Re: John Studio offers beneficial cooperation

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: John Studio offers beneficial cooperation

George Strait wrote:I got some ocean front property in ArizonaFrom my front porch you can see the seaI got some ocean front property in ArizonaIf you'll buy that, I'll throw the golden gate in freeKai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Networking in GDE

2019-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Networking in GDE

I don't remember if a wi-fi radio was part of the hardware design specifications. If it isn't, there may need to be a way to retrofit the firmware so that if the Sonus is plugged into the computer, its drivers would serve as an internet gateway, because being able to play against other people is too good of a thing to pass up, especially in the connected era we live in.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: pro sound effects free library

2019-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pro sound effects free library

I don't mean to be a party pooper, but I'm sure they're using the survey as a form of acquiring user demographics. Accessible or not, it probably goes beyond the spirit of the survey and website to freely distribute the link. What people do outside the forum is their own business, but I'd hate for there to be wind of the link to bypass their survey getting back to those who are trying to obtain this kind of user data, and the fact that the survey is inaccessible is not enough excuse for us to disregard the possibility that we might be stepping on toes. I highly recommend that the mods (or the link poster) remove the link in question, in the interest of preserving forum integrity. There's nothing wrong with providing a link to the survey, but it's a whole other story to subvert their method of statistic acquisition.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, straight, or any other persuasion, so long as it's not causing harm. There is, however, a lot wrong with bigotry and the persecution of people simply because of their life style. Interestingly, I note that Ironcross shows no degree of contrition for his casual slander and bigotry, he just chalks it up to a casually fired-off insult. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though. The same mindset which convinces him that he should be able to dictate how people code and what programming languages they should and shouldn't use is probably also indicative of various other forms of prejudices, hence his complete dismissal of the situation and the need to apologize for such an egregious trespass of propriety.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, straight, or any other persuasion, so long as it's not causing harm. There is, however, a lot wrong with bigotry and the persecution of people simply because of their life style. Interestingly, I note that Ironcross shows no degree of apology for his casual slander and bigotry, he just chalks it up to a casually fired-off insult. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though. The same mindset which convinces him that he should be able to dictate how people code and what programming languages they should and shouldn't use is probably also indicative of various other forms of prejudices, hence his complete dismissal of the situation and the need to apologize for such an egregious trespass of propriety.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

In post 22: ironcross32 wrote:Yeah, you and Jaidon are tunnel buddies, we get it.This barb is so out of line. It implies that the targets of the insult are homosexual partners, but the negative connotation further implies that such a unity is undesireable -- it's a hate statement in so far as I'm understanding the message. These kinds of hateful and personal attacks should not be tollerated on a forum which is already subject to so much drama.If I may be pardoned, the poster is essentially saying "You're both a couple of faggets." I sincerely hope the moderation staff will address this kind of bigotry with due process, particularly since the individual in question has had various altercations on the forum before.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

The antivirus point would only apply if the person asking for BGT had said ... "Can someone get me the BGT Installer? I plan to learn the language so I can release the next big game for the audio gaming community". The OP only said, straight forward and without any professing that they had any goals, that they were interested in getting the BGT installer. This is like going to Walmart and asking where the bags of popcorn are, and being confronted with someone proselytizing about the evils of carbs for 2 hours straight. I don't care if someone wants to use BGT, Python, or even Applesoft BASIC, if they want it and you can provide it and are of a mind to do so, then let them have access to it at your will, but they certainly didn't come here asking for people to tell them over and over why they shouldn't use what they're asking for -- they just want it, no more, no less. I still think it's highly arrogant and disrespectful for people to be pulling this code shaming crap, and furthermore that it's such a persistent subject.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I think it's highly arrogant to assume that you can demand, require, and otherwise force other people not to use whatever language they want, no matter how old or out of date, no matter how unsupported. If the developer hasn't himself said please stop using BGT because of reason X Y Z, then no one else has the right to do so either -- and in fact, to a certain degree, once the developer has freely released the language, even he has limited impact on who will or won't, can or can't use it.A lot of you guys complain that people won't leave BGT alone. Allow me to counter by complaining that you guys won't leave BGT bashing alone. Whether or not a person is getting a language to write hello world or to copy code, that's ultimately their prerogative. It only becomes an issue when the results of a coding effort makes a negative impact on the forum itself, such as through a clone rip-off. You're assuming BGT users are guilty before you even get to see what they're doing with a spade -- jumping to the conclusion that they're burying a dead body, when all they might be doing is planting a potato.The creator himself may indeed be done with BGT, but he has never expressly placed any injunctions upon using the product, even if he no longer wishes to support or distribute / host it. It seems rather high-handed, therefore, for a few voices to automatically jump to the conclusion that everyone must stop using it, as if BGT were some plague-ridden horse.I applaud those of you who love Python or whatever language you've embraced. That's great! But why can't you leave people alone when they want to go at it with BGT, even if only as a starting point? And maybe you would prefer a different starting point, that's fine, that's your preference, but you certainly aren't omnipotent enough that your preference should reflect everyone else's. Would you blithely move on to another language someone else was lauding simply because they said stop using Python! It's a piece of garbage!ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?This is like the most presumptuous of statements. You're already assuming that whoever is taking up a programming language has to do something great with it. Maybe they just want to tinker. Maybe they just want to dabble. These approaches are absolutely fine. You're treating their request to get BGT as if they're a potential game publisher, and you can't stand that they're going to be releasing said product in BGT. They've never intimated any such desires, they just want the damn installer for the language. I might turn around and say if you're not doing anything great with Python, then what are you in this for?Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries. Not everyone needs to get the third degree nerd book thrown at them just because they might want to play around with a few lines of code. I'm so unimpressed with this negative mindset in our community, making mountains out of molehills.In the end, why can't we all just live and let live? Why do you guys care so damn much what people want to code their projects in? Those projects most likely won't see the light of day -- they may not even be projects, just experiments!You guys are the elitist nut jobs standing in the doorways of grocery stores, tearing through people's grocery carts and criticizing their choices and telling them that what they've picked would never make a good banquet, when all they want is for you to shut the hell up so they can leave, go home, and make a dinner to feed their family, or heck, to put their TV dinner in the microwave just to feed themselves.Just let it be. The OP only asked for the BGT installer, no more, no less!Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

BGT Installer. Can't swear it's the up to date installer, but I *think* it is.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

BGT Installer. Can swear it's the up to date installer, but I *think* it is.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: counting characters in lua

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: counting characters in lua

I'm not sure all the complexity in post two is required. Simply create a regular _expression_ trigger that does some substitutions.Assuming your text string, make your regular _expression_ trigger like this:^(.+)\: (#+)$This trigger assumes that the skill/spell names may change, but the counter symbol afterwards will not -- it will always be using number signs. The karet at the beginning means this trigger can only match on a new line, and the dollar sign at the end means that this trigger is only valid if the line ends right after the text. If there are any white spaces before or after, you may want to add \s* to your trigger, either right after the karet if blank spaces might appear at the beginning of the line, or right before the dollar sign if there might be trailing blank spaces on the line after the counter symbols.Make sure the regular _expression_ and omit from output check boxes for the trigger are enabled. Make sure the Send To combo box is set to script after omit. In the Send text field, put the following:Note(Trim("%1") .. ": " .. string.len(Trim("%2")))This little script says Note to the output window the following: First trim the contents of the first wildcard of any blank spaces, then append a colon followed by a space. Next, determine and include the length of the contents of the second wildcard, but only after we've trimmed it of blank spaces.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: counting characters in lua

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: counting characters in lua

I'm not sure all the complexity in post two is required. Simply create a regular _expression_ trigger that does some substitutions.Assuming your text string, make your regular _expression_ trigger like this:^(.+)\: (#+)$This trigger assumes that the skill/spell names may change, but the counter symbol afterwards will not -- it will always be using number signs. The karet at the beginning means this trigger can only match on a new line, and the dollar sign at the end means that this trigger is only valid if the line ends right after the text. If there are any white spaces before or after, you may want to add \s* to your trigger, either right after the karet if blank spaces might appear at the beginning of the line, or right before the dollar sign if there might be trailing blank spaces on the line after the counter symbols.Make sure the regular _expression_ and omit from output check boxes for the trigger are enabled. Make sure the Send To combo box is set to script after omit. In the Send text field, put the following:Note(Trim("%1") .. ": " .. string.len(Trim("%2")))This little script says Note to the output window the following: First trim the contents of the first wildcard of any blank spaces, then append a cololon followed by a space. Next, include the length of the contents of the second wildcard, but only after we've trimmed it of blank spaces also.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: counting characters in lua

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: counting characters in lua

I'm not sure all the complexity in post two is required. Simply create a regular _expression_ trigger that does some substitutions.Assuming your text string, make your regular _expression_ trigger like this:^(.+)\: (#+)$This trigger assumes that the skill/spell names may change, but the counter symbol afterwards will not -- it will always be using number signs. The karet at the beginning means this trigger can only match on a new line, and the dollar sign at the end means that this trigger is only valid if the line ends right after the text. If there are any white spaces before or after, you may want to add \\s* to your trigger, either right after the karet if blank spaces might appear at the beginning of the line, or right before the dollar sign if there might be trailing blank spaces on the line after the counter symbols.Make sure the regular _expression_ and omit from output check boxes for the trigger are enabled. Make sure the Send To combo box is set to script after omit. In the Send text field, put the following:Note(Trim("%1") .. ": " .. string.len(Trim("%2")))This little script says Note to the output window the following: First trim the contents of the first wildcard of any blank spaces, then append a cololon followed by a space. Next, include the length of the contents of the second wildcard, but only after we've trimmed it of blank spaces also.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: counting characters in lua

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: counting characters in lua

I'm not sure all the complexity in post two is required. Simply create a regular _expression_ trigger that does some substitutions.Assuming your text string, make your regular _expression_ trigger like this:^(.+)\: (#+)$This trigger assumes that the skill/spell names may change, but the counter symbol afterwards will not -- it will always be using number signs. The karet at the beginning means this trigger can only match on a new line, and the dollar sign at the end means that this trigger is only valid if the line ends right after the text, which is usually does. If there are any white spaces before or after, you may want to add \\s* to your trigger, either right after the karet if blank spaces might appear at the beginning of the line, or right before the dollar sign if there might be trailing blank spaces on the line after the counter symbols.Make sure the regular _expression_ and omit from output check boxes for the trigger are enabled. Make sure the Send To combo box is set to script after omit. In the Send text field, put the following:Note(Trim("%1") .. ": " .. string.len(Trim("%2")))This little script says Note to the output window the following: First trim the contents of the first wildcard of any blank spaces, then append a cololon followed by a space. Next, include the length of the contents of the second wildcard, but only after we've trimmed it of blank spaces also.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: counting characters in lua

2019-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: counting characters in lua

I'm not sure all the complexity in post two is required. Simply create a regular _expression_ trigger that does some substitutions.Assuming your text string, make your regular _expression_ trigger like this:^(.+)\\: (#+)$This trigger assumes that the skill/spell names may change, but the counter symbol afterwards will not -- it will always be using number signs. The karet at the beginning means this trigger can only match on a new line, and the dollar sign at the end means that this trigger is only valid if the line ends right after the text, which is usually does. If there are any white spaces before or after, you may want to add \\s* to your trigger, either right after the karet if blank spaces might appear at the beginning of the line, or right before the dollar sign if there might be trailing blank spaces on the line after the counter symbols.Make sure the regular _expression_ and omit from output check boxes for the trigger are enabled. Make sure the Send To combo box is set to script after omit. In the Send text field, put the following:Note(Trim("%1") .. ": " .. string.len(Trim("%2")))This little script says Note to the output window the following: First trim the contents of the first wildcard of any blank spaces, then append a cololon followed by a space. Next, include the length of the contents of the second wildcard, but only after we've trimmed it of blank spaces also.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Best map format for complex environments

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best map format for complex environments

It's slightly dated, but I love Metpad, which keeps its column position when navigating by rows (or lines). It's what I use when I want to create text tables, such as when I created the table for Swamp's weapon specifics.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 39.If I did misinterpret your post, it's only because I was trying to follow your own example as you kept completely missing the point of my arguments on this subject earlier. I hope I made you proud, sensei.However, I'm not sure how the following post can be interpreted differently?@28, by discouraging the inexperienced you are filtering out those who won't take the time and effort into making good audio games. If we weed those out, we'll get high quality audio games, and good audio game developers as a result because they'll know what their actually doing.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 39.Well, I was trying to follow your own example as you kept completely missing the point of my arguments on this subject earlier. I hope I made you proud, sensei.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 28.So... You want to get rid of inexperienced developers who are learning the craft, thereby keeping people from ever learning, and only the experts can stick around? I think you'll find this narrow-minded view slightly self-destructive. I'm assuming that you were just born an expert in your programming language of choice, then, not ever having to learn the language's ins and outs? I salute your elitism.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 19.I think the fact that you keep pointing out more and more flaws as perceived by you neatly illustrates the fact that you're just not getting the point I'm trying to get across. I'm also not mentioning anywhere that you would be mandated to assist the aspiring programmer to learn their defunct language. After all, take Aprone as an example. He's perfectly happy coding in Visual Basic 6, and people are still fine with playing his games. Is there an issue that he likes VB6 rather than the latest and greatest programming language?Crazy Party is a pretty popular BGT game, as is BK3 etc. The evidence is there that game players aren't as picky about what programming language developers use. So long as games are being made.And yet all these players and coders who are using these defunct and unsupported languages aren't hurting you personally in any way, so why rail against people using BGT. Perhaps if they came up to you specifically and asked for help, you might say you refuse to help people who use BGT, but I've seen some of you guys jump into general topics just to derail the conversation into a public shaming of the language, and by proxy those who ue that language. Being that this forum is supposed to be promoting the creation of audio games, it seems counter intuitive that we should be perfectly fine berating developers who'd like to learn a language that isn't "the accepted norm".For the sake of sparing other readers from this back and forth, though, I'm going to just let my point stand that we should live and let live, allow people to code as they wish in whatever language they wish, be it Python, C++, Assembly, or Ancient Greek.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 17.I again reiterate, if a person learning or using BGT is cognicent of these pitfalls and is still fine with using the language, why do you still have so many issues with them using it? Is their use of the language personally importuning you in some way, shape, or form? Is their learning the language in some way obstructing the execution of your own ability to produce content in Python? I'll wager the answer to both is no, and if that's the case, why does it matter so much to you that they want to use BGT when they understand the difficulties that might arise from sticking to the language? I'd rather someone use BGT and produce a game people can play should they wish to traverse any obstacles that might be involved, than someone being turned away from BGT, who may not have an inclination to learn another programming language at that time, and so produces no content. Basically, live and let live.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 12.You're completely missing the point. I'm neither arguing the merits of BGT over Python, nor Python over BGT. Re-read my postings. I'm saying let people code how they will and learn as they wish with what they wish. As long as they understand the pitfalls of the language they're learning (and they all have them), why do people care so much what ever language they want to use? Why does it matter so much to you that they *have* to be eating cream cheese bagels, rather than enjoy the plain toast that they like?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 4.BGT may be over for *you*, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a crime for someone else to use it. If this is the first language they started with, it's probably the easiest one, and it introduces them to programming concepts and such. I understand all the disadvantages of BGT, but that was in no wise the point of my post. Just because they still enjoy plain toast and you've moved on to cream cheese bagels, it doesn't mean people should be yelling at the person who likes plain toast and shaming them into switching.SKLuttrell understood the point of my post perfectly. Case in point, I start messing around with programming with Applesoft BASIC. Even though it's useless in this day and age, if I could get a good emulation of the Apple II E, I'd still play with writing something in Applesoft, just because it was such a simple language to work with.Furthermore, your yelling at someone to switch to a different language does nothing to foster a healthy adoption of any other language, nor does it do anything to bolster the confidence of up and coming programmers. Now if you wrote them explaining all the pitfalls and shortcomings they'll have to contend with by using BGT, then explain to them that despite those disadvantages, it's still a good language to learn with to allow programming concepts to sink in, then reiterate that when they're ready to move on there will be a community of programmers willing to help them (assuming this is true), that'd be a perfectly acceptable, civil, and honest approach. It's just all the BGT assassination on the forum that baffles me. So Windows Defender doesn't like BGT, so it's not supported, so it has bugs that'll never be resolved... I don't see that someone else using BGT is hurting those programmers who rail so mightily against it.The perfect example of this is that of Thomas Ward. He spent so much time putting down people who used any language that wasn't the one he was using, spent so much time changing to the latest and greatest programming language, and yet never produced a solid product. Instead, all we ever got was year after year of officious sounding notices explaining, for one reason or another, why product X would yet again be delayed. Had he poured that energy to actually coding the game in a language he knew and was comfortable with (rather than upgrading for the sake of upgrading), he might've been able to put out something concrete.Perhaps if some of that energy were poured instead into coding games, we'd have more fun and less putting down other peoples' choices of coding languages?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

Re: Post 4.BGT may be over for *you*, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a crime for someone else to use it. If this is the first language they started with, it's probably the easiest one, and it introduces them to programming concepts and such. I understand all the disadvantages of BGT, but that was in no wise the point of my post. Just because they still enjoy plain toast and you've moved on to cream cheese bagels, it doesn't mean people should be yelling at the person who likes plain toast and shaming them into switching.SKLuttrell understood the point of my post perfectly. Case in point, I start messing around with programming with Applesoft BASIC. Even though it's useless in this day and age, if I could get a good emulation of the Apple II E, I'd still play with writing something in Applesoft, just because it was such a simple language to work with.Furthermore, your yelling at someone to switch to a different language does nothing to foster a healthy adoption of any other language, nor does it do anything to bolster the confidence of up and coming programmers. Now if you wrote them explaining all the pitfalls and shortcomings they'll have to contend with by using BGT, then explain to them that despite those disadvantages, it's still a good language to learn with to allow programming concepts to sink in, then reiterate that when they're ready to move on there will be a community of programmers willing to help them (assuming this is true), that'd be a perfectly acceptable, civil, and honest approach. It's just all the BGT assassination on the forum that baffles me. So Windows Defender doesn't like BGT, so it's not supported, so it has bugs that'll never be resolved... I don't see that someone else using BGT is hurting those programmers who rail so mightily against it. Perhaps if some of that energy were poured instead into coding games, we'd have more fun and less putting down other peoples' choices of coding languages?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Wanna Smack Python Upside the Head

My question is why do you feel the need to scream at people who want to use BGT? I see it as a bunch of people screaming at people that they should stop using a shovel to dig holes in the ground, demanding that they now embrace the excavator. Never mind that the excavator is cumbersome to set up, requires fuel, is expensive, etc, etc, and the shovel really still works fine for digging holes. I personally think it's a non issue what people want to use to code with. So they face incompatibility and lack of support, these are things they'll have to learn to be ok with, and if they're ok with it, then let them be.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GoldGun - searching for final Beta testers

2019-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GoldGun - searching for final Beta testers

Not trying to be an ass, by if you can't even follow the instructions clearly laid out in the topic's first post, I'm not sure you're a beta tester that would bring much to their team. So many people crowd beta test opportunities just so they can get a chance to play a new game, but for every frivolous tester that gets through, that's one bit of lost important bit of info that the development team could've otherwise used productively.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike sounds

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike sounds

Since ineptitude and a failure to read the site's rules and FAQs (which I believe was compulsory upon membership signup) is ruling the day, given these requests for data mining and resource extraction, allow me to state for easy reference some of the rules from the site. Granted, these rules don't mention reverse engineering or misappropriation of project equity, be they multimedia or otherwise, a certain degree of implied comprehension to a product's totality should nevertheless be understoodFrom the rules section:4) Posting warez, cracks, serials or hacking tips is not allowed.Post 3 of this topic states the following:Bryan wrote:Yes, I know that they are encrypted in Hanoi, but not something BGT scri
 pt could be written out to the sound code to decrypt?This is a clear confession that the poster is seeking assistance to breach rule 4, whereby he is requesting either assistance or information which would lend said assistance to both circumvent the data protection present in Psycho Strike. I'm hoping the poster will be receiving some form of discipline on this explicit desire to disrespect an Audio Game developer's property.From the FAQ:9: Can I get a copy of a commercial audio game without paying for it?Absolutely nott! Anyone found trying to steal audio games without paying the game's developer, will be in serious trouble. It doesn't matter if this is with a crack, downloading of a pirated copy from some other site, using cloned hardware or whatever. The forum exists to promote accessible games, anyone stealing games from developers goes directly against 
 what we're trying to do.It's true that this statement doesn't address what an individual seeks to do with said title once he or she manages to obtain it, but I would argue that the statement about stealing a game also applies to misappropriation of its media content. I'm sincerely hoping this FAQ can be (1) be made a lot more readily visible and (2) that it can be reworded to more strictly protect a developer's property, both their resources and released titles.10: But why is pirating or cracking games bad?  after all I don't have the money to afford those expensive games.Whereas mainstream graphical games on consoles like the Xbox or Wii are produced by companies who can put millions into development, audio games are produced only by small independent companies, often just one person working on his/her own. Apart from all the time and trouble spent writing the game itself, (ti
 me which the developer would much rather likely be spending doing other work or leisure type things), producing accessible games costs! people money. Buying sounds, hiring voice actors, buying development libraries, none of these are free. Though some devs do! produce free games, or exist on donation only this is their choice, and they still have the problem of how they finance their development. indeed, most of the best sounding and landmark accessible games we've seen have been commercial.Since very few people will be buying accessible games, every dollar/pound/euro counts, so stealing the game rather than paying for it really and seriously! threatens the developers' ability to create more games in the future. Remember, all our developers work part time, in their spare time on accessible games and usually will not make much of a prophet, indeed it's doubtful whether anyone could! even make enough to support themselves through developing and s
 elling accessible games.For all of these reasons, is totally, utterly and absolutely against all theft of accessible games, and anyone found asking for, giving out, or in any way associated with game piracy will very likely be banned from the forum.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Luna Stories 3d Audio Game Open Source c#

2016-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Luna Stories 3d Audio Game Open Source c#

A few of you don't seem to have grasped the concept that this is a game / engine in development, not a new release. Key hint: It's in the developer's Room, not in new releases.XSense is posting code freely, so that he can share his work and progress, and so that others can benefit from it... the playable executable is probably still far down the road. Lets not put the wagon before the horse, folks.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Writing a MUD soundpack. SOme tutorials, and which clien t is the best

2016-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Writing a MUD soundpack. SOme tutorials, and which clien t is the best

As far as mud clients go, the best (IMO) is MUSHClient. I consider VIPMud a throwback and a farce. Realize that I've gotten multiple updates and personal responses from the developer of the freely available MUSHClient application, whereas VIPMud gets updates once every blue moon. I can't speak to VIPMud's developer responses, but Nic has himself responded to and helped me solve scripting issues I've had, and even helped write a plugin or two for me, a nobody in the muding sphere.Beyond personal support, though, MUSHClient uses LUA, a scripting language used by mainstream games for modularity. It supports regular expressions, the only right way to create triggers and aliases with any degree of need for wildcard matching or text precision. I could go on and on, but I'll refrain. Instead, I'll end this response by saying: If you're serious about versatility, MUSHClient will do you right, if you can manage to dedicate the time to learn how to 
 script with it.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: In Game Chat / Speaking ?

2015-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In Game Chat / Speaking ?

Social gaming is definitely the epidemic of the current times, with well nigh every option available within the mainstream market offering some iteration of communication between players. I think it's definitely reasonable to include such features, where possible, into the audio gaming sphere, processing power and bandwidth notwithstanding. Text chat is fine, but there's no substitution for vocal coordination between various parties.Along with communication, though, comes room for abuse and trolling, not to mention personal preferences and idiosyncrasies. Being able to toggle off such a feature, or being able to silence specific individuals would definitely be necessary ancillary features.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

I really love the good-will community gesture made by independent sound recordists in this release. I did download the pack, and though Ive already purchased a good deal of the libraries demonstrated in this package, it was still nice to see names Id not come across before, and which I will investigate and purchase from in future.Kind of sad that I didnt see Frank Bry or Tim Prebble exhibited in this release, but maybe theyre more exclusive with their material. Thats alright, though, since a lot of other great names submitted contributions.Remember, guys. If you like the stuff here, consider purchasing the library from the author. One, you get a lot more material than just the few selections offered from each library, and two, you support their efforts and thank them for their gesture.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have a very emportant question for the forum

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have a very emportant question for the forum

Having purchased multiple sound effects libraries myself, I can definitely concur with Camlorn on the expense point. Most libraries are sold with a royalty-free license. This means you are not required to pay any attributions or royalties to the original publisher. To compensate for this lack of perpetual income, royalty-free libraries are usually high in price, since they want to recoop the expenses in the making of the library, as well as for any potential profits they wouldve otherwise made were the product under an attribution license.Sound effects are never redistributable in their original form. A person is free to distribute an effect irrespective of any income they may or may not receive. However, and here is the catch, they cannot redistribute the effect in its original form. You cannot just grab a sound out of your library and give it to someone. You can only give a sound to someone to use in a project if the effect you give them is modified in such a way th
 at it is no longer recognizable or deconstructible into the original product.Im not going to lie or sugarcoat. People in the audio gaming community steal sounds without any shame. I design sounds for Alter Aeon. I was once told by players there that my desire to find a way to encrypt my sounds was ridiculous because, and I paraphrase, they had every right to take those files and use them wherever they wished. Nowadays, Ive taken to lacing reverb onto files I release for free projects, or else release them in low quality forms, so that even if someone wants to steal my work, they wont be able to use them as readily as possible. This was a mistake of mine in Swamp. In my naivety, I release sounds in high quality format because I wanted the game to sound better, as did other players. Had I known that most of those players only wanted the game to sound better because that facilitated their ability to reappropriate those sounds for other purposes, I wouldve
  kept the files at a low quality rating.Its for these and other reasons that Ive lost interest in designing sounds for audio games. Until I can design for a well encrypted game, Im tired of giving people free material. I dont do what I do as a job, I do it as a hobby. I scrimp and save to buy my libraries because I actually have other bills and expenses to consider. Im perfectly fine making sounds for a game without compensation, assuming the game inspires my creativity, but I am not ok with releasing my sounds for leeches to steal.In summary, a sound effect may only be redistributed once its been modified and/or mixed enough so that it does not resemble the original sound effect. Even when a sound is distributed in this fashion, you do not have a right to reappropriate these sounds for your own purposes.Kai


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