Re: [Audiogames-reflector] adventure audio games

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: adventure audio games

Don't forget the game adventure thingy from Ian Read. It only has two adventures, but still. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible baseball game for pc

2014-04-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: accessible baseball game for pc

The MLB the show series is accessible, I do not know if those are available for windows, cause I do not play my games on windows.. Not my mainstreme games anyways. I play my audio games on windows obviously, but not the mainstreme. I have a PS3.Anyways, there's those, there is also a game called R.B.I. Baseball 14 that was just recently released that is very accessible. Check that out, I have it for the PS3, and I love it. I'm pretty sure this game is available for windows.Then, we get into the MLB2K series. Not as accessible, I have a lot of trouble hearing the ball coming, and stuff like that. Maybe it's just me, but I don't know. You could give it a shot, but just remember what I said. I know MLB 13 was pretty good, but 14 isn't that good as far as hitting the ball. I believe they have a whole new fielding system as well, and I'm not sure if they have auto fielding mode.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible baseball game for pc

2014-04-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: accessible baseball game for pc

Oh, and bari bari baseball is well worth the purchase. Anybuddy needs any help with the game, let me know. I bought the game when it first came out, and couldn't stop playing it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible baseball game for pc

2014-04-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: accessible baseball game for pc

That's because auto fielding does not exist in that game. I don't think so anyway.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

2014-04-27 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

I believe you can just hold your control key down, and shoot your machine gun that way. That will definitely give you the trophy. That's how I got the trophy, unless an update to the game changed it.. Is this game cheater accessible? Cause if there's scores on there from 2012, it doesn't look like the scores will be reset anytime soon. I'd like to use it as well. It does not look like any of us can do this the right way cause the scoreboards are never reset. lol If you guys can help me out on how to use this program, I'd highly appreciate it.Thank you.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Walkthrough for Legacy?

2014-04-28 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Walkthrough for Legacy?

Hi,I can't remember if I posted this or not, so I'm sorry if I did. lolAre there any walkthroughs for Legacy? I have the game, but I'm having a hard time solving the puzzles. I need a little help, so I didn't know if there were any walkthroughs laying around or not.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Walkthrough for Legacy?

2014-04-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Walkthrough for Legacy?

I can't remember where I got it, but I can send it to you if you'd like.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Walkthrough for Legacy?

2014-05-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Walkthrough for Legacy?

Hi SLJ,I hope you got the game, sorry I had to send a few times, but something went wrong.. On my end anyways.Hope you enjoy, and take your time on getting me that audio drama thing.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

Now I can't figure out how to switch the value of the things on the tables. For example, I'll hit motify, and I can't save anything. Does anyone know how to use game cheater that could explain it to me, how to motify the setting of the cheat, so I can get the number to the way I want it to? Or, is there any other gaming cheating software out there that is accessible?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

2014-05-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

AH, thanks for that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

2014-05-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: problem with the score boards of judgment day! Please help

I still can not change the value. It says something about not being able to change the value from this address or something when I click the apply or OK button.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sharing your gamecenter name

2013-10-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Sharing your gamecenter name

Still trying to figure out how the whole game center thing works, but I think my user name is staind1122lol, give it a shot.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Accessible games for the Iphone.

2013-10-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Accessible games for the Iphone.

Hi guys,Does anyone have a complete list, or at least nearly a complete list of games for the Iphone that are accessible? I'm talking about games like Papa Sangre, Dice World, Audio Archery, stuff like that. I'm hoping to come across some I don't know. I've been finding some around the site that I didn't know about, and I've got them and I'm enjoying them. I just want to make sure I have them all. lolNo seriously though, if anyone has any games they'd like to post on this topic, please do. If you've shared it already or not, please let me know, cause I'm not very good on the whole Iphone games scene. I've just started getting into it.Thanks so much.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible games for the Iphone.

2013-10-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Accessible games for the Iphone.

Thanks, I'll check it out.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] quick question on dice world for the Iphone.

2013-10-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

quick question on dice world for the Iphone.

Does anyone know how to contact the creators of dice world?I ran into a little problem yesterday. There's an update out for the game, so I downloaded it. After downloading it, it turned itself back into the version of the game with adds in it. I had already paid for the version with out adds, ya know, the full version. When I log into the app store, I can not restore my purchase, because the store doesn't let me enter my password into the box. It's annoying, I even tried redownloading it from Itunes, and that doesn't work either. So, I thought maybe I'd buy it again. Nope, no luck there either. Itunes won't let me buy it again cause I have already purchased it, and I can't buy it from my phone, cause of the password issue again.Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone know what to do?Thanks guys.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible games for the Iphone.

2013-10-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Accessible games for the Iphone.

Thanks much Dark. I have a majority of those, but have to check out the first three companies you mentioned. Never checked out storm 8, or the other two that you said were pretty much just like them. I'd like to hear more if anyone has anymore.. I know there's more.. lol There's got to be. I picked up three more today on apple viss that I had never heard of and I find them fun. I'd list the titles, but I have no idea how to spell them. I'll list them in my next time I post.I also picked another one the other day just browsing Itunes called Cribbage Pro. I found it on my own just looking for a cribbage game, and it's completely accessible. If you guys like cribbage, go for it. It's so awesome. You can play online and everything. Completely accessible with voiceover. I highly recommend it.More soon.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible games for the Iphone.

2013-10-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Accessible games for the Iphone.

Hi Dark,I gotcha. I realized what you said after I started looking on Itunes. I picked up some storm8 games. Something about a ninja, and something called pet life. I love that most of the games are free. lol it's so cool. Oh, I also picked up one of the other games you mentioned. It seems to be one of the more popular ones as of late Solara? Haven't tried it yet, but I will soon.Those other games I was talking about that I got off of Apple Viss were:A fist full of Penguins, Ping Pong Blind Folded or something like that, and Ayakashi (something about ghost cards).Of course I haven't tried all these, along with all the games I already have, lol. I'm working on it, though.Dark, I will get on that entry for Cribbage Pro, just want to play around with the game a little more. I've only just started a game, and I like the layout. I have not finished a game yet, and I believe you need to pay for the online features. Not sure th
 ough.If anyone has anymore info, please share. Thanks for all the help so far.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] ea sports sport games accessibility

2013-11-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: ea sports sport games accessibility

@smoothgunnerI'm very interested in the madden games. Which game are you talking about? Are you talking about Madden 25 even? Can you post that play book?I've always wanted to play a madden game even since when I was little, but I never thought it was possible. This is great news to me, so please give me a little more information.Oh, is it playable on the Iphone too? They have Madden 25 for the Iphone too.Thank you so much, and take care. I'll be checking this board from time to time, just to see if you have replied or not. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Super Airik the Cleric!

2013-08-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Super Airik the Cleric!

This sounds awesome, but I'm a little confused. I get the game cause I have the original, or I get it cause I preordered Eric 2? Will I have to pay for it, and is my preorder for eric 2 still valid?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] treasure hunt will not run, windows 7

2014-01-23 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: treasure hunt will not run, windows 7

I ran into this same problem awhile ago. Got the same error and everything, and this is what I did.. It actually worked for me, so I hope it works for you.You have to install .net frame work 1.1. Windows 7 machines apparently do not come with the earlier versions of .net frame work installed.Let me know how it goes. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Looking for a copy of The Blind Eye

2014-01-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Looking for a copy of The Blind Eye

I have a setup file. Don't know if it's the more recent one you're looking for, but I have one. Uploading it now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Looking for a copy of The Blind Eye

2014-01-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Looking for a copy of The Blind Eye

Here's the set up file link: … 1.0%29.exeURL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audio Fortress 2

2014-02-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Re: Audio Fortress 2

Hi,I'd like to play this game, but I can't install it. I have steam on my computer, but it's still not working. It asks me to run the file, and then it says start game, read manual, or cancel. I hit start game, and it says "game not found, make sure the game is installed and ready to use."Maybe I have to install the game through steam, but if I need to do that I need some help. I don't understand steam at all. It's very confusing for me. Would someone help me with the steam thing?Thanks.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Laser Breakout, English Version?

2014-02-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: staindaddict

Laser Breakout, English Version?

Hi everyone,Does anyone know where I can get the patch for Laser Breakout that turns it into the English Version? I have the Japanese version on my system, but I lost the patch.I'd appreciate any help.Thanks.URL:

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