Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ahng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Bugs fownd, one, if being defeated in mission 2, will progress to mission 3 and get a new vigilanti. If defeated in mission 3 progress to mission four. etc. Bugfownder also believes that if you are defeated in mission 1 you will go to mission 2, though I am not sure. I don't know about any other bugs. Will post if find


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I've jotted those down, thanks Defender.The combo attack can still lead to taking damage, but I'm fairly certain there is still a but with how it's calculating things.  I had it spit out some odd results a few times (out of many correct ones), so there's likely some rounding issue I haven't noticed when things line up just right.Combo doubles your current fighting level, and performs a normal fight/brawl calculation.  If you have a fighting level of 2, and use combo on a guy with a level of 6, you'll still be on the losing end of the fight.  I have a note somewhere in my notes, where I considered removing combo from the list of available options if your fighting skill is too low to be effective when using it.Pin was affected when I lowered the stun/holding durations in the game.  It was suggested that the stuns were lasting too long and making the game easier than it should be, so I reduced everything by 1 turn.I'll keep the tables thing in mind.  They do lose health when thrown, and will break apart after it's been done a few times, but I don't have code damaging them from bullet impacts.  I'll also give the smoke screen thing some thought.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

The game has so many obvious bugs right now that I don't see the point in reporting most of them, as a couple playthroughs will let you see most of them.But I will mention that your characters can be thrown into the 0 coordinate, as it seems kinda rare.Oh and, gun wielding characters who shoot someone on their same square get hit as well.Also, stunned opponents can still do damage to you when brawling.At times you can also lose health when doing a combo attack for what ever reason, but this may be on purpose?Pin enemy says it should work for a few turns but only ever seems to work for one.Tables should probably degrade over time after too many bullets, and their should be a chance that bullets will hit in a smoke square, possibly the higher the amount of people there the more likely to get one of them.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

The game has so many obvious bugs right now that I don't see the point in reporting most of them, as a couple playthroughs will let you see most of them.But I will mention that your characters can be thrown into the 0 coordinate, as it seems kinda rare.Also, stunned opponents can still do damage to you when brawling.At times you can also lose health when doing a combo attack for what ever reason, but this may be on purpose?Pin enemy says it should work for a few turns but only ever seems to work for one.Tables should probably degrade over time after too many bullets.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

The game has so many obvious bugs right now that I don't see the point in reporting most of them, as a couple playthroughs will let you see most of them.But I will mention that your characters can be thrown into the 0 coordinate, as it seems kinda rare.Also, stunned opponents can still do damage to you when brawling.At times you can also lose health when doing a combo attack for what ever reason, but this may be on purpose?


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

People can be thrown into the 0 coordinate.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Good catch Zakc93, I've uploaded again with that bug fixed.Kenshira, I wasn't aware that this style is rare around here.  I too would have expected this to be a common style of audio game because it is pretty easy to present using just menus and text.  Sounds and music would make it better, of course, but anytime you can do a whole game without worrying about sounds I'd say that's an easier task for the developer.I agree that this current game probably won't have fancier things like rock-paper-scissors weaknesses or a bunch of loot types to find.  It would be a bit too far off from what got this game going.  I was watching Batman kick the snot out of some bad guys, thought about the scene from the Mummy when Oconnel hurled a chair at a guy's legs who was trying to run away, and thought it might be neat to have a super hero fighting game where you could throw stuff at people.  I may have shattered the illusion that I climb high into the mountains, meditate with the monks, and intricately plan out game mechanics as I consult with the universe.  Dude throws a chair and I'm all like, Yup, that could be a game.  


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Found a bug. Don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but I recruited my second vigilante, then tried to upgrade my first one which had 18 points. But when I tried going into the menu it showed me the menu for the second one, where I couldn't do anything because there were no points to spend there, and trying to go into the upgrade menu of the second one just told me I can't because there are no points to spend.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Something like this really makes me think of turn based strategy games like final fantasy tactics or fire emblem. In the latter games, if a character dies, they stay dead.Some of the most accessible games I played that were mainstream have been of this style, so I'm kinda surprised I haven't seen audiogames like this that go beyond chess and checkers till now.Now if we had gear and loot, moves to learn and level, and units had a rock paper cizzars type weaknesses, that would be awesome. Probably these things are way beyond the scope of this project, and apologies if they are, but I thought it worth mentioning.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Hmm, those are good suggestions.I suppose another option is to let players save and load, but only between missions.It's been tricky making missions for this game.  Depending on how a player builds their vigilantes, a set of enemies could be impossible to beat for one person, or super simple for another.  It's not an easy game to balance.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Hi.Aprone, why don't you make this changeable in a settings menu? That way people easily could decide on how hard their game should be, you could reach both groups of players that way.Also, next to some fixed missions, some sort of scripting or an object builder would be fantastic, players could create really awesome things with that.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Maybe you could give players a single, non stackable undo per mission?Or maybe a 3 strikes your out system.Either way, you could create a mode where you get nothing, more replayability that way anyway.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Oo I love roguelikes! Perhaps make that a hard mode or unlockable campaign so people who don't like that style wont be put off.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I've uploaded another test version of the game.The menus are more stable and you can now use the "New game" to progress through 3 missions.  I'm currently thinking I'll have the game take you through a story line of missions, letting you add a 2nd and 3rd vigilante as you progress.  Between missions you'll be able to spend upgrade points on your people.  As long as 1 of your people survives a mission, they all do.I'm also on the fence about making this a "rogue-like" game, where you have no saves and the game ends if you fail a mission.  This was my original plan when I started on this, but now I'm sort of going back and forth trying to decide if this is the right move.  In my experience, there aren't many people in the audio game community who share my style of playing games.  To me, knowing 1 failed mission means I lose all of my progress, just makes it more exciting.  Others would probably hate this popular mechanic (which is present in games considered rogue-like games).  I'm open to people's thoughts on this.Added:Shane, I'm going to have to avoid including any copyrighted characters in this game.  I used the names Batman and Ironman jokingly just for the testing mission.  When I get this into more of a working game stage, I'll remove those names.  With that being said, I do plan to let the player control a small team of vigilantes.  I hadn't considered giving them a larger team to pull from (like you pick the 3 you want to take on a given mission, leaving the rest behind)... but I'll give that some thought.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I've uploaded another test version of the game.The menus are more stable and you can now use the "New game" to progress through 3 missions.  I'm currently thinking I'll have the game take you through a story line of missions, letting you add a 2nd and 3rd vigilante as you progress.  Between missions you'll be able to spend upgrade points on your people.  As long as 1 of your people survives a mission, they all do.I'm also on the fence about making this a "rogue-like" game, where you have no saves and the game ends if you fail a mission.  This was my original plan when I started on this, but now I'm sort of going back and forth trying to decide if this is the right move.  In my experience, there aren't many people in the audio game community who share my style of playing games.  To me, knowing 1 failed mission means I lose all of my progress, just makes it more exciting.  Others would probably hate this popular mechanic (which is present in games considered rogue-like games).  I'm open to people's thoughts on this.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

i also have some story ideas going off what you already have in the demo.if you already know where your going to go, then disreguard this, but you could have your own hero that you make in the firs t mission and do your first small fight, and swop between that hero and a team of popular irl heros, then have them all meet up in to one super team to fight the big bos wich they have been investigating seperately.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested, interesting concept I have to agree, this one basically screams for customized missions, characters, abilitys and the like.Putting in some sounds and music this thing could be darn great. I played through both missions multiple times now and I love it.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

nice game! again hoping to be able to script or just make missions, like  create a couple heroes, place enemies, furniture, boom.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

ya, this is amazing, hope you finish and take all the time you need to do so, also, one thing, with target, i didn't know what that meant, maybe you should change it to attack or something because for ages i thought it was ust follow and didn't use it.thanks again, take all the time you need.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I've had trouble finding time to work more on this lately, but I do plan to make some additions and post for more feedback.  Real life needs to give me time to code... who do I put in a request to?  The universe?


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ghaith via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Well, this is deffinetly a cool game.This thing needs to be continuede.Adding a storyline will be cool to.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheBlindSaiyan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

It would be cool to have sounds in this game


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Mission 2 is more challenging now, I managed to win it but batman keeps dying relatively early. He does not do well with combat, but he's useful in stunning several enemies with the hook thing. Then I use iron man to grapple an enemy to pull it away from batman, but he still ends up dying in fights with people. Once I did a combo attack on someone which resulted in batman losing 20 health and dying


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gonzalez2016s . alovver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Hi,nice game. It'd be nice if allies could also loot corpses or take guns after one disarms a thug. Also please make  guns deal more damage, that way I won't let Batman heal himself while standing in a bullet path   Also I think I found a bug, once in mission 2 a guy through batman north and they both ended up at  B 0. I could navigate there using arrows, but I couldn't tell Ironman to follow them there. Also for some weird reason, I can still cycle in character menus when I'm at viewing mode and I try to go over the map edges.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

a ok cool.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I wound up being too busy to do much, but I did just upload an adjusted version with a few changes.The daze, pinning, and net effects don't last as long.Instead of pressing V to hear about enemies on a tile, if you use M it does include any fighting bonuses the mob receives from allies.  It turns out I had already coded M at night when I was tired, forgot about it, and the next day coded V.  So yeah, eventually I'll trim that back down to 1 command.I made the first test mission a little harder, but it's still incredibly easy.The second test mission was made harder with the addition of a few enemies who show up during the fight.I'm interested to see how these changes affect gameplay, especially the changes to how long enemies are dazed.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

hi. This game is quite nice. But i wuold really like it if you could kind of script own missions with own people that fight against the heroes. That would be awesome.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I'm really liking this demo and I hope you will continue to develop it. Actually, it kind of reminds me of Lord Of the rings tactics for the psp.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Yeah, i finished both mitions now, and i can't wait to see what you do with this game.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Thanks guys.Yes Haramir, a feature I have actually wanted to be an important part of this game is a level/mission editor.The prompts for ending missions is definitely buggy at the moment because each of the current test missions is really just a bit of a hack to let people try it.  They're supposed to be chained together into an actual story line but I didn't think that would be the best way to have people test.  I'll try to remember to fix it so that at least the game doesn't trap you after you win.Throwing furniture or throwing enemies both fall under the throwing skill.  Your guys each start out with a set number of times you can use that ability, also the combo attack option.  Since there isn't currently a read-out of how many uses you have left on each skill, it can be confusing when you suddenly can't use it anymore.Throwing people and tables only sends them 1 tile away, but will daze and harm every enemy on the tile where it lands.  Throwing a chair will hurl it as many tiles as it needs to travel until it hits an enemy or the wall.  Only a single enemy will be hit and dazed by a chair.  If you choose to pick up and throw things, they can't be used to hit enemies on the same tile as you.Oh also, I forget the exact rules, but being engaged in a fight can stop you from using some of your turns.  When an enemy walks into your tile, assuming they're trying to fight it will "engage" your hero.  That prevents them from using Move to move away, and they're left needing to use something like Hook or Dive if they want to escape, or of course use like Headbutt to disable the bad guy engaging you and then just move away like normal.I'm more and more tempted to lower the daze amounts just to see how that changes the game.  I think that will be my next change to make (since it's an easy one) and then I'll post for people to test the difference and see if that helps.  I should have free time to code in about an hour or so.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Picking up furniture and attacking seems to be inconsistent. I was one square away from Punk Carlos at the end of the first mission, but I couldn't attack him for some reason. After attacking one of the other punks in the same square as a chair, I couldn't pick it up for some reason or throw it. Also I'm not quite sure how the combat options work. At one point I could use the combo ability, but I couldn't use it for any of the other fights I was in.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mongoo_4044 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

cool game aproneI beet all mitionswell; one problom remainsif I fale a mition; and I restart the mition with out exiting the game; it said b5; daysed batman and daysed iranman; please fix thishtis is going to be adicting!


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ahng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

if your gonna make the skill, Also, make it so that the targets will be alert for any more leaps, so you have to wait very long to use it again.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ahng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

The game is very good. one thing you have to fix, is the victery alert. if you click on it the game will just keep returning to the herows menu, that is why I could not create a hero at all and had to go with the ironman and batman. One suggestion, add a leap skill. you can leap on a target and punch them on the face a lot. You will be open to attacks from others, but the guy you lept on will have decreased hp and acurissy.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Hello folks. Aprone, you have the natural talent of steping out of the shadows with something adictive, don't you? LOL Jokes aside, I can see this turning into a more complex game with items, pusles, skills and perhaps even a level editor. It would be cool to have a rpg game like Final Fantasy Tactics using this format.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Excellent, I'm happy to read this morning that people have been able to run the game now.  When I first post stuff for people to try, I usually forget to write "see if the game even runs" at the top of my list of things I'm hoping to learn.    It's an important one though.I'm also Very happy to hear that even the second mission was on the easy side, because it means I can make things significantly more brutal without ruining everyone's fun.  I had no idea how to judge the difficulty, and as far as I knew I may have been stuck having that second mission be the hardest type of battle in the whole game.  It would have seriously limited what I throw at the players across a series of levels.I am considering lowering the stun and pinned duration, but I'll be testing a few other things before I do since I've had some practice missions I was testing on myself (during development) where the stuns were the only thing keeping me alive.  Three of the enemies in the harder mission do have some of the abilities your heroes have, like throw and such, but other than that they are pretty mindless.  If they were smarter it would help them, though the player will always have an advantage by seeing what the enemies plan to do next.Hmm, maybe that could just be an attribute type to some of the harder enemies... an "unpredictable nature" label so it doesn't say what it's planning to do next.  I'd reserve that for only a few stronger guys though, because I think knowing what they'll do is what turns this into a strategy game.I'm also not too happy with how the hand to hand combat is calculated.  I tried a few variations earlier in development, but even this one just sort of makes me unhappy.  It just not super intuitive.  If I never explained it in the readme, each guy has a fighting skill level.  When in a normal fight (no special skills used), the one with the higher level will deal damage, but also have their fighting skill lowered by 1.  Stuns and such lower the level until the stun wears off, and having allies in the same tile gives everyone a boost based on the stun-situation they each have.  As I'm typing this, I don't think I coded the spoken messages to include the bonus to attack skill when you view enemies.  Hmm, i'll check on that later.So basically you can be the best fighter but you'll lower as you fight.  Not anything special, and I'm wondering if a different way would be better.I'm going to try to sit down and work on this a bit more today, if I can find the time.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Absolutely can't wait to see where this goes, I've beaten both missions so far although I still think there should be a way to find out ranges and such.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : matteo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I cameI downloadedI tested, sort of!That is a great one, original in its way, gives that immersive sense of getting to beat up bad guys pretty badly! That could definitely become a great game...  Maybe, with a high number of enemies, taking into account what everyone does and wants to do and will do is not that easy, especially if someone hasn't a real spatial representation of the map in his/her head. But a turnbased fight that not only includes special abilities, but objects thrown around and/or used as cover? Brilliant.I can see this expanded in various themes, launching from the superheroes one (even you might probably want to set iron man as a man, I bet Tony would get a bit upset as discovering HER pronouns were being used with her ahem, him), to a gladiator arena with a badass guy in the center dealing with all sorts of enemies romans want to throw at him, to a knight, a kung-fu master, groups of stealthy ninjas, and imagination is probably your limit.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Haven't tried the first one, but I managed to beat the second one. I did take damage with the fights, and the ranged blast didn't do much damage so didn't really rely on it too much, but stunning them by all the different means available kept me mostly safe. The pinning any enemy at a border anywhere on the map might be a bit OP, maybe either reduce the range or the duration of the stun. Like keyisfull said, stuns might last a bit long in general. Of course if enemies are meant to become more powerful or numerous in future then it would be fine, but for now it is a bit too powerful. One bug I noticed is that when you move around in the map view, when you reach a border and arrow one more in that direction it moves one item in the menu of the character that was last selected. And winning doesn't actually take you out of the mission, don't know if it's supposed to be this way for now but you just stay in there with only the ability to move your characters around, and a victory message every time you end the turn. Over all it's a fun little game, hope you continue working on it.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

i beat both missions without much trouble, and didn't have to even heal up batman or ironman because as soon as they tried to engage me in a fight I just moved away from them. I only took damage when I tried to fight them myself, but long range blasts took them out from a safe distance, and the stunning is probably op also because they're totally out of actions for 1 to 3 turns which is a long time in this game. Interesting game though.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Niklas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I hope for it to get a full game since it sounds amazing already.


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I've uploaded a fixed copy of the game, so if you guys download it again it should have the needed sounds folder now.  It turns out my memory was a bit off, and the sounds folder was supposed to have a sub folder called menu, so my attempt to tell you guys how to fix it while I was at work was doomed to fail.  I remain the king of uploading stuff with a missing file!    Yay for traditions!


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ahng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

um. How did you play? I couldn't even swich with tab even after making that sounds folder lol


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Oh god Aprone. Why! When I pressed escape after getting the briefing for the second mission.Run-time error '91':Object variable or With block variable not setI hope I would never see that error again in my life. It haunts my dreams. I'm having Vietnam style flashbacks. Oh god. They're everywhere. I thought I could escape you. there's just too many! We'll never get away in time. how come company Bravo isn't answering our radio calls! We need chopper evac stat! rgh!


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ahng via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Does not work even with a folder named sounds inside it a file named arrow.wav


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Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Thought about it and it’s because I forgot the sounds folder!  It should just need a folder called sounds with any sound file in there named arrow.wav.  Same as how Paw Prints is, so maybe if you have that game you can see how I named it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I'm at work so I can't really look into it yet, but have any of you tried running checkup.exe to see if that would solve the error?  I haven't run into that error myself before I uploaded, so I'm not sure what the cause could be yet.  I'll look in to it when I get home.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Got the same error but no menu. Nor sound.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

I get the same error. If I try to tab to switch screen readers or start a mission I get the error.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Sounds like the project will be a lot of fun. Sadly, I receive a run time error before I can actually check out the GamePlay itself.Run-time error '91':Object variable or With block variable not setThe menus work fine. I only receive the error when GamePlay is about to begin. (after character creation for example) As far as I could tell, I didn't have any other information in the debug log besides the missing sound errors. I ran the CheckUp program as well, but I likely shouldn't have had to since Swamp runs without issue. Anyways, thanks for showing off the concept.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

Sounds like the project will be a lot of fun. Sadly, I receive a run time error before I can actually check out the GamePlay itself.Run-time error '91':Object variable or With block variable not setAs far as I could tell, I didn't have any other information in the debug log besides the missing sound errors. I ran the CheckUp program as well, but I likely shouldn't have had to since Swamp runs without issue. Anyways, thanks for showing off the concept.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A small game idea I'd like tested

This sounds fun, downloading now. What does stl stand for though?Survive the lag, no, that'd be stw...


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