Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-15 Thread James and Barbara Hedley

Dear Allan,
You were asking about compost tea type shortcuts. This one does not deal
with a compost tea type effect but a shortcut way of increasing the pH while
putting out the 500.
One of our local group members, Nigel White runs his 500 through flow forms
random intermittently during the month before putting it out. The
interesting part is that he crushes up some quartz into pieces that will fit
into the flow forms and not be washed away, somewhere about 1-2 in
diameter.Over the first year the pH increased from 5.0 to 5.6.
Considering that the farm had been BD for the last 14 years, and this was
the first time that this had been done there it could indicate that it may
be a technique to follow up and see if the results can be replicated.
The pond that the flow forms run into carries enough water for 500 to be put
out over over fourteen hundred acres.
There has been lots of talk about using trees as transmitters, or field
broadcasters and all sorts of other methods. This pond acts as a broadcaster
over the farm because it follows the witness of the 500  that has been
sprayed out, because some of the 500 which had been sprayed is always in the
pond, and the two arealways connected. Using the witness method of
broadcasting enables you to change what is happening over your property
without having to actually treat the area physically by going over it. whole
area. When the flow forms are running they revitalise the 500 that had
already been sprayed out.
The line of broadcast is horizontal to the water level of the pond and
instead of it just being spread over 1400 acres it now spreads over an area
considerably further out from Nigel's place. Howzat for a nifty idea.
If you understand the nature of subtle energies you can use all types of
things as radionic broadcasters. I hope that the drought breaks soon on the
East coast.
Regards and best wishes,

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

 Allan writes: some sort of baseline for the substances
 Well, yes...FWIW.  But let's never forget that it's FORCES we're working
 with here, not just substances.  Brer Lovel's The Nature of Forces

 Well yes, and no, Woody. When we're talking BC and Pfeiffer Field
 Spray, we've got lots of physical possibilities also.

 I'm not looking for real 'answers' with these tests. I'm mostly
 interested in seeing if BD practitioners have 'short cuts' to
 'compost tea'-type effects.

 To look at 500 in the same fashion would require looking at 501 in
 the same fashion. I sort of think that that says it all.

 Thanks for your reminder.


RE: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-15 Thread Nancy Geffken

 Allan writes: some sort of baseline for the substances
 Well, yes...FWIW.  But let's never forget that it's FORCES we're workingwith here, 
not just substances.  Brer Lovel's The Nature of Forces
bears re-reading.

I would support testing the preps and will contribute $ if you go ahead. How would you 
get a scientific measurement of life forces anyways, one that would be accepted by 
the status quo academic/ag community? If tests indicate a higher level of beneficial 
organisms, it would be proof to me that the preps are adding something to the growing 
environment. To just depend on believing that there are life forces at work based on 
one's own experience won't get BD out of the woo-woo realm - which seems to be needed 
if BD is going to gain wider acceptance. Personally, I'm a believer, but I also am 
curious to see what the tests would produce. 
Nancy G.

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Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

2002-03-15 Thread jsherry

Chris, Gil, James et al,
I don't recall reading on this list in discussion about trees as
broadcasters that this was an additional burden on the trees. Do you recall
who's post that was? Also, don't you think those tai chi practitioners are
using chi from universal source, and not Nature, nor the void?


- Original Message -
From: Chris Shade [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)


A few months back there was a discussion about using
trees as broadcasters for preps and a few people wrote
in their impressions as well as tree spirit's
impressions and the general conclusion was that the
trees had to do the work in addition to everything
else they do.

I was not really worried that Tai Chi practitioners
would suck the life from all the trees, but that the
effect could not really be dependent on good spare
chi from living things in nature.  Rather the
practitioner must be able at some level to pull energy
out of the void.  Given the number of good TaiChi
people in big cities, nature must not be the only


Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-15 Thread Allan Balliett

Why do you need to know about the bugs? I thought it was just the 
forces in the preps that we use, what have the bugs got to do with 

Well, again, yes and no. People have already received good reports on 
the soil foodweb analysis of their BC. The Pfeiffer Sprays actually 
have bacteria added to them. We know that the preps work well with 
benign microbes. It would be nice to actually take a look and find 
out more of what is going on with the preps on a biological level. 
This is not meant at all to forget about or overlook their spiritual 
purpose and value.

While we talk a lot about spiritual food for mankind, we also talk 
alot about how healhy plants do not have disease or insect pests. And 
then we talk a lot about how to treat those plant diseases or insect 

When you listen to Elaine for a while, and not just her theories but 
her trials and experiements, I at least realize that Elaine is 
talking about the sort of every day physical success I was hoping to 
always have with my plants if I applied the preps in the fall and 

Many times I get those same successes, but sometimes I don't. 
Elaine's model, for me, is the first model I've seen that really 
explains those differences and to me they make tremendous sense. 
(Nowadays, of course, I apply preps more frequently.)

Annual plants evolved in complex symbiosis with a foodweb that was 
already millions of years old. Today, the devestation of the soil is 
so total that even in the forests there are few examples of healthy 
complex foodwebs. (We are losing our hemlocks here because the soil 
foodweb of the woods has been 'damaged by acid rains.')

When Al Kapuler spoke at my confernece several years back he said, 
Hey, if I were going to innoculate with bacteria on a farm scale, 
this is what I'd do: I'd take a small amount of a microbial dense 
source and stir it for about 1 hour in about 3 gallons of warm water 
and then I'd splash large droplets of it over the land towards 
evening time, work it into the soil if I could and make sure to not 
do that just before a rain. Al Kapuler, former research scientist 
for Seeds of Change, is a Phd in microbiology.

These tests are in no way meant to point a finger at the preps and 
say It's the bugs! From my point of view they are to encourage the 
use of barrel compost and perhaps the use of Pfeiffer Field Spray in 
the ways that Elaine uses compost tea.

And they are way that the BD person inspired by Elaine who wants to 
use BC more often in confidence that he's doing as well as the 
brewers can do the same sceintifically and not through dogma. And, I 
think many of us think this is a way to show off the array of 
microbes that BD has been using all along.

In no way, in my mind and my humble opinion, would these tests 
contradict the spiritual power or intent of the BD preps.


Re: Gauss readings of soil

2002-03-15 Thread Wayne and Sharon McEachern

Hi James and Barbara!
Thanks for all of your good work.
For those of us still wishing to learn some of the technical lingo --
could you explain Gauss? Thanks!
James and Barbara Hedley wrote:

Allan,I just got an E-mail
from Lloyd Charles concerning some soil samples that he took at our place
during the last workshop.The
technician who tested the soil could not believe that the readings that
he was getting started off at 3500 gauss and just went up from there.Anyone
got any better soil out there.James

Sharon and Wayne McEachern
"A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation"
Expressing the Light
"A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process"

Re: Kisss Merlas road

2002-03-15 Thread Merla

Thank you, Tony, for a most useful message.  This is along the lines that I
had in mind and it's so nice to get a confirmation from many people on the
list.  The idea of sowing a reclamation mix of seeds right along with
everything right at the beginning will spur me on to get this supply list
and budget on the road!

I need to make the big leap to making my own preps anyway.  I shall
certainly do this as far as I am able and ask for help from Daniel and Joe
Clark who have made preps here.  This whole business  has depressed me and
I'm just coming out of it.  It's so hard to absorb being mistreated by
members of the weed advisory committee and having to fight the whole
inertia of the conventional paradigm and its bureaucracy.  I'm way behind
on my seed germination and my clay animals.  Thank goodness for this list
and the energy it gives me for BD and life in general!


Rambler wrote:

 Merla Your road project is a wonderful idea keep going use the KISSS
 formula Keep IT Simple,Stressfree, Successful.

 The weeds indicate an acid soil with a high potassium loading, a lack of
 calcium and poor organic matter content.I feel that the pfeiffer spray
 may not be of much benefit to this situation due to the lack of organic
 matter. Ifeel that a barrel compost made using Steve STorch method that
 is all the PREPS including horn clay and maybe with some of the pfieffer
 spray as well. If you make this on your own property it may solve many
 of your legal problems.
 I agree with Dave Robisons post mulching and mowing weeds before they
 set seed is the best method.I also would suggest that you look at sowing
 wild flower seeds straight after mowing and let nature help you.USE wild
 flower seeds that are suitable to your soil type. If you also sow seed
 just before the snow thaws this will water and feed young seedlings and
 help them become established.Blue lupin and clover mixed with the rye
 and oats also makes a good green crop.
 A year or so back someone on this list set up some wild flower plots.
 Once you have the intial planting established let nature help you  in
 ayrer or two,s time you will have the most attractive road in the
 In New Zealand they have been running trial plantings of wild flowers
 and it hasnow been accepted nation wide i believe.

 Good luck and best wishesand may nature provide.
 Tony Robinson

Re: Gabriel Howearth

2002-03-15 Thread Allan Balliett

Dear list members,

In the same book the secret life of plants, the author mentions Gabriel
Howearth and his work on setting up a  bank of seeds . Does anyone know
about this and/or
the existence of other such initiatives ?.


try to see how this story turned out. -Allan

Testing for soil creatures

2002-03-15 Thread Bonnie York

On Friday, March 15, 2002, at 02:02 AM, Nancy Geffken wrote:

 I would support testing the preps and will contribute $ if you go 
 ahead. How would you get a scientific measurement of life forces 
 anyways, one that would be accepted by the status quo academic/ag 
 community? If tests indicate a higher level of beneficial organisms, it 
 would be proof to me that the preps are adding something to the growing 
 environment. To just depend on believing that there are life forces at 
 work based on one's own experience won't get BD out of the woo-woo 
 realm - which seems to be needed if BD is going to gain wider 
 acceptance. Personally, I'm a believer, but I also am curious to see 
 what the tests would produce.

Right on Nancy. There are both physical and spiritual forces at work. If 
others want to go in on this, I am interested to see results of the 
physical soil activity. I am surprised Dr. Ingham has not done this type 
of count already. It is my understanding she did conduct one of her 
experiments with biodynamic preps. She made compost and the biodynamic 
compost heated up faster and higher when compared to rates of activity 
in other composts. To me that means a lot more biotic activity, as well 
as the unseen forces. If there are higher than normal counts of soil 
critters that would explain the physical part. If there are NOT higher 
than normal soil critters, that would point to there being something 
else at work.

Bonnie York

Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-15 Thread D S Chamberlain

Allan: .
Would it not be logical to test the same soil treated and untreated with
preps and or Pfeiffer sprays, or alternately compost with and without preps.
I agree with Dr Ingham that the bugs are important, in fact so much so that
I am attending her workshop in 10 days, but if you read her material then it
is the growing of the bugs in good compost and then the correct brewing of
the tea to extract and grow them on that causes her success and the extended
varieties of bugs. I doubt that just testing the preps will tell you much
because you are only part way down the path of their use.
Test away by all means but will it really tell you anything?
My two bobs worth.
David C

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 15 March 2002 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Compost for Brewers

 Why do you need to know about the bugs? I thought it was just the
 forces in the preps that we use, what have the bugs got to do with

 Well, again, yes and no. People have already received good reports on
 the soil foodweb analysis of their BC. The Pfeiffer Sprays actually
 have bacteria added to them. We know that the preps work well with
 benign microbes. It would be nice to actually take a look and find
 out more of what is going on with the preps on a biological level.
 This is not meant at all to forget about or overlook their spiritual
 purpose and value.

 While we talk a lot about spiritual food for mankind, we also talk
 alot about how healhy plants do not have disease or insect pests. And
 then we talk a lot about how to treat those plant diseases or insect

 When you listen to Elaine for a while, and not just her theories but
 her trials and experiements, I at least realize that Elaine is
 talking about the sort of every day physical success I was hoping to
 always have with my plants if I applied the preps in the fall and

 Many times I get those same successes, but sometimes I don't.
 Elaine's model, for me, is the first model I've seen that really
 explains those differences and to me they make tremendous sense.
 (Nowadays, of course, I apply preps more frequently.)

 Annual plants evolved in complex symbiosis with a foodweb that was
 already millions of years old. Today, the devestation of the soil is
 so total that even in the forests there are few examples of healthy
 complex foodwebs. (We are losing our hemlocks here because the soil
 foodweb of the woods has been 'damaged by acid rains.')

 When Al Kapuler spoke at my confernece several years back he said,
 Hey, if I were going to innoculate with bacteria on a farm scale,
 this is what I'd do: I'd take a small amount of a microbial dense
 source and stir it for about 1 hour in about 3 gallons of warm water
 and then I'd splash large droplets of it over the land towards
 evening time, work it into the soil if I could and make sure to not
 do that just before a rain. Al Kapuler, former research scientist
 for Seeds of Change, is a Phd in microbiology.

 These tests are in no way meant to point a finger at the preps and
 say It's the bugs! From my point of view they are to encourage the
 use of barrel compost and perhaps the use of Pfeiffer Field Spray in
 the ways that Elaine uses compost tea.

 And they are way that the BD person inspired by Elaine who wants to
 use BC more often in confidence that he's doing as well as the
 brewers can do the same sceintifically and not through dogma. And, I
 think many of us think this is a way to show off the array of
 microbes that BD has been using all along.

 In no way, in my mind and my humble opinion, would these tests
 contradict the spiritual power or intent of the BD preps.


Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

2002-03-15 Thread Chris Shade


I was figuring on the void being the universal source,
but am not really sure of what terminology to use at
this point.  I know that it fells like the heavy
energy sinks (feminine) and the light energy rises
(masculine) and in the middle something new is
generated (son/product) so I guess it is a life ether
type of thing.

As far as tree as broadcaster, the thread was called
Tree as Cosmic Pipe and was around July.  You
yourself had a few postings.  I copied a few to jog
your memory.


First orient the tree. Say: ''In accordance with
God's will and the 
Jesus let this tree have its proper orientation in
the ground for it's 
possible future growth  Place the vials as such:
+500 in ground
+++west 501 up in tree++east 508
in ground
+++barrel compost, in ground
The tree has an energy field that inhales and exhales
in a daily rhythm 
does the earth.  The preparations placed in this
energy field are 
similarly to the cosmic pipe, but in the living realm
and must be 
with real stirring and spraying.  I ask my trees to do
a sequential 
for rain the week of every full moon during the
growing season, it 
works like 
a charm as long as I commune with the tree's spirit. 

Thanks for getting this thread going Christy! And to
all who are
contributing much 'preparation' for thought...


- Original Message -
From: The Korrows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 2:57 PM
Subject: Tree as cosmic pipe

am thinking the preps were buried with each one in a

In light of the discussion this past week, I wonder
how some 
preps might work more effectively for this type of
work. I know this is 
general description. Hope this helps.Christy

Markess writes,

can they (the trees) get all their other work done
if the are tied up doing pipe work?

Christy writes:
I have just finished reading some talks by Manfred
Klett about the preps. He makes the point that we, as
human beings making preparations are taking substances
as they naturally occur in nature, and combining them
to bring them to a higher state of evolutionary
capability. We create a seed or germinal substance.
Steiner talked about domesticated animals. He said
that as we properly care for them, we are allowing
them to fullfill what and who they are in their
evolutionary process.Some of those against keeping
farm animals would disagree. They might think the
animals are enslaved to humanity. ( of course we are
not talking about factory farming here, but instead a
biodynamic ideal.)It is a gift from the human being to
the animal when the animal has this opportunity to
serve. The animal also receives love in return for
what it is offering.
To use a tree as a tool to emminate the preparations,
I can't see where this would make a tree tired. If the
person involved has a loving attitude, and is working
for the betterment of all life, the tree will be
lifted up, as Manfred Klett talked about, to a higher
stage in its evolutionary process. This is something
that would not have come into existance with out the
human activity.I do not talk to trees, so I can not
speak for a tree nessecarily! But I do know that
nature spirits want to work with us in a co creative
I don't feel a tree has a finite amount of energy, I
imagine it has a constant life force pouring out,
regardless of what is burried around it. If the preps
are buried around the tree, the life force pours out
of the tree, and sweeps along with it what ever is in
its path, on out into the atmosphere and the soil. The
tree does not have to generate more life force to
broadcast the preps. It all happens naturally. If
anything, the energy of the preps surrounding the tree
would increase the life force of the tree, thus
creating a mutual magnification of positive prep

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Re: Testing for soil creatures

2002-03-15 Thread Allan Balliett

Right on Nancy. There are both physical and spiritual forces at 
work. If others want to go in on this, I am interested to see 
results of the physical soil activity. I am surprised Dr. Ingham has 
not done this type of count already. It is my understanding she did 
conduct one of her experiments with biodynamic preps. She made 
compost and the biodynamic compost heated up faster and higher when 
compared to rates of activity in other composts. To me that means a 
lot more biotic activity, as well as the unseen forces. If there are 
higher than normal counts of soil critters that would explain the 
physical part. If there are NOT higher than normal soil critters, 
that would point to there being something else at work.

Unfortunately we cannot forget that all preps are not created 
equally, not even ones made by the same people. For this reason, 
results that we do get from SFW Labs will only be relative. -Allan

Re: Gathering Chi (was re: agrisynthesis...)

2002-03-15 Thread Deborah Byron

Dear Gil--Please tell us who Frank Moody is.

Gil Robertson wrote:
 Is the Tree's doorway (as promoted by Frank Moody) involved?

Re: Gauss readings of soil

2002-03-15 Thread Lloyd Charles

  - Original Message - 
  Wayne and Sharon McEachern 
  Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:36 
  Subject: Re: Gauss readings of soil
  Hi James and Barbara! 
  Thanks for all of your good work. 
  For those of us still wishing to learn some of the technical lingo -- could 
  you explain Gauss? Thanks! 
  Hi Wayne
  I will leave the technical explanation to James but in the meantime 
  if you want to do some testing yourself here's how
  1.  get a sample (or a couple of different ones) of paramagneteic rock dust 
  of known gauss and keep for reference, I keep mine in a normal paper envelope.
  2. now you need a small (1/2" diameter or smaller) but high 
  quality - strong - magnet - your ordinary fridge magnet type is not good 
  enough - and suspend the magnet on a piece ofcotton about a foot or so 
  3. the magnet will stick to your envelope of paramagnetic material and by 
  moving the cotton away so that you have just enough tension on the cotton to 
  equal the weight of the magnet you find the magnet comes away from the sample 
  at a certain angle depending on the paramagnetic value or strength of the 
  material tested. The reverse of this of course is that a diamagnetic material 
  (lime for instance) should repel the magnet
  Its a fun thing - but a good enough system to tell if a rock source is 
  worthy of serious testing - good enough that I was not all that surprised by 
  the reading we got on James's soil and a 1200 reading is regarded as real good 
  Have fun
  Lloyd Charles

RE: Planting Spuds - How do you do it?

2002-03-15 Thread Hugh Lovel


In your post on potatoes you stated that you soak the potato sets in
peroxide - is this just to ensure that the cut surfaces do not become
infected, or do you do this with whole potatoes as well?  If so, does it
help in keeping the potato plants healthy?


Stephen Barrow

Dear Stephen,

Potatoes love oxygen. So I soak even the smaller whole potatoes in the
peroxide bath. When I buy potato seed I think the peroxide helps clean them
up. I've had some pretty funky seed potatoes. But all along the line I
think you should maximise the oxygen for potatoes. If you don't have a
spading machine, for instance, you should subsoil. And barring that you
should hill. And there may be other things that would help.


Re: Questions for Hugh was Re: Planting Spuds - How do you do it?

2002-03-15 Thread Hugh Lovel

Hugh -

thanks for the good post on how you manage your spuds.

Questions come to mind.

How deeply do you mulch with hay?


About whatever comes off the bale, But thats a couple inches.

How do you unroll the bales?

I get it in the right direction and roll (downhill).

Your harvesting sounds like you are using a harrow to pull the spuds
of the soil but if the seed potato is only under the mulch all the
'new' potatoes would occur above it. I must be reading this wrong.
Are you harvesting spuds from the mulch or from the soil?

Didn't I say I lay the spuds out and then tuck them in? I tuck the set
into the ground about 2 to 3 inches, so the spuds, which form above the
roots, don't all sit on the surface. I don't want any on the surface
because if they don't have enough hay on them they turn green

Do you use any foliar sprays? (fish? kelp?)

I expect to try some.

Do you side dress with compost or fertilizer at any point?

No. Only the field broadcaster.

What legume are you growing in your paths nowadays?

I like white dutch clover.


thanks again -Allan