Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.I'd like a game where you collect coins, jump around, slide, beat up things and so  on. Kind of like mario n64 version... The thing that many if not all audio games lack, is smart enemies, smashable objects, secrets, and good background music. I'll be honest , no audio game what so ever has scared the crap out of me. Well there was that slender game but honestly I didn't play it much because it wasn't really my kind of thing. I prefer more mainstream games with great horror sounds and music. Lol the funny thing is Indi devs create great games that cost nothing but yet we've not seen a great scare the crap out of you audiogame. yes there's swamp but that's not a scare the crap out of you audiogame, while it's amazing that you can play online, it's essentially a find zombie, aim for sound, press button, hear shot, game. I'm kind of getting tired of those find sound press space, for example games. What about changing it
  a bit, what about, control equals kick shift equals run, space equals punch and right shift equals throw, or something like that?


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

(I got here by searching for the wonderfully specific term of "jumping", since I can't seem to stop noticing ways in which jumping is completely different in audio games compared to the mainstream. The only non-fighting mainstream game I can think of where up is used for Jump is Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Subzero, and that's pretty much because it is the Mortal Kombat engine tossed into a 2d platformer. And the controls in that game left something to be desired.)I'm going to go ahead and second Dark's comments by admitting that I picked a terrible engine to use for Mario. Even with its limitations, I could probably have made the maneuvering a bit more like the NES version had I tried a bit harder--Mario's sliding, for example. The most frustrating part of the NES version of Mario is that giant pit in 8-1, not because you're trying to land on a tiny block that starts out off screen, but because you're more likely to just run right
  off the edge with momentum. (I've heard sighted people complain about that part, too!)I think there is one big difference between audio and video that it's easy to forget: brightness and loudness serve different functions. If something's farther away, it's quieter, which makes it harder to hear in many situations. Video-wise, things that are far away aren't any less visible, if they're close enough to be relevant.The same works the other way--the screen has a distinct boundary, and anything that goes off screen is invisible. Meanwhile, audio has no distinct boundary, even though information gets harder to use with distance.In real life, distance does make things blurry, visually, but the distance we're talking about is huge--over 100 feet away, someone with less than perfect vision can probably still recognize people.There's also less ambiguity with distance. Top-down is hard in audio because you can't really get
  precision on the y axis. This is sort of a problem in first person as well--good luck guessing when zombies are in melee range in Swamp, for example--but you can at least use small turns to triangulate.I'm glad someone else noticed the movement thing, though! It took me ages to realize that most audio games are using a system where there is a timer specifically to keep track of when you last took a step, because that just seems so bizarre from a mainstream perspective. The closest I've come to that is actually Mario and the JFIM Adventure, because they use Finite State Machines, where walking is a state just like jumping and attacking, and those could actually have been more mainstream-esque if I used 1 state = 1 frame of animation, instead of one logical action. If I ever separate movement from actions, it's with velocity vectors, and I always fret over whether or not to try and make friction and momentum work realistically (I usually settle on no, just to av
 oid the headache, but Sonic lives on actual kinematics).You know what's cool about Mario 2? There's an ice level, where you don't slow down as quickly when you stop, because you're sliding on ice. I keep wanting to make a game that does something like this, but The Demon Lord of Sloth and Lethargy keeps punching me in the gut. (Incidentally, does anyone know where I can find a decent exorcist?)So... ur... let's combine everyone's suggestions and have Ultrocity make a game where you have to fight Frost Zombies while trying to infiltrate the Ice Queen's palace and convince her to give up her wicked ways (possibly by currying favor with the people of the Queendom along the way).So... Frozen, but with more violence. ... And sled races, because why not?


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTR_Assassin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Dark wrote:@Rtr assassin, your comments about defense are exactly what I mean above by getting the mechanics right, simply going for a hear it, hit it approach rather than trying to think of what creates a better game. In all the classic walk along beatemups, double dragon, streets of rage, final fight, golden axe, they were 2D, not 1D. that is though you walked left to right, you could also walk up and down a small degree, so fighting was an exercise in correct positioning, not getting cornered using combos on enemies in correct situations etc. Your correct on the mash the control business not working.I also don't agree with Devin on the fps being crap, though again Fps is only one type of game and while we've seen some extremely good examples of such,there are lots of other things that could be done too.Exactly, this is the point I made to Sam on the Survive the Wild thread. A
 nyone with a very sharp knife can simply sneak up from behind, hit the space bar once, and instantly kill you. They put no effort whatsoever into the fight, if you can even call it a fight. It is usually more like an assassination. Even if I turn around and confront an opponent, I may still die because the only defense I have is striking first, jumping back, or sidestepping. As I said before, that makes it harder to track an opponent.So, more realistic mechanics could be introduced that allow a player to actually defend against enemy attacks instead of running away. As you pointed out, simply hearing an enemy and then striking to instantly kill them makes for a boring and frustrating game. I died this way five or six times in Survive the Wild just in the last two days. I am starting to get sick of the game because of it. The good news is, Sam said he will implement an attack parrying system in the future. I hope it will even out the playing field in knife and spear fights.The moral of the story is, developers aren't doing enough to make their games fair. Confrontations usually consist of striking first and getting in the killing blow without the other side having a means of defending against the attacks. This is only one of many issues I would like to see addressed.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

hello, as awesome as all of these ideas here sound, it will be allmost impossible to actually make them real. you want a life simmulation like the sims? well first thinggs first: get around 50 developpers to program the thing, a lot of sound designers and what ever godly being you believe in else. Also, a game like the sims... is very hard to make for blind people and there wouldn't be a lot of point in it, sinse there is so much visual stuff going on that you can't really port into an accessible game. Like putting a picture of your sim into the sim gallery or what ever that's supposed to be. Medevil game? well people might be able to pull that off with a hole lot of work, but as I said a hole lot! of work. and I don't mean to insult mason or anything, but he's not the most professional of developpers when it comes to this kind of things sinse most of the games that he makes are more or less taken from other games. But if you're asking for a medevil g
 ame like w o w, which is fantasy but has about the same complexity as what you're suggesting, then that's not gonna work, even if everyone who knew even a little bit of coding on this forum pulled their resorces.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hellothe ideas I liked best were the simulation game in real life and the fighting game.a simps in audiogame will be excelent, Castaways  is the best simulator for my life, but not a Simps.I know many blind play fighting game with no problem, but one fully accessible fighting game would be great.Greetings.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

hi! agree with you cruiser destroyer ! And, this is my wish, i see games like this brouser. but i want one game no brouser, with sounds. that's awesome! or, a game with medieval. like you are a king. you can build and increase your empire, first a small comuniti, but mmore lager acity or a capital! you can walk, control peasants, no like soundrts. when you move with the arrow keys you move on the squares. NO, I want to say you move the character. enter in mine, get gold or other medieval things. and what awesome is to be this multiplayer! you can control your soldier and go and explore! Go in fields, aabandoned areas, and when you return at home control your king, take all peasants and remake the abandoned area.but this is a dream... I whait for a game like this


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

How about a game where you take control of a giant machine that you have to fight other giant robots and stuff with. But in an fps format. Kinda like Titanfall but better.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

hi all, agreed with razvitasca. house and life semulation will be pritty, pritty, pritty cool! and if it will be online, just awesome! players can build cyties, recruit police, and if another players do criminal, anothers player's police will get to jail. and player's police will give monney to player who owns them. cool, cool, cool! dreams, dreams...


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Thancs man.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Yeah a life simulation would be cool


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi ultrocity. 1.I want a game like you can make your house, decorate your room with warious things. you can play minigames to take some money.2. You can make a adventure sidescroller, like you can climb trees, mountains or swim and make more cull adventure things.3. A life simulation game, like the sims.thancs for reading and sory for my English.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stefan_ilioaica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi, everyone.What I find cool in a game, (if they're not arcade of course, because there's another situation), are the voice acting, the plot and the mecanics.In my opinion, the voice acting is very important for the blind, like are the grafics for the sighted people.For me, the voice acting with a great plot makes me feel the story 100%, and if there are also some good game mecanics and puzzles to solve, I'll definitely enjoy it.A recently  well made game  in my view, is Angelgift. Yes, the game itself maybe is a bit short, but the plot, the concept and the voice acting is interesting, and make you feel the Christmas admosfere.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

My first idea is a GTA game where you kill peopole, steel cars, and do life simulating things but in audio, and 3d! I'd also like some kind of superhero game, like daredevil, where you beet on thugs and help people from thugs. Oh yeah that gta idea i mentioned should be multiplayer but also have single player. Or a hulk game wher you smash stuff.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi ultrocity audio as we all know that there aren't many horrer games for us so you can make a horrer game for us. like a game which is the third level. the name will be the third level. you are the police officer named illahishane and you have read the news about disappearing and kidnapping people whenever they went to the grant central station. you have to investigate what is going on. and there is also a rumer about having a third floor in that station. people are saying that whenever you enter in the third level you cannot exit and die. during the game you will encounter various things when you enter in the first and second floor. if you discover the third floor then you have to check what is going on. O remember one thing there is a guy named slenderman and you have to kill him if it is possible but not with your weapons but with stratagy. another idea I have. there is a shy boy who is ten years old. he ha
 ve to celebrate his birthday he is sad because noone wants to come one day his mother gave him an idea that you have to write down a n invitation poster outside the street and if someone has interest he or she come. during the game a player is in the center of the street. a sound will come like "I am your friend" or "Please make me friend". the sound will move left to right a player has to center and space for accept the request. then the boy will give him or her a task for his or her loyalty and thats it. the goal is to make friends as much as you can. if you make 500 friends your level will be up. ThanksIshan


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

@Rtr assassin, your comments about defense are exactly what I mean above by getting the mechanics right, simply going for a hear it, hit it approach rather than trying to think of what creates a better game. In all the classic walk along beatemups, double dragon, streets of rage, final fight, golden axe, they were 2D, not 1D. that is though you walked left to right, you could also walk up and down a small degree, so fighting was an exercise in correct positioning, not getting cornered using combos on enemies in correct situations etc. Your correct on the mash the control business not working.I also don't agree with Devin on the fps being crap, though again Fps is only one type of game and while we've seen some extremely good examples of such,there are lots of other things that could be done too.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTR_Assassin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

OK, here are a few suggestions. First, the survival horror idea sounds great. I was thinking a game similar to Death Match: Project Alpha could be written involving zombies, much like Resident Evil. Playing that game made me realize how much fun it would be killing zombies, obtaining new weapons, leveling them up, and solving puzzles (hacking interfaces in DMPA). It could be taken a step further and involve 3d movement.As far as FPS being crap, i highly disagree with that. I still think Road to Rage is one of the best FPS games I've played. Let's face it, many games that followed like UltraPower borrowed many elements from RTR, notably the weapon system and keystrokes. That could also be taken a step further. The idea of a fighting game doesn't sound too difficult in theory. Take the game mechanics of RTR or UltraPower and develop a game that places heavier emphasis on using technique to take down an opponent. Instead of mashing the ctrl key or spacebar, lette
 rs could be used to distinguish between left and right punches, kicks, weapons, etc. Then, combinations of different attacks could be implemented.Finally, this is another strange phenomenon I've observed while playing many of these audio games. Why is there no adequate defense system in them? In most cases an enemy can walk up to you with a knife in a game like Survive the Wild and simply hack you to death. You have no way to parry, dodge, or block his attacks. The only things you can do is walk away in a different direction, or jump. However, jumping and walking out of the way makes you lose track of your enemy. This could be the difference between surviving a fight and losing it. So, a defense system should be a standard component in any game that involves the use of melee weapons. I can't stand not being able to actually stand there and fight with my opponent because I can't parry his attack.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Audio games, or even more text-based  audio games, that work within a browser, would be something I vote for.For example, games which can be found on, but do not need the use of Real Player, and use HTML5.That Jungle Feever game was fantastic! I don't think its around anymore sadly...I wonder what happened to that Decend In To Madness port which was powered by HTML5 and needed Chrome to work properly.A game similar to   Night Of Parasite, but browser-based would be nice as well.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Giovani via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

I have also great audio.People and mason, what You would like to say to create a free game, like a psycho strike?


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

A lego game would present the same issues as a minecraft game which is a discussion we've had before, not necessarily impossible, but would take an insane amount of work and a heavy amount of design and resources, as I said I'd rather see the basics get done correctly first, particularly sinse the basics are far more achievable (please lets not have the mainstream games conversation again).As a fan of the pinball games I can see the marble tracks working, although firstly defining all the correct physics of how the marble moves and reacts and bounces off stuff could be interesting, and secondly you'd need to be pretty careful about the gameplay sinse otherwise you'd either end up turning it into a racing game or just having a game where you let the marble go and the marble went round on it's own and you couldn't interact much, and however cool your sounds for spinners, loops or whatever if you can't actually interact with the game much tha
 t wouldn't make for an interesting thing to play.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.My marble idea might sound quite simple but actualy it could get quite interesting. I can't make it myself or trust me, no offense to the coders hear but I'd take all the credit and be recognized. I'm really bad at coding though and well if you guys can do it, well why not? Imagine this; not only can you speed down marble tracks of different speeds, steepness, and flips, turns, tunnels, spinners and so on, but, and hears the big thing and something I would really like to have made, a building system. Yep you heard me right, build your own tracks, challenge your friends, can you beat the user created tracks? And if you can, well great, make some of your own. I don't know if you guys have heard of marble run; but that's where i got this idea from. I've just thought of another idea, it might sound a bit strange guys but well why the hell not? What about a leggo building game for the blind? Come on, it could be done. It might take a bit of time 
 but it's never been done before, imagine zooming around in your own little cars, fighting your own little battles, smashing your building down and re building all because you can! open your minds! This is all possible if we put our minds to working out how to do it and if people work at what they're good at.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.My marble idea might sound quite simple but actualy it could get quite interesting. I can't make it myself or trust me, no offence to the coders hear but I'd take all the credit and be recognised. I'm really bad at coding though and well if you guys can do it, well why not. I'd like to get donations or something out of it but well i'd also like people to play it so...  anyway Imagine this; not only can you speed down marble tracks of diffferent speeds, steapness, and flips, turns, tunnels, spinners and so on, but, and hears the big thing and something I would really like to have made, a building system. Yep you heard me right, build your own tracks, challange your friends, can you beat the user created tracks? And if you can, well great, make some of your own. I don't know if you guys have heard of marble run; but that's where i got this idea
  from. I've just thought of another idea, it might sound a bit strange guys but well why the hell not? What about a leggo building game for the blind? Come on, it could be done. It might take a bit of time but it's never been done before, imagine zooming around in your own little cars, fighting your own little battles, smashing your building down and re building all because you can! open your minds! This is all possible if we put our minds to working out how to do it and if people work at what they're good at.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

While I don't disagree with Brad and Devin here that an awsome game is needed, in a lot of ways we haven't done the basics. Look at adventure at C:. Great in terms of the upgrades and rewards and custom levels and what not, but still gameplay breaks down to pressing a key fast. In a lot of ways I do think audiogames need to learn to walk at least a little and I'd much rather have a simple game done well than a complex game done badly. As to resident evil, well Brad is correct, all the tools are there in swamp campaign scripting, first person movement, key and lock item puzzles, weaponry of various sorts and the ability to create enemies. You'd need to slow both your own movement and that of the zombies down quite a bit, and change the properties of some of the weapons sinse Resident evil was always more about the careful avoidance and lining up shots than the fast action, zombie hoard type of gameplay, but this shouldn't be a problem, and aga
 in, a game with great story and exploration and atmosphere  but a simple avoid and unlock gameplay would trump an attempt at something more complex, look at pappa sangre, particularly the second game.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

I agree with Brad. It doesn't even have to be horror. It can be any kind of adventure. Something like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy. Come on y'all. Let's do something amazing! No more FPS or any crap like that. I'm done with that. Making those are easy for  y'all coders now. Move on! Make a cool fighting game like mortal kombat or soul Caliber. Make an adventure game, and not something silly. Make an online game, fighting or adventure, like some kind of MUD in audio. I think that'd be the coolest thing ever. But put in quests, real quests not just go here and kill that. I repeat, let's go!!! If you need voices, there are plenty, including me, out there! Need code? Danny, Mason, and plenty of others out there. Need a story? I can make a story. Need a manual? I can try that too! Come on y'all, let's do this!


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.I completely agree with dark. I didn't know Mario skidded when he landed but now I think about it, it makes perfect sense. Heck, why can't we have a 3 d audio walk around horror game with puzzles and not just shooting? I'm no coder myself but this can be done. I know it since I've listened to playthroughs of games. You haven't got good voice actors for these kind of games? use symths, put a donate button up. Find sounds. Make your game different from all the standard audio games out there and I bet you anything I have, you'll make quite a bit of cash on donations alone. swamp was awesome back in the day. Sure it was a walk around shoot zombie thing which honestly I did get board of after an hour or less, saying that though swamp was the first game of it's kind in audio as far as i know and people loved it. I don't want to offend anyone hear but sighted games just rule when it comes to this stuff. but they don't have to,
  we could make a game where you had to collect coins, solve puzzles, free  people to help on your teem, anything else a sighted person can do. All we need is great coding, which I don't have, story writing which i don't mind having a go at, great or okay sound design, just as long as the game has a good gripping story behind it. I'll say what others have said before, take a look at the BK games, there sounds were good, their controls made sense, and yet it was a side scroler but that game had me hooked for hours and hours. It's time audiogames change into awesome audiogames. Thing is, I don't know about coders but I'm quite sure everyone hear who isn't a coder and or musician could give writing a story a go. Can't do that? what about little bits of a manual? no? okay a podcast? Not your kind of thing? what about sharing on social media sites such as facebook and so on? What I'm getting at in this huge post is, if we all put our heads
  together we can make a change to audiogames. It's like petitions, the more people come together the better we can make our world.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

@Coltonhill, one problem with this higherarchical thinking that complexity in game design also goes with coding is that it means nothing changes, if developers just! aspire to create the same sort of games we've seen before in a sort of set hierarchy, from target to side scrollers to 3D then we'll never see any evolution in any genre. One of the most basic problems I've noticed in audiogames is most people do not know about basic game mechanics that mainstream developers have used sinse the 1980's. I don't mean having huge, ultra complex systems here, I just mean the basic things that make a game addictive and make a person come back to play again even if that game is a simple side scroller or an arcade game.The reason Super Mario Brothers is one of the greatest games in history is not because it is a complex game with all sorts of bells and whistles, it is because the engine is designed to require that the player learn the properties of the 
 different game elements in detail and then put what they learn into practice.Mario, (and indeed most characters in graphical side scrollers), do not walk in a simple press button one speed walk type of mechanic. When you hold a direction mario will first start walking slowly then speed up until he's at full speed, also he does not immediately stop when you let go of the button either. Similarly with jumping, mario's jumps are analogue, the more you hold the key the higher mario jumps, and the more you hold a direction during the jump the greater the horizontal distance, not to mention how fast mario is walking or running before the jump, and when mario lands he doesn't just land pat, but slides a little and has stopping distance like a car.Back in the eigties games needed to be difficult, but that difficulty came from giving the player a tough challenge with the engine and the mechanics, not from having thirty billion levels or enemies or a hugely comple
 x character generation system. One complaint I've seen of audiogames time and time again (most recently of psychostrike though not having played myself I can't confirm), is that however good the sounds, however good the extra systems like stats or levels the game still boil down to the same thing, particularly in side scrollers or arcade style challenges, and the chief reason for this is likely that so many developers don't! use these tricks such as accelleration, such as needing more complex attack or action range than just "when it's in the center", don't require tactics that need the player to learn anything, it's all instant press button and thing happens and all you need to do is press button at the right time. After all,  has any audio space invaders game actually required the player to anticipate the movement of the enemy ship vs speed of his/her shots? Heck, most don't even let the invaders fire back.<
 br />While I do vaguely understand why these factors such as accelleration or range aren't used to make the games more difficult and challenging and a bit more than just glorified boppit, I do think it's time something cchanged, particularly sinse as I said games like Blind swordsman are very popular precisely because! they use those sorts of mechanics, and there is no earthly reason you couldn't in audio.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

@Coltonhill, one problem with this higherarchical thinking that complexity in game design also goes with coding is that it means nothing changes, if developers just! aspire to create the same sort of games we've seen before in a sort of set hierarchy, from target to side scrollers to 3D then we'll never see any evolution in any genre. One of the most basic problems I've noticed in audiogames is most people do not know about basic game mechanics that mainstream developers have used sinse the 1980's. I don't mean having huge, ultra complex systems here, I just mean the basic things that make a game addictive and make a person come back to play again even if that game is a simple side scroller or an arcade game.The reason Super Mario Brothers is one of the greatest games in history is not because it is a complex game with all sorts of bells and whistles, it is because the engine is designed to require that the player learn the properties of the 
 different game elements in detail and then put what they learn into practice.Mario, (and indeed most characters in graphical side scrollers), do not walk in a simple press button one speed walk type of mechanic. When you hold a direction mario will first start walking slowly then speed up until he's at full speed, also he does not immediately stop when you let go of the button either. Similarly with jumping, mario's jumps are analogue, the more you hold the key the higher mario jumps, and the more you hold a direction during the jump the greater the horizontal distance, not to mention how fast mario is walking or running before the jump, and when mario lands he doesn't just land pat, but slides a little and has stopping distance like a car.Back in the eigties games needed to be difficult, but that difficulty came from giving the player a tough challenge with the engine and the mechanics, not from having thirty billion levels or enemies or a hugely comple
 x character generation system. One complaint I've seen of audiogames time and time again (most recently of psychostrike though not having played myself I can't confirm), is that however good the sounds, however good the extra systems like stats or levels the game still boil down to the same thing, particularly in side scrollers or arcade style challenges, and the chief reason for this is likely that so many developers don't! use these tricks such as accelleration, such as needing more complex attack or action range than just "when it's in the center", don't require tactics that need the player to learn anything, it's all instant press button and thing happens and all you need to do is press button at the right time. After all,  has any audio space invaders game actually required the player to anticipate the movement of the enemy ship vs speed of his/her shots? Heck, most don't even let the invaders fire back.<
 br />While I do vaguely understand why these factors such as accelleration or range aren't used to make the games more difficult and challenging and a bit more than just glorified boppit, I do think it's time something changeddd.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi, How about a bayblade game where you try to crash into other bayblades to throw them off balance and stop them? Others might do the same to you. And The bayblades should be in a basket like thing so that there could e a risk of crashing on the edges and slowing down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio



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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Yup, and I'll add you on skype as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

that's quite alright. I figured someone would do that, and it was a little bit amusing to be honest.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Sorry man, I now only realized you're Mason, really sorry for that!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

BTW, I deleted those accounts so the hacker would stop fucking with you guys. And, if you want proof, add my skype. masonian99.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Dark can see Mason's twitter. And if you are Mason, go and open your twitter account, either Masonasons or sound_worx, and tell people "hey, Ultrocity_audio is me". Just do it and we'll believe you!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

I'm... pretty sure that we've worked out that ultrocity is the real Mason.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Um...I'm sorry? But I am in fact Mason. You can even ask dark.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

First, and after all this, you should know that Ultrocity audio is not Mason: you can find what @Sound_worx, actually Mason, the real one, said on Twitter, and then feel free to insult, ban or do whatever with the guy which is using Mason's name on here. I'll paste again what Mason said on his twitter:"Sorry guys, I got hacked. Fixing now. Ultrocity_audio is not me."I bet I know who's Ultrocity audio, but I'm not quite sure, but I have one person which I suspect being him.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

First, and after all this, you should know that Ultrocity audio is not Mason: you can find what @Sound_worx, actually Mason, the real one, said on Twitter, and then feel free to insult, ban or do whatever with the guy which is using Mason's name on here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Yes, unfortunately most developers, including me, do not know about or how to implement these concepts.It would be possible, indeed, but there are a few points which get most developers in a stuck spot.One: The new developers, to bgt, are very low and will produce things such as target.Two: As they get higher up the chain, they may produce sidescrollers, possibly a 3d game if they're really frickin into it, etc.Three: This goes for me as well. Most bgt developers, at least, are usually a tad lazy and will spend a long time coding a game that appears to be hard from the internal, but looks like crap on the outside, possibly streets of chaos would be an example of that.Simplicity means less code.There are very good games out there, potential and full, it's just most of the games being released now are kind of, well, crap.However, I do know a few bgt developers that overload this standard by a longshot, namely aaron baker, Phillip B
 ennefall, CAE Jones, etc.Mason has indeed come very good at overloading this standard, with 2d platformer, and maybe a few others, such as ultrapower. STW was a very good example of an overload as well.You wanna be a good dev? be like Aaron Baker, and develop ideas that are way out of the box, to say the least. Lots and lots of code, possibly errors in the compiler, or no warnings from the compiler but something is horribly wrong, but after months of hard work, you have a good title! Possibly this marble game would be a good example of a title for that.Holy fuck I just wrote an essay lols!Anyways, mason, I do hope you continue your developement on your projects, possibly let me back into your beta testing folder and be friends if you want to, etc. I don't know how much I could contribute code wise, because I'm, well, crap. i'm no CAE, Aaron, or Sam. but I might be able to do ideas, you've got all the sound effects you need but I could make
  you one thing that you may just not have enough of. Music! But I'm getting off topic here about myself and not your games, so that essay I wrote earlier was my post lols.Have a nice day, I look forward to seeing your titles!


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi Dark,Yes, this is what I'm finding out. I do agree that tactics come first before games, but if I'm not sure which game I'm working on, then I'm not sure which tactics to think about. I do however like your points.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

One thing I'd suggest is before creating any ggame, think about the design and how it's played. there are far too many games, especially I might say ones done by developers just starting out which try to do lots of glitz and glammer but get the basic gameplay wrong sinse all they default to is hearing a certain thing and reacting, whether that's hearing an enemy in center sterrio, a descending tone for a spaceship or a panning sound or what. Look at blind swordsman as a fantastic example of a game with a really simple premise but mechanics that actually require you to judge and use tactics, or for that matter Jim kitchin's golf game or any of the esp pinball titles. I'd say myself think carefully about the mechanics, what your asking the player to do, what challenge they have to complete and what it requires sinse fundamentally if all the mechanics boil down to "learn the sound and react" your  essentially turning people into robots.<
 /p>So, rather than working on ideas, I'd consider mechanics, consider for example how in game objects might move at variable speed, and not just with a simple move and stop command but with actual accelleration (that might require some maths), consider having the player need to not just go with the center all the time but estimate different ranges. Basically think about the mechanics first, the subject second, sinse it doesn't matter how cool or awsome your concept if all your player is basically doing to win is hear and hit, then your game will become uninteresting fairly soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Yes. I would like to get started on that. If you want, you can get in touch via skype or twitter for more info about this and to help!Skype: masonian99Twitter: the_masonian99


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.Oh awesome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Brad, I love all of your ideas. Lots. I really like that marble game idea. I'm in!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.I'd either 1. like a game where you can take care of a pet or something like that and play mini games to upgrade it. or 2. A side scrolling platformer where you can get powerups, pets, collect coins or some kind of collection item and of corse kill bad guys. But instead of weapons we've already seen, what about new and perhaps strange weapons? stretch your mind and see what weapons you can come up with. Puzzles too would be nice. The third game I'd like to see is one I've thought of for a while now. I don't know what it would be called but it would be a marble game. You'd have your marble rolling down a track and have to press left or right to shoot down tunnels, flip through loops, buy upgrades for your marble or marbles, and have bad marbles that are trying to knock you off the side of the track. There would be a shop where you'd buy upgrades like extra spinning power to hit your bad marbles, track sides, that would put a barrier up o
 n the side of a track for a limited time, and other things like that. These are dreams of mine that I've never been able to code because I don't have the patience for programming.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hi.This is probably only a dream of mine but I'd either 1. like a game where you can take care of a pet or something like that and play mini games to upgrade it. or 2. A side scrolling platformer where you can get powerups, pets, collect coint or some kind of collection item and of corse kill bad guys. But instead of weapons we've already seen, what about new and perhaps strange weapons? strech your mind and see what weapons you can come up with. Puzzles too would be nice. The third game I'd like to see is one I've thought of for a while now. I don't know hwat it would be called but it would be a marble game. You'd have your marble roling down a track and have to press left or right to shoot down tunnals, flip through loops, buy upgrades for your marble or marbles, and have bad marbles that are trying to nock you off the side of the track. There would be a shop where you'd buy upgrades like extra spinning power to hit your bad marble
 s, etrack sides, that would put a barrier up on the side of a track for a limited time, and other things like that. These are dreams of mine that I've never been able to code because I don't have the pacience for programming.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

I can do that. I have to first learn how basketball works, but it can be done.


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Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New games you'd like to see from Ultrocity Audio

Hello.I'd like you to complete implementation of the game of basketball that was released in alpha.Greetings and thanks.


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