Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2021-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@hadi.gsf, I've heard a lot of bad things about hell including that most folks on there are douche bags, that if you don't "fit the mold" you'll be ostracized, that if you disagree with the admins you'll be banned Lickety split Etc.Or am I thinking some other MUD?What activities are available aside from killing people? LOL


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2021-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I've never heard of Starmud. I'll have to check that out.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2021-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Serpent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Ok, this is difficultI'm going to have to "somewhat" break the prompt, because I play a lot of muds and it's hard to decide.So I'll just give a few of my favorite mudsstarmudwhy I love it: It has an interesting combination of themes including a Ravenloft themed areas, some medieval and tokein areas, as well as sci-fi areas. It's professions are interesting as well, combining technology and magical elements quite nicely without the usual mishmash of surrealness that multi-genre muds tend to end up with.things I don't like about it: Advancement is on an eval system, making it somewhat difficult to find areas to fight in. It can also tend to be somewhat of a grind.unwritten legendsThis mud is unfortunately down, though it is aparently in development. When it will reurn I don't know.lusterniathings I like about it: A very unique setting, taking place in a post-apocalyptic, steampunk setting in a small pocket of civilization after a magical event which tainted the land and warped the environment with necromantic energies, and where the planes of reality link in a multi-layered system of rifts and plane-traversing lifeforms called algonthorine, or aetherships.things I don't like: It is made by IRE (Iron Realms Entertainment), which means it can become pay to play once you run out of lessons. This does not make it unpalyable, fortunately, if you learn abilities strategically.discworld mudA mud set in the world of the Discworld Novel Series.A disc held on the back of 4 giant elephants (Berilia, Tubul, Great T'Phon, and Jerakeen), who sit on the back of the great space turtle A'Tuin.things I like about it: The world is alive and very, very large. Explore the (Not so grand) city of Ankh-Morpork, from it's wealthy district of Ankh on one end of the semi-solid river Ankh, and the filthy, crime-filled district Morpork on the opposite side. Explore the Agatean empire's largest (And only) port city, Bes Pelargic and it's 8 serpentine districts. Walk around the magical city of Genua in a land inspired by faerie-tales and the unusual. And finally, explore klatch, a desert land home to Djelibeybi (A desert city inspired by ancient egypt), and Ephebe (A greek-inspired city dominated by the great citadel, home to philosophers).You can gain money via various jobs, including a cooking minigame as well as jobs like dog walking and fixing roads. This, of course, is not the only way to gain money, but it is one of the ways newer players can gain money and experience.things I don't like: It has a large learnign curve, making advancement somewhat difficult at the start.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

matt1211 wrote:How RP enforced is hell? I've heard good enough things about it that I want to try. I've also heard some, not so great things as well form other people, so I'm just curious to hear others thoughts on this? I tried once, but got very confused, very fast.Hellmoo is not RP enforced. it's quiet relaxed.IT's like that as well, always confusing at start.If you're looking for, almost, well balanced game mechanics,  lots of blood, rifles and pistols, possibly drama, depending on what corporation you join in and a bunch of awesome game mechanics in general, you should give hellmoo a try.No game will be like hellmoo for me, most muds are  silly compared to hellmoo. But i just have to mention that  this hellmoo is  different than  the hellmoo of 2009. You can opt out of PVP now, and even if you opt in, there are zones and  systems in place to discourage people from creating chaos and murdering others.The old hellmoo used to be amazingly good with corporations struggling to rise, deadly wars between two corps,  solo murderers running around and hunting newbies, bigger corps  policing the  moo and murdering newbiekillers, but because of how harsh the game became, The fact that it actually was a world to survive in, some players did not like  the way it was and open PVP was removed.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

matt1211 wrote:How RP enforced is hell? I've heard good enough things about it that I want to try. I've also heard some, not so great things as well form other people, so I'm just curious to hear others thoughts on this? I tried once, but got very confused, very fast.Hellmoo is not RP enforced. it's quiet relaxed.IT's like that as well, always confusing at start.If you're looking for, almost, well balanced game mechanics,  lots of blood, rifles and pistols, possibly drama, depending on what corporation you join in and a bunch of awesome game mechanics in general, you should give hellmoo a try.No game will be like hellmoo for me, most muds are  silly compared to hellmoo. But i just have to mention that  this hellmoo is  different than  the hellmoo of 2009. You can opt out of PVP now, and even if you opt in, there are zones and  systems in place to discourage people from creating chaos and murdering others.The old hellmoo used to be amazingly good with corporations struggling to rise, dead wars between two corps,  solo murderers running around and hunting newbies, bigger corps  policing the  moo and murdering newbiekillers, but because of how harsh the game became, The fact that it actually was a world to survive in, some players did not like  the way it was and open PVP was removed.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

matt1211 wrote:How RP enforced is hell? I've heard good enough things about it that I want to try. I've also heard some, not so great things as well form other people, so I'm just curious to hear others thoughts on this? I tried once, but got very confused, very fast.Hellmoo is not RP enforced. it's quiet relaxed.IT's like that as well, always confusing at start.If you're looking for, almost, well balanced game mechanics,  lots of blood, rifles and pistols, possibly drama, depending on what corporation you join in and a bunch of awesome game mechanics in general, you should give hellmoo a try.No game will be like hellmoo for me, most muds are  silly compared to hellmoo. But i just have to mention that  this hellmoo is  different than  the hellmoo of 2009. You can opt out of PVP, and even if you opt in, there are zones and  systems in place to discourage people from creating chaos and murdering others.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

For me, Hell is one of those games I enjoyed when I was 16, but now have no desire to return to.  It does have some neat systems for crafting and flying though, so I'll give it that.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

How RP enforced is hell? I've heard good enough things about it that I want to try. I've also heard some, not so great things as well form other people, so I'm just curious to hear others thoughts on this? I tried once, but got very confused, very fast.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Druid-warrior > warrior-druid in my experience. But that can work.I like warrior-cleric a little better, honestly, but druid there can work.I just went back to Icesus last night after a very, very long time away. And holy moly, I forgot how friggin' complicated and generally slow and unforgiving this MUD is.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I too have just come back to Alter after a long while away, and I'm honestly stuck between going warrior cleric or warrior druid.  cleric looks super fun to play now compared to how it used to be, and druid as well.  I'm sure I could make either work, it's just annoying being undecided. 


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

now I am debating between wc and nw haha 


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

As someone who can't keep my grubby fingers away from Alter warrior cleric is incredibly palatable ... and that comes from someone who played pretty much exclusively as necro war. I could probably sit here and rant for days about how incredibly powerful those two classes have become, especially in tandom with one another ... but this is a general mud topic, not an AA topic. It should come as no surprise that Alter is my top favourite mud of all time. Here are a few others I've enjoyed.Materia Magica: this game has a lot of complexity and I mean a lot, unfortunately what gets me is the grinding and autoquests that you actually need to not be a terrible char.Hell / inferno: in what other mud can you push someone out of a flyer and hear them splatter to the ground? Hell is pvp restricted but has a decent userbase for trolling and shitposting. Inferno is it's forgotten little brother with no pvp restrictions but I'd surmise that that's why the userload is so low.Star Conquest: for the brief period of time that I played it, it was pretty fun. Just not fun enough to justify writing a profile. I'm all about just relaxing and killing things in the moment and not investing into anything. Seriously though the mechanics are super nice. And if you like rp the world lends itself very well to that.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I lied, this is up now: … inate_List


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

For anyone interested in Icesus, I've got a mostly complete coords list that will probably be up on the wiki in a couple days.  Will post here and/or in another thread once that's done.  This brought to you by the unholy matrimony of boredom, Python, and regular expressions.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Batmud doesn't have an equivalent of survey.  You get the very specific coordinates of the areas by reverse engineering some of the player maps, and you can't even reliably tell where the roads are or are going.  Once upon a time a very helpful player gave me a ship (they fly in that game) with some preloaded areas, but, that's kind of the best you can do if you want to be efficient.  The main city is also one of those main cities where they got cute and did it as a giant worldmap style thing, where roads and stuff are like 10-20 rooms *wide*.  The rest of the game is a lot of fun, but the navigation kind of just ruined it for me in the end.Mind you, I haven't tried it in a long time, maybe we got something and I just don't know about it.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheSecretLurker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

hadi.gsf wrote:camlorn wrote:Yeah, but iirc survey isn't super helpful because everything is really far apart so it's just kind of run and guess for us, and you can't get coords to anything outside the main city, right?batmud was sort of playable because of player-maintained coords lists, and honestly it's a shame that one hasn't taken blind players more seriously because it's a lot of fun if you can put up with epic level navigation annoyance, but I couldn't find an icesus equivalent.I'm so sad that batmud is hard to play for usIt has a bunch of very, very unique classes. see this one for example, BatMud is playable with some of it's commands that textify, if I'm not wrong, the map navigation, it's just they are tedious and require pretty much patience - the same tediousness is in more gameplay heavy roguelikes, such as Nethack and it's variant Slash'em, ADOM, Angband, Cataclysm DDA - it is tedious, but it is possible, though, it's obviously kinda slowing down the gameplay pretty significantly while navigating the map


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I mean, realistically if a bunch of us were all like "so we want to play, but we can't because world navigation", something might be done.  I managed to get the coordinates command added once upon a time, and that was just one of me.With a few of the big, active muds like batmud, icesus, and to some extent Zombiemud I think, it's a chicken and egg problem.  We stay away because it sucks for this reason, they don't know that we exist because we stay away, but we stay away because it sucks, and so on.  I'm not sure how to fix this, but with the mud playerbases dwindling we do have a lot of leverage if we're like "uh you know that there's a mud with 100+ players at peak and mostly they're blind, right?"  I'd honestly estimate the active Alter Aeon playerbase at something like 500 to 1000 active accounts, and whenever a bunch of blind people all decide to go to a mud all at once you get pretty respectable numbers on it.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

camlorn wrote:Yeah, but iirc survey isn't super helpful because everything is really far apart so it's just kind of run and guess for us, and you can't get coords to anything outside the main city, right?batmud was sort of playable because of player-maintained coords lists, and honestly it's a shame that one hasn't taken blind players more seriously because it's a lot of fun if you can put up with epic level navigation annoyance, but I couldn't find an icesus equivalent.I'm so sad that batmud is hard to play for usIt has a bunch of very, very unique classes. see this one for example


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Yeah, but iirc survey isn't super helpful because everything is really far apart so it's just kind of run and guess for us, and you can't get coords to anything outside the main city, right?batmud was sort of playable because of player-maintained coords lists, and honestly it's a shame that one hasn't taken blind players more seriously because it's a lot of fun if you can put up with epic level navigation annoyance, but I couldn't find an icesus equivalent.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LivingForGod1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@camlorn I started playing Icesus after I saw it on here yesterday, and they have some useful things to help you navigate. Not only do they have survey, but they have a coordinates system and a way to get directions to things within the city you start in. You can also find out the coordinates of things in the city to help you navigate.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I think people can guess what my top 5 are:1. Clok, of course. Everyone knows why, I think.2. 3scapes: I kinda got into it now and man is it fun. It may not be as engaging to those who don't like exploring both the world and the words but hey, it's fun for me at least.3. Alter Aeon: not because of the mud itself, but because of all the nice people I've met on there.4. Frandum, the best single player story driven quest mud ever.5. tied between empire and flexible survival here. They both have their own uniqueness. I love both, but I only get to them occasionally, not as often as the first 4.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@JaydeErion is grindy, but not nearly so grindy as it looks. You can easily get to level 50 in a week or two.  Fights are very short.  Can double your xp gain by enabling hardcore, which makes fights harder but isn't permadeath, then holy symbol and unholy symbol can add 50% more on top of that.  I played it a lot but I don't have attention span for muds kinda, but if I want something grindy but which nonetheless lets you feel powerful and like you're making progress, Erion wins.Question, though, about Icesus.  How unfriendly is the world map?  I tried it many years ago and if I recall I'm the player who convinced them to add survey, but the world map always frustrated me.  Surprised to hear someone playing and enjoying it, so curious if that got better.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I played ClokMud a lot, and they are relaxed about the roleplay. If it's something you want to try, give it a shot, because my experience is that there were a lot of friendly players on who would gladly help you RP. But you can also do a lot of crafting and fighting solo too.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LivingForGod1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Great topic here. I've tried several of these muds and really love Erion and Cosmic Rage. I also had a hard time with the stat training on Alter Aeon though. Deciding what to train when and how much to train it was always hard. I like Procedural Realms, although the last few times I've logged on, I got frustrated because I'm level 1 but couldn't find anything around my level to kill. I've heard of Clok but have doubts about playing it because I have no clue how to roleplay in a fantasy game so the required rp puts me off. I like Aardwolf as well, but I got a little tired of doing the same things over and over.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@karate25, the connection info for procedural realms is port 3000. the game was interesting when I tried, and having some really great access fixes, descriptions are very turse owing to the procedural generation, and I wish crafting felt a bit more hands on, on the other hand there is a lot to find and some quite unique systems in the game, and I believe a lot more stuff being added, so imho it's worth a try.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Uh, I used the "where" command on Aardwolf plenty of times to try and figure out where quest mobs were. Some mobs won't show up that way though, it's true, but many will. You can't run straight to their room, but you can run to the start of their area and then hunt them down that way. There are also spells and skills that can let you teleport randomly within a particular area, which can let you get past closed doors if you happen to have them. Seriously, most of the gripes being presented just aren't realistic.I do have a question for those of you who play Erion. So I went on the website yesterday and checked out the classes. It looks like some of the classes are fairly well balanced (humans, say?), but then it looks like some other races have abysmally low stat totals, or particularly high ones. I saw shade as being particularly high, and giant being particularly low. Is this imbalance overmatched by some sort of racial stuff I'm not seeing, or better evolutions, or is it just sloppy design?


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@Jason, I found Erion slow originally when I  played previously, but since crafting and massive revamps have been added, I don't find it as slow these days. Every level on Erion will cost between 50 and 150 k xp. Killing an enemy at your level will usually get between 500 and 1000 xp plus an additional 500 or so bonus xp. If playing on hardcore (which to be honest you can toggle on and off as you like and which usually you can leave on), every enemy will get you between 800 and 2000 xp, plus a thousand bonus xp. And that isn't counting things like xp boosts from potions and events and so on, or activities like smelting, , gardening or leather working, which can get you as much as 38 k xp in one go.the one area I do find Erion slow, is subclassing, since you need increasingly large amounts of xp to level each subclass, going as much as 3 million for the highest levels. Indeed, maybe that is why standard levelling in Erion doesn't feel slow to me right now, or maybe it was just that with a less useful race/class combo, I couldn't play in hardcore as much as I can with my current character.@Mirage, that is another difference between Erion and Aardwolf, when doing autoquests in Erion, you can use the "where" command to tell you what room of an area a mob is in. Usually using this command plus oscan and scan commands I found quests and expeditions more possible in Erion, although these days in Erion, quest eq has been removed and the main reason to do autoquests is either to save up and buy a player home token, or to buy extra trains.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

You need 800 to 1000 quest points every time you want to get to superhero. You don't need additional quest points ttoremort on top of that. If you want to superhero "loud", this will give the whole MUD double experience for a quarter hour, and it costs 200 more quest points. If you want to do it "quiet", then people don't get that bonus and you pay 200 qp less. Your very first superhero is free, or it was last time I played. I doubt they'd change that.It's usually easier to quest at low to mid levels, instead of getting to level 200 and trying to quest then. A lot of higher level areas are very difficult. Also, bear in mind that daily blessings can make your next 2-3 quests give double points, and there are also expeditions.So it's grindy as hell. Personally I am not a fan of this, since I am not a fan of auto-quests like this to begin with. But that's what you're dealing with.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Aardwolf question,Do you have to quest to remort? Or is it just for super hero?I play there occasionally, but my problem always is the timed quests.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Hi there Dark, karate25 here. You say you've played procedural realms? do you happen to have the connection info for that one? it sounds like something fun that I'd like to get into judging from the description on the site page. Have a wonderful day and merry Christmas.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Warrior-cleric on AA does work, I can attest to it. I'm partial to necro, myself, but my first couple of chars were warrior-clerics, and both classes have only gotten better, not worse, over the years.Dark, it's true that Aardwolf's goals can be infuriating at times. There are plenty of easy ones, but there are plenty of silly and pointless ones as well. Fun fact though? You absolutely do not have to trawl through off-site wiki in order to get gear that's perfectly serviceable for your level. I'm not sure when the last time you played Aardwolf was, but either you didn't know about the eqsearch command, or forgot about it. This command will, in most cases, tell you not only what piece of gear would work well in a given slot, but will also tell you which area it's to be found in. This doesn't mean it's optimized to give you the absolute, no-doubt-about-it best gear, because it isn't...but the gear it points you at will definitely suffice. As I said, I got through the entirety of first tier (that's seven remorts, if you're counting) as a venomist with only gear from the eqsearch command and the various goals I was able to pick up on my own. The having to buy quest eq at different levels is ridiculous, and I refuse to do it, but I can still play pretty handily. I'm only setting you straight here because you've got a habit of levelling undue criticism at certain games you don't favour. You did it with Materia Magica's quests, and you've done it more than once with Aardwolf. Aardwolf has many a flaw, and I'm right with you on some of the goals, but some of the equipment criticism just isn't valid, and quest criticism...well, what do you expect with auto-quests? If you get one where you figure out that a target is simply in a room you can't reach without doing a goal you can't figure out, give the quest up and try again. I don't think I've seen even one veteran Aardwolf player with a perfect 100% quest completion record, so it is absolutely not just you. Also, try campaigns, which you can do once per level, give you whole lists of monsters to kill, and can be completed over several days if you're into that. The rewards aren't perfectly commensurate with the difficulty (you don't get 14 times the goods for killing 14 mobs instead of 1, for instance) but if you're stumped on an area where you have to kill a given mob, you've got days instead of half an hour to figure it out.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

will warrior+cleric work on alter? it does sounds like an awesome combination, paladin, basicly. I will return to the game if it does. but wait, stats management will be a pain though I kind of agree about erion being slow, however I also agree that erion has more fun stuff to do. the friendly  environment is something that you need to considered as well. community is    great there.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

will warrior+cleric work on alter? it does sounds like an awesome combination, paladin, basicly. I will return to the game if it does. but wait, stats management will be a pain though 


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@crescent, fair enough. I did enjoy Aardwolf and got a fair ways, however a few things really irritated me, like the fact that goals were obscure, and that often you couldn't complete quests because of locked doors or other hazards that you needed to finish those obscure goals to get through, something about which the community were decidedly unhelpful.This combined with the total lack of assistance in game to find equipment without trawling partly updated wikis outside the mud, and the need to constantly rebuy quest eq over and over again were things that eventually just made the game too much of a slog for me, despite it having some really nice areas and some very good combat spam filters. Still, to each their own.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@Dark, yes, I know. I've been playing Erion. I just personally prefer aardwolf. Doesn't mean Erion is a bad game, its just not my favorite.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Dark, two things here.First, AA has six classes, not four. Also, when you're small and don't have more than one class to start with, asking for good combos is perfectly permissible. The game is actually balanced really, really well for the most part.Second, as far as training things, I'm not sure if you mean skills/spells but now they have all things you can practise listed as "obscure", "helpful", "important" and "critical", and they're pretty accurate. Now, as to stats, help files talk about this, but str helps you hit things, dex helps you dodge, int increases your magic damage and mana, wis improves mana regen and also helps with certain spell damage, con makes you beefier and cha helps you draw less aggro. Cleric, druid, mage and necro all use int, cha and wis as primary stats to some extent, so checking which class uses which stats would be advantageous.Now, for a couple of basic combos:Warrior+cleric: Hits fairly hard, can heal and tank well. Put thief third for better HP and more hitter skills, put mage third for more utility, such as shield spells. Rule of thumb: if you don't pick a minion class (druid or necro) either first or second, put them both sixth. And if you are primary druid or primary necro, put the other one sixth.Necro-mage: Pure blaster. Undead minions for hitting potential and to shield you from harm, mage spells for more blasting. Cleric third for higher mana and more utility, or warrior third for beefier HP.Thief-warrior: sneaky hitter, burst damage; put cleric third for the ability to heal and protect, or mage third for more utility. Remember, in this setup, necro and druid belong fifth and sixth.Druid-cleric: Minion class with plenty of utility. Putting mage third gives you more mana but makes you a bit squishier; putting warrior or thief third will give you some access to better defenses in case your minions don't cut it (druid minions aren't quite as tanky as some necro minions are).And there are loads of other combos, but the point is to pick something you like and run with it. It's a bit much if you're coming back to the game, but as someone who has literally done it over half a dozen times now over the years, I'm telling you it can be done.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@crescent, Erion is becoming very much it's own thing, it has the speed and ease of aardwolf if you just want to go and smack stuff, but it's got so much else to do, in particular, lots of it's none combat stuff at the moment. Alteraeon I really like, but in Alter, the problem I had was with four classes and so much complexity, the eq balancing, and what you should train was less clear, one reason why my alteraeon playing has tended to be intense, but sporadic, since if I get out of touch with the game, getting back into things is difficult. Erion hits the complexity curve just right for me, and has enough variety to let me switch around what I'm doing when I get sick of slaying monsters. this is doubly true now that achievements have been added, so there is some direct bennifit for doing things like exploring every room of an area.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Erion has more stuff to do and arguably is better designed. Classes definitely feel pretty unique, from what I can remember just takes dozens or hundreds of kills per level, and that's not cool when you're at level 1. Aardwolf will make you feel like you're getting bigger and badder all the time, which some people like. Seriously, when you're R7, you have all the skills and spells of thief, warrior, mage, cleric, psion, paladin and ranger. The order you picked your classes determines how good your skills are, so if you're a mage first, you won't be kicking stuff to death because your spells will be far better for damage.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

To me, Erion feels like a strange mix of altar aeon and aardwolf. still prefer aardwolf though.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Hi Dark.No, Medivia doesn't rely on ascii maps. You can turn those off and customize the prompt. I don't remember how to do that.I haven't touched it for many years, so i don't know if they've went commercial. I didn't had to pay for anything then I played the game, and I completed one class, so I played a lot.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

One advantage Aardwolf has over Erion - and it's a fairly distinct one - is that on Aardwolf, you will gain levels quickly. This means you will gain spells and skills quickly. Also, the way you play Aardwolf, you'll eventually play all seven classes and have most of their skills and spells. Then you re-tier, and lose almost everything, and your experience till next level goes up. Point being, though, that if you want to hit the ground running on a game, Aardwolf does better here.That said, Aardwolf is cyclical. You will probably find yourself running the same content each time you get to level x, unless you want to explore and change stuff up. So it's meant for more hardcore grinding. That may suit some people more. Me, I'm of mixed feelings about it, but the fact that I'm not playing either of these games right now will kinda tell you where I fall.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@Slj, I thought Medeivia relied heavily on ascii maps, though I might not have that right, I also thought they went commercial at one point, though what their status is now I don't know. I'd personally recommend Erion over Aardwolf myself, but it's up to you, indeed Erion is getting a lot more distinct from Aardwolf than it was, what with the crafting, many more missions and minigames and such, and now it's own Alteraeon style mushclient pack too.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Hi.I have read the topic with interest. Wow so many great explanations.I don't play muds very often. I'm simply afraid of playing muds, because I always get sucked into the game so much so I forget all about the real life and spend all my time playing the game, because there is always something new to do. However, I hope I'll learn to restrict myself so I can dive into more muds in the future.Aardwolf sounds amazing. Thanks for those cool descriptions.Frandom sounds like my kind of things, since I care more about exploration than fighting.I haven't played many muds, but here are the muds I really like:1. Alter aeon:Well, I never got very far in the game, and I plan to start playing again when I get more time. I love how easy the mud is to play, the multiclassing, of course the huge sound pack, questing and how much there is to explore in the huge world.2. Medivia:I haven't touched this mud for many years, but it'll always bring back a lot of memories. This is the mud which really showed me why I need to restrict myself when playing muds. Lol. I like the very realistic world combined with fantasy, lots of ways for transportation around the world, and a ton of activities going on all the time. I have never seen a more active mud than Medivia, but again, I haven't played many muds. If I had no job and no life, then I could live inside this mud all day and night. This mud might be for those who don't like multiclassing. You play one class at the time, and you can unlock the next class when your current class has been maxed out.I just thought about logging into the mud again while writing about it, but if I do that, I'll just forget all about Christmas and life again. Lol.3. Cosmic Rage:This world is just wow. I love all the hightech in this mud, the world in generel, all the activities and the ground combat. I don't like ship combat in generel, but I think the developers have made the ship combat in a great way compared to other muds I have played, where I found ship combat impossible.I like the great stuff about pets which you can control remotely. I also like how you can help other players with a lot of things, of course under their control. Again, this mud made me forget all about life, so I stopped playing, because other games got my interest and because I simply spend too much time playing the game.I hope to dive into more muds in the future, but it's hard to keep up with everything. 


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

i haven't really got a top 5 but the mud that i really miss is wayfare1444. now that really was brilliant. it's a shame that wasn't further developped because that potentially could have been huge.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@mirage, interesting topic, also interesting to hunt out my post in the original topic Which can be found here, and think what has changed/stayed the same. here are my top 5 in no particular order, though bare in mind several muds I need to try, or get into after a less helpful start, including haelrav and Asteria (last I tried Asteria, combat was super quick and super easy to die in), whilst tempest season I loved what I played, but got rudely interupted by my lady's hospital appointments and haven't been back since. so, with those provisos here are probably my current top 5, in no particular order. 1: Erion: probably not a surprise to anyone whose seen the erion topic and how much I've played this one recently. Great development, lots of things to do and the best fetures of aardwolf, quick quests, nice/race and class selection and an easy game to get into, without the less good features of aardwolf, impossible to finish autoquests, ridiculously hard goals, and a community which is none too friendly, plus of course, Erion is making itself more unique these days with all the crafting and other activities and minigames, and continual and rapid development.2: Cosmic rage: Yeah, we can all complain about the balance or grind issues and have our peeves with the game, but that still doesn't shake the fact that so much of the game is fantastic. A very unique world, and activities that are in many instances fun to do (still love asteroid processing), plus staff who are actually improving the game and adding more things. I also like the fact cosmic rage has so many small details, from taking showers to making your own home, which make it feel like a fully realised world, whether you choose to roleplay or not. 3: Flexible survival: Not recommended to under aged players or those bothered by descriptions of extremely lurid  sexual acts between mutant creatures. However, that aside, the game itself is incredibly unique. Combat that plays like a combination real time and turn based, a crafting system with recipes and even crafting missions that lets you make nearly anything, childbirth, with mutant children who can fight along side you in combat tangeable rewards for roleplaying, points for simply wandering around and exploring, or for how many enemies you see, plus a surprisingly friendly and accepting community, with extremely strong controls in place to insure sexual roleplaying between pcs is restricted only to those who want it. Really, this game has got so many systems I've never seen anywhere else, from community building projects to introduce new features, to gamebook style events to improve your character and the world at large, to even the ability to choose the level of npcs you fight. My only criticism, is that firstly, getting into things is a little difficultyt, one reason why I haven't been back in over a year since once out of the loop getting back in isn't entirely easy, and also, the game does offer paid accounts and a patrol point system which can be a bit restrictive for long sessions. 4: Frandom: probably the single best game I've seen for questing, albeit this is one I need to get back into. think of a world where there is nothing but! ability to wander around and find things, and where your rewarded with experience not for fighting enemies, but for what things you discover. I do wish updates were a little more frequent, but the game was still fun last I checked. 5: Alteraeon: Yeah, everyone knows it, still great. my only miner issue with alteraeon is again, with 4 classes and so many skills, knowing what to train or how to balance is a little difficult, albeit your never short of something to do. Honourable mentions: Clok, great for crafting and exploring, albeit I've not been back in a while. Core mud, wow! do I wish this one got updates, since the world and setting, and activities are so unique. Avalon the legend lives, some of the most glorious writing I've ever seen, but wow is this a difficult game to get into. 4 dimensions: Unique idea, great world, but too many near impossible quests, and a less than helpful community, albeit one of the best newbie experiences I've seen and some truly unique crafting activities.7th plane: fantastic crafting, great exploring but needs more descriptions. Procedural realms: rather like 7th plane in many ways, albeit since things are procedurally generated there is a reason why. I spent a surprising while on this one though, and with some tweaks I could see this becoming pretty awesome.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I love Aarchon, mainly for the amount of races you can play and unlock.In reference to Icesus, there are so many Muds I would love to try, except for that damn rent on exit policy, (looking at you Ancient Anguish).


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@10. Interesting. I've never heard of icesus. I think that's one I'm going to check out. For Ereon, I agree about the xp thing, but that kind of changed when I realized I could cast a spell that increased my xp. If your in the newbie house, this is a thing. Not sure about any other houses, since I'm like level 5 or something.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

My top five often depends on mood, but here goes. Bear in mind that I'm not ranking these in a specific order, because I am quite picky and, depending again on mood, I can drop one or any of these MUDS for awhile for getting on my nerves.1. Alter AeonVery, very easy to get into, and it's got cohesive storyline, little dungeons to explore, and constant quests, both the straightforward kind and the slightly less obvious kind. Syntax is almost always simple. Progression starts fast, then slows down. Classes are pretty well balanced against each other, and I actually like the multi-classing aspect. Gripes: progress gets too slow, cohesion breaks down once you hit the mainland for the most part, no playable races aside from human.2. The Unofficial Squaresoft MUDIf you like Squaresoft games, this is probably the best game to represent them. Starts easy, gets insanely grindy. Missions replace quests and tell stories; some of them are quick, others will take awhile, most are just killing tons of mobs for a goal. Bosses are unique and interesting, and the job system is very complex. You can also unlock multiple races, each of which plays somewhat differently. The amount of info that is gatekept by rules about Qinfo is shrinking. Gripes: death hurts...a lot. The grind gets really tedious eventually, with power-ups feeling more and more incremental vs. the time you put in. The admins seem okay with making the game generally harder, not easier. Some fights are very difficult with a screenreader because stuff happens extremely fast and it's hard to react.3. IcesusThis one is huge, and I haven't been there in awhile. It's LP-style, so it absolutely does have guess-the-verb-style quests. Races are complex, and so are guilds. Tons of customization and a lot to explore. Gripes: not a lot of direction, so it's easy to get lost or get killed. Overworld is absolutely enormous; you might literally spend fifteen minutes moving from one city to another in realtime, and while I appreciate the size and scope, practicality is an issue. You do have to rent still, which I'm not a fan of; I want to be able to quit wherever I choose, and whenever, with little to no penalty.4. AardwolfThis is where I go if I just want to bash mobs and not think about it. The game is quite simplistic at its core, and I don't get a whole lot out of it most of the time. It takes a long time to get uber-powerful, but it's not especially difficult, just long. Quests and expeditions are very dull and don't make me want to do any more of them than I absolutely have to for the sake of character progression. Gripes: guess-the-verb-style puzzles, where you're not supposed to ask for help in public. People constantly bombarding you to buy quest equipment even though the game is perfectly playable without it. Being forced to do autoquests with absolutely no depth just to advance my character. No depth, period, for the most part.5. 3 ScapesI prefer this to 3 kingdoms because guild advancement is much, much quicker on 3 scapes. Guilds appear to vary a great deal, and players are friendly. It's not too hard to get started, and there are flavours of playstyle for almost everyone. Gripes: More syntax silliness in quests, plus draconian Qinfo policies. Tons of info about guilds is stuff you shouldn't talk about, ostensibly so newbies can "find out on their own", which usually translates to newbies "playing sub-optimally until they stumble on stuff that more elite players are likely sharing privately amongst themselves". Levelling slows down drastically in the 20s, and battles are set-and-forget for the most part.Honourable Mentions:Aarchon: If I don't want to play Aardwolf, but I want to bash mobs, this is where I go. Almost empty, but arguably better balanced. Unique remorting puzzles plus ascension powers and pretty unique classes for the most part (I like monk and paladin).3 Kingdoms: If I want higher levels and better exploring over 3 Scapes, this is where I go. Also, more friendly Qinfo rules. Always handy.Erion: I've got to really sit down and give this one a chance, but lack of storyline and huge exp-to-level put me off every time. The little daily puzzles and games are fun, and there's a lot here. I'm tempted, but just not sold on it.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@8Exactly. That's something I love about that game. Your character can actually have hobbies outside of their job. I just made a new character, and I'm honestly excited for actual development. It's so nice to play a game where you can have a main thing that you do, but its okay to try other things too, but not be great at everything. I'm just rambling, but I just like games where my character can have a full personality supported by game mechanics.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I have to say that I completely agree about Clok mud. I absolutely love this mud and it's one of my favorites honestly. I love the fact that even though I'm a mercinary for the western coalition, I'm still able to have fun and have plenty of hobbies like blacksmithing, woodworking hunting and carpentry along with mining and lapidary work for gems. And I can do it all at will. When you log into clok mud, it's not so much like oh my goodness, what quest do I have to do today in order to level up, but rather there aren't any levels and you can do anything you darn well please and go back and fourth just as you choose. I also have taken up playing star conquest again having just created a new account theere, I have a starmourn character but honestly haven't touched that one in I can't tell you how long although I do like that one.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

I remember that one, I definitely was thinking of that movie, inside out the entire time I was in that area.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Aardwolf gets an Honorable Mention for me.IMO, it's the best Mud for those who have never played a Mud before, because the tutorial is so extensive.I do love the hilarious areas, especially that one where the food is fighting you, and then the other one where you are fighting feelings.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crescent via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Going to keep an eye on this to help  find new games.1. Clok. I just love that my character can actually do something without necessarily classing. Love crafting in this game, and the setting, and the rp.2. Discworld. Okay, this is tied for number 1, but, alphabetical order.  I absolutely love this mud. I love being able to walk around all of these different places, on different continents, and actually feel like I'm doing something. I mean, I love seeing different descriptions, rather than just a repeated description. I love the guilds, and that you don't even have to pick one if you don't want to. I love the quests, and just overall a fun game for me.3. Aardwolf. I love that I can just play for a little bit and get something done. I love that I don't really have to focus on what i'm doing, but if I want to, then I have plenty of goals to complete. I love the cartoonish feeling I get from some of the areas, and the feeling that I don't have to take things so seriously.4. star Conquest. Okay, so, I haven't played in almost a year, but still. I love the profiles in this game. I like having a plan for a character that I want to play, and the feeling that my character actually has a personality outside of my own. I love being brought into a group of players, and actually being accepted. I love that when I played, people made it a point to get me involved, and I wasn't just left out.5. Erion? I couldn't really pick a mud for the fifth position, but I'm going with this one. I like the scramble game, and I love the witch class. Not much to say about this one though.Muds I want to play, but haven't for whatever reason1. Haelrahv. I really want to try this one, but haven't been able to make an account.2. New Horizons. I technically have tried this one, but I really don't have the motivation to play.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Thanks for the suggestionsNow that i ran out of video games to play and all the new ones that are coming out are not playable  or not interesting, i have started to  mud hop but nothing seems to  catch my interest.I've played hellmoo and its derivatives for 10 years, enjoyed  its game mechanic balance, its drama and player fights and all the fun stuff in it. during all of that, i tried to play alter but was put off by lack of player driven stories, the game forcing you to multiclass and the fact that you had to grind and grind and grind, so that you could reach where other players were there for years, e.g. no uniqueness.After my friends left hellmoo to get on with their lives the next mud i tried asteria mud. This one had a  few things that caught my attention real quick. first of all, a very beautiful map. felt as if you were really in a beautiful place. second, a very relaxed but serious roleplay, story between guilds. You could jump in and become a factor in your guild. guilds controlled parts of the map and did not really like each other, so there were events and invasions sometimes.  third, it had lots and lots and lots of fun quests. I like the fact that there were no super dooper hard puzzles but just lots of fun quests to run around and complete. I really don't like coming home from a 14 hour work time to play a game where it wants me to guess words and commands and spend 30 minutes running to complete a puzzle. Asteria's quests was  very relaxing and enjoying to finish. Also to top it off, their class system was fun. nothing super unique but the rangers were really good at hiding and letting out arrows.Asteria closed for more development and is still in development.So next i moved to a tempest season. Two huge things about this mud. First, it has a super unique classing system if there's one mud that has the assassin class right, it's probably this mud. Amazing wizard class as well, cool abilities and synergies between your staff and your telekinetic abilities!ATS also had a relaxed roleplay and story as well, so beside getting to the top, you had  stories to make as well and the grind wasn't for nothing.ATS is empty of players now and everyone seems to be just taking a break.So it seems that there's nothing to suit my play style or my interest at the moment. I like unique classes, monks/illusionist/assassin/wizards, a lively map, fun quests, player economy and stories.edit: just forgot to mention asteria had a unique class system as well, you had to choose your abilities and mix to build your own character


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Thanks for the suggestionsNow that i ran out of video games to play and all the new ones that are coming out are not playable  or not interesting, i have started to  mud hop but nothing seems to  catch my interest.I've played hellmoo and its derivatives for 10 years, enjoyed  its game mechanic balance, its drama and player fights and all the fun stuff in it. during all of that, i tried to play alter but was put off by lack of player driven stories, the game forcing you to multiclass and the fact that you had to grind and grind and grind, so that you could reach where other players were there for years, e.g. no uniqueness.After my friends left hellmoo to get on with their lives the next mud i tried asteria mud. This one had a  few things that caught my attention real quick. first of all, a very beautiful map. felt as if you were really in a beautiful place. second, a very relaxed but serious roleplay, story between guilds. You could jump in and become a factor in your guild. guilds controlled parts of the map and did not really like each other, so there were events and invasions sometimes.  third, it had lots and lots and lots of fun quests. I like the fact that there were no super dooper hard puzzles but just lots of fun quests to run around and complete. I really don't like coming home from a 14 hour work time to play a game where it wants me to guess words and commands and spend 30 minutes running to complete a puzzle. Asteria's quests was  very relaxing and enjoying to finish. Also to top it off, their class system was fun. nothing super unique but the rangers were really good at hiding and letting out arrows.Asteria closed for more development and is still in development.So next i moved to a tempest season. Two huge things about this mud. First, it has a super unique classing system if there's one mud that has the assassin class right, it's probably this mud. Amazing wizard class as well, cool abilities and synergies between your staff and your telekinetic abilities!ATS also had a relaxed roleplay and story as well, so beside getting to the top, you had  stories to make as well and the grind wasn't for nothing.ATS is empty of players now and everyone seems to be just taking a break.So it seems that there's nothing to suit my play style or my interest at the moment. I like unique classes, monks/illusionist/assassin/wizards, a lively map, fun quests, player economy and stories.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

Now that i ran out of video games to play and all the new ones that are coming out are not playable  or not interesting, i have started to  mud hop but nothing seems to  catch my interest.I've played hellmoo and its derivatives for 10 years, enjoyed  its game mechanic balance, its drama and player fights and all the fun stuff in it. during all of that, i tried to play alter but was put off by lack of player driven stories, the game forcing you to multiclass and the fact that you had to grind and grind and grind, so that you could reach where other players were there for years, e.g. no uniqueness.After my friends left hellmoo to get on with their lives the next mud i tried asteria mud. This one had a  few things that caught my attention real quick. first of all, a very beautiful map. felt as if you were really in a beautiful place. second, a very relaxed but serious roleplay, story between guilds. You could jump in and become a factor in your guild. guilds controlled parts of the map and did not really like each other, so there were events and invasions sometimes.  third, it had lots and lots and lots of fun quests. I like the fact that there were no super dooper hard puzzles but just lots of fun quests to run around and complete. I really don't like coming home from a 14 hour work time to play a game where it wants me to guess words and commands and spend 30 minutes running to complete a puzzle. Asteria's quests was  very relaxing and enjoying to finish. Also to top it off, their class system was fun. nothing super unique but the rangers were really good at hiding and letting out arrows.Asteria closed for more development and is still in development.So next i moved to a tempest season. Two huge things about this mud. First, it has a super unique classing system if there's one mud that has the assassin class right, it's probably this mud. Amazing wizard class as well, cool abilities and synergies between your staff and your telekinetic abilities!ATS also had a relaxed roleplay and story as well, so beside getting to the top, you had  stories to make as well and the grind wasn't for nothing.ATS is empty of players now and everyone seems to be just taking a break.So it seems that there's nothing to suit my play style or my interest at the moment. I like unique classes, monks/illusionist/assassin/wizards, a lively map, fun quests, player economy and stories.


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

@2 its actually easy to start crafting missions if you go to crafters forge, I wont spoil to you how to enter the actuall thing after entering the area though unles you want me to 


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Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

A few years ago, someone created a "top 5 muds" topic. I loved it, because I found so many suggestions for new Muds to try.I don't know about others, but I have tried more Muds, and my perspective has changed a lot in the last few years.So as of today, what are your top five favorite Muds?Have they changed?Do you look for things in a good game now, that may be different than when you were a new Mudder?


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Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

My top five is completely different than it was a few years ago.1. Accursed LandsWhile I wish there was farming and more to do with cooking, this Mud has one of the most in-depth crafting systems I have found. I like the "realistic" feel of the wilderness, and the lore in this one is interesting. I love the fact that you can build your own housing, and you have a few options for doing so. It just needs a few more players.2. HaelrahvThis is a Mud I discovered only three weeks ago, but it has something I haven't found in other Muds. There is a really unique combination of "low tech" and "high tech." You can fish and forage, but you can also shoot things with pulse weapons and fly in planes. The crafting is deep, and the player base is friendly. Best of all, the developer is so quick to make changes that improve accessibility. Interesting classes, and new players can make money easily by crafting and selling foraged things.3. ErionThis one is fun for the minigames it throws in, along with the regular mudding experience. It is easy to quest, so you feel like you have a hope of getting the big quest point rewards that come with so many games. It has crafting, but I have not found the quest to start that yet. It also has some really fun and different races.4. DiscWorldThe sheer magnitude of content in this one makes it awesome. It is much easier to do jobs and earn money, thanks to the Mush version of it. You could spend forever just shopping, eating at the restaurants, and traveling around the massive world.5. ClokI still like the rustic feel of this Mud, and the farming is phenomenal. The lore is great, and combat is fun.


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Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Top 5 Mud List: The Sequel

A few years ago, someone created a "top 5 muds" topic. I loved it, because I found so many suggestions for new Muds to try.I don't know about others, but I have tried more Muds, and my perspective has changed a lot in the last few years.So as of today, what are your top five favorite Muds?Have they changed?Do you look for different things in a good game now, that may be different than when you were a new Mudder?


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : potterspotter13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Ok, as i've seen star conquest mentioned several times, I'll post here. Here, for your conveenience, is a star conquest, fixed, sound pack which i hope you find helpful. all i did was update the triggers in the pack, and several, i know, may have some issues, but nothing i can do about that as of yet, as i'm not the gratest with the vip mud sintacks. well, without any further rambling on my part download it from Here


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Are you using my soundpack? If not, you'll have to autoload plugins from your mush-z directory to make it readable, notably mushreader. My soundpack I think I have all plugins loaded though. Saves your time and gives quite an experience if ya wanna try.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sorressean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I've played probably hundreds of muds in the past few years. Sadly some of my favorite muds are ones that aren't complete or have vanished. Dark legacy, for example would be amazing if things wer fleshed out. Godwars II is always and forever probably going to be at the top of the list, project bob was great and GWSE is still my all-time favorite abandoned mud.As someone who has done dev work on PROMO, I'm a bit depressed with that place. I love the staff but it needs Jack to care to get things done. We did get some really cool stuff in though like better star research and relics are pretty dam amazing right now, so that's always fun. CR just felt really grindy to me and I couldn't be interested in progressing. I botted what I could and still it was boring. (Yes, I know I broke the rules).AA has always felt like it suffers from a ton of balance issues, and I'm not a fan of the staff, but it's not a bad game really if there's nowh
 ere else to go. I'll spend hours on Godwars grinding or minmaxing eq before I'll spend 30 minutes on AA, though.Awakenedworlds is fun, lots of exploring. I spent a good long while there and enjoyed it. There are some pretty big issues, but it's not awful.Nothing else is coming to mind right away.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

thanks a lot Dark, will give that a try.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hi Shrike. MushZ is specifically written for alteraeon. I do believe there is a way to configure it to play other muds, but how I am not sure.I'd personally recommend Vipmud from as a really easy to use, straight forward mud client that will work fine with most screen readers or with sapi. It is a commercial program, but the restrictions in the free version are very minimal, I indeed used the free version for quite a while myself before actually buying, plus if you mean to play cosmic rage, the games' default soundpack is written for Vipmud and works very well with it. hth.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hi guys,I wonder if any of you can help me.I have only ever played alter aeon, and there is a reason for this,   I use mush z and found no other mud seems to work when I try to connect to the ports.the games I am really interested in playing are. clok. cosmic rage and for single player purposes frandum.can anyone suggest a simple mud client I can try so I can access these games?I tried to play cyber assault using mush z but when I was connecting to the world there was no feedback from my screen reader then after 30 seconds it would boot me off the server.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@Dan C, have you tried legends of the jedi mud? I've heard a lot about them and they have an entry on @Quanin, Rp in muds is less my  interest personally, so I've tended to look into muds like inquisition legacy a little less in favour of those with activities or quests etc. Star conquest as I said earlier I loved for it's world and writing and indeed the activities and quests looked great even  you didn't want to do too much rp,  between the extremely spammy combat which got my ship destroyed twice, admins  refused to discuss accessibility for said spammy dcombat, and the fact that  my ship was destroyed there was nothing I could do and I was literally told to go and beg other players of my faction I  quit feeling pretty disappointed. Galaxy web sounds interestingthough for myself I am loving cosmic rage, indeed I need to get back onto the game and give farming a try.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

My top 5, in no particular order:1. Eternal Struggle MUD (defunct) - Was the absolute hands down best RP MUD of its time. Very detailed - and original - theme, active playerbase, staff who knew what they were doing. The only reason it shut down was the owner couldn't afford to keep it running. Full disclosure: I did 2 tours as a member of this MUD's staff.2: The Inquisition: Legacy - Very similar RP model to Eternal Struggle, with some differences I wasn't entirely sure I was a fan of. Again, original-ish theme, though not as ficticious as ES. Again, highly active playerbase with some pretty involved roleplay aspects. The plots were decent at the time as well. I haven't had as much time as I'd like to get back into it, unfortunately - you definitely need to have a couple hours free if you want to do anything significant with your RP. Disclosure: I was a staffer briefly on this MUD. Nothing too consequencial - for a couple years, I handled their
  website.3: Star conquest - Not, exactly, what I'd call an RP MUD, but they try. They could do with a little less required grinding - particularly since the only thing it actually lets you do is make money, but I like a lot of the systems they put in place. that's another one you kind of require a lot of free time to get fully into - which, what with me putting in 12-hour days these days, is why I haven't been as active there as I'd like. relatedly, I should probably log in if only long enough to make sure they don't nuke my character. Again.4: Galaxy Web, Stellar Epic - Not nearly an RP MUD, but was a fun excuse to grind. Space-based, like Star Conquest, but with some very different systems - including the option, if you were experienced enough, of owning your own spaceport and potentially using that as an excuse to make money. Was fairly open-ended, I thought, and a very small part of me looks forward to the day it comes back. Yeah, I know, but
  a geek can dream.5: Fallen Empires - The very, and I do mean very, first pure PK MUD I ever played (disclosure: I was a staffer on that MUD until it closed). That MUD ran off a heavily modified version of the original Godwars code. You can probably find a version or two of the Fallen Empires codebase floating about nowadays, but I wish you nothing but luck if you can actually get it running on a current system. In fact if I'm bored enough I may do that on the VPS I've set up specificly for MUD development.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I sure wish I could find a dcent star wars mud.  I keep going back to revenge of the jedi as it's easy to get into, but that place has so many things I dislike in muds.  Lack of descriptions, grinding with bearly any quests, and renting huge amounts of money.  I keep trying to persevere though.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hmmm, soul keeper I have looked at the lost souls wiki, but whenever I try to get a handle on the game or systems like combat and learning skills I get a little lost. I also couldnt' determine to what extent Lost souls was the usual hack n slash, to what extent skill based training, and to what extent quest and exploration orientated, i.e what you actually do! in the game. I've been feeling a wee bit of mud burn out recently, but Lost souls is one I do need to remember to investigate at some stage, along with new moon, cleft of dimentions, Epitaff, lensmoor, and god knows how many others .


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Soul Keeper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Think the only one I'd have on my top five that isn't listed here is probably lost souls. I'm sure I've ranted about it before, but its uniqueness and attention to lore always amazes me. Maybe there's not a crafting system (yet) but everything from the races to the classes to the artifacts are not stock -- sure many draw inspiration from other sources, but that clash of objects woven into a cohesive tapestry of history and myth just makes it all the better. Not to mention how awesome the player base tends to be, and how much attention is given to making sure the mud remains accessible.Others I'd list include seventh plain, god wars II, empire mud, and...ehh, I guess inferno moo isn't too bad for a while.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I was mudding for quite a long time but didn't find ideal game for me, but here are five muds that are best of what I've played1. Aardwolf: quite alot of unique mechanics2. Erion: Same as first.3. Frandum: this mud is nearest to my imagined ideal MUD but still nope.4. Alteraeon: I love quests there5. Killer MUD: that is a polish mud, you can still try it if you want. Small, but verry dedicated playerbase.And now something about my ideal mud: I am searching for a game that quests are most important. The game should have good storry that I can progress through. It can be even SUD actually


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@mektastic, interesting. I tried diskworld but as I said awrlier really didn't get on very well at all since I absolutely couldn't find anything to actually do in the game but wander around the city killing ravens and when I aksed  players just waxed lyrical about how hard it was to be a newbie and dint' actually tell me where I could go and get a quest or start training skills or doing anything but wander and kill small wild life. I was particularly disappointed in diskworld how little interaction notable npcs from the books such as corporal knobs had.I wonder how rp heavy the iron realms muds are these days?  I did once hear they took rp to a ridiculous level, where you acutally had to literally write an essay to progress further and enter a guild.I've seen references to legends of the jedi around but don't know much about the game. the others you mention other than star conquest are new to me. Though I actually wish P
 roject bob would get back up. I tried it very briefly back in the day and it seemed firstly rather confusing and secondly severely lacking in description, but I suspect I was a little too hasty not to put time into it. I do recall a post saying the game might be resurfacing a while back, but nothing on their website or connection info as yet.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mektastic via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I thought I'd chime in with my top five favorite muds of all time, each holding a very special place in my heart. I have been mudding since 2001 and won't be stopping anytime soon.1. DiscworldIt was the first, and in my opinion, the very best. I started out here, long before terrains were a thing. I accidentlaly led a group of people off of the Ramtops and we all died together. It is a feature-rich mud filled with things to do, people to see, and ways to play. Now it is a lot bigger with the terrains, and sometimes it's hard to get started on, but it is so worth it if you stick it out. If you want to just hang out and gain idle xp while chatting with other players, fine. If you want to min-max and be a BAMF in terms of beating up NPC's and getting your skills up? All the better. If you want to just get your crafting skills up and make quilts, that's fine too. With its quirky cast of characters, it's a fun place to be.2. Legends of
  the JediI knew nothing about Star Wars when I played. I ended up staffing on this mud for years. Roleplay-intensive and full of delicious rp goodness, this mud kept me thoroughly entertained with its approach to both character development and the initial player wipe stages. You can make a lot of equipment, do some quests, and get involved in rp, and it's all good. Hooray for muds that are fun, free, and delicious!3. AchaeaIt took me a while to get in to Achaea. One of the things that I relaly enjoy about it is that there really is something for everyone. The world is so well written that RP is the norm and is not difficult. With its mix of houses, crafting options, and ways to grow in the city, this is a great game when it comes to collaborating with others.4. Project BobDefunct and no longer online, this was the best of muds.  You could gather stuff for crafting, go in to areas and set the difficulties, enter missions, and just enjoy! Y
 ou could bot if you wanted to, or choose to collaborate with others, but there were always things to max and to do. I miss it a lot. I even wrote a scary episode for it that dealt with disappearing villagers.5. Cosmic RageI'm really enjoying the rp, the ability to craft and customize, the ability to work hard and learn new things and always see some progress. The players are wonderful, the staff is very friendly, and I'm really glad I gave it a chance.Honorable Mentionsstar ConquestI spent a lot of time on this mud with two different characters. I enjoy roleplaying very much and this scratched that persistent rp itch.End of TimeWho doesn't want a fun, final Fantasy mud to play with features so unique that I'm just a little intimidated?Unwritten LegendsOh how I love this game! I spent lots of time on it, leveling up a character and just being involved in fun rp. I love that you could fight and gain xp,
  then do other stuff while it drained in to a different pool.Dragon RealmsI really like the idea of this mud, but the crap you have to do just to log on is enough to make me not care about playing it. It is the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen. Muds are a dying breed as is, the very least that games can do is not be so proprietary about its log-in systems.This thread is so much fun to read, and I'm always looking for that next fun mud, even if it's just to drop in for a short visit. I also love to game with others, so if you ever want to check something out, send me a PM!


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@mirage interesting. I did give avalon a third try recently but even though I put time in as before I just got lost when I finished the newbie academy  and had chosen a guild (alchemists as it happens). I wound up with nothing to do, help[ files that were so wordy I didn't know how to get started, and confusing things about badges I had no idea where to start with and made polite requests to the point I felt like I was getting on everyone's nurves, but couldn't do anything else since I had no idea how to get into any! activities in the game and wound up sitting around feeling like a spare part until i gave up. cthulhu mud is another I've not tried or heard of, I'd be interested to know more, especially because it's lovecraft's writing that was horrific and that would be something which could be represented in text, albeit I'm trying Cyber assault right now.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I'd do, if my university didn't block the port to that's nice, but it's blocked which is sad. i can only play while at home and it's not fun leaving my char like that and come back after a long while


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luciana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Thanks Jason! I forgot you playing this game too   But the problem is that I can get it working, only once, after the installation. Next time I login everything goes caboom. I am not sure if I will change my settings, I just wanna wait for mush pack   I'd even creat one if I'd had better skills than I do now.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I just don't like that hellmoo is full of trolls now. it used to be cool before. i even thought of making soundpack for it but back then i didn't know how.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

You can't get credits like that in Hellmoo anymore.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

*this post is not for the easily perverted.And finally Dark spelled my name right! Lol just kidding. It was "marta" all the previous times lol.Anyway I'm glad you open your mind to try Ca again. It's a great mud, I rank it as great as Alter if you're into it. The theme is kinda weird, but fun in its own way. The community isn't overly polite, but it's so far the only, really only mud I've never seen drama at all in my whole 3 years of playing. We just have "fracking fun" there.And even though there's an area like "the best little whorehouse in Dixie" (which I think came from "the best little whorehouse in texus", it's far, far less dirty than say, flexible survival or hellmoo. At least we don't have "fuck" system that you just go and make the best unit on earth by doing that all day, rofl. I'm not even kidding! The best way to gain credit in Hellmoo is by "fuc


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

And finally Dark spelled my name right! Lol just kidding. It was "marta" all the previous times lol.Anyway I'm glad you open your mind to try Ca again. It's a great mud, I rank it as great as Alter if you're into it. The theme is kinda weird, but fun in its own way. The community isn't overly polite, but it's so far the only, really only mud I've never seen drama at all in my whole 3 years of playing. We just have "fracking fun" there.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

My Top Five1. Cismic Rage - What doesn't this mud have? So many activities for leveling that you could never get bored. Crafting. Building and design of your own home from level 1. Customization forever!2. Avalon RPGThe writing and description on this Mud are incredible! I could go on there and just read for days!3. ClokI had a ton of fun on this one, just for all the crafting and realism.4. Cthulhu MudAn H.P. Lovecraft-themed Mud. Need I say more? I'm just sad the player base seems to have disappeared completely.5. tie between Alteraeon and Materia MagicaThese two have a lot of depth, great soundpacks, and I keep returning to them, no matter what others I play.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@Mata, Having read this topic I am thinking of giving Cyber assault another go since it does have a good legacy in the community,  of course there are lots of muds I need to try, but right now I think I'm in the mood for a break from the usual fantasy setting. Back in 2011  so when I asked on the audeasy mailing list (where one member is a major player of the gameI was told the game had no screen reader friendly settings and if I was finding combat spammy it was my own fault for not using my client properly and not writing my own scripts, needless to say that wasn't exactly encouraging. I also recall not particularly liking the theme of the game when I tried it, one reason I didn't persist more than I had, but again I don't know if this was to do with the fact that I wasn't in a particularly cheerful frame of mind when I tried the game, odds are I'd be in a position to enjoy things rather more now.@Caccio, I don't kn
 ow about something space based, but there are a couple of cyberpunk games around that might be what your looking for. The first is a mud recently recommended in the new releases room in This topic by the name of cybersphere. it apparently has various activities, and extensive roleplaying in a cyberpunk world, and is not based on qusts or the usual progression through monster murder. What I couldn't determine from the topic is to what extent the the games' activities actually involve doing things within the game, and to what extent they exist primarily unrestricted rp between players and their writing, or to use technical language whether or not the game is a mud or a mush (a heavily rp orientated mud with few to no actual mechanics and everything via textual roleplay). Still you might want to give it a look.The other is SyndomeThis again is
  cyberpunk, though looking at the website I can say this one definitely has stats and activities to follow and is heavily rp orientated. It did get good voting on mud connector, though then again how much this is an indication of quality I don't know (poor frandom gets very few votes and yet the game is awesome).


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@Mata, Having read this topic I am thinking of giving Cyber assault another go since it does have a good legacy in the community. Back in 2011  so when I asked on the audeasy mailing list (where one member is a major player of the gameI was told the game had no screen reader friendly settings and if I was finding combat spammy it was my own fault for not using my client properly and not writing my own scripts, needless to say that wasn't exactly encouraging. I also recall not particularly liking the theme of the game when I tried it, one reason I didn't persist more than I had, but again I don't know if this was to do with the fact that I wasn't in a particularly cheerful frame of mind when I tried the game, odds are I'd be in a position to enjoy things rather more now.@Caccio, I don't know about something space based, but there are a couple of cyberpunk games around that might be what your looking for. The first is a m
 ud recently recommended in the new releases room in This topic by the name of cybersphere. it apparently has various activities, and extensive roleplaying in a cyberpunk world, and is not based on qusts or the usual progression through monster murder. What I couldn't determine from the topic is to what extent the the games' activities actually involve doing things within the game, and to what extent they exist primarily unrestricted rp between players and their writing, or to use technical language whether or not the game is a mud or a mush (a heavily rp orientated mud with few to no actual mechanics and everything via textual roleplay). Still you might want to give it a look.The other is SyndomeThis again is cyberpunk, though looking at the website I can say this one definitely has stats and activities to follow and is heavily rp orientated. It did get good voting on mud connector, though then again how much this is an indication of quality I don't know (poor frandom gets very few votes and yet the game is awesome).


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Thanks for all the explanations Dark, I perfectly understand, and agree with your point, meaning the one about the listed MUDs on this website.So, after settling this little misunderstanding in a friendly manner, back to my wish to find a futuristic, space-based MUD, which has a similar game mechanics to Clok, (no restrictions, no limitations due a leveling up system, or main story-line with its obligatory quests), and with the theme of Prometheus. (that poor MUD is indeed having serious troubles, its server is really down more and more often, I sincerely feel sorry for it)Any suggestions of such an MUD then?


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Cyber Assault honestly should be added. It has everything set, even toggle for screen reader, and it's of course playable even without soundpack...whatever you say Dark, whatever you say.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hi Caccio. apology accepted, I can actually see where the  confusion arose since generally describing something as "out of date" in English does imply that it is obsolete or no further use. The _expression_ comes from groceries such as  meat or dairy products that have a "sell by" date on them and will be spoiled or inedible after that date. As to your question it's an easy answer as you'll see on The game genres page the muds we include are those with screen reader friendly adaptations specifically. though the vast majority of muds just have text output, many use things that make life difficult with a screen reader. Extensive use of ascii mapping or decorations, (medeivia used lots of these for example), use of coloured text or extensive punctuation markers to indicate in game events, inconvenient ways of formatting or presenting information such as player titles or numbers, a
 nd probably most critically text that is either too extensive or too quick to be easily understood and reacted to with a screen reader, (this was the trouble with star Conquest and at least at the time I tried them Cyber assault and epitaff though those last two I believe have since vastly improved in this area).many muds of course have adaptations for these things. Clok for example you will notice has an alternative to the coloured text used to indicate people in chat channels and a wiki page with directions to relevant places, materiamagica has a coordinates system and "where am I" commands to replace ascii mapping. while promethius if I remember rightly has several ways of making sure you get the relevant information in ship combat without having to listen to lots of spam.Muds without these adaptations aren't exactly unplayable (especially if your prepared to do a lot of client side scripting to do things like setup spam filters), but they
  aren't accessible out of the box so to speak. This is why the site only includes pages for muds that have these adaptations, though that isn't to say you shouldn't try something else, indeed a good way to get! a mud to be more screen reader friendly is to play it and talk nicely to the devs, (I did this myself in Wayfar1444, Erion and 4dimensions). As to whether other screen reader friendly muds will get db pages, the answer is yes,  eventually! however as with all db updates these things take time (especially since each mud needs a deal of playing before something coherent can be written about it), and there aren't many of us, not to mention the fact that all the staff are unpaid volunteers.This is another reason I find the recommendations in this topic interesting and why I'm asking about games like medeivia and their ascii.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

ohh,i'm a chinese player,so,i list i can play and more details.1,miriani,why number 1 is miriani?because good RP,really,ooc is not support for the chat,and you can the most into a pilot life,not all people is good or bad,free pvp,but i'm not a bad pilot for stranding,destroying other pilots ship,but,you have to defense for life.and,really,good VIP mud sound pack,more than 90%,you have to enter command,yes,but this is like an audiogame.2,cosmic rage,again,RP,good RP,and most person is good,have good host and good person,you don't have to PVP,no stranding or something,and,many thing can do,finily,diffrent sector system and jump system.3,promo,this game no many player,and server not so good,but,the easy space system and status system.but you are free,really,and explore space is easy to do.4,alter aeon,most blind mud player know this,and play this,this game is good,but,i can not play mud with out starship and space,because,the map is too bi
 g,i can not find quest thing and complete it,i can not make a whole world in my head.5,the CA,a dark world,but,same up,i ca not find i need thing to do something.the system is,no more details about this.finily,star conquest,extra to say this,my english is bad,can not write a profile,but this mud descriptiion is good.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hi Caccio. apology accepted, I can actually see where the  confusion arose since generally describing something as "out of date" in English does imply that it is obsolete or no further use. The _expression_ comes from groceries such as  meat or dairy products that have a "sell by" date on them and will be spoiled or inedible after that date. As to your question it's an easy answer as you'll see on The game genres page the muds we include are those with screen reader friendly adaptations specifically. though the vast majority of muds just have text output, many use things that make life difficult with a screen reader. Extensive use of ascii mapping or decorations, (medeivia used this for example), use of coloured text or extensive punctuation markers to indicate in game events, inconvenient ways of formatting or presenting information such as player titles or numbers, and probab
 ly most critically text that is either too extensive or too quick to be easily understood and reacted to with a screen reader, (I  very much this was the trouble with star Conquest and at least at the time I tried them Cyber assault and epitaff though those last two I believe have since fixed this).many muds of course have adaptations for these things. Clok for example you will notice has an alternative to the coloured text used to indicate people in chat channels and a wiki page with directions to relevant places, materiamagica has a coordinates system and "where am I" commands to replace ascii map directions etc. while promethius if I remember rightly has several ways of making sure you get the relevant information in ship combat without having to listen to lots of spam. Muds without these adaptations aren't exactly unplayable (especially if your prepared to do a lot of client side scripting to do things like setup spam filters), but t
 hey aren't accessible out of the box so to speak. This is why the site only includes pages for muds that have these adaptations, though that isn't to say you shouldn't try something else, indeed a good way to get! a mud to be more screen reader friendly is to play it and talk nicely to the devs, (I did this myself in Wayfar1444, Erion and 4dimensions). As to whether other screen reader friendly muds will get db pages, the answers yes,  eventually! however as with all db updates these things take time (especially since each mud needs a deal of playing before something coherent can be written about it).


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Dark, I am afraid I fail at following you, you got me quite confused about this MUD-matter.Namely, you just wrote, that the MUDs listed on this site are those, which are adopted to screen-reader usage, so does that mean that those, which are not in this database are not?Or they may still be screen-reader friendly as well, just were not added to the list here yet? (maybe due not being tested by any staff-member of this site so far)This information is quite important to me, since I am just about trying out some of them.You were always nice, polite, and above all, very helpful to me, (my sincere respect and gratitude for that), so I can assure you, it was by no means my intention to offend you in any way, the excuse I can come up with is, that although I do speak and wright english totally fluently, it's still not my mother tongue, so I wasn't aware that the _expression_ "out of date" initially sounds offensive, sorry, please accept my appol
 ogy for it!I also apologise in a so called "pre-emptive way", if you will feel offended by my following, repeated appeal again, but as an always straight and honest man, I just feel the urge to state it here:In case those mentioned MUDS in this thread, which have not yet been added to the database of this website, are also screen-reader friendly or adopted, yes, they really should be added to it, ASAP. (normally, only after being tested by you, or some other staff-member)My best regards, and hope for no hard feelings, my intentions are good, sorry if I fail to express them in a proper-enough way!Cacciofrom Hungary


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Dark, I am afraid I fail at following you, you got me quite confused about this MUD-matter.Namely, you just wrote, that the MUDs listed on this site are those, which are adopted to screen-reader usage, so does that mean that those, which are not in this database are not?Or they may still be screen-reader friendly as well, just were not added to the list here yet? (maybe due not being tested by any staff-member of this site so far)This information is quite important to me, since I am just about trying out some of them.You were always nice, polite, and above all, very helpful to me, (my sincere respect and gratitude for that), so I can assure you, it was by no means my intention to offend you in any way, the excuse I can come up with is, that although I do speak and wright english totally fluently, it's still not my mother tongue, so I wasn't aware that the _expression_ "out of date" initially sounds offensive, sorry, please accept my appol
 ogy for it!I also apologise in a so called "pre-emptive way", if you will feel offended by my following appeal again, but as an always straight and honest man, I just feel the urge to state it here:In case those mentioned MUDS in this thread, which have not yet been added to the database of this website, are also screen-reader friendly or adopted, yes, they really should be added to it, ASAP. (normally, only after being tested by you, or some other staff-member)My best regards, and hope for no hard feelings, my intentions are good, sorry if I fail to express them in a proper-enough way!Cacciofrom Hungary


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@Caccio, if your intention is not to provoke then please do not use provocative words such as "out of date" First, the database is not intended to include every mud in existence. if you just want to look through muds I suggest you visit and look at their index there.The database entries are intended to point people in the direction of those muds which specifically make allowances for use of screen readers, new muds get added to the database as staff try them out, but as you've observed yourself there is a great deal out there to play and write about, and of course there are far more game types out there than just muds. This is why in fact we have a forum for people to share recommendations just as is happening in this topic.Speaking of recommendations, I was actually discouraged from trying godwars 2 by several people on the audeasy 
 list, who said that the game had been out of active development for a very long time and was now basically full of bot players, plus from what I read from the website the game seemed very heavy on the pvp which is less my interest.Anime planet is honestly a mud I've never heard of myself.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

@Lucianahey there, are your pc's local set to russian?if that's the case, I think vipmud can't run/working properly on another local, you have to change it to english, or use local emulator: … am not sure if that's   would work or not just ask around if you don't know how to use that software.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luciana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Epitaph sounds interesting for me, also decided to try Clok. And thanks Dragos, I will, when I will be able to access this game: as I said before I can't get vip working on my pc.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hey Dark, I hope you read all these lists of MUDs, quite a few of them is not even included into the current, (obviously out of date), game-database of this site yet!For now, God Wars 2 and Epitaff seem the most inviting to me, so they are the next ones I intend to try out.While as for you dear Dark, I guess it's high time to do some game-database updating, huh?I hope you won't get me wrong, it's definitely not my intention to mock or provoke you, I just regret not being informed about the existence of those MUDs sooner, I could have spared a significant amount of time, spent searching for the suitable ones for my, so sophisticated expectations.Edit:It seems it was worth starting this forum-topic after all...


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hey Dark, I hope you read all these lists of MUDs, quite a few of them is not even included into the current, (obviously out of date), game-database of this site yet!For now, God Wars 2 and Epitaff seem the most inviting to me, so they are the next ones I intend to try out.While as for you dear Dark, I guess it's high time to do some game-database updating, huh?I hope you won't get me wrong, it's definitely not my intention to mock or provoke you, I just regret not being informed about the existence of those MUDs sooner, I could have spared a significant amount of time, spent searching for the suitable ones for my, so sophisticated expectations.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Caccio72 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Hey Dark, I hope you read all these lists of MUDs, quite a few of which is not even included into the current, (obviously out of date), game-database of this site yet!For now, God Wars 2 and Epitaff seem the most inviting to me, so they are the next ones I intend to try out.While as for you dear Dark, I guess it's high time to do some game-database updates, huh?I hope you won't get me wrong, it's definitely not my intention to mock or provoke you, I just regret not being informed about the existence of those MUDs sooner, I could have spared a significant amount of time, spent searching for the suitable ones for my, so sophisticated expectations.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I enjoy varying types of muds, but few of them will be pure roleplay. With that in mind, here are my top 5, picking one from each general playstyle.Godwars 2: For pure mechanics and breadth of character building and control detail, it's hard to beat Godwars 2. Every strike you land is voluntary, there is no automatic combat aside from the generic newbie autoscript put in place for convenience (which essentially just performs the techniques you yourself could better select anyway). There are no rooms to speak of, aside from buildings place hither and thither; GW2 is built on a coordinate system, with areas that take up actual world terf.Dark Legacy: The extensive crafting, character, and exploration variations and opportunities of DL can't really be written about -- one has to experience it all to under stand how awesome this mud 
 *could* be. I say could be, because it has sadly gone downhill in the player base department, along with developmental stagnation. What is there, though, is amazing, if you can overlook typos and minor bugs which probably won't ever be addressed. The world is expansive, it comes with a screen reader friendly mode to help navigate the world map, and has a feature list that I won't even attempt to enumerate.Epitaph: An awesome zombie appocalypse mud with a deep crafting and questing system, this mud makes extensive use of MXL to format text and provide a click-friendly interface. You can click on npc's to interact, or stick to traditional command-line typing. Yet another mud which I can't justify by any attempt to summarize it. Suffice it to say that it will provide you hours of fun and creativity.Flexible Survival: If you don't mind some extreme
  adult themes, Flexible Survival is a very unique mud which also has a single-player version. The game is a post-appocalyptic exploration of mutations gone rampant, and that's just scratching the surface.Anime Planet: This mud will have you grinding for ages to maximize your character, be it a Saiyan or a Senshi, a Faerie or a Moogle. Multiple types of quests, class abilities, and racial evolutions with their own requirements set this mud apart from others, and there are numerous powerful mobs for you to test your might against.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

I enjoy varying types of muds, but few of them will be pure roleplay. With that in mind, here are my top 5, picking one from each general playstyle.Godwars 2: For pure mechanics and breadth of character building and control detail, it's hard to beat Godwars 2. Every strike you land is voluntary, there is no automatic combat aside from the generic newbie autoscript put in place for convenience (which essentially just performs the techniques you yourself could better select anyway). There are no rooms to speak of, aside from buildings place hither and thither; GW2 is built on a coordinate system, with areas that take up actual world terf.Dark Legacy: The extensive crafting, character, and exploration variations and opportunities of DL can't really be written about -- one has to experience it all to under stand how awesome this mud 
 *could* be. I say could be, because it has sadly gone downhill in the player base department, along with developmental stagnation. What is there, though, is amazing, if you can overlook typos and minor bugs which probably won't ever be addressed. The world is expansive, it comes with a screen reader friendly mode to help navigate the world map, and has a feature list that I won't even attempt to enumerate.Epitaph: An awesome zombie appocalypse mud with a deep crafting and questing system, this mud makes extensive use of MXL to format text and provide a click-friendly interface. You can click on npc's to interact, or stick to traditional command-line typing. Yet another mud which I can't justify by any attempt to summarize it. Suffice it to say that it will provide you hours of fun and creativity.Flexible Survival: If you don't mind some extreme
  adult themes, Flexible Survival is a very unique mud which also has a single-player version. The game is a post-appocalyptic exploration of mutations gone rampant, and that's just scratching the surface.Anime Planet: This mud will have you grinding for ages to maximize yourcharacter, be it a Saiyan or a Senshi, a Faerie or a Moogle. Multiple types of quests, class abilities, and racial evolutions with their own requirements set this mud apart from others, and there are numerous powerful mobs for you to test your might against.


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Re: Top 5 MUD list

2017-04-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Top 5 MUD list

Post 4 means to me a lot man, thanks caccio. That's exactly why I stick to Clok and never seem to want to go rp anywhere else.Anyway it seems that the only soundpack mentioned is Alter Aeon. There are actually lots of muds with packs out there, some of them being good. I still have a bit to do for Cyber Assault pack before re-releasing the pack again.


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