Re: My developer problem

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I never saw his post, it was deleted by the time I checked this topic. But I liked where this was going, and Jaidon's analogy shows that he understands the main process of game development. I do think he could one day become an average or maybe above average coder if he puts his mind to it. Sometimes I regret saying that though... but we were all 12 or 13 at one point so I try to keep that in mind.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I never saw his post, it was deleted by the time I checked this topic. But I liked where this was going, and Jaden's analogy shows that he understands the main process of game development. I do think he could one day become an average or maybe above average coder if you puts his mind to it.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Now now, let's not poop on Adel. He was actually planning this for a while, but I didn't expect him to actually do it so soon. Since he left, he actually managed  to become better at coding. Zarvox, pretty good ideas, and I'll definately be sure to heed your advice in addition to everyone else's.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I want to return this topic to the discussion, it is a very good one. As a beginner, there are 3 things that you should start with. Variables, sounds, and files. Study open source projects and the bgt references with these 3 things. Don't try to take other things in, to prevent confusion.When you have a good grip on the functions of sounds and files, create a script and mix and match variables with sounds, and then add reading and writing files. These things alone can be used to exercise creativity and give you at least an idea of something you would like to do, combining these skills together.This is just my opinion, I found that it helped me. If you already have a vision of a game you want to create, see how far you can get with those basics and if the pieces fall into place after some experimenting, you will be able to learn and snap the rest of the pieces in. If this approach does not work, that is ok. I just wanted to give a suggestion. And I have noticed you like to experiment and find many ways to combine things. Hope it helps!One last thing, if you need to set aside a project until you understand more, that is ok. I have had to do that many times, and very often those times equal a complete rewrite lol. Oh yeah. That's another thing that you will have to get use to. Once you get the first draft done, you are going to make several rewrites. And some will be painful. It's up to your willpower to do it. But the good news is, you are learning, because you have noticed more efficient ways to code. You do not have to worry about rewrites right now. But when the time comes, know that it is an amazing milestone, but hell to go through with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My developer problem

2020-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I want to return this topic to the discussion, it is a very good one. As a beginner, there are 3 things that you should start with. Variables, sounds, and files. Study open source with these 3 things, don't try to take other things in, to prevent confusion.When you have a good grip on the functions of sounds and files, create a script and mix and match variables with sounds, and then add reading and writing files. These things alone can be used to exercise creativity and give you at least an idea of something you would like to do, combining these skills together.This is just my opinion, I found that it helped me. If you already have a vision of a game you want to create, see how far you can get with those basics and if the pieces fall into place after some experimenting, you will be able to learn and snap the rest of the pieces in. If this approach does not work, that is ok. I just wanted to give a suggestion. And I have noticed you like to experiment and find many ways to combine things. Hope it helps!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My developer problem

2020-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I want to return this topic to the discussion, it is a very good one. As a beginner, there are 3 things that you should start with. Variables, sounds, and files. Study open source with these 3 things, don't try to take other things in, to prevent confusion.When you have a good grip on the functions of sounds and files, create a script and mix and match variables with sounds, and then add writing to files. These things alone can be used to exercise creativity and give you at least an idea of something you would like to do, combining these skills together.This is just my opinion, I found that it helped me. If you already have a vision of a game you want to create, see how far you can get with those basics and if the pieces fall into place after some experimenting, you will be able to learn and snap the rest of the pieces in. If this approach does not work, that is ok. I just wanted to give a suggestion. And I have noticed you like to experiment and find many ways to combine things. Hope it helps!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My developer problem

2020-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I want to return this topic to the discussion, it is a very good one. As a beginner, there are 3 things that you should start with . Variables, sounds, and files. Study open source with these 3 things, don't try to take other things in to prevent confusion.When you have a good grip on the functions of sounds and files, create a script and mix and match variables with sounds, and then add writing to files. These things alone can be used to exercise creativity and give you at least an idea of something you would like to do, combining these skills together.This is just my opinion, I found that it helped me. If you already have a vision of a game you want to create, see how far you can get with those basics and if the puzzles fall into place after some experimenting, you will be able to learn and snap the rest of the pieces in. If this approach does not work, that is ok. I just wanted to give a suggestion. And I have noticed you like to experiment and find many ways to combine things. Hope it helps!


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

that is the most unreasonable and crappy way to leave. no one told you to leave and there is nothing that needs you to leave. You just suddenly changed your signature and left. Please people next time if you want to leave put a reason


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My developer problem

2020-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Dad is the most unreasonable and crappy way to leave. no one told you to leave and there is nothing that needs you to leave. You just suddenly changed your signature and left. Please people next time if you want to leave put a reason


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

if you thought no one would care, then why'd you even bother posting this?Belive me. I know from experience. Announcing you're leaving is not a good idea. just leave for a while, and believe it or not, people will probably care more.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

ok. so I came back to do something, but, before I leave, please, please, please! i'm not trying to attract attention to myself. because a pigeon couldn't care less if I left or stayed. peace out.also, would jayde please check his pm?thank you very much.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

ok. so I came back to do something, but, before I leave, please, please, please! i'm not trying to attract attention to myself. because a pigeon couldn't care less if I left or stayed. peace out.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

@Gaki_shonen. seriously? another attention seaker. ugg.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

great, another ateention seeker. let's see how many peecoseconds it takes for him to come back.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I, don't know what you are talking about. I don't see any drama here, all I meant to say is that I know what i'm gonna do. sorry if I angered anyone.i'm gonna step away from the forum for a while, so, good by! everyone see you when I can make cents for once for myself.who knows, I mite come back with a new game. only time will tell... also dood, jaidon, sorry.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Come on. I didn't tell you to come over here to cause drama, I told you to come over here because you can get valuable advice. Asking what is the easiest programming language is like asking what language I should see first. Knowing peole on here, they might have told you, its subjective, flamed you, or just start a completely unrealated topic. I really don't see why you had to come over here and start drama.Apart of being a good developer is being able to read, and undersand people's feedback/comments, you know. And You had a choice. You could have kept you're topic up, you could have kept the drama over there, but bring drama to a topic where constructie, and beneficial conversations were being had.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

@ 1. you told me to delete my topic. you told me to come over here and read it. the reason I made that topic is to see the preferences of the other forumites. but whatever. anyways, I know what I want to do.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

actually, the how I learned coding is kind of bad, but I'll put it in short for you.I spent about 4 months with bgt going, what the fuck is this? how the hell do I manage this?And then I decided to try and modify a project someone had already made. That's when I really started getting the hang of it. I was able to practice good coding habbits, but at the same time, I wasn't daunted by the task of doing it all on my own. Same with pure basic. I practically already knew it, but how did I know it? I made literally 50 guess the number games on my braillenote in bazic before I made something of any real importance.It takes a lot of time, but it's kind of like whistling. As soon as you can do it, it just goes "click" in your mind, and then you learn much, much faster.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

After reading this topic programming noww looks different to me.4 years ago, my mom had d my little brother. Programming reminds me a hell of a lot of that process. You can basically break programming down in the same way you'd break down having a baby.Planning: Where you write out the idea for the game, the stuff you'd need etc.For Humans, this wwould be talking to your doctor and spouse, and even taking a trip to the Baby factory to pre-order you're baby!You know what I mean.Development: Actually writing the code, for the game, putting in the sounds, and scetching how your game would look for its entire life.For humans, this is when the Embryo is in the woom, developing thier skin, hair and the formation of their spines.Birth: This could be when you finish the game and give it to the bayta testers, adding new features, and watching it flurish.This is bringing the baby home from the hospital, breast feeding. Constant bombardment with high pitched tones of crying and screaming at 3 A M no rest, and bags in your bags in your bags. Teaching the kid how to walk, how to talk, etc.Pre-School Era: This could be called the first Public bayta, or version 1.0. Releasing your game to the public, gathering feedback and ading new features.For humans, this is both a time of joy and sorrow. getting time to yourself, but sending your kid out into the big, bad cold evil cruel world. But you know to yourself, its for the better. You slowly notice the improvement in your Child, and you smile thinking, I remember when you were in my stomach.Skip a few, and we get to adulthood: The perfect edition of your game. Ready for the public. You may still update it, but it may or may not be nessary.When My brother was born, I remember my mom being tired, and drained, wwhile my big brother and I we're overjoyed. While my mom was tired, my bro and I we're just happy to have someone else to tag along with us. Programming, while it may seem tiresom, and teadious, you're creating a gift to the rest of the world. You're creating vertual life, and I finally understand the hurt developers feel when their games are clones. Its like their kid was kiddnapped. Guys thanks very much. I'll do a little more reading, screw around with the terminal, then make small programmes, the n slowly evolve. I won't be posting everything I create, yet, but I have work a head of me. Your posts really did help.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I definitely think #4 is giving good advice. That's the kind of thing I wanted to write after reading your post.When I approach a problem I first want to make sure I have it well defined. I havent made a game yet (at least not one I published anyhow), but the approach should be the same as the one that I apply in my software engineering dayjob. In your case make sure to write down the game mechanics you want in your game in natural language. Don't worry, this isn't a final spec. You can change it anytime, but it is invaluable to have as it can act as a guide for what you need to implement next.Next you will want to think about what sort of artifacts you will have to produce to implement all the features you want. If you are going object oriented route then thinking about the classes and the fields and methods they will have is useful. If you are doing more of a functional style then thinking of your data types and functions  is good. When I start writing any source code, I first sketch out the skeleton . Just write down the definitions of your classes, functions, data types or whatever witout filling in the implementations. for function bodies just put in a place holder. In python just put in a pass, in Java you can just "throw new RuntimeException("not implemented");", in Scala you can put in "???", or in any case you can just return a default type like if return type of function is int then return 0. Benefit of this is for statically typed languages it will let you  compile your skeleton code and make sure that at least the skeleton is well-defined.After you have your skeleton, then you can just make a list of things you have to do. Don't be afraid to make this pretty granular. And then you can just start working on them one by one. Try to make your tasks so that at the end of each task your code compiles successfully. So you can have some level of confidence in that what you just coded probably works. An even better extension of this process is test-driven development, but if you are just starting out on your development journey then don't worry about it yet.Also it's a really good idea to start using git to manage your code changes. Starting out is really easy and it will save you tons of headaches down the  line. Make sure to commit after you complete any task on your list.And as the others said, programming is challenging and not really for everyone. it is for those who love it. But then again that is basically  true about everything in life worth doing. And anything challenging is much less challenging after you split the problem into smaller discrete pieces and work on them one by one! In software engineering we commonly refer to this as the divide and conquer approach 


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Honestly I agree with what everyone has said before.Something I used to do (and probably should do again) is make an outline. How is something going to function? What is my end goal? What difficulties should I expect?Everyone can type code, everyone. The trick is finding those few who aren't typing it in because they've been told it works, but rather understand what each line does.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gonzalez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Welcome to long hours of debugging at nights, the headaches of messing with a build system for hours on end just because of a goddamn dependency suddenly decides not to compile, the feeling of not doing useful when you're out of motivations, and a lot of reading, the doubt of whether a feature could be better coded, failing at your research because later then you find out you don't acquire the necessary knowledge and, most of all, days of despair and wrath at yourself when you feel like you haven't been doing it right. Should you choose to enter this realm you will be bestowed with the curse of the gods, the blessing of the truth and the joy of coding!


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

I've certainly been where you are. I think all, or at least, quite a few, of us have been. I could hardly get past making a basic menu, and that was in bgt. After I got bgt down I guess you can say, I switched to python, and it was easier. No, i'm not telling you to start with bgt, but it takes time. It took me about 9 months to know enough bgt to be able to make a game correctly. I would include everything, make a few variables, and blank. Getting into coding is not easy. It's also rewarding. It's not something that can happen over night and if it interests you, keep pushing threw. If you feel like it's too much work, I'm sorry but programming might not be your thing then. So, I guess my advice is, keep pushing threw, and good luck to you!


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Hi Jaidon, in my opinion the way to start is:1. First of all think about the logic of the game you want to develop.2. Start with a simple game. How will its mechanism work?3. If you feel it can help you, at the beginning it is good to write the code in pseudocoding, or natural language.Eg. I want to create a simple game, guess the number. How will it start?1. Print the message: "Please enter a number from 1 to 9:"2. Read user variable: user_choice.3. Create a random variable from 1 to 9: computer_choice.4. If user_choice == computer_choice:5. Print the message: "Congratulations! You guessed it!".Often this initial part is taken for granted but it is fundamental. Before programming you must always think about what to write, and how. Once you have thought about the mechanism, programming will be easier. During the planning phase you can change your projects, however, especially at the beginning, having a starting point is fundamental.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Hi Jaidon, in my opinion the way to start is:1. First of all think about the logic of the game you want to develop.2. Start with a simple game. How will its mechanism work?3. If you feel it can help you, at the beginning it is good to write the code in pseudocoding, or natural language.Eg. I want to create a simple game, guess the number. How will it start?1. Print the message: "Please enter a number from 1 to 9:"2. Read user variable: user choice.3. Create a random variable from 1 to 9: computer choice.4. If user choice == computer choice:5. Print the message: "Congratulations! You guessed it!".Often this initial part is taken for granted but it is fundamental. Before programming you must always think about what to write, and how. Once you have thought about the mechanism, programming will be easier. During the planning phase you can change your projects, however, especially at the beginning, having a starting point is fundamental.


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

Hi there, all i can say is: try try and try. never give up trying. i am also not this good at developing apps, or should i say in your case games since i also develop games, but keep on trying. and if there is one thing i can say about BGT, is that it helped me understand coding. try to follow other people's coding styles if you want to take a look at open source projects, and eventualy you will get to develop your own coding style. well that is what happened to me,


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Re: My developer problem

2020-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My developer problem

My advice is don't buy into this idea that anyone can make a game. Don't buy into this idea that being able to program young is common.  Don't think that this is going to be easy.  Expect to spend 6 months to a year if you work on this multiple times a week.  Everyone was there.  Those of us who no longer are didn't do anything special.  We just kept trying because it was interesting, or because we have willpower, or for whatever reason; and then, one day, it wasn't a problem anymore.


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