[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Question about Spouses?

2006-12-25 Thread tyler_durden

My wife used to make her desire for attention known by sitting next to
me on the couch and subtly jabbing  her elbow or knee into me.  It took
me a couple years but I finally wised up and got rid of the couch.  Now
all we have are chairs.  No more pain...



tyler_durden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2701
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Noise level of SB3

2006-12-25 Thread Ron F .

Sean, if the Transporter measures up to the specs you have published for
it, then yes it will smoke my NAD CD player, and most other CD players
to boot.

Ron F.

Ron F.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5616
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Question about Spouses?

2006-12-25 Thread ModelCitizen

Just after installing my new Transporter the wife walked into the room,
looked at the rack and said Ooh, you've bought a karioke machine.
That's the furthest her interest in hifi has got.


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stupid Newbie Questions

2006-12-25 Thread tomsi42

milton10;164728 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the reply.  I may have to take you up on your offer on
 wiring the PowerOne Supply.  By the way, are you talking about the
 HB5-3/OVP-A?  I just looked up their site and I just want to make sure
 that I get the right one.

I can answer that one ;) Yes, that's the unit. I am using a compatible
one from Calex. At the last count, I found at least 4 compatible units
that should do the job (PowerOne, Lambda, Calex and one I don't
remember the name of). These units are all linear  PSU's designed for
industrial use, built like a tank and are very stable.

I could hear a similar improvement as richidoo; I use solid state rig
instead of tubes - the improvement is still clear.

milton10;164728 Wrote: 
 I just took a look at Anticables.com. Very impressive looking stuff.
 When you say upgrade cables, are you talking about speaker cables or
 interconnects? Right now I am using Audioquest Cooperheads for my
 interconnects, but just standard 12 gauge Monster for my speaker
He was referring to the interconnects - compared to the ones coming
with the SB3. As you are using a set of Audioquest ones, you should be
OK for now.
milton10;164728 Wrote: 
 One last thing.  Are you using the analog out on the SB or the digital
 out?  I have heard on this forum that the analog out sound veiled and
 rolled off on both extremes of the frequency spectrum. I only have the
 ability to use the analog out.

I don't know about richidoo, but I am using analog out. The PSU upgrade
benefits the digital out too, but not as much. 

When I got the unit, it sounded flat, but after changing the PSU,
things improved a lot. There was also a bug in the firmware at one
point which had an adverse effect on the sound of the analog output.

If the PSU upgrade isn't good enough, you could always try out a Lavry
or Benchmark DAC.



SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.

tomsi42's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2477
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread gdg

Can anyone tell me whether running a lot of applications while streaming
music can degrade the sound quality? I often use Photo Shop while
playing music and listening with the reference quality AKG K701s. This
definitely seems to slow down the computer which uses an Athalon 64 and
half a gig of ram (I know that's not much). Surely there must be audio
consequences for this misbehaviour?


gdg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1122
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 volume control with 20-bit external DAC

2006-12-25 Thread Ben Diss

That is one tough read.  It doesn't help that our friend Dan is a bit of
a prickly pear.  If the link doesn't work, look for the thread titled
DA10 for the main pair in a 5.1 setup.


Ben Diss

SB3 - Lavry DA10 - BAT VK-31SE - Halo A21 - BW 803D

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread tomsi42

gdg;164785 Wrote: 
 Can anyone tell me whether running a lot of applications while streaming
 music can degrade the sound quality? I often use Photo Shop while
 playing music and listening with the reference quality AKG K701s. This
 definitely seems to slow down the computer which uses an Athalon 64 and
 half a gig of ram (I know that's not much). Surely there must be audio
 consequences for this misbehaviour?

Yes, that can happen. As you only have half a gig of RAM, you will have
a lot of swapping when running programs like photoshop. If you are
streaming from internet, I would think that other factors matter more.

I don't use my PC for sound at all (except for ripping), I use my MP3
player at work, and my Squeezebox at home.


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.

tomsi42's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2477
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 volume control with 20-bit external DAC

2006-12-25 Thread mr_bill

seanadams;164763 Wrote: 
 The new 0 to 100 scale is, I believe, true decibels. (In the past when
 we used only 40 steps, it was a more complicated curve designed to
 stretch out the low end of the range). So -10 corresponds to 90, -20 to
 80, and -30 to 70.
 Correct - exactly the same concept.

So, if I set up my inernal jumpers on my Benchmark Dac (or Transporter
for that matter) so if the SB3 volume reads 70 and my decibel meter in
room reads 70 db then am I set up and getting maximum SNR, resolution
and performance?  Would I still need a preamp performance related to
matching or volume?
Thanks and I think I finally understand,


mr_bill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6737
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 vs Audio Alchemy vs BK AVP3000

2006-12-25 Thread rbclark

Hi all. 1st post here. Just got my SB3  I love it! With the help of
this forum  the wiki, I've been able to get over my learning curve
issues easily!

Quick history: My house for sale a while back kept my good gear in the
attic (took up too much space said the realtor). Been in the new house
a couple years and we've just been using a crappy Sony all-in-one
system (it's small) but it's a pain to shuffle CDs thru. We had
practically stopped listening to music. Tried the SB and suddenly...
all our music is back! 

So now I'd like to take things a little further and get some of the old
good gear out of the attic. I have a BK AVP3000 pre-amp (as well as a
BM AV5000 amp) and an Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0 with Power Station Three.

The question is, where's my best DAC amongst this gear? 

I bought the DAC back in 1998 some years(?) after the BK amp/pre-amp.
So I'd assume the only reason I bought the DAC was that it was an
upgrade over the DAC in the BK pre-amp. But this DAC is over 8 years
old and I've read (on this forum somewhere) that even DACs only a few
years old probably aren't as good as the DAC in the SB.

Can anyone say that my SB DAC should be better than my Audio Alchemy
DDE v3.0 DAC?



rbclark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9176
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Problem with Slim Server

2006-12-25 Thread jhm731

He's not an audiophile, he just moderates them. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Q:Quality of built-in DAC

2006-12-25 Thread Ron F .

A high-end DAC will exceed the sound quality of the SB3, which could be
revealed in a high-end system. However - it is not clear to me that it
is worth the trouble. Instead of going to that much trouble, (getting
an SB3 and external DAC,) I think it makes more sense to get a

Time is money, and putting together an SB3 with a DAC I liked was not a
simple project, as I discovered. Time-wise, I definitely did not save
any money by going this route, although I am happy now with the final

Ron F.

Ron F.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5616
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Problem with Slim Server

2006-12-25 Thread ceejay

lafayette;164745 Wrote: 
 I thought this was cute -- private mail from Radish
 Mods in this forum don't wear badges. You're new here, it's a nice
 friendly place but don't take that to mean it's OK to talk back to
 other members. If someone tells you your post is inappropriate, take
 Is such high-handed posturing and threatening -- when there seem to be
 so many unmoderated flame wars on this forum -- even, well, whatever. 
 It's just silly.


Check out the number of posts from Radish, and compare with the number
of posts from yourself.  You're new here, and we're trying to be
understanding while you get the hang of this new place.  As it happens,
I think that the Slim Forums are one of the best behaved places on the
internet (although the audiophile section where we are now is perhaps a
bit wild sometimes).

Radish was, quite correctly, pointing out that your query would more
appropriately have been posted in another forum.  Please don't get the
hump at this.

In the meantime, chill, enjoy your new toy, and have a merry



ceejay's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=148
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 volume control with 20-bit external DAC

2006-12-25 Thread wshields

Okay, I didn't realize Transporter changed volume in digital when
outputting thru analog outs. 

Now, I run the transporter thru an integrated amp. So I am concluding
I should adjust volume using the amps volume controls. One question I
still have is how should I decide if I should use the Transporter's
jumpers to attenuate the volume before it reaches the amps volume
control. Any one have any suggestions?

Thanks again.



wshields's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8639
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread seanadams

gdg;164785 Wrote: 
 Can anyone tell me whether running a lot of applications while streaming
 music can degrade the sound quality? I often use Photo Shop while
 playing music and listening with the reference quality AKG K701s. This
 definitely seems to slow down the computer which uses an Athalon 64 and
 half a gig of ram (I know that's not much). Surely there must be audio
 consequences for this misbehaviour?

No - at least, not in the way I think you're asking. Audio playback
takes place on the Squeezebox/Transporter itself. The computer is just
sending data to it, like copying a file.

The only way to have a problem is if the computer can't keep up sending
enough data, in which case the player will stop until it can get more
data. This is called a buffer underrun and is not a subtle
degradation - it will be obvious.  Our earliest products (SLIMP3,
Squeezebox1) had relatively little memory, so this could sometimes be
caused by taxing the computer. However, SB2, SB3, and Transporter have
lots of memory, so it is very unlikely that you could cause an underrun
by taxing the CPU with other tasks. Usually, underruns are caused by bad
wireless performance.


seanadams's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 volume control with 20-bit external DAC

2006-12-25 Thread wshields


Thanks so much for clearing these questions up. How many other CEOs
are on the company forums on Christmas helping their customers?
Outstanding service for us.

Thanks again.

Walt Shields


wshields's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8639
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread Pat Farrell
seanadams wrote:

 caused by taxing the computer. However, SB2, SB3, and Transporter have
 lots of memory, so it is very unlikely that you could cause an underrun
 by taxing the CPU with other tasks. Usually, underruns are caused by bad
 wireless performance.

In my house, underruns are nearly always caused by my microwave oven.

I assume it is leaking more 2.4gHz signal than modern ones -- whatever
the cause, it clobbers all WiFi when it is running


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 volume control with 20-bit external DAC

2006-12-25 Thread seanadams

wshields;164821 Wrote: 
 How many other CEOs are on the company forums on Christmas helping their

Well, actually I'm not anymore.  Title updated.  :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 volume control with 20-bit external DAC

2006-12-25 Thread mr_bill

seanadams;164816 Wrote: 
 No - you are making this FAR more complicated than it is. Forget about
 All you do is set the jumpers so that when transporter is playing at
 full volume, you are at the maximum listening level you'd want to use.
 Just start at -30 and move them up towards 0, until you reach your max
 listening level. That is really all there is to it.
 If you are already using a preamp, or if your amplifier has gain
 controls, then you should use those controls and don't touch the
 What you are trying to avoid is a situation where you are at your
 maximum listening level with the volume bar only half way up. This is
 what might happen if you connected transporter directly to an amp.
 That's when you need to change the jumpers.

Thanks Sean,
That's a simple way of setting and understanding!


mr_bill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6737
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audible difference? Transporter versus SB

2006-12-25 Thread yelena66

I also agree with that.

video applications,
there're people who say
they can see visions
with tarot reading
i would like to stream that :)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 vs Audio Alchemy vs BK AVP3000

2006-12-25 Thread ModelCitizen

The best test will be your ears I'm afraid. I feel that good and bad
are terms too absolute when referring to the sound of DACs. They all
differ, sometimes in very subtle ways. Someone will prefer one, whilst
others think it to be horrible (e.g. the Benchmark DAC1 seems to
receive very polarised opinions).


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

ModelCitizen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=446
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: There are many questions about the use of preamps...

2006-12-25 Thread empty99

Bad advice here...
Phil Leigh;164742 Wrote: 
 but there is no point in using a solo voice as a reference track if the
 normal listening preference is Metallica.
 If you like thrash metal, you need a system that can do that well!
 Some systems suit certain types of music better than others...

I was only talking about using certain type of recording to help ID
neutral sounding gears.
See, regardless of type of music one enjoys (I certainly am guilty of
cranking it up with TOOLS once in awhile), our goal is still to
faithfully reproducing the source, all else is distortion. You surely
don't want to distort even Metallica, do ya?
 Originally Posted by Mike Anderson: 
 Interesting, where can you find such music?
It's been awhile, using a friend's Stax headphone system. Some of the
recordings were from Nimbus Records' Ambisonic series, and some from
obscured sources I don't remember, but I remembered how they sounded!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 vs Audio Alchemy vs BK AVP3000

2006-12-25 Thread empty99

rbclark;164805 Wrote: 
 Hi all. 1st post here. Just got my SB3  I love it! With the help of
 this forum  the wiki, I've been able to get over my learning curve
 issues easily!
 Quick history: My house for sale a while back kept my good gear in the
 attic (took up too much space said the realtor). Been in the new house
 a couple years and we've just been using a crappy Sony all-in-one
 system (it's small) but it's a pain to shuffle CDs thru. We had
 practically stopped listening to music. Tried the SB and suddenly...
 all our music is back! 
 So now I'd like to take things a little further and get some of the old
 good gear out of the attic. I have a BK AVP3000 pre-amp (as well as a
 BM AV5000 amp) and an Audio Alchemy DDE v3.0 with Power Station Three.
 The question is, where's my best DAC amongst this gear? 
 I bought the DAC back in 1998 some years(?) after the BK amp/pre-amp.
 So I'd assume the only reason I bought the DAC was that it was an
 upgrade over the DAC in the BK pre-amp. But this DAC is over 8 years
 old and I've read (on this forum somewhere) that even DACs only a few
 years old probably aren't as good as the DAC in the SB.
 Can anyone say that my SB DAC should be better than my Audio Alchemy
 DDE v3.0 DAC?
My experience with this BK preamp was that it has fairly high
background noise as compared to my passive unit.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread empty99

Pat Farrell;164822 Wrote: 
 seanadams wrote:
  caused by taxing the computer. However, SB2, SB3, and Transporter
  lots of memory, so it is very unlikely that you could cause an
  by taxing the CPU with other tasks. Usually, underruns are caused by
  wireless performance.
 In my house, underruns are nearly always caused by my microwave oven.
 I assume it is leaking more 2.4gHz signal than modern ones -- whatever
 the cause, it clobbers all WiFi when it is running
Otherwise we could see your avatar glowing!
I am responsible for the annual microwave leakage test at my work, we
have like 30 units, from lab sample dryers ($12k/each) to lunchroom
soup warmers ($50/each). Depending on how old these are, leakage tends
to be worse with older units but still very very low. You guessed it
right! Those $12K unit are old and leaky and the modern cheap ones do
not leak at all!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Q:Quality of built-in DAC

2006-12-25 Thread fzwo

mmg_fan;164563 Wrote: 
 And would there be a substantial difference if I invested in a good
 external dac?

As all other questions have been answered already, I'll only reply to
this one: No. Not substantial by any means. Maybe a little bit, but
IMHO not worth the time and money. If you are that concerned about
audio quality and can really hear the difference, get a transporter or
better yet, upgrade your amp and speakers before. I don't mean to
belittle your audio system, far from it. I just mean if you're happy
with a system for less than 10 grand, you'll most certainly be happy by
the audio quality of a SB3.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread tomsi42

seanadams;164817 Wrote: 
 No - at least, not in the way I think you're asking. Audio playback
 takes place on the Squeezebox/Transporter itself. The computer is just
 sending data to it, like copying a file.
 The only way to have a problem is if the computer can't keep up sending
 enough data, in which case the player will stop until it can get more
 data. This is called a buffer underrun and is not a subtle
 degradation - it will be obvious.  Our earliest products (SLIMP3,
 Squeezebox1) had relatively little memory, so this could sometimes be
 caused by taxing the computer. However, SB2, SB3, and Transporter have
 lots of memory, so it is very unlikely that you could cause an underrun
 by taxing the CPU with other tasks. Usually, underruns are caused by bad
 wireless performance.

You are right, of course ;)

I assumed he used softsqueeze or some other playback software.


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Problem with Slim Server

2006-12-25 Thread lafayette

Truly, this is the wrong season for bickering.  Mea culpa maxima. 
Radish, while I do apologize, I do think you method, shall we say,
could do with some moderation.  Like I said, honey, not vinegar. 
Fifteen minutes browsing through this forum and I see far too much
fighting, finger-pointing, and character attacks.

Peace to all and let th is thread die.  May things improve for all in
the new year.  I shall post an introduction tomorrow.


Sweet Home Alabama

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3, Derek Shek d2 DAC and Shanling CDT100

2006-12-25 Thread goldlizsts

adamslim;157503 Wrote: 
 I recently got a Derek Shek d2 DAC.

I agree 100% with your observation.  My experience with the new Shek
DAC is the same.  When I got it 2 weeks ago, I was awed by the
soundstage and presentation.  But then I noted that the top wasn't
quite that open.  I gave it the benefit of the doubt that it was too
new.  Now, another 2 weeks later, I think the sound has stabilized and
it has broken in for good.  Here's my opinion - I feel that overall the
sound is like on the Yin side (Yin/Yang philosophy in China).  I have
been using a Musical Fidelity A324 (MF)upsampling DAC, which was Class
A according to Stereophile (I believe).  The MF I would say is more
Yang, masculine, dynamic.  The Shek I believe is good for certain
music which emphasizes the mids more than anything else.  With say
acoustic recordings, the fact that the top end is not as vivid is not
so obvious.  But when you do play symphonic works, the Shek's
personality really comes off.  In one way, I can't say it's bad.  The
designer is of the opinion that it's a matter of taste.  I believe it's
a matter of balance rather.  There is something about the Shek AS IS
that I am not sure I like, mostly because of the rounded top
frequencies.  I say rounded for the lack of a better word, and be
polite about it.  For The $money, I think the Shek is a very good DAC. 
But, for the more dynamic programs, I think I would prefer the MF more. 
But, for that kind of money, about $350 delivered, can't really complain
too much about the softness (I don't know if someone will attack me on
using such a word).  I also had entertained the thought that my
associated equipment may have something to do with the sound.  But... I
do note that the difference in sound between the 2 are based on using
the same equipment in my system, nothing else but the DAC changed.  So,
I ruled that out.  May be, using a different amp, wire, may have made a
difference.  But I must emphasize that all the other equipment
pieces were not changed - Rowland 112 amp (some say the closest solid
state thing to tube sound), Cary AES 3 DJH preamp (quite dynamic
preamp), Acoustic Zen WOW wires (pretty dynamic), and Audience
PowerChord (pretty analytical).


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Question about Spouses?

2006-12-25 Thread tyler_durden

ModelCitizen;164774 Wrote: 
 Just after installing my new Transporter the wife walked into the room,
 looked at the rack and said Ooh, you've bought a karioke machine.
 That's the furthest her interest in hifi has got.

Be glad she doesn't understand it.  That way, when its time for the
divorce, you'll be able to grab the transporter without a fight.



tyler_durden's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2701
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Problem with Slim Server

2006-12-25 Thread Skunk

Let it die? It's just now becoming an appropriate audiophile topic. 
Robin Bowes is probably thinking to himself: I told you so. [When he
said 'this place is turning into a proper audiophile forum']

Fifteen minutes of browsing will also reveal ten off-topic threads in
three pages of audiophile postings. I don't think radish was out of
pocket, because there's nobody here to move threads around and keep
everything tidy. He was only saying what everyone else was thinking...


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Can overtaxed computer degrade audio quality?

2006-12-25 Thread gdg

seanadams;164817 Wrote: 
 No - at least, not in the way I think you're asking. Audio playback
 takes place on the Squeezebox/Transporter itself. The computer is just
 sending data to it, like copying a file.
 The only way to have a problem is if the computer can't keep up sending
 enough data, in which case the player will stop until it can get more
 data. This is called a buffer underrun and is not a subtle
 degradation - it will be obvious.  Our earliest products (SLIMP3,
 Squeezebox1) had relatively little memory, so this could sometimes be
 caused by taxing the computer. However, SB2, SB3, and Transporter have
 lots of memory, so it is very unlikely that you could cause an underrun
 by taxing the CPU with other tasks. Usually, underruns are caused by bad
 wireless performance.

Thanx Sean, 
That's actualy what I thought. I had began to doubt my understanding of
the process because, while my computer performance  has definitely
fallen off on occasion I've never experienced any audio drop out from
buffer overrun. I guess there is plenty of buffer capacity in the SB
to deal with such events. Anyway thanx so much for reply. 


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