R: Integration with SMS Microsoft and CMDB - BMC: Remedy Discovery Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003? - Urgent Feedback Please

2007-08-30 Thread gcorgnati

We try to do this integration but we fail because the mapping file with the
CMDB 2.0 are not available. Using the Remedy link for SQL Server product and
the SMS2CMDB v1.6 integration Sw we made a easy integration. 

The real problem is related to the Sw License, because we need to buy a new
License for the Remedy Link for SQL product !.



Giancarlo Corgnati




Da: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di Rami S Ayoub
Inviato: giovedì 30 agosto 2007 12.12
A: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Oggetto: Integration with SMS Microsoft and CMDB - BMC: Remedy Discovery
Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003? - Urgent Feedback Please



Hi List, 


Does anyone do the integration between SMS Microsoft and CMDB using BMC:
Remedy Discovery Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003?


We need to open this subject I have facing issues with this product?





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OT:I am looking to acquire a small Remedy consulting company

2007-08-30 Thread Random Remedyguy
Hello listers -

I'm posting this on behalf of a regular lister who wishes to remain
anonymous for the time being.  His message is below:

If you are an owner or partner in a small Remedy consulting company this may
be of interest to you.  We are attempting to grow and are exploring our
options.  Remedy skills are so specialized and niche that it's difficult to
grow fast when you are hiring/training consultants.  Consequently we are
exploring the path of acquiring a small Remedy consulting company.  We
are also open to purchasing the Remedy division of a regular consulting
company that may wish to shift focus to other products or services and no
longer do Remedy work.

The ideal target for an acquisition would be a smaller Remedy shop - and
that is the reason for posting this to the ARS List.  We all know the big
regional/national partners but I keep meeting people who work for
local/regional Remedy consulting companies that no one has heard much from
before - either because they are new or because they haven't had the need to
get much public attention.  These are probably the people we would be the
closest match for in the long run.

What would you get out of this?  You would be joining a growing national
BMC/Remedy partner with excellent benefits, etc.  And, of course, there is
the benefit of having your ownership bought out for a fair market price.  We
have also always had exceptional employee relations and have had the
smallest turnover of any consulting company I am familiar with (3 people in
10 years - the rest are still with us).

The actual acquisition would take a look at these factors:

1.) "Goodwill"
2.) Revenue potential
3.) Revenue history
4.) Non-monetary assets including any intellectual property (if applicable)
5.) Debt
6.) Consultant training and certifications

Should you be interested in learning more the basic process will be this:

1.) Introduction of the owners to each other an initial discovery to see if
the company fits our "basic" match criteria
2.) If interested in proceeding with discovery after initial brief meetings
we sign NDA's
3.) Due diligence on our part on financials, company history, etc.
4.) Due diligence on your part on our ability to pay, company history, etc.
5.) An offer will be generated or we will decline to make an offer
6.) You review offer/negotiate/etc
7.) Acceptance and deal closing (or refusal and amicable parting of the

This is an American company founded and owned in the US with no
offshore/overseas operations.  The vast majority of our business takes place
in the US with very rare customer visits around the globe.  Our primary
sectors are Fortune 1000, Federal Government, State government, and the
occasional smaller corporate customer.

All inquiries will be kept confidential.

If you think you may be interested please send a brief message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and include the following:

Name and title
Email (if different than the one you are sending information from)
Phone #

Anonymous initial inquiries are also accepted - after all, turn about is
fair play :)  These messages will be redirected and you will be contacted
ASAP after I receive your inquiry.

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Auto Approval Rules

2007-08-30 Thread Choudhary, Dhanesh


Can some one help me in creating an auto approval rule with following
condition in Remedy 7.


1.  The timing must equal   STANDARD

2.  The CI must be FIREWALL


We do have a CI called FIREWALL. Once these condition is satisfied. CR
should automatically move from "Schedule for Review" to "Schedule"


I appreciate for your help. 


Thank you,




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Issue with Calling .NET Web Service from Remedy

2007-08-30 Thread Gopala Krishna Peela


  I have written a .Net web service which posts request xml to one http
url and retrieves data from response xml.

  I am trying to achieve this in .NET Web Service using below steps.

  1. Building Request XML  with the data of a regular form using  Dot

  2. Posting request XML to HTTP URL

  3. Parsing Response XML and pushing data to a regular form using Dot

  4. Finally calling that .NET Web Service using Remedy Filter.

I am facing the below error while call above said .Net web service from

ARERR [8939] The AR System Plug-In server is not responding.  Cannot
connect to the system at this time.  Contact your AR System
Administrator for assistance.

Plug in Log file content

CALL  ARFilterApiCall  -- filter API

soapService = WebServiceEngine

soapMethod = performAzlanOnlineCheck

soapNamespace = http://tempuri.org/

 soapInputDocument = http://tempuri.org/";




 Number of inputs = 12

 Input Env = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";






 About to invoke

 java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out


The below are the environment details.

Remedy 6.3 patch 18

Mid Tier 6.3 patch 18

.NET Remedy API 7.0

Could you please help me on solving this issue..?

Thanks &Regards,

Gopala Krishna.Peela


' BTGS ESG;  Virtusa India (P) Ltd.,  India - 044-42002700- Extn 3253

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"Return/Table or Level Dbl-Clk" not firing if field has two or more rows

2007-08-30 Thread Dwayne Martin

We have lots of active links that fire on a Return when the cursor is in a 
field.  But now we suddenly have one that doesn't work.  It doesn't even appear 
in the log. In the "Display" tab it is set to 4 rows.  If I change that to 1 it 
works.  But for anything more than 1 row it doesn't.

Is this a bug, or is it as designed, or is it just me?

(ARS 7.03 p2, Linux server, Oracle 10.2 db)

Dwayne Martin
Computing Support
James Madison University

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Re: Ghosting remedy server

2007-08-30 Thread Thad K Esser

Can't help you with the Ghosting question, but here is the Oracle SQL I 
use to find fixed references to servers.  I can't guarantee it'll catch 
every possible place a server is referenced, but it covers the major ones. 
 Fixing the references is a different issue, this SQL just finds them.

select 'Table' Item, a.name Form, f.fieldname ObjectName, ft.tfserver 
from ARSCHEMA a, field f, field_table ft
where a.SCHEMAID = f.schemaid and f.SCHEMAID = ft.SCHEMAID and f.FIELDID = 
ft.FIELDID and NOT ( tfserver = '@' OR tfserver LIKE '$%$')
select 'AL Push Fields',s.name, a.NAME, 
'\')+1,substr(ap.assignshort,1,INSTR(ap.assignshort, '\')-1))
from arschema s,actlink a,actlink_mapping am,actlink_push ap
where s.schemaid = am.schemaid
and am.actlinkid = a.actlinkid
and a.ACTLINKID = ap.actlinkid
and (not(ap.assignshort like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]') or not(ap.assignlong like 
select 'Active Link Open Window', '', al.name, alo.servername
from actlink al, ACTLINK_OPEN alo
select 'Active Link CallGuide', '', al.name, alc.servername
from actlink al, ACTLINK_CALL alc
select 'Menu-Search','', cm.name, cmq.server
from char_menu cm, CHAR_MENU_query cmq
select 'Menu-DataDictionary','', cm.name, cmq.server
from char_menu cm, CHAR_MENU_DD cmq
select 'Menu-SQL','', cm.name, cmq.server
from char_menu cm, CHAR_MENU_sql cmq
select 'Filter CallGuide', '', f.name, fc.servername
from filter f, filter_call fc
where f.filterid = fc. filterid and NOT ( SERVERNAME = '@' OR SERVERNAME 
LIKE '$%$')
order by 1,2,3

Hope that helps,
Thad Esser
Remedy Developer
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours."-- Richard 

"Liz Feulner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent by: "Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" 

08/30/2007 11:08 AM
Please respond to


Ghosting remedy server

Environment:  Windows 2003, Oracle 10g, ARS 7.0.1, cmdb 2.0.1 patch 3, 
full ITSM 6 (yes, e have ITSM6 with CMDB 2), DLS 7.0.1, EIE, SMS, Remedy 
sql link, SLM 7.0.03
We have this environment set up on a test server and this will shortly 
become our production system.  We will then need to quickly build a 
development serer.  To redo all these installs and scripts to make ITSM 6 
work with CMDB 2 would take days and days of effort.  We would like to 
take this test server and use it to ghost the new development server and 
then do a database copy from the current test server to the new 
development server.  Obviously we would have to get the proper licenses 
for the development server. 
We anticipate that we may have issues with tables pointing to the wrong 
server.  Are there other likely issues?  Is this a reasonable approach? 
Has anyone successfully done this before? 
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St-Pierre Patrick I625ST/Levis/GVDL est absent(e).

2007-08-30 Thread Patrick St-Pierre
Je serai absent(e) à partir du  2007-08-30 de retour le 2007-09-05.

Le présent message est destiné uniquement aux personnes indiquées dans 
l'en-tête. Il contient des informations confidentielles qui ne peuvent être 
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consentement à cet égard. Si vous n'êtes pas un des destinataires concernés par 
cette communication ou une des personnes autorisées à la recevoir, veuillez en 
aviser l'expéditeur par courriel et détruire toutes les copies qui peuvent 
This message is intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is 
addressed. It contains privileged and confidential information which is not to 
be disclosed without the sender's express consent. If you are not the intended 
recipient of this message or an authorized representative thereof, please 
notify the sender by email and then destroy this message as well as all other 
existing copies.

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Answers Are"

Re: Server Performance Issues??

2007-08-30 Thread Axton
- for completion of a call
+ for start of a call

Axton Grams

On 8/30/07, David Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Misi and Axton
> Thanks for the feedback.  Yes, that was my suspicion (and hope) that arwklga
> was wrong.  Arwklga was claiming that these process calls are taking 2
> minutes to complete, but as far as I could see the +EXECAL to -EXECAL OK is
> completed quickly.
> I had 2 theories:
> 1) that the thread is actually idle and waiting for 2 minutes, or
> 2) that the @@:Application-Generate-GUID process is kicked off, the -EXECAL
> OK is returned immediately, but it is taking a further 2 minutes to return
> the result of the process.
> So the real question is, does the -EXECAL OK indicate that the process call
> has been started successfully, or completed successfully?
> Axton - I'll see if I can get some AL/Filter logs when this happens to
> compare with the API logs - that might answer the above question.
> Regards... Dave
> David Sanders
> Remedy Solution Architect
> Enterprise Service Suite @ Work
> ==
> ARS List Award Winner 2005
> Best 3rd party Remedy Application
> See the ESS Concepts Guide
> tel +44 1494 468980
> mobile +44 7710 377761
> web http://www.westoverconsulting.co.uk
> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Misi Mladoniczky
> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 7:04 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Server Performance Issues??
> Hi David,
> The detailed log rows does not show that the API-call is taking much time.
> There is a wait-time in between the calls, but...
> If you look at the RPC ID, you see a jump from 0016990986 to 0016991463,
> so the server has performed 477 API-calls between these calls. They may
> have been thread executed by other threads.
> Could arwklga have missinformed you?
> Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se
> Products from RRR Scandinavia:
> * RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
> * RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
> * RRR|Translator - Manage and automate your language translations.
> Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.
> > Hi List
> >
> > I wonder whether anyone has come across a situation like this and can
> > throw
> > any light on what might be causing these performance issues.
> >
> > ARS Server 6.03.00 patch 013
> > SunOS 5.10
> > Oracle 64bit on remote machine (shared with other apps)
> >
> > Running arwklga against combined API+SQL logs throws up several lines like
> > this:
> >
> > 2:40.5023 205245  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:43:24.9652
> > SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> > actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> >
> > 2:23.4299 191087  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:32:39.6091
> > SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> > actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> >
> > Looking at one of these in detail gives
> >
> > 205243API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 2007
> > 13:43:24.9636
> > +EXECAL ARExecuteProcessForActiveLink from Remedy User (protocol 11) at IP
> > address
> >
> > 205244SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 2007
> > 13:43:24.9638
> > SELECT actlinkId from actlink where name = 'RPQ:SHR-Lock0'
> >
> > 205245SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 2007
> > 13:43:24.9652
> > SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> > actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> >
> > 205246API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 2007
> > 13:43:24.9668
> >
> > 208592API 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29
> 2007
> > 13:46:05.4660
> > +GLE ARGetListEntry -- schema RPQ:Log from Remedy User
> >
> > 208593SQL 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29
> 2007
> > 13:46:05.4675
> > SELECT T201.C1,C8,C700037500,C700037000,C700034003,C73000 FROM T201
> > WHERE .
> >
> > That is, these set fields actions seem to be taking a couple of minutes to
> > complete.  Looking at the objects involved, they are doing
> > @@:Application-Generate-GUID or @@:Application-Confirm-Group processes.
> > The
> > +EXECAL to -EXECAL OK is quick, but the thread then does nothing for 2
> > mins
> > 39 secs before the next action from another user.
> >
> > Is arwkloga misleading me when it says the actlink_set is taking 2 mins
> > 40s
> > - is there an issue with the PROCESS actions? - or is the thread just
> > idle?
> >
> > Does anyone know what might take an Application-Generate-GUID process over
> > 2
> > minutes to complete?  As far as I can see, list and fast threads usage are
> > OK and the system is not waiting for a thread.
> >
> > Than

HTML Email/Attachment Templates

2007-08-30 Thread Meenakshinathan
Hi Listers,

I have a lot of textbox, option, selection and check box in my
workflow main form which is accessed via web browser. After the
request has been submitted we are sending all the information as text
to the next stage assigned user. Now we want to send a mail like the
workflow page.(i.e. like Screen shot of the page). For this we are
using a HTML template and pushing all the values into it and get it
done. The problem here is, since it is a HTML message, some of the
user don't have the option to view at as they have only to view plain
text message. So, we tried that by sending an attachment of that HTML
template. But it is sending the same HTML file and not replaced with
real values. So, Is it possible to get it done or any other
alternative methods are highly appreciated.
Remedy ARS 6.3, Mid Tier 6.3, Solaris, Oracle


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Re: OT: Attachement Updation - File Contents Changed - Resolved ::)

2007-08-30 Thread Meenakshinathan
Hi Lister,

I have resolved this subject by tracking the changes in the attachment

I wrote some custom code in the clientcore.js file to track the
attachment updation,deletion and modification. This custom code has a
varibale which holds the attachment label name and the action
performed by the user. A separate user defined function return that
varibale to remedy workflow. Using
window.F(fieldid).DoSet(functionname()) javascript code get the value
in the workflow form field and send the notification to the submiitter
of the request. Now iinstead of finding the file contents changed in
the attachment, i have traced all the actions performed in all the
attachments in the single attachment pool. The result will be
Attachment #1 - Modified
Attachment #2 - Added
Attachment #3 - Deleted and Added
Attachment # 4 - Deleted.

This will give a more information to the user on attachments.

Thanks for all your help ::)

On Aug 4, 12:30 am, "L. J. Head" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :)that's why I was thinking that FooBar was a programming joke...hehehe
> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Carey Matthew Black
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 12:29 PM
> Subject: Re: OT: Attachement Updation - File Contents Changed
> Wikipedia.com also has a definition for most things.
> And that list does include fubar too. But I will not repeat the definition
> in polite company. :) So reader beware if you go looking for it.
> Maybe Kinetic Data can have a survey to find out if people think more of
> FooBar or Fubar when they think about ARS? ( It is time for some Friday
> Humor right? )
> Have a great weekend all.
> --
> Carey Matthew Black
> Remedy Skilled Professional (RSP)
> ARS = Action Request System(Remedy)
> Love, then teach
> Solution = People + Process + Tools
> Fast, Accurate, Cheap Pick two.
> On 8/3/07, Shellman, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > **
> > From Wikipedia
> > "Foobar is a common placeholder name also referred to as metasyntactic
> > variable used in computer programming or computer related documentation."
> ___­_
> ___
> UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives atwww.arslist.orgARSlist:"Where the
> Answers Are"
> ___­
> UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives atwww.arslist.orgARSlist:"Where the 
> Answers Are"- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Server Performance Issues??

2007-08-30 Thread David Sanders
Hi Misi and Axton

Thanks for the feedback.  Yes, that was my suspicion (and hope) that arwklga
was wrong.  Arwklga was claiming that these process calls are taking 2
minutes to complete, but as far as I could see the +EXECAL to -EXECAL OK is
completed quickly.

I had 2 theories:

1) that the thread is actually idle and waiting for 2 minutes, or

2) that the @@:Application-Generate-GUID process is kicked off, the -EXECAL
OK is returned immediately, but it is taking a further 2 minutes to return
the result of the process.

So the real question is, does the -EXECAL OK indicate that the process call
has been started successfully, or completed successfully?

Axton - I'll see if I can get some AL/Filter logs when this happens to
compare with the API logs - that might answer the above question.

Regards... Dave

David Sanders
Remedy Solution Architect
Enterprise Service Suite @ Work
ARS List Award Winner 2005
Best 3rd party Remedy Application
See the ESS Concepts Guide
tel +44 1494 468980
mobile +44 7710 377761
web http://www.westoverconsulting.co.uk
-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Misi Mladoniczky
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 7:04 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Server Performance Issues??

Hi David,

The detailed log rows does not show that the API-call is taking much time.
There is a wait-time in between the calls, but...

If you look at the RPC ID, you see a jump from 0016990986 to 0016991463,
so the server has performed 477 API-calls between these calls. They may
have been thread executed by other threads.

Could arwklga have missinformed you?

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se

Products from RRR Scandinavia:
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
* RRR|Translator - Manage and automate your language translations.
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.

> Hi List
> I wonder whether anyone has come across a situation like this and can
> throw
> any light on what might be causing these performance issues.
> ARS Server 6.03.00 patch 013
> SunOS 5.10
> Oracle 64bit on remote machine (shared with other apps)
> Running arwklga against combined API+SQL logs throws up several lines like
> this:
> 2:40.5023 205245  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:43:24.9652
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> 2:23.4299 191087  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:32:39.6091
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> Looking at one of these in detail gives
> 205243API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 13:43:24.9636
> +EXECAL ARExecuteProcessForActiveLink from Remedy User (protocol 11) at IP
> address
> 205244SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 13:43:24.9638
> SELECT actlinkId from actlink where name = 'RPQ:SHR-Lock0'
> 205245SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 13:43:24.9652
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> 205246API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29
> 13:43:24.9668
> 208592API 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29
> 13:46:05.4660
> +GLE ARGetListEntry -- schema RPQ:Log from Remedy User
> 208593SQL 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29
> 13:46:05.4675
> SELECT T201.C1,C8,C700037500,C700037000,C700034003,C73000 FROM T201
> That is, these set fields actions seem to be taking a couple of minutes to
> complete.  Looking at the objects involved, they are doing
> @@:Application-Generate-GUID or @@:Application-Confirm-Group processes.
> The
> +EXECAL to -EXECAL OK is quick, but the thread then does nothing for 2
> mins
> 39 secs before the next action from another user.
> Is arwkloga misleading me when it says the actlink_set is taking 2 mins
> 40s
> - is there an issue with the PROCESS actions? - or is the thread just
> idle?
> Does anyone know what might take an Application-Generate-GUID process over
> 2
> minutes to complete?  As far as I can see, list and fast threads usage are
> OK and the system is not waiting for a thread.
> Thanks for any advice
> David Sanders
> Remedy Solution Architect
> Enterprise Service Suite @ Work
> ==
> ARS List Award Winner 2005
> Best 3rd party Remedy Application
> See the ESS Concepts Guide
> tel +44 1494 468980
> mobile +44 7710 377761
> web http://www.westoverconsulting.co.uk

Re: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

2007-08-30 Thread Mary Dollus

I attempted to answer your responses thru the web site, but I haven't seen my 
replies show up.. so if you've seen these responses already sorry! :)

Yep I'm definitely pursuing that option however we're of course in a time 
crunch so I have to keep pursuing all avenues until I get it resolved.  I'm 
trying to get the name of a support tech at Harris to see how easily this can 
be done.

Thanks,, yep I'll have to do that before we go live with this however this is 
for a brand new ticket that doesn't have an Incident ID yet.

But thanks... I hadn't tried to do what you said just yet so I'm glad to know 
it works okay :) cool that will save me time later.

Thanks,, I tried that and I still get error "Record 1 : Required field (without 
a default) not specified -- Incident Number (ARERR 307)"

Thank you all for your ideas,,, if I get it figure out I'll post the answer.

- Mary 

-Original Message-
From: Mary Dollus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:28 AM
To: 'arslist@ARSLIST.ORG'
Subject: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has successfully entered new records into the 
Incident Management application thru the import tool or other external methods?

Currently the interface works (Harris Netboss) by an API call that submits a 
ticket into the Incident Interface Create form and from there it pushes the 
ticket into the Incident Management (HPD:HelpDesk) form.  However that same API 
statement is grabbing the Request ID of the Incident Interface Create form 
instead of field 100161 which stores the created Incident ID.

So, I’ve been attempting to import records directly into the Incident 
Management (HPD:Help Desk) form; however I keep running into an issue with the 
Incident ID field (100161).  I added a filter to fire on merge that mimics 
the active link that updates the field when creating a ticket manually… however 
it’s not working…

Any ideas?

Thanks ☺

Mary Dollus
generationE Technologies

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where the 
Answers Are"

Ghosting remedy server

2007-08-30 Thread Liz Feulner
Environment:  Windows 2003, Oracle 10g, ARS 7.0.1, cmdb 2.0.1 patch 3, full 
ITSM 6 (yes, e have ITSM6 with CMDB 2), DLS 7.0.1, EIE, SMS, Remedy sql link, 
SLM 7.0.03

We have this environment set up on a test server and this will shortly become 
our production system.  We will then need to quickly build a development serer. 
 To redo all these installs and scripts to make ITSM 6 work with CMDB 2 would 
take days and days of effort.  We would like to take this test server and use 
it to ghost the new development server and then do a database copy from the 
current test server to the new development server.  Obviously we would have to 
get the proper licenses for the development server. 

We anticipate that we may have issues with tables pointing to the wrong server. 
 Are there other likely issues?  Is this a reasonable approach?  Has anyone 
successfully done this before? 


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Re: Server Performance Issues??

2007-08-30 Thread Misi Mladoniczky
Hi David,

The detailed log rows does not show that the API-call is taking much time.
There is a wait-time in between the calls, but...

If you look at the RPC ID, you see a jump from 0016990986 to 0016991463,
so the server has performed 477 API-calls between these calls. They may
have been thread executed by other threads.

Could arwklga have missinformed you?

Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se

Products from RRR Scandinavia:
* RRR|License - Not enough Remedy licenses? Save money by optimizing.
* RRR|Log - Performance issues or elusive bugs? Analyze your Remedy logs.
* RRR|Translator - Manage and automate your language translations.
Find these products, and many free tools and utilities, at http://rrr.se.

> Hi List
> I wonder whether anyone has come across a situation like this and can
> throw
> any light on what might be causing these performance issues.
> ARS Server 6.03.00 patch 013
> SunOS 5.10
> Oracle 64bit on remote machine (shared with other apps)
> Running arwklga against combined API+SQL logs throws up several lines like
> this:
> 2:40.5023 205245  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:43:24.9652
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> 2:23.4299 191087  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:32:39.6091
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> Looking at one of these in detail gives
> 205243API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9636
> +EXECAL ARExecuteProcessForActiveLink from Remedy User (protocol 11) at IP
> address
> 205244SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9638
> SELECT actlinkId from actlink where name = 'RPQ:SHR-Lock0'
> 205245SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9652
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> 205246API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9668
> 208592API 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:46:05.4660
> +GLE ARGetListEntry -- schema RPQ:Log from Remedy User
> 208593SQL 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:46:05.4675
> SELECT T201.C1,C8,C700037500,C700037000,C700034003,C73000 FROM T201
> That is, these set fields actions seem to be taking a couple of minutes to
> complete.  Looking at the objects involved, they are doing
> @@:Application-Generate-GUID or @@:Application-Confirm-Group processes.
> The
> +EXECAL to –EXECAL OK is quick, but the thread then does nothing for 2
> mins
> 39 secs before the next action from another user.
> Is arwkloga misleading me when it says the actlink_set is taking 2 mins
> 40s
> – is there an issue with the PROCESS actions? – or is the thread just
> idle?
> Does anyone know what might take an Application-Generate-GUID process over
> 2
> minutes to complete?  As far as I can see, list and fast threads usage are
> OK and the system is not waiting for a thread.
> Thanks for any advice
> David Sanders
> Remedy Solution Architect
> Enterprise Service Suite @ Work
> ==
> ARS List Award Winner 2005
> Best 3rd party Remedy Application
> See the ESS Concepts Guide
> tel +44 1494 468980
> mobile +44 7710 377761
> web http://www.westoverconsulting.co.uk
> ___
> UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where
> the Answers Are"

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Answers Are"

Re: Server Performance Issues??

2007-08-30 Thread Axton
The pause is between api calls:

+GLE ARGetListEntry -- schema RPQ:Log from Remedy User

There is maybe something else that is causing the wait time?  If you
run AL and Filter logs, where do you see the pause?

Axton Grams

On 8/30/07, David Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List
> I wonder whether anyone has come across a situation like this and can throw
> any light on what might be causing these performance issues.
> ARS Server 6.03.00 patch 013
> SunOS 5.10
> Oracle 64bit on remote machine (shared with other apps)
> Running arwklga against combined API+SQL logs throws up several lines like
> this:
> 2:40.5023   205245  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:43:24.9652
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> 2:23.4299   191087  actlink_set Wed Aug 29 2007 13:32:39.6091
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> Looking at one of these in detail gives
> 205243  API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9636
> +EXECAL ARExecuteProcessForActiveLink from Remedy User (protocol 11) at IP
> address
> 205244  SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9638
> SELECT actlinkId from actlink where name = 'RPQ:SHR-Lock0'
> 205245  SQL 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9652
> SELECT assignShort,assignLong FROM actlink_set WHERE actlinkId = 6881 AND
> actionIndex = 0 AND fieldId = 1077077
> 205246  API 0016990986  List390620  lp2d06  Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:43:24.9668
> 208592  API 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:46:05.4660
> +GLE ARGetListEntry -- schema RPQ:Log from Remedy User
> 208593  SQL 0016991463  List390620  lai Wed Aug 29 2007
> 13:46:05.4675
> SELECT T201.C1,C8,C700037500,C700037000,C700034003,C73000 FROM T201
> That is, these set fields actions seem to be taking a couple of minutes to
> complete. Looking at the objects involved, they are doing
> @@:Application-Generate-GUID or @@:Application-Confirm-Group processes. The
> +EXECAL to –EXECAL OK is quick, but the thread then does nothing for 2 mins
> 39 secs before the next action from another user.
> Is arwkloga misleading me when it says the actlink_set is taking 2 mins 40s
> – is there an issue with the PROCESS actions? – or is the thread just idle?
> Does anyone know what might take an Application-Generate-GUID process over 2
> minutes to complete? As far as I can see, list and fast threads usage are
> OK and the system is not waiting for a thread.
> Thanks for any advice
> David Sanders
> Remedy Solution Architect
> Enterprise Service Suite @ Work
> ==
> ARS List Award Winner 2005
> Best 3rd party Remedy Application
> See theESS Concepts Guide
> tel +44 1494 468980
> mobile +44 7710 377761
> web http://www.westoverconsulting.co.uk
> ___
> UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where the 
> Answers Are"

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Answers Are"

AL Guide entry point two forms show up

2007-08-30 Thread Michael Hirst

Hello Listers,

First the details:

AR Server:  6.03.00 patch 015
O/S:SunOS 5.9
DB: Oracle
HD: 6.3

I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.  I have set 
up an AL Guide to provide an extra entry point for a different view of 
the support console of Help Desk for certain users, as I was unable to 
get the entry points working for different views as the advanced 
development guide said should work.

I used the advanced development guide instructions for setting this up, 
and well, it works...kinda to well :P

What happens is when I click on the entry point link that was created, 
my form opens up, in the view I want.  But two forms open up instead of 
just one.  I have checked the logs, and do not see anything specific 
that may be causing this, so I was wondering if anyone has seen this 
before and what the fix was.

I am still digging into this myself, and if I find the answer, I will 
post it to the list for future reference.

Best Regards,
Michael Hirst
University of Arizona
CCIT, Computing and Network Support

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Re: Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Cook
Theoretically, it can work.  It just takes a modification of how ITSM 6
interacts with the different CDM in v2.0.  If you're experienced enough with
both HD 7 and CMDB to be comfortable doing that, then there is no patch or
white paper necessary.  If you aren't, there was supposed to be a white
paper issued to lead one through that process.

I have been waiting for such a promised white paper for about a year now,
but it seems to be no longer on the radar, or I think it would be out.  You
may be on your own for this one.


On 8/30/07, Run4Life &Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ** Dear Experts
> Please share you experience & information on this compatibility
> Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform
> and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same
> Warm Regards
> Himanshu

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Can CMDB 2.0 work ITSM 6.0

2007-08-30 Thread
Dear Experts

Please share you experience & information on this compatibility

Can we make CMDB 2.0 work with ITSM 6.0 on ARS 7.x platform

and if posible please share any link or white paper on the same

Warm Regards

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Answers Are"

Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

2007-08-30 Thread Easter, David
 > Is a mid tier required for FBs?

Yes, the Mid-Tier is required for Flashboards.  Flashboards are a Data
Visualization Field (DVF) and DVF require the Mid-Tier.


-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Service Management Business Unit
BMC Software, Inc.
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed
in this E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.
My voluntary participation in this forum is not intended to convey a
role as a spokesperson, liaison or public relations representative for
BMC Software, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:06 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

Is a mid tier required for FBs?

I am running a 2 tier system.no mid-tier, only client server.


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Halstead
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:20 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

You're right in that it looks like an http error page.  I pretty sure
the flashboards object are infact view fields specifically tailored to
flashboards.  A couple things comes to mind,

1) I'm using 6.3 so it may be different, but is your default web path
setup correctly in the admin tool?  (server information -> Advanced).

2) It could be that your mid-tier server list is not reflected correctly
in the hosts file, so the dns lookup fails.

3) There is a url that you can build yourself to see if there is problem
with the url the user tool is building when it loads up a flashboard.

4) Maybe paths on your box are not reflecting the correct java libraries
or does not reflect the right path to java.

Just some things to think about.

On 8/30/07, Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
> **
> I am in a 2 tier environment running ARS v7.0 and am trying to 
> create/display a Flashboard Object on a form.
> I have created the FB Variable item.  I have used that to create a 
> Flashboard Object.  I have then created a data visualization object
> configured it to use the FB object which I created, but the problem is
> when I view the form, it displays the Data Visualization object as an
> page, and looks very similar to an IE browser error page when you
> load/view the site.
> Can anyone help me with this?
> Thanks!
>  Michael
> ---
>  Michael Cupp, Jr., Contractor, RCF
>  Oracle Database Administrator
>  AFRL EBS Helpdesk Team Lead
>  AFRL/SNOD Enterprise Operations Center  Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio  
> DSN 785-3827 __20060125___This posting was 
> submitted with HTML in it___

"A fool acts, regardless; knowing well that he is wrong. The ignoramus
acts on only what he knows, but all that he knows.
The ignoramus may be saved, but the fool knows that he is doomed."

Robert Halstead

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where
the Answers Are"

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the Answers Are"

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Answers Are"

Re: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

2007-08-30 Thread Ed LeBlanc
Hello Mary,
Since you recreated the functionality of the "Create Incident ID" through a 
filter you may need to force Phase Execution to ensure the LAST ID value you 
get is the correct one.  Append `! to your filter name to force it to execute 
in Phase One.
The active link uses a push fields so if you did the same in your filter, the 
execution will be deferred to phase 2 or 3 and it will not return the correct 
ticket number in LAST ID.
Ed LeBlanc, RAC, ITIL
Senior Consultant
RIGID Systems, LLC
10440 little Patuxent Parkway
Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone 904-607-9387
Fax 410-715-0848

From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of Mary Dollus
Sent: Thu 8/30/2007 10:28 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has successfully entered new records into the 
Incident Management application thru the import tool or other external methods?

Currently the interface works (Harris Netboss) by an API call that submits a 
ticket into the Incident Interface Create form and from there it pushes the 
ticket into the Incident Management (HPD:HelpDesk) form.  However that same API 
statement is grabbing the Request ID of the Incident Interface Create form 
instead of field 100161 which stores the created Incident ID.

So, I've been attempting to import records directly into the Incident 
Management (HPD:Help Desk) form; however I keep running into an issue with the 
Incident ID field (100161).  I added a filter to fire on merge that mimics 
the active link that updates the field when creating a ticket manually... 
however it's not working...

Any ideas?

Thanks ?

Mary Dollus
generationE Technologies

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where the 
Answers Are"

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Answers Are"

Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

2007-08-30 Thread Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
Is a mid tier required for FBs?

I am running a 2 tier system.no mid-tier, only client server.


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Halstead
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:20 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

You're right in that it looks like an http error page.  I pretty sure
the flashboards object are infact view fields specifically tailored to
flashboards.  A couple things comes to mind,

1) I'm using 6.3 so it may be different, but is your default web path
setup correctly in the admin tool?  (server information -> Advanced).

2) It could be that your mid-tier server list is not reflected
correctly in the hosts file, so the dns lookup fails.

3) There is a url that you can build yourself to see if there is
problem with the url the user tool is building when it loads up a

4) Maybe paths on your box are not reflecting the correct java
libraries or does not reflect the right path to java.

Just some things to think about.

On 8/30/07, Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
> **
> I am in a 2 tier environment running ARS v7.0 and am trying to
> create/display a Flashboard Object on a form.
> I have created the FB Variable item.  I have used that to create a
> Flashboard Object.  I have then created a data visualization object
> configured it to use the FB object which I created, but the problem is
> when I view the form, it displays the Data Visualization object as an
> page, and looks very similar to an IE browser error page when you
> load/view the site.
> Can anyone help me with this?
> Thanks!
>  Michael
> ---
>  Michael Cupp, Jr., Contractor, RCF
>  Oracle Database Administrator
>  AFRL EBS Helpdesk Team Lead
>  AFRL/SNOD Enterprise Operations Center
>  Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
>  DSN 785-3827 __20060125___This posting
> was submitted with HTML in it___

"A fool acts, regardless; knowing well that he is wrong. The ignoramus
acts on only what he knows, but all that he knows.
The ignoramus may be saved, but the fool knows that he is doomed."

Robert Halstead

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where
the Answers Are"

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Answers Are"

Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

2007-08-30 Thread Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
The permissions I added to allow public to everything.

I am not using a MidTier (only client/server).

I do see the Data Visualization field in the client, but it houses the
error window.

Currently I am not using dynamic qualifications - I wanted to create a
proof of concept first.


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Subash Biswas
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:59 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

Check on the permissions on the Flashboard, FB Variable & also the
data visualization field. If the FB is visible in the Admin tool it
should be visible in the WUT & Midtier.

Are you using any dynamic qualification for the FB variable?


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Answers Are"

RESOLVED - Modify Form View Properties Accessible menu Items Problem

2007-08-30 Thread Jorge Polo
Hello Everyone I hope you find this helpful. Carey Matthew Black
suggested I post a "RESOLVED" email to ARSList so that the whole list
can benefit from the answer. Carey Matthew Black and Yuvraj Limsay from
Remedy tech support helped solve my problem. 
What I posted in arslist:
I am having problems trying to display the search and advanced search
buttons on the HPD:Helpdesk form (Helpdesk Application 5.6). In the
administrator tool I opened my HPD:Helpdesk form then I clicked on 
Form- current view - properties and on the menu access tab I checked
options search, new search and advance search in the accessible menu
items. When I open the form in search or add mode, the form does 
not show the changes to show the new buttons. I used the same procedure
to show or hide buttons on my other forms and there is no problem.
Environment: --- AR system 6.3  --- Microsoft Windows server 2003  ---
SQL server Database  --- Helpdesk version 5.6  -- The client I am
using is 6.03.00 patch 20. 

- Make sure your setting the correct form view's properties. ( There are
several views on that form)
- Mid-Tier cache needs to be flushed. 
- Probability of a bug about these properties being set/not set in the
an admin tool v6.3 patch xx (something). 
- Delete my .arf and .arv cache files.  -cache files: temp files that
the User Tool uses to not have to download the ARSForm object details
every time the user opens a form. The User Tool should compare a
timestamp for the ARS  form (from the server) with a timestamp in it's
cached files for that form. If it's cache is older than the value the
Server sent, then it should dump it's cache for that form and refetch
the definition for the ARS form. There are some poorly defined
examples/bugs of when/where this does not quite work properly. So it is
_rarely_ necessary to delete these files of of the Windows client to
force the User Tool to download the form definitions again.
-Login to User tool - Go to tools' Options - click on Advance tab please
check that the "default form view"  is  entered as Support view or the
view which you selected in admin tool. If it is some thing different
like Management view please change - click on ok 
- In the view properties window under "Pane Banner Visibility" options
there are three items: Details Pane Banner (Visible - Hidden) , Results
banner ( Visible - Hidden) and Web Toolbar 
(Visible - Hidden). 
What resolved the problem:
The problem was that the "Details Pane Banner" was set to Hidden, the
Results banner was set to Visible and Web Toolbar was set to Hidden. So
if the Details Pane banner is set to hidden it 
does not matter how certain options are set in the menu access tab.

Portions of this message may be confidential under an exemption to Ohio's 
public records law or under a legal privilege. If you have received this 
message in error or due to an unauthorized transmission or interception, please 
delete all copies from your system without disclosing, copying, or transmitting 
this message.

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Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

2007-08-30 Thread Robert Halstead
You're right in that it looks like an http error page.  I pretty sure
the flashboards object are infact view fields specifically tailored to
flashboards.  A couple things comes to mind,

1) I'm using 6.3 so it may be different, but is your default web path
setup correctly in the admin tool?  (server information -> Advanced).

2) It could be that your mid-tier server list is not reflected
correctly in the hosts file, so the dns lookup fails.

3) There is a url that you can build yourself to see if there is
problem with the url the user tool is building when it loads up a

4) Maybe paths on your box are not reflecting the correct java
libraries or does not reflect the right path to java.

Just some things to think about.

On 8/30/07, Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
> **
> I am in a 2 tier environment running ARS v7.0 and am trying to
> create/display a Flashboard Object on a form.
> I have created the FB Variable item.  I have used that to create a
> Flashboard Object.  I have then created a data visualization object and
> configured it to use the FB object which I created, but the problem is that
> when I view the form, it displays the Data Visualization object as an error
> page, and looks very similar to an IE browser error page when you can't
> load/view the site.
> Can anyone help me with this?
> Thanks!
>  Michael
> ---
>  Michael Cupp, Jr., Contractor, RCF
>  Oracle Database Administrator
>  AFRL EBS Helpdesk Team Lead
>  AFRL/SNOD Enterprise Operations Center
>  Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
>  DSN 785-3827 __20060125___This posting
> was submitted with HTML in it___

"A fool acts, regardless; knowing well that he is wrong. The ignoramus
acts on only what he knows, but all that he knows.
The ignoramus may be saved, but the fool knows that he is doomed."

Robert Halstead

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Answers Are"

Re: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

2007-08-30 Thread Roger Justice
I had the same problem and since I was importing the old 5.5 Helpdesk entries I 
mapped the Incident ID to be the old Request ID.

-Original Message-
From: Mary Dollus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 9:28 am
Subject: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone has successfully entered new records into the 
anagement application thru the import tool or other external methods?
Currently the interface works (Harris Netboss) by an API call that submits a 
icket into the Incident Interface Create form and from there it pushes the 
icket into the Incident Management (HPD:HelpDesk) form.  However that same API 
tatement is grabbing the Request ID of the Incident Interface Create form 
nstead of field 100161 which stores the created Incident ID.
So, I’ve been attempting to import records directly into the Incident 
HPD:Help Desk) form; however I keep running into an issue with the Incident ID 
ield (100161).  I added a filter to fire on merge that mimics the active 
ink that updates the field when creating a ticket manually… however it’s not 
Any ideas?
Thanks ☺
Mary Dollus
enerationE Technologies
NSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arslist.org ARSlist:"Where the 
nswers Are"

Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - 

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Answers Are"

Re: Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

2007-08-30 Thread Rick Cook
Mary, your initial methodology seems sound enough - why was the API grabbing
the wrong Entry ID?  Seems like an issue with the interface.  Can it be
addressed there, instead of forcing you down this ever-spiraling path of
recreating the wheel?


On 8/30/07, Mary Dollus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone has successfully entered new records into the
> Incident Management application thru the import tool or other external
> methods?
> Currently the interface works (Harris Netboss) by an API call that submits
> a ticket into the Incident Interface Create form and from there it pushes
> the ticket into the Incident Management (HPD:HelpDesk) form.  However that
> same API statement is grabbing the Request ID of the Incident Interface
> Create form instead of field 100161 which stores the created Incident
> ID.
> So, I've been attempting to import records directly into the Incident
> Management (HPD:Help Desk) form; however I keep running into an issue with
> the Incident ID field (100161).  I added a filter to fire on merge that
> mimics the active link that updates the field when creating a ticket
> manually… however it's not working…
> Any ideas?
> Thanks ☺
> Mary Dollus
> generationE Technologies

Importing new records into ITSM 7 Incident Management

2007-08-30 Thread Mary Dollus
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has successfully entered new records into the 
Incident Management application thru the import tool or other external methods?

Currently the interface works (Harris Netboss) by an API call that submits a 
ticket into the Incident Interface Create form and from there it pushes the 
ticket into the Incident Management (HPD:HelpDesk) form.  However that same API 
statement is grabbing the Request ID of the Incident Interface Create form 
instead of field 100161 which stores the created Incident ID.

So, I’ve been attempting to import records directly into the Incident 
Management (HPD:Help Desk) form; however I keep running into an issue with the 
Incident ID field (100161).  I added a filter to fire on merge that mimics 
the active link that updates the field when creating a ticket manually… however 
it’s not working…

Any ideas?

Thanks ☺

Mary Dollus
generationE Technologies

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Re: Creating/Displaying Flashboards

2007-08-30 Thread Subash Biswas
Check on the permissions on the Flashboard, FB Variable & also the
data visualization field. If the FB is visible in the Admin tool it
should be visible in the WUT & Midtier.

Are you using any dynamic qualification for the FB variable?


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Creating/Displaying Flashboards

2007-08-30 Thread Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
I am in a 2 tier environment running ARS v7.0 and am trying to
create/display a Flashboard Object on a form.

I have created the FB Variable item.  I have used that to create a
Flashboard Object.  I have then created a data visualization object and
configured it to use the FB object which I created, but the problem is
that when I view the form, it displays the Data Visualization object as
an error page, and looks very similar to an IE browser error page when
you can't load/view the site.

Can anyone help me with this?


Michael Cupp, Jr., Contractor, RCF
Oracle Database Administrator
AFRL EBS Helpdesk Team Lead
AFRL/SNOD Enterprise Operations Center
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
DSN 785-3827

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Getting Flashboards to work?

2007-08-30 Thread Cupp, Michael E Jr. CTR USAF AFRL/SNOD
Has anyone had an luck getting flashboards to work in a 2 tier system
running ver 7?

I have created the FB Variable, the FB itslef and then created a Data
Visualization object on the form and configured it for the FB that I
created.  The problem is that when the form loads, the Data
Visualization Object shows a browser error page, similar to what you get
in IE when it can't find/load a page.



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Re: Integration with SMS Microsoft and CMDB - BMC: Remedy Discovery Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003? - Urgent Feedback Please

2007-08-30 Thread Tony Worthington
I would suggest you investigate the following alternative:


SMS2CMDB v1.6 
The purpose of the integration projects is to increase the value and 
utility of the Atrium CMDB. These leverage the EIE to provide a 
uni-directional integration to populate the Atrium CMBD. Projects will be 
licensed under an OSI (open source) license agreement; supported and 
updated by the open source community.

SMS2CMDB provides uni-directional integration between Microsoft® Systems 
Management Server (MS-SMS) data with BMC® Atrium CMDB, along with the BMC® 
Remedy® Asset Management Application.  MS-SMS is a change and 
configuration management solution for the Microsoft® platform. 

Tony Worthington

Sent by: "Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" 

08/30/2007 05:12 AM
Please respond to


Integration with SMS Microsoft and CMDB - BMC: Remedy Discovery Service 
7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003? - Urgent Feedback Please

Hi List, 
Does anyone do the integration between SMS Microsoft and CMDB using BMC: 
Remedy Discovery Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003?
We need to open this subject I have facing issues with this product?
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Re: Multiple CTI's ( Asset, Problem, Resolution) and data driven Notifier

2007-08-30 Thread Broyles Robert K Mr CTR USAF 96 CS/SCCE
Why not have forms for each piece?  Class, Type, and Item forms to store
all the data.  You can set up routes for the who will handle what
issues.  You can set up companies, or whatever you choose to be the
defining level in your hierarchy for ticket isolation(multitenancy).
You can have a group that handles all the issues or you can segment who
handles what.

Here we have home-grown application and we use ticket
Class form
Type form
Item form
Company form
Routing form

Routes can be based on CTI, building office symbol, org
This would work well in your environment since you will then be able to
say to management that if computer hardware is the issue then this
particular group in this particular organization handles the problem.  I
would give some people access to the fields on you trouble ticket form
till you can hammer out what groups handle what issues.  The environment
has to mature in processes to set everything in stone at the start.
I hope this may help.  

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Reiser, John J
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 3:46 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Multiple CTI's ( Asset, Problem, Resolution) and data driven

Hello Listers,

ARS 6.3 Patch 21
MS SQL Server 2000
Home-Grown Helpdesk

This is more of a conceptual question. Do you store multiple CTI's in
the HD Ticket? I don't have access to ITSM forms so I don't know if they
use joins or are all of the CTI's regular character fields on the same

I was thinking that the CTI's could be stored in a "CTI" form that is
displayed in Display Only fields on the actual Helpdesk form. A join
could be used to get reporting or even sub-reports in Crystal reports.

I am also working on data driven notifications and I thought I could
wrap this all up together.
I want to store Asset CTI's and Problem CTI's because the customer is
asking for a matrix of people to be notified for Asset A with Problem X
goes to Smith and Jones, Asset C with Problem X however goes to Sacco
and Vanzetti.
Of course any Asset with Problem Z goes to the whole list.

Just thinking out loud. I hope someone has a white paper or some concept
of operations stuffed up their sleeve.


John J. Reiser
Software Development Analyst
Remedy Administrator/Developer
Lockheed Martin - MS2
The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
Pay close attention and be illuminated by its brilliance. - paraphrased
by me 

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Integration with SMS Microsoft and CMDB - BMC: Remedy Discovery Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003? - Urgent Feedback Please

2007-08-30 Thread Rami S Ayoub

Hi List, 


Does anyone do the integration between SMS Microsoft and CMDB using BMC: Remedy 
Discovery Service 7.0 for Microsoft SMS 2003?


We need to open this subject I have facing issues with this product?





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Kristin S Lowe/Paramus/IBM

2007-08-30 Thread Kristin S Lowe
I will be out of the office starting  08/29/2007 and will not return until

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