some questions on Swamp's Campaign scripting capabilities.

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


some questions on Swamp's Campaign scripting capabilities.

Hello all. I’ve been fiddling around of late with a concept I had for a Swamp campaign, and just wanted to ask for some clarification on whether or not there is any way where by I can do the following.1.    Is it possible to define my own custom zones in areas that I pre define, instead of having to make do with renaming already existing map zones?2.    Can I define an event were I can change an ally’s already pre-established stats? For example, could I set an event to fire which would either give the ally extra ammo, change their movement speed, make them swap to using a new weapon, or do damage to them?3.    Can I set an event which effects an ally’s health, such as healing them, or causing damage?4.    Is it possible to set ambient sounds to pan from one set of coordinates to another, to simulate things like moving vehicles and aircraft?5.    Finally, there’s probably no way to do this, but can you rename weapons and ammunition types. For example renaming the Glock19 to a Sig P220, and switching the name of the ammo from 9mm to 10mm auto?Any pointers on if these things are at all possible to do with Swamp’s scripting capabilities would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance for any answers.


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Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

@TheSecretLurker, thanks for the reply. Shame about the tile version being inaccessible, the sound pack looked cool, and I could imagine it being a pretty handy way for us to gain some otherwise rather obscure info, like if a zombie is trying to break through a door, if a creature stepped on a landmine, general combat info etc.To answer your question As to what screen reader I’m using, I’m currently rolling with the standard Orca screen-reader. I’m finding it quite usable with the game, though there are points were it runs into some problems, most notably when going through the mini map. Don’t get me wrong, when I navigate over individual tiles of the map, it announces what they are, though in most cases it reads some random characters before the name of the location, for example, “***//fff***h@t@g**vgg***road”. As far as I can guess, those random characters are due to Orca trying to read the map graphics, like the Fs which denote patches of forests. Just as a matter of interest, are you guys aware of any way I could disable the map graphics, or is it a situation were I have to just put up with it?Finally, out of curiosity, would anybody be interested in me writing an installation and getting started guide for cataclysm? I was mulling over the idea for a few days, and just wanted to see if anybody would be interested in me making one, before I sit down and dedicate time to writing it up.


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Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

2021-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

Hi folks, so I wanted to drop by and ask if the tile version of Cataclysm is playable, or if we can only use the pure text variant? I’m asking cause, as I understand it, sound packs only work for the graphical version.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

HI guys. @ zkline, for some reason it seams like when ever I try to create a blank txt file called .bash_profile, the VM automatically deletes it or something, at least, when I tried creating it, I couldn’t find it anywhere on the virtual Machine. Naming the file just bash_profile without the period at the start seems to work just fine, at least it doesn’t vanish into nothingness, yet as soon as I add the full stop, the file disappears out of the directory I put it in. Could there be a reason why this is happening?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

@25, I’ll definitely check out the discord server, and thanks for the link. As for what I’m using, in all honesty I’m just using Orca. For some strange reason TDSR was acting up when I tried using it, like, it kept repeating the same few lines of text over and over without shutting up, and it had a strange obsession with repeating the letter Q every so often. For example, if I’m using Orca and I want to load up an existing save, I press enter, Orca announces the name of my world, which for reference is horse head, I press enter again, it gives me the names of my characters, one more enter later and I’m good to go. However, with TDSR on the other hand the following happens. I press enter and TDSR announces, “ horse head”, another enter and it says the name of my characters, one more enter and it says, “q”, and then reads the game information on a loop, without stopping. I’ve got no clue just how I managed in messing up TDSR so much, but truly I’m not finding that many problems when playing with Orca, its slow at times, but I find it a lot more usable than TDSR for some strange reason.@26, thanks for the tips. As for me packaging up my VM and posting it, that sounds like a pretty solid idea, I’ll look into doing that over the week if it could help other people access the game easier, and make it just a bit friendlier to get going with the thing. Though one thing which I will say right off the bat, I have not gotten the sounds to work just yet, so I’ll probably want to solve that before I think of perhaps posting it.


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Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead - reintroduction+ASCII roguelikes discussion

Hi folks, first and foremost, apologies for bringing back this rather old topic. After a lot of incredibly useful help, I’ve set up CDDA to run on a Linux VM and I’ve been messing around with it for a bit of time, and I’ve been wondering if somebody more experienced with the game could perhaps share a few tips on how we can play it. For example, how would you go about returning to places of interest, like buildings and crash sites, once you’ve left them, do you have to remember where everything is and hope that you can navigate back to it? Also how would you realize when and where there is an item or monster, and when your character is hungry, thirsty, tired etc? Finally, is there some way how we may obtain information regarding the layout of the world, like where buildings and touns are?


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Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi guys, so I’ve recently discovered that guest additions were a thing for Virtual Box, and I’m trying to install them in order to be able to share files from my host OS to the Linux guest. So I downloaded the Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack, and when I run it and click install, it gives me this error.Failed to install the Extension Pack C:/Users/Samuel/Downloads/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.0.24.vbox-extpack.Failed to load the main module ('C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\ExtensionPacks\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack\win.amd64\VBoxPuelMain.DLL'): VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND - GetLastError=127.Result Code:     E_FAIL (0x80004005)Component:     ExtPackManagerWrapInterface:     IExtPackManager {70401eef-c8e9-466b-9660-45cb3e9979e4}Anybody’s got any ideas what’s going on, and how to fix it?


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Re: So, what's the best way to play Cataclysm-DDA?

2021-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So, what's the best way to play Cataclysm-DDA?

@5, the game is essentially an open world, procedurally generated, survival and post-apocalyptic game. You’re essentially thrown into the middle of a completely randomly generated abandoned city at the start of the game, and have to scavenge for equipment, weapons, supplies, shelter and vehicles, whilst trying not to get on the undead’s’ menu in the process. From what I’ve seen of it, in the way of videos and stuff like that, it looks pretty cool, though I’d have to ask if this game is even technically playable if you can’t get a working VM with speak up installed, cause I read that Orca has problems with it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

@7 thanks for the help. I’ve just managed to set up the VM on virtual box, enabled Orca, and it’s so far running smoothly. Shaim about not being able to get speak up anymore though. The only reason I wanted to use it over Orca was cause I read that some people had some problems when running CDDA with Orca, as opposed to speak up, though I’m not sure if this is still true, or if there are any settings I can adjust to make the experience any better. I’m going to try and install CDDA now and get it to run, hopefully I can figure this out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

This may be a rudimentary question, but in all my time looking online to try and figure out how one would go about installing a program on a Linux VM, I just can’t get how you’d do it. I’m trying to set up Cataclysm dark days ahead, and speak up. When it comes to installing speak up, I read that you have to install it via the terminal in Linux, but how is beyond me. As for Cataclysm dark days ahead, I downloaded the tar gz archive from the sight, and now its in my computer’s downloads, and I am lost as to how you would go about installing it onto a VM. Also, when ever I run the virtual machine, it seams like none of the key presses are responding, cause when I tried pressing control alt T to open the terminal, nothing happened as far as I could tell. Am I just over looking a rather obvious step, cause I’m legitimately bewildered.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi, thanks for the recommendation to shift to vmware player, I’ve got the subsystem up and running now. I just have one more question, I heard that the best Linux screen reader to play CDDA was speak up. However, when searching for it on line, I found nothing, either in the way of documentation or a down load link. Could someone perhaps point me to where I can down-load it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


help with setting up a Ubuntu VM on windows

Hi people, for the last few hours I’ve been trying to get Cataclysm Dark days ahead to run on my windows laptop, via rigging up a Linix VM, but I’ve run into a few problems when installing the VM. I’m trying to use Ubuntu, running off virtual box. I’ve set up the virtual machine, and now the instructions that I’m following say that I need to double click on the name of the machine, click a folder shaped icon, and assign the Ubuntu ISO file. However, when I click on my machine’s name, NVDA stops talking, and all key presses are unresponsive, the only way I can get out of the window then is buy closing it via the task manager. Figuring that its just a case where NVDA can’t read what’s in the window, I asked a sited friend if they could help me out. The only problem is that, according  to them, there is no folder shaped icon. So I’m in the dark as to what I need to do. If somebody who’s experienced in how to set up VMs could point me in the right direction, that’d be extremely helpful.


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some Audacity questions

2021-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


some Audacity questions

Hi all, apologies before hand if what I’m about to ask is rather stupid. I’m a bit new to using Audacity, and whilst I know the basic controls and how to edit segments of audio, play around with the various effects, etcetera, I have a few questions regarding some audio effects I wasn’t capable of doing.Firstly, is there anyway how I can have the audio of a particular track either slowdown or speed up overtime. I’m trying to edit together a cut scene, and there is a particular moment were I want the sound of a helicopter’s rotors to slowdown, in order to create the elusion of the engine shutting off. Is there anyway I can accomplish this, either via effects within Audacity itself, or with plugins.Secondly, is there a method were by I can have certain audio pan across the stereo field over a given period of time. There is a point were I’d like to have the sound of a fired rocket to move from the left over to the centre, over a course of around 3 seconds. At the moment all that I am aware of that audacity can do with panning, is simply set a track to play at a specific point on the stereo field, without being able to adjust it mid track.Finally, the last question that I’ve got regards to setting a specific sound to repeat itself for a number of times. I’ve tried using the repeat effect that audacity provides, however I find that its not effective for what I’m trying to create. For reference, I’m trying to loop the sound of a gun shot, with eco and the sound of the shell casing dropping, in such away that it sounds like an automatic weapon. The repeat function is only repeating the sound, after the original sound file has finished playing, in other words, after the eco has already faided out, and the shell casing has dropped.Apologies again if there are super obvious work arounds to the problems which I’ve mentioned, and thanks for any advice.


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Re: I've got a problem with OBS

2021-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I've got a problem with OBS

@5, yeah I found the audio part strange as well. You’d think that if my laptop couldn’t handle it the audio would be one of the first things to be effected, but it’s absolutely crystal clear. As for cores, I’ve got four physical cores, and eight logistic ones.@6, I’ll check the vid out, maybe it’ll help clear up the stupidity I’ve got going on with OBS.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I've got a problem with OBS

2021-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I've got a problem with OBS

Hi folks, so thanks to your suggestions I solved the problem I had. However, after recording my new video and showing it to a friend, I found out that the frame was frozen. Essentially, if I was walking around in the game, OBS would only record a single frame, like a still image, and the resulting video would keep showing this single frame, regardless if I went in the living room, kitchen or anywhere else. figuring that my CPU was to blame, I went through the settings in OBS, cranked down everything that I feasibly could, to the point where I put the frame rait down below 10 FPS, and tried recording. This fixed it, sort of, cause now instead of being frozen, the video was painfully choppy, freezing every so often, even when I was simply walking down a corridor, with apsalutly nothing elss going on. At this point I still think that  my computer is still at fault, though I expected the audio to also be choppy, however both my voice and the game audio were fine. For reference, I’m running OBS and Resident Evil 7 on my laptop which has the following specs.Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz   1.99 GHzInstalled RAM    16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processorAs for the game settings, I have all the graphical settings set to either low or medium.Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Also, just in case it would be helpful, I’m pasting the OBS log for the final test video I tried recording down below.17:03:40.421: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz17:03:40.421: CPU Speed: 1992MHz17:03:40.421: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 817:03:40.421: Physical Memory: 16254MB Total, 11981MB Free17:03:40.421: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 19042 (release: 2009; revision: 685; 64-bit)17:03:40.421: Running as administrator: false17:03:40.421: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)17:03:40.421: Windows 10 Gaming Features:17:03:40.421:     Game DVR: On17:03:40.422: Sec. Software Status:17:03:40.423:     Microsoft Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV)17:03:40.423:     Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)17:03:40.424: Current Date/Time: 2021-01-04, 17:03:4017:03:40.424: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true17:03:40.424: Portable mode: false17:03:40.660: OBS 26.1.0 (64-bit, windows)17:03:40.660: -17:03:40.661: -17:03:40.661: audio settings reset:17:03:40.661:     samples per sec: 4800017:03:40.661:     speakers:        217:03:40.663: -17:03:40.663: Initializing D3D11...17:03:40.663: Available Video Adapters: 17:03:40.665:     Adapter 0: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 62017:03:40.665:       Dedicated VRAM: 13421772817:03:40.665:       Shared VRAM:    422717644817:03:40.665:       PCI ID:         8086:3ea017:03:40.665:       Driver Version:       output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=60, name=17:03:40.667: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (0)17:03:40.688: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b00017:03:40.688: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success17:03:41.039: -17:03:41.039: video settings reset:17:03:41.039:     base resolution:   1920x108017:03:41.039:     output resolution: 1920x108017:03:41.039:     downscale filter:  Bicubic17:03:41.039:     fps:               8/117:03:41.039:     format:            NV1217:03:41.039:     YUV mode:          709/Full17:03:41.039: NV12 texture support not available17:03:41.039: Audio monitoring device:17:03:41.039:     name: Default17:03:41.039:     id: default17:03:41.042: -17:03:41.045: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded17:03:41.045: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-captions.dll'17:03:41.046: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'17:03:41.073: [AMF] Unable to load 'amfrt64.dll', error code 126.17:03:41.074: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.17:03:41.074: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'17:03:41.090: [obs-browser]: Version 2.9.117:03:41.090: [obs-browser]: CEF Version 75.1.16+g16a67c4+chromium-75.0.3770.10017:03:41.105: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled17:03:41.111: A DeckLink iterator could not be created.  The DeckLink drivers may not be installed17:03:41.113: No blackmagic support17:03:41.118: -17:03:41.118:   Loaded Modules:17:03:41.118:     win-wasapi.dll17:03:41.118:     win-mf.dll17:03:41.118:     win-dshow.dll17:03:41.118:     win-decklink.dll17:03:41.118:     win-capture.dll17:03:41.118:     vlc-video.dll17:03:41.118:     text-freetype2.dll17:03:41.118:     rtmp-services.dll17:03:41.118:     obs-x264.dll17:03:41.118:     obs-vst.dll17:03:41.118:     obs-transitions.dll17:03:41.118:     obs-text.dll17:03:41.118:     obs-qsv11.dll17:03:41.118:   

Re: Sable - A code free tool for creating RPG's (New beta features video)

2021-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sable - A code free tool for creating RPG's (New beta features video)

Hi, I’ve just gone through the changelog and wanted to say that I love how the tool has developed from its alfa stages till now. Maiger props to you guys for working on giving people with no coding knowledge the capability to make their own games. I’ve got a couple of questions that I’d like to ask, regarding possible new features in Sable. Firstly, are there any plans for possibly incorporating an ammo system? As it stands, there’s almost no mechanical difference between creating ranged or close quarters weapons, apart for their respective names and sounds. Secondly, is there going to be a way, were by you can set an event which can remove a member from your party?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

I've got a problem with OBS

2020-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


I've got a problem with OBS

Hello all.I was trying to record a Resident Evil 7 video yesterday, when I discovered a rather sizable problem with OBS. When I had rapped up the video, I turned NVDA back on, tabbed over to the OBS window, and ticked the box labelled, stop recording. Normally, this would end the video, the stop recording check box would be replaced with the start recording option, the video would be saved on my PC, and everything would be fine and going smoothly. Yet, for some ungodly reason, OBS felt like being a little pain in the bum yesterday, cause when I ticked the option to stop recording, it, instead of stopping the recording, was instead swapped out for a brand new tick box labelled, stopping recording. I had never seen this option come up before, so I just waited for a bit, then when I saw that nothing was happening, I ticked it. This caused the start recording option to come back up, and I assumed that everything had gone smoothly. Yet, when I went to watch the video I had just recorded, I discovered that OBS had only recorded around a third of the actual episode. As such my one hour video was chopped down to only around 15 to 20 minutes, and was completely unusable.I’m not sure what might be the problem, weather it’s something having to do with my setup, the program itself, or if I should just wait for a longer amount of time. For reference, I’m using a USB microphone, and a wireless per of Bluetooth headphones to record the video, and I’ve also downloaded the latest update for OBS. If anybody has any suggestions on what might be screwing this over, I’d highly appreciate it if you could post. Thanks in advance.


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Some help needed with GTA5

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Some help needed with GTA5

Hi all. Apologies in advance if this question is stupid as hell, or has a really obvious answer that I’m just not thinking of for some strange reason.I’ve just bought a copy of GTA5 from steam. The game, along with the Rockstar Game Launcher, is installed on my PC, I’ve put the Grand Theft accessibility mod files in their correct place, and got the newest version of script hook. With some sited assistance I managed to create an account on the Rockstar Social Club, and I’ve logged on in. Then it came time for me to actually run the game, and for some reason, when I launch GTA from the desktop shortcut, the Rockstar Game launcher just informs me that an update to the launcher is needed in order to run GTA5. Pressing enter at this point just closes the launcher, and I’m completely stuck and don’t know what I’m supposed to do to get the update. I’ve spent something approaching an hour with a sited friend of mine, trying to figure this BS out, but to no effect. If somebody can kindly inform me what I am inevitably doing wrong, or how and where to install the update, I’d highly appreciate it.Thanks in advance.


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Looking for recommendations for a good mainstream PC game

2020-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Looking for recommendations for a good mainstream PC game

Hello all. as the title suggests, I’m looking for a good mainstream game for PC, which I could run on an average laptop.I’ve got a pretty wide criteria of genres which I’d be interested in. I’m mainly looking for something set in either a modern or futuristic setting, though I’d be happy with just about anything. The only thing that I don’t have really any interest in what so ever are fighting games, so I’m not going to be getting stuff like mortal combat.I’ve been contemplating over either grabbing myself a copy of Resident Evil 7, or GTA5, though I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. When it comes to GTA, I’m not sure if the game will run properly on my laptop, and I’m not sure if its worth it. As for Resident Evil 7, I’ve heard that its more accessible than 6, though I’ve never seen any proof of this, so I’m a bit hesitant.Any sort of recommendations would be kindly appreciated.


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A couple Resident Evil 6 questions

2020-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


A couple Resident Evil 6 questions

Hay all.I’ve got a problem getting through a couple sections of resident evil 6. I’d be interested in knowing if somebody has managed to get through these parts unaided, and if so, how.The first section that I have trouble with, lies right at the start of section 2, of chapter 2 in Leon’s campaign. Basically, to get through this section of the game, you need to find a security panel on one of the walls, in order to input a code which will open the door to the next area. From what I can tell, the objective marker doesn’t point you to the panel, and I haven’t been able to find it by just running around, and spamming the action key.Problem number 2 comes a fair bit later, in part four, of chapter 3 in Leon’s campaign. In this stage, you have to swim under water for a length of time, before you can fight the boss at the end, and you have to try and make it, before the character drowns. I’ve been trying to hold down W, and spam the space bar, and Q keys, but I never have enough air to make it to the end. I know that there are small air pockets which you’re meant to surface in, and replenish your oxygen supply, but I can’t tell if they make any sort of discernible sound, and in the around 20 times I’ve tried this level, I was only ever able to find 1, right at the start.Those are the overall major road blocks that I have. If anybody has any suggestions on how to get through these parts, I’d appreciate it if you could post them down below. Also, just as a matter of curiosity, does anybody have some tips that they could share on how to grab the assault rifle during Leon’s campaign?


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Re: things you've done in the bokurano daibouken trilogy

2020-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: things you've done in the bokurano daibouken trilogy

On my first run of BK3, I got hopelessly stuck on stage 21,3. I was always getting caught by the cameras at the very end, and getting a horde of enemies dumped on my head, with practically no way of getting out. Wat really annoyed me about this level, was the fact that it’s one of the more time consuming stages of the game, as its basically stage 17,3, though cranked up to 11: And after each of the many, many times I died, I had to go through, flip the switches all over again, try not to get caught, only to then have a miner army spawn, cause I mis calculated something, and ended up letting one of the cameras spot me.It eventually got to a point where I’d died for something like the 15th time, was fed up of this stage, and was like, “OK BK3, listen up, I’ve got a life, I’ve got things to do, so God dam it… BRING IN THE CATS!”So ladies and gentlemen, I, in my infinite wisdom, sat there for no less than a whole 20 to 30 minutes, holding down the K-O-N keys vengefully, evilly grinning as I slowly caused what might generously be described as, the cat apocalypse, as I spawned something around… 400 cats. In the last few seconds of their lives, the security carts had the time, to simply register the giant tsunami of cats heading their way, before they, along with most of the flooring for the level, were completely evaporated, and atomised, by the feline hordes.However, what I didn’t anticipate was the fact that all the mewing from the cats, made it completely impossible to hear anything, like say… the beeping of the switches I had to flip in order to complete the level. ”No problem”, I thought to myself, “I’ll just use the objects menu to locate where the switches are.”. yeah… o boy… did that not work. Recall how I said I spawned in 300 cats, and how when cats smash through a wall or floor, they leave behind something called, pieces of wall. Well my friends, that all registered on the objects menu, so I had to navigate around, o, 600 different items, to find where the switches where. Another problem was that, since the cats had destroyed most of the flooring, that sort of created a situation, where switches were left hanging in mid air, with no way to get to them, apart for the hook.So with all this combined, I looked at the situation… analysed it… tried to logically think of a good solution… pulled out my mega shooter and started lighting up my army of cats with around 1 tonnes of hot led, to try and do some strategic population removal, so I could actually get to a point were I could hear something apart for the God, dam mewing. Fast forwards 20 minutes, I’d flipped the last switches, I was going on a cat genocide, cats were falling all over the place, the world was probably on fire, and if I’m being totally honest, somewhere up in heaven, God, his angels, the wholly ghost, and all the Saints, were probably crying softly at the massive, world ending mess I had created. In any case, I got to the end of the stage, was around 10 feet from the door, then the game decided it had enough of my bull shit, and crashed.So, ladies and gentlemen, that was the story of how, the real threat to the world, was not the bio control system at all. No, instead it was Sam, and his massive army of apocalypse bringing cats.


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Re: Mainstream game recomendation

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mainstream game recomendation

HiUnfortunately, as I’ve never played Resident Evil 7, I’m not really able to say much about how accessible the game is. From what I can gather, the game is more or less playable, though you’d be benefited by having a good memory and sense of coordination, when it comes to moving around. I’ve also heard that its recommended to have OCR for NVDA, so you can read the inventory menu. I’d recommend checking out these two topics, for more information about the game. … nt-evil-7/ … nt-evil-7/


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Re: Mainstream game recomendation

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mainstream game recomendation

If you like action based games, I’d suggest may be giving Resident Evil six a try.Although it was never explicitly made with the intention to be playable for blind people, like The Last Of Us Part 2, it’s got a few game features, which accidentally made it sort of accessible. However, unfortunately I do mean, only sort of. As it was never designed with accessibility in mind, there are portions of the game, where I personally required sited assistance to get through. There are sections which require you to go find certain items like a set of keys, which unfortunately make know sound to show you where they are, quick time events are generally a pain in the ass, and getting through certain puzzles, made me sometimes contemplate taking a 12 gage to my laptop, and burning the remains in an incinerator. However, from what I’ve seen so far, navigation and combat are normally not a problem, and if you’re persistent enough, and patient, you can usually tuff out some of the aforementioned problems.One thing which I will add in the game’s favour however, is the fact that it allows you to skip certain stages, and go to a different one. So for example, if you’re having a problem getting through part 1 of chapter 2 of Leon’s campaign, you can just choose to skip forwards a stage, to part 2  of chapter 2, and just go back at a later date.Also, I’ve heard that Resident Evil 7 is actually more accessible then 6, and is fully able to be completed with no assistance what so ever, though, given the fact that I’ve never played RE7, I can’t vouch for that.


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Re: Some help with the Resident Evil 6 prelude mission

2020-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some help with the Resident Evil 6 prelude mission

hi, thanks for the advice, but I’m unfortunately playing on PC, and I don’t have a controller , so I can’t really do that. do you know what are the equivalent of those buttens on PC?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Some help with the Resident Evil 6 prelude mission

2020-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Some help with the Resident Evil 6 prelude mission

Hi all, I’ve just bought Resident Evil 6 for PC, and I’m getting stuck on a particular problem in the prelude mission, at the very beginning of the game. I’ve managed to get past the part where you’re supposed to drag Helena out of the street, and into an alley, then bash down a door, find some herbs in an abandoned vehicle, make some healing tablets, and heal Helena. However, the problem arises when it comes time to face the first zombie in the whole game. After you shoot it three times with Leon’s pistol, it’ll be out of ammo, then the zombie will proceed to grab him, and try to start chomping on his delicious insides. at this point the game is supposed to teach you how to avoid zombies grabbing you, and during the sequence, it shows you some button prompts which you’re meant to press. The only problem is that I have no idea what these prompts are, I’ve tried looking online to see what you’re supposed to press, but I’ve found nothing. I’ve tried asking a few sited friends of mine if they can figure out what the hell you’re meant to do here, but they also have no idea what the prompt even means. If anybody’s got any idea what you need to do in this part, and what keys you’ve got to press, I’d highly appreciate it if you could drop a post with the answer to this problem, cause it’s very frustrating.I just realised to myself, as I was writing this post, that the irony of this situation, is that I’m getting stuck on what is essentially the tutorial, so the thing meant to help new players play the game, is actually keeping me from advancing what so ever.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Some help with the Resident Evil 6 prelude mission

2020-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Some help with the Resident Evil 6 prelude mission

Hi all, I’ve just bought Resident Evil 6 for PC, and I’m getting stuck on a particular problem in the prelude mission, at the very beginning of the game. I’ve managed to get past the part where you’re supposed to drag Helena out of the street, and into an alley, then bash down a door, find some herbs in an abandoned vehicle, make some healing tablets, and heal Helena. However, the problem arises when it comes time to face the first zombie in the whole game. After you shoot it three times with Leon’s pistol, it’ll be out of ammo, then the zombie will proceed to grab him, and try to start chomping on his delicious insides. at this point the game is supposed to teach you how to avoid zombies grabbing you, and during the sequence, it shows you some button prompts which you’re meant to press. The only problem is that I have no idea what these prompts are, I’ve tried looking online to see what you’re supposed to press, but I’ve found nothing. I’ve tried asking a few sited friends of mine if they can figure out what the hell you’re meant to do here, but they also have no idea what the prompt even means. If anybody’s got any idea what you need to do in this part, and what keys you’ve got to press, I’d highly appreciate it if you could drop a post with the answer to this problem, cause it’s very frustrating.


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Re: What games would you like in the community?

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What games would you like in the community?

I’m a fan of survival based games myself, and I don’t mean games which simply slap on a hunger and thirst system cause, well, why the hell not. I’d really be into a game which forces you to manage your resources carefully, plan your next move strategically, and which introduces realistic mechanics like a limited inventory, food rotting over time, your weapons and tools slowly wearing down until you need to repair them, and other stuff like that. I’d also like seeing some basic form of base and vehicle building. In short, I’d like games in the same vain of ARK survival evolved, stranded deep, and especially SubNautica. Alternatively, I’d like to see something in the genre of survival horror, like the old school resident evil games, and the first Dino Crisis. Finally, and if we’re being honest, most unrealistic of all, I’d kill for something similar to Fallout, a game set in a post-apocalyptic, open world, were you’d be able to explore, fight monsters, and just generally do what you feel like doing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Issues with Shades of doom2.0

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Issues with Shades of doom2.0

When it comes to trying to use screen reader support, I’ve heard that that option has a bug, and doesn’t work. When I tried to use it, the game gave me the same error message, and I’ve been using the built in voice ever since.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Problem Connecting To Sindome

2020-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem Connecting To Sindome

As far as I’m aware, you’re using the correct connection info, port . I use VIP client as my main mud client, and I’ve always successfully connected with it. I’ve never tried running Sindome on mush client though, so I’m not shore if it should work with it, or not.


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Re: Any good settlement building games?

2020-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any good settlement building games?

You might also want to give Empiremud a try. It’s a medieval themed mud, in which you build up your empire from the bottom up, first just starting with your character, and then going on to build your own cities and things of that nature. If you want to give it a try, you can connect to it at port 4000.


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Re: The Wastes question

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Wastes question

What I normally find that helps, when playing the game, is having a numpad. I use the top left and right keys, which would be the 7 and 9 keys respectively to scroll up and down through the game’s text. I use NVDA, and this method has always worked for me, when playing the game, so I think that it should also work with Jaws. When it comes to the main menu however, what you should do, is hit 1 once you’ve booted up the program, in order to start a new game, then just follow the prompts normally.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

From my end, I completely agree with the people suggesting to include custom classes, and stats. As for what I’d personally like to see added, I think that it would be sort of handy to include a mechanic for ammo in Sable. As it stands, the only weapons you can really realistically depict are close quarters weapons like swords, knifes ETC, which is great for a fantasy or medieval themed RPG. however if, like me, you were trying to do a modern/ post-apocalyptic set game, its kind of stupid to think that all these weapons like shotguns, automatic rifles and other stuff of that nature, have a magically unending amount of replenishing bullets. Also, if hypothetically a mechanic for ammo was introduced, it would be nice if you could have different weapons use different ammunition types, for example you could have a sniper rifle, and a machine gun which take 7.62mm rounds, whilst an assault rifle would have 5.56mm rounds. Something else that I found which was sort of limiting in the demo version, is that you couldn’t specify different zones within buildings, so for example I couldn’t create a house which had a living room, with a kitchenet area in one corner. When it comes to the placement of items within chests and things like that, I think that it would have been interesting if you could have had the ability to randomize the loot that the player would find. You could have a chest which could only have X amount of items in it at any given time, and the game could randomly choose items from a pre-set list, to place within the chest. Finally, I’d have liked it if you could change the view point of the player character, so instead of a top down view, you could have something more like a first person perspective.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Blind and partially sighted peeps, whatcha wanna see in a game?

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blind and partially sighted peeps, whatcha wanna see in a game?

I personally am a Mainly PC focused gamer, so I apologize in advance if what I’m about to write is either useless, plainly stupid or impossible to affectively implement on mobile devices. Speaking for myself, I’d like to see a 3, or 2 D based game, where you’d control the character, and physically move and interact with the game environment. In my time of playing audio games, both on PC, and briefly on android, I haven’t seen many games set in a modern, or post-apocalyptic setting. I’d like to see a game about survival, building and crafting, think of games like stranded deep, or subnautica as examples. It would also be interesting if there would perhaps be a tower defence, survival based game. For example the player would have a number of minutes to prepare defences, weaponry ETC, before a horde of enemies would come, gradually getting tougher as time goes on. Again, I’m just going to say that I’ve not had much experience with mobile games, nor am I in any way, shape or format familiar with coding, so I don’t know how realistic these ideas would be to implement.


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