Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter volume-control digital input

2010-04-05 Thread Rodney_Gold

I cannot see how the transporter using levels of digital attenutaion
that are fairly destructive (over 10 bits) to the signal can be better
than using analog attn. I would try using the G02 again using the
Transporters dac using the rCA analog out and balanced outs and also
your own dac , using the transporters SPDIF out to it. I do not like
the transporters DAC personally , but I have yet to find a DAC that I
*really* like with it , so do use it.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/SCM 50a's
SB3/Meridian DSP5000's
TP/PS audio perfectwave DAC/woo audio Wa2 Headphone amp/Sehneisser

"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aperion Speakers & Peachtree

2010-04-05 Thread iPhone

ajkidle;528570 Wrote: 
> Now we're getting somewhere!  It's not an aesthetics thing at all.  And
> in fact, my wife is not a fan of how big and imposing towers are.  I
> was pursuing that direction because I wanted better sound and solid low
> end.  Now I've got some real researching to do into subs and monitors
> and how that's going to pair with the Peachtree.  (Does an amp
> generally have a sub output, or does it go in series with the
> speakers?)

I think from what you are moving up from that the Aperion Speakers
would sound much better then what you have now. I again will say that
for less money, I would buy Vandersteen Speakers. First order
cross-overs and time and phase aligned drives are hard to beat. I would
seriously look at Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures if this is the last
purchase in awhile. Yes it eats up most of the budget, but pulling some
additional funds together for the amp would blow your mind sound wise
from what you have now and you would be happy for years.

It is very hard to beat a tower two way or three way with any monitor
or sub setup without spending way more then the good tower two/three
ways. Monitors start rolling off so soon on the bottom due to the lack
of drive size and cabinet volume, its just plain physics.

If there is a Vandersteen dealer nearby it is well worth the drive and
the time to have a listen to the Model 1C and 2Ce Signatures. Since
1977 more Vandersteen Model 2s have been sold then any other US speaker
and probably at or closing in on any other model in the world. It is
just about unbeatable as a time and phase aligned 3 way for $2200.

For @ $2800, one could have a NAD C 326BEE and pair of Vandersteen
Model 2Ce Signatures. Or the Nova and the Model 1C speakers for around
$2400. Another school of thought is to get the most speaker you can now
and upgrade the amp/receiver in the future. Of course, I am of the camp
that thinks the most important part of ones system is the speakers IE
spend the most out of the system budget on the speakers.

Again, I don't think you would be unhappy with the Aperion Speakers
especially with where you're upgrading from. I am suggesting doing some
listening and searching since this is going to be a one time purchase.
Have fun doing it, make it something to look forward to. Enjoy the


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5
Reference Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide
AutoScope 2.35:1   

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread JJZolx

DCtoDaylight;530592 Wrote: 
> I know my TP never connects by wifi, but then it can't for two reasons: 
> I've never entered my wifi password into it, and I've never entered it's
> mac address into the allowed wifi list on my access point...

Obviously.  But is the wifi card broadcasting?  That's the question.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread DCtoDaylight

It's very easy, the wireless card is in a edge socket, you just lift and
pull and it pops out...

It should also not be necessary.  The default behaviour for slim
products has been to disable the wireless interface whenever a wired
lan is present.  So it's sort of strange that your's keeps going back
to the wireless.  Any chance there's some sort of problem with your
wired ethernet connection?  I know my TP never connects by wifi, but
then it can't for two reasons:  I've never entered my wifi password
into it, and I've never entered it's mac address into the allowed wifi
list on my access point...


Audiophile wish list: Zero Distortion, Infinite Signal to Noise Ratio,
and a Bandwidth from DC to Daylight

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread NewBuyer

tingtong5;530347 Wrote: 
> Simply remove the wireless mini pci card from the transporter, thats
> what I did ;-)

I'm wondering - was this very difficult to do?  Does it involve any
solder removal, etc?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter volume-control digital input

2010-04-05 Thread Fxdwg123

Rodney_Gold;530412 Wrote: 
> Why arent you using the meridian G02 for attenuation? Dont use the
> transporters at all. Treat the transporter or the transporter/dac as
> just another ceedeeplayer
> using -40+ db digital attenutation will kill the sound 
> You can hook up both your other dac and the transporters analog outputs
> (RCA or Balanced) at the same time (DONT use any attenution - your
> Transporter will put out both a digital signal and an analog at the
> same time) and compare both thru the g02 and in fact im pretty sure you
> can level match using the g02.

This was the original situation and the sound was good. However,
following advice from a friend, I did a comparison by eliminating the
G02 and connecting the dac directly to the power-amp. I was surprised
that the sound  was noticeably better (to me). Probably not because the
G02 is a bad pre-amplifier (on the contrary, I think) but probably
because the G02 adds a certain flavour to the sound of the dac in such
a way that without the G02 I like the sound more. 
So therefore I want to keep the Transporter --> dac --> G57 but also my
G06 --> G02 --> G57, which was the reason for this thread (getting
advice for the best way to attenuate the signal of the dac).


Synology 209+II --> Transporter --> Audio-GD Ref7 DAC --> Meridian G57
--> Wilson Audio WP7

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why cannot you make Transporter support 176.4 and 192Khz/24?

2010-04-05 Thread Themis

Well, when Akira Suzuki came to present CD (along with the Philips reps)
came to present CD in the annual ICIM (International Music Industry
Conference) in Athens in 1979, he got the following "constructive"
"Look, son, you propose the bullshit!"

Along with the opening of vice-president (Richard Asher) opening
speech, which was not tender.
Jerry Moss (A&M chairman) stated even that "I fear what the hardware
people are going to come up with next., to confuse and confound the
consumer" and "I loath seeing the erosion of sales and excitement in
the record business because of this confusion".

At the time, the recording industry was thinking that home taping was
"killing" the industry. All the audience heard in the pristine sound if
the CD was a better master tape for pirates.

Although Hans Gout (Polygram) was trying to play "good cop" by sayng CD
was "small and beautiful, when the microphone was open to the audience
(of the conference) it was a deluge of criticisms  and great
"How did they expect the labels to invest taht much in the hardware ?"
and "pay patends to Sony and Philips?" and "what about the piracy?"

(extracts from Greg Miller: Perfecting Sound Forever)


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Croft 25Pre and Series 7 power - Sonus Faber
Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why cannot you make Transporter support 176.4 and 192Khz/24?

2010-04-05 Thread Pat Farrell
Themis wrote:
> To add to that, the industry was against CD for the same reason :
> copying. At the time they were claiming cassettes were destroying their
> sales and that CD would give the final blow.

Er, no. For the first decade or so, the CD was loved by the Music
Industry because it was ReadOnly. There was no way to have consumers
copy music. They loved it.

The CD was designed specifically to be better than cassettes. In the
late 70s and early 80s, everyone had a cassette player in their car, and
made copies from LPs. Or even shared them. The horrors.

I'm a hardcore geek, and I saw me first CD burner in 1996.

A major reason that the labels pushed to DVD-A and SACD was that they
had built in DRM.

There was not much time between the popularity of DVDs and the cheap
consumer DVD burner. But by then, most importantly, selling physical
media with music was going the way of the dodo.

Pat Farrell

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why cannot you make Transporter support 176.4 and 192Khz/24?

2010-04-05 Thread Themis

mlsstl;530391 Wrote: 
> Actually, the music industry sales were dropping before that. If you
> check the RIAA "Key Statistics" for the period before, (1999 to 2003),
> you'll find their record sales dropped 18% in total dollar value in
> that period. 
> That is -before- downloading was very common since most people were
> still on dial-up connections. 
> While piracy is certainly an issue, it is too convenient a fall guy to
> pin the rap on. Every time there is a change in the music sales scene,
> they need someone to blame. Back in January of 1941, the fall guy was
> radio and ASCAP refused to renew broadcast rights for the stations.
> Ironically, that resulted in the creation of BMI and the introduction
> of gospel, blues and country music to the USA at large. Fast forward a
> couple of years and you have "rock 'n roll"! Talk about the law of
> unintended consequences.
> I'm sure you can find people who complained that LPs screwed up the
> sales of singles or that 78s screwed up both the sales of wax cylinders
> and sheet music. A double whammy!
> However, there is sales growth in areas of the recorded music business.
> They just haven't figured out how to transition it to fully supplant the
> natural decline of an aging format that had been their cash cow for many
> years. 
> If you look at history, that story seems awfully familiar.
> ;-)
To add to that, the industry was against CD for the same reason :
copying. At the time they were claiming cassettes were destroying their
sales and that CD would give the final blow.

History repeats itself. :)


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Croft 25Pre and Series 7 power - Sonus Faber
Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter volume-control digital input

2010-04-05 Thread Rodney_Gold

Why arent you using the meridian G02 for attenuation? Dont use the
transporters at all. Treat the transporter or th transporter/dac as
just another ceedeeplayer

You can hook up both your dac and the transporters analog outputs (RCA
or Balanced) at the same time and compare both thru the g02 and in fact
im pretty sure you can level match using the g02.


Sb3/Z-sys RDP1/meridian DSP5500's
TP/X-cans v3/Senns 650's
TP/SCM 50a's
SB3/Meridian DSP5000's
TP/PS audio perfectwave DAC/woo audio Wa2 Headphone amp/Sehneisser

"The nicest thing about smacking your head against the wall is...the
feeling you get when you stop"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why cannot you make Transporter support 176.4 and 192Khz/24?

2010-04-05 Thread mlsstl

Themis;530355 Wrote: 
> There is a 30% down on Total Music market 2004 to 2009, according to
> IFPI's annual report of 2009
> (
> "Liquid" music (digital) is up 940% for the same period, but it doesn't
> catch up the physical sales drop neither in volume nor in value. ;)
> Piracy is the main reason, as usually...

Actually, the music industry sales were dropping before that. If you
check the RIAA "Key Statistics" for the period before, (1999 to 2003),
you'll find their record sales dropped 18% in total dollar value in
that period. 

That is -before- downloading was very common since most people were
still on dial-up connections. 

While piracy is certainly an issue, it is too convenient a fall guy to
pin the rap on. Every time there is a change in the music sales scene,
they need someone to blame. Back in January of 1941, the fall guy was
radio and ASCAP refused to renew broadcast rights for the stations.
Ironically, that resulted in the creation of BMI and the introduction
of gospel, blues and country music to the USA at large. Fast forward a
couple of years and you have "rock 'n roll"! Talk about the law of
unintended consequences.

I'm sure you can find people who complained that LPs screwed up the
sales of singles or that 78s screwed up both the sales of wax cylinders
and sheet music. A double whammy!

However, there is sales growth in areas of the recorded music business.
They just haven't figured out how to transition it to fully supply the
natural decline of an aging format that had been their cash cow for
many years. 

If you look at history, that story seems awfully familiar.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread aubuti

jusisan;530170 Wrote: 
> The reason I'm trying to disable wireless is to to lose every g-type
> wireless-device from my network, leaving my two routers communicating
> via the faster n-network most of the time. The network drops it's speed
> whenever g-type devices are connected, and hence I'd like to disable the
> Transporter's wireless for the time being.
Have you actually tested this and confirmed that the speed on the n
devices actually drops when a g device is in the mix? Because that's
not the ways it's supposed to work. It's not at all like the old b/g
mixed network problems. See, for example, this thread:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Why cannot you make Transporter support 176.4 and 192Khz/24?

2010-04-05 Thread Themis

mlsstl;530186 Wrote: 
> Other music sales are not down. According to the latest RIAA statistics
> (on their web site) CDs are down about 25%, but download sales are up
> 27% for singles and 34% for albums. And those numbers make LP sales
> look like a small ink drop on a sheet of white paper.
There is a 30% down on Total Music market 2004 to 2009, according to
IFPI's annual report of 2009
"Liquid" music (digital) is up 940% for the same period, but it doesn't
catch up the physical sales drop neither in volume nor in value. ;)
Piracy is the main reason, as usually...


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Croft 25Pre and Series 7 power - Sonus Faber
Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Tranporter Volume Concrol cant be deafeated?

2010-04-05 Thread andynormancx

Chris wasn't saying that it wasn't a bug. He was saying that you had
selected the wrong Product type from the list when submitting the bug,
you must have chosen "" as the product, indicating
that the bug you were raising was an issue with the bug tracking system

Chris's comment was simply to explain that he had changed the Product
type to "SB Transporter" for you.

So don't worry, your bug is correctly logged, you need to wait for
someone to confirm it.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Connecting Transporter to Naim

2010-04-05 Thread bhaagensen

Two of the perhaps most prominent reasons for the din-connection are
impedance matching of the connector (with the cable) and the star
grounding arrangement (by having only one ground path). The
technicalities are really beyond me, but afaiu the claims are
technically sound.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter volume-control digital input

2010-04-05 Thread Phil Leigh

Fxdwg123;530348 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the advise, makes sense normally. However I want to keep my
> other chain for playing vinyl and cd's as total Meridian (G06 --> G02
> --> G57). I have been told that Meridian has maximum SQ keeping all the
> same brand. Next to that I have in the back of my mind that the G57
> (which is an A/B amplifier) on low volumes used the A amplifier part,
> which should be the best in the current setup with the Transporter. But
> perhaps this remark  illustrates that I still do not understand it all
> :) !

Nearly - Class AB amps operate in Class A at low signals so there is no
crossover distortion and switch to Class B at higher levels where
crossover distortion is not a problem! You won't hear any difference at
all between the two modes of operation (unless your amp is very
faulty!), so should still follow the normal rules of gain staging.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter volume-control digital input

2010-04-05 Thread Fxdwg123

NewBuyer;530313 Wrote: 
> To suggest the obvious: If you're listening at around half-volume level
> on the Transporter, you might also consider getting an amp with much
> less gain/power than your current 200W/ch one.  More power isn't always
> better!  :)
> Or even as a compromise, consider trying an amp like the Parasound A23
> - you still probably won't need much of its power, but the A23 has XLR
> inputs with level controls on the back of the amp to let you get the
> right amount of attenuation.  It also has an auto-on (signal sense)
> feature that would work great with the Transporter...

Thanks for the advise, makes sense normally. However I want to keep my
other chain for playing vinyl and cd's as total Meridian (G06 --> G02
--> G57). I have been told that Meridian has maximum SQ keeping all the
same brand. Next to that I have in the back of my mind that the G57
(which is an A/B amplifier) on low volumes used the A amplifier part,
which should be the best in the current setup with the Transporter. But
perhaps this remark  illustrates that I still do not understand it all
:) !


Synology 209+II --> Transporter --> Audio-GD Ref7 DAC --> Meridian G57
--> Wilson Audio WP7

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Connecting Transporter to Naim

2010-04-05 Thread Phil Leigh

I don't know what sonic benefits Naim claim for the use of DIN, but the
two advantages they do have are that the individual connections are all
identical (like XLR) for both signal and ground and the contacts are to
some degree self-cleaning on insertion/retraction.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...
SB Touch Beta (wired) - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W -
MF Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods) - Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters, Blue
Jeans Digital,Kimber Speaker & Chord Interconnect cables
Kitchen Boom, Outdoors: SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread tingtong5

Simply remove the wireless mini pci card from the transporter, thats
what I did ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-05 Thread jusisan

garym;530205 Wrote: 
> And I assume you have rebooted your router.

Morning everyone,

I've rebooted my router a number of times now, changing from
b/g-compatible network to pure n. Switching to pure n-type lost the
Transporter from the clients, which tells me that the wlan itself is
functioning as it should and the router's client list is reliable
enough. Unfortunately, I cannot keep the network like this as
g-compatibility is needed occasionally.

I also did a factory reset. Neither helped, the Transporter still
connects to wlan, and it's setup tells me that it's connected via

Bummer. There seems to be no other way to disable the wireless than to
plug a cable in, and that doesn't do it for me. I'm at a loss of what
to try next. 



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