What is a "predefined name" in BBEdit 9?

2008-08-28 Thread Steve Piercy

I develop a codeless language module for Lasso. There is a new thingie
called a "predefined name". I read the long list of new features in 9
to try to understand what is a predefined name, but the terms used are
so abstract and generic that I still don't understand. Can someone
provide me with a real-world example or a better explanation? Thank

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Re: What is a "predefined name" in BBEdit 9?

2008-08-28 Thread Steve Piercy

On Aug 28, 4:20 pm, Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 28, 2008, at 7:13 PM, Steve Piercy wrote:
> > I develop a codeless language module for Lasso. There is a new thingie
> > called a "predefined name". I read the long list of new features in 9
> > to try to understand what is a predefined name, but the terms used are
> > so abstract and generic that I still don't understand. Can someone
> > provide me with a real-world example or a better explanation?
> The list of pre-defined names can include things which are not
> conceptually keywords, but are built-in to the language.
> Suppose I had an imaginary language FizBuzz which had keywords like
> (and, not, equal) for boolean operations, and built-in functions
> (print, exit), I'd include print and exit in the pre-defined names
> list. This list may be used for syntax coloring and completion purposes.

A predefined name sounds just like a BBLMKeywordList element. How are
they different? Are they merely organizational constructs? Do they
provide different functionality?

Thank you!

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Re: What is a "predefined name" in BBEdit 9?

2008-08-29 Thread Steve Piercy

On Aug 28, 8:56 pm, Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Language keywords and predefined names can have different colors.
> (Using factory default text colors, they are different colors. But if
> you'd like them to be the same, there's nothing stopping you from
> using the same color for both :-). )
> Predefined names are eligible for completion[1]. Language keywords are
> not.
> ([1] Thats a simplification of reality, but the default behavior.)

Thanks for the explanation, Jim.

So for a BBEdit 9 CLM, I should consider moving the language keywords
into predefined names. For Lasso, I can't come up with a reason off
the top of my head for moving just a portion of the keywords.


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Re: limited syntax coloring... driving me nuts

2008-09-02 Thread Steve Piercy

On Sep 2, 10:22 am, TS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BBEdit's other features have still made life easier, which is why I
> still switched back. :-)

Out of curiosity, specifically what other features would those be?


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Re: New feature suggestion: pull-down menu of CSS classes in style sheets

2008-09-11 Thread Steve Piercy


Did you send to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as a feature request?


On Sep 10, 6:06 am, NZIBIS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One feature I'd *really* welcome seeing is pull-down menus listing all
> the CSS classes in the current style sheets referred to by an HTML
> document when asking for class names.
> For example, on selecting the 'inline element > span' palette, you are
> offered to manually enter a 'Class:' field.
> While its nice to have the field there, what I'd like to see is
> adjacent to this a pull-down menu listing the classes available (for
> that element type) in the style sheets referred to in the document.
> It'd be quicker and less error-prone than typing the class names in
> and particularly useful for those who extensively use their own CSS
> styles sheets.
> This could be refined further by:
> - presenting only those classes that apply to the element in question
> - preferences/options to either present the classes in the pull-down
> in the order found in the style sheet or sorted alphabetically

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Re: Annoying window problem

2011-04-11 Thread Steve Piercy
On Apr 11, 4:22 am, RobS  wrote:
> I actually looked in the Help file, though I was searching for window prefs.
> Just now I tried "find difference" and it came up with a long page full of
> expert preferences but no way to find within that page, and the search
> phrase was not highlighted. So I wouldn't have found it anyway.
> I agree, Apple's help facility needs help.

Try bookmarking and using this URL in your favorite browser to avoid
the suck of Apple Help.


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Re: Preview advantages

2011-05-03 Thread Steve Piercy
On May 3, 12:09 pm, David Brostoff  wrote:
> I have been happily using TextWrangler for a few years now. Most of
> what I do is fairly low-level work on HTML files that someone else has
> created.

What is "low-level"?

> I recently tried the BBEdit free trial but didn't really see anything
> that I needed.


> Today, though, someone mentioned the preview feature,

Preview may or may not be helpful in this situation. If you work in a
web framework or use virtual URLs or edit an included file, then
Preview does not help much. But if you edit a single HTML file and
Preview it, Preview will update its display of the file as you edit
it. No need to switch to a web browser and refresh.

The multi-file search is hands down the best feature. Let's say your
"Chief Window Washer" gets fired for peeking through too many windows,
and is replaced by another person. Now you need to find and replace
every instance of their email address or telephone extensions
throughout the site. Multi-file search handles that brilliantly.

I also love the text completion, HTML tools, saving the state of my
files, text factories, SVN integration, and ponies.


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Re: Preview advantages

2011-05-03 Thread Steve Piercy
On May 3, 2:46 pm, David Brostoff  wrote:
> These are single HTML files, so it sounds as if Preview would work
> for me. Otherwise I am constantly having to click on the browser
> window and refresh the browser.

Yup. It should be.

Also BBEdit is not a WYSIWYG editor, like Adobe Dreamweaver or the
open source editors KompoZer or SeaMonkey. A WYSIWYG editor simulates
what the web browser displays to a fair degree, although not exactly.
Any of these may be more suitable to your usage.


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Re: Preview advantages

2011-05-03 Thread Steve Piercy
On May 3, 3:34 pm, David Brostoff  wrote:
> At 3:09 PM -0700 5/3/11, Steve Piercy wrote:
> >Also BBEdit is not a WYSIWYG editor, like Adobe Dreamweaver or the
> >open source editors KompoZer or SeaMonkey. A WYSIWYG editor simulates
> >what the web browser displays to a fair degree, although not exactly.
> >Any of these may be more suitable to your usage.
> >http://kompozer.net/
> >http://www.seamonkey-project.org/
> When you say that BBEdit is not WYSIWYG, do you mean the browser is
> more accurate? Otherwise, what does the BBEdit Preview look like?

It looks like this, Preview on left, code on right.

Compare to a WYSIWYG editor:


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Re: php syntax coloring inside of html tag

2011-06-20 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jun 18, 8:17 pm, ryentzer  wrote:
> At times when I have php inside of an html element the coloring of the
> php does not always show correctly.
> In this instance:
>  id="post-">
> the  is the same color as the html element, and
> the id="post- is the foreground color, not the html element color.
> Here is a link to a screenshot.
> http://forbenmedia.com/online/syntaxColoring.png
> I have the page set as HTML.

I wrote a Codeless Language Module for Lasso a while back, and
included some scripts in the .zip file that allow you to use a
keyboard shortcut to switch between Language Modes. Skip all the stuff
about how I made the CLM and read the "Installation Instructions".

Substitute "PHP" for "Lasso". Same concept. All you need to do is
modify keyboard shortcuts and the AppleScripts to taste.


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Re: php syntax coloring inside of html tag

2011-06-21 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jun 21, 9:01 am, ryentzer  wrote:
> Hey Steve thanks for the scripts. However whether I set the language
> to PHP or HTML, the problem still exists. The syntax coloring and
> folding is wrong. Thanks.

Sounds like your idea of "right" is different from mine. It works for

What exactly is "wrong" and what would make it "right"?


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Re: php syntax coloring inside of html tag

2011-06-22 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jun 22, 5:56 am, ryentzer  wrote:
> My apologies Steve, it does indeed work correctly. My syntax coloring was
> throwing me off a bit.

Glad to hear it!

I use this to switch syntax coloring between my programming language,
HTML and javascript, all with a keyboard shortcut in BBEdit to fire
off the AppleScript.


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Re: DTD Question

2011-07-10 Thread Steve Piercy
Just use the HTML5 doctype, unless you really, really need something
specific to design for non-standard modes:



On Jul 10, 9:38 pm, Jack Stewart  wrote:
> I am attempting to modify a website designed by a third party
> with a DTD of  PRO 5.0::19980907::extensions to HTML 4.0//EN" "hmpro5.dtd>
> BBedit does not recognize the DocType and assumes it to be HTML
> 5. This cause problems in syntax checking, etc.
> What is the best way to handle this problem. I am hesitant to
> change the doctype because of potential browser rendering
> problems. I do not know why this doctype was originally used by
> the designer.
> Thanks in advance -- Jack

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Re: DTD Question

2011-07-11 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jul 10, 10:09 pm, Jack Stewart  wrote:
> The problem is that when I use the , BBEdit shows
> 232 syntax errors on the index page alone. If I use 4.01
> transitional it only shows about 20 errors.

The number of errors is a separate--although related--issue from what
doctype is best in this modern day and, very likely, going forward for
the next several years. If the explanation on at the link I provided
earlier is not clear in regards to doctype, then ask questions to
clarify it so you understand the implications.

All that said, the reason you have more errors using the HTML5 doctype
is because it triggers "standards mode" which does not tolerate non-
standard HTML. I assume the doctype you provided likely triggers
"quirks mode" which is tolerant of sloppy, non-standard HTML. As a
result more errors will be reported in standards mode.

The best practice is to fix the HTML to conform to whatever doctype
and mode you choose, so that fewer unexpected rendering and display
issues arise. But don't take my word for it. This piece of advice
comes straight out of the BBEdit manual:

Note that an HTML document can display the way you expect it to in a
browser and still contain invalid HTML. Browsers are designed to be
lenient in the markup they accept, so you can get away with a certain
amount of "sloppy" markup. However, producing well-formed
(syntactically correct) HTML documents is the best way to assure that
your document will display in some reasonable fashion in a wide
variety of Web browsers, even those you have not tested the page in.

I don't know which tool BBEdit uses to validate HTML syntax, but the
W3 provides one useful tool, and there are syntax checkers that come
with web development plugins for Firefox and Chrome.


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Re: Need Version Management System Recommendations

2011-07-14 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jul 14, 2:28 am, Dave Fitch  wrote:
> Does anyone know where a version control beginner can find a good how-
> to for Subversion? I've had a copy for a while and am sort-of using
> it, but I feel like I've not really got a clue what I am doing. I've
> gone through the online tutorials/help but still don't feel that
> confident.


And to help, get a SVN repo and a client.

Free repos can be obtained from many places. Here's a couple:

And some free SVN clients:
Subclipse (plugin for Eclipse)

Commercial offerings are plentiful.

Once you have something to play with, it is a lot easier to figure it

BTW, *any* source control management is better than none at all.


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Re: BBEdit 10 cost

2011-07-19 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jul 19, 5:02 pm, Warren Michelsen  wrote:
> Alas, BBEdit 10 requires Mac OS X 10.6 or later and I'm still on
> 10.5.8, so, for the fist time since I began using BBEdit, I won't
> upgrade, since I cannot use the new version.
> One day, when I abandon Eudora and upgrade to 10.6+, I'll upgrade BBEdit too.

I'm in the same boat, still on 10.5.8 with a 3+ years old MBP.
Keyboard Maestro just released v.5 and it also requires 10.6+.

I look at it as an excuse to buy a new MBP and get Lion on a DVD. I
refuse to fall victim to the App Store download shenanigans.

Unfortunately Lion has not yet been released. Is it "July" yet?

Then I'll have to figure out a replacement for Quicken since it relies
on Rosetta and is gone from 10.7. Maybe iBank?


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Re: Does BBEdit 10 support GIT?

2011-07-20 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jul 20, 7:06 am, "Zajkowski, James"  wrote:
> On Jul 20, 2011, at 9:59 AM, Tim Gray wrote:
> > Note there is also what appears to be a nice GUI git app now, Tower [1].  
> There's also GitHub for Mac (github.com/mac) - which, although the name 
> suggests otherwise - works fine with non-GitHub hosted repos.

Also GitX:

And there is a plugin for Eclipse/Aptana called EGit, but I've had
problems getting it to work.


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Re: What am I missing in BBEdit 10?

2011-07-23 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jul 23, 10:35 am, LuKreme  wrote:
> Ok I broke it. If I drag Screen Shot 2011-07-23 at 11.30.15 AM into either an 
> editing BBEdit HTML doc or a. Brand new one, nothing happens
> 10.7 & 10.0.0

The OP already indicated why it does not work, and relayed the
solution that Barebones provided earlier in this thread.

I had a problem myself last year when upgrading from 9.5.1 to 9.6. I
think only I and a couple of other people had the issue, and the
majority of users reported they could not reproduce the issue, just
like folks are doing in this thread.

I cannot remember what the cause was, but working directly with
supp...@barebones.com resolved the issue by using one of the betas. If
this issue affects you, then I suggest you contact BBEdit Support.


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Re: [ANN] BBEdit 10.1.1 (3129) pre-release

2011-12-12 Thread Steve Piercy
On 12/12/11 at 8:07 PM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

> *   Because pie.

m pie.



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Re: BBEdit escaping my PHP brackets

2012-01-29 Thread Steve Piercy
On 1/24/12 at 6:41 AM, racquett...@gmail.com (Greg Raven) pronounced:

> Sorry if this is a duplicate post, but I can't find my earlier posting.
> I have a PHP file called mortgage.php. In it, there are statements along 
> these lines:
>  x  name="2nd_number" value="" /> = 
> There is also some HTML code, as you might imagine.
> However, whenever I reformat the code, BBEdit replaces the PHP brackets 
> with lt or gt equivalents, which of course breaks the PHP code so the file 
> does not execute properly in a browser.

What do you do specifically?  "reformat" is pretty vague.



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Re: How to make Un/Comment Selection work in language module?

2012-01-29 Thread Steve Piercy
Un/Comment is dependent upon the language setting for the file 
and Preferences > Languages > Options... .  It sounds like you 
got the latter, but possibly not the former.

Not sure why you edit the .plist file for this...


On 1/25/12 at 1:23 PM, frank.siebenl...@gmail.com (FrankS) pronounced:

Trying to make the menu command "Un/Comment Selection" work for a lisp-
like language, where you would use "; " to comment out a line of code.


BBLMCommentLineDefault = "; "

to the ascii.plist file, but that doesn't seem to work.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Frank.


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Re: set default attribute value

2012-01-29 Thread Steve Piercy
Check out the Clippings feature.


On 1/18/12 at 2:04 AM, soniyast...@gmail.com (Sonia) pronounced:

> For markup tags like anchor
> click here
> is there a way to assign these default attribute values(href="#"
> name="something" id="something") name to load with.
> Thanks


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Re: Shortcut key for browser of choice

2012-01-29 Thread Steve Piercy
Also look at the HTML Web Sites feature.  Thus you can preview 
complete HTML files in BBEdit and not need to switch to a browser.


On 1/28/12 at 1:22 PM, tnswilli...@gmail.com (Trev) pronounced:

Does anyone know how to open a browser with a shortcut key and can
give me some directions to achieve that.

BBEdit appears to have every shortcut except this one and its very
annoying having to manipulate through a menu structure to preview in a
obviously I am doing this wrongso please help me out.

I am a newbie  bought bbedit a couple of days ago..


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Re: BBEdit, Preview PHP

2012-08-05 Thread Steve Piercy
Select the most overlooked and yet most useful command, Help > 
User Manual.  This will open the PDF of the BBEdit User Manual.

Follow instructions in the section "HTML Web Sites Preferences".

It is assumed that you have already configured your computer 
(Apache and /etc/hosts) to serve files and render PHP locally.


On 8/5/12 at 9:02 AM, marin.knezo...@gmail.com pronounced:

I have site setted up properly, but all I get is a blank page 
even when i just try to use simple echo command. All works 
properly in browser, but not in BBEdit Preview :(

On Sunday, August 5, 2012 5:06:59 AM UTC+2, Kendall Conrad wrote:

For PHP previews I believe you just need to setup the site in 
the preferences. I'm still on BBEdit 9 so can't tell you 
exactly where the setting is, but it shouldn't be hard to 
find. I don't generally use the preview for PHP files so I 
can't say 100% if this will work, but pretty sure I've seen 
others discuss it on this group list.


On Saturday, August 4, 2012 5:56:11 PM UTC-4, Marin Knezović wrote:


 I'm new to BBEdit, using it just for a day, and BBEdit-s 
autocomplete  blow my mind. Best autocompletion from any 
editor I've tried. Using PHP +  CodeIgniter and it works like 
a charm. But since I'm new to editor, I have  some really 
silly "problems", so I was hoping to get some help in this  
group :)

 When I go to Markup -> Preview in BBEdit, previewing PHP 
files doesn't  work. It only shows my PHP code. Any chance I 
can set localhost so I can  actually preview my PHP?

In preferences I don't see any settings for localhost or similar.

 And a nother question... BBEdit schemes. Downloaded a few, 
and some  simply don't work. After googling about this issue, 
I found that some work  just for HTML or CSS, etc. I wanted 
to use monokai scheme for PHP, found  one, but it can't be 
used for PHP files. Any tutorial on making schemes so  I can 
adjust Monokai for PHP as well?:)

Thank you for reply(ies) in advance,
Marin Knezovic :)



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Re: How to run a python script with arguments?

2012-08-05 Thread Steve Piercy
The first line of the script must be something like this, 
wherever your python resides:

#! /usr/bin/env python

The script itself must be executable, so make sure it has proper 
permissions set.

The easiest way, I imagine, would be to define your script at 
the top of the file, then edit the arguments below, save, then 
run the current file:

#! > Run

Assign a keyboard shortcut to avoid mousing.


On 8/5/12 at 1:59 PM, mandaris.mo...@gmail.com (mandaris) pronounced:

What is the fastest way of editing and then running a python 
script using bbedit? Ultimately, I just want a keyboard 
shortcut to run what I'm currently working on.



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Re: BBEdit, Preview PHP

2012-08-06 Thread Steve Piercy

FWIW, it works for me, regardless of the language I use.

What is the local URL you are using in the web browser to view 
the rendered PHP page?  Take that value, and under Preferences > 
HTML Web Sites, enter the website's root URL (not the page URL) 
in "Preview server URL":


The checkbox for "Use local preview server" must be checked.

You need to enter "Local site root", for example:


Also consider that your request for help arrived on the weekend 
in America, and BBEdit Support might not be open for a few more hours.


On 8/6/12 at 3:32 AM, marin.knezo...@gmail.com pronounced:

Apache, php, mysql, phpmyadmin... All has been set and used for 
a couple of years already. First thing I did was reading Help 
from BBEdit, then googled, and then contacted support. After no 
response from support, I came here to this group. My first 
impressions of BBEdit are excellent, autocompletion is awesome. 
But it seems to lack support from BBEdit developers, so I doubt 
I'll buy it :(

Anyway, thanks to everyone for trying to help.

On Monday, August 6, 2012 8:26:21 AM UTC+2, Steve Piercy wrote:

Select the most overlooked and yet most useful command, Help > 
User Manual.  This will open the PDF of the BBEdit User Manual.

Follow instructions in the section "HTML Web Sites Preferences".
It is assumed that you have already configured your computer 
(Apache and /etc/hosts) to serve files and render PHP locally.


On 8/5/12 at 9:02 AM, marin.knezo...@gmail.com pronounced:
I have site setted up properly, but all I get is a blank page 
even when i just try to use simple echo command. All works 
properly in browser, but not in BBEdit Preview :(

On Sunday, August 5, 2012 5:06:59 AM UTC+2, Kendall Conrad wrote:
 For PHP previews I believe you just need to setup the site 
in the preferences. I'm still on BBEdit 9 so can't tell you 
exactly where the setting is, but it shouldn't be hard to 
find. I don't generally use the preview for PHP files so I 
can't say 100% if this will work, but pretty sure I've seen 
others discuss it on this group list.  -Kendall   On 
Saturday, August 4, 2012 5:56:11 PM UTC-4, Marin Knezović wrote:
  Greetings,I'm new to BBEdit, using it just for a 
day, and BBEdit-s autocomplete  blow my mind. Best 
autocompletion from any editor I've tried. Using PHP +  
CodeIgniter and it works like a charm. But since I'm new to 
editor, I have  some really silly "problems", so I was 
hoping to get some help in this   group :)When I go to 
Markup -> Preview in BBEdit, previewing PHP files doesn't  
work. It only shows my PHP code. Any chance I can set 
localhost so I can  actually preview my PHP?  In 
preferences I don't see any settings for localhost or 
similar.And a nother question... BBEdit schemes. 
Downloaded a few, and some  simply don't work. After 
googling about this issue, I found that some work  just for 
HTML or CSS, etc. I wanted to use monokai scheme for PHP, 
found  one, but it can't be used for PHP files. Any 
tutorial on making schemes so  I can adjust Monokai for PHP 
as well?:)   Thank you for reply(ies) in advance,  Marin 
Knezovic :)





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Re: Default pages and languages

2012-08-20 Thread Steve Piercy
What version of BBEdit?  Lasso has been a recognized language 
since at least BBEdit 9, so your language module might be 
conflicting with BBEdit.  However, there are some tricks to 
modify BBEdit's Lasso language module, say if you have some 
custom tags.  Also I don't know whether BBEdit's Lasso language 
module includes Lasso 9 syntax, but you can add that, too:

1.  Make a copy of/back up:

~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Language Modules/Lasso.bblm

2.  In your copy, right-click > Show Package Contents.

3.  Edit Contents/Info.plist.

4.  Save.  Quit BBEdit.  Shuffle around the two Lasso.bblm 
files.  Relaunch BBEdit.  Custom tags magic!

Also for other Stupid BBEdit Tricks see:

For Lasso 9 syntax (with 8 syntax), there are more tricks to 
extracting the keywords.  At this moment, there is a script that 
will auto generate the Lasso 9 keywords:


This file was adapted for Pygments by Eric Knibbe:

Which in turn was used to generate a Pygments-friendly syntax 
coloring "lexer":


Which in turn will be adopted by GitHub to recognize Lasso as a language:

And will finally come full circle to the Knop project:

For the remaining issues, the things you want are "Save Default 
Window" and "Templates".  "Workspace" might be useful, too.  See 
the BBEdit User Manual for details.  Help > User Manual.  Then 
save it as a bookmark in Preview so you don't have to dig 
through the application resource (Show Package Contents).


On 8/20/12 at 4:58 PM, j...@higherpowered.com (Jim Sheffer) pronounced:

Hi all-

I know these questions have been asked before but I couldn't 
find them - maybe I'm just too tired right now, but...

I am wanting to do the following as far as opening a new page and defaults:

- Open the page in a specified language (Lasso - I have the 
language module installed).

- Open the page to a particular page size.

- Have a few things "auto populate the page" (template?)

99% of the time, I end up setting the following on a new page:

Page size: 1200w x600h
Language: Lasso
Default text at the top of the page (blank otherwise):

Is there anyway to go about doing this?

Thanks and I apologize if this has been answered before...

James Sheffer,

The HigherPowered Team!

supp...@higherpowered.com  sa...@higherpowered.com
Web Design & Development http://www.higherpowered.com
phone:  469-256-0268   "We help businesses 
succeed on the web!"




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Re: Default pages and languages

2012-08-23 Thread Steve Piercy

On 8/23/12 at 1:43 PM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

On Monday, August 20, 2012, Steve Piercy  wrote:

What version of BBEdit?  Lasso has been a recognized language 
since at least BBEdit 9, so your language module might be 
conflicting with BBEdit.  However, there are some tricks to 
modify BBEdit's Lasso language module, say if you have some 
custom tags.  Also I don't know whether BBEdit's Lasso 
language module includes Lasso 9 syntax, but you can add that, too:

1.  Make a copy of/back up:

~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Language Modules/Lasso.bblm

2.  In your copy, right-click > Show Package Contents.

3.  Edit Contents/Info.plist.

4.  Save.  Quit BBEdit.  Shuffle around the two Lasso.bblm 
files.  Relaunch BBEdit.  Custom tags magic!

Messing around with the contents of the BBEdit application 
package, or any of the items in it, is unsupported and we 
strongly discourage it. What are you trying to accomplish? 
There may be a way to do it without invalidating code 
signatures and potentially creating problems by messing around 
with non-user-serviceable parts.

Lasso developers often develop their own custom functions or 
share them.  This is one method that has worked for me.

As far as keeping the Lasso.bblm up to date, I have no idea 
whether LassoSoft and Bare Bones are collaborating on this.  The 
Lasso language is currently at version 9.2.3.



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Re: Default pages and languages

2012-08-23 Thread Steve Piercy
On 8/23/12 at 5:28 PM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

> Writing a tool to generate helpful tags files for Lasso code is left as an 
> exercise for the reader; but I'm sure it's an exercise that everyone would 
> appreciate.

Aside from custom tags, what version of the Lasso language does the Lasso.bblm 



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Re: Default pages and languages

2012-08-23 Thread Steve Piercy

On 8/23/12 at 11:21 PM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

On Thursday, August 23, 2012, Steve Piercy 

Aside from custom tags, what version of the Lasso language does the
Lasso.bblm include?

Whatever version that was current as of when it shipped. :-) I 
think Lasso 9 hadn't come out yet, but we had advance info 
which we integrated.

It sounds like it's been over a year, ya?  LassoSoft have added 
a lot more stuff over the last couple of years.  If it will 
help, I will ask them to include y'all in their release cycle so 
you don't have to hunt it down.



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Re: Table Editor?

2012-08-27 Thread Steve Piercy
On 8/27/12 at 8:56 AM, br...@whattheheller.com (MST3K) pronounced:

> A simple (cheap!) WYSIWYG app that will allow me to edit directly in the cells




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Re: syntax coloring for restructuredtext (-.rst)

2012-12-12 Thread Steve Piercy

Yup.  Just released.

There's a bunch of other things, too, like restview, which 
allows you to use HTML preview on your reST files.  It handles 
only individual reST files and cannot parse an entire set like 
Sphinx, but it does a very good job.


With restview, you can import pygments to get syntax coloring on 
the rendered HTML preview, too.


On 12/12/12 at 9:11 AM, martin.obr...@wsl.ch (mkowsl) pronounced:

Does anybody use *reStructuredText* and knows how to activate 
*syntax coloring* for that in BBEedit 10.5. ?

Thanks and regards, Martin



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Copy Path vs. Copy Full Path

2013-01-17 Thread Steve Piercy


I checked the manual for 9.6.3, but found nothing relevant.  
What is the difference between these two menu items:

Edit > Copy Path > Copy Path
Edit > Copy Path > Copy Full Path

Both return the following when I have the file open:


Are they defined somewhere, perhaps in HTML Web Sites?



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Re: Copy Path vs. Copy Full Path

2013-01-17 Thread Steve Piercy

On 1/17/13 at 12:08 PM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

On Thursday, January 17, 2013, Steve Piercy 

I checked the manual for 9.6.3, but found nothing relevant.  
What is the difference between these two menu items:

Edit > Copy Path > Copy Path
Edit > Copy Path > Copy Full Path

"Copy Path" will shorten the path to be home-relative, if the 
file is in a subdirectory of your home directory, e.g.

~/Sites/foo/bar/mumble/grumble.txt vs.

Thank you!

Is there a feature, say "Copy Web Root Path", that would return:

...where the file is located:

...and the user defines preferences for HTML Web Sites > 
[Change...] > Local site root to:


If not, I'll make a feature request.



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Re: reStructuredText preview filter

2013-12-28 Thread Steve Piercy
FYI, there is a nifty Python utility for a live preview of 
reStructuredText called restview.  Set up an HTML Web Site in 
BBEdit with the name of the server, then edit .rst files and 
view them with preview.


And a BBEdit Language Module for syntax coloring and autocompletion.


On 12/28/13 at 3:29 PM, olivertay...@me.com (Oliver Taylor) pronounced:

I’m trying to setup a simple Preview Filter for reStreucturedText using pandoc.

Pandoc reads from STDIN and prints to STDOUT - the following works great in the 

echo "this is **marked-up** text" | pandoc -f rst -t html

=>this is marked-up text

My thought (and I’m sure this isn’t correct) was that 
making a Preview Filter would be as simple as a file that looks 
like this:

pandoc -f rst -t html

…but no luck. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Tips for using BBEdit for Python?

2014-03-12 Thread Steve Piercy
I can't offer any Python in BBEdit tips. I use PyCharm for most Python
stuff. Debug and run code in PyCharm, support for virtual environments,
package management, code completion, integrated documentation, interactive
shell, and lots more. I recommend it to all Python newbs.

There's also pydev as an Eclipse plugin, but it's not as nice as PyCharm.

On Mar 12, 2014 2:41 PM, "Brian Christiansen"  wrote:

> Françios, Steve,
> Thanks for your replies. When you reference "Dash", you're referring to
> http://kapeli.com/dash the Mac app for documentation?
> When I talk about "tips for Python in BBEdit", I presume everyone on this
> list "likes how BBEdit works" (as do I) or we wouldn't be here and we would
> be using a different editor. I was hoping for perhaps, "Hey, I make my
> living writing Python web apps, and here are some things I've gravitated to
> within the app, [or] here are a couple of extras I use (and why)…"
> Speaking of Sublime, if you Google "using Sublime Text for python" you'll
> get a post like [Setting up Sublime Text for Python development](
> http://dbader.org/blog/setting-up-sublime-text-for-python-development).
> *Granted*, Sublime works differently, has a package manager, etc., so
> that's a little more applicable for ST (and ST is extensible *with* Python,
> which likely attracts Python users to begin with). But this is along the
> lines of what I was hoping for.
> > Seems to be a lot of hype and noise around SublimeText.
> I spend most of my time in BBEdit with web front-end code. I'm the only
> professional I know who uses BBEdit. Of the other web coders (front &
> backend) I know, ST2 is easily the most popular, most of the ST users are
> TextMate 1 refugees, and rave about ST. The rest include PHPStorm, and Vim
> (these Vim guys are Rubyists). A few, like me, open up Coda 2 occasionally
> (It's the most visually pleasing editor I've used, strong in several areas,
> but weaker in general than BBEdit). The guy next to me uses Eclipse all day
> (don't ask, I don't know why). I've installed BBEdit on his Mac and he
> occasionally uses it. :-)
> I mention this because I've finally joined this list because I can't get
> help and tips from my peers or find much on the web.
> Best,
> ~b
> On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:40:10 PM UTC-4, Steve wrote:
>> I use BBEdit with Python (and C, and C++ and so on...).  I think you
>> likely didn't get an answer because everyones more or less happy with using
>> BBEdit with Python.  One thing I do recommend is using Dash.
>> Seems to be a lot of hype and noise around SublimeText.  I don't know,
>> never tried it myself.
>> The only thing I find missing from BBEdit is cscope integration. And
>> that's irrelevant for Python.
>> - Steve
>> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 8:11 AM, Brian Christiansen wrote:
>>> (bump)
>>> So no Python-writing BBEditors? Every pro I know is using something else
>>> (mostly SublimeText 2) and I'm trying to stay with BB for all the reasons
>>> we all like it. I'm hoping someone around here might be able to help me out?
>>> On Monday, March 3, 2014 2:16:26 PM UTC-5, Brian Christiansen wrote:


 I've used BBEdit for several years for HTML, CSS, editing UNIXy files,
 a lot of plain text and Markdown, and the occasional PHP hack. I'm now
 starting an online course that uses Python to teach CS. I downloaded
 Pythonista for my iPad on account of it's stellar rep (read its reviews in
 the App Store, it's rare to see such gushing there), and I'll concur, it's
 a neat app. It's auto-fill features (et al) inspired me to wonder what tips
 and tricks, if any, BBEdit-using Pythoneers might suggest for working with
 Python within BBEdit? (within the context that I'm a newbie to Python)




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Re: ftp?

2014-04-03 Thread Steve Piercy
I love Yummy FTP.  Actively developed, loaded with features 
(remote SSH commands FTW!), and it just works.  Command-E to 
edit a text file and it opens in BBEdit.  Command-S to save the 
edited file to the remote server.  Elegant and simple.

It often goes on sale or has discounts.  Follow its Twitter feed 
to get deals.


There is also a Lite version for a buck-ninety-nine.


On 4/3/14 at 4:43 AM, goo...@softwaretimes.com pronounced:

I just upgraded to Mavericks and BBEdit 10.5. I had been using 
Interarchy 6.2 (ftp) on my iBook G4. Which ftp client would you 
guys recommend that works well with BBEdit?


Denny Schlesinger

Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: BBEdit slow large file opening

2014-04-20 Thread Steve Piercy
SSD or Fusion drives dramatically improve file opening speed 
over spinny HDs.  On my old klunky Mac with a plain old HD, I go 
make coffee while the file opens.  On my new Mac with an SSD, I 
take fewer coffee breaks.


On 4/20/14 at 4:45 PM, medil...@googlemail.com (Thomas Mai) pronounced:

Became curious – had to try that by myself...
For testing I used a 129 MB SQL-Dump on my new 3.5 GHz i7 iMac 
with 32 GB RAM, Fusion Drive and Mavericks.

~2 sec to open, smooth scrolling, everything's fine. Fantastic! 
Could hardly believe that.

Textmate 2:
~12 sec to open, smooth scrolling, pausing when resizing the 
window, syntax highlighting was fast on the first 100.000 lines 
or so, but then took minutes for the rest of the file.

Textmate 1:
Almost the same as TM 2, but beach ball for many seconds when 
jumping around via "Go to line"

Coda 2: ~15 sec to open, no syntax highlighting, every 
scrolling showed the beach ball, unusable

PhpStorm 7.1:
"Too large" message and that's it.

Sublime Text 2:
~1,5 min to load, but then super fast and responsive incl. 
syntax highlighting and minimap

Another test with ~100 K HTML Code:
BBEdit: Super fast!
Textmate: Syntax highlighting needs some time...
Sublime: ~3 sec to load, but then really fast
Coda: No syntax highlighting, lazy, sticky, no fun
Dreamweaver CS 5.5: ~18 secs to load, then a min or so beach 
ball after scrolling to end of page... but then ok, even in 
Code/Design split-view

Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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feature request or would like to report a problem, please email

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Re: BBEdit slow large file opening

2014-04-21 Thread Steve Piercy

On 4/20/14 at 9:11 PM, b...@cruzio.com (Bruce Van Allen) pronounced:

In years past, people noticed that having BBEdit set to wrap 
lines would cause some slow-downs, especially when scrolling. I 
routinely don't have line-wrapping turned on, so I haven't 
recently tested whether that's still a factor.

I would assume that anything requiring more cycles to draw on 
screen will slow down performance.  Syntax coloring might slow 
down rendering, too.

Clearly from some of the posts, our mileage is varying. I 
wonder if it's the amount of RAM...

Open Activity Monitor, then your file.  What happens to RAM usage?


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Tips for using BBEdit for Python?

2014-04-26 Thread Steve Piercy

On 4/26/14 at 2:17 PM, ryent...@gmail.com (Rick Yentzer) pronounced:

I've used BBEdit for a number of years. I've also tested just 
about every editor/IDE under the sun. I have found that most 
editors have their strengths and weaknesses. ST seems to be 
suffering the same fate as TM. PhpStorm is pretty amazing. But, 
I'm learning Python now and PhpStorm can't help me and I don't 
want to spend the $$ to get PyCharm right now.

PyCharm has a free Community Edition, as well as a paid 
Professional Edition.  PyCharm CE is to PyCharm PE as 
TextWrangler is to BBEdit.


The PHPStorm/WebStorm/PyCharm/etc. family all use the same core 
under the hood, and many features from one product are used in all.


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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feature request or would like to report a problem, please email

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Re: Syntax highlighting for Miva SMT?

2014-06-11 Thread Steve Piercy
You cannot do both, unless you want to merge the two syntaxes, 
HTML and SMT, into one CLM.  You can however write a script that 
allows you to toggle between syntaxes.  I do this to toggle 
between HTML, JavaScript, and Lasso.

For an example of how to create a CLM for BBEdit using the Lasso 
language, you can read my article.  The link to the GitHub repo 
includes the script to toggle between languages.



On 6/10/14 at 3:11 PM, kgarr...@gmail.com (Kevin Garrett) pronounced:

I run a Miva Merchant online store. It uses their "language" 
(more of a macro language) called SMT (Store Morph Template). I 
would love to have BBedit highlight Miva code properly -- or at 
least differently from HTML. I looked into creating a Codeless 
Language Template, but the point is, Miva's SMT is interspersed 
in HTML like php. So I need correct HTML highlighting along 
with SMT highlighting. As it is, the SMT code is highlighted as 
General Markup (in the example below currently blue).. Below is something like what I'm hoping to 
get. I don't need syntax checking (although I wouldn't 
complain). Any hope of getting to where I want to go?

* *

* *
* *
* *


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Syntax highlighting for Miva SMT?

2014-06-11 Thread Steve Piercy
You would have to merge HTML into your SMT CLM.  You'd have to 
find a source of data for HTML to build your custom CLM.


On 6/11/14 at 10:44 AM, kgarr...@gmail.com (Kevin Garrett) pronounced:

Thanks, Steve. I really am hoping to get syntax highlighting 
for SMT within the HTML. Regarding merging the syntaxes, I 
don't know how to access the code module for HTML. It isn't a 
codeless module, so I doubt that even if I could open it up, I 
would not be able to successfully modify it.

On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 5:52:21 AM UTC-7, Steve Piercy wrote:

You cannot do both, unless you want to merge the two syntaxes, 
HTML and SMT, into one CLM.  You can however write a script 
that allows you to toggle between syntaxes.  I do this to 
toggle between HTML, JavaScript, and Lasso.
For an example of how to create a CLM for BBEdit using the 
Lasso language, you can read my article.  The link to the 
GitHub repo includes the script to toggle between languages.



On 6/10/14 at 3:11 PM, kgar...@gmail.com  (Kevin 
Garrett) pronounced:
I run a Miva Merchant online store. It uses their "language" 
(more of a macro language) called SMT (Store Morph Template). 
I would love to have BBedit highlight Miva code properly -- 
or at least differently from HTML. I looked into creating a 
Codeless Language Template, but the point is, Miva's SMT is 
interspersed in HTML like php. So I need correct HTML 
highlighting along with SMT highlighting. As it is, the SMT 
code is highlighted as General Markup (in the example below 
what I'm hoping to get. I don't need syntax checking 
(although I wouldn't complain). Any hope of getting to where 
I want to go?

* * * * * value="Add to Cart">* * *


---- Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: You Will Love This: Balthisar Tidy

2014-11-08 Thread Steve Piercy
On 11/8/14 at 10:02 PM, anderson.fr...@gmail.com (Fritz 
Anderson) pronounced:

On Nov 8, 2014, at 7:49 PM, LuKreme  wrote:

None of that implies that the FORMATTING of the code is relevant. At all. It
has never been my experience that how the text file is 
formatted is relevant to a search engine, nor how it 
realistically could be.

The content of the original post may not have been clear to 
you. Tidy is not, and never was, just a pretty-printer. It 
flags, and optionally corrects, syntax and best-practice errors.
It is reasonable to expect an indexing bot to take code quality 
into account when assessing the quality of a page. In fact, we 
hear exactly that from the direct experience of a professional, 
who turns out to be an enthusiast, but not a fool.

It's a reasonable expectation, but a couple of folks from Google 
answered a question about it a few years ago.



Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Clipboard manager

2014-12-29 Thread Steve Piercy
Keyboard Maestro.

Clipboard management is just one of its many features, and it does an excellent 
job of it.


On 12/29/14 at 3:41 PM, gregra...@gmail.com (Greg Raven) pronounced:

> Well, it seems that OS X 10.10 has killed my favorite clipboard manager -- 
> PTHPasteboard.
> What's everybody else using?

Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: [ANN] BBEdit 11.1 (3711) pre-release

2015-03-25 Thread Steve Piercy

On 3/25/15 at 11:58 AM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

*   [298950] Adjusted the default comment delimiters for Lasso.

Thank you!


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: [ANN] BBEdit 11.1 (3711) pre-release

2015-03-26 Thread Steve Piercy
o hai rithie!  i done dood it.  i can haz bbeditz.

but i like me some pycharm, too.


On 3/26/15 at 7:37 AM, beer...@gmail.com (Rich F) pronounced:

> Oh hai Thtevie.  You get the BBEdit?
> On Thursday, March 26, 2015 at 12:39:34 AM UTC-4, Steve Piercy wrote:
> >
> > On 3/25/15 at 11:58 AM, sie...@barebones.com  (Rich Siegel) 
> > pronounced: 
> >
> > >*   [298950] Adjusted the default comment delimiters for Lasso. 
> >
> > Thank you! 
> >
> > --steve 
> >
> > -------- 
> > Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA 
> >
> >

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Re: Git problem?

2015-05-03 Thread Steve Piercy
Is the active document in the repository?  If not, then select one that is.


On 5/2/15 at 7:27 PM, benlkl...@gmail.com (Ben Klebe) pronounced:

> Hi, I'm trying to use BBEdit's new git integration and I'm finding it to be 
> a bit difficult to work with. I read the manual section on it and it 
> doesn't seemed to have helped. Basically, I can commit from BBEdit and diff 
> change but I can't push, fetch, or pull. Is this a bug? I couldn't find any 
> configuration settings so I assumed that it must just work. I can push, 
> fetch, and pull in this repo from iTerm 2 but not from BBEdit. Suggestions?

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Re: Preview in browser's _current_ tab?

2015-09-18 Thread Steve Piercy
If you don't need to reload in the web browser, look at "Preview 
in BBEdit" feature.  You can configure BBEdit to send a request 
to your local server and display the response in BBEdit live.  I 
think this feature was in BBEdit 9.

You could also use any of the shiny javascript tools, including 
webpack, browserify, gulp, or grunt.  I use webpack now.  I save 
a file in BBEdit, and it automatically reloads in the web browser.


On 9/18/15 at 1:27 PM, lawrence...@gmail.com (San) pronounced:

I have a web page open in a Firefox tab. I also have the local 
page source (running off my local MAMP development server) open 
in BBEdit 9.6.3 (in Snow Leopard), as well as a Firefox 
debugger/console window (Firebug) open... three windows in all, 
on two monitors.

I save my changes in BBEdit frequently, and I need to 
frequently reload the web page to see the effect... which also 
updates the debugger window. I can switch to the Firefox window 
(mouse click or Command-Tab), then Command-R to reload the 
browser (which also reloads the debugger console), then switch 
back to BBEdit to resume editing... but that's all rather 
inconvenient. Too many clicks or keystrokes.

A faster way is to stay in BBEdit and just hit f6, "Preview in 
Firefox". That works, but every time I do that it opens a new 
tab (showing a dupe of the same page) in Firefox. Eventually I 
have a gazillion identical tabs there, which eats up resources 
and gets really annoying, so I have to switch over to Firefox 
frequently to close all the redundant tabs. Which makes this no 
better than the first method.

Is there some way to have BBEdit preview/update the current 
code in the _current_ Firefox tab, rather than opening a new 
one each time?


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Novices (Attempting) to learn Python :)

2015-11-27 Thread Steve Piercy
This is going off-topic as not relevant to BBEdit, but I'll risk 
the velvet-covered iron fist of moderation.  Apologies in advance.

There's a lot of differing opinions about which version of 
Python to learn.  My opinion is learn both, but if you must 
choose one, learn Python 3.

Don't mangle your system Python by installing a bunch of Python 
packages into it.  Use a virtual environment, which allows me to 
install Python packages separate from my system Python and from 
which I can link to any version of Python I may have installed.  
Additionally, it simplifies my Python projects.  When I create a 
project, I put the venv inside my project folder.  If I'm just 
playing around, I can easily toss one directory.

You can install multiple versions of Python on your Mac, and I 
recommend doing so. Python 3 includes `pyvenv`[1] for creating 
virtual environments.  To install Python 3.5, you can download 
an installer from python.org[2] (what it appears you have 
already done and is easier to do) or use a package manager like 
homebrew[3] (which is more useful down the road, but is kind of 
advanced).  I prefer the latter because it allows me to use 
`pyenv`[4] to easily install all versions of Python for testing 
my projects.

As far as resources for learning Python, I highly recommend your 
local Python user group, which you can find through meetup.com 
or the Python wiki[5].  There are also a couple of international 
groups, PyLadies[6] and Django Girls[7], which I've found to be 
super welcoming to all Python newbies.

For learning Python programming, see the Learning section on 
python.org[8].  There are lots of good books and websites.  
These are some of my favorites because they cover both Python 2 
and 3.


You can increase and decrease the font size in any of PyCharm 
Professional's active windows, although this might not apply in 
the PyCharm Edu version[9].  PyCharm Professional is an 
excellent IDE.  However a full IDE can be too overwhelming for 
beginners, hence PyCharm Edu or BBEdit may be less visually 
noisy and intimidating.

[1] https://docs.python.org/dev/library/venv.html
[2] https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-350/
[3] http://brew.sh/
[4] https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv
[5] https://wiki.python.org/moin/LocalUserGroups
[6] http://www.pyladies.com/
[7] https://djangogirls.org/
[8] https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/
[9] https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/help/zooming-in-the-editor.html


p.s. -- IRC is also a great way to ask questions and get 
answers, but I tend to use it after I've exhausted all other 
resources, including a search engine and Stack Overflow.

On 11/26/15 at 4:24 PM, achim.sieb...@gmail.com (Achim Siebert) pronounced:

You can just type your python program into BBEdit, save it as 
myapp.py or some such, and press Cmd+R to run it. BBEdit will 
open a window with the output.
If you want an interactive Python, you may use the Terminal app 
- it can be set to a bigger font size in its preferences. Just 
type "python" followed by the return key into it and you can 
start putting in Python code - try "print("Hello world!")" ;-).
PyCharm is a good choice, it's my preferred Python IDE. But 
you're right in that the fonts of the output window could be 
bigger. For smaller projects I use just BBEdit.
OS X comes with Python 2.7 preinstalled - to learn programming 
you don't need a higher version than that (and also later on 
it's sufficient for most tasks).

On Thursday, 26 November 2015 23:32:22 UTC+1, davidas3 wrote:


My daughter (15) and I have begun learning programming using 
Python. In a thread I saw that BBEdit could be used as a 
console to write code. I've upgraded my license from v. 4.5 to 
11 and, while I'm proficient enough in Mac OS X, I'm at odds 
figuring out how to use BBEdit with Python 3.5. Can't figure 
out how to set Python up. PyCharm Edu's default text is too 
small to be practical for both of us to work together. Can 
BBEdit replace the Python Console? If, where and how can I 
instruct Python (or v.v. BBEdit) to link up? Any help or 
instructions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance 
for your time and consideration!

All the best,


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Disable/uninstall core languages?

2015-12-17 Thread Steve Piercy

On 12/17/15 at 3:16 PM, sie...@barebones.com (Rich Siegel) pronounced:

On Thursday, December 17, 2015, Jason Huck  wrote:

Is there any way to remove unused languages from the language 
menu at the bottom of the window? The size of the list makes 
switching between languages unwieldy, and there are so many 
things in there that I never use...

Nope, sorry. But once the menu is up, you can type in it. What 
kind of switching is it that you need to do?

I have an AppleScript to do language switching for me, then 
assigned a keyboard shortcut for each language.



Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: How does one preview anything?

2016-04-28 Thread Steve Piercy

Preview in what?  BBEdit, text, browser?

See the PDF manual, which you can open by choosing "User Manual" 
in the Help menu.

You can also download a copy of the manual from:

Latest version:

I use Preview in BBEdit after setting up a site.  It's handy for 
testing out code samples without leaving BBEdit.


On 4/28/16 at 5:13 PM, ricoo...@gmail.com (Richard Cook) pronounced:

The 'preview command' is referenced a lot but I cannot find 
said command.

How is this done?


Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Search/Replace with GREP wildcards

2016-05-18 Thread Steve Piercy
On 5/18/16 at 3:11 PM, listmeis...@suddenlink.net (Christopher 
Stone) pronounced:

On May 18, 2016, at 13:08, 1611mac <1611...@gmail.com> wrote:

Awesome!  I learned a lot just from that one simple little blurb!




Another option is the BBEdit reference "Searching with Grep", 
which I bookmarked and view in a web browser because the Apple 
Help viewer has a terrible UI.


I also use this tool a lot.  The live preview is quick, and the 
community around it shares common regexes.



Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: minify css

2016-12-01 Thread Steve Piercy

On 12/1/16 at 11:47 PM, (unknown sender) pronounced:

On 11/25/16 3:48 PM, Venmore wrote:

What is the best way to do this within BBEdit please?

Coming back to this, Why?

CSS is taxt, and text is small. A single small graphic on a 
page is probably more data than all the CSS, so you're not 
saving anything by squishing it down to remove a few EOLs and 
maybe some spaces. Add to that that nearly all webservers 
compress the data and you're saving practically nothing, if 
anything at all.

Yup.  The number of HTTP requests is a major factor in 
performance.  The tool Google PageSpeed Insights is helpful.


Tools like webpack, gulp, or grunt automate static asset optimization.

Google PageSpeed web server module, if your server supports it, 
can squeeze out every last drop of optimization of static assets 
when served.



Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: Help With Grep Pattern

2017-03-03 Thread Steve Piercy
Another nice online tool with more features, including an 
explanation and highlighting of regex syntax, a larger library 
of regexes, and an IRC channel is this one:



On 3/4/17 at 11:39 AM, wordweaver...@gmail.com (Bill Kochman) pronounced:

Hello Ole Kristian,

Thank you so much for the link. That Regex Pal tool is indeed 
very helpful to me.

Kind regards,

Bill K.

On Mar 4, 2017, at 7:08 AM, Ole Kristian Ek Hornnes 


I am often using http://www.regexpal.com to test out reg-ex patterns. This
also contains a handy list of codes, and gives you the 
opportunity to test the reg-ex

before using it in BBEdit Search/Replace or Multi File Search/Replace.

Steve Piercy, Soquel, CA

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Re: How to cycle through the currently open documents?

2017-12-13 Thread Steve Piercy
That's a macOS thing, I think.  If it does not work for you now, 
then check System Preferences > Keyboard, perhaps?


On 12/13/17 at 8:59 PM, v...@ghitulescu.de (Vlad Ghitulescu) pronounced:


I would like to have cycle through the currently open documents:

"20171213 cycle through curently open documents.png")

with the help of a keyboard shortcut (something like CMD+´ for 
cycling through the open windows), but I couldn't find anything.

Is there something like this (but good hidden ;-) in BBEdit or 
it's rather a feature request?



Steve Piercy, Eugene, OR

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Re: How to Switch Different Python Versions while using BBEDIT

2018-05-24 Thread Steve Piercy

Try pyenv.


It allows you to set your PATH to any version of Python that you 
have installed via pyenv.


On 5/24/18 at 8:43 AM, bbedit@googlegroups.com ('Matthew Miller' 
via BBEdit Talk) pronounced:

Hello All,

I'm fairly new to BBEDIT, and have recently installed two 
versions of python on my Mac mini. The original version of 
python installed was 2.7, however, I also wanted to work with 
python 3.0 for different projects. Now my previous code that 
worked with Python 2.7 no longer works after I installed a 
separate Python version 3.7.  Any recommendations on how to fix 
this issue? My goal would be to set a default python version 
through BBEDIT that way I can bounce between the two python versions.



Steve Piercy, Eugene, OR

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Re: Introduction to regular expressions...

2018-07-12 Thread Steve Piercy
I find this tool helpful.

It also has a library for common regexs.


On 7/13/18 at 8:42 AM, brandel...@gmail.com (Jean-Christophe Helary) pronounced:

> Thank you very much Barbara.
> As I write in the article, I really started learning regex with the BBedit 
> Lite use manual 20+ years ago.
> Once you have the basics, you should really browse the Chapter 8 in the 
> manual 
> and see what regex feature you find potentially useful. I personally started 
> to use some "advanced" features only this year. So you don't need to know 
> everything, just to have an idea of what is there and how to find it :)
> Also, if you have a regex problem this group is extremely helpful so never 
> hesitate to ask questions (even if you think your question trivial).
> Cheers,
> Jean-Christophe 
> > On Jul 13, 2018, at 7:14, Barbara Snyder  wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks, this will be useful to me.
> > 
> > -- Barbara
> > 
> > 
> > On Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 4:34:44 PM UTC-7, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
> > I had written this introduction back in 2011, based on TextWrangler. I 
> slightly updated it and changed some formatting to make it more readable. 
> > 
> > 
> https://mac4translators.blogspot.com/2011/04/introduction-to-regular-
> expressions.html 
> <https://mac4translators.blogspot.com/2011/04/introduction-to-regular-
> expressions.html> 
> > 
> > 
> > Jean-Christophe Helary 
> > --- 
> > http://mac4translators.blogspot.com <http://mac4translators.blogspot.com/> 
> @brandelune

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Re: BBedit vs. textmate

2008-11-09 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 9, 5:23 am, Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The "Un/Comment..." command on the Text menu in BBEdit does language  
> aware un/commenting.

I write code in Lasso, and use the Un/Comment, but it uses the wrong
style of commenting: 

In Preferences > Languages > Installed Languages > Options... >

Comment Start: /*
Comment End: */

What am I missing?


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Re: BBedit vs. textmate

2008-11-10 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 10, 9:27 am, Steve Piercy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> The "Un/Comment..." command on the Text menu in BBEdit does language
> > >> aware un/commenting.
> > > I write code in Lasso, and use the Un/Comment, but it uses the wrong
> > > style of commenting: 
> > > In Preferences > Languages > Installed Languages > Options... >
> > > General
> > > Comment Start: /*
> > > Comment End: */
> > > What am I missing?
> > If you are using a custom language module, and the document is  
> > currently using that module, the comment delimiters from the  
> > preferences should be picked up. (I verified that it is working  
> > correctly for me.)
> > If you are running into a problem, please contact support so we can  
> > diagnose the problem.
> Thanks, Jim. Yes, I'm using a CLM and it is not picking up the comment
> delimiters from the .plist.

Jim pointed me in the right direction. Thanks, Jim!

I had assumed incorrectly that the HTML palette Un/Comment was the
same as the Text menu Un/Comment.


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Re: BBedit vs. textmate

2008-11-10 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 10, 9:14 am, Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 9, 2008, at 9:43 PM, Steve Piercy wrote:
> > On Nov 9, 5:23 am, Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The "Un/Comment..." command on the Text menu in BBEdit does language
> >> aware un/commenting.
> > I write code in Lasso, and use the Un/Comment, but it uses the wrong
> > style of commenting: 
> > In Preferences > Languages > Installed Languages > Options... >
> > General
> > Comment Start: /*
> > Comment End: */
> > What am I missing?
> If you are using a custom language module, and the document is  
> currently using that module, the comment delimiters from the  
> preferences should be picked up. (I verified that it is working  
> correctly for me.)
> If you are running into a problem, please contact support so we can  
> diagnose the problem.

Thanks, Jim. Yes, I'm using a CLM and it is not picking up the comment
delimiters from the .plist.

I've contacted support.


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Re: BBedit vs. textmate

2008-11-11 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 11, 12:22 am, Johan Solve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 12.14 -0500 2008-11-10, Jim Correia wrote:
> >If you are using a custom language module, and the document is
> >currently using that module, the comment delimiters from the
> >preferences should be picked up. (I verified that it is working
> >correctly for me.)
> Aren't those settings supposed to be picked upp from the CLM file?
>         Language Features
>                 Open Block Comments
>                 /*
>                 Close Block Comments
>                 */
>                 Open Line Comments
>                 //
>                 ...

One would assume so, but it does not. To get Un/Commenting to work in

Preferences > Languages > Options... > General
Comment Start: /*
Comment End: */

As I just realized, there are at least 3 paths to "Un/Comment":
(1) Markup > Utilities > Un/Comment
(2) In the HTML Markup Palette, Utilities > Un/Comment (which is
essentially the same command as (1), but through the nice palette)
(3) Text > Un/Comment Selection

Path (3) is the one that will use the Un/Comment as defined in
Preferences. BBEdit appears to ignore the CLM preferences in BBEdit
8.7.2. Maybe it works in BBEdit 9?


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Re: Mac OS X 10.5.6 not sleeping

2009-01-18 Thread Steve Piercy

On Jan 18, 6:09 pm, Alex Satrapa  wrote:
> When I have BBEdit 9.1 running, my MacBook running Mac OS X 10.5.6  
> will not go to sleep.
> Has anyone else seen this problem?

Have you tried Apple > System Preferences > Energy Saver and adjusted

There is also the "Give computer milk and cookies, and a really good
fairy tale" option.


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Re: Can't assign Ctrl-Space as keyboard shortcut

2009-04-11 Thread Steve Piercy

On Apr 8, 2:19 pm, Jim Correia  wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2009, at 4:02 AM, Marc Liyanage wrote:
> > I want to unify my completion shortcut across BBEdit, Eclipse and
> > Xcode (obdev's Completion Dictionary) and maybe even vim.
> > I decided to use Ctrl-Space, the Eclipse default. I can assign it in
> > the other editors but not in BBEdit. The shortcut is not recorded,
> > it’s as if I didn't type anything at all. Is this a bug or a
> > restriction?
> This is currently a limitation.
> We'll see if it is possible to remove the limitation for a future  
> release.

Thank you!

I just tried to do that myself earlier this week, and wondered why I
could not.


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Re: BBEdit not saving my FTP password

2009-05-21 Thread Steve Piercy

On May 21, 6:55 am, Patrick Woolsey  wrote:
> gio  sez:
> >Every time I open and FTP connection I have to insert the password,
> >and even worse each time I save a change I have to put the password.
> Your login keychain probably has some damage that's keeping BBEdit from
> accessing those server entries.
> Try applying the "Keychain First Aid" command in Keychain Access; if that
> doesn't help, please contact support.

Thank you for this! Another application, Interarchy, had been
exhibiting this exact behavior, and I tried everything from changing
the password to removing and adding the bookmark, all of which failed.
This tip worked.


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Re: Where Can I Find the HTML Language Module

2009-06-11 Thread Steve Piercy

On Jun 9, 6:09 pm, Indy Nagpal  wrote:
> Does anyone know where can I find the HTML/XML Language Modules in
> BBEdit?
> I want to copy them and create my own module for another markup
> language that has a few different things.

You can use my (now obsolete, yay!) Codeless Language Module for Lasso
as a template.  The syntax is very simple to understand. Instructions
and the .zip archive can be found here:



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9.3 Warning: Document encoding mismatch

2009-11-04 Thread Steve Piercy

Since upgrading to 9.3, when I attempt to save a file as UTF-8 (with
BOM) that contains the following:

I get the following error:

Document encoding mismatch

This document contains data which describes its encoding as Unicode
(UTF-8, no BOM), but the encoding has been set to Unicode (UTF-8).

Saving this document as-is will likely cause unexpected display of its
contents and may prevent BBEdit from opening it in the future.

How do I make this warning stop popping up on every file save?
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Re: 9.3 Warning: Document encoding mismatch

2009-11-04 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 4, 7:08 pm, Rich Siegel  wrote:
> On 11/4/09 at 10:04 PM, steve.piercy@gmail.com (Steve
> Piercy) wrote:
> >How do I make this warning stop popping up on every file save?
> Change the encoding to "UTF-8, No BOM" as the warning suggests.
> You've been writing your documents out with a BOM this whole
> time (which is not typically a good idea).

In a general context, yes, I would agree that it is not a good idea.
However it is a Lasso file, and Lasso recognizes a BOM if present, so
in this specific context it is necessary. Here is what Lasso does:

"Lasso uses the standard Unicode byte order mark to determine if a
Lasso page is encoded in UTF-8. If no
byte order mark is present then the Lasso page will be assumed to be
encoded using the Macintosh (or Mac-
Roman) character set on Mac OS X or the Latin-1 (or ISO 8859-1)
character set on Windows or Linux."

In order to stop the warning, currently my only option is to remove
this line:

...and maybe I could, but I am not sure of the implications of doing
so for web pages.

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Re: 9.3 Warning: Document encoding mismatch

2009-11-09 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 5, 12:11 am, Johan Solve  wrote:
> At 08.45 +0100 2009-11-05, Johan Solve wrote:
> >So in reality the BOM is required when using Lasso to process files saved 
> >with UTF-8 encoding.
> I should add that Lasso consumes the BOM when reading the file, so there is 
> no BOM in the output.

This warning is really annoying, despite the workaround. I've been
using BBEdit for about 15 years without this new warning in 9.3, and
the world has not come to an end. Why must it be persistent?

All I want is a little box to tick: "Don't warn me again.  I know what
I'm doing." Or instructions to hack the BBEdit plist. Or a tiny pony.
Pretty please?

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Re: 9.3 Warning: Document encoding mismatch

2009-11-09 Thread Steve Piercy

On Nov 4, 7:33 pm, Rich Siegel  wrote:
> On 11/4/09 at 10:23 PM, steve.piercy@gmail.com (Steve
> Piercy) wrote:
> >In a general context, yes, I would agree that it is not a good idea.
> >However it is a Lasso file, and Lasso recognizes a BOM if present, so
> >in this specific context it is necessary.
> One does not follow from the other. My reading of this page
> <http://www.lassosoft.com/Documentation/TotW/index.lasso?8902>
> leads me to conclude that the BOM is optional and that Lasso
> will do the right thing with the character set declaration that
> you have in place.

>From the LassoTalk list, another developer who understands the BOM and
UTF-8 character set in HTML documents far better than I had the
following to say:

You might want to point out that their original assumption
(specifying UTF-8 as the character set precludes the use of a BOM
for HTML documents) is incorrect.  Or at least I couldn't find
any document that prevents it's use.  Some reading if interested:

Discusses display problems, but doesn't say it's illegal to use

Says BOM is valid for UTF-8 data streams:

This RFC says that even if the protocol disallows a BOM, the BOM
must then be interpreted as a zero-width char, so it's still

If BareBones knows of a RFC or similar authoritative spec that
disallows the use of a BOM on HTML documents encoded as UTF-8,
I'd be interested in the reference.

I hope I'm not flogging this pony too hard and that it is still

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Re: How to disable "Do you really want to open 30 files?"

2009-11-11 Thread Steve Piercy
On Nov 11, 3:47 pm, Patrick Woolsey  wrote:
> For those folks who've asked about default stationery**, you can get the
> current package here:
> ** Please note the "Expert Preferences Stationery.worksheet" is NOT
> currently complete OR canonical; I'll update it and post here when a
> revised version's ready.

Is there an Expert Preference to turn off the UTF-8 content-type/
encoding mismatch warning?


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Re: a better auto completion? :)

2009-12-03 Thread Steve Piercy
On Dec 3, 8:07 am, Stoney Ballard  wrote:
> On Dec 3, 10:06 am, Kerri Hicks  wrote:
> ...
> > What version of BBEdit are you using? The instructions above should
> > work in BBEdit 9.x (and I *think* 8.x, too).
> This didn't work for me either. I discovered that the HTML clippings
> were missing. I had "HTML Glossary.html", but not "HTML.html". I
> downloaded the factory set and installed them, and now they work.
> Seems like the upgrade should have installed these clippings.

>From where did you download HTML.html? I am also missing this clipping
set, and I cannot find it on BB's site.


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Re: a better auto completion? :)

2009-12-03 Thread Steve Piercy
On Dec 3, 9:36 am, RobS  wrote:
> On Dec 3, 12:44 pm, Steve Piercy  wrote:
> > From where did you download HTML.html? I am also missing this clipping
> > set, and I cannot find it on BB's site.
> http://www.barebones.com/support/bbedit/clippings_library.html
> Select the first one, called BBEdit 9 Default Clippings

Duh. I was looking for "HTML" not "Default". Thank you!


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Re: Find and Replace

2009-12-11 Thread Steve Piercy
On Dec 11, 11:11 am, Mike E  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to do a find and replace. The following is what I'm trying
> to find:
>          var: 'header' = @$__http_header__;
>         $header += 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\r\n';
>         $header += 'Last-Modified: ' + (date_localtogmt: (date))->(format:
> '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') + '\r\n';
>         $header += 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n';
>         $header += 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0\r\n';
>         $header += 'Pragma: no-cache\r\n';
> ?>

Use the grep option in the Find dialog:


(?s) turns on the behavior where . matches \r.

I found this in Help > BBEdit Help > Grep Reference

Or load the following in your favorite browser to avoid the horrible
Apple Help interface:


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Re: Find and Replace

2009-12-11 Thread Steve Piercy
On Dec 11, 1:50 pm, Mike E  wrote:
> I really just want to find every instance of...
>          var: 'header' = @$__http_header__;
>         $header += 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\r\n';
>         $header += 'Last-Modified: ' + (date_localtogmt: (date))->(format:
> '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') + '\r\n';
>         $header += 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n';
>         $header += 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0\r\n';
>         $header += 'Pragma: no-cache\r\n';
> ?>
> ...and remove it from about 1900 files. I'll take another look at the
> grep reference.

In that case, just copy and paste that into the Find dialog, Replace
with nothing, without using the Grep option.

However with a large number of files, and possibly many hands at work,
it is not unusual for the contents of a code block to evolve, take on
a life of their own and be inconsistent. In this case the grep option
I provided would be useful to find the first Lasso code block on every
page and obliterate it.


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Re: a better auto completion with automatic first letter upper case, :)

2010-02-06 Thread Steve Piercy
On Feb 6, 11:56 am, junqin  wrote:
> Would it be possible that BBEdit recognize the start of a sentence? If
> so, let this part of code works with the part of auto completion
> would, in my opinion, give the correct case automatically ( I do not
> really mean to type the correct case by myself when I start a
> sentence ... ).

Although not part of auto-complete, you could use Text > Change Case >
Capitalize Sentences after doing all your typing.


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Re: BBEdit and in Firefox

2010-03-14 Thread Steve Piercy
On Mar 13, 11:37 am, Ashmi  wrote:
> > > I have set the path to /Applications/BBEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/
> > > BBEdit   BBedit opens (an extra bbedit icon appears in the dock even
> > > though bbedit is already running) but nothing happens, i.e. no new
> > > blank window, no source, nothing.  There is a Firefox option to supply
> > > arguments (view_source.editor.args).  Does BBedit need any arguments
> > > to get this to work correctly?
> [snip]
> > Why are you not using the bbedit command-line tool? Mac OS X application 
> > executables almost never pay any attention to their command-line arguments.
> > man bbedit
> > in the Terminal.
> >         — F
> Because I had no idea! Thank you, Fritz.  Working perfectly now.  No
> need for arguments in the command line tool either, unless one wants
> to get "fancy".  Google searches come up with the correct solution
> only if you know that command line tools are involved in the first
> place!  Thanks again, Fritz.
> For posterity's sake, here is the correct way to accomplish "view
> source" in Firefox with BBedit on a Mac / OSX.
> 1) In bbedit: install command line tools
> 2) In Firefox:  about:config
> 3) set view_source.editor.external to True
> 4) set view_source.editor.path to /usr/bin/bbedit
> 5) keep view_source.editor.path blank or set to --separate-windows if
> you want each source opened in a separate window

Is it possible to do this in Safari?


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Re: BBEdit and in Firefox

2010-03-14 Thread Steve Piercy
On Mar 14, 6:10 pm, Toadling  wrote:
> On Mar 14, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Steve Piercy wrote:
> > Is it possible to do this in Safari?
> One of the scripts I use is similar to Charlie's, but here are two more that 
> you might find useful.
> If you don't use Keyboard Maestro, you can put these scripts into Services 
> created with Automator. Mac OS X 10.6 allows you to assign keyboard shortcuts 
> to Services via the System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts pref 
> pane.

Thank you!

Keyboard Maestro looks very interesting, too, like Automator without
the suck.


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Re: Live Search (option to make permanent?)

2010-05-13 Thread Steve Piercy
On May 13, 5:16 pm, Alex Satrapa  wrote:
> My only niggle about live search is that it doesn't give the same visual 
> effects as Safari's does. I love the greying-out of the page with the words 
> I'm searching for being un-greyed, with that bouncy-zoom effect of the 
> highlight as it goes from found word to found word (when you press Command+G 
> or click "<" or ">" in the live search bar). Am I a sucker for special 
> effects, or am I a User Experience connoisseur?  ;)

I much prefer BBEdit's live search interface to Safari's. The live
search in Safari has an annoying trait of masking letters with its
yellow blob, making it impossible to distinguish what lies immediately
to the left and right of the found string.


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Re: searching!

2010-06-09 Thread Steve Piercy
I recommend using a tool that does not require you to learn HTML, yet
is as familiar to writers as Microsoft Word.

Here is a non-commercial option:

Your web hosting provider may offer a website authoring tool at no
additional cost or a nominal fee.

A very easy to use editor included with iLife:


On Jun 8, 8:24 pm, Lynelle Mason  wrote:
> The answer to your question is NONE!    The things that currently  
> exist on my web page were sent by me to the web creator, Bradley  
> Rodrigues, a family friend, who lives in CA. A plus in my genetic  
> make up:  I don't know when to quit and am willing to work very hard  
> to accomplish my goals.  Thank you for your quick response.
> On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:29 PM, Kendall Conrad wrote:
> > How much HTML/CSS do you know? BBEdit is a text editor so you have to
> > be really comfortable with these in order to use it for web site
> > editing. The source code on the page looks like it was probably done
> > by hand.
> > You get BBEdit from the Bare Bones web site, http://
> >www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/
> > (there's a free trial)
> > Installing it is the same as any application on Mac. Open the disk
> > image (DMG) and drag it to the Applications folder. The only issue is
> > that the latest BBEdit requires 10.5.8 or higher. TextWrangler, which
> > is a completely free version of BBEdit with fewer features works on
> > 10.4.11 and higher so you'll be able to use it,
> >http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/That's where I would
> > start.
> > Whether or not it'll get the job done for you depends on your comfort
> > with a text editor and what you consider to be "simple." BBEdit has
> > plenty of handy features for doing coding and I use it nearly
> > exclusively for my web development of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
> > -Kendall
> > On Jun 8, 9:11 pm, Lynelle Mason  wrote:
> >> I am 79 and a writer mainly of  historical fiction for children.  I
> >> have recently acquired a web page but want to have a simple(?) way of
> >> editing my web site.  bbedit looks promising.  How do I go about
> >> getting it, installing it, etc. and most of all will it do the job
> >> for me?
> >> My computer is a Mac OSX 10.4.11 and my web site is  lynellemason.com
> >> Thank you in advance for helping me.
> >> Lynelle Mason
> > --
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Re: HTML 5 and CSS 3

2010-07-20 Thread Steve Piercy
>From the 9.5 Release Notes (as mentioned by Rich earlier):

Completions can be derived from a variety of sources, including (in no
particular order and without limitation):
* clippings (both language-specific and universal);
* ctags symbols computed by running the current document through
* ctags symbols found in 'tags' files in the current document's
* predefined names for the source code language at the point of
* language-specific completions;
* completions provided by the system spelling system.

Which method do you want to use?

Clippings as previously mentioned was easy for me to understand. I
figured it out by RTFM, and I don't consider myself a programmer.
Maybe it's your 10 years of programming experience that is getting in
the way?

I also modify a .bblm package's Info.plist to amend completion strings
(I assume that is "language-specific completions"). You could start
with the javascript.bblm and tweak it.
/Applications/BBEdit.app/Contents/Language Modules/JavaScript.bblm/

Ctags makes my eyes bleed. Someday I will figure it out by following a
comprehensible example that is devoid of geek speak. It's over my

As you know, no company has the resources to fulfill every customer
request--even if it is for a very popular library like jQuery. jQuery
is a library for a language, and Bare Bones tends to focus more on
languages than their libraries.

If you want screencasts or tutorials beyond what is currently
available and came with the product, provide an incentive. Hire
someone, barter, paint their house, whatever.

Finally remarks filled with sarcasm and smarminess--even when followed
by emoticons--usually don't engender favorable responses. They tend to
elicit unhelpful, sarcastic, smarmy remarks.


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Re: alphabetically arranage a project window's content's?

2010-08-21 Thread Steve Piercy
On Aug 21, 5:19 am, Govinda  wrote:
> can one cause the contents of a project window to become
> alphabetically arranged?

Click the green plus sign in the top left of the project window.
Select the parent folder of your project.
Toggle the arrow to open the folder. Items will be sorted
alphabetically in that folder.

It may be redundant, but it does provide another perspective.


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Re: alphabetically arranage a project window's content's?

2010-08-22 Thread Steve Piercy
On Aug 22, 10:42 am, Govinda  wrote:
> > Click the green plus sign in the top left of the project window.
> > Select the parent folder of your project.
> > Toggle the arrow to open the folder. Items will be sorted
> > alphabetically in that folder.
> > It may be redundant, but it does provide another perspective.
> > --steve
> Hi Steve,
> thanks for the suggestion, but if I understand your suggestion
> correctly, then you are simply suggesting a way for me to see a
> folder's contents in the Finder, rIght?  Well in my case the project's
> contents are docs that are located in lots of different folders.. so I
> cannot see all the items sorted in one list like that.  Thus my need
> to be able to sort *after the fact*  _in the project window_.

You understand correctly, so this option won't work for your


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Re: Open oversized content centered in browser window

2010-10-19 Thread Steve Piercy
Answer: fire the designer.

Seriously, though, try centering a div on the page, and setting its
CSS background properties to use the image.


On Oct 19, 2:08 pm, Lewis Kirk  wrote:
> Here's a web design question:
> A client has supplied art work that is 1152 px wide. He wants it to be 
> centered horizontally in the browser window on the open of the page 
> regardless of the user's browser window size. (Scroll bars don't matter so 
> don't get side-tracked on that.)
> I can't figure it out.
> I suppose you could do it with javascript, but that seems like overkill.
> --
> Lewis Kirkwww.dmzgraphics.com
> 803-787-3450

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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-26 Thread Steve Piercy
Installed. Relaunched. Crash on relaunch.

Reverted to previous version using Time Machine. Relaunch OK.

Sent crash report to BBEdit.


On Oct 26, 9:23 am, Rich Siegel  wrote:
> Good { morning, afternoon, evening },
> We are pleased to announce the release and immediate
> availability of BBEdit 9.6. This is a free upgrade for anyone
> using 9.0 through 9.5.1, and includes a number of new features,
> refinements to existing features, and fixes for reported
> problems. The high points of this new version are:
> *   document creation and validation support for HTML5;
> *   improved contextual completion support for tags and
> attribute names
>      in HTML documents;
> *   enhanced completion of CSS property names (including vendor-specific
>      properties);
> *   extensive internal rework to improve performance and memory utilization;
> *   Lots of other little additions and changes to improve your
>      life with BBEdit in subtle ways.
> A complete digest of the changes is available here:
> If you're already using BBEdit 9 (or a demo), just choose "Check
> for Update" from the BBEdit menu to get the update, or go to the
> BBEdit updates page:
> *** Please note that the system requirements have changed.
> BBEdit 9.6 requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later (10.5.8, 10.6.4 or
> later recommended). If you are running an older version of the
> OS, Check for Updates will not offer you the new version.
> If you're using an older version of BBEdit, you can download the
> 9.6 demo from here to try it out:
> Enjoy,
> R.
> --
> Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
> Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they
> sedate me.
> --
> Rich Siegel                                 Bare Bones Software, Inc.
> Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they
> sedate me.

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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-26 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 26, 5:46 pm, Rich Siegel  wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 26, 2010, Steve Piercy
>  wrote:
> >Installed. Relaunched. Crash on relaunch.
> You have a broken language module. Look in ~/Library/Application
> Support/BBEdit/Language Modules. Update the PDFHighlight module
> from Appligent, discard others.

Hmm.  Contents of that directory:

Language Modules:
Apache Configuration.plist

No PDFHighlight. I suspected Lasso.bblm, removed it, and restarted.
Launch successful.

The Lasso.bblm that comes with BBEdit has some errors and does not
include some keywords that I use for a framework (Knop), so I had
fixed them in my info.plist in earlier versions. I carried those fixes
forward, and it works again. Thanks for the nudge in the right


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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-27 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 27, 4:22 pm, Lee Anne  wrote:
> I just installed the update on a MacBook Pro running 10.5.8 and it
> appears to have broken at least a portion of the search and replace
> function. After re-installing the entire package, rebooting, and going
> through the usual rigamarole, trying to search and replace (escaped) \r
> \r\r with \r\r causes an immediate BBEdit crash when trying to enter
> the replacement string. Sometimes, it breaks when trying to enter a
> search string with an escaped character.

Coincidentally, I just tried to do a Find/Replace. In the Replace
field I entered:
No crash yet. Then:
Ka-boom! I didn't try other escaped strings.

So you're not alone.

Fortunately it is trivial for me to use Time Machine to grab the
previous version of BBEdit from my system, so I can continue working
till this issue is resolved.


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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-27 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 27, 9:10 pm, Steve Piercy  wrote:
> On Oct 27, 4:22 pm, Lee Anne  wrote:
> > I just installed the update on a MacBook Pro running 10.5.8 and it
> > appears to have broken at least a portion of the search and replace
> > function. After re-installing the entire package, rebooting, and going
> > through the usual rigamarole, trying to search and replace (escaped) \r
> > \r\r with \r\r causes an immediate BBEdit crash when trying to enter
> > the replacement string. Sometimes, it breaks when trying to enter a
> > search string with an escaped character.
> Coincidentally, I just tried to do a Find/Replace. In the Replace
> field I entered:
> \
> No crash yet. Then:
> r
> Ka-boom! I didn't try other escaped strings.

I found a way to both reliably replicate and avoid the issue.

To replicate the issue:
* open a file
* close the Find window if it is open
* CMD-F to re-open the Find window
* enter \r in Replace

To avoid the issue:
Keep the Find window open in the background, or if you have it open,
do a Find without an escape character, then enter "\r" in a subsequent


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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-28 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 27, 10:08 pm, Steve Piercy  wrote:
> On Oct 27, 9:10 pm, Steve Piercy  wrote:
> > On Oct 27, 4:22 pm, Lee Anne  wrote:
> > > I just installed the update on a MacBook Pro running 10.5.8 and it
> > > appears to have broken at least a portion of the search and replace
> > > function. After re-installing the entire package, rebooting, and going
> > > through the usual rigamarole, trying to search and replace (escaped) \r
> > > \r\r with \r\r causes an immediate BBEdit crash when trying to enter
> > > the replacement string. Sometimes, it breaks when trying to enter a
> > > search string with an escaped character.
> > Coincidentally, I just tried to do a Find/Replace. In the Replace
> > field I entered:
> > \
> > No crash yet. Then:
> > r
> > Ka-boom! I didn't try other escaped strings.
> I found a way to both reliably replicate and avoid the issue.
> To replicate the issue:
> * open a file
> * close the Find window if it is open
> * CMD-F to re-open the Find window
> * enter \r in Replace
> To avoid the issue:
> Keep the Find window open in the background, or if you have it open,
> do a Find without an escape character, then enter "\r" in a subsequent
> find.

Spoke too soon. Now I can make BBEdit 9.6 crash whenever I enter a
space character in the Find field. Reverting to 9.5.1 so I can get
some work done.


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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-28 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 28, 6:23 am, Rich Siegel  wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 27, 2010, Steve Piercy  
> wrote:
> > To replicate the issue:
> > * open a file
> > * close the Find window if it is open
> > * CMD-F to re-open the Find window
> > * enter \r in Replace
> I have questions:
> 1.  What steps do you do before the first "open a file"?

Launch BBEdit 9.6 after a crash. This opens up all files that were
open at the time of the crash.

> 2.  When you open the Find window, the keyboard focus is in the
>     Search field. So what steps are you using to start typing in the
>     Replace field?

I use the tab key to navigate into the Replace field. I can type "\"
without a crash, but as soon as I type "r" after "\" it crashes.

Last night I found that it crashed when typing a space character in
the Find window. At that point, I just bailed and reverted to 9.5.1. I
can reinstall 9.6 to do further testing.


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Re: BBEdit 9.6

2010-10-28 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 28, 3:51 pm, Patrick Woolsey  wrote:
> Since we still can't reproduce this problem locally, I'd appreciate if
> anyone who can would please write to support so we can gather more details.
> As always :-), that is: 

Please let me know if you think of any other things I can try. Perhaps
send y'all my preferences file?


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Re: BBEdit 9.6.1 (2845) pre-release

2010-11-01 Thread Steve Piercy
On Oct 30, 8:15 pm, Walter Ian Kaye  wrote:
> At 05:01 p -0400 10/29/2010, Rich Siegel didst inscribe upon an
> electronic papyrus:
> >*   [193877] Fixed a bug which would cause a crash while editing in
> >     some situations (which themselves are not clearly understood, nor
> >     reproducible).
> You fixed a non-reproducible bug? Wow.

Yup. Since installing this fix, I have not been able to reproduce the

> Next thing we know, you'll be announcing breakfast at Milliway's. :)

They'll have to believe in five other things before breakfast, first.


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Re: Auto-fill CSS values and shortcut for wrapping HTML tags around selected text?

2011-01-12 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jan 11, 10:08 pm, Matt Martini  wrote:
> Guys,
> You may want to try my extended css clippings.  They take the form of:
>     text-align: <#left|center|right|justify#>;
>     font-style: <#normal|italic#>;
> So now when you choose the clipping text-align then hit tab BBE
> highlights <#left|center|right|justify#>, you can then type in center
> and move on.  I know it is not totally automated, but it does give
> you the common options of the css tags.
> You can find the clippings at:
>    http://www.barebones.com/support/bbedit/clippings_library.html#css_ext
> or via git at:
>    https://github.com/mattmartini/BBEdit-Clippings-for-CSS

How did I miss this gem?  Thanks, Matt!


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Prefs > Menus Key Equivalents Cropped

2011-01-25 Thread Steve Piercy
In BBEdit 9.6.3, when editing Preferences > Menus, and I expand Text,
I see only the key modifier (option, command, control, shift) but the
letter or other key to actually trigger the command gets cropped from
the display. I cannot resize the preferences window.

Is this just me?


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Re: Prefs > Menus Key Equivalents Cropped

2011-01-25 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jan 25, 1:35 am, "G. T. Stresen-Reuter" 
> On Jan 25, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Steve Piercy wrote:
> > In BBEdit 9.6.3, when editing Preferences > Menus, and I expand Text,
> > I see only the key modifier (option, command, control, shift) but the
> > letter or other key to actually trigger the command gets cropped from
> > the display. I cannot resize the preferences window.
> I can reproduce the behavior but as usual, the management will ask you to 
> kindly send an email to supp...@barebones.com so they can get it into their 
> bug tracking system.

Thanks, Ted.  I wanted to confirm it wasn't just me.  I'll send it

Strangely enough, now I cannot reproduce my own bug report!  At least
I got a screenshot.  I think I "fixed" it by expanding a primary level
triangle, then a nested secondary level triangle.  Would you please
give that a try?


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Re: Grep question: Replacing data that do not match criterion

2011-01-28 Thread Steve Piercy
On Jan 27, 9:22 pm, steveax  wrote:
> > $tldn = '(com|net|edu|gov|int|mil|org|biz|name|coop|aero|info|[a-z][a-z])'; 
> >  #most valid top level domains
> That list is a bit out of date these days, no?

You could look to this page for inspiration.  The discussion is pretty


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Re: good html css list

2011-02-06 Thread Steve Piercy
On Feb 6, 6:58 am, Jim Sheffer  wrote:
> Not wanting to clutter this list with "off topic" posts, does anyone know of 
> a good  html/css mailing list for designers/developers?
> I've been recently looking into some of the css "grid" systems and had a few 
> questions...

Usually the best source is the author of the system.

My favorite:

Second favorite:

And I always use a reset.  Eric Meyer recently updated his for HTML5:

I found the other systems, like YUI and YAML, to be too heavy and they
take a while to fully comprehend to take full advantage of them.


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Re: Applescript: Execute a line in a worksheet

2011-02-08 Thread Steve Piercy
On Feb 8, 4:35 pm, Fritz Anderson  wrote:
> You're in for a treat. Select File > New > Shell Worksheet, and read what's 
> in the window that appears.

(MacOS Error code: -4960)

Where's my treat?


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