[B.A.T.M.A.N.] Drop Packet, , single packet to large to fit maximum packet size

2009-02-18 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

I very often get the following error in syslog and batman log.
Currently I use batman-experimental rev 1214
The error occurres every second.

[  79646204] Error - Drop Packet, single packet to large to fit maximum packet 
size scheduled time
79646157, now 79646202, agg_size 4, next_len 276 !!

Axel: have you read my last email directly sent to you? It was about the 
hanging batmand problem.


Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] dublicate HNAs / certificates

2008-12-19 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

 I like brainstorming like this.
me too.

 We wanted batmand (and especially its core routing algorithm) to be decentral
 and simple. So no central point of control/failure and therefore also no HNA
Perhaps there is a different solution. What if everybody may broadcast their HNA
like batman is currently working and batmand get a list of router ip from which
HNA is accepted?
The bad-guy has normally no way to modify the firmware of other routers and can 
tell the batmand to accept its faulty HNA.
In this case batman can be updated requlary by cron-job and needs only check 
HNA against
it list.
A positiv and negativ list should be possible. Perhaps the list may contain 
network ranges.
(hcl = hna control list)

the firmware of the router may request the list from a server.
In case a non accepted hna is received, batmand may completely ignore the node, 
that is injecting
invalid HNA. When I understand you right, batmand currently ignores nodes 
completely that
are sending the same HNA?


Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] dublicate HNAs / certificates

2008-12-19 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

Hi again,

is there a way to set a TTL value for each hna that is different from OGM TTL?
If I assume that an HNA internet host is reachable via two nodes (e.g. running 
icvpn - bgp)
batmand currently ignores one of this hna and also the node and its traffic 

What if we use the ttl value as metric to decide which hna is used? In this
case both nodes are still present in network but you don't have a address 
Batman should not accept HNA that belongs to the ipranges of the batman network.
So a node with ip can not send a HNA with and disturbing 
routing. Perhaps batmand already checks this?


Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] policy-routing-script issues

2008-12-18 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)
Hi Axel,

sorry for the late response. I missed the email and found it today.
I understand your concerns and agree with that.
The reason for all this was to get the information on every gateway change.
I need the node ip of the gateway node at the time when the gateway is selected
or deselected. At moment I have modified the batmand to call a script in both
cases to setup /etc/resolv.conf which is important to always have a valid dns
server. the main publich dns servers often are not accessible from different
provider networks.



 I can understand your need and agree that your idea with the return value
 makes the hole thing very flexible. But i am not sure if it makes sense to
 call the policy routing script even more than once because system calls like
 that can be quite expensive. And another problem i see comes with the return
 values itself.  Currently the policy-routing feature is not aware of the
 return value of the called script. One reason for this is that the
 policy-routing-script is essentially operating in a loop waiting to be feeded
 with new commands via a pipe. Therefore the script itself does not terminate
 after being feeded and does not return anything. Another problem is that the
 C-function execv() (which is currently used) does not really support return
 values except in case of an error. As you suggested, the function system()
 could be used instead, but the manpage suggests to not use this function with
 suid privileges.

 Regarding the cost (in terms of processing-time) i did some small experiences
 on a netgear wgt634u and a linksys WRT with openwrt which showed that
 configuring a route via a bash script (using the ip command) or by using
 system() to execute the ip command is up to 50 times more expensive than
 doing it directly (using netlink sockets).
 In my test adding and removing 100 route entries using netlink sockets took
 about 200ms while using the ip command it takes about 6-10 seconds.
 Even just calling a script with system() which does nothing else than return 0
 takes about 50ms per call.

 Therefore I am not sure if using the policy routing script in a large network
 and with slow devices is a good idea at all. And if the threat must be
 blocked during the execution of the script to wait for the return value it
 would be even worse.

 What about introducing the possibility to define that the routing information
 which is forwarded to the policy routing script is only informative and is
 still applied by the daemon itself?


 On Donnerstag 18 September 2008, Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden) wrote:
 Hi Axel,

 thanks for your comments. At moment I have no much time to spend for
 batman development. We got a son two month ago and I'm currently enjoy
 him much.
 But I have a good idea concerning the routing script.
 The problem is that I like batman-exp to setup all routes as defined by
 parameters, but also want batman-exp to call the script.
 Batman may call the script twice. One call before and one after setting
 the routes. All should depend on the return code of the first call of the
 If the script returns 0, then batman should not set routes and also
 there is no need to call the script a second time.
 If the first call of the script returns 1, then batman should set the
 routes as defined by parameters and after it should call the script a
 second time (like pre/post scripts).

 This allows me to get the routing information without need to setup all
 routings per hand.
 Bye setting a environment variable you can distingnuish if the script is
 called as pre or post script.
 This leads to the next solution/patch:

 You should also add information about the gateway
 selection/changes/deselection to this script. Together with the
 modification above you can let batmand set the routes and update your
 resolv.conf to find the correct router that knows how to resolve dns
 At moment you have to get the dns ip from dhcp or you should enter this
 as a fix value. But a fix value for this is bad if you build a firmware
 with a simple user interface. Many people don't know how dns works and
 what ip they should enter. If you have different ISP some dns server are

 At moment I have added my own patch where I call (system(gateway_scirpt))
 each time the gateway tunnel is created or deleted. this is working


  On Montag 15 September 2008, freif...@ddmesh.de wrote:
   Just applied your latest patches as well. Thanks for looking over the
   Virgin eyes stumble easier over nasty stuff.  :-)
  When you find some problems in batman, can you also apply those patches
  the batman-experimental branch? At moment it is running without problems
  for freifunk dresden. But if the network is growing perhaps some issues
  cause problems.
  Over the time a reasonable part of the code structure of bmx and batman
  forked pretty much. Therefore I am

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] dublicate HNAs

2008-12-13 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

I'm not so deep involved in batman routing to find a solution. I hope
you can find a way. But for now it is not so important.
But if one node announces a HNA and a different node that just has fun to
turn off this node can simply send the same HNA. If you say the first
HNA is the right one, then what happens when this node gets the forced 
after 24 hours by its internet provider?

I think it is difficult to find a solution for this. The best is to keep all 
active but kill the HNA if not reachable?


[B.A.T.M.A.N.] batman-exp rev.1154 still using 94% CPU load

2008-12-02 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)


I have still the problem that batman-exp is hanging on 94% cpu load.
perhaps it has nothing to do with the gateway task. It is possible that
I run more batmand -c at same time?
The current batman revision is  1154.
Do you have any idea?

Mem: 15700K used, 14924K free, 0K shrd, 1440K buff, 6600K cached
CPU:  5.8% usr 94.1% sys  0.0% nice  0.0% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq  0.0% softirq
Load average: 1.62 1.39 0.98
24256  1843 root R 1264  4.1 94.7 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63
--no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules --no-prio-rules --one-way-tunnel 1 
--two-way-tunnel 0 eth1
tbb /t 1 /i /A
 1156 1 root S 1264  4.1  0.0 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63
--no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules --no-prio-rules --one-way-tunnel 1 
--two-way-tunnel 0 eth1
tbb /t 1 /i /A
 1843  1156 root S 1264  4.1  0.0 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63
--no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules --no-prio-rules --one-way-tunnel 1 
--two-way-tunnel 0 eth1
tbb /t 1 /i /A
24462 24460 root S 1216  3.9  0.0 batmand -cb -d2
24857 24815 root S 1216  3.9  0.0 batmand -c -b -r 1

Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] batman-exp rev.1154 still using 94% CPU load

2008-12-02 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)
Hi axel,

 Do you feel this problem has arised with a specific revision (has it been
 there with rv1069 and before) or has it always been there and your setup has
The first time I saw this was on revistion 1105. But a similar problem was 
on revision 972 where I still could call batmand -c -r 3 but not with -d
I can not say if this is still the same problem.

My setup of compiling batmand was not changed.
The compile flags I used were:
LDFLAGS =   -lpthread

Today I changed to revision 1171 and use the following flags:
LDFLAGS =   -lpthread

I compile batmand within the whiterussian_rc6 openwrt environment.
I wanted to create a core file but it seems that the openwrt kernel does not 
support it.
(ulimit -c unlimited, and kill -6 xxx)

 Actually not. Unfortunately I'll be probably be offline during the next week
 and cant do much. There is a completely thread-free version waiting to be
 checked in, then we can see if this helps, But actually I would prefer to
 nail down the source of the problem...
When do you expect a thread-free version of the batman-experimental branch?
I also like to solve such problems instead of using new code in hope that the 
is gone.

Bye Stephan
Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

[B.A.T.M.A.N.] batmand-exp rev 1146 - hanging again

2008-11-14 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)


I'm using batman-ex with revision 1146. One thread is running with
high cpu load. I can not make any connection via batmand -c. When
I try it, the call is also hanging.
I had the problems before, but not very often. I can not say how
to reproduce this.

the compile/linker flags I use are:
LDFLAGS =   -lpthread

Here the top output. Most time the load is about 90%.

Mem: 14840K used, 15784K free, 0K shrd, 1544K buff, 5936K cached
CPU: 15.8% usr 84.1% sys  0.0% nice  0.0% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq  0.0%
Load average: 1.04 0.96 0.72
20639  1793 root R 1260  4.1 67.6 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules
--no-prio-rules --one-way-tunnel 1 --two-way-tunnel 0 eth1 tbb /t 1 /i /A
 1106 1 root S 1260  4.1  0.0 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules
--no-prio-rules --one-way-tunnel 1 --two-way-tunnel 0 eth1 tbb /t 1 /i /A
 1793  1106 root S 1260  4.1  0.0 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules
--no-prio-rules --one-way-tunnel 1 --two-way-tunnel 0 eth1 tbb /t 1 /i /A
21037 21035 root S 1212  3.9  0.0 batmand -cb -d2
21283 21241 root S 1212  3.9  0.0 batmand -c -b -r 1


Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] batman-exp still has sometimes around 90% CPU load

2008-10-28 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

I will try the release 1146. Just for information I use the following
compile/linker switches:

LDFLAGS =   -lpthread


[B.A.T.M.A.N.] batman-exp still has sometimes around 90% CPU load

2008-10-25 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)


I'm using batman-experimental rev1145. I test this release since
2 days. I found that a thread of batmand was consuming around 90%
of cpu resources.

Mem: 15064K used, 15560K free, 0K shrd, 1152K buff, 5176K cached
CPU: 10.0% usr 90.0% sys  0.0% nice  0.0% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq  0.0%
Load average: 0.98 1.00 0.97
 4464  1941 root R 1216  3.9 84.1 /sbin/batmand -s  -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules
 1151 1 root S 1216  3.9  0.0 /sbin/batmand -s  -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules
 1941  1151 root S 1216  3.9  0.0 /sbin/batmand -s  -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rules

it was not possibe to connect to the running batmand.
A call batmand -c just hangs without printing current parameters.

I had this error in previous revision where you disabled the debug task.
Batmand was running without problems.Have you enabled the debug task again
in current revision?

any idea or solution?

Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

[B.A.T.M.A.N.] current vis revision (1128) not working with batmand-experimental

2008-10-20 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)


I had some problems with vis which was consuming a lot of memory within
a short time after running for days. So I decided to use the current
revision of vis.
But it seems that the vis does not process any incomming vis packet
from batman-experimental.

Do you have any idea to get it running?

Best regards

Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] My patches don't reference you mails

2008-09-26 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

If I look at this file I agree with you that there is no In-Replay-To.
But the email header is normaly much longer. So we can see this if you
create a new message for the list (not a reply).
The mailing list modifies the emails and removes a lot of header entries.

Perhaps the mailing list has a problem with multi-part email. Have you
tried to send new emails without attachments/pgp?
If it is working than the mailing ist has a problem with that and
attachments should be avoided.


Name: not available
Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 197 bytes
Desc: This is a digitally signed message part.
Url :
From sven.eckelmann at gmx.de  Fri Sep 12 16:59:45 2008


Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden


2008-09-25 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)
Hello Sven,

It seems that you are always replying to emails of a different thread.
The information you send do not belong to my questions.
I also have seen that you replay to other threads that is not related
to the threads.
Please create a new thread instead for you PATCH messages as it would
keep the thread in correct order.


[B.A.T.M.A.N.] batman-exp hang on 95% CPU load

2008-09-24 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

I currently use batman-experimental rev 1105. Yesterday
a node was not reachable. The top showed me that batmand
was running with almost 100% load.

I could not attach to the batmand to watch any debug info or states.
When calling batmand -cd8 (or others) the call simply hangs without

The only call I could make was batmand -c, which displayed:
/sbin/batmand [not-all-options-displayed] -r 1 -a -a eth1 tbb /t

logread did not show any batman message. The memory consumption was also ok.
After hard killing and starting the daemon batmand runs normal.

Creating a core dump on wrt was not possible.

Do you have already seen this?


Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

Re: [B.A.T.M.A.N.] batman-exp hang on 95% CPU load

2008-09-24 Thread Stephan Enderlein (Freifunk Dresden)

I forgot to add the process list of batmand. The hanging thread was
created by 1115. This may give you a hint to find the reason for hanging.

 1114 root   1216 S   /sbin/batmand -s -a -r
1 --t
 1115 root   1216 S   /sbin/batmand -s -a -r
1 --t
 1116 root   1216 S   /sbin/batmand -s -a -r
1 --t
13821 root   1216 R   /sbin/batmand -s -a -r
1 --t

Mem: 16424K used, 14200K free, 0K shrd, 1588K buff, 7104K cached
CPU:  6.6% usr 93.3% sys  0.0% nice  0.0% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq  0.0%
Load average: 0.89 1.05 1.00
13821  1115 root R 1216  3.9 94.3 /sbin/batmand -s -a -r 1 --t 63 --no-unreachable-rule --no-throw-rul

Regards and thanks
Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden