Re: 9/11 conspiracy \ Helliwell

2002-11-16 Thread barrylia
Thanks, Steve, for answering my query. I thought maybe there was a Tanis
Helliwell connection in what you wrote below about Van Gogh. I'd heard
that this book refers to Steiner. However, having just read Helliwell's
Summer with the Leprecauns (passage where leprecaun meets Steiner is on
pp. 82-87), I feel that the phrase as per Steiner's instructions you
use below must be qualified.

The leprecaun tells Helliwell that he'd met a human in his realm who'd
told him I've been talking with your elder scholars about getting
together a group of elementals from all castes to work with humans. We
are looking for ones who think for themselves and have curiosity and
courage. Interested? At the end of the passage and chapter, the author
calls to the leprecaun as he is disappearing in that scene Who was the
human you met almost a hundred years ago?--Steiner. Rudolph Steiner,
came the faint echo. That is the only reference to Steiner in the book.
The Steiner-character gives no instructions to the elemental Kingdom in
the book, as might be construed from the remarks below.

You do preface your remark saying Heliwell, who claims to have communion
with the elemental kingdom... She has elementals working as humans (eg
Van Gogh) and humans working with elementals (eg herself). I get the
inkling she may have heard of Rudolph via Jean Houston's work (she is
one of the people acknowledged as having helped bring the book to
fruition, but I am unfamiliar with any particulars of Houston's work
myself) or some other secondary source. The leprecaun told Helliwell
about Van Gogh. The leprecaun also takes Philippine psychic surgeons at
face value (p.45).

Certainly we work with the elementals. Indeed, Hugh Courtney's theme in
this weekend's Biodynamic Conference was our aiding the awareness of the
Christ in the realms of subnature through the use of the preps. Not to
put you on the defensive, Steve, but for the sake of clarity, I just want
to be sure that all understand that the above, and what is referred to
below, comes strictly from Helliwell, not Steiner. 
Barry Lia \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ Seattle WA 

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 22:15:30 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   face in the Sun.  Van Gogh was an advanced being, a high level 
  incarnated in human form, he was experiencing the future, just 
  at his 
 Well, in publications of Van Gogh's letters he spoke of this, I would
have to 
 research the particular letter for an exact date.  In the Podolensky
 he speaks of the way Van Gogh drew his plants, that they look like they
 biodynamically grown.  And Tanis Heliwell, who claims to have communion
 the elemental kingdom, said that she has been told that Van Gogh was
such, a 
 high level elemental taken Human form, as per Steiner's instructions to
 elemental Kingdom due to human neglect, so they may continue their
  The future; Christ in the etheric, look at his paintings, then lets

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-12 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/12/02 1:46:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  face in the Sun.  Van Gogh was an advanced being, a high level 
 incarnated in human form, he was experiencing the future, just look 
 at his 

Well, in publications of Van Gogh's letters he spoke of this, I would have to 
research the particular letter for an exact date.  In the Podolensky lectures 
he speaks of the way Van Gogh drew his plants, that they look like they are 
biodynamically grown.  And Tanis Heliwell, who claims to have communion with 
the elemental kingdom, said that she has been told that Van Gogh was such, a 
high level elemental taken Human form, as per Steiner's instructions to the 
elemental Kingdom due to human neglect, so they may continue their evolution. 
 The future; Christ in the etheric, look at his paintings, then lets talk 

love fear (was 9/11 conspiracy)

2002-11-03 Thread ron poitras
So now we are living in a time when we must create love, it is no longer
given.  We must develope this ability quickly.  We must counter the
domintion of our lives through our creation of love and we can enjoy this, a
new paradigm.  These energies are real and present.  The use of genetic
engineering is on the brink of dominating our food system and our childrens
diets.  The womb is at risk of becoming an inaequate place to raise a fetus
to birth into the world.  But we shall overcome this through our creation of
love. (S Storch)

Michael Moore's movie Bowling for Columbine has touch a nerve. It gives
voice to the total irrationality of the gun culture and its source the
pervasive degree of fear that American society is uniquely suffused with.
Moore's says that the underlying reason is the racism that still exists in
our society. This is the love of nationalism, blood love, a form of love no
longer needed in the world. It is in the melting pot of America that this
now destructive form of love is being worked through and hopefully left
behind.  If we are to 'overcome through our love of creation'  it seems to
me we will need to be able to grieve deeply. Giving voice to the injustices,
and the doom and destruction all around us isn't contributing to the
'negative vibes' but part of our necessary process of grieving. There isn't
a day that goes by without my heart being heavy with the loss of life
somewhere. Developing the capacity to allow all the suffering to come in
isn't easy. Robert Sardello has been a voice in the wilderness for me.  From
his book Freeing the Soul From Fear:
 ...if you've grieved, some very interesting things occur. Grieving is a
complete bodily phenomenon. It is not the same thing as sadness or
depression. Every cell of your body cries out in pain. Partly that is a
purification of soul life that makes possible the making of the soul as a
vessel that can be radically receptive. That can only come about by taking
in the suffering of all our fellow human beings.
When we go that deeply into grieving there is this amazing, paradoxical
phenomenon that all of the world suddenly becomes alive. The flowers are
vivid, the sky is vivid. That's a kind of turnaround of soul life where soul
is now open It is a task in which it may look like everything around us
is breaking apart,but I don't think that's what is happening. What is
happening is this movement toward developing the capacity to learn how to
create love in the world.

Re: love fear (was 9/11 conspiracy)

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Ron,



So now we are living in a time when we must create love, it is no longer
given.  We must develope this ability quickly.  We must counter the
domintion of our lives through our creation of love and we can enjoy this, a
new paradigm.  These energies are real and present.  The use of genetic
engineering is on the brink of dominating our food system and our childrens
diets.  The womb is at risk of becoming an inaequate place to raise a fetus
to birth into the world.  But we shall overcome this through our creation of
love. (S Storch)

Michael Moore's movie Bowling for Columbine has touch a nerve. It gives
voice to the total irrationality of the gun culture and its source the
pervasive degree of fear that American society is uniquely suffused with.
Moore's says that the underlying reason is the racism that still exists in
our society. This is the love of nationalism, blood love, a form of love no
longer needed in the world. It is in the melting pot of America that this
now destructive form of love is being worked through and hopefully left
behind.  If we are to 'overcome through our love of creation'  it seems to
me we will need to be able to grieve deeply. Giving voice to the injustices,
and the doom and destruction all around us isn't contributing to the
'negative vibes' but part of our necessary process of grieving. There isn't
a day that goes by without my heart being heavy with the loss of life
somewhere. Developing the capacity to allow all the suffering to come in
isn't easy. Robert Sardello has been a voice in the wilderness for me.  From
his book Freeing the Soul From Fear:
 ...if you've grieved, some very interesting things occur. Grieving is a
complete bodily phenomenon. It is not the same thing as sadness or
depression. Every cell of your body cries out in pain. Partly that is a
purification of soul life that makes possible the making of the soul as a
vessel that can be radically receptive. That can only come about by taking
in the suffering of all our fellow human beings.
When we go that deeply into grieving there is this amazing, paradoxical
phenomenon that all of the world suddenly becomes alive. The flowers are
vivid, the sky is vivid. That's a kind of turnaround of soul life where soul
is now open It is a task in which it may look like everything around us
is breaking apart,but I don't think that's what is happening. What is
happening is this movement toward developing the capacity to learn how to
create love in the world.

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Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-02 Thread mroboz
Steve-the Christ has already incarnated in the etheric.
 RS has told in various lectures that in this, our present time the Christ
 will incarnate in the etheric realm.  When Van Gogh was painting his heart
 and soul on the canvas he wrote in some letters that he could see Christ's
 face in the Sun.  Van Gogh was an advanced being, a high level elemental
 incarnated in human form, he was experiencing the future, just look at his
   RS also predicted that the physical incarnation of Ahriman will occur
within this millennium.  We are preparing for that now.  Just FEEL all the
increased fear (Ahriman's weapon) that has been created since 9/11.

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-02 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Storch,

Very good, very apropos. You got the message I intended, for sure.


Goethe once said that the weaknesses of any age exist only for the
faint-hearted.  Certainly we have all fallen into the trap of feeling sorry
for ourselves and not bucking up to our responsibilities, God, is that easy.
Our work on the land using the biodynamic remedies has far reaching effects
that extend down into the earth's core from the elemental kingdom to the far
reaches of the heavens, preparing the earth for the time when it shall become
a shining star in the heavens and the spirit homeland for the Christ.
RS has told in various lectures that in this, our present time the Christ
will incarnate in the etheric realm.  When Van Gogh was painting his heart
and soul on the canvas he wrote in some letters that he could see Christ's
face in the Sun.  Van Gogh was an advanced being, a high level elemental
incarnated in human form, he was experiencing the future, just look at his
RS left us many things for the practical day to day healing of humanity and
the healing of the earth.  Central to all of his impulses was the Christ, and
he has given us the tools to enhance and prepare and create and enjoy.  The
age of consciousness soul, what a beautiful thing.  We have been told that
through this time humans will be soon giving birth through our larynx.  We
already have so much power through the spoken word and we do not take proper
caution nor advantage of this energy.
So now we are living in a time when we must create love, it is no longer
given.  We must develope this ability quickly.  We must counter the corporate
domintion of our lives through our creation of love and we can enjoy this, a
new paradigm.  These energies are real and present.  The use of genetic
engineering is on the brink of dominating our food system and our childrens
diets.  The womb is at risk of becoming an inaequate place to raise a fetus
to birth into the world.  But we shall overcome this through our creation of
All those using the biodynamic remedies are setting the stage for this new
world order.  An order founded on love and powerful human intentionality.
When the remedies are stirred and your intention is placed into the water and
applied to the land there is an unstoppable force of love being broadcast out
to the ethers.  Christ in the etheric; places so energized are linking up in
the ether and connecting all over the planet.  I have seen places sprayed
only once instantly transform.  So, our time has come.  Let's not forget why
we are here.  Let's do our work and heal the earth and heal humanity through
biodynamics and associative economics.  It is through this work that we may
evolve spiritually and incarnate as angels when the task is

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Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-02 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith
John - no offence taken:  I can well understand your attitude in the midst 
of supposed conspiracies which are both confusing and threatening.  Tony 

From: John Buckley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 9/11 conspiracy
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 00:47:16 -0500

Tony ...

I re-read what I sent earlier and I apologize.  My words show the cynicism 
that most Americans proffer.  It shows our maturing into a protective zone 
that acknowledges how dangerous the truth really is.  Our cynicism has 
emasculated us.  I take your question as honest and I responded 
dishonestly.  I meant no disrespect.  It's just that here we all know the 
nature of the game.  I know this Gordian Knot of life in America can be 
undone, and the first step is embracing an honesty, an integrity, that we 
can embrace starting now.

John Buckley
mountains of North Carolina

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Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-02 Thread SBruno75
In our work and in the process of Love we must not fear and condemn the 
Luciferic and Ahrimanic streams.  Through our recognition and Love of these 
consciousnesses we will redeem them and save them from themselves and in turn 
they may offer up their service to humanity in a new and positive manner.  By 
running away from these beings we make hippocrits of ourselves because we 
pick and choose which of their contributions to society we would like to 
embrace.  Remember the story of Christ's temptation by Lucifer; upon being 
recognized by Christ, Lucifer had to run away.  So, it is now our task to 
redeem these beings through Love and Conscious Soul, language and intent. 
Think of it as a new trinity, Christ, Lucifer, Ahriman.  Let these streams of 
consciousness be embraced by beings of light instead of the dark forces and 
see the difference...sstorch

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-01 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Ones,
I am new to the whole listserve, but not to spiritual science.
I wrote a long response to this the other evening after I returned from the Josephine Porter Institute, and it vaporized off my screen, well here goes again, lets see what comes...

Humanity has crossed the Threshold into the Age of the Consciousness Soul.

That means us.

 It is easy to slam the polititians, to point the attention at the Multi-nationals. and talk about sustainability, etc,
 or why isn't BD more "seen" in the world, any number of gripes and assessments.

When we do this, unseen forces are able to utilize our 'juices' for the emergence of Materialism further into the Earths being.

Rudolf Steiner gave a plan for the antecdote to this reality. Associative Economics. It has gone un-done. Yet there are individuals working diligently to sort this through for all our benefit, of which, in Freedom we can come to practice and implement.

The ways I expereince the build up of these adversarial forces is any time I judge, assess, perpetrate, victimize, behave as if I am a victim, anything that smacks of any of these behaviors, leaves out the possibility of LOVE in the (world).
I am not talking of some warm fuzzy.

Spiritual Science speaks to that now Love is no longer a given, it must be created, created by us, Human Beings here on the Earth.

How is Love created?
Attention, interest, warmth, investment.
In the OTHER. I work for you. I labor for you.

Work to Create Peace and Love for us all,
Jane Parker

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-01 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Jane,

I've been down al lot of hard roads--that I put myself down and I'm not complaining about. I can't think of anyone, Richard Nixon or Josef Stalin that I wouldn't talk civilly to or give a free meal to, and I've been in jails, prisons, projects and wilds with some real psychos like I hope you have no need to meet. There's a real guardian angel over me or I wouldn't be here at all. 

I got disillioned with flag waving during Viet Nam--stupid me, I volunteered! That was an awakening! Set me really looking for the things you're talking about. 

I was putting forward what I remember of history and what I see of the present with a few percent speculation about the recent past and immediate future in the hopes others would get as disillusioned as I was back in Viet Nam times and opt out of that old world order into the kind of world you're talking about. 

You? You don't need it. You've already woke up.  Good head on your shoulders, good ideas. But I hope we pull more folks off that freight train to hell, and pretending to wave my flag doesn't entertain me.

I think George Bush is in a very tight place. I imagine he's trying to make the best out of what mistakes his father and others before him made. I'm waiting to see what he knows about how to do that. While I think he'd be better being up-front about things, I don't imagine it will work that way. But he may be getting it all out into view anyway. I have no way to tell. I'm in no position to judge. The best I can do is see how it all comes out in the end. Seems like it will be interesting. 

I put what I did on the list because I don't close my eyes and cower, but prefer to keep my eyes open and try to be calm and above all, non-judgmental.

I told you who I would vote for and what I think will help, but I'm not trying to slam ANYONE. I probably do that sometimes when I'm too unconscious.

I've been up all night writing on a manual abaout making rain, and now must pick for my CSA. Here's a bit of what I was laboring so hard at. Writing is work. 

I don't think I've met you before, have I?

Hugh Lovel

The Elements

Just how is nature organized? The ancients called the elements fire, air, water and earth. But, I'd better be clear what I mean by element. There might be some confusion between the four elements of classical thinking and the hundred plus elements of the periodic table.
Sulfur is what we commonly associate with fire. If you want a fire, strike a sulfur match. With air we think of nitrogen as nitrogen in its pure form is the main component of air. With water we associate hydrogen, which comes from the Greek word for it. In German it is Wasserstoff, the stuff of water). Finally carbon, the basis of life, is associated with the earth. Carbon forms the hardest of all minerals, diamond. 
I could compare earth, water, air and fire to what is known as the solid, liquid, gaseous and radiant states of  matter. It is an obvious basis of comparison, but the word element here refers to more than state. Each of the elements has a specific character associated with its state, namely the characters of sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon.
Then there is ether.  Ether is what enlivens each of the physical elements. In India the four physical elements are associated with the four fingers of the hand while the thumb represents the ether. It is the agency of organization. If we associate ether with oxygen, we then have what we might call the five sisters, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon, which along with a handful of minerals form our physical bodies. In agriculture, in at least in quantum agriculture, these five are usually free for the taking from the environment. It is not normal to have to buy them. Normally, the best things in life are free. The fact that so much of modern agriculture applies so much salt nitrogen-and pays good money for it-is an indication of how badly deranged it is.

Four Ethers

Because the principle of organization, the ether, works differently with each element, we can say we have four ethers. With the four elements we have something substantial that we can measure. But with the corresponding four ethers all we have is an organizational principle that indirectly shows its effects in the way organization arises. 
The organizational principle for fire is warmth. There is little difference between warmth and fire, as they go hand in hand. If you just had sulfur by itself you would not have fire. But when sulfur combines with oxygen, fire and warmth occur. We might place sulfur is on the fire side  of the substance/ether divide and oxygen on the warmth side.
For the air to give life it must have oxygen too, albeit that in the air it is inactive, just as the nitrogen is inactive. With air we have a level of greater density where the organizational principle is light. Air is the perfect medium for conducting light, and light goes with air hand in glove. 
Then with water we have an even denser level. Though light 

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-01 Thread Barry Carter
Dear Friends,

Here is a post I just sent to the Oxyplus email list which is also apropos 
to this discussion:

You are all describing much the same thing from different viewpoints. I am 
particular fond of Nina's description [see below] which uses concepts of 
frequency medicine to describe how we set up resonances which attract the 
things we belive strongly in. I would like to add to what Nina wrote.

It is very important here to make the distinction between wanting pain and 
choosing pain. When I drop a glass of water and then cut myself while 
picking up the pieces of glass I would not say that I wanted to cut myself 
but I would say that the cut was clearly a consequence of my choice to pick 
up the glass with my bare fingers. A smoker may continue to smoke despite 
the knowledge that smoking often has lung disease as a consequence. I would 
not say that the smoker wants lung cancer but if lung cancer happened to 
the smoker it would be clear that his or her actions brought about 
favorable conditions for lung cancer.

Every worldview that I know of has several sayings which express this. In 
the Christian worldview we have statements like:

He who lives by the sword will die by the sword.
Judge not lest you be judged.

In the scientific world view we have:

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In the modern business worldview there is:

What goes around comes around.
You get what you pay for.

Hindu's speak of the law of karma; Buddhists say the cause of suffering is 

Nina used the term resonance. I really like this term too.

Imagine that you have two dinner bells hanging on your front porch. One 
bell is the love bell and the other bell is the fear bell. The love bell is 
tuned to the frequency of love and every harmonic of love. The fear bell is 
tuned to fear and the harmonics of fear.

Some of the harmonics of love are abundance, happiness, connection, 
knowledge, synchronicity, prayer and community. Some of the harmonics of 
fear are hatred, anger, disaster, pain, judgement and violence.

Each of these bells calls those things which resonate with it in for 
dinner. When we ring the love bell we call in those things which resonate 
with love. When we ring the fear bell we call those things which resonate 
with fear to dinner. Each of us has the power to see which bell we spend 
the most time with. What has come to dinner is a clue to which bell we 
spend our time ringing. This clue; this knowledge gives us the personal 
power to change unpleasant conditions in our own lives. If we were helpless 
victims of circumstances beyond our control then we would not have the 
power to change our circumstances of our lives.

Pain can inform and improve our decisions. When I jumped off the swing as a 
child the pain of landing taught me not to jump from a second story balcony.

The structures around us want us to depend on them. Corporate medicine 
encourages our dependence. Corporate agriculture does the same. We can all 
think of examples of this from this forum. If a structure becomes our sole 
source of supply for something we need, we will tend to support that 
structure despite other things it does that we don't like.

When we have given a structure such power over us, that structure will 
encourage our belief that we are helpless victims of circumstances beyond 
our control so that they can sell us a method of limited control at a 
price. If I do not believe that my health is under my control then I will 
buy health insurance to insure some modicum of control over my health.

Dr. Emoto has published pictures of the structural changes that prayer 
makes in ice crystals.

Stephen has described some of the ways he has used to increase his love 
resonance and these are effective techniques. There are many more 
techniques to do this. These techniques are described in almost every world 
religion and worldview.

We all know that there is a psychological component to disease. We have all 
heard stories of people who have overcome their conditions through 
determination and compassion despite an overwhelmingly negative prognosis.

Science and scientists are coming to the realization that all things are 
connected. Some call this connection the zero point field, some call it 
the implicate order others call it the morphogenic field and still 
others call it quantum coherence or quantum non-local interaction. This 
field appears to connect us all. Resonances are propagated through this 
field. Some of the recent scientific research in this area is described in 
Lynne McTaggart's latest book titled The Field. You can read more about 
this area of research in an article that I recently wrote at:

I tend to think of the resonances of love and fear as a river and a dam. As 
long as the love is flowing all that it carries is well distributed. When 
the flow is damned up by fear all the crap accumulates in the reservoir 

9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith
The Observer last Sunday carried a long article by Gore Vidal pointing out 
many peculiarities about the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, 
notably the oddly unfazed behaviour of pseudo-president Bush and the fact 
that for nearly an hour and a half after radar first observed the hijacked 
planes deviating from course there was no Air Force activity.  Presumably 
all this has appeared in the States?  Any comment from you across the 
Atlantic?Tony N-S.

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Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread John Buckley

Tony ...

We (Americans) live in the land of 
conspiracy theories, which some say is well justified. The CIA is well 
documented as the driving force behind all sorts of heinous activity, and we 
learn of these things after the guilty are dead and gone. I imagine that 
most are afraid to make such conjectures right now; they, we, I, are just 
keeping low, heads down. It seems ignoble, embarrassing to admit to this 
behavior, but when the avalanche is roaring down the mountain what else is there 
to do? The people in power are determined to remain so, such is the 
history of the world. All I know to do is bear witness. Any 

John Buckley
mountains of North Carolina

- Original Message - 
From: Tony 
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: 9/11 conspiracy
The Observer last Sunday carried a long article by Gore Vidal 
pointing out many peculiarities about the attacks on the World Trade Centre 
and Pentagon, notably the oddly unfazed behaviour of pseudo-president Bush 
and the fact that for nearly an hour and a half after radar first observed 
the hijacked planes deviating from course there was no Air Force 
activity. Presumably all this has appeared in the States? Any 
comment from you across the 
a speedy connection with MSN Broadband. Join now!

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread Hugh Lovel
John and Tony,

The gulags in Alaska aren't activated yet, at least not to my knowledge. So I probably have a little time left on this list. I'm non-violent and would never do anything to hurt the Bushes of this world, so I'll probably be sent to the gulags. In some ways I'm looking forward to Alaska--not the cold or the drilling, mining and timbering. but I'm 55 and still in good health. I plan to ask to work in food service. It's something I'm good at, and in all the American prisons of my past experience most prisoners try to avoid working there. You have to get up too early for one thing.

As for the Gore Vidal thing, Bush's behavior and the Air Force's failure to scramble planes might be explained away--but not MOLTEN POOLS OF STEEL weeks afterward ands SHARP SEISMIC SPIKES just before the buildings collapsed.

I'm waiting for Bush to stage his own assassination on television, which he will miraculously survive. It's speculation, but it seems logical to me. It will be a good excuse to declare martial law.


Tony ...
We (Americans) live in the land of conspiracy theories, which some say is well justified.  The CIA is well documented as the driving force behind all sorts of heinous activity, and we learn of these things after the guilty are dead and gone.  I imagine that most are afraid to make such conjectures right now; they, we, I, are just keeping low, heads down.  It seems ignoble, embarrassing to admit to this behavior, but when the avalanche is roaring down the mountain what else is there to do?  The people in power are determined to remain so, such is the history of the world.  All I know to do is bear witness.  Any suggestions?
John Buckley
mountains of North Carolina
- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Tony Nelson-Smith
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: 9/11 conspiracy

The Observer last Sunday carried a long article by Gore Vidal pointing out
many peculiarities about the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon,
notably the oddly unfazed behaviour of pseudo-president Bush and the fact
that for nearly an hour and a half after radar first observed the hijacked
planes deviating from course there was no Air Force activity.  Presumably
all this has appeared in the States?  Any comment from you across the
Atlantic?Tony N-S.

Get a speedy connection with MSN Broadband. Join now!>

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Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread Gil Robertson
Hi! Hugh, John, Tony,
What worried me was watching the TV in England, having had a phone call and switched 
on after the first impact and before the second and at that time it was said to be an 
accident. Just after we tuned in, the second plan hit. The TV in the streets 
immediately interviewed supposed independent bystanders. Most of those then spoke what 
was clearly rehearsed and possibly scripted lines. It was not the spontaneous 
utterances of confused people caught in the cross fire. I think the media was well 
primes and was waiting, complete with pre qualified interviewees.


Hugh Lovel wrote:

 John and Tony,

 The gulags in Alaska aren't activated yet,

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread mroboz

Dear Hugh, John and Tony,

 Actually, the US already has a Gulag. 
It is called Quantanimo, Cuba. Even a Canadian-born Canadian is held there 
with no access by Can. authorities. Another Syrian-born Canadian was 
deported not to Canada, but, to Syria, without any notification to Canada. That 
guy is currently sitting in a Syrian jail. I would not be surprised 
that he is only guilty of evading Syrian military duty-nothing more, and 
...being born in Syria. Michael

  - Original Message - 
  Hugh Lovel 
  Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 1:22 
  Subject: Re: 9/11 conspiracy
  John and Tony,The gulags in Alaska aren't activated 
  yet, at least not to my knowledge. So I probably have a little time left on 
  this list. I'm non-violent and would never do anything to hurt the Bushes of 
  this world, so I'll probably be sent to the gulags. In some ways I'm looking 
  forward to Alaska--not the cold or the drilling, mining and timbering. but I'm 
  55 and still in good health. I plan to ask to work in food service. It's 
  something I'm good at, and in all the American prisons of my past experience 
  most prisoners try to avoid working there. You have to get up too early for 
  one thing.As for the Gore Vidal thing, Bush's behavior and the Air 
  Force's failure to scramble planes might be explained away--but not MOLTEN 
  POOLS OF STEEL weeks afterward ands SHARP SEISMIC SPIKES just before the 
  buildings collapsed.I'm waiting for Bush to stage his own 
  assassination on television, which he will miraculously survive. It's 
  speculation, but it seems logical to me. It will be a good excuse to declare 
  martial law.Best,Hugh
  Tony ...
  We (Americans) 
live in the land of conspiracy theories, which some say is well justified. 
The CIA is well documented as the driving force behind all sorts of heinous 
activity, and we learn of these things after the guilty are dead and gone. I 
imagine that most are afraid to make such conjectures right now; they, we, 
I, are just keeping low, heads down. It seems ignoble, embarrassing to admit 
to this behavior, but when the avalanche is roaring down the mountain what 
else is there to do? The people in power are determined to remain so, such 
is the history of the world. All I know to do is bear witness. Any 
Buckleymountains of North Carolina- 
Original Message -From: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tony Nelson-SmithTo: 
Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:25 PMSubject: 9/11 
conspiracyThe Observer last Sunday carried a long article by 
Gore Vidal pointing outmany peculiarities about the attacks on the World 
Trade Centre and Pentagon,notably the oddly unfazed behaviour of 
pseudo-president Bush and the factthat for nearly an hour and a half 
after radar first observed the hijackedplanes deviating from course 
there was no Air Force activity. Presumablyall this has appeared in the 
States? Any comment from you across theAtlantic? Tony 
a speedy connection with MSN Broadband. Join 
  our website at: 

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread Hugh Lovel

Dear Hugh, John and Tony,
  Actually, the US already has a Gulag.  It is called Quantanimo, Cuba.  Even a Canadian-born Canadian is held there with no access by Can. authorities.  Another Syrian-born Canadian was deported not to Canada, but, to Syria, without any notification to Canada. That guy is  currently sitting in a Syrian jail.  I would not be surprised that he is only guilty of evading Syrian military duty-nothing more, and ...being born in Syria.  Michael


Actually the US has gulags in Alaska too, and has had since Reagan. They just aren't putting anyone in them yet so far as I know.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Hugh Lovel
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: 9/11 conspiracy

John and Tony,

The gulags in Alaska aren't activated yet, at least not to my knowledge. So I probably have a little time left on this list. I'm non-violent and would never do anything to hurt the Bushes of this world, so I'll probably be sent to the gulags. In some ways I'm looking forward to Alaska--not the cold or the drilling, mining and timbering. but I'm 55 and still in good health. I plan to ask to work in food service. It's something I'm good at, and in all the American prisons of my past experience most prisoners try to avoid working there. You have to get up too early for one thing.

As for the Gore Vidal thing, Bush's behavior and the Air Force's failure to scramble planes might be explained away--but not MOLTEN POOLS OF STEEL weeks afterward ands SHARP SEISMIC SPIKES just before the buildings collapsed.

I'm waiting for Bush to stage his own assassination on television, which he will miraculously survive. It's speculation, but it seems logical to me. It will be a good excuse to declare martial law.


Tony ...

We (Americans) live in the land of conspiracy theories, which some say is well justified. The CIA is well documented as the driving force behind all sorts of heinous activity, and we learn of these things after the guilty are dead and gone. I imagine that most are afraid to make such conjectures right now; they, we, I, are just keeping low, heads down. It seems ignoble, embarrassing to admit to this behavior, but when the avalanche is roaring down the mountain what else is there to do? The people in power are determined to remain so, such is the history of the world. All I know to do is bear witness. Any suggestions?

John Buckley
mountains of North Carolina

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Tony Nelson-Smith
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: 9/11 conspiracy

The Observer last Sunday carried a long article by Gore Vidal pointing out
many peculiarities about the attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon,
notably the oddly unfazed behaviour of pseudo-president Bush and the fact
that for nearly an hour and a half after radar first observed the hijacked
planes deviating from course there was no Air Force activity. Presumably
all this has appeared in the States? Any comment from you across the
Atlantic? Tony N-S.

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Visit our website at: 

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread John Buckley

Tony ...

I re-read what I sent earlier and 
Iapologize. My words show the cynicism that most Americans 
proffer. It shows our maturing into a protective zone that acknowledges 
how dangerous the truth really is. Our cynicism has emasculated us. 
I take your question as honest and I responded dishonestly. I meant no 
disrespect. It's just that here we all know the nature of the game. 
I know this Gordian Knot of life in America can be undone, and the first step is 
embracing an honesty, an integrity, that we can embrace starting 

John Buckley
mountains of North Carolina

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-10-31 Thread The Korrows

What??? A conspiracy??? Here in the land of the free??? Heck I think it's a 
whole lot easier to try  figure out which events aren't conspiracies. 

In Love and Light ( the hope that it will eventually overcome),
Mr. Chris

  - Original Message - 
  Hugh Lovel 
  Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 6:53 
  Subject: Re: 9/11 conspiracy
  Dear Hugh, John and 
the US already has a Gulag. It is called Quantanimo, Cuba. Even a 
Canadian-born Canadian is held there with no access by Can. authorities. 
Another Syrian-born Canadian was deported not to Canada, but, to Syria, 
without any notification to Canada. That guy is currently sitting in a 
Syrian jail. I would not be surprised that he is only guilty of evading 
Syrian military duty-nothing more, and ...being born in Syria. MichaelMichael,Actually 
  the US has gulags in Alaska too, and has had since Reagan. They just aren't 
  putting anyone in them yet so far as I know.Hugh
  - Original Message 
-From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Hugh LovelTo: 
Thursday, October 31, 2002 1:22 PMSubject: Re: 9/11 
conspiracyJohn and Tony,The gulags in Alaska aren't 
activated yet, at least not to my knowledge. So I probably have a little 
time left on this list. I'm non-violent and would never do anything to hurt 
the Bushes of this world, so I'll probably be sent to the gulags. In some 
ways I'm looking forward to Alaska--not the cold or the drilling, mining and 
timbering. but I'm 55 and still in good health. I plan to ask to work in 
food service. It's something I'm good at, and in all the American prisons of 
my past experience most prisoners try to avoid working there. You have to 
get up too early for one thing.As for the Gore Vidal thing, Bush's 
behavior and the Air Force's failure to scramble planes might be explained 
away--but not MOLTEN POOLS OF STEEL weeks afterward ands SHARP SEISMIC 
SPIKES just before the buildings collapsed.I'm waiting for Bush to 
stage his own assassination on television, which he will miraculously 
survive. It's speculation, but it seems logical to me. It will be a good 
excuse to declare martial law.Best,HughTony 
(Americans) live in the land of conspiracy theories, which some say is well 
justified. The CIA is well documented as the driving force behind all sorts 
of heinous activity, and we learn of these things after the guilty are dead 
and gone. I imagine that most are afraid to make such conjectures right now; 
they, we, I, are just keeping low, heads down. It seems ignoble, 
embarrassing to admit to this behavior, but when the avalanche is roaring 
down the mountain what else is there to do? The people in power are 
determined to remain so, such is the history of the world. All I know to do 
is bear witness. Any suggestions?John Buckleymountains of North 
Carolina- Original Message -From: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tony Nelson-SmithTo: 
Thursday, October 31, 2002 12:25 PMSubject: 9/11 
conspiracyThe Observer last Sunday carried a long article by 
Gore Vidal pointing outmany peculiarities about the attacks on the World 
Trade Centre and Pentagon,notably the oddly unfazed behaviour of 
pseudo-president Bush and the factthat for nearly an hour and a half 
after radar first observed the hijackedplanes deviating from course 
there was no Air Force activity. Presumablyall this has appeared in the 
States? Any comment from you across theAtlantic? Tony 
a speedy connection with MSN Broadband. Join 
our website at: www.unionag.orgVisit our 
  website at: