Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

I don’t see any reason why to complain about iPhone 6 size. It’s neither small nor big. And it is also easier for a blind person to type a message because the keys are a little bigger. Anyway, I don’t think that this might be a way to somewhat replace physical keyboards. Far will be the days when we’ll have to do away with keyboards. For our convenience a touch device, no matter of its accessibility it’s clearly harder to use compared to a device with a built-in or external keyboard. I think my phone is fairly enough accessible to navigate on the internet, watch videos on youtube, and even write long documents, but I won’t use it for those purposes, simply because I can do it easier and faster with my laptop or desktop, whatever.I think most of us will agree on this point. At least for a blind person, (no offence is targeted), it’s easier and much much more convenient to use a keyboard device, rather than a touch one.


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Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Date and time check was just an example. My point was that its far easier with a touch screen to access on screen information instantly when focused on something else, (its the same with a battery), than with a keyboard.


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Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Well on the writing and web navigation angle I do agree, indeed we were having a debate on audeasy about this recently about the fact that for sighted people who do not touch type and just use a couple of fingers to punch keyboard keys the graphical on screen keyboards probably are pretty much the same as a standard one, where as for a blind person or in fact anyone who touch types that is definitely not the case. However, i wouldnt make a blanket statement such as its always more effort using a touch screen device sinse while its certainly true there are some things that are more of a pest, its also true that there are some things that are easier with a touch screen. For example, on my laptop if I am doing something like writing, net browsing or the like and want to check the time or battery status, I need to switch back to the desktop, click on supernovas virtual focus, hit ctrl end to read the bottom information on the scr
 een, then alt tab back to whatever Im doing. On my Iphone however I just need to touch the top right hand corner for battery status, or the top middle for the time, and can instantly get back to where I was just by pulling back my finger. This goes for games too, king of dragon pass getting to the menu by hitting the bottom left corner is really easy, not to mention getting a far better idea of columnized information than on a keyboard, or being in more of a position to better handle say windows over top of other windows. Its all swings and roundabouts as my dad would say, and personally Id not plump for one or other which is why I prefer to keep both a computer with a keyboard and my Iphone around as separate devices for different purposes.


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Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

well it depends.Some screen readers like jaws or NVDA have the famous shortcut insert+f12 to check the date and time. But that might be the same for some laptops like mine. F12 is used to turn the wireless on or off, and the shortcut wont work. Thats why I say it depends. To check the time, I could touch the top of the screen like you do, or set the phone in sleep mode and press the power button again. It will anounce the date. It really depends on the way the operating system work.


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Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Well, I really agree that apple accessibility is precious and I think no one has done such a great job like them. I previously used an old Symbian phone, and than a non-speeking nokia device which spoke only the names of your registered contacts and a voice training option, but I went for an Android device. Comparing it to Symbian, it was noticeably better, but iPhones accessibility is clearly the best. Although I like Android the most, accessibility is what convinces me to go for an iPhone. if I wasnt blind, Id choose an android device, certainly Samsung, but accessibility has more extensive work to be done. Thats why Ill buy an iPhone 6 after this one gets a little obsolete. 


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Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

@Afrim, funnily enough I bought an Iphone primarily for the games and other functions, but have found the access to the phone bit surprisingly useful. Previously I used a none speaking nockeer phone, which worked fine as a phone, I could call numbers and get voice messages, and I had a parrot voicemate which I used for contacts, addresses and phone numbers and what not.Though I was getting it primarily for games and useful aps, I bought the Iphone because well if I was spending that amount of money I might as well have the hole shebang, and yet Ive found the Iphones ability to store contacts and even the ability to read text messages surprisingly useful, indeed Ive found myself using my Iphone for some quite odd things I wouldnt have expected, and that quite aside from all the cool games like king of dragon pass, the choiceof titles, audio defense etc.Btw, one thing that lots of people are finding amusing about the Apple watch is 
 that you can have gestures to activate various things such as siri, one of them is a hold up fist gesture, and people have been programming some very amusing things to play when this gesture occurs. this! is! sparta! from the 300, Shoryuken, The dragon ball Z ka may ha may ha (appologies for mangled spelling), etc. I would rather like one that has paul Mcgan saying I! am the doctor! just for awsome factor .As I said, its a rather silly gimmic at the moment and until someone actually creates some interesting aps that interact with it will likely remain so, especially at the inflated price, but I do think the gestures part is amusing!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Well, I really agree that apple accessibility is precious and I think no one has done such a great job like them. I previously used an old Symbian phone, and than a non-speeking nokia device which spoke only the names of your registered contacts and a voice training option, but I went for an Android device. Comparing it to Symbian, it was noticeably better, but iPhones accessibility is clearly the best. Windows, in my experience, has the worst accessibility on the market. I dont know how would we use a windows touch screen running Microsoft mobile OS. Although I like Android the most, accessibility is what convinces me to go for an iPhone. if I wasnt blind, Id choose an android device, certainly Samsung, but accessibility has more extensive work to be done. Thats why Ill buy an iPhone 6 after this one gets a little obsolete. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

I will agree on that score. Apple do many things I dont like, their proprietory attitude to data and software development, their bloody annoying insistance on not letting you have any control over your media organization, their habbit of ramming so called Vertical intigration ie, just allowing support and connectivity between their own devices and system using their own software (Itunes on the Pc at least is the spawn of satan!). However, all that being said I cant deny the fact that Apple have come up with a bloody good screen reader that runs by default, can interact with all of an Ios devices native functions and handles a touch screen interface extremely well, and because of that compatibility there are a huge number of very awsome aps being developed for Ios, from games, to satnavs, to recognition aps etc. Im not one of the priests of Apple who think everything they do is covered in golden glorious shiny goodness a
 nd rale against heretics for using any other system,  indeed the way such people actively support Apples monopolistic policy sort of gets up my nose, however I will say there is no denying there are huge bennifits to Ios, and Id highly recommend an Iphone as a device just on the basis of what it does and what has been released for it. That is why while I havent bothered with the Iphone 6 series (sinse there really is nothing wrong with my Iphone 5), I probably will be keeping an Ios device around in the future, indeed depending upon its functionality I suspect Ill be trading my Iphone 5 in for a 7 at some point in the next few years.Of course, whether I bother with the Apple watch is another question entirely.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

I hate the most, the way iTunes work. Transfering music into your iPhone is a real frustration. You cant copy and paste music like you do in a removable media, but you have to do it through iTunes. It will convert the files into its needed format, then transfer them in the music folder and so on. It could be easier, couldnt it? + the price of an iPhone is always high. There wont be special offers any time. If you take a look on, youll see that the price of an iPhone 4s is 400 dollars. But is it worth spending your money on a 5 year old phone? Sure no!I know there are other sites which offer good deals, but their policy is stupid. Who in this world would spend 400 dollars for a phone like that. its out dated and it has the lowest specs on the market.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Well Afrim, as regards Itunes I completely agree, the thing is a real bitca of the first order, particularly if like myself you like to have your own organization for your books and music.I have a sneaking suspicion it exists as it does because Apple wanted to make it as hard as possible for people to play their existing media through the thing as opposed to buy stuff from them. Its like those stupid cinemas who reffuse to let you take in your own drinks or snacks in hopes youll be forced to pay for their overpriced varieties. (sorry, Bitca is a buffy reference). However, All that being said, the other stuff your Ios system does as regards phone, contacts, aps, games, not to mention services like gamecenter is extremely good stuff. As regards price, to be honest I dont personally regard my Iphone as a phone, when i bought it I was in no need of a new phone as I said, I couldve gone on with my nokia one just fine as far as the phoning went. However, I regarded my Iphone as a tablet computer that just happened to have a phone on it, and indeed bought it primarily for the games, aps, fun features etc, (even in the full understanding that media would be a dicy prospect). on that basis, the 500 quid I paid for the Iphone 5 in 2012 was a little expensive considering I could get a good spec laptop for half that, but not as insane as compared to the £30 my none speaking but completely servicable nokia cost me, and I will say that other than in the area of media (which as I said I wasnt entirely certain of to begin with), I havent regretted it sinse, indeed probably on a basic time factor Ive likely very much had my moneys worth (heck just King of dragon pass alone has occasionally occupied me for days at a time).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

well, I suppose youre right.I myself consider a modern phone or a smartphone an all-encompassing device as it provides almost everything you need. the services will certainly meet our demands because there is a wide variety of options over there. Weather, newspapers, Location, internet, music, youtube, radio, although iPhones do not have one, games, and an extremely extensive list of apps to download. Being this kind of device, it just makes your life easier because you have all in one. Laptops are supposed to do the same performance, but they do not have the mobile service and are bigger in size.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Funnily enough Afrim the size thing was never really a concern for me with the Iphone, I was just so used to carrying a laptop around it didnt bother me, after all Id got used to wandering around with a laptop on my back sinse I was about 13, and have done lots of odd things like sit on train station platforms with a laptop on my knee or even sit on the deck of a cruse ship going down the Nile in Egypt in a sun lounger playing judgement day with my Laptop perched beside me on a little table. I regularly pulled the thing out on trains, busses, or even in cars. Indeed, at one light opera festival I used to go to I think I mustve got a reputation for being a raging alcoholic sinse each morning at ten O.clock I used to go to a local pub where they had both wifi and a free powerpoint with my laptop to check e-mails and use the net. Its funny, Ive seen people complain over the size of the Iphone 6 yet for me that is still tiny compared to my l
 aptop, plus I carry a shoulder bag around with me anyway, (just for necessities such as reevers dog biscuites and guide dog papers). Plus of course the larger the screen the less fine your voice over movements need to be. The major thing I do! notice with my Iphone as far as portability goes is the battery life, sinse even though i was always careful with my laptop batteries, I could only get about 7 hours max, (and that from owning two batteries), where as my Iphone, and for that matter my victor stream have a huge! battery life and will carry on going with no problems, especially if I switch to aeroplane mode and cut off net connectivity. All that being said, I wouldnt ditch my laptop and indeed still own one simply because there are things I would not want to do on my Iphone, partly because of apples irritating setup, but also partly just out of convenience. Answering e-mails, Word processing and writing for example, sinse I dont
  usually have my bluetooth keyboard with me and while either siri dictation or the on screen keyboard is fine for tapping search results into the ap store, entering your name into a game or entering a web address Id not want it for anything long winded, plus Im not sure about the Ios word processing options or how to get the documents off the Iphone anyway. Likewise, much as I like voiceovers performance in most native aps written for Ios, Im still not entirely taken with using it to navigate the internet, I just find its navigation of standard web page features even things like list boxes less than satisfactory, especially sinse even using the roter options jumping to things like headings is a bit hit and miss. For this reason I would certainly not be using Ios to say write a reply on this forum (Im on my desktop for that). For me, Id say a tablet or a smart phone is a different sort of device from a desktop or a laptop, it do
 es different things and fulfills a different roll. I wouldnt swing my laptop around playing something like audio defense, or pull my laptop out on the buss to check what stop I was at, but I wouldnt sit and write a major document on my Iphone either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

I also hate that connectivity method they use in their devices, I dont find it quite useful only an airdrop option and no Bluetooth is there. But accessibility is perfect, isnt it? there are so much options that you cant make out whether is it made especially for blinds or for all people despite disabilities or abilities. Anyway apple takes a high control over your activity on the phone and thats where I hate it. You cant make many changes and you are stuck on the available options it offers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

@Afrim, you are unfortunately correct on Apples rather streight jacket methods (even something like creating folders for your ap icons isnt the easiest thing in the world). However, I would say its only with media that this system becomes a real nightmare. When I bought my Iphone I bought it with the full understanding that Itunes was not good for compatibility with my existing media collection or indeed doing anything outside of Itunes. I bought my Iphone for the access and the games and other aps. For a while I did find a way to make Itunes work for me, but as per Apples interface changes in version 12 that didnt work out, and it was a pain in the arse anyway, hence why I bought myself a Victor stream instead to be my portable audio device.All that being said however, there is no denying the accessibility is great, and what developers have produced using the Ios technology has been nothing short of awsome in some cases. For example, there is nothing like playing audio defense and having to physically turn and shoot the zombies with your Iphone, or on a more crytical level getting streight satnav information about your current location and what shops your passing automatically spoken as you walk around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

From what I understand, the main point of the apple watch isnt so much the watch itself, its the fact that it picks up wrist gestures that communicate to your Ios device and also that it collects data about you and your surroundings. If they were around £50 or less rather than £100 I might get one as a novelty bit of fun, but as a seriously useful item, much less something that would make someone a new Ios user, particularly in a world where cheap, affordable and effective talking watches have existed for years. My own (I forget name and model number), is a very useful thing, its kept right by satellite, has a steel strap, ability to change time zone to different countries plus a conventional alarm and even a currency converter, all usable. Yes, I could check the time on my phone, or for that matter on my Victor stream when Im using it,and I do, however there are still times when a watch is most useful, like when Im just standing on the train about to get off with my phone in my bag and wondering how late it is, or when Im at anual music school waiting for a class to start. The interest in the apple watch for me is what aps and games will make use of it for data, and its likely at the point people start doing so that Ill seriously consider buying one, (particularly sinse at that point its likely the thing will come down in price too).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

I myself dont think Id change to iOS for this reason. Im ready, however, to change to iOS only for iPhones accessibility, which is a phone, not a watch. it is possible to check the time on your device and thats what I need. Id spend my money on an expensive golden bracelet or neckless, rather than a watch. I know it is smart, but I think I can do almost everything on my iPhone device without ever needing to spend 300 or 400 dollars on it.


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Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AG Debate: Apple Watch Acccessibility, Equals More iOS Blind Users?

Perhaps... Cant say for certain, because Im already an iOS user.Still dont see the advantages to using a watch... In fact, I never wear my watch anymore because I can just check the time on my phone. People say having it on your wrist is nice, but I honestly feel that falls under the category of if it aint broke, dont fix it. Its not like accessing your phone is hard. Plus I like having all my on-the-go functions on one device and an IPhone is especially nice for that. I use a PC for bigger undertakings and thats about it.So if I were an android user, this really wouldnt convince me to switch.


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