Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-24 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

During the Agricultural Course at Kobewitz when Steiner was asked about
mechanical stiring he suggested it was better to stir by hand. Just before
giveing the recipies for the remedies he commended the Kolisko's for their
good work with homoeopathy. When he returned to Dornach he told Ehrenfried
Pfeiffer that the benefits of the recipies given at Koberwitz should be
spread as widely over the World as possible. These statements are still
unresolved challenges to many although many others are getting to work and
doing it to the best of their ability.
One challenge with a stiring machine or flow form is imprinting the intent.
It is too easy to forget while we busy ourselves with some other important
task and leave the machine to get on with the stiring. Working with field
broadcasters has demonstrated the power and importance of intent
Warm regards,  Peter
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

 In a message dated 3/23/02 1:00:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Allan and Steve - why not avoid altogether the controversy between

 hand stirring and contentious mechanical stirring by using a flowform

 cascade? Tony N-S.


 Flowforms work to some degree but without the intensity and organizational
 forces that the stirring process creates.  With flowforms you never
 the vortexial energy that you get by creating a vortex.  Steiner knew what
 was talking about when he said to stir in this fashion.  A vortex created
 stirring from the periphery is a model of the eternally creative
 of the universe that is God.  With a vortex you can imprint your personal
 intent and substance to the spray and effect the farm in that

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-24 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/24/02 6:20:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 One challenge with a stiring machine or flow form is imprinting the 

This is the reason that my stirring machine is manual, you must be there to 
control direction and speed.  I have the technology to do this automatically 
with the hydraulics [much cheaper] than can be done electrically and would 
only do this to accomodate a farm of over five hundred acres.  Still, the 
Podolensky machine is electric and still works.  We must get over this BS 
about machines or give them up completely.  Through Steiner's indications and 
discussions of materialism I believe that I have come to understand Ahriman 
and have successfully made him MY servant and not the other way 

Fw: re soil microbes releasing bound nutrients

2002-03-24 Thread Zoran Petrov

- Original Message -
From: Zoran Petrov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: re soil microbes releasing bound nutrients

 Dear John,
 could You give a link to the article ou mentioned? I could not find it.


 - Original Message -
 From: John Lakey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 12:33 AM
 Subject: re soil microbes releasing bound nutrients

  Hello bdnow,
The  CSIRO  in  Australia  have  several  collections  of research
dedicated  to  the  study  of  Soil  biota  and  you  can  find  them
 at  Another text, recommended at the SFI web site, so I
copy of it before the AUS $ dived to banana republic levels is:
Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology
ISBN 0-13-459991-8
Elaine  contributes  a chapter  on protozoa and nematodes but of
to  the  question about refereed scientific publications on activities
mycorrhizal  fungi and their symbiotic relationships with plants is
Sylvia chapter Mycorrhizal Symbioses.
He  quotes  studies  that stated that though fungal hyphae accounted
less  than  20% of total nutrient absorbing surface  mass they
nearly 80% of the absorbing surface area of pine seedlings
In  addition  three  mechanisms  are  proposed  for  the release of
phosphorus from soils,
-replace  phosphorus  sorbed  at  metal  hydroxide surfaces through
exchange reactions
-dissolve metal oxide surfaces that sorb phosphorus
-complex  metals  in  solution  and  thus  prevent  precipitation  of
You  may  need  a dictionary of scientific terms to follow these
 did!  Important to realise that the plant and soil biota see the soil
 a solution ie a liquid not  a solid.
 There  is  a  lot  of info out there bound up in esoteric Government
 University  departments  and  libraries, I suspect that an e-mail to
 SFI [EMAIL PROTECTED] would point you most quickly to good
  Best regards,
   John  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Plant exudates

2002-03-24 Thread Hugh Lovel

Dear List members.

I wonder if anyone of you would have some handy
reference showing that plants do exudate protein
as stated in Dr Ingham CD material and many lectures
that I have seen.
I have been questioned by a researcher down here and
standing at Dr Ingham´s side have put my reputation at
stake since this questioning was done in the middle of
a lecture I was doing for a group of organic growers.

I thank in advance any help I can get


Jose Luiz

Dear Jose,

At a workshop I attended in Australia by Ward Penwarn
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) he presented a fairly comprehensive list from what
appeared to be a highly authoritative source of what root exudates were
known to be made up of. Maybe you could contact him. I'm sure he knows

Proteins definitely figured importantly in the list, which included
virtually everything from simple sugars and polysaccarides to complex
allelopathic chemicals. Dr. Ingham likes to refer to this as carbon
shedding at the roots since the mix is so complex. I often refer to giving
off sugars at the roots, since the sugars figure importantly in feeding the
soil food web, but that is for simplicity of speech. The picture is really
far more complex. And for each species of plant it is different--unique. So
each plant feeds a different complex of soil food web organisms, due to the
differences in the mix of root exudates. This is one of the important
reasons we need far more diversity in our cropping schemes and in our crop
rotations. I find, for instance, that market gardening in 40 inch wide beds
with grassy/clover paths surrounding the beds ups my diversity of plants
many fold and does wonderous things for the land. But you can figure that a
plant's root exudates are a form of excreta and normally any species avoids
its own excreta after a while.

Visit our website at:

Fw: [globalnews] Esoteric Astrology and The Festival of Resurrection

2002-03-24 Thread jsherry

Esoteric Astrology for the week of March 21 - 27, 2002

  Beams of Resurrecting Light

  This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Next week Passover (Jewish festival of
freedom from death) and the Aries Full Sun/Moon spiritual festival occur.
The Aries Festival is the first of three (Aries, Taurus  Gemini) Sun
festivals of the new Spiritual year (begun at Spring equinox). This festival
overlays both Passover (Jewish) and Easter (Christian), festivals
representing previous developmental stages for humanity and celebrated
during different ages (learning stages of Aries and Pisces). Each age (2,500
years long) provides humanity with new laws, dispensations, rules, and
opportunities for development. In the present Aquarian (our new age)
unfoldment more of humanity will begin to embrace the Full Sun/Moon
festivals which represent the new Aquarian rituals,dispensation, laws,
rules, and opportunities for development. Long term readers of this column
are aware that energies and forces stream into our planet through light
waves. These light waves emanate from the 7 Rays in the Big Dipper, the
constellations, and planets, dropping their information (encoded in light)
to Earth. This reception and utilization of light is one very important and
precise way humanity and Earth's kingdoms evolve. The 12 monthly Full
Sun/Moon festivals are specific (and the only) times when the Earth is
bathed in this special light (five days in all). During these times our
evolutionary journey is accelerated. This information, little known to the
masses of people, is known to those who study the esoteric Ancient Wisdom
teachings (and read these columns).

  This week esoteric students the world over are preparing for the Aries
Full Sun/Moon festival, also called the Festival of Resurrection (new
light/seeds/Life of Spring), the same name for Easter. It is important to
know what energies are available from this Aries Full Sun/Moon. For without
this knowledge we cannot fully use, unify with, understand, and/or
distribute the radiations of light available that brings more life to Earth
and to all we come into contact (mineral, planet, animal, and human). During
the Aries Full Sun/Moon festival the Forces of Restoration are provided.
This is particularly important after the events of September 11th. During
the Aries Full Sun/Moon a great Being called the Spirit of Resurrection
streams forth energies into the world that lead humanity out of darkness
(ignorance) into light, from the unreal to the real, from death to
immortality (all dualities). We initiate a new creative work in Aries --
that of resurrecting the light out of form. An appropriate art visual
responding to the Spirit of Resurrection during the Full Sun/Moon Festival
are the etheric blue beams of light rising up from Manhattan's Ground Zero
and representing the resurrection of the Twin Towers (Gemini) destroyed on
September 11th. These beams of light, ascending from New York City (U.S.
throat chakra signifying creativity) are a tribute to the spirit of
recovery, renewal, and rebuilding. Sunday, the 24th is Palm Sunday with the
Moon in Leo (leadership sign). On the first Palm Sunday, two thousand years
ago, the first Aquarian,called Jesus the Christ, rode a donkey (commonality
with the masses) into the city of Jerusalem (Jeru means city, and salem
means peace) as the people waved palms (celebration heralding the coming
Aquarian Age of Knowledge). Jerusalem is a state of heart/mind (where the
Soul resides), the love center in the body. Jerusalem also signifies the
unfoldment of peace (salem) and love (heart) in the Aquarian Age (city)
through the development of knowledge. Because after knowledge is given and
understanding happens, love occurs. This is Aquarian.

  Thursday, the 21st, begins with a mid morning void-of-course (v/c) and
continues till 4:06 pm when the Moon enters Cancer. Comforting and nurturing
foods will be sought. Mercury, the way we speak with each other, could
create rather unempowering states of communication. We are to beware of this
in order to maintain right Speech. Right Speech, with the intentions of
goodwill and praise, is a quality of the Soul infused person.

  Friday, the 22nd, is an excellent money day (Venus/Pluto) but another
day of difficult communication, especially late morning when our
communication, intent on transforming situations, could also hurt and
destroy. Mercury is square (challenge) Pluto. What this means is that the
way we've spoken before may no longer be appropriate and we will be
challenged to seek new levels of connections that regenerate and give new
life with whatever and whomever we find ourselves. Silence is best.

  Saturday, the 23rd, is v/c all day till 9:12 pm. And Mars, which helps
us initiate things but also makes us impatient and angry, could challenge
the activities in our relationships. Beware of feeling aggressive,
impatient, and angry. It's also not a day to initiate things due to the v/c.
A day of 

Fw: Spiritual Communion

2002-03-24 Thread jsherry


So the lover of Earth obtains his reward, and little by little the

veil is lifted of an inexhaustible beauty and majesty. It may be he

will be tranced in some spiritual communion, or will find his being

overflowing into the being of the elements, or become aware that they

are breathing their life into his own. Or Earth may become on an

instant, all faery to him, and earth and air resound with the music of

its invisible people. Or the trees and rocks may waver before his eyes

and become transparent, revealing what creatures were hidden from him

by the curtain, and he will know as the ancients did of dryad and

hamadryad, of genii of wood and mountain. Or earth may suddenly blaze

about him with supernatural light in some lonely spot amid the hills,

and he will find he stands as the prophet in a place that is holy

ground, and he may breathe the intoxicating exhalations as did the

sibyls of old. Or his love may hurry him away in dream to share in

deeper mysteries, and he may see the palace chambers of nature where

the wise ones dwell in secret, looking out over the nations, breathing

power into this man's heart or that man's brain, on any who appear to

their vision to wear the colour of truth. So gradually the earth lover

realizes the golden world is all about him in imperishable beauty, and

he may pass from the vision to the profounder beauty of being, and

know an eternal love is within and around him, pressing upon him and

sustaining with infinite tenderness his body, his soul and his spirit.


Be the change
you want to see in the world.
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Fw: equinox marches on

2002-03-24 Thread jsherry

This has been passed along so many times I do not know the original author
named Maggie. It came via a member of the GlobalNews Mailing list


  Equinox is upon us, a time for celebration and joy, a time of transition.
As we let go of the difficulties and intensity of the last three months, we
can make the shift into the new. Yet again we stand on the threshold of
somethng new. Spring is also a time of opening, cleansing and releasing and
an opportunity to move into the fullness of our being, a chance to blossom
like the beautiful spring flowers that are opening and eager to share their
beauty and delightful smells. As I watch my daffodils and hyacinths opening
and look at the early morning mist lifting from the mountains, I feel a deep
sense of awe and gratitude for all that has been given and for the wonder of

  Make this time of the Equinox, today and tomorrow, one of special
celebration, paying attention to the inner world. In your meditations these
days, feel the transition, attune to the seeds of change and transformation
and open to the joys of life.

  I wish you a beautiful, wonderful Equinox, love and light, Maggie

  Morning has broken like the first morning
   Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
   Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
   Praise for the springing fresh from the Word.

 - Scottish  Irish ballad

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


  The worst feeling energies are being experienced at this tail end of the
Snake / Mars zodiacal year. All the toxic remainder of the challenging Mars
year now ending is coming up to be transmuted. But great new energies will
be coming in soon with the Equinox and the Spring Full Moon.

  Those who are more feeling based and or more tuned to world need will have
been suffering most the last few weeks. The more taken on to transform, the
more the suffering, the more creative energy will be coming available in the
new cycle. Transforming is facilitated through prayer and fasting, singing
and dancing. This is also a good time for Epsom salt footbaths and Shiatsu
foot massage. The feet are the last part of the body through which psychic
toxins are released. Sun in Pisces (and Pisces lunation that follows)is the
time for clearing in this way. The more psychic and physical toxins are
cleared now the brighter will be the Equinox dawn.

  The month of March is named from the custom of setting armies marching at
this time of year. March is the month of Mars, the planet of vital energy,
ambition and warfare. This is scapegoat season, a time when it is easier
to set people against each other. Shadow aspects of the psyche always are
revealed at the close of the zodiacal year. Whenever our cultural traditions
and personal practices fail us in integrating the personal and collective
shadow, then this shadow is apt to be projected onto others.

  St Patrick chasing the snakes from Ireland is a metaphor for chasing out
the old Mars, an ancient pagan practice for this time in the annual cycle.
St Gertrude, the saint who chased the rats from Norway,  is also celebrated
on Mar 17th.

  Mars rules Aries, the first sign of Spring. Mars also rules the last third
of Pisces, the Scorpio decan with its keynote purging. The toxic residue
of the last zodiacal year comes up in this time - Mar 10th to 20th - to be
transformed and cleared.

  The old Mars represents outmoded behavioral patterns and beliefs, what
drove us last zodiacal year but doesn't serve in the zodiacal year soon
beginning (Mar 20th). The old Mars is going out now in this Scorpio
(elimination) subsign of Pisces. This clearing and purging process will
continue through the Pisces lunation, the lunar cycle that began on Mar 13th
and continues until April 12th.

  This is spring cleaning time. The better we do our spring cleaning and
clear out our closets, physical and psychic, the more good will come to us
in this zodiacal year. The trappings of the old zodiacal year are now to be
let go. All the toxic residue of the past zodiacal year comes up to be
released during this time. Psychic toxins may appear in the form of negative
and confused thought forms. Old psychic forms broken up now release energy
back to the source within where it will be available for future creative
expression. This process corresponds to plowing under in preparing a

  Emotional and physical toxins always come up to be released from the
system at this phase of the annual cycle. Many  common illnesses are
designed to help in the clearing process. Some herbs that can be helpful for
internal cleansing are dandelion, milk thistle, cayenne, gentian.

  Mother Nature also provides aromatherapy in a timely manner. It's
important now to take time to smell the flowers that bloom around us. Each
scent has its special 

Value added processing - vegetable juicing

2002-03-24 Thread Stephen Barrow

Hi Folks,

I am looking for a means of value-added processing for a friend's certified
organic vegetable production (farm situated far from decent fresh produce
markets).  I have suggested that he looks at commercial vegetable juicing
for cancer patients and others with medical needs.  In looking for a large
juicer, the manufacturers recommend a screw type press to extract the juice.
My understanding is that this will give mainly the inter-cellular juices,
but it is the cell juice (intra-cellular) which is required for the healing
process.  My questions to anybody who could assist:

1   Am I on the right track as to which juices are required?

2   Will a screw type press give the juice which we are looking for?

3   How would one go about preserving the juice while maintaining all the
goodness?  A concern is the oxidation which would possibly destroy vitamins
and enzymes etc.  Just chilling?  I would assume that pasteurising would
kill off all the goodness.  I would also assume that the juice should be
bottled in glass.  He is looking at supplying patients via a health-shop -
similar type of concept to the CSA...

Thanks for any assistance.

Stephen Barrow

RE: Plant exudates

2002-03-24 Thread Stephen Barrow

Hay Jose,

Hugh Lovel's reply to you refers

Would you mind posting the references from Ward Penwarn
([EMAIL PROTECTED]), if you have any success in sourcing them.


Stephen Barrow

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-24 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/24/02 3:18:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just what is your water implosion device, Steve?  Is it based on

Schauberger's work?

Stephen Barrow 

No, it is based on Storch's work, inspired by Steiner and Schauberger and 
Pfieffer.  SStorch

The banning of seed exchange legislation

2002-03-24 Thread Merla

I just received this through email from a friend.  Merla


USDA Plans Severe Gardening Restrictions

Direct quotes from USDA Action Plan

   Clean list - Everything not on government approved list banned.

   Penalties - $1000 for home gardeners, up to $250,000 for
   Interstate movement of seeds - Prohibited without permit and

Send objections to the USDA

Write your representative (Sample letter)

What President Bush says

Your help is needed. The USDA is now accepting public
comments on their Draft Action Plan for the Noxious
Weeds Program, which includes the clean list or
white list proposal. They are now going beyond the
clean list and are stating that they intend to require
permits and inspections for ALL seeds and plants
moving interstate ? this will effectively shut down
many popular seed exchanges like the North American
Rock Garden Society exchange and the Seed Saver’s
Exchange. These exchanges have been hailed as
important means of preserving biodiversity. How many
home seed savers will be willing to get appropriate
licenses and inspections when they cost a minimum of
$100 (for a nursery stock or seed license here in
California). Penalties of up to $250,000 are proposed
with a minimum fine of $1000 even for home
gardeners. Please link to this page.

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] and state you are opposed to the
clean list and any permit or inspection requirements for
interstate movement of seeds and plants. State that the Draft
Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program is unacceptable must
be halted, additional time for public comment allowed, and no
new restrictions on the free flow of any seeds and plants that are
not listed noxious weeds be put in place.

Send 4 copies of your comments to:

Docket No. 01-034-1
Regulatory Analysis and Development
PPD, APHIS Suite 3C03
4700 River Road, Unit 118
Riverdale, MD 20737-1238

This is necessary so that your e-mails will not simply be deleted.

Last year, the USDA requested comments on its clean list proposal
- they received an overwhelming response - 8 to 1 against, yet
they are ignoring the clear will of the American people. The
government tried to impose a clean list policy three times during
the 1970s, and had to back down each time due to negative
response from biologists. Apparently, no is not an acceptable

The public comment period ends March 29th, but it is important to
keep up pressure even after this date, particularly by writing your

The USDA is clearly out of touch with the American people. They
just got through the huge furor when they tried to impose Organic
Rules which allowed irradiation and toxic sewage sludge use.
They have also instituted new phytosanitary certificate
requirements which they admit are designed to prevent you from
ordering from overseas. Please object to the new phytosanitary
rules in your letter, too.

Write to your representatives and demand that the out-of-control
USDA be reined in.

These proposals fundamentally change the regulations on the importation
and distribution of
plants. Currently, you may import, possess and distribute all plants
except a few known harmful
species that are banned ? a blacklist approach in which everything is
permitted except what is
prohibited. The new Clean List (or white list) policy is the opposite ?
everything is
prohibited except what is on a government-approved clean list of
species that the
USDA permits. This will effectively ban 99% of the species on the
planet. The clean list or
white list has been called an internet hoax, and the agencies involved
have actually sent out letters
denying they have such plans ? go to their website and read for yourself
what they say:

See Weed Action Plan - 4th blue box down on the right. (Note that this
is a pdf file and
takes a long time to load - you will see a blank page for a while after
clicking here)


Draft Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program

Page 5:

Interstate movement:

2) Issue regulations that require that any plant, plant product,
biological control organism, noxious weed,
article, or means of conveyance imported, entered, to be exported, or
moved in interstate commerce be
accompanied by a permit and a certification of inspection and be subject
to remedial measures necessary
to prevent the spread of plant pests or noxious weeds…

NOTE: Any plant or plant product will include dried medicinal herbs,
as well as clean seeds.

Page 9:


Emergency Action (recommended regulatory change)

The PPA authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to hold, seize,
quarantine, treat, apply other remedial measures to,
destroy, or otherwise dispose of any plant, plant pest, noxious weed,
biological control organism, plant

How about $100 fees for permits for ALL seeds and plants moving interstate

2002-03-24 Thread Merla

Hi all,  I just got this from a fellow organic grower.  How can this
be?  How come nobody knows about it?  Is there anybody official on this
list who can check this out?  Where did it come from?  What rubbish!!!


USDA Plans Severe Gardening Restrictions

Direct quotes from USDA Action Plan

   Clean list - Everything not on government approved list banned.

   Penalties - $1000 for home gardeners, up to $250,000 for
   Interstate movement of seeds - Prohibited without permit and

Send objections to the USDA

Write your representative (Sample letter)

What President Bush says

Your help is needed. The USDA is now accepting public
comments on their Draft Action Plan for the Noxious
Weeds Program, which includes the clean list or
white list proposal. They are now going beyond the
clean list and are stating that they intend to require
permits and inspections for ALL seeds and plants
moving interstate ? this will effectively shut down
many popular seed exchanges like the North American
Rock Garden Society exchange and the Seed Saver’s
Exchange. These exchanges have been hailed as
important means of preserving biodiversity. How many
home seed savers will be willing to get appropriate
licenses and inspections when they cost a minimum of
$100 (for a nursery stock or seed license here in
California). Penalties of up to $250,000 are proposed
with a minimum fine of $1000 even for home
gardeners. Please link to this page.

Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] and state you are opposed to the
clean list and any permit or inspection requirements for
interstate movement of seeds and plants. State that the Draft
Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program is unacceptable must
be halted, additional time for public comment allowed, and no
new restrictions on the free flow of any seeds and plants that are
not listed noxious weeds be put in place.

Send 4 copies of your comments to:

Docket No. 01-034-1
Regulatory Analysis and Development
PPD, APHIS Suite 3C03
4700 River Road, Unit 118
Riverdale, MD 20737-1238

This is necessary so that your e-mails will not simply be deleted.

Last year, the USDA requested comments on its clean list proposal
- they received an overwhelming response - 8 to 1 against, yet
they are ignoring the clear will of the American people. The
government tried to impose a clean list policy three times during
the 1970s, and had to back down each time due to negative
response from biologists. Apparently, no is not an acceptable

The public comment period ends March 29th, but it is important to
keep up pressure even after this date, particularly by writing your

The USDA is clearly out of touch with the American people. They
just got through the huge furor when they tried to impose Organic
Rules which allowed irradiation and toxic sewage sludge use.
They have also instituted new phytosanitary certificate
requirements which they admit are designed to prevent you from
ordering from overseas. Please object to the new phytosanitary
rules in your letter, too.

Write to your representatives and demand that the out-of-control
USDA be reined in.

These proposals fundamentally change the regulations on the importation
and distribution of
plants. Currently, you may import, possess and distribute all plants
except a few known harmful
species that are banned ? a blacklist approach in which everything is
permitted except what is
prohibited. The new Clean List (or white list) policy is the opposite ?
everything is
prohibited except what is on a government-approved clean list of
species that the
USDA permits. This will effectively ban 99% of the species on the
planet. The clean list or
white list has been called an internet hoax, and the agencies involved
have actually sent out letters
denying they have such plans ? go to their website and read for yourself
what they say:

See Weed Action Plan - 4th blue box down on the right. (Note that this
is a pdf file and
takes a long time to load - you will see a blank page for a while after
clicking here)


Draft Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program

Page 5:

Interstate movement:

2) Issue regulations that require that any plant, plant product,
biological control organism, noxious weed,
article, or means of conveyance imported, entered, to be exported, or
moved in interstate commerce be
accompanied by a permit and a certification of inspection and be subject
to remedial measures necessary
to prevent the spread of plant pests or noxious weeds…

NOTE: Any plant or plant product will include dried medicinal herbs,
as well as clean seeds.

Page 9:


Emergency Action (recommended regulatory change)

The PPA authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to hold, seize,

Re: Value added processing - vegetable juicing

2002-03-24 Thread Allan Balliett

Steve -

In the US such juices must be pasturized if they are for resale.

Sally Fallon has said that maximum health effects come from pressed 
juices and lesser benefits come from centrifugal juicers. (Gersen 
used a hydraulic press)

Introducing oxygen during juicing (ala ACME juicers and any 
centrifugal juicer) is your worse enemy. Supposedly (I'm told but 
have not experienced), if you press through a pressing bag directly 
into a jar and seal that jar before cooling, there will be a minimum 
if introduced oxygen and darkening of the juice will be postponed by 
days. Norwalk claims that juices pressed 5 days earlier are still as 
healthful as on the pressing date because their system minimizes 

About all I know. _Allan

PS Can anyone recommend a cheap but effective wheat grass juicer??

Hi Folks,

I am looking for a means of value-added processing for a friend's certified
organic vegetable production (farm situated far from decent fresh produce
markets).  I have suggested that he looks at commercial vegetable juicing
for cancer patients and others with medical needs.  In looking for a large
juicer, the manufacturers recommend a screw type press to extract the juice.
My understanding is that this will give mainly the inter-cellular juices,
but it is the cell juice (intra-cellular) which is required for the healing
process.  My questions to anybody who could assist:

1  Am I on the right track as to which juices are required?

2  Will a screw type press give the juice which we are looking for?

3  How would one go about preserving the juice while maintaining all the
goodness?  A concern is the oxidation which would possibly destroy vitamins
and enzymes etc.  Just chilling?  I would assume that pasteurising would
kill off all the goodness.  I would also assume that the juice should be
bottled in glass.  He is looking at supplying patients via a health-shop -
similar type of concept to the CSA...

Thanks for any assistance.

Stephen Barrow

Draft-Plan for Noxious Weeds-modifiedClean List approach is outrageous

2002-03-24 Thread Merla

March 24, 2002

Dear Alan Tasker,

The Clean List legislation in the Draft Action Plan for Noxious Weeds is
a cynical attempt to take-over of a basic freedom which is sacred to all
humans on the exchange of seeds.  This is a great crime
against humanity--equal to Milosevich or Hitler.  I oppose this
legislation with all my heart.

The problem of noxious weeds is the fault of conventional agriculture of
the last 50 years which has destroyed soil health.  The answer, of
course, is sustainable organic practice--composting, return of
microoganisms to the soil.  Noxious weeds grow on soil that has been
overgrazed, herbicided, fertilized with synthetic fertilizers.

Now you propose to cure this by spraying herbicide willy-nilly on BLM
land and limiting the free exchange of seeds and plants interstate by
requiring a $100 registration fee even to home gardeners and the
Safeguarding Review recommending adopting a modified clean list
approach for propagative material, specifying what is permissible,
rather than listing regulated plants.  This is a continuation of a
political take-over of agriculture by ag chemical corporations and this
clean list legislation was written by their lawyers.


Merla Barberie
1251 Rolling Thunder Ridge
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

Docket No. 01-034-1
Regulatory Analysis and Development
PPD, APHIS Suite 3C03
4700 River Road, Unit 118
Riverdale, MD 20737-1238

Fw: root exudates

2002-03-24 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Hi Jose, Here is another title that may help. My 
partner is studying for a masters in soil science and nutrition at Massey 
University. She said the Eastern Europeans seemed to have researched most on 
this subject.
- Original Message - 
From: Gill Cole 

To: Peter Bacchus 
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 8:58 PM
Subject: root exudates

Book - 
Soil Microbial Associations 
1988 Eds Vancura V. and Kunc F. Elsevier 

Re: How about $100 fees for permits for ALL seeds and plants moving interstate

2002-03-24 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Merla,
Our media is full of your President on a grand tour, urging countries to
change from dictatorships to democracies.

Do you think the US may do this in time?


Merla wrote:

 Hi all,  I just got this from a fellow organic grower.  How can this
 be?  How come nobody knows about it?  Is there anybody official on this
 list who can check this out?  Where did it come from?  What rubbish!!!


 USDA Plans Severe Gardening Restrictions

 Direct quotes from USDA Action Plan

Clean list - Everything not on government approved list banned.

Penalties - $1000 for home gardeners, up to $250,000 for
Interstate movement of seeds - Prohibited without permit and

 Send objections to the USDA

 Write your representative (Sample letter)

 What President Bush says

 Your help is needed. The USDA is now accepting public
 comments on their Draft Action Plan for the Noxious
 Weeds Program, which includes the clean list or
 white list proposal.