Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

The Firrengi get much more interesting later, indeed the first series of tng is a bit over the top in places and rather full of treakle, I agree with the many people who say things picked up hugely in season 3. The computer virus thing is a bit odd, especially with the amount of times the computer does get possessed or do something else wonky, still in fairness if something was! really alien you probably couldnt design a sufficiently good security system to keep it out, not when your computer can be programmed just by people talking to it or by life forms that flash funny colours .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

You get headbut in ailex forest, cut down the tree blocking your way and talk to one of the people there and hell give it to you.


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Fine, dgleks. Think what you want. But do not ever mention my mother in any of our discussions; she does not concern you. You are not my mentor, you are not my controller/parent/guardian/friend/... you get the picture. So shove off. Im tired of your vitriol comments.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can someone please teach me how to code in pb and bgt?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can someone please teach me how to code in pb and bgt?

@The Terminator, theres no real way to teach you a programming language over the internet in a live session. Id recommend books, tutorials, articles, and fiddling; by fiddling, I mean experimenting: see what something does, make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes. A book, tutorial or article can only take you so far, and it will only teach you what something does. It will not teach you how to code, because your learning from the authors experience, which is totally different from yours. So, after reading a book, tutorial or article, try writing some code in the language you want to program in. It will help you extremely quickly and, by doing this, you will be able to expand your knowledge to other computer languages; soon, before you know it, youll be programming in some assembly language here and there, some C/C++ over here, and some Java over there. Or, perhaps, youll learn Go, then D, then C? It all depends on what you want to learn first. By focusi
 ng on a language like BASIC, you learn to understand the way computers work and, hence, the way programming languages work. Then, after learning an easy language like BASIC, youll be able to quickly and efficiently expand your knowledge to other languages because you already know the basics.Yes, data types, classes, objects, functions, etc. may be handled differently in each language, but once you learn the basics, you and your mind will be able to adapt to the new changes extremely quickly. By then, youll already be programming in that language, or reading about it, and befroe you know, youve already learned 5 to 9 languages. Ive learned more than 8 programming languages already, and while I cannot remember everything Ive used that language for, or conjure up a code example fo ryou, I can assure you that the more languages you know, the more youll get a job and broaden the job opportunities for yourself. Youll also extend the chance t
 o get a degree in college - if you choose to go that far - quite a lot.


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

@roelvdwal, I suggest that you ask people who a ship belongs to before you go and clean up deep space. You may end up pissing people off who you unintentionally did not want to piss off, and if theyre exceptionally powerful, they could easily destroy you. In DMNB, Ive learned that ship size, strength, speed, maneuverability, stealth and weaponry is what matters most in combat. I call them the six points of combat - the MSW for short. I think danny could add to those points, but instead of cleaning out randomly numbered ships just because they stand out, ask on chat/general to see if that ship belongs to someone first.


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Re: Hello!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello!

Actually, truth to tell, Im sure that there are advantages to .net just as there are advantages to Java, since they both have very similar platform architectures. My primary objection to .net is that the intermediate code your applications are compiled to is rediculously easy to reverse engineer.Anyway, we now return you to our regularly scheduled program... :-)


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

How about a game where you take control of a giant machine that you have to fight other giant robots and stuff with. But in an fps format. Kinda like Titanfall but better.


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Re: some questions about smugglers 5

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about smugglers 5

Intelligence does help with bounty missions, but its not %100 necessary, just go to the planet your mission gives, scan, then go to the next closest planet, scan, I tend to find the target will show up within three or four scans, I believe the chance increases based on how many objects youve checked so they should show up although itll take more time and certainly as a pirate there are more lucrative things to do. Also however dont forget that just because your on a mission, you can still take out pirates along the wa and earn rewards, its actually a really good stratogy especially with say patrol missions. I think you can board without using emp if you have the boarding shuttle upgrade for your cargo bay, otherwise I do recall getting messages saying I needed the enemy stunned with an emp before boarding, however its not really as bad as it sounds, not if you use plenty of abilities like target lock to make sure your as like
 ly to hit as possible. I have succeeded at abduction missions previously, sinse bounty hunter is my favourite class and I like to prioritize boarding, indeed in my last successful bounty hunter game I actually boarded and captured a destroyer with my cruser and some battle droids rather than having to buy one, its also a nice way to get access to more powerful ships used by pirates such as the hell cat, although I found that by the time I could take on a hell cat and board it Id pretty much earned enough to buy the cruser anyway .


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Well, I just wanna say Ive been having lotts of fun playing crystal, are you planning on making these for the older pokemon games as well? cause I would love that, cause Im gonna have to gameshark articuno as he isnt available on crystal. At least according the the guide Im reading. Regardless thank you for making a game that I used to play all the time when I was younger easier to play, much easier. Oh and I did wanna point out that some of the items arent marked, I spent a good part of 2 hours last night looking for headbutt and I cant find it. Idk if it just isnt their or I keep missing it.


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Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

Hello, sory for my bad English, Im french.Can you do a brief description of this game and how to play? I enjoy to see that the game is in French. Thank you


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

First and most important is battle as you cannot use voice over at all in battle. The battle screen looks something like this.Starting from the bottom left right hand corner of your screen right above the home button is attack, then 1 to the right of that is defend, then ability 1, then ability 2, and lastly your soul break when you build it up. Then right above those button are 3 more starting from the far left you have an auto attack which allows you to just press that once and your characters will attack without you having to constantly hit attack your self, works good when your not in a boss fight. The next one to the right of that button the just added, its the roaming warriors button well just call it. That button allows you to use the soul break of another players character and I believe it can be used twice per dungeon. Then you skip some screen and right above your soul break button is the player turn skip button which is pretty self-explanitory.Th
 e third row of buttons is your enemies and the number just depends on how many enemies you happen to be fighting, basically how that works is you can instead of just hitting attack, touch one of the enemies on the screen and then hit attack and you will attack the target you selected. Note that the enemies go from left to right to almost the right edge of the screen which brings me to my next set of buttons.On the right hand side of your screen above the player turn skip button are your characters, really you wont probably ever be targeting your own guys but its still worth mentioning. Obviously without voiceover you cant see your hp or anything so how I have been playing is a pure power team using guys with high hp and high attack and defense so I dont need to cure anyways. Besides you get potions and stuff for killing enemies.For boss strategies and stuff I just go to the ffrk wikia that they have which gets updated quite frequently. Most of the
  time if you cant beat the boss though either you need to level up more or its just impossible to beat with out having maxed relic gear which is not easy to get.Also I should note when you first start the game it will have you go in to a battle and you will need to turn off voiceover to do that part, and just tap on the middle of the screen above the home button to skip through the talking. The rest you can probably figure out.Oh one more thing, the victory screen. Basically all you do is press on the middle of the screen either right above the home button or a little ways above that, sometimes it changes depending on the items you are recieving. Doind this scrolls first past the rating screen, hten the exp screen then the items you recieved screen all in the victory screen, once you have done that it takes you back to the dungeon and you can turn on voice over and continue from their.Sorry about my grammar and if I havent explained something thor
 oughly enough or I left anything out let me know.


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

HelloAt the 23.1, in a door, I can take a key A at the coordinate 30;10. How to do for take this key?thank you


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Re: Blindside (PC version)

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blindside (PC version)

Ooops! embarrassed Thanks for the heads up on that, I guess I was thinking about the campaign in Entombed that didnt end well... My apologies to Driftwood and Epicycle for the mix up.


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Re: Hello!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello!



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Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

Yes its free to play with in app purchases of course. And okay I will write a description, but I think Im gonna try and section it off.


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

I talked to that guy he just talks about head butt he doesnt give it to you, or he didnt give it to me.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

hi all, agreed with razvitasca. house and life semulation will be pritty, pritty, pritty cool! and if it will be online, just awesome! players can build cyties, recruit police, and if another players do criminal, anothers players police will get to jail. and players police will give monney to player who owns them. cool, cool, cool! dreams, dreams...


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Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

I didnt know if I should post this or not but I am. For the past 3 or so months I have been playing final fantasy record keeper on IOS. its mostly accessible with a few parts that arent the main one being battle. If lotts of people show interest in playing I will put up a full description of how I play, but for now I think Im just announcing the game is their and playable as it would take a good amount of writing to explain how I do everything on that game. But I have like 7 or 8 max level characters right now and that game is constantly getting updated with new content and dailys and events.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

hi! always interested in Ios games. put here a description man! and, the game is free?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Nevermind just found it. 


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Absolutely right Devin and Steve the Severe Storm. And even Sam, who was angry at first, of course, says this topic should be closed, not will Dglex please stop spewing vitriol and Ethan, just try not to get caught into it. We all have different viewpoints on this but this most of this community Im sure has settled down on this.


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Re: Blindside (PC version)

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blindside (PC version)

Its not driftwood, blindside is a game by Epicycle and now as far as I know they needed to raise a lot more funds for episode 2. This game is a series, so this first game will be episode 1.


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Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

ssSory for my bad English.How to do for download this game? ITs better to take the full voice relise or the other? When I go to the website and I go to software, ther eare a lot of things. What do I must take?thank you


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

that brings me to my next section of how to play this. selecting a dungeon.Basically it works like this, all the dungeons are doors that you click on, to move between these doors you have to shut voice over off, then take your finger and slide it either from left to right, or right to left depending on which way your trying to go. Your finger should be about half way up the screen and you should start from the left edge and swipe twards the middle or the right edge and swipe towards the middle the bigger your swipe the more it moves the screen. It takes a bit of getting used to.Also on the main screen their are event dungeons, to access those you need to touch like right below where your ear piece for your phone is. If you go to far to the right you will touch the quests button instead. Which to go back at any time you just need to touch the bottom left hand part of your screen where the attack button would be if you were in battle. Once you press the event dungeons bu
 tton you can turn back on voice over and select which event you would like to enter and then pick your dungeon.Lol the more I write the more I realize how complicated it is to play this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

Can you explain me what I must do? I dont understand realy... Sory.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

what is the compagnon card?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

HelloSory for my bad English, Im french.What is exactly this game?


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Re: Danger city.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Danger city.

Hi all. I post this today. I checked the site and its not availalble. can someone post the links to self destruct and danger citiy? tancs


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Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

When I lunch the game, there is a music, a menu but there is a error system message. When I click on a item of the menu, I come back at the menu all the time. How to do?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

I could probably add attack parrying, infact I will. Maybe not for fists, but for knives, spears and hammers I probably could do that. Yes, spears, and hammers. The newest weapons if you download the next update. They hurt if you use them properly. I mean I could stand almost 10 squares away from a player and bash them in while there knife does nothing to me because there too far away. To make a spear, combine too stones together, than a knife to that, than combine that with a long shaft. To make a hammer, combine clay with knife, than that with a long shaft. And, hammers eventually... Well eventually they will be used... They will be used to ice fish!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamer95440 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

How to do for download the game? I complete the questionnaire, I recive a mail, but I dont understand how to do for download the game... How to do?I download the normal game (not full voice version) and the translate dont work. It is normaly?Thank you for you help, I would like to have the full voice version...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

Hi againIt seems I was able to fix one problem, only to run into another... lolI found that the option run as system seems to get passed the internal error while loading com. The only thing now is that NVDA for some odd reason wasnt reading the setup dialogs properly, but I might have made that mistake myself. Ill keep you poasted...So for anyone running into the internal error while loading com message, try to press the context menu key on setup.exe and choose run as system.HTH


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pokemon crystal a problem with running atohotkey script on win 8

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


pokemon crystal a problem with running atohotkey script on win 8

Hi.I have downloaded ra scripts for pokemon crystall and when I want to run pokemon.ahk file windows is asking me which app I want to use to open these file of that type.My windows dont knows how to open this file.I have windows 8.1 and it doesnt works.What to do to run this script.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

I just tried this game and wonder if it uses the same engine that was used for the first of the Inquisitor games, and Obsessive Compulsive, because it has the same poor response to key presses those two games had. I often have to hold keys down for a while before the games recognize them, and it often responds to multiple key presses. I dont believe its my system, because no other programs, including games, have any problems like this.Oh well, back to Entombed...(at least it works, mostly anyway)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paladin of the Sky, new full length audio game RPG

I just tried this game and wonder if it uses the same engine that was used for the first of the Inquisitor games, and Obsessive Compulsive, because it has the same poor response to key presses those two games had. I often have to hold keys down for a while before the games recognize them, and it often responds to multiple key presses. I dont believe its my system, because no other programs, including games, have any problems like this.Im hoping someone else has seen problems like this and know of a fix.Oh well, back to Entombed...for now...


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Re: FS: iMac 27-inch 2011 (iMac 12,2) 3.4 GHz quad-core I7 ...

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: FS: iMac 27-inch 2011 (iMac 12,2) 3.4 GHz quad-core I7 ...

I edited the first post to reflect the £300 price drop and inclusion of mouse and keyboard from the refurb.


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

Hi.@Momo, killing roelvdwal is my mission on dmnb do not worry Ill get him.@Roelvdwal, never forget Im coming after you! I missed you last time but I guarantee you Ill get you next time I see you so watch out!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Moderation! For Dglexs comments in posts 64, 67, and 80, which (irrispective of the rights and wrongs of the situation), definitely get into the personal (indeed not to mention an attack on the community as a hole), he has been banned from the forum for three months, sinse this is by no means the first occasion Dglex has been warned of such behaviour. @Ethin, your responses to Dglex and to others here have been getting somewhat personal, although I do recognize the provocation, however consider this a warning. I will also add that whatever a persons lack of security arrangements, no, hacking their machine shows no respect for their personal integrity or privacy. Just the same way you would not prove a person has a faulty lock by burgling their house, hacking a persons machine is not the way to make a point and anyone found guilty of such will be in trouble whatever their motivations might be, not the least because as this hu
 ge fiasco proves, it just creates bad feelings.So, this topic is now being closed and I hope that this particular matter is as well sinse to be honest its just caussed a huge! heap of trouble and flaming, especially to all those not involved.I suggest if anyone wants to warn Mason or anyone else of security holes in their system they do it in a more conventional way next time.


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Thank you so so much for this. this should be a good jumping in point for me, as I eventually want to get a ds and play the later versions as Ive heard theyre doable. is there any way to get the pokemon missing in this version that are present in others? I heard someone mention a gameshark, but I have no idea how they work as Ive not used one before.


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Help with Dropbox.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Help with Dropbox.

Hi,Im trying to figure out how to leave a shared folder in dropbox.. I have a couple of folders I want to leave, but I cant figure out how to do it. I followed the instructions on the website, but when I get to the dropbox options on the site, theres no leave folder button or link or anything. Is there an accessible way to leave the folders, or will I need sighted help?Thanks so much.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hellothe ideas I liked best were the simulation game in real life and the fighting game.a simps in audiogame will be excelent, Castaways is the best simulator for my life, but not a Simps.I know many blind play fighting game with no problem, but one fully accessible fighting game would be great.Greetings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final fantasy record keeper for IOS

So now Ive downloaded this game and when I load it the music plays and a system error message comes up.What should I do?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seb2314 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

Heres another recording, going to a bar, the people inside werent very nice so I had to fight my way out, plus killing some policeman with an axe. Anyway, hope you have as much fun listening to it as much as I had recording it … 5.mp3?dl=0


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Re: Braille plus emulater!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braille plus emulater!

Yes they will


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

Theirs no such system on dmnb ethin. The combat is all about the weapons you have, and the brains of your pilots. If they arnt doing a good job maneuvering your ship, no matter how strong your weapons are, your going to be turned into pasty paste all over space, just ask one of the menny people who have done patrol missions with pirates and survived.


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Re: considering buying tdv 2

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: considering buying tdv 2

HelloThanks Aron for the info.Greetings.


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Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: talking windows pe four 64 bit installation of windows now available.

hi jellman, u mite be just that life saver i am looking for. as a pc tech windows to go is just what i wil need. and restoring from windows image backups is just what i need as well. i wil try out your boot images and let u no how it whent.. man! if this works i am gonna be one happy chowy


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Re: Flarestar, the audiogame from Sylphe labs and TiconBlu, is out!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flarestar, the audiogame from Sylphe labs and TiconBlu, is out!

I didnt find inquisitor a problem on Ios, indeed I personally enjoyed the voice acting and story, but I cant speak to any of the bugs or not in the Pc version. I will say Ive noticed ticonblu have a habit of producing games very quickly and perhaps not dealing with some of the editing issues, some of the story inconsistancies in She noire I found a tad off, but hopefully thats something theyre working on although not being a racing fan Ive not tried their latest game.Flarestar I need to give a go to. Inquisitors heartbeat is a bit of a wysiwyg situation. Yes, its just a maze game and requires the logic while wandering around, however it was always intended! to be a maze game and does have a good atmosphere. Generally peoples frustration or not with the game depends upon, A, whether people expected more than a maze game in the first place, and B, how good people are at pure mazess. Flarestar I cant spe
 ak of sinse Ive yet to try the thing, though I do know its similar in heartbeat at least for the maze functions.


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Re: Happy Ramadan

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ronal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Happy Ramadan

[[wow]], asalamualaikum all!, yeah!, ramadan!, this is very nice!, i starting to read AL-Quran from juz 1, i hope i can hatam AL-Quran in this ramadan, he he he he


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Re: can someone please teach me how to code in pb and bgt?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can someone please teach me how to code in pb and bgt?

@ironcross32: what screen reader are you using with vs 2015? I tried using jaws and NVDA and it drove me nuts because there was no way to stop the announcement of line numbers, as that doesnt seem t be controled in the IDE settings. Ive filed a bug report with microsoft, but dont hold much hope that that bug will get fixed.What you touched on, how you think lua is better than bgts arrays, looks like a debate on whether dynamically typed languages are better than strongly typed ones. There are use cases for both, but Im personally more comfortable with a strongly typed language.@terminator: You need to give us more information, simply saying that the pb tutorial is difficult is useless because we dont have enough information to help you. What concepts particularly are you struggling on?


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

hello all, sam, if you want to leave that rotation system, then please, please please add pk. and, i like the storms. will be a rains there? or tornados?


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Re: suggestions for new powerful laptop

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: suggestions for new powerful laptop

@smoothgunner: oops lol. I somehow missed the fact that dell laptops werent being considered.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Thancs man.


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Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

Can you put the main sound rts website at the address? Itll solve the problem of residents of some countries being unable to access the site.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well we now have the third part of stewarts 8th doctor moanings here . Again Im not sure if people are reading these or not but Im a verbose sort of fellow and youtubes comment system is annoying, so I will say what I thought.Ive never seen the Shada film, so I can just sort of live with the idea of Paul MCgan pretending to be Tom baker for a bit, indeed I always thought myself it was more Mcgan going through his own memory than literally experiencing the events of Shada again, but because Mcgan is remembering he remembers himself.Personally, I really liked the divergent universe concept in the same way I liked Voyager. chucking the doctor into a universe of weerdosity with no time, no tardis, no daleks or familiar creatures is a great idea, and should lead to something out there. Unlike with Voyager though, Id argue th
 at it succeeds more than it fails.I fully agree with Stewart that Scherzo (which he really needs to know how to pronounce), is awsome! What I particularly like apart from the general shear weerd out there confusingness, is the fact that it deals with the 8th doctor romance in a good way. Ive seen cryticisms of the 8th doctors characterization here and how hes so much a complete git, but to be honest I actually like the idea that you know, sometimes the big dramatic romancy I love you! moment doesnt! work, particularly sinse The Doctors comment that he sacrificed everything for Charley and shes now going to die anyway having followed him to the Divergent universe making his sacrifice pretty pointless is legitimate, and anyway having your brain taken over by anti time is a pretty good excuse for being a bit of a douchenozzle. Plus I have to say the audio design in Scherzo is just so amazing! if you love purely well done audio back
 grounding some really great acting that can completely mess with your Brain Scherzo definitely does that!Btw, on a random tangent, douchenozzle is now my favourite new insult! Douche meaning a generally scummy person isnt really something used in Britain, Id myself default to git or something like that, douche to me sounds more like one of those old punch sound effects from the old Adam west batman series like bif or bosh or something like that. Similarly Douchebag never makes sense to me the way ratbag or scumbag does. However I love douchenozzle! both because i really like the idea of insulting someones nose, its just so amusing, and because I really like the way Orphius pronounces douchenozzle as four syllables, doo sheh nozzle! its got a very nice ring to it.Either way getting back to the audios, I think Stewart (and indeed most people), are a little too hard on Creed of the Krommen
 . I personally thought insect accountants was a great idea and the environment just felt so alien even if it does sort of default to a doctor who and invasion of the insect people type of story. The idea that the Krommen also were trying to develop spaceflight for some unspecified reason was also a nice call to the structure of the universe and what was going on. And if your going to introduce a companion, particularly such a profoundly alien one as Criz, having him literally murder his wife whos being mutated into an insect queen, and then suffer water torture is a hell of a way of doing it! Actually, in general I always liked Crez and some of the ideas around him, his church, his capabilities and the idea that he is both a physical and personality chameleon. Natural history of fear is awsome, though I agree with stewart is doesnt do much for the arc or for introducing Criz, indeed sinse many of the revelations are about the fact tha
 t you run into The Doctor, charley and Criz doing out of character and different things and seemingly being different people, the fact that at this point in my first listen through I hadnt distinguished Crizs voice really didnt help things much. Twilight kingdom I have to disagree with Stewart however. sinse yes, it is very dull and standard marines in a cave, but I just felt it was both an incredibly uninteresting story with very predictable mental manipulation, and it really! hurt the divergent universe to just run into a bunch of human rebels. i really hoped everyone in Divergent universe would be weerd and alien. Even the big revelation Stewart liked in episode four I found less than fun myself because its once again a case of oooh look, over imotionality can solve any plot! definitely my worst story in the divergent arc and possibly one of the worst Bf ever did.Faith stealer I hated similarly first time around just b
 ecause this a mega mall for religions didnt feel a particularly interesting concept to me, especially sinse none of the religions bore any vague resemblance to any real faiths at all (really if you were going to do this it shouldve been in the real universe). We get some of the hints at Criz church and the Doctors banter with the Kroka actually starts to make sense, indeed 

Re: Looking for SoundRTS players

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ronal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for SoundRTS players

hello zakc93, do you have a face book akount, if yes, its more easy to dicide when we can play multy player, maybee, i will call my friend to, ehehehehe, i like sound rts too lol, its the cool game..


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Re: suggestions for new powerful laptop

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: suggestions for new powerful laptop

Im surprised why dont you consider dell computers. My close friend has had a del laptop for 6 years and no technical problem yet. Also one of my relatives has a dell desktop which has been in existence for more than seven or eight years. At the time it was extremely expensive and he states that he hardly ever needed to go to any service for any problem.


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Re: Hello!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello!

See, Im needing all the help i can get and if i have to use .Net, its because im a dummy... lol


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Re: considering buying tdv 2

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: considering buying tdv 2

yeah, probably. the title is spelled out though.


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Starship traders, Browser game much like tradwars

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Starship traders, Browser game much like tradwars

Not to be confused with the ios and android title Star traders, this is a much older game, indeed it can still be played directly with Telnet, although there is a fully working working web browser version.Darren Harris mentioned this one on audeasy as a game he played a while ago, and its now been tracked down so I thought everyone might wish to know about it. At times I believe its been referd to as tsar wars and currently it goes under the title last resort however the url is still The game is much like trade wars in that you have a ship, fly between ports in numbered sectors which make up galaxies, trading commodities, harvesting resources from planets, fighting with other players and buying things like fighters and rockets to defend your ship, starbases to either attack a sector or defend it, and bunkers to store resources. One mildly annoying fact ab
 out the game is that you have to actually create an account to see the manual, so its a little difficult to get an idea before you play. From what I gather though there are some quite unique things, not only many different types of items to buy and sell from military gear to ship upgrades, but also interestingly enough just hree sorts of resources to trade in, though i believe there are some trading limits in the game meaning that staying on the move, or carefully defending an area is a good idea. I also admire the way the games interface works, sinse there is a standard telnet style textbox at the bottom where you can enter commands, however there are also textual links to information further up the page that you can just click, really its one of the best implementations of a bbs style game Ive seen on the net, (particularly sinse I gather the game is huge with literally millions of sectors and rooms in space, so having access to fly by links ra
 ther than typing in complex number codes is helpful). You dont even need an e-mail address, you can just type in a name and password.Ive only just started looking through the manual and getting an idea of the game, so people are welcome to come and have a look, but sinse I know there are fans of the scifi trading and battling type of games out there, I thought people might want to know asap.


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Re: iOS game discovered: Adventure to fate, a turn based jrpg

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TouchMint via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that I put another good night of work into the update. As for changing the 0s in the inventory and the numbers on the main screen this just isnt possible. The 0s let the game know there is nothing in that inventory slot so it can be written to and the numbers on the main screen link the squares (these are not visible so most users dont see them). without rewriting a ton of code those changes are not possible but everywhere I can make a change (unlabled at all) I am trying to make helpful changes .still hoping to submit tomorrow but while you wait here is a little preview of the racesHalfling (free class will be unlocked after update)Quick Feet - Highest agility and dodge chance in game.Make It Count - High critical rate.Troll (100-150 gems to unlock)Huge - Have the highest strength and endura
 nce.Regenerate - Regain 5 hp per round + (level * 2). (For example at level 10 a troll regains 25 hp after every round of attacks).


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Re: iOS game discovered: Adventure to fate, a turn based jrpg

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

Thank you as always.  The halfling Sounds like a very good rogue class, And assuming the regeneration stacks with regain, it could be insane.  Is there a way to see what skills do by tapping on them now? Im only asking for the illusionist really.


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playable ps4 games

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


playable ps4 games

Hey all! So Im looking into getting a ps4, some time this week. What Im curious about is, apart from the obvious fighting games, many of which are already on ps3, as well as Samurai warriors 4, are there any other games which are playable? Just looking at this since the games currently playable I either already have on ps3, or arent out yet EG Street Fighter V, the new Naruto and Saint Seiya games, etc. Anyone have suggestions? Region or language doesnt matter. 


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

Maybe you shouldn´t take random numbered ships. They stand out, I was just cleaning up deepspace a little.


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

Yall, itll fall when it falls. If youre so against this topic, then skip it. Or if you must, configure your screen readers speech to say blank instead of the name of this topic. Now come on yall! This constant we gotta forget this Oh my gosh this topic is bad really bad bad topic no bad topic kind of mentality is what keeps discussion from happening!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: iOS game discovered: Adventure to fate, a turn based jrpg

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TouchMint via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that I put another good night of work into the update. As for changing the 0s in the inventory and the numbers on the main screen this just isnt possible. The 0s let the game know there is nothing in that inventory slot so it can be written to and the numbers on the main screen link the squares (these are not visible so most users dont see them). without rewriting a ton of code those changes are not possible but everywhere I can make a change (unlabled at all) I am trying to make helpful changes .


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Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

Hello.Again, I believe good and evil are subjective. They only apply to humans. For example, if killling was evil. Hows that work? we kill a million or more bacteria a day. Well our defence system does. And we also kil flies, cockroaches, whatever. And then there are hunters who kill lions, elephants etc for sports or for selling material. And if you kill a human, welp, youre evil. In my opinion, if god made good and evil, god would not let us kill _anybody_. So I dont really believe god itself made good and evil, as I said it seems a self defence mechanism to me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

Hi.I really like themadviolinists post.I myself dont believe theres a hell, heaven im not so sure of either. I believe there are other realms where we all can learn stuff, what that stuff is I dont know. Heaven to me and Im sorry if I offend Christians and other believers in heaven, sounds kind of, well, boring.This is how I see Christians think of heaven. So you die having done all good, ignoring the good and evil thing for this post. So you die, youve been very good and done things in the name of God, and you go to heaven, meet god, and then... what? What do you do after that? just sit around all the time? Perhaps learn a thing or two about how awesome god is? Im sorry but to me that sounds boring. Id much rather learn about how awesome I am as a spiritual being, but in saying that, since I believe that we are all part of god, Id be learning about god too.As for hell, I dont belie
 ve in it. I cant since this god energy is all loving in my opinion, or a more realistic way of looking at it is, God doesnt care one way or the other.


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Re: Looking for SoundRTS players

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for SoundRTS players

Yeah, I am interested in palying more soundRTS. You have me on skype so it shouldnt be too hard to organize games


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Re: suggestions for new powerful laptop

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: suggestions for new powerful laptop

IIRC, the XPS 13 is more of an ultrabook than a laptop. This makes a difference for you because its designed to look badass and light, I think it also has a touchscreen, but its also using the lower-end intel CPUs designed for low power usage. For gaming, youll want to look at things that have at least a Core I7 and more importantly discreet graphics. While the integrated intel HD graphics are getting better they still arent on the level of an actual graphics card. And Id also second the suggestion to have an SSD. Something else to consider, if youre not planning to move a lot and will be using this laptop as your primary system in one location, you will most likely be able to get a gaming desktop with much better specifications for the same price and probably wont have to deal with overheating issues...


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Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

I know this is an old thread but when I read the concept of the game I thought it was a great idea, but this isnt a very appropriate game to promote to a community that is mostly blind and vision impaired people.I know that he said they would look into making it suitable for blind and vision impaired people, but, to be honest, I just looked at their web site, and after more than a year and only 7% funded... I dont think it matters, because I dont think its ever going to happen.Too bad, it was a good idea...


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

You can be punched, but if that happens, you can always run away. How did he actually killed you so you lost your credits?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

I used to be very bothered by the predestination question, until i actually sat down and started reading papers on metaphysics and time and considered things in detail. The essential factor is even if! with unlimited information (as God presumably has), it would be possible to predict exactly what will happen to a person or to an event, that prediction is itself based on the idea of the fact that the agents themselves do not have complete information. If I go to a restaurant and I choose to have the steak instead of the chicken, the ultimate cause of me choosing steak for dinner is that I happen to prefer the steak, and given the choice I have chosen the steak. Even if it were possible to predict (or perhaps for a divine being to be certain), I would choose the steak, my choice of steak is in fact just based on the fact that there is more than one choice available to me, indeed me being the bloody minded person I am if some psychic came along and told me I would choose the 
 steak, Id probably choose the chicken just to be contrary, although if said psychic were actually really! a psychic they would also know that and give me the opposite advice (Ill stop now before this goes into a spiral but you see what i mean).If I end up choosing steak just because the restaurant is out of other things to choose and I have no alternative, well the fact that I chose steak isnt really a significant fact at all, sinse fundamentally you cannot have a belief in predestination unless! you actually have a belief in choice anyway. This is actually why, while I still did believe in God I disagreed with the existance of hell or divine punishment, sinse if God automatically knew which way people would choose anyway, then we are left with a system of the elect as indeed John Calvin speculated, that essentially sinse God already knows who is and is not going to be punished for all eternity God has created people just! to punish some o
 f them eternally. Calvin thought this was okay, I do not, so I personally reject (or at least did when I was still actually a theist), the idea of divine punishment at all, I much prefer some of the ideas of realization or understanding. Ill also add that there are intrinsically better ways of interpreting religious good/evil. William Booth the founder of the salvation army himself said that to serve God was to serve ones fellow man, which is sort of a point, in that the better class of religious believers and the people who I find I can respect are those who use their belief in God to inform their attitudes about other people, not those who do the opposite. Indeed as someone who has studdied ethics for a long time there are plenty of other ways of interpreting good and evil than either just it is what god says, or even (as some atheists do), its what we are evolved and socially talered to do sinse neither of those are particularly co
 gent reasons or arguements in favour of moral action or attitudes, where as playing on factors such as human empathy and compassion work far better. Btw, with god I am currently an agnostic. I am quite aware with the falacies and human inherent errors in believing that the materialistic, hyper evolutionary focused view of the universe many believers in scientism (particularly with its elevation of evolution to an almost devine level of explanation for what is essentially a quite minimalistic theory). Equally I have had experiences of what I could call the divinity of creation, or at least something other to the universe that was not my own consciousness. However, I have found myself losing all faith and credence in the idea of divinity as taking an active part in the lives of humans or in what happens in the world. God (if I can still use that term), might exist, but whether God loves us or whether God takes any active part in peoples lives othe
 r than experiencially I really dont know. That there are people who perform both very moral and very immoral actions based on beliefs in God or beliefs from some religious text I do not doubt, but I dont really see that as providing much evidence for the actual intervention of such a being in the world at all. That is why I respect peoples religious beliefs,  albeit less so the immoral actions and attitudes that some people claime religious justification for, but why I am simply not certain myself.


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Re: some questions about smugglers 5

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions about smugglers 5

ok thanks for the explanation dark.anyway, Im now facing a bounty mission.I search the mission target on my ship sensors, but I dont find it.any tips?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: iOS game discovered: Adventure to fate, a turn based jrpg

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

Brilliant. I dont actually think you need to change the underlying text of either the zeroes in the inventory or the square numbers. With the speak hints function of voiceover, (you can enable this in settings), information can be passed to vo directly which doesnt relate to on screen text labels. The playing experience would be youd here the current number, but then get the hint spoken after so for example Zero, chest slot, or 12, go here to battle This is actually something that comes up a lot, and I wish Apple would make it clearer in the documentation. No, accessibility does not! mean everything has to be layed out in dull columns with no graphics and completely relabelling, you can have a game that still looks as is but just passes the text directly to vo to speak. Im afraid not being a programmer Im not sure how to do this, but if you contact either Amir Rajan developer of A da
 rk room over at his site, or esper labs developers of Solara at There site they might be able to give more information sinse both of their games do this. Amir rajan particularly did mention wanting to get out more information about how to add access to games, so might be a good person to talk to, assuming hes not already written up some clearer information about what needs doing that doesnt relate to changing the actual on screen text or inserting labels.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

I dont think that all the aspects of life, including our decisions are defined by fate or are written, as some of you say. But with these words I dont intend to say that everything happens randomly.If you are on a car, you feel high and you decide to drive at top speed, and if you fall on an accident it was not written that you would die on that accident, because you, yourself caused it. and if a terrorist jumps in a school and kills students and teachers it was not written that those people would die then. Or if you marry an already known violent person and after some months of marriage your relation goes to hell, this was not written to happen, was it?Some of our decisions and happenings occur not because everything is written under fate, but our mind decides so. Again, Im not intending to get into atheistic theories, but that is because we sometimes can drive our lives in a certain way. If in your school you have two choices, study science or
  study psychology it was not written that you decided to go for science. Just some examples.


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Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

Borg tractor beams do seem to be a lot stronger. From what ive seen tholion webs are easyly breakable. * must watch more of tng * Ill admit to watching some, right now ive stopt on the episode regarding the econians, probably misspelled it. Speaking of that, youd think ship computers would be way more protected as aposed to letting an alien computer program just slip in. Turning to the ferenggy, ive only seen them in season 1 of tng, during that episode where the enterprise is chasing them for an energy converter they stole from a planet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

Hello.Agin, I believe good and evil are subjective. They only apply to humans. For example, if killling was evil. Hows that work? we kill a million or more bacteria a day. Well our defence system does. And we also kil flies, cockroaches, whatever. And then there are hunters who kill lions, elephants etc for sports or for seeling material. And if you kill a human, welp, youre evil. In my opinion, if god made good and evil, god would not let us kill _anybody_. So I dont really believe god itself made good and evil, as I said it seems a self defence mechanism to me.


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Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fatih via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

hi,Do you have more cards except the companion card and do you know how to get them?Thanks


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Re: Happy Ramadan

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Happy Ramadan

assalamualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatuh.since I am a muslim too, I wish to all muslim people in this forum, happy ramadan.I hope in this month allah will give everyone a good protection.Im also starting to read al-quran from the beginning, Im hoping that I will finish it on this entyre month.wasalamualaikum.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

Let me preface all this by saying that I am in the odd position of being a pagan who bought into some notions sufficiently to choose to be baptized this last Easter. As such, I am very definitely in a state of flux about what I think, what I believe and what belief even means. I have the luxury of being just fine with not knowing a lot of things, since Ill learn what i need to know and the rest will come as it will, or as God wills if you prefer.First of all, it is very important to keep the difference between Gods intent and the interpretation of that intent by humans and the institutions they create. Im pretty sure that I do not need a concept of Heaven/Hell. Im not all that interested in the question of post-mortem life, since, it will happen or it wont. I dont need Heaven as a positive reward for good behavior, nor Hell as a fear-based incentive. I do not need a God of retributive justice
  to smite the evildoer to make me feel better. I dont even need to know whether Jeshua bar Miriam actually existed as such.For me, it is enough to choose to accept the notion that Jesus was the incarnation of God, sent to us to demonstrate what a life lived in love would look like. The notion of his death as a substitutionary sacrifice that takes away my sins asks me to believe in a cruel God, which doesnt make sense given the notion of God sending Jesus to redeem us anyway. Being a Christian is deceptively simple, love God, love what God loves. If you believe God created everything, this means loving what God created, in the ultimate act of love.This is not a mainstream notion of what it means to be a Christian, particularly here in the U.S. While its quite simple, its very difficult to practice well.Anyone interested in some of the sources for my thinking should read anything they can find by Marcus Borg.
 ; He is a progressive Christian writer who has given me a way in to professing Christianity. I dont agree with everything he says, but he showed me a different way of thinking about what I thought I knew.


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Re: help with Skullgirls please

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with Skullgirls please

If you havent already, try going through the tutorials, at least the basic series. It will explain special moves. Then after that every character has their own tutorial which explains what each move does and what its good for, which you should also go through, at least for whoever you want to play as.


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jesper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?



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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

Ahh, the tripple lovelyness of deep space, thats why I hang out their most of the time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

help with Skullgirls please

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


help with Skullgirls please

Hi all.Yesterday I tried skullgirls and I make some simple moves, like heavy attaks and medium attaks, but the enemies uses special povers. how to use this special pover?sorry if I sayed wrong, my English is not very good.


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Re: considering buying tdv 2

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: considering buying tdv 2

ironcross32 wrote:TDV is three D velocityAh! Thanks! Just curious, wouldnt 3DV be a better abrieviation for 3D Velocity than TDV?


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Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

Hi.No it wasnt funded so theres no point in donating to them as far as I can see.


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help with Skullgirls please

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


help with Skullgirls please

Hi all.Yesterday I tried skullgirls and I make some simple moves, like heavy attaks and medium attaks, but the enemies uses special povers. how to use this special pover?sorry if I sayed wrong, my English is not very good.super moves?


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

This topic should quite honestly just be closed. This hole thing with mason has been solved. Guillem got what he wanted for mason to have better security, we all got what we wanted, masons passwords are encrypted, everythings changed. It all worked out in the end. Sure people might still have bad feelings about certain people, Same with me but keeping this toppic in the top ten doesnt really help. I say we just forget about this hole mess besides the lessons we learned from it and just move on. Just my opinian. This topic is just full of complete drama, nd nothing good. Why not let it just fall way back down deep into the archives lol.


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Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jesper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone kill rowelbdwal in dmnb?

If you dont wanna fight, you dont go to deep space. Clear, right?


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Re: I have some questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have some  questions and a kind of rant to christians on this site.

Hi,This is the thing. Free will and predestination/fait, whatever you want to call it, dont work. So why do we have free will? Do we have free will?I think we do. I also think predestination is a load of rubbish, and Im sorry if I offend anyone by saying this. However, I had to work towards everything I achieved. If I was predestined to have it, would the outcome have been the same if Id sat back, relaxed, and done nothing towards my own life? I think not.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well we now have the third part of stewarts 8th doctor moanings here . Again Im not sure if people are reading these or not but Im a verbose sort of fellow and youtubes comment system is annoying, so I will say what I thought.Ive never seen the Shada film, so I can just sort of live with the idea of Paul MCgan pretending to be Tom baker for a bit, indeed I always thought myself it was more Mcgan going through his own memory than literally experiencing the events of Shada again, but because Mcgan is remembering he remembers himself.Personally, I really liked the divergent universe concept in the same way I liked Voyager. chucking the doctor into a universe of weerdosity with no time, no tardis, no daleks or familiar creatures is a great idea, and should lead to something out there. Unlike with Voyager though, Id argue th
 at it succeeds more than it fails.I fully agree with Stewart that Scherzo (which he really needs to know how to pronounce), is awsome! What I particularly like apart from the general shear weerd out there confusingness, is the fact that it deals with the 8th doctor romance in a good way. Ive seen cryticisms of the 8th doctors characterization here and how hes so much a complete git, but to be honest I actually like the idea that you know, sometimes the big dramatic romancy I love you! moment doesnt! work, particularly sinse The Doctors comment that he sacrificed everything for Charley and shes now going to die anyway having followed him to the Divergent universe making his sacrifice pretty pointless is legitimate, and anyway having your brain taken over by anti time is a pretty good excuse for being a bit of a douchenozzle. Plus I have to say the audio design in Scherzo is just so amazing! if you love purely well done audio back
 grounding some really great acting that can completely mess with your Brain Scherzo definitely does that!Btw, on a random tangent, douchenozzle is now my favourite new insult! Douche meaning a generally scummy person isnt really something used in Britain, Id myself default to git or something like that, douche to me sounds more like one of those old punch sound effects from the old Adam west batman series like bif or bosh or something like that. Similarly Douchebag never makes sense to me the way ratbag or scumbag does. However I love douchenozzle! both because i really like the idea of insulting someones nose, its just so amusing, and because I really like the way Orphius pronounces douchenozzle as four syllables, doo sheh nozzle! its got a very nice ring to it.Either way getting back to the audios, I think Stewart (and indeed most people), are a little too hard on Creed of the Krommen
 . I personally thought insect accountants was a great idea and the environment just felt so alien even if it does sort of default to a doctor who and invasion of the insect people type of story. The idea that the Krommen also were trying to develop spaceflight for some unspecified reason was also a nice call to the structure of the universe and what was going on. And if your going to introduce a companion, particularly such a profoundly alien one as Criz, having him literally murder his wife whos being mutated into an insect queen, and then suffer water torture is a hell of a way of doing it! Actually, in general I always liked Crez and some of the ideas around him, his church, his capabilities and the idea that he is both a physical and personality chameleon. Natural history of fear is awsome, though I agree with stewart is doesnt do much for the arc or for introducing Criz, indeed sinse many of the revelations are about the fact tha
 t you run into The Doctor, charley and Criz doing out of character and different things and seemingly being different people, the fact that at this point in my first listen through I hadnt distinguished Crizs voice really didnt help things much. Twilight kingdom I have to disagree with Stewart however. sinse yes, it is very dull and standard marines in a cave, but I just felt it was both an incredibly uninteresting story with very predictable mental manipulation, and it really! hurt the divergent universe to just run into a bunch of human rebels. i really hoped everyone in Divergent universe would be weerd and alien. Even the big revelation Stewart liked in episode four I found less than fun myself because its once again a case of oooh look, over imotionality can solve any plot! definitely my worst story in the divergent arc and possibly one of the worst Bf ever did.Faith stealer I hated similarly first time around just b
 ecause this a mega mall for religions didnt feel a particularly interesting concept to me, especially sinse none of the religions bore any vague resemblance to any real faiths at all (really if you were going to do this it shouldve been in the real universe). We get some of the hints at Criz church and the Doctors banter with the Kroka actually starts to make sense, indeed 

Re: hello i am new here in audiogames forum

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JCion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: hello i am new here in audiogames forum

Like everyone has said welcome to the forum. Im sure youll enjoy yourself here, and find some great games along the way.  The game sounds interesting. Ill definitely have a look at it. I should have some downtime the beginning of next month, so Ill maybe do it then. Again welcome.


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Re: extremely disturbing news

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: extremely disturbing news

LOL Ethin you said, We had no other choice. We, includes you. Read your posts over and over before you comment with useless retorts. Im not dragging your mother into anything. Mind you, she would probably love to find out what youre up to online these days no?-Dgleks


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Re: help with Skullgirls please

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with Skullgirls please

but how to do that? go to tutorial, I complete the first section with jumping and avoiding bombs. the second section I dont know how to do.


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Re: Kodi screen reader addon--Installing on OS X

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blademan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Kodi screen reader addon--Installing on OS X

Hi.Kodi looks cool, sucks that its inaccessible out of the box.I found the screen reader add on, but have had some difficulty in getting it working right.Im using NVDA 2015.2 on windows.I see something in the change log, that says you need a different DLL for NVDA and this add on for Kodi to work.I downloaded Kodi, then the installer for the add on. The add on installer gave me a 404, saying it couldnt find the file needed. I looked at the folder it was trying to install the add on into.I then Downloaded the add on from his github (, and extracted that resulting repository folder (minus the branchname) into the directory the installer was trying to use.That folder turned out to be my home folder, app data, kodi, addons. After reopening kodi, nothing. Can anyone post a link, or instructions on how to get
  this working with NVDA?


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Re: can someone please teach me how to code in pb and bgt?

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can someone please teach me how to code in pb and bgt?

Im on NVDA and its not reporting line numbers to me, Im on the latest 2015.2 version of NVDA


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Re: playable ps4 games

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: playable ps4 games

Yeah... those fell under the category of games I knew were coming out already or ones I already have on ps3. hahaha. Guess well see. 


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

hi! agree with you cruiser destroyer ! And, this is my wish, i see games like this brouser. but i want one game no brouser, with sounds. thats awesome! or, a game with medieval. like you are a king. you can build and increase your empire, first a small comuniti, but mmore lager acity or a capital! you can walk, control peasants, no like soundrts. when you move with the arrow keys you move on the squares. NO, I want to say you move the character. enter in mine, get gold or other medieval things. and what awesome is to be this multiplayer! you can control your soldier and go and explore! Go in fields, aabandoned areas, and when you return at home control your king, take all peasants and remake the abandoned area.but this is a dream... I whait for a game like this


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Re: Night of Parasite and montazuma

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Night of Parasite and montazuma

I never could manage to beat Night of Parasite.


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