wsdl2java issues

2005-05-10 Thread Jyrki Saarinen
Hello all,

I encoutered a strange problem when upgrading to Axis 1.2 from 1.2RC2, a WSDL 
file stopped compiling with wsdl2java. Here's the command line that I use to 

java -classpath 
org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java --server-side --skeletonDeploy true -o src 

Here is the error message from wsdl2java: Type 
{}SignatureProperty is referenced but not 
at org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser$

SignatureProperty is defined in xmldsig-core-schema.xsd if I understand it 

Find the WSDL and required XML schemas attached, I would be happy if someone 
understands what is happening here?

elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="empty"/>









Axis and JAX-RPC deserializing problem

2005-05-10 Thread YIXING MA
I used JAX-RPC to send an XML to the AXIS webservice.
I got the error on the client side.
No Deserilizer found for type simpleTyple

how to make a call with a complex type array?

2005-05-10 Thread MKW
Please can someone point out what's wrong with my client?  My service 
and wsdl are fine - if I generate a soap message from the wsdl and enter 
the parameters I get the right response from the service.  But when I 
use the client below I get an exception about finding character data 
inside the array (?).  I know the QName bits are OK because I've used 
them successfully when I send single objects of this type.

I'm using a wrapped/literal service. First I create an array ( called 
entries) of user-defined types.  Then I say inside a try..catch block:

String endpoint = "http://..";;
Service  service = new Service();
String method = "storeMultiple";
QName qn = new QName("urn:DictServiceImpl", "DictEntry");
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.registerTypeMapping(DictEntry.class, qn, new   
BeanSerializerFactory(DictEntry.class, qn), new 			 
BeanDeserializerFactory(DictEntry.class, qn));
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new );
call.setOperationName(new QName("dct", method));
call.addParameter("entries", qn, ParameterMode.IN);
String ret = (String) call.invoke( new Object[] { entries } );

Any help much appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

stub.getResponseHeader(String, String)

2005-05-10 Thread John Windberg
I'm working with Axis 1.2RC3.

The class generated by WSDL2Java extends

which according to Eclipse has the following methods:
getResponseHeader(String, String)

The online docs don't describe these methods. They
refer to getResponseHeader(Call), which has been

Does anyone know what the arguments mean to

I can see in the test code that getResponseHeaders()
returns an array of four objects, and I can see that
one I want, but the docs confuse me so.



Problems using Java2WSDL

2005-05-10 Thread Bill Price

I am having trouble running 
the Java2WSDL example (example6) in the axis user guide. First, I had 
problems with the first option of the -p command. I changed the -p to --PkgtoNS 
and got past that.
Now I am getting a 
ClassNotFoundException on the filename parameter (class of port-type). I have 
copied the command line as it appears in the user guide. I am using ant to 
invoke the Java2WSDL. The basedir is one level above the package root. I get the 
same error regardless of whether I use full path name to the file, the relative 
path name, or the package name.
The file exists at the full 
path name that appears in the error message.
This is a snippet of the 
ant build file with the Java2WSDL arguments:
-n urn:Example6 --PkgtoNS samples.userguide.example6 urn:Example6 
Has anyone else encountered 
this problem or have any suggestions? TIA.

Re: Axis and JAX-RPC

2005-05-10 Thread Frank



Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

  JAX-RPC is simply the programming API. JWSDP and Axis are SOAP
implementations, and JAX-RPC is the API you use to invoke SOAP

There are lots of other JAX-RPC implementations. Every J2EE V1.4
compliant app service includes an implementation of JAX-RPC (WAS 6,
WebLogic 8, Oracle 10g, JBoss, etc). In addition, Systinet and Cape
Clear support JAX-RPC.


On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
 JAX-RPC is the standard Java API for SOAP. (JAX-RPC is to SOAP as JDBC
is to DBMS and as JMS is to MOM.) Most SOAP implementations for Java
implement the JAX-RPC API -- including Axis.
 So Axis is sort of a layer of abstraction above using JAX-RPC alone?
I assume your request for comparison is with Sun's reference
implementation of JAX-RPC, which is distributed as part of Sun's Java
Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP).
 Yea you got it.  That's what i have been looking at. Getting it to work was
a little ugly. 

I, too, think that Axis is much easier to use than Sun's JWSDP.

I suggest you start with the Axis documentation and the wiki. You can
also find lots of tutorials for Axis using Google.


On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML. Still trying to
understand how to create a Web service using Java. It seems you have a
number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code
simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work
fro even the hello world. Just found this Apache Axis, seems to be
easier. Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to






Re: Axis and JAX-RPC

2005-05-10 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
JAX-RPC is simply the programming API. JWSDP and Axis are SOAP
implementations, and JAX-RPC is the API you use to invoke SOAP

There are lots of other JAX-RPC implementations. Every J2EE V1.4
compliant app service includes an implementation of JAX-RPC (WAS 6,
WebLogic 8, Oracle 10g, JBoss, etc). In addition, Systinet and Cape
Clear support JAX-RPC.


On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
>  JAX-RPC is the standard Java API for SOAP. (JAX-RPC is to SOAP as JDBC
> is to DBMS and as JMS is to MOM.) Most SOAP implementations for Java
> implement the JAX-RPC API -- including Axis.
>  So Axis is sort of a layer of abstraction above using JAX-RPC alone?
> I assume your request for comparison is with Sun's reference
> implementation of JAX-RPC, which is distributed as part of Sun's Java
> Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP).
>  Yea you got it.  That's what i have been looking at. Getting it to work was
> a little ugly. 
> I, too, think that Axis is much easier to use than Sun's JWSDP.
> I suggest you start with the Axis documentation and the wiki. You can
> also find lots of tutorials for Axis using Google.
> Anne
> On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML. Still trying to
> understand how to create a Web service using Java. It seems you have a
> number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code
> simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work
> fro even the hello world. Just found this Apache Axis, seems to be
> easier. Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to
> reviews/comparisons?
> Thanks,
> Frank

Re: Axis and JAX-RPC

2005-05-10 Thread Frank

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

  JAX-RPC is the standard Java API for SOAP. (JAX-RPC is to SOAP as JDBC
is to DBMS and as JMS is to MOM.)  Most SOAP implementations for Java
implement the JAX-RPC API -- including Axis.

So Axis is sort of a layer of abstraction above using JAX-RPC alone?


I assume your request for comparison is with Sun's reference
implementation of JAX-RPC, which is distributed as part of Sun's Java
Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP).

Yea you got it.  That's what i have been looking at. Getting it to work
was a little ugly. 


I, too, think that Axis is much easier to use than Sun's JWSDP.

I suggest you start with the Axis documentation and the wiki. You can
also find lots of tutorials for Axis using Google.


On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML.  Still trying to
understand how to create a Web service using Java.  It seems you have a
number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code
simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work
fro even the hello world.  Just found this Apache Axis,  seems to be
easier.  Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to





Re: Axis and JAX-RPC

2005-05-10 Thread Dennis Sosnoski
I hadn't realized there were other implementations of JAX-RPC, besides 
the RI and Axis. What other implementations are available?

 - Dennis
Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
JAX-RPC is the standard Java API for SOAP. (JAX-RPC is to SOAP as JDBC
is to DBMS and as JMS is to MOM.)  Most SOAP implementations for Java
implement the JAX-RPC API -- including Axis.
I assume your request for comparison is with Sun's reference
implementation of JAX-RPC, which is distributed as part of Sun's Java
Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP).
I, too, think that Axis is much easier to use than Sun's JWSDP.
I suggest you start with the Axis documentation and the wiki. You can
also find lots of tutorials for Axis using Google.
On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML.  Still trying to
understand how to create a Web service using Java.  It seems you have a
number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code
simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work
fro even the hello world.  Just found this Apache Axis,  seems to be
easier.  Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to


Re: Axis and JAX-RPC

2005-05-10 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
JAX-RPC is the standard Java API for SOAP. (JAX-RPC is to SOAP as JDBC
is to DBMS and as JMS is to MOM.)  Most SOAP implementations for Java
implement the JAX-RPC API -- including Axis.

I assume your request for comparison is with Sun's reference
implementation of JAX-RPC, which is distributed as part of Sun's Java
Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP).

I, too, think that Axis is much easier to use than Sun's JWSDP.

I suggest you start with the Axis documentation and the wiki. You can
also find lots of tutorials for Axis using Google.


On 5/10/05, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML.  Still trying to
> understand how to create a Web service using Java.  It seems you have a
> number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code
> simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work
> fro even the hello world.  Just found this Apache Axis,  seems to be
> easier.  Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to
> reviews/comparisons?
> Thanks,
> Frank

Axis and JAX-RPC

2005-05-10 Thread Frank

I'm still fairly new to Web Services and XML.  Still trying to 
understand how to create a Web service using Java.  It seems you have a 
number of options. I was first looking at doing it in JAX-RPC, java code 
simple for the most part but the buld.xlm was real fun to get to work 
fro even the hello world.  Just found this Apache Axis,  seems to be 
easier.  Any one provide any advice etc on this, points to 


MessageContext.getCurrentContext() is null

2005-05-10 Thread Plorks mail

Hello all
I have a web service with some methods - when i publish it not all methods 
will be exposed, but those that are exposed will call the unexposed methods

One unexposed method is addSOAPHeader, which gets called when a user is 

When I call the addSOAPHeader method i need to call the 
handleRequest/Response method with the MessageContext.

I'm doing it like this but doesn't work - the MesaageContext is null
MessageContext context = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
Am i missing something in my addSOAPHeader method?
Any help greatly appreciated

public static String addSOAPHeader(String token) throws Exception
 Service service = new Service();
 Call call = (Call)service.createCall();
 SOAPHeaderElement tokenHeader = new SOAPHeaderElement("","TokenHeader");
 MessageContext context = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
 return token;

SOAPHandler class
public void invoke(MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault
public static boolean handleResponse(MessageContext msgContext)
   Message message = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
   SOAPEnvelope responseEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope();
   SOAPHeaderElement headerElement = 

   if (headerElement != null)
   String headerElementValue = 

   // make sure the headerElementValue is valid
   // something's gone wrong
   catch(Exception e)
   return true;
   public static boolean handleRequest(MessageContext msgContext)
   Message message = msgContext.getRequestMessage();
   SOAPEnvelope requestEnvelope = message.getSOAPEnvelope();
   SOAPHeaderElement headerElement = 

   if (headerElement != null)
   String headerElementValue = 

   // make sure the headerElementValue is valid
   // something's gone wrong
   catch(Exception e)
   return true;
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Re: Axis 1.2 vs 1.2RC3 for UDDI v3 WSDLs

2005-05-10 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
I can only assume that your WSDL references the dsig:SignatureProperty
type, but the type is not defined. Make sure all your imports are
correct and the dsig schema is available at the location you've

On the other hand, I'm not convinced that you need to follow the
JAX-RPC technical note.

The JAX-RPC note removes use of the  compositor and the
"final" attribute. If the tool you're using supports these features,
then there's no need to follow the guidelines defined in the JAX-RPC
technical note.

Axis supports the  compositor. I don't know whether it
supports the "final" attribute. I suggest that you try running
wsdl2java using the standard WSDLs and see if that works.


On 5/10/05, Volodymyr Ilchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a problem with Axis 1.2 release, which I didn't have with Axis
> 1.2RC3.
> I try to use WSDL2Java tool to generate Java sources from UDDI v3 WSDLs
> (
> The WSDLs are updated to conform to JAXRPC 1.1 spec as described at
> I get the following error during generation:
> Type
> {}SignatureProperty is referenced but
> not defined.
> at
> org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.checkForUndefined(
> at 
> org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.add(
> at
> org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate(
> at
> org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.populate(
> at org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser$
> at
> The command line parameters are:
> -s -o src uddi_v3_service.wsdl
> All the WSDL's are available locally.
> Java version is j2sdk1.4.2_07.
> What's wrong?
> Best regards,
> Volodymyr

Re: Using Castor Serialization results in xsi:type coding being specified in the SOAP message

2005-05-10 Thread Johan Roch

I had the same problem: I use castor to serialize my parameters and it
added the xsi:type attribute, so the request was rejected at server side,
complaining that it is not valid.
I first tried to do this in my stub class:
call.setOption(Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE);
But it did not work because the Castor serializer does not care... So I
looked for the option in the Castor classes and found that there is a
suppressXSIType field in the Marshaller class. So it finally worked fine by
doing the following in the CastorSerializer class:


Sorry for this late response, I hope this can help...


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bind CSC to any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written
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for such purpose.

  "Clement Lyons"  cc:  
  u>   Subject: Using Castor 
Serialization results in xsi:type coding being specified in the   
   SOAP message 
  04/05/2005 09:27  
  Please respond
  to axis-user  



I'm setting up a web using Axis 1.2 RC3 using castor for
(De)serialization as described in
as I want to use the castor XML validation.

When I run the example supplied I get the following I get the following



I am relatively new to Web Service and Axis but my understanding is that
this is a wrapped service
and that the xsi:type coded in the  element should not be there
as the WSDL specifies literal.

When I use the Axis Bean (De)serialization this is not present.

Can anyone tell me
1. If this is correct/incorrect behaviour
2. If this will cause any interop issues
3. If there is a fix or work around for this

I've had a browse in the lists but can't find anything on this.


Re: very urgent - SAXException

2005-05-10 Thread Venkat Reddy

Could you post your complete WSDL content obtained using
"?WSDL" and the WSDD you have used for deploying the

-- venkat

On 5/10/05, Surendar Suram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is my WSDL Looks like
> xmlns:soapenc="";
>  base="soapenc:Array">
>   ref="soapenc:arrayType"
>   wsdl:arrayType="stns:TroubleTicketSummaryList[]">
> I have generated Client stubs by using WSDL2JAVA tool.
> But when i'm trying to access the WebService by writing Apache client.
> I'm
> getting the SAX Exception. But with WebLogic Client it is not
> happening.
> May 9, 2005 1:29:04 PM org.apache.axis.client.Call invoke
> SEVERE: Exception:
> org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in
> org.bls.bst.erepair.client.QryTroubleTicketDetail - statusHistList
> org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializer.onStartChild(
> org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContextImpl.startElement(
> org.apache.axis.message.SAX2EventRecorder.replay(
> org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.publishToHandler(
> org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement.deserialize(
> org.apache.axis.message.RPCElement.getParams(
>at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
>at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
>at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
> org.bls.bst.erepair.client.ErepairtrblmgmtPortStub.queryTicketDetail(
> com.bls.bst.erepair.client.WebServiceHandler.execute(
> com.bls.bst.erepair.webservice.EgateTestClient.processQueryTicketDetail(
> com.bls.bst.erepair.webservice.EgateTestClient.main(
> I will be very great full if any body can show me the path.
> PS: I was wondering like can't we use Array Type for Apache Axis or
> some thing wrong with my WSDL.
> Thanks in Adavance,
> Surendar.
> Senior Developer.

Re: HashMap vs. Map

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Haller
Hey Keith,
thanks for your opinion. I really appreciate that.
It's absolutely correct what you're saying - do not use 
language-specific datatypes if you don't want to make other developers
lifes harder.

But in this case: it's an internal service only, so i know for sure that 
both endpoints are Java. Perhaps "Web Service" is the wrong approach to 
my problem.

Keith Hatton schrieb:
Hi Mike,
You are right, the Axis WSDL tools will only generate interfaces where
the method signatures contain concrete classes.
But using a Map is generally a Bad Idea in SOAP, because it is a
language-specific data type (likewise other Java collection things like
List and Vector). You may be able to make it work if both client and
server are Java, but SOAP is not designed with that goal in mind. You
may also wish to consider using a two-dimensional array instead for your
key-value pairs.
I am sure if you search the list archives for "WSDL first" you will find
plenty of advice suggesting that for best practice with Web Services,
you should start with the WSDL and not a Java interface (Java2WSDL and
the like are nice "marketing" tools for people to sell you the idea that
Web Services are easy and don't involve writing any new code!).
Really, SOAP is just a way of passing messages between systems, not
objects. I found the following article on "Web Services misconceptions"
Of course, you might still have a good reason to use a Map and I
wouldn't try to stop you, but I think all us developers often spend
effort working on the wrong problems, so just wanted to point out these
alternative ideas. Good luck anyway!
Hope this helps
-Original Message-
From: Mike Haller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 May 2005 11:52
Subject: Re: HashMap vs. Map

Thanks for your fast answer Keith.
So, it's not possible to get "clean" generated interfaces? And there is 
no way to tell Axis to generate interfaces using interfaces and 
skels/stubs using concrete classes?

It can use whatever Map-implementation it likes to use, as long as the 
generated interfaces use the Map interface.

Keith Hatton schrieb:
I can answer the first part of your question.
It's using HashMap because Axis cannot instantiate an interface or 
abstract class. When Axis receives your XML it must build concrete 
object instances, so it must declare a concrete class. Otherwise which

implementation of Map should it choose?
Hope this helps
-Original Message-
From: Mike Haller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 May 2005 11:00
Subject: HashMap vs. Map
Hi all,
using Axis 1.2
I'm trying to implement my own service:
public interface MyService {
public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.Map 
parameters); }

Sadly, the generated code (java2wsdl and then wsdl2java) is generating
this interface:
public interface MyService extends java.rmi.Remote {
public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.HashMap in0)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
Note the difference: Map and HashMap in the method signatures.
Why is it using HashMap instead of Map?
To solve this, i tried to implement my own GeneratorFactory, but 
to find the location where the mapping is resolved. I also found out 
that there are  elements - but where do I have to add
since the WSDL file is regenerated on each build.
So, I hope someone can tell me where I can tell Axis' wsdl2java to use
Map instead of HashMap.

Re: fault returning zero-length array

2005-05-10 Thread Fernando D. Mato Mira
The same thing happens if I return null instead of a zero-length array.
Fernando D. Mato Mira wrote:
 I am using Axis 1.2 Final, Java 1.4.2_08 on Solaris 9.
 When I try to return an array of length zero, I get an 
InvocationTargetException (faultCode: Server.userException). Is there 
anything one can do about it?

Fernando D. Mato Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomson Corporation Switzerland AG

RE: HashMap vs. Map

2005-05-10 Thread Keith Hatton
Hi Mike,

You are right, the Axis WSDL tools will only generate interfaces where
the method signatures contain concrete classes.

But using a Map is generally a Bad Idea in SOAP, because it is a
language-specific data type (likewise other Java collection things like
List and Vector). You may be able to make it work if both client and
server are Java, but SOAP is not designed with that goal in mind. You
may also wish to consider using a two-dimensional array instead for your
key-value pairs.

I am sure if you search the list archives for "WSDL first" you will find
plenty of advice suggesting that for best practice with Web Services,
you should start with the WSDL and not a Java interface (Java2WSDL and
the like are nice "marketing" tools for people to sell you the idea that
Web Services are easy and don't involve writing any new code!).

Really, SOAP is just a way of passing messages between systems, not
objects. I found the following article on "Web Services misconceptions"

Of course, you might still have a good reason to use a Map and I
wouldn't try to stop you, but I think all us developers often spend
effort working on the wrong problems, so just wanted to point out these
alternative ideas. Good luck anyway!

Hope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Mike Haller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 May 2005 11:52
Subject: Re: HashMap vs. Map

Thanks for your fast answer Keith.

So, it's not possible to get "clean" generated interfaces? And there is 
no way to tell Axis to generate interfaces using interfaces and 
skels/stubs using concrete classes?

It can use whatever Map-implementation it likes to use, as long as the 
generated interfaces use the Map interface.

Keith Hatton schrieb:
> I can answer the first part of your question.
> It's using HashMap because Axis cannot instantiate an interface or 
> abstract class. When Axis receives your XML it must build concrete 
> object instances, so it must declare a concrete class. Otherwise which

> implementation of Map should it choose?
> Hope this helps
> Keith
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Haller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 May 2005 11:00
> To:
> Subject: HashMap vs. Map
> Hi all,
> using Axis 1.2
> I'm trying to implement my own service:
> public interface MyService {
>  public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.Map 
> parameters); }
> Sadly, the generated code (java2wsdl and then wsdl2java) is generating
> this interface:
> public interface MyService extends java.rmi.Remote {
>  public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.HashMap in0)
> throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
> }
> Note the difference: Map and HashMap in the method signatures.
> Why is it using HashMap instead of Map?
> To solve this, i tried to implement my own GeneratorFactory, but 
> failed
> to find the location where the mapping is resolved. I also found out 
> that there are  elements - but where do I have to add
> since the WSDL file is regenerated on each build.
> So, I hope someone can tell me where I can tell Axis' wsdl2java to use
> Map instead of HashMap.
> Thanks,
> regards
> Mike

Re: NULL Values

2005-05-10 Thread Alexander Mischur
Hello everybody
Excuse me! I haven't search enough in the maillist.
I found the solution in this thread
[Re: How NOT to generate empty elements is soap message?]
and create me a new axis.jar!
But I'm always unhappy with this solution.
Maybe the axis-developers can make this configurable
with setting a property in the version 1.3.
Where else can I place this request?
best regards
Alexander Mischur wrote:
Hello everybody,
I had problems with NULL values of parameters.
My Client sent always this:


but the webservice i called, wants this if the callid is null:


So, the tag callid musst not be sent.
I've generated the stub with wsdl2java from the wsdl.
I'll set this code in the method:

So, please  help me, because i don't know the attribute
which i had to set or which combination of attributes.

Re: Generating WSDL with axis2-M1

2005-05-10 Thread Srinath Perera
Axis 1.2 final I would say

> Thanks Srikanth.
> This clarifies. But to try out my development on Web Services which
> version of axis would be the best.
> Regards,
> Satya
> -Original Message-
> From: Srinath Perera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Generating WSDL with axis2-M1
> Hi Satya;
> Axis2 M1 is just a Milstone relase and have limited functionality. It
> does not have the WSDL generation or codegen support built in.
> Axis2 M2 which is due in month or so, will have WSDL codegn support
> (limited) but I can not give time line for WSDL generateion support
> Cheers Srinath
> On 5/10/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am new to Web Services and Axis. I have successfully deployed a web
> > service on a tomcat server and would like to know how to generate the
> > WSDL from it.
> >
> > In the previous version of Axis this was achieved with Java2WSDL and
> > Wsdl2Java.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Satya.
> >
> > Confidentiality Notice
> >
> > The information contained in this electronic message and any
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Re: XML Catalogs and Axis WSDL2Java

2005-05-10 Thread Davanum Srinivas

we don't support catalogs yet...please log an enhancement request. A
patch would work even better.


On 5/9/05, Ellis Pritchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is Axis XML Catalog aware? Specifically, can WSDL2Java use catalogs to
> resolve schema URIs?
> I'm developing a document/literal web-service and I need to have the
> xs:import/xs:include elements use a Catalog to resolve their URIs.
> (actually I've looked at the code for, and the answer
> would seem to be no, but am I missing something?)
> Ellis.

Davanum Srinivas -

Re: ArrayOfString problems

2005-05-10 Thread Davanum Srinivas

wrong mailing list...wscompile is not a tool from Axis project. please
ask the JBoss folks.

-- dims

On 5/10/05, Adrian Wilford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am hoping someone can help me out here...
> I am using JBOSS 4.02RC1, and I am having a problem with a method using a
> String [] as a parameter. I used wscompile to generate the WSDL and mapping
> files.
> A WSDD with the following odd entry is generated when I try to deploy my app:
> My SEI looks like this:
> package webservice;
> import java.rmi.Remote;
> import java.rmi.RemoteException;
> public interface MyClass extends Remote
> {
> public int method1(String param1,
> String [] param2) throws 
> RemoteException;
> }
> I also found this entry in the log file
> Cannot find jaxrpc-mapping for type: {http://webservice}ArrayOfstring
> 10:57:35,339 WARN  [TypeMappingDescription] Class not found
> webservice.ArrayOfstring
> of course I have not written an interface or class called ArrayOfstring.
> I suspect that the reason it is looking for ArrayOfstring in the package
> "webservice", is because the QName: {http://webservice}ArrayOfstring uses
> "http://webservice"; as the URI.
> I don't know why wscompile creates this, and I don't know how to tell
> wscompile not to do so.
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Adrian

Davanum Srinivas -

JCA connectors on Axis?

2005-05-10 Thread Kanchana Welagedara

Hi All

I have a c++ web service which sends a soap request to connect to a third 
party service through a JCA(JSR 112)connector. I want to embed the JCA 
connector inside the AXIS JAVA .Is this possible? if "yes" how can I do 
this? Can anybody help me in this?


--Lanka Software Foundation (

RE: Generating WSDL with axis2-M1

2005-05-10 Thread satyasrinivas.turaga

Thanks Srikanth.
This clarifies. But to try out my development on Web Services which
version of axis would be the best.


-Original Message-
From: Srinath Perera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: Generating WSDL with axis2-M1

Hi Satya;

Axis2 M1 is just a Milstone relase and have limited functionality. It
does not have the WSDL generation or codegen support built in.

Axis2 M2 which is due in month or so, will have WSDL codegn support
(limited) but I can not give time line for WSDL generateion support
Cheers Srinath

> Hi,
> I am new to Web Services and Axis. I have successfully deployed a web
> service on a tomcat server and would like to know how to generate the
> WSDL from it.
> In the previous version of Axis this was achieved with Java2WSDL and
> Wsdl2Java.
> Thanks,
> Satya.
> Confidentiality Notice
> The information contained in this electronic message and any
> attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the
> addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information.
> If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender at
> Wipro or [EMAIL PROTECTED] immediately and destroy all copies of
> this message and any attachments.

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PROTECTED] immediately
and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Re: HashMap vs. Map

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Haller
Thanks for your fast answer Keith.
So, it's not possible to get "clean" generated interfaces? And there is 
no way to tell Axis to generate interfaces using interfaces and 
skels/stubs using concrete classes?

It can use whatever Map-implementation it likes to use, as long as the 
generated interfaces use the Map interface.

Keith Hatton schrieb:
I can answer the first part of your question.
It's using HashMap because Axis cannot instantiate an interface or
abstract class.
When Axis receives your XML it must build concrete object instances, so
it must declare a concrete class. Otherwise which implementation of Map
should it choose?
Hope this helps
-Original Message-
From: Mike Haller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 May 2005 11:00
Subject: HashMap vs. Map

Hi all,
using Axis 1.2
I'm trying to implement my own service:
public interface MyService {
 public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.Map parameters);
Sadly, the generated code (java2wsdl and then wsdl2java) is generating 
this interface:

public interface MyService extends java.rmi.Remote {
 public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.HashMap in0) 
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

Note the difference: Map and HashMap in the method signatures.
Why is it using HashMap instead of Map?
To solve this, i tried to implement my own GeneratorFactory, but failed 
to find the location where the mapping is resolved. I also found out 
that there are  elements - but where do I have to add them,

since the WSDL file is regenerated on each build.
So, I hope someone can tell me where I can tell Axis' wsdl2java to use 
Map instead of HashMap.


RE: HashMap vs. Map

2005-05-10 Thread Keith Hatton
I can answer the first part of your question.

It's using HashMap because Axis cannot instantiate an interface or
abstract class.
When Axis receives your XML it must build concrete object instances, so
it must declare a concrete class. Otherwise which implementation of Map
should it choose?

Hope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Mike Haller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 May 2005 11:00
Subject: HashMap vs. Map

Hi all,

using Axis 1.2
I'm trying to implement my own service:

public interface MyService {
 public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.Map parameters);

Sadly, the generated code (java2wsdl and then wsdl2java) is generating 
this interface:

public interface MyService extends java.rmi.Remote {
 public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.HashMap in0) 
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

Note the difference: Map and HashMap in the method signatures.

Why is it using HashMap instead of Map?

To solve this, i tried to implement my own GeneratorFactory, but failed 
to find the location where the mapping is resolved. I also found out 
that there are  elements - but where do I have to add them,

since the WSDL file is regenerated on each build.

So, I hope someone can tell me where I can tell Axis' wsdl2java to use 
Map instead of HashMap.


Re: Generating WSDL with axis2-M1

2005-05-10 Thread Srinath Perera
Hi Satya;

Axis2 M1 is just a Milstone relase and have limited functionality. It
does not have the
WSDL generation or codegen support built in.

Axis2 M2 which is due in month or so, will have WSDL codegn support
(limited) but I can not give time line for WSDL generateion support

> Hi,
> I am new to Web Services and Axis. I have successfully deployed a web
> service on a tomcat server and would like to know how to generate the
> WSDL from it.
> In the previous version of Axis this was achieved with Java2WSDL and
> Wsdl2Java.
> Thanks,
> Satya.
> Confidentiality Notice
> The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to 
> this message are intended
> for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or 
> privileged information. If
> you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender at Wipro or 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] immediately
> and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

fault returning zero-length array

2005-05-10 Thread Fernando D. Mato Mira
 I am using Axis 1.2 Final, Java 1.4.2_08 on Solaris 9.
 When I try to return an array of length zero, I get an 
InvocationTargetException (faultCode: Server.userException). Is there 
anything one can do about it?

Fernando D. Mato Mira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomson Corporation Switzerland AG

HashMap vs. Map

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Haller
Hi all,
using Axis 1.2
I'm trying to implement my own service:
public interface MyService {
public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.Map parameters);
Sadly, the generated code (java2wsdl and then wsdl2java) is generating 
this interface:

public interface MyService extends java.rmi.Remote {
public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.HashMap in0) 
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

Note the difference: Map and HashMap in the method signatures.
Why is it using HashMap instead of Map?
To solve this, i tried to implement my own GeneratorFactory, but failed 
to find the location where the mapping is resolved. I also found out 
that there are  elements - but where do I have to add them, 
since the WSDL file is regenerated on each build.

So, I hope someone can tell me where I can tell Axis' wsdl2java to use 
Map instead of HashMap.


ArrayOfString problems

2005-05-10 Thread Adrian Wilford
Hi All,
I am hoping someone can help me out here...

I am using JBOSS 4.02RC1, and I am having a problem with a method using a 
String [] as a parameter. I used wscompile to generate the WSDL and mapping 
A WSDD with the following odd entry is generated when I try to deploy my app:


My SEI looks like this:

package webservice;

import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public interface MyClass extends Remote
public int method1(String param1,
String [] param2) throws 

I also found this entry in the log file

Cannot find jaxrpc-mapping for type: {http://webservice}ArrayOfstring
10:57:35,339 WARN  [TypeMappingDescription] Class not found 

of course I have not written an interface or class called ArrayOfstring.
I suspect that the reason it is looking for ArrayOfstring in the package 
"webservice", is because the QName: {http://webservice}ArrayOfstring uses 
"http://webservice"; as the URI.
I don't know why wscompile creates this, and I don't know how to tell 
wscompile not to do so.

Any help would be much appreciated!


RE: exposure to web service

2005-05-10 Thread wsdl nerd
Thanks a lot Jay,

Now I've another problem,.
I'll compile my file to generate the classfile which
is used to develop wsdl file using java2wsdl, but axis
shows the following error..

The actual import class is,
but axis has taken it in the reverse form and gives
the following error,

WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Can't find
prefix for ''. 

Namespace prefixes must be set on the Definition
object using the addNamespace(...) method.:

Is there any solution to this,.

Really need help in this regard..
Thanks..  :-)

--- "Jay, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the Service Impl class, you will have the
> operation method.
> In that method, it is typical to call a stateless
> session bean that
> does your work, this would be a Session Facade type
> pattern.
> This allows the Web Service to be Scaleable across
> a J2EE server.
> Alternatively, you can have the method call a normal
> Facade pattern
> where you have the detailed implementation details
> for the service
> but abstract this from the Impl class, you would
> still need to
> have the Impl class import the package of your
> Facade.
> -Original Message-
> From: wsdl nerd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 12:05 AM
> To: axisgroup
> Subject: exposure to web service
> Hi,
> I want to expose a function that is in a class file
> which inturn imports a set of other classes and
> packages.
> I plan to use the java2wsdl and wsdl2java, but
> should
> i take care about all the import stuff??
> Hoping for an immediate reply,
> Thanks..

> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner
> online
> Go to:

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
Go to:

Axis 1.2 vs 1.2RC3 for UDDI v3 WSDLs

2005-05-10 Thread Volodymyr Ilchenko
Hi All,
I have a problem with Axis 1.2 release, which I didn't have with Axis 

I try to use WSDL2Java tool to generate Java sources from UDDI v3 WSDLs 
The WSDLs are updated to conform to JAXRPC 1.1 spec as described at

I get the following error during generation: Type 
{}SignatureProperty is referenced but 
not defined.
	at org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable.SymbolTable.add(
	at org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser$

The command line parameters are:
-s -o src uddi_v3_service.wsdl
All the WSDL's are available locally.
Java version is j2sdk1.4.2_07.
What's wrong?
Best regards,

Generating WSDL with axis2-M1

2005-05-10 Thread satyasrinivas.turaga


I am new to Web Services and Axis. I have successfully deployed a web
service on a tomcat server and would like to know how to generate the
WSDL from it.

In the previous version of Axis this was achieved with Java2WSDL and


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NULL Values

2005-05-10 Thread Alexander Mischur
Hello everybody,
I had problems with NULL values of parameters.
My Client sent always this:


but the webservice i called, wants this if the callid is null:


So, the tag callid musst not be sent.
I've generated the stub with wsdl2java from the wsdl.
I'll set this code in the method:

So, please  help me, because i don't know the attribute
which i had to set or which combination of attributes.

RE: adding Axis to your own Webapp

2005-05-10 Thread Merten Schumann
any answers to my questions below from the community? :-)
Thanx alot

> -Original Message-
> From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 8:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: adding Axis to your own Webapp
> I've got just another question in this area: is it allowed by license
> and all to distribute such an "web app added to Axis" .war to 
> customers?
> I mean, at the end you distribute your code AND Axis. I guess you have
> to add something like "This product includes software developed by the
> Apache Software Foundation." in the readme and include the 
> license file,
> but you don't have to offer your code for the web app, or?
> What are the reasons for Axis to not include in the distribution the
> activation.jar file from Sun JAF? Maybe some license stuff?
> BTW: I tried my stuff without activation.jar. The happyaxis page tells
> me "Axis will not work" because of this file missing. But my 
> simple web
> app works. So, for which scenarios is this .jar needed?
> Thank you

RE: Problems using the ServletSecurityProvider to do Basic Authentication

2005-05-10 Thread Clement Lyons
With trace logging turned on I get the following:

- Enter: SimpleAuthenticationHandler::invoke
- provider.getClass : class
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(user00)
- User:  preselect
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(user00)
- User:  preselect
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(password00)
- Password:  preselect
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(password00)
- Password:  preselect
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(got00)
- Got HttpServletRequest
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(noPrincipal00)
- No principal!
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(cantAuth01)
- Enter: SOAPPart ctor(FORM_FAULT)
- org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(setMsgForm)
- Setting current message form to: FORM_FAULT (currentMessage is now

What is the principal, am I stilling missing some configuration.
Is this meaningful to anybody.


-Original Message-
From: Clement Lyons 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 May 2005 4:44 PM
Subject: Problems using the ServletSecurityProvider to do Basic

Hi All

I'am running an Axis (1.2RC3) Web Service on a Tomcat (4.1.31) I'am
having problems getting Basic Authentication working using the
ServletSecurityProvider and the SimpleAuthenticationHandler. 

This is my configuration:

In the Axis web.xml:
Apache-Axis Servlet




Web Services Basic Authentication

In the server-config.wsdd

In tomcat-users.xml


This setup was previously discussed here quite a
while back.

I add the username and password in the client and using TCPMON can see
that it is being sent in the HTTP Headers.

I've also added logging to the SimpleAuthenticationHandler and can see
that the username/password is received correctly and that the security
provider used is

Should the allowedRoles specified in the server-config.wsdd be a user or
role in the tomcat-users.xml.

Any pointers or help would be much appreciated.
