Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dino via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

I had a dream a couple nights ago that a zombie apocalypse had happened but nobody really seemed to care and ignored them. Fortunately I stayed out of the way of the zombies and never got eaten. It was still pretty scary and frustrating though.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

This doesn't happen to me any more, but as a younger kid, I would go through something when I'd be on the way to waking up. I would be awake enough for my brain to have the occasional thought of, "I need to get up and do [something]", but not enough to actually coax itself into full lucidity. During this time, I would go through repeated sycles of feeling as though I were falling backwards, as though trying to ride down a slide on my back. This would usually be accompanied by a dizzying sensation interspersed with flashing lights and short birsts of high frequency noises. This would go on and on for I'm not sure how long, but it felt like minutes in the dream. Sometimes, I'd think that I needed to get up, but I'd fall asleep and have a dream that tried to simulate what my brain expected I would be doing when I finally did get up, I.E. I would have a dream of going out of my room and getting breakfast, but I'd only partially know it was a dre
 am due to the lingering dizzying situation.When I finally would manage to wake up from these dreams or whatever the whole ordeal was, I'd find myself tired, not feeling as though I'd gotten enough rest. So I'm not really sure if those were actually my brain trying to wake up but not having the proper stimuli, or perhaps my thoughts were those of waking up but my mind was still too tired to commence with fully waking up.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bcs993 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi, At flyby, that sounds scary and interesting at the same time! Someone, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I have experienced sleep paralysis as described by Slender in an earlier post, but I think there may be differences between that and what I described earlier, so I'll try and provide more details. This happens somewhere in the middle of the night, maybe a while after I wake from a few hours of sleep. I feel as if I am going back to sleep. Then, all of a sudden, I find myself paralysed. From the amount of times this had happened to me, I can safely say that I can still perceive reality around me; I know I am in bed, in my room, and at times I can even consciously think normal thoughts. But at the same time I can "feel" some kind of presence, either good or bad (mostly the latter) approaching me. It can take various forms, from a human-like figure, to something insectoid to simply a shadow. It would hover close to me, or try and
  do something (this is different each time). At times it feels as if I can move, though in reality it turns out I don't. People may suggest that this is false awakening, and perhaps it may be, but it still occurs in this half-sleep, half-wake state. I would (for real) wake up from this, perhaps a few minutes later (though it is obviously hard to keep track of time), then experience the same thing about 3 - 4 times before finally falling asleep again. I'm sorry if what I'm trying to describe seems confusing, but it is rather weird things to try putting into words. I have heard that people argue that these "beings" are spirits or the like, but I'm quite a sceptic so not sure if that's the case. I maintain that it's probably just the results of an over-active imagination, though it is still strange to me.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

I rarely ever dream. Maybe 5 or 6 times a year.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flyby chow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

at BCS, the sort of dream you have, is not a strange one to me, however, my dreams a quite odd, at times.and weard. i have theories. but they for another time and another day.1 particular dream, can start out with something innocent.perhaps a trip in a car, with my sister, and her BF, and my mum, then suddenly a song begins to play, the song sounds so familiar, yet the under tones is super dangerous. then it feels as if something is atempting to gain access to my mind.and i become paralysed.then it feels as if i faid to total invisibility.and i sense a evil entity hunting me, and i know. that its important not to be caught.the interesting thing about this dream is this.i often dream other dreams, but with different people or seens, ending up in the exact same way, i described above. its as if its different atempts. with different variations.for example, often, i'd dream i am  speaking to a woman, a
 nd as we talk, i sense, a background probe/atempt,  a evil presence about her, and as i sence this, it feels as if she catches on, and then again, the last sceen I described, takes place, the atempted my mind.and i fade out again. and again that angry feeling of a entity that gets very close to discover, who/what/ware i am.other times, its more odd. and it springs on me.i mite be dreaming of my old school days, and as i am talking to some one,  I begin to feel cold. and sense a evil presence. and then it faids away with only a gloomy vibe in my dreams, you know the one, as if somethings going to happen. something bad. but nothing does. then, when the dream ends. out of no ware, i sense that atempted access to  my mind. with broot force. and i faid out. to become safe again.i waken shaking at times, and a note flashes by, almost to quick to understand. and, if I should take the time to loosely try and describe it, it would be something in the sence of.the following."A attempt to gain access to a forbidden area has been defended successfully."i then am left with a constant wondering, that if there's not more. to our reality, , then i am ware of.because i feel drained at times. when that happens.and last but not least. the final twist on the same seens i described, and I also have know explenation is this.dream starts, could be any thing, could be as silly as me working with my pc, or talking to some one. and eventually i'd sence access to my mind.and i become unableto move.then a odd sort of protection. calm, soft, warm, gentle, and very very protective becomes part of me, and takes shape. and a word. loosely translated as. "No!"is felt/hhurd. then it feels as if i am watching from a tv screen as a sword appears from no ware.but its made out of energy, out of, ora, as i
 t were, and its warm, if i wish to tuch it, but its quick, fast and extremelypowerful. and in a flash. that bad evil/warning/ entity. i sense,  shows fear. to that sword. that slices through it,  and that bad entity/feelings,  vanishes. and i am left i sence its fear. as it vanishes.and just before i waken. i sense, amusement  from this soft protective ora.and I waken, up. feeling protected, shaken, yet safe, and in a odd sort of sence, happy. and protected.I can add one more thing though. i do know that this has been going on for years now. started since i was about six, but i only was able to find out and clarify what i described now. only in the last ten years or so. when things began to make sence. how ever its also during this last 10 years, that things has gotten way more aggressive.during my teen years, it became more determined. to gain access to me. and my defences have got more persistent, to not let it do to the how, and why, and how it works, I have no idea,but i know one thing for sure. if it ever catches/tuches me, i'll die.and it must be avoided,  at all costs to gain access to my mind.the rest. is on autopilot.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

@bcs993 I believe what you're experiencing is sleep paralysis. Basically, your body is awake, but your mind hasn't caught up. The reason you could be paralysed is because you're body still is immobilized, which naturally occurs when you're in REM sleep so you don't go around acting out your dreams.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Lucid dreaming should be practised with caution. Richard Feynman, a notable physicist who helped with such things as the development of the atom bomb, performed various experiments using himself as the subject, and he discovered that his body became more tired and fragile the more he practised actively focusing on his dreams. To read more about it, I highly recommend his book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman".


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bcs993 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

I find that it's easier lucid dreaming after already sleeping for a few hours. It's interesting and I feel as if I'm gaining more control every time I dream, but it's far from perfect, as what I'm trying to imagine often turns into something bad quickly. For example, I would imagine myself in a peaceful place (a beach or garden), after which I would get attacked by something. Also, as I alluded to in my first post on this topic, I often find myself in a place between waking and sleeping, in which I am paralysed. In this state, it feels as if something is either trying to get close or attack me. It's hard to explain, but I am still on my bed, but just in a place that seems like a warped kind of mirror of my bedroom. I learned with time to use my mind, since I can't physically move, visualising wielding some kind of weapon or creating a kind of "prison" to deal with whatever's attacking me. Weirdly enough, that seems to work. W
 ould be interesting to know if anyone else experienced something like this, though to be honest I probably just have a weird imagination. 


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Dreams are very interesting, and the more unreal they are, the healthier your brain is. This being said, when you have frequent dreams about really bad and scary things, you should seek help from a doctor as that could potentially lead to problems later on.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Has anyone around here ever had lucid dreams? They're pretty interesting to experience. For those who don't know, lucid dreams are a kind of dream where you know you're dreaming, and, without awakening, can control what goes on in the dream. I've had a few, mostly if it's a dream where I'm in school I ask myself if I'm dreaming and realize it is a dream. A lot of dreams about school start on summer brake, mainly because I've had many negative experiences at school and it's dreadful to think about. The one thing that's difficult, though, is preventing yourself from waking up.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Well that inspired me but I still don't know.AA, an other dream that I dreamed!ok, ok...O. I know, a dream that was scarring me!My dream was set on october 31st2010.It was in my resiently I say reciently I say what I'm saying? House.I was so nervous to meet my dogs because I don't like the arabic food because the food eatches allot.Since I was going somewere in my car, my momma and my poppa and my nonna and my... Well, where in the car with me, but unfortunately the dog food package was in the car. I tryed to escape but then my dog in this case my dog named Luna Habibi was trying to push me me me me me in the car and then all the dog food was spaird in all parts including mines that they caused me to laugh, but sudently they itched out and I was screaming, what the a, what the ar, what the...All the dreams reppeated in the 31st of october.Remembering 2011, I was in a haloween party with my frends sometine in the night of the 30th of oct.I was scarred because the place changed into a forest. A very scery scary forest.Then I heared a weard voice that sayed to me: I'l give you ghgfhhbhvohohhohh... Some thing like that.I swar it if were aliens? I asked my self.Then I go up.Terminating the ramp, The same wiard voice sayd to me: I have tengo azúcar with extra extra gade ifkc!Then I found my family but again, I was trying to fly when I smelled dog food. Again not this again! I sayed.But agen the dog food heated me and then I tryed to escape but auu}! Eatched me!O was scarry indead my dreams. I'm...


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi,I have a lot of crazy dreams.Like I'm in a building with lots of rooms and corridors, and I'm trying to run and hide from people, because I feel like they're going to do unspeakably horrible  things to me if they catch me.The same thing, sort of. I'm floating downward, like I'm in water, but I can breathe. And I feel like if I move so much as a muscle, something really bad is going to happen to me.Some really crazy dreams. Maybe because I actually have a death wish in real life. IMO being suicidal and having a death wish are two different things, but whatever.I doubt if I would've had the courage to post this if I hadn't just drank many beers. They make my life more bearable, at least until the alcohol wears off.I don't drink all of the time, just when I'm alone and won't be bothered. Like now, when I'll be alone for several days. Nothing harder than beers, either.I want to m
 ake something good happen with my life, but I have a lot of trouble with anxiety and depression, so I feel trapped, and I don't know what to do about it...Anyway... That's basically my fucked up dreamscape. There are probably more of them, but I don't remember them.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi,I have a lot of crazy dreams.Like I'm in a building with lots of rooms and corridors, and I'm trying to run and hide from people, because I feel like they're going to do unspeakably horrible  things to me if they catch me.The same thing, sort of. I'm floating downward, like I'm in water, but I can breathe. And I feel like if I move so much as a muscle, something really bad is going to happen to me.Some really crazy dreams. Maybe because I actually have a death wish in real life. IMO being suicidal and having a death wish are two different things, but whatever.I doubt if I would've had the courage to post this if I hadn't just drank many beers. They make my life more bearable, at least until the alcohol wears off.I want to make something good happen with my life, but I have a lot of trouble with anxiety and depression, so I feel trapped, and I don't know what to do about it...Anyway... That&#
 039;s basically my fucked up dreamscape. There are probably more of them, but I don't remember them.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi,I have a lot of crazy dreams.Like I'm trying to run and hide from people, because I feel like they're going to do unspeakably horrible  things to me if they catch me.The same thing, sort of. I'm floating downward, like I'm in water, but I can breathe. And I feel like if I move so much as a muscle, something really bad is going to happen to me.Some really crazy dreams. Maybe because I actually have a death wish in real life. IMO being suicidal and having a death wish are two different things, but whatever.I want to make something good happen with my life, but I have a lot of trouble with anxiety and depression, so I feel trapped, and I don't know what to do about it...Anyway... That's basically my fucked up dreamscape. There are probably more of them, but I don't remember them.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi,I have a lot of crazy dreams.Like I'm trying to run and hide from people, because I feel like they're going to do unspeakably horrible  things to me if they catch me.The same thing, sort of. I'm floating downward, like I'm in water, but I can breathe. And I feel like if I move so much as a muscle, something really bad is going to happen to me.Some really crazy dreams. Maybe because I actually have a death wish in real life. IMO being suicidal and having a death wish are two different things, but whatever.I want to make something good happen with my life, but I have a lot of trouble with anxiety and depression, so I feel trapped. Anyway... That's basically my fucked up dreamscape. There are probably more of them, but I don't remember them.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

These are very interesting and scary dreams.I also have five dreams about a girl with shoulder length dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was very petite. I haven't seen her for a wile but she made my dreams happy.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Well an other dream whit is related to speech synts.I was in my house in my bed room, I was in my computer as alwais.One day, when I try to write with many alphabets, the eSpeak synth say something in a language that it's of an other plante, Universe? Very dangerous?As a transcription of what espeak say I put it in brackets.Please note. For this to work you can download the nvda addon Emvedded command block remover to work.It is follows like this for make you laffing:[[asdgkasbtasdghasxzkashgtasvhtasDgkasXdkaScvnd'asgkhdaxnkd'aSdghax]].Like that.I think, I'm in an other universe or someting?


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Well an other dream whit is related to speech synts.I was in my house in my bed room, I was in my computer as alwais.One day, when I try to write with many alphabets, the eSpeak synth say something in a language that it's of an other plante, Universe? Very dangerous?As a transcription of what espeak say I put it in brackets.Please note. For this to work you can download the nvda addon Emvedded command block remover to work.It is follows like this for make you laffing:[[asgkasbtasdghasxzkashgjnpasbvhtjasDgkasXdklgaScvnbd'asgklhfdaxznbkd'aSdkghvbdax]].Like that.I think, I'm in an other universe or someting?


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

I have a recurring dream where a total unknown gets elected president because nobody likes the candidates from any of the established political parties. The first thing he does is abolishes the patriot act and any laws similar to it. Adds an amendment to the constitution that guarantees the right to privacy, making any kind of surveillance illegal regardless of the reason. Removes the 2nd amendment and launches a campaign to confiscate all guns for melting down.Then to protect ourselves from any foreign powers or terrorist groups that might want to attack us, he uses sanctions to forcefully take over every other country, leaving the US the only country in the world, and we own it all.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bcs993 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi, Interesting topic! Though my dreams do not include secret police, government agents, censorship or torturous prison cells, I dream reoccurring dreams about different stages of my life, kind of mashing up with one another. Some background: I graduated from high school five years ago, studied towards a 4-year degree at university, and now I'm studying for another one. So my dreams would take place in a place that would be a kind of cross between my high school and university. I end up in classes with old school friends, some of who I haven't seen in five years. Throughout I know that something is wrong, I shouldn't be in high school anymore, I have no reason to attend those kind of classes, yet I do for some strange reason. I even dream at times that I'm doing both simultaneously, not realising that it is not realistically possible, not until much later in the dream anyway. I would tell of other dreams/experiences, especially in between wake
 fulness and sleep, but perhaps I'll veer off from the original subject, so I'll see what form the discussion takes first.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Hi, I haven't had such dreams recently, but I'm having other strange dreams that rise the level of stress.One night, I was at a hotel where I met a woman who was very famous. God knows how we reached the point where the woman discovered that she was pregnant, and the child was mine, according to the analyses. After that, I had problems with my family and with the husband of this woman who wanted to kill me. I was going to my school, and while walking on the pavement. The man saw me and chased with his car until he crashed it close to me. Then, I didn't know what happened next, cause I woke up.Another dreadful dream I had two weeks ago was a scene with three ghosts who were chasing me while I was playing with my computer on my living room. I was avoiding them but then they surrounded me, and I had nowhere to go. I ended up crying out until my mum and brother came to my bed asking me What was going on.One point here, some of these dreams and a
 cts you're describing here are occurring in the reality in some countries. For example, I read yesterday about the violence of police over citizens in Egypt. Many people who were very unfortunate to end up under their cruelty were damaged incredibly physically and mentally. A 14-year old guy was kept isolated 34 days in jail, and after 34 days he came back to the family, with irrevercible physical damages. He had been under electroshok and his state was unbelievable.Very cruel and unhuman indeed.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Greetings all, I do believe that such dreams could become reality unfortunately and especially the dream Blindncool shared with us. I to have had a very realistic dream twice in a month when I was only 8 and given that I did not know English too well at the time, I could not have made it up; nor could someone else have told me of it and years later I'm able to relay it word for word.In the dream, I was sitting quite close to the television set with the breakfast news on in time to hear of a new government program designed to control the population. First of all, they chemically castrated a male prisoner then tortured him to the point where he was begging for death. Another prisoner was castrated using torture implements before also being tortured to the breaking point before begging for death. I do not know but I imagine that they were then tortured into insanity before death embraced them. The idea was to end certain lines with problematic traits and break those with 
 such traits before killing them after their usefulness as lab rats have ended. A lot of the prisoners tried to commit suicide but were prevented by a constant 24 hour watch not only by human guards, but cameras, microphones and other electronic devices cleverly hidden in the cells so as not to be discovered by the prisoners. Not only that, but the food and water had hallucinogens in it like taluine or something to make the prisoners outwardly compliant but inwardly keep their faculties to increase their terror.I did not dare tell anyone of this for 24 years and this is the first time anyone is knowing of this recurring dream. I sincerely hope nobody else here ever has to live through such a thing as it is horrible enough to have to dream about it. The reporter and news announcer both middle aged males remained nameless for fear of being discovered. They, at great cost, broadcast that news bulletin to the public because the average Joe on the street was unaware of what was goi
 ng on and what was about to happen to them after the experimentation had ended. I believe that all freedoms would have been taken away and we would have been living in a dictatorial society where everyone would be watched and only the police, army, government, the scientists in the government's employ, bankers and the medics would have any amount of freedom as long as they were loyal to the powers that be.Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

I have those dreams all the time.Last night I had a dream that the government revoked the 10 amendments in the bill of rights. Slowly but surely, Christianity was outlawed. Keep in mind that all of this was a dream and that it took place in 10 hours. First, all media portraying Christianity in a positive light was banned. Then, the government takeover of all churches occurred. Eventually, if you were a practicing christian, you were given two choices: become a satanist or die. Those who chose death (such as myself) were killed via guillotine. Before I died (or woke up, whichever happened first), I heard a news report say "Christianity, the most hated religion in the new world, is no more."


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Re: Dreams about are reality

2016-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dreams about are reality

Oh, maybee they cannot anser to our dreams X-D.


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Dreams about are reality

2016-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Dreams about are reality

Last night I had this dream that made me feel uneasy. It was in a alternate  reality. I was at school playing on the play ground. All I can remember was police or guards at the school that had devices that could make you pass out. A fight broke out and almost everyone was put to sleep. It was some kind of gov take over like in the us today. It was a weird democratic society. Or future I'm not sure. So do you have any dreams of a alternate reality? Oh and I don't go to school anymore.


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