Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : imaginingstuff via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

That would be the best ever!Thanks!A


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Email is probably best SLJ.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Hi.I got notified about the server for this game and the other browser game which I currently don't remember what's called in an other topic. So I'll see if I can host a server for both of the games.Aprone is it okay to contact you privately if I have questions regarding the servers? If so, what's the best way to contact you? I could imagine you getting tons of mails and skype messages all the time...


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I'm sure someone will. I would but it wouldn't be up either way think I'll check it out


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Imaginingstuff, I had been running it on the gamer account server for a while, but I took it down because people had stopped playing it.  I hoped that by making the server public, someone else might decide to host the game themself (and maybe even improve it since the server lets you customize much of the game).


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : imaginingstuff via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Very awesome of you! I just found this game yesterday so was sad to be unable to play it. I will try and set it up and give it a spin. Is't better with other players though? No single player mode?Thanks for all you do for us!Could you put it on the gamer account server?Creativity to you and yours,A


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone



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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I've made the Seven Shores server available for download!  You are able to customize the game in many ways, to give it your own unique


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I've just posted the server for Blazing, and after lunch I'm going to change over Seven Shores so people can run their own servers of that too.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

don't no how I never saw this, wish I could have played it!


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

@kithri: aprone has just responded, look at post 46 in this topic. IT appears the games got closed down as they weren't being played.@Aprone: have you possibly thought about releasing these, in a modified form without gamer accounts code and stuff for obvious reasons, don't want people taking that, but anyway, if there was a version that people might be able to host/add stuff to it? These are small browser games that are fun. Even if, say, someone just wanted to host it for archival purposes? I could ask the guys at pg13 if they'd be interested in such a thing as we have servers, but before I dare do that, I'll wait for you to respond with a yes or no.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Confirmed, using latest version of Firefox, game gets stuck on the redirect page. I can't believe I somehow missed this game though, so hope to play it when it comes back up.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kithri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I just emailed Aprone to see about checking the links for both Seven Shores and Blazing and see if they can be updated or added to the games page of the main website, along with the issue for firefox and internet explorer.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Oh sorry guys, I closed down Blazing and Seven Shores because I didn't see people playing it anymore.  It didn't seem to make sense to run those 2 servers if they weren't being used.  


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

The god of strategies, lol!:)


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2017-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kithri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Hey, I can't get the game to come up/download. I hit the link you put up to get it in post 1 and I get the game redirect page, but it just sits on that page and doesn't go anywhere. I clicked for your website and it isn't listed there at all. Any suggestions? And a little unclear, is this for browser/windows or IOS device?


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

btw aprone, yes, that single change, IE getting a point of morale for each pickup of supplies, has fixed that problem nicely. still seeing it drop down sometimes, but while i am still collecting, they're staying nice and happy now! ahaha.oh, and as of this edit, ... [[wow]]!It took some doing but all cargo was moved over and the new ship is starting to look like home.You have lost 100 gold. You have lost -80 lumber. The ship of the line is the biggest ship around. It has a thick hull, several cannons, and large sails. The morale of your crew has risen. mewahahahaa. come en ggeh me now, little cannon towers!


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

btw aprone, yes, that single change, IE getting a point of morale for each pickup of supplies, has fixed that problem nicely. still seeing it drop down sometimes, but while i am still collecting, they're staying nice and happy now! ahaha.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

i think it's good you have it so that after 3 visits from other players, they have the chance to purchase it out from under you, ... if they have the supplies to do so of course. lol. and the thing is, baring in mind, that as you have more and more people playing on here, it's going to mean that it won't take long for 3 visits to happen, and suddenly, your shops are disappearing, forcing you to purchase them back. so i really don't think it's going to be much of a problem, keeping them after death / being chucked overboard, because you still have the chance that others could purchase them out before you can get to them.although, as an interesting point, you may have to increase it later on down the track, to 5 visits or something, before they can be purchased out from under you, when you do have more on the server. lol. cause it could well get to the point that you have enough people running around to basically take a shop before you can even make it
  one time around the land! ahaha


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Keba, because it was a quick adjustment to make, now each time you land on a loyal shop your crew's morale will increase by 1.  I agree that stopping in and receiving free supplies from a shop would probably be a happy thing.I find myself continually torn between resetting loyal lands when you die, and keeping them under your control.  I share Dark's concerns, which is why I've reset shops when you die, but I'm wondering if there is middle ground somewhere.  What if I removed the 3-visit protection that keeps shops under your control for a minimum of 3 visits by other players?  I don't actually know much that is coming in to play anyway.  If it were easier for players to lose shops to Other players, it might not be so risky to keep them loyal after death.  Even with that change, there might need to be some other way to balance things so 1 or 2 guys don't always own everything.I'm open to ideas.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

well, considering how built up i got, you'd think it was too easy. far from it. it took hours and hours and bloody hours! of clicking roll dice. ahahaif anything, the one thing that anoys me, is when i die and have to start over, the fact that all my effort is gone in an instant is very touch. i'd say to make it so that the shops and such things you've invested in, remain yours so you can get back on your feet. after all, if you have a few people in the game running around the lands, they're going to make it possible to take them off you again anyways. it's very hard to get off the ground at the moment, and means a huge amount of time spent simply clicking roll dice and nothing more, for hours on end. lol. and most of the time, excepting that last one round, i was basically dieing within 10 to 20 mins anyways. so getting no where fast. if anything, it's the crew morale that's giving me some of the most trouble. it's for ever running do
 wn and getting me thrown out.perhaps you should gain morale for collecting over a set amount at your shops or something. something extra to help you keep that morale up. kind of like a boost to the crew for gathering up some more good stuff for their work. perhaps if you sell enough of one item you'd gain a bit too. sort of like a pay off to the crew for a good job.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Keba I figured out what happened with that Squid attack.  Normally a victory in battle cannot lower morale below 1, because while the crew may be sad about the people who were lost, they did just kill a huge sea monster.  The bug came into how the game removes the bonuses of the crew.  You had a few crew members who raise the maximum morale, their deaths were the problem.  Basically morale dropped as each of those 11 crewmen were eaten by the squid (a horrible way to go), but the game stopped lowering the value once it reached 1.  As the morale boosting ones died, 5 morale was removed from the crew just to remove the bonus they were responsible for.I have fixed the code to prevent that from happening again, and I do apologize for your crew throwing you into the sea.  When it comes to shop loyalty, it is based on how many rolls (moves) you ha
 ve made.  Each time you roll, all of your loyal shops generate some small fraction of a resource and add it to their total.  By the time you make your way back to the place, those tiny amounts have usually added up to something useful.To the people who are now dominating the game, have you noticed specific things about the game that are making it too easy?  Like for example, should you spend 1 food per crew even when going around the lands?  Do loyal shops give too many resources?  Should ship upgrades be more expensive?  I haven't done as well at the game as you guys, so you may have noticed some things I would normally have to guess on.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

oh, and just for reference, a little before i made said trip, here's what i had.Your ship's health is 75 of 75Your crew's morale is 33 of 40, which is good.You have 725 gold coins.Inventory:650 lumber18 stone5182 food (1 consumed per move, 21 consumed on ocean)111 cloth222 coal20 iron23 toolsYour ship has 20 crewmen aboard.Madalyn (+1/+2 cannons)Heidi (+1/+2 cannons)Fabian (20% +1 morale)Braden (+1/+1 fighting)Marshall (+0/+2 fighting)Chelsea (20% +1 morale)Casey (+5 max morale)Edward (+1/+2 cannons)Annika (+5 max morale)Alexander (+1/+1 fighting)Francisco (+0/+2 fighting)Philip (+1/+1 fighting)Reece (+0/+2 fighting)Denise (+1/+2 cannons)Porter (+1/+1 fighting)Blake (+1/+2 cannons)Greyson (+1 navigate)Taylor (+1/+1 fighting)Raul (+1/+2 cannons)Brooke (+1 navigate)


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

ok, i think i found a small bug? i crossed from one land to another, and had to deal with a squid on the way. 11 of my 21 or so crew died, and suddenly, from a level of 38 out of 40 i was down to minus 7 crew morale! so of coures, i then lost the game, even though i had a huge crew left, and loads and loads of stuff that i'd built up!


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Viktor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

@aprone:I mean if you own a place you get the following thing for example:The next 6 spaces that lie ahead of you are Your Tool shop, Your Small farm, Your Blacksmith, Your High winds, Your Smeltery, and Your Fish market.None of these are from me and I dubt you can own high winds :d


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I do have a question though aprone, or anybody else who has figured it out. when you own shops loyalty, the supplies they gather for your next visit. is the amount they gather based on time passing, how many dice rolls you've performed before getting back to them, how many other people land on them, or something else? just curious to know if slowing my dice rolling down at all, IE time based or people passing based or something else, would increase the amount gathered at each stop over.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

i don't know, i seem to just get started, then either i hit those damned thieves that kill me and my crew, or something destroys my ship before i can gain anything much to help fix it, ... ahaha. it's s damn anoying! but i'm nothing if not persistent! i'm gunna play this game till i get somewhere! 


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

@Aprone, when you have some time, I'm actually not in a hurry at the second, one reason for the humungus site update yesteerday. I can actually see how Victor did so well, since thus far I've mostly been killed by attacking things, get tough enough to take on fights and you'd be going fine, since once you'd got a bunch of loyal shops you could just cruise aroundbeing given things. There are several checks you could bring in both to stop this sort of thing, and stop the game getting uninteresting. Firstly,  how about some pirates? After all a ship cruising around with all that cargo would attract some interest. Secondly, how about some long term goals that require a large amount of resources to complete. For example,we keep seeig those ancient ruins that are obviously full of loot, well how about repopulating them? or starting an archaeological dig? or how about building or crewing your own ship supply yard or tavern. 
 I also definitely like the idea of combining things with blazing in some way, and again that would limit things since if your crew occasionally toddled off xploring (likely having to take some food, coal, lumber,  gold and tools with them), obviously you couldn't build up that huge a crew streight off. Either way, lots of places to go with the game.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Viktor I've never come close to what you've accomplished, haha!  You clearly have this game figured out sir.  I'm not sure what you mean about the "your xy" thing.  If possible can you paste one of those pages here for me to read?Well you definitely have proven that more difficult places need to be added, or something.Dark, I still need to email you.  I've been out of the house all day so I haven't had a chance to do so.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Viktor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I think you just need some luck at the beginning so you can buy 5 more people and buy 2 ship-upgrades, after that you can afford the next update very fast and fill your crew up and with 20 people and 100 ship hit points nothing can really kill you.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

7000 food, 600 material? If you don't mind me asking, how'd you do that? I allways die before I could get that much. Guess I'm just terrible then?


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Viktor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Hi,the game say's "your xy" to everything if you are on one of your own things but (i mean in the list of things for the next roll). Right now i have more then 7 food and more then 600 of every material, maybe a more dangerous land should be added or something like that? Or something you can invest in?


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

My groop had no food at all, so of corse the morale dropped, but those idiots decided to take revenge on me before relising that we just found something they should be happy for. Bleh, it's not my fault that we crashed in so many rocks, Ryder was the one driving this damn ship!


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

ROFL Mayana!  Yeah it seems like a few events mixed that normally shouldn't, or at the very least, the lowered morale that was going to cause the mutiny should have canceled with the rising morale from finding treasure.  I'll look in to that.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Just posting a death message that I personaly found funny, though you probably won't:You head to shore and explore some stone ruins spotted within the trees.You have gained 13 gold. With tempers reaching the breaking point, your crew cries Mutiny and throws your sorry butt overboard. The morale of your crew has risen.Well, at least throwing me overboard made their morale better, if nothing else. Now, that you are happier again, could someone, uh, help me? Throw a rope or something? Thanks.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Hi Aprone! Thanks for your answer! I absolutely get your point! And you are wright. This way is the most compatible one! So lets keep it on this way for the moment.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

@Aprone, drop me an email on alternative descriptions and some notes on the different lands (eg, culture and climate so I don't have a description of snow bound woods in the desert kingdom), and I'll see what I can do. That's the sort of project I love putting time into. As regards clients and such, personally I'm very happy with the browser version myself, indeed when the game is a bit more complete you might consider linking with some of the gamebook sites for games like Age of fable since fans of gamebooks would probably enjoy this sort of game as well.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Dark I definitely welcome any alternate location descriptions.  I feel like I spend more time trying to think up and write out descriptive text, then I do writing the actual game's code!  Well not really, but it sure feels like it some times.  


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Chris for the time being, neither this game nor Blazing use the actual Kaldobsky gamer accounts.  You can just fill in whatever you like.  Down the road, I do intend to switch them over to using the official gamer accounts, but I have to do a lot of back-end coding to get the official ones compatible with how I made these web games.Firefly, sorry I didn't answer your question sooner.  When looking back, I noticed your comment and I must have somehow missed it the first time.  My apologies.If the game were to get very popular, like popular enough that it was worth taking time away from other projects to make a dedicated Seven Shores client, then I might.  Even if I did, I'm sure it would not be what people are hoping for though because it would be a windows client, not a phone/tablet one.Getting a client app to run nicely on the different platforms is a bit of an undertaking.  Yeah I know there are shortcuts to make it wo
 rk by using engines and libraries written by other people, but with a few exceptions I only use code I've written myself.  The exception is that I'm willing to use Microsoft's Direct X library for loading in sound files, adjusting volume, and adjusting pan.  To me those features are so basic that I don't feel like I'm riding along on someone elses work by using them.  I never use any of the other direct X sound, positioning, or direct input features.The simplistic nature of Seven Shores and Blazing were done this way because it meant I didn't need dedicated client apps for the games.  The same game will run in someone's browser on windows/mac/linux, on any tablet, and on all the smart phones.  So working across the board is a huge plus, and the price for getting that so easily is that it is limited to the webpage themed design.  I hope that made sense.I never put sounds into Blazing, but I really should s
 it down and work the bugs out of that code.  Even simple sounds would probably liven up both games and make them feel more professional than they currently do.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Aprone, do your web games use the Kaldobksy account or can I just create any name and password? I'm just wondering whether I need to use my paid account or not.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Aprone, do your web games use the Kaldobsky account or can I just create any name and password? I'm just wondering whether I need to use my paid account or not.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

@Aprone, I've not actually seen the thieves yet, just the tower, and there's no indication of strength on that, hopefully the descriptions will help somewhat. As regards loyaltyI don't like the lands staying loyal to you since that has the potential of monopolising things a bit too much for a couple of players if someone always steaks out the same land. On the other hand, it'd be nice if there was some continuing bennifit from your character's deaths. Actually things getting too static is also something I wondered about in Blazing (hence my suggestion about settlement attacks). So, how about a legacy system. Basically the first time you visit a settlement that was loyal to your old captain you get a message "someone recognizes you as a friend of captain insert old captain and gives you a present of x gold/resources" Optionally, you could also consider having your old ship wrecked on the square you died for your new ship
  to plunder part of the resources of, eg "Washed up on the beach you see a cargo crate baring the name of captain insert old captain name's ship, inside you find x quantity of resources from old ship" Actually this is one thing I  wondered about in blazing as well with the corpses of your dead adventurers kicking around to loot somewhere .In text games, using different descriptions to enhance atmosphere of situations with similar functions combined with the ambiguity of actual text is something I always admired.Fallthru does it, king of dragon pass does it, and many other games do it to. If you want assistance with writing descriptions for different types of places depending upon climate and culture of different lands, I'd be glad to help there. Same goes with Blazing, I love the formula of both of these games, it's
  the sort of really simple but addictive system that could create something truly amazing when put together with some mechanics and also be satisfying to a good number of players.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Prone, do your web games use the Kaldobksy account or can I just create any name and password? I'm just wondering whether I need to use my paid account or not.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

entertainer? Never saw one of them, wish I'd start with 2 of them, it would sure be better from just hoping that just maybe you'll find a tavern. Thanks for advice.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Mayana, yeah all of your lands reset when you die.  I thought about making them stay loyal to the new you once you've started over, and that may be a change I make in the near future.Crew morale is what tends to kill me off too, so I may need to make it a little easier in that regards.  What I personally do is hire new crew whenever I can, and hope one or more is an entertainer.  Those guys gradually raise the crew's morale as you sail around.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I'm getting a bit better at this game, but still not quite. Making people work for you is very nice, but from what I have seen they no longer do that if you start over, and I usually don't manage to stay alive long enough to get any benefits from those workers. I probably need to find a land with more ins and taverns and less sharp rocks and high winds. I seem to be unlucky, crew morale allways drops to fast.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Dark I've tried to add some helpful descriptions to those enemy encounters.  A few of them give you very specific details, while others give you an estimate.  For example, it may say there are about 7 thieves when there may be 6 or 8.  This is me trying to pass a bug off as a feature, in true programmer fashion.  Some locations can customize their description as needed while others can not based on how things are designed.  When it cannot alter its description I had to be vague because the conditions of the battle are a bit random and there is no way to display what those values will be.Customizing the locations for each land is definitely something I want to do.  I almost blocked off 6 of the lands before making the game public, just because they were all still flavorless copies of the first.  A few differences in prices and amounts of certain shops, but they all sound alike.  That's one of those things that will just take 
 time to sit and write out new descriptions for everything.  Looks like you've given me a small head start on that.  Smoothgunner, haha sorry about that!  I believe it was late last night or early this morning (depending on time zone) and I was watching you and a few others circling the land.  I think you had at least 6 shops loyal to you, which is pretty good in my opinion.Baruch, at the moment I believe each land has 124 spaces.  To move you roll a 1D6 die, so we could say on average you move about 3.5 spaces per turn.  I guess that means it will take, on average, about 35 rolls to fully circle a land.Mayana, prices are still going to be adjusted further, but it is true that prices differ based on which land you're on.  Each land will be pretty close to average on 5 of the game's 7 resources.  Each land
  has 1 plentiful resource that it sells for cheaper and pays very little for.  Each land also has 1 scarce resource that it charges more for, but pays more when you are selling it.  The gap between "cheap" and "expensive" is what I still plan to mess around with.  I want there to be a lot of room to make money buying and trading resources between lands, but I also don't want to totally screw over players to where they cannot get a particular resource without traveling somewhere else.  It's a balancing act.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I tried this game for a bit earlier. I'm not doing to well yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out once I get the strategy. So far I only explored 2 islands, so should probably go check out more of them, to see which one has the cheapest prices then stick with the best one, if there's such a thing. This does seem to be quite a nice game, though.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : baruch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

So I'm wondering, how long does it take to circle one land?


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

agree with dark, it would be good to know what will be needed to defeat an enemy. I encountered thieves, I could have paid them and ran away, but I chose to fight the battle thinking I would win because I had 3 crew members, but I loss miserably lol


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Okay, glad that nasty bug is fixed, thanks for catching that one. The resources thing is rather fun, though it'd be nice to have a record of where your loyal settlements are, also like Grryf I'd appreciate knowing what resources were needed at which location to do what. The only issue I'm having is twice now I've got killed by that bloody tower, even though my crew had three members, two with pluses to cannons. It'd be sort of nice to know how tough the tower is, especially since it's the only fight I've seen thus far, and trying to race past it does uba damagee, indeed unlike blazing since there is no explanation of how I died I have no idea what would or wouldn't be good stats against the tower.Btw, I know the 7 lands currently are relatively similar, but it'd be nice if they had a little difference in terms of description, even if the encounters were pretty much the same. For example, in menton the textile 
 mill is described as lots of looms with women weaving (presumably cotton cloth), on another continent it could be a silk worm farm on a desert coast with people cultivating and drying silk, while on another continent it could be a rough village of sheepherds spinning fleases into wool with hand sticks, or a trappers camp in the frozen northern woods with men curing firs.For practical purposes all give cloth, but have the idea of going somewhere different each time thus meaning sailing to other continents had some feeling of travel.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Okay, glad that nasty bug is fixed. The resources thing is rather fun, though it'd be nice to have a record of where your loyal settlements are, also like Grryf I'd appreciate knowing what resources were needed at which location to do what. The only issue I'm having is twice now I've got killed by that bloody tower, even though my crew had three members, two with pluses to cannons. It'd be sort of nice to know how tough the tower is, especially since it's the only fight I've seen thus far, and trying to race past it does uba damagee, indeed unlike blazing since there is no explanation of how I died I have no idea what would or wouldn't be good stats against the tower.Btw, I know the 7 lands currently are relatively similar, but it'd be nice if they had a little difference in terms of description, even if the encounters were pretty much the same. For example, in menton the textile mill is described as lots of l
 ooms with women weaving (presumably cotton cloth), on another continent it could be a silk worm farm on a desert coast with people cultivating and drying silk, while on another continent it could be a rough village of sheepherds spinning fleases into wool with hand sticks, or a trappers camp in the frozen northern woods with men curing firs.For practical purposes all give cloth, but have the idea of going somewhere different each time thus meaning sailing to other continents had some feeling of travel.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

my fav dev is back at it again, always refreshing to see new work/updates from you aprone..anyway love the game, i'll keep my eyes on this thread so I can see what cool stuff you add to the game as it grows in development


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

I believe I found and fixed that bug.  Earlier I closed the server and launched it again (to fix something), and it seems there was a typo in my loading code, so it was mixing up scripts.  The Smeltery you were on Dark, had been partially overwritten with scripts for the Sea side tower.  The tower would normally require you to attack it before you could sail away, but since you cannot attack a Smeltery there were no button options.If anyone runs into that again, be sure to let me know.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Grryfindore, I hadn't realized that the buttons are all marked "Choice".  Is everyone else experiencing that too?  Sounds like I might need to double check this with an actual screen reader, because I must admit I haven't busted out the tablet in accessible mode because it sat out and no one remembered to charge it.I like the idea of the player seeing what choices they cannot afford, I just haven't found a good way to implement that yet.  It sounds like it should be as easy as just disabling buttons instead of hiding them, but there are at times several hidden buttons that enable and disable based on the situation.  Without getting in to how it handles everything, just switching it to disabled buttons would be an ugly mess for many locations.  So yeah... I need to figure out a way to make it work.Dark, I'm going to give that combo idea some thought.  Seven Blazing Shores anyone?  hahaha!Very nice
  work not only keeping track of which space you're stuck on, but also the output from the game!  That will be very helpful, and I intend to go hunt down the source of that stuckage after I finish this post.  There are marketplaces that allow you to sell resources, but also a few other spots here and there may let you also.  Carrying around a bit of everything is a good way to unlock more choices when you visit places, so don't sell everything, lol.  Viktor, can you tell me which space you're stuck on?  It seems Dark is having a similar issue, so it's likely one bug that's affecting you both.  In the event I cannot spot the cause of the bug from Dark's info, it would be helpful to have a second bugged location to examine too.It seems people have been putting a lot of time in on the game so far.  I do consider 
 the game to be pretty bare-bones right now, and I've brainstormed a lot of things that could be added.  One thing I've had in mind is to have actual construction, rather than only winning over the loyalty of computer controlled shops.  I'd still keep the investing aspect, but have other locations where you could build different structures from scratch using your resources.  Each building type would serve some special function to benefit you, and they would collect payments from other players who stop in for visits.  In almost a quest-like system, depending on the type of building it would have different levels of upgrade-ability that might send you out gathering the required resources.  Crew would be sent from your ship to manage the property, giving another reason to collect new crew when the opportunity presents itself.I also really want to sit down and balance out the resources at some point.  Buying and selling them should be v
 ery profitable if you go between the right lands, but it doesn't seem to be yet.I think I'll add more casino games too, lol.  Has anyone figured out the card game yet?  If you do, and are therefore able to judge how good/bad your hand is, you can turn that particular casino game into one of skill rather than luck.  I didn't make it easy, but there are clues about the game thrown in every now and then.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Viktor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Right now i'm stuck at a place because i have no button to roal the dice. Anything i can do?


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Gar me hearties! Pirates be nearly as cool as Dragonsin my not so humble opinion, gr! An awesome game indeed and rather fun like blazing, I've always fancied a game with ships and sailing since I don't think we have one thus far. Btw, random and silly suggestion. Ever thought of combining this and blazing into one game? To explain, how about the idea that the shores of the 7 lands are populated, but their interiors are still virgin teretory. At some squares while sailing your ship around the land, you get the option for one of your crew to travel into the interior, though obviously that would lose you a crew member and some gold. You then create a character on blazing and play along. At the blazing settlements is the option to send gold or a letter back to your ship. If you pay to send a letter, your ship's morale increases, the further along your character gets, the bigger the morale boosts. If you establish a settlement, yo
 u get the option for some of the people of the settlement to take a wagon to the coast and crew your ship. There are other interactions that might occur such as sending resources back from your fronteer towns to the coast, or even sending several people back to crew a new merchant ship if yours gets destroyed, but you see where I'm going with this, effectively you'd be playing both the pioneers setting out into the interior of a new land, and the cunning merchants making a prophet from the recently established settlements.It could be a pretty fantastic combination.however before we get into speculation land, I have a couple of skirvy bugs to report. First, yes, I used the loyalty option in a shop, however I haven't yet seen a way to sell resources, indeed the loytalty option required fourty gold not resources from me, so I hope there is a selling option somewhere. Second, I have one of those skirvy bugs. I've got to sp
 ace 91 of menton, and have got stuck, there are no buttons to progress, no controls, just the text. I've tried maximizing the page and using supernova's ability to find all buttons, and no luck, indeed I'm completely and entirely stuck with no way of going on. Here is the text of the page: You rolled a 6 and move forward.Current location: space number 91 of Menton. Smeltery.With a coal fed fire, metalurgists form iron bars from molten ore.Your ship's health is 34 of 40Your crew's morale is 22 of 30, which is good.You have 0 gold coins.Inventory:8 lumber52 food (1 consumed per move, 3 consumed on ocean)10 cloth10 coalYour ship has 2 crewmen aboard.Jacoby (+5 max morale)Solomon (+5 max morale)The next 6 spaces that lie ahead of you are Burnt homes, Cove, High winds, Textile mill, Forest, and Quarry.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Gar me hearties! Pirates be nearly as cool as Dragonsin my not so humble opinion, gr! An awesome game indeed and rather fun like blazing, I've always fancied a game with ships and sailing since I don't think we have one thus far. Btw, random and silly suggestion. Ever thought of combining this and blazing into one game? To explain, how about the idea that the shores of the 7 lands are populated, but their interiors are still virgin teretory. At some squares while sailing your ship around the land, you get the option for one of your crew to travel into the interior, though obviously that would lose you a crew member and some gold. You then create a character on blazing and play along. At the blazing settlements is the option to send gold or a letter back to your ship. If you pay to send a letter, your ship's morale increases, the further along your character gets, the bigger the morale boosts. If you establish a settlement, yo
 u get the option for some of the people of the settlement to take a wagon to the coast and crew your ship. There are other interactions that might occur such as sending resources back from your fronteer towns to the coast, or even sending several people back to crew a new merchant ship if yours gets destroyed, but you see where I'm going with this, effectively you'd be playing both the pioneers setting out into the interior of a new land, and the cunning merchants making a prophet from the recently established settlements.It could be a pretty fantastic combination.however before we get into speculation land, I have a couple of skirvy bugs to report. First, yes, I used the loyalty option in a shop, however I haven't yet seen a way to sell resources, indeed the loytalty option required fourty gold not resources from me, so I hope there is a selling option somewhere. Second, I have one of those skirvy bugs. I've got to sp
 ace 91 of menton, and have got stuck, there are no buttons to progress, no controls, just the text. I've tried maximizing the page and using supernova's ability to find all buttons, and no luck. Here is the text of the page: You rolled a 6 and move forward.Current location: space number 91 of Menton. Smeltery.With a coal fed fire, metalurgists form iron bars from molten ore.Your ship's health is 34 of 40Your crew's morale is 22 of 30, which is good.You have 0 gold coins.Inventory:8 lumber52 food (1 consumed per move, 3 consumed on ocean)10 cloth10 coalYour ship has 2 crewmen aboard.Jacoby (+5 max morale)Solomon (+5 max morale)The next 6 spaces that lie ahead of you are Burnt homes, Cove, High winds, Textile mill, Forest, and Quarry.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

The high seas,ahoy!Since I love everything and anything that has to do with ships and seas, this is just perfect.Tryed a bit of it,just now, and so far what I have seen are those buttons which just say choice. Are those just the placeholders for things that haven't been implemented yet?Another thing I'd like to see would be games showing options for particular locations even if you don't have the gold to do something. I guess show what you can do at a location but dim the buttons if the requirements are not met.Fun stuff!grryf


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Hey hey oh captain my captain!This allready caught my interest and i will give it a long go!Will you this time create a downloadable client for this new game?


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Some people seem to have figured out how to invest in shops, but I'm seeing a lot of players who haven't used that feature at all yet (so I assume they may not know how it works).If you have the correct resources, many locations will give you the option to convince it to work for you.  It may be farmers needing stone to add a well to their property, a blacksmith in need of iron and coal, or a tavern needing more food to feed its customers.  As long as the location is not already loyal to another player, and you have the required resources, you will have the option to earn the place's loyalty.Once the place is loyal to you, you will have an additional option to set the description.  This is like in the blazing game, and allows people to hopefully write some fun stuff for others to read.The shop that is loyal to you will slowly generate resources each time you take a turn.  When you eventually circle the land and land back on t
 he same spot, your loyal workers will reward you with all the resources they had saved up.  Once you leave, they go right back to saving up more for whenever you return.No matter what, the loyal shop will remain loyal for 3 times that another player lands on it.  After 3 times, another player landing on that spot can choose to spend resources to basically capture from you.  The shop will then serve their new master.These investment properties should be thought of as long term investments.  You may wind up circling the land 2 or 3 times before you're lucky enough to land on the same spot again, but as long as other players haven't captured it, eventually it turns into a nice boost of resources.Traveling between lands is something you'll want to avoid until you've built yourself up a bit.  When moving around a land, you only use up 1 food each move.  Once you venture out into the open ocean, you and each additional
  crew member all use 1 food per move.  Having a small crew will use up less food, but will also leave you much more vulnerable to the many dangers you may run into.I think the various crew skills are probably understandable enough, but the "skilled navigator" one might confuse a few people.  When traveling across the open ocean, each navigator you have on board will add 1 to your movement die roll.  If you find yourself with a handful of navigators, moving across the ocean will be very speedy.


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Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Greetings captain! Good to see ya're sailing again! Well, ruined rp aside, I'll surely take a look at this new project.Best regards, Haramir.


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Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

2016-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Seven Shores, another little phone/browser game by Aprone

Hey guys, just wanted to post a link to something new.  This is something I started on when I was out of the house and unable to work on my main project(s).  Every now and then I'd add a bit more to the game, and today I think it's at least ready to have some other people take a whack at it.In Seven Shores, you captain a merchant ship. You can circle any of the game's 7 lands, or choose to sail between them from the harbor located on each. Along your journey you can acquire crew, battle enemies, find treasure, buy and sell resources, and invest in local establishments. Having your ship destroyed, or having your crew's morale reach zero, both end your game and reset any properties you had acquired. This game is still in its very early stages, so I'm sure things will be balanced differently as time goes on. There is also a high chance that the server will go offline or reset as I continue working, so have fun but don't get overly attach
 ed to your progress, haha.Each of the lands will have similar random terrain (because I haven't added enough content to give each its own), but the amounts of different things Are different.  Shop prices are also different depending on which land you're in, potentially making it worth while for future merchants to stock up on one land's cheaper resources, and then sell them for a profit in lands where that resource is in higher demands.At first I imagine most people will just struggle to not die, and some of that may come down to the game not yet being very well balanced.Oh yeah, I haven't run this through the gauntlet of browser tests yet (Safari, Chrome, and IE), so the game may not work correctly with those.  If you use any of those 3 and experience no weird problems, let me know so I can take it off the


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