Re: A very early beta of a game I'm making

2019-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A very early beta of a game I'm making

Hi@simtersome of the playyers did reach the amount of one billion cookies, and after that the amounts got odd, allthough, that's what is told me, that bgt isn't capable of integers with values greater then 999.999.999 ...Greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A very early beta of a game I'm making

2019-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A very early beta of a game I'm making

Hi,Congrats on your first project ty It is true that we as well attempt to create an audioversion, but we did hit upon the limits bgt offers. I am still working upon a solution to overcome this limitations, but it never hurts to have other ports for this game. I will give your version a try later, but  Cause, well, cookieclicker rocks.If you'd like to give our port a try ty, you can download it via our audiogames page on our website Keep up the good job.Greetz mike


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Re: question regarding packing files in bgt

2019-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question regarding packing files in bgt

Hi,Thanks all for the helpful replies. set_sound_storage and set_sound_decription sound good. Pardon me for asking, but may i ask on where to look for the information about these? I can't seem to find it in the pack_file category or the sound book. I will take a deeper look tomorrow, cause it is after midnight in the netherlands now.@reza.jdpI am aware that this won't prevent people from taking the sounds and music we use. For the your_adventure project, it is as of now not a big deal, but for the project fantasy_thievery, we orderepurchased music which is specifically designed for us. And coopyright laws are with, and however we are aware we can't control on who "steals" the music, we are researching on how and when we can involve the courds if necessary. But i am none the less thankful you highlight the weakness of the packing files object, for which my great gratitude Greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

question regarding packing files in bgt

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


question regarding packing files in bgt

Hi all,Recently i became interested into the pack files object in bgt. I want to use this to pack the sound piles into a single .dat file, so my games will run even more smoothly then they already do. Also, to create an extra hurde to prevent evwentual sound theft. Cause in an upcoming project, as well as in your_adventure, we want to include hand crafted pieces of music or sounds. But, the chapters i was able to find in the bgt manual, refer to .txt files, it is possible i haven't looked well enough, i will continue my search in the manual after writing this message. But how on earth can sounds be extracted and being played from a .dat file?I am curious to the replies.Greetz mike


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Re: Do you want to learn python?

2019-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Do you want to learn python?

Hi,Yup, will check these out as well Thanks dardar, +1Greetz mike


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Re: Do you code in BGT? Are you looking for a simple scoreboard system?

2019-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Do you code in BGT? Are you looking for a simple scoreboard system?

HI,Sounds very interesting mason, keep up the good work man.Greetz mike


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Re: How to make load game and save game functions in bgt?

2019-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to make load game and save game functions in bgt?

Hi,First of all, +1 to jlove for this post.Second, @marco,You can use the dictionary function and serialise it as @6 suggested. The only thing you have to do when loading your data, is deserialise it, in fact, reverse the save script, to put it that way Greetz mike


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Re: Using picture in BGT

2019-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using picture in BGT

Hi@1I also wondered about this question, but back then your_adventure was in it's alpha stages. And my teacher asked me if another background was possible. I asked around and trajectory, from this forum, told me that this isn't possible and added the long answer of Cae to it, about the dll's.Greetz mike


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Re: void exit();

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: void exit();

HI@redfoxThe way on how this is done in our audiocookieclicker game, is that the statements which take care of the saving of the several variables in the game are written down into a seperate script, both the save and load scripts. In the main file, in which i wrote the game, right before the exit(); statement gets executed i called the script for saving, like:if(menu_result == 7){speech.stop();save_game();exit();}When you want to load the game of a player automaticly, you have to call the load_game(); script before executing the rest of the code. It is kindof detailed to explain on how this can be done easely, probably someone can add to it for me, cause it is very late here in nl, and i am almost falling asleep while typing this.But hopefully you get the picture Greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: void exit();

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: void exit();

HI@redfoxThe way on how this is done in our audiocookieclicker game, is that the statements which take care of the saving of the several variables in the game are written down into a seperate script, both the save and load scripts. In the main file, in which i wrote the game, right before the exit(); statement gets executed i called the script for saving, like:if(menu_result == 7){speech.stop();save_game();exit();}}When you want to load the game of a player automaticly, you have to call the load_game(); script before executing the rest of the code. It is kindof detailed to explain on how this can be done easely, probably someone can add to it for me, cause it is very late here in nl, and i am almost falling asleep while typing this.But hopefully you get the picture Greetz mike


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Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

Hi,@14thanks for your example, will try it out.@15 & 16Thanks for letting us know, i will review your topics again Greetz mike


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Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

Hi,I will carefully think of what i want. When i really haven't a clue, i will ask here Thanks a lot.Greetz mike


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Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

Hi lucas,I understand your point of view, and i don't feel it as an insult at all. I try to gather some more information on possible solutions, i don't ask for completely written out pieces of code. That deminishes the fun of trying for myself. Appologies if i gave the feeling i was asking for that. Now i read back my previous message it suggests this into my ears as well ...I will search in the manual tomorrow, to see if i can find something useful Greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

Hi all,A few other questions.How can i build an option in wich the player can select if he/she uses sapi or nvda for ouput?And when one of these options is selected. wich code should i use wich owrks for both sapi as nvda output?Cause i use the v.speak option for sapi and screen_reader_speak option if i want to output via NVDA.But wich code should i use wich will work for both sapi and nvda?As you can see is this rather new for me. So any help would be greatly appreciated.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

2017-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

hi,@ironcross32It sounds very useful, but when i try to download it via the link provided in the 1st post, i get a dropbox 404 page, telling me that the file is no longer available via the link provided.Do you probably have it laying around somewhere?Greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

2017-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


getting nvda speak full sentinces in bgt

Hi all,I am still coding the your_adventure audiogame. and with previous releases, of alpha's and the first beta and a rough beta on the 1st of january this year, i got suggestions to include screenreaders. Now i discovered how i can get nvda speaking the stuff. and i amalso thinking to make the game fully speak with nvda, and getting the sapi speech out. Cause nvda is free, and i suppose everyone likes a more quick gameplay. allthough i am almostcontent with my first tests in the main menu of the game.Almost? yes, cause when i hit the "view the credits" option in the main menu for example, i don't even get half of the information the game provided withsapi, nvda speaks a few words and returns to the main menu.the same when i create a new game. nvda speaks the title of the input_box that pops up and the title provided with the show_game_window function. i don't mind that actually, cause for this part all required info is given, but don't know if others will.but my main problem is that at step 2 of character creation, sapi mentioned that the system will generate an age between 18 and 25. but nvda doesn't. instead, it moves directly to finalizing the character. and doesn't speak the result. The result where your desired name and received age is spoken. together with the keys you can press to continue, turn back to the main menu or quit the game.Is there a way i can force nvda to speak certain sentinces completely before moving on. Cause it would be very cool when the complete game will work with nvda... or would others suggest something different, such as keeping the sapi in as second option?If yes, please explain to me step by step how i can add this option.I only know by now how to make the game using nvda,but adding an options menu where every player can select their prefered type of speech is complete new knowledge to me.To speak the sentinces, such as the credits, the sentince wich tells the player an age will be generated and the mentioned result are done with the following line:screen_reader_speak(NVDA, "the sentinces go here, and some of them are pretty long");Hope to hear from someone soon.greetz mike


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what does this bgt error mean?

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


what does this bgt error mean?

Hi all,I have encountered this bgt error quite often, but still have no clue what it indicates, this is the error i get:Non-string literate.Any help will be appreciated, as well as some more info about other errors a bgt coder can encounter ...greetz mike


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Re: sonnis gdc part 2, 15 GB of sounds for free!

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sonnis gdc part 2, 15 GB of sounds for free!

hi sam,when i hit the link i get a page can't be found page. is there any other solution for getting this sounds? or is it just a temperary error ... just wondering.thanks for sharing this with us.greetz mike


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how can i stop sounds playing in a vipmud soundpack

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


how can i stop sounds playing in a vipmud soundpack

Hi all,I am creating a little soundpack for myself and a group of friends to enhance playing aardwolf. but i also want to add a little piece of music to indicate that battle has been started.I select the play a sound trigger option, when i create the trigger, i do this with the easy scriptbuilder ...the music starts to play fine when i start a battle, but keeps on playing after the battle.i know i can start playing a sound with the #play command, but what is a good example to stop playing sounds when, as in this example, the battle is over.What should i change, or what should i do or write instead of the command wich will start the sound.hope to hear from you soon.greetz mike


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Re: Let's code!

2016-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's code!

hi sam,I am interested to join as well, my email is pelan...@gmail.comgreetz mike


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a small load question for the vipmud scripting language

2015-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


a small load question for the vipmud scripting language

Hello all,As i have mansioned in the general game discussions, am i currently building a reproduction of the star conquest soundpack for vipmud, but this soundpack is for 64 bits machiens.But i have a little question regarding a script loading other scripts.What is the syntax for this? can i please get an example?I saw some otehr scripts doing something like:#load missions.setBut for one or another reason i cant get that to work myself.Help will be appreciated.Greetz mike


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Re: Creating a save file in BGT

2015-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating a save file in BGT

hello,What i have done is loading the script after i have executed the load_game script.My locations are stored in a script called game. thus:void game(){if(location == 0){dalgrim();}if(location == 1){the_sewers();}// and so forth}To load the stored data i would do:if(menu_result == 1){load_game();game();}with this method the game wont close down since the game loads the next instruction. lets say the saved location was 1. than the game will load location 1 and open the game there.hthgreetz mike


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Re: question for better inventory system in bgt

2015-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question for better inventory system in bgt

hello,Thanks for the examples. due to this examples and explanations i was able to find a solution for my inventory problem.I make use of the get_item_name method and it works quite well.Thanks in advance.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

question for better inventory system in bgt

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


question for better inventory system in bgt

hello all,In your_adventure we make use of a inventory system, but right now are all the items that can be obtained in the current version listed in this system.below is a part of the code i use with a question afterwards:void inventory(){show_game_window(your inventory);while(true){dynamic_menu inven;inven.add_item_tts(resources);inven.add_item_tts(tools);inven.add_item_tts(combat usables);inven.add_item_tts(food);inven.add_item_tts(miscelanious);inven.add_item_tts(turn back); is your inventory. select a category to acces the items you have., true);if(menu_result == 1){show_game_window(resource inventory);dynamic_menu res;res.add_item_tts(fishes ... you own +fish+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item
 _tts(salmons ... you own +salmon+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item_tts(grane ... you own +grane+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item_tts(flour ... you own +flour+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item_tts(turn back); is your inventory of resources., true);if(menu_result == 1){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a small silver coloured fish, ready for cooking.);inventory();}if(menu_result == 2){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a middle-sized pink coloured salmon. ready for cooking);inventory();}if(menu_result == 3){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a bush of tall granes tied up together);inventory();}if(menu_result == 4){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a sack filled with flour to bake delicious loafs of bread);inventory();}if(menu_result == 5){v.stop();v.speak_wait(alright. leaving the resource inventory.);break;}}As you may notice,quite clunky isnt it? but what i want to know, how can i edit this code so it doesnt display the items you dont have? and only will display the items you do have?Hope to hear from you soon.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

question for better inventory system in bgt

2015-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


question for better inventory system in bgt

hello all,In your_adventure we make use of a inventory system, but right now are all the items that can be obtained in the current version listed in this system.below is a part of the code i use with a question afterwards:void inventory(){show_game_window(your inventory);while(true){dynamic_menu inven;inven.add_item_tts(resources);inven.add_item_tts(tools);inven.add_item_tts(combat usables);inven.add_item_tts(food);inven.add_item_tts(miscelanious);inven.add_item_tts(turn back); is your inventory. select a category to acces the items you have., true);if(menu_result == 1){show_game_window(resource inventory);dynamic_menu res;res.add_item_tts(fishes ... you own +fish+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item
 _tts(salmons ... you own +salmon+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item_tts(grane ... you own +grane+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item_tts(flour ... you own +flour+ hit enter to examine);res.add_item_tts(turn back); is your inventory of resources., true);if(menu_result == 1){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a small silver coloured fish, ready for cooking.);inventory();}if(menu_result == 2){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a middle-sized pink coloured salmon. ready for cooking);inventory();}if(menu_result == 3){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a bush of tall granes tied up together);inventory();}if(menu_result == 4){v.stop();v.speak_wait(a sack filled with flour to bake delicious loafs of bread);inventory();}if(menu_result == 5){v.stop();v.speak_wait(alright. leaving the resource inventory.);break;}}As you may notice,quite clunky isnt it? but what i want to know, how can i edit this code so it doesnt display the items you dont have? and only will display the items you do have? Please an example, since i learn the most from examples.thanks in advance.Hope to hear from you soon.greetz mike


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Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

Hello,No there isnt a fishing state, but the city (wich is the location you start at) does have a sublocation, ich are the docks of that city. Here you can throw out a fishing pole and try to catch a fish, wich you can use to cook it to eat it, to regenerate some hitpoints when you toke some damage in combat.In the current system there is 50% chance you rail in a fish, and the other 50% you wont rail in a fish. It is basicly a yes or no system. and i want to try to make that more interactive.hthgreetz mike


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some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


some bgt questions

Hi all,I want to program some new functions within my game your_adventure but have no clue where to start, this are the ideas and hopefully someone can help me:1. i want to introduce something what will display how long someone has played, like aprone did in swamp, i also want to have it at the main menu.2. to make the activities that are implemented right now some more interactive, i want to implement something that gives the player a message, like with fishing: your rod starts to bend over, there must be a heavy fish on the hook, with this message the player should press a key to determine how heavy he/she wants to rail n the fish. the heavy fish, will need more power, with this message: your rod starts to shake a little, there must be a light fish on the hook the player should press another key to use the minimal amount of power to rail in the light fish. Together with this i want to implement a few seconds. The player can rail in th
 e fish during these seconds, otherwise the fish has freed itself.This are the new ideas for now. hopefully someone can lent me a hand with examples.thanks a lot.greetz mike


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Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

hi janroe,Thanks for the timer part.It wasnt my intention to probably sound a bit rude. but i will post some details.The game is based on a system of ticks. these ticks form seasons and thus years where you will get older.The activities arent influnced by that ticks yet.The system of fishing i have now is a game of chances. you have 50% that you will catch a fish and thus 50% that the fish wont bite the hook in this example.I am curious how i can change to something like this:1. the player throws out his/her pole.2. the game waits an amount of time.3. the player gets one of three messages telling the player how heavy the fish is. (light, medium or heavy)4. I want to add keystrokes according wich message the player gets. like (by a light fish press 1 and by a heavy fish press 3). the player should do this within a certain amount of time otherwise the fish is free.Hopefully this is some more d
 etail about how the game is currently structured and how i want to put it in the next release.Greetz mike


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Re: a question in bgt

2015-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question in bgt

hi,thanks for the info cae_jones. that as exactly what i needed.also many thanks for all the ohters who replied.greetz mike


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a question in bgt

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


a question in bgt

Hello everyone,As you might know i am developing an audiogame called your_adventure. but what i want to know, how can i add a edit field where the players can fill out an amount of gold to bet for the gam bling kobolt? and when the player wins that it will be doubled? and if the amount of gold the player wants to bet while they havent enough gold how can i check this with this code?what line in bgt do i need for this idea? when i know this i can use it to also update the shop, the fisherman etc.thanks in advance.greetz mike


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Re: a question in bgt

2015-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question in bgt

hi caethis system is rather new to me, but i want to make use of the input_box method. and i thought the string_to_number method is also needed for this. but more than this i dont know.can you please write an example piece what i can study?thanks a lot.greetz mike


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want to add xbox 360 controller support in bgt, is this possible?

2015-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


want to add xbox 360 controller support in bgt, is this possible?

hello folks,is it possible to include xbox 360 controller support within a game made in bgt?if yes, please tell me, i have read the joystick support in the bgt manual, but i dont understand.your_adventure is a menu-based game, here is a list of buttons and their function i fantasize about:general controls:- the up and down arrows on the cross of the controller, cycling up and down through menus.- a-button selecting an option or confirming one- b-button declining an option or turning back to the previous screen.combat:- a-button performing a normal attack- b-button running for the fight- x-button throwing a shuriken- left-arrow quaffing a small potion- right-arrow quaffing a large potion- white-button checking your health- black-button checking oponents health.this is what i am thinking of right now. when the logic is clear to me, if this is possible however, i also will incl
 ude ps3 controller support.can i get examples of the code?thanks in advance.greetz mike


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Re: where should i post alpha 3 of your_adventure when it is ready?

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: where should i post alpha 3 of your_adventure when it is ready?

hello,the answer on your first question is pretty simple, i dont know why i dont want to post it in new releases. i got confused by the look of a new releases room and a developers room and started to ask myself where i can post the release when it is ready ...but now it is clear to me.the answer on your second question, why it is still in alpha. that answer is also pretty simple. however the game contains several solid mechanics now there are still some i have to experiment with. as soon as i know that i have hammered all the difficult parts out and that all the mechanics i need are solid, i will continue with beta, wich is hopefully soon.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

where should i post alpha 3 of your_adventure when it is ready?

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


where should i post alpha 3 of your_adventure when it is ready?

Hello everyone,I was wondering, since i am also building an audiogame what is perhaps known in the community as your_adventure. but the guidelines in the forumlist of this topic, tells early alpha. but your_adventure is heading for alpha 3 with various solid mechanics and after alpha 4 or after this alpha 3 i will head for beta. not sure my question is, can i post alpha version 3 in new releases or should this belong in this room (developersroom).appologies if this topic is in the wrong place, i thought that questions to developers can be asked here. if it is, please dark move it to the right place. ill await the answers.greetz mike


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Re: Looking for testers for a multiplayer game.

2014-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for testers for a multiplayer game.

hello danny,esterday when i played your game i had to disconnect on a more brute manor than i did at first. i pressed alt + f4 cause my escape button didnt work at that moment. but when i press the option to connect to the server it takes a while and it doesnt give me thee ossibility to fill out my name.Is the server down?greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for testers for a multiplayer game.

2014-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for testers for a multiplayer game.

ooh i just deleted my post ooh well.thanks for your reply dany.i will come and play around with it more tomorrow. i am very tired right now. and hopefully i am of more use then.this is awsome thats my oppinion and i can see that this game has potential.keep up the good work pal.greetz mike


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