Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2008-01-24 Thread Ejorne



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-12-27 Thread Ejorne

omega;251502 Wrote: 
 The 21 of january -08 
 we gonna meet Hammers friend at the Royal Institute of Technology to
 see if we can track this thing down.
 /mats :-)

Well... this topic still is in the air it seems.
I thought id died a while ago.

I will put 21 januari (or better 22 or 23 januari) in my agenda to take
a look at this topic. I am aroused curiosity...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-08-31 Thread Ejorne


omega;218198 Wrote: 
 Anyway both me and hammer are soon leaving sweden for a couple of weeks
 during vacation.
 So all this measuring and testing is put on hold for a while.

Back from vacation meanwhile? I am curious about the continuation of
your findings/testings...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-28 Thread Ejorne

bosco;217515 Wrote: 
 I haven't read the whole thread, but there is a really easy way to test
 the digital outputs.
 Do you have a receiver that can decode Dolby Digital (AC3) or DTS?
 Go here:
 and download/unzip a DTS or AC3 file. Play it on your Squeezebox (volume
 must be 100). The files are compressed, and if your receiver does not
 get a *perfect* signal you will hear nothing at all or just static.
 Works fine here btw. Good luck.

Why should a devices which is capable of pass-through dts and/or ac3 be

Does it say something about the amount of jitter from that signal?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-19 Thread Ejorne

opaqueice;215614 Wrote: 
 For the tenth time, it's really really easy!  I'm almost positive your
 soundcard has a line-in, and if it doesn't, borrow any laptop from some
 time in the last decade and use that.  Then all you need is a cable that
 takes 2 RCA plugs into a coaxial, like this:
 Then use the cable to plug your DAC into the line-in of the computer,
 record a song (for example using Audacity, which is free and
 downloadable), restart the SB, make a new recording, and use
 audiodiffmaker to compare.

I think tests like that will not result in showing a difference. But i
dont think that should say that the difference is not there and
therefor must be in the mind.

Because the difference between that cd and cdr looks like so much
simulair to this effect. And, as far as i know, there is also not a
technical explanation in difference between cd and cdr. Technicians
also say (and honnestly believe) that there IS no difference and all
the diffrence should be in the persons head... But with cd an cdr i can
prove the difference in blind testing, over and over again... But the
technicians still believe it is in my head...

But, escuse me for bringing this cd versus cdr back in this topic...
It's (probably) not connected to this problem... but as i say again,
those test will probably not result in differences, but... still it can
be there. We must know more about audio in technical way aand/or in
human-body way...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread Ejorne

seanadams;213834 Wrote: 
 How exactly do you suggest we bet on something if you won't accept
 simple empirical evidence that you are wrong?

I think it is hard to prove the things Omega is saying. But i think he
could be right. I hear exact the same pfenomenom when playing a
original cd versus a cdr. 

Simple emperrical evidence can prove i'm wrong about that. But i did
passed more than one abx or dbt. There are more people who hear those
things on cd versus cdr. And when using the right media (like black
surface cdr's) there will be no more or less difference between cd and

But a one is a one and a zero is a zero. Yeah, right. But a abx is a
abx and a dbt is a dbt...

So, i was planning to buy a SB3. But i'll wait about until this thing
is cleared up...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread Ejorne

ezkcdude;213940 Wrote: 
 Although you're probably a troll, and/or a friend of omega (first posts
 showing up in these flame wars are almost always a dead giveaway), I
 will give you the benefit of the doubt. What does playing a CD vs. CDR
 on a *CD player* have anything to do with the SqueezeBox? How could you
 possibly compare these two situations? *CD player* != *SqueezeBox*

Excuse me for making my first post on this forum so ugly one. But i was
mentioned from another forum-topic to this one. I'm from the Netherlands
and not a frien of Omega.

I did only post this answer because it did look so familier with the
one i did noticed with cd versus cdr. And i think the common of the cd
vd cdr and the squeesebox is the same spdif-stream that probbably
affects somthing (or something affects the spdif-stream) It was just
the phenomenon that was almost axactly the same: a cdr has a less
beutifull sound, expecially heard in the higher frequencies than a
orginal cd. So does the squeezebox, after skip a song, if i understand
it correctly from Omega.

So youre wrong telling me that i am a troll, but i dont blame you... I
would probbably think the same in this situation...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread Ejorne

servies;213962 Wrote: 
 Maybe you should create an image of the CD before burning it to CDR in
 stead of creating mp3's and burning those back to a CDR...
 A 1 on a CDR has the same value as a 1 on a CD or do you think that a
 CD player acts like: Geez... bummer, a CDR, what a cheapskate. You
 know what. I'll just decrease the soundquality in the higher

I don't use mp3 (duh) i create wav's with exact audio copy and then
burn them to cdr. When ripping it back to the computer the data is
identical to that from the original cd. BUT the cdr sounds indeed
different than the original. I can prove it by abx and/or dbt. 

But i don't want to go further off-topic. This is a topic about the
squeezebox and not about cdr. The thing about cdr was just to
illustrate the common phenomenon. ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Design miss in SB3 digital output? or Slimserver problem ?

2007-07-12 Thread Ejorne

ezkcdude;213990 Wrote: 
 Ejorne, first let me say I believe you're not a troll. Second, I think
 this is not really OT, given the nature of this thread. I still do not
 know, because you have not said, are you listening to the CD and CDR on
 a CD player, or are you talking about listening to the ripped files on
 the Squeezebox? If it is the latter, and you have already told us that
 the data is the same between the CD and CDR, you will not hear a
 difference through the SqueezeBox. You understand that right?

I do not listen through the squeezebox, because i don't own one yet. I
listen through (more) cd player(s). But i know the data on the computer
(not beeing time dependent) are exactly the same coming from a oringinal
cd or from a cdr. So through a squeezebox they will sound the same. But
on the cdr there possible are jitter and other differences. So maybe
the spdif stream is different. That's also the reason that i mentioned
it in this topic, maybe some spdif difference also are in the


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