Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for improving sound from SqueezeBox Duet

2008-09-13 Thread EnochLight

Nonreality;339915 Wrote: 
> "you think it's shocking that I would recommend a proper archival format
> as opposed to a lossy one?"  So which is it?  Archive or sound quality?
> Archive was your response this time.  I also recommend Flac for the
> reason of archival.  Plus the sound is great. 
> You seem to like sarcasm as well my friend.  The day that you can prove
> you can hear crappy sound from a 320 mp3 or tell the difference between
> it and a flac file is a day that I'll buy you a drink.  It's great for
> you to say this and claim that mp3's are so bad in a forum, but to
> prove it is another.  But I know that this is as far as it will go and
> you'll feel like you have accomplished something.
> I'm game here, does anyone else want to take bets on this, that
> Enochlight can tell the difference between a 320 mp3 and a flac file on
> a sony shelf system.  I have no idea of the outcome but I'm willing to
> lay down a bet.  I say he can't and using the typical double blind test
> of 20 tracks and using foobar to do it, would be fine.  This could be
> fun and no hard feelings, just a small wager between friends.  I'll
> also totally trust him to set the test up with a witness or two.

Your own posts seems to be laced with the same amount of sarcasm, which
is the only reason I dished it back at you.  I would agree that it has
become tiresome.

Would there be a challenge in telling the difference between a 320kbps
encoded mp3 and FLAC on a Sony bookshelf system?  I would be a naive to
say no.  I admit that it can be difficult to most ears, however; in my
past experience - I can, in fact, tell the difference between FLAC and
it's brethren in mp3.  Yes, Nonreality, my ears are *that* good.  ;-) 
Take some things into consideration - I'm speaking from experience on
my own systems and my own experience with my personal library.  I have
heard some of the tracks on my collection so many times (thousands)
that it's easy for me to tell that disc encoded in mp3 versus FLAC.

As for a blind test, I'd be game but I don't think it would be possible
to set up an environment that would please you or anyone else here for
testing.  I no longer own my Sony bookshelf system (which is why my
comments carried merit IMHO), and aside from a Boom I don't think I own
anything that could be used fairly in a blind test.

I suppose you'll just have to take my word on this one.

As for me saying FLAC sounds better than mp3 or FLAC is great for
archiving, yes I said both and will happily admit to such.  I think
anyone and everyone here would agree.  

Also, please understand that none of my posts here meant to carry
hostility towards you.  If you feel that way then I apologize.  But
remember - my initial response was because I was under the impression
that you were sarcastically making derogatory references to my original
post.  Now that you have stated that those were directed towards your
friend... you and I are all good.  Aren't we?  ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for improving sound from SqueezeBox Duet

2008-09-12 Thread EnochLight

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> You were not talking about archival at that point in the post so don't
> pretend you were.  It was your first comment to fix the sound problem
> or were you just throwing it out there to get something going?  

I wouldn't begin to pretend, Nonreality - I'll completely stand by my
original statement that mp3 compression craptizes audio and recommend
FLAC to any audiophile worth their weight in salt for better sound. 
Archiving is just a nice addition, which is why I mentioned that in my
last post.  Would the OP have noticed a difference in sound by
re-ripping his CD's in FLAC over mp3?  Only he could tell you, but I
know I certainly could - even on his Sony bookshelf system.  

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> You'll also notice I said "you have to watch some of the advise" the key
> word is "some". You want credit for guessing the actual problem, Great
> Job!  I mean it.

Why thank you!  I think...

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> You may have also not noticed that the post was not to you but to my
> friend Ralphpnj, who has played the attitude thing with me and so I was
> playing back with him from a past discussion.  He would have known what
> I was talking about I believe and noticed the attitude was a bit of a
> jab at one of his posts to me in the past. Trust me, my ribs are sore
> from him. :)

I didn't realize that, as the post appeared to be derogatorily worded
towards my original advice.  I apologize then for the mood of my
response, as I wasn't aware your comments were directed towards your

Nonreality;338606 Wrote: 
> But hey, Thanks for the eye roll, the "gasp" and the lecture, it's been
> great!

My pleasure!  I aim to please!  ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for improving sound from SqueezeBox Duet

2008-09-09 Thread EnochLight

Nonreality;338375 Wrote: 
> This for a shelf system.  Yeah that is the first thing you do.  Get rid
> of everything you have not knowing what rate that is was ripped at or
> if he even has the albums.  It's got to be those damn mp3's doesn't it.
> Tell me Ralph, why didn't get your hackles up about troll comments?  It
> fit's your criteria. Instead you just shine it on and agree in a not so
> subtle way.

Nothing like a healthy dose of sarcasm to start the morning off, eh? 
You're in an audiophile forum - you think it's shocking that I would
recommend a proper archival format as opposed to a lossy one?  He
stated he ripped his CD's so I assumed he still owned them.  Oh and -
get off your attitude, "Nonreality."

Nonreality;338378 Wrote: 
> So it wasn't the mp3's that crappify any system was it.  I hope you
> didn't get rid of them off the advise you got here.  Flac is the way to
> go but nothing wrong with mp3's if they sound good to you.  You really
> have to watch some of the advise you get here...

Well gee that's funny because part of my original advice was "make sure
the RCA input on your 90's Sony system isn't PHONO, as this could cause
a bit of a problem"... which turned out (gasp!) to be his problem.  

*rolls eyes*

You're welcome.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Suggestions for improving sound from SqueezeBox Duet

2008-09-01 Thread EnochLight

rksingla;335371 Wrote: 
> I am a newbie to digital musi.. I ripped the CDs using Max for Macintosh
> at *MP3 VBR.*

Wow - kudos to you for having the bravery to post in an [audiophile]
forum and admit that you ripped your collection in MP3 VBR!  ;^P

To improve sound quality, for one I'd throw out that lossy-MP3-ripped
collection and re-rip it in a lossless format (such as FLAC).  Part of
your sound could stem from the fact that MP3 - no matter what bit rate
- tends to compress and "craptize" any audio! 

As to why your sound is distorted... I am assuming you are inputting
your sound via analog RCA cables?  While that shouldn't have much to do
with it, make sure the RCA input on your 90's Sony system isn't PHONO,
as this could cause a bit of a problem.

Also, when you ripped your CD's did you have some sort of amp-gain
setting on your files?  

I'm sure others will chime in here eventually.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-03 Thread EnochLight

Shredder;274923 Wrote: 
> I am very skeptical of big dollar cables. I use the antis Pale Blue
> linked (both cables and ics). Very good for the price. They compare
> favorably to the big dollar cables I have heard. In fact, a few months
> ago, I borrowed MITs, Kimbers, and Esoteric cables/ics for a weekend
> comparison and the antis were as good or better than all but the $12k
> MIT cable (and who would pay for that?). Worth checking out.

Or, you could use a coat hanger for free.  ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. A Coat Hanger!

2008-03-03 Thread EnochLight


*runs and hides*



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sb4 ?

2007-06-27 Thread EnochLight

pfarrell;211307 Wrote: 
> Aside from the history, why would you want a rewind function?
> The only button on my SqueezeBox remote that I use is "Play"

LOL - cute.  Be that as it may, I can think of a thousand times when I
wanted to "rewind" through a track I was playing for [insert reason]. 
Whether it was to listen again to the nuance of a particular part of a
track or to show a friend a particular segment of a song without having
to replay the whole damned song all over again.

I can live with the technological hurdles that afford me the
Squeezebox, but it would be nice to have that old-fashioned ability to
"rewind/fast forward" through all file formats playing.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best way to convert FLAC to MP3

2006-12-20 Thread EnochLight

Foobar2000.  Probably the most versatile piece of free software
available for transcoding and tag editing, IMHO.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tweaked-SB2, some pictures

2006-01-27 Thread EnochLight

Michel Fombellida Wrote: 
> Attached 2 pictures of some other components in my system.
> Michel

I love your A/V rack!  What are they called and where can I get `em?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Volume bug - can you really hear it?

2006-01-22 Thread EnochLight

Is the firmware automatically updated when you update SlimServer?  I am
running version  6.2.2 right now but have no idea what my firmware is.


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