Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2019-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hi, I'm not sure if anyone is playing anymore, but I have a question. Is there a command to send you back to your guild location or something? Like, a recall of some sourts. Also, I was wondering how people get arround the maps if such a feature doesn't exist. Thanks for reading.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2019-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

#trigger {text to be triggered} {#play {soundpath.wav} @Vol} {} AnyCaseAlternatively,#trigger {text to be triggered} {#gagline all; #play {soundpath.wav} @Vol} {} AnyCase


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2019-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Bringing this topic back, does anyone still play? I had a low necro char lying around on 3k and started playing again yesterday. Also, I never understood this, but How do I make sound triggers in vip? let's say someone sent a message on newb for example, how would I make it play a sound?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I don't play anymore but will see what I can do.Yep, login eq on 3k is better than what you can usually pick up in the newbie zones. It was designed to give newbies in equipment heavy guilds an easier time without having to go eq hunting  or wait for donations. You can toggle it off if you really want to.As I remember, the starcraft area isn't a maze per say. It just wraps to give it the feeling of a giant open battlefield. Really there are only 3 or 4 rooms. The entrance, a couple of extras and a room with a bunker.The first few fragments you're basically guided to. If you're not finding the others that are explicitly mentioned, for example in the sspace station, someone may have beaten you to the punch. The others that aren't mentioned are semi randomly scattered around. There are a couple of zones where they don't load, but you basically just need to kill mobs and keep looking for them.Honestly this may not be your cup of tea unless you have tons of time to invest. After the newbie stuff and first couple of guild levels, every guild accept angel turns into a matter of set it and forget it fighting. And because the game is designed that way, I found angels manual combat to be very tedious.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Okay giving this one another try my char is therian though I'm not having much luck with those mirrors. Also oddly  the login equipment I get seems better quality than what I find in the newbie zones which is rather strange. On the one hand I'm level 4, on the other hand I've only found one mirror fragment so far (the one in the hawk bar), had no luck with the starcraft area which seems quite a complex maze.Any tips much appreciated.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2019-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Okay giving this one another try, my new cha's name is therion. I don't know what guild I'll go for, but I did finish one rather easy quest in pinacle. albeit I wasn't sure whether I killed that damn mosquito or nott. I had a look through the star craft mirror but couldn't get very far there, so I'll explore some others and see what I can find. The only really odd thing is the spells list for adventurers, since it says I should be able to view the spell's level, but they don't seem to be listed, just amount of damage and then spell points required if I've understood the list correctly, yet I'm level 3 and still apparently can't do anything with the spells, or at least whenever I try one I'm told "your not high enough level" which means I'm using the tutorial sword constantly as its the only way I can get access to a shock special attack.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

An important change was just made to 3Scapes.You can now leave guilds without losing any experience or stats. This means that at the newbie phase, you can try out as many guilds as you want at no cost. You still lose your guild object, which means if you leave the guild at higher levels you can still lose months of progress. I think this is a great thing for newbies though as it allows players to freely hop around and find a guild they really like before settling in.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Oberon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Another good reason to train Fremen skills you aren't using much is that you can earn gxp faster with more total skills (and they have an escalating cost).  How much to balance that against some skills being more useful is up to you.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

What raven says about keeping the mode skills sort of equal is very true. Even if you're not using pain, raising pain will put more points into the "mode pool" that you can use to have the other mode abilities active.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

"* dealt the killing blow to *" is useful, specially using the wildcards which means you can then pull out who killed who for example, for logging purposes or stopping a round counter or what have you.I'm not sure how you would do this in vipmud, but I'm pretty sure vipmud has wildcards so it can be done.Fremen is pretty easy. Read fhelp newbie, fhelp newbie advice, etc. You won't be able to use all the modes early on (by which I mean later on fremen can tank, damage, heal etc. well at the same time, but pre-100 you'll be better focusing on one thing).One thing i'd suggest doing is training your mode gskills together. Even the modes that you don't use. With how the mode points thing works out, it always helps to keep them equal, even if you don't use pain for example.Anyway, hope you have fun 


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hi all, I've just within a week or so of this post created a char on 3K, and just yesterday became a Fremen thanks to Raven. There's some very helpful folks on 3K and a big thanks to Raven for the help so far. My char name is Azy. I'm still very much in the beginning stages of learning this, to me, complex guild. Though I'm sure I'll get a handle on it in due time. Sadly I haven't read any of the Dune books yet but I will be soon, I think it'll give me some perspective.@David S, I wanted to ask you what sound triggers do you find to be the most helpful? Also, what mud client are you using? I'm using VipMud as I can script with it sooo much easier then Mush.When I say triggers I don't mean anything guild spasific, as I know our combat looks vastly different for example.But the triggers I've set up so far are li
 ke, when someone sends me a tell, or for when someone says something over the party tell chat. As well as the guild channel and flapchat. Not sure what to use for a trigger line when combat ends, as there seems to be multiple death text strings. lol that'd be something I wish the admins/wizards at 3K would get together on.Thanks to all providing helpful tips and insights in this thread, its definitely appreciated.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Probably more guilds use mud weapons then don't.  But someone expressed an interest in non-equipment using guilds so I was listing those off.Bladesingers on 3k also use mud weapons. Though over time they start to specialise in specific mud weapons.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Technically warder can use other weapons, but you can't use void or block and I'm not sure if you get gxp.Fremen can use other weapons as well.Gentech are reliant on mud weapons, as are priests I think. Mages on 3K use some mud weapons like daggers and staves, not sure about 3S.I think witch uses mud weapons as does necromancer.Jedi has a lightsaber guild weapon that's pretty necessary, though early on you'll use mud weapons until you unlock lightsaber combat and have the money to craft your saber.Changeling can use mud weapons in human or gorilla form, though they get no gxp for doing so.Juggernauts wield a mud weapon.Sii wield mud weapons in some of their forms.So yes, there are definitely guilds that use mud weapons instead of guild weapons.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I'm really looking forward to the diablo 2 area. So many exciting looking places on here!  Are there any guilds wher I don't have to use my guild weapon and can play around more with random drops I find?  Not that I'm going to leave warder.  I love that guild and the next one I really want to have a main for is jedi.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Couple of things about questing:Yeah, it takes a while to get approved. It took me almost a year, but I'm pretty sure I was a rare case. I'd guess within a couple of weeks to a month for most people.Also, many quests won't be doable until later, especially not with certain guilds. Almost every quest in the game involves fighting, so before just trying to embark on a quest, it's best to check out the ratings first using questlist. While there are a fair number of low qp newbie quests, much of the major questing in the game is geared toward high level and glevel players, and sometimes even groups of players. This is why I say that questing is not a requirement, though it can be in a couple of guilds. As much as i would love to have high mortal, I just don't see it happening until I actually put enough effort into a character to be able to do quests like Bahamut, Boomer Rampage and DragonBallZ.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

The qinfo forum is .. .. slow.  I think it's not high on andeddu's priorities.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I'm having a heck of a time getting aproved for the qinfo forum. Signed up a few days ago but andeddu is never around. Sent him a mail but still nothing.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I can't speak to the 3S nor to the theme of all the guilds. But for non equipment reliant guilds on 3K you are probably looking primarily at the offensive juggernaut sub-guilds, changelings, monks, fremen, and possibly sii.  Also maybe mages?Of those I believe juggernauts, changelings, and possibly monks have the simplest mechanics for beginners but I am not positive of that.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@DanC: Depends on how much you want to group. In warders, it's actually very possible to make yourself a fair substancial group asset as far as I can tell. You can join professions such as cult leader and marshal if you don't mind messing up the theme of the guild a little, to give your party members extra bonuses.Warders already get a guild experience bonus for grouping with other warders. You can supplement this later on with talents that support grouping, for example if I remember correctly there's a talent that further boosts that guild experience bonus for any other warder in your group.Warders can also defend others with their blades by parrying attacks away from them. I can't remember the command for this off hand or when you earn the ability, but it can help support the tank in a party and you will still attack with the mode enabled.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Thanks Oberon!  Due to work requiring a computer all day, I'venot been on nearly as much as I would have liked.  From what I've seen though, people on 3S seem very friendly.  Also mainly aimed at David, I want to group in future.  is there anything you recommend I do to make things easier?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Oberon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hi all!  I'm the aforementioned 3S admin.  Someone mentioned this forum/thread, and I thought I should drop by, mostly to say that I'm very much keen on supporting visually impaired players.  A few things have improved there in recent months, for example 'glance exits' to see the room short description and the exits fully spelled out, and a help file 'help reader' gathering tips for screen-reader-based play that would be hard to find otherwise.  I'm always interested in ideas for improving support for screen readers.  I'm not likely to check by here often, so send any thoughts my way on 3S, either by mud mail or by using 'bug' or 'idea' to suggest areas for improvement.  Or anything else, I like making the mud better, but I understand you've a special interest in screen reader support.Also a side note, we do have a couple good newbie helpers (including myself).  If you do dro
 p by and need some help getting started, don't hesitate to ask on the new player helping line ('newb').  If it isn't the middle of the night relative to US East, the chances are good that a helper will be about.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I do love warder, even though I keep dying.  I've also never read wheel of time, but it's a lot of fun.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

What is the best guild that has atmisfear but also isn't too hard on equipment? I think I'd prefer 3K, but I'm an advanced enough mudder to do 3S as well.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

For those wanting to change the page length in help files and such there is a room east and up from the center of town. In this room you can modify certain settings.  The most applicable here being the number of rows on a page.  The default is 20 from the days of 14 inch CRT monitors. These days most players will often set to 40. If you are looking to just have it dump the whole file then you could set it to 100 or such I imagine.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Also yes. "help areadirections" for some (no-where near all) areas that are suitable to starting levels.  These may fluctuate slightly based on guild choice.  Several guilds may also have help files or player-submitted content that will advise on where you can go at certain levels.  Also the command "questlist" will give you a list of quests, you can use arguments such as zone, fantasy, science, newbie etc. or questlist with the name or number of the quest for a fuller description of it.  This description will often also include a rating on level suggestion, if it's a combat, thinking or exploring quest and other factors.In your list of guilds that allow automatic joining.  Changelings on 3K is also in that. (Sorry all of the stuff I can advise you on is 3k specific as I am not a 3S player. 3S having split off during a long period of inactivity on my part and I'm a knight for life personally.  And 3S doesn't h
 ave knights.  However some of the base functionality is supposedly the same between the two. Also for the person who joined Juggernaughts.  On 3k if you get an energy mount it may be slightly less damage, but you do not have to worry about ammo, if this is the same on 3S then it is often the best first mount to get.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fang via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Just working my way through the posts now. Still on first page but a few info bits.  I apologise for most likely what will be poor formatting and slightly rambling or disjointed.Room Descriptions:You can have brief mode on or off for moving around, this will change if you get the "glance" or the "look" description when you enter rooms.  Look is spamier but has a more long-format version of room exits.For example Glance will give you "A Light Square (n,s,w,e)"  and look will give you "You are surrounded by burning brush set afire by cannon blastsand burning arrows sent high into the sky by the charioteers.The bright light from the flames highlights the detritus ofwar scattered by the explosions.  The area is littered withthe horrible mangled remains of humans and animals.    There are four obvious exits: north, south, west, east "Some spe
 cific areas will have slightly different formats for these, either because of a specific theme in the area (one area in one quest for example has directions of forward/back/left/right that actually changed based on your characters interaction, mapping is advised).  Other areas will be slightly different because the wizard coded that obscure little area back in 1993, was 18 at the time and probably high as a kite, and no-ones gotten to fixing it. *grins*Brief mode will also have an option of map (compass) on or off.  This compass can actually be enhanced by one of the mudskills in the game.  if you want a verbose mode with no compass the syntax would be "brief off no" for brief off, no compass. If you wanted it back "brief off yes".  This is covered in the help file "help brief" but after awhile perusing help files it's easy to miss stuff.Joining a Guild:When it comes to seeing who is online to recruit you int
 o a guild should you choose a recruit one. "who" will give you a basic player list but you can also type "players monk" to see just the players in monks.  Also feel free to use the newb, shout or other chatlines to see if someone is or can be made available. Also If you are looking to join a guild that requires recruitment and don't see someone on.  Feel free to ask on the shout or "flapchat" line if someone is available. A few high-level players are often on from work and are hidden so that they don't get bugged while idling at work or something.  Or others may be on an alt that is in a different guild and happy to change over to recruit you and help out.  Otherwise you may just need to be a touch patientKnights:Knights also have the choice of mounted or non-mounted combat, with mounted having different levels of horses as you progress, and gaining access to the "charge" style (one huge attack 
 every 2 rounds).  Knights are also probably THE most equipment reliant of the guilds on 3k.  But they also probably benefit the most from it.  Gear and Bootruns:If you don't like having to snag gear on boots there are 2 alternatives:Several guilds basically don't give a damn about gear or much of it, such as fremen/monks/changelings, Or can go with forms that use guild gear or little gear such as sii (or sii can wind up in a body that uses all of it, tricksy little space-bugs.) Alternative(ish) 2 is that recently fixed is the auto-loading gear system. If you are still under level 61 then you can accumulate a set of gear that will auto-load with you.  This is gear that only you have touched (picked it up of the ground yourself and haven't handed to someone else).  This is either gear you've gone and gotten yourself, or gear someone has killed the mob and left on the ground for you. (Several players are happy to h
 elp with some of this if you have specific needs).  After you hit lvl 61 IF you are in a guild reliant on gear then you're expected to know at least a few places you can get the unique stuff. Or you' can buy it, or you're fine with the non-unique gear, some of which is still rather awesome.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

One difference i've noticed in the 2 muds is that 3s seems to be more party-oriented wile 3k seems to be more solo (cough botting cough) oriented. So if you're starting out i'd recommend 3s because the 3xgxp speed, the helpful people, etc. I don't play 3s much now, but that is due entirely to angels on 3k. If you're looking for a complex, manual-combat guild, angels may be your cup of tea.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Warder is fairly newbie friendly in that the guild subsidizes all guild purchases and you don't have to start repaying anything until I think guild level 15. It also has it's own guild weapon and cloak, so that helps with equipment. The guild shop sells all but amulet, rings and other slot and the guild donation box usually has some good eq in it as well. So it's not a very coin-heavy guild, it has massive HP regen, gets powerful quickly and is probably the most unique guild with the most stuff to unlock next to gentech. Just be aware of when you start needing to pay the guild back for subsidies. If you drop too far into the negatives they'll lock you out of all guild purchases and angreal requisitions until you donate enough money to bring your balance back up.I'm just going to say this now. If guess the syntax in any form bothers you, get far, far away from any LP MUD. I have no idea why, but developers of LP seem to love guess the syntax. Other b
 ases where I've seen heavy questing haven't done this nearly as much, such as the Aber codebases. There's a theory floating around that guess the syntax comes from programmers who are used to debugging code building their quests in such a manner that they need that sort of thought process to solve, and since LP is more code heavy than most bases for even basic building I guess this makes sense.Having said that, if guess the syntax bothers you but you're ok with quest walkthroughs, then just create a character on 3Kingdoms, use the big red button to advance your character a little so it'll save and sign up for They were supposed to have changed the quests in 3Scapes so 3K qinfo didn't work, but laziness works in our favor in this case and as far as I've seen, it hasn't happened. On top of that, for any quests that might have been changed, all they've done really is move a few items around so the hints and direction
 s given by qinfo will be enough to help solve the quest. Some elements of quests are randomised like covenant, but again, with basic directions on the goal of the quest and where to look, what syntaxes to use etc, there's enough that the quest can still be solved without spending weeks ripping your hair out trying to figure out what drugs the wizards were on.If you're ok with just not questing, there's always just grinding up the unique guilds. Only monks on 3Scapes have quest point requirements late in the guild, though gentech can unlock a guild experience bonus for questing. Questing isn't required at all and is basically there for elitists who like to show off convenience privaleges and shiny but mostly useless or single-boot objects. Some of the later high mortal privaleges look kind of neat, such as an extra shield to help with tanking, quitting with equipment and the ability to summon some kind of minion, but I tend to doubt they're actually th
 at useful since I've never seen anyone using them in the groups I've run with. As for quitting with equipment, people tend to get stuck on that when really, the mud doesn't put that much emphasis on equipment anyway and once you start making money, the auction house is always full of good eq the first few hours after boot, so no need to constantly run gear unless you just like to be competitive.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I am thinking of trying 3s to be a warder, depending on how newbie-friendly they are. I tried 3s already a bit, but didn't get all that far. The game didn't grab me a bunch, and I'm thinking being in a unique guild might help with that.However, illegal qinfo-sharing plus guess-the-verb = death sentence for me. I'm absolutely okay with tricky quests, and with info being somewhat limited (though this has always bugged me, see below), but the clues have got to be there. If there's a dresser I have to move away from a hole in the wall, and the exact syntax is "push the dresser" instead of "push dresser" like it would be everywhere else, or if the syntax is "push the dresser away from hole" or something else, I'm gonna drop it. I hate, hate, hate artificial difficulty enhancements of this nature. To me, they bespeak either bad builders, or a deliberate desire to keep people from doing the quest. And we all know people s
 hare qinfo in such games anyway, they just don't do it inside the game itself. Just look at UossMud as an example, and Aardwolf, which has qinfo all over the place if you know where to look.So if 3S is going to do this to me, I'll just not bother. already having the issue with 4 Dimensions to some extent, and Frandum does it a little as well, but at least Frandum's syntax is good.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Liking changeling, but it's pretty slow going at first. It gets really good later on by all accounts.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@Dark,Just wanted to let you know your post appears to have been truncated at an odd place. Just wondering if this was something you had meant to erase entirely, or if the rest of the post somehow got cut off when you submitted it.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Thanks David, I'll give that a go. Btw, You might c


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

setmod ROWS 100Or whatever value you'd like to use. This is the number of rows that will be displayed before a prompt. Be sure to write rows in all caps.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

thanks david. It's possible I missed the mayor's comments on where to look for the sneaky bandits. I assumed that due to the fact that I found the sign in the forest saying that the bandits had stolen the shards that said bandits were in the forest, hence why I was looking around for them there. As to skills it does seem according to This skills description on the wiki That raising crafting skills does make a difference, in particular the idea of being able to mine or prospect for specific ores sounds handy, so good to know about skillpoints etc. For skills at least I actually find the wiki page layout a bit more help since it's possible to read up on all skills and go to headings to find out about subgroups of skills etc.I'll give things another try now that I'm not completely shattered and hopefully my brain is in working order . One last question though, is there a way to get the help files to display without those annoying "more" prompts? I think this is something to do with line filters or the like but what I don't know.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

There's no specific quest info channel and I imagine you can ask for general help on the flapchat channel, though you'll likely receive an answer in a tell to respect those that don't want quests spoiled.You're actually, quite literally, looking for mobs called A Sneaky Bandit. If you went through the tutorial and gave the first fragment to the mayor, he actually tells you where to look for the first 3 shards, on stetstar station for the first one, and then on the peasant farm and in goldenhawk bar. This is where you see the mob type you're looking for, and after that it's just a matter of combing the zones for those bandits. In the case of the first 3, they're a little hidden and one is actually at the end of a small miniquest in stetstar station. The rest of the bandits are just scattered throughout zones in different positions each time though. You'll need to find 12 shards to complete the skillquest I think.As per spending 
 skill points, there's a few ways to get them. You get 1 every even player level, so 2, 4, 6, etc. You get usually 1, sometimes more for doing skill quests. I think you get 1 for completing your first quest. You also get one for each year of play. So while they aren't finite, they aren't easy to earn either, and the initial flood of points will quickly taper off.Having said that, you can always reset your points and re-spend them at an escalating cost in coins, by typing advance skill reset. Your first reset is free, and after that the cost goes up rather steeply.I don't actually know what the crafting points do, I think they might just help you advance crafts faster. I've never spent points on them and the crafting is perfectly playable without spending any points on those skills.To find out what a skill does, you can always read a help file on it, for example, help combat.armor.penetration. Admittedly it can be a little tricky figuring 
 out which categories a skill is in though.You can also type help milestones on 3Kingdoms to see when things unlock. What you actually need to do to craft, for example, is go join the crafter's guild on the north side of pinnacle.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

There's no specific quest info channel and I imagine you can ask for general help on the flapchat channel, though you'll likely receive an answer in a tell to respect those that don't want quests spoiled.You're actually, quite literally, looking for mobs called A Sneaky Bandit. If you went through the tutorial and gave the first fragment to the mayor, he actually tells you where to look for the first 3 shards, on stetstar station for the first one, and then on the peasant farm and in goldenhawk bar. This is where you see the mob type you're looking for, and after that it's just a matter of combing the zones for those bandits. In the case of the first 3, they're a little hidden and one is actually at the end of a small miniquest in stetstar station. The rest of the bandits are just scattered throughout zones in different positions each time though. You'll need to find 12 shards to complete the skillquest I think.As per spending 
 skill points, there's a few ways to get them. You get 1 every even player level, so 2, 4, 6, etc. You get usually 1, sometimes more for doing skill quests. I think you get 1 for completing your first quest. You also get one for each year of play. So while they aren't finite, they aren't easy to earn either, and the initial flood of points will quickly taper off.Having said that, you can always reset your points and re-spend them at an escalating cost in coins, by typing advance skill reset. Your first reset is free, and after that the cost goes up rather steeply.I don't actually know what the crafting points do, I think they might just help you advance crafts faster. I've never spent points on them and the crafting is perfectly playable without spending any points on those skills.To find out what a skill does, you can always read a help file on it, for example, help combat.armor.penetration. Admittedly it can be a little tricky figuring 
 out which categories a skill is in though.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@David thanks for that. Quests are generally why I play games, however while quests are great fun, quests where your utterly stuck and can't progress are frustrating as hell and likely to put me off a game, especially if the game's admin policy is generally such as to frustrate you from doing the quests or discussing them as was the case with many of the goals in Aardwolf, where if you asked for a hint on a guess the verb quest you'd be told "thmaybe that quest isn't intended for you". Is there a specific quest info channel like that on Alteraeon? or can you just ask for info on the general channel. In fairness, often it's not so much specific info that is required so much as clarrification, in this case the mayor told me that the mirror shards are in newbieland, but it looks like the mirrors at the top of the tower go somewhere else so I wasn't sure whether to look through there for shards or not. Btw, I've now gone
  into the forest and killed every bandit I've come across. I've tried look in trees and search trees because the notice said something about hiding in the trees and shooting at people, but while I seem to be able to get a description of the trees doing anything with them is being problematic. I fear this is just one of those "guess the verb" puzzles, either that or I'm inherently thick, since look in trees, exam trees, and search trees hasn't found anything. On the other hand I am rather tired so I might have missed something obvious.I have one other question about skill points and attributes. Is the point of getting player levels levelling to get skill points to raise skills, since it seems I can raise stats with experience, but I can't raise skills with experience. If that is the case, then if player levels are capped at 150 does that mean there is a finite number of skillpoints available? this would seem to make d
 oing things like crafting a bit difficult if you want to go and explore and do other things, since if your spending skill points on crafts you can't be spending them on combat and appraise and all of those sorts of things. Or have I missunderstood when you get skillpoints?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@David thanks for that. Quests are generally why I play games, however while quests are great fun, quests where your utterly stuck and can't progress are frustrating as hell and likely to put me off a game, especially if the game's admin policy is generally such as to frustrate you from doing the quests or discussing them as was the case with many of the goals in Aardwolf, where if you asked for a hint on a guess the verb quest you'd be told "thmaybe that quest isn't intended for you". Is there a specific quest info channel like that on Alteraeon? or can you just ask for info on the general channel. In fairness, often it's not so much specific info that is required so much as clarrification, in this case the mayor told me that the mirror shards are in newbieland, but it looks like the mirrors at the top of the tower go somewhere else so I wasn't sure whether to look through there for shards or not.I have one other questio
 n about skill points and attributes. Is the point of getting player levels levelling to get skill points to raise skills, since it seems I can raise stats with experience, but I can't raise skills with experience. If that is the case, then if player levels are capped at 150 does that mean there is a finite number of skillpoints available? this would seem to make doing things like crafting a bit difficult if you want to go and explore and do other things, since if your spending skill points on crafts you can't be spending them on combat and appraise and all of those sorts of things. Or have I missunderstood when you get skillpoints?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@DanC: The dropship to get to the space station, from the entrance of the guild, is north, east, southeast.@Dark,Perhaps this will aleviate your fears about sharing quest info or asking about areas. Here is the announcement letting up on the requirements, as well as making some newbie improvements, pasted in full:> Note 799 titled 'The New Deal (Flaxen, Tue Oct 28 15:31:13 2014):  Hi everyone,  The wizards have been discussing the best way to attract new players   without sacrificing what's great about 3k or our current existing, loyal   playerbase. We've come to some conclusions that are going to change 3k   greatly in many ways -- some obvious, some subtle.  We are calling this   "The New Deal".     Our goal is to appeal to and fit in with the modern gamer: players who can   easily communicate outside of 3k (IMs, text messages,
  tumblr, whatever   else), who can easily opt to play and finish a graphics-rich AAA game in   under 20 hours, who are now used to high-quality, story rich games with   little repetitive content, and who can sit in front of the TV with their   iPad playing a mobile game.  We want to do all of this while staying true   to the roots of 3k as a challenging old-school text-based role playing   game.    We hope to remove some of the more archaic or cryptic elements of the game,   to remove barriers to usability, to increase information to players, and to   create an *optional* linear, guided journey for a new player.  One of the   guidelines we are using is "challenging, not punishing"   ( for details).   We believe that these changes will have almost universal appeal, and the  
  end result will appeal to old and new gamers alike.   The first of the New Deal changes are already in game:  1) a mudwide panic command  2) a mudwide repeat command  3) a mudwide flee command  4) acs/wcs are now visible as numbers on weaker armour/weapons.  (Higher   power armor/weapons still need a guild power to discern/compare)   The next set of the New Deal changes are rules based:  1) Quest cheating is no longer illegal.  It's no longer quest cheating.    Feel free to collaborate on or discuss quests, missions, stories, etc.    Please respect the wishes of players who do NOT want to hear spoilers.   2) Players under level 50 will be allowed into newbieland.  If a player is   caught griefing (making life difficult for other players) they will be   punished accordingly.   And the following se
 t of New Deal changes will be coming soon:  1) New players will get their choice of core guilds (fighter, sorcerer,   cleric) at character creation.  (Note that quitting a core guild is free,   so this makes no change to the transition to a standard guild).     2) Low level players will log into the game with a basic set of gear   (main+weapon).  We're looking for your feedback on whether it's better for   mid level players and up to use a command to get this gear, or whether it   should continue to autload, but have the option to be blocked (or both).   In some cases these changes may devalue or even outright negate existing   skills, guild powers or VAFs, but we cannot be bound by past decisions in   our attempt to move forward.  In some cases, these changes may seem like   they are killing off sacred cows of 3k, and in some 
 cases, they definitely   are meant to do so.   Please feel free to provide feedback, of course, though we prefer you do it   on the thread I have created on the CoT forums online   (   The Wizards of Three-KingdomsNote number: 799/858 It really is just due to them not updating help files properly that it seems quest info is still illegal to share. They really should fix that.The screen reader flag is 3Scapes exclusively.As for the quest, I can't remember if it's the tutorial or the mayor himself that tells you, but yes the fragments are scattered throughout newbieland. That means they can be in any one of the mirrors, just look for the sneaky bandits. And of course if you need more help than that, feel free to ask someone, hehe. It's actually a skillquest, which I thought was illegal to share, but it turns out that's not ille
 gal either. As for getting more info, for whatever it's worth, you just type questlist and the number of the quest you want to view info on, which usually isn't much. Same goes for skillquests.As for weapons, whichever weapon has the highest weapon class is better. In this case, the only reason the sword may be prefered over the axe is because the axe is two-handed, so you can't use a shield with it, and the axe doesn't have the newbie shock power. But for the vast majority of the game, higher Weapon class equals better weapon. You'll need appraise skill to see weapon class above 15 and armor class beyond a certain point though.The game does have a lot of guess the verb quests, but since quest info is legal to share now, this isn't a problem anymore

Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Okay I've jumped in on 3k and done the tutorial and the journal tutorial, I've created an adventurer character called Tandark (yes inventive I know).At the moment unfortunately I'm having several newbish questions, which might be because I've been up all night . First, how do I set the screen reader flag? I turned the minimap and hp display off, but I'm not sure what next adaptation wise. I have lots of items but am not sure what is worth using and what not. For example, the shocking sword I got in the tutorial is listed as balanced, but has a lower rating than the orc axe. Since there is no compare command (or at least not one I've found), I'm not really sure which is best to try. I've not foudn anything about android in the help list, though there are some androids listed online with the who list, then again I'
 m finding the help system a miner trial since I'd like to get rid of those "More" commands and just have the hole file read, indeed I've been using the wiki instead of the in game help for a few things like what skills do.I was also wondering about getting info on quests, since the quests list command is a bit none specific and rather weerdly formatted. For example at the moment the mayor wants me to find his mirror shards which is fine. my gut would say look in the forest, however in the top of newbie tower is a room with magic mirrors, yet each mirror leads to a different area. I don't know whether the mayor's shards are through those mirrors, or whether those mirrors lead out somewhere else in the game since I'm not really sure how the areas work as yet (forgive me if I'm being dense). I'm also rather wary of asking questions since I've been told so many times "we don't give out quest info, ask 
 for quest info and you will be hung from a tree with a sign round your kneck saying "he asked for quest info and was punished since asking for quest infor is wrong wrong wrong!" (really, this is so strongly enforced in every single help file I'm a bit worried about asking much about the areas at all).My plan thus far is to poke around and get an idea what is what before I actually start on the game in a major way, perhaps try a core guild to help me do that and maybe start with an alt or restart a core guild character once I've got what is what, since even the basic classless adventurer seems rather more complex than I thought,  though I can say the crafting and such and the writing in the game have got my interest (just as long as I don't get swamped by guess the verb type of affairs).


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Okay I've jumped in on 3k and done the tutorial, I've created an adventurer character called Tandark (yes inventive I know).At the moment unfortunately I'm having several newbish questions, which might be because I've been up all night . First, how do I set the screen reader flag? I turned the minimap and hp display off, but I'm not sure what next adaptation wise. I have lots of items but am not sure what is worth using and what not. For example, the shocking sword I got in the tutorial is listed as balanced, but has a lower rating than the orc axe. Since there is no compare command (or at least not one I've found), I'm not really sure what is what.Then, newbie skills. I have lots of adventuring skills, indeed I get a mondo list, however it's a bit of a pest finding what does what, so I've no idea what to spend 
 on. I also don't seem to be able to advance my stats, unless I missed something, or at least when I type "stats" I'm not really sure of the pannel. I was also wondering about quest commands eg like alteraeon's quests nearby commands, though in fairness those might be missing, indeed I'm going to check the wiki now for skills and quests. My plan thus far is to poke around and get an idea what is what before I actually start on the game in a major way, perhaps try a core guild to help me do that and maybe start with an alt or restart a core guild character once I've got what is what, since even the basic classless adventurer seems rather more complex than I thought,  though I can say the crafting and such and the writing in the game have got my interest (just as long as I don't get swamped by guess the verb type of affairs).Okay I've jumped in on 3k and done the tutorial, I've created an adventurer character called Ta
 ndark (yes inventive I know).At the moment unfortunately I'm having several newbish questions, which might be because I've been up all night . First, how do I set the screen reader flag? I turned the minimap and hp display off, but I'm not sure what next adaptation wise. I have lots of items but am not sure what is worth using and what not. For example, the shocking sword I got in the tutorial is listed as balanced, but has a lower rating than the orc axe. Since there is no compare command (or at least not one I've found), I'm not really sure what is what. I'd also like to get rid of those annoying "more" prompts from the help files, or get the game to display the hole file at once. I think that's something to do with the mud terminal filter or something but I'm not sure how to do that. Because of those
  annoying prompts I've been checking out the wiki, which has nice explanations for stats and a full skill list which is very handy. I also don't see the android core guild, indeed I've found help files under help fighter and help sorcerer, but their not listed in the guilds section of help and there's nothing about core guildds anywhere that I can see. My plan thus far is to poke around and get an idea what is what before I actually start on the game in a major way, perhaps try a core guild to help me do that and maybe start with an alt or restart a core guild character once I've got what is what, since even the basic classless adventurer seems rather more complex than I thought,  though I can say the crafting and such and the writing in the game have got my interest (just as long as I don't get swamped by guess the verb type of affairs).


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Okay I've jumped in on 3k and done the tutorial, I've created an adventurer character called Tandark (yes inventive I know).At the moment unfortunately I'm having several newbish questions, which might be because I've been up all night . First, how do I set the screen reader flag? I turned the minimap and hp display off, but I'm not sure what next adaptation wise. I have lots of items but am not sure what is worth using and what not. For example, the shocking sword I got in the tutorial is listed as balanced, but has a lower rating than the orc axe. Since there is no compare command (or at least not one I've found), I'm not really sure what is what.Then, newbie skills. I have lots of adventuring skills, indeed I get a mondo list, however it's a bit of a pest finding what does what, so I've no idea what to spend 
 on. I also don't seem to be able to advance my stats, unless I missed something, or at least when I type "stats" I'm not really sure of the pannel. I was also wondering about quest commands eg like alteraeon's quests nearby commands, though in fairness those might be missing, indeed I'm going to check the wiki now for skills and quests. My plan thus far is to poke around and get an idea what is what before I actually start on the game in a major way, perhaps try a core guild to help me do that and maybe start with an alt or restart a core guild character once I've got what is what, since even the basic classless adventurer seems rather more complex than I thought,  though I can say the crafting and such and the writing in the game have got my interest (just as long as I don't get swamped by guess the verb type of affairs).


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

so I took juggernaut, as I want to save some of the more atmospheric guilds for later tries.I can't find the dropship to get to the station though, the ones so far haven't let me enter as they are guild specific haha.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I've been away from the game a bit playing Brave of Cloudia, but I can garuntee you I'll be around more with boot 1000 coming up. It will be double experience for the entire 4 day boot, which will be a Spam? for me to unlock my next alt and give him a solid boost toward level 50.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I'm on 3S most nights UK time now if anybody is around.  


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Right, it's all exp spent on stats -half your exp on the highest stat. sorry.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Just a minor correction here.Please clear all my stats returns all of your experience, excluding half of the experience you spent on your highest stat. Unless things are different for core guilds that is.Either way, no matter whether you leave the guild outright or are returned most of your exp, you'll still have some work to do retraining your stats. I'm not a big fan of the system, I think if they're going to completely reset stats like that they should either do it for all guilds, or refund your exp for stats earned in the newbie guilds.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Do be aware that clearing stats at 60 is a good thing.Different guilds use stats for different things, as you would expect. It does not make sense playing a mage with 100 str you got while being in fighter.When leaving a core guild, before leaving go to your guildhall and type please clear my stats in all capitals. This will give you half of the xp you spent on stats back, which you can then use in your new guild.P.S. This game can certainly feel like you need to have the right information to get stuff done. And to some extent, that is true. The link I gave in post 6 mitigates it somewhat, but it still has the play-and-figure-out mentality. Most players would be happy to clear your doubts, though.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@dark: That is correct. Just be aware that when you leave a core guild at level 60, you lose all your stats and will have to re-earn your exp and train them back up. So basically you'll just be starting over in a new guild, with a higher player level.As for the differences in levels, it's just a matter of numbers really. Player level is stable across any player on the mud and as far as I know, maxes out at 150. This determines how many stats you can raise as well as providing a couple of HP per level. It also determines when you unlock certain things, such as extra professions, housing, subguilds like ascended and eternal, etc.Guild level and experience is unique from guild to guild. For example, SII have only 20 guild levels called control levels, which they can raise after gaining enough control, signifying that they have mastered their forms and abilities for that level. However, the levelling is split up across mastering forms. So instead of just focusi
 ng soully on gaining new levels, your focus can be on gaining forms as well. Changelings gain a guild level each time they train a skill. Jedi gain a guild level called an ascention by spending guild experience, which then gives them skill points based on a formula that they can then spend on training skills. The core guilds all gain levels automatically when they have enough guild experience, which then unlocks new levels of skills for them to train.As you can see, there's quite a difference between player and guild level, and even in guild levels across guilds. There are also profession levels and levels in subguilds to be raised as well, but player and guild levels are generally the most important.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Well David I'm afraid I don't completely get this thing of guild vs player levels, but from what you say it does sound like I could start out as an android just to have a look round, then either change to something else later when I've hit android guild level 60 or start another characters. Of the core guilds I fancy android more than the others since it sounds a little more unique I think.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I decided for now to stick with 3scapes. I am enjoying changeling, although the combat is a bit tedious, but that's okay. I'm not quite sure of ow to get new forms, since all of this seems very secretive, but I'll figure it out.Look forward to seeing some of you on there. My name on there is Adraea.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I can't remember if I explained how the core guilds are limited in my first post, so I'll do it here.The core guilds are super fast to level up, even by 3Scapes standards. I'd say with enough effort, any one of them could be maxed out within a week, whereas the regular guilds can be measured in years worth of work. One of the coders on 3Scapes estiamted that it would take 100 days of combat time to max out a guild on 3Scapes, whereas on 3K it's more like 300 combat days. Since it's unrealistic to spend 100% of your time in combat, this translates to at least a couple years worth of work for 3K guilds.The core guilds are designed for those who are completely new to the mud or those who want to advance a character very quickly. I tend to use the core guilds for hardcore characters since they get a rapid start and generally have more protection early on than the regular guilds do.However, they cap off at guild level 60. There's no ea
 sy way to equate this with the regular guilds, since guilds like Sii cap off at guild level 20 and other guilds level well into the 200 to 300 range. However, the cap, while it lets you get powerful quickly, prevents you from getting as powerful as the regular guilds if you put enough work into them.There's also a hard cap on player levels for the core guilds, level 100.One final penalty is that while you can leave the core guilds like any other guilds, you lose all experience past level 60 and your stats are all reset to 1. If you leave a regular guild, you simply lose a level and 1 from each stat. Most of your time in the core guilds will be spent advancing player levels, though sorcerer is a little slower to advance than the others because it uses mud experience to advance skills within the guild.Having said that, the core guilds, while lacking a bit in atmosphere, are very nice for learning the mud and getting some early exploring under your belt. Freme
 n can be good for this too, they're one of the faster regular guilds to advance. Changelings have some very good tank forms and so can be good for exploring, but have trouble sustaining combat early on.I know psicorps wasn't one of your choices, but their problem when they first start out is that they have the ability to deal out a ton of damage, but they can't take damage very well until some skills are trained up and they start unlockinghigher tier implants.This post is mostly negative, but I thought it might be helpful to weigh some of the cons of each guild against each other. For the regular guilds, they all eventually overcome their early problems and become powerful. For the core guilds, the caps can never be overcome or raised.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Thanks david, I do think I'll give 3k a try since this strikes me as a game where acting a newbie is a good idea. I'm however now stuck for guild choice between trying one of the less equipment heavy core guilds such as android to get to know the game, or jumping streight in and trying out either changeling or fremen.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

You can always ask over the guild channel for some help and explain that you're completely new to the mud. Often times you'll need to stretch outside of the guild files to the mud help files, for example help areadirections to find a place to run for guild experience.If I remember right, there's an info quickstart file or something that gives you just the basics to get started, though admittedly I've only played on 3Scapes. 3Scapes uses a credits system to buy upgrades now, and I know the guild used to use coins instead so not sure if 3K is still using that system.Anyway, basically you just need to get a piece of armor to reinforce, anything will do at low level. Then buy a mount from the mount shop on the space station. Then go back to the ground base and load the mount with ammo. For all of these you'll need coins, so juggernaut isn't the most newbie friendly since coins can be a little difficult to make later on. If 3Kingdoms uses the
  coins system, you can also buy upgrades now, such as targetting computer. After that you can start running mobs.For extremely newbie friendly guilds that are almost entirely self-contained and don't use much for mud coins or resources, at least early on, I'd recommend either one of the core guilds as explained above, psicorps, fremen or changeling. Psicorps allows you to donate money but it isn't necessary. fremen doesn't use coins accept for maula pistol ammo and a cloak. Changeling gets a benefit for using money eventually, but it's not required and can wait until you learn how to earn coins. The core guilds don't use money at all but aren't available on 3Scapes.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hmm, I went with juggernaut for my first char, but it seems kinda complex, so much to read and no idea what I should be doing really, even with reading the newbie info files. It's sort of informational overload, and my mudding time is incredibly limited these days.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I honestly can't really help anyone make the choice of which game to try, it all depends on personal preference. You either get player recruitment and very slow advancement but with some slightly more newbie friendly features, or automatic guild joining, triple speed guild advancement and a smaller player base. There's also nothing stopping anyone from playing both, especially since each game has some unique guilds.Dark, probably due to laziness, not everything has been updated yet regarding quest info. I think help quest has been updated, and the newbie academy quest has the correct answer regarding sharing quest info, but apparently they haven't updated the newbie FAQ yet. I don't even remember seeing a newbie FAQ, actually.In an ironically completely newbie unfriendly manner, the place where you can actually see the change made to quest info is by reading post 799 on the announcements board, that is, type aread 799 when you're in the game.
  Many posts after this one also discuss major new changes to the game, such as the newbie equipment.As for being recruited to a guild, most of the time the guild help file will tell you who will be able to recruit you. Usually someone has to have been in the guild for a while and acquired some of whatever form of advancement that guild uses as a levelling equivalent. You can then type players (guild name) to see who's on and look for someone who meets those requirements. Then, yes, you send them a tell and ask for recruitment. You may have to wait a few minutes in some cases since people will often be out on runs, but if the guild has active members, you'll be recruited.At the time of this writing, the truely dead guilds appear to be Cyborg, bard  and Bladesinger. Dead doesn't mean there's no way to get into them, just that there are rarely any members of that guild on and it can be very difficult to be recruited. Also, you will usually not hav
 e any help getting started in that guild.Guilds that allow for automatic joining on 3Kingdoms include monks, angels, psicorps, elementals and mages, as well as any of the core guilds (fighter, sorcerer, cleric and android.)Hope this helps and glad people are taking an interest in the mud. I'm usually on 3Scapes as Jotham these days, though I'll likely be making a new alt soon. You can always tell which of my characters is online by typing finger silvanus and looking for the alt in the list that says online.If anyone wants to run some experience and get some help through the early guild levels, send me a tell or wake me and let me know. I'm always happy to help and the partying features on both games ensure that there is no risk at all for lower level players.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I honestly can't really help anyone make the choice of which game to try, it all depends on personal preference. You either get player recruitment and very slow advancement but with some slightly more newbie friendly features, or automatic guild joining, triple speed guild advancement and a smaller player base. There's also nothing stopping anyone from playing both, especially since each game has some unique guilds.Dark, probably due to laziness, not everything has been updated yet regarding quest info. I think help quest has been updated, and the newbie academy quest has the correct answer regarding sharing quest info, but apparently they haven't updated the newbie FAQ yet. I don't even remember seeing a newbie FAQ, actually.In an ironically completely newbie unfriendly manner, the place where you can actually see the change made to quest info is by reading post 799 on the announcements board, that is, type aread 799 when you're in the game.
  Many posts after this one also discuss major new changes to the game, such as the newbie equipment.As for being recruited to a guild, most of the time the guild help file will tell you who will be able to recruit you. Usually someone has to have been in the guild for a while and acquired some of whatever form of advancement that guild uses as a levelling equivalent. You can then type players (guild name) to see who's on and look for someone who meets those requirements. Then, yes, you send them a tell and ask for recruitment. You may have to wait a few minutes in some cases since people will often be out on runs, but if the guild has active members, you'll be recruited.At the time of this writing, the truely dead guilds appear to be Cyborg, bard  and Bladesinger. Dead doesn't mean there's no way to get into them, just that there are rarely any members of that guild on and it can be very difficult to be recruited. Also, you will usually not hav
 e any help getting started in that guild.Guilds that allow for automatic joining on 3Kingdoms include monks, angels, elementals and mages, as well as any of the core guilds (fighter, sorcerer, cleric and android.)Hope this helps and glad people are taking an interest in the mud. I'm usually on 3Scapes as Jotham these days, though I'll likely be making a new alt soon. You can always tell which of my characters is online by typing finger silvanus and looking for the alt in the list that says online.If anyone wants to run some experience and get some help through the early guild levels, send me a tell or wake me and let me know. I'm always happy to help and the partying features on both games ensure that there is no risk at all for lower level players.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@David you get a solid thumbs up for that first in debth post. It kept me interested and it wasn't rambling and I was very impressed. Great job, and great way to drum up players for a new, or in this case older mud!I'm nearly as stumped as everyone else seems to be. Which guild to go with, which mud to sign up with first. 3K or 3S.But it'll have to wait as I'm busy with three different chars on Alter at the moment.Thanks for all the info! I will be back to check it out.:D


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Man, I really don't know which guild to join, they all sound great. Torn between jedi, sii, juggernaut and changeling. Also how do you ask to be recruited? Just send a tell to someone?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I logged in to 3K as a guest since you said that was more newbie friendly generally, just to have a quick poke around and I noticed something a little odd in the newbie faq. Namely that you say sharing of quest info on 3K is allowed, where as the newbie faq sort of expplicitely says "no sharing of quest info ever! at all ever!" It does say if you ask the wizard who coded the quest very nicely they might help you, but not much else, which doesn't seem to go with what you said.It's odd, I must admit without your description I wouldn't have pegged the games as specifically interesting since looking at the basic help and starting area they seems pretty standard, but obviously you know them well, and I must admit the idea of some of those guilds does sound rather interesting, especially for a player like me who doesn't much like equipment balancing.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I'm currently leaning towards 3 scapes, as player recruitment to guilds puts me  off a bit.  especially as I might want to try a few of them.Alright, I've just joined 3S as hathron.  this should be fun


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I'm currently leaning towards 3 scapes, as player recruitment to guilds puts me  off a bit.  expecially as I might want to try a few of them


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

so, I either want to really give 3s or 3k a go.  No idea which one to go for though, as there are plusses and minuses to both.  


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

try help areadirections , it should help you up


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

try help areadirections , it should help you out


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I got one simple question: Where or how can i find suitable areas or quests for my level? I dont want to step in some areas where i get killed in a short moment.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Have you typed setmod READER 1?If you have and consider is still showing up with punctuation marks denoting strength of enemies and such, then I have sad news. The consider command was supposed to be coded to give us different output with reader mode enabled, but if it isn't then it hasn't happened yet. Your only option is to try to count the vertical bars for the various outputs.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

How can you use the warders consider ability?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I would actually say 3K still has the best newbie experience by far. 3Scapes is for players that like to mostly do everything themselves and figure things out. There's still the newbie line, but since guilds don't require player recruitment and many of the players are veterans creating alts, there really isn't much newbie help at all. 3K has all the equipment, the easy levelling, plus it's all but required that your recruiter in a guild help you gain at least some basic knowledge and a few guild levels. Doesn't always happen depending on the guild, but is very common.Funny that you ask about warders. The strongest warder in game, and one of the strongest characters period, is female. It kind of throws off the theme of the guild a bit, I think it'd be cooler if females played as a sedai and the male warder was support. But instead you just play a female warder.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Thank you for that.It helps me narrow some of it down. I love to experiment and try out new things. It sounded like 3S had a better newbie experience, even if there is  no jump to level whatever button.Quick question about the warder guild. Is that for male characters only?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hmm. I think the most minion-oriented guild is necromancer, though several other guilds get minions, like broodlings for the sii, aes sedai for warders and clone for changelings.Sounds like you'd want to play a fairly adaptable guild then. I'd say Jedi can play a lot of different roles fairly well with the right ability setup. Priest also seems to be able to solo and support other characters (and I think gets some form of minions as well), and witch seems to be a good solo and support guild too. The only one I have experienced personally is Jedi, but I've seen witches and priests in groups and they seem to be very powerful classes in whatever role they put effort into mastering.If you're looking for socialization, you probably want 3Kingdoms. It has an overall larger playerbase by about 4 times on average and it's dedicated social channels seem to get used more. 3Scapes does run it's fair share of parties and the like though, especially 
 since there are some end game zones that I don't think are soloable. I could be wrong about that, but I've never seen anyone soloing Ice Behemoths.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

This thread makes me ridiculously happy.I played 3K a very long time ago in like 2005 or maybe 204.  I had a bard character and it was so much fun. I  also played the secretive breed, and even once you are in the guild, the quests just get harder. It's very cool, though, if you have the patience.I have forgotten so much, but this post answers so many questions and has made me fall in love with the game all over again.So thank you, original poster. You sound like a gamer after my own heart.I didn't realize the differences between 3k and 3S.  I would love to play again, but now I don't know which one to play or even what guild. What am I going to do? Quick, someone help me choose.I am also a social butterfly.  It is hard for me to play a game without having someone to chat with.  I swear, I'm not annoying. Well, I probably am, but we'll just keep that to ourselves.I  love support classes
 , but I also like solo play, but I also like being useful in a party. I especially love the idea of being able to summon, or have minions. Quick, someone, be my brain!


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Ah, thanks david_solomon1.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Just a little correction here:Juggernauts have more than 60 guild levels per suit. 60 is just where the guild powers stop unlocking. There are juggernauts who are over level 100 in at least one suit, and a juggernaut who plays regularly is around glevel 85 in his gnome suit. The credit simulator cuts off at glevel 100 in each suit, but I've heard that most suits can't max out all their techs until glevel 101.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hi Sneak. Thats perfect! I wanted to play as a juggernaut too. My name is zuro. Maybe we can meet up in the guild for a little instruction run.I will try to contact you when i am online again.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hi Sneak. Thats perfect! I wanted to play as a juggernaut too. Maybe we can meet up in the guild for a little instruction run.I will try to contact you when i am online again.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I'm currently a level 13 elemental juggernaut on 3S, name's sneaky on there. If anybody has any questions on this guild starting out leme know. It's pretty fun so far, gear hasn't been an issue, but it does have a little bit of a learning curve if you're a new player. Took me a couple hours to read through the documentation and to get a grasp on what everything "actually" meant. Like how there isn't any actual guild levels, rather you have suit levels, but suit levels don't transfer from one suit to the next. You have to reach lvl 60 in every suit if you want to max out levels, and since there are 5 suits in all, it'll be a while. LOL. Every time you gain a suit level, you gain credits which are used for purchasing tech for your current suit. You also earn guild skill points, which can be applied to your guild specific skills like punch, kick, jump jet, death from above, ETC. Combat is actually really really easy, everything is aut
 omated, so all you need to do is watch your health and the mob's health. Stats and tech are very important here, so it's good to keep up with those as you level.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

OK Community, listen to this: I talked with two very very friendly wizards in 3kingdoms and also 3scapes. Both of them are very interested in making the mud more friendly for blind people! So if you have any ideas, suggestions, or other improvements, feel free to contact Takamori: Wizard in 3kingdomsOberon: Wizard in 3scapesThey are waiting for you!In 3kingdoms we now have the exits-command for showing up only the exits with the complete spelling.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

There's the idea command, though it's usually tied to the area it's used in.Barring that, you can just mail your suggestion to one of the archons or wizards listed in help wizard.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

@david_solomon1: HMM, any idea how i can contact the archons? Sadly there is no command for making suggestions.@Valmorian: I think using a trigger wouldnt work in this case cause of possible similarities with the endings.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

you can set up a trigger to read the exits how you want them to be read. what client are you using?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

you can set up a trigger to read the exits how you want them to be read


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Sorry, there's no other way to display exits quickly that I know of. However, if you suggested this to the archons of either or both muds, they may implement something, especially on 3Scapes' READER mode.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

it shows it fine at the end of the line but there is nothing wrong  if se  did stand for southeast what else would it stand for in that context but that might just be me


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Hey hey! I like the Mud so far. But what i realy dont like is how the exits of a room are presented. You can use the glance-command but it gives you only the abbreviation of the exits like nw for northwest or se for southeast. Thats not so nice to understand. Is there another command to show you the available exits in a better way?


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

So apparently I was wrong and these muds do allow logging in as guests. Sorry about that.Yeah, the Jedi guild is pretty nice. It's not the most atmospheric in terms of descriptions, but it does have pretty good descriptions of a lot of abilities and really the only place it falls down a little is the lightsaber combat descs. The teepo blaster descriptions are good. I haven't seen the sith combat technique descriptions but they might be good as well.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

so I'm very sad to say that based on your desc they have better starwars stuff than I've ever seen in a starwars mud which is sad return of the Jedi is nice but having to rent is really annoying and I'm a dumb dumb and keep walking into deathtraps which has likely saved me from running out of moneys. going to take a look at one  or both at some point in time


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Now is a pretty good time to create a character on 3k if you're thinking about trying out the games. They're having some reward boots right now. Even though most of them have passed ,the current boot is Thorsday, which means that the more drunk you get in the mud, the more powers you have. You'll shoot lightning bolts at enemies, be healed by lightning from above, get boosts and even drain HP and other energy types directly from your foes, at no cost to yourself. The next boot is double profession experience as well as unbreakable equipment.I've also, finally, been doing some exploring. For those interested, I can say that I have seen very few areas without something to actively do in that area. There are actually less hack and slash areas than areas with a purpose, from what I'm seeing. Yes, grinding is a big part of this game, but the wizards have definitely taken the time to make sure their areas have something to please other types of gamers as 
 well. There's always something to search, some kind of toy to play with, I've even seen a few mini quests that offer small rewards like freeing a leprechaun or killing an assassin bug for the queen. Add to that the missions on 3Kingdoms which tend to have more storyline than some of the quests I've seen.Remember that there are 3 realms to explore, which 20 plus years of work by dozens of wizards. There's bound to be something for nearly everyone here.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I've joined! As usual, I'm Uair!


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

As far as I know, there's no way to log in as a guest.However, character creation is only a 6 step process, username, password, gender, email, private or public email  and accept terms of service. On 3Kingdoms 7 because you have to decide whether or not to play a hardcore character. But there's no race or class selection, no character customization, etc, so it can be a matter of signing up in about 30 seconds to a minute.As far as giving your email goes, I've never seen these two muds send out anything, for any reason. They don't even have a newsletter. I think they just want an email on file so that you can be contacted in case of tampering with your characters, or if you choose to have your email displayed publically, so other players can contact you.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

As far as I know, there's no way to log in as a guest.However, character creation is only a 5 step process, username, password, gender, email and accept terms of service. On 3Kingdoms 6 because you have to decide whether or not to play a hardcore character. But there's no race or class selection, no character customization, etc, so it can be a matter of signing up in about 30 seconds to a minute.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Can you login as a guest to have a first short look? Some muds got guest-accounts. I like this very much.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

I suggest doingalias l look at $*As "look at" resolves to look, this works out nicely.It wont' work with guilds which have look parsers. (necromancer.)in there look x works automatically.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

The one thing that I don't like in 3k is that I have to type the whole command with total grammar correct. For example look at shelve


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

3Scapes has a readermode variable you can set that removes ascii art from a few places, though not all of them. It also makes a few adaptations such as making some displays shorter or less spammy.As for combat spam, that's usually guild-based and pretty much every guild I've seen has many settings to brief information you don't want.One thing I'd recommend for screen reader users is to type autoHP as soon as you can. This would be after a certain part in the tutorial for new players. It will turn off the HP display every round of combat, and then you can just type HP to see the display when you need it.As for exploring and questing, I know I focused on combat a lot, but there's actually tons to do that isn't combat. With both muds being essentially 20 years old, there have been wizards building areas that whole time and it shows in the 4 plus rooms to explore. Pretty much every area has a special feature of some kind, somethin
 g to search, examine, fiddle with, etc. And there are 90 built in quests, plus little mini quests for many of the areas that involve reputation or a piece of equipment or the like. 3Kingdoms also has a missions system that's more like the typical retrieve items or kill mobs systems in some of the diku codebase games or games like Materia Magica.With the games both having 3 separate things merged into one, you can also take your pick as to where you'd like to explore. If you're in a fantasy mood, go crawling through dungeons and caves to find magical artifacts, again, many of which have special features. You can find things like a jewel sword that can switch damage types when you press on the jewels, like pressing the ruby causes the sword to burst into flame.Feeling in a more sci-fi mood? Go explore everything from post-apocalyptic desert wastelands to star trek, and expect that there's little hidden mechanisms around every corner and puzzles to sol
 ve. Trek will have working turbolifts, etc.And chaos, as I said above, is for everything else. But even the smurfs area has hidden things to be found. Even Sesame Street has special features if that's your thing. Chaos has areas based on anime, games, books, tv shows, and just complete randomness.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Thumbs up david for a great description. I don't know if these are as much my thing since I'm more into the exploring and questing and while I like interesting combat it's more a means to an end, likewise I've never been a fan of minimaxing in games too much I prefer to play on the fly and deal with what's in front of me, but I might give them a look. One question from a site perspective. Do they have any specific screen reader adaptations? eg, ascii map or other ascii alternatives, directional commands, specific screen reader low spam mode etc.I only ask because of the site database. While all muds are  pretty much playable, we can't add entries to the site for any and every mud someone plays otherwise we'd turn into the mud connector, so when we write entries it's for games like alteraeon, promethius, frandom, materiamagica, aardwolf  etc that have some sort of screen reader adaptations (alterae
 on would get one even without the custom client). Anything like that in either of these muds? This certainly isn't about whether people should play them, just whether they need db entries, though there are still several muds that do need entries like cleft of dimentions, cosmic rage, lament, discworld and possibly lost souls.


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

This is useful:


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Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

A lot of guilds on 3K still require player recruitment. However, some can be joined automatically, such as changelings, elementals and monks.3Kingdoms has a pretty active player base though, so as long as you aren't trying to get into a dead guild like cyborgs, you should be fine.Joining a guild actually happens at level 5. It's easy enough to get there on 3Scapes just by fighting everything in the forest and once you've cleared that, fighting a couple of students in the newbie tower.I'm also willing to help players get experience and get into the game.I know the equipment not saving thing bothers a lot of players, but honestly the game isn't based on needing gear at every single moment. There are muds that are way worse about needing equipment and having to run it every login, such as almost anything in the Aber codebase. Both muds make it fairly easy to at least get a basic set of gear via guild shops, other players or the tow
 n shop. There's also the possibility to take a guild that doesn't need equipment because it either comes with it's own or can't use it.Hope to see some of you there. Send me a tell if you need anything, and if I don't respond, wake me and I'll get back to you. Socials can be performed at a distance and wake sends a chime to the player so they know someone is trying to contact them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

A lot of guilds on 3K still require player recruitment. However, some can be joined automatically, such as changelings, elementals and monks.3Kingdoms has a pretty active player base though, so as long as you aren't trying to get into a dead guild like cyborgs, you should be fine.Joining a guild actually happens at level 5. It's easy enough to get there on 3Scapes just by fighting everything in the forest and once you've cleared that, fighting a couple of students in the newbie tower.I'm also willing to help players get experience and get into the game.I know the equipment not saving thing bothers a lot of players, but honestly the game isn't based on needing gear at every single moment. There are muds that are way worse about needing equipment and having to run it every login, such as almost anything in the Aber codebase. Both muds make it fairly easy to at least get a basic set of gear via guild shops, other players or the tow
 n shop. There's also the posibility to take a guild that doesn't need equipment because it either comes with it's own or can't use it.Hope to see some of you there. Send me a tell if you need anything, and if I don't respond, send me a wakeup.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Does 3K still require players to recruit you to guilds?Kinda sucks that 3S doesn'toffer the advance button to level 10, or that experience button, though honestly level 10 is good enough because then you can join a guild.


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