Re: "Hunter" and other licences

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "Hunter" and other licences

I agree on abandonware Jaydde, several games I bought over the years became abandonware later, Tarzan Junior, Trek 2000. Last I heard Liam had changed his mind precisely because people made arguements like yours. With justin from Bsc though I don't think that is the reason. he's not stated why he refused to make the games abandonware, indeed sinse he finished his career as a game dev by selling all his stuff for 75 usd with a keygenerator to whoever would buy it before vanishing of the map, several people just feel he's being grasping and his principle reason for not releasing the games as abandonware is that that wouldn't make him personally any cash. He never however said why he was doing what he was doing and as far as I know didn't communicate his reasons to anyone, so goodness knows, this is why I like the idea of sending him a deputation of some sort.As to Gma, well with key replacements this is exactly why they're mo
 ving to an online account system where things like that are automated and don't require direct input from David Greenwood. I don't think all his games are on the account system yet, and some you still have to run the wizard within the game to fill the form in and then send that info to David as before, but I think idea is to phase this out.Btw, I never had problems getting key replacements myself from Gma, I just went through the wizard, added the new info and got my new key within two or three days.


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Re: Clok Mud

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Sounds like you're in Haiban, not quite Haven but an easy mistake. I'd also suggest you find a general store and make sure you have at least 5 or so travel rations with you, then you can pretty much do whatever you like. There isn't a starting quest.A good way to start out is to go foraging, remove a container so you're not wearing it and type forage while you're in the wilderness. You'll automatically put anything you forage into a held but not worn container, then you can take it to a market and sell container which doesn't sell the container but does sell any commodity items within such as berries and herbs.People are pretty good so if you're ever unsure ask on the question channel.


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Re: Monthly chat November

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November

Dark, the nice thing about agents of shield is all the main characters are straight up humans using their skill to deal with rogue "gifted" individuals and things definitely did change near the end of the first season. I won't spoil things but a couple of the characters have had an enormous change from which there is no going back from. As for 40K, I'd suggest you poke around the wiki at and find a particular faction or time period that interests you and try to find books based on that. As I say the Night Lords trilogy of Soul Hunter, Blood Reaver and Void Stalker are a real masterpiece but the Night Lords are a fairly grim subject even for a setting known as the grimdark.I mostly only use facebook because it's the only way I ever hear anything from my sister. My general solution is to set people I particularly care about to give notifications, then use the iOS app or the mobile version of the web site to go through the notificat
 ions as a list. If you know a lot of people who mess around with those silly facebook games like Farmville though be aware you may get some spam from the list.


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Re: Accessible HTPC set up, seeking advice

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible HTPC set up, seeking advice

Meh, if they scqrapped boot camp you'd have a point but as things stand I'm not sure. I think the biggest issue is they're going to lose out on the tech geeks and true power users by adulterating their hardware as well as locking the configuration. As things stand I couldn't recommend a mac for anyone unless they're set on developing for iOS or somewhere like a public library wants a computer which is accessible for public use with the minimum of hassle and no additional software costs.


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Re: 3 Kingdoms Mud

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3 Kingdoms Mud

Hi,well, it may be that there are classes which don't need the equipment so much, but this limits me in what I can do.Besides, I find it just annoying to have spent ages to find some cool piece of armour, only to lose it again when I have to quit for the day. And if I get an item for completing a difficult quest I end up losing it too. That's not what I want.Best regardsTikki


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Re: Alter Aeon 2014 Halloween Havoc

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kenzon Yeoh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon 2014 Halloween Havoc

Hello Dentin,I had a suggestion: why not implement these kind of mob arena wars into AA permanantly like how clan wars work? You need to pay and stuff, and then you can battle as a mob in the arena. I also think that implimenting a way to set up a private arena for you and some of your friends only would be nice. Again, it might require payment. If this can be implemented, we can do limited arena battles, like, say, a battle that only me and another player can battle in. It'd make things more fun since no other players would be able to disturb us (no offence, I just hated it when sometimes other players tend to join arenas in the middle of the battles or so). Hope you can understand. Again, this is just an idea.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat November

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November

@Gamedude, glad you like this idea, I suspect the reason that my friend used to stick the monthly chat topics on her forum was what you mention, so everyone knew it was there. While I take your point on storage space, to me that's never been a problem. Yes, it is true that if I say had a 16 Gb drive i could fit either about 10-50 audiobooks (depending on file size and compression), or god knows how many billion ebooks, however sinse computer space is so cheap and sinse it's easy enough to swap books out onto a portable device I've never found it a problem, not when for over all storage you can get hard drives or even passport drives of several tb. I have friends Cx2 who are superhero fans who probably will have agents of shield on dvd and I might see about borrowing it at some stage, though right now the next thing I've got lined up to watch is Buffy the vampire slayer which I might actually start today. I was going to wait until I finished Ds9, but I fi
 nd it's not holding my interest a second time through at the moment so I've finished season 2 and will save the rest for later, where as Buffy I've never seen before but have had lots of people recommend. Ordinary humans taking on supers reminds me of Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson, which, while it's not his best (I found the main character and most of the cast pretty flat), is quite unique for ideas, like all supers being basically insane and the world being a post appocalyptic waste where different supers each have their own little kingdom to rule. I took a break from Doctor who to hear the novella "mitosis" which is set just after steelheart and features a villain who can clone himself, and was definitely fun for some rather unique action and good ideas although I'm still not quite the sanderson drooling fanboy some people are,  his books are good and worth reading, but not the best thing in the universe, though it is possible
  Stormlight will change my opinion on that given how exceptional the first two books were.Now it is time for coffee! must have coffee!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat November

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November

@Gamedude, glad you like this idea, I suspect the reason that my friend used to stick the monthly chat topics on her forum was what you mention, so everyone knew it was there. While I take your point on storage space, to me that's never been a problem. Yes, it is true that if I say had a 16 Gb drive i could fit either about 10-50 audiobooks (depending on file size and compression), or god knows how many billion ebooks, however sinse computer space is so cheap and sinse it's easy enough to swap books out onto a portable device I've never found it a problem, not when for over all storage you can get hard drives or even passport drives of several tb. I agree about audiogames, indeed sinse I can still remember back in 2006 or 2007 where you were lucky to get a new release a month what we see now in terms of number of games is quite astounding. The companion who make audio defence are called somethinelse, and there  other three games are only listed in 
 the Ap store as being developed by them, Papa Sangre and it's sequel and The nightjar. All definitely worth checking out, as is Audio defence even if we are waiting for some debugulation at the second.I have friends Cx2 who are superhero fans who probably will have agents of shield on dvd and I might see about borrowing it at some stage, though right now the next thing I've got lined up to watch is Buffy the vampire slayer which I might actually start today. I was going to wait until I finished Ds9, but I find it's not holding my interest a second time through at the moment so I've finished season 2 and will save the rest for later, where as Buffy I've never seen before but have had lots of people recommend. Ordinary humans taking on supers reminds me of Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson, which, while it's not his best (I found the main character and most of the cast pretty flat), is quite unique for ideas, like all supers being basically ins
 ane and the world being a post appocalyptic waste where different supers each have their own little kingdom to rule. I took a break from Doctor who to hear the novella "mitosis" which is set just after steelheart and features a villain who can clone himself, and was definitely fun for some rather unique action and good ideas although I'm still not quite the sanderson drooling fanboy some people are,  his books are good and worth reading, but not the best thing in the universe, though it is possible Stormlight will change my opinion on that given how exceptional the first two books were.Now it is time for coffee! must have coffee!


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Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

@Sebby I agree, it's much more fun killing monsters for currency than just waiting while the game gives it you bit by bit and then have to pay real money to speed up the process. It's interesting that so many games back in the 16 bit era, and likely some indi ones now had regular in game currency to be spent at a weapons or power up shop as a standard feature, but now we almost expect! something freemium. I take Aaron's point about arenas and building to something, I also wonder if more modes might be in the works. then again unlike any of their previous titles, Audio defence has the possibility of adding in extra playable content, sinse all their previous games were a pretty solid set of levels, rather than a continuous string of challenges and zombie slaughterings.This is actually one area where I think arcade games improve with modern technology, having extra stuff added in later, though how much will be added and to what extent it changes th
 e game and formula we'll have to see.


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Re: [New service] Free phone system for friendship/dating

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: [New service] Free phone system for friendship/dating

Hi all,After some downtime caused by my phone number provider, this service is now finally back up and running again. Sorry to all those who tried to call in! Should this ever happen again, I will be switching providers. Please pass on this information to anyone who may have tried to call during the downtime period. Thanks!Kind regards,Philip BennefallP.S: To be clear, it is only the phone number that has been unreachable. For all of you who are calling in directly with a SIP client, things should have been working normally.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat November

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November

This message is brought to you by a me who hasn't had coffee yet, so please excuse any typos... I read both books in both ways, though generally if I can find an audiobook I prefer it over TTS, mostly because most TTS's were recorded more for telemarketting/advertising purposes and the inflection just doesn't sound right for books. Nuance voices make this look very obvious with a few exceptions like Oliver, which wasn't even a Nuance voice they just managed to buy it along with Svox. As for more synthetic voices, it's OK, but if I can avoid using eloquence or espeak to read I do, I'm not one of the people who always runs their synthetic voice at almost full speed and speeds up any podcast or audiobook to 4x or 5x original speed. The one voice that I really like for reading is Alex. The fact that he breaves aside, Apple did quite a good job getting h
 is inflection right which becomes apparent with long sentences. And somehow Apple made him more responsive than any Nuance voice on iOS which is really weird. Now if developers could access him so I could switch back to Voice dream reader instead of having to use iBooks, I would be happy.


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Re: Braillemon status update!

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

did you say terer may be online battles in a future update? rock on!however, mount moon is a paine. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Naruto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

did you say there may be online battles in a future update? rock on!however, mount moon is a paine. lol


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syncthing, anyone?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


syncthing, anyone?

similar to my thread on BTSync, but this time I'm interested in how many here have played with sync thing.I believe they changed the name and now they're calling it Pulce.Anyway, I was wondering if any one that has played with it was able to get it to show the node id?When I try to access my node id all I get is some sort of dialog that doesn't appear to show me the string that makes up the node id. All I can see is the regular stuff followed by a button to close said dialog.BTSync could learn from this layout, at least most of this appears to be accessible.To check it out, visit


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ultra power is no longer.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


ultra power is no longer.

hi. the ultra power is no no longer free.But mason tell us why isno longer free?


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Re: death match project alpha

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zseli via Audiogames-reflector


Re: death match project alpha

Thanks. I willl try it now, lets hope it works this time. I will also check your article if i need any more help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ultra power is no longer.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer.

Don't know


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: syncthing, anyone?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: syncthing, anyone?

Hi,Is it a new software? this the first time that I've heard about it.


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : faelnar . christopher via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Okay okay I'll try that. Thanks a lot.


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PrometheusMOO via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Greetings!Wardrobes are now in as a choosable apartment room to hang your clothes in.Additionally, baby beds are now implemanted, put babyname on bedname is the syntax.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

He said because of the number of cheaters. Excuse me Mason, but this isn't the right decision to take, you shouldn't punish us all for others' errors, and even if you do, 15 dollars isn't a reasonable price and, excuse me if I say it, this will become only played by beta testers, and, may be, a few few number of people.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Haha, this is freakin cool. Ofcourse, MVC3 is much much worse than MVC2 in my opinion but not bad still. This is why I love skullgirls which is taking a lot from MVC2 mechanics plus, I am able to play solo, team isn't my favourite thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

ok, I'll post my question in one post in the devil may cry 4 playable? and how about naruto ultimate ninja storm 1 and 2? is the story mode playable?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

The answer to both questions is no. Both of them have rpg style story modes.Seal, why is mvc 2 better in your opinion? Personally, I love the mechanics in mvc 3... other than x-factor which I think is an overpowered mes. lol I personally like team mechanics like there are in the vs. games... solo is fun, but team is a nice change of pace for me, and adds much more strategy imo.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

I'm not familiar with the specific device, but I'd say its highly unlikely that it would be trying to use a sapi voice you have on your computer. Mp3 players don't exactly have high-capacity processors or ram, so I'd be shocked if it lets you just go ahead and install any voice you like (and if it does, expect it to be slow). The realspeak voices take up a lot of system resources even on a computer, let alone a device like an mp3 player.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

Well, I don't know then. but when I logged in, there are many cheaters. some people they used speed hack...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Alter Aeon 2014 Halloween Havoc

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon 2014 Halloween Havoc

Hi, I have a question: How do I join the arena battles with mob?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

The galactic dust, is near every save points. I'm not sure exactly though. please correct me if I'm wrong...Because I had stop playing this game a while ago. but I still have my license backed up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

The galactic dust, is near every save points. I'm not sure exactly though. please correct me if I'm wrong.. .:)Because I had stop playing this game a while ago. but I still have my license backed up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

The galactic dust, is near every save points. I'm not sure exactly though. please correct me if I'm wrong. Because I had stop playing this game a while ago. but I still have my license backed up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

an this speed hack can not be repaired because a cheat engine exists on their computer. I don't have this but others has and you can't fix.


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Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

That was a lot of fun.  It was nice to see the place rocking as in times of old.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: syncthing, anyone?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: syncthing, anyone?

and does it is like bt sync?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pontes Media Downloader - a friendly youtube downloader - version 2.0

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pontes Media Downloader - a friendly youtube downloader - version 2.0

[[wow]], the program works great now.thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

I'm actually get surprised, when I'm connect and play this game, the server has kicked me out. because I'm not ran the new version like the server. when I download 3.0, I saw ultra power wants me to register...


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Hayri Tulumcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

in with stage can i find the javelin and my flight weapons?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

Hi John. I know mp3 players aren't exactly heavy on processor, however what confused me is the "introduction to talking mp3 players" on the site mentioned installing sapi voices, and something about rb clipper for making voice clips of files or something like that, but wasn't clear on how it worked or what sort of setup was required etc. I believe the sapi voices are for naming the files and folders in the menus and that the player reccords sound files made from sapi for the names, but as i said I would definitely like to know a little more about this process before I consider buying one, sinse I don't want to swap one bloated over complex fidly barely accessible peace of software for another.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

The players use a custom firmware interface called Rockbox, which, among other things, lets you use speech. but all of the speech is pre-recorded... so it isn't tts persay. I don't exactly remember how the process works... since I said in the itunes thread it's been years since I used it, but when I used it, the speech support wasn't all that great and getting the firmware to read out file names included using a utility to record all the file names using an SAPI voice on your computer into tiny clips, then the same utility would some how match the clip to the proper files and folders. Alternatively, you could have Rockbox just spell out the folder and file names, or give them to you in a number format, folder 1, folder 2, file 1, file 2, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

Hello,I am familiar with these devices, as I have one and find it incredible. The best 50 pounds I ever spent, and that was just for the device itself, as I got sighted help to put it into a required mode then installed the rest.If you buy one from talkingmp3players though, you will be able to, I believe, use it straight from out of the box.I believe they still use Rockbox. In this case, you will need a program called Rockbox Utility. I don't know how well this will work with super nova, but if you want, you can have all menus spoken to you by your sapi voice.The way this works, is there is a tab in the program called accessibility, and you will have to use two options:First, use "create voice files". This option lets yo select a voice and configure the engine, and will create all of your menu files, basically files related to the running of the player, days of the week, time, and menu option names.Next, in the accessibility tab, 
 there is an option that says "install talk files". These talk files are the names of your files that you place on your player, and you select a directory you want to scan, and it names and places those files there.The more files you have the longer it'll take, so on a first scan it could take a while but if you add one audiobook at a time and scan it won't be so bad as it's already got talk files there that it needs.Here's how it works.Let's say I put the new hobbit soundtrack on there. I would copy and paste it as usual, in my own folder structure. In this case, music\howard shore\the hobbit - battle of the five armies soundtrack.Once the files are pasted, I open up Rockbox utility.I select the accessibility tab.I click install talk files.I select change directory. I browse to the music directory on my sansa, that's all you ahve to do, don't browse to howard shore, just to the music directory.I then click OK to exit the browse window.I then click generate.At this point, it starts to scan and generate. It automatically skips every other soundtrack I have because I already scanned those in the past. Wait a while and try arrowing down every now and then. If your screen reader starts talking, keep arrowing down until it says finished generating talk files. Then press tab and click OK.Vwala, you are done. When you plug your headset in now, you will be able to navigate to your new soundtrack with your sapi voice. If you don't do this though, you will still be able to navigate, it just won't talk.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

Rockbox (the name of the custom firmware that make these things speak) is made self voicing by recording sound files for the various strings of the interface, plus basic things like numbers and letters, very much like self voicing audio games. The Rockbox utility (the application used to install and update rockbox on the device) can generate this with a sapi voice of your choosing, though you can also download pregenerated speech that was made with Festival (remember the voice from the 7-128 games? Yeah, that thing.) There is a second part to this, called Talkbox, also in the rockbox utility, which can additionally generate speech for your file names. You don't have to use it though and if you haven't recorded file names, the player will just spell them out.If you want to buy one of these players you really shouldn't buy it from talking mp3 players though. Yes, they preinstall Rockbox on it so you don't have to but they charge a rediculous premium, which 
 will be made even worse by overseas shipping costs. I just checked on amazon and the 4GB clip ZIP costs 30 pounds, which is much, much less than what they would charge you for it. Rockbox installation is very easy and should only take 10 or 15 minutes and you can use the saved money to get yourself a bigger SD card or buy some more audio dramas to put on it. 


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Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

Hi,If you guys really want a free fps you might be better off downloading Road to Rage, which, this game seems to be based off of with it's own engine, you should be able to jump into rtr with no problem. If Ultrapower is now being charged $15 for something that doesn't really add anything new, then maybe it's already run it's course. I watched Ghorthalon try to play the game the other day, and I think disappointed would be an understatement in this case. Seriously, how he managed to play without becoming angry, I don't know, but I've never seen him act like that very often.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : shang tsung via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

listen to everything! to get the weapon bomb falls, you need to dial the wrong password at 21-3!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pontes Media Downloader - a friendly youtube downloader - version 2.0

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pontes Media Downloader - a friendly youtube downloader - version 2.0

hi. I a suggestion. if you can add a feature that you can play the video directly in this software that will be grate. thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

ghorthalons rtr recording

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


ghorthalons rtr recording

Hi, so a few months ago, I listened to an rtr recording ghorthalon made of an old version and it was really funny, but he took it down and I didn't have it saved on my computer. Does anyone else have it. He was playing online with someone else in the recording.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: "Hunter" and other licences

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "Hunter" and other licences

Dark, the thing is that my email address has changed since then. I bought Shades of Doom in late 2009 I believe, using a account that is no longer active. The four-digit product code generated by any version of SOD I run now won't be the same as the one I had on my machine a few years back, either, so there's really nothing for the wizard to play with. That's why I emailed David; figured if I could give him my old email address and go about it that way, prove I at least bought the game, he could send me another key.With Liam and Super Egg Hunt, I don't know why I don't have my key in my email anymore, but it's not there. I've checked.Regarding BSC stuff, I think it's silly to do what Justin has done. 'Nuff said, really.


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Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Yado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

Hello guys,So, I'm restarting the game. I already know where all the galactic dusts are, but not all the treasures. Could someone please send me a list of all the locations. Would really love to get the alternative ending. Yado


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Can you say that again? It sounded like you said you have to enter the wrong password to get the weapon...


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Re: Pontes Media Downloader - a friendly youtube downloader - version 2.0

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pontes Media Downloader - a friendly youtube downloader - version 2.0

Hi.I'm sorry but I don't see the point in that. Why not just download the video and play it once it's downloaded?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

@Yado I'm doing this from memory so it's possible I could forget something, but here goes:1. Dropped passport, in the entrance and exit area. You can hear this one right from where you start.2. Golden spoon, found in the cafe on floor 1 along the south wall.3. Clear vile, found in the world lounge in the northwest area.4. Future key, found in the gateway lounge out in the open.5. Baloon, found in the helium lounge towards the middle.6. Antique watch, obtained by searching the cabins. One of the NPCs gets enraged and battles you, defeating him gets you the watch. I think you have to do this one before the ship is under attack, but it's easy enough to do with Ross at level 5 or so.7. Silver dollar, found in the casino near the teleporter to the secret place.8. Useless litter, found in the falcon dining area (the one the group has breakfast in). This one is time sensitive, get it before the first dream sequences or it&#
 039;s gone forever.9. Ear ring, found in the dinner time restaurant on the north side.10. Legendary hockey puck, won from the director if you defeat him when he challenges you to an air hockey match. If you lose that match, this one becomes unavailable as well.Then there are several in the drug dealer's hideout:11. Bronze Vile, obtained by going straight right when you enter the hideout instead of north towards the door to the second area.12. Unknown substance, you'll notice this as you return from where the bronze vile was and head north.13. Used needle, it's the item you can hear in the location where you found the substance but it's behind a wall so you'll have to circle around a bit to reach it.14. Jason's watch, near the door leading to the drug factory portion of the dungeon.Then that's it until you return from Heaven and the second dream sequences:15. Coffee mug, found in the ship's 
 control room but only after the attack. The control floor is the next floor after recreation floor 4. Once there head through the door on the righthand side. This becomes unavailable after the events in the employee's lounge.16. Candle stick, found in the employee's lounge.Then the last few are in Lower Chamber 4 (after unlocking the second key fragment door.Gruff's T-Shirt, Jadon's wedding ring and hockey metal: explore the maze (but don't take the teleporter) and you should come across these three in short order.Then take the teleporter and instead of going through the door to fight Jadon, follow the path until it leads to an opened room. In the corners of this room you'll find the unknown pendant and cell phone.The other two are the black metal and the paladin employee's card, not listed here because acquired during required scenes making them impossible to miss.If you have a total of 23 before the boss battle
  in Lower Chamber, then you're covered.


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Re: Alter Aeon 2014 Halloween Havoc

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon 2014 Halloween Havoc

Kenzon, we will be turning on the mob war code after the event is finished for everyone to use.  It'll take a while to get proper mobs set up for it, but we eventually plan to have at least 50 different mob types and a bunch of preset lists to use.


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Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

@Aaron, thanks for that, I know you own one of these so I was hoping for a reply on this. Supernova is fine by default with most things on windows (one reason Itunes 12 is such a pain in the arse), if not I don't mind using sapi, however I just want to check and be clear on this process. I run this rockbox utility which reccords mp3 versions of first the audio file names and basic elements for the player, then the audio file names for whatever I want to bang on there if I wish it to, other wise it will read folder names letter by letter, ie, if I stuck the audio book of The Hobbit on there it would read the folder name as t h e h o b b i t.I will go and check some of the demos and podcasts on talkmp3players to see what they have on this process. I also wonder about my other questions regarding charging the thing. @pitermachh, to be honest I would probably pay the extra 20 quid to talkmp3players for the installation of the firmware and audio manuals, just to make life easy sinse as I said I am a little sick of fiddling with software. I don't personally like the idea of using the festival voice, not if it is relatively easy to use sapi which for me means realspeak daniel. As an interesting point, I actually also just checked the victor reader stream, just for purposes of complete information, however while it was less expensive than I thought the £250 is certainly a turn off, I also don't like the idea of something that is so tied to Itunes, Audible, dazy, bookshare and all those other idiots, indeed I got the impression that bog standard usb compatibility with the thing was an afterthought, quite apart from the fact that 32 gb size is really not nice, and it seemed to have a lot of specifically blind directed bells and whistles that just didn't strike me as so handy, so the Sansa clip looks definitely preferable at this point though I want to be dam sure of what I am getting.


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The cube.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


The cube.

Hi.I use the cube for twitter and think it's great. I have a question  though. How can I send a tweet to everyone? I mean all over twitter? I know I can search for words but is it possible to send twitter posts to everyone? Or does it work like facebook and you can only send to those that you follow?I want to tell as many blind people about NVDA as I can but don't know how to go about it, apart from mentioning it on twitter and facebook.


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Re: "Hunter" and other licences

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "Hunter" and other licences

@Jayde, I do see why you contacted david about that one, it makes sense and I would've done the same myself, though like browser games and other online shops the Gma account system does allow for changes of e-mail address, which won't help with your previous shades key but will stop yourself or other people running into the same fix in the future.


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problem with PG13 lets plays

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


problem with PG13 lets plays

Hello all.There is a problem with the PG13 lets plays. For some reason, some of them cut off right in the middle. For example, I was watching the super liam LP, and they did the max pain mod after  the main game, and it stopped right in the middle of the game, the recording did. What happened and is there any way to fix it?


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PrometheusMOO via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Greetings!Just to let you know, floor color is now customizeable when building apartments. Furthermore, the lighting color and lighting type are now separated from each other in the building menu.


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Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

Hmm. That's odd. Now I can't seem to find the UltraPower topic to read more details about the game becoming ShareWare, but if the reason for it becoming paid is because of the amount of cheaters, deciding to make the game ShareWare at this point isn't the right choice. With the minimal functions and objectives the game has, and the fact that players can't know for sure whether or not development on the game will continue long enough for it to evolve into a title worth paying 15 dollars for, it is hard to know whether or not paying would be worth it. If cheaters and hackers are the problem, I feel that for now, the best bet would be to put forth as many security measures as possible, and only making the game ShareWare as a last resort. As for looking for the topic, I guess i didn't look long enough.


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Re: syncthing, anyone?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: syncthing, anyone?

Ur, what do you mean regular stuff? There should be a very long string that shows you your node id in the dialog.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: syncthing, anyone?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: syncthing, anyone?

Ur, what do you mean regular stuff? There should be a very long string that shows you your node id in the dialog.You may also find SyncthingTray useful - it lets you operate it from a system tray icon, and configure start on boot. think that its going out of beta November 8th. Pretty excited.


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Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

If you want to generate the speech yourself, then I honestly see no point in getting the Talking MP3 player version of the clip zip. It's like getting a car, paying extra to get it painted, then you take it home and paint it again yourself.If you want to check accessibility, the rockbox utility is a small free download (rockbox is open source so you won't be getting any junk with it), so just download it, run it, look around the UI and see if supernova's coaping with it.


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Re: The cube.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The cube.

You are correct. You can only send tweets to people who are following you. The closest way to sending a tweet to a large amount of people would be to include a popular hash tag in your tweet. For example, if something happens to someone that they don't particularly care for, they might include #fml (Hashtag, FML) in their tweet. This way, anyone who searches for all tweets including this hash tag will see it.


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Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hi allI m have strange problemI m go to in the map 3 then go in save zone and disconnected then I m again connected in the gamebut I am againin the map 2 why?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

You'll get cheaters all the time, payed or not, its just the way things are sometimes. I hate to say it but like all others have said, 15 dollars won't protect against cheaters. The best course of action is to implement as menny security measures as new ways of cheating are discovered. Though's who really like up will play it regardless of the cheaters. I was on their myself a few days ago, and liked what I saw, and personally at that time I didn't see any cheaters that I could tell. I'll end this rant now, but all I can say is 15 dollars isn't worth it to try to keep the cheaters out.


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Shinobi legends, a Naruto themed browser game

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Shinobi legends, a Naruto themed browser game

Hey guys. I'm your friendly neighbborhood shinobi, here to tell yuh about a very cool LoGD mod. It's shinobi legends, a Naruto themed version of Legend of the Green Dragon (with much more than fighting and killing). It's pretty heavily  modded, but not as heavily modded as something like Dragons of Myth.  Just like any other LoGD mod,  everything is accessible. The game allows you to select your favorite shinobi village (My personal favorite is the hidden cloud village). There are plenty of places to go, and many things to do. If you feel like trying the game out, Use my referral link to sign up. Trust me, you won't regret it! Believe it! 


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Re: Music composing software for Android

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supermalavox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Music composing software for Android

I found a program called Assemble Composer, or something like that... All full of unlabeled buttons and, in general, completely inaccessible... But I'll keep on trying! Thanks anyway!


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

guys, how do i copy the txt on bk3 to be translated? And also, do i need to run the game in app local? I'm not using app local because it doesn't work. Please help. Really want to play on my pc. Best regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

greetings.  guys, how do i copy the txt on bk3 to be translated using the instant translator NVDA plugin? And also, do i need to run the game in app local? I'm not using app local because it doesn't work. Please help. Really want to play on my pc. Best regards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

dark, You will have to pay import duty's and VAT. This ends up meaning that you will end up paying about 120 pounds roughly. Your much better off buying in the mp3 player sd cards and the like and modding the thing itself. it's a 10 minute job and frankly charging that much of a premium to premod the device for the end-user is a terrible thing to do. I could never get behind this guy's business. Also, I don't know what you will end up paying in shipping costs.


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Re: Clok Mud

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Hi Cx2.Thanks for the help it's a little strange playing a mud where you can do whatever you want.


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Re: 3 Kingdoms Mud

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bladestorm360 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3 Kingdoms Mud

Generally the only reward for quests is quest points, and now you get some experience. I haven't seen a quest that gives an item, precisely for that reason. As for the non-equipment classes being limited, they can still earn gear and sell it on auction, and they can easily compete with the gear-based classes. You can also drop link instead of quitting for up to 24 hours, and keep all your equipment on you, at least until reboot.


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Re: Clok Mud

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

You're right it is, but that's also the beauty of Clok is that you're not limited.  I can definitly see where this would confuse or outright turn people away but it's nice, at least for me anyway who just wants to try a bunch of different things.  That and the admins always doing events with us.Don't forget to vote for the mud if you like both on TMC and TMS.


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Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Did a 70 with a bunch of automatic weapon fire everywhere.  That was fun, reminded me of the old swamp days where the minigunners would provide covering fire for those searching for crates.  I know you're meant to be quiet on a 70 but it was a lot of fun to hear all of the weapons going off everywhere.  Wish we could get more of that.


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

Thanks for the explanation. I realize my post might have sounded a bit too harsh perhaps, and I'm sorry about that. I was just pretty surprised to hear of such odd behavior with a fully qualified and trained guide dog abroad. In my country, I've heard of lots of people whose dogs were properly trained and everything was all right with them at the beginning but the handlers themselves later allowed them to lose mostor all of this learned discipline over time, more or less directly. Some of those people I even know in person and their dogs as well as themselves are a sad story in several cases.This phenomenon here in the Czech Republic is starting to really annoy and frustrate me, so I may have overreacted a bit, having heard about something similar even abroad, in the western countries that a lot of us naively tend to consider better, more advanced, more developed, more modern. However, having not known all the circumstances, I might have judged the situation wrongl
 y. :-)From my very limited (one year plus some reading and consultation) experience, it's perfectly possible for a dog to have one or two weird quirks like this that can't be entirely explained with logical and rational means. However, if it's something you as the dog's human pack leader andas the owner dislike, it's up to you to let the dog know, clearly and without any room for your authority to be challenged, that it's not supposed to be doing this or that. This can be done entirely calmly, without any conflict, violence or domination over the dog, without harming it physically or mentally in whatever way, in such a way that the dog understands it and eventually learns to accept it, even if it is not exactly hapy about it at first, without your bond suffering from this in any way.The process of doing it is pretty difficult to describe clearly and accurately to someone who's not a dog handler themselves though, not to mention that it
  can be pretty different for every human and every dog.Lukash


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

You can either set it to output text through to the clipboard which is the fastest way... or you can press c to copy the dialog you want translated.


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Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

By the way, I don't know if anyone has discovered this yet or not, but the maya ruin challenge is already very much available in deed. Maybe it's a bug, me being able to access it even when I'm stuck on zombie horde in the city crossroads, but it's certainly there in any case. In fact, there's another zombie horde level in maya ruin, so I now have two zombie hordes in different places that I'm stuck on and haven't beaten yet. :-DWhether this is a bug and it should only become available to play after the entirety of the city crossroads has been beaten first or not, it certainly shouldn't be saying coming soon. :-)Just to let everyone know.I agree, though, that if there are no challenges with the actual crowd in the arena yet, and they are not going to be added as opposed to the original plan and advertising, it would be extremely disappointing.Lukas


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I have a new phone line set up for tech support.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


I have a new phone line set up for tech support.

As the subject says, I have set up a new tech support line through Magic Jack. This only allows calls from people in the US and Canada. The number to call is (239) 491-4156. I do free tech support. I can't help with programming, because that is a long process and I still  struggle with doing it anyway. I can help with any software or hardware problems. Please leave feedback on how I did on calls on this form as soon as you leave the call.


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Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

Just so you know, this thread is near the top of the Google search results for "malinche interactive fiction" and that's how I got here, much to my delight. Always nice to be in the home counties.You may or may not know by now that Malinche is no longer selling IF. I, FWIW, have bought several of his games, and while I agree about the general level of less-than-ideal quality they represented, I quite enjoyed owning them, as a completist collector. I even ate the chocolate bar. In somewhat related news, IFComp has finally made it into the Guardian. IFComp is, of course, now open yet again.


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Re: "Hunter" and other licences

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "Hunter" and other licences

Regarding the issue of games being made free and previous purchasers not being happy. Yes, you purchased that crockpot for $50, and now you could have it for $1, but you needed/wanted it back when you got it, otherwise you wouldn't have. And back then, it cost $50, so at that point, you made the right decision.


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Re: Cyber Assault MUD?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : csm120 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cyber Assault MUD?

Is there a screen reader mode for this mud? I hate that bar of text at the bottom. Otherwise, looks good.


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Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

Hello,Just one question: If the games are no longer for sale, what has happened to them?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

Hi,I haven't really played much of the game lately, as I'd like to wait for the bugs to be fixed. I can't wait to try a loadout of shotgun and micro mg in endless though. I hope they can fix that loadout bug for the next release. Not being able to change weapons at all in endless kind of makes it a bit, well, od at the moment.


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Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sansa clip and accessible mp3 players

Hello,I discovered something today. It seems you can't look around the UI of the Rockbox utility unless you actually have a compatable device plugged in, unless they fixed that in an update that I don't yet have.Also, the way combo boxes work is a bit weird, again unless hey fixed it. In my version you have to press enter on the box to go into it, but then it works as normal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

actually you can change your loadout. to bring up the button to go to the armory, in the tarot card screen, double tap where it shows your coin amount. if you go to where it says something about doctor bastard, then go back one, you'll find it. hope this helps.


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Cydia source list

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Cydia source list

Hello everyone. So, I have just jailbroken my phone and would like a list of sources for cydia, for example, the source that will allow me access to unlimtones or the nicki voice for voiceover. Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

So after i press c to copy, I need to press insert +shift+t to translate it?


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coding voice accents and scents in lambda moo

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Athena223 via Audiogames-reflector


coding voice accents and scents in lambda moo

Hello therNot sure if this is the best place for this so mods please let mI am working with the JH core lambda moo database. I was wondering how to work with accents when someone speaks, as well as program something to have a scent, such as perfume, and for that scent to change based on the area you are in, like when you go into a different room. I can work with messages, but I can't seem to get things working correctly. could I please have some help?Athena


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Re: guide dogs!

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: guide dogs!

@Lukas that is my thoughts as well, however it's not just in the Czech Republic that you get idiots with guide dogs, sinse even with the Uk having the Guide dogs organization (who as I've said are generally fantastic), that doesn't mean everyone knows what they're doing. For example, last year I was out with my parents and we ran across a blind woman with her sighted husband and a guide dog. This woman was walking along, holding her husband's arm with one hand, and holding the handle of the dog's harnice with the other! I've never seen something so stupid. With a guide dog, either your holding the handle of the harnice and the dog knows he/she is working and will go around obstacles, or, if you want to stop that for some reason you drop the handle and just hold the dog's lead, and the dog knows that it's not working. There is no way walking with a dog is compatible with holding someone's arm, sinse how does the dog kn
 ow to allow space for two people? and who is then actually doing the guiding, the sighted person or the dog?This isn't to say "if you have a guide dog never walk with someone else" just make sure that the dog knows what is expected and isn't utterly confused and having the expectations of it's training completely shattered.This even happened sinse the woman got to a crossing at the edge of the road and the dog didn't know whether it was supposed to stop or not. The only difference is when I see a guide dog being handled wrongly in Brtiain, I do know that it's not just a case of a private individual who is confusing a dog they privately own, but someone who will be in trouble with the guide dogs organization come their next inspection, indeed though I am generally a massive fan of autonomy and freedom and am not usually keen on domineering groups that tell blind people how to behave, sinse with a guide dog your not just responsa
 ble for yourself, but for your Dog as well, I do aprove of the organizations' behaviour here, particularly sinse they're not bent on telling you! what you can and cannot do or how you should behave as a blind person the way some other blindness organizations are, they just focus on the fact you have a dog for whom your responsable, and will make sure the dog is okay if your not holding up your end of the bargain just as they would equally help with extra training etc if the dog is doing something problematic, also it's not as if they hover around constantly, they just check up once a year (more frequently at the start or with people they're not as certain of), to make sure everything is okay.In fairness I also believe the British government should bring back Dog licenses for pet dogs the way they used to have in the sixties, though that is another debatee. Suffice it to say that yes, idiots with guide dogs are probably universal, however at least in
  the Uk there is someone checking up on them and making sure the dog's don't suffer from people's idiocy.


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Re: problem with PG13 lets plays

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with PG13 lets plays

I've actually been having problems with the LEt's Plays as well but I haven't had a lot of time to explain about them. For some reason, it seems as though after a certain amount of time passes in the recording, it starts over from the beginning. The time between restarts gets longer and longer each time the recording restarts. Ive only experienced this problem with the Monkey Business and Superliam recording.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Yes. That is one way to do it. You could also go into your settings menu, and set the speech output to Clipboard. Once you set your Speech Output to the clipboard, everything that is spoken by the game is copied to your clipboard. Whenever you move through a menu or press a key, the text is copied to your clipboard instead of spoken by your screen reader. Every time text is copied to your clipboard, you then press NVDA plus SHIFT PLUS Y to translate that way. I am currently doing a bit of experimenting to see if I can write a script that automatically Presses NVDA plus Shift Plus Y whenever text on the clipboard changes in order to make things easier. 


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Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

@ghost rider, it's simpler than that, the armery button has a load out tab and that is where you choose your weapons. If you try this in challenge mode you just get told that you can't change weapons in challenges, it's however fine in endless, I've indeed fought endless mode with the shotgun and micro mg, though I'm also waiting for some bugs to be fixed as well at the moment. I hope crowd arenas also make it into the game, and I do get the impression from the current way the arenas work that the eventual plan is for some sort of story mode perhaps ending with taking on Dr. bastard himself in some way, but as I said, I could see this one having more in terms of downloadable content, either later additions or stuff to buy.


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Re: "Hunter" and other licences

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "Hunter" and other licences

As I said, it's not actually clear why justin is doing what he is doing. The problem is the old adage "the customer is always right" has fallen off the map and it's now an accepted social practice to claime that just because your selling something that gives you the right to treat people like a personal cash machine under the umbrella of "Ownership" I don't know whether Justin's motivations here were like this, but given his sale of the key generator and that that resembles a last ditch effort to squeeze as much cash out of customers as possible rather than showing a respect for people who might want to appreciate his work in the future, I will say a lot of people have questioned his motivations. I don't want to start accusing Justin here of being a miser or similar as some people have, but I will say his behaviour is rather suspect.


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Re: problem with PG13 lets plays

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with PG13 lets plays

Well, why does that happen? And can someone do a playthrough of the game begining to the end with the max pain mod, featuring all the cut seens?


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Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

Yep, I heard malinch had shut down and judging by the last announcement I read in something of a fit of peak. I'd be interested to know what has happened to the games as well, though I suspect the answer is "I'm going away to sulk and taking my toys with me so nobody can play with them at all!" Aka the answer of a businessman not an artist who want's their work appreciated, :d.Hay, I could be wrong however.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BGT dynamic_menu?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BGT dynamic_menu?

Can you post code showing what you're trying that produces incorrect results?I'm assuming you're just calling run or run_extended with the name of the first dynamic menu and not the second one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The contraversy of Mallenche, and its creator, Howard Sherman

It's quite surprising how frequently threads from the forum comee up on Google, I've run into them occasionally when searching for browser games, and we've even sometimes had a newbie or too who found us that way.Yep, I heard malinch had shut down and judging by the last announcement I read in something of a fit of peak. I'd be interested to know what has happened to the games as well, though I suspect the answer is "I'm going away to sulk and taking my toys with me so nobody can play with them at all!" Aka the answer of a businessman not an artist who want's their work appreciated, :d.Hay, I could be wrong however.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

at dark, yes, I am aware of that, what I meant was sometimes the armory doesn't show up sometimes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Best way to implement screen reader support with BGT

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best way to implement screen reader support with BGT

I can't comment on the screen reader functionality as I've never used it, but I'll add this. You don't need to make individual files for each chapter of story text. If you don't want to deal with parsing a text file to find the part you need to speak, just put all of your text in to a dictionary, serialize it to a string and write that string to a file.This makes your life nice and easy because then you can just deserialize it when your game loads, and when you need to speak a specific block of text you just look it up by name.


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Any assessible games for the PS4?

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Any assessible games for the PS4?

Hello fellow gamersI recently traded in my ps3 for a ps4 and picked up injustice but now im looking for more playable games any suggestions?im also looking for a list of voice commands I can say to the ps4 so if anyone has a list or knows a website that has a list then please share.SN: if you have a ps4 and want to get slaughtered in injustice then drop your psn name and I will be more than welcome to give you that well deserved beating lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The cube.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The cube.

More involved version, you don't technically "send" tweets to people you just place them on your twitter feed. People who follow you have your tweets show up because they have essentially subscribed to your feed. Anyone can potentially read anything you tweet, much as anyone can potentially visit a web site so long as they know it exists.Twitter can be searched with the most common option being the aforementioned hashtags, they provide a way for people to search a particular subject and find tweets about it. Again the problem is people need to know a particular hashtag exists before they can search for it. You could of course make a tweet with a relevant hashtag to spreading the word about NVDA, check it isn't already being used for something else first of course, and ask people that do follow you to share and retweet it and use the hashtag but that depends on how many people follow you, how willing they are to retweet, and how many people follow them. T
 hat's pretty much how things go viral, a chain reaction of retweets of retweets or shared posts that get shared by friends of friends of friends.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Woh! I see. Thanks a lot guys. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Hi again. Where can i download the update version of this game? says that i need to download it in the author's websight. It does not update automatically. Please give me the direct link. Thanks


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