Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

MODERATION!Because this topic has descended into complete and utter childishness I neither have the time for and do not expect any of the other mods to deal with, it is being closed.  I must also put my foot down at long last and ban Dgleks;  this will be done as soon as this message is finalized.  His attitude has not changed though he has been warned about it on countless occasions spanning different topics.  I predict one of two things will happen as a result of this; he will claim he hates this site with a passion and come up with any number of useless names and insults for it which he will then spread over various games and platforms, or he will demand that this be looked into closely and claim he was unfairly banned.  I have enough fuel to keep him off the forum for a fairly lengthy amount of time, which means that if he really is making money, he'll certainly have a lot of time to devote to it; he should honestly be thanking me for doing him a favor.As for the rest of you who are heavily involved in this drama, if you're making a game, I'd suggest you actually get to it and stop with the back and forth bullying, ranting, raving, rangling, and whatever else fits the ticket that has spawned so much controversy where redstop, TK and other games associated with it are concerned.  Until such a thing happens, none of these games will be getting entries in the database and you can take me at my word on that, the reasons being many, but most importantly because thanks to the instability shown out here we cannot depend on them being games we can safely recommend.  the long and short of it is that you all better grow up.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragomier via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I simply cannot keep quiet upon this anymore. Defender, thank you, you addressed all the things I could not. And Dgleks, your attempts at eloquence veils or attempt to, the fact you are really only contributing to the flaming at hand. You are NOT, I repeat, NOT, making things better with your pseudo-professionalism. All of you need to stop this. Nothing is being accomplished. Absolutely nothing, except maybe the bettering of your own self-esteem by taking it away from others. Admins, I encourage you to close this topic, and Hacker, I highly encourage you to delete it, whichever comes first. As Dgleks so eloqently put it, but in different terms, the manhood measuring needs to stop, this topic needs to be removed, and this fiasco forgotten. Good day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragomier via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I simply cannot keep quiet upon this anymore. Defender, thank you, you addressed all the things I could not. And Dgleks, your attempts at elloquence veils, or attempts to, the fact you are really only contributing to the flaming at hand. You are NOT, I repeat, NOT, making things better with your pseudo-professionalism. All of you need to stop this. Nothing is being accomplisher. Absolutely nothing, except maybe the bettering of your own self-esteem by taking it away from others. Admins, I encourage you to close this topic, and Hacker, I highly encourage you to delete it, whichever comes first. As Dgleks so eloqently put it, but in different terms, the manhood measuring needs to stop, this topic needs to be removed, and this fiasco forgotten. Good day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

@blink_wizard and Ernie, I fail to see your point. As I mentioned, I'm going back to making money. This would imply that I took a break from doing so to skim through, read over a quick topic, leave my opinion then go back to do what I do best. What do you do, Ivan? Waste your already boring life developing games for a blink community when you yourself hold no form of professionalism whatsoever? Lying out of audio game development you're pretty stupid as well. If I didn't know better I'd say you have a few disorders, but unfortunately it's just Stupid Syndrome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

@defenderAgree with you, it seems that it's turning into always agreeing with you, But yeah. I think that everyone started to take this personal. In my topic I didn't at leest only stick to that that Ivan has given others items. Here, ernie is only one who's causing, well, let's not say drama, Guise! Time to learn some more English!  But, well, it's only ernie and Charlie who's causing drama or what ever now, And I don't know how this can benefit to anyone. As I have said. Ivan, go work on your game. Go work on that game that you have talked months ago. Or was that the trash talk? Hmm, I wonder.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

This topic should have been closed after post 22, why does it still exist?Everyone who isn't directly invested in the game is already asking for it to be dealt with, so it's not like your going to have a mutiny on your hands when you shut it down.Speaking from experience, these guys are just going to fight on Skype and Twitter anyway; so why give them this platform to do it with?It's utterly devolved at this point, it's just trash talking and personal insults.Are you guys just tired of looking at it? because so am I, but I'm also not a mod, isn't it kind of your job to look at it?Some highlights:Passive aggressive much? I wonder if ivan will add the server list back in the next version? He probably will, seeing as everyone hates him now[[wow]], really shooting for perfection there... Also about admins giving shit to themselves, your admins aren’t much better.Don't worry I'm sure it won't be for long. Like now, the tk main server is down. and mine is still up lolol.Do I sense a bit of jealousy? Um, I connect to this so called popular server, so stable...the erver has, zero maps? Uh, nice job. I looked at the stats, the peak is two players online at once! [[[wow]]].Yeah I wouldn't be too proud of your self their buddy. That’s because the peak resets when ever the server restarts. Also your server isn’t very popular, there is no one online most of the time. Are you trying to insinuate something? and the reason there are no maps are because Someone, Keeps resetting the maps! Someone that has access morethen even an admin or a host. don't tell me! I got this! was it uh, can I have another guess? Sorry charlie, who ever did that, Hmm Hmm, Removed your map and the store and black and white's map, etcOh my gosh, are you sure? I wasn't even close! it was ivan. Logs show it to be ivan logged in as person. This right hear, is how everyone can see, what kind of person he is.. he made the map super small on monday and i am looking for more users that link to ivanI know it really seems like it but, I'm having a hard time believing your that sorry, I know I know! crazy! Today he made the map 32 by 32 and changed the MOTD to fuck ernie’s dick or something like that. Ivan, no one plays your server. Sorry, but it’s true. Also, your server is down, so  currently the only option we have is ernie’s server. So stop fucking up the maps just because you don’t like Ernie, and you have nothing better to do with your life.That seems a bit arrogant don't you think? and now my server was removed from the list because it was more popular. Hey, mister edgelord, Based on the last line of the post, I feel like you might just be projecting, just a bit... Jesus Christ, this is stupid. Don't you people have somewhat of a life? Quit sitting on having a dick waving contest on who's server is better. Ivan is a retard. Clearly you care if you felt the need to post this publicly.At many points actually... maybe you should take your own advice... At what point were we arguing over who’s server was better? Maybe read through the rest of the topic before saying retarded things like that.Oh I promise you, he does want to think that, he really, really does. Since when did I remove your server off the list because your server was more popular? If that's what you want to think, go ahead.Again just, shooting for the stars! Yes ivan, and your admins never did that. They never moved me to mines, moved me to hight 10, they never wiped my inventory and never gave me my items back, they never did any of that shit.I don’t think we’re perfect, but we’re not half as bad as your admins are.Does your profession involve allot of dicks? because your posts do... is your work life bleeding into your home life? Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares? Don't you people have lives? Since when does AudioGame development include dick-waving contest about who's the better admin? All these games suck dick regardless of who runs them. Happy now? Now bye, I've got to return to my real life making money.No hypocrisy here folks, just move right along... The admins I could name who did that shit are Quinton, bludBorn, and x1, altho x1 kind of  redeemed  himself by giving me 100 coins.I didn't ask you, I'd never dream of it in fact... if you ask me, I think the reason why they didn't like the idea of me returning to a single server, because they no longer had the power of moving, kicking, etc. They apparently say I trashed the game as soon as I removed the /give command to make it fair for all. For that reason alone, they refused to update to the latest server...[[[wow]]]. Such children.Are we really going to turn this into a who has more of a life battle? because that's going to get bloody real fast... Well, why are you on the forum if you have such better things to do. If you were sooo busy making money, I don't think you would have time to even reply. Lmao.And my favorite of all

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

This topic should have been closed after post 22, why does it still exist?Everyone who isn't directly invested in the game is already asking for it to be dealt with, so it's not like your going to have a mutiny on your hands when you shut it down.Speaking from experience, these guys are just going to fight on Skype and Twitter anyway; so why give them this platform to do it with?It's utterly devolved at this point, it's just trash talking and personal insults.Are you guys just tired of looking at it? because so am I, but I'm also not a mod, isn't it kind of your job to look at it?Some highlights:Passive aggressive much? I wonder if ivan will add the server list back in the next version? He probably will, seeing as everyone hates him now[[wow]], really shooting for perfection there... Also about admins giving shit to themselves, your admins aren’t much better.Don't worry I'm sure it won't be for long. Like now, the tk main server is down. and mine is still up lolol.Do I sense a bit of jealousy? Um, I connect to this so called popular server, so stable...the erver has, zero maps? Uh, nice job. I looked at the stats, the peak is two players online at once! [[[wow]]].Yeah I wouldn't be too proud of your self their buddy. That’s because the peak resets when ever the server restarts. Also your server isn’t very popular, there is no one online most of the time. Are you trying to insinuate something? and the reason there are no maps are because Someone, Keeps resetting the maps! Someone that has access morethen even an admin or a host. don't tell me! I got this! was it uh, can I have another guess? Sorry charlie, who ever did that, Hmm Hmm, Removed your map and the store and black and white's map, etcOh my gosh, are you sure? I wasn't even close! it was ivan. Logs show it to be ivan logged in as person. This right hear, is how everyone can see, what kind of person he is.. he made the map super small on monday and i am looking for more users that link to ivanI know it really seems like it but, I'm having a hard time believing your that sorry, I know I know! crazy! Today he made the map 32 by 32 and changed the MOTD to fuck ernie’s dick or something like that. Ivan, no one plays your server. Sorry, but it’s true. Also, your server is down, so  currently the only option we have is ernie’s server. So stop fucking up the maps just because you don’t like Ernie, and you have nothing better to do with your life.That seems a bit arrogant don't you think? and now my server was removed from the list because it was more popular. Hey, mister edgelord, Based on the last line of the post, I feel like you might just be projecting, just a bit... Jesus Christ, this is stupid. Don't you people have somewhat of a life? Quit sitting on having a dick waving contest on who's server is better. Ivan is a retard. Clearly you care if you felt the need to post this publicly.At many points actually... maybe you should take your own advice... At what point were we arguing over who’s server was better? Maybe read through the rest of the topic before saying retarded things like that.Oh I promise you, he does want to think that, he really, really does. Since when did I remove your server off the list because your server was more popular? If that's what you want to think, go ahead.Again just, shooting for the stars! Yes ivan, and your admins never did that. They never moved me to mines, moved me to hight 10, they never wiped my inventory and never gave me my items back, they never did any of that shit.I don’t think we’re perfect, but we’re not half as bad as your admins are.Does your profession involve allot of dicks? because your posts do... is your work life bleeding into your home life? Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares? Don't you people have lives? Since when does AudioGame development include dick-waving contest about who's the better admin? All these games suck dick regardless of who runs them. Happy now? Now bye, I've got to return to my real life making money.No hypocrisy here folks, move along. The admins I could name who did that shit are Quinton, bludBorn, and x1, altho x1 kind of  redeemed  himself by giving me 100 coins.I didn't ask you, I'd never dream of it in fact... if you ask me, I think the reason why they didn't like the idea of me returning to a single server, because they no longer had the power of moving, kicking, etc. They apparently say I trashed the game as soon as I removed the /give command to make it fair for all. For that reason alone, they refused to update to the latest server...[[[wow]]]. Such children.Are we really going to turn this into a who has more of a life battle? because that's going to get bloody real fast... Well, why are you on the forum if you have such better things to do. If you were sooo busy making money, I don't think you would have time to even reply. Lmao.And my favorite of all...I hope

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

first I agree with ivan with what he said regarding Mr. money maker over hear. Second ivan, if there was admin abuse of people moveing you and what ever then you should have told me. And that still does not ge rid of the fact that you removed my maps and rawdata -- them every day of last week and you tryed that sunday and found out you couldnt. and no one cares about slash give hear. we are on tk server 0.93 because you really can't be trusted anymore and who knows, maybe you put something in the ex. I liked tk really because of its simplisity. its just sad to have my server locked down to the point whare i can't even edit maps myself  because you like to come in and trash them and the message of the day wich i might add, has the rules for players and admins. and every one els, go on the other topic and see how ivan was moveing a normal player and putting him in jail as one of his alternates adude. Ah and ivan, I see you coppyed my i n v notification script. lol and for the record, I *do not* hate ivan. for some reason people think i do, but no.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

This topic should have been closed after post 32, why does it still exist?Everyone who isn't directly invested in the game is already asking for it to be dealt with, so it's not like your going to have a mutiny on your hands when you shut it down.Speaking from experience, these guys are just going to fight on Skype and Twitter anyway; so why give them this platform to do it with?It's utterly devolved at this point, it's just trash talking and personal insults.Are you guys just tired of looking at it? because so am I, but I'm also not a mod, isn't it kind of your job to look at it?


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Well, tell me what Quinton did and I will be more than happy to go through the logs of the server and tell you if he did or not. About x1, I see, so you only think he does something good when he gives you items...if you ask me, I think the reason why they didn't like the idea of me returning to a single server, because they no longer had the power of moving, kicking, etc. They apparently say I trashed the game as soon as I removed the /give command to make it fair for all. For that reason alone, they refused to update to the latest server...[[wow]]. Such children.In another news, I released an update with a better weapon replacing the machine gun, cheating inventory fixes, new missile programming, and a few other fixes with beacons. You'll need the latest server because of the way the beacons work.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Dgleks wrote:Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares? Don't you people have lives? Since when does AudioGame development include dick-waving contest about who's the better admin? All these games suck dick regardless of who runs them. Happy now? Now bye, I've got to return to my real life making money.Well, why are you on the forum if you have such better things to do. If you were sooo busy making money, I don't think you would have time to even reply. Lmao.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares? Don't you people have lives? Since when does AudioGame development include dick-waving contest about who's the better admin? All these games suck dick regardless of who runs them. Happy now? Now bye, I've got to return to my real life making money.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Continue isn't really the word, since, for all we know, sam coded the whole damn game. And dgleks is right, just stop. If you don't have any life, then get one. Seriously.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : charliemerry1902 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

The admins I could name who did that shit are Quinton, bludBorn, and x1, altho x1 kind of  redeemed  himself by giving me 100 coins.I do hope Ivan  continues the game, it’s a cool game with a lot of  potential.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

charliemerry1902 wrote:Yes ivan, and your admins never did that. They never moved me to mines, moved me to hight 10, they never wiped my inventory and never gave me my items back, they never did any of that shit.I don’t think we’re perfect, but we’re not half as bad as your admins are.Just tell me one time, one time, only one time, when any of those admins ever did something like that. They moved them selvs, some were using bombs and missiles and stuf, and that's not the crime. When did they move players? When did they? Used /sethealth? I think that they didn't use /sethealth between them selvs. Sometimes they were using /inv, but that's when they were planning to go AFK or simply didn't want to battle. This reached me to the following thing.Is your only defence, your admins were doing the same? you were doing the same, blah blah blah! Seriously, I think that this topic has made it self into a trashtalk. Now it's basicly Ivan is all rong and you are only good and goodness knows what. I am not defending Ivan, I am only saying what I have seen here.And, Ivan, I would suggest you stop looking at those topics. Yes, you worked on tk, I understand all that, but I think that returning to a drama boiling project isn't a good Idea. but, your game, your jujment! As I have said in the other topic.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : charliemerry1902 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Yes ivan, and your admins never did that. They never moved me to mines, moved me to hight 10, they never wiped my inventory and never gave me my items back, they never did any of that shit.I don’t think we’re perfect, but we’re not half as bad as your admins are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Since when did I remove your server off the list because your server was more popular? If that's what you want to think, go ahead. I got moved like 4 or 5 times Sunday, admins were setting up motion bombs, grenades were being launched about 10 to 20 times, etc. Who does that


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

guise, let me put it simpleCant we all, please, continue with life? Ivan, and tk, isn't the only game out there. There is redspot, RTR, although most servers on the server list are down at the moment, and there are menny others. Can we just, please, please, for god's sake stop caring about this game and send it to the history where it belongs? Also, ultrapower was there and never will be alive, and I don't know why is it still renembered as a game. Can we please just move on? about jlexes post, would have agreed if there was any question of server competition.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : charliemerry1902 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Dgleks wrote:Jesus Christ, this is stupid. Don't you people have somewhat of a life? Quit sitting on having a dick waving contest on who's server is better. Ivan is a retard. Clearly you care if you felt the need to post this publicly.At what point were we arguing over who’s server was better? Maybe read through the rest of the topic before saying retarded things like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dgleks via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Jesus Christ, this is stupid. Don't you people have somewhat of a life? Quit sitting on having a dick waving contest on who's server is better. Ivan is a retard. Clearly you care if you felt the need to post this publicly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

and now my server was removed from the list because it was more popular. you can connect manually though at 45532


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Guys, stop with the flaming, stop with the "Ivin is a piece of shit" posts, and please, for the love of god, stop with these god damn topics that are only started to complain. If you want an online game to play, and one that is an fps, play swamp. Its the greatest audiogame to ever be created, and it doesn't have all the drama of a pvp only fps because its 99 percent team work only, and also aprone actually knows how to manage games and seems to be the only one who can do it propperly. If you don't want an fps, play scrolling battles your world. Pretty neat game. Also, I met some pretty great friends on there. Shout out to king zombie and dragbot, you dudes are awesome.So please, stop with this killer drama. If you don't like ivin, then instead of repeatedly telling him that, just don't play his game. Move on with your lives. It'll make everyone happyer, and this forum as a whole will benafit from that because the amount of topics like this
  one will drop to, well, maybe 1 or 2 every year or so? Not sure, but the front page of general game discussion will look much nicer and friendlier to new comers don't ya think? Just my opinion, but i'm sure many others will agree with me.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

@Dragomier I am letting things alone, but how can i do that, when someone keeps comeing in and removeing users and maps willy nilly?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dragomier via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I'm going to make this short and to the point: Enough of this. I see topic after topic about things like this, measuring manhoods to make yourselves look better in the scheme of things. Pick a server and play on it. You don't need to argue about such simple things.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Sorry charlie, who ever did that, Hmm Hmm, Removed your map and the store and black and white's map, etc


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

and the reason there are no maps are because Someone, Keeps resetting the maps! Someone that has access morethen even an admin or a host. this has happend twice already. I will post logs if i find something weird


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : charliemerry1902 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

That’s because the peak resets when ever the server restarts. Also your server isn’t very popular, there is no one online most of the time. About that, I think AIs should be added back. Just to give us something to do when there’s no one online


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Um, I connect to this so called popular server, so stable...the erver has, zero maps? Uh, nice job. I looked at the stats, the peak is two players online at once! [[wow]].


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I would actually like to give the game a try, but I got this error when trying to connect to a server. Error. Your client is out of date. You are running version 1.42. You require version 1.42 in order to play. Please go download the newest version at


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

the main reason a developer would be against multiple servers is player volume. Everyone starts out playing together, but eventually due to interest or whatever, you're gonna get a bunch of different servers, with a bunch of different admins. This isn't much of a problem when said game is popular enough, but with the current considerably small playerbase it could be an issue.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Like now, the tk main server is down. and mine is still up lolol.(R.I.P Melinda Cook.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

[ a-t ]@24agree with this that he doesn't need to care about admins on other servers. How ever, Using move to players shouldn't be allowed, Admins were only using it to them selvs, and that was only to store gard towers. And blah, all admins on that old server were doing that, But I have never heard of that coltin was doing some stuf. Come on, he was one of the best admins. If stevan's  username on tk was x1, yes, he was one of the worser admins. I think that he for some time got removed from the admin team, but I cant say for shure because there was that time when only Ivan and other devs were logging on, and maybe sediment popped out from time to time.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : charliemerry1902 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I moved you to me once and killed you, a few seconds later, you used the set health command to kill me. Also about admins giving shit to themselves, your admins aren’t much better. 2 examples of this are Colton and Steven. Besides, why would you care what happens on another server? If you don’t like a server, just don’t play on that server


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blink_wizard via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

ernie wrote:@braille0109 I know he did. Sad thing is that i even started calling him a long lost brother, more so cause we have the same last name but also cause we pretty much got along. @BigGun I am sorry for the way i've acted twards you. At the time, i felt like it was the right thing to do, although now i realise that I was beaing an asshole. Hmm i guess the influence sticks when you hang around people like ivan. and again,I am sorry to not just you big gun, but anyone ells I've been messed up to.Lol. I do have to think about something. I love how I'm being such an 'asshole' just because of a game. Oh yeah. I just did the worce thing I could have ever donein my life...I removed custom servers from a game!So...given the topic name, and your post...Mr. Hacker, let me ask, why are you so on hosting a server if this game just is another Ultrapower clone? You must like it if you
 're willing to host a server for it, right? So let me do a little explaining. When custom servers were added, I really didn't care about the game at all. The redspot update had just been released, and I just really had no motivation to continue with TK because of all this junk that's been going on with the code, redspot, blah blah blah! I'm not gonna even go into that, not because I don't want to talk about it, like I said before, if you wanna talk about it skype or whatever. But, no. But then I get these messages, how do I host a server, how do I get my IP address, how do I stop windows firewall, etc etc etc. Look, I'm a game dev, not a tech support rep. Then we have the server, first of all, I'm tryingto keep the game fair to all, including everyone's server keeps its latest version to fix a number of problems like lag, and admins just abusing stuff by giving items to themselves. I logged on to Ernie's server and saw someone with the ni
 ckname SamTupy. I logged on the next day and an admin randomly moved me to their location and started killing me. Yeah, I'm gonna take action on that. So Ernie's server goes into an update loop, and I try to fix it. I can't after a number of hours working  my ass off. So I release an update hosting the game again, figured it would be easier for everyone, and no more admin crap would go on. There is a reason why I really could care less what Ernie was saying on Saturday with the twitter convo. I was going to hockey practice, and I seriously had no time to sit down and write an explaination on the situation. Could I have handled it differently? I'm sure I could. But calling someone an asshole isn't helping my mood. I'm already annoyed with all these messages I get every day about this, that, fuck you, bitch, you're a fuck, on and on and on. Look, we developers also do have lives I would sometimes wish you people would just consider before you co
 me to the forum and write posts like these. Developing games is something we do for fun, because I like to see other people have fun out of things I create, whatever the reason for a developer's motivation is to make games or anything, we need to put that in perspective when making topics like these. I've been dealing with 'relationship' problems, we'll leave it at that. I'm sorry if I've been a little harsh or acted like an asshole but that's the situation as we stand.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

@braille0109 I know he did. Sad thing is that i even started calling him a long lost brother, more so cause we have the same last name but also cause we pretty much got along. @BigGun I am sorry for the way i've acted twards you. At the time, i felt like it was the right thing to do, although now i realise that I was beaing an asshole. Hmm i guess the influence sticks when you hang around people like ivan. and again,I am sorry to not just you big gun, but anyone ells I've been messed up to.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

All the drama around these three developers makes me think they need to hire a PR firm or something like that. LOL.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

In my own personal opinion, why don't a lot of online games follow in the footsteps of RTR and allow people to host their own servers? That way, if someone doesn't like the main server but still likes the game, they can just make their own server.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

@15I simply don't know why does mod team even bother with these kind of topics. I meen, I don't see what's the difference between this topic and, say, the topic witch I have posted my self. Only one mod ever replied to that topic, it was aprone, and he didn't comment anything in the nature of your post. If mod team really had enough of this, then why don't they make a rule? I am sorry if this sounds harsh.@brail0109I think that it was around 1.3 that I really liked it, it was really late when it started to go down the hill.@14Even horribly slow character on up is etter then a fucked up machinegun on tk. 


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I'm going to weigh in on this subject once and for all, and it's probably going to come across as demented tirading, but I'm pretty sure I can speak for the moderation team of ag net at least to some extent when I say we've just about had enough with this ultrapower/redstop/whatever nonsense.  It seems at least once a month something comes up we're tossing emails back and forth amongst each other trying to figure out a solution that'll benefit everyone and get this site back into productivity mode and the community flourishing.Here's the basic meat and potatos: this is absolutely childish!The above line serving as the preface for everything else I'm going to write here, I'll simply start by addressing young developers.  Those of you who are exceptionally young, developing games/involved with developing games without taking your player bases into consideration are honestly giving young developers a bad name.  C
 onstructive and destructive criticism are evenly part of this world, sadly.  ON this site, we'll try to keep things as integrity driven as we possibly can, but cold, harsh reality falls along these lines; you just can't please everyone.  My suggestion to all of you is to stay on top of constructive criticism and try to block out the nay-sayers... I'm not saying it's easy, but it's the only solution.  Remember why you're developing; if it has nothing to do with making a product a majority of players can enjoy, then don't bother.  Seriously!  Save yourself and the rest of the community the trouble, efort and energy and go on to something that will honestly make you happy!  Be true to yourself!  There's no sense in beating dead horses and turning seemingly amazing projects into long, drawn out dramafests in which we point fingers and argue about what he said she said who did what where and how.  It's n
 ot productive, ruins your reputation, and will, I believe, in the long run, end up costing you a lot more than you can aford physically, mentally, emotionally!  Most importantly, this is all time you're never going to get back!  EVER!  Get out and live a little!  Technology will still be here when you get back,and gamers will too!Script kitties?  I neither condone nor condemn your efforts fully.  If you stole a database for the sake of learning from it, you at least have a slightly reasonable mentality and I hope you learn well.  If you stole it for revenge or other malicious reasons, congratulate yourself for the few minutes or months of fame you'll be getting because that's all you'll ever have until you develop a solid product.  Ever heard of Kevin Mitnick?  if you haven't, you would do yourself some good to go research the name.  He's going to remain the best of you for a long, long time to com
 e, the most infamous of script kitties this side of the planet neptune who was able to social engineer just about anything out of anyone, who at the height of his hacking career, hadn't built a single script himself.  what is he doing now?  Running a security consulting agency... Yes, he's working against you and your kind, trying to apply everything he's learned to do the world of technology some good, trying to undo the damage he did, trying to make a new name for himself through solid work.  I urge you to take all of this into consideration; you can say half of this would never happen to you, but it all starts somewhere.And now, gamers: all of us come from different walks of life, but we're all united under one common goal... We all, each and every single one of us want to game!  Some of us are into the FPS scene, while some of us like fantasy and RPG, and still others prefer incramental build up games that allow progress over a fair 
 amount of time.  Whatever the case, we all play games and have different tastes, even within the confines of our prefered genres.  I, for instance, like FPS games in which I can either cooperate with others, or get into deathmatches with close friends instead of with a group of people I don't really know; this way I don't upset anyone else by doing whatever it takes to be good because at the end of the day, it's all still just a game!  I can't trust every single player to conduct themselves in that manner; lets face it, some of you take games far too seriously!That having been said, in a world that is learning to appreciate democracy you have a right to, so keep on being whatever you are without my interference, but don't expect everyone else to like you because of it.  If you lose, you lose.  You're still alive to try again, aren't you?  The time you're wasting losing is yours to waste and you can blame no 
 one other than yourself for being too stubborn to give up.Finally, this site does not concern itself with arguments on twitter, facebook, skype, or any other social network, nor do we want to hear about conflict on a game or gaming platform.  We're not interested in knowing that you were banned

Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I think I played 1.3, it sucked, just in a different way.It still had ultrabombs and a minigun right?Everything was pretty much cement but a big grass square in the middle and tracking was weird when you weren't facing north.No vehicles either.That's the one I played before this.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BigGun via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

@11Agree 100% with you.@defender.If you have looked at the tk version 1.3 for example, you would say that it's 10 out of 10. But really, it hasn't been bad like this all the time. It has started with that programmable timebomb thing, then he added all those things from SBYW or from where ever, then that remote timebomb code was added then shields, that what made me totally against that game. payed slash free thing what driven me to posting that topic. This last thing made me think, Are we ever, ever going to have good developers of online audiogames? I am afrade that for now, answer is, no. Sinse Games like stw are good in general and will be played regardless of there playerbase and admins/devs.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

hi,best option is, remove and leave it!we cannot force them for anythingthat is my primar choice,  if i hate game devs,  or i see game developer or admins acting like childish,then i prefer not playthese days popular online games are being same except some are good to playbut anyways,  good title topic "D


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Do zou Do you know that I was getting pissed at me for not being so, you know, greatfull to me when I was talking with Iván on TeamTalk? I know those days, and I can ashurely tell you that he's a person with no programming abilities, no edducation...I hope if he comes here, I will rather eat like 100 pankakes for breacfest, and I don't know what I'm supposed to say, coppled with some random Ideas that I just say... "I want to learn x language because y and Z".As I say many times in Redspot as "Electro", and many tymes I log on with that thing singing all forever The techno to the techno to the tech tech techno, Only you can stop playing the game, Just say no to Iven.Well, enough to my talking noncence, only ranting at the person who destroyed he's game for the ouned sake of thing that I just don't want to kall anyway.


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Do zou Do you know that I was getting pissed at me for not being so, you know, greatfull to me when I was talking with him on TeamTalk? I know those days, and I can ashurely tell you that he's a person with no programming abilities, no edducation...I hope if he comes here, I will rather eat like 100 pankakes for breacfest, and I don't know what I'm supposed to say, coppled with some random Ideas that I just say... "I want to learn x language because y and Z".


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ernie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

While yesterday i was pissed, Now i am just saddind by ivan's actions. People noticed on the other tk topic, i stood up for ivan cause i thought he was a cool guy and I figured he was trying to make the best of a shitty situation with everyone hateing on him and all of that. I even payed for TK when it was payed because i figured that i'd support his effert, even though the game was far from worth it! Like i told someone 2 days ago, 5 dollars are 5 dollars i could have used at 7-11 for something to eat at school. I don't know. I guess i am taking this personally because i really figured i could trust him. and lol @hacker. good title


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

The name of this topic... Just, lol!


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Thakur ishan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

hey I am ishanand I am sorry. why even you registered to there just leave us as we are. go away ivan soto and go away you. ThanksIshan


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

Dear sweet god in heaven, leave it alone. Ivan has shown himself to be a childish, unstable idiot who will do whatever he wants to others without fear of repercussions. There is nothing more we can do about this. Can we please, please, pretty please with chocolate saus move on? Thanks a bunch!


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Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

2017-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Killer: Ultra Power 2.0 with a side of suckysauce?

I'm thankful to @nightshade for bringing this one to my attention.  Topic under close scrutiny; long as everyone behaves themselves you need not worry.


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