Re: ASP script shown in the web browser

2007-08-24 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

Hi Shirley,

most important are the following directives in the
vhost-/ or httpd- config file:

   PerlModule  Apache::ASP

   FilesMatch .*\.asp
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlResponseHandler  Apache::ASP

Checkout if these lines are present, if yes -
and the server starts without complaining ! -
and it still does not work, please post the relevant section
of your httpd.conf (or vhost.conf).


(I am on vacation for one week, so someone else might help you in this case)

Shirley Mayadewi schrieb:

I am trying to build the Apache Web Server (Apache-ASP-2.59 with
apache_1.3.37) with mod_perl ( mod_perl-1.30 ) and mod_ssl ( mod_ssl-
2.8.28-1.3.37 ) in Linux (Fedora Core 6). I have followed the instructions
under *Build Apache and mod_perl* and *Quick Start.* Basically, after I put
all the source codes for apache, mod_ssl, and mod_perl under make_httpd
folder, I just ran ./ and it was completed with no errors.

But after I start apache and test the examples in the folder
$DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp/site/eg, it doesn't work. The ASP script is still shown
in the browser. Can anyone give me any suggestions what I should try?



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Re: Can't locate object method request via package Apache

2007-07-11 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

Hi Tim,

(like i postet Tidal 2 months ago on this list)

you might try a patch from Maurice Yarrow:


(approx. bottom quarter of the page)


T R Stickland schrieb:
[First a quick hello.   We ( have been using 
Apache::ASP for a few years, but you haven't heard much from us as 
it's worked pretty well!]

For the first time I've built apache2 (apache 2.2.4, mod_perl 2.0.3) 
for use with ASP (2.59).   The build and configuration went fine.   
The web server started up and was fine until the first time I tried to 
access an ASP application.

   Can't locate object method request via package Apache at 
[...]/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0//Apache/ line 165.

...and that line is...

   my $rtest = $ModPerl2 ? Apache2::RequestUtil-request() : 

It's calling Apache-request when should be calling 
Apache2::RequestUtil-request (it's mod_perl version 2.0.3).So 
it's the $ModPerl2 flag.   Line 66 of initialized it:

   $ModPerl2 = ($mod_perl::VERSION = 1.99);

Now it turns out $mod_perl::VERSION is 1.30.   There's an easy 
workaround using $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION}

   $ModPerl2 = ($ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} = 2);

I see this has occurred before, though the error reported was 
different, and also in that case  $mod_perl::VERSION was undefined 
rather than having the wrong value.See:

On one hand the workaround is OK, and I'm not keen to guddle about in 
the mod_perl code.  On the other hand, I'm not really happy just 
ignoring the fact that $mod_perl::VERSION is wrong...

Anyone know the cause and/or better fix? 

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Re: Can't call method item -- line 1521

2007-01-18 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

Hi Spirit,

it is most likely because there exist no Server Variables


at least on my linux system.

But may be on windows they should exist,
which i can't test now for some reason..?

Did you try to add

PerlOptions +SetupEnv

in your http / vhost-conf?

What about other Server Variables like


Do they exist / work?


SPiRiT_oF_HeLLSoNG serveur schrieb:

Hi and thaanks for your answer.
Here my httpd.conf:

PerlRequire C:/
PerlModule Apache::ASP
Files ~ (\.asp)
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global .
PerlSetVar StateDir C:/tmp/asp
inside C:/


use Apache2::compat;
the hello.asp file is some sample from the sample library installed 
with apache-asp

%@ LANGUAGE = PerlScript %
Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Developed by ActiveState Internet Corp.,
TITLE Hello World /TITLE

ActiveState PerlScript sample
PerlScript: The coolest way to program custom web solutions.

!-- Masthead --
ALT=ActiveState PerlScript BORDER=0/AP


for ($i = 3; $i  8; $i++) {
font size=%= $i %
Hello World!

!-- +
here is the standard showsource link -
Note that PerlScript must be the default language -- hr
$url = $Request-ServerVariables('PATH_INFO')-item;
$_ = $Request-ServerVariables('PATH_TRANSLATED')-item;
$params = 'filename='.$1.'URL='.$url;
$params =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9_.:%/-\\]{1})#uc '%' . unpack('H2', $1)#eg;
A HREF=index.htm Return /A
A HREF=showsource.asp?%=$params%
h4iview the source/i/h4/A



From: Helmut Zeilinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Can't call method item -- line 1521
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 16:41:44 +0100

Hi Spirit,

could you supply your httpd config (the relevant section only!)
and the content of your hello.asp?


SPiRiT_oF_HeLLSoNG serveur schrieb:

Hello ASP community,

Here my problem:
I run a little server with Apache/2.0.53 (Win32) mod_perl/2.0.3 
and i have recently installed Apache::ASP but, none of the samples 

They just give me an error 500 and my log show this error:
[Thu Jan 11 17:57:15 2007] [error] [asp] [4996] [error] Can't call 
item on an undefined value at C:/webapache/asp/hello.asp line 38. 
-- ,

C:/usr/site/lib/Apache/ line 1521

Any idea?

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Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Wiesengrund 2
D-86 684 Holzheim
Tel. 08276 58767
Fax. 08276 58787
Mobil0160 91 55 61 68 


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Re: ASP error: Can't locate object method get via package APR::Table...

2006-06-12 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

Hi Maurice,

can you check of few things:

Is there an APR::Table module?
(Usually in a subtree of /usr/lib/perl5)

This should have been created/installed within the mod_perl 2 installation
(from the source package).

If yes what version is it ?
Are there multiple (outdated) versions of it installed?

If no, how did you install mod_perl? Can you reinstall it from the
mod_perl's source:


Maurice Yarrow schrieb:

Hello ASP people

   apache httpd 2.0.58
   BLDBM,  BLDBM::Sync, Apache::ASP (2.59)  - I just installed these. (2.0.2) installed, httpd.conf configured with appropriate
   LoadModule directive

After making and installing the above perl modules, copied the
Apache-ASP-2.59/site/asp directory tree to htdocs (including,
of course, htdocs/asp/eg/.htaccess), added the appropriate
   Directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/asp/eg 
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride All
Can go to http://localhost/asp  (index.html), but get the below error
message when going to http://localhost/asp/eg  (i.e., the examples
dir from above):

[Tue Jun 06 00:05:32 2006] [error] [client] Can't locate 
object method get via package APR::Table at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache/ line 2016.\n at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache/ line 
'Global') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache/ 
line 275\n\tApache::ASP::new('Apache::ASP', 
'/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/asp/eg/index.html') called at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Apache/ line 
called at -e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n


I observe that this is an error that has been reported previously in
the ASP user group archives (currently maintained at yahoo), but
I saw no indication of a resolution.  (I am not a yahoo special
interest group member, so did not pursue it further at that location.)

Any ideas ?

Maurice Yarrow

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Re: might be Off Topic...

2005-07-26 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

Hi D.L.,

just an idea - try to add a name attribute to the
input elements instaed of / in addition to the
id attributes.


D. L. Fox schrieb:

Joshua Chamas wrote:

The problem seems to be what the browser is sending, since on the
server side its not seeing any content uploaded from the form:

I thought it might be something with Firefox so I tried it with IE, 
Netscape, Mozilla, and Opera all with the same results.

So maybe the HTML itself is not correct, but honestly it looked
fine to me.

I wondered if the HTML might have something to do with it but it 
validates as strict per the W3C, so I'm not sure what to think.

Maybe also a chance that the apache server + mod_perl is too old
and you should upgrade.  The mod_perl version is pretty old
at this point.

I wish I had that option. This is a hosted site, unlike before when I 
normally ran things on my own stuff. I have been searching for another 
host provider anyway. I am no longer satisfied with my current one. 
They don't seem to stay up-to-date with their software, and they 
change things which will break your site without telling you.

The main reason I chose this provider was because they had 
Apache::ASP. Now I need to find another host account with Apache::ASP. 
Is there a list of providers using Apache::ASP somewhere?

I've been looking through the many lists of providers on the 'Net but 
it's difficult to search on Apache::ASP because it always turns up 
MS-ASP or Chili. I can program in VB just fine but would *much* rather 
use Apache::ASP and Perl.

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Re: Perl DBI with Apache ASP

2005-05-23 Thread Helmut Zeilinger


what does DBI::errstr say ?


print DBI::errstr;

# prevent the script from dying in the subsequent $dbh-execute();

By the way:

- I would not use a global variable $DBH rather than a private my 

 What happens, if a second script (in another apache child) is
 calling $DBH-execute just after in the first script 
$DBH-disconnect() was done?



I am working on an apache asp page that has a mysql database at the 
backend.  The problem I have is that the code does work but sometimes 
the error

#  Can't call method prepare on an undefined value
appears and my page fails.

I know the code I have works because it runs several times then 
fails.  I have also established that the error is because the 
connection to the database failed.

The database is on the same system so network errors are not the problem.

The following is the code

my $price=;
  5: my $product=;
  6: my $ID=;
  8: if ($Request-Params('par'))
  9: {
 11: }
 12: else
 13: {
 15: }
 17: $price=$Request-Params('price');
 18: $product=$Request-Params('Product');
 19: $ID=$Session-{'user'};
 21: $DBH=DBI-connect($dsn,$user,$pwd);
 23: $sth=$DBH-prepare(Insert into 
wishlist(sessionID,product,price,pnumber,pcode,name) values 
('$ID','$product','$price','not-set','$par','not-set') );

 26: $sth-execute();
 28: $sth-finish;
 29: $DBH-disconnect;
 31: $Response-Redirect(test.asp?par=$par);

The DBI-connect parameters are setup in the global.asa file.  I had 
the connect statement in there too but I would get more refreshes and 
successful runs when it was in here then in the global.asa.  It seems 
to be intermittent for some reason. 

Again the code does do what it is supposed to most of the time but 
sometimes fails with the above error.

Can anyone help me on this.

Many thanks

Trevor Cushen
Sysnet Ltd

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Re: Application Variable not getting created

2005-05-23 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

Could anyone please let me know what could be the problem?  Please 
let me know if you need any further information from me.

I also notice another problem with .asp files.  When I run an .asp 
file for the first time in a new browser, I get the following error.

Errors Output 
, /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Apache/ line 1518 

Debug Output 
, /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Apache/ line 1518 

But when I reload the application, I don't receive this error. 
thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance,

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Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Wiesengrund 2
D-86 684 Holzheim
Tel   08276/58767
Fax.  08276/58787
Mobil  0160 91 55 61 68 


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Re: Application Variable

2005-05-18 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
you might try something like this:
foreach my $ap_key (sort keys %{$Application}) {
 print qq ($ap_key = $Application-{$ap_key}br);
How do we print all the application variable names and its  values?  I 
tried the following but it didn't work.

my $item;
foreach $item ($Application-Contents) {
print $itembr;
Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

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Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Wiesengrund 2
D-86 684 Holzheim
Tel   08276/58767
Fax.  08276/´58787
Mobil  0160 91 55 61 68 

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Re: problem

2005-05-15 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

i install apache::asp on windows
And mod perl
When I try to get tha page I get  No valid request object 

Any one has an idea why this is happening?
if you are using the newest mod_perl (RC6) you should rename everything 
(at least) in
according to

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Re: problem

2005-05-15 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Helmut Zeilinger schrieb:

i install apache::asp on windows
And mod perl
When I try to get tha page I get  No valid request object 

Any one has an idea why this is happening?
if you are using the newest mod_perl (RC6) you should rename 
everything (at least) in
according to

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sorry should be
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Re: Apache feature NO-private IP

2005-05-05 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

I have a server running Apache.
I know how to web host and assigning
virtual host space too. But I need to know
how to generate NO-Private IP with Apache.
I was told by a friend that Apache has that
feature but I can't find on the web any good
link explaining how. I would I appreciate if
somebody could tell me how.

May be that helps
(assuming you are using Apache 2).
Of course you can't generate an IP address by Apache..
you can do this by using the ip tool for example (ip addr add..).
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Re: Subdomain Creation In Apache server

2005-05-05 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Bharat Suneel Varma S schrieb:
Dear all,
I have a problem in creating subdomain in apache.
The subdomain looks like subdomain.domian.

Waiting for your reply.


Could you give more information here..
what is the relation to Apache::ASP?
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Re: MailErrorsTo

2005-03-14 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
 i am using MailErrorsTo to get infos from scripts,
 that have been crashed on the production web server.
 PerlSetVar MailHost localhost
 PerlSetVar MailFrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PerlSetVar MailErrorsTo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mailer: exim 4.x
 Problem: The mails do not have a date, which would be
 very helpfull in same situations.
 Did i miss something or does MailErrorsTo never set a date?
 When I use this feature, there is an SMTP date which is displayed
 in my mail client.  When is this not sufficient?

There is no date in the mails i receive. In the mails headers
is no Date: field - see below. But there is a Delivery-date: field.

One mail client (mulberry) shows no date at all,
thunderbird shows some kind of default date (1.1.1970).

But may be some mailers use this Delivery-date: if there is no
Date: field?

So i guess i have to change something in the mail servers 
configuration to set the date. 

But anyway, my problem is solved, because I can look for the 
Delivery-date: to see when the error has happened.

Thank you!


[ASP-Error Mail]
Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delivery-date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:01:32 +0100
Received: from ([] helo=rosa)
by with esmtpa (Exim 4.43)
id 1DAs0Z-0006Mo-K0
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:01:32 +0100
Received: from localhost ([] helo=localhost.localdomain)
by rosa with esmtp (Exim 4.43)
id 1DAs0f-SK-W2
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:01:38 +0100
Subject: Apache::ASP Errors for /unsinn/zeit/main.asperl
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 15086
Status: RO
X-UID: 1300

GLOBAL: /unsinn/zeit 
FILE: /unsinn/zeit/main.asperl 

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Re: passing $Request-Params() ?

2005-02-15 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi Tia,

 How to pass Params-hash to other script..what  I want is :
 add.asp -calls-- do_add.asp
 Now in do_add.asp I want to do some stuff and after that want to 
 call add.asp again with the Params-hash so that I can refill the 
 add.asp-Form with data...

what do you mean by call? 

is it a link (a href=..) in add.asp that points to do_add.asp
or do you include do_add.asp into add.asp via $Response-Include ()?

 What is the best way to do it ?
 I thought to use Session !! then Include with parameters !?
 both seems unsuitale for this task or is it ?!


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Re: passing $Request-Params() ?

2005-02-15 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
 I want add.asp to get the focus/be-executed (like it been typed in the
 url-bar, not like a-link), but get the same data which was typed in the
 Like this :
 add.asp --- do_add.asp -- add.asp--.

no, not so clear, but anyway, you like data 
created in add.asp to be accessable in do_add.asp 
(or vice versa) - right?

my $params = { some hash };

my $params = { same hash}

- you can use a Session variable - as you stated - but be aware
of the 1024 byte limit of SDBM_File and that you assign the hash
in ONE step (for both see Apache::ASP man page)

$Session-{complex} = {data = $data}; # Write ok, all at once.

- you can also use the Storable module with store and retrieve
and some unique filename for the stored data
or a database like mysql etc. 


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Re: A mod_perl content handler and ASP $Session

2005-02-15 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi Phil,
 Your reply sounds perfect!  Can you confirm that this will retrieve the
 $Session hash pointer currently being used by the user? 

yes the current session, because $r contains the session information

 Essentially, I do
 not want to create a new $Session, rather retrieve information from the
 one currently in use. 

but of course, if the session has expired meanwhile, you will create a new
but to check this you can test for the existence 
of a session key after the session retrievement, that you create before..
(was that clear?)


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2005-01-24 Thread Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Hi all,

i have a problem concerning Apache::ASP and the @INC Array:

(Apache 2.0.52, MP 1.999.21)

PerlRequire /www/hmdb-lifa/conf/

use Apache2;
..print @INC to file..

@INC (at server startup) contains:


just what one expected.

After adding the line use Apache::ASP  to, @INC contains:


Obviously the first two lines were added.


- why are there double slashes in the first line? 

- why adding paths, which allready exist?

- the main problem however is, when you have use Apache::ASP in your
or an PerlOptions Autoload in your httpd.conf,
the Apache::ASP handler is loaded at server startup and adjusts the @INC
in a manner that not the Apache2 path comes first.

This can cause wrong (non Apache2) modules being loaded at startup (if
there are any - 
like at my machine) , so that the server 
wouldn't start at all because of version mismatches of  modules.

The problem does not exist, if you have only an PerlModule Apache::ASP,
because then
the Apache::ASP module is loaded later where the handler is involked (at
least that's what i
read in the modperl docus).

To make things confusing, this problem first happend, when i upgraded to
mod_perl-2.0.0-RC4 (from RC1).

Anyway, could it be a solution to add the additional INC-pathes at server
startup behind the original ones and
not before them? 

(The additional document-root path, that is added at handler runtime,
however should stay in front
of the other paths)


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Re: Error while testing Examples files

2004-05-12 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

i guessed, that is has to do with the state management because of

 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [client] Undefined
 subroutine Apache::ASP::InitState called at

Does it work if you disable session and application state at all by

PerlSetVar NoState 1

(if you allready didn't) ?


--On Wednesday, May 12, 2004 09:54:17 +0200 Ehab El Maraghy

 Guten Morgen
 First of all I want to thank you for prompt response.
 I have checked  /tmp/asp permissions, they were 755 I have changed it to
 777 and tested
 same result   (Error 500 Internal Server Error)
 Any other suggestions??
 - Original Message -
 From: Helmut Zeilinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 7:46 AM
 Subject: Re: Error while testing Examples files
 Hi E.,
 just a rough guess: is your state directory /tmp/asp writable and
 readable by apache?
 (or has mode 0777 for a try)
 --On Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:12:19 + e_elmaraghy
 Hi Folks
 I am having RedHat9  Apache2
 I have installed Apache::ASP for mod_Perl I can view the website
 and config pages but when I go to the Examples subdirectory I can
 the pages with extensions .htm
 but when requesting a (.asp) page I only get Error 500  (Internal
 server rror) although I have added the paragraph
 Directory â?ovar/www/html/asp/egâ? 
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride All
 at the end of httpd.conf
 I need a consultation also where in the httpd.conf file  can I  add
 the paragraph
 PerlModule  Apache::ASP
  Files ~ (\.asp)
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar  Global .
PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp
 I have placed it  between virtual host  /virtual host and still
 getting the same result
 the error log file
 [Tue May 11 13:55:18 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] RUN ASP (v2.
 57) for /var/www/html/asp/eg/application.asp
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] call srand()
 post fork
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] GlobalASA
 package Apache::ASP::Demo
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] global.asa
 was not cached for __ASP__var_www_html_asp_eg__xxApache::ASP::Demo
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] compiling
 global.asa Apache::ASP::Demo __ASP__var_www_html_asp_eg__xxApache::
 ASP::Demo exists 1 - asp: Apache::ASP=HASH(0x84fa0bc); compiled:
 HASH(0x85d06b4); exists: 1; package: Apache::ASP::Demo;  - --- -
 exists: 0; mtime: 0;
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] global.asa
 routines - Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1;
 1; Script_OnFlush: 1; Script_OnStart: 1; Session_OnEnd: 1;
 Session_OnStart: 1;
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [client] Undefined
 subroutine Apache::ASP::InitState called at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 418.!!Apache::ASP::
 '/var/www/html/asp/eg/application.asp') called at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 181!!Apache::ASP::
 handler('Apache::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x84f9f6c)') called at -e line 0!!
 eval {...} called at -e line 0!, referer: http://ehab/asp/eg/index.
 [Tue May 11 13:55:21 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] destroying
 ASP object Apache::ASP=HASH(0x84fa0bc)
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Re: Error while testing Examples files

2004-05-11 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi E.,

just a rough guess: is your state directory /tmp/asp writable and
readable by apache?
(or has mode 0777 for a try)


--On Tuesday, May 11, 2004 11:12:19 + e_elmaraghy

 Hi Folks
 I am having RedHat9  Apache2 
 I have installed Apache::ASP for mod_Perl I can view the website
 and config pages but when I go to the Examples subdirectory I can
 the pages with extensions .htm
 but when requesting a (.asp) page I only get Error 500  (Internal 
 server rror) although I have added the paragraph
 Directory “var/www/html/asp/eg” 
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride All
 at the end of httpd.conf 
 I need a consultation also where in the httpd.conf file  can I  add 
 the paragraph
 PerlModule  Apache::ASP
  Files ~ (\.asp)
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar  Global .
PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp
 I have placed it  between virtual host  /virtual host and still 
 getting the same result
 the error log file 
 [Tue May 11 13:55:18 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] RUN ASP (v2.
 57) for /var/www/html/asp/eg/application.asp
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] call srand() 
 post fork
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] GlobalASA 
 package Apache::ASP::Demo
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] global.asa 
 was not cached for __ASP__var_www_html_asp_eg__xxApache::ASP::Demo
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] compiling 
 global.asa Apache::ASP::Demo __ASP__var_www_html_asp_eg__xxApache::
 ASP::Demo exists 1 - asp: Apache::ASP=HASH(0x84fa0bc); compiled: 
 HASH(0x85d06b4); exists: 1; package: Apache::ASP::Demo;  - --- - 
 exists: 0; mtime: 0; 
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] global.asa 
 routines - Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1;
 1; Script_OnFlush: 1; Script_OnStart: 1; Session_OnEnd: 1; 
 Session_OnStart: 1; 
 [Tue May 11 13:55:19 2004] [error] [client] Undefined 
 subroutine Apache::ASP::InitState called at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 418.!!Apache::ASP::
 '/var/www/html/asp/eg/application.asp') called at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line 181!!Apache::ASP::
 handler('Apache::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x84f9f6c)') called at -e line 0!!
 eval {...} called at -e line 0!, referer: http://ehab/asp/eg/index.
 [Tue May 11 13:55:21 2004] [error] [asp] [14921] [debug] destroying 
 ASP object Apache::ASP=HASH(0x84fa0bc)
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Re: Status and ErrorDocument

2004-05-03 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
--On Friday, April 30, 2004 19:43:04 -0700 Josh Chamas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Helmut Zeilinger wrote:
 Hi all,
 when i try to use 
 $Response-ErrorDocument (404, '/')
 in combination with 
 $Response-Status (404)
 i do not get my notfound page, but a 404 Apache error message
 combined with an additional 404 message:
 I don't know why this would not work for you.  Apache::ASP uses
 Apache-request-custom_response($code, $uri) internally, and you
 might try that API directly.
 If nothing ends up working for you, you might try first doing a:
   my $error_text = $Response-TrapInclude('');
   $Response-ErrorDocument(404, $$error_text);

Of course that would work..

I did some trying:
It works perfect when i comment out line 459 in ASP/ (Version

$r-status($status) if defined($status);

at least what this particular problem concerns..



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$r-status() ?

2004-05-01 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi all,

i am confused about $r-status().
When do i have to set this manually - if ever? 
I searched for documentations about this item, but i did not find a
detailed explaination.

My problem is, what's the difference between

sub handler {
return (?);


sub handler {
return (HTTP_NOT_FOUND);

[? means that i don't know what to return]



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Re: $r-status() ?

2004-05-01 Thread Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Sorry,  i erroneously posted this to the asp list, but it rather should
have been posted to the mod_perl list ..

--On Saturday, May 01, 2004 09:12:39 +0200 Helmut Zeilinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi all,
 i am confused about $r-status().
 When do i have to set this manually - if ever? 
 I searched for documentations about this item, but i did not find a
 detailed explaination.
 My problem is, what's the difference between
 sub handler {
 return (?);
 sub handler {
 return (HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
 [? means that i don't know what to return]

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Re: Trouble with the arrow operator(-) in custom tags

2004-04-19 Thread Helmut Zeilinger




--On Sunday, April 18, 2004 22:33:36 -0700 Christopher Brown

 This could be really simple or really easy.
 I want to write a custom tag that renders the content of the tag only if
 the 'test' argument evaluates to be true.  I want it to work something
 like this:
 asp:Test test=$Session-{User}
 The Session User Object Exists
 Where the Perl code is:
 sub asp::Test {
 my ($args, $content) = @_;
  if ( eval( $args-{test} ) != 0  ) {
 The problem here is that the parser recognizes the  of the arrow
 operator - as the tag closure.  Has anyone experienced similar
 troubles?  Is there a good (easy) solution?
 Thanks In Advance,

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Re: use perl modules in Apache::ASP

2004-04-19 Thread Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Hi S=F8ren,

several ways:

1) in your asp file:
do '';

or do 'path/' if is in another path than your asp script.

2) in your apache.conf:

PerlRequire path/

important: must return a true value e.g. must end with 1; and
your subroutine(s) must be
prepended with the package name you gave in the PerSetVar GlobalPackage
e.g. in
sub GP::testsub {

and call it in your asp:

3) convert the to the perl module

Please read man perlmod for this, there also exists a script=20
pl2pm (at least i think, this is the name?) which converts a pl file to a
pm file.

4) in your

remove the #!/usr/bin/perl (or similar) line and put a % at the begin
and a % at the end of the file
and rename it (for example)

In your asp:
$Response-Include ('
(of course before calling the subrouine)

May be there are more ways..


 Hi all,
 Is it possible to include/use an external PERL module in an ASP page?
 I have a ASP page that needs to access subroutines placed in a PERL file.
 E.g. test.asp needs to use in order to access the subroutine =
 Apache server
 Win2000 Server

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Re: use perl modules in Apache::ASP

2004-04-17 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi Søren,

several ways:

1) in your asp file:
do '';

or do 'path/' if is in another path than your asp script.

2) in your apache.conf:

PerlRequire path/

important: must return a true value e.g. must end with 1; and
your subroutine(s) must be
prepended with the package name you gave in the PerSetVar GlobalPackage
e.g. in
sub GP::testsub {

and call it in your asp:

3) convert the to the perl module

Please read man perlmod for this, there also exists a script 
pl2pm (at least i think, this is the name?) which converts a pl file to a
pm file.

4) in your

remove the #!/usr/bin/perl (or similar) line and put a % at the begin
and a % at the end of the file
and rename it (for example)

In your asp:
$Response-Include ('
(of course before calling the subrouine)

May be there are more ways..


 Hi all,
 Is it possible to include/use an external PERL module in an ASP page?
 I have a ASP page that needs to access subroutines placed in a PERL file.
 E.g. test.asp needs to use in order to access the subroutine test.
 Apache server
 Win2000 Server

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Re: ASP on Redhat Virtual Server

2004-02-08 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi Steve,

did you do

AddType text/html .asp  ?

(and set the executable bit of the asp-file)

That's because the XBitHack on directive only works
on files of the type text/html. (At least that's what the
Apache manual says)
Of course you could do the same
print readpipe ('ls');

and so on.. (glob()..)



It works!  It really WORKS!

A big THANK YOU to all who helped me through this.  Some 20+ ASP's are
now registering folks for orienteering events, keeping track of results
and keeping track of the volunteers who help with the events.

I still have at least one problem left to solve.  I can't do a server
side include to include code in a different directory than the
DOCUMENT_ROOT directory.  I can't !--#exec cmd=/bin/ls -- or
!--#exec cgi=; -- or exec
cmd=; --

I can do !--#echo var=DATE_LOCAL -- and  !--#flastmod
file=test.html --

Some of httpd.conf is as follows


Directory /home/webadmin/

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes

AllowOverride All

XBitHack on


PerlModule  Apache::ASP

Files ~ (\.asp)

  SetHandler  perl-script

  PerlHandler Apache::ASP

  PerlSetVar  Global /home/webadmin/

  PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp

  PerlSetVar Debug 2

  PerlSetVar UseStrict 0


DocumentRoot /home/webadmin/

Alias /register/ /home/webadmin/

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/webadmin/

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Steve Brown

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RE: $Session object

2004-02-04 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi Chris,

the reason for the data size limit is, that the SDBM hash size
limit is 1024 bytes for the key + the value.
You can store more data if you use DB_File or MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
for storing the data.
But see man Apache::ASP, Section State Management (StateDB).



I seem to remember reading in this group, that you shouldn't stuff too
much data in $Session.  Why is this the case?  Is is simply performance,
and if so how much data can I store in here reasonably.
The reason that I ask is this:

I tend to develop using OO, and was wondering if there are any
ramifications of generating a reasonably complex object (hash structure
with references to array references and other hash structures, probably
about 30K of data) and simply storing the pointer to this in the $Session
Now when the script actually finishes, does the $Session object in it's
entirity get dumped to the state directory (I'm assuming that this is the
case) or does my complex object get kept in memory until the $Session
object expires; when the $Session object is destroyed, there will be no
more references to my object and hence it should be garbage collected.
Any shedding of light on this would be appreciated.



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RE: New Perl 5.8.0

2004-01-29 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi Steve,

your Perl configuration is a little bit confusing..
Why did you (they) install perl 5.8.0 and perl 5.8.3 at different locations?
What version does perl -V give and what @INC does it indicate?

What i would do is delete all the different Perl installations - manually -
that means, remove all the different Perl interpreters and remove everything
under /usr/lib/perlx and /usr/local/lib/perlx and install
perl again with the prefix /usr or /usr/local.
I think, this would not take as much time as repairing around this strange 
Of course you have to reinstall all the necessary non-standard modules 


--On Wednesday, January 28, 2004 19:58:10 -0600 Steve Brown 

Spencer at has recompiled mod_per and apache using perl
5.8.  See message below.
We have perl 5.8.0 installed at /usr/bin.

We have perl 5.8.3 installed at /usr/local/bin

I have done a /usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan install Bundle::Apache::ASP
and a /usr/local/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan install Bundle::Apache::ASP
When I put these lines into the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file:
PerlModule  Apache::ASP
Files ~ (\.asp)
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar  Global /home/webadmin/
  PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp
  PerlSetVar UseStrict 0
  PerlSetVar Debug 3
The Apache web server will not restart and gives no errors in error_log.

When I comment out these lines and put them in the
/home/webadmin/ file.  I get the following
error when I run my test.asp (Hello World) asp.
[Wed Jan 28 11:24:58 2004] [alert] [client]
/home/webadmin/ Can't locate Digest/ in
@INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl . /etc/httpd/
/etc/httpd/lib/perl) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ line
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ line 13.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.
We don't understand why it's showing perl 5.6 in the error message and of
course it doesn't work.
With the lines commented out here's the error_log entry from a good
restart: [Wed Jan 28 11:23:46 2004] [notice] Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)
(Red-Hat/Linux) PHP/4.1.2 mod_perl/1.26 configured -- resuming normal
Any help would be appreciated.

Steve Brown

-Original Message-
From: Candland, Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 11:46 AM
To: 'Steve Brown'
Subject: RE: New Perl 5.8.0
I just completely recompiled mod_perl and apache using perl 5.8.  Please
again.  If you continue to have problems please make sure there is
nothing in apache ASP that is specifically referencing perl 5.6.
-Original Message-
From: Steve Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:52 PM
To: Candland, Spencer
Subject: RE: New Perl 5.8.0
I am very sorry to report, but from the following error, it appears that
mod_perl is still using perl 5.6
[Tue Jan 27 18:42:42 2004] [alert] [client]
/home/webadmin/ Can't locate Digest/ in
@INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl . /etc/httpd/
/etc/httpd/lib/perl) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ line
Steve Brown

 -Original Message-
 From: Candland, Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:36 PM
 To: 'Steve Brown'
 Subject: RE: New Perl 5.8.0

 I recompiled mod_perl against perl 5.8 for you.  I believe your may
 need to
 reinstall apache asp again.

 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:15 AM
 To: Candland, Spencer
 Subject: New Perl 5.8.0

 I have been hit hard by the new MyDoom worm/virus and I may not have
 received your most recent email.

 This morning I was checking on things and discovered that I have a new
 5.8.0 under /usr/bin.

 I tried to run cpan and it was missing.  I copied the two missing files

 I then ran what appears to be a successful Apache ASP using cpan

 I put the ASP conf stuff in my file and ran
 test.asp (Hello World) and received the following error in the
 mod_perl is still compiled to use perl 5.6.

 [Tue Jan 27 05:33:08 2004] [alert] 

Re: Multiple virtual hosts and same pm-modules names errors

2004-01-25 Thread Helmut Zeilinger
Hi all,

DHZ use lib /path1/
DHZ ..
DHZ and in the startup file of vhost 2

DHZ ..
DHZ use lib /path2/
DHZ ..
DHZ This works for me.
DHZ Both's are separated because new perl interpreters are used
for DHZ vhost1 and vhost2.
Thanks Helmut, I will try this solution (PerlOptions +Parent) later,
after learning this option of mod_perl...
I didn't realize that +Parent worked yet for the newer threaded
It really works! (Apache 2.48, mp 1.99_10 - ok not the newest, Perl 5.9.0 
with ithreads)

Here is my test configuration:

   PerlOptions +Parent
   PerlRequire /www/hz1/conf/
   PerlModule  Apache::ASP
use lib '/www/hz1/lib';

package TestLib;
sub which_lib {
   return lib1;
use TestLib;
print which_lib();
   PerlOptions +Parent
   PerlRequire /www/hz2/conf/
   PerlModule  Apache::ASP
use lib '/www/hz2/lib';

package TestLib;
sub which_lib {
   return lib2;
use TestLib;
print which_lib();

http://vhost1/test.asp prints out 'lib1'
http://vhost2/test.asp prints out 'lib2'
when you comment out the +Parent Option both are printing out 'lib1' 
(bescause vhost1 comes before vhost2 in my config file),
when you change the order both are printing 'lib2'.

Regards Helmut

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Re: Newbie alert, why this does not work

2003-10-01 Thread Helmut Zeilinger

you can also use various Data and Time related perl modules to get a nicer 
formatting, for

use Date::Format;
use Date::Language::German;
my $lang = Date::Language::German-new;
print $lang-time2str(%a %b %e %T %Y\n, time);;
print \n;

Mit Okt  1 21:47:42 2003

(for example)

(In Apache::ASP you can call print instead of $Response-Write())

Other Date / Time modules would be: Date::Calc, Date::Manip


--On Wednesday, October 01, 2003 17:04:07 + brentatkerson 

Okay, I seem to have missed the boat, I still cannot figure this
out, think I still have syntax wrong.  I have been to the link you
provided and still cannot get rid of that long number.  Could you
provide another hint to at least get me over the edge?
brentatkerson wrote:

 Okay, this is the result  Hello World164691910332731 .

Oh... well :-)
 progress, but how/where would a newbie go to find the localtime
 thing?  I think that is what I need most is a comprehensive list
 objects and events so I know what I have to choose from.

Apache::ASP uses the built-in perl functions, plus extends them
some objects/events/etc. The later group is discussed at the page, while docs on the former you should find
at I'd recommend reading
Here you will also find localtime and time (and will probably
why you got that big number :-)).

- Cs.
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Re: [Apache::ASP] Digest Number 336

2003-07-07 Thread Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Hi bhargavi,

i think the order of those directives does not matter,
of course inside the same VirtualHost container or in
the same context respectively.
But anyway you should have a look into

where Apache's processing of Files-, Directory- and Location-Directives
is explained in detail.

--On Sunday, July 06, 2003 23:23:43 -0700 Bhargavi guttal 

Thanks Helmut,

Previously i had tried with
Files ^/~asp
It didn't work..

So i tried to place these in some other location in
httpd.conf file  now it has started working...
So i want to clarify something.. does the location of
placing these directives matter in httpd.conf file ?
I thank u once again for ur help...

with lots of wishes

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There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

  1. Re: To make asp files running... What
should be done ?
   From: Dr. Helmut Zeilinger

Message: 1
   Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 13:18:49 +0200
   From: Dr. Helmut Zeilinger
Subject: Re: To make asp files running... What
should be done ?
Hi bhargavi,

just an idea - does

Files ~ .*\.asp


FilesMatch .*\.asp



--On Wednesday, July 02, 2003 06:50:53 +
 Hi All,

  Iam trying to run asp scripts in Linux platform..

  Iam using Apache server with Apache-Asp engine to
run asp scripts..

  I changed the httpd.conf file  included these

 Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

   Files ~ ^\.asp
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar  Global
PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp

  Now i restarted the server  tried to run asp
scripts again...

  But the browser is returning the code instead of
executing it...

  Plz give me some solutions so as to make asp
files running...


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