I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


I feel like college is changing my friend

So I am a conservative. I belive in tridishinal marrege, and christian values. My friend who is a christian is studying special education. I feel like she is changing. Ever sence she went to college she is more accepting of lgbtq+ and trans isues and says I'm closed minded when I don't accept these things. Just today we were talking about the book of life. She said if people wanted to change there gender and there name that god would add them in the book of life. This statement shocked and scared me. What can I do or say that would bring my old friend back. I was not christian in high school but I realised that everything I was being said about christians and conservative people was a lie. I need advise because this really scares me.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Being a Christian myself, I can agree with Dark on that statement; we are all equal in the sight of God.  What you cannot do and should not try to do as a Christian is expect others to believe as you do.  Jesus never blamed worldly people for acting like worldly people; this is called consistency.  It'd be the equivalent of me telling you to know everything about a story without first reading it.  What Jesus did do was speak out against people who were so called religious scholars when they acted hypocritically.  Paul himself writes that it is none of his business to judge those outside of the church in 1 Corinthians 5.  So often people ask me why I have nonchristian friends and why I would even bother associating with them on the basis that I myself am a believer.  The answer?  Christ did precisely the same thing.  Described as the friend of sinners Jesus went and dined with thieves and drunkards, even allowing himself to be cruci
 fied with two wicked criminals.As for your friend?  Perhaps she never had the same kind of faith you do.  Perhaps all she ever did was ride her parents' coattails and go to church because her parents made her go.  Perhaps her belief in Christ has been trashed by the way judgmental Christians are acting toward people she sees as humans, too.  if you want to debate your friend on the topic of homosexuality and say that it's wrong, it's not enough to say because God says so, particularly if her faith was never that solid.  It's a lot like being a child and walking in on your parents drinking and them telling you that it's wrong and that you should never drink because they said so.  My suggestion?  Simple, and you probably won't like it.  Pray.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

If you don't accept gays, lesbian, trans, then you're closed minded. You can't change people if they are gay, lesbian or trans. That's simply how they are. The fact that your friend haven't talked about this before might be because she have done her best to hide it, because she was afraid to loose her friends. Now she tells you the trooth, and what does she get back? A friend who are trying to change her. People can hide their sexuality, but they can't be changed.What about trying to listen to her, and try to understand and accept her as her friend?I'm sorry if I totally misunderstood your post, but if I understand this correctly, you simply can't accept her, just because of this. If you really can't stand this, why not just try to make an agreement where you still are friends like before, but you just don't talk about this topic?If she is blind, it might be even more difficult for her, because she might need some
  blind people to talk to about this...

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Slj, I don't think hhurstseth405's issue was that his friend was gay, only that she started to say it was okay  if someone was gay, which he isn't happy with. @hhurstseth405, you say in your first post that "what you were told about Christian people and conservatives turned out to be wrong" well maybe your friend is finding that what she's been told about trans gender people has been  wrong too, and perhaps  you should think about what she is saying rather than automatically assume she is wrong yourself.I won't get into the Christian ethics here, but one thing Iwill say is if you believe in a loving God, do you really think God would command people to hate each other over something so miner?I do recall a quotation from Paul to the effect that there is neither Griek nor Roman, Male nor  female, Slave nor free, all are equal in the sight of God, and Jesus tended to be a pretty accepting fe
 llow .

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

She was a big christian high school. She would scream at me when I would bash her religion and maybe I'm getting my carma but it is shocking that college has changed her this much. It isn't just her I have had this happen with other people who used to be very big christians in school. I feel it is a disrespect to your self its all in your head and they want people to conform to what they want. I get mocked because I don't support this. I got mocked because I'm a virgin and want to wait until I find the right girl. This is a battle a battle of morals.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Dude, you gotta just be her friend and hear her out on this. That's what friends do. If you close your mind to this immediately and just say no you're wrong, what is that saying, you were only her friend because she believed the same as you do. College, uni, whatever you want to call it is an eye opening experience. People can get swept in many different directions. It's your job as a friend to talk to her about it, and see that she's happy, not what your religion tells you in a book or books whose interpretation man has tried to skew ever since its creation. I do not believe in god, gods, or entities that reign supreme above us. I believe that you have to find your own way, try to answer these moral quandaries yourself. Don't close your mind to the possibility because someone interpreted words in a book that was written long before your great great great many times great grandparents were even thought of. Man, if we still lived by the bible, we'd be 
 a very different society, we'd still be allowed slaves, at least for 7 years, then I guess you gotta let 'em go and get new slaves.If you've place your faith in god, then answer this question. Would a being that has whole dominion over this entire earth, the moons and stars of our solar system, and beyond, perhaps even to the extent of the universe really care if you opened up to trans / gay / bisexual talks. I very much doubt it. If you believe in Jesus, that he died on the cross for our sins, then can you not live right and open to this a little, for if it is a sin, you will be forgiven if you ask. And finally, if this is a quandary for you that you cannot solve on your own, pray about it.I hope this was at least somewhat helpful, at least since I don't share your point of view about it, I feel organized religion breeds extremism, always have. Extremism, secularism, and ignorance.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@ironcross32,Might I humbly ask, if you don't believe in God, what is it precisely you are denying?

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Well, I certainly can't say anything that even touches the advice of others here, as I agree with them all and they come from perspectives which I really don't have but which I think are more suited to helping you. But nevertheless I'll try to share mine.I've chosen not to accept a religion as a major factor in my life, because I've always been a very logical thinker and a skeptic. I know that even deeply religious people can be logical thinkers and skeptics, but I found that trying to accept a religion couldn't explain things in a way that made a lot of sense to me. A religion brings more questions than answers in my mind.As a small child, when my grandfather would tell me about God, I found what he was saying difficult to believe. Even the simple things such as God is watching you and knows if you're sinning or doing good things." Or, "All creatures are God's creatures. My first question is, "How does God watch
  billions of people?" "How did he make all those creatures?" My grandpa would gently try to preach to me, and as I saw it, he would beat around my questions."You're making this up aren't you?" I would ask."No no!" he insists, "This is all true.. "You should read the Bible," he continues in a friendly but serious tone. "I'm sure they make Braille bibles, just read a little every day and you will know a lot about God." He would recite random passages, no more than maybe a few lines, but it all sounded otherworldly to me."Who wrote this Bible?" I would ask. "And Pap, I don't want to say you're making this up but... how do you know these things are true? Because we do make-believe things all the time..."That about did it."The Bible is the truth," he would say, with a hint of bewilderment in his voice. "But I can see you don't believe 
 it so we won't talk about it."My grandpa and I are very, very close. But that subject was one we never did see eye-to-eye on. He took my questions as resistance. He was afraid I'd go to school and start talking about how my grandpa tells these crazy God stories, or that I'd tell my parents and they'd get mad at him because they are not nearly so religious as he is. So he promptly stopped talking about it with me. To be honest that was probably a good idea, since I didn't always know what was and wasn't appropriate to discuss with different people. As I got older, I gradually came to believe and accept that there may or may not be a God. If there is, he/it (I prefer to personify him) will one day show me there is one, and will understand why I've not been certain of him before. But how he will do that, I don't even think about. I'll give him the chance to do the things I do not understand, but I simply cannot accept him a
 s definitive. I believe that all you have to do to get God's attention is to accept that he may exist. Someone once told me, "God is whatever you want it to be," and this is something I strongly identify with.On the converse if there isn't a God at all, the world evolved simply through evolution, if there was nobody watching over us, etc. I'd honestly not be surprised. Like I say, this is more or less how I believed things were until I was told otherwise. I suppose actually reading a Bible and doing research would help me to understand a lot of the things I seem to be completely ignorant of here, but I actually like being ignorant of it in the most respectful way possible. If God is all-knowing, all-being, then as human beings who are not all-knowing and all-being, how can we try to speak for him. I believe we can't.I don't pray or consciously ask for God's help for most of the reasons above. When I was little I thought prayer wa
 s a waste of time. You're just talking to the air. God isn't going to listen to our humble requests for his help, he'd rather you just have faith in him. For all I know, he might be like, "You again? Just go away. You're irritating me and you ask too much." Now I understand more or less why people do it, but I am not very sociable anyway, and talking to an empty room, or trying to talk about this with another person who likely won't be able to give my points a fair evaluation... they give me too much anxiety and discomfort, so I don't do it. Some people have told me that I will feel better about prayer if I remember God is listening to me and not judging. But then again, I can't be sure he exists. I can't bring myself to assume he is listening. To conclude this part of my rant, if I ever do find out one day if God is or is not real, I hope to accept it and not be disappointed. I'm somewhat prepared for either. And if I can, I wi
 ll let you guys know

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Maybe your friend felt like she could be herself in the environment that she's currently in. Or maybe, as others have said, she secretly felt this way for a long time, and her defensiveness and rage was just her way of denying to herself that she wasn't exactly aligning with the Christian ideals she didn't believe in. Either way, it really is her choice. And I don't like it when people say that a location such as college changed someone. That's utter BS. They were probably going to change anyway, and just felt more free to do so in their present company.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

interesting, what a topic, and so far no flame war. I have been through college  myself. One of the things you get is pressure to some degree or another to think or do in A way that your peers do. You also get some of this pressure from professors. Maybe it is in a way they require you to do your research and or write up your papers. I know that there was sources I could not use. Most if not all of these unused sources made sense. My tactic was to do my best to choose topics to write about that I could agree with or come up with points that I was ok with that the professors would be ok with. This was assuming that I was having to write a paper. Topics I would not write about, if I could get away with it, includes politics, religion, and what people do in their own bedroom, and here I am trying not to use some words in this topic. Some people just give in. Others hide who they really are deep down. Of course people also change. This does not mean that you and I have to like it
 . We may hate some things that people do. To me, some of this comes down to the question of what would you do when you see and hear people doing things odd and strange day in and day out for about four years or so? I am betting that you might pick up on some of their habits. The more I think about it, people are complicated beings. Just think of the thousands of not millions of interactions that we all have over our lives. I am betting that some if not a lot of that makes us each who we are. That does not mean that I have to like you, but just think about what all goes into making us who we are. With the jeans we get from our parents plus who we are around day in and day out plus what you see on the computer, TV, hear on the radio, and ETC all plays a part. I, myself, do mostly choose not to be around the LGBT community, but I do wonder how much of that is based off of who these people are around. If someone says they was borne with it, what causes that difference? Just wondering, a
 nd know I do not go around asking if so and so is a part of that community. Knowing me, I really do not want to know.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Just because I don't like what you do doesn't mean I don't like you as a person. That is what there making it out to be.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I'm surprised there wasn't a flame war. I just really believe in conservative values. And I don't buy into the argument that they were born that way. I thank you guys for your thoughts. if not accepting lgbt and trans makes me close minded than so be it. The thing was I used to support all this stuff then I realized how stupid it was to devote my entire life. The prob is that you have people hear in the states who are losing there stores or shops just because they don't want to make cakes for gay weds. You have a judge in KY who was put in jail because she refused a marriage for a gay couple. The shocking thing is that we didn't see this 8 years ago. Now if you don't go along with this you are sent to a doctor on campus who will give you drugs because they think you have a mental problem. They think your not with the main stream and you were forced to go along with things. And if your a virgin Christian girl on campus than you can just forget it. They
  will drag you through the mud because you want to remain peer and you don't want to sleep with other girls. Then on the other note they tell boys that they are the reason for rape culture on college campuses today. I'm sorry for ranting I am just tired of 8 years of this crap being shoved down are throat. Its forced acceptance.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Some will not see it that way, but to answer your question directly, your friend has changed in some ways for sure, and colledge may have played a part, but it is not the only thing that may not had changed them. Yes it may have came a shock to you. I know it would have to me, but I am not going to tell you what to do in this case. Are they still a friend worth keeping, or are you going to throw them away because of this. As for the cake thing, I do not think you really want me baking a cake for you if I really do not want to do it. Just saying.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Agreed, and honestly, forced psychiatric drugging has been a thing for way longer than you think. Look up the Teen Screen program, for instance, and don't even get me started on what I think of proponents of ECT, or electroconvulsive therapy. In short, in the former case, schools get paid a premium by the states that they reside in based on how many children attend who are registered as suffering from a mental illness of some kind. As for ECT, that's a whole other can of worms that I don't even want to attempt to open, but I think it is a cruel punishment in all but the most severe cases, only slightly less barbaric than lobotomy. So no, keeping minorities silent, and yes, I do agree that what it means to be a minority is rapidly changing in today's society, is not new, and it's no better or worse than it ever was. It's just different faces who are the poster children for suffering.I've probably said too much in this post already, but what
  the hell, I might as well go all out while I'm at it. I can respect your decision to believe that gay/trans people aren't born the way that they are, but think about it like this. Did you ever question why you're straight? Did you ever even think about your attraction to girls? The only reason that it seems like gays deliberate so much about their sexuality is that they know it's not the norm. They know that they will be ridiculed for the choices they make about who they date and sleep with. But really, that's the only difference. At our core, we all have desires, and, unless somebody is going to tell me that they woke up one day and went, "Hmmm, I think I'll decide to be straight today." It sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? Do you think gays do this? If so, why? Only a psychotic break of the highest magnitude could cause such a drastic change of self-awareness, right?I'm being dead serious asking these questions, by the way. I d
 o not mean to start a flame war, or imply superiority or impose my beliefs on others. I just never received a satisfactory answer to this quandery, and it's something I've always been curious about.Now, let me close this post by giving a little background about myself, so all of you can understand where I'm coming from. I consider myself a Christian. I was raised Methodist, but haven't attended church in many years, mostly due to the hypocrisy that many churchgoers display, to say nothing of how many so-called Christians treat those with disabilities. I also have a fair bit of trauma surrounding matters of faith which I won't go into here. With all of that said, I have also had enough experiences with both good and evil presences, for lack of a better term, to warrant a strong belief in both the power and anger of God. So here's what I personally feel. We were all given choices for a reason. I truly do not believe that anyone can help being gay o
 r straight. I don't know why some people are born gay, but I do believe that everyone can adjust their actions according to what they think is right or wrong. And if something feels wrong, more people would do well to listen to their instincts and not do it.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I have to agree with hhurstseth405 here. This world expects us to conform, to think the way that it does. However, didn't God say that whoever loves the world or the things in it (not people, but things--ways of thinking that are contrary to God's law, material possessions, Etc.) is an enemy of God?He also said that in the last days people would be lovers of pleasure and self, instead of being lovers of God? All this tells me is that Jesus is coming soon, so the time is now to get right with God before his Son returns.However, I have to agree with some of the things others have said; she's your friend; all you can do is love her, the same way that Christ loves all of us. You can't change her; only God can. I'll keep the two of you in my prayers. God bless.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Okay, a lot going on in this topic and I'll tr to address some of it. hhurstseth405, as a simple question, why exactly does the behaviour of some  idiots who say belittle someone for being a virgin reflect on the entire idea of whether it's okay to be gay did the christian who broke into a mosque in Canida recently and  shot a bunch of people represent all Muslims? One thing I noticed a lot when I was in the states, is everything was extreme! was seen as a battle. You were either republican or democrat, and the two hated  each other. You were either ultra christian and believed in the truth, or you were ultra science and supported abortion and hated religion.  So much was polarized it often felt to me, who has tried the approach of evaluating different  perspectives and trying to be reasonable, quite uncomfortable. As we've often said on the forum, remember to discuss the issues reasonably, not simply getting into a 
 hate over a specific group. This is something that differs a lot in the Uk. When did one production, one of the boys was definitely bent on being a virgin until marriage, others knew this and it was just taken in stride. There was no pressure or nastiness, occasionally good natured ribbing, such as the occasion when after the show everyone hugged each other and one of the girls remarked "just a hug, you'll be alright", to which said boy responded "nope, god likes hugs!" .As regards the question of gay people howeer, I have a story to share with permission. My wife is a christian, and her parents are pretty  conservative. One of my wife's best friends is a lovely lady  who happens to be gay. She's been a friend of my wife's family since they were both at school, and even calls my wife&#
 039;s father "papa" When my wife and I got married, I was extremely sad that said friend didn't  bring her wife with her to the wedding, for fear of the reift it might create with my wife's other relatives. Recently, my wife's father has been extremely ill, and said friend, who is also a , took care of him. One day, shee by mistake mentioned her wife and the thing came out. did my father in law cut her off, or pray for her soul, or regard her as damned? This person who he'd known for 30 years? no. confronted with the actual truth, that gay people are just people who happen to be attracted to similar gender, he simply accepted moved on, admitting that God has pretty much enough love for everyone. It's easy to hate a distant stranger, or some pink shirt wearing lisping voiced gay sterriotype. But the truth is, most people who are gay are not really that different from people who are streight, they just h
 appen to be gay. Many years ago, in the middle ages it was believed that disability, especially blindness was a punishment from god. If you read history, you'll find a huge amount of mistreatment of disabled people, on the basis that they had been cursed, that they were sinners. Similarly, if you look at a lot of American history, there were many beliefs that people with dark skin were evil, indeed again the Bible was used to justify this (I believe it had something to do with one of Noah's sons). Same goes for a lot of sexism. Ultimately, The Bible is a book. how you interpret that book can vary hugely. One person, for example John Calvin, might interpret the bible to mean that persecution of those christians he disagreed with was fine. A slave trader might interpret the bible to justify what he was doing. Heck, jesus himself was quite irate at those who in his time interpreted scripture for own benifit or in order to mistreat others. 
 Part of believing in a personal god and attempting to have the sort of relationship with God which truely faithful people have, is! to not just blindly obey  someone else's rules, and especially not when those rules mistreating others. Hope some of this makes sense and has at least given you something to think about. After all, a person who doesn't think is a robot, and I don't think God intended people to be like that.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

hhurstseth405 wrote:Just because I don't like what you do doesn't mean I don't like you as a person. That is what there making it out to be.Excuse me, but I'm quite confused. So let me keep this simple:Do you like people if they are gay, lesbian or trans? If the answer is yes, then they feel they have been accepted. It's just as simple as that, at leased here where I come from. It seems like in this topic that things are different in the US, but I'm not sure.My point is: If you still like people if they are gay, but don't have to deal with that, there shouldn't be any trouble. No religion fights, flamewars etc. If people are being accepted as they are, they are happy. No need to talk about gay stuff if people don't want to, but just accept people as they are. It's okay to tell people that you like them as the person, but you don't wanna deal w
 ith the gay stuff. If people won't accept that, they are having some serious issues.So, let's skip all the damn religion stuff, shall we? Religion does not have anything to do by being gay or not. That's simply how people are, and not even religion can change that no matter how hard you try.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Slj, that is a nice idea in theory, and it's probably like that in Denmark. Unfortunately as I said, the Us is far more extreme in terms of opinions. people are not just people who happen to be gay they are super gay! and progressive and democrat etc etc. Often this goes in terms of parades and pride movements and such. Ditto the other side, people like my in laws. That's why  father in law being able to accept my wife's friend who is gay was such a surprise. Unless you've actually seen the way debates run over there and just how high emotions get, you really wouldn't believe it. I'll say that was something I found extremely! to handle, since I am used to questioning, debating, thinkingand of course getting on with people.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

It is pretty bad over hear in the us. Dark to answer one of your points I have a friend who is gay. He helped me out in band a lot when I need help on to the field for practice or a show. My drumb mager was a lesbian and I didn't hate them. They were very nice to me. But when my dm told me she was lesbian I kind of felt bad for her boyfriend because they had been dating for many months. I'm suprised there isn't a lot more blind people who were religious. When ever I met christian people I was welcomed with open arms. This entire thing was all by design from the 45 goals of communism to take over America. It was proposed in 1963. There is 45 but these fit to what is going on now. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for sociali
 sm and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.18. Gain control of all student newspapers.19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic _expression_. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free spee
 ch and free press.25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting spam and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious _expression_ in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.This is the full text if you want to read it. Those are the ones that stood out to me.http://rense.com/general32

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

This point was made a few posts back, and to summarize it with a quote that sums up my feelings about disagreement with religious texts. "Even the Devil can quote the scripture for his own purposes."

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

amen to post 20.  this is why as an apologist when dealing with discussions concerning apologetics I don't immediately turn to the bible to emphasise a point, as anyone interested will soon see.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@6 I don't think I'm denying anything except I don't feel blind faith is mentally healthy, I don't like the hypocrisy that some churchgoers display, and I don't like having Christian values shoved down my throat everywhere I go. I do not hate Christians, or anyone of any other religion based on that. There really are not that many individuals who I can claim I hate, and I try not to hate large groups of people. I have no problem with Christians talking to me about the subject if they will actually listen to my side of it, otherwise, if you want me to be ears open when you tell your side, I expect you to do the same when I rebut, rather than it going in one ear and out the other.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297504#p297504

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hello, A bit late on this post, but I'll state my opinion.I fully respect someone who is gay, lezbian, or trans, provided that their status of their gender is not taught but rather born with the person. Now, I've not read many scientific documents proving that transgender is a taught behaviour or a disorder of sexual approach. However, I could go on to support the second theory because I have had a guy in my class who was a gay (sorry if this word is offencive in your country). He fully accepted his status as a transgender person and was pro any love relationship with the people of his gender. We would often see him get along with other people sharing similar characteristics. Surely, these can be done by any person who is taught in a very early age to act in a certain way that identifies transgendered behaviour, but he also had a voice and a way of speaking which gave you the impression that he was neither a guy nor a girl. Some people may argue that he kept 
 his voice in a high pitch so as to resemble a girl, but no way; he would always speak in the same tone and never change his voice. This is not certainly the first time I see this kind of person, because we had a guy in a show called Big Brother with identically the same characteristics. That's what leads me to believe that the transgender phenomenon is a disorder rather than a "negative" behaviour taught by anybody. What I really do not support is the marriage between two gays or lezbians. The reason is because firstly, the marriage between two people of the same gender does not lead to a new product of the marriage, which is the child, and secondly, it may prove to be very problematic for the children they adopt. If the children will grow in an environment where parents will act in a certain manner, it is highly likely that they will adopt that certain manner as well. If many gay couples will follow this trend, we will soon have a significant grow of transgendered po
 pulation, as well as the aging population. It is very early to speak of this phenomenon, but I think there is nothing to prevent it from happening.Speaking of religion, I gave up on it two years ago. I do believe in God, but I don't think that religion is the path to God. God is not that supernatural power which grants you the paradise, (the greatest place on the sky and the earth) where you will live like a king. Servants serving you at your will (how the heck can exist servants in the greatest place of earth and sky)! Also, a more critical approach of most of the religions today is the figure of God that they create in the minds of the people. Do not do this because the God is watching you. Do not speak badly about Islam or Christianity because God will send you to the burning hell. Now, a child, or even an adult with a good fantacy or imagination will be able to visualise the God as a dictator, or a police watch. A strong believer who follows devotedly the rules of re
 ligion will always be in a state of confusion or stress. For example, if you have a hot debate with a friend and you shout at her, and in a state of anger, you offend her badly. You will first think of having had broken the rule of God who orders you not to offend or prejudice others, instead of thinking about having had hurt the feelings of someone whom until some minutes ago, you used to call a friend. I personally see religion as a program. On this day you have to donate to poor people, tomorrow you have to celebrate, next week you have to fast, next month you have to celebrate in the name of a religious hero, and so on. But, for example, today I don't have the financial means to donate to people in need, or simply, I don't want to donate today, I want to donate whenever I feel. I want to donate next month, I want to donate in the New Year's eve or whenever I want to. Another thing I'd like to mention is the use of religion by priests to formulate rules which 
 are apparently based on what exists in the religion and in the holy book. Their rules affect the population in different ways. In our country, for example, there have been many Islamic priests who say that the western culture is a culture which conveys idiocy, exageration, and it betrays all the rules of the almighty God. This was the point when I started to keep myself away from doctrines of my religion, but there are many other reasons which would lengthen this post more than anybody cares to read.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@ironcross32,Well phrased.  Usually when I present that question to an atheist I end up with a tirade or a rather stumped individual.  I'm glad that in this case, I got neither.  I'll never force the discussion any further than any individual is willing to take it.  You want to hear one even better than that?  I discourage atheists from going to church, since most of them have heard the word far too often for it to have much of an effect.  To those Christians who call me a hypocrite because I do so, I simply ask where they themselves have placed their faith.  if they believe in a loving God, why is it they don't believe a loving God who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and many things beside, cannot reach them?  While I fully believe that my purpose is whatever God has created me for, I do not believe my purpose involves numbing you to his existence, anymore than I believe my purpose is to prove it.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

See, my thing is, and this may be completely off of what this conversation has turned into because I only read the first 3 posts, hating and not accepting something as okay are two different things. For example, I myself cringe at the thought of people changing their genders or dating the same sex, it's not something I myself would ever do so when others do it I am unable to understand why they would. On the other hand, I don't hate them; I just don't accept it as being okay because God says it's not according to his rules. Does that mean I hate them? No. Does it mean I wouldn't be friends with them? No. It just means I refuse to believe being LGBT is okay.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I still, for all my disagreement with religion, still find it an interesting field of study, in fact, I do in fact love to learn about people's beliefs. And I think that even for non religious folks, religion may reveal some moral lessons, even though it's often hidden behind the Heaven/Hell/God/Satan mantra.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

*Writes 3k post**Considers the consequences from all sides**Cuts*A question, and a statement. Apply them liberally--to yourself, and to others.The question: Why do you believe what you believe? "Because the most influential people around me, now or at some more impactful time of my life, believed something quite similar" is a valid answer. More people should admit this.The Statement: No two minds are identical, nor are their experiences! Yes, it sounds obvious--but, no, really, lots and lots of things people think of as universal experiences are far from universal. This includes the God Feeling / Divine Presence Experience. Did you know people have felt this strong sense of the presence of holy divinity? Did you know that some people have not? Did you know that lots of people in both categories assume everyone in the other category has/has not the same as them, and are therefore evil liars for disagreeing with them about religion? And this 
 never comes up because people assume it's so obvious that they'd sound less condescending if they pointed out that water is wet?This isn't just a spirituality thing, mind. The Ur example is mental images. Back in the nineteenth century, it somehow finally became a point of contention that visualization could involve actual visual experience, rather than just thinking about images. So someone did some investigating, and as it turns out, some people's imaginations trigger their actual senses, and some people's don't, and everyone just assumed the other was being poetic for the past 5000 years.Likewise, some people have experienced divine presence, some people have not, and each has thought the others are evil liars for the past 5000 years.This has theological implications, of course, but that's not what we're here to discuss.Why someone believes something is probably a good way to what could change that belief. Start the
 re. And don't get me started on the past decade of colleges. -.-

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hi.I am more of a person that believes in science and things you can proove by combining facts to get a big picture. I was always sceptic about gods and such, even though I was raised in a christian way, I lost my believe in god, which is also due to the death of the friend of my mother because of lung canser, I had a really good relationship to him and he was almost a part of the family.I think that was the point when I told myself that i would never beliee in a false god. What is this for a god who loves all people and who lets those die whom you love? Or who starts wars and doesnt seam to give two shits about humanity and the situation down here?These were questions I was asking myself. I havent stepped out of church, I am still a member, but this will not be long anymore.I recently had a discussion with some people over religion and gay people, they were thinking that people are not supposed to be gay because god said that man should be related to women
  and women to man.They were completely against the fact that there are trans or gay people walking on this earth, which is just a conservativ and close minded fact in my oppinion.I dont care if someone is black, white, blue, gay, trans or what ever.A closing note to all you religius people which I liked answered.If god wants people to be together as I stated above, why did he create people which are different? Just that the sociity had someone to bash? Which would show that god doesnt love all people, does it? And no, dont come me with satan and hel, I will not believe that.With that said.Greetings Moritz.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Slender I agree.The way I see it, almost all good sources of life's big questions come wrapped up in some sort of packaging.  For example, whether you're watching Star Trek or Stargate, each will present you with stories to make you question aspects of reality, moral dilemmas, and what it means to be human.  The same stories and questions will show up in both shows, scattered across several seasons and hundreds of individual episodes.  The main difference is that each comes packaged with the flavor of that show.  In one that packaging may be about human exploration, Romulans may attack at any time, and the warp core needs realignment.  In the other you need to keep the goa'uld from getting to Earth, keep the general public in the dark about everything, and liberate the rest of the galaxy from their oppressors.  Same lessons and big questions, but people will pick their favorite based on the packaging.  If you find yourself l
 oving Star Trek, and believe its stories have expanded your mind/view, then you wouldn't fault anyone for loving Stargate just as much.  The packaging that you prefer is clearly not the important part that you feel has bettered you as a person... that same important part is clearly also important to the other person.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

It's a toughy for just about everyone, even Christians.  Don't ever let anyone convince you that he or she has never posed a question like the following:If God is omnipotent, why do I have cancer/blindness/insert random disability or disease or other chaotic number of problems?If he's sovereign, why did he allow so and so who was clearly a good person to die?If he's holy and merciful, why is there so much evil in this world?And if he's God and he loves us all, why, oh why, would he not make it so that we all knew him, felt him, sensed him, understood him, could come to grips with him and wouldn't have to deal with our lives the way they are?All of these words plus others such as omniscience, omnipresence, immutability, etc etc, become problems for just about everyone to comprehend, abstractions that are all meaningless particularly if you are going through a ton of heartache.  Sovereignty seems entirely tyranica
 l, holiness is terrifying, omniscience is taunting, and immutability is tortuous.  This is when you either give up on God, or start seeking him more diligently.  I am convinced that, unless one has given up on one's self, he or she will not stop questioning these things and the way the world works in general.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I am repulsed by gays, men not women, but that just proves what a deplorable piece of shit I really am. I am repulsed by the idea of being gay, two men having sex with one another. I am also repulsed by the idea of changing one's gender. I do, however, recognize their right to not only feel like the do, but to be who they truly are, and I would never infringe on that right. I do not have a problem with gay marriage, or a couple of such a marriage adopting a child. I feel that as long as the child is in a stale relation and there is love in the home, he will do alright. He may face challenges that other kids do not, like explaining why he has two dads. He very well might be persecuted, tormented, and bullied, but that can happen to anyone who does not fit within the mold that school society feels they should. Also schools now are taking a more active stance with zero tolerance towards bullying, I am not naive enough to think that solves the problem, but let's face it, any
  kid who is different enough can face the same issues. That difference can be with or without the kid's control. So, no reason why two people who are in a stable relationship can adopt. Hell, look at all the people coming from broken homes who have turned out OK. Some have, some haven't. Those that haven't are tending towards repeating the cycle of their parents. So, if two gay men or two lesbian women want to adopt, hell I don't see the issue.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hi.Thanks for the comments in post 18 and 19. [[wow]]... I'm sorry to hear it's that extreme in the US. I really hope, for everyone, that things will change, and people will accept each other no matter who they are, and screw the religion stuff. As I previously have said, being gay, lesbian, trans or whatever is not something related to religion. The only thing religion is doing regarding to this topic, is hindering people in living their life as they wants to.I start to realize why people from the whole world are visiting Denmark, Norway, properly England and maybe other countries in the Europe to join the gay culture. Here in Denmark, people are just being accepted if they are nice to others, especially in the gay culture.Are people interested in a topic about gay, lesbian and trans without all the religion stuff? I'm quite afraid to start such a topic, because I don't wanna insult people in any ways. People are usually staying away from all
  this, simply because they don't know much about it.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Whatever guys, whatever god yes, god without caps, says, doesn't have to be what everyone has to do. If your friend wants to be liberal, let her be libral. If you are too naïve to acept reality, it's not your friends problem but yours.hth.P.s: I really don't want to sound like an asshole, but anyone who doesn't accept how another person wants to live their life deserves to be smacked in the head with a bit of reality. Everyone deserves to live however he or she wants and you cannot chane your friend no matter how hard you try.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297594#p297594

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Things are so tense in the U.S. because the democrats are obstructing the president's cabinet members' confirmations. The media is on a rampage, reporting stuff that's grossly inaccurate to outright lies, and again, the liberals are butthurt that their candidate didn't win, so they're doing everything in their power to stop everything the president is trying to do. The democrats would destroy our country rather than act responsibly. They've used tactics like filibustering and just plain not showing up to senate committee meetings. For one of the cabinet level nominee voting sessions, funnily enough, I think it was for Jeff Sessions for attorney general, well they voted to have the Sergeant  at arms request, i.e. get their asses down on the floor, the absent senators.I would say I am more right than left, but this sort of childish behavior from the democrats, most of which are a hell of a lot older than me, is dangerous. I have said it befo
 re, but the welfare of the country transcends party lines. So, getting qualified people into the cabinet is important for the president to be able to do his job effectually. I think he got them all so far though minus one, I think he wanted someone else for veteran affairs sec, and he got Dr. Nulchin, if I'm spelling that right, but I could be wrong on this.So, I have seen a lot, and I do mean a hell of a lot of animosity towards Trump, both people from the U.S., and abroad. Some of this I think is because he's actually doing what he said he'd do, and that's shakint things up, and people don't like change. But I can understand why people wouldn't like him, he's got this sort of way about him. That being said, I think he is doing a phenomenal  job so far, even without his full team in place. Let me just say this, it applies to everyone, but especially to those outside the U.S. If you have American channels on TV, or get news from America
 n mainstream media, do, not, believe, a word of it. T e first amendment of the Constitution basically gives them free reign, and nothing we can do to stop them, unless they commit a crime, and you sew them and win. Libal Libel and Slander are both a common complaint. Also defamation of character. So if you do your research, in other worse, watch alternative media sources, read from trustworthy sources, etc. and you still hate trump, well OK that's your choice, but at least be informed at to why you hate him.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hello guys.Well, I've been reading this post     in detail, and there are things I agree with, others don't. And here is my opinion on this: Yes, everybody can live however he/she wants, that's true, after all our living God created us with the posibility to make choices, but obviously each choice we make has its own consequences.However,  God's word has a message for those of us who one day accepted Jesus in our hearts, received him, his holy grace, and decided to walk on his wways, not ours.Hebrews 10:38 says: Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.What we have to do in this case is pray for your friend, my brother, she has the holy spirit on her and she knows where to go. We're not talking about hatrid here, guys, but we have to call things as they ar as christians. The good is good, and the bad, is bad. There's no half white or half black. Still 
 treat her as your friend, I understand how it feels when a friend of yours who once was faithful to God moves away of  his/her christian principals, that's painful because we still love them. Now those of you who say: come onn, let everybody live however they desires, don't try to change a person to believe what you do, let me tell you. Its not us who  can change them, its GOd who does that change.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@ironcross: wo, that's interesting. I'm myself a fox news follower, though I'm not from that part of America, I'm in south America. So we definetly should not believe them a single word? hmm, that caught my atention

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Separating fact from fiction is more trouble than it's worth. Or at least, it has been. If it turns out that Trump is the harbringer of the apocalypse like everyone left of Anne Colter seems to believe, then I suppose it would be worth the trouble... but when Obama won, the Right was being pretty ridiculous, too. It seems like we've seen escalation in the levels of ridiculous from the losing party since the end of the Cold War. The animosity was there for Clinton (Newt Gingrige, anyone?); then we had Bush V Gore, then we had the government shutdown and house Republicans vowing to make Obama fail and damn to consequences, and now we have ... whatever this is.So, yeah. We either learn to compromise like decent human beings, or we stagnate, collapse, and pray that the world can do like it did in the millennia before industry and get along without the USA.I like the first option, but I'm not presently employed, so what does what I like matter?

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@post34 God also made us all, and how God made us is how we are ment to be. The Bible was written dorring a time when people were told to go out and populate the Earth. That is no longer an issue as some countrys even have issues with a high population. God works in mysterious ways. God made people the way they are and we need to respect that. The first thing I learned in Cathlic school was not to judge others. It's funny how now Cathlics are doing a lot of judging.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@jeff: Its true that God created different people, but he did not made homosexuals. He created adam and eve, not Adam and steve. Its true that we have to accept people as they are, but Jesus came to this world to change lives

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@35 It pays to be careful what you're reading, though; just because a news source is "alternative" doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be factual. In fact, "alternative" news sources can be held to a lower standard than the media, and could end up spreading lies better than mainstream news outlets ever could.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297662#p297662

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93 ah yes God did make  homosexuals. God made all things from the very air we breathe to the grass that grows. God knows best let's not question his wisdom.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I haven't finished reading, but I just googled a bit... I'll just drop this,.http://www.religioustolerance.org/ashford01.htmNote that I'm not religious whatsoever. Do what you like as long as it's not hurting people and you're fine.I guess I could start talking about my view on the way Christianity seems to handle this, but Dark would just have to go all moderation on me, so no need for that. Needless to say, I'm in no way agreeing with it.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hi.Well, people, know what, if you dont anoy me and go on my nerves about whom I should believe in or what I should do, I am fine.As I stated above, I have nothing against people who are different, some of you do, well, cant do anything about it.But, as long i dont have to believe that bogus about god or higher spirits, I am good.Greetings Moritz.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

it intrigues me how people use the bible to say that gays, trans etc are against the teachings of god.I'm sure somebody can prove me wrong but I did some research and I can only find 1 mention of homosexuality in laviticus which says a man shall not lay with another man.on the other hand, there are 28 references to god not liking the disabled including laviticus 21:18. there are a few translations but they roughly say that the blind may not go in to the church of god.here's one translation:Indeed, any person who has a defect is not to approach the Tent of Meeting— the blind, the lame, one who is mutilated in the face or who has a very long limb, it's strange how people take some bits literally but not the ones they don't like.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I take the bible literally all the way through, unless it provides reason for me to take a particular passage symbolically, in which case I will.  ON the surface Leviticus 21 18 seems like God hating on blind people, lame people, etc.  What you did not mention is that these rules were intended for priests who had a myriad of responsibilities, one of which was presenting offerings to God.  while the offerers themselves were responsible for bringing the offering to the altar, in the case of an animal the offerer must slaughter it.  The priest was responsible for placing its blood and various parts upon the altar itself and burning it.  The priest was to offer a part of the grain offering on the burnt offering altar as a "memorial (portion)" to the Lord along with the salt of the covenant.  If the grain was offered raw then incense was to be added to the memorial portion to lend it an especially pleasing aroma as it burned on the altar.  T
 he sacrifice process itself was stringent, and beyond that priests were expected to retain a ritual purity not seen in the average worshiper of God.  Outside of the church, priests were to be consulted concerning God's will, to pronounce blessings upon people, overseeing and or supervising the collection of tithes, the maintenance of the temple, and the blowing of the trumpet on festive occasions.  While I can see a blind person possibly being able to do a couple of these things in a world that was not what it is today, I can't see them meeting up to all the standards and responsibilities placed upon such people.  Moses himself, though leader of the Israelites had a speech defect, meaning he usually allowed his brother Aaron to speak for him.  Whether this was an actual speech impediment such as a horrible tongue tie or stuttering problem or something such as debilitating anxiety we do not know, but here is the perfect example of God using a disabled ma
 n to carry out a momentus task.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Exodus 4:11The Lord said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? I'd say by that logic he also makes people gay or bi or trans too if you want to see that as a bad thing.anyway, I don't want to get in to a big argument about symantics and theology I was just pointing out these things can be interpreted in different ways.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

neither do I, but it goes without saying that if you present a matter to someone who feels they have an answer more than likely they'll answer.  I don't even expect you to believe my answer, anymore than I expect you to believe that anyone knows who the Zodiac killer is.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

For the people who say I should accept this well I'm not going to. I used to be a atheist just like you guys who commented being for my friend until I realized what a load of crap atheists were saying and how out rages they were being even if it was just little things. As a Christian I'm not going to accept this. This has been pushed at us for the past 8 years by the liberal left who wants nothing more than to remove god from every freaking place in this country. Someone of you people who are for this and against religion try coming to the US and see how divided we are. We are on the verge of war with each other. And there is a lot of people who don't support this lgbt crap. Its poisoning the minds of are youth. Wile I do respect what you say I'm not going to agree with it. As I stated before the colleges are pushing this crap. The media is pushing this crap. They are taking god out of the classroom. May I remind you that we didn't see this stuff 8 years a

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93: When did you choose to be straight?

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@HURSTSETH:  Amen to that, my brother! I deffinetly agree with what you say. People, and our governments all around the world, want to take God away of anything as I said. Now I'm not one of those liberal christians that do not feel any kind of fire deep in their hearts, I think everybody knows it here, I'm a very conservative one. And I did not ment to accept it, that's not the message I'm  trying to give you. But instead, I just told you to keep praying for her, and if she is still your FRIEND, LOVE HER WITH ALL YOUR HEART, (and sorry for the caps haha). Both of us know that God can do everything, there isn't nothing impossible for him, and let me tell ya that here's a fellow brother praying for that cause.@jeff: No no no, man. God indeed created men according to his image, but he did not created homosexuals. A homosexual is not a person created by God that way, its just a person who decided to take that path.@badger or however
  your name is spelled: There is an important thing that we must understand before calling God a hater of the disabled. The passages you are talking about, as Nocturnus said, are taking place during the old  covenant, in the law of Moses. God asked from the priests not to have any kind of defects such as being blind and so on, but that was a requirement for the priest to serv  in the tabernacle.Actually I like Nocturnus example of Moses, because that's how it is. In Jesus Christ, through his blood, not only every believer is called a priest of the new covenant but we who are not jews, the gentiles that is, have the opportunity to enter in God's presence, so according to Paul there is no jew nor greek, but only christians; This way, those of us who are blind, or crippled, if we are in dignity and want to follow/serv Christ, can do so.I remember back in 2014 when Maria Luisa Piraquive, a Colombian pseudo preacher said that those of us who are visually im
 paired, or are missing a hand or a foot cannot be in the altar preaching or doing God's work because of the conscience, but that is a clear misinterpretation of Leviticus. I praize God today I can  go into the altar and sing how much I love him, and today I'm preparing myself as a pastor. So you can, as well, if you give your life to Christ!

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Alex: homosexual animals?  there is nothing in God's creation like homosexual animals. You cannot bring animals into this conversation, the difference between they and us, is that we can reason. We make choises, we can discern between good and bad. Therefore, we have a bigger responsability. I didn't decided to be straight, I was created straitgh, and all of us, according to eclesiasts. The answer to all of your questions is contained in a single word, sin

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93:When/why did you choose to be straight?Are homosexual animals sinners too, and when/why did they choose it?Why would someone choose a sexuality that could get them so much hate from all sorts of people?What would make you decide to be gay if you had the choice?

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Here's a documentary about something that's apparently not in God's creation then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdcvRe7ox8So I guess these animals must have chosen that too, unless God made them that way, which he must have done sinnce you claim animals can't reason and Thus can't choose either.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297708#p297708

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hello.Let me start this by saying i'm a spiritualist. I don't follow any religion and doubt I ever will.Saying that. I love the azan, the eastern meditation/religious music, a bhudest song called the medicine mantra and many more.To those who say you will not accept gay people and so on, who are you to judge them? Surely if god is loving and so on he slash she slash it, will accept people no matter what? I find it very interesting how people can get so heated and upset over a simple thing such as who a person feels complete with.You do know there were gays, lesbians and I'd go as far as saying probably even trance men and women way before the internet, right?As for changing your friend, i doubt college did that. I think they felt this way before and couldn't express it. If you really feel they are horrible for excepting who they are then it would be best to break the friendship. No pray away the gay camps or what ever they are
  called are going to help. To those that say they do, do some research you'll find they do not. Although with me saying that with the internet; you can find both sides to any argument.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297711#p297711

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Here's a documentary about something that's apparently not in God's creation then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdcvRe7ox8So I guess these animals must have chosen that too, unless God made them that way, which he must have done sinnce you claim animals can't reason and Thus can't choose either.Also, have this,:https://socialinqueery.com/2013/03/18/n … asons-why/

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93 perhaps you will listen to the Pope? See the below video. I am also surprised that as a blind person knowing what it feels like to be treated differently how you could do the same to same sex individuals. It is time for Catholics to change and open up and be accepting. Who are we to judge? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cFLhUCaGqg

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hello.Let me start this by saying i'm a spiritualist. I don't follow any religion and doubt I ever will.Saying that. I love the azan, the eastern meditation/religious music, a bhudest song called the medicine mantra and many more.To those who say you will not accept gay people and so on, who are you to judge them? Surely if god is loving and so on he slash she slash it, will accept people no matter what? I find it very interesting how people can get so heated and upset over a simple thing such as who a person feels complete with.You do know there were gays, lesbians and I'd go as far as saying probably even trance men and women way before the internet, right?As for changing your friend, I doubt college did that. I think they felt this way before and couldn't express it. If you really feel they are horrible for excepting who they are then it would be best to break the friendship.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Here's a documentary about something that's apparently not in God's creation then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdcvRe7ox8So I guess these animals must have chosen that too, unless God made them that way, which he must have done since you claim animals can't reason and Thus can't choose either.Also, have this,:https://socialinqueery.com/2013/03/18/n … asons-why/

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I leave judgment to God; my place in this world, as far as I'm concerned, is distinguishing the difference between fact and fiction.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@jeff: I would not listen to the pope, I don't care about what the pope says but what God says in his word the bible, instead. I think I never said here I was a roman catholic, because I'm not.@Alex N: again, we cannot put animals here, this is all about men, not animals. Its men who tries to justify his/her sin, by even saying that some animals are homosexuals, witch is of course not true. No matter witch scientist said it, as hurstseth said before, its all a bunch of lies.@nocturnus: While its true that we leave judgement to God, as christians we are called not to condemn people, but to judge their conduct. So, I judge that he/she who practices wichccraft is doing an abomination, because I was also involved in such practices.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93,Deliver your beliefs more lovingly and people might actually take you seriously.  Rebuke other Christians if you like for not being able to live consistently, but I find it odd that you expect nonChristians to conform to your standards.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hi.At andy, so, just that i get this straight, you are denying that there are homo sexual animals, even though it has been confirmed by scientists and reports of two males animals mating have been confirmed.I have nevewr met someone so close minded as religious people. Deny everything proovable and just go after a logic of some dude called god, seriusly? I now know why humanity is going to the sharks.Oh shit, I saied something offending over god, do I get punished now?To be continued.Greetings Moritz.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297788#p297788

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Wichccraft? Come everyone! Hogwarts awaits us. Headmistress McGonagall only judges on magic skill and sticking to the school rules. Squibbert!

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Hi.At jef, hopefully we dont mess up at magical potions xDl.Greetings Moritz.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@simba hahahaha I hope not.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93: I suppose you don't believe in gravity either then, right? I mean, I don't recall the Bible talking much about that.

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

For the record, I had a dog who acted as homosexual as a dog could possibly act.  That crazy was practically incestuous to the point he was trying to get it on with his dad, who didn't like it one bit.  So are there homosexual animals?  Methinks so.  Do they tie morality into it?  that's a debate for another time.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297806#p297806

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I despise how poorly LGBTQ+ handles the whole trans and homosexuality thing. I'm gay AND trans too, so you know they screwed up big time.I'm definitely a minority in the community when it comes to these opinions so I wouldn't recommend going up to someone's face about it... but a few things first.Animals are homosexual all the time. It's a reality, sorry to burst anyone's bubble. Animals generally function on hormones, ourselves included, and those hormones can easily get a little screwy. Homosexuality probably is a form of population control through genetics.I should point out though that nobody is BORN homosexual. The truth is everyone is born asexual because we are babies and don't understand our sexuality yet! It's likely that our genetics determines whether or not we will be homosexual or heterosexual but it's not a permanent state of being - rather, the biological mechanisms that favor one over the other deter
 mine whether or not an animal or human acts homosexually. In all honesty I think that homosexuality should just be integrated already, nobody cares who you're screwing behind closed doors anymore. Is it really anyone's business who you're getting off to as long as it can consent?Back on topic: Gender is a whole can of worms. The neo-gender movement is an abomination. Next time you hear about someone talk about a gender that isn't male or female, listen to how they describe it in extremely vague terms that is almost meaningless. You know what that is? That's them showing off their immense insecurity.Gender dysphoria is a legitimate medical condition. There are many medical researchers who are investigating it. However, there are a few serious problems with it:1. The disorder has become very political. Of course, transgender people have always been kind of a taboo for conservative types, but more problematic is that . It's a medical c
 ondition. As in, you have to be medically diagnosed. If anything the disorder should be treated as a disability because that's what it is in a lot of cases.2. Treatment is too liberal. I have a particularly jarring experience where I was able to get a letter of recommendation for hormones after 1 visit. Theoretically I could have been on hormones less than a month after I decided to book the appointment. I think my case is unusual, but I feel that doctors are oftentimes willing to either simply just wait the time period required or ignore the time period, partially or completely, as a form of support for the transgender person. What frustrates me about this is that HRT is not only irreversible but is not as safe as people peddle it to be. There is also the problem with suicides post-HRT, likely caused by people who made a choice that they regret.I personally don't mind going on HRT but this was because I knew at that point what I wanted exactly, and it had no
 thing to do with vague problems like "not feeling happy in my body", but rather very direct things like wanting a beard and wanting to sound like a guy.The nonbinary thing is also worrying to me. It seems that people peddling that again have forgotten the medical nature of gender dysphoria. I was peddled this when I went to the therapist and I notice that my normal therapist doesn't buy into it either. Basically nonbinary is supposedly a gender that is not male or female (more oppression points tbh). I was peddled this since I explained I didn't really want to be overly masculine outwardly and I really didn't care that much about being called a girl, it was more of a physical thing. Later I realized the reason why had more to do with the kind of person I am than my gender identity.Ultimately, the problem is that people want to go on HRT since they think it will fix their gender problems. Most times it doesn't get rid of them. My friends te
 ll me the argument that it "might help them" but I feel like they're ignorant to the risk assessment of the issue. "Might help" is not enough reason to push someone on life changing medication if they aren't in a medical emergency. I still think it should be an option but only after a serious assessment.I also genuinely feel that all these shenanigans are concealing other mental health issues that have little to do with gender. Hormones are known to destabilize people with conditions like BPD and yet people want HRT delivery to be even MORE liberal...Please do not buckle down for these people, they are irresponsible and are not treating the disorder as a medical condition but rather as a political identity. I don't agree with your beliefs necessarily but these people are stepping the line much more than you have.P.S. Generally, working on morals is a very flawed way to live, since in unusual circumstances morality will not be a

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I despise how poorly LGBTQ+ handles the whole trans and homosexuality thing. I'm gay AND trans too, so you know they screwed up big time.I'm definitely a minority in the community when it comes to these opinions so I wouldn't recommend going up to someone's face about it... but a few things first.Animals are homosexual all the time. It's a reality, sorry to burst anyone's bubble. Animals generally function on hormones, ourselves included, and those hormones can easily get a little screwy. Homosexuality probably is a form of population control through genetics. Believe it or not, especially in social animals, it's good to have a few non-breeding individuals to help support society instead of children. Makes sense why an animal that takes 20 years to develop would have a couple queers.I should point out though that nobody is BORN homosexual. The truth is everyone is born asexual because we are babies and don't understand o
 ur sexuality yet! It's likely that our genetics determines whether or not we will be homosexual or heterosexual but it's not a permanent state of being - rather, the biological mechanisms that favor one over the other determine whether or not an animal or human acts homosexually. In all honesty I think that homosexuality should just be integrated already, nobody cares who you're screwing behind closed doors anymore. Is it really anyone's business who you're getting off to as long as it can consent?Back on topic: Gender is a whole can of worms. The neo-gender movement is an abomination. Next time you hear about someone talk about a gender that isn't male or female, listen to how they describe it in extremely vague terms that is almost meaningless. You know what that is? That's them showing off their immense insecurity.Gender dysphoria is a legitimate medical condition. There are many medical researchers who are investigating it. Howeve
 r, there are a few serious problems with it:1. The disorder has become very political. Of course, transgender people have always been kind of a taboo for conservative types, but more problematic is that people are getting too liberal with labeling people as transgender. It's a medical condition. As in, you have to be medically diagnosed. If anything the disorder should be treated as a disability because that's what it is in a lot of cases.2. Treatment is too liberal. I have a particularly jarring experience where I was able to get a letter of recommendation for hormones after 1 visit. Theoretically I could have been on hormones less than a month after I decided to book the appointment. I think my case is unusual, but I feel that doctors are oftentimes willing to either simply just wait the time period required or ignore the time period, partially or completely, as a form of support for the transgender person. What frustrates me about this is that HRT is not o
 nly irreversible but is not as safe as people peddle it to be. There is also the problem with suicides post-HRT, likely caused by people who made a choice that they regret.I personally don't mind going on HRT but this was because I knew at that point what I wanted exactly, and it had nothing to do with vague problems like "not feeling happy in my body", but rather very direct things like wanting a beard and wanting to sound like a guy, and most frustratingly, wanting to have sex like a man. Like what frustrates me about these people is that they can't even tell you jack shit about their actual problems but they expect you to buy into it, and then there's me who basically knows what they want but they can't physically get it.The nonbinary thing is also worrying to me. It seems that people peddling that again have forgotten the medical nature of gender dysphoria. I was peddled this when I went to the therapist and I notice that my normal the
 rapist doesn't buy into it either. Basically nonbinary is supposedly a gender that is not male or female (more oppression points tbh). I was peddled this since I explained I didn't really want to be overly masculine outwardly and I really didn't care that much about being called a girl, it was more of a physical thing. Later I realized the reason why had more to do with the kind of person I am than my gender identity.Ultimately, the problem is that people want to go on HRT since they think it will fix their gender problems. Most times it doesn't get rid of them. My friends tell me the argument that it "might help them" but I feel like they're ignorant to the risk assessment of the issue. "Might help" is not enough reason to push someone on life changing medication if they aren't in a medical emergency. I still think it should be an option but only after a serious assessment.I also genuinely feel that all these shenaniga
 ns are concealing other m

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Every single time I hear someone try to identify as something they're not born, IE males who call themselves or show themselves off as females etc, I ask myself what it is they see when they look in the mirror.  Even if you want to debate this from a relativistic point of view, please tell me you would not let a skinny person convince you they're fat?

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

No, but you wouldn't think it's unreasonable to think that a fat person wants to be thin? Ultimately a lot of it is a body image issue. The thing is, to actually "fix" the problem is quite different. "Fixing" a fat person means helping them lose weight and become the person they want to become (to some extent). The difference is though that losing weight is very beneficial for a fat person to the point that there is pretty much no reason NOT to.The whole idea behind acting like that is that it helps the person feel better. Not like, "feelings" but help keep your mind off of things. If you're a fat person you're likely thinking about how you wouldn't like to be fat, after all. That wastes a lot of time, causes a lot of depression and anxiety. imho this is one of the things that gender cults has forgotten about since it's clear they're more interested in affirming their identity than actually feeling better. To 
 be honest though I think this is the wrong approach.Like yeah sherlock of course I know I don't have the man toolbox but if I adopt the role of a guy then I feel better. Personally for me I've never really "acted" either gender, I was always just myself. Thing was that self was clearly masculine, to the point where a lot of time people thought I was one of those long haired metal dudes. But I do like the way that testosterone physically feels, and I like being more masculine, so yeah. It was clearer to me after my life settled from a crisis ending in late 2016 why I felt that way but it's kind of personal. But I think the problem here is that a lot of these people couldn't tell you even the basics. And someone like that needs to introspect more. More cognitive therapy.The problem with the acting thing is that they feel uncomfortable with acting strictly masculine, then they experiment with being strictly feminine and that doesn't fit 
 either. Then, they find out that there is a whole group of nonbinary genders which they can apply to themselves while they are trying to understand what role they want to fulfill. What I realized was that my role was very clear, but obviously the opposite sex, which is why I decided to transition.I don't really understand the social side of it. Honestly it makes me look like the biggest dick but I honestly think most of the social side of it is insecurity of specific parts of your interests or identity instead of pure gender identity issues. This doesn't mean they couldn't be trans, it just means they aren't always together. These people are extremely insecure and expect you to compensate for it.If anything I think instead of acting the opposite gender, they should really just release themselves a bit and just do what they want. You wanna be a man who wears a dress? Experiment with it and see how you actually feel about it. Maybe you just want to be
  a man who wears a dress. Sure, that's weird, but at least now you aren't undergoing unnecessary treatment.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297825#p297825

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

No, but you wouldn't think it's unreasonable to think that a fat person wants to be thin? Ultimately a lot of it is a body image issue. The thing is, to actually "fix" the problem is quite different. "Fixing" a fat person means helping them lose weight and become the person they want to become (to some extent). The difference is though that losing weight is very beneficial for a fat person to the point that there is pretty much no reason NOT to.The whole idea behind acting like that is that it helps the person feel better. Not like, "feelings" but help keep your mind off of things. If you're a fat person you're likely thinking about how you wouldn't like to be fat, after all. That wastes a lot of time, causes a lot of depression and anxiety. imho this is one of the things that gender cults has forgotten about since it's clear they're more interested in affirming their identity than actually feeling better. To 
 be honest though I think this is the wrong approach.Like yeah sherlock of course I know I don't have the man toolbox but if I adopt the role of a guy then I feel better. Personally for me I've never really "acted" either gender, I was always just myself. Thing was that self was clearly masculine, to the point where a lot of time people thought I was one of those long haired metal dudes. But I do like the way that testosterone physically feels, and I like being more masculine, so yeah. It was clearer to me after my life settled from a crisis ending in late 2016 why I felt that way but it's kind of personal. But I think the problem here is that a lot of these people couldn't tell you even the basics. And someone like that needs to introspect more. More cognitive therapy.The problem with the acting thing is that they feel uncomfortable with acting strictly masculine, then they experiment with being strictly feminine and that doesn't fit 
 either. Then, they find out that there is a whole group of nonbinary genders which they can apply to themselves while they are trying to understand what role they want to fulfill. What I realized was that my role was very clear, but obviously the opposite sex, which is why I decided to transition. These people though, they're not figuring themselves out first. They're basically just saying two very strict stereotypes on how to be a person doesn't fit and then they succumb to "I'm a special unique snowflake" disease, which is really just another way of saying they're extremely insecure.I don't really understand the social side of it. Honestly it makes me look like the biggest dick but I honestly think most of the social side of it is insecurity of specific parts of your interests or identity instead of pure gender identity issues. This doesn't mean they couldn't be trans, it just means they aren't always together. These pe
 ople are extremely insecure and expect you to compensate for it.If anything I think instead of acting the opposite gender, they should really just release themselves a bit and just do what they want. You wanna be a man who wears a dress? Experiment with it and see how you actually feel about it. Maybe you just want to be a man who wears a dress. Sure, that's weird, but at least now you aren't undergoing unnecessary treatment.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297825#p297825

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

If you can't accept being LGBTQ, then by all means don't be LGBTQ. No one's putting a gun to your head. But if you wouldn't accept a member of that community bashing your mythical man in the sky (why is it God is always a man, anyway? How very sexist of Christianity.), then you don't get to take them down for being a member of that community. Bashing a member of that community, or for that matter a member of any other community, is not you being a good Christian. What it is is you being an asshole. And honestly, were I the original poster's friend, I'd be dropping him like a bad habbit. With friends like mister Christianity over there, who needs enemies?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297860#p297860

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

It's interesting that people are still talking about god and all this religion stuff.Some people are not accepting gay or trans people because of god. They think this is wrong to be gay or trans. But the thing is: God accepts everyone. And if he didn't accepted everyone, is it then your issue, or all the gay and trans peoples issues? So why even keep bitching about that you won't accept people because of god, because this is not right and because of  bla bla bla...Being gay or trans is not a choice like some people think. Is it a choice that most of us are blind? No. Why do you then think this is a choice that gay people are gay? This is simply how they are.If you absolutely can't accept gay people, why not just let them be and don't care about them? They are having a great life, not like you, who are constantly trying to tell people what they are doing wrong, instead of concentrating about your own life. Why waist your time on tryin
 g to change people who already are happy with their life? Why nost just accept people as they are, or just leave them alone if you can't accept them?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297873#p297873

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Choice or not, gay people are gay.  And yes, it's true!  God loves us all the same!  All of us!  if Christians and nonchristians are going to go back to basics then that is a truth we must all, every single one of us accept.  Period!But that isn't the end of the story.  if that's where you want to stop reading and do no further investigation that is entirely up to you and I can't and won't hold it against you because of this little thing even Christians have to accept called free will.  It is not our place to impose our will upon anyone!  There are people who truly feel God does not exist, and there are people who don't want him to exist.  both groups are still loved by God.  There are people who believe in different gods!  those people are all still loved by God!  Who is God?  That, is a matter he wishes you to explore and discover on your own, but which he has outlined for you th
 rough various evidences that have not gone away and will not go away regardless what you may think of them.  whatever your stance on the issue, God loves you, and so do I.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297894#p297894

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Choice or not, gay people are gay.  And yes, it's true!  God loves us all the same!  All of us!  if Christians and nonchristians are going to go back to basics then that is a truth we must all, every single one of us accept.  Period!But that isn't the end of the story.  if that's where you want to stop reading and do no further investigation that is entirely up to you and I can't and won't hold it against you because of this little thing even Christians have to accept called free will.  It is not our place to impose our will upon anyone!  There are people who truly feel God does not exist, and there are people who don't want him to exist.  both groups are still loved by God.  There are people who believe in different gods!  those people are all still loved by God!  Who is God?  That, is a matter he wishes you to explore and discover on your own, but which he has outlined for you th
 rough various evidences that have not gone away and will not go away regardless what you may think of them.  whatever your stance on the issue, God loves you, and so do I. 

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297894#p297894

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I don't understand what any of this gay or trans stuff has to do with god... lolI don't really believe in god but that's more just because I have no reason to. I wasn't exposed to him early in my life and honestly as an adult it doesn't really make much sense to me. I don't really have a problem with people who are religious as long as they aren't trying to dictate how to live my life, so...

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297903#p297903

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

So, OK, let me address one thing:"taking God out of the classroom"It is a public school, not a church. You do not teach about God there. You do not do church-type stuff there. You do not do Mosque-type stuff there. You do not do Shinto-type stuff there. You teach reading, writing, mathematics, problem-solving, and useful skills. No, the public education system does not fit those requirements I just listed. The public education system is terrible, regardless of how religion is or isn't incorporated into it. School is funded by everyone's taxes, and should therefore cater to no specific belief system. Which, to be clear, means that public schools should not teach Social Justice dogma, either.Yes, there are Atheist jerks and the left has gone wild. If your reaction is "we need more prayer in schools", you're reacting just as ridiculously. Tirany is Tirany, whether it come from Left or Right, Bible Koran or Jezibel.And, you k
 now? #NotAllX. Selection bias is a thing. You notice the jerks because they loudly identify themselves.But, about Leviticus.. It's not where the antigay stuff is. I mean, yeah, there's laws about man-on-man sex being punishable by death. And rape being punishable by shotgun marriages and/or death. And lots and lots of things being punishable by death, stoning, whipping, and exile. And rules about not eating shellfish or pork.But most Christians don't keep a third part of the laws in Leviticus. This is not hypocritical, if they are among the sects who believe that Leviticus was rendered obsolete in the New Testament, or that it requires a Levite priesthood to administer it.No, it's Paul who declares homosexuality to be bad. And that women should keep silent in church, and that the man is the head of the household, and that he knows jack about Pharassaic writing on the law. (Bold claim, considering how well documented Pharassaic w
 ritings were while Paul was writing. But to be fair, his audience didn't have access to said writings, and it very much seems like he expected Jesus to return during his lifetime.)If we take Paul as canon--and most Christians do--that also handles a lot of the purity laws. For some reason, people take Peter's dream in Acts literally, even though Peter himself explicitly does not. But that's OK; it leads to the decision not to impose all of the strict physical laws on gentiles, which is why the "Do you eat pork or shellfish?" gotcha only works on people who believe this does not release them from Levitic law.(Paul doesn't have much to say about homosexuality, IIRC, other than that the churches should not be accepting of it. He's more detailed about gender roles. Why God would impose strict gender roles, I have no idea.)Paul's letters being Scripture is kinda weird, isn't it? Presumably it's because he more or less 
 single-handedly packaged Christianity in a way the gentiles could stomach, and leaving him out would take away the Hellenistic flavor that converted the Greeks. If you take out Paul, you still have to come to grips with the Genocide of the Amalekites and such, but no one said we were taking out Paul because he cared enough about hairstyles to put it in something that was canonized 300 years later. The Slaughter of the Amalekites is much worse than gender-coding clothing! It was a direct order from God to randomly kill an entire ethnicity! And while I like the "Agag had just set up his entire kingdom in a mass suicide/sacrifice to Moloch via slow-acting poison/plague, and so nuking them from orbit was the best response but God decided to use the opportunity to test Paul instead" idea, it doesn't have a scriptural basis. ("You're ancestor 10 generations ago thought my ancestor was a good target when they were in the desert, so I'm killing your children&qu
 ot; is the closest the Bible has to a justification. And there's no sneaky way to kick 1Samuel out of canon. It is very clearly canonical based on all the references to it and Kings, and 1 and 2 Samuel were originally part of Kings.)(Daigonite, that was the best explanation I've seen yet on this subject! Would that the topic hadn't turned into a political football game, nationally speaking.)To the original subject!College might be changing your friend. I'm not so easily sold on the "they were probably always like that and kept it hidden" thing that keeps coming up. Sure, it's possible. But, to bring it back to Paul, it's not as though he was secretly Christian while he was supporting their persecution, then escaped to Damascus where he could get a foot into the community and be himself.People can change. Sometimes this is good, sometimes this is bad, most of the time it simply is. If you want to do something abo
 ut it, that's up to you. Is it because of college?

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

Taking God out of the classroom... Must be done. You go to school to gain an education, vital social skills etc. Outside of that, it's up to you what path you wish to take in regards to religion. Now, the school I went to, from the day we  arrived there at the tender ages of 4 and 5 years old, rammed christianity down our throats. The lords prayer had to be said every day, grace said before lunch, church was went to, hims were sang and so on. If you did not go along with this, you were called a disruptive element, isolated from the class and punnished. No matter what kind of light you paint this in, it could never be considered a good thing. Did our edication cover other religions? Yes, It did in extremely brief detail. There was always an extremely heavy bias towards the christian side of things. This is why god and by extent religion in general should be left out of the classroom. We shouldn't be manipulating children like that.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297946#p297946

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

I can't add much more to what has been said in the last two posts, but I will say that this whole argument about how things weren't as bad 8 years ago is flawed. As I tried to say in one of my previous posts, there has always been extremism in one form or another. Just because it presents itself in different garb every few years doesn't mean it's not the exact same ugly beast it's always been. So can we please quit talking about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket just because of this or that political/social justice/racial issue? It's ridiculous. True, different issues will affect some people more strongly than others, but that doesn't make them any worse than something else that the previous generation found offensive. It's just human nature to recoil against differences, since differences are seen as a threat. Surely, as blind people, we know that attitude all too well. So I don't understand all this shock and horror about
  gays, or what the schools are doing about it or religion. If you want to get riled up about what schools are doing, maybe you should try pouring some of that venom onto the real issues that need attention, such as the overemphasis on standardized testing, the way that the educational system is moving towards an approach where critical thinking is all but stamped out, and just plain ridiculous things that make no sense, such as the mother who got arrested for packing an Oreo in her kid's lunch. And, to be fair, these weren't always issues that filled me with rage. I may care more than the average person, since I have a niece who will soon be school age, and I worry on a daily basis for her well-being, but that's not really the point. The point is, we've got far bigger problems in this society than whether or not Christianity is "allowed" in schools. Notice how I put allowed in quotes there, because anyone is still free to practice whatever religion they
  choose. And, yes, religious persecution is a thing, and kids shouldn't be accused of making bombs just because they have a Muslim sounding name and happen to take an interest in chemistry, either. But as long as people are content to make a stink about the issues that, quite frankly, don't affect the future of our society as a whole, rather than calling attention to the things that really need changing, arguments just like this one will crop up over and over and over again throughout the years. The names will change, and so will the supposedly disgusting outward appearances that need to be stomped out, but as long as this kind of attitude persists, our hearts, our souls, and especially the power of our minds, will remain stagnant.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=297995#p297995

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@turtlepower17, Exodus, CAE_Jones, daigonite, SLJ and others who wonder why God is central to this discussion:A nation that was founded on Christian ideals is going to be biased toward Christianity.  America was once such a nation; it modeled its constitution and its pledge of allegiance to reflect upon these things.  It was understood that even those who did not entirely accept the concept, idea or even the existence of God were respectful of those who did.  without getting too political, acting like I actually know all the answers or continuing to cram my worldview down your throat, Franklin was asked after the revolution what it was precisely the people had become.  They had no monarch; they had no overall consensus of governing body.  His response?  "A Republic, if you can keep it."Liberty lives in the hearts of men and women; while it lives there, no constitution, no law and no corts are needed to sustain it.  Should it die there, no constitution, no law, and no corts would be able to save it.  I submit to you that the spirit of liberty has died in the American heart and is now substituted by the spirit of legalism, the same kind of legalism we supposedly want to avoid that interestingly enough is said to come from the bible.  We strike bills down on their lack of unconstitutionality, wage war on power through social media and protests while ignoring that power is still winning, and forget that success is determined by character, not calculation and competing self interests.  Leadership no longer has character, business is unethical and science, as far as I can tell through my studdying it has no human value.If you are now or are considering being a parent, think about what you want your children to have... I want my children to have the best I can give them.  As they grow older, I hope I can give them more freedom; I hope I can trust them to conduct themselves with responsibility, as members of society who can be counted on, respected, liked and even sought after for advice and help.  That freedom requires something called virtue.And where does virtue come from?  Once again, without turning to the bible as we Christians might normally do, let us turn instead to Aristotle, who suggests that virtue is habitual and that the good life is a life of mindless routine.  To simplify, the only way one becomes virtuous is by being instructed by his parents or legal guardians to do so.  While this is in essence more than likely going to lead to a bunch of children with good behavioral habbits, Aristotle takes it further; he suggests that to truly become virtuous one must not simply model those habits but stop to think about what is and is not moral, ethical and pure.Suppose I ask you to take some time to think about the greatest, nicest, most wonderful person you know.  Are they well respected?  Are they liked?  Are they contagious?  Are they captivating?  No no no; I'm not talking about celebrities... I'm talking about the nicest, most wonderful and greatest person you know... Personally!  Your mom?  Your dad?  Your brother or sister?  An aunt or uncle?  A spouse?  A friend from highschool?  Perhaps you haven't talked to them in years but you still think about them?  maybe you even envy them to some extent and wish you could be like them?Can you think of anyone?  if you can, ask yourself what it is that makes them such a person.  While you might possibly list material things, more than likely what you will come to is tied in some respect to their upbringing.  Who were they raised by?  Catholics?  Mormans?  Buddhists?  The Baha’i writings say that:Universal benefits derive from the grace of the Divine religions, for they lead their true followers to sincerity of intent, to high purpose, to purity and spotless honor, to surpassing kindness and compassion, to the keeping of their covenants when they have covenanted, to concern for the rights of others, to liberality, to justice in every aspect of life, to humanity and philanthropy, to valor and to unflagging efforts in the service of mankind. It is religion, to sum up, which produces all human virtues, and it is these virtues which are the bright candles of civilization.  this is such a strong belief that, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook who once called himself an atheist, now believes religiosity is important. As a Christian it is not my religion that concerns me, but my relationship with God.  I do not do what I do out of demand but out of delight.  it isn't a ruleset; it's a combination of reason, rationality and faith, the last of which, can only be freely practiced and expressed when one is free to practice and express it.  My goal is not to condescend, to judge, to condemn, to impeed or to be an obstacle to anyone in any way.  As a Christian who trys to be loving and compassionate, however, a strong believer in life's value and the worht of humankind, both thi

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@turtlepower17, Exodus, CAE_Jones, daigonite, SLJ and others who wonder why God is central to this discussion:A nation that was founded on Christian ideals is going to be biased toward Christianity.  America was once such a nation; it modeled its constitution and its pledge of allegiance to reflect upon these things.  It was understood that even those who did not entirely accept the concept, idea or even the existence of God were respectful of those who did.  without getting too political, acting like I actually know all the answers or continuing to cram my worldview down your throat, Franklin was asked after the revolution what it was precisely the people had become.  They had no monarch; they had no overall consensus of governing body.  His response?  "A Republic, if you can keep it."Liberty lives in the hearts of men and women; while it lives there, no constitution, no law and no corts are needed to sustain it.  Should it die there, no constitution, no law, and no corts would be able to save it.  I submit to you that the spirit of liberty has died in the American heart and is now substituted by the spirit of legalism, the same kind of legalism we supposedly want to avoid that interestingly enough is said to come from the bible.  We strike bills down on their lack of unconstitutionality, wage war on power through social media and protests while ignoring that power is still winning, and forget that success is determined by character, not calculation and competing self interests.  Leadership no longer has character, business is unethical and science, as far as I can tell through my studdying it has no human value.If you are now or are considering being a parent, think about what you want your children to have... I want my children to have the best I can give them.  As they grow older, I hope I can give them more freedom; I hope I can trust them to conduct themselves with responsibility, as members of society who can be counted on, respected, liked and even sought after for advice and help.  That freedom requires something called virtue.And where does virtue come from?  Once again, without turning to the bible as we Christians might normally do, let us turn instead to Aristotle, who suggests that virtue is habitual and that the good life is a life of mindless routine.  To simplify, the only way one becomes virtuous is by being instructed by his parents or legal guardians to do so.  While this is in essence more than likely going to lead to a bunch of children with good behavioral habbits, Aristotle takes it further; he suggests that to truly become virtuous one must not simply model those habits but stop to think about what is and is not moral, ethical and pure.Suppose I ask you to take some time to think about the greatest, nicest, most wonderful person you know.  Are they well respected?  Are they liked?  Are they contagious?  Are they captivating?  No no no; I'm not talking about celebrities... I'm talking about the nicest, most wonderful and greatest person you know... Personally!  Your mom?  Your dad?  Your brother or sister?  An aunt or uncle?  A spouse?  A friend from highschool?  Perhaps you haven't talked to them in years but you still think about them?  maybe you even envy them to some extent and wish you could be like them?Can you think of anyone?  if you can, ask yourself what it is that makes them such a person.  While you might possibly list material things, more than likely what you will come to is tied in some respect to their upbringing.  Who were they raised by?  Catholics?  Mormans?  Buddhists?  The Baha’i writings say that universal benefits derive from the grace of the Divine religions, for they lead their true followers to sincerity of intent, to high purpose, to purity and spotless honor, to surpassing kindness and compassion, to the keeping of their covenants when they have covenanted, to concern for the rights of others, to liberality, to justice in every aspect of life, to humanity and philanthropy, to valor and to unflagging efforts in the service of mankind. It is religion, to sum up, which produces all human virtues, and it is these virtues which are the bright candles of civilization.  this is such a strong belief that, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook who once called himself an atheist, now believes religiosity is important. As a Christian it is not my religion that concerns me, but my relationship with God.  I do not do what I do out of demand but out of delight.  it isn't a ruleset; it's a combination of reason, rationality and faith, the last of which, can only be freely practiced and expressed when one is free to practice and express it.  My goal is not to condescend, to judge, to condemn, to impeed or to be an obstacle to anyone in any way.  As a Christian who trys to be loving and compassionate, however, a strong believer in life's value and the worht of humankind, both thi

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

except the United States isn't a christian nation by definition.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298012#p298012

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

except the United States isn't a christian nation by definition... it may have been founded by christians but that doesn't make it Christian. the first amendment clearly points out that church and state are to be separated. That's the opposite of a christian nation. Man I hate it when people drink that kool-aide. To deny the constitution essentially means you don't want to have an America the way the founding fathers envisioned. You don't support returning America to its grassroots at all.If you want a government only backed in liberty, what you have is no central government. When people dictate themselves, they cannot defend themselves against other governments and will be assimilated by them, thus again they are functioning with some government, probably one that is even worse than before.Oddly though despite being someone who wants more liberties you want to close down on the liberties of those who are gay or transgender... I don't un
 derstand this hypocrisy, elaborate?wait, are you one of those weirdos who believe that atheists shouldn't be in congress?...

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298012#p298012

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

except the United States isn't a christian nation by definition... it may have been founded by christians but that doesn't make it Christian. the first amendment clearly points out that church and state are to be separated. That's the opposite of a christian nation. Man I hate it when people drink that kool-aide. To deny the constitution essentially means you don't want to have an America the way the founding fathers envisioned. You don't support returning America to its grassroots at all.If you want a government only backed in liberty, what you have is no central government. When people dictate themselves, they cannot defend themselves against other governments and will be assimilated by them, thus again they are functioning with some government, probably one that is even worse than before. Main reason why extreme libertarianism is not good.Oddly though despite being someone who wants more liberties you want to close down on the liberties of
  those who are gay or transgender... I don't understand this hypocrisy, elaborate?I can have virtues and morals without having to believe in God. In fact, basic evolutionary processes can easily explain where morals and virtues came from - the advantage of being in a harmonious, social society is much greater than just competing individually so it makes perfect sense why behaviours encouraging things such as charity and nonviolence would spring up. Its advantageous to not be stealing, killing or harming each other. Generally, systems evolve towards cooperation anyways.Who cares what Mark Zuckerburg believes? He can't prove to me objectively that I should believe in a god and therefore I have no reason to. Mark Zuckerburg is a huge asshole too, so that really just gives me more reason why not to be religious (even though that's a fallacy in of its own).wait, are you one of those weirdos who believe that atheists shouldn't be in congress?...I think the most frustrating thing about extreme religiousness is that it closes oneself off to philosophy. Don't think, god tells you how to live... considering that you quote Aristotle who's work is over 2000 years old it seems clear you have no interest in modern philosophy.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298012#p298012

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

except the United States isn't a christian nation by definition... it may have been founded by christians but that doesn't make it Christian. the first amendment clearly points out that church and state are to be separated. That's the opposite of a christian nation. Man I hate it when people drink that kool-aide. To deny the constitution essentially means you don't want to have an America the way the founding fathers envisioned. You don't support returning America to its grassroots at all.If you want a government only backed in liberty, what you have is no central government. When people dictate themselves, they cannot defend themselves against other governments and will be assimilated by them, thus again they are functioning with some government, probably one that is even worse than before. Main reason why extreme libertarianism is not good.Oddly though despite being someone who wants more liberties you want to close down on the liberties of
  those who are gay or transgender... I don't understand this hypocrisy, elaborate?I can have virtues and morals without having to believe in God. In fact, basic evolutionary processes can easily explain where morals and virtues came from - the advantage of being in a harmonious, social society is much greater than just competing individually so it makes perfect sense why behaviours encouraging things such as charity and nonviolence would spring up. Its advantageous to not be stealing, killing or harming each other. Generally, systems evolve towards cooperation anyways.Who cares what Mark Zuckerburg believes? He can't prove to me objectively that I should believe in a god and therefore I have no reason to. Mark Zuckerburg is a huge asshole too, so that really just gives me more reason why not to be religious (even though that's a fallacy in of its own).As a philosopher I have no interest in what [x] spiritualist said; I'm more interested in un
 derstanding my world in a model that I can understand. After all, even if they were spoken divine words, it's entirely possible that they are repeating their own interpretation that forgets the details. If god is honest, then I should be able to come up with the conclusion that he exists and that I should worship him on my own accord; however most arguments to support god, including your own, are riddled with intellectually dishonest tactics. Why does god have to be so dishonest to gain converts?The premise of objectivity means that I should be able to determine for myself what the truth is without having someone simply tell me so. I believe in science because I can repeat science and use it to make useful results. I can use science to engineer my life to be better. Why should I believe in a fickle god who refuses to answer most requests when I can do it better half the time anyways? Hell, most people on this forum are blind, don't you think a benevolent god would h
 ave some sympathy and at least make the lives of the blind easier? Why should it be my responsibility, or any other blind tech developer's responsibility, when that lazy piece of shit god is sitting on his throne watching you suffer?wait, are you one of those weirdos who believe that atheists shouldn't be in congress?...I think the most frustrating thing about extreme religiousness is that it closes oneself off to philosophy. Don't think, god tells you how to live... considering that you quote Aristotle who's work is over 2000 years old it seems clear you have no interest in modern philosophy.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298012#p298012

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

except the United States isn't a christian nation by definition... it may have been founded by christians but that doesn't make it Christian. the first amendment clearly points out that church and state are to be separated. That's the opposite of a christian nation. Man I hate it when people drink that kool-aide. To deny the constitution essentially means you don't want to have an America the way the founding fathers envisioned. You don't support returning America to its grassroots at all.If you want a government only backed in liberty, what you have is no central government. When people dictate themselves, they cannot defend themselves against other governments and will be assimilated by them, thus again they are functioning with some government, probably one that is even worse than before. Main reason why extreme libertarianism is not good.Oddly though despite being someone who wants more liberties you want to close down on the liberties of
  those who are gay or transgender... I don't understand this hypocrisy, elaborate?I can have virtues and morals without having to believe in God. In fact, basic evolutionary processes can easily explain where morals and virtues came from - the advantage of being in a harmonious, social society is much greater than just competing individually so it makes perfect sense why behaviours encouraging things such as charity and nonviolence would spring up. Its advantageous to not be stealing, killing or harming each other. Generally, systems evolve towards cooperation anyways.Who cares what Mark Zuckerburg (or anyone else for that matter) believes? He can't prove to me objectively that I should believe in a god and therefore I have no reason to. Mark Zuckerburg is a huge asshole too, so that really just gives me more reason why not to be religious (even though that's a fallacy in of its own).As a philosopher I have no interest in what [x] spiritualist sai
 d; I'm more interested in understanding my world in a model that I can understand. After all, even if they were spoken divine words, it's entirely possible that they are repeating their own interpretation that forgets the details. If god is honest, then I should be able to come up with the conclusion that he exists and that I should worship him on my own accord; however most arguments to support god, including your own, are riddled with intellectually dishonest tactics. Why does god have to be so dishonest to gain converts?The premise of objectivity means that I should be able to determine for myself what the truth is without having someone simply tell me so. I believe in science because I can repeat science and use it to make useful results. I can use science to engineer my life to be better. Why should I believe in a fickle god who refuses to answer most requests when I can do it better half the time anyways? Hell, most people on this forum are blind, don't y
 ou think a benevolent god would have some sympathy and at least make the lives of the blind easier? Why should it be my responsibility, or any other blind tech developer's responsibility, when that lazy piece of shit god is sitting on his throne watching you suffer?wait, are you one of those weirdos who believe that atheists shouldn't be in congress?...I think the most frustrating thing about extreme religiousness is that it closes oneself off to philosophy. Don't think, god tells you how to live... considering that you quote Aristotle who's work is over 2000 years old it seems clear you have no interest in modern philosophy.I don't believe you have bad intentions, so don't take this as a personal attack, but this is the side that non-theists are coming from.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298012#p298012

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

(I'm going to read this post in three years and cringe, I just know it.)I submit that religion serves a purpose completely independent of its truthfulness (after all, there are many religions out there which contradict other religions). There's this saying that there are atheists with a God-shaped hole in their hearts (#notAllX). There's always this talk of "find your passion" and so forth. Time after time, it's found that people function best with community and when doing things to help others. These are not strictly the providence of religion, but some of them--Christianity in particular--have certainly gotten better at it than most substitutes.Then we have culture wars and morality debates and everyone telling everyone else why they're wrong, which we'd have without religion because we'd still have politics. And we'd have it without politics because we'd still have clans and tribes and subdivisions and families
  and cliques.The big three evangelistic religions--Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism--did an interesting thing, by filling that need in such a way as to transcend national and ethnic and tribal divisions. They did it so well that they've remained recognizable for longer than most empires.And yet they are three and not one, and but three of many. One can't really run a supposedly democratic republic and with one made law above all others, unless it's just that homogeneous a republic. You can't really have "kill the infidel" as a policy in a world that is overwhelming majority infidel by the same reckoning. You can pull a Tokugawa and go full isolationist (and literally send ninjas to sabotage Christian rebellions, because that happened. It was one of those "Hey, I'm Jesus's brother!" groups that has a nasty habit of springing up when Christianity reaches a new place and doesn't immediately catch on.), but th
 at isn't going to work so well with post-war America. (By which I mean post-World Wars. American isolationism worked well enough, right up until it ended. That is not a genie you can put back into its bottle without the past century of advancement collapsing. Some might say that this is a good thing, and a techno-economic collapse would put civilization back in position to be more accepting of religion. To which I say that a god who can't withstand Twitter is hardly a god at all.)Also, Nocturnus's talk of  a democratic constitutional republic devolving to legalism hits the nail on the head, religion aside. That problem transcends political divides.Though I kinda imagine it has to do with the arcs the pendulum has made since Communism became the great boogieman of the 20th century. The Pledge of Alegance having God inserted, then made a ritual in public events and places and schools... to unmask Communists. (Not that there weren't Soviet spies al
 l over the place in the 1950s.)Then came the 60s counterculture. Which devolved into the 70s. Then the reaction to the 70s brought us a dramatic reduction in crime, gains in economic prosperity, and MS DOS. And lots and lots of mass media paranoia about every little thing. Entertainment kept drifting one way, culture outside of Hollywood and the Ivory Towers drifted another, the Cold War came to an end, and the guard rails keeping the pendulum from going wild fell with the Berlin Wall. And here we are. Escalating nastiness on all sides.Where is God in all this?Well, the nuts in charge of fighting Communism back in the day tried to shove him down everyone's throats in the name of fighting Communism. At the same time that an enormous technological / economic / etc, etc boom hit the world. Everybody has been overreacting to everybody else ever since. Not that people weren't before, I suppose. But we probably wouldn't be having this conversation if not f
 or the Red Scare.What to do? Well, since blow up the world and start over is not a viable option (even if we had a Deathstar, a portal to an uninhabited Earth, and a team of well-vetted pioneers ready to do the job), I'm kinda running out of ideas.But if we could all just agree that people can think very differently from us and not necessarily be stupid/evil/immoral/whathaveyou, that would be a start. Do not just read the previous sentence and think "Yeah, ! Stop acting like we're evil!", for that would completely miss the point. Remove the log from your own eye before removing the speck from your brother's.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298047#p298047

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

dude what

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298155#p298155

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

OK guys, I've not been able to post here because my internet was suspended for a while due to excessive paying, LOL.Maybe I'm not gonna answer every single thing said here cuzz, that's a lot I've been missing. But, @nocturnus: excuse me man, but first I'm not delivering my  christian principals like a westborian, ya know what I'm talking about. i'm not saying here like the westboro baptist church guys, ya know what? you're all condemned to the eternal fire because you do not obey God, you fags. At first, being a non native english speaker I suppose that it is not right for us to use that word in our vocabulary. Now, you're telling me to deliver my beliefs more lovingly to be taken seriously by non believers. Having clarified that this is not about hatrid, I am not changing my way of delivering my message. Jesus himself preached with so much authority, calling to the good things good, and to the bad things bad. I am not just gonna submit myself just to say God loves you however you are to keep everybody happy, because both me and you who know the truth are responsible for the message we are preaching. I agree that this is not about bashing people with our bible and calling them names, but the message has to be preached as it is, because if you and me change the message of God delivered by Christ just to have everybody satisfied, my brother, we are going to be in big  trouble in God's presence. So don't ask me to change my way to deliver the message, because that isn't gonna happen. Plus, if I want people to take me seriously, remember that not everybody, no matter how we preach, takes us seriously and starts mocking us.Now regarding God accepting you as you are, and loving you, yes. He accepts you as you are, yes he loves you, but all he requires from you is repentance. If you  don't repent of your sins and let God's kingdom enter your life and change it, then yuo're still a sinner in God's eyes. Yes he loved us so much that he gave his sun to die for us on the cross, but he requires from all mankind, no matter who he/she is, to repent and commit our lifes to christ to be changed, not to be left as we were before. There are only 2 possible ways for men, eternal life with christ or separation of God in hell, its all up to you.Now going back to homosexual animals, someone asked: so I suppose you don't believe in grabitty, right? yes I do believe in grabitty as a universal law, but remember my dear friend that things like the big bang theory, and the evolution, are not biblical nor right. So don't try to tell me, for goodness sake, that it is proven that homosexual animals indeed exists. God created male and  female, man and woman as I said before; These days it is quite common to try to justify sinful ways using the animals or the science, but God established things his way, not ours. Who are we to change God's  nature? Oh and, with all my respect, you nocturnus asked me to rebuke a christian if I like for not being able to live consistently to the scriptures? well, now I do. Its sad and breaks my heart that you actually believe that.  I don't know if you're doing that just to be friendly to everybody or you really believe it deep in your heart. But remember what God told noa to do  before entering the ark? lets recall what Genesis 6: 19 says, I'm quoting the king james version: And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.Noticed the, they shall be part? God says they shall be, not you can  maybe have male and female of each specie,  but if you want just up a pair of males and a pair of females and everything's OK. I pray that you study your scriptures before stating that, indeed animals can be homosexual, and that you let yourself to be  guided and assisted by the holy spirit. Remember that Paul said in his letter to the romans, 8 14: 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Remember that being a christian is not just to have the name of christians, its deeper than that.Finally to finish this long post, I'd like to say a word to Simba and those who expressed their hatrid twards us christians: no, don't expect me to call you idiots, stupid freaks, my master teaches us to pray for our enemies. I hope you guys one day can have the opportunity to see farther away, and live this life that is more amazing and more superior than anything. I hope one day you can open up your hearts to Jesus, the one who was insulted,  wipped, punched and nailed for you and for me. I hope one day you escape of the rath of God coming soon to  this earth, there is an eternal  condemnation but God, through Jesus Christ is giving yuo the opportunity to go the oposit way.And remember: God loves you as you are, but he do

Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Andy93: One WHO wants you to change just so he can be happy doesn't love you as you are, not sure how you can think that's even close to true. But thanks for the laugh As for the rest of what you've said, I'm afraid you're more or less too far out to really reason with, but good luck to you.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298551#p298551

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

he wants to change my life? Na thanks, I will do with my life what I want and not what a god wants.And hey, the only time I see far away is the time when science finds a way to make me sighted again, and that's the only time.I dont care if someone is mishandled for me, at leased not if he or she isnt a human who really exists or existed.Greetings Moritz

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298552#p298552

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@AlexN: Well, the thing is, you might  have a wrong concept of what really love is. God loves us so much that, in order for us not to perish, he had to send his sun to suffer the unbearable for us. So, deos that mean the father didn't loved him because he just sent him here to preach, and then to suffer? the answer to that is, of course not. For he is my beloved sun, the father said.As humans contaminated by sin, we deserve nothing but death, eternal condemnation as it is written in the book of Romans. Now notice I said we, not you, because  I'm also a man who needed the salvation that God offers through Christ. However God payd a price sending Jesus to this earth, to suffer and die for you and for me on a cross, putting our sin on his shoulders, so we who are condemned sinners who do not  deserve anything but eternal death and separation from God, can receive salvation only by his  grace, and our lives get changed completely. Isn't this lo
 ve? what bigger love is this one, that he showed for you and for me! And so, i fhe loves  me so much why he has to change me? why can't he just accept me as I am? the answer is simple: Because God is holy, he does not tolerates sin. So in order for us to be saved and see his glory, and have a perfect fellowship with God, it is necessary that our lives change and we, as Jonh chapter 3 verse 3 says, be born again to be able to see God. Otherwise no one can see him, because he is holy and we aren't.@Simba: K man, that was your choice. your choice is to reject God, however he still wants you to come and accept him as your saviour. Its all up to you, however the choice you make will have its consequence

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298556#p298556

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

If he loved us so much though, couldn't he just, you know, accept that we sin and let us in anyway? To me he comes across as more of a selfish Little kid WHO throws a temper tantrum if he doesn't get it his way rather than a loving and accepting father. Not sure how I'm supposed to even consider worshipping that. But I guess we have different ideas of what to look up to, heh.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298564#p298564

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

hey andy93 why does god act so much like an abusive parent?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298572#p298572

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

hey andy93 why does god act so much like an abusive parent? Nobody who truly loves you would send you to permanent punishment for all eternity because they didn't do what you want. I highly doubt that the Christian god should be taken literally as you describe. Ideals like that push extreme Christians away from the rest of the population.I've never understood how a benevolent being could be so aggressive, mean and nasty. Unless he's a reflection of something else.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298572#p298572

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Andy93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

@Daigonite and AlexN: The problem here is, that nobody can understand God's love if you don't first leave him enter your life, and open up your heart. He's not acting like an abusive parent, or like a mean dictator. In fact he's a gentleman, who just gave you the possibility to choose: Either to  accept his grace and his love, and live by that love and leave your life to be transformed, or live away of his love however you decide. It looks like you both have made that choices, according the the free will he gave you.However, God says in his word that our thaughts are not his thaughts, and our ways are not his ways. So you can question God's way of doing things, you can ask why a loving parent should send his children to hell, but the truth is. 1: He is holy, therefore he cannot accept sin. 2: Who loves more, a parent who just leaves his kid to do whatever he/she wishes? or a parent who corrects his children and, without forcing them to act like 
 robots, teaches them about the consequence of each of your choices.Sertainly, I tell you that if your father does not cares about what you do, and let you live your own life without instructing you first and what's good and bad, leaving you do whatever you want without any problems, then he  does not loves you. God loved us so much, sent his sun to teach us his ways, to preach the doctrine of repentance, to suffer and die for you and for me, and to resurrect in order to open for us that path to eternal life. He's just wayting for everyone to decide, weather to accept his grace, or to reject it. However, one day there will be no mercy, and id'll be too late to think about God. Today is the time to, if you want salvation and eternal life, accept Christ in your heart

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298587#p298587

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

But... he punishes you severely for not being exposed to him. Even unbaptized babies and people born before Jesus are believed in some way to go to hell. Considering that he's the creator of everything, I don't really buy the argument that he's trying to protect you from hell. If he is both benevolent and trying to protect you from hell, he cannot by definition be omnipotent. If he was, he would have created hell by definition, and sends people to there who do not open their hearts to him, which is an extremely malevolent move. You can assert all you want but it appears that you are not really addressing the core problems. If that's fine by you, that's fine by you, but you won't win me over as a convert. I'm skeptical by nature and honestly, if God had enough compelling evidence to believe in his existence, I would; however, as time goes on, we are constantly filling the gaps that we once assigned to God through science and philosop
 hy. Unfortunately, vague threats delivered by people claiming to channel God in an indirect way is not sufficient evidence.You assert that because he is holy that he is free of sin, and yet he sends unbaptized children and people born before Jesus Christ to hell. Perhaps God's sense of morality is different than mine, but that only demonstrates that God's morality is subjective, and therefore to assert he is free of sin is incorrect.Your second claim is a false analogy. Few parents, outside of the most horrible and evil, would ever send their child to a place of eternal damnation (or even anything roughly equivalent) because they refused to listen to them. After all, it could be that the parents are wrong and they aren't aware of the fact that they are wrong. Since God's morality is subjective, it is possible too that God is not aware of what he is doing is wrong. All of this conflicts with the idea that God is omnipotent or omniscient.In fac
 t, parents usually try to dissuade children from doing "bad things" because it will affect them negatively in the future with no fault of the parents. For example, if a child gets addicted to drugs, the torment caused by that is not caused by the parents. However, God literally sends people to hell if they do not obey. Furthermore, there is little evidence to suggest that those who do not follow God are actually hurting themselves because they refuse to believe in God. Many atheists live bountiful, successful lives without believing in God, so why should someone believe in God?Ultimately, all you're doing is closing yourself off to philosophical discussion over morality and how to live one's life by simply asserting that the Christian god is the answer. I have no reason to accept your assertion though, since there's a lot of flaws with it.Fun tidbit - it's unlikely that on a fundamental level we have any free will at all. However, because 
 our minds are so far abstracted from the very technical chemical reactions that form our brains, it can be treated as almost equivalent to free will, in the sense that a RNG isn't truly random but it produces acceptable random results. This can be easily demonstrated with using medications that affect someone's state of mind, such as drugs used to treat psychotic people.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298594#p298594

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

But... he punishes you severely for not being exposed to him. Even unbaptized babies and people born before Jesus are believed in some way to go to hell. Considering that he's the creator of everything, I don't really buy the argument that he's trying to protect you from hell. If he is both benevolent and trying to protect you from hell, he cannot by definition be omnipotent. If he was, he would have created hell by definition, and sends people to there who do not open their hearts to him, which is an extremely malevolent move. You can assert all you want but it appears that you are not really addressing the core problems. If that's fine by you, that's fine by you, but you won't win me over as a convert. I'm skeptical by nature and honestly, if God had enough compelling evidence to believe in his existence, I would; however, as time goes on, we are constantly filling the gaps that we once assigned to God through science and philosop
 hy. Unfortunately, vague threats delivered by people claiming to channel God in an indirect way is not sufficient evidence.You assert that because he is holy that he is free of sin, and yet he sends unbaptized children and people born before Jesus Christ to hell. Perhaps God's sense of morality is different than mine, but that only demonstrates that God's morality is subjective, and therefore to assert he is free of sin is incorrect. Sin is an entity that is capable of committing immoral acts, but if morality is subjective, then sin is also subjective; and I believe that only a sinful deity would commit such a heinous act against his own creation.Your second claim is a false analogy. Few parents, outside of the most horrible and evil, would ever send their child to a place of eternal damnation (or even anything roughly equivalent) because they refused to listen to them. After all, it could be that the parents are wrong and they aren't aware of the fact t
 hat they are wrong. Since God's morality is subjective, it is possible too that God is not aware of what he is doing is wrong. All of this conflicts with the idea that God is omnipotent or omniscient.In fact, parents usually try to dissuade children from doing "bad things" because it will affect them negatively in the future with no fault of the parents. For example, if a child gets addicted to drugs, the torment caused by that is not caused by the parents. However, God literally sends people to hell if they do not obey. Furthermore, there is little evidence to suggest that those who do not follow God are actually hurting themselves because they refuse to believe in God. Many atheists live bountiful, successful lives without believing in God, so why should someone believe in God?Ultimately, all you're doing is closing yourself off to philosophical discussion over morality and how to live one's life by simply asserting that the Christian god is 
 the answer. I have no reason to accept your assertion though, since there's a lot of flaws with it.The sad thing in all of this - a literal interpretation of God closes you off to the allegories contained in the Bible. I genuinely don't believe the Bible was meant to be taken literally. It has many consistency issues that highlight this fact, which indicates it's a form of interpretive literature, as it should be.Fun tidbit - it's unlikely that on a fundamental level we have any free will at all. However, because our minds are so far abstracted from the very technical chemical reactions that form our brains, it can be treated as almost equivalent to free will, in the sense that a RNG isn't truly random but it produces acceptable random results. This can be easily demonstrated with using medications that affect someone's state of mind, such as drugs used to treat psychotic people.Too long didn't read: Why did god give us the abi
 lity to think for ourselves if he punishes us for doing so?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=298594#p298594

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Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I feel like college is changing my friend

But... he punishes you severely for not being exposed to him. Even unbaptized babies and people born before Jesus are believed in some way to go to hell. Considering that he's the creator of everything, I don't really buy the argument that he's trying to protect you from hell. If he is both benevolent and trying to protect you from hell, he cannot by definition be omnipotent. If he was, he would have created hell by definition, and sends people to there who do not open their hearts to him, which is an extremely malevolent move. You can assert all you want but it appears that you are not really addressing the core problems. If that's fine by you, that's fine by you, but you won't win me over as a convert. I'm skeptical by nature and honestly, if God had enough compelling evidence to believe in his existence, I would; however, as time goes on, we are constantly filling the gaps that we once assigned to God through science and philosop
 hy. Unfortunately, vague threats delivered by people claiming to channel God in an indirect way is not sufficient evidence.You assert that because he is holy that he is free of sin, and yet he sends unbaptized children and people born before Jesus Christ to hell. Perhaps God's sense of morality is different than mine, but that only demonstrates that God's morality is subjective, and therefore to assert he is free of sin is incorrect. Sin is an entity that is capable of committing immoral acts, but if morality is subjective, then sin is also subjective; and I believe that only a sinful deity would commit such a heinous act against his own creation.Your second claim is a false analogy. Few parents, outside of the most horrible and evil, would ever send their child to a place of eternal damnation (or even anything roughly equivalent) because they refused to listen to them. After all, it could be that the parents are wrong and they aren't aware of the fact t
 hat they are wrong. Since God's morality is subjective, it is possible too that God is not aware of what he is doing is wrong. All of this conflicts with the idea that God is omnipotent or omniscient.In fact, parents usually try to dissuade children from doing "bad things" because it will affect them negatively in the future with no fault of the parents. For example, if a child gets addicted to drugs, the torment caused by that is not caused by the parents. However, God literally sends people to hell if they do not obey. Furthermore, there is little evidence to suggest that those who do not follow God are actually hurting themselves because they refuse to believe in God. Many atheists live bountiful, successful lives without believing in God, so why should someone believe in God?Ultimately, all you're doing is closing yourself off to philosophical discussion over morality and how to live one's life by simply asserting that the Christian god is 
 the answer. I have no reason to accept your assertion though, since there's a lot of flaws with it.The sad thing in all of this - a literal interpretation of God closes you off to the allegories contained in the Bible. I genuinely don't believe the Bible was meant to be taken literally. It has many consistency issues that highlight this fact, which indicates it's a form of interpretive literature, as it should be.Fun tidbit - it's unlikely that on a fundamental level we have any free will at all. However, because our minds are so far abstracted from the very technical chemical reactions that form our brains, it can be treated as almost equivalent to free will, in the sense that a RNG isn't truly random but it produces acceptable random results. This can be easily demonstrated with using medications that affect someone's state of mind, such as drugs used to treat psychotic people.Too long didn't read: Why did god give us the abi
 lity to think for ourselves if he punishes us for doing so? God targets skeptics, not sinners. So why should me, a skeptic, believe in him?

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