Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Cheat engine...

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: Cheat engine...

Greetings livrobo.This is the wrong room for this topic; try general for this one.To get to the open process list in game cheater press control p then work your way up from the bottom. NVDA isn't perfect for cheat engine but it does work well with game cheater. In order for individual values to be read, when you press down to get to the value, press control enter. Be sure to enter a description or you'll forget what each value is. It won't work if you just press down as it'll read the values together. Always press control enter on each value. To change an already existing value's value; not description, press enter on it and put in a new number. Don't forget to freeze the values to unless you want some values to go down. To freeze values, press applications on the one you want to freeze and press t. To quickly add a value from a list of results to your address list, press applications, down, enter. Finally, always uncheck fast scan and n
 ever check pause the game while scanning. Also, be sure to search in other bites if you can't find the values you want in 4 bites. If you don't want to search individual bites, search in all bites but the results will be many so trial and error is key.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Cheat engine...

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: Cheat engine...

Greetings livrobo.To get to the open proces list in game cheater press control p then work your way up from the bottom. NVDA isn't perfect for cheat engine but it does work well with game cheater. In order for individual values to be read, when you press down to get to the value, press control enter. Be sure to enter a description or you'll forget what each value is. It won't work if you just press down as it'll read the values together. Always press control enter on each value. To change an already existing value's value; not description, press enter on it and put in a new number. Don't forget to freeze the values to unless you want some values to go down. To freeze values, press applications on the one you want to freeze and press t. To quickly add a value from a list of results to your address list, press applications, down, enter. Finally, always uncheck fast scan and never check pause the game while scanning. Also, be sure to search in oth
 er bites if you can't find the values you want in 4 bites. If you don't want to search individual bites, search in all bites but the results will be many so trial and error is key.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: girls and adolt women

Greetings tward and themadviolinist.If either or both of you decide to write books about this, I'll definitely buy them. Not knowing the difference between love and infatuation has given me grief these past years. Whoever said ignorance is bliss and whoever confuses innocence for ignorance and ignorance for innocence are crazy! I know what you said about adults in our lives not knowing how to explain themselves properly is true and I'm trying not to blame them because it isn't fair to do so. However, feeling anger for so long does leave a long lasting impression on the psyche. I do feel a slight resentment but I'm working on it. While I no longer desire to jump down everybody's throats, I still want to shout 'listen to reason; be logical and we have feelings to.' I guess I'll just have to take it one day at a time. Letting go of anything is hard; even if it's bad for us like bitterness. They say that forgiveness is divine but for
 giveness and apologies don't come easily to me. Having said that, I find it easier to forgive another because they're not me. However through meditation, I realize had I acted any other way I wouldn't have been able to grow. Everyone deserves chances to improve. Now that I'm at peace with myself I must now learn how not to judge others too harshly for perceived or actual character flaws. Judge not lest yee be judged but it's human nature to judge. If I don't judge, how can I know whether I'm in danger or not? As for love, let's see what happens in a few years. Maybe this time I'll get lucky. Anyway thanks to you both.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: girls and adolt women

Greetings tward.I'm going to sound even more foolish now and ask why now? Why after 20 years of searching for the one answer that has alluded me even though I've looked into religious, spiritual, scientific and even in fictional avenues; fiction in this context refers to William Shakespear, J.K.Roling and Paulo Kuhelo just to name a few authors of fantastic fictional literature do I now get an answer I can live with? What you just told us was plane and easy to understand and... I'm going to say it anyway even though such has been said by man since the beginning. If only I knew that before, I wouldn't have been so stupid. I'm going to be bold here and speak for all children and those adults who've been disillusioned by the adults in their lives when they themselves were children and say; had the grownups never used terms like 'puppy love' or make statements like 'you're too young to know what love is' and simply explaine
 d to us that love is selfless and infatuation selfish, then we wouldn't constantly be making bad judgements and misreading everything all the time when it comes to relationships.Correct me if I'm wrong but I've come to one conclusion. It all starts when parents then teachers tell us as children 'don't talk to strangers. Don't go off with someone you don't know and if you do we'll punish you for it.' What message does that send to us? I and I'm sure I'm not alone in my train of thought interpret that as 'don't talk to anyone you don't know and that gives me an excuse to simply ignore those I don't know even when they greet me in passing. I did to and then they shouted at me for being rude. I couldn't win! If I talk to strangers they shout at me and if I don't, they shout at me. So you can imagine what happened next. The school kept complaining to my folks and I did extremely poorely because I 
 refused to cator to a society of liars who hold children to one standard and adults to another. Remember however from a child's point of view that most everything is either black or white. They're still trying to find that nich in the world that they can fit in and I found mine by being a rule breaker; rebellion was and is my middle name. Imagine then what happened when I suddenly found myself at the age of 9 falling for one a few years older than me. I of course couldn't know that infatuation is selfish and love selfless and I wanted her for myself. Imagine if you will you're the kind of person who doesn't look to the future but prefers to live only in the now. You come across a spring who's water has strange properties. One of them being if you drink the water you'll not only feel absolute joy but you'll know who the love of your life is. What you don't know is that someone has contaminated the spring with narcotics that make you think 
 you've found the answers to everything. What would you do then? In this scenario, you're aged around 8 or 9 and all your life you hear 'wait until you're older; you don't know what you're doing.' Will you trust that voice in your head and your feelings even though they're manufactured or will you use common sense and for once heed the advice to wait until the feelings ware off? I would have gone with it and so I did. Granted I did not drink from any strange springs but my feelings came from dreams. In any case the result was the same. Of course it all came crashing down when she rejected me and instead of telling me face to face, she got a teacher involved and I was shot down yet again. 'What you're doing is babyish! Don't go near her again!' Well you can deduce what happened next. After another failed attempt at secondary school, I said to my self 'enough is enough, I'm going to hurt as many as I could.' Aga
 in I did so and became proud when at 18 at college I managed to 'convince' another woman to never see me again. I had to sacrifice emotional comfort to do it and hurt myself in the process but it worked. By then however, nearing the end of my teens, society allowed me to love and even 'talk to strangers' but the damage was done. By the time it became acceptable to find a partner, I'd already become evil and by the time I left College in 2003, the game got boring. What was the point of messing with people if it was now fine to do what I wanted legally? What was the point of messing around when women simply laughed and walked away? There I was with a grudge against society while those around me were leading productive and somewhat happy lives.Contrary to popular belief, age does not make you wiser; it just makes you realize that the more you think you know, the less you truly know and understand. I delved into research between 2002 and 2011 researching 
 various faiths and spiritual outlooks. I learned more from the net than I did from real people and I examined myself minutely. A painful experience I must admit but come 2008, I tried being the 'decent guy' and tried to make genuine friends and find love rather than mess around. Of 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: girls and adolt women

Greetings all. So as not to risk immediate changes to my outlook/perception, I'd better post now while I'm in an almost null state.Lust? Got it in spades and the older I get, the stronger it becomes; I'm 29 going on 30, I even lust after those I hate with a passion regardless of how they are physically. Love? It has taken me 20 years to come to the conclusion that I seriously don't know. The kind of relationships I've had with women are rather like William Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet but rather than finding Juliet, I'm constantly finding Rosaline no matter what I do. I thought I knew what the difference between love and infatuation are; love and lust is easy but love and infatuation? For that matter, lust and infatuation is somewhat easy to tell apart. Is it infatuation or love if you try to take the time to get to know someone and try to build a relationship out of what you first felt for them? In this case I'm talking about a rush
  of 'love' and the desire to care for one another.Unfortunately, in my case it's been me feeling such but feeling afraid to tell her then committing mental suicide by jumping off that ever present emotional cliff and finally just saying 'I love you' and hoping I don't 'die' when reaching the bottom to either rocks or an ocean. More often than not, I land on rocks or what I think are rocks as the woman never returns my feelings. Sometimes I do land on rocks and the woman reams me out for feeling such nonsense and in one case she says yes and we try and find that we just don't work out. In the latest case, the woman even tries not to hurt me and succeeds in not doing so but guyding me to the conclusion that she doesn't feel the same way and we even hug after. That time I got lucky and she let me go unharmed. Rather than letting me commit emotional suicide again, she secures a harnise and rope then guides me down the cliff of fea
 r never letting me do anything foolish like trying to hide from facing the music. Still it was scary and I wish never to do it again but I know I will jump off again after finding another I've fallen for. There's no logic to my falling for someone, she just has to be there and bam, love at first encounter. No she's cute, she sounds nice, not even I like her form although that does happen but it doesn't contribute to the love feeling; it just happens.I doubt I'm the only one to experience 'love for no reason'. Check out the alchemist by Paulo Cuehlo; in one passage of the story, Santiago tells Fatima only a second after meeting her 'I love you; I'm going to come here and meet you every day'. In another passage, Fatima tells Santiago 'one is loved because one is loved; no reason is needed for loving.' I feel the same way and I love a particular someone because I love her; to me there is no other reason. However, to bui
 ld a relationship does require common interests, trust respect and preferably a good solid friendship as a foundation. Building a relationship though hard is not what I'm concerned about as I'm happy to do so after the first hurdle has been jumped. I'm more concerned with not feeling like a prat when trying to tell a woman I love her then not feeling like she's going to hit me or something if her answer is no. Although it hasn't happened yet in this lifetime, the thought of her even thinking about hitting me because I said the 3 dreaded 'I love you' words makes me quake in fear. Of course once the emotional crisis is over and then she decides to 'smack my bum' as the saying goes then I'm able to laugh but never during the emotional storm.So, what would I like my ideal partner to be like? That's simple; honest, kind and adventurous. I also like it when they're naughty; in this context I'm refering to the bedroom.
  Other than that, I'm happy to grow with her, learn from her, teach her and live happily.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings themadviolinist.Ah my apologies for the misunderstanding. I thought it was about sensory deprivation which gives one a temporary but fun experience when in a relationship with someone you trust. In this new light, I looked up the term but I must admit I have no understanding of such a 'fetish'?. I myself have been attracted to both blind and sighted alike; even to those who're def and are in wheelchairs. I see the disability as simply part of a person's life but I've only experienced a sexual attraction to those people not because they were disabled but in that sensory deprivation state that is temporary and I'd be in a relationship with someone I trust. Sure the disabilities are permanent but it isn't the be all and end all; it does interest me academicly in that the blind favors audio games; the motor impaired would favor speech recognission etc.My apologies once again for I have no emotional understanding of this partic
 ular fetish.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings all.Okay let me attempt to make the devotee issue less creepy. When roleplaying with blindfolds, the loss of one of your senses heightens the others making you hiper aware of your surroundings and in particular the person or people near you. It also adds a 'forbidden' quolity to the roleplay enhancing the experience further. As for those like me who perminantly cannot see, such activities are also perminantly heightened because my other senses are compensating for the loss of my sight. It isn't so much that I have a disability that would turn people on but rather that in such situations, I cannot see what's going on giving the other a sense of for want of a better word 'naughtyness'. Of course, everything in moderation or else it could turn into an obsession and obsessions are creepy.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings again.Although the institution of learning may be the best doesn't mean that the people themselves are educated or good. Not all you understand but many. There are bound to be those who sign up just to get an easy grade or if the work is too hard then drop out. In truth, I've found through experience that the men I've encountered as well as the women tutors make better friends and if you catch one who's single then a good catch after your education is done. Unfortunately I've never had any luck with female students; they all seem quite wooly unfortunately. Generally those outside the learning institution have more life experience therefore they are more understanding and make good friends/partners. I wouldn't even try at School and I'd still be careful at College and University or even the workplace if you decide to do that.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Greetings Ultradude306.Well, I'm going to be a little sinical here and say that even those who seem interested are only being pelight; not all but many of them. If not then you may be living in an area where women are simply better educated and just plane nicer so they're bound to be genuinly interested. In that case, be yourself and have a laugh and you may well find yourself gravitating to someone and they you. So far, I haven't been able to find even one to strike up a true friendship with let alone fall in love with. Sure there are oppertunities to fall in love and not have it returned and the women in my area are only interested in how someone looks and the latest fations so no go yet. As for those who have a well rounded personality; they're not looking for anyone so and they never stay long either.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

2014-01-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

Greetings Kamochek.In that case you may have to wait over a hundred years before man manages to create androids. Robots as they are now do not have have that capability. You could hear Reviva but touching a robotic version would simply feel like metal. The most viable option now is to ask her to create a sapi version of her voice so you can download and install it. Androids, robots that are human in every way except internally as the external parts are synthetic but feel like the real thing, they do not yet exist but we're coming close to that reality.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

2014-01-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

Greetings Kamochek.As for shrinking then entering Reviva's stomach... well, you probably wouldn't enjoy the experience because you'll slowly be digested and unless she realizes where you are, you'll have no hope of rescue from certain death! However, if you want to record sounds then the best way is to put a microphone on her stomach and record it via a computer or other recording device which has an internal microphone. Forget about sound scans or microphones which can go into the stomach as they'll record sound and output them to graphs. You won't be able to hear anything. As for shrinking then entering her bag, the only safe way to do that is to let her know before hand what you're about to do or else she won't know who you are and either call the authorities or fight and subdue you. As for creating a robot, it might be possible but if you want her voice to be used in sapi then the process is rather expensive but doable. I don'
 ;t know how much it costs to create a sapi or voiceover voice but someone can do it for you. Ask around in the technology forums on other sites.Well, I have no more advice to give you. There are some lessons that can only be learned via experience. I hope this has been of help to you.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

2014-01-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

Greetings Kamochek.A good start by telling her you love her and honesty goes a long way. A word of warning though, as man is not perfect, you may want to tred carefully when telling Reviva of your love however. I cannot remember which part of the old testament it happened in but nobody was able to look directly at Lord Jehovah God the Father directly. I believe it was Abraham who was permitted to see Lord Jehovah's back through many shadows and his projected hand to blind him temporrerrilly. Also Mosis was able to only see the burning bush. Both men were affected and Mosis even grew perminantly older physically but not in years and the slaves knew that Mosis saw God after decending the mountain. In the same way, when people face love, their best and worce traits are brought forward for others to see. John 3:16 and God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins. The world mocked and crucified Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshua Christos not knowin
 g of his sacrifice and not caring either. While many today embrace him, yet still more reject him and why? Because he loves us but many of us do not want pure love; they'd rather have conditional love, the lesser love if you will. I cannot in good conscience count myself as one rejecting pure love and I know you'd never reject it either. You're in my prayers also to our Lord.Anyway, taking all of that into account, if you are too forward in your declaration of love to Reviva, then on a smaller scale, what happened to Lord Jesus may indeed happen to you unless she is true to both Lord Jehovah and you. If she is then you will not suffer even if she says no but if she is like the Farasies and Sajusies then you will suffer because she will deliberately crucify you with her words just as Laurencia crucified me with her words. Many a good man has been verbilly crucified by an evil woman and many a good woman has been crucified by an evil man. So my advice to you is t
 o ask yourself whether she is good or not; not do you think she's good but is she truly good? If so then you will not suffer when declairing your love to her. Secondly ask yourself and Lords Jehovah and Jesus whether you can live with her. Can you first accept her for who and what she is then slowly tell her of your faith and the joy you feel when praising the Lord. Finally, ask what you could bring to the relationship. So if she is a servent of the Lord then all is well and you will be happy but beware if she is not for strife will surely follow.Hope this has been of help to you. I don't want you to think I'm against you; far from it but better be on the lookout for danger and avoid it than let your self be lulled into a false sense of security. May the Lord be your guide in this.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:<

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

2014-01-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

Greetings Komochek.I was born into the Islamic faith and I'm still considered a Muslim. However, I'm unable to subscribe to just one faith; one point of view. Take Christianity for example, before the politically powerful churches cannonised the bible into what it is today, the appocrafer was included there in and Lord Jesus was just as revered as a man as well as being revered as part of the triun God counsel. Before Saul became Paul, the early Christians simply did not believe, they knew God and Jesus's teachings intimately/instinctively/consciously without need of looking to the written word for God told them that the law is written in the hearts of every man be they wombed or not. Also, Lord Jesus told his disciples secrets that the public could not at the time be allowed to hear. It is for that reason as well as my own nature that I'm keeping an open mind.As for the term Goddess; it is the polar/female aspect of the most high God. I believe t
 he wiccans got this one right for they also believe in the same God as we do but they're intune with her female aspect while the major religions are intune with his male aspect. As for loving God more than man, I've found that if you consciously try to do that, you will fail in your endevor. However, if you follow the 'do or do not; there is no try' method where by you simply love then you'll find that your love for God will be absolute and man has his place in your heart be they wombed AKA woman or man regardless. Control not love for love is a free mistress and refuses to be taimed. Try to taim her and death will surely follow. Understand that you cannot apply relitivity to God; it is impossible. In physics, with every action there is an equal and opposit reaction. Two positives will make a negative and two negatives will make a positive. So rather than saying I love God more than 'incert name of person or thing', instead say I love God absolutel
 y for God is love and love must be loved for love's sake. Love's nature is to create and in love's embrace so to do we love one another. There is no such a thing as more or less in the realm of the absolute but in the realm of the relative where we have forgotten who and what we are and confuse love with infatuation or jealousy; where the elders tell the youth 'you know not what love is, you are too young to love; we're right and you're wrong', you can indeed say love one more than the other. That is the reason why evil is just as previlant today as it was since the fall of Adam and Eve.My appologies if my words have offended you for I meant none but did wish to address this topic. So to sum up, I believe in anything until something is proven beyond any shadow of doubt to be false.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

2014-01-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: bashue

Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

Greetings all; it's been a while.Well, in School I did love a nece of one of my teachers and a student. At College I did love a student and a support worker but this was back in Manchester and Liverpool. However, in Hereford I did love one Laurencia Lyndaur who was a student studdying web design and also became a staff member of the College. None of these love interests ever returned my love and the last truly ended desasterously for me. It matters not as it was 3 years ago now and my suffering is past. Here are my transcripts of my corrispondants with her. As for the teacher who the original poster loves, there are those who would love you far more, they need only be found; they are waiting for you. Here are the transcripts as promised.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.From: Amin Abdullah (Student) Sent: 24 February 2010 18:44To: Laurencia Lindor (Student)Subject: Please do not open if you are easally offended. My dear Laurencia, this missive with much fear do I write for I fear the ending to be an ever lasting fight. Many have done this in the past and hadn't lived to tell the tail, and still more othershave survived and I hear their voices wail. Their voices do I hear through out each day and night, they cry "Why me, what did I do, how do I make it right? These ghosts of the past haunt me even now saying"do not this chance away throw, for we were foolish and never confessed and too late now for the end is woe." So what truth do I have to tell, how do I break this fearful spell? I know of only 1 way but the price is very high but I am willing to it pay. Remember when we at the table sat this lunchen and we hada little chat? Remember I told thee of one who wishes, desires, to get to know thee? Remember when I said he feels so unsure to this truth to thee tell? Well God hath shouted to him, be not unsure, fearnot, trust in thine own soul. So this he did and is now sitting in the FLC, still hesitant but now more sure to tell thee the truth he has hidden from thee. So who is this boy who very young be who wishesto thee see? The answer is simple, that little boy is me. I kid thee not, no demands, no restrictions, no expectations will I on thee place, but dare I now say hello or even show my face? Much fear do I have of what could be but the hiding game I've played toolong, it has tired me. If I am to on the morrow have to face down all my ghosts, dare I ask for help from thee, yes I will my soul says to me. For thou art kind and so benign how could I not to thee turn?For if I do not then in the fire I will surely burn. This fire not physical be, it is the fire of guilt and shame. The physical will in time heal but longer lasting is emotional pain. So what is emotion,how can it be defined? It is simply energy in motion and that energy can be of any kind. So I will now end this missive, my story has been told. I leave it up to God now to judge me rash or bold. I have finally taken your advice, I have taken that next step. I will trust you and jump rightoff and hope that I will not break my neck. The karmic wheel has turned again, my soul has told me, "this time do not pretend. be true, be kind and do not her hurt or offend." So what happens now, whatcometh to pass, I leave it up to you. My friend, my Sister, fare thee well, please be not angry, I will not run, I will face my demons, and above all, I will be to you true.From: Laurencia Lindor (Student) Sent: 25 February 2010 05:13To: Amin Abdullah (Student)Subject: RE: Please do not open if you are easally offended. Hi Amin Thank you for your lovely email.  It is beautifully written, nicely poetic.  Can we meet at lunchtime on Friday for another chat at 1.00pm?  Let me know. Best WishesLaurie P.S. I am not offended at all!!RE: Please do not open if you are easally offended.   Amin Abdullah (Student)Sent: 26 February 2010 14:37  To: Laurencia Lindor (Student)My dear angel, a valuable lesson hast thou taught me and for this, I do thank thee eternally. For though the answer was nay, a different price I did pay. The price was ignorance and I did it shed, itweighed more than a tun of led. So what was it that I did for pay? It was freedom and a light to guide my way. A goddess, an angel you be, you did say that some day I will in the forest, find my tree. A question I did already ask and thou hast aided me to complete the task. How was it that there was no pain, no shame, and only how was it that there was so much to gain? The answer I did seek and thouhast shown me that it lies upon the consciousness peek. The way to forward go thou did say to fly, then stop, but not look from the problem away. For if from the cycle I do not learn, I will once againcrash and burn. This you said is not your desire, for it is your wish that I fly higher. So high I must fly, above the clouds, to a place of inner peace, where everyone is with me proud. So this advice I do now take, I am not afraid to now make a mistake. Fo