Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-04-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Well I was thinking the same thing, that is until I found out why. He is going to help me get a patent for my software, this way I can release it and itll stay mine, and no one can try to steel it from me. Hopefully well look at patents this weekend though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-04-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Yeah... lol. Kinda got them mixed up, and I think my dad is too. Exactly how much would copyright cost? And would I need to buy a copyright for every piece of software I created? Just wondering.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-04-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Hello all,Alright. Im extremely, extremely sorry for not updating you guys sooner. Ive obviously got Severe Procrastonation disorder... (jk). But anyway, all joking aside, there is a reason for me not releasing my game yet, and the reason is in this blog post of mine: … day-party/ Okay, I know youre wondering where in a post titled a wonderful birthday party anything about game development would be found, but its right there at the beginning of the post. Read it, and youll understand.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-04-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Also, (sorry for the double post), the pureTTS4 library is working on another program of mine, sQuad word. Im hoping I can get TTS support into Trash. Dont get too hopeful; I dont know if itll work, but I really will look into it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-25 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

I didnt say I was not doing the project if no one downloaded it (in post 14 in below as you guys seem to think), I only said that if no one was intrested, I would not post it here. Because, yes, I am making this for myself... but was going to share it with you guys.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-25 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Well Im saying one thing, and one thing only -- he said he only posted in topics where in he thought his help was needed, and Im saying his help is not needed thus far. Im a beginner programmer, and theres a reason that Im using a programming language as aposed to an audio game engine--I dont need people holding my hand every step of the way. From my mistakes, I will learn, and this will make me into a stronger, more independent man. So you guys can say he was trying to help all you want, but fact of the matter is thats not how it came off to me as. He worded it harsh, and even post 29 was a bit hard. But thats my view. Theres no way youre going to change that. Its just that some people need to think before posting... and thats it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Status update: So far, Trash is mostly bug free. However, theres still a bug where the program crashes when you win a round, but I will be working and testing that. And as for post 22, let me tell you something. screen readers are designed to read whats on the screen, and thus, in order for you to post to this topic, your screen reader mustve read the title of the topic. If this was not the case, get a new screen reader. And if you read the topic title with your own eyes, get some freeking glasses, or use magnification. Because this topic is called Im making a new game, but have a question. As pointed out by... I think Ghost rider. hear that? the post topic is called (for sighted users, dont pay attention to spelling here. This is meant to emphasize the topic name for some people, by bolding out every silibal.I. am. may. king. a. new. game. but. have. a. question
 .Making. making. making. making.There. Does that settle it for you? Im. making. the game. I havent released it yet!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] My game recordings dropbox folder

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: My game recordings dropbox folder

Will you invite me?email:severestormst...@gmail.comURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Status update: So far, Trash is mostly bug free. However, theres still a bug where the program crashes when you win a round, but I will be working and testing that. And as for post 22, let me tell you something. screen readers are designed to read whats on the screen, and thus, in order for you to post to this topic, your screen reader mustve read the title of the topic. If this was not the case, get a new screen reader. And if you read the topic title with your own eyes, use magnification software. Because this topic is called Im making a new game, but have a question. As pointed out by... I think Ghost rider. hear that? the post topic is called (for sighted users, dont pay attention to spelling here. This is meant to emphasize the topic name for some people, by bolding out every silibal.I. am. may. king. a. new. game. but. have. a. question.Making. 
 making. making. making.There. Does that settle it for you? Im. making. the game. I havent released it yet!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Kyle,No. you didnt offend me. In fact, you meant well. But some of these people are noturious for asking questions or saying stuff over and over again (Someone has asked Danny about the release of snow race beta 3... what... 3 times now? I can see why that happened--it is a good game, and they were a supporter. The two people who told me to post this in the new games area were refering to this topic, suggesting that it be moved to the new releases area, because they think it says I made a new game, although they didnt read it carefully enough before jumping to that conclusion. And there are supporters, and I thank them and are greatful they even take interest in what Im creating. But, even though I can see why youd think that, post 22, and 16, were not supporting my game. They were telling me to move it somewhere else.URL: htt

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Because after all, the file is sapi32.dll, and Im running 64 bit.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

@Camlorn... Yes, Im aware this is an easier game than Uno. But who cares? Why dont you just quit posting in this thread. Im not quite a strong programmer yet, thus if all youre going to do is point out flaws, Ill get more and more unmotivated to continue this project.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

@Camlorn... Yes, Im aware this is an easier game than Uno. But who cares? Why dont you just quit posting in this thread. Im not quite a strong programmer yet, thus if all youre going to do is point out flaws, Ill get more and more unmotivated to continue this project. And not only my family, but also people at my church enjoy playing this game. Its fun, addicting, and an easy pass time. However you referring to it as a game for 5 year olds probably just turned a whole bunch of people away from it, thus I probably wont program more on it for the rest of the night.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Oh. And mind you, that I didnt mean that I was done programming by the last post--no, sQuad, my software company, will continue to spin out projects. But Im afraid that, though he may have good intentions, if Camlorn continues to point out flaws in this project, I will begin to realize that there happens to be no point in it, and discontinue it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Stewie,I already have a game history box, that tells you most of the events in the game thus far, except a couple things that Ill work on adding. Also, I just got really discouraged with this project--because I mean if its for 5 year olds, and if its not going to be fun, because of that, and the fact that its not complex enough, why program it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Yeah. I see where you guys are going, and what youre saying. I really thank you for helping. But take this into prospective: Did you guys have people pointing out all these flaws with your first projects?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-23 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Camlorn... Back it up. Keep backing it up. Back it up so far that you delete that post--it was all wrong. First of all, this is a card game. In just about all card games, you win by luck. Secondly, there were reasons why I needed to put my controls the way I did. If you dont agree with the way I positioned the controls, then dont play the game. And This card game requires just as much skill as, say, uno does. Oh yeah, and there is a wild card.And if you try to place a 4 where a 4 already exists, it will tell you you already placed that and cant place another 4 there, thus forcing you to junk it.If this situation occurs with the computer player, it will junk the card because it knows it doesnt need it.And I have a wild card implimented already. Also I will be doing an audio demo as I said, so you might want to delete your post, wait for my demo, and repost your thoughts
 . Also, I dont need you telling me how to describe the rulls for my game. I dont need you telling me how to do everything. If youre going to keep this up, I will kindly ask you to stop posting in this topic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-23 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Camlorn... Back it up. Keep backing it up. Back it up so far that you delete that post--it was all wrong. First of all, this is a card game. In just about all card games, you win by luck. Secondly, there were reasons why I needed to put my controls the way I did. If you dont agree with the way I positioned the controls, then dont play the game. And This card game requires just as much skill as, say, uno does. Oh yeah, and there is a wild card.And if you try to place a 4 where a 4 already exists, it will tell you you already placed that and cant place another 4 there, thus forcing you to junk it.If this situation occurs with the computer player, it will junk the card because it knows it doesnt need it.And I have a wild card implimented already. Also I will be doing an audio demo as I said, so you might want to delete your post, wait for my demo, and repost your thoughts
 . Also, I dont need you telling me how to describe the rules for my game. I dont need you telling me how to do everything. If youre going to keep this up, I will kindly ask you to stop posting in this topic.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Hello guys,Status update: The game is very near completion. All I need to do is the final win procedure, at which point itll be ready for private beta testing. Now I just need to make sure of something: Should I post it here? Does this even remotely intrest any of you guys? If it doesnt intrest you, even in the least bit, I wont bather posting it here, and instead will only reserve it for my website. Please tell me if youre interested or not--I need to know. I need to make sure youll actually download it if I post it here. Ill post an audio demo soon.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Oh Mord-Sith, sorry for taking this long to respond. But yes, I forgot to tell you what the game was. In fact I should probably do so, in case the game turns out to be something you guys arent intrested in, and I post it all for nothing. Its a card game, called trash. In trash, each player is delt a certain number of cards, usually 1 to 13, at which point they lay there cards out in a row from left to right. (the controls are left-right oriented as well, and you use tab and shift tab to navigate them. Anyway, when it is your turn, you draw a card from the draw pile. If that matches one of your positions (say you get a 10, and the 10th card from the left is face down, and it exists), you place your 10 face up in the 10th position. However if this is not the case, you junk the card and let the next player play. Anyway, if you did place a card, you read the face down card origionally in that position. If that matches any o
 f your positions, you repeat the process, however if it doesnt, you junk the card. Note that if your oponent junked a card you still needed to place, you can draw from the junk pile rather than drawing from the draw pile. When either all your positions or the other players positions all contain face up cards, all with numbers corosponding to the position, that person wins. And in the next round, they will be delt one less card than before -- so if they had 10, it will now be 9 that they start out with. The first person to be delt 0 cards wins the game. If that wasnt enough explaining, let me know. Anyway, soon Ill do a layout overview of the game for you guys soon, and post it here. Now tell me the truth. Are you guys going to be interested? Or should I not post the game here?Thanks,Steven.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-16 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

@Kyle, I have at least two voices--one man voice, and another woman voice. At least as far as I know. I could have more than that though.@guitarman, like I told Kyle, I have tts voices installed.@danny, well we discussed that already... . But yes, this is true.@stewie and Camlorn, I have controls in my window, so thats out of the question. But for now, Im going to make the game playable before I do voice stuff. I have most systems done (the player, and computer AI), and am working on setting up the deck, and winning and losing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Hello all, regarding the game Im making. I didnt read guitarmans full post, thus I didnt see he mentioned the universal speech library. I tried that library, and got yet another invalid memory access. Im afraid only supporting NVDA is my only option. But I am, as I said, including a portable copy in with the game when its time for release. Do you guys think it would be okay for me to do this, or should I postpone the project until I find an alternative solution?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

@aprone,Thankyou for that advice. I will do that. Its not ready yet, but its far into developement. And I was thinking you might have the solution to my problem? You seem pretty smart with programming, so I was thinking so. So when I use the pure tts library in pure basic, and get a count of tts voices I have, it returns -1. My friend Ethin and I think it means it means unknown, and Im also thinking some how my system is blocking pure tts from accessing sapi. Could that be the issue? And if so, how could i fix it? And if not, what do you think?Thanks,Steven.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

No, it gives me an invalid memory access error. Thats the point--I dont think I can support sapi. Of course I could record all the voices myself. Hmm, I might do that.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Ergent! Ergent! warning message to those of you in the mtg studios dev

2014-03-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Ergent! Ergent! warning message to those of you in the mtg studios dev

Hello all,This message is regarding a recent attack on the MTG studios Development folder, in which a guy named Shaun Everiss deleted 51 files from the folder, including the comments folder, online text file reader, and many other game and software executables. Although I posted this warning in the dropbox folder, and to mason himself, Im posting this here in the event that MR Everiss attempts to cover up his evidence by putting all the files back, and/or deleting my notice in the comments.txt file that has been created as a temporary replacement for the comments application Mason created. Incidences such as this have occurred in the passed; and while I cant confirm that Shaun Everiss was involved in any of the previous incidences, I have plane evidence that it was him who deleted the files this time.Streight from the event logs for the mtg studios developement folder, data gathered at aprox. 2:30 PM cdt.In mtg studios development, shaun
  everiss deleted onlinetextfilereader.exe and 50 more files.1 hr agoURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Ergent message to those in the MTG Studios Dropbox folder!

2014-03-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Ergent message to those in the MTG Studios Dropbox folder!

Hello all,I figured out that this was an accident afterall. Shaun Everiss, aka crashmaster, had a system restore which deleted files from his dropbox folder. So although people have done this before, thus giving me reason to jump to that conclusion, this was an accident. Lets just hope this doesnt happen again.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

2014-02-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: tell me your ideas and segestions about my new Game Engine

burak wrote:You can add screen reader support and sapi support. Also will this programming language be in English and also will it have a manual? Its going to be a game engine using the angelscript language, and I think visualstudio was going to make an easy to understand manual for it, thats what he said anyway.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] AppleScript and Game Development

2014-02-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: AppleScript and Game Development

People keep saying Pithon is the best programming language to go for accessible game development--but dont you have to use certain indentation in pithon? Thats what I heard anyway. And if that were the case, I dont see how a blind person could properly work with it... but i might be wrong.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] AppleScript and Game Development

2014-02-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: AppleScript and Game Development

Oh. I thought indentation was required in the pithon languageURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Jaws keyhook in darkgrew gamebook creator?

2014-01-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Jaws keyhook in darkgrew gamebook creator?

Hello guys (especially aprone),I have trouble using darkgrew gamebook creator with jaws. Jaws doesnt announce anything when you press the arrow keys, but NVDA does. Is there a way to fix the problem? I am using jaws on one of the computers I want to use darkgrew on, so thats why Im asking this question.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 2 walkthrough

2014-01-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 2 walkthrough

connor142 wrote:actually a bk3 walkthrough would be more appropriat Connor, you mean well. I disagree, however, because BK 2 was the only game I lost intrest in because the lack of sufficient documentation. This has unfortunately shied me away from all the bk games, so yes a bk3 walkthrough would be more than rellivent.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Tell me, would this be a good idea?

2014-01-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Tell me, would this be a good idea?

@dd: yes, you do prove a point... but just as swamp was meant to be an fps, people have made it into different things (note the campaign scripting).@mord-sith: glad you like the idea.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Tell me, would this be a good idea?

2014-01-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Tell me, would this be a good idea?

@DD: lol, but they used knives in some cases.@Connor142: Can you make that possible in trtr? And is it possible to make traps like that?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Tell me, would this be a good idea?

2014-01-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Tell me, would this be a good idea?

Hello all,I was playing trtr, and exploring how it works. I recently found out about the last man standing mode, and it gave me an idea. What if someone created a hunger games server for trtr? if Im right, it would be a 24 person limit, and someone would have to make a map of the hunger games world the best they could, based on both the books and the movies, even though for one the world is a bit different in both book 1 and 2, and it gets destroyed at the end of book 2. Either way, what Im trying to say here, putting aside the short rant I just did, is that this would be a pretty good idea in my opinion since in hunger games only one can make it out alive.Let me know what you think.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

2014-01-16 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

ultradude306 wrote:^That was true ly something... Absolutely crazy gameplay there!! Actually, that has to be right up there with some of the freshest trickshots in COD, or epic takedowns in Battlefield... AwesomeIndeed! I did a custom map with 300 zombies on a 50 by 50 map, and next I plan to put the player in an inclosure that nor they can exit or the zombies can get in. So, the shooting will be longer, and I will be able to kill some more... even more than the 402 I killed!Im glad you enjoyed it!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

2014-01-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

I went on it, the website is either recovered from the hack attack (lol), or it wasnt hacked at all. Either way, the website is up again. As for what this topic was origionally about, I have a crazy swamp gameplay I did. I did a custom map that I created that was 50 by 50 and contained 300 zombies, and here is a recording of them getting owned with my Vulcan minigun until it runs out and I die. … asicur.mp3Enjoy, and have a great day!URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who wants me to make roadsplat an open source project?

2014-01-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Who wants me to make roadsplat an open source project?

Gaita, You might want to give him one email and stick with it. Youve changed your email 4 times now... and so he mightve sent an invite, saw your email change, sent another invite, saw your second email change, sent yet another invite, saw your 3rd email change, and probably decided to quit... at least I wouldve done so anyway.Note: I am not telling you what to do, only suggesting that you stick with an email, that way you dont confuse agomez and he knows what email to invite to the folder.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

2014-01-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

Thanks for the reply.About OBS,Is it free? and can blind people use it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

2014-01-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

Hey Ultradude306, Thanks for the link. I will hopefully try this out. Also, I will be most likely posting some gameplays and stuff in the near future.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

2014-01-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

Hey Ultradude306, Thanks for the link. I will hopefully try this out. Also, I will be most likely posting some gameplays and stuff in the near future.Edit: I was looking at previous posts in this forum, and found that on the fifth post, Danny said that Swamp and RTR were already being tackled and that weve been doing a lot of reviews for them. Although swamp has been reviewed a lot, I havent seen many reviews of RTR, and would like to. So if anyone can, will you either record, or post a link to a review for Road to Rage?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

2014-01-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: The Official Gameplay/Commentary/Let'sPlay Thread!

I have a couple questions:1. What exactly is a lets play? and2. Did you upload that lets play in audio to youtube? if so, how do you upload audio to youtube?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Swamp recordings

2014-01-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Swamp recordings

Hello all,Im setting up this topic because the huge and massive swamp topic is too large to go searching through for swamp recordings. So if you have recordings, post them here. I will edit this post with my recordings. … ng%201.mp3This is a 25 crate mission I did with 3 other people on swamp. I apologize for not letting NVDA finish what its saying some times... but I already know what it will say so I dont want to hear it again.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match now has a website

2013-10-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Death Match now has a website

The site works, but I found out the problem why danny was having trouble:for some odd reason (whether or not it be that the domain has not propagated all the way or something), you cannot (CANNOT) type www. in front of the web address. Its just Hopefully that will change, but for now, DO NOT TYPE WWW. in front of the site address.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match now has a website

2013-10-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Death Match now has a website

Its okay TerminatorURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Death Match now has a website

2013-10-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Death Match now has a website

Hello Guys,Danny and I are setting up a website for DM. Right now, the forum has been set up, so heres the url: edit this post when the full site is upThanks,StevenURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Death Match now has a website

2013-10-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Death Match now has a website

Hello Guys,Danny and I are setting up a website for DM. Right now, the forum has been set up, so heres the url: edit this post when the full site is upThanks,Steven/edit the site was fully set up, and its

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A question for CAE_Jones

2013-09-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: A question for CAE_Jones

But when I click escape would it restart the program? Or just escape the menuURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A question for CAE_Jones

2013-09-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: A question for CAE_Jones

Thankyou. That really helped me. Also thanks for responding to the question real fast, as I am a kind of impatient persion.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another new project i'm trying to make: warrior battle

2013-08-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Another new project i'm trying to make: warrior battle

I see. And after downloading your game and walking around in it... I guess that whoever made that example game made a mistakeURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] L-works

2013-08-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: L-works

ok thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] I have a dragon pong server, waiting for a player at this moment

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

I have a dragon pong server, waiting for a player at this moment

Heres the info:homachi network name:stevendnetpassword:trashua1112ip:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

I also know that stage 8.1 is the place to go to get lots of robot parts, and you can cell them in the shop on stage 5URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] could someone post a dropbox game link for me?

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: could someone post a dropbox game link for me?

I downloaded this game on my windows 7 and xp and both crashed. I havent played it sinceURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Wanting to play a mud such as alter aeon... a few questions

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Wanting to play a mud such as alter aeon... a few questions

Hi guys, here are my questions:1. How do I play the game in the first place?2. What mud cliant do you recommend?3. can I play this without a mud client?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] could someone post a dropbox game link for me?

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: could someone post a dropbox game link for me?

yeah there is because I wanted toURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] stranded part 3... a few questions

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: stranded part 3... a few questions

What do you mean what about the game? I posted my questions in the first postURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] symptoms showing you play aac too much

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: symptoms showing you play aac too much

40. You download random files into your zip files every day to make sure they dont starve to death.41. You walk into the doctors office and ask the doctor, Can you restore my hitpoints?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another new project i'm trying to make: warrior battle

2013-08-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Another new project i'm trying to make: warrior battle

You should try making this with bgt. I tried playing one of the dfe example games and it started, ran by itself for a few seconds, and then I died.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Will someone please give me a copy of the kids prison gamebook from st

2013-08-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Will someone please give me a copy of the kids prison gamebook from st

Hello guys,Im sure you think thats a weird question, seen as how Im the owner of this game. Unfortunately, my file host deleted my files due to a critical failure. So will someone please give me kids if you have it?Thanks,steveURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] stranded part 3... a few questions

2013-08-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

stranded part 3... a few questions

Hello guys, Im fixing to start developement on stranded part 3. I have a few questions:1. what shoud I call it?2. should it be multi branch or just one path of story line?3. should it be long or short?I need your feedback. Please reply with the answers to these questions.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

2013-08-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

Yeah... but still will you put your question here? Oh yeah... and what do I do in 9.2?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

2013-08-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

Ok thankyou Ukio. Ill do that. Do the scales do something for you?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

2013-08-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

So... what should I do in 7.3? I fall in that river, but the stones are falling too fast for me to not get hit.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

2013-08-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

yeah... but how do I gather information from stage 4 level 3?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

2013-08-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: what is the point of stage 4.3 in bk2?

Ok thankyou. I will do thatURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

2013-08-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

Thanks Ukio, Ill try that outURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

2013-08-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

Thanks GlamoramaURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

2013-07-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

I thought bk1 was entirely in Japanese. But if I was mistaken and its also in english, thatd be great!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

2013-07-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Re: Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

Well until that read me is accessible to me (I dont have time to scour the whole entire forum for that), Im done with it bk1 and 2. Shame, because those games seam quite awesome. Id really appreciate an english read me... so Ill keep watch on this topicURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

2013-07-30 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: severestormsteve1

Will someone please provide an english read me for bk2?

Hello there,As the topic says, I need a english read me for bk2. If anyone can write it or already has one, will you please send it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list