Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi everyone.Just wanted to let you all know the fourth video in the series is now available,  the video shows enemy creation and a basic battle and the link to the video is below: Ebon Sky Studios Teamemail: i...@ebonskystudios.comFacebook: @ebonskystudios


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi Everyone,Just wanted to say thanks for all the positive feedback so far, also below are some replies to a couple of the posts:@number 73, really pleased you’ve enjoyed all the videos so much. I think the community is full of really creative people such as yourself,  but either don’t have the programing knowledge or the time to code something from the ground up, and we’re really hoping Sable gives everyone the opportunity to channel some of that creativity into a game, I think there will be some fantastic  RPG stories out there people want to tell and hopefully Sable allows those people to turn those stories into a great RPG audio game.-@number 74, thanks for the interest in the project. RPG maker has come up a few times in conversation with people when talking about Sable, I actually haven’t ever used it , but since so many people have referenced it I may have to read up a little on it. As for scripting, this has come up quite a lot in this topic, I think what makes Sable unique in the audio games community though is that the whole RPG audio  game can be created without any scripting, we do appreciate as mentioned  before this does have its restrictions, but it also opens the doors to so many people(see post 73 and my reply  above for a great example of this). As you mentioned though Sable is still in its prototype stage and we are constantly trying to add features and options to make it as flexible as possible, but I think the main thing to remember is that Sable is a tool to create RPG audio games, and although we’re really looking forward to seeing what people create with it, we definitely     don’t mean it to be the one and only tool to create these types of games. as mentioned previously we have a lot of creative people in the community and a lot of very clever programmers  too, since there will always be more control over creation if you write something yourself, I’m sure people will still continue to write there own engines or RPG audio games, as a big RPG fan I look forward to trying these just as much as I look forward to playing the games made using sable. Again, just want to say thanks for everyone who’s watched the videos, we’re really pleased everyone’s enjoying them .The Ebon Sky Studios Team


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaseoffire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hmm. It's interesting. It's just that, my experience with scriptless engines is that they don't tend to retain there usefulness for very long. Now keep in mind, I am making a distinction between no scripting required engines and scriptless engines. For example, game maker and RPG Maker are no scripting required engines, where as scriptless engines are like what you've proposed here. Actually, the main issue has been addressed, and maybe I'll be wrong when it releases, but no matter how much you add as far as triggers go, without at least a basic method of adding custom variables, and conditionals to test those variables, let alone most of the other stuff a scripting/extension/plugin system would support, it is solely on your shoulders to prolong the lifetime of your engine. This tends to make innovation rather difficult. As for things like resources, crafting, and what not straying from RPGs, well, not necessarily. In fact, adding mechanics onto a pre-existing formula is how genres stop from becoming stale. Now then, that being said, all things considered, this is a good start. Considering it's only a prototype at the moment, it's sounding promising. I just hope it gets expanded further. If it does, it would solve a major problem this community has been having for a very long time. Best of luck to you and your team.


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

I've monitored this topic with a lot of interest, but very little interaction for a while now. Let me just say that I love the idea of an RPG creation system like this. I'm one of those people who'd love to make a game, believe they've the creative mindset to tell a story through a game, but just don't have the aptitude for all that complicated coding.I can't wait for the completion and release of Sable, which will permit people like myself who are better at content creation than complex if - then nested statements, debugging convoluted loop blocks, or remembering a million variables and how they should be used.I respect all the enthusiasm that people have exhibited, but I think we should all respectfully wait until Sable is released before we start suggesting that X should be Y, or that A should contain feature B. That's not to say we shouldn't make suggestions, of course, but some of the ones recommending that Sable should be able to make racing games or side scrollers, for example, have slightly baffled me (as the tool is clearly designated for the RPG genre).I'm sincerely excited about this project, and am eagerly looking forward to its initial title so we can take the wheels out for a spin to see what the tool can produce. I also would love to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed the great video introductions to Sable, and they're really enlightening about how easy it will be to create content with this creation package. Keep up the great work, because there's a 3D6+5 broadsword of magnificence waiting for your awesome team.Kai


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi,@number 70, really pleased you’ve enjoyed all the videos so far. Regarding radar sounds for walls , sable actually has different radar types you can choose  as we appreciate  different people have different preferences  when it comes to radar systems,, so the player can   choose which type of radar system they like the most . one of the radar options is similar to what you have asked for, there is also the option to have radar sounds for walls turned off, this is what it is set to in all the videos. Dungeons have their own unique radar system which is similar to entombed where a sound plays when you walk past an open passage, I’ll probably demonstrate how to create a dungeon style map in one of the later videos so you’ll see this  radar system then.@number 71, really pleased you’re excited about the project. I’m not quite sure what you mean about setting keys, did you mean is there a configuration  option for the player to change the keyboard keys they use, or did you mean actual keys in game which are used to open locked items? As for sounds, at the moment our primary focus is on our first game Crimson Eclipse, so it’s a little too early yet to say what sounds will or won’t be included with Sable when it is released.The Ebon Sky Studios Team


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

hi! I have a suggesttion for it. can you make it so the game maker can set keys to be used in stead of the defaults to make more cool games with different features? By the way, I am really excited about the release of this! Will it come with all those sounds you showed us in the videos?


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi Lemm, thanks for your excellent work, I like very much your tool. I've listened all your videos and I would ask if is possible to create a radar for walls like in Manamon, when you can hear the walls using a thone, and when the wall end you hear that the thone go off. It would very useful for complicate dungeon.Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

Hi,@number 67 and 68, thanks for the feedback. although I can’t confirm what will and won’t definitely make it into future versions of  Sable they are both really good suggestions which the team here will discuss.@number 67, in the video I went through the weapon and armor creators quite slowly so everyone could see each option, but in fact once you have entered the name you can actually just press escape  through each option which will just set its default value, or for yes/no dialog boxes it is  the same as clicking no, it also skips the TTS speech so you don’t have to listen to each option/prompt  either, although I  appreciate this isn’t a perfect solution to what you are looking for  and i do like the two suggestions which have come in, I thought I’d still mention this since it does mean once you’ve entered in the name you can escape through every other option and have the weapon created with default values within a second or 2 at the most. I actually use this technique myself when working on test maps and wanting to create a weapon really quickly for testing purposes in sable.The Ebon Sky Studios Team


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

I'm feeling the same way, in those prompts, it would be nice if it were just a menu where you used arrows to get to each option, and left/right to increase/decrease options. Either that, or just one input box where you type all the numbers in at once.


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Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating an audio game using Sable (video 3), by Ebon Sky Studios

These creation systems seem incredibly robust, if slightly convoluted.The problem lies not in the systems themselves, but how they're presented to the user.presenting a separate prompt for every value might be ideal for the beginner, however the advanced user might like to go straight into the editing list after deciding what to create.This could be accomplished with a simple setting somewhere that gives the option for a step-by-step, or wizard interface, or the advanced interface that simply brings up the edit list that you showed off in the video.I can say from experience that the system you showed off works, as I spent the better part of four years using something similar to create a magnum opus of user content named Remnant for an audio game called adventure at C.The system you have in place would work really well if the creation engine were making an action platformer, as not many values come into play in that kind of game.A role-playing game with lots of different weapons, armor, and items introduces many more variables that a creator needs to keep track of.Just say; for example; that I get in a vary creative mood and want to make lots of weapons and armor for my next big project, but I'm not particularly ready to add all the minutia of numbers to make it all work yet.With the advanced interface, I could simply add all the items, weapons and armor I wanted without needing to assign values to everything just yet.Later, when I'm starting to get all the story beats down and have placed everything where I want it; IE chests and the like, I could then go into the editing tools and assign stats to the things I've already given cool names to so my characters can actually, you know, fight off monsters and the like.Those are just my initial thoughts after viewing your newest video.I hope I'm not coming off as really pushy or anything, but we; as blind gamers; have never had anything this robust on the horizon that would let us create our own RPGs before.Later!


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