[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] AOTSetPropertiesExt

2008-12-02 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Hi All, 

Has anyone successfully change a table field's property (especially 
ExtendedDataType) using AOTSetPropertiesExt in AX 2009 SP0/SP1? 

Whenever I tried to run below job, it crashed at AOTSetPropertiesExt 
statement. I had experience to make it run once before, but maybe I was lucky. 

static void Job6(Args _args) 


TreeNode a,b,c; 
AOTTableFieldList fields; 
Struct s; 
Map map = new Map(Types::String, Types::String); 

Counter propertiesCount; 
Array propertyInfoArray; 
Struct propertyInfo; 
str propertyValue; 
int i; 


//create table 
a = infolog.findNode(#TablesPath); 
b = a.AOTfindChild(#TableName); 
if (!b) 
b = a.AOTadd(#TableName); 

//create field 
fields = b.AOTfindChild('Fields'); 
c = fields.AOTfindChild(#FieldName); 
if (!c) 
c = fields.AOTfindChild(#FieldName); 

//set field's properties 
s = c.AOTgetPropertiesExt(); 
map.insert(#PropertyExtendedDataType, 'SalesId'); 

propertiesCount = s.value('Entries'); 
propertyInfoArray = s.value('PropertyInfo'); 
for (i = 1; i = propertiesCount; i++) 
propertyInfo = propertyInfoArray.value(i); 

if (map.exists(propertyInfo.value('Name'))) 
propertyValue = map.lookup(propertyInfo.value('Name')); 
propertyInfo.value('Value', propertyValue); 


If I run it on AX 4 SP2, it didn't crash, but the string size is wrong (2 
instead of 10 as in SalesId). But second run will give 10 in string size. 

Is it as simple as 'unstable'? 

If I use normal AOTSetProperties, sometimes it hang or took very long time 
to finish (either 30 seconds or forever). 


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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Getting af number from a numbersequence

2006-01-04 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi Irving,Use false as parameter value when calling newJournalNum function. It's because you use the code not in a form. If makeDecisionLater parameter is set to true and you did not commit it, then Axapta will never update the active number as used number. Thus, when Axapta clean up the number sequence list periodically, active numbers will then be released to become free ones(dafault is after 1 day period). As the numbers become free, then it will cause those numbers being used again.Hope this explanation helps you.Irving [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi  I import records directly into the Invoice Register Journal and in  the process I have to get a journal number for the imported records.  I do this like this:  newJournalNum= false;
  if (!ledgerJournalTable.journalNum)  {  ledgerJournal= new LedgerJournal();  if (ledgerJournal)  {  ledgerJournalTable.journalNum =  ledgerJournal.newJournalNum(true);  newJournalNum= true;  }  }   It seems to go fine, but after a while I get an error when I try to  create a new Invoice Register Journal, it tells me that the number  is already used. When I go to Basis/Setup/number sequence and find the number  sequence for the Invoice Register Journal and select the button  clean up/Current, I'll get a list of all the journal numbers I have  used and I can see
 that the status is Free or Active. But I'm  looking at posted journals!  It looks like I have to do more than just pick a new number, do you  know what I have to do?  Regards  Irving   
 Best regards,Sonny Wibawa AdiMBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 TechnicalMCSD.NETMCAD.NET
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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Performance Issue

2005-12-19 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi, Mohit Rajvanshy,  If you want to perform a big size string operation that performance is  an important role, then you should use TextBuffer class. Just call  appendText method to concatenate the string.I tried the class and the result is very significant. The results are  68 seconds using plus ('+') operator and 0 second using TextBuffer  class.Here is my code:static void SWAStringConcatenationPerformance(Args _args)  {   TextBuffer tb;   str r,s;   int i;   int ts,te;   ; ts = winAPI::getTickCount(); s = 'My string for testing only.';   r
 = '';   tb = new TextBuffer(); for (i = 0; i  3; i++)   {   //r = r + s;   tb.appendText(s);   } te = winAPI::getTickCount();   //info(tb.getText());   info (strFmt("Finished (%1 - %2 = %3, %4 seconds)",   te,ts,te-ts,(te-ts)/1000   ));  }//Finished (23366171 - 23297453 = 68718, 68,72 seconds)//Finished (23407375 - 23407171 = 204, 0,20 seconds) 
   Good luck.mohit rajvanshy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi All,I am trying to fetch the records from a table which is  having 30,000 + records. I am concatenating the  string. But it is taking too much time for this  operation. Any better idea to perform this operation ?TableBuffer tb;  str a;  ;  while select tb  {   a = a + tb.name;  }Thanks in advance  Mohit Regards  Mohit Rajvanshy  __  Do You Yahoo!?  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around   http://mail.yahoo.com   Best regards,Sonny Wibawa AdiMBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 TechnicalMCSD.NETMCAD.NET__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

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RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Strange problem in scaling size when printing

2005-12-15 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi,Sherin Francis,  There are also fields in UserInfo table, reportBottomMargin, left,  right, top which did not shown in the user option form, but they are  really working. You may see them by modifying the user option form or  use SQL Query Analyzer.The other possibility is some printer driver doesn't worked well with  Axapta AOS and citrix and you use that printer. For example, Epson  LX-300+, even use the newest driver.  Now, the questions for the second posibility are: Are you using citrix  or AOS to print the inappropriate report? If not, then what is the  report orientation? If landscape, then probably that the Axapta print  the report in landscape size, but the driver doesn't worked well with  Axapta so the report will be resized into a portrait orientation. (Even  shown in landspace paper size as
 preview).Harry Deshpande [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Nopes, cant think of anything else.May be put a debug on sysprintform and  make sure that the scalepapersize value is being passed correctl.yRegardsharryFrom:  Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of sherin francis  Sent: 08 December 2005 10:18  To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com  Subject: RE:  [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Strange problem in scaling size when printingHi Harry,Thanks for the reply..but i've already tried tat out... no
 effect...is there any other settings for reports with regards to scaling else  where (related toa particular user id). I knw there is one in User  options -Fonts tab-. But tats just for the fonts...right??Harry Deshpande  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
 HiLuach the dialog of the report, click on  options , tab page options and see if scale to paper size is  checked may be this will solve the problemRegardsHarryFrom:  Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sherin francis  Sent: 08 December 2005 09:35  To: axapta axapta  Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village]  Strange problem in scaling size when printing   
 Hello group...Help needed!There is a customized report which has been successfully loaded at the  clients place.The problem is for 2 users, the report is showing the proper scaling  and proper height and
 size.. but for the rest of the users the report is by  default scaling to 63%. (as a result of which the text is very small)Any new user which is being created is having the same problem also...The only difference we noticed was tat when this customized report was  loaded at the clients site the 2 users (for which the reports are working fine)  were already created and the rest of the users were created after loading the  report... 
   Is there any scaling size set at the user level? Any help is appreciated...Regards,Sherin FrancisYahoo! Shopping  Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo!  Shopping Yahoo! Shopping  Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo!  Shopping   Best regards,Sonny Wibawa AdiMBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 TechnicalMCSD.NETMCAD.NET__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] tricky query

2005-11-14 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi, Askeryd Thomas,When writing the range criteria of the query, put the value using _expression_ in query range.  For more detailed explanation about how to use _expression_ in query range, you may point to this article:  http://www.axaptapedia.com/index.php/Expressions_in_query_rangesSo, one of the solution of your problem, write these two ranges in the range criterias:((income  3000)  (noOfChildren   2))  ((income  9000)  (noOfChildren  5))Askeryd Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:If there are two fields in different tables, say  income and noOfChildren, and you have to set up a Query and not write it in 
 code, i.e. use a Query with ranges and values and not write a select. How would  one solve this problem:Selecting persons with (income  3000  noOfChildren   2) || (income 9000  noOfChildren  5) ?Simply putting in income.value ( 3000 ||  9000)  and noOfChildren.value ( 2 ||  5) will not do it since that will also  include persons with income  3000 and noOfChildren  5 and vice versa. So  how can this be solved? Please help me out with this. If you know the answer it  will not
 take you much time to answer.__Thomas   AskerydWM-data Affärssystem – Axapta Sandhamnsgatan 65Box 270 30, 102 51 Stockholm08-67104740733-988686[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.wmdata.seThe information transmitted is intended only for the  person or entity  to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or  privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or  other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this  information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient  is prohibited. If you
 received this in error, please contact the  sender and delete the material from any computer.  Best regards,Sonny Wibawa AdiMBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 TechnicalMCSD.NETMCAD.NET
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RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] SalesFormLetter.insertJournal()

2005-09-27 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
 (is it
 the price before or after the update?). Transactions
 ensure that, depending on the concrete alterations
 of the records, users get consistent data from the
 database (that is either all or no prices are
 altered). An even more difficult to manage example
 is the “lost update”:
 Task A
 Task B
 FETCH Record
 FETCH Record
 UPDATE Record
 UPDATE Record
 In this example, task A reads a record, performs
 some changes and updates the record. Meanwhile task
 B reads the (original) record and performs some
 changes and updates the record afterwards. The
 update in task A at time 4 is lost. The solution is
 to lock the records (or tables) during update
 transactions (insert, update, and delete). This can
 be done by using the select forupdate statement.
 To mark the beginning of a transaction, you use the
 ttsbegin statement. This ensures data integrity and
 guarantees that all updates performed until the
 transaction ends (by ttscommit or ttsabort) are
 consistent (all or none).
 TransactionBegin = ttsbegin ;
 Starting a transaction is not meaningful if it is
 not ended, which is done by ttscommit or ttsabort.
 Therefore, there is only one coherent example
 illustrating those three commands. This example can
 be found below ttsabort.
 To mark the successful end of a transaction, you use
 the ttscommit statement. This ends and commits a
 transaction. MorphX guarantees that a committed
 transaction will be performed according to
 TransactionCommit = ttscommit ;
 Transaction blocks may be nested
 Statements between ttsbegin and ttscommit may
 include one or more transaction blocks, like the
 example below.
 // some statements
=== message truncated ===

Best regards,

Sonny Wibawa Adi
MBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 Technical

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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] In printer setup, how to make PDF the default file/message type?

2005-09-18 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Hi, Steve,

You may set your preferred file format when print the
report to a file. The function name is
preferredFileFormat in printJobSettings class. Here is
the sample code in init method of a report:

public void init()

Hope this help.

PS: Is there a problem with yahoogroups or yahoo mail?
I have sent this message twice including this one.

--- Varden Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Go to the property page and set the EnumValue
 property of ASCII to say 100, then set the EnumValue
 for PDF to 0 (zero) the first in the list. Set the
 EnumValue of ASCII to the value that PDF had and
 save the Enum.
 Akash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi,
 just try to change the places of Pdf ( move to
 and Ascii physically in the enum and that will work.
 --- slees32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Our users when emailing a document from Axapta
 always choose 
 However the standard default is ASCII meaning they
 always have to 
 click on the combo box and select PDF from the
 of the list.
 The default seems to be controlled by the element
 ASCII of the base 
 enum SysPrintFileType, which is set to enumvalue 0.
 Tried swapping this enumvalue with the element PDF
 which does make it 
 the default, however it stil produces an ASCII file.
 Any help would be much appreciated.
 I presume this is a simple change but I am just not
 competent enough 
 to work it out.
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 Varden Morris
 Senior Developer
 WellPoint Systems Inc.
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Best regards,

Sonny Wibawa Adi
MBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 Technical

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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] In printer setup, how to make PDF the default file/message type?

2005-09-15 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Hi, Steve,

You may set your preferred file format when print the
report to a file. The function name is
preferredFileFormat in printJobSettings class. Here is
the sample code in init method of a report:

public void init()

Hope this help.

--- slees32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Our users when emailing a document from Axapta
 almost always choose 
 However the standard default is ASCII meaning they
 always have to 
 click on the combo box and select PDF from the
 bottom of the list.
 The default seems to be controlled by the element
 ASCII of the base 
 enum SysPrintFileType, which is set to enumvalue 0.
 Tried swapping this enumvalue with the element PDF
 which does make it 
 the default, however it stil produces an ASCII file.
 Any help would be much appreciated.
 I presume this is a simple change but I am just not
 competent enough 
 to work it out.

Best regards,

Sonny Wibawa Adi
MBS Certified Professional - Axapta 3.0 Technical

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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] ctrl+ f or find crashes axapta

2005-08-26 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Hi Ed Tarnovsky,

Does your modified form have a control that use
display method to get the data?

If so, Is that control's Mandatory property set to

If so, then set that control's Mandatory property to

I was experiencing that problem before and solved by
using above steps.

If not, then try to simplified the problem by deleting
some controls, until it doesn't crash. Then check the
deleted controls to find the cause of the crash.

Good luck.

Best regards,


--- Ed Tarnovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a custom form. When the form is loaded from
 the main menu and you try to do search on the grid
 with ctrl+ f or right click find it crashes whole
 axapta env.
 But when this form is open and the search is
 performed on the other (any) from , then you can
 perfom finds on my form without any problems.
 when i debugged it looks like it crashes in lower
 layers when it is trying to call formNotify method
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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Localmacro help please

2005-07-11 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Sorry, I mean total elements when writing a literal
container. The total container itself can be more than
48 (of course) :D

  Axapta has a stack memory limitation for total
  elements in a container. You may solve this
- corrected.

So, there is a problem, too when using
update_recordset command with more than 48 fields to

I have other case of axapta kernel problem:

this code:
  object  myField;
  myField = Table1_ds.object(fieldNum(Table1,Field1));

has a different result with:

Axapta kernel also has limitation for undo steps

I think it's because IDE in Axapta is the same exe
with the client exe (ax32.exe). So, axapta kernel
should optimize and limit the stack memory use to
minimize memory usage and speed up the process. But in
the same time axapta kernel is used for IDE.

That's only my thought. 



--- Raul Llorente Peña/OPENSOLUTIONS

 Interesting, indeed!!
 Raúl Llorente Peña 
 Análisis, Desarrollo e Implementación en 
 Microsoft Bussiness Solutions-Axapta
 Enviado por:
 11/07/2005 11:04
 Por favor, responda a
 Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Localmacro help
 this is the so called 48 feature  it doesn't have
 anything to do 
 with localmacros or containers.
 you'll get the same internal compiler overflow hey
 what are you doing 
 using update_recordset command with more than 48
 fields to set.
 in this case you have NO chance beside duplicating
 the update_recordset 
 call setting the next fields.
 btw: does anyone have reported this already (and
 have got an usable 
 - Original Message - 
 From: Sonny Wibawa Adi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 11:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Localmacro
 help please
  Hi, Hennie Potgieter,
  Axapta has a stack memory limitation for total
  elements in a container. You may solve this
 problem by
  reducing the total elements in a container by
  them into containers.
  I tried to create a container and as I know, the
  maximum element is 48.
  You can change the macro in classDeclaration, pack
  unpack method:
  class MyReport extends RunBaseReport
   //... 48 elements
   //... 48 elements
   //... 48 elements
  public container pack()
 return [#CurrentVersion,
  public boolean unpack(container packedClass)
 int version =
 Container   con;
 Container   con1;
 Container   con2;
 Container   con3;
 switch (version)
 case #CurrentVersion:
 [version,con1,con2,con3,con] =
 [#CurrentList1] = con1;
 [#CurrentList2] = con2;
 [#CurrentList3] = con3;
 return super(con);
 default :
 return false;
 return false;
  Good luck!
  Sonny Wibawa Adi, MBCSP, MCAD.NET, MCSD.NET, MCP
  --- Hennie Potgieter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  When a localmacro list object is defined in the
  classDeclaration, only a
  certain number of variables are allowed. The pack
  and unpack methods
  gives the following compiler error: Overflow in
  internal compiler
  //variable list of 108 variables
  Is this an Axapta problem? Should more than 1
  localmacro list object be
  used? How would more than 1 localmacro list
  be implemented?
  Hennie Potgieter
  Senior Business Analyst
  UTi SUN Couriers Division
  Centurion, South Africa
  Cell: 0829208315
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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Localmacro help please

2005-07-08 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Hi, Hennie Potgieter,

Axapta has a stack memory limitation for total
elements in a container. You may solve this problem by
reducing the total elements in a container by dividing
them into containers.
I tried to create a container and as I know, the
maximum element is 48.

You can change the macro in classDeclaration, pack and
unpack method:

class MyReport extends RunBaseReport
  //... 48 elements
  //... 48 elements
  //... 48 elements

public container pack()
return [#CurrentVersion,

public boolean unpack(container packedClass)
int version =
Container   con;
Container   con1;
Container   con2;
Container   con3;

switch (version)
case #CurrentVersion:
[version,con1,con2,con3,con] =
[#CurrentList1] = con1;
[#CurrentList2] = con2;
[#CurrentList3] = con3;
return super(con);
default :
return false;

return false;

Good luck!



--- Hennie Potgieter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 When a localmacro list object is defined in the
 classDeclaration, only a
 certain number of variables are allowed. The pack
 and unpack methods
 gives the following compiler error: Overflow in an
 internal compiler
 //variable list of 108 variables
 Is this an Axapta problem? Should more than 1
 localmacro list object be
 used? How would more than 1 localmacro list object
 be implemented?
 Hennie Potgieter
 Senior Business Analyst
 UTi SUN Couriers Division
 Centurion, South Africa
 Cell: 0829208315
 mailto:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] EP Web- How to show personalize and blank login.

2005-06-16 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi
Hi all,

I made a bussiness connector using COM+ and I created
a web site of enterprise portal. When I tried to login
to enterprise portal, it showed only menus and I have
seen before that after we log in, there is a
personalize link and some informational box is shown,
like News, Frequent link, Outlook task, etc. 
How to show that and show personalize link?

I have another query on enterprise portal. My system
is Windows XP Professional No SP and IIS 5.1. I tried
to create a new enterprise portal in my computer, but
when I clicked login button, it showed the same login
page except that there were no login button and no
editboxes (username and password).


Sonny Wibawa Adi

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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Select empty date field

2005-01-03 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi Nitesh,

Use nullValue function or dateNull function.

For example:

 select * from salesTable where salesTable.DeadLine == nullValue(salesTable.Deadline);
 select * from salesTable where salesTable.DeadLine == dateNull();or


Sonny Wibawa AdiNitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
 i want to select records froma table whose date is empty.i used null, ' ' and " " in the criteria but it is not working .please help.

NiteshSharing the knowledge on Axapta. 
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Re: RE : [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] length of code per line and how to split it???

2004-12-22 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

You can try in C style, too:

str strA;

strA = "My string is \
very lnnnggg\n !\
";print strA;

//result is:
My string is very lnnnggg


Sonny Wibawa Adi
Steeve Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's a weird syntax: And if you do info(s) it will come out that way in the infolog: 
This is
A multiline

I didn't know about that one.
Thanks Morten!


-Message d'origine-De: Morten Aasheim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé: 22 décembre 2004 09:21À: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.comObjet: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] length of code per line and how to split it???

In 3.0 you can also have continous strings. 
From developers handbook:

A new type of string literal has been added. Strings that are prefixed with the '@' character may span multiple lines. Thus:Str s = @”This is A multiline String”;


From: Preston A. Larimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 22. desember 2004 10:40To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] length of code per line and how to split it???

There is no special line continuation in x++, x++ is like c and c++ in that it ignores white space, some time the editor will show an error when you first break a line, but once you finish the line out with a semicolon it should be good. The one place you’ll have difficulty is long strings, if you want to have long string that is broken across multiple lines, use strfmt, or the + notation.

strX = strfmt(‘%1 %2’, ‘Hello’,

strX = ‘Hello’ +

From: Joy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 11:51 PMTo: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.comSubject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] length of code per line and how to split it???

Dear Friends,

I write a very looong code in one line, it doesn't finished yet, but i can't write it again, if i split it to 2 line, it comes an error.

Is there any syntax or addition code to split it to 2 line?

just for information, i'm using axapta 3.0 SP 3



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[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Temporary Table cannot be set for security setup

2004-12-16 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi All,

I tried to configure user security for calling some menus and allow user only to access limited tables. After a while, I configured for GL | Reports | Reconciliation | Inventory Report. I open security type for 'Main Menu', then configure view access for that report.

The problem is, when I logged-in using the user with view access for that report, it showed:

Unable to run InventLedgerConciliation due to access restriction in table TmpInventBalance.

It seems that TmpInventBalance has 'InventTable' security key. But, when I try to open security setup for 'Security Key', I couldn't find Inventory management | Tables | 'Item posting' table (which is TmpInventBalance).

When I debug the code, at SysSecurity class of expandSecurityKey method, Line 123, the method will check if the table is allowed or not for security setup.

 if (table.dataId == tableNum(TmpInventBalance)) //534 breakpoint; dictTable = new SysDictTable(table.dataId);
 if (!dictTable.allowSecuritySetup()) continue;
At allowSecuritySetup method, it checks that if it is temporary table, then it won't shown.

boolean allowSecuritySetup(){ if (this.isTmp() || this.isMap() || this.isView() || this.id() == tableNum(AccessRightslist) || this.id() == tableNum(SysConfig) || !this.securityKeyId() || //If not, the table rights cannot be calculated if the user is a member of 1 group (this.configurationKeyId()  !isConfigurationkeyEnabled(this.configurationKeyId( return false; return true;}

So, what can I do to configure TmpInventBalance table security, then the user will be able to run the report ?

Many thanks,

Sonny Wibawa Adi

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RE: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Radio buttons

2004-12-07 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi, Morris Mendoza,

I don't know what form you exactly want to made. But, try this:
1. create a new form
2. override init method.
public void init(){ FormRadioControl fc; ; super(); fc = element.design().addControl(FormControlType::RadioButton,"MyRadio"); fc.add('asd'); fc.add('adassd');}
3. create a button and override clicked method.
void clicked(){ FormRadioControl fc; ; super(); fc = element.design().controlName("MyRadio"); info (strFmt("%1",fc.selection()));}

Hope this helps.


Sonny Wibawa Adi
Peng Qing Hua [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,  As far as I know, developer cannot directly use radio buttons. We have tocreate a enum data , and then specify your radio button to this emun. Theradio button's label is the emun item's label. Best Regard!Andy. Peng Qing hua-Original Message-From: Morris Mendoza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 2004Äê12ÔÂ6ÈÕ 11:25To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Radio buttonsHow can i use radio buttons in axapta. More specifically, how can i add labels for each item during design time? Thanks!Sharing the knowledge on Axapta. Yahoo! Groups LinksSharing the knowledge on Axapta. 
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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Numbering Sequence - Your opinions

2004-11-28 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi Subrahmanyam Mamidi,

I haven't tried this before, but as you can see, the PurchTableType class have many child classes and this class have numberSeqFormHandlerPurchId method. So, for each type, you may tried to create a new number seqence.

You may try this:
For each PurchTableType_ ... class, override numberSeqFormHandlerPurchId method. Copy the format from PurchTableType.numberSeqFormHandlerPurchId method and change PurchParameters::numRefPurchId().NumberSequence code with other number sequence reference.
Btw, if you don't know how to create new num seq reference, go to our yahoogroups files and find the number sequence documentation.


Sonny Wibawa Adi
Subrahmanyam Mamidi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Axapta allows to use only one typeNumSeq to create purchase orders. This is really not a good idea to use the same sequence for different types of Purchase Types.
For example, for a regular PO and a blanket also, it uses the same number sequence.

Does anyone in this forum know to assign different Number sequences for different Purchase Types?.

Any Opinions on this from the forum experts???. Any ideas where to look at?. 


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Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Global table methods

2004-11-28 Thread Sonny Wibawa Adi

Hi Ahmed,

There are two type of map in axapta. The first is in Data Dictionary | Maps. The second is map class.
For this problem, you should only consider the first one. Data Dictionary | Map is a table definition for the use of mapping ussually two or more tables. For example: In SalesPurchTable Map, there is SalesPurchIdfield and it is used to map between SalesTable.SalesId and PurchTable.PurchId.

If you create a method at SalesPurchTable Map (ex: void test () {}), then you can call from SalesTable table, by using :: operator.

SalesTable a;
a.SalesPurchTable::test(); //the format is: myTable.myMap::myMethod

If you have a method test2 at SalesTable table, then you may call itfrom SalesPurchTableMap. For this example, we can modifiy SalesPurchTable.test method:

void test()
 this.test2(); //this will call table method. 
 //warning: Both mapped-table(SalesTable and PurchTable) should have test2 method.

So, for your problem, you can probably override validateWrite method on the tables and use a map for validating those tables in one place (at the map).

at MyMap Map:
public boolean validateWrite(){ boolean ret = false;
 //my validation
 return ret;}

at MyTable1 Table and MyTable2 Table:

public boolean validateWrite(){ boolean ret = this.MyMap::validateWrite();
 return ret;}


Sonny Wibawa Adi
Ahmed Ibrahim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Varden Morris,
Could you please brief me about the actual use of MAP. I read the help documents reg. MAP but I want to know the actual use.

Varden Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I thinkthe xRecord system class has methods that are common to all tables but the fact that it is a system method means that you cannot modify it. The only solution I can think of is using a MAP. In this case you will have to manually map all tables to this MAP and then use the required method(s) from the MAP in the mapped tables.


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Hi Guys,Is there any way it is possible to set up global table methods in Axapta?E.g. validation that would have to happen when any record in any table.Regards,CarstenSharing the knowledge on Axapta. 

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