Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 4), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 4), by Ebon Sky Studios

Is it the kind of predetermined where you have to set the max at initialization, but don't have to have the max at all times?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 4), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 4), by Ebon Sky Studios

ambro86 wrote:Hi Lemm, thanks for your excellent job. I would ask if with this engine  is possible to add traps in the maps, like holes or ravines, that the player has to jump?I should point out that games without a jump feature have done something like this through a levitation status effect. Ex: Gauntlet 4/Legends. So even if the realtime jumping thing doesn't jive well with the engine, traps that behave differently based on status effects could accomplish something similar, if those are/can be supported.This could make for some complex maps, based on the arrangement of tiles, and possibly status effects they could apply when touched. It really depends on how complex the trap/status interactions can be.


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Re: An accessible graphics maker

2019-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An accessible graphics maker

The advantage of plastic over paper is that you can clean it, a useful option when one reads via the same hands with which one does things like ... cooking.


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Re: New fighting game announced, Power Rangers Battle For The Grid

2019-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New fighting game announced, Power Rangers Battle For The Grid

I kinda think Fighting Games work better with fewer (5-25) characters, because of the difficulties of making each character bring something unique to the game. This clashes with licensed games for franchises with enormous casts, like DBZ, Star Wars, Power Rangers, Marvel / DC, etc. Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter have been struggling with that threshold for quite some time, methinks, but specialize in the genre effectively enough to push the limits. One of the biggest complaints about the PS2 era DBZ games was that the characters were all the same, with different skins and some numbers changed here and there. Compare to Hyper Dimension, a Super Famicon DBZ game with only 10 characters, whose story mode starts with Freeza and ends with Kid/Pure/whatever we're calling him now Buu. It was basically the top rated 32 bit DBZ game, with the only contender being Legends, which was a "cram in as many characters as possible, and they all play exactly the same" team brawler best described as a DBZ Simulator.So for Power Rangers, they have to pick whether it's a "gotta catch 'em all" simulator disguised as a fighting game, or a more curated-but-gamified cast. Still, 15 feels pretty small for 25 years, and I can only assume that the story mode is going to justify it somehow. This is hard to imagine, just because I stopped paying attention after Once A Ranger (and tbh didn't pay much attention to Mystic Force or Operation Overdrive outside of that episode). I can imagine them focusing primarily on the Saban seasons, which would mean that everything from 2003-2013 is likely to be ignored. That'd mean there'd be emphasis on the most recent seasons plus the Zordon Era, and what I'm aware of regarding attempts at tying later stuff back to Zordon makes that seem ... dubious. It makes the most sense from a marketing perspective (I mean, I know someone who would like it more if it paid attention to Wildforce, but it makes more sense to focus on the most recent stuff for the current audience, and the oldest stuff for the long-term fans). Ugh, confusing.  If they somehow tie this into whatever Billy has been doing on Aquitar for all these years, I might forgive Billy West's extra-generic Lord Zedd voice. Come on, the one generic gravelly-voiced villain who you could actually distinguish from the rest, and he got reduced to sounding nigh exactly like Darkonda? I can do a better Zedd than that.


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Re: New fighting game announced, Power Rangers Battle For The Grid

2019-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New fighting game announced, Power Rangers Battle For The Grid

Minemineminemineminemineminemine!Did I ever upload my recordings of Genesis games, including the original Power Rangers fighting game? I want to think not, because I remember getting the name of the Megadrive DBZ game wrong in it... Hmm.Based on the description, I'm slightly worried it's going to fall into the category of complaints people have about post-90s Marvel vs Capcom / Dragonball Fighter Z, where there's too much going on to keep track of. This is exactly the series where team battles makes the most sense, so I suppose it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.Making a fighter covering all 25 years seems ... difficult, to say the least. I'm assuming it's going to make loads of DLC money in the way that Injustice had plenty of DLC characters to add. Still, like 150 Rangers, and Bandai only knows how many Kaijuu, then there are the Zords... this is oneof those difficult tradeoff situations, like what happened with Once A Ranger and PR Legends.I have to go look up those notes I had for a Zordon era KH-style RPG, now. Either that, or upload those recordings of the Genesis games.


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Re: An accessible graphics maker

2019-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An accessible graphics maker

I did something like this for JS circa 2007, but mostly just to simplify drawing scripts, rather than to create images directly. For that, I'd just write a Java program to do it. So this is probably more convenient.


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Re: Please tell me more about the nintendo switch

2019-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please tell me more about the nintendo switch

Re: brightness, I'm not sure how the settings work these days, but I own a Sega Nomad, a handheld from the 90s that plays Genesis games, and its maximum brightness was a useless blur. It's possible that devices since then have set the maximum somewhere more useful, but if you find that Seeing AI can't read it at max brightness, maybe try something like 75-90%?


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Re: Announcing Kuso no Debōuken, a New Mod for Oh Shit!

2019-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing Kuso no Debōuken, a New Mod for Oh Shit!

@4: That was my first thought, too... then I read Nyanchan's post, and remembered how some regional dialects pronounce ai as e. Think of it as the Japanese equivalent to a Country twang. (DB/Z's Son Goku has a pretty thick accent. It helps tell apart the numerous characters voiced by Masako Nozawa when they have distinct accents.)


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Re: Why I dropped the PS4 and chose to make a complete switch to the XBox

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why I dropped the PS4 and chose to make a complete switch to the XBox

×@Chris: the blindness organizations you mentioned are based in the US, Canada, etc, while Soni and Nintendo are based in Japan. The international reach of these organizations is pretty limited. And, being based in Japan, Soni can comply with the ADA by throwing something on top of their US system, while the other regions would be unaffected. Basically, they can get away with doing the minimum, quite have no motivation to do more.Microsoft and Soni got into video games after getting super rich doing other things. Microsoft built OSes and software for them, while Soni built consumer electronics: sound systems, keyboards, headphones, etc. I don't know the precise histories of these companies with regards to accessibility, but I do know that Microsoft had to work closely with screen reader developers in the 90s and 00s, and many programmers who worked on Jaws went to work for Microsoft afterward (they had to know Windows inside and out to make Jaws, after all). So accessibility was on Microsoft's radar long before the Xbox, and I doubt there was any similar reason for Soni to get into accessibility prior to the PS2, if even then.I also wouldn't be surprised if there were blind people on Microsoft's accessibility teams who worked on things relevant to the Xbox. That may or may not be the case, but either way, Microsoft had the history, the means, and people motivated to make Xbox accessibility better. I don't know that Soni doesn't have experienced accessibility pros or blind devs, but the lack of motivation for such until the ADA tells me they probably don't.It's also possible that someone at Microsoft noticed all this, and realized that Soni probably wasn't going to come through, and that going beyond the call of the law could probably get loads of blind people buying Xbox instead of Playstation. But we don't need that cynical, capitalist explanation, when the histories of the companies explains the discrepency. Also, being based in different countries might matter, in that Microsoft US! can roll out changes to their bass OS, whereas Soni Japan doesn't have to do anything to their base OS, just the US version. So the Xbox could benefit from the US version internationally, whereas the PS4 in the US gets special treatment. But I don't know enough about how the OSes are managed to know if that would actually be relevant.I hope this didn't come off as bashing Soni or praising Microsoft. Regardless of how anyone at either company feels about us, they have very different histories, and Microsoft's left them prepared to do accessibility better, and Soni's didn't, for reasons having nothing to do with games or attitudes.


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Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

  Do we want movies and games to be one and the same or should we let movies be movies and games be fun?YES THIS!Who decided that games need to be politically relevant high literature, costing millions to produce? At some point, we need to lose the word "video game" and break it into multiple terms that distinguish interactive movies from ... I think the word would just have been "games" before the line got so thoroughly blurred, but it still feels insufficiently nuanced.Of course, audio games don't have that problem. They have all the other problems. You know, I take back my apathy toward virtual reality. The sooner it arrives in earnest, the sooner the categories will be able to do their own thing without people interested in one side flaming the other side for not meeting their radically different expectations.Wait, no. We're already a tiny, tiny community ("market" would be an exaggeration, ne?). Splitting it even further would probably just kill any hopes of either getting out of the dark ages. The Sim side would at least get more accommodations from the mainstream, I guess. (The troublesome bit is that these don't have to be mutually exclusive. Marvel and Disney have a long history of hit-and-miss games based on their properties, which seems to persist with the popularity of the latest Spider-man game. Square, Star Wars, etc also fit both worlds.)... I should have read the article before replying. [edit]Yep, shd've read it first. Perfect Dark does sound like it gets the best of both worlds. What does "The Market"® think?As for 21st century game characters with any memorability... umm... ... Master... Chief? Altaer? Enzio a deltore? Sora / Riku / Kairi? ... yeah, no, none of them really approach Mario-and-Sonic levels of household name.  [/edit]


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reflecting on gaming in general

  Do we want movies and games to be one and the same or should we let movies be movies and games be fun?YES THIS!Who decided that games need to be politically relevant high literature, costing millions to produce? At some point, we need to lose the word "video game" and break it into multiple terms that distinguish interactive movies from ... I think the word would just have been "games" before the line got so thoroughly blurred, but it still feels insufficiently nuanced.Of course, audio games don't have that problem. They have all the other problems. You know, I take back my apathy toward virtual reality. The sooner it arrives in earnest, the sooner the categories will be able to do their own thing without people interested in one side flaming the other side for not meeting their radically different expectations.Wait, no. We're already a tiny, tiny community ("market" would be an exaggeration, ne?). Splitting it even further would probably just kill any hopes of either getting out of the dark ages. The Sim side would at least get more accommodations from the mainstream, I guess. (The troublesome bit is that these don't have to be mutually exclusive. Marvel and Disney have a long history of hit-and-miss games based on their properties, which seems to persist with the popularity of the latest Spider-man game. Square, Star Wars, etc also fit both worlds.)... I should have read the article before replying. 


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Re: Super mario brothers by dragonslayer games, anyone play it?

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super mario brothers by dragonslayer games, anyone play it?

@2: I think you can turn down the BGM volume by adjusting your system's midi volume. This has seemed inconsistent across different Windows versions, though, so not sure. I'd try opening one of the midis in the music folder in Windows Media Player, turn the volume down, then close WMP, and try the game again. You can probably do it through volume mixer, too, but it's confusing what circumstances cause it to show up there, and under what label, and so I'd just do it through WMP.


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Gamer Personality clusters

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Gamer Personality clusters

If you haven't heard of the Bartle typology—which I somehow hadn't until quite recently—it's a model for classifying players based on what they primarily focus on getting from a game. [An article from 2011 on the subject]Keeping in mind that categorizing people like this is generally an exercise in overgeneralizing, the four types are:Achiever: generally focused on obtaining all the achievements, stats, etc.Explorer: Generally focused on exploring all the content or mechanics in as much detail as possible.Socializer: Generally concerned about opportunities to interact with other players. This needn't necessarily be in-game interaction, if the game lends itself to things for a community based around the game.Killers: The game is something to be won, other players are for killing or otherwise defeating, the extra details are good in so much as they contribute to one's ability to kill / win / dominate / whatever.This suddenly makes Swamp and Bokurano Daibouken make so much more sense, in terms of their success. They both have lots of content for killers, explorers, and achievers, Swamp is practically a social media platform for players, and some of the BK discussions and the content are not so bad for socializers, either.Whereas most audio games seem to favor killers, with a bone here or there thrown to one of the others.Like most models, I'd say it oversimplifies a lot, but it's still interesting, and apparently developers find it helpful?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

@5: that's part of the reason the development environment was released before the console itself. 


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Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

2018-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

Re: 11-3, if Carla does get too close to me near a platform, and the enemies are too few to expect her to wait while I speed past the bombs, I'll usually wait for her to move on, then try to speed past her once she's out of the blast zone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

2018-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

11-3 is a lot easier than it seems, once you figure out what triggers the bombs. But, yeah, it does get harder.(You know, other than 16-4, I never had much trouble keeping Carla alive, other than 11-3 before I figured it out. Ex, for most of 12, 15, and 16, she was almost never in much danger, IIRC.)


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Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

2018-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

The Episodic structure is more common in Indie games, these days; see FNAF, Bendy and the Ink Machine, almost certainly others I've heard of and forgotten. Small studios seem to be using this model lately to get around the problems with a small studio getting funding for an unknown project that would take years to complete if attempted in a single burst.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

2018-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

The only thing that comes to mind that could make looking around in BK3 easier is being able to scan a whole column at once. That'd save loads of time.This discussion reminds me why it's so hard to get this right: I can't tell "it's too hard" apart from "it's too hard for me" from "it's not my style". For a mainstream example, see Super Mario Bros 2 / The Lost Levels.


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Re: What would you play?

2018-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What would you play?

If I get to use the save file my cousin was using last time he played it, I'd probably say Kingdom Hearts, or _maybe_ Threads of Fate. KH was at the point where one of the last worlds was open, but most of the others were still availible, and their was still lots of leveling to do, so I could reasonably go play through almost everything, other than the original bossfights and one-time puzzles. ToF would be tougher, because we were only maybe halfway through one storyline, tops, and stuck at the nightmare that is the wood gnomes' series of minigames, and I'd probably only make it about that far if I started from scratch. Still, it's on the list, if for some reason KH is not.


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Re: How did you find audiogames?

2018-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How did you find audiogames?

My braillist gave me Winboard for JFW and the demo of Accessible Starfight circa 2001, and that was it until I somehow came across Brian Smart's article on the use of the mouse in audio games (or lack thereof), in either late 2007 or early 2008. I don't remember what I searched for that led to that, or if there are any clues on a harddrive somewhere, but I want to think this led to me finding in 2008 or 2009, not finding much of interest other than Sara and ... Drive, I think? I found the forums in 2010, probably via a news post about Aprone's Towers of War, realized I didn't have to be an llc or part of an organization to share what I'd been working on, and also there were people around who might maybe possibly be interested in helping my games sound less like I'd recorded most of the sounds via a cheap Karyoke mic. Also, I got here just after Aprone and Nyanchan, so there were actually interesting things happening.


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Re: the Worst Audiogames ever?

2018-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Worst Audiogames ever?

zenothrax wrote:I still wish Need for Weed was a game. I would pay 50 bucks for it, if it was really well done. So what you're saying is, you have a need for a Need for Weed? 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Rastley, the sandbox of audiogames

2018-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rastley, the sandbox of audiogames

It was a popular meme a few years back: someone would try to get someone to click a link, but it was just "Never Gonna Give You Up". It's called Rickrolling. It's like how everyone's about to lose The Game, except 6-8 years late.Also, what's with all the bloody necroposting these days? Especially on a meme that seems to have long passed its expiration date (Helsing Ultimate Abridged used it as an example of a dying meme in Episode 4, which was released circa 2013, iirc).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Rastley, the sandbox of audiogames

2018-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rastley, the sandbox of audiogames

It was a popular meme a few years back: someone would try to get someone to click a link, but it was just "Never Gonna Give You Up". It's called Rickrolling. It's like how everyone's about to lose The Game, except 6-8 years late.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Installers have been known to offer to download optional components during the process. I've been thinking about that sort of thing as relates to, for example, voiced language packs, that would be too big to want to download in bulk, but more than one might be worth getting with the installation. That sort of thing could apply to accessibility components, maybe even the visual components but that's probably pointless since the visual properties of objects will still be there under the hood.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: are side scrollers being scrolled off to the side now/

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: are side scrollers being scrolled off to the side now/

Re: Cameras... can't we do that in real life, with touch, canes, and ... basically touch and canes?I've considered the idea of having a game mode where one's reach with the cursor is based on how far one could believably reach with whatever they're carrying, or their hands and feet if empty-handed. Maybe even allow the implement to be damaged if one dips it in fire or acid or whathaveyou, making things like gloves or tradeoffs involving materials relevant.Then I thought it would be too annoying and everyone would just play on easy mode to have maximum reach regardless, making the effort of coding such a system and building it into the game a lot of work for the whole two people who will find it worth using.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

2018-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an interesting article about accessibility in virtual reality

Haptics, conflabit! Aereal, Ultrahaptics, Novint, a Wiimote stuck to an overhead cable that is stuck to a Delta-like system, magnets, clever manipulation of airpressure, flat surfaces with electrically-generated textures... Half of which, I should add, have been around for quite some time, but for some reason, no one does anything with any of them besides show it off at CES or CSUN and disappear into the ether.Some might say it's pointless novelty crap, to which I say: so is VR in general. Does anyone hear about the Nintendo Switch half as often as, not the PS4 or Xbox, but individual games available for the latter but not the former? Some phones are Immersion™ enabled. Am I going to have to buy 10, take classes in how to develop for it, and then teach people who are better at making games people outside my head can understand to make examples? Immersion™ sounds pretty minimalist, even, but for some reason people only buy things with vibration, so it works with what's available. It'd work much better on a force-feedback mouse, but PC gamers hated them, because apparently no one can imagine how a developer could compensate for active effects which they themselves generated! I mean, it's not like every touch device with any market value to speak of has to compensate for its own electronics and activities, or anything.But if audio must, then fine; let's get creative. Has anyone tried Audimesh?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: are side scrollers being scrolled off to the side now/

2018-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: are side scrollers being scrolled off to the side now/

When I included acceleration and deceleration in games, people were confused and reported them as bugs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: are side scrollers being scrolled off to the side now/

2018-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: are side scrollers being scrolled off to the side now/

BK2 and 3, and sorta-kinda-a little Tomb Hunter, and I think AAC might count, are really the closest audio side-scrollers have come to remotely comparable to their mainstream counterparts. We are nowhere near saturation with this play style. Run-and-gun or hack-and-slash may be getting played out, seeing as that's the majority of audio side-scrollers. But I think the things that make BK3, AAC, and TH work so well are the puzzles, explorations, challenges that are not (solely) about destroying everything, and those are nowhere near beginning to be explored.I mean, I keep trying, but communicate as effectively as a drunken squirrel with a throat infection, so it never works.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

2018-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

Most pygame windows seem to want to be 400x300, and I do not know why. I think most screens that aren't on phones or the smallest tablets can handle 800×600. If you just set it to be a full screen window, then you might have issues, and need to find a way to get the screen dimensions. And you also need to worry about if the screen coordinates and game coordinates are using different systems, but most graphics engines will have an easy way to fix that. Ex, if positive y is north, but the screen has positive y as down, you'd need to transform either the screen (Java makes this straightforward) or your coordinates (a function for world_to_screen would be good). In the example where you just need to flip y, it'd return screen.height-y. If we settle on a graphics engine that isn't head-explody (so not OpenGL), someone could probably write something similar to BGT's sound_pool, to simplify it.


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Re: I believe the time is right

2018-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I believe the time is right

Level-headed: spending so much time playing games that the levels are constantly replaying in one's head.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: for those interested in a gaming service, read on

2018-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: for those interested in a gaming service, read on

I could beat levels 1 and 3 in games like Sonic 2 and The Lion King, but level 2 in both were awful, even for sighted players. My dad could handle them like a pro. So I would play what I could, he'd run up the moving boxes faster than they sank into the toxic chemical well, and then I'd be good after that. (What is it with the 90s and Level 2 being one of the hardest?)Of course, a lot of games had level select codes back then. (Did anyone try that in audio Sonic? I mean, it'd NPE if you tried an incomplete level, but ... ).All of which is to say that I kinda see the value in this sort of thing. The way the small bits were less emphasized than "play the game for you" started me off feeling more negative about it than was warranted.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: for those interested in a gaming service, read on

2018-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: for those interested in a gaming service, read on

I could beat levels 1 and 3 in games like Sonic 2 and The Lion King, but level 2 in both were awful, even for sighted players. My dad could handle them like a pro. So I would play what I could, he'd run up the moving boxes faster than they sank into the toxic chemical well, and then I'd be good after that. (What is it with the 90s and Level 2 being one of the hardest?)Of course, a lot of games had level select codes back then. (Did anyone try that in audio Sonic? I mean, it'd NPE if you tried an incomplete level, but ... ).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

2018-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

AHC was made by a team, fwiw.If someone wants to make a studio and have a bunch of devs in one place, that might help a bucket. But then we come back to money.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

2018-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

At 110: think about it in context.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

2018-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audiogames, why they were good and now not good

Rereading, it occurs to me that I really do not understand Jacek's points. Usually, when Jacek shows up in a thread, it's something I look forward to reading, and at first, in this one, it sounded like points I could either agree with, or benefit from understanding... but I do not understand. Hence, the multiple times I asked if we're even talking about the same thing. Because I honestly can't tell.I harp on the cloning and put-in-effort-to-play-mainstream-games things, because, at face value, they seem utterly ridiculous, but bits and pieces make me wonder if I am missing what's actually being said. And when I say so and ask for clarification, I get ignored. If it were anyone else, I'd assume they're treating it as a fight and retreating without admiting defeat. The point of this thread was to address the quality problem of Audio Games and hopefully dig up solutions, so it was not meant to be a fight, and I will assume that most posters in this thread know that.So, I will recap as best I can, and someone tell me where I got lost, pretty please with non-sugar sweetener on top?Jacek suggests that AGs are too derivative, should try to be more innovative, but are also trying to do too much.I say that I don't have a problem with the clones because their mainstream counterparts are inaccessible.Jacek says that the clones are pale imitations, and that mainstream games are playable with sufficient effort. (I assume there's a "some" or "many" missing from this sentence, but the opportunity to say so when I brought it up was not taken.)I am confused, go on a rant about how I disagree about mainstream playability, and ask for clarification.Ethin says Jacek is right, and cites Borderlands II as an example.I insist that this does not refute my rant in the least, and again ask for clarification.Jacek and Ethin go on a tangent about KF2 for a couple posts, resulting in a comment about AGs needing to be absurdly noisy.Two or three people disagree with the noise thing, citing I forget which games in both categories.The thread goes dormant for a month or so.Did I miss something that dramatically changes how this should be interpreted?Since this is so confusing, I will try to write stronger versions of what I'm reading as Jacek's position, and maybe something will change.Cloning games is trying to keep up with a trend that is already far ahead. A similar mistake—jumping on a style or genre or mechanic bandwagon after it's left the station—is commonly included in lists of mistakes mainstream/indie devs should avoid. Something similar shows up in other areas than just gaming, and make it very clear that the successful are the innovators who stumbled on a lucky pick, and not the trend-chasers.This, I agree with. It's true in audio games (look at the complaints about Redspot / Ultrapower / FPS do jour clones, generic side-scrollers, and Space Invaders clones). However, I feel like this applies inside the AG market, rather than to games as a whole, because of the playability gap. Manamon works because we cannot play Pokemon. Accessible clones of inaccessible games are not competing with each other at all, because different people play them. Accessible clones being inferior to their mainstream counterparts is practically universal, but in terms of the experiences of blind players, the reverse might as well be true, since we can only play the clones.The best way to demonstrate that this is wrong is to demonstrate that a blind person can play the games being cloned, and get as much or more enjoyment out of them as the fully accessible clones. This has been asserted, but not demonstrated. BL2 and KF2 do not count, because no AGs are clones of either of them. This only works if Pokemon is playable enough to compete with Manamon. If this has been demonstrated and I just missed it, point me toward the evidence so I can concede.It's telling that no one has explained how these supposedly playable-with-effort MGs are playable. Compare to the other active thread with this question as the main focus, where specific parts of the games which are and aren't doable, why, and how, are provided.Given how this post started, I suppose I should bring it back around to the original topic.Or, at least, address Jacek's point that hasn't been revisited yet: the one where AGs are trying to do too much for what they are.I don't understand it well enough to reply, though.OK, since no one else is going to do it, how about I try to argue against my "points"?Well, I suppose the first counterargument is that Aprone is still around. He accomplished all that he has with a job, a family (who he frequently helps with mech-and-tech issues), and started with a non-budget. (Remember, Aprone didn't add a donation button to his site until players asked him to, and, iirc, not immediately, either. His online games became paid solely to deter malicious hackers and cheaters.)Nyanchan illustrates that a 

Re: Why most kids prefer and care about online games? A topic to discuss

2018-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why most kids prefer and care about online games? A topic to discuss

Online games are potato chips. They're engineered to keep you wanting more, but in terms of social nutrition, they make you feel like you're consuming something satisfying but they just make you hungrier. ... I struggle to find a way to phrase this that isn't overgeneralizing, and I loathe overgeneralizing. -_- I like this explanation because it focuses on culturally independent things like addiction and social health. I never would have made the connection to trolls and power-gluttons on my own, but it hits the same points for them as for the bored and lonely, in this sense, doesn't it? I'm not really sure.


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Re: Any new happenings, unique games to play?

2018-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any new happenings, unique games to play?

If I could upvote post 19 twice, I would. I heard about a website, originally for recruiting voice actors, which recently expanded to other roles, like writer/animator/etc. I think it might have been Casting Call Club, but I'm not entirely sure. I haven't checked to see how well these new options could apply to game development specifically.Industry standards for professional studios require rather high paychecks, on the order of $1 / month per developer. I read something somewhere (about 5 years ago) which implied $400 is an acceptable starting fee for a small voiced part (emphasis on small), but the actor / their agent can adjust their asking price based on how much demand there is (fame generally means a higher price, but we kinda knew we were going to focus on amateurs). Pro development software is often expensive (the cheap stuff might be in the 3 digits, but the best stuff will generally add a 0 or two).Pro studios generally have an actual, physical studio for the local team to work in, and that's a whole other mess.If you're going pro, keeping it small, and working fast, you'd still be lucky to keep it under $100. If we cut corners that a game for the sighted can't get away with cutting, can manage with one or two programmers willing to work for way below industry wages, and use volunteers and the creative commons as much as possible, the sort of thing everyone asks for might be doable for a budget under $10. I think Philip Bennefall put under $1 into Perilous Hearts (I don't remember exactly; $2000-9000?), and VGStorm's titles managed something cheaper (and people complain about recycled sounds and acting quality in The Gate... this is what you get for a game cheaper than a notetaker, folks).I think we can do SNES type innovation with the resources we have, except see my previous post for why that's not happening. Anything beyond that requires lots of resources that most of us frankly don't have a means of obtaining in the short-term.


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Re: Any new happenings, unique games to play?

2018-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any new happenings, unique games to play?

Most everyone who can is busy with better things, so we're left primarily with those who can't. There are exceptions, but they are just that.I don't think BGT has much, if anything to do with it, since the same would apply without it: everyone who can do better is busy puting those skills to use professionally, and everyone who can't just wouldn't.I think the same applies with Kickstarter, tbh. If you're resourceful enough to make one, you're probably busy with real life stuff. So in practice, we're still where we've always been: mostly nowhere with the occasional AHC or BK or Swamp. Since AHC came out last year, we're probably not going to see anything worthwhile until deep into 2019, given the past rate of innovation.


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Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

I think this makes 3 action platformers I've released with more attention to realistic movement, and 3 which no one has been able to understand, and I cannot figure out why it keeps turning out this way. (The next time I hear "I don't know when to jump", ...)And at this point, I'm pretty sure I can't solve it without a team, and I fail at managing teams so I'd need a producer, and this is where the budget can no longer be ignored. This comes long before paying for sounds, hosting, voices, etc.My failures don't tell me "people want this and you're doing it wrong"; they tell me "people don't want this, or you can't do it, and either way there's no point".But BK3 tells me that the problem is probably me. So hopefully someone else will do it right at some point. (Why am I feeling pessimistic about that?)


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Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

2018-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on what makes an audio game engaging

@11: Amen, Brother Dark. ... That sounds like the title of a novel. 


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Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

2018-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

The password is on the paper, encoded using a Caesar Cypher.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on The Gate

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on The Gate

It'd take at least 30 sells to come close to breaking even on the cheaper-developed VGStorm titles, given their prices, assuming I didn't misplace a 0 somewhere. In a bigger market, where 1000 sales could be relied upon, that'd be an excuse to put more resources into development, or reduce the price. In this market? We're hitting the same barrier as everything disability-related, which is, we cannot benefit from economy of scale, like, at all.No, no, no, don't say good quality can be gotten for cheap. A mainstream game that can compete—ok, a low-budget-but-high-quality indie game that can compete at the top of its league—is still going to have a development pricetag in the low millions, barring some downright exceptional luck and dedication—the kind you find in emergency relief volunteers more than game developers, for what I hope are obvious reasons. Even if you are the master of networking and charm and finding the most hard-workingest people for cheap, the time that goes into that is going to cost money on travel, food, and whatever witchcraft you're using to amass such a team. For an audio game, we can cut out a lot of that, because we don't need graphics or super realistic physics engines (for some reason), or a marketing budget. So let's be kind and go for half the minimum big indie budget, then cut that down to a quarter because of all the parts we don't need.That's still 250 times the cost of audio games on this tier. I didn't catch the total cost of AHC, but it's well over an order of magnitude greater.Is it possible to get high quality games for cheap? Sure. It's also possible to fund the next summer blockbuster for less than a college education in the US, but in practice those are usually a thousand times more expensive, at least. So, while I agree that The Gate is overpriced, I can't fault Aaron for going with that price, given the economic reality of audio games.[edit]And you should say, then, "what about Swamp and the Japanese games?" Puting aside that I really have no idea what the financial situation for Japanese developers is like, let's recall that Aprone focused on game design first and foremost, and it wasn't until castaways that people started volunteering commercial class resources to the cause—after people begged for a way to pay for it, I might add. The Aprone method is probably the ideal way to go for this sort of thing, but it's not as easy as it appears (I mean, has anyone else pulled it off?). By all means, more Aprones would be wonderful. Even though the community has always demanded more of the expensive stuff.[/edit]


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Re: Opinions on The Gate

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on The Gate

It'd take at least 30 sells to come close to breaking even on the cheaper-developed VGStorm titles, given their prices, assuming I didn't misplace a 0 somewhere. In a bigger market, where 1000 sales could be relied upon, that'd be an excuse to put more resources into development, or reduce the price. In this market? We're hitting the same barrier as everything disability-related, which is, we cannot benefit from economy of scale, like, at all.


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Re: Question Regarding BK1

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question Regarding BK1

It should. I'm not sure what the speech settings default to. I can check how the menus are arranged to find that setting, if that'd help?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question Regarding BK1

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question Regarding BK1

The main menu:LoadNewCheck for updatesChange settingsQuitIn settings, press down twice, and enter for speech.The speech menu:ClipboardPC-TalkerAuto-detectNVDASAPI5The last item in the settings menu is to save settings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question Regarding BK1

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question Regarding BK1

BK2 had a version with English menus. I think it might have been merged with the main version. Try pressing e at the logo; if it fades to the main menu, it should have put the menus in English.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Opinions on The Gate

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on The Gate

It'd take at least 30 sells to come close to breaking even on the cheaper-developed VGStorm titles, given their prices, assuming I didn't misplace a 0 somewhere. In a bigger market, where 1000 sales could be relied upon, that'd be an excuse to put more resources into development, or reduce the price. In this market? We're hitting the same barrier as everything disability-related, which is, we cannot benefit from economy of scale, like, at all.No, no, no, don't say good quality can be gotten for cheap. A mainstream game that can compete—ok, a low-budget-but-high-quality indie game that can compete at the top of its league—is still going to have a development pricetag in the low millions, barring some downright exceptional luck and dedication—the kind you find in emergency relief volunteers more than game developers, for what I hope are obvious reasons. Even if you are the master of networking and charm and finding the most hard-workingest people for cheap, the time that goes into that is going to cost money on travel, food, and whatever witchcraft you're using to amass such a team. For an audio game, we can cut out a lot of that, because we don't need graphics or super realistic physics engines (for some reason), or a marketing budget. So let's be kind and go for half the minimum big indie budget, then cut that down to a quarter because of all the parts we don't need.That's still 250 times the cost of audio games on this tier. I didn't catch the total cost of AHC, but it's well over an order of magnitude greater.Is it possible to get high quality games for cheap? Sure. It's also possible to fund the next summer blockbuster for less than a college education in the US, but in practice those are usually a thousand times more expensive, at least. So, while I agree that The Gate is overpriced, I can't fault Aaron for going with that price, given the economic reality of audio games.


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Re: Opinions on The Gate

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on The Gate

It feels pretty innovative to me, but I never played Super Liam. $30 worth of innovative, not so much, but it's pretty distinct from Battle Zone, BK2/3, Q9, and AAC, FWICT.


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Re: Opinions on The Gate

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on The Gate

PsychoStrike was released first, but AFAIK we know little to nothing about the development process, and PsychoStrike could have been a quick collaboration using what Aaron was already working on for The Gate to save time, or something of that nature.


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Re: Opinions on The Gate

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Opinions on The Gate

The ease of dying makes it feel like an old-school arcade or NES game, IMO. Granted, I've only played on easy so far, and have yet to spare the patience necessary to beat the final boss. But that's basically how a lot of old-school games that I wanted to own-not-rent went.Still, the price compared to the content seems high. Considering the fully-voiced scenes, menus, stats, etc, and the general audio and gameplay, that feels a little unfair, but it feels like it's lacking a certain something that Super Mario Bros has, with its five level styles, 3 color schemes, indoor and outdoor, day and night, and random bits of scattered scenery. Stuff which I kinda feel like Adventure at C: comes closer to emulating. But, since AAC is free, I feel OK with paying so much for The Gate anyway.(Admitedly, The Gate is set entirely in a haunted castle. There's a limit to what you can do with that, in terms of the figurative CSS.)


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Re: wondering about bk3 saves? and a few questions about the game?

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wondering about bk3 saves? and a few questions about the game?

Speed drinks. That does nothing for the part where you're waiting for them to all get inside, but if the secret item shows up on your first playthrough, that's a great time to go get it. Also, be ready for a fight afterward, since dying would mean you have to do all that again.


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Re: anyone know what's up with JGT?

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone know what's up with JGT?

Could be a problem with Ian's server?


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Re: What are PC Games and optical character recognition options?

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What are PC Games and optical character recognition options?

I used Microsoft's Seeing AI when the sound stopped working on my laptop, if they have an iPhone. I used the short text channel and held the phone at the edge of the laptop nearest me, took a bit of searching to get the information.


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Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

2018-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you thing about Bokura No Daiboukenn games story?

I like the voice the way it is.It feels kinda weird that SPOILERS... It feels kinda weird that the bosses-turned-allies are almost useless after turning, other than Yamijin and Carla. Like, it's a curious that, when things got crazy early in 3, Charles didn't build a fleet of those self-cleaning SAD2.0 robots. Maybe there wasn't enough time? But in that case shouldn't he have hung back and worked on that, instead of trying to storm the air fortress with the others during stage 4?Still, I like it overall. ^_^ ... I really need to finish BK1  I still haven't beaten Kisenon, even though the strategy for him is obvious and easy. :$


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Re: Question Regarding BK1

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question Regarding BK1

There's a somewhat confusing puzzle you must complete. IIRC, you're at the part where you have to uncover the next area by walking in a certain pattern in the area northeast of the city. I don't remember how you're meant to find the steps to take.


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Re: Developers learning from one another to bring the best of the best in

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Developers learning from one another to bring the best of the best in

Translations for Jaws can be accomplished through dictionary files. I think people have done this for translating Swamp into languages that use characters past u+0256.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone tried any vr experiences?

2018-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone tried any vr experiences?

I mean, there use to be this place at Downtown Disney in Florida, called Disney Quest. (It's been replaced with something NBA related, AFAIK.) It was more or less a 5-story arcade, with what simulators they could fit in. One of these involved a head-tracking headset and a lightsaber. I was impressed the first time, but the novelty eventually got replaced with "I really have no idea what's going on and am just swinging at whatever sounds threatening, amn't I?".That was many years ago, long before Oculus Rift and friends, before even the mighty iPhone. Yet, somehow, I think all that's changed is freedom of movement, space requirements for equipment, cost, and graphics quality. I guess it boils down to how the situation is designed. And call me crazy, but something tells me that the majority of these are designed to show off the visuals, and the audio is just to reenforce the immersion.I dunno, head-tracking could be an excellent addition to things where precise audio positioning is important (It'd certainly make some of my incapacitated projects easier to accessify at the desired level of detail), but games have had stereo, volume, and pitch adjustment since the Sega Genesis, but no one gave a crap about us then, and the handful who do now are few and far between. So sighted people might find the VR idea exciting enough to dive in, knowing worthwhile content will be generated all the time, but for me it feels like the equivalent of buying a Braille 'n Speak 2000, new, just to play Zap Em.


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Re: Developers learning from one another to bring the best of the best in

2018-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Developers learning from one another to bring the best of the best in

I'm not sure I even understand how people do this "collaboration" thing. But clearly it's just me Orrr, it could be the whole internet thing. Being able to work together in person would almost certainly help. But some people can do it the netly way, so I guess that can't be it.  


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: anyone tried any vr experiences?

2018-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone tried any vr experiences?

I never did get an idea of how many people own one of Aprone's See Munkeys. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: swamp campaigns?

2018-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: swamp campaigns?

I think some at this page are still up. Anything that's just a text file, rather than a zip, needs to be copy/pasted into a new file on your computer, because my webhost alters the linebreaks, for Murdock only knows why.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio life

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

Weirdly enough, I think accessible Second Life might be easier than accessible Dwarf Fortress, since SL is sort of like Minecraft light, where you have your physics and building and the players do the rest, while DF has all of that plus the wonderful AI of the dwarves, resources, disasters, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio life

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

Weirdly enough, I think accessible Second Life might be easier than accessible Dwarf Fortress, since SL is sort of like Minecraft light, where you have your physics and building and the players do the rest, while DF has all of that plus the wonderful AI of the dwarves, resources, disasters, and etc.


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Re: Audio Game Survey

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Survey

"i assumed that the 4 options on the visual acuity question were in order from least to most vision, and that a yest/no question would be based on some threshold used for, like, government definitions or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audio life

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio life

We are too few and too poor, in more ways than one. Before we can make better games, we need to make better everything else.


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Re: Second Life and Radegast

2018-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Second Life and Radegast

Trenton Goldshark wrote:Of course it can't be called Second Life, as SL is trade-marked."Audio Life"? 


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Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

Yeah, BK3 is still the bar for the average dev, IMO. That I've been aiming for that since 2005 and still can't get there informs my pessimism a bit of a bit.Balancing optimism vs realism is hard. Low expectations are horrible, and ought to be fought at every opportunity. Nevertheless, I see problems that seem impervious to Great Expectations, effort, patience, etc, etc.But the fact that we have Bokurano Daibouken and A Hero's Call at all says that these things are not impossible. Even if we are at "roll the dice until you get a 20", someone has to keep rolling the dice.Roll for Initiative, Biscuits.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio games that are clones of video games.

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio games that are clones of video games.

Depends heavily on how strict the term "clone" is being defined. In the strictest sense, Mario and Manamon are pretty clony. In a looser sense...' I guess some of the FPSes might be considered clones of existing games? Oh, and Shades of Doom might have some things in common with Doom, I dunno. I've heard Swamp described as accessible Resident Evil? Oh, and Space Invaders and games in that category.A lot of games that try to be direct adaptations differ too much from the source material to really be considered clones. Even Mario might fall in that bucket, given the way jumping works. Pacman Talks, for example, is kinda debatable, because Pacman is a top-down game where seeing the entire maze (or 2/3, at least) is a major aspect of the gameplay—it's more like a high-speed board-game. Whereas Pacman Talks is first person and gives you far less information at any given time, and first-person mazes are effectively a dramatically different genre entirely. So is Pacman Talks a Pacman clone? I'd say nay (for I am a horse, apparently), but you might disagree.


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Re: Super Mario Bros Audio Edition help

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super Mario Bros Audio Edition help

I'm surprised no one has asked this before, since they feel kinda OP to me, too. Their hammers have an arc that limits their range. I don't remember what it is exactly—maybe 2 or 3 blocks? That goes for height as well: the hammers fall all the way to the bottom, but they only go a couple blocks above. I also don't remember if they can throw hammers while jumping or not.So, options seem to be fireballs, stars, hoping you can get high enough to out-run them, or taking a hit to attack them directly. I think I've escaped by running under them and only taking one hit, but I would be reluctant to rely on it.But I tend to panic and get killed a lot when they're around, and I imagine someone with more patience has a more reliable way to beat them.


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Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

It's a clone in the sense that every turn-based RPG is a clone of Final Fantasy, I guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

Note: probably deleting this later, because reasons.Reality's a Grench, so to speak. 100 years ago, we were just starting to change the millennia-old status quo that everyone was either a farmer, craftsman, ruler, or fighter. I suppose there were always merchants entertainers and hookers, too, but they were far less prevalent than today. Nowadays, entertainer >> merchant  farmers and craftsmen, according to culture, and the economics differ only in that people clearly underestimate the value of working a craft. How has your area taken the 20th century? How about your extended family? Have we adapted fast enough to keep up with the demands of the post-farmers-and-fighters* world? I mean, someone has, because we have Play Stations, Space Stations, smart phones and robots on Mars. But most of us? It doesn't matter who failed who if nothing improves.There have been blind people as long as there have been people, approximately. I assume it took a double-digit population, at least, but that's beside the point. The point is, in the first century, blind people were beggars who had to be led everywhere and Jesus himself said they'd fall in a pit trying to lead themselves. By the 19th century, someone had realized that one can get loads of mileage out of a stick, ears, and social skills. 180 years ago, someone finally ththought "You know what? This not being able to literacy thing is unacceptable and has a simple solution". Screen readers are the most impressive innovation in accessibility ever, because they didn't lag centuries behind the sighted world.I have no idea who invented canes, but Braille? Blind guy. Jaws? Blind guys. Nemeth? NVDA? Blind, blind, blind. The vOICe was developed by a sighted person, AFAIK, and we've certainly dragged our heels on taking full advantage of it.Things apparently have to go extraordinarily well for accessibility innovations to take, and most of them come from blind people. One would think that, in an age of plenty, we'd see more of this sort of thing. Instead, we're giving Microsoft and Apple tips on making their built-in screen readers better, because it's the law and they're among the richest entities in history.We're better off than ever, and so we're stagnating. The pits of old are no place for progress, but neither are the ball pits of new. Put me on a mountain, and I can thrive. Put me in suburbs full of strangers with whom I have only nationality in common, and you get this. Why? Probably because we were made for a world that has been subsumed by steal and gold. Those who can adapt have left us behind. The only incentive to care is shame and law. Where is our Louis Braille, or our Hellen Keller, or our Abraham Nemeth, or our Ted Henter? Why are they not among us? Is anyone going to answer the call?* Farmers and Fighters sounds like a cross between DnD and Castaways. Want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

cae_jones wrote:It's 2018, FCOL. 20 years ago, I was still playing Sega Genesis (I asked for an N64 at one point but got a Sega Nomad instead). I still come back to some of those games, in spite of how ridiculously more difficult they are to follow now, because give a pro team with pro skills and pro funds a megabyte, an 8600 and a Z80, and they can take that megabyte of ROM and 65k RAM and outdo 99% of what we've done with hundreds of megabytes ROM and gigabytes of RAM. If miracles happen, and AHC is the start of a new age, I will be glad to have been wrong, but we've had time and ability to catch up for longer than our most active devs have been alive, and this is what we have to show for it. Color me cynical (that's jade, right? Which shade of green is envy, then?), but I feel like we're in "roll enough times, and eventually you'll get a 20" territory, still, and if we knew how to get out, we'd've done so by now.I give 0 craps about which language or toolkit people use, so long as they use it well. What does AHC do that BGT can't? HRTF. If BGT limits us, then it's not because of BGT's limitations, but rather, its convenience keeping people from developing better skills.Final Fantasy VII is a PS1 game. The Legend of Zelda is on the NES. The NES has 2kb RAM! Literally a millionth part of the less powerful CPUs still in use on PCs! These games are still popular today, even though the youngest is old enough to drink in the US. It's not the size/power that matters, but how you use it. I guarantee you that, ceterus paribus, if everyone switched from BGT to C++ right now, and were magically given mastery of all its facets, and everything they've built up in BGT is ported seamlessly, we'd still be in the exact same place, except development would take longer because of the extra typing and project management and the ways in which C++ can break that almost all of its descendants go to great lengths to forbid.The problem is not the tools. It's us. Using BGT doesn't stop anyone from buying pro sounds or hiring actors. BGT doesn't make bad gameplay design decisions for us, or make us focus on explosions over substance, or keep us from organizing and working together and raising the necessary funds. All of that is on us.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

AHC was made by a team with professional skills over the course of around 5 years. Most Audio games are 1 or 2 people. They raised a budget, even if a small one. Like, this thread seems to keep coming back to "Audio Game developers need to step up their game", which... OK, that's true, but you're using a team of pros with lives and experience and enough patience to work at something for 5 years, who can run a successful marketing and crowdfunding campaign, as your standard of comparison. Can you put together a pro team of pros to do pro work that costs thousands of dollars? I can't. I can't put together a team of random newbies and/or amateurs.The standard for low-to-no budget, small-to-no group projects remains Swamp and BK3. Manamon falls somewhere between those extremes (just look at the development path from Adventure at C:, the collaboration on Psycho Strike, and the pricetags used to build funds).And Aprone had over a decade of experience and a job and such when he started, so the real standard is Nyanchan.There is no physical reason we can't all be as good as Nyanchan. But we've had plenty of time and this is what it took to get close. Anyone who can found something better to do with their 99th percentile superpowers, like pay rent.It's 2018, FCOL. 20 years ago, I was still playing Sega Genesis (I asked for an N64 at one point but got a Sega Nomad instead). I still come back to some of those games, in spite of how ridiculously more difficult they are to follow now, because give a pro team with pro skills and pro funds a megabyte, an 8600 and a Z80, and they can take that megabyte of ROM and 65k RAM and outdo 99% of what we've done with hundreds of megabytes ROM and gigabytes of RAM. If miracles happen, and AHC is the start of a new age, I will be glad to have been wrong, but we've had time and ability to catch up for longer than our most active devs have been alive, and this is what we have to show for it. Color me cynical (that's jade, right? Which shade of green is envy, then?), but I feel like we're in "roll enough times, and eventually you'll get a 20" territory, still, and if we knew how to get out, we'd've done so by now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

2018-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it time for a new paint job?

What AHC had going for it that most audiogames lack? Pros with stable pro-lives, pro-level experience, a team with specific tasks, lots of meticulous planning and care (it was better than anything I've ever done in 2014, and that was before the pro-class marketing and fundraising, etc). This was some medium-sized company levels of care, resources, and professionalism, and if Out of Sight had been a medium-sized company instead of a small company, I can only imagine where we'd be by now.I cannot do that. Most of the current crop of prolithic devs cannot quite yet do that, but maybe some among them can within the next 5 years. You need a lot of things to go right, and the group of people interested in this community and the group of people who can consistently bring enough of those things together to truly and satisfactorily innovate are rare to overlap. Most of those who can find something more worthwhile to do with those superpowers.At this point, I'm wondering how Nyanchan pulled off so much awesome over the course of not even 5 years. With Manamon, we saw VGStorm's progression from Adventure At C: through Palidin and Psycho Strike and The Gate, and Psycho Strike was partly a collaboration with Philip Bennefall. You can follow the progression. Yukio just kinda showed up with half a dozen solid minigames and an RPG, without any signs of business-like strategy in the background in spite of continuing with better stuff for years thereafter. It'd be nice if more of us could manage that.TLDR: AHC doesn't change much because no one around here, other than like 2 people, show signs of being able to replicate what made it possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Female blind gamers

2018-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Female blind gamers

I suddenly feel like singing a song about bubbles. Huh. What could that possibly have to do with this thread? Must be ADHD or something.Also: sweet mercy can we please not resurrect the fire-breathing reproductively viable worker ants? Pleeease? (&)Anyway, gonna go look for Fire Safety videos, or something. Maybe someone's got tips on how to put out fires caused by colliding ant-bubbles. I guess you could pour dirt on it. That usually smothers fires that aren't made of Flourine or lava, right?


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Re: I want a Cat Sim!

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I want a Cat Sim!

"Kitty" "Cat" and that "Ããñ" noise so popular in the Southern US and French can go pretty far, ne? "AINT! Mal Chat! Te jets de lá!"This would be hard to do without actual 3d, because cats live in 3 dimensions more than most of us. I want it anyway. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: bokurano daibouken 1 help

2018-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daibouken 1 help

That's the place with the step-pattern-thing, right? I don't remember how to figure that out. It was certainly different, as puzzles go. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Female blind gamers

2018-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Female blind gamers

Oh, the cat sim was only half joking. I wasn't thinking about gender when it first came to mind, so much as "I'm going to jump from that tree onto that roof and no one will stop me!" Then this topic came up and I remembered all those toy companies who taunted me with incomplete sets of Power Rangers and Planeteers due to their misguided notions about boys buying pink things, even as part of a popular team.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Female blind gamers

2018-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Female blind gamers

Oh, cool, Safari crashed and reloaded while I was typing, and took my reply with it. Eh, I'm sure it wasn't worth keeping. -_-Anyway, I can't help but notice that the types of games that our female members ask for are rare, when they are available at all. Perhaps our gender imbalance has as much to do with our genre imbalance as it does the history of video games in general? There's a gaping Final Fantasy-shaped hole in the market, which has only barely begun to see filling as of last week. And that's far from the only category in which we are deficient. (Yukio! Let's make a Neighborhood Cat simulator!)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Female blind gamers

2018-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Female blind gamers

Ian does game accessibility media stuff, so seems totes legit, IMO. 


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Re: Psico Strike

2017-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psico Strike

It's using the typical sidescroller standards for in-game controls, most else is in menus. There are a lot of information keys in the menus, though, as shortcuts. I would just press random letters to see what happens, tbh, but time does matter in menus, so you might want to check the manual anyway.By sidescroller standards, I mean arrow keys to move, space to attack, numbers to select weapons, tab to select special items, enter to use special items.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Closest Thing to World of Warcraft for Totally Blind Players

2017-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Closest Thing to World of Warcraft for Totally Blind Players

Just like World of Warcraft 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the gate help

2017-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the gate help

I forget which browser has incognitos mode, but if you have it, maybe try that?Otherwise, maybe a proxy? I haven't heard much about those in a long while, so maybe that's a bad idea for reasons unknown.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

2017-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

I suppose I should be more specific. Like real life, only better, if you lean toward the Neutral Good square in the DnD alignment tic-tac-toe board. Hell Moo is Chaotic Neutral at best. Which is not to say you couldn't play whatever alignment you want, but that the game itself is not structured in favor of the Chaotic Evil corner. I mean, it's name is literally "Hell". ... I'd ask if there's a Heaven Moo, but I get the feeling it'd be the 70 houra type of heaven.I'm also surprisingly disinterested in crafting, somewhy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

2017-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your Dream Mud, Be As Detailed As You Want

Like real life, but text. Except, you know, with the crappy parts of real life reduced and the better parts enhenhanced. What the crappy parts and better parts are would be the main reason it won't ever happen, I'm sure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: let's define the word clone

2017-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: let's define the word clone

There's a fuzzy boundary between "this is in the same genre" and "This is a clone". I'd say Manamon is closer to a Pokemon clone than most of the FPSs are clones of anything, barring like 2 examples that should go unnamed because we'll never get Martian Manhunter to join the forums if there are any more flames.There are lots of games you might call Pacman clones, although I don't know the relevant release dates. There is this DOS game called Vectorman, in which you control a yellow circle with a mouth and run through mazes collecting dots and evading ghosts. Adding levels with spiders and sharks does not make it less of a Pacman clone. Unless Vectorman came first, but somehow I doubt.There's a Power Rangers fighting game for the Genesis which clearly based the Pink and Yellow rangers on Guile and Mbison/Vega. Yet it would be a stretch to call it a Street Fighter clone, what with the looping backgrounds, the giant vs not-giant mechanic, projectile reflection, and the rangers mostly being palette-swaps.So is it more like Vectorman vs Pacman, or Power Rangers vs Street Fighter?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The history of audiogames

2017-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The history of audiogames

Harry Potter stand-alone games and audio: First and foremost are the wands, which are clearly audio first, with the lights included for the benefit of the sighted. These have 3 small buttons for napigating menus, a round "send" button mostly for competitive modes, 4 larger buttons (the ones with the lights) for Simon-style input, and what I will call as an internal gravitometer to determine if the wand is pointed up, down, or horizontal. The main game is basically magical Simon played against a nameless Dark Wizard, with music and round breaks with taunts, and I think I'm going to go look for mine, now. Oh, and it had a multiplayer mode where you pass the wand around and the players input longer and longer patterns until all but one make a mistake and are out. And there's a duel mode, which can send your spells to other wands via IR (so the aim is incredibly unforgiving), continue until someone fails to complete a pattern correctly. And a free mode, if you hold the send button while it's turned off.Board games still have the issue of being largely visual and rarely tactile enough to be accessible, but staying on the theme of board games that use audio, there was this Harry Potter game consisting of 4 tiers, attached to a castle-esque base. The bottom goes around the outside, and so represents areas outside of Hogwarts (Private Dr, Gringots, Diagon Alley, King's Cross). The bottom of the castle is a tier unto itself, containing mostly the dungeon crawl from the end of Philosopher's Stone, but also the Great Hall. It's these four sections that are tactually distinctive, and have the audio buttons. Ex, the Great Hall button has the Sorting Hat shout a House name, which sends you to the corresponding room in the top tier (also, there are squares scattered about the middle which let you skip ahead if you're in the matching House). The top tier is the Houses, and the middle is classrooms, corredors, the troll encounter, etc. Fluffy's room has a trapdoor and is directly above the Devil's Snare room, which has a button which will tell you via sound whether or not Fluffy is awake. The Chess room has audio, but I'm still not sure I ever understood how it's supposed to work. (Also, the Chessboard folds up to reveal a storage compartment for all the game pieces.) And the Mirror room plays a sound that tells you if you won. And you almost always do. When we first got it, my sister was trying out all the buttons, and said there must be something wrong with that one, since it always played the magicky victory sound. Then they played the game, and the first one to reach the end pressed the button, and Voldemort laughed at his little prank. ... Because the Voldemort's Evil Laugh sound sends you back (to the start of the room, I think?) Basically, it was a board game that tried to act like a simplified video game, and in spite of the very, very few opportunities to make decisions rather than rely on chance, it felt like it succeeded at the time. (The only real decisions a player could make involved buying things from Diagon Alley, and when to use which items/combinations. You got coins from Gringots, based on which spaces you landed on, so you had random amounts of money to spend on supplies.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The history of audiogames

2017-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The history of audiogames

I never had a Simon proper, but I do have a Simon Jr. However, that had a grid of lights that could flash, and multiple games to take advantage of that (I think it had a Pong-esque game, even, where the lights lit up to make it look like a ball was bouncing from side to side).Oh, and I have a Star Wars Simon, which, even though the buttons light up, when you start a game, it asks if you want to "use the force", and if you answer yes, it goes audio only.Anything 2-XL related probably qualifies (audio game books, more or less). Bopit, lots of preschool toys (my nephew has one of those Matel animal wheel things, but it can ask you to find certain animals based on sound). My sister had this thing called "Smartstreet" (whose announcer sounds suspiciously similar to Bigbird), with a free mode and a game mode, where totally-not-Bigbird randomly picks one of the shops and tells you to find something specific. There were 4 shops that had games, and 3 which didn't (even though they totally could have. I'm not still complaining 21 years later, or anything.  ): on the left was a building-sized dial-pad and a plastic payphone-esque receiver. Above the phone is a clock (the game for the clock is to set it to a specific time). To the right of the clocktower and its enormous public phone is the pet shop. I'm having trouble remembering if the pet shop's game had a mode where you match the sound to the animal, or if it just asked you to find them by name. I think it might have alternated? To the right of the pet shop is the post office, which consists of a wall of mailboxes, each labeled with a letter of the alphabet. The letters are not embossed, but they are in alphabetical order, and of course the game is to find specific letters. (I assume this was intended solely for children too young to be expected to spell words, so there was no spelling game. Even though I could spell the heck out of "cat" and "boy" and "stop" and "exit" when I was 3  ). Next is the shape shop, the one where they dropped the ball at coming up with a realistic excuse for working in identifying shapes. The buttons are shaped right, this time, so this one is playable without needing the learn-game-sounds mode. Above the shape shop is the music store, which does not get a game. Basically, the outside portion of the shape shop is like a display or produce ... whatever you call Wal-mart's produce-holding open fridge thingies. There's a door and windows to imply there's more to the shop than that. There's an overhang big enough to cover the display (maybe it is based on produce?), and the overhang is divided into alternating red and white sections, which are actually a keyboard for playing whatever you can fit into a single octave. There is a rollable thing above the keys, which both plays and displays the music to a handful of nursery songs. Again, presumably too complex according to typical abilities of the target audience, so no game. And on the right is the bank, which also has no game. Really, it's more a deposit box, with a slit for you to put plastic coins in, and as they fall to the bottom, it announces how many you've inserted (up to 10). Oh, and there was a fake postcard you could slip into a slot above the post office, but that didn't do anything.I might have gotten a little carried away, there. Umm, yeah, toys like that have been around for a while.Accessible Starfight, Winboard for JFW, and various games in that category came about from 1995-2000, iiuc. Text games for DOS have been around since long before DOS, so I assume the oldest hardware synths that could read from a terminal were capable of rendering the likes of Zork accessible.And the Braille 'N Speak games... I have no idea when those came about. I only heard of them after 2000, but maybe the 640 could handle them? These were games like Chess, Minesweeper, Solitare, Hangman, Simon, and I saw the readme for a game called Zap Em, which made it sound like a Space Invaders type game (well, more like Damage Extreme). I never had the diskdrive attachment necessary to transfer files to and from the Blazie notetakers, so I never found out anything more than that (otherwise I'd've started my programming "career" on a Braille 'N Speak 2000.)So, I can't think of anything else I know enough about to comment on. Oh, wait... there was this Aladdin board game that used a pseudorandom sound wheel instead of a spinner, if that counts? Do I have that here? ... Umm, and there was this Harry Potter game that would require a whole post to explain.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any playable games on the switch?

2017-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any playable games on the switch?

@shotgunshell: I don't remember exactly, but I seem to remember one of them sounding like a more polite version of that. I think he also got the "too much cost for too little benefit" argument, and something about not wanting to be seen as "an accessibility company", but I don't remember which companies gave which responses. I'll try to find the posts in question.[edit]found one. It seems Nintendo had one of the friendliest responses:Dark wrote:That fact has been demonstrated to me on several occasions reguarding some telephone conversations I've had about minimal levels of low vision tweaking of the Wii menue system, or appropriate euro game releases of stuff I could play, with the very unpleasant Capcom (who actually told me I was the only low vision player in the Uk), and the incredibly sympathetic but ultimately not useful Nintendo,  who simply did not have a way to contact the developement agents, and actually advised me against E-mailing sinse the chance of having an E-mail answered were somewhere less than zero.  [/edit]


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any playable games on the switch?

2017-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any playable games on the switch?

@shotgunshell: I don't remember exactly, but I seem to remember one of them sounding like a more polite version of that. I think he also got the "too much cost for too little benefit" argument, and something about not wanting to be seen as "an accessibility company", but I don't remember which companies gave which responses. I'll try to find the posts in question.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@blademan: balance. You call it a strategy FPS, so I'd expect strategy to have a fighting chance against players who spend all weekend building up their stats and equipment. Obviously, you'd want to reward time and effort, so that people actually put in time and effort, but not so much that it breaks the game for everyone else. This will probably take loads of testing to make reasonably balanced, but yeah, I think balance is the key.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bokurano Daibouken II

2017-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken II

You need the sky spear (or sky lance, I forget which it's called). You can buy it in one of the shops. I think it's the stage 9 shop, but I'd have to check to be sure.This weapon stabs directly upward, so you need to stand directly below the UFO to hit it. This means you'll only have time for 1-5 hits, depending on speed and luck, before you need to dodge its attack.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any playable games on the switch?

2017-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any playable games on the switch?

o help. Has anybody even tried contacting them? Maybe they have and they actually don't care at all about accessibility, but if nobody's contacted them, well, there never gonna know ebout it to implament it then are they?I believe I remember Dark saying he'd contacted Nintendo and Capcom about accessibility, several years ago, and got very negative responses.I should point out that Microsoft is based in the US, while Nintendo and Soni are based in Japan. The legal situation, availible methods of pressure, etc, are somewhat different. Also, Microsoft was in the OS business long before the rise of the Xbox, and this almost certainly has a lot to do with Narrator being on the Xbox - they already had narrator for Windows, so even if a straight port isn't viable, they have most of the hard part done already. Also-also, Microsoft has enough money that Bill Gates can work on building satellite lasers to wipe out mosquitos in his spare time, so they have plenty of resources and it doesn't cost them enough to be a risk.Nope, the bit that bugs me is the same as it was with the WII: all the things you could do with this interface, but instead it's treated like shiny box-art. I mean, look at the haptics on both of them. Yet, outside of the tiny demonstration games, what's being done with them?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Games for Halloween.

2017-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Games for Halloween.

The Gate?I've been trying to Petit Planet up a small Halloween game since 2012  I guess there's half a week left this year...?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A curious bug in redspot or bgt

2017-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A curious bug in redspot or bgt

Just to be sure, did you try alt-tabbing away from the window and back, in case it's a focus-related issue?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Future and past of audio games

2017-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Future and past of audio games

Canes work so well on mountains that sighted people use them.  Ok, so I think trecking poles are for balance, and maybe to try and clear light brush or leaves etc. (You know, so the snake jumps out before you step on it, instead of when you're in striking distance.)But yeah, on the one hand, computer-enhanced equivalents to low-tech accessibility solutions work well. On the other hand, overviews and distant turns and what's on the other side of this broad path? I mean, Pacman Talks is navigable, but I compare the experience more to a funhouse than to a sighted person's experience playing Pacman. (Weirdly enough, Armadillo Army had more of a top-down overview thing, which just seems like it doesn't make sense, but that's what it was like for me.)(But no seriously anyone wanna go platforming in the Ozarks, while it's not-devoured-by-arthrop
 ods season?)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fake speed hack ditection in STW

The age comments are unnecessary and out of line. It's like "Man, that guy's annoying. Let's make fun of his stupid face!" If you can't make your point without devolving to insulting someone because of their age, I don't think the age is the problem. FCOL, how many games did Sam release publicly before STW? Because I seem to remember Aprone having to adjust his approach based on feedback to his earliest games. And Nyanchan (who was closer to Sam's age when he released BK1 and BK2).I don't care what behind-the-scenes clique/moderation drama may or may not be going on. This thread hasn't had any new contributions since page 1. Summary: "How do I avoid false positives on the speed hack detection?" "Stop using XP." "Yeah, BGT sucks, amiright?" "N in this case, no." "Yeah, that alarm is annoying." ... "I tried it on Win7 and 10, problem persists." "Maybe try Bootcamp
 ?"If we'd stuck to the points, instead of flaming for no bloody reason, you could have had 3 times the posts necessary to convey the same information, and still be on page 1. Instead, we got flames over BGT, and flames over people just not liking Sam for  no explained reason, and reactions to those, and GH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: audiogame jam 2.

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audiogame jam 2.

If you look at their pages on gamejolt, there are descriptions there, for what it's worth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Future and past of audio games

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Future and past of audio games

Compare a computer with a itxbox360's GPU but a sound blaster chip from Windows 3.1, with a Sound Max Digital Audio card but an 8600 for graphics processing. Once the brain has spent enough time allocating neural realestate to a specific task, it takes a little more effort than swapping out your audio/video cards to get the necessary processing power to switch focus.Or to put it another way, your brain has a faster, intuitition-driven system, and a slower, deliberate thought-driven system. Things that are sufficiently reenforced eventually get installed in system 1, and everything else has to pass through system 2. Sight is so broadly useful that alternatives are less likely to find their way to system 1, if someone has sufficient vision. So what comes naturally to the blind, the sighted have to literally think about, and concentrate on explicitly. It'd be like having to consciously control all the necessary muscles in your legs, feet, etc, every time you walk.
 Also, agreeing with Joseph. When you aren't a big company, or at least working on something no fancier than Tetris, it's a wonder that anything gets done at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New sonification software for increased accessibility

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New sonification software for increased accessibility

The game has to decide what to highlight/display/etc, so it's not undetectable. But this would be a bit complicated, since it's not unlikely that the selected item is internally identified with an int. So determining which item, numerically, is selected shouldn't be quite as troublesome as identifying said item.And then there's the case where the int is a property of each menu, if the menus are separate objects. So, yeah, possible, but would take a few extra steps.If you could intercept the bits which display text, that might help, but most games, so far as I know, display as much of the menu as can fit on screen as possible. Some games do have menu items rotate out, which would be more annoying because they'd almost definitely be 3d objects and you'd be better off just using a menu guide to match numbers to items. Even in the general case, where the selected item is indicated by a pointer, border, highlight bar, color change, etc
 , after Unity3d came along, even these started being handled as 3d objects. Now, I don't know if that means that the text is not stored as strings anywhere in memory, but that would be kinda weird for a modern system, so you probably can hunt down the text if you can figure out the format of menu items. But this will most likely be far harder to generalize than a few lines of text should be.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Future and past of audio games

2017-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Future and past of audio games

I want to clarify about the whole "stuck in the 1990s" thing. Audio Games are barely relatable to 1990s games. Side-scrollers don't inherently suck. It's just that there are like 2 in Audio which are worth considering comparing to mainstream side-scrollers. Sure, sound quality, whatever, but gameplay and content are rarely anything compared to even the 1980s. We have a few titles that push it toward the mid-late 90s, and those aren't the side-scrollers. Swamp, Manamon, and maybe the endless stream of drama-spawning FPSs sorta-kinda invoke 1997-2005. It's not that we need things besides side-scrollers (we do), but that we need side-scrollers that wouldn't lose to Super Mario Bros 2 without a fight. We have BK3, and that's more Megaman without the timing-sensitive traps and puzzles (and way more content than the 1990s Megaman games, so it kinda balances out?).As a general rule, Audio Games suck. At this rate, the mainst
 ream will become fully accessible, or they'll find a general workaround for blindness, or the world will be devoured by Galactus, before the number of Audio Games which can compare to the massive libraries of pre-PS2/xbox games gets to double digits.A Hero's Call is a massive step in the right direction, but it's been in development for several years, has done pretty much everything right in terms of the process and funding, and is still not availible. We could have 5 of these secretly in production, now, and nothing will change for the remainder of this decade.Now, maybe I'm more pessimistic than usual because I have been fighting tooth and nail to get enough sleep and have failed for several nights running, but I'm not seeing anything big enough to catch us up to the N64 coming along any time soon.


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