Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Honestly, it sounds like everyone is the asshole in this case.120, I just don't understand why you might use a racial slur and then be shocked. SHOCKED! that you get banned.I think that being consistent as an administrator is good. But I honestly read some of these posts and am so confused as to how some of you just think you can act any kind of way in an online space and then cry when you find that people don't want to put up with your asinine behavior.Rules should be consistent. I don't fault GCW for not wanting to play in an environment where it is not. But I also think that some of you need to act better in the spaces where you find yourselves.


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Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

I feel like refraining from using racist slurs is such a low bar to step over TBH. I feel like I'm reading r/AITA.


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assistance with Mushclient

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


assistance with Mushclient

Hi friends,Please pardon the rambling explanation of what I am trying to do. If you could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. I preface this with saying that I'm very new to using this software and don't have a scripting background, however, I'm great at following directions and if something is laid out properly, I'm not afraid to do some exploration.for background, I'm playing Discworld and am using Quow's screen-reader friendly package which includes a minimap plug-in and some very useful tools for those playing wizards.I would like to be able to type in a command to see whose shield spell went down so that I can easily reshield them. A friend helped me put this alias and trigger together, but when I type 'tpd', the command that I want to use, it still gives the name of the first person whose shield was down...from weeks ago.Could you take a look at the below and tell me where I might need to tweak it? Also, am I explaining it correctly?VariablesThe name of the variable is TPD. I see now that the content included a specific person's name, ut that doesn't look right to me.AliastpdSend ("tpa @tpd")I know I'm missing something pretty crucial, so any assistance would be really helpful. Then I'd know how to modify this alias for other specific shields, like bug shields or witches and major and minor shields or priests.For this specific thing, should it be tied to the sound trigger that I have?If so, the text isthere is a sudden white flash around *.thank you so much for your help and/or pointing me in the right direction.


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Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

2020-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discworld mud, does anyone play it?

so, Discworld was my very first mud that I played in 2001. I go back to it now and again because I loved it so much.1. You don't need to have read the books. I didn't like the first Discworld book I read, and some yars later, I finally have gotten around ot trying a different one. It's like the icing on the cake in knowing how things fit together, ut you don't ned it.2. You can group with others and there is even a way to broadcast a group request.3. I love Quow's mushclient package. My next trick is to learn how to make a few sound triggers for when my shield drops.4. I play Marenna, Annalenne, and Kethri if you ever need some assistance. Fair warning, I'm not perfect. I'm a social player and that is one of the huge reasons I love the game so much.5. I'd start out in Ankh-morpork or the Counterweight Continent if I were you.6. There are languages to learn, books to buy, and so many other reasons to play.Good luck!


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Re: Vast Horizon

2020-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vast Horizon

I see a lot of complaining based on previous codebases, and I can totally understand it. This community has been burned in the past. Repeatedly. However, the game isn't even out yet. I could understand the amount of vitriolic posts if you'd actually played it.I think it's unfortunate that someone jumped the gun in posting the website right away with no other text.As for a sound pack, my very unpopular opinion is that people can make their own if they hate what is out there. I say that as someone who does not know how to do this, but who played muds back in the day when there was only one main mud with use of a sound pack and y'all were grateful because many didn't know how to do better.@14, you mention muds like awakened Worlds and Shadow run, but are those even ones with major player bases these days? I can tell you that use of a credit card is interesting to me. I can say that mechanics with a credit card are interesting to me, and who knows how it will turn out?With any mud, my concerns typically are about the balance of fun versus the mechanics of grinding. If fun is maximized over tedium, then I am interested. Good luck for the game on opening day. I hope people will really give it a chance before writing it off as "just another space clone."


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Re: opinions regarding armageddon?

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: opinions regarding armageddon?

I personally found the emote system to be antiquated. So it'd be a no from me, even though I've written profiles for characters before.


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Re: Farming, Homesteading, and Rustlin' up them Tradin' Skills

2020-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farming, Homesteading, and Rustlin' up them Tradin' Skills

@3, I do have a character on Cogg, although it's been so long since I've been there. I clearly just need to jump back in regularly.I have that weird thing where I love being around people, however, it's hard for me to sometimes initiate. It is so annoying.


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Re: Farming, Homesteading, and Rustlin' up them Tradin' Skills

2020-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Farming, Homesteading, and Rustlin' up them Tradin' Skills

Hello @2,I am familiar with Clok, although I've not played it in years. perhaps worth getting back in to if I could be sure to rp with others.


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Farming, Homesteading, and Rustlin' up them Tradin' Skills

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Farming, Homesteading, and Rustlin' up them Tradin' Skills

Hello,I am one of those crafty types who enjoy seeing different farming systems and learning how they work, how they tick, and if I can create something you have suggestions for me? I would take either a mud, a browser-based game with different trading skills, or something that I am not considering.if you play, how difficult is it to get involved with those aspects of the game?  Thank you very much. I'd love to play something new, preferably with others as I tend to be a social player who relishes in collaborating with and making new friends.


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Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

2020-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your thoughts: endless v.s. goal orientated

I really like the idea of both.I love idle strategy games, but I also want to feel as though I am reaching a goal, that everything I am doing is in preparation of some achievement, some new accomplishment.So, the question I want to toss back is why can't I have both? This is a great discussion.Meka


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Re: Female blind gamers

2020-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Female blind gamers

Hello,I am a female gamer. I have a lot of experience playing role-play oriented muds, some hack and slash games, incremental gaming, etc. If you are looking for someone who plays more mainstream games, I'm probably not your person as I not yet delved in to the world of console gaming, but I'd love to chat with you and see if I might be a good fit.Warmly,Meka


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Re: Progression in "Renting" Muds

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progression in "Renting" Muds

The talk of death traps makes me think of the time when I was younger (not that much maybe), and actually honest to God rage quit a mud. I'd never done it before and I haven't since then, but whew!There was a newbie school with your standard rooms teaching you to examine objects. The room talked of the importance of looking at objects and room descriptions to suss out keywords and help you be a more thorough mudder. So, you looked at the room and there was a down exit. You went down and there was a sword. You looked at the sword and there was text expressing how wonderful and smart you were to find equipment and that being thorough would serve you well in the game and that with great exploration comes great reward.Get sword"Stalactites begin to fall from the ceiling, crushing your poor newbie frame. You have encountered what is known as a death trap. Maybe you'll be more careful next time."Neither the topic nor anything in the room talked about death traps at all. My character was tossed out of the newbie academy, penniless and naked. I asked over the newbie channel if I could get back in to the academy, which was a resounding no. Once you left the academy, whether on purpose or via death trap, there was no way to return. Who codes something so punitive and stupid? I asked nicely how I needed to proceed because losing newbie equipment to a death trap in one of the first newbie rooms when the topic was never mentioned was unfair and not very newbie friendly. The players told me that it's just a part of the mud and I could either get over it or get out, and that this method separated the wheat from the chaff.I was quiet for five minutes and then gave them quite the textual earful in paragraph form. I was livid at the callousness with which they treated their newbies, and then I left in a hail of textual glory.There are systems that I wish muds would do away with, such as hunger and thirst. But the idea of rent and death traps has become a deal breaker for me, full stop.


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Re: Progression in "Renting" Muds

2019-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progression in "Renting" Muds

I thought that 3k did a very good job of this because back in the day, there were plenty of people around to do equipment runs and the like.However, now I'm older and crankier and ain't nobody got time to spend an hour gearing up just to possibly lose it in a few hours. A lot of muds try to justify this by saying that they are not punishing the player but instead fostering a sense of camaraderie. They also try to say that equipment isn't important, but I think it's a bunch of BS.I, too, am not interested in games that make you lose your equipment.


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Re: Discussion: should volunteer content creators get rewarded?

2019-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion: should volunteer content creators get rewarded?

I find this topic to be very fascinating. What I have not really heard a lot of on this thread is that while people may go in to building for the sheer love of the game, there are different forms of payment that we expect whether we admit it or not. I can only speak of my own experiences having staffed on several games during different periods of my gaming life.For me, I have always gone in to a staffing position with the idea that I get to do something awesome and see the game behind the scenes. I get to put my ideas to paper, have the ability to hammer something out and see something go from a seed of thought in to my mind to vibrant fruition. The payment that I expect, whether right or wrong, is validation. I I want to know that after all of those long hours of testing, balancing, building, rebalancing, going through the motions of getting feedback from staff is the validation of a job well done. We can talk about the love of building and the joy of selfless creative _expression_ all we want, but without those things, it is the most thankless of jobs. Support of the game owner is paramount. If I don't feel that, then my own willingness to keep going in this project that while on a voluntary basis is no less work is going to go down. Staff support and a cohesive team is the payment of being a part of a staff. Without those things, then it is not worth it to me. Let's face it, some parts of this gig is utterly thankless and hard, so those comments of support mean a great deal.I have never staffed on a game that paid any sort of virtual compensation, but as someone said above, it is important to know what you will or will not be getting in terms of payment upfront, whether it's just a 'hey, that is awesome, thanks for being a part of this team.' or some in-game virtual currency. I've never been lucky enough to work as a paid builder for Iron Realms (Hey guys, here I am if you want some of this writing!), but I think that what they do is awesome and sustainable because they are a for-profit business.I also loved the idea of what someone mentioned above in terms of allowing all players to be able to contribute and receive some in-game virtual currency, especially if you are a game that takes donations.Thanks for such a great topic, and shout out to all of you amazing content creators out here making the mudding landscape more fantastic because of your time, dedication, and imagination.


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Re: Stop punishing developers trying to make their games accessible

2019-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stop punishing developers trying to make their games accessible

I'm coming in with a very unpopular opinion.First, if you spend any time in the gamer realm at all, you also know there is a huge entitlement issue. The fact that now a member of a company is upset because of something that I also think is a shitty move and now feels soured about accessibility makes me question their intentions. And you would likely say I'm being unfair.But so are posts like this, which are basically scolding the majority of us who don't do things of this nature. Do people not believe that sighted gamers are not entitled, leave 1 star reviews for unfair reasons, or make unfair demands? It happens.So the thing that frosts my cookies is that now someone feels that they want to take their toys and go home? While I feel the frustration and sympathize, I wish this hadn't been posted here because nothing makes me want to buy a game less than the idea of someone talking about just dropping accessibility based on the actions of others. When sighted gamers also show their asses, will the company consider taking away features of their game?I always feel frustrated when I see posts like this from developers because I go between feeling frustrated on behalf of the developer, irritated at the people who made them feel this way, and angry that once again we have to be subjected to another rant by people whose games we are buying when they would be better served keeping it a little more private and group texting their feelings and sparing us from being preached at, again.


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Re: Need help Need Help with Lost Souls

2018-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Need help Need Help with Lost Souls

I am bumping this to the top to see if there are any answers. From what I gather, this is  a very free-range, non-linear mud based on progressions of skills in guilds. some others have played this. It is likely the most in-depth game I've ever seen.


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Re: Can someone who uses MUSHclient do me a favor?

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone who uses MUSHclient do me a favor?

Here you go. I have started using mushclient more regularly and I am starting to like it, but it's difficult for me to switch. There are a lot of things I'd love to learn. … o.xml?dl=0


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Re: Making Sims Accessible?

2017-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Making Sims Accessible?

I am not certain that I have a very good understanding of how sims work beyond the fact that they are simulating something, but reading various descriptions shows me that they would definitely be my cup of tea.Also, re post 4, I disagre. The wonderful thing about accessibility is that there are many people with many varying interests that can bring their experiences and preferences to the table in a myriad of ways. If we always waited for one project to be finished before contemplating the beginning of another, we would never get anywhere fast.  Even if a game being made accessible is not my cup of tea, I'm still going to work hard to champion it and support the need for accessibility on that front. So I say, bring on the games!


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Re: the Flexible survival games, *very adult*

2017-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Flexible survival games, *very adult*

I played this game for quite some time and enjoyed it immensely, although I never got in to the deeper game in terms of crafting and min-maxing my character. I'm going to be extremely frank with you. If this game is getting on your nerves in the single player, then don't bother with the mud itself. It is a safe space for people to be able to rp adult situations in a collaborative environment that is judgment free. If you have trouble keeping your own preconceived notions to yourself, then don't even bother trying the multiplayer game.Mechanically, you are able to play without the map. If you change the preference, you are able to get a list of places available on the map and go directly to the location.Not every game is for every person. I have played on these types of games for a long time. If you believe that this isn't going to be for you due to its content, then pass this one by.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I thought I'd chime in with my top five favorite muds of all time, each holding a very special place in my heart. I have been mudding since 2001 and won't be stopping anytime soon.1. DiscworldIt was the first, and in my opinion, the very best. I started out here, long before terrains were a thing. I accidentlaly led a group of people off of the Ramtops and we all died together. It is a feature-rich mud filled with things to do, people to see, and ways to play. Now it is a lot bigger with the terrains, and sometimes it's hard to get started on, but it is so worth it if you stick it out. If you want to just hang out and gain idle xp while chatting with other players, fine. If you want to min-max and be a BAMF in terms of beating up NPC's and getting your skills up? All the better. If you want to just get your crafting skills up and make quilts, that's fine too. With its quirky cast of characters, it's a fun place to be.2. Legends of
  the JediI knew nothing about Star Wars when I played. I ended up staffing on this mud for years. Roleplay-intensive and full of delicious rp goodness, this mud kept me thoroughly entertained with its approach to both character development and the initial player wipe stages. You can make a lot of equipment, do some quests, and get involved in rp, and it's all good. Hooray for muds that are fun, free, and delicious!3. AchaeaIt took me a while to get in to Achaea. One of the things that I relaly enjoy about it is that there really is something for everyone. The world is so well written that RP is the norm and is not difficult. With its mix of houses, crafting options, and ways to grow in the city, this is a great game when it comes to collaborating with others.4. Project BobDefunct and no longer online, this was the best of muds.  You could gather stuff for crafting, go in to areas and set the difficulties, enter missions, and just enjoy! Y
 ou could bot if you wanted to, or choose to collaborate with others, but there were always things to max and to do. I miss it a lot. I even wrote a scary episode for it that dealt with disappearing villagers.5. Cosmic RageI'm really enjoying the rp, the ability to craft and customize, the ability to work hard and learn new things and always see some progress. The players are wonderful, the staff is very friendly, and I'm really glad I gave it a chance.Honorable Mentionsstar ConquestI spent a lot of time on this mud with two different characters. I enjoy roleplaying very much and this scratched that persistent rp itch.End of TimeWho doesn't want a fun, final Fantasy mud to play with features so unique that I'm just a little intimidated?Unwritten LegendsOh how I love this game! I spent lots of time on it, leveling up a character and just being involved in fun rp. I love that you could fight and gain xp,
  then do other stuff while it drained in to a different pool.Dragon RealmsI really like the idea of this mud, but the crap you have to do just to log on is enough to make me not care about playing it. It is the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen. Muds are a dying breed as is, the very least that games can do is not be so proprietary about its log-in systems.This thread is so much fun to read, and I'm always looking for that next fun mud, even if it's just to drop in for a short visit. I also love to game with others, so if you ever want to check something out, send me a PM!


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Re: D&D groups

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: D&D groups

Oh, how awesome.  I start work again pretty soon so won't put in a time preference, but I'd love to see how this pans out, and maybe to talk to some people who don't find the rules daunting the way that I do.  What fun!


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Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

2016-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A warning to all who play Survive the Wild.

I don't know the parties involved, but I think that a discussion about harassment is in order. I could only stand to read a couple of pages of all of this, and I've come to some conclusions.First of all, I don't care who you are or what you've been through, if you can't manage to show some basic social etiquette when it comes to how you treat people online, you can find another pool to play in.  I've been in various online communities for years and years.  We're taught to accept that if there are wandering hands, overtly sexual comments, etc, that we should just grin and bear it. After all, the person/people are just joking/teasing/showing you that you are special etc etc.  Spare me.Secondly, there is no way on this good green Earth that I would ever play a game where the administration gleefully tossed private info from skype/email/PM on an open forum for all to see.  That says a lot about ethics.Third, s
 ome people are so cute the way that they seem to think that these forums are some sort of democracy.  You don't have to like a moderator's decision, but that's when you write  constructively to said moderator about it. In any event, they don't have to change their mind just because you want them to.Finally, the way that a developer of a game responds to this or other unpleasantness when it comes to their game community is going to say a whole lot more than any other response.  It's either going to make or break your community.Once upon a time, a more passive and  less assertive me played an rp game. I was so excited to start this new character and dig in to those features.  I was new to  how the whole rp concept worked as it came to muds, but at that point, I'd been playing those play-by-email games for years.  Someone started roleplaying raping my character.  I was horrified and had no idea of how t
 o handle the situation.  I didn't emote back, but I sent them a tell saying that I felt very uncomfortable. Uncomfortable didn't even cover it.  I was frozen there, unsure of what to do, feeling panicked and sick to my stomach and shaking uncontrollably in my chair. The person sent a tell back saying that they could do whatever they wanted to my character, regardless of my feelings, and I was a female and needed to just take it.  I then realized an invisible staff member was in the room because they lost their link.  This sent several messages to me in about two seconds. The player had zero respect for me as a person. Yes, those types of games can have some bad consequences for your character, but if a player says 'Hey I am uncomfortable with this, can we come up with an alternative/fade to black', then the other person should do just that, unless they are some sort of bottom-feeding unfeeling troglodyte. The other message was that the staff w
 as okay with it, even when they could see that I was upset.That is the first and last time that I have ever cried because of actions someone took in a game. I cried. I'm embarrassed to even say that, but the emotions that churned up in me were awful. Even just writing about it makes my stomach churn.I logged on to the game the next day to talk to a higher level immortal about what happened, and they brought down the ban hammer. They banned the player, fired the immortal that just watched after they did admit that they'd seen the logs of my tells asking this player to please stop, and they had a come to Jesus talk with their playerbase and expanded their policies. Because of the actions of the rest of the staff, and after a lot of thought, I stayed on that game for seven years.  So your response matters.So, I hope that people do the right thing, and please, please be good to each other.  The community is a healthier, more vibrant place for it.


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Re: jaws leesey games

2016-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jaws leesey games

Please don't speak as though you are the voice of everyone who plays audiogames, Aaron. Because you don't, and you aren't. I can see that there are people who are unhappy about the situation, but I've been gaming for years and you do not represent me.


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Re: Any good muds out there? Anything more than just hack and slash?

2016-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any good muds out there? Anything more than just hack and slash?

Everytime I see a post lamenting the lack of soundpacks in games, I want to tell the kids of today to get off of my lawn. Then I want to follow up with 'back in my day, we had telnet, with no local echo so you couldn't see what you were typing. And you know what?  We liked it even as we walked to school up hill both ways through the snow!'  Haha, I had to come kicking and screaming to the idea of soundpacks.  They are indeed like the dessert after a delicious main course.  Great if they are there, but for me, not the end all be all of a game.  Once upon a time, there were no such thing as soundpacks.  Haha.Thanks for the link for Harshlands.  I enjoy RPI muds like this.


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Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

I'm of the impression that when you send an email using the email link, it goes to whtever email address you set up in your profile.


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Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of Muds for Cooking, Crafting, Farming, and Exploration

MirageI sent you a private email using the link under your name with some other suggestions you might be interested in.


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Dragonrealms Remix

2015-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Dragonrealms Remix

I can't seem to find the original topic to necro it, so I'm just starting a new one.I know that there are some of you who played it. I'm aware that it's pay to play, which doesn't bother me.  Holy crafting options, batman!I know that some of you had vipmud scripts for the game.  I probably don't need anything yet, but do any of you  have the original file that was floating around the blind gamers list at one time?  Any tips for beginners?I'm considering either bard, empath, or trader.  The rp aspect appeals to me, but I'm not about to go platinum for the privelege of an all-in character server, that's for sure.Just curious if there are those of you who still play at all.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

@mirage,I was just annoyed so stepped away for a little bit.  I'll have some time to log back on today and we'll see what happens from there.I'm not sure of why I received the chest early, and I'll chat with one of the gods today when  I log on.Hopefully I'll actually get a chance to see you on the game sometime, fellow citizen!  


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I am really struggling with my avalonian life right now, and while it doesn't mean I plan to quit, I admit that I'm feeling some discouragement.  But, you guys will be so proud of me--I'm actually starting to talk to people!so, here is what happened.  I gained quite a bit of gold from the disciple course and was feeling pretty proud of myself.  I had a little trouble mechanically with the messenger course but that all worked out nicely.Then I received a chest with a lot of start-up items from the city which I greatly appreciated.   I realized at that point that every single gold piece I had gained from the course  was missing.  But no problem, I'd just use the gold that was in the chest.There was also a backpack in said chest, so I took it out to wear it.  I finished the messenger course and went to the hunter gatherer course.  For some reason, swing under forestry wasn't working even
  though it looked like it was supposed to, and I'd get a message saying that it wasn't in the lexicon.  Then I glanced at my inventory and every stitch of equipment I had just disappeared, including the brand new chest with all of its shinies, the backpack, the gold that was in the chest that I'd put in the backpack...all of it.  I talked with another player about it and he sent a tell to the main creator.  At this point, though, I have no gold, no equipment, and graduated from the school. I thought it said something about getting a reward if you do so, but I have not noticed that.  This is not a whine.  Just some frustration, and at the moment I am truly feeling stuck and discouraged.On a more positive note, a friend on twitter assisted me with both getting a meetplace account going and finding a rather kickass avatar as well.  I clicked on the link to verify the account, but after the captia, and the verifica
 tion, the account is *still* pending approval?  *shrug*  Well, hopefully soon, I guess.


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Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I am really struggling with my avalonian life right now, and while it doesn't mean I plan to quit, I admit that I'm feeling some discouragement.  But, you guys will be so proud of me--I'm actually starting to talk to people!so, here is what happened.  I gained quite a bit of gold from the disciple course and was feeling pretty proud of myself.  I had a little trouble mechanically with the messenger course but that all worked out nicely.Then I received a chest with a lot of start-up items from the city which I greatly appreciated.  I realized at that point that every single gold piece I had was missing.  But no problem, I'd just use the gold that was in the chest.There was also a backpack in said chest, so I took it out to wear it.  I finished the messenger course and went to the hunter gatherer course.  For some reason, swing under forestry wasn't working even though it looked like it was suppo
 sed to, and I'd get a message saying that it wasn't in the lexicon.  Then I glanced at my inventory and every stitch of equipment I had just disappeared, including the brand new chest with all of its shinies, the backpack, the gold I put in the backpack...all of it.  I talked with another player about it and he sent a tell to the main creator.  At this point, though, I have no gold, no equipment, and graduated from the school. I thought it said something about getting a reward if you do so, but I have not noticed that.  This is not a whine.  Just some frustration, and at the moment I am truly feeling stuck and discouraged.On a more positive note, a friend on twitter assisted me with both getting a meetplace account going and finding a rather kickass avatar as well.  I clicked on the link to verify the account, but after the captia, and the verification, the account is *still* pending approval?  *shrug*  We
 ll, hopefully soon, I guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

The militia course seems to be very pk oriented and is dependent upon whether or not there are people currently taking the messenger course.  If there aren't any taking that, you can't take the militia one, so there went my hopes of graduating with all four courses.  Ahh well.  It looks like it involves PKing the messenger course people, which isn't something that necessarily appeals to me.  I find that I am annoyingly shy about reaching out to other players, which is so dumb and irksome.  But hopefully soon. I am a social butterfly.  Not certain that Parrius is going to be the right city for me, but we shall see. Overall, I wish I had more time to devote to this and take it in one big bite.  Speaking of bites, are there crafts like cooking? Tailoring?  Those are things that also appeal to me.  I wish I could get a good idea of what I really want out of a guild so that I could just choose one already.
 I did not end up seeking sponsorship, mainly because I didn't see Mirage's post until the next day, and I went ahead and paid for some newbie time.  I hope that won't hinder me, and hope I can make some connections with people soon.Mirage, I love how in to this you are and your enthusiasm, so keep those posts coming, particularly about your progress. Are you guild leader yet?  *grin*


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Avalon RPG

2015-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Avalon RPG

I have been enjoying myself thoroughly, but I ran out of time as a novice, have no idea of whether or not I want to stay in the city, and have no clue of what guild I would like to join. I'm sitting here trying to figure out who I should tag to ask for sponsorship.  I feel so lost because I have so many decisions to make and I can be annoyingly shy about asking a random person for something like this.


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