Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Phoenix009 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

YeahThere is a tool called gradlew which can build the app if there is a keystore and appropriate config files. It works a bit better with the react-native-cli but can also work with most any programming language.


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

also, you don't need android studio to build an android app, although it probably makes it much easier. if you just google "how to build android app without android studio" then you get a multitude of results. you can write your code with whatever editor you like and then build the app using command line.


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Phoenix009 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

7, you can go and read the expo docs atdocs.expo.ioThe gist is that you install the expo cli using npm install -g expo-cli, and then init an expo project, but the documentation will be able to explain it a hell of a lot better than I will.


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

@5, interesting. What's that command, or do you know?


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

@1I never miss a chance to wax lyrical on Flutter and Dart.I love them both. They'll be even better too when Dart sorts out null safety.Your mileage will definitely vary mind you, but for normal apps, it's great, and the VS Code integration is dead tight as well.


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Phoenix009 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

HiNo, you can write react native apps without opening XCode or Android Studio. If you use expo, you can just type a command in the terminal to get a build done.


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

@2 unless I'm not understanding what you're saying, Dart and Flutter are connected, so you *have* to use both.Also, I've been looking at React as well, it looks interesting. The only thing you need to open Android Studio or Xcode for is to build--React generates .xcodeproj and such files.


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

As far as i know, you will need to use dart with flutter?


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Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

I encourage you to go with Flutter. I don't have much experience with Dart, but I've heard it's really good.


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Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : arbuz via Audiogames-reflector


Flutter and Dart programming language for Android apps

I know that native Android apps are developed with Java. My problem is that I don't want to switch from VSCode to Android Studio in order to develop Apps for Android. There are plenty reasons for it: debugging, familiour and same environment, so I found another thing called Flutter framework. This framework requires to know Googles programming language called Dart which is quite new. Do you guys have an experience with it? Or perhaps there is a way to make all the project with Java by using VSCode?For those who don't have an idea what am I talking about: … t-in-2020/


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@22I'm not saying you should use any of them. I'm trying to find out where the feature parody is lacking, or if there is something which is of critical importance to games that they have that I don't know about.  Synthizer is moving rather quickly with respect to man-hours, though not with respect to the calendar, so I am in general keeping my eyes open for things to be aware of.Put another way I'm asking what you want that you don't see it getting as your understanding of it currently stands.WebAudio is perhaps overkill for games w.r.t complexity, but is the standard design for anyone who wants to produce a library for general-purpose synthesis.  In so much as it's lacking, it's due to fundamental limitations of the web (i.e. no multithreading).But either way, here's hoping miniaudio doesn't fail us and I can finally put 3D audio for audiogames to bed.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@21, technically if you write a game your also writing a game engine. I don't use WebAudio (I found it to be ridiculously over-complicated); libaudioverse is unmaintained (and I'd prefer not to use unmaintained code for obvious reasons); and I like FMODs API myself. Though that just might be me. Plus their docs are really, really good. FMOD has no HRTF support built-in, but you can get that with a plugin like SteamAudio. Synthiser might be able to compete with FMOD eventually but right now its not ready for that (though it would be neat as a general-purpose audio lib).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@21, technically if you write a game your also writing a game engine. I don't use WebAudio (I found it to be ridiculously over-complicated); libaudioverse is unmaintained (and I'd prefer not to use unmaintained code for obvious reasons); and I like FMODs API myself. Though that just might be me. Plus their docs are really, really good. FMOD has no HRTF support built-in, but you can get that with a plugin like SteamAudio.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@20This is probably way off topic, but what does fmod do that you want that WebAudio/Synthizer/Libaudioverse/insert-other-library-here can't do relatively easily?  The only rare-ish feature I know of is HRTF, which I have working, and last I looked the fmod version is that they lowpass sounds behind you.I mean I guess "we integrate with all the engines" is a big feature, but audiogames don't even really have an engine.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@19, or that. We could always slowly build it up to something of FMODs quality too


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@18Or you just use Synthizer in a month or two, heh.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

Right. We could make a universal audio library that just utilizes other audio libs underneath to simulate that for audio game engines but... that would be rather complex and certain features would be missing depending on which lib you selected. Hell, that could potentially be a general-purpose library but again, it would be complicated to do.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@16I haven't looked at FMOD in a long, long time. But I also came to the same conclusion as you, which is why.A lot of the audio libraries that people want to use are easy for the sighted because you just check the box to use it in whatever engine you use and you're done.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

FMOD is a pain to integrate in another language, or so I've come to think after trying it many times. It just may be that I'm not good at writing language bindings too. 


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@14I don't think eslint itself has a --watch and I don't know, offhand, what package you'd need for that with the TypeScript/_javascript_ ecosystem, but evry single programming language I have ever used has one and I feel like that functionality is either built into eslint or npm anyway.  It's not actually doing anything super special, just watching the filesystem in a loop and re-running the command you give it internally (and in the case of dart it *is* the command, but that's the basic mechanism).The _javascript_ problem is that in JS land the ethos is you provide all the pieces yourself, so you kind of immediately get slapped in the face with npm, eslint, the typescript compiler.  Then you have to pick your 10 packages.  I would bet large sums of money that the reason you're finding Dart easy isn't because Dart did something special, but because Dart puts everything you need to find in one place.  One of the reasons I push people toward Python is that Python has the same sort of philosophy with things like Django and even the standard library, where you don't have to play hunt for the libraries then compare 5 of them.  It's normal enough for a small _javascript_ project to end up with 50+ dependencies, where each dependency is a few functions at most--and this has advantages.  But it makes learning harder, and if you go down the wrong paths you end up doing things we haven't done for 5-10 years like editing script tags and nothing says "hey, this is wrong/outdated and if it feels terrible that's because it is, come over here instead".I actually kind of want to point you at VSCode.  If you're the sort to want tools that find errors quickly you can't beat it, though for Dart it may not have mature support.  It was even handling C++ like a champ until I used a bunch of Clang-specific extensions it didn't understand (also supporting C++ is hard and theirs is still in beta, so points for working at all honestly).  Can press a keystroke and get to a list of all the errors in your project in realtime, though I don't remember which because Synthizer broke it by doing the aforementioned Clang extensions thing and I haven't used it with anything else.  Also, it has accessible autocomplete and an accessible debugger (for C++ the only good accessible debugger on Windows, as far as I know, to put this in perspective. Everything else uses the same debug panels so if Dart is supported you'll get one there too.).  There's a bug with word navigation that's annoying but I have found that all the other things that you get by using it make up for that by far.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@8Honestly, doesn't surprise me. I learnt web stuff out of necessity, so I'm by no means an expert.I know you're not trying to talk me out of it, and honestly, it's interesting to get the opinion of someone like yourself.With the linter, I assume you're talking about eslint? It's good, although unless I'm missing something, I've not seen anything that runs full time and checks for filesystem changes like flutter analyze --watch does.@13No, the point wasn't to sell it, just to put it on the radar, and start a conversation (which I seem to have managed).Also, you're right about the bass stuff. I'm not sure how easy it is to get it (or fmod or any of the others) baked into another language, but WebAudio just works. I honestly wish I could use it without the browser (maybe with some kind of JSON API or something maybe), but for now, I'm happy with everything running in a browser.If people are sort of interested, but not really sure how good it is, is there interest in me making some kind of demo game? Maybe a walk through the park and tag all the animals type of thing, just to show how it can be done?


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@12Native controls (sort of) don't exist anymore.  Even the modern stuff from Microsoft is really just them maintaining libraries that use your graphics card the same as everyone else these days.There are something like 10 competing ecosystems at this point.  Dart gets you very lean mobile apps that are efficient and not power hungry.  Dart plus Rust is an attractive combo because Rust gets the most compute intensive parts optimized to an insane degree.Zamarin is run by Mono  Monogame is run by Mono.  You can use anything from Zamarin that you would use from Monogame or whatever else: they're all just libraries on top of a runtime.The draw to WebAudio is that it is currently the only stable method you personally have to get HRTF, at least as far as I'm aware.  Also somehow everyone on here seems to be forgetting that if you want to do anything commercial with bass, you have to buy a commercial license for around a couple hundred dollars.Rust likely won't get you a good GUI.  Rust isn't really super built for that, and the ecosystem around it is too immature. it is much easier to call into Rust from something that will get you a good GUI, such as Dart, C#, Python, etc.At the further end of programming--the point where junior gets dropped from your job title, let's say--learning these libraries and ecosystems  only takes a few days each anyway.But really: why learn Dart? More like why not learn dart? And the answer to why not is there's really not a reason not to, and if it gets Mac and Windows support (with accessibility, hopefully) it will become a very attractive combo for blind-specific reasons, namely that you can develop for all the major platforms simultaneously with accessible enough tooling.  Dart/Flutter are starting from a place where Zamarin, Mono, etc. are only just catching up to with respect to being efficient--if you can tear down the entire world and start over using all the lessons from everyone else you can do better, and that's what Google did.  I'd probably know it by now in all honesty except that I didn't know it had a mostly bug-free accessibility implementation and it doesn't (yet) do desktop.But I think it's also important to point out that the point of this thread isn't to sell people on Dart, I don't think.  learn technologies you have a reason to know, and leave the others, at least until you're at the point where you can trivially learn technologies.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

Hy!I have a quick question about this.I know that this seems, and is, very intresting, but would this actually be able to ever replace native OS controls in terms of accessibility?if not, then why not use xamarin and xamarin.forms instead?I kind of want to learn that ecosystem, I really do, but I ask my self, is it really worth it?The only thing that's interesting about dart/flutter, in my opinion, is that it has web support and html like controls and such like electron apps, but maybe xamarin would be capable to make electron apps via a new backend sometime, though I DK what would it be used for, since all the pluggins were written for the presently configured platforms, but yeah.I know that web audio and other such libraries exist to make web cross-platform sound positioning possible, but, with afew native, cross-platform libraries, like bass, one could do the same with, for example, monogame, because xamarin.forms is not quite good enough for the job since it's a gui library.I am learning rust for some days now and I find it pretty interesting, I'd want to do the same with dart, but I must have a really good reason to do it, as time on earth is not unlimited, you know. Besides, if you know two many things, they tend to mix up together in your brain, making you confuse languages/ecosystems between one and another. This doesn't usually happen to most people, but just thought mentioning it here.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@10Well, no.  That's why I'm not doing it, either.  Also Voiceover is a bit of a train wreck overall and even moreso for programmers in lots of small ways.  Windows is much more productive.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@4 I don't know. I'm an Android/Linux user. I'd love to develop for MacOS/iOS if I could do so without buying a separate machine and learning another screen reader. Are there *any* environments that let you develop for iOS without a Mac, or without some sort of cloud-based CI build infrastructure? I'm happy to buy an iDevice to replace the apparently inaccessible iOS emulator, but am not yet interested in buying a whole new machine/KVM switch. For Windows, I can at least run a legitimate VM that's good enough for a fast debug cycle, then I push the build process up to GitHub Actions and let it take things from there. I know there are MacOS solutions that let me do the same, but they all include esoteric "Write these magic 'please dont steal this' strings to the boot sector" instructions that really put me off trying. I'm sure I can do it, it just isn't a priority.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

Hi there,I had been learning Dart for some period, and I also considered it quite nice. Although I didn't really get to writing Android apps with Flutter, all my work staied primarily in Windows console, the syntax was nice.Honestly I would like Dart much more as a primary websites scripting language than _javascript_, although it is probably right, that it was denied due to unity of the web.After some time, I have left Dart in favor of other languages. Yeah, it's nice, but without a gui framework or at least ability to compile binary libraries, it wasn't of any use for me. Not with Xamarin around, which can do the job very well and is based on a language with much greater support and standard.But once it gets support for other platforms than mobile, I will happily give it another try, that's for sure. Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@7The thing is, all the tooling exists.  It's maybe a bit harder to get started with Webpack or something, but templates for it are a dime a dozen and no one actually modifies script URLS by hand anymore.  You just aren't looking in the right places.  Autoreload, fixing browser compatibility, linters, etc. are all available via _javascript_, and if you go Typescript you get compile-time errors and all the typing stuff you're talking about.I'm not saying don't use Dart.  As I've already said Dart is actually quite good for mobile apps, and it's not like their web support is immature or anything.  And I can see how Dart makes it easier to get started, just because it's very much easier to not go down old JS rabbit holes that have you manually writing script tags, and you don't have to learn how to set up a few things.  But for the web, it doesn't bring much new to the table, if anything.  They're bothering with it because it lets you share a codebase with your native app, not because they really want to revolutionize web apps (though they could, since they're in a position to compile to webassembly).If Dart ever supports native apps on Windows accessibly, I'll probably jump aboard the Dart train then.  Having something that can make accessible UIs on all the things would be kind of incredible.I want to be really clear that I'm not saying you should leave it.  It's not going anywhere.  It's not some sort of BGT for the web that's going to get dumped in a year.  You can probably even get some really good jobs with it.  I'm just making the point that it's not doing anything we didn't already have for the web (though obviously it does more for native apps) and that the tradeoff is that you are giving up on a more mature ecosystem for a gain in ease of use at the beginning.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@2: I have no idea. I've never used Golang, but looks like @Camlorn answered it anyways.@6: yes, Flutter is totally accessible as far as I can tell. In the current beta version (no idea which one, I just use it), you can wrap controls you want to treat like live regions in a Semantics widget, they also let you use alternate labels ETC.@3: Really interesting you're writing a GPS app with it. My first project was to convert my Talking Compass site into a flutter app. The code's here if anyone fancies giving it a try. I wanted an app that would work on Android that I could use to find my way out of the outback in Australia. Works a charm, apart from my Pixel's weird notion of what a compass is.@4: I would possibly disagree that it's not super useful, although honestly I've only been hacking on it for about a month or so. The fact that I've already got 3 fair-sized projects written shows it's got a fast learning cycle (seriously, I'm thick as when it comes to learning new things).There's some nice tooling (flutter analyze --watch is one of my favourites), and not having to change 

Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

wait. so flutter is actually accessible?


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Re: Dart

2020-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

sounds cool


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Re: Dart

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

@2Dart does mobile apps as a first class citizen.  Golang does mobile apps as a second class citizen if at all, with a runtime that's both not so friendly to it and explicitly designed for the server workload.But in general I would say that Dart is more of the sort of language that you learn once you've learned other ones, or if you really, really, really want to make mobile apps.  It doesn't do much else well.  But what it does do, namely mobile apps, it does very well indeed.There have been persistent rumors that Google wants to replace Java with Flutter and Dart forever, and though I don't think that's actually the case it is Google backed, and it is better enough at app development that Java that it would be worth it if they did.  What everyone kind of doesn't think about with Android is that it was shoved out the door to compete with Apple, and a lot of the decisions haunt them, even so far as using Java in the first place.  My opinion, without sources and just from watching this from afar for a while, is that Dart/Flutter is Google's attempt to have something that can do what Swift does, namely run on smartwatches and stuff without sucking the battery dry.But for web I'd personally go Typescript for the ecosystem if I wanted a typed language.  Dart isn't bad, but Typescript/JS ha a ton of packages that won't have Dart bindings and it's only 6 months from now that you discover you need to do some esoteric thing or something--easier not to bother having to write bindings and stuff.@3Is the tooling around iOS good enough that you don't need to use Voiceover from a mac?  I'm honestly surprised their accessibility implementation is good at all, frankly, but if it is and I didn't have to use XCode and fight desktop VO's braindead decisions all the time I might use it one of these days.'I wish Dart had a JSX equivalent.  React will always be slower than Dart by the nature of what it is, but JSX is almost stupidly powerful for throwing together dynamic UIs quickly, and you can get a typed equivalent (TypeScript does it already, As does BuckleScript, so that's not theoretical).On desktop Chrome and I believe Firefox at this point, built in WebAudio HRTF is at least as good as Resonance.  That won't get you a reverb, but before I jumped on the Synthizer bandwagon I was prototyping an engine in Electron with WebAudio and the HRTF is perfectly fine.  WebAudio has some other shortcomings that probably only apply to me, some shortcomings that are because it's for browsers, and some inconvenient but correct design decisions around callbacks/events, but otherwise you get 3D audio and it's tolerably good.Unfortunately Resonance is kind of...let's go with special.  The WebAudio version isn't accelerated with WebAssembly and is barely more than a cool tech demo to show off what WebAudio can do.  The C++ version promises a bunch of stuff, acts like it delivers, but then you look inside and you find a data processing pipeline that does all the cool raycasting and whatever, only to then convert it to the same exact dials you'd expose from the level editor--put another way, for all their hype, all they've done is automated some artist out of a job by increasing CPU usage at runtime.  The only part inside it that's really useful is the HRTF itself, as ambisonic panners and decoders are indeed hard to write, but even there you don't even get the interaural time difference and they don't do full HRTF at all: their algorithm is simulating 16 speakers around your head, not placing sources precisely in the 3D environment.Synthizer was going to be gutted and reused Resonance.  It's even very well-written code, commented and everything.  But you can kind of see where they got to some point with their raycasting 3D geometry magic and gave up.  My guess is someone at Google realized that it won't make them money but that releasing what they had makes a cool PR stunt and told the team to get whatever was done into a releasable state.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

Flutter is neat. I have an accessible GPS app I've been hacking on for years. Core logic in Rust, Java/JNI API, Flutter driving the UI. I don't know how the app visually looks, and I do care about such things to an extent. I like Flutter's Scaffold widget that essentially instantiates a Material-style UI with slots ready to be filled in. I needed a reasonably modern-looking Android UI with a navigation drawer top left, buttons along a top toolbar, couple stacked text labels, an infinitely-scrolling list of nearby points, and labels for direction/accuracy/speed/geolocation provider in a row along the bottom. Once I eventually figured out what slots to fill in, the rest was easy. Then I assembled packages for the features I wanted. No need to drill down and learn Android's complex notification system, figure out how activity detection works (hint: last time I tried it was complex RPC connections to Google Play Services), etc. Most Flutter/Dart packages are fairly well-scoped with focused APIs. If you need something Flutter doesn't provide, dropping to native platform code is easy enough. And while accessibility isn't perfect, it's pretty solid for something that draws its own UI using its own renderer, and I'd have a tough time picking the accessible Flutter app from the accessible native app in many instances.I can't imagine doing mobile development today without Flutter. Dart is kind of a crappy lowest-common-denominator language, but arguing with results is hard, and a Flutter-like experience is how I wish mobile development had been all along. I hit Save in UI code and my app rerenders live. Unfortunately I don't get the same benefits from Rust, so the utility is a bit limited. But man I don't miss the `./gradlew installDebug` cycle, or whatever command I needed to run to relaunch my apps.Can't say how it will work for audio games. Hopefully the web development story is more solid. I looked into spatial audio for my GPS app, as I wanted something to play occasional audio pings to indicate directionality and distance of nearby points. Resonance was about the only thing I found which, while limited, would probably be sufficient enough for an occasional directional sonar ping. If I was targeting web only, working without an engine, and building from scratch, my inclination would be towards Rust/Wasm.


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Re: Dart

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

I saw this language a while back but never saw a point of digging into it as I see hardly any difference between Dart and golang, and golang is more popular. Are there any reasons you can think of that I should use dart over golang?


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Re: Dart

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

I saw this language a while back but never saw a point of digging into it as I see hardly any difference between Dart and golang, and golang is more popular. Are there any reasons you can think of that I should use dart over golang?


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Re: Dart

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dart

I saw this language a while back but never saw a point of digginginto it as I see hradly any difference between Dart and golang, and golang is more popular. Are there any reasons you can think of that I should use dart over golang?


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2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector



Hi all,I recently started working with Dart and Flutter, with a view to creating mobile apps.For anyone who doesn't know, Dart is a typed language, mainly designed with cross platform apps in mind. It can output to pretty much anything (iOS, Android, Linux desktop, Windows desktop is coming, web), and you don't need to mess about writing platform-specific code.After writing a couple of mobile apps to get some practise, I started looking into the possibility of using Dart on the web.I'd already started a game project using Web Audio, and it seems Dart has bindings, which make using web audio a doddle.If you haven't already checked out what Dart can do, I really recommend it.If you want to play with it with Web Audio, check out the side-scroller maker I'm currently working on.Please don't reply to this topic complaining the side-scroller maker doesn't do everything yet, it's still being worked on, submit an issue instead.If you're already playing with Dart, I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am.


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