a donc dcid en consquence de participer
troitement aux activits de l’  International Committee
to Defend the Serbian Political Prisonners / Comit International
pour la Dfense des Pri! sonniers Politiques Serbes  (ICDSPP
/ CIDPPS), cr ce 24 fvrier  Bruxelles.
Dans cette optique unitaire, le site internet du CFDSM (
devient ds ce jour commun aux deux Comits et le bulletin
 SOLIDARITE MILOSEVIC  sera publi par les deux comits.


Re: Arch-capitalist Soros slams Bush's 'imperialist vision' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2003-03-04 Thread Nancy Hey


Thanks. I was aware of your recent article in Covert Action Quarterly,
and have been planning to read it for quite some time, but have been so
busy! Hopefully, I'll get to it soon, though.
peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey


Nancy, read the
Covert Action Quarterly, number 74 fori my major breakdown on many of his
nefarious activities. Scum is too good for him, It's an insult to paramecia.


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Petition to call for the impeachment of Pres. George Bush for war crimes [WWW.ST

2003-03-04 Thread Nancy Hey

Petition to call for the impeachment of Pres. George Bush for war crimes

Dear friends,

Please go to:
to sign the following petition for the impeachment of Pres. George Bush for
war crimes committed against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.  The murder of
innocent civilians is a war crime under the Geneva Convention, and the
aggressive wars against sovereign nations have made the United States hated and
viewed as a bully by much of the world.

This is a chance to show the world that not all Americans are war-mongers.
These crimes against peace should be punishable by impeachment and removal from

Peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Articles Of Impeachment
President George W. Bush
Vice President Richard B. Cheney
Secretary Of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
Attorney General John David Ashcroft

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States,
shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason,
Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. --Article II, Section 4 of The
Constitution of the United States of America

Acts which require the impeachment of President George W. Bush, Vice
President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld; and
Attorney General John David Ashcroft include:

1) Ordering and directing a proclaimed pre-emptive, or first strike war
of aggression against Afghanistan causing thousands of deaths indiscriminately,
a major proportion non combatants, leaving millions homeless and hungry and
installing a government of their choice in Kabul.

2) Authorizing daily intrusions into the airspace of Iraq by U.S. military
aircraft in violation of the sovereignty of Iraq and aerial attacks on
facilities and persons, on the soil of Iraq, killing hundreds of people
indiscriminately, initially falsely claiming self defense though over a period
of eleven years not a single U.S. aircraft has been struck or damaged by gunfire
from Iraq, but later admitting the targeting of defense installations in Iraq,
as war preparations they ordered progressed.

3) Authorizing, ordering and condoning direct attacks on civilians,
civilians facilities and locations where civilian casualties are unavoidable.

4) Threatening Iraq with proclaimed pre-emptive, or first strike attack
and a war of aggression by overwhelming force and military superiority including
specific threats to use nuclear weapons while engaged in a massive military
build-up in nations and waters surrounding Iraq.

5) Threatening the independence and sovereignty of Iraq by belligerently
proclaiming an intention to change its government by force while preparing to
assault Iraq in a war of aggression.

6) Authorizing, ordering and condoning assassinations, summary executions,
kidnappings, secret and other illegal detentions of individuals, torture and
physical and
psychological coercion of prisoners to obtain false statements concerning acts
intentions of governments and individuals and violating within the United
States, and by
authorizing U.S. forces and agents elsewhere, the rights of individuals under
the First,
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments to the Constitution of the United
States, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

7) Authorizing, directing and condoning bribery and coercion of governments
and individuals to cause them to act in violation of their duty and the law,
including to maintain and tighten enforcement of economic sanctions against Iraq
which continue to increase the death rate of infants, children and elderly
persons; to attack and kill designated groups, or persons; to permit use of
land, facilities, territorial waters, or air space for U.S. attacks on Iraq; to
vote, abstain in a vote, or publicly proclaim support for a U.S. or U.N. attack
on Iraq; to defect from Iraq, or to falsely accuse it of weapons concealment to
break down opposition to a U.S. war of aggression; and to reject ratification of
the Treaty creating an
International Criminal Court, or reject its jurisdiction over the United

8) Making, ordering and condoning false statements and propaganda about the
conduct of foreign governments and individuals and acts by U.S. government
personnel; manipulating the media and foreign governments with false
information; concealing information vital to public discussion and informed
judgment concerning acts, intentions and possession, or efforts to obtain
weapons of mass destruction in order to falsely create a climate of fear and
destroy opposition to U.S. wars of aggression and first strike attacks by the

9) Violations and subversions of the Constitution of the United States of
America in an attempt to commit with impunity crimes against peace and humanity
and war crimes in pre-emptive wars, first strike attacks and threats of
aggression against
Afghanistan, Iraq and other 

Re: Madeleine 'Half Million Dead Children Worth It' Albright: I Pity Iraqi Peo

2003-03-04 Thread Nancy Hey


Right. Anything that Madeline Albright says about 'pitying" the Iraqi
people is worth less than dirt.
peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Rick Rozoff wrote:
[Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have
heard that a half million children have died. I mean,
that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you
know, is the price worth it?
Ambassador to the U.N. Madeleine Albright: I think
this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think
the price is worth it.]
Agence France-Presse
March 3, 2003

Albright: Bush Should Hold Off on Iraq
WASHINGTON - Former Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright urged President Bush on Monday to wait longer
before attacking Iraq, saying current pressure was
forcing Baghdad to disarm.
Albright, who addressed a conference on increasing the
number of women in politics, said the buildup of
military force in the Middle East has led to new
inspections and Iraq's decision to dismantle its
outlawed Al Samoud 2 missiles.
"We are actually accomplishing something," said
Albright, secretary of state under President Clinton.
"The president should take credit for the fact they
are disarming."
As an alternative to war, she suggested more intrusive
inspections and even the threat to destroy suspected
weapons facilities that the government refuses to open
to U.N. personnel, the way U.S. and British pilots
attack missile sites in the Iraqi no-fly zones.
"The momentum seems to be moving in the direction of
war," Albright said. "We might get the war over, but
we night not get the postwar over."
She said there has been increased anti-American
feelings overseas in response to Bush's Iraq policy.
"There must be some way to do what we wanted without
alienating everybody," she said.
Albright said her concern about going to war does not
mean any support for Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. "I
think Saddam Hussein is a terrible dictator," she
said. "There's nothing to defend about him. I pity the
Iraqi people."
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UN: Annan Plots With US For 'Kosovo Style' Occupation Of Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

The Times (London)
March 5, 2003

UN leaders draw up secret blueprint for postwar Iraq
From James Bone in New York

US forces will hand over three months after Saddam is

-The UN is breaking a taboo, and arguably breaching
its charter, by considering plans for Iraq’s future
governance while it deals daily with President Saddam
Hussein’s regime as a legitimate member. 
The 60-page plan was ordered by Louise Frechette, the
Canadian deputy of Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General,
and was drawn up at the UN’s New York headquarters by
a six-member pre-planning group. 
-UN sources expected the plan to be implemented even
if the US goes to war without a UN resolution
authorising military action. 
-[M]s Frechette had a 90-minute meeting on Monday with
Jay Garner, the retired US Army general who is in line
to be the US governor of postwar Iraq. 
Lieutenant-General Garner heads the Pentagon office of
reconstruction and humanitarian affairs formed in
January, which is assembling a “government-in-waiting”
of Iraqi exiles and American advisers to head Iraq’s
major ministries and public works agencies.  
-UN sources say that Britain, which is loath to occupy
Iraq because of its colonial history there, pushed for
a full-blown UN administration along the lines of
those in Kosovo and East Timor, and a UN agency to
control Iraq’s oil. 

The United Nations has drawn up a confidential plan to
establish a post-Saddam government in Iraq in a move
that suggests its leaders now consider war all but
The plan, obtained by The Times, has been produced in
great secrecy over the past month, even though
Security Council approval of a “war resolution” hangs
in the balance. 

The UN is breaking a taboo, and arguably breaching its
charter, by considering plans for Iraq’s future
governance while it deals daily with President Saddam
Hussein’s regime as a legitimate member. 

The 60-page plan was ordered by Louise Frechette, the
Canadian deputy of Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General,
and was drawn up at the UN’s New York headquarters by
a six-member pre-planning group. It envisages the UN
stepping in about three months after a successful
conquest of Iraq, and steering the country towards
self-government, as in Afghanistan. 

The plan resists British pressure to set up a
full-scale UN administration. It also says that the UN
should avoid taking direct control of Iraqi oil or
becoming involved in vetting Iraqi officials for links
to the President or staging elections under US
military occupation. 

It proposes instead the creation of a UN Assistance
Mission in Iraq, to be known as Unami, to help to
establish a new government. 

UN sources expected the plan to be implemented even if
the US goes to war without a UN resolution authorising
military action. It recommends that the UN immediately
appoint a senior official to co-ordinate its strategy,
who would become the UN special representative in
post-war Iraq. 

Sources said that Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN
troubleshooter who organised the creation of the
Government in Afghanistan, would be approached about a
similar role in Iraq. 

Mr Brahimi, a former Algerian Foreign Minister whose
journalist-daughter has been reporting for the CNN
television network from Baghdad, is said to be
reluctant to take on a major assignment at the age of
68 but is expected to accept. 

A clause in the UN Charter bars it from interfering in
a member state’s internal affairs. When Mr Annan
wanted to discuss contingency plans for war-time
humanitarian operations with the Security Council last
month, Russia insisted that he do so informally in his
own office rather than in the council chamber. 

Yet Ms Frechette had a 90-minute meeting on Monday
with Jay Garner, the retired US Army general who is in
line to be the US governor of postwar Iraq. 

Lieutenant-General Garner heads the Pentagon office of
reconstruction and humanitarian affairs formed in
January, which is assembling a “government-in-waiting”
of Iraqi exiles and American advisers to head Iraq’s
major ministries and public works agencies. 

Although the US plans to take control of Iraq
immediately after a war, diplomats say that Washington
is now more prepared to accept an international role
there later on. 

General Garner told Ms Frechette that he wanted to get
out of the job “as quickly as possible” to be replaced
by a respected international figure. He foresaw Iraqi
exiles in the transitional administration being
replaced in one to six months. “Everyone can swallow
up to three months of US government in Iraq,” one UN
official said. 

The UN plan predicts that, despite the acrimonious
divisions in the Security Council, it will inevitably
be called on to play a role in postwar Iraq. 

“The considered opinion of the pre-planning group is
that, while public statements assert that the
coalition forces will be responsible for military 

Albanian Client Offers NATO Air, Naval Bases For Iraq War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

[The excerpts from Nano's Boston Globe article -
wonder how that was arranged? - were no doubt authored
by Bruce Jackson, NATO's preeminent ghost writer.]

Albania to open bases to NATO in case of war on Iraq 

TIRANA, March 4 (AFP) - The Albanian parliament Monday
voted unanimously to open the country's air and naval
bases to NATO in case of a war on Iraq and reiterated
the government's hardline stance in the crisis.

The parliament also authorized the government to use
all of Albania's military resources to assist efforts
aimed against the regime of Iraq President Saddam
Hussein, according to the parliamentary press office.

Baghdad continues to be a potential threat to peace
and security, parliament said in its resolution,
echoing recent statement by senior Albanian officials.

In a recent article in the Boston Globe daily, which
was reprinted by the Albanian press, Albanian Prime
Minister Fatos Nano strongly backed the US stance in
the Iraq crisis.

Maybe today is the time for European leaders to visit
the Normandy beaches to see what the United States did
in the name of freedom, Nano said. It is thanks to
the courage and the generosity of Americans that today
countries like France and Germany... have become free

Europeans should remember the help that the United
States and Britain brought during the Second World
War, he said.

Britain has been the staunchest supporter of the
United States on the Iraq standoff, while France and
Germany have led European opposition in the crisis.

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Macedonia: Two NATO Occupiers Injured In Blast [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Rick Rozoff

Two NATO peacekeepers injured in Macedonia blast 

['(A)n explosive device they were thought to be
handling.' Anyone care to speculate on this subject?]


SKOPJE, March 4 (AFP) - Two soldiers serving with NATO
forces in Macedonia were injured Tuesday along with
three civilans when an explosive device they were
thought to be handling went off unexpectedly, a
spokesman said.

The soldiers' nationality was not revealed but private
television station A1 reported that they were Polish.

Craig Ratcliff, a spokesman for international troops
serving with the military alliance in the Balkan
country said he did not know how serious the injuries
were, adding that details surrounding the incident
were unclear.

At this point (we think the troops were handling) an
explosive device that somebody was trying to get rid
of, Ratcliff said.

The explosion occurred in the northern region of
Kumanovo, he added, describing the incident as

NATO forces have been deployed in the former Yugoslav
republic since September 2001 after a Western-brokered
peace deal ended fighting between Macedonian
government forces and ethnic Albanian rebels.

A peacekeeping force from the European Union is due to
start a tour of duty on the ground in Macedonia this
month, the EU presidency has said, spearheading the
bloc's first ever such role.

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Vote for David needed at ToryDraft [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


All Orchard supporters need to go to and vote in the new poll 
asking who won the debate March 2.
At 11 pm (Atlantic time), MacKay led with 21%, 
followed by David with 17%, Bachand and Prentice tied with 16%,Brison with 
15%, Grafftey 9% and Chandler 6%.


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News, 4.3.2003, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-03-04 Thread Miroslav Antic

   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   March 4th 2003, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Chancellor Fails to Bring Unions and Employers Together

   Gerhard Schröder has failed to budge the country's unions and
   employers' groups over the issue of job creation. The chancellor
   is now turning his focus to his own solutions. 

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_792300_1_A,00.html

   US to send 60,000 more troops to Gulf

   The United States has ordered up to 60,000 additional troops to
   deploy to the Gulf to join the massive build-up of U.S. and British
   forces already in the region for a possible war with Iraq, U.S.
   defense officials said on Tuesday. They would join more than 250,000
   U.S. and British troops already in the Gulf region along with dozens
   of warships and more than 500 attack aircraft for a possible attack
   on Iraq that could be launched within weeks.

   Russia says it may use veto power to stop war

   Speaking on BBC, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said on
   Tuesday that Moscow would not support any measure leading to a war
   on Iraq and might be prepared to use its veto in the U.N. Security
   Council. Mr.Ivanov said Moscow, which like China, France and Germany
   opposes the hawkish stance by Washington and London against
   Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, would not abstain in any future
   U.N. Security Council vote on Iraq. He said it would be a serious
   mistake with serious consequences, if the United States went to war
   against Iraq without the approval of a Security Council second

   Germany warns its nationals to leave Iraq

   Germany warned its nationals Tuesday to leave Iraq and avoid all
   travel to the Gulf state given the growing threat of war, the
   foreign ministry said.It said on its Internet site that Germans in
   Iraq were invited to immediately plan for their departure. On
   February 12th, it warned Germans against travelling to Kuwait, which
   borders Iraq, because of security concerns in the region. The
   ministry currently has travel warnings out on 11 countries, most of
   them in the Horn of Africa, the Middle East or near Afghanistan.

   At least 209 killed in Phillipine explosion

   The U.S. embassy in Manila confirmed on Tuesday that one American
   had died after being severely wounded by a powerful explosion at an
   airport in the southern Philippines. At least 20 people were killed
   and more than 145 wounded, including three other Americans, in the
   explosion in a shelter outside the airport in Davao, the
   second-biggest city after the capital, Manila. The attack came amid
   heightened security against attacks by Muslim separatist rebels in
   the south of the mainly Roman Catholic country. U.S. special forces
   are now on the southern island of Mindanao, training Philippine
   units in counter-terrorism tactics.

   Alleged 9/11 mastermind flown to US base in Afghanistan

   Alleged al-Qaeda terror mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was flown
   to Afghanistan early Tuesday, after three days of interrogation in
   Pakistan. Along with a Middle Eastern al-Qaeda suspect, arrested in
   the pre-dawn raid Saturday, Khalid Mohammed was handed over to US
   custody and flown to the US base at Bagram north of Kabul, after
   permission was granted by Kuwait. He was was born in Kuwait to
   Pakistani parents, but Pakistan considers him a Kuwaiti national.His
   capture is the biggest coup of the 18-month old war on terrorism.
   Khalid Mohammed is believed to be al-Qaeda's operational commander
   and the architect of the September 11 terror attacks in the US that
   killed more than 3,000 people.

   Sri Lanka offers amnesty to 51,000 army deserters amid truce

   Sri Lanka Tuesday offered immunity from prosecution to some 51,000
   military deserters in line with a truce with Tamil Tiger rebels. The
   defence ministry said deserters would be legally discharged from the
   security forces, after they pay any money they owe the military for
   training them, while those wanting to rejoin will also be
   considered. An official spokesman said the move would help a large
   number of young men to come out of hiding and seek employment
   without taking up a career of crime. Both government troops and the
   rebels are currently observing a truce arranged by peace broker
   Norway, since February 23rd last year.

   More cheering crowds as Chirac ends Algeria visit

   Algerian crowds gave French President Jacques Chirac another rousing
   welcome on Tuesday in the city of Oran, where he ends a state visit
   meant to help reconcile France to its former colony. Tens of