Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

Well, that probably is true for most disabilities, blindness should be alot simpler since it is severe and more obvious.


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Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

Well, more than anything I think this is because it is a program you don't have to have worked before to qualify. The disability program people who have worked can get, once someone qualifies has alot less of those requirements.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

I still  would consider staying where I am. Couldn't you find a friendlier city, and a friendlier job place? You could telework mostly or partially too if you face hostilities.


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Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

well Brad, that is exactly how it is. The money you can't pay that your friend helps you with counts as income assistance by someone even if you literally didn't have income to pay it. That causes an benefit cut, which would make you need assistance, which would make more income cut.edit: here is the offitial source with detailed examples


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

well Brad, that is exactly how it is. The money you can't pay that your friend helps you with counts as income assistance by someone even if you literally didn't have income to pay it. That causes an benefit cut, which would make you need assistance, which would make more income cut.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

well Brad, that is exactly how it is. The money you can't pay that your friend helps you with counts as income assistance by someone even if you literally didn't have income to pay it. That causes an income cut, which would make you need assistance, which would make more income cut.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

those afordable units are a tiny tiny fraction of the people who need them. And if you stay with someone, and don't contribute your share to the bills, even when the  share you have esceeds your income, the part you don't contribute counts as income, and is used to reduce your payment even more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

7, well, usually a job offers more money and that's why blind people try to get them. Though you are right about extremely low pay or minimum wage jobs. But in the US the disability money if you haven't worked basicly is a joke and there is an enormous list of things that reduce it even more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

5, you remind me about  websites that list best places to live in the US etc, they always list places according to how little income tax you pay, without taking into consideration that in a state with no income tax, the billionaires or richest aren't contributing  and all the tax comes out of the pockets of the poorest and middle class people primarily as inflated property or sales taxes, and you can have a much higher tax burdin than what you would've had if you had had an income tax. And you pay for no taxes with crappy infrastructure, nonexistant or poorly serviced public services etc. As for moving, I really don't think it would be necesary, or even possible. From my observation, the UK seems to have a good structure in place for disabilities, and as a blind person, migration possibilities are nonexistant unles you get a job. Most countries weill see you as a burdin and automatically refuse.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Migrating to NZ

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Migrating to NZ

5, you remind me about  websites that list best places to live in the US etc, they always list places according to how little tax you pay, without taking into consideration that in a state with no income tax, the billionaires or richest aren't contributing  and all the tax comes out of the pockets of the poorest and middle class people primarily. As for moving, I really don't think it would be necesary, or even possible. From my observation, the UK seems to have a good structure in place for disabilities, and as a blind person, migration possibilities are nonexistant unles you get a job. Most countries weill see you as a burdin and automatically refuse.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

I was afraid when I started it that I would have issues remembering everything or all the characters, but I didn't. The nice thing is,  the books offer so much insight into all the characters, it becomes impossible not to like alot of them. But I don't think it  was too long.Many times my feeling was wait is this over already? when reading the books. And there are references across all the other cosmere books is nice too. My theory is that an apocolyptic event across all the cosmere is coming, and stormlight archive is where it will be covered. You can also come to a similar conclusion after reading mistborn era II.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

6, if you liked mistborn, then you might like the Stormlight Archive as well. I have read all the cosmere stuff, and this one, probably the length has something to do with it, has the most  character development by far. But it is more of the world is ending stuff.But the nice thing is there aren't stereotypical fantassy characters you might see in most books.Be warned though, it takes quite a while for action to speed up. Sanderson does alot of world building, but if you get through book1, and you like it, chances are you probably will like the other 3.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fantasy book suggestions

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fantasy book suggestions

6, if you liked mistborn, then you might like the Stormlight Archive as well. I have read all the cosmere stuff, and this one, probably the length has something to do with it, has the most  character development by far. But it is more of the world is ending stuff.But the nice thing is there aren't stereotypical fantassy characters you might see in most books.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

2021-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

So one piece of advice I can  give, talk to your transplant specialist, even if your GP isn't helpful, the transplant people should be able to give you info you can work with or point you at people who can. If this isn't possible, you could see an immmunologist or infectious disease specialist.


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Re: Problems with sapi5

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problems with sapi5

did you try to repair windows using the dism restorehealth command?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

48, the problem is, a safe can work, but if someone is really in a moodd to get it open, they can crack the combination, or use an oxygen torch to cut through the safe.And by missals, I am pretty certain we are talking shorter range ones.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

45, this is factually incorrect.If someone has no criminal record, and intends to shoot up some place, and stockpiles ammo and guns, they can do so with no oversight. The argument that if someone wants to shoot up a place the weapon can't have been obtained legally is false, as evidenced by the Las Vegas shooting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: About COVID-19 vaccine and immunosuppressants

Don't ask this on a forum. Ask your doctor. Some people using emunosupressants can't take live vaccines for example, and effectiveness of others get reduced. They will give you the best and most correct info.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

42,  I did actually do research on the laws I commented on. In a specific state, owning missiles or firing them is legal. 50 calibur  rifles can be bought as sporting rifles in pro gun states, some states allow ownership of mines, RPGs, some states allow guns in universities, and even pubs.43, this is exactly the problem.But let me add, not only is gun ownership high, its the highest on earth, the US has the highest per  guns per person ownership. Same for ammunition. It is hardly a coincidence that gun violence is extremely high.For the simple reason, its easy to go get your gun if your mad, and demonstrate your anger by shooting the person dead. This is called a crime of passion when it involves little to no forthought. And the insane thing is republicans  want to solve the problem with more guns and more lax gun rules. That is literally like trying to put out a fire by pumping more gasoline onto it.


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Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

The craziest argument I hear for gun ownership is if we own guns, the government can't harm or control us. Anyone who actually thinks that is delusional too, and that is a horrible horrible excuse for the laws in their current form.  Ome thing not many may not have considered is since the US is a melting pot of multiple groups of people, and gun ownership is especially high in some areas, if there is a shortage of something, and the rule of law is disrupted, or if law enforcement is preoccupied with an emergency, you could have civil war, or mass firefights of people shooting each other for a cup of gas or a pack of food.


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Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

True, but the relative scarcity of guns would mean overall a smaller gun market, and thus less in the hands of these people. But one thing is for sure, the word arms in the amendment has been taken wayyy too far to include crazy weapons like chain guns, machine guns asault rifles, mines etc. I really think even if the amendment can't be removed, surely enough support would be there to make it so  the amendment is changed to restrict the defenition of arms.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

Jayde, the issue here is simply the reason the bad actors get those guns in the first place is liberal gun laws. And the issue here is if your dad has a gun for example, and you are a criminal, you can go grab his gun when he goes out of town, and do your mass shooting. Also, the Las Vegas shooter had 40 or so fucking rifles and thousands of rounds of amunition. He put all that into 20 or 30 suitcases, and brought them up to his hotel room to do the shooting. All of that was obtained legally. At some point, buying that much weaponry especially since its tracked  should generate some sort of alert in the system. Also, the fact all of that weaponry could be gotten legally, to kill 58, and wound more than 550 should say volumes about the laws, and lead some to say, well aren't the laws fucked up a bit?Defender, I have no issue with guns in museums etc, or for recreational shooting in gun ranges. But what I'm saying is  this gun culture is overall harmful to the country. More guns, or making it easier to get them feed gun crime simply because if there is a disagreement or fight, a gun can come out instead of a knife had that person not be able to get a gun. I don't think most states have restrictions for nonlethal weapons though. But  the thing most people don't know is most countries not only ban guns, but  also stop people from having other lethal weapons like large knives or openly carrying them.The thing about banned weapon list is it makes sense, though a weapon class banned list makes more sense. Certain weapons really shouldn't be had by civilians. Take 50 calibur sniper rifles for example. Such a weapon could shoot through 20 people put back to back if you lined them up. Or machine guns, rpgs and other rocket or missile launchers. Actually believe it or not, its legal in some states to shoot off a  missile. As for gun buyback programs, I think democrats probably would want to try that first, but  people love their guns too much for that to  work, maybe if you gave them a giant tax exemption if they gave them up, it might have a chance of working.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

95, I really see no point in arguing with you, as you keep repeating the same points over and over. As I said about a thousand times before, I never claimed to be an expert in this field, and you can't ever proove I did, so drop that. And congrats to you for reducing a very prestigious degree from a more prestigious institution to a "fancy piece of paper". And no, all those skills can't be earned the same to the degree with self-education.  That is why people with advanced degrees usually get paid more for the same job from people who don't have them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

32 is that such a bad thing though? The country would be a whole lot safer, eventually there would be no shootings to the level of the UK and EU etc, and after a point police probably wouldn't have to carry asault rifles or guns at all, like it is in the UK. That would mean no police shootings  because someone's trigger finger itched. I mean this whole obsession with guns thing is really detremental and harmful. Noone should carry a gun other than for hunting, and then only  weapons appropriate for hunting. The assumption by default shouldn't be this person can get a gun, but why does this person need a gun, and they normally don't need one, proove you need one and you better not kill or injure anyone  with it,  or we'll take them all and lifetime sanction you and prevent you from ever legally owning one again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

32 is that such a bad thing though? The country would be a whole lot safer, eventually there would be no shootings to the level of the UK and EU etc, and after a point police probably wouldn't have to carry asault rifles or guns at all, like it is in the UK. That would mean no police shootings  because someone's trigger finger itched.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

32 is that such a bad thing though? The country would be a whole lot safer, eventually there would be no shootings to the level of the UK and EU etc, and after a point police probably wouldn't have to carry asault rifles or guns at all, like it is in the UK.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

29, hearing a target isn't good enough to take a shot at it. What happens if you are in a croud, and hit someone else instead? Or at home, and accidentally hit a family member behind your target? For close range, weapons like tasers, knives make alot more sense and are alot  less likely to generate casualties. This blindness isn't important stuff sounds ridiculous, and is like saying,  hmm blind people can hear traffic and what lane a car is at, so they should get to drive. Noone screams and cries about discrimination when blind people can't drive, and noone should about guns too. Democrats really aren't doing enough to ban guns. If enough public support is reached, there really should be talk of modifying the constitution so that gun ownership becomes a privilidge instead of a right.Its a document like any other, and should be changed if there is enough public support for it. Until gun ownership is a privilidge, we will keep having more and more and more shootings, and Nancy Pelosi will keep putting out her condolances messages for the people who died instead of actually taking action. Aalso, I'd watch that tone if I were you. You seem to imply that you or people you influence would go out and start killing hundreds/thousands and start a civil war.


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Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

as for infrastructure, something has to be done about that too.  But complicating is it that, people would view raising taxes as money thrown away, nevermind that it benefits people more in times of crisis, and you don't have stuff like 4 week power outages in an ice storm if you modernize the equipment.  I don't know what it would take to explain the benefits of a modern infrastructure to people that is relatable to everyone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

8, I agree with you on the US being the most conservative developed country. So 1,  I invite you to step back and think about this for a moment. The US is by far the most conservative country among all the developed nations. If you wanted more, you have to go to places like Saudi Arabia, but wait, I guess Muslim Wahabi conservatism would be offensive to you so. Here are some things that show that. Here in the US, democrats are like center right conservatives in other countries. Look at it this way. Under Trump people got more stimulus than they're getting under Biden. Even though demoicrats control both chambers, Joe Manchin and a few other democrats went omgomgomg we can't offend our republican friends, so lets lower the eligibility of checks to 50k a year, and ended up doing it so that anyone earning over 80  k a  year was totally cut out. He said he would send 2000 checks if the democrats in Georgia won, but when they did he turned around and said wait you already got 600 so you actually get 1400 hahaha. And for reference, when biden said he'd send another 2000,  after the 600 stimulus had passed under Trump so, what he did was really cheap. You may see 600 isn't much, but people notice these things. Also, the so called moderate democrats went further, and cut unemployment from the initial proposal from 400 to 300 a week. And the so called moderates are blocking getting rid of the filibuster, regardless of the fact that it basicly means they'll accomplish exactly nothing until the midterms, as republicans will block any bill  put forth by the democrats, because they long figured out it hurts them and they get blamed for it. So based on what's happening, democrats probably will lose the midterm elections. They iether are extremely dumb or  naive, not taking action to keep their campaign promises,  and bowing to republicans for so called bipartisanship, never mind what you acctually acomplish in the name of that. Oh and Biden said initially he would forgive student lone debt, and someone asked him  during a town hall if he supported that, or owuld do it, and he adamently said no. So he's doing a really good job to harm his image in the eyes of many groups of people. Even the progressive democrats are far to docile , they just let Manchin single handedly block the bill until he got stimulus eligibility and the minimum wage increase cut, when any of them could have stood up and did  the same to get at least some of what they want. And when the parlamentarian said the minimum wage couldn't be passed by reconsiliation, democrats were again too docile to overrule the parlamentarian, nevermind that they had the right to do that.  In short, democrats are extremely spineless and won't accomplish much, and as a result are doomed to keep losing midterms because they do a far better job of punching themselves in the face than anyone else ever could.8, as for states having more auttonomy, I feel that it would ultimately harmful. If places go all republicanland as much as they want, that actually can get  people killed, hello Texas? or bankrupt, hello again Texas? Or like states that opt out of obamacare, hello again Texas and some other states. Or with voter laws to desuade certain groups of people from voting, like requiring certain types of ID, removing ballot boxes from certain locations etc.  This screws over alot of groups of people, and screws over even more people who can't move out of said states that harm they're livelyhood  for various reasons. In worst case scenario, we could have another civil war, with republican and democrat states, though this seemed more likely under Trump.1, if you still aren't convinced you are already living in the most conservative developed country, look another point, guns. The US, other than Yemen is the only country where possessing asault weapons is enshrined in the constitution as a right. This has done alot of harm. Look at US gun violence rates compared to  other developed country, even if you account for population difference, it is massively higher. But nooo that isn't enough. We  also have to give blind people guns? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I am still astounded on how crazy this is. Blind people can't be legally refused gun permits, never mind the fact that people with felony or  drug charges can't own one, and that being able to visualize a target is gun safety 101, and the fact that you  can't visualize a target means you shouldn't own one.Its literally  like  2+2=4. And no, hearing should not count as visualisation, as its not as accurate or relyable for this as vision.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

8, I agree with you on the US being the most conservative developed country. So 1,  I invite you to step back and think about this for a moment. The US is by far the most conservative country among all the developed nations. If you wanted more, you have to go to places like Saudi Arabia, but wait, I guess Muslim Wahabi conservatism would be offensive to you so. Here are some things that show that. Here in the US, democrats are like center right conservatives in other countries. Look at it this way. Under Trump people got more stimulus than they're getting under Biden. Even though demoicrats control both chambers, Joe Manchin and a few other democrats went omgomgomg we can't offend our republican friends, so lets lower the eligibility of checks to 50k a year, and ended up doing it so that anyone earning over 80  k a  year was totally cut out. He said he would send 2000 checks if the democrats in Georgia won, but when they did he turned around and said wait you already got 600 so you actually get 1400 hahaha. And for reference, when biden said he'd send another 2000,  after the 600 stimulus had passed under Trump so, what he did was really cheap. You may see 600 isn't much, but people notice these things. Also, the so called moderate democrats went lower, and cut unemployment from the initial proposal from 400 to 300 a week. And the so called moderates are blocking getting rid of the filebuster, regardless of the fact that it basicly means they'll accomplish exactly nothing until the midterms, as republicans will block any bill  put forth by the democrats, because they long figured out it hurts them and they get blamed for it. So based on what's happening, democrats probably will lose the midterm elections. They iether are extremely dumb or  naive, not taking action to keep their campaign promises,  and bowing to republicans for so called bipartisanship, never mind what you acctually acomplish in the name of that. Oh and Biden said initially he would forgive student lone debt, and someone asked him  during a town hall if he supported that, or owuld do it, and he adamently said no. So he's doing a really good job to harm his image in the eyes of many groups of people. Even the progressive democrats are far to docile , they just let Manchin single handedly block the bill until he got stimulus eligibility and the minimum wage increase cut, when any of them could have stood up and did  the same to get at least some of what they want. And when the parlamentarian said the minimum wage couldn't be passed by reconsiliation, democrats were again too docile to overrule the parlamentarian, nevermind that they had the right to do that.  In short, democrats are extremely spineless and won't accomplish much, and as a result are doomed to keep losing midterms because they do a far better job of punching themselves in the face than anyone else ever could.8, as for states having more auttonomy, I feel that it would ultimately harmful. If places go all republicanland as much as they want, that actually can get  people killed, hello Texas? or bankrupt, hello again Texas? Or like states that opt out of obamacare, hello again Texas and some other states. Or with voter laws to desuade certain groups of people from voting, like requiring certain types of ID, removing ballot boxes from certain locations etc.  This screws over alot of groups of people, and screws over even more people who can't move out of said states that harm they're livelyhood  for various reasons. In worst case scenario, we could have another civil war, with republican and democrat states, though this seemed more likely under Trump.1, if you still aren't convinced you are already living in the most conservative developed country, look another point, guns. The US, other than Yemen is the only country where possessing asault weapons is enshrined in the constitution as a right. This has done alot of harm. Look at US gun violence rates compared to  other developed country, even if you account for population difference, it is massively higher. But nooo that isn't enough. We  also have to give blind people guns? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I am still astounded on how crazy this is. Blind people can't be legally refused gun permits, never mind the fact that people with felony or  drug charges can't own one, and that being able to visualize a target is gun safety 101, and the fact that you  can't visualize a target means you shouldn't own one.Its literally  like  2+2=4. And no, hearing should not count as visualisation, as its not as accurate or relyable for this as vision.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: thinking about leaving the us

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: thinking about leaving the us

8, I agree with you on the US. So 1,  I invite you to step back and think about this for a moment. The US is by far the most conservative country among all the developed nations. If you wanted more, you have to go to places like Saudi Arabia, but wait, I guess Muslim Wahabi conservatism would be offensive to you so. Here are some things that show that. Here in the US, democrats are like center right conservatives in other countries. Look at it this way. Under Trump people got more stimulus than they're getting under Biden. Even though demoicrats control both chambers, Joe Manchin and a few other democrats went omgomgomg we can't offend our republican friends, so lets lower the eligibility of checks to 50k a year, and ended up doing it so that anyone earning over 80  k a  year was totally cut out. He said he would send 2000 checks if the democrats in Georgia won, but when they did he turned around and said wait you already got 600 so you actually get 1400 hahaha. And for reference, when biden said he'd send another 2000,  after the 600 stimulus had passed under Trump so, what he did was really cheap. You may see 600 isn't much, but people notice these things. Also, the so called moderate democrats went lower, and cut unemployment from the initial proposal from 400 to 300 a week. And the so called moderates are blocking getting rid of the filebuster, regardless of the fact that it basicly means they'll accomplish exactly nothing until the midterms, as republicans will block any bill  put forth by the democrats, because they long figured out it hurts them and they get blamed for it. So based on what's happening, democrats probably will lose the midterm elections. They iether are extremely dumb or  naive, not taking action to keep their campaign promises,  and bowing to republicans for so called bipartisanship, never mind what you acctually acomplish in the name of that. Oh and Biden said initially he would forgive student lone debt, and someone asked him  during a town hall if he supported that, or owuld do it, and he adamently said no. So he's doing a really good job to harm his image in the eyes of many groups of people. Even the progressive democrats are far to docile , they just let Manchin single handedly block the bill until he got stimulus eligibility and the minimum wage increase cut, when any of them could have stood up and did  the same to get at least some of what they want. And when the parlamentarian said the minimum wage couldn't be passed by reconsiliation, democrats were again too docile to overrule the parlamentarian, nevermind that they had the right to do that.  In short, democrats are extremely spineless and won't accomplish much, and as a result are doomed to keep losing midterms because they do a far better job of punching themselves in the face than anyone else ever could.8, as for states having more auttonomy, I feel that it would ultimately harmful. If places go all republicanland as much as they want, that actually can get  people killed, hello Texas? or bankrupt, hello again Texas? Or like states that opt out of obamacare, hello again Texas and some other states. Or with voter laws to desuade certain groups of people from voting, like requiring certain types of ID, removing ballot boxes from certain locations etc.  This screws over alot of groups of people, and screws over even more people who can't move out of said states that harm they're livelyhood  for various reasons. In worst case scenario, we could have another civil war, with republican and democrat states, though this seemed more likely under Trump.1, if you still aren't convinced you are already living in the most conservative developed country, look another point, guns. The US, other than Yemen is the only country where possessing asault weapons is enshrined in the constitution as a right. This has done alot of harm. Look at US gun violence rates compared to  other developed country, even if you account for population difference, it is massively higher. But nooo that isn't enough. We  also have to give blind people guns? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I am still astounded on how crazy this is. Blind people can't be legally refused gun permits, never mind the fact that people with felony or  drug charges can't own one, and that being able to visualize a target is gun safety 101, and the fact that you  can't visualize a target means you shouldn't own one.Its literally  like  2+2=4. And no, hearing should not count as visualisation, as its not as accurate or relyable for this as vision.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Star fire, Ethin is still hot headed, as can be evidenced  by his posts. And no ethin, an advanced degree doesn't magically stop meaning anything if it isn't in biology, it just means you aren't an authority in that field. It doesn't also mean you lack other skills used to get that degree.91, rofl that is funny. Guess you should use another magnet to dislodge the magnet dust in your  skin.Starfire, replied to pm


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Star fire, Ethin is still hot headed, as can be evidenced  by his posts. And no ethin, an advanced degree doesn't magically stop meaning anything if it isn't in biology, it just means you aren't an authority in that field. It doesn't also mean you lack other skills used to get that degree.91, rofl that is funny. Guess you should use another magnet to dislodge the magnet dust in your  skin.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

OK Sorry  Ethin,  but  pointing  out the spelling mistake in the way is clearly  an attack. Any idiot with  a few neurons still alive in their brain can  very clearly   see that. And it is an ivasion tactic that shifts focus away from the actual argument. You are like a broken record spewing the same stuff over and over and over again. I never ever claimed to be an expert in biology, and clearly stated I was conveying my opinions. Thev whole thread was really civil until Camlorn did what he  does best, and took up the inflamatory comments, decided a CS degree made him a biologist, which he then turned around and accused me of doing, and then was like  we should suspend ethics and let people be infected with a yet unknown virus, and casually was like, yeah we'll kill off  quite a few participants but yeah, totally ignored credible medical sources I sited that suggested an approach like this wasn't worth the risk and was pointless, personally attacked me over spelling, accused me of killing people, regardless of the fact that I didn't erge anyone to do the same, tried to play dumb  and claim that MRNA vaccines were equally known and safe as  other vaccines using different technology, and insighted personal attacks against me in this thread.78, I recommend you actually do a google search on what college is, and what an advanced degree entails, hint its not like high school, before attacking me personally. As for debate, do you know anything about debate? I   think not. As for star fire, I didn't mean the translation as an insult at all. I was trying to point out that natively language can be used to convey meaning without having it explicitly stated in a sentence.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Well, I wasn't stretching it out, when someone  tries to bash you through spelling instead of your points, and insultingly nittpicks mistakes out of your text, regardless of the fact this is a forum and not a thesis project, that is an attack, and you gotta shoot back at someone who shoots at you. That is how the world functions.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

69,  I recommend you use some translator app to better understand posts here. As for spelling, it is universally known as pettyness if you are arguing a point with someone, and instead of  addressing your points, that person takes shots  at your spelling to make them seem superior.  Coding may be hard, that doesn't mean  we get to worship people who master it. And mastering a field of knowledge, then producing an original work in that field is much , sentienceJayde, sentience is independant from any damage we cause to this planet. Having family, or biting someone doesn't equal sentience., you are sentient because we can have this debate, sentience means you are capable of complex learning, understanding obscure concepts and complex learning beyond simple behavioral modifications. A sentient creature has more of  an impact with other sentient creatures, and more potential.  This is what I mean, with regards to experimentation, I'd rather run my experiments on unthinking non-sentient  creatures than intelligent humans.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

you just proove my point. You have such an insane inflated sense of self worth. That code example just prooves that, and the fact that you withhout knowing anything about any of my works, presume to see yourself above me. Any objective person  reading this would see it too. But for your information, I have an advanced degree,  and any page of my thesis would equal several thousand of your lines of code in its worth, creativity, and actual work  to be able to write the page. Don't know why, but this seems to be a trend with computer science people. Alot  of them I've I've encountered, have this incredible know it all attitude and ego.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

you just proove my point. You have such an insane inflated sense of self worth. That code example just prooves that, and the fact that you withhout knowing anything about any of my works, presume to see yourself above me. Any objective person  reading this would see it too. But for your information, I have an advanced degree,  and any page of my thesis would equal several thousand of your lines of code in its worth, creativity, and actual work  to be able to write the page.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

63, enjoy thinking you're the king of the world because you know some code. Except remember thatv doesn't make you all knowing and give you the ability to look down on  others.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

61,You are correct of us raping and destroying the earth, but in a fundemental way humans have more potential. Think about it for a second from your own life. How many people did you interact with so far in your life? Thousands? Did you consdier you pushed at least some of them to make big decisions that altered their life? This all comes down to humans are sentient and rats aren't. Rats may have complex families and social structures, but without  sentience, they by default have less potential. That doesn't mean its ok to kill them, but they are less of a loss than someone's family member or parent for example.As for child risks, I would say participating ina covid trial would be like a mom doing drugs while pregnant, totally irresponsible and life altering for the child.As for medical research again, this whole thing was 100% preventable if we had understood viruses more, and had more funding to develop virus killer drugs. Maybe later on when this is over we will. When a next pandemic happened, that would mean, hey here is the  antiviral broad spectrum, take it to slow/stop infection until we make a slight modification to it.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Ok,Some  additional points.  The only reason China was more successful is because of their totalitarian government and their citizens are dogmatically used to obeying the government.  So when they locked down, they had no more of that yeaah my freedom thing we had here. That helped  them get it quickly under control, control transmition and spread/ The numbers are likely  fabricated too, given their past history of lack of transparency.Camlorn,You obviously think you're the expert, as you've decided to make up your own mind  about challenge trials and ignore what the experts say when it doesn't  suit you or conflicts with your opinions.And spelling? The very fact you attack my spelling rather than my arguments, and sidestep points  just show me how petty you are. Do something else more productive with your time rather than vraille reading through my posts  and nitpicking spelling mistakes out of them.  Doing this doesn't show intelligence, only pettyness.You say the west destroyed the economy? Well, see what red republican states did, basicly said fuck the pandemic and continued on as usual, and they had many times the hospitalisation  rates and death rates of other areas that instituted mask policies and social distancing.As for that fire analogy, you aren't pissing on the fire, you're pouring gasoline on the fire and fanning the flames to make it grow bigger  killing everyone in the house instead of limiting the fire to that house and containing it.  As for people  signing a waiver and getting the vaccine? How many people do you think would be crazy enough to do that? Very few would. Even now the issue with the vaccine is production, there is less vaccine in circulation than actual people able to get it.Now on to challenge trials again. Do you really think its someone's personal choice to risk  their life for example if they are a caregivver or have children later, and pass virus DNA damage onto them? You say giving the virus directly and  maybe having someone get infected naturally are the same?Well they sure as fuck aren't. Its like  the possibility of someone being shot in a combat warzone randomly, and testing a new wound healing  treatment on them afterward, vs we can't wait for that, heres $1k, lets shoot you in the stomach so we can try this thing we never tried on anyone else. Anyone with a basic level of ethics training will tell you the second scenario is fucked up, because you pull that trigger and cause direct harm, whereas the first scenario its incidental, and the person was harmed initially anyway. And unluck those who don't have any ethics pledges to go by, or have some they can ignore whenever they feel like it, for alot of doctors, do no harm actually means something, to them,  and the hippocratic oath is the oldest oath in medicine still practiced today. It doesn't  go like pandemic equals ethics  mode off, anything goes.And onto the doctors that condemn what the UK is doingfirst, the one you sidestepped, because it challenged your worldview … what-cost/ … 9-vaccine/


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Jayde,Several things here. Some of the articles I have sent, you will see that many medical professionals  say that challenge trials wouldn't accomplish anything, and would be unethical because all the complications and longterm effects of covid aren't well known. This is unethical for several reasons, as I said you can't be informed and understand the risks if said risks aren't known. Second, you have to offer some sort of compensation.  Once you do this, you open a whole new can of worms, as people who lost their jobs, or need money will enroll and disregard the fine print. Third,  viruses are known to modify DNA. What precaution would you take to make sure this person's experementation results wern't passed on to their child if they decided to have children? The only way is forced sterilisation of anyone participating, but this generates more issues. What about if the person becomes perminently disabled and requires lifelong care? Who is going to cover that or carry it out? Is it ethical to ssubject the family to providing care for something that wasn't necesary? Do you see where I am going with this? As for rats, I didn't say it was acceptable to experiment on them, but it is clearly the lesser of two evils. The ethics regulations insure they don't suffer unnecesarily. But this is very much preferable to human experimentation. A rat has less potential than a human, so a death  of a  rat is less significant than the death of a human.As for MRNA vaccenes, you summed up what I was trying to say. I was saying that to the poster,  who admits they have their pick of both vaccenes, the oxford and fizer, that if I were in their shoes, I would take  the Oxford one, I said the MRNA vaccene was newer, and the possibility was there that any longterm implications are unknown.  Some people on this thread try to paint a black and white picture and to villify me as anti-vaccene, which is completely false.Ethin, enjoy being a scientist's lab rat then. I personally wouldn't participate in any clinical trial for a condition I don't have, because the unknown risks don't justify the gains in my book.Jayde, I think there are better ways than shortcutting the medical approval process.First, we could have a serious infectious disease and pandemic preparation budget, instead of spending a trillion on a jet that won't even fly, we could develop newer antibiotics that don't have the side effects of the current ones, and are more targeted, antiviral drugs that actually kill off viruses, instead of only stopping them from dividing, and that lack the serious downsides of the current ones, and vaccenes for broad classes of viruses, so when a pandemic hits, you don't have to rush a vaccene or drug, and you have something ready that works effectively for treatment or prevention.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

And a timeline of the tuskagee study


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

47, I very much doubt any vaccene had a  4% death rate. That is massively high, and any vaccene with such a high death rate would be withdrawn.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Maybe the president shouldn't have disbanded the pandemic office rather than giving his billionaire friends massive  tax cuts? You know, if that office hadn't been shut down by trump, they would have had a plan to manage pandemics like these. And yes, a vaccene developed should be perfectly safe, to make sure the cure isn't worse than the disease, and to make sure you don't fuck up someone's life in the name of a possibility of helping others. And remember the rigorous testing process was what allowed us to eliminate nonfunctional treatments like hydroxycloroquine.Jayde, I would say biology is very different than programing, as  you don't know many variables that may effect the cure you develope, the cure can have many interactions that you may not  know could occur, or that occur by a mechanism you don't know about. The cure can have delayed effects, though rare, again, see quinolone antibiotics as an example of how this happened, still the process by which those antibiotics cause perminent disability isn't understood. Another difference between biology and programming, you can't just say aah fuck ethics, let me test all combinations of my drug on poor black africans who can't refuse some money, and killing them is an acceptable sacrifice. You hold peoples lives literally in your hand, which is why  majoring in medicine or biology requires ethics classes, unlike programming. A doctor or biologist without ethics to keep a check on what they're doing could do monsterous things in the name of the greater good, like the experiment where mentally impaired students at a boarding school were fed radioactive cerial.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

oh,    now oyu  start bashing me too? You  are really eager to point out I don't have  a biology major, yet camlorn doesn't have one iether, and  is spouting bullcrap   about challenge trials, but you swallow  that eagerly too. Look  at what the experts withthe biology and medical degrees say about challenge trials, and you will see the majority condemn  them and say they aren't necesary, and expose people to unnecesary risk. See the very foundation of an ethical trial is the participant to understand the risks. Covid is an unknown, both on the longterm, as well as what effects it might have, or the perminent ones. Therefore a participant really can't give informed  consent because they can't truly understand the risks or what might result. The trials that were done didn't have as much of this problem. They gave the vaccenes to the participants, and then observed how many got covid compared to others. That is very different than injecting someone with covid.And vaccene regulations? Hmm lets see, lets do away with regulation entirely, and have companies cook up random recepies and  give them out to people in 24 hours with no data that they work.  Understand the current process is rigorous and ensures a relatively safer product comes out of the pipeline, when it is actually  followed instead of being rushed. All of the process was developed as a result of someone fucking up or bad things happening.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

as for repetition of trials,  that can be justified too. Especially if trials come from countries like China, which is known for their lack of regard  for human  rights or the rule of law. Or Turkey, for example where the medical advisory board just said hmm all vaccenes are the same, so we don't need to make our own data, run tests or even look at the data, we'll blanket approve anything.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

39, I can't resist this thread iether. You compare oranges to Apples. Inactivated virus vaccenes have litterally existed for more than 200 years. Those vaccenes aren't even remotely similar to MRNA vaccenes, mainly because the virus in question is inactivated, and isn't even capable of producing the disease, and  no part of the vaccene  involves delivering a viral payload to your cells to make the virus  proteins.Challenge trials? holy fuck I'm glad you aren't running this country. And this, ladys and gentlemen, is what happens when you don't require that stem majors take ethics classes. Firstly, infecting people with a live virus is  ethically fucked up, morally fucked up, and fucked up in every other conceivable way, almost all medical professionals agree. It has no place in a developed and civilized country. Want challenge trials? try that out in a third world country who doesn't give a fuck about human rights, and international law, Russia, and especially China come to mind.  They'll put a gun to your head, make you sign some papers, lock you in a fascist  Chinese concentration camp, and use you as a test animal for all manner of substences and pathogens until you expire, which you would want to happen soon after being there a while. Are you even aware how morally and ethically bankrupt it would be, even if the  vaccene is assumed to be totally safe, the virus sure as fuck isn't, and viruses are known to make modifications in DNA, like the monno virus, which could cause all sorts of undesirable things, like cancer that happens after 5-10 years that kills you, strange autoimmune disorders etc. You  would be giving someone a virus that you have no idea  what it does. What China did was oh we mixed up this vaccene, have no fucking clue if it works, but lets make it manditory for our populations, we are the dictators afterall, and we can force anyone to do anything, or take any medicine. They came up with three, and they're selling them to developing countries that have little to no regard for human life,  which also happens to include countries like Turkey,  Malaysia etc. None of the developing countries won't take them, because there is no proof that they work, none of the sources that say they do are objective sources, and are sources like the Butandan institute of Brazil, which if you do a 20 second search on, you'll see what they think of covid.  More on challenge trials, the US used to  do trials like these, look up the Tusgigi experiment, which  was done on black men in jail, exposing them to herpes for 40 years to study the effects on the body. For reasons like these, trials like  this will be condemned by the medical profession, for good reason, like the one the UK wants to run. … what-cost/You  accuse   me of spreading misinformation, but everything I said here is fact,  and can't be disproven. These MRNA vaccenes were applied on humans the first time with covid, that is a fact. And also the long term effects are unknown. Don't take my word for it, the FDA says the same on the website. … -explainedAnd just because scientists worked on them 20 years, doesn't necesarily mean they're safe, without doing human trials. You can't apply programer logic to biology. The world doesn't function that way. The clinical trial is the only indicator of a product's safety, that and animal trials first. You are also going way overboard  accusing me of killing people. The OP asked for our opinion, and we provided one, he is free to do what he wants, I provided the facts which he can look at for himself. Will you also accept responsibility if op decides to get an MRNA vaccene when you downplay any risks, and then dies or becomes disabled or gets cancer?Those those 1300 or so deaths for the vaccene are important and need to be investigated, you say they are coincidental deaths. Most aren't, like the virginia woman who died 20 minutes after getting it. It is an astronomically low possibility that the vaccene wasn't the cause, particularly as the death happened immediately after injection. … e-n1256880


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

39, I can't resist this thread iether. You compare oranges to Apples. Inactivated virus vaccenes have litterally existed for more than 200 years. Those vaccenes aren't even remotely similar to MRNA vaccenes, mainly because the virus in question is inactivated, and isn't even capable of producing the disease, and  no part of the vaccene  involves delivering a viral payload to your cells to make the virus  proteins.Challenge trials? holy fuck I'm glad you aren't running this country. And this, ladys and gentlemen, is what happens when you don't require that stem majors take ethics classes. Firstly, infecting people with a live virus is  ethically fucked up, morally fucked up, and fucked up in every other conceivable way, almost all medical professionals agree. It has no place in a developed and civilized country. Want challenge trials? try that out in a third world country who doesn't give a fuck about human rights, and international law, Russia, and especially China come to mind.  They'll put a gun to your head, make you sign some papers, lock you in a fascist  Chinese concentration camp, and use you as a test animal for all manner of substences and pathogens until you expire, which you would want to happen soon after being there a while. Are you even aware how morally and ethically bankrupt it would be, even if the  vaccene is assumed to be totally safe, the virus sure as fuck isn't, and viruses are known to make modifications in DNA, like the monno virus, which could cause all sorts of undesirable things, like cancer that happens after 5-10 years that kills you, strange autoimmune disorders etc. You  would be giving someone a virus that you have no idea  what it does. What China did was oh we mixed up this vaccene, have no fucking clue if it works, but lets make it manditory for our populations, we are the dictators afterall, and we can force anyone to do anything, or take any medicine. They came up with three, and they're selling them to developing countries that have little to no regard for human life,  which also happens to include countries like Turkey,  Malaysia etc. None of the developing countries won't take them, because there is no proof that they work, none of the sources that say they do are objective sources, and are sources like the Butandan institute of Brazil, which if you do a 20 second search on, you'll see what they think of covid.  More on challenge trials, the US used to  do trials like these, look up the Tusgigi experiment, which  was done on black men in jail, exposing them to herpes for 40 years to study the effects on the body. For reasons like these, trials like  this will be condemned by the medical profession, for good reason, like the one the UK wants to run. … what-cost/You  accuse   me of spreading misinformation, but everything I said here is fact,  and can't be disproven. These MRNA vaccenes were applied on humans the first time with covid, that is a fact. And also the long term effects are unknown. Don't take my word for it, the FDA says the same on the website. … -explainedYou are also going way overboard  accusing me of killing people. The OP asked for our opinion, and we provided one, he is free to do what he wants, I provided the facts which he can look at for himself. Will you also accept responsibility if op decides to get an MRNA vaccene when you downplay any risks, and then dies or becomes disabled or gets cancer?Those those 1300 or so deaths for the vaccene are important and need to be investigated, you say they are coincidental deaths. Most aren't, like the virginia woman who died 20 minutes after getting it. It is an astronomically low possibility that the vaccene wasn't the cause, particularly as the death happened immediately after injection. … e-n1256880


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

37,  we can't know that though at this stage. That is why I was saying, with all else being equal, going for something made using established techniques seems smarter.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

I was comparing how the disease and vaccene work, because there is parallelism between how the vaccene and HIV works.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

As for the checks and balances, they exist for very good reasons, to stop poisons or marginally effective or unproven medications and vaccenes,  like the chinese vaccenes, sinovac, from going on the market. These vaccenes wern't developed slowly, it was an  extremely rushed process, and the rules should've been followed. It normally takes 8-10 years  for a vaccene to be developed. You can't just say, hmm theres a pandemic, and I feel what I developed is safe, regardless of the fact its never been tried before, so let me put it out and damn the consiquences and if people drop dead, we'll figure it out later. And not to mention the fact the whitehouse  chief of staff under Trump threatened to fire the FDA comissioner if the vaccene wasn't approved within a day.  This story was reported on mainstream media and is widely known. You shouldn't get to ignore the rules because you feel they're inconvenient like trump loves doing.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

As for the checks and balances, they exist for very good reasons, to stop poisons or marginally effective or unproven medications and vaccenes,  like the chinese vaccenes, sinovac, from going on the market. These vaccenes wern't developed slowly, it was an  extremely rushed process, and the rules should've been followed. It normally takes 8-10 years  for a vaccene to be developed. You can't just say, hmm theres a pandemic, and I feel what I developed is safe, regardless of the fact its never been tried before, so let me put it out and damn the consiquences and if people drop dead, we'll figure it out later. And not to mention the fact the whitehouse  chief of staff under Trump threatened to fire the FDA comissioner if the vaccene wasn't approved within a day.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Ethin, just because the virus only modifies MRNA doesn't necesarily mean the DNA can't be modified.  Go look up the HIV virus, and how it works to perminently modify your DNA. The HIV virus uses an enzyme to translate its rna into DNA so it can infect cells and persist. From what we know now there don't seem to be many short term effects, though I am most worried about the ear ones, as I have a predesposition to developing hearing loss. = But recall that specialists had  expressed concerns MRNA vaccenes could a high probablity of causing autoimmune disorders. Just because it didn't happen now, doesn't mean it won't in the  future. That is why if I was given a choice, I would go with the single dose vaccene.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

20,  you can't proove anything, as  this is a newer tech that has been out only recently. Has it even been shown that the rna inserted into cells completely is gone?   Just because you can't  prove  that it can cause severe complications doesn't mean it doesn't cause them. Remember absence of evidence doesn't equal evidence of absence.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

as  for those ethics regulations, they should exist, especially given the large number of unethical and fucked up experiments that were performed that resulted in those regulations in the first place


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

Well, all things being equal, a vaccene developed using the same technology as previous ones is by default more trustworthy than one  using newer techniques for the first time. Medications that have persisted in the body before after even a single dose and cause perminent disability aren't unpresidented at all, see fluroquinolone antibiotics. If someone wanyts to take that risk on their own, that's fine, but noone should ever have the right to force that on someone else. If someone has perminent disability from something, or gets killed, its  not the doctor who will have to live with that, nor the vaccene company. People should take charge of their own health rather than blindly accepting as gospel  the decisions others would make for them.


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Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pfizer or Oxford?

I would take the oxford vaccene, though it is less effective, it is still very effective, and is made using established technology, unlike MRNA technology. The longterm effects of MRNA vaccenes are still unknown, and this is the first MRNA vaccene so this would be my choice.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

ok a couple points. Jayde you summed up the demolition of the bullshit arguments on masks, election fraud,  and covid.But as for  Biden, is he not doing enough? Absolutely! he should've had federal mask, and social distancing policy to block rogue republican states from doing what Texas did. And what Texas did is just a distraction  to distract from how badly the state government fucked up with deregulating the power grid to hell, and having people stuck with no water, power and then thousands of dollars of bills. And, opening everything up won't work to achieve emunity. This is actually really detremental because as more people get infected, the virus will mutate more, and destroy emunity of those already infected. This could last a very long time. See history of the black death and how long that lasted.


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Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

ok a couple points. Jayde you summed up the demolition of the bullshit arguments on masks, election fraud,  and covid.But as for  Biden, is he not doing enough? Absolutely! he should've had federal mask, and social distancing policy to block rogue republican states from doing what Texas did. And what Texas did is just a distraction  to distract from how badly the state government fucked up with deregulating the power grid to hell, and having people stuck with no water, power and then thousands of dollars of bills.


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Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

They go for around $150.


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Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

I use the phillips fedilio II. Those are open ear and have amazing quality.


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Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

agreed, especially since I have quality  headphones, and partly due to hearing loss I would think


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Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

19, headphones do not damage hearing if you use them at appropriate levels. Also, in ears probably would be better for hearing as you would turn them up less. But use around the ear headphones, and open backed ones to avoid sweat and fatigue.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

The nice thing about the laptop I bought is that there is this thx audio enhancements that you can install if you want, but I just don't install it., and all realtec enhancements are easily turned off.


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Re: Accessible D&D 5E Character Creator

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible D&D 5E Character Creator

So guys, NLS has alot of the rulebooks as an audiobook form on bard.


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Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Well one of my relatives quit, probably took alot out of him. Another one couldn't abd still smokes to this day. That relative who quit is the only person I ever knew or heard of quitting. And I know alot of smokers.So my understanding based on my research and world knowledge is its extremely adictive.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Well one of my relatives quit, probably took alot out of him. Another one couldn't abd still smokes to this day.


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Re: Lets talk about cooking.

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lets talk about cooking.

Camlorn, so the apartment furnishings do change based on country.In  Turkey, the typical run of the mill apartment is without furniture or apliences of any kind. The general understanding is you will bring your own. Furnished apartments with apliences have a really significant price premium, and are only available in areas with students and such.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

Just wait unles you need a laptop right now now. The fifth gen ryzens are an improvement worth waiting for. Single threaded performance takes a big leap, and surpasses all intel offerings basicly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

Honestly guys focusing on laptop battery is totally pointless. The battery has like a 2 or so year optimum lifespan, after which it iether fails catastrophically, or barely works. And replacing it in ultraportables is a lost cause too.Defender for displays, I guess they don't want to spend money on it. Funny thing the new Eluktronics laptops come with 165 hz displays, but they only permit  you to get a ryzen 5950HX or 59800 if you select the 3080 GPU. If I were buying now, I'd call and request to have the 3060 instead of the 3080 to save on cost since there is no reason for me to spend thousands on a GPU you basicly never use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

2021-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering getting a new laptop, but I have a question

Just get an external keyboard, definately go AMD. I have an eluktronics laptop, their prometheus line just came out with the latest AMD processors. I can confirm their realtec effects are fully accessibly disablable, and their equalizer is an UWP app and works. Make sure you get a fifth gen AMD.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

Actually, parts of the state that wern't connected to the state exclusive grid did just fine. Blame the state for passing laws allowing wholesale electric prices, so a kw price shot up from 12 cents to $9.00, and now some people are getting 200k electric bills, not to mention the fact of not mandating reserve capacity, and disconnecting the whole state from the country to dodge federal regulations, and then not weatherizing any of the powerplants.The snow thing isn't one off iether. The same would've happened with  a  massive heatwave or other emergency.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

It does actually. Coffee can cause problems yes, but only to the drinker. Smoke affects others by its nature, therefore it should be totally banned in public places.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

ok, so ice is generally easy to walk on. Take each step firrmly, don't stomp, but lift your foot up and set it down without dragging your foot. If you do this, you should be ok. But seriously the state should've done alot more to clear out the snow and ice from the sidewalks and roads.As for shoes, in Turkey it is a rule that you take off shoes when you enter a house. It makes sense honestly, so you don't have dust, mud and sand, and snow sludge on your  floors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tips for safely walking on ice?

ok, so ice is generally easy to walk on. Take each step firrmly, don't stomp, but lift your foot up and set it down without dragging your foot. If you do this, you should be ok. But seriously the state should've done alot more to clear out the snow and ice from the sidewalks and roads.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

47, coffee on the other hand is very different from cigarettes. It doesn't cause lung cancer in the people who sit around someone drinking it. Just because people get addicted to something doesn't mean it shouldn't be banned iether. If anything,  thats an even more strong case to bann it.As for apartments, smoke free only applies in the apartments, but people can still smoke outdoors and in the open areas, and if they smoke enough, like neighbors who smoke tons, I have to actually close windows because of the amount of smoke out there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Oh also, about infecting others, even if we go past the fact on how morally and ethically bankrupt it is,  the virus is mutating, and it is confirmed that the variant in South Africa infects people who had the original coronavirus infection.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

no it isn't. I would first recommend understanding logic before  saying its broken. Here is how it works. Wearing masks significantly reduces the chance of transmision, and thus the possibility of them having to close because someone  tested posetive. If your customers and employees all wear them, the risk is significantly lower. Refusing to wear a mask because it doesn't offer 100% protection is like saying you won't wear a seatbelt because it  won't garantie you won't be injured in a crash.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

there actually is sorry. Those businesses close back down because the idiot customers walking through the door wern't wearing masks, and idiot republican governers don't require it, or allow refusing service to someone who won't mask up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

40, actually, turkey tried to ban  cigarettes, they did it indoors, but restaurants found a way around it by putting up a tent and claiming that wasn't indoors. Banning cigarettes is a really really good idea. When I was attending college in Turkey, cigarette usage amoung people there was really trendy, and the number of people who smoke was like 70% of the population that was torture for me because of my asthma, since it was illegal indoors, they'd take 1 step outside and start puffıng.Smokıng is even worse for someone exposed to it than the smoker because of secondhand smoke.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

35, I do agree immigration is subjective, but the law explicitly not allowing certain things to be done probably does alot to limit that. If op had a college degree, I think he could immigrate, or it would be worth a try. I also think your post would serve a good guide, to which I will expand on a point. When moving, the place matters alot. I would say in addition to what you said, to avoid red/republican states. Such states generally allocate very little spending towards public services, which would very likely mean bad or nonexistant transit services. I would also avoid the states without an income tax for the same reason. States that  have no income tax, with the exception of Washington, are red states, and as they don't collect revenue from the highest earners in the state,  they use regressive taxes, such as property or sales taxes, which would mean you could be spending a massive boatload of money on sales taxes. But more importantly due to less funds, there likely would be little to no public services and bad infrastructure would be a thing, like the power plants not meeting demand and leavinng people to freeze in the cold, hello Texas?Such red states have also very few regulations that protect the consumer, like you can be kicked out in  under 2 days in some states from an apartment, or not have any rights to withhold rent if there is a problem that the landlord won't fix that makes the unit uninhabitable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

35, I do agree immigration is subjective, but the law explicitly not allowing certain things to be done probably does alot to limit that. If op had a college degree, I think he could immigrate, or it would be worth a try. I also think your post would serve a good guide, to which I will expand on a point. When moving, the place matters alot. I would say in addition to what you said, to avoid red/republican states. Such states generally allocate very little spending towards public services, which would very likely mean bad or nonexistant transit services. I would also avoid the states without an income tax for the same reason. States that  have no income tax, with the exception of Washington, are red states, and as they don't collect revenue from the highest earners in the state,  they use regressive taxes, such as property or sales taxes, which would mean you could be spending a massive boatload of money on sales taxes. But more importantly due to less funds, there likely would be little to no public services and bad infrastructure would be a thing, like the power plants not meeting demand and leavinng people to freeze in the cold, hello Texas?


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Re: problem with my new computer

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with my new computer

16, it doesn't always say that. Multiple people on forums have said that it flashes after reboot on a blank screen. It is really easy for  a sighted person who isn't very tech savvy to think it froze, or even if it says don't turn off, they may think its a virus.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

1098, because hand sanatizer and masks help, but don't do enough to slow transmition.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

As for cities that are very accessible, which cities are good generally? I think the ideal ones for a blind person would be accessible, but with a reasonable cost of living so you don't shell out  2-4k a month just for housing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Camlorn, you might want to check out the Canada rule on public charge. They repealed that recently under the new government, so someone disabled shouldn't have a harder time compared to someone who isn't disabled in immigrating. As for the black population getting preferential treatment, I really think it makes alot of sense since they've been opressed so long, its similar to alot of things done in the developed world as well. Like how disabled people, people with more significant impairments are given advantages, extra assistance or preference in hiring for jobs. The disability disadvantage is  so high that all of that doesn't come close to equalizing opertunity.


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Re: Discord Streaming Fun

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discord Streaming Fun

if you had stereio mix, and could stream from mic and stereo mix at the same time.


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Re: problem with my new computer

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with my new computer

what wiat those are only from desktops last I checked.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Well look at it this way. Structured discovery is a US exclusive thing, and mostly an NFB exclusive one. You don't need a training center to gain life skills probably,  and most of the world teaches you O&M in your environment, and without trying to indoctrinate you, and  as far as I can tell, it doesn't appear to hold people back for the most part.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

1095,  that is only in the short term. Which is why these vaccenes don't get regular approval, which requires documentation of long term effects.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problem with my new computer

2021-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with my new computer

Trouble is, if you interrupt the update in any way, as an  inexperienced user will likely do, you end up with a very expensive paperweight.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

But that doesn't change the fact  that a drug/vaccene using this technology was never tested on humans prior to covid. You can sit down and run a bunch of simulations on a program, but until you actually  test something out on people, what it does is hypothetical and speculative. Medical fuckups are plentiful when you look enough. Take fluoroquinolone antibiotics for example. Scientists were overjoyed in the 90s when they  figured out that a cancer chemotherapy drug class could double as an antibiotic. It was all good until major perminent disabling side effects got reported more and more, and more than 20 years later, it became known that the antibiotics actually affected human DNA replication, and made perminent changes to the mitocondria. Oops? So now, you can google ffluoroquinolone associated disability, or toxicicity and you will find dozens and dozens of sources, both news and scientific papers that document all the effects of these drugs. And the result? More and more severe side effects keep being discovered, and all but 2 of the drugs were pulled from the market, and the two that wern't pulled have like 5 black box warnings on them, and multiple warnings that they should only be used when all other options have been exhausted, and still it isn't known how the toxic effects occur. I wouldn't be surprised if those two get pulled too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problem with my new computer

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with my new computer

Ok so this is microsoft's fucking fault. HWhoever thought that forcing bios updates through windows update was a good idea should pay a  visit to a mental institution. I mean this type of thing happens when a bios update is forced. And what happens when  you flash the wrong firmware that windows update detected incorrectly and fuck your pc? Is ms going to pay for that? I bet not.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Ok, so the whole scary thing about independant living skills is really overrated.As long as you have money, assist with your household's chores before you move out, and do all of the chores, you have a good understanding of how to  manage a home, and will be ok for the most part. I would highly advise against blindness schools though, very little is actually taught there, and what you gain isn't really worth what you lose. I mean seriously.The school I attended, they'd collect  your cell phones, so you are without a private and direct contact to your family except weekends, not allow you to keep and take your own medications, not allow you to leave school grounds at any time unaccompanied. I actually heard  the principal wanted some students to stay in boarding school, and wouldn't let some blind kids leave with their families for the holidays. How  fucked up is that? And the school I attended actually was a good blind school. compared to others, so I can't imagine what a bad one is like. Even allowing students as young as 5/6 be a boarding school is a majorly fucked up thing. That kid basicly is raised as an orphin, and that probably would be an extremely traumatic experience. Most sighted children live with their families until college.As for imigration, forget it. Immigrants in the States are always used as a scapegoat by republicans when there are any sort of issues in the country, and a significant number of people buy it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Ok, so the whole scary thing about independant living skills is really overrated.As long as you have money, assist with your household's chores before you move out, and do all of the chores, you have a good understanding of how to  manage a home, and will be ok for the most part. I would highly advise against blindness schools though, very little is actually taught there, and what you gain isn't really worth what you lose. I mean seriously.The school I attended, they'd collect  your cell phones, so you are without a private and direct contact to your family except weekends, not allow you to keep and take your own medications, not allow you to leave school grounds at any time unaccompanied. I actually heard  the principal wanted some students to stay in boarding school, and wouldn't let some blind kids leave with their families for the holidays. How  fucked up is that? And the school I attended actually was a good blind school. compared to others, so I can't imagine what a bad one is like. Even allowing students as young as 5/6 be a boarding school is a majorly fucked up thing. That kid basicly is raised as an orphin, and that probably would be an extremely traumatic experience. Most sighted children live with their families until college.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People who live in the US, what schools for the blind are the best?

Ok, so the whole scary thing about independant living skills is really overrated.As long as you have money, assist with your household's chores before you move out, and do all of the chores, you have a good understanding of how to  manage a home, and will be ok for the most part. I would highly advise against blindness schools though, very little is actually taught there, and what you gain isn't really worth what you lose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

2021-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Ok, so you can have your 200+ barbecues, and make your ritualistic human sacrifices to save the economy, except it won't work, and  you will have massive explosions of cases at hospitals, have  doctors quit their jobs, and have everything generally fucked up because people who need to go to the hospital can't,  people  going to work even though they have the virus because employers won't provide sick leave, and frankly don't give a shit about their employees  sometimes. Not to mention the fact that infecting people more means more virus mutations. Maybe the only good thing is the clown is out of the white house, and the US is on the long bumpy road to finally controling this more.As for the vaccenes,  I think people   have very good and valid reasons to mistrust them. No vaccene or probably any medication was ever developed so fast as these coronavirus vaccenes were. Moreover, there was high political pressure on scientists to churn out a vaccene in record time, and these vaccenes used in the EU and most of the developed world use MRNA technology, which also hasn't ever been used before and certainly not on this scale. You can also do a quick search and learn that  white house Chief of staff Mark Meadows threatened to fire the FDA comissioner if the vaccene wasn't approved in a day. This does absolutely nothing to inspire trust. Also, the approval was emergency approval, which states longterm effects of anything under this type of approval aren't known, and that it is only done  because of the pandemic.  Until any of the vaccenes get regular, not emergency, approval, they will be voluntary only. I personally wouldn't take the vaccene iether until it received regular approval, or  until such time I wasn't permited to work remotely anymore, or if I had to travel internationally, though I won't travel until manditory quarantine rules are lifted.  Having said that though, these emergency approved vaccenes are much more trustworthy than say the Chinese vaccenes  that haven't received any approvals from any reputable source, and have questionable effectiveness that Turkey is handing out for free to everyone there.  Also they will have to come up with a vaccene that works always, if they keep coming up with vaccenes every 3-6 months to a year, people will probably have more questions to safety, and refuse it more. I do as well. The  body isn't a piece of software that you keep updating to 6.0, 6.1 6.2 etc. As you keep taking more and more, the possiblity of safety issues and adverse events would go up.


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Re: Independent air flight for the blind and turkish Airlines

2021-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Independent air flight for the blind and turkish Airlines

Well, all the airlines staff I saw said it was absolutely manditory. And quite frankly it is extremely degrading to be pushed around in a  chair, its like painting I am blind and double disabled too sign on my chest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Independent air flight for the blind and turkish Airlines

2021-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : Ghost via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Independent air flight for the blind and turkish Airlines

well, the wheel chair is exclusive to the US. In all other airports I went to they just guide me and let me walk along with them.


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