Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-08-01 Thread Caad

Hi Audio Bling

I have not tried any of the updates made by Boulder, Audiocom
international or Fidelity Audio.  So I can't comment on this. But they
have given me inspriratin by the very short modification descriptions
they have on there web sites.

Regarding the external Clock modules. There are many DIY clock modules
out there and I have already used a few of them with satisfaction in
previous modifications of CD players.
At that time I did not make measuments of the jitter / Phase noise. I
did only replace the already mounted crystal with a clock module /

Yes it would be interesting to test these clock modules against the
modification of U14. But some times you just need to make a desition of
what to do. I also think it is fun to see how good the existing circuit
can be with these few modifications. 
It could also be fun to try some of the descrete regulators on the
market, just like the 3 stores Boulder , Audiocom Int. and Fidelity



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-31 Thread Caad

Hi Percival Sweetwater / Soundcheck

Sorry But I have No Circuit description or diagram over the SBT.
In my work as RD HW engineer I have a lot knowlegde regarding RF and
Digital circuits and the related components.
This knowledge is what i'm been using for re-engineering the SBT.
Please be aware of I have only made modifications for the SPDIF output
and only for the Coax output, not on the analog section. I have also
measured the Ripple of 5V Supply for the SPDIF optical transmitter and
For now, I have not spend time to reduce this ripple. I have only
measured at the optical transmitter connector and this ripple is pretty
big. I bet, that there will be improvements in sound stage if this
ripple is reduced.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-30 Thread Caad

soundcheck;644137 Wrote: 
 Hi Caad.
 1. wav/flac
 I use flacs because of tagging. Though nowadays you can apply also
 to wav (dbpoweramp). That wasn't the case some time ago. If space is
 not an issue. You're probably right. It doesn't really matter anymore
 what format 
 you're running. Though I belive that flacs+tags are better supported
 then wav+tags in general. 
 When it comes to decoding. You pretty much confirm that decoding flacs
 on the Touch is causing nasty (in audiophile terms) side-effects.
 That's what I'm saying since quite some time.
 Streaming your .wav as PCM stream - that's what you do now - is nothing
 else than decoding the flacs on the server and stream them as PCMs to
 the Touch. Practically we're ending up with the same result.
 2. Decoupling  clock
 Great to see somebody is able to do some serious measurements. 
 It seems than that it is really a rather poor (in audiophile terms)
 implementation of the clock surrounding electronics causing the
 I will try your mod. Would be nice if you could take a picture how
 you've done your decoupling mods. 
 I just received some NPO caps for decoupling purposes - I'll try it
 right away as soon as I exactly know where to do it.

Hi Soundcheck

Here's attachment of the modifications i have made.  Please note that
Logitech will properly not hold the warranty if you dissemble and
solder in the SBT. All risk is from now on your own. I can't help you
out with any problems bases by these modifications.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-30 Thread Caad

soundcheck;645238 Wrote: 
 Thx Caad. Looks great.
 My Touch looks pretty similar to yours, since quite some time. Just a
 little less modified on the HW side. I put already some OsCons in. 
 When reading about your mods I figured that I might be able to gain
 more with the local decoupling mods.  
 Don't worry about loosing warranty. Everybody sticking a heated iron on
 the board is well aware of it I'd guess. ;)
 Thx again.

Hi again.
Oscon caps will do a great job, but Be aware of the importance of the
100nf is a SMD.
Because the leaded cap has to much induction in the leads. This
induction Will make a to big xL to the leaded cap.  It would Be a good
idea to replace the U14 hex inverter with single inverter Gates (no
buffered must Be used as the U14 already is. When a Using single gate
inverter instead of a hex inverter have adwandage of very short bonding
wires and you Will Be able to place the 100nf very close between the
supply pin and gnd pin. 
A good adwise is to keep the leads as short as possible to the oscon
to. Best is to use SMD oscons. 
Why ? Make a simple calculation by measure the lenght of tha caps 
leads and measure the distance of the supply pin / gnd pin to middle of
U14. ADD these lenghts together and notice that 1mm lenghts of lead Will
introduce approx 1nH.. Then calculate xL for the given clock frq. 
In other words, keep leads as short for keeping the supply ripple to
minimum..= lower jitter!! ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-28 Thread Caad

Hi soundcheck.
Im on holiday right now and will followup with photos this weekend


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-27 Thread Caad

Hi SoundCheck, Phil and all the Audio tweekers.

I have read a lot here on the forum and Sound checks SW mods of the
Squeezebox Touch(SBT).
I have tested some of there mods will thank Soundcheck for your
ambitions and energy.

I have though done some other tests that inspired me by reading and
testing Sound check SW mods.  

Soundcheck claims the SBT sounds better if the internal processor works
s little as possible! 
In Toolbox 2 you claims not to decode flac by the SBT. Please see
Toolbox 2 --
1.1.1 Server Based Decoding 

This inspired me not to use FLAC at all. 
In the matter of fact. Why do Audiophiles use FLAC or other compressed
The only reason is to save space on the Harddisk.  As I see it,  it
must only have been a problem a couple years ago when the hard disks
had less memory. Todays hard disks have a lot of memory and I don't see
why not using uncompressed standards as WAW instead?
I decompressed some FLAC files to WAW and did A to B listening tests. 
-WAW was tested to sound better than FLAC.
I now disabled the Servers file setting for WAW from   FLAC (FLAC/SOX)
to FLAC ( Disabled).
-This made the WAW files to sound even better.

The only problem by using WAW types  --FLAC (disabled) with this was
only when using my iPhone as remote and playing 24bit/96kHz files. This
way of using a (WLAN based) remote made the sound totally noisy after a
few restarts of the WAW files.  NOTE: This problem only occurs when
using a WLAN based remote and not the IR remote that is delivered with
the SBT.

Please also note when using the internal SBT server and a USB storage
Hard disk.  This way will only play the WAW 96kHz files with FLAC
disabled. (I like that! :-) )
You can check this by using the remote control and click the + bottom
and check the bit rate.
Note:  I have NOT listening tested WAW files between using the internal
SBT server and the computer based server. Please comment if you have
tested this.

Regarding the Clock:
I have decided to install a clock module in the SBT. But before doing
this i decided to test the quality of the SBT internal clock. This was
made by using a PN9000 phase noise meter from Aeroflex.
The Jitter was measured on the 24.567MHz Clock to 0.6pS (yes yes yes
0.6pS) Measurement Test point was output of the switch U15.
When the Jitter level was so low, I then decided not to replace the
Clock with a separate clock module. (Because all the clock modules on
the market has higher jitter level compared to the SBT's internal
But I did also measured the Supply ripple to the Hex inverter (U14:
LVCU04A) that are used for OSC the two crystals.
The Supply ripple was measured to approx 100mVpp.
I then decoupled the Hex inverter locally direct across the Pin14/Vcc
and Pin7/GND.  Using a SMD Tantal 100uF and a 100nF SMD cap. 
This decoupling reduced the ripple to below 10mVpp.
A phase noise / Jitter measurement was made and the clock jitter was
now below 0.5p
- When making a listening test, The sound stage was improved to a new
level by making this HW modification.
Please note I have ONLY made jitter measurements on the Clock only. NOT
on the the SPDIF signal!!
Do ONLY use SMD components for decoupling. Do NOT use leaded because
1mm of the lead will introduce around 1nH and this will increasee the
ripple between the Pin 7 and Pin 14. 

Regarding the SPDIF: 
Please use the same ripple reduce modification that are made for the
Hexinverter U14 to the SPDIF output buffer U34.  This modification will
reduce the supply ripple with approx the same as for U14.
Result is that the sound stage will improve even more..

More HW modifications can and has be done, but i believe these two
above vill make a good job for a few pennies. 

Please feel free to comment all the above modifications and tests. But
please do not make any conclusions if you only have an opinion and have
not tried the modifications.

Above modifications will after my opinion bring the SBT to a much
higher level.

My setup are as follow:

Mac with installed Server - SBT (with Teddy pardo PSU this is modified
by me)- CIaudio vda-2 (modified by me) -- Homemade balanced Pre and
power amp -- Duelund original Speakers. All cables are Duelund.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-07-27 Thread Caad

Sorry about the misspelling and yes you are correct regarding waw=wav


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Problem when Playing WAW on SBT

2011-05-23 Thread Caad

Hi Phil

Thank you for answer this question, and sorry for the late reply.

I have tested several ways to play back the WAW files and it looks like
the problem only occurs if 
I playback WAW files when using my Iphone with IPENG installed.

When using the Iphone to switch between Flac and WAW and every time i
play WAW the Noise salutes the speakers.

When i'm using the IR remote and switching between the exactly the same
files lovely sound comes out of the speakers..

When i'm using the Squeezeplay as a remote and switching between the
exactly same files the Noise comes back.

It is tested today with Official 7.5.4 and 7.6.0 build: r32453 SW for
MAC on 2 different MACs

I have also tested the Analog output of the SBT and behavior  are same
as Digital out.
FYI: The DAC i'm using are a CI Audio VDA-2. (Using a CS8416 Receiver
from Cirrus) NOTE the DAC is modified my myself).

Do you have an idea what can fix this issue?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Problem when Playing WAW on SBT

2011-04-27 Thread Caad

I have a problem with playing WAW files usually 96k/24b on SBT.
Then the sound  coming out of the SBT sounds like a FM tuner that is
tuned in between two stations. (Noise only). Well It Usually the first
couple of times works OK when I start to play a song. Then the Noise
comes every time i start to play a WAW file. It is possible to play
Flac and MP3 files. But when I return to play WAW, the Noise returns. 

I have setup the Squeezebox server to play the waw files following:
In filetypes:

WAW   Flac Deactivated
MP3 Deactivated
PCM Native

There are No problem with noise, only wonderful music in the speakers
1) When I  play the same 96k/24bWAW files using the buildin SBS in the
SBT. (in this case the SBS in the SBT does NOT Convert using sox)

2) setup the Squeezebox server to play
WAW   Flac  Flac/sox
MP3 Deactivated
PCM Native

I have tested this problem and it occurs on Squeezebox server ver:
officiel releases 7.5.3, 7.5.4 and two builds(32302 and 32364) of the

It is tested using two different MAC computers. (2.53GHz Mac mini and
2.66GHzMac Book Pro.) both running OSX 10.6.7.
Both running via WLan.

I have only tested the Spdif Coax output because I'm using an external

The problem is only when playing WAW files.
Then why do I play WAW instead of Flac?
I have read  Soundchecks threads and studied his Toolbox in following
When reading that Soundcheck could hear different between transcoding
and Native playing Flac files.
Then I asked my self why in the world playing FLAC when the HDD today
has the size enough for WAW files.
I also converted some Flac files(HDtrack downloaded) to WAW and did A-B
tests between Flac and WAW. and Sorry to say it but every time the WAW
file was played the sound was much more realistic, better perspective,
depth, micro dynamics etc.  
This was tested when playing the files from a USB memory stick via the
buildin SBS in the SBT Please see 1).
I then wanted to make the same test using the same setting of files on
the Squeezebox server
Please see 2). and now only Noise comes out of the speakers.

I have attached a log file that should include the issue.

Does anybody have the same issue? and a solution to fix it?

|Filename:   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile Review II: What conclusion can be drawn from the Measurements?

2010-10-15 Thread Caad

Hi: 24bit=144dBThis can't at the moment be converted to analog. Max
dynamic out of a Current DAC is: 132dB (PCM1794 / PCM1792 in mono and
balanced configuration).
I once asked a Burr Brown sales manager why they annonced 24bit whaen
it not was possible to convert this to analog. He returned with a smile
and said. 24 maketing bit.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linear PSU for Squeezebox Touch

2010-09-02 Thread Caad

I'm working on a Linear PSU upgrade to the SBT using a Transistor with
grounded Basis via a Voltage-Ref from

I know the Max load is 1.5A for this PSU. The Current limiter is
temp-regulated, so i have added a big heat sink if Current schould
exceed the 1.5A. Also and I'm not connecting a USB HDD or using the
internal SBS.
Only problem is that the output pwr drops around 400mV when setting the
load to 1.5A. This is not a problem because it is possible to adjust the
output voltage by a Potmeter. but Will the SBT surwive the 400mV over
voltage when the Linear PSU connector connects to the SBT 

The Squeezebox Touch accepts 5VDC input.
Does anybody knows the Max tolerance on this inputvoltage?
5VDC +/- ?V



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Linear PSU for Squeezebox Touch

2010-09-02 Thread Caad

Thank you for your replies.

Several types of linear outboard PSU has been recommended in several
forums. And also in this Forum.!
I have though respect for you guys in here. When you say that there is
no different in soundstage when using different outboard PSU. 
I believe that your experience with the SBT and an other PSU then the
supplied already has been tested?
What types of PSU has you tested?
Thank you for your information regarding supply the SBT with 5.6V (
600mV Overvoltage) when using a battery.
Regarding Ground loops. I also believe in avoiding ground loops with
proper system setup. And my experience is that this can be tricky...
By the way: regarding avoiding groundloops: do you guys have any good
experience using optical cables for the SPDIF(Toslink) connection?

Please Check this interesting link for updates regarding the SBT.

I find this link very interesting. I have not yet tested all the
modifications, so I can't comment the author modifications.

All these has made me interesting in making this upgrade. I have not
yet listen to the System yet, because the PSU is yet not ready for use.

One thing I can say (hear ) for sure is that a Net filter in front of
the Original 5V adaptor PSU will improve sound stage. This Net filter
will filter both incoming noise to the SBT and Outcoming noise from
the SBT / original 5V adaptor PSU.

Regarding HW modifications: 

It is correct that there are Switch supplies inside the SBT. And these
can properly be improved.
I also believe that the Clock circuits can be improved if Low
Jitter(Phase Noise) OSC is installed instead of using the installed two
crystals that are running on 24.576MHz(for 96KHz samples ) and
22.579MHz(for 44.1KHz Samples). the OSC must of cause have own
regulation for each OSC. This will be a future upgrade.
Decoupling caps in the right values and in the right places around the
Digital supplies could properly also improve the Jitter of the Digital
The reason for not buying the transport are that I'm driving the
Digital output into a outboard DAC. The digital output Jitter of the
SBT are lower when compared with a Transporter. 
Please see Links:
Jitter measurement for SBT:

Jitter measurement for Transporter: (see fig 10)

I have NOT test this my self but I hope the above links shows  valid

Back to the Linear supply.
This is my first try to make the SBT sound even better then it
originally already does, but I now aware that there may not  be any


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disabling Transporter wireless

2010-04-12 Thread Caad


FYI: before you remove the Wlan card, Then please compare the audio
sound between using Ethernet and Wlan.  

My expirence with both the SBclassic and transporter sounds better when
using Wlan.

I have not tested this with unplucked Wlan!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-02-03 Thread Caad

Comments on free hand wiring..

Yes.! Free handwiring is basic Not a Good idea in a mixed signal
enviorioment like the SB3. I also belive that further improvement can
be done by placing these flying component on the PCB. But please note
the GND wire.. This is not more an antenna than the original PCB
design is on the breakout board. Acctually the only difference is the
noisygnd path on the main pcb. 
If we take a look at flying components that are placed direct at the
opamps output. An opamps output is very low impedance and this will
make it more imune to rf-interference compared with a high impedance.
But Yes, an optimum pcb layout is still to prefere. If the chief
engineer are consider a new revision of the this little wonder
products layout, then please use this big improvement in the next one.
It is a small thing to do and do not have an extra cost related to it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-01-30 Thread Caad

To CardinalFang..
Thanks .. A clean up of the flux will be done..;-)

To SeanAdams: 
Actually.. Replacing the caps to Black gate was an improvment, But the
Big improvment was to seperate the opamp output and especially the gnd
between the opamp and the RCA connectors from the PCB GND.. As you can
see this is done by placing the components from the opamps output to
the RCA connectors in a flying configuration and cutting the PCB
conncetion to the RCA connectors. Please see this on photos. The GND to
the RCA connectors was made with hookup wires. This last mod with
seperating the signal GND from the PCB GND was really an improvment!!

The problem must be that output Signal Gnd of the opamp passes the PCB
GND that contains Digital GND, Pwr gnd.  
Maybe the Slimdevice will improve the PCB layout in a future


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-01-29 Thread Caad

I have just runned a listningtest with a modded (by me) SB3 vs an
unmodded transporter... 

No doubt that the Modded SB3 makes a fullstrike against the unmodded
In Dynamic, perspective, etc


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 VS the Transporter

2008-01-29 Thread Caad

Thanks for your replies.. 
Here is how to mod the SB3.

Replace the PCM1748 DAC with the PCM1748K-grade. This is the only
semiconductor that was replaced. 
I decided NOT to replace the pwr supply with a linear one. (just for
fun. It will properly be even better with the Linear version. I have to
test this in near future. 
To attenuate the 5V switch mode Pwr supplys ripple, 2pcs Black gate
Caps 220uF/6.3V N are placed On the 5V input of the SB3.
C6,C11,C16,C17,C20 Replaced with a 47uF/6.3V HQ Blackgate 
C7 Replaced with 2pcs 47uF/6.3V HQ Blackgate
C10 moved from solderpad to the pins of the DAC
C12 replaced with 220uF/6.3V N Blackgate (they have no problem to
handle the 8V DC supply to the opamp)
furthermore an extra 220uF/6.3V N is placed direct on the supply pins
of the opamp.
C15 replaced with a 10uF Black gate.
C19 is removed (No need of a ceramic cap on the Analog supply of the
Following components has replaced and mounted in the air between C21,
C23 pads and centerpins of the RCA connectors. The center pins of the
RCA connectors has been disconected to the PCB when mounting following
six components.   
C21,C23 replaced with 47uF/6.3V HQ Blackgate, C22,C24 replaced with
same value but styroflex versions. 
R12, R14 (220R) replaced with holco 33R.
Last the GND of the RCA connectors has been Cutted. and two wires have
been placed direct between the opamps GND and each of the RCA
connectors. This way the Signal GND has been total seperated from the
ground plane of the PCB..

Thats all

But more can be modded..
a Ref clock can be installed, Linear 5V pwr supply..
If any have some ideas for more mods.. Please return..

|Filename: 5.jpg|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3: Absolute phase shift

2007-01-05 Thread Caad

Dear Slim D Support.

As an Engineer and  audiophil, I do a lot of tests and development of
home made DAC's 

As you properly know a lot of CD's are not recorded or made in absolute
phase +. Acctualy a lot of Cd's , Yes even different tracks on the same
CD are not recorded with same absolute phase. 
This is a problem when you are a audiophil. 
I would like to ask you guys if you can implement absolute shift
feature in the SB3. My suggestion is that it should be possible for the
user to make the absolute shift function via the remote control while
the music is playing. 

The SB3 used DAC (PCM1748) has this feature in register 22. Datasheet
can be downlioaded via this link

I have also made a lot of tests of digital filters. Eg the filter in
Also here there is a sound difference if you use the filter function
either soft or the sharp rolloff .
The SB3 used DAC (PCM1748) has this feature in register 20.
Why not implement this feature so the used can decide what sound he
/her like best? I think you will be the first company  on the market
with this feature if you implement it as a user defined solution. 

Last question. This is just a question and not a request  for

I can see that 24bit/96kHz not are implemented in the SB3. Only max
44k1Hz(11.2896MHz crystal running) and 48khz(12.288MHz running) are
Is it possible to to achieve the 96KHz samples with replacing the
12.288MHz crystal only with a 24.576MHz crystal or will this need
modification of the sourcecode?

As far as I know this implentation is already in the Transporter?  


By the way… This is a fantastic product….


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