Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which budget constrained DAC for SB3?

2007-11-06 Thread zanash

westernboy;240238 Wrote: 
 Hi cgull (clever name, btw).  In response to your original post, I can
 recommend the Beresford TC-7510 external DAC, providing it has the
 'Class A' output mod.  At around 140 UK pound sterling, it was better
 than the modded Channel Islands VDA-1 I tried previously and (from
 memory) about as revealing as a Benchmark 1.  I can't comment on the
 Inguz plugin as I don't have a server with enough horsepower to run it,
 but I can say that room treatments (at least the DIY absorption panels
 I've installed so far) make a HUGE improvement to the sound quality.

yes the beresford is a good dac on a budget but when I had one
compared to the modded behringer src2496 it came of second best by
quite a wide margin  thats before you add in all the extras that the
src gives you.


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread darrenyeats

Vic;240393 Wrote: 
 More seriously (sort of).
 Apparently I seem to understand that a good majority of members of this
 forum state (with apparently humour, but please next time put an H
 next to the funny bits so that I know when to laugh) that all hi-fi
 related stuff is a rip off and that everything sounds the same. Am I
 That apparently includes one of the designer of the SB and Transporter,
 have I got it right?

More seriously, I don't think I would put it that way.

The SB3 and Transporter measure well. Their measured performance is
excellent at their respective price points. In fact the Transporter
measures incredibly well full stop.

Having said that, I recall Sean confirming the obvious which is that he
did extensive listening tests (including blind) during design. So the
philosophy is that good measurements are necessary despite the fact
they are not enough alone.

Most of the people here would agree that's the correct approach. A lot
of people here are skeptical about claims of superior sound which have
no measurements to back them up and are based on sighted listening
impressions only (as discussed). Put another way, if it measures the
same and you can't tell the difference blind...then you need to
consider the possibility it is the same. Of course it's unlikely that
loudspeakers will measure the same and they do tend to sound a bit
different (there are distinct approaches and assumptions for room
interaction, dispersion etc). Amps and sources tend to sound quite
similar (the aim is transparency so necessarily the better the amps or
sources the more similar they will sound). Check out the Stereomojo
blind shootouts.


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread ezkcdude

Shouldn't the files be converted to 48 kHz on-the-fly, though?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread darrenyeats

SoftwireEngineer;240522 Wrote: 
 hi folks,
 I tried some 24bit/96khz recordings and am getting only noise from my
 sb. It is set to covert everything to wav. what could be the issue here

The SB3 is designed to play up to 48kHz.


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Remote Control of Transporter

2007-11-06 Thread darrenyeats

DCtoDaylight;240502 Wrote: 
 The volume control in the Transporter is digital, and exactly the same
 as it's done in the SB3.

I use the SB3's digital volume control and it works well.

For a discussion of why - with red book - no resolution or dynamic
range is lost digitally see:

As for physical noise, I own an SB3 and a Krell integrated used in
pre-bypass mode i.e. SB3 goes straight through to power amp stage. If I
put my ears near the speakers the hiss from the power amp alone seems no
different to when the SB3 is plugged in. So - in my rig - the physical
noise floor of the SB3 is the least of my worries (regardless of

And the Transporter has a much lower physical noise floor than the


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Vic

darrenyeats;240583 Wrote: 
 More seriously, I don't think I would put it that way.
 The SB3 and Transporter measure well. Their measured performance is
 excellent at their respective price points. In fact the Transporter
 measures incredibly well full stop.
 Having said that, I recall Sean confirming the obvious which is that he
 did extensive listening tests (including blind) during design. So the
 philosophy is that good measurements are necessary despite the fact
 they are not enough alone.
 Most of the people here would agree that's the correct approach. A lot
 of people here are skeptical about claims of superior sound which have
 no measurements to back them up and are based on sighted listening
 impressions only (as discussed). Put another way, if it measures the
 same and you can't tell the difference blind...then you need to
 consider the possibility it is the same. Of course it's unlikely that
 loudspeakers will measure the same and they do tend to sound a bit
 different (there are distinct approaches and assumptions for room
 interaction, dispersion etc). Amps and sources tend to sound quite
 similar (the aim is transparency so necessarily the better the amps or
 sources the more similar they will sound). Check out the Stereomojo
 blind shootouts.

First post somehow related to the thread topic, but around here that
does not seem to be a major concern.
So apparently the choice between the SB, SB+ and Transporter is a toss
of a coin. Actually, assuming that I don't need a remote control and
that my PC is in the same room, I could just get a £15 sound card and a
coaxial cable and run it to the DAC of my Opus 21 and get the same sound
quality, correct?
There seems to be a contradiction though: if all sources sound the
same, why there is on the market a product (transporter) costing 10
times more than the SB with only a couple of added functionalities?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread totoro

Vic;240594 Wrote: 
 First post somehow related to the thread topic, but around here that
 does not seem to be a major concern.
 So apparently the choice between the SB, SB+ and Transporter is a toss
 of a coin. Actually, assuming that I don't need a remote control and
 that my PC is in the same room, I could just get a £15 sound card and a
 coaxial cable and run it to the DAC of my Opus 21 and get the same sound
 quality, correct?
 There seems to be a contradiction though: if all sources sound the
 same, why there is on the market a product (transporter) costing 10
 times more than the SB with only a couple of added functionalities?

Nobody but you made the assertion that all sources sound the same. Your
claiming that anyone has constitutes a strawman argument. See the
following link.

Happy trolling.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread AndyC_772

I'm not sure anyone's ever suggested that all sources sound the same.

What I will suggest, however, is that: All -digital- sources, provided
they don't deliberately process the samples from the disc before
delivering them to the SPDIF port, should sound the same when fed into
a jitter-proof reclocking DAC.

So, if you have such a DAC, there should be no audible benefit in using
a Transporter over an SB3, or even over the cheapest working CD player
you can find on Ebay - provided you're using it as a digital source
only. Even then there's still the possibility that you'll get a ground
loop or some other effect that can't really be attributed to the
'quality' of the component, which may nevertheless affect what you


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread opaqueice

Out of curiosity I downloaded the 24/96 stereo PCM test file from, and it works fine for me both through the analogue and
digital outs of my SB3.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Remote Control of Transporter

2007-11-06 Thread jaysung

being the opener of the thread cited above I can say that the digital
volume regulation is no problem as long as you have:
- 16bit redbook material
- the tp above -42db or such (below that I noticed some distortion but
might be due to my amp running at 0db for the test and getting some
If you had 24bit material you would indeed loose information at the
lower end of the dynamic range but even when you turn volume down by 42
db you'll end up with 17bit in theoy. If we assume that we loose another
two bits for the dac not working exactly linear we have 15bits which is
good for most of all cds since the are mastered at -8db and thereby
loosing a bit by themselves ending up with 15bits.
Bottom line: The digital volume regulation is OK exept for very extreme
and rarely encountered situations.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread krochat

opaqueice;240596 Wrote: 
 Out of curiosity I downloaded the 24/96 stereo PCM test file from, and it works fine for me both through the analogue and
 digital outs of my SB3.

When I tried 96/24 on my SB3 a few months ago, streaming as WAV created
noise, streaming as FLAC worked. What are you streaming as?



SB3 (+linear) - Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2xS2150 - Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread zanash

AndyC_772;240598 Wrote: 
 What I will suggest, however, is that: All -digital- sources, provided
 they don't deliberately process the samples from the disc before
 delivering them to the SPDIF port, should sound the same when fed into
 a jitter-proof reclocking DAC.


lets just say in an ideal world maybe !

unfortunately I live in the real world and find that there are
significant differences 

if I keep my dac amp and speakers the same and just change the various
digital sources ie denon cdp marantz cd67 arcam a5 quad 99cdp dab tuner
sb3 dvdhd   they all sound different. If I use the same cd in each of
the cdp's which I can hook three up at a time if so desired to the dac 
and switch between  its clear that there are significant sonic
differences between these devices. I have no explaination for this
other than the more expensive of the items sounds better than the
cheaper ones. This may imply that there have been design short cuts


Acoustician and builder of interesting cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread darrenyeats

zanash;240614 Wrote: 
 I have no explaination for this other than the more expensive of the
 items sounds better than the cheaper ones. This may imply that there
 have been design short cuts ?

Do the expensive items sound more alike than the cheaper items?


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread opaqueice

krochat;240619 Wrote: 
 When I tried 96/24 on my SB3 a few months ago, streaming as WAV created
 noise, streaming as FLAC worked. What are you streaming as?


I'm pretty sure it's as FLAC, but it'll have to wait until tonight to

By the way, am I correct in assuming that the SB is simply dropping
every other sample and producing a 24/48 digital output?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HD Music Downloads from iTrax

2007-11-06 Thread Dr . AIX

I am a proponent of higher sample rates...the problem is that most
recordings don't have any content above the 20 kHz ceiling. Ours do and
we leave it alone during the post production.

Check out the wind chimes on Laurence Juber's Guitar Noir album on the
track Mosaic. It's the one that I use to convince people that stuff at
35 kHz has an effect on the final product.

On you can download successively better and better quality
encodes of the same's pretty illustrative.

Anybody in Long Beach this week for the EHX, be sure to stop by the
Microsoft/AIX Demo Alley room


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread krochat

opaqueice;240620 Wrote: 
 By the way, am I correct in assuming that the SB is simply dropping
 every other sample and producing a 24/48 digital output?

That's the current theory, according to message #10 earlier in this
thread. That would allow the transporter to get full resolution while
still allowing an SB3 running from the same server to work.

One odd thing is that when I was evaluating the Transporter against my
SB3, I would stream 96/24 FLAC, synchronize both devices to the same
stream, and switch back and forth to evaluate them. The SB3 would
slowly drift out of synchronization with the Transporter - I don't know
if this was because of imprecision in the SB3's internal clock or some
other mechanism, but this only seemed to happen with 96kHz material.

Another concern about 96kHz playback on the SB3 is that while the
program material is converted to 48kHz, it hasn't been filtered at
24kHz to prevent anti-aliasing. 

I did some comparisons between 96kHz files played straight to the SB3
vs the same file converted to 48kHz in Adobe Audition using proper
low-pass filtering. The converted file was a teensy bit less bright in
the treble, but I actually preferred listening to the unconverted



Acourate - Inguz DSP - SB3 - GW Labs DSP (96kHz upsampler) - Apogee
Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2x TacT S2150 - Vandersteen 3a Signature +
TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread AndyC_772

Zanash: what DAC are you using?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] WTB: Used Transporter

2007-11-06 Thread Kiep

Looking to buy used Transporter, silver or black in good condition.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Jitterbug

AndyC_772;240598 Wrote: 
 What I will suggest, however, is that: All -digital- sources, provided
 they don't deliberately process the samples from the disc before
 delivering them to the SPDIF port, should sound the same when fed into
 a jitter-proof reclocking DAC.
This assumes that asynchronous reclocking is equivalent to synchronous.
Some would argue that the most effective solution is to have one clock
driving both transport and DAC


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Vic

darrenyeats;240617 Wrote: 
 Do the expensive items sound more alike than the cheaper items?

Not IME. I have found that a lot of mid priced Dacs sound very similar:
Lavry DA10 (I own one), Benchmark, Apogee and they also sound very close
to some SS CDP of the same price range.
Going up the food chain to the real world class CDPs like Opus 21,
Wadia, Ayre, some Naim, Densen, Capitol, Meridian, Esoteric they all
have a very strong personality and differ a lot from each other to the
point than some people may love A and hate B while a lot of other think
B is the best CDP ever.
As an example
- Meridians have a silky tonality and warmish bass, very pleasant but
they loose some detail
- Some Naim have great dynamics, but very little soundstage
- Esoteric have loads of resolution, many people love that, but to me
there is too much and sounds too hi-fiish
- Opus 21 is my favourite with great soundstage, layers in music and
great timing; the most musical, whatever that means
- Some Wadias are wonderful players, but only the top of the range with
the TEAC tansport, but they are extremely expensive
- I wish I could spend some time with some Aereo Capitol
- Nave tried the Densen, but some people really love them

So the theoretic assumption that better sources sounds the same is
totally wrong in my opinion. There are hundred of ways of skinning a
cat and of implementing a digital player, also people listen to
different sorts of music, have different ears and taste

Finally I have never heard a standalone DAC that can even remotely
compete with the group of the best CDPs; jitter is a big problem and
apparently the best solutions are the proprietary ones (as Patrick was
implying earlier on)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Vic

BTW guys thanks a lot for this most helpful thread.
I came here with a dilemma about buying a SB3 or a SB+ and now I have
crystal clear ideas about what I am going to buy: a souncard.
One of the main reasons I intended to go for SB was the existence of a
dedicated forum for support and exchange of information.
The idea of venturing in this forum again an meeting zombies like
totoro and another couple of sinister caracters that materialise in
this thread is to me less appealing than a visit to the dentist, an
evening with my mother in law, or listening to an entire CD by Celine
Dion (OK, in the last two cases I am obviuosly exagerating).
Can anyone recommend me a good soundcard with optical and coaxial


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] My TP system sounds so lifeless :(

2007-11-06 Thread Kiep

From experience I know that this could be symptom a of digital
attenuation. Anything attenuated more than 3dB will be lifeless and
without dynamics.

Why would you use Transporter to feed another dac? If you don't like it
as a dac get a Sqeezebox otherwise you are wasting your money.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread haunyack

Vic;240673 Wrote: 
 The idea of venturing in this forum again...
Not for the thin skinned that's for sure.

Vic;240673 Wrote: 
 ...good soundcard 
Go for the SB+.



Transporter - BK R200.2 - Vandersteen 3A Signature. (Listening room)
SB3 (RWA analog) - Rotel RB1070 - BW Matrix 805. (Bedroom)
Fridgidare - Mirror Pond pale ale - easy chair w/remote - irritated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Jitterbug

Vic;240673 Wrote: 
 Can anyone recommend me a good soundcard with optical and coaxial

Soundcards introduce a bunch of new problems but a good start is an
external USB one with it own driver. The MAudio Audiophile 2496 USB is
a reasonably priced one and is well rated. Often people prefer optical
over coax from soundcards to isolate from PC noise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Vic

Jitterbug;240684 Wrote: 
 Soundcards introduce a bunch of new problems but a good start is an
 external USB one with it own driver. The MAudio Audiophile 2496 USB is
 a reasonably priced one and is well rated. Often people prefer optical
 over coax from soundcards to isolate from PC noise.

Thanks mate,
that looks very good. The thing is I don't have a USB device, but I
rather have a Monarchy DIP which accepts Optical and coaxial input.
Would the Audiophile 2496 internal card be as good.
What sort of problems you are referring to?
Have you had better results with SB compared to soundcards?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Jitterbug

Vic;240687 Wrote: 
 The thing is I don't have a USB device, but I rather have a Monarchy DIP
 which accepts Optical and coaxial input. Would the Audiophile 2496
 internal card be as good.
Not sure I understand. You're talking about hooking a card up to a PC
right? Use USB on the PC side, use the soundcards coax or optical then
to the Monarchy DIP. Generally people prefer USB cards for this purpose
because they are out of the PC and away from it's noise  power supply

Vic;240687 Wrote: 
 What sort of problems you are referring to?
Bad clock, bad power supply, EMF and other noise, Windows drivers, ...

Vic;240687 Wrote: 
 Have you had better results with SB compared to soundcards?

Yes, however I have seen reports on this forum from those who couldn't
distinguish the difference.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread opaqueice

Vic;240673 Wrote: 
 Can anyone recommend me a good soundcard with optical and coaxial

This is even more the wrong forum to ask about that than to ask about
the SB+.  You can find plenty of PC audio fora on the web where you can
get advice, assuming that's actually what you want.

Good bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Vic

Jitterbug;240690 Wrote: 
 Not sure I understand. You're talking about hooking a card up to a PC
 right? Use USB on the PC side, use the soundcards coax or optical then
 to the Monarchy DIP. Generally people prefer USB cards for this purpose
 because they are out of the PC and away from it's noise  power supply
 Bad clock, bad power supply, EMF and other noise, Windows drivers, ...
 Yes, however I have seen reports on this forum from those who couldn't
 distinguish the difference.

I see your point, sorry I misunderstood the first time.
I thought you meant a soundcard with USB out in order to go to a USB
Wow, it looks like I am heading for troubles. I thought something like
foobar and the rabbit thingy would give good results


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Vic

haunyack;240681 Wrote: 
 Go for the SB+..
That was my original idea when I register to this forum. But I would
rather go without music instead of facing again a few morons that seem
to jump in every single thread in this forum

haunyack;240681 Wrote: 
Which in English is?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread SoftwireEngineer

krochat;240619 Wrote: 
 When I tried 96/24 on my SB3 a few months ago, streaming as WAV created
 noise, streaming as FLAC worked. What are you streaming as?
Looks like exactly the problem I was facing. I had FLAC file streaming
format as WAV. When I switched to FLAC, I was able to listen to my
24bit/96khz recordings. 
Funny thing is, I have the impression, streaming as WAV sounds better.
Little bit sharper and better ambience. Oh well. I have a nokia 770 I
can switch to FLAC streaming when playing high-res files. 
(BTW, your setup is exactly my goal. I have a poor mans version of it
right now, with SB3 digital into a Panny digital amplifier receiver.
Tell us more about your all digital path system/sound, as a good


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Which budget constrained DAC for SB3?

2007-11-06 Thread Videodrome

russelk;240026 Wrote: 
 I disagree with the statement that the speaekers will contribute about
 95% of the system character. During my last upgrade I kept my speakers
 (Quad 12L) but replaced the source and amplification (Linn  Creek) -
 the change in sound was staggering. Speaking for myself at least, the
 speakers did not contribute anywhere near 95% of the sonic character of
 my system.
 I have stated in a previous post that I don't think much of the SB3's
 analog output - I don't know if it's the DAC that's the limiting
 factor, or the supporting components. The bottom line is that it's
 bettered quite easily by a mid-range cd player. Of course one must take
 into account that the SB3 does cost a great deal less than a mid-range
 cd player, so it's unfair to expect that kind of performance.
 cgull, I would definitely recommend that you try an external DAC. I
 know exactly what you mean when you say the SB3 sounds dull and flat.
 Unfortunately I am not familiar with the DACs that you have listed. I'm
 using a cheap moodlabs Concept DAC at the moment, and I'm not really
 satisfied with the performance gains. Yes it does sound better than the
 SB3's analog out, but not by a great margin. I'm going to be auditioning
 a Benchmark DAC1 in a few months - it is quite expensive but I'm hoping
 the gains will be worthwhile.

If your 12Ls are anything like my 11Ls, they are very revealing of
anything upstream of them.  So like you, I was able to immediately
discern the improvement an upgraded DAC made to my Squeezebox.

On that point: cgull, if you're looking at the Zhalous, take a gander
at the Musiland DACs like the MD10.  I bought mine from Pacfic Valve
and Electric.  I'm using the aforementioned Behringer SRC 2496 to
upsample the stream to the MD-10 and running it at 88zHz / 24 bit.  All
told, the whole combo' set me back about $430 and I've been a very happy
camper.  Just got back from visting my brother who has a purebred Linn
Ikemi and I much prefer my humble German / Chinese mutt.

To russellk's point, the Benchmark has been consistently described as
bright in the many reviews and shootouts I have read.  A less
pejorative term would be analytical.  

Not my cup o' tea, but if that's what you're after, there are usually
several for sale at any given time on Audiogon (used) for $700 -$800.


Two-channel System:
SB3 - Behringer SRC2496 - Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cartridge - Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Deaf Cat

Vic;240687 Wrote: 
 Have you had better results with SB compared to soundcards?
I was using the M-audio USB Audiophile, USB from the laptop to the
card, coax out, it uses a separate psu (not usb powered).

Using the coax out form the SB just sounded better, it was a good while
ago I swaped over, so unfortunatly can't remember exactly what was
better.  My kit my ears ;-)

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;240697 Wrote: 
 This is even more the wrong forum to ask about that than to ask about
 the SB+.
AFAIK this is Slim Devices/Logitech's forum, and they have never had a
problem with people discussing third party products and additions, let
alone one for which they sell -at least- one SB3 for everyone sold!

I'm quite sure they are perfectly capable of policing their own forums
without your dedicated assistance.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread adamslim

totoro;240490 Wrote: 
 Let's see: you managed to combine the continuation of a straw man
 argument, a retard joke, and a reference to Nazis all in one post, all
 while being protected by the cover of a lame attempy at irony.
 Nice trolling.

I'm not sure I saw any irony in it, but maybe that's an across-the-pond
definition issue - the only irony I see is me being called a troll when
I have been one of very few who are helpful to the original poster in
this thread.  Clearly not the done thing on this forum!



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR V20, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread krochat

SoftwireEngineer;240722 Wrote: 
 (BTW, your setup is exactly my goal. Tell us more about your all digital
 path system/sound, as a good digression).

Digression would be right! Rather than starting a new thread, I'll go
into a little detail on the theory and implementation here and then
point you to all the other forums, etc. where you can study up.

Important concepts (in order of importance).
1) Frequency, time, and phase correction for both the room and
2) Putting frequency corrected bass drivers in the corners and crossing
over at relatively high frequencies (325Hz in my case).
3) Using digital crossovers and filters.


1) Acourate is the only program I know of that will generate
phase-corrected filters for convolution engines. No choice here.

2) You also need a convolution engine that implements phase correction
to make effective use of the filters. Inguz DSP is by far the easiest,
but only corrects 2 channels. BruteFIR (Linux) supports a much wider
array of configurations.  There are other convolution engines
available, such as the Foobar plugin and the TacT RCS (which doesn't
correct for phase).

3) In my system I have some room correction in the bass amp (TacT S2150
using TACS-generated filters). The Digital Crossover is implemented in
the bass and main amps. The TacT RCS is in bypass mode and used as a
preamp for volume control. Overall frequency and phase correction is
done by InguzDSP.

Ideally, every driver is driven by its own amp using digital correction
and crossover. That was overkill for me, so I just picked a good quality
phase-linear main speaker.


a) The GW Labs upsampler is to circumvent a deficiency in the
asyncronous sample rate converter in the TacT RCS when it converts from
44.1 to 96kHz. I could achieve the same thing by offline upsampling in
software to 96kHz and buying a transporter.

b) The Big Ben makes the quality of the source irrelevant. I couldn't
tell the difference between a stand-alone Transporter and the SB3
running through the Big Ben.

For more reading:


Inguz DSP:

TacT stuff, in general:

Room correction theory and much more:

A bunch of guys much more obsessive than myself about similar systems:

Watch out, it's a slippery slope...



Acourate - Inguz DSP - SB3 - GW Labs DSP (96kHz upsampler) - Apogee
Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2x TacT S2150 - Vandersteen 3a Signature +
TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread totoro

adamslim;240738 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure I saw any irony in it, but maybe that's an across-the-pond
 definition issue - the only irony I see is me being called a troll when
 I have been one of very few who are helpful to the original poster in
 this thread.  Clearly not the done thing on this forum!

If you don't understand that a post that combines an ad hominem with a
strawman, adds in a gratuitous Nazi reference and a retard joke, adding
no reasoned commentary, or, in fact, any content at all, is a trolling
post, you're either too dim even to argue with, or completely


Perl is the Ron Jeremy of programming languages.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New to Transporter

2007-11-06 Thread Gene Zalar

What is the best way to 'stream' internet radio? I have a 'music room'
and would like to stream internet radio to other rooms. Logitech is mum
on using the 'DJ' remote and suggest using the 'squeeze box'. I'm new to
all this and wonder what's up. Logitech bought 'slim devices' and I
gather there are a 'few' unresolved issues.

Gene Zalar

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB+ info please

2007-11-06 Thread opaqueice

Patrick Dixon;240733 Wrote: 
 AFAIK this is Slim Devices/Logitech's forum, and they have never had a
 problem with people discussing third party products and additions, let
 alone one for which they sell -at least- one SB3 for everyone sold!

As I'm sure you're fully aware, your product is in more or less direct
competition with the Transporter, and involves a modification to the SB
which voids the warranty.  Discussing it on these forums could raise a
number of red flags.

If I were you I'd be grateful it's allowed to continue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread opaqueice

krochat;240619 Wrote: 
 When I tried 96/24 on my SB3 a few months ago, streaming as WAV created
 noise, streaming as FLAC worked. What are you streaming as?

I just tried streaming the 24/96 WAV file as WAV, and it worked fine
through my DAC.  I'm too lazy to check the analogue outs.

I'm using a recent beta version of squeezecenter 7.0, which might be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Testing 24-bit, 96 kHz FLAC?

2007-11-06 Thread krochat

opaqueice;240809 Wrote: 
 DRC doesn't do that?

Just showing my ignorance. From browsing the DRC web page, it appears
that it does. However, neither I nor anyone on the forums I referenced
uses DRC (that I know of) - I'm not sure why.

I liked this quote on the DRC web page:

Thanks to Ulrich “Uli” Brueggemann for providing some filters
generated with a completely different approach. Most of the changes of
version 2.5.0 have been implemented after comparing the DRC filters
with those filters.

Uli is the author of Acourate, so I'll keep using his product.



Acourate - Inguz DSP - SB3 - GW Labs DSP (96kHz upsampler) - Apogee
Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2x TacT S2150 - Vandersteen 3a Signature +
TacT W210

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