Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Yup! When I was growing up, spanking was always there, hanging over your head, and once you've been spanked and felt the pain, you are far more likely not to misbehave than you would if you had never felt that kind of punishment.I'm thankful the threat was there, like supervision, it probably kept me out of trouble I'd have probably gotten into if the threat hadn't been there.@ ironcross32Like you, I too decided that I didn't want kids.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

That and the state stepping in where it has no damn business, telling parents its not OK to spank their kids, well, look what that lead to. Spanking isn't abuse, and you can do all the timeouts and stand in the corners and take this and that away, but it just doesn't work. You need to give them a line, a hard line in the sand and this is what you don't cross. When they have that, then the chances you will have to spank them go way down, like in my entire childhood, I think I was spanked like maybe 4 or 5 times, not that often.I just saw a video on facebook yesterday, and its not like this is a new thing, but it was a compilation of kids acting completely insane, talking back to their parents and so forth, yelling, screaming, getting violent. And these were younger kids, not teens. Actually the parents were very calm, I suspect because they were the ones filming it but still.SO you use spanking as a corrective tool, a motivator, I mean I can see how people see it as barbaric, its not a viewpoint I can't see both sides of, because you sort of are using pain as a motivator, and you are using fear of that pain being repeated as a means of keeping the kid in line. I do feel its necessary despite that, however. Also, parents need to take a more active role in just figuring what is going on in their kids' lives. I think the problem is now that we're starting to see parents of the millennial generation which is part of the problem. Another part is lack of supervision. You may end up having a kid grow up into a real piece of shit adult if you don't do something now, but then again, I've seen some bratty ass kids grow up to be decent people, the point is that you can't predict how things will turn out, you can't rely on them coming to their senses. You need to start discipline young, and no, all discipline does not need to include spanking, that other stuff has its place too, but you just can't rely on it. I mean, fear does kind of keep kids in line. It's not like its a daily fear like I'm scared of my parents, scared to be around them, its more a knowledge OK I better not go up to them and scream fuck you, or guess what...I think the reason kids freak out so bad these days is because of lack of that fear, they literally have nothing to be afraid of because their parents either talk calmly, or yell back, they take stuff, but the kids probably get it back anyway because they just keep going at the parents until they give in. It should never get to that point, it should be stopped well before that point, and young, like as a baby even, yoo want to teach them no and stuff as a baby, so by the time they reach toddler stage and getting into everything, now I"m not suggesting spank the kid for running around and being a kid, but its like for the worst of the offenses.Having a kid so far out of line like that just makes things so much worse in the home. The parents probably already have stressers of their own, maybe they have financial burdens, maybe they're worried about losing their job because the see the writing on the wall, and they think they'll be replaced soon, whatever, life has its stressers, then you add that into the mix, the bratty kid? It makes things exponentially worse. No you dread coming home because it's gonna be chaos, you dread waking up in the morning to get them up and out the door to school, work becomes a haven, an escape, and the presure doesn't just go to a certain point and stop, it mounts every day, its unhealthy, and psychologically devastating. It may even get the parents fighting among themselves and lead to a divorce that then creates a ton more problems, so its a cycle that needs to never get started, and if it seems like its becoming an issue, steps need to be taken to end it..Now I hear you saying, but you're not a parent, how could you know anything about raising kids? Truth is, there's a lot I don't know about it, and I have no desire whatsoever to step into fatherhood in my life. I can only draw conclusions from my own life and observations of my surroundings, some of which include parents who handle their kids badly, and parents who handle their kids exceptionally well. I don't think it takes any special qualifications to share observations, just a methodical approach and the attempt to remain objective, and see both sides of a point.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SilverEagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@OrkoYikes! I'm sorry about your cane. I would call what those kids did rather cruel. It's not only the lack of supervision, but also a lack of understanding how other's feel. People are so focused on teaching career skills to their kids that they forget to, or don't care about, teaching them basic life skills. Like how to properly function in a society, for example. I hope your cane arrives soon.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

One of the biggest problems with kids these days is lack of supervision. These days it takes income from both parents to raise a family so gone are the days where one parent stayed home, and most people don't bother with arranging some place for their kids to go after school where they'll be supervised, so the kids pretty much run wild and often get away with almost anything they decide to do regardless of what it is, legal or not.I'm thankful that we had a stay at home parent while I was growing up, though that didn't prevent some things from happening that shouldn't have, so we were supervised which probably kept us out of all sorts of trouble we'd have gotten into.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I haven't tried the google home myself, the echo dot was a christmas present from my brother to my lady and I back in 2016, though I will say with the echo dot what is impressive are the alexa skills, and how well those translate to google home i'm not sure.@Orko I'd like to say I'm surprised but I'm really not. My mum once got very irate at kids deliberately chucking devil bangers in front of her guide dog,  no actual damage and luckily said dog was so relaxed she didn't even notice the pop, but obviously said kids thought it was funny to see if they could scare the guide dog and potentially injure the blind person relying on it. Frankly this is one reason I moved out of Nottingham where my parents live and have no intention of moving back. In the Uk at least I can say ordering a new cane would be comparatively quick, I also always kept a spare one just in case indeed I still do  those few occasions I'm not out with my dog. I do have a similar but rather more amusing cane story though. Once In newcastle I was getting on the underground train,  what is called a metro or a subway train in other parts of the world. I was rather late so walked fairly briskly from the escalator to the train, I heard the ping which meant the doors were closing just as I reached the train. This would normally have been fine because the doors have a sensor so if they close on a solid object they spring back open, which would've let me get on. Only problem? The doors didn't close on my hand and spring back open, but on my cane. The cane itself was fine, but was stuck in the rubber edging of the doors, and because my cane was too thin to trigger the auto sensor there it was, sticking out of the door at the side of the train. I tried to pull it out but that was no good, and just then the train started off so I let go pretty sharpish and off my cane went up the line! I'm standing there wondering what the heck I should do, stuck in the middle of newcastle without a cane and pretty much expecting to never see my cane again, when two minutes later a chap appears and hands me my cane back. Apparently he'd seen what happened and the cane made it up the train to the next station, he grabbed it and  back and delivered it to me. A very nice chap, also a very lucky cane . Needless to say if I thought the doors were closing on an undderground train from that point on I always made sure to put an actual part of my body in the doors not my cane . As for me, yesterday I went speaker shopping and bought some pretty amazing cambridge audio quad speakers. It's a very expensive set, indeed I paid a rather scary amount of cash out of my savings, on the other hand these are a vast improvement over my former logitech ones, indeed they're probably the best thing you can get in terms of speakers for a living room and I am hoping that like my former logitech set they'll last  at least 10 years, hopefully as long as 15 (I got my logitech ones in 2004). Plus because richer sounds, the place where I bought said speakers are a very nice shop they gave me a discount on a couple of extra speakers we can stick into the kitchin, which will be really useful  we're washing up.We need to wait for the hifi place to get them in and then for them to be installed, but it'll be great to finally have speakers back. As for other stuff, nothing majorly of note accept learning a bit more music, continuing with words of radience, which is now getting to be amazingly, awesomely awesome a lot of playing of land of Livia, which is great to do while reading.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

That depends on whether you use Amazon or not. Since I have been a long time customer of Amazon, the choice for me was easy, so I got an Echo. But if I hadn't been an Amazon customer, I'd have probably purchased a Google Home.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Probably you are right, but in my country, they like to stole from blind people or people with motorik problems.Well, I am happy cause tomorow and twesday the schools will be closed because it is too cold here and I eskaped from my music teacher.Today I had fun with Alexa on my phone, I just discovered it works ok, not with all the things, only with basic ones, but a good test before I will get mine.And I am curious, what is better, the ecow dot or google hom mini?


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I doubt they stole it to use it as a weapon or anything like that, they more than likely simply thought it would be funny to take a blind person's means of getting around safely. It wouldn't surprise me if all they did with it was to disassemble it and throw it away so as not to get caught with it.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Knowing how some kids are these days, they probably didn't steal it to use it as a weapon or anything like that, they more than likely simply thought it would be funny to take a blind person's means of getting around safely. It wouldn't surprise me if all they did with it was to disassemble it and throw it away so as not to get caught with it.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

That is bad Orko, that is verry bad, cause kids if they took your kane took it so smack people in the head or in other body parts.And they probably know you are blind or something cause they saw you alot of times with it or something like that.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Boy, am I really pissed off!Some people or their brats are fricking jerks! Today, while walking home from Publix with the week's groceries, some kids ran past me and snatched my cane out of my hand and tookoff with it. I just sat down where I was and called the police to file a report. I have no illusions in that the kids will probably never be caught ormy cane recovered, but I wanted to file the report anyway. I was going to call a cab after the police left, but they offered to take me home, so I accepted.I logged on to Ambutech's web site and ordered a new cane, actually I ordered two canesso I'd have a spare as I have none now which means that even getting around the apartment community is going to be a challenge. I tried calling Aira to see if they could help until the new canes arrived, but they said that it is their policy not to be a replacement for basic mobilityskills, so unfortunately they couldn't help me in this situation. I didn't argue, I can understand that doing something like that could be a huge liabilityproblem for them. I hope Ambutech is reasonably quick in delivering my order, it's going to be a long wait otherwise.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi Dark.I know that is ilegal, I talked with her and she said she really do not care about my voice changind and about my program or things like that.Today we were obligued us to stay in a hot and small place and to wait 2 hours and a half for a person who did not wanted to come after all, the program of my grandpa was destroyed and I ended up with a headake and a big pain in my nek.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Angel the hitting isn't good, it's been illegal in the Uk since the early seventies I think. With your voice though it depends. I once met a 15 year old base who honestly sounded as though he were forty, while my voice at fifteen was very horrible, being either a flooty surprano or a scratchy baritone. I first had voice lessons at 17 and at tht that point the teacher really pushed me, she told me I was going to be a tenor which stunned me, since at the time singing really high was damnably difficult .So either this woman is really pushing since she wants you to develop in the right way, or she's an idiot, but you won't know until you firstly talk to her,  maybe get a second opinion.As for me lots more reading of words of radience, we've hit the bit where there is a serious amount of excreter ex extractor, which makes it very compelling, though this is less good when you have a mild tendency to insomnea and your wife has a major tendency to insomnea and you wind up sitting up all night reading  don't even wake up until after 1 pm the next day when you suddenly realize you have no food in the house . This weekend we'll also be going quad speaker hunting which I'm looking forward to, since it's been damnably myserable not to be able to listen to music or other stuff with my lady.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Yeah if she's punching kids, that's not right. Back in my father's day, it was normal for the teachers to smack kids with a paddle, I'm glad that wasn't the case in my school since I tend to hit people back when they hit me regardless of who they are. If you do this now as a teacher, its big big trouble, very likely termination if not criminal charges depending on if you hurt the kid or not. I don't know the laws in any country but my own though, so I don't know what the deal is with that.Is this something you wish to pursu? If so, I mean, deal with it, they're gonna bring the best out of you, and you need to work to make that happen, if its not, and its just a general music class, well, I don't know what resources you have at your disposal. Here, we have guidance counselors whom you can make an appointment with and talk about stuff like this.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Well Dark, you can be right, but my voice is still changing cause I am 15, I can talk only verry soft, I can not scream, I can not sing like a sopran and she wants that without other vocalises before or what ever are them called.She is screaming to everione, including herself, today she gave a punch to a kild and that is not normal.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@DarkI'm sorry to hear that, it's never good to lose a friend.I've always felt that funerals should be about the person's life, not their death, hench they should be up beat instead of doleful.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Angel, from the perspective of someone who has had voice lessons and does! sing in Italian on occasion,it actually sounds like your teacher is doing her job properly. It sounds to me as if she's recognised you have some possibility to develop your voice and your singing, so she is pushing you, just the same way a  sports coach might push someone who showed a promising talent with a certain sport. Singing is very physically demanding, it will! make you ache, and likely cause your voice to feel tired until your muscles get used  to the correct breathing etc, however it will be worth it in the end, just think of it like  exercise training because that is effectively what it is. As for singing in Italian, there are certain vocal reasons why Italian is a good language to sing in. The long vowels give you practice opening your mouth, while the cons tenants are soft and give you practice forming them. My singing teacher was very fond of giving me Vokais, these are short peaces in Italian intended to expand the  voice range and actually make great warmups. Of course, not all singing teachers are equal, but I'd suggest if your serious about music you give this teacher a chance and give what she's asking you to try a chance too, since if you can develop your voice it will be good for many things from public speaking, to health, as well as being a great aide to any performances you want to do. For me, today  hasn't been good either, since this morning we went to a funeral of a dear friend of my parents, a very nice Vicar who I had a great respect for. Oddly his funeral was quite hilarious, everyone telling stories about him and feeling strangely upbeat, then again he was quite a character. he even chose the hymns to be less than dolful. It was and is extremely sad to miss him, but it was sort of nice to remember him too. I've also been playing lots of Land of Livia, and we're staying at my parents tonight which means other games have had to take a back seat but I hope to get back to things tomorrow.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Sorry for my english from the previous post, but I was in a hurry and the teacher wanted to sing for a contest a song, something in italian and I do not know italian.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

idk what you're saying


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi.Today was a bad day.I had to deal with the worst teacher in the world.She is my music teacher, she has some kind of problem with me, she wants to destroy my voice, who is changing now.She wants from me to repeat a song almost 100 times and for others she is just a normal teacher.I like singing and listenning to music, but she almost made my voice unable to sing, she is mad and she wants to go to alot of contests and things and my parents can not let me go cause my grandpa has a program and he manages it especiali for me and other people and she destroy his work program.What can I do with her?Cause she can destroy my qualiti feedbacks, or what ever are them named in other countries.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hey guys. I know I'm a bit late to this topic but oh well.This month has been full of birthdays for my friends and family, and more have yet to come. I've been Trying to get back to podcasting, as hard as it is because I haven't been on top of it like I should be. I've started submitting podcasts to ACB Radio's Main Menu show, so if you're a fan of it expect me to pop up from time to time.One thing I'm particularly excited about is my 18th birthday coming up on the first of March. Mainly the reason behind my excitement is the fact that I'll be able to get a paypal merchant account, which means I can finally start my business.Well, that's all from me, have a great morning you guys.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi LordLondon.If you mean games like puzzle games, you can try the BG games, a lot of them are like that, and if you have an iPhone the blindfold games are pretty good too.Hth.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@DarkFor the first couple of years, the Amazon Echo and the Alexa service were only available in the US and some of those skills may have been written back then, so there was no rest of the world for them to be made available to.As Amazon, the Echo, and Alexa become more global, some developers are going back and making their skills available globaly. Unfortunately, not all developers are so forward thinking.As you requested a while back I have written to several developers, the one for Dungeon Crawl for one, and asked them to consider making their Echo skills available globaly. Some have responded with a we are working on it, others have not replied at all.It is what it is.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Alexa can now also speak in an Australian accent.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hmmm, I've never actually tried asking Alexa to sing itself I'll have to try that. In terms of languages I believe if you change the overall language of Alexa to American rather than uk English it'll also change the voice.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

It is not related to tune in, it is related to the voice Alexa is using, the voice for UK is, from my perspective worse than the one in the US who has alot of songs if you say Alexa, sing a song, it has a more pleasant tone and I personaly prefer american english, cause the part of my family who speack english spoke with me with american accent.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Angel, I'm not sure what you mean by "the UK voice can't sing or understand as much" or what this has to do with tune in. Tune in is essentially an independent radio playback service that you can subscribe to on various devices, the Alexa is one of them. I was a bit disappointed since the main radio station I listen to, classic fm you can't get through tune in (though a recent radio skill has it).If your not interested in lots of radio stations, tune in probably won't help you. As for region locking, unfortunately the Alexa's region can't be changed, this is why  is so irritating when makers of skills make them specific to America and forget that the rest of the world exists (The maker of the dungeon crawler skill seriously needs a boot up the arse).Similarly, from what I've gathered you can't change the Alexa's voice or  dialect, so mine in the Uk is stuck on Uk English female (though you can change what language you speak to it in the settings. Hth.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I heared some radio stations with tune in from Alexa and I am curious, if I want us voice and my ackount is compatible with the Uk what I need to do, it sais on the dot of my friend if he will change the language, the ecow can have problems understanding.I want to do that cause the UK voice is not so good like the US one, the use voice can sing more songs etc.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@DarkYes, iHeart is primarily as US thing just as the BBC is primarily a UK thing.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hahahahaha, looks like I'll have to do a lot of configurations, and research.I should buy myself a separate machine and a home network to begin with. I'll write to the dev tomorrow and stuff. Blah this is why I hate computers.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Oh anything really that kills this mind numming bordom. Something that gives me intelectual stimulation but also has a sense of purpose and achievement. You know when I say I might write, it's serious. Lol. I'm gonna go look into what I'd need to setup a server.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi LordLondon.What kind of games did you have in mind?


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I'm utterly bored. I'm thinking of starting a weekend writing spree and see if I can finish up a short story every weekend. I probably won't keep it up but it could be interesting.I recently played empire mud but I left because of the same sorta issues that other members have talked about. Thinking about setting up my own server for it but only if there's enough interest of course.Anyone have any relatively fun games to try out? I'm dying for something new to try my hands on.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Aaron that starwars vr rig sounds pretty cool. Myself I've had annoying amounts of work to do today for my phd, and unfortunately last night, while spending time having a meal out with mrs. Dark is always lovely, the meal itself was over priced for the quality. Hopefully though soon we'll find somewhere nice in this town which can make up for a few of the places we lost. @orko what is I heart radio? Is that an us specific thing? personally I use youtube for looking up odd bits of audio or downloading the occasional track, it's really handy when I have music to learn and what to hear three  four versions of something. I've tried this with amazon prime but the  selection is pretty crappy and doesn't encourage me to pay for unlimited, as I said for me the main attraction to prime is actually the free delivery, which is sort of ironic in itself given that most of the  stuff my lady and I bought from amazon have actually been cds, which for some utterly illogical reason work out cheaper than trying to buy the things as mp3 downloads, which is just plane loopy! @Angel I'm afraid I'd personally recommend just forgetting the Amazon echo in terms of music. unless there is a radio station you want and a corresponding skill the music services even with prime are crappy, actually Prime doesn't really do much at all for using Alexa, it's mainly about the delivery, prime video and twitch prime, I can't even get the Jeopardy skill on Alexa to do double jeopardy which it's supposed to do for prime customers but most definitely doesn't in the Uk).On the plus side, for free games  and fun skills there is a lot on offer, which is where the Echo really shines as a device.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Well, the prime account will give you access to amazon music, which isn't bad as part of prime, but I wouldn't pay for it or music unlimited. As Dark said, prime music is pretty dire in that it caters primarily to what's popular now, and music unlimited isn't unlimited. Until there is a youtube skill for the Echo, my recommendation, if you want to listen to music on the Echo is to find some radio stations you like that you can get through Alexa's built in Tune In or Enable the iHeart skill to get access to radio stations that are part of the iHeart network.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Well, at last for me a youtube skil will be verry good, cause I do not have the capacity to pay for other services of music myself and my mother said I will have the prime ackount, but no more other things.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I'm not complaining about it. I've never been a big fan of youtube and only use it to add music to my library when I encounter a track I don't have and want.Beyond that, I couldn't care less about youtube and definitely don't want a youtube skill for the Echo.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi,Well, earlier this month we went to London, and I got to do the Star Wars vr experience. [[wow]]. Just, [[wow]]. It comes down to the same thing with most audiogames, if devs added audio queues for when you are on target, it'd be perfectly accessible. This experience, I'd say, was around 90% doable and seriously, it has impressed me. A lot. OK, it's a bit diffrent from normal vr stuff because you can walk around and oyu had tactile effects such as heat, so someone was guiding me around, but the head tracking and audio I think is similar to existing vr rigs, and if this is what a lot of them sound like, then [[wow]]. It's so close to being fully accessible, and I mean *that* close.Apart from that, the Japanese audiogame Dreamy Train has been taking up much of my time this month. I still need to update the entry with a download link and info on the monthly event feature, but I am liking the amount of unlockables.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Well Orko one thing I have noticed is that Alexa is following Ios in that people are extending the functionality and Amazon aren't objecting so long as the skills remain free. For example, a recent skill added access to a hole bunch of Uk radio stations, (including Classic fm), which aren't available by default through tune in or on amazon directly. i suspect youtube will follow relatively soon, particularly with the inherent crappiness of Amazon's own music service. Still, it's only a mild interest, the Echo dot doesn't have a great speaker anyway and if I had speakers on my pc that worked my lady and I would use those instead when we wanted to use Youtube.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

That Echo doesn't do youtube doesn't surprise me, Amazon has always been a bit snotty about cooperating with other companies it views as competitors.And with the release of Google Home, Amazon definitely sees Google as a competitor.So unless Amazon can figure out a way to monetize it, I doubt you will ever see a youtube skill for the Echo.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hello.I can use Audible and I think I can use other services.I do not have a problem with us dolars, I use them more often as a curenky.Now, I am in school, returning in some hours.And I am happy, I got over 800 posts, and by the way, it is human antivirus, not human antiviruse.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Orko, I haven't used the Alexa calling feature for the same reason, plus I dread to think what the charges are. One thing I was sad about is that apparently you can't use the Echo dot to listen to music on Youtube, which is slightly irritating given how cruddy amazon music is, especially since at the moment we don't have any speakers for my pc so sharing music or looking up random stuff for Mrs. Dark and I is a little difficult (though hopefully I'll be able to sort some new quad speakers out next week). @Guitarman, Godville has it's moments, though it was a little too unreactive to me to spend time on, but there are a lot of great titles for Ios. I recently noticed Silver sword had more access fixes including navigation facing, so I'll need to give that one another go. It's been hovering on the brink of accessibility for years, but it might have just tipped over it, or at least I hope so since that would be another major rpg release as huge as King of dragon pass. As regards the stormlight archive, yes we're on words of radience at the moment and it's nice to read it together and discuss what's happening in detail. We both read both Way of kings and words of radience before, but we read them quite quickly, so didn't take in a lot of details. Shalon's past is wonderfully dark, and I like the way her brothers are complex characters. I do wonder how the magic and the world with the spren fits into the hole schema of the cosmir, but right now I'm keeping off the copper mind wiki until we've finished oathbringer since I don't want spoilers,  besides we're also going to read the Roshar section from arcanum unbounded between Words of radience and oathbringer to remind us  that particular universe works. @Ironcross, my lady has played me a bit of Eric Sanvold from Bard and actually I thought he was quite awesome, especially with his extra voices. He does have a high voice and he can make it higher for certain characters from what I heard, but the women he seemed to do a very high voice for were either actually little girls or were deeply mysterious and probably had that high, girlish voice a lot of anime characters have. if you want to here a woman with a little girl voice you should hear Kate Simsis I'm reading reached, the last in Ally condy's matched trilogy at the second, and honestly the woman who reads it sounds as though she's about twelve . Not a series I'd recommend, far too much draggy romance with rather useless characters and not enough distopea though the premise for some of the society based on top hundreds is interesting, though the third book seems to promise to be better than the other two. oh and yes my lady and I are reading Stormlight together, but we each also have a book going to read on our own as well. For both of us reading ranks second to Oxygen.As for  Bard and other services, Bard is only available to us citizens, even if you have a visual impairment, ditto with the RNIB talking book library here in the Uk, though they have scarcely  a sixth of what Bard has.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Ah, thanks for that, I'll take a look. I don't know if it will be the same thing or not, I don't really know how they could make a series out of that, but we shall see.***EDIT***OK, it is based on the novel cool. I'm checking it out now and holy shit, the narrator sounds a lot like Neil deGrasse Tyson. I doubt that's who is doing it, but he sounds a lot like him, I was like what the... at first.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Ah, thanks for that, I'll take a look. I don't know if it will be the same thing or not, I don't really know how they could make a series out of that, but we shall see.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi.@Ironcross, you might be interested to know that altered carbon is now a TV show and is available on the movie vault. Don't know how good it is, I haven't read the book or watched the show, but  here you go .Well things for me have been good, I've been listening to a lot of great music, and I've been reading some good books too. Right now I'm reading wednesday's child by Peter Robinson. It's very good, apart of the inspector Banks series, and it is set in england which is very cool! I really like the series a lot especially since the characters and their motivations for doing things is so believable. I love stories about police detectives, I think because I don't find books with hard-boiled private detectives very convincing.I've also been reading the raven's shadow trilogy by Anthony Ryan. Right now I started the second book tower lord, which is very good, but the multiple character perspectives threw me a little at first. The series really is a treasure, I wish I could forget it, just so I could start reading it all over again lol!Recently, I got an android tablet, so I'm trying to fool with it a little, see if I can figure things out, if I don't do something to blow it up first.Lately I've been trying to play more iOs games which has been a really fun experience. Today I got godville, which is supposed to be very funny, so I can't wait to play it!@Dark, how did you like the way of kings? It's a very interesting series especially when you start getting into words of radiance.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I personally don't use the calling feature the Echo has because I am unwilling to share my phones contact list with Amazon or the Alexa service.No big deal, I didn't buy the Echo to make calls anyway.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

As I said, I used BARD. I realize you will not have access to it, but I also don't know what services you do have access to, so a google or similar search engine search will be better for you since you will know better than I which services you have at your disposal. Also, any price I can give you will be in American Dollars, which is not going to be in your currency.BARD or Braille and Audio Reading Download I think it stands for, is a service for the blind and physically handicapped run by the Library of Congress of the United States. It's not therefore available to the general public, and after applying, you will have to provide medical documentation stating your disability. It is a service only available inside the U.S. however. I do believe there are services similar to this in Canada and the U.k. but I confess to knowing nothing about them.My echo arrived, and I was somewhat dismayed to find out that asking it to make a call would call that person's mobile number. I thought it would initiate an echo to echo call, so I managed to pick someone I knew had one. I cancelled before the call went through though lol.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi Ironcros32.Can you please give me the price of that book? Cause it seems interesting.And thanks Dark, it was not your fault, it was the fault of a bug I think.And well, it's goot with some restaurants who have braille menues or apps, I can not find some in Romania, onli fastfoods and things with menu apps.And by the way, happy Valentine's day for you all who celebrate, I do not have a girl friend yet. but that is not a problem, I have alot of friends and I have alot of time to find one.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I ordered an echo too, should get here today. I've had Alexa in the form of a smart speaker, but its got some issues and its just not doing the job since you need to press the button.I was also recommended a book to read, which I did. It's called Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan I think. The book takes place in the future where no one really dies anymore, instead, when their current body dies, their data stack, which is a piece of technology that contains basically them, their memories, essence and soul, if you will, this gets extracted and they can be re-sleeved. A sleeve is another body, but it can be whatever body, it doesn't have to be a clone of you. This guy was basically put in data storage, which is like prison for some reason or other, he was sprung by this rich guy to do a job. He gets to Earth, a place he'd never been, to start working on this job. Things get a lot more complicated and twisted, and before long, he's involved in this criminal ring, and ends up being blackmailed. It's really good, lots of action, both fire fights and sex scenes. It's on BARD fr those who have access to that, but if you can, I'd recommend not getting it from there, I did, and was dismayed to find out it was Eric Sandvold doing the narration. That guy is just... mmph, I can't even. I dealt with it because I don't have any other services like Audible or anything like that. He creeps me the hell out when he tries to voice each character different, the women tend to sound like little girls, and he tends to sound like some creepy old pedophile.Anyway, the book is really good, and I'd recommend reading it if sci-fi is your thing.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Hi Angel. Yep, the echo dot needs to be permanently plugged in and attached to a wireless network. Actually my lady and I are a bit narked since we took the echo dot with us on the vocal studies weekend, but I didn't have time to sort out the hotel's wireless network (even assuming you could access it for free and didn't have to pay an arm and a leg), so we've annoyingly lost our streak on several games. Since we'd worked up a 50 day streak on word of the  quiz and question of the day, this is quite annoying . Btw, also fixed your title and replied in the christmas competition thread in the news room, sorry about taking so much time over this.Well as it's valentines day, I bought my lady some flowers yesterday. We were debating what to do, when Mrs. Dark suddenly remembered we'd been recommended an Italian restaurant which I just learned the way to last week. I phoned them at ten last night wondering if they'd have any seats,  yes they do (they even have a braille menu apparently), so that's where we're off to this evening .


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

The prime ackount was not my idea, so, I really don't care if it does something or not cause I will use it onli for skils.I have a single problem, it has no baterry, so, I need to stay with an external power bank to keep it running at school.My phone is complete repaired now, well, almost complete, but not because the mother of the kild was offering to pay the cost of a new case, she just keep hidding, like I do not know who droped my phone, like nothing has happened.Now I have a small substitute, like a skin on it who is just crap cause it will not protect the thing against nothing, but my mother bought a new one for me and she needs to send it from the UK to me, but for securiti reasons for now, the phone is always on something like a wardrobe when it is not used.And thanks for the clue, I will ask my questions in the Alexa topik.And please Dark, look in the topik about results of Christmas contest, cause I wrote here but the topik is not getting in front of the page.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Angel, just start a topic and ask your question, or indeed ask in the Alexa topic, but setting up the echo  really difficult if you use the web client, just a matter of putting in your amazon account username and password, then making sure your Echo connects to your home's wireless network. [Prime accounts on the echo don't really do much in and of themselves, or not from what I've found. You can get a little extra music (though you still get nagged to buy amazon music unlimited as well), but as I said the music aspects of the thing are pretty cruddy imho. I have a prime account for my wife and I, but the main reason we do that is to get free delivery on buying stuff from amazon itself, as we find Amazon a useful place to do shopping and actually want to setup amazon pantry so we can order food items that are too heavy to carry such as bottles of drink, or just too bulky to cart around like kitchin roles.Sorry to hear about your phone. I'll admit I'm a little bothered that they haven't bought out a survivor case for the iphone 8 yet, so my Iphone is currently caseless. If they don't soon I might have to get a temporary substitute. Actually one irritating thing about the Iphone 8 is the requirement for an adaptor cable. I took it with me, looking forward to some quality  with the Cog/hg titles on the long train journey, only to find I'd forgotten the stupid lightning adaptor gr! I think I'll probably buy one to keep in my man bag just in case, aside from the one I keep with my phone, but it is a miner pest.We actually have found a great case for my victor stream, although the soft leather case humanware sell with the thing is pretty crappy and expensive. It's actually the case for the old Cardiac monitor my dad used before he had his heart operation with several of the straps out of the inside, it fits the victor very well and is a good protective case ;D.Well not a lot to report given that through most of yesterday I was pretty dead, and what I mostly did was curl up in bed with Mrs. Dark  listen to the latestTorchwood from Big finish. My god that series is getting bloody dark, and I love the fact that they've got Yvon Hartman back. For a character who was only in two hours of tv and just to show how evil Torchwood one was, she's made a great impact in the audios, and makes a fantastic antagonist, especially since she's not necessarily evil, she's just a complete psychopath with no contience who will do anything to achieve her ends with no regret. The irony is sometimes those ends actually involve good things, like getting rid of a psychic worm from the internet that's causing people to go nuts with guilt and kill themselves, it's just the methods Yvon uses.Anyway, back today to usual stuff like gamings and working on the db, plus of course working on book reviews. My last review for Ashes of honour by Seanon McGuire is now up and can be read Here on I've finally! been able to get hold of all of Jack Vance araminta station trilogy, which I'm really looking forward to since with their usual efficiency when I read the first book back in 2003, the bloody RNIB hadn't done anymore, and since the first book ends on a big fat cliffhanger I was most annoyed, so I should be reading and reviewing those next.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Well, something sad, I will get it in April cause in April I will go in the UK and I will buy it from here.My birthday was ok, a single problem, my phone was droped on a hard material by a year and a half old kid, the flip chase was completely broken, I had a problem with sim card slot and now it is resolved, but well yah, I need to get a new flip chase cause my phone is just glas so, scratches are alot.But no problem, if this phone will have problems again, I still have my s3 neo wich is crap, it stayed more than 30 mins in water without me knowing that, it was droped from big things, but still works with no lag.And I know I will have problems with music on Alexa, my dad has a prime ackount and he said he will give it to me and continue to pay, but I am buying it especialy for interesting skils like bible and games.Cause I am tooo tired to do some more posting, can I ask someone please to make a topik or something in how to setup the dot as a blind user, what things can I do with it and what advantages and disadvantages has it, cause my dad wanted an ecow plus, but I said no to this.And why not, an audio demonstration? Howp I will hear for you soon and thanks for congratulations I got here from Brian and alooot of congrats on skype from members.Thanks in advance for the gwide, if it will happen.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

@Angel, hope you have fun with Alexa. As I said in the alexa topic, the music playback is pretty dire if you want more than the top 40, but the games and other stuff it does are fun indeed, from smaller trivia games to full on rpgs. Well over the weekend I was in ipswich for a vocal studdies course. It was amazing, working on a song in detail and having lectures on various ideas from the physiological information about how to stand when singing, going to psychology of how to not get off stage and instantly think "that was crap!), I admit some of the positive thinking and mindfulness got a bit much, though the technical aspects were useful and we met some lovely albeit the trains getting down there were a bit of a disaster, being as we were delayed for close to two hours. mrs.Dark sang "no good deed goes unpunished" from wicked, which was rather scary, and not nice for me, essentially hearing my wife in absolute agony. I did Race you to the top of the morning from The  garden musical, a  much gentler song about a father telling his son a bed time story and getting wrapped up in things a little too much, though both of us managed apparently to make the audience cry which is always a bonus . Sadly we did hear the music scummer shcool we've been going to has finished! this basically means the one community where we could be assured of getting a chance to perform and a part on audition, as well as being fully accepted by a lot of like minded people is utterly closed. Needless to say we're both devastated. Today basically we've been recovering, so all that's been on the agenda for me has been listening to the latest bf torchwood audio (god! that series is grim), and tonight we're having pizza! .


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018



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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

I am not sure if I said something in the january topiik, but I was soo bussy with school in these 2 months, now I have holliday and tomorow on sunday is my birthday, so, I am so happy, probably I will get an eco dot or eco look and I will try all skils writen by Dark in the lists.Howp I will hear good things from you.


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Re: Monthly chat February 2018

2018-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat February 2018

Well, last night around midnight, just after I crawled into bed, I heard this loud crash. When I lived on the east of town, I lived close to a rail yard, and I would hear the occasional loading up where train cars would couple, they'd back up the loco and it'd slam into the car and couple them together. It sounded kind of like that, and I couldn't figure out what happened. Here it turns out that someone wrecked their car, hit a tree and ended up on someone's lawn. It's like catty corner from my dining room window. The thing is, there were parked cars along the street, so my conclusion is, since none of them were damaged, that he must have been driving on the sidewalk. He was probably drunk or something. They towed it off and I fell asleep soon after.It's moderately cold and fairly windy today.


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