Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-07-13 Thread James Hedley

Dear Lloyd,
 I agree with you that after 20 years of having input from Alex maybe the 
farmer in question was so used to being spoon fed that they could not think 
for themselves. 
 My take on the whole situation is that BD is a great tool for creating soil 
fertility, however the system as proposed by RS. was only a work in progress. 
Unfortunately he died before he could finish it. The work will never be finished 
as a complete integrated system. There is always further work to be done, 
but the further work cannot be called Biodynamic. What we have now is a farming 
system based on the teachings and thoughts of Rudolf Steiner. What Steiner 
taught has as many interpretations as there are anthropops. Each person will 
accept some of the RS ideas, while rejecting others. I find that there are 
even many people who espouse to following the teachings of Steiner but who 
dont use the preps on their gardens eve if they have a garden these days. 
One way to see the potential of BD is to use it in the vege garden along with
compost teas and Cosmo fertiliser.
 It is the additive inputs that make BD work.
 You could probably say that it is BD that has the potential to make organics 
work. To me it is just part of the years work to put the horns down and put 
out the preps.
  Dear Hugh 
  Thanks for an interesting note - your
mexicanfriend is obviously enjoying his success. 
  I think the major problem with the old
 guard inAustralia was one of communication (lack of it) , that disenchanted
 farmerthat I quoted said " Alex wont address the problem", it should
havebeenup to the farmer himself to recognise the problem in its early
stages and todo something positive about it himself, and after twenty
or so years as apracticing, certified, Biodynamic producer he should
have been equipped to dothat without needing to call on the services
of the master.
  Striving for certification is part of
the problem- there are rewards for organic certified produce - but I
think only isolatedopportunities for further premiums (above organic)
from Demeterand thenonly for restricted quantities and specific situations.

  Our newer (Biodynamic Agriculture) organisation
has taken a more open and educational position and many farmers are learning
to do things for themselves.There will be more mistakes made for sure,
but learning always involves mistakes.
  If the traditionalists manage to take
over thatorganisation (and its likely, politics being what it is ) then
there areenough of us free thinking loonies on the outside to carry things
forwardwhatever happens. 
  I believe that homeopathic remedies and
 what Iterm low level radionics - field broadcasters, potentiser instruments,
 (andprobably some of the paper based systems), combined with dowsing
 andbasic soil remineralising are the way of the future for agriculture.
  I sure have met some interesting people
 in thelast few years!
  Cheers all 
  Lloyd  Charles

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Re: Dornachian reactions?/certification

2003-06-28 Thread Hugh Lovel
Thanks Graeme,

I think Elliot and I are around the same age, but of course both of us are
much jnior to Helen and Scott Nearing, John and Helen Philbrick, etc.


Otherwise I am in agreement with your other comments on
certification.  Spot on as we convicts say!
Graeme Gerrard
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-28 Thread James Hedley
Dear Peter,
It is a shame that Agriculture of tomorrow is not in print now.It would 
give the skeptics of Agricultural Homeopathy concrete data, and 
photographs which support the use of homeopathy in agriculture.
It is one thing to see the results in a book and another to bring it 
into manifestation.
For the last 5 years I have been conducting comparative trials between 
radionically prepared preparations, and other substances, and stirred + 
radionic preps sprayed out in the same way from a spray tank.
Results to date indicate that physical preps + radionic high potency 
preps are the most effective.
Over the last year, with the various things I have trialled, including 
changing the polarity of the soil from positive to negative, the brix of 
our pastures has increased from 8 to 22 which I would not have believed 
was possible.
If anyone doubts the efficacy of radionics combined with BD they need to 
see our trial patches.
I hope that you all enjoy Hugh's tour to NZ as his ideas on atmospheric 
regeneration is worth listening to. The devil is in how you do it. More 
after the tour.
James Hedley

In N.Z. it is not a great deal different to Europe. There are quite a number
using the preparations in various forms and using other certifications. one
should remember that Steiner's instructions were to farm homoeopathicaly.
This instruction was given to the Koliskos who were attending the lectures
for medical practitioners and pharmacists. They were being instructed in the
use of decimal homoeopathy. During the agricultural lectures they were
commended for their work and after the lectures asked to continue with their
research. Steiner did not want the agricultural lectures made public, only
the work of those who brought it to physical manifestation. We should be
going through the process of trial and peer review, just like other
scientific disciplins. This crisis in Europe may be to help some people to
wake up to what Steiner's intentions really were.
Yes sleep is much more comfortable So leagal action may be needed to
cause a little more discomfort
- Original Message -
From: Arjen Huese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?
 A lot of European bdgrowers use the Demeter-symbol and get a higher price
 for their products than for ordinary organic products. Part of the
 requirements for using the Demeter-symbol is the ('traditional') use of
 preps, not radionically applied but physically stirring and spraying.
 Manfred Klett (the head of the agricultural section in the
 Goetheanum-Dornach) suggests '... in the meantime we have to feel free to
 act illegally...'
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Re: Dornachian reactions?/certification

2003-06-27 Thread Resonant Info

Dear List,

Of course, writers on this list sometimes disparrage others either 
on this list or off it. A couple cases in point are:

   People are using the real preps,  (as though homeopathic and 
radionically prepared preps are not real)

Well I meant real in the sense of substantial living matter. 
Whatever.  There is an obvious difference between these, 
um..manifestations? of the preps.  Obviously the EU thinks so - there 
seems to be no ban on homoeopathic dilutions or Malcolm Rae cards.
With that said, please let me address certification. We are free to 
certify or not to.
Like I said in another post - there are those who already have 
established customers who trust their growers - those growers have no 
benefit from certification.

Here in the US some of the better known pioneers of the organic 
movement--Elliott Coleman and myself for two--have opted out of 
You must be a lot older than I thought Hugh.  i thought the pioneers 
of the organic movement were active world wide in the 1930s,40s and 
50s, except for Steiner, who preceded these others by a decade, or 

now that the government has taken it over by force. Why? We don't 
want to lend our good names to what we perceive as a prostitution of 
the founding ideals of the movement. I don't think it has so much to 
do with size. Some very large growers have a reputation for reliable 
quality--Lundberg rice, Coleman beef, etc. that far transcends the 
organic label. Arrowhead Mills had it at one time and hasn't 
entirely lost it after changing hands.
Otherwise I am in agreement with your other comments on 
certification.  Spot on as we convicts say!
Graeme Gerrard
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-25 Thread Lloyd Charles

 There's a guy down the road from me who sells organic vegetables to
 people.  He makes his compost by mixing urea and sawdust together and
 leaving it for 3 weeks, then puts it on the plants.  He told me he
 doesn't use any pesticides or chemicals - only a bit of roundup at
 the start, of course.

Hello Graeme
If this guy is only using a bit of roundup at the start
he's a mile in front of his commercial chemical counterparts, and if he
really manages to produce his vegetable crops without any in crop
pesticides, he is doing a lot of things right!
What does his stuff taste like?
And most importantly does he tell the truth when he sells his produce? If he
does then I'd suggest he's not much of a problem.
Organic certification tells the consumer that there is less toxic chemical
present in the food but it says nothing (or very little)about the
nutritional quality, and until consumers wake up and start to buy on taste
rather than appearance nothing much will change.

 His clients are just as poorly informed - either they don't know or
 simply don't ask about his practices.
 What do you do about such situations?  I don't know.
Certification cant fix this - only quality testing by the end consumer - if
your neighbor's produce looks good, tastes great, and is grown without
chemicals in crop he is most of the way home and his consumers will figure
it out, If it is rubbish and tastes like cardboard and he tells lies then
they will probably figure that out too.
Lloyd Charles

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Glen Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-25 Thread Resonant Info
Yes.  There you go again Glen.  But no matter. Seems to me if these 
groups are so irrelevant, why do they survive - I mean, there must be 
some people who think they are still doing something useful.
(I think I remember the Marinus la Rooij name from that book BD 
Perspectives?  I can't remember the details of his articles but I 
thought the book was great - focused on good agricultural and animal 
management practises, not just on the preps.)

This is why quality based certification regardless of production method is
the way of the future.
Absolutely agree with you on this one.  But who judges the quality? 
If you have to go around and try all your certified grower's food - 
it won't be long before there's a group of disaffected people saying 
Glen is a !#$*, his preps don't work and he is old school and out of 
There needs to be objective measures if the system is to be robust 
and fair - I once thought it would be chromatography, but I was 
mistaken.  You can't look at every apple grown!

.  People are singling out individuals (just re-read recent posts
 in this thread, including your own comments below).
Podolinsky is the organisation, just as in NZ there are one or two people
who have 'stolen' the association. It is often the way. One or two people
dominate to the detriment of all others. The system they institute keeps
them there, especially in a association where no one actually meets and AGMs
attract less than 1% of the membership. If they can be identified then name
In NZ we have one Marinus la Rooij being the major stick in the mud here.
Funny thing is he has had several fellow council members ask him to resign,
(as well as his wife), and he has not yet taken the hint. Seems its his
divinely inspired purpose to block any development, and especially my work.
Like dear old Hussein looks like he will have to be removed unceremoniously.
The only question is how much further will the association die before he or
the other members get it. At present it is little more than a cultist club
that lives on all sorts of faith and internal legislation of course. Other
groups are already forming around them, sidestepping them and of course
making them irrelevant. Hughs coming tour for example, the biggest thing to
happen in NZBD in 10 years is organised by these groups.
  What do you do about such situations?  I don't know.
This is why quality based certification regardless of production method is
the way of the future.
Here it is the government organic mark that is screwing organics the most.
At present they have great regs on paper, but no real inspection, and they
are undercutting $ wise 'the peoples mark' BioGro (which is actually only a
little bit better),,  so it will be broke in a couple of years max, then we
are left with only an immoral govt backed joke. Add GE to this and organics
is dead. All we have left is real quality parameters, however you can get
This will have to come from a peoples movement again no doubt.
Glen A

Graeme Gerrard
1480 Sapphire Coast Drive
Wallagoot 2550
PO Box 39 Bega 2550
ph 6494 1191/0414 396 754
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Re: Lloyd Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-25 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:07 AM
Subject: Lloyd Re: Dornachian reactions?

Hi Graeme - just a few comments - I also have stuff to do!
 Yes, his approach is of course better than commercial growers'.  What
 does his stuff taste like?  I wouldn't buy it.  My partner and i went
 down there to have a look and get a few vegies - but the smell of
 urea, the blue nitrogen puffed leaves
Given the above comment of yours I find it difficult to believe that he can
produce without in crop chemicals?
Either that or he has been extremely luck to date!

 As to consumers.  There are kids in their twenties whose only
 experience of fresh food is the plastic wrapped chilled and watered
 commercially grown stuff in the supermarket.  They can't smell, taste
 or even touch half of it before they buy it.  They never in their
 lives picked an apple or dug up a carrot.  They don't know what real
 food really tastes like, looks like or how it is grown.  This is not
 just a mistake, but the result of what may as well have been
 conditoning/education program that has been going on for years.

I really dont know what you do about this, we have been 'consumers' of
alternative medicine for twenty years and despite the fact that we dont eat
near as much good food as we should, our little family has enjoyed much
better health than most, on top of which we have been taught (or learnt) how
to look after our selves when things do go off course. We have close family
members who we cannot get interested in alternatives, they remain locked in
the conventional doctor knows best mindset, it is really frustrating when
you see someone you care for being slowly poisoned by a well meaning
doctor - long term medication for a simple problem that my naturapath friend
could have fixed easily- and I could not do a damn thing about it.
Nutritionally we have the grey haired doctor lady yapping on the tv about
how there is no proven difference in favour of organic food - very careful
to appear not to be biased - (just like the farmers associations when they
promote GM) - I get mad every time I see her face - but she is an authority
figure - a 'qualified Nutritionist' - and has science to back up those
 Now, starting from that point, how can u expect such people to be
 able to judge good food, ask the right questions of the grower,
 figure out what is good practise in agriculture?  Certification IS a
 paternalistic, cotton wool approach. But what practical alternative
 is there for the time being.  We need something to get us out of this
 dead end.
I agree! and if certification does nothing else other than guarantee a more
or less chemical free source of fruit and vegetables, then its a worthwhile
excercise - trouble is its being hi-jacked by the big boys and in another
five years or so organic will be shipped all over the world out of season,
shrink wrapped, pre packed, ethylene ripened, irradiated, adulterated, ---
and how will a consumer know if it started out organic or not? (good article
on this in the latest acres USA magazine)

 That is a problem
 of education and my hope is that certifiers are contributing to the
 re-education of the public.
 If I am wrong about the education thing, then why are people still
 buying supermarket food?
For the same reasons they eat at mcdonalds and drive too fast - most people
have yet to figure out that they can eat better, live longer and have more
time to do the stuff they dont have time for.

 Okay, I do agree about organic certification not conveying much -
 even BD certification here is no guarantee of quality.  Go and try
 some supermarket food - it tastes a LOT better than much of the
 organically certified food I can buy at twice the price.
Happily I have not found this to be the case, we dont have access to a lot
of organic produce but what I have had in the last year or two has been
better taste than the chemical version most times. Maybe I have become a
more discerning buyer (probably so)

 Finally, growers who are anti certification fall into 3 groups, in my
 1). Those that don't need it, they have their regular customers who
 know them and trust them and they are doing fine
 2). Those that think it costs too much/can't afford it/resent the
 certifiers taking money
 3) Those who are excluded by the certifiers.  Either because their
 management just isn't de rigeur.  e.g. Live without Roundup?  Are u
 joking? or their practises or skills don't meet the demands of the
 certifiers. (Who wants to join a club that wouldn't have you?)

 The first one is fine, but isn't really an argument against
 certification.  The second doesn't recognise the economic realities
 of running a bureaucracy, and the third is where a lot of the
 arguments on this list come from, as far as I can tell.
Man you dont miss a trick do you! Ok I am a number three. A choice I make

Re: Dornachian reactions? A glimmer of hope

2003-06-25 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
Hi Tony,
  That is great news, I hope the meeting goes well.
warm regards,

  Hi Glen   Maybe there is a glimmer of change on the horizon. I  was
 contacted yesterday by a NZBD assoc member  and was asked 'How can the
 assoc help people like me who organise  workshops and international
 to come to NZ. I am having a meeting on Sunday.

  Cheers Tony Robinson

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Re: Glen Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-25 Thread Garuda

 Yes.  There you go again Glen.  But no matter. Seems to me if these
 groups are so irrelevant, why do they survive -

Are they /we being all we could be???

 This is why quality based certification regardless of production method
 the way of the future.

Twas thingking about this this morning and it may not be that hard.
growers supplies
 a SFW certificate to indicate his soil health
other parameters re brix test and the like
a chroma tography
a mineral and vitamin analysis
or the like

I am sure others have suggestions for this.
Hardly a need for the farm to be inspected. Most enterprises are being
inspected by a govt dept for something now so basic management
environementally etc will be done there

Quality is the key, however you get it.
The market is wide open at present.

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Re: Dornachian reactions?/certification

2003-06-25 Thread Hugh Lovel
>Hi Glen,
>I do agree with much that you say here, but you start with saying no 
>one is criticising anyone except the organisations but this is not 
>true.  People are singling out individuals (just re-read recent posts
>in this thread, including your own comments below).  It just makes 
>the genuine points of criticism seem like sour grapes.
>But the certification issue is a big one.  I have just been involved. . . 

Dear List,

Of course, writers on this list sometimes disparrage others either on this list or off it. A couple cases in point are:

>>  People are using the real preps,  (as though homeopathic and radionically prepared preps are not real)


> One or two people
>dominate to the detriment of all others.  (as though assuming the role of victim was the chief if not the only option in this situation)

I myself am far from immune to falling into such traps, and in pointing out the above I too am tarred with the above as everyone will recognize the authors of these statements. I happen to have an extremely critical nature which I have to work hard on keeping in check and often fall short. This is at least humbling if not (usually) humiliating. But Hamish has the best point I've heard voiced on this list in a long time:

Yes Biodynamics is growing in Australia.  We have a number of Biodynamic associations around the country and the 2 biggest have very different cultures.  to me that matters not.  what matters is that people are having a go. 
The second most important is that we share our experiences in the light of the laws of the free spiritual life.  when our sharing descends below this level it does no-one any credit, but even then we need to have some modesty and tolerance.  Like our Biodynamic practices we don't always get it 
right first go.

With that said, please let me address certification. We are free to certify or not to. 

Here in the US some of the better known pioneers of the organic movement--Elliott Coleman and myself for two--have opted out of certification now that the government has taken it over by force. Why? We don't want to lend our good names to what we perceive as a prostitution of the founding ideals of the movement. I don't think it has so much to do with size. Some very large growers have a reputation for reliable quality--Lundberg rice, Coleman beef, etc. that far transcends the organic label. Arrowhead Mills had it at one time and hasn't entirely lost it after changing hands.

What does organic certification mean to me?, and I routinely buy certified organic when presented with a choice that is otherwise not clear. 

If you can imagine this, recently the congressman of my home district, Nathan Deal, attached a rider to a key appropriation bill allowing chicken raisers to feed whatever feed was available to their birds and still label them organic under the government standards. This measure passed and took several months to repeal, though it created a rather vocal public outcry.

Personally I love such shenanigans because they point up the folly of government certification as a means of assuring the consumer gets quality products. It always has been and will be necessary for buyers to be wary. Certification in my view is no substitute for grower integrity, and buyers might best become acquainted with their growers, whether large or small, and buy from the growers they know have integrity whenever possible. 

I relish each and every opportunity to tell inquirents that now we are not certified organic. We opted out of that process after many years of pioneering participation because we feel it has cashed in its heritage for a mess of porridge. 

Is life any worse for me today than when the public hardly knew organic existed? No. Selling quality is still the same. You only get across to those who really tune in to quality and have educated their taste for it and are willing to pay, whatever the cost of it. Sometimes it is cheap, sometimes dear, but they seek it out and you don't fool them with certified garbage.

I treasure having such customers--the celebs who buy a year's supply of my garlic every year because it is the best they've ever had, to the 6 year old who eats four helpings of my mashed potatoes and throws up his thumb with, The BEST I've evah had!

Certification, whether I chose to go for it or not, was never even close to being as satisfying as such knowledgable, discerning customers whose allegiance I knew I had won by being uncompromising about quality. 

There is no substitute for quality food. Steiner envisioned it would lift those who ate it above their personal ambition, illusions and petty jealousies.

It was the vision of such food that led me into farming, eventually to discover biodynamics as an answer to my sincerest prayers. Biodynamic farmers do not always achieve this ideal such as I envisioned, and biodynamic certification does not guarantee it. I have not always achieved it myself--far from it--and there are times when I fail even 

Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread SBruno75
Mr. Lovel, what radionic instrument do you recommend???  I will have time to 
work with it this season...sstorch
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European preps (was Re: Dornachian reactions?)

2003-06-24 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith

I would like to obtain some 'official' European preps please, that I can
work up into homeopathics. At least save the ones that are there now for 
Where does one buy them??
Glen - 'Official' preps can be bought in UK from Biodynamic Supplies (Paul 
van Midden), Lorieneen, Bridge of Muchalls, Stonehaven, Aberdeen (Scotland), 
AB39 3RU. fax  44 1569 731746.

  Tony N-S.

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Re: European preps (was Re: Dornachian reactions?)

2003-06-24 Thread Garuda
Thanks Tony
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Tony Nelson-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:35 AM
Subject: European preps (was Re: Dornachian reactions?)

 I would like to obtain some 'official' European preps please, that I can
 work up into homeopathics. At least save the ones that are there now for
 Where does one buy them??

 Glen - 'Official' preps can be bought in UK from Biodynamic Supplies (Paul
 van Midden), Lorieneen, Bridge of Muchalls, Stonehaven, Aberdeen
 AB39 3RU. fax  44 1569 731746.

Tony N-S.

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Garuda
Upon reflection I do not hear people knocking the use of traditional preps.
They are knocking the organisations who seem to be isolating themselves from
their members and the wider BD community, yet maintain relevance because of
their trademark and its apparant value.
The fact is trademarks are near on irrelevant anyway. The real practise they
are supporting is garbage ( check out NZ BD apple production - 28 Lime
Sulphurs a season) and so its a matter of time till they are dead.
Discussion hear in NZ is post organic registration quality based trademarks.
The search is on for relevant quality parameters, regardless of the
production method. eg SFW tests for soil, brix and chromas etc
The present organisations are basically corrupt. Here in NZ, one or two old
council members protested a fellow members right to be elected onto council
because of 'conflict of interest', as he worked part time with me. Somehow
it seems I am working against the economic good of Biodynamics.?
In the US we have the 'biodynamic' ownership debacle. In Australia we have
Podolinsky setting up his kingdom, in Europe we have them suggesting illegal

Who do these people think they are, and sadly they seem to believe they are
beyond reproach or criticism. While they controlled the BD media they were,
now they dont and so they are not. Seems the best they can do is stay away
from the forum and keep their heads in the sand. Their choice.
Good luck to them and good luck to the free thinkers who look at all the
options, apply them to their properties and prosper.
The reality is this list offers biodynamics without limitations. Pick up
what you want and go for it. Aquarian anarchy. Yahoo.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 If your interest is in biodynamics, you may be wondering if you are
 subscribed to the right group!
 Despite the numerous claims to the contrary that you may read on the
 BDNow group, biodynamics is thriving, here in Australia at least.
 People are using the real preps, as described and recommended by
 Rudolf Steiner, as practised for decades all over the world.
 Although some think this is some kind of old  school, bogged down and
 in decay, it is still a living culture.
 If you are interested in agriculture, biodynamics, growing food for
 people to help in the recovery of the Earth, seek it out.  If you are
 interested in subtle energies, radionics, homoeopathic dilutions and
 such, there is a lot of very interesting information to be found on
 this list.
 It would be great if we could get above the contemptible slagging
 that goes on about the other and keep the focus on the many
 practical and helpful suggestions people have.
 regards all,
 Graeme Gerrard
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Lloyd Charles

 Upon reflection I do not hear people knocking the use of traditional
 They are knocking the organisations who seem to be isolating themselves
 their members and the wider BD community, yet maintain relevance because
 their trademark and its apparant value.

well said Glen  - you've captured my 'attitude' nicely!

Lloyd Charles

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Garuda
Upon reflection I do not hear people knocking the use of traditional preps.
They are knocking the organisations who seem to be isolating themselves from
their members and the wider BD community, yet maintain relevance because of
their trademark and its apparant value.
The fact is trademarks are near on irrelevant anyway. The real practise they
are supporting is garbage ( check out NZ BD apple production - 28 Lime
Sulphurs a season) and so its a matter of time till they are dead.
Discussion hear in NZ is post organic registration quality based trademarks.
The search is on for relevant quality parameters, regardless of the
production method. eg SFW tests for soil, brix and chromas etc
The present organisations are basically corrupt. Here in NZ, one or two old
council members protested a fellow members right to be elected onto council
because of 'conflict of interest', as he worked part time with me. Somehow
it seems I am working against the economic good of Biodynamics.?
In the US we have the 'biodynamic' ownership debacle. In Australia we have
Podolinsky setting up his kingdom, in Europe we have them suggesting illegal

Who do these people think they are, and sadly they seem to believe they are
beyond reproach or criticism. While they controlled the BD media they were,
now they dont and so they are not. Seems the best they can do is stay away
from the forum and keep their heads in the sand. Their choice.
Good luck to them and good luck to the free thinkers who look at all the
options, apply them to their properties and prosper.
The reality is this list offers biodynamics without limitations. Pick up
what you want and go for it. Aquarian anarchy. Yahoo.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Resonant Info [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 If your interest is in biodynamics, you may be wondering if you are
 subscribed to the right group!
 Despite the numerous claims to the contrary that you may read on the
 BDNow group, biodynamics is thriving, here in Australia at least.
 People are using the real preps, as described and recommended by
 Rudolf Steiner, as practised for decades all over the world.
 Although some think this is some kind of old  school, bogged down and
 in decay, it is still a living culture.
 If you are interested in agriculture, biodynamics, growing food for
 people to help in the recovery of the Earth, seek it out.  If you are
 interested in subtle energies, radionics, homoeopathic dilutions and
 such, there is a lot of very interesting information to be found on
 this list.
 It would be great if we could get above the contemptible slagging
 that goes on about the other and keep the focus on the many
 practical and helpful suggestions people have.
 regards all,
 Graeme Gerrard
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Lloyd Charles

  Dear Hugh 

  Thanks for an interesting note - your mexican 
  friend is obviously enjoying his success. 
  I think the major problem with the old guard in 
  Australia was one of communication (lack of it) , that disenchanted farmer 
  that I quoted said " Alex wont address the problem", it should havebeen 
  up to the farmer himself to recognise the problem in its early stages and to 
  do something positive about it himself, and after twenty or so years as a 
  practicing, certified, Biodynamic producer he should have been equipped to do 
  that without needing to call on the services of the master.
  Striving for certification is part of the problem 
  - there are rewards for organic certified produce - but I think only isolated 
  opportunities for further premiums (above organic) from Demeterand then 
  only for restricted quantities and specific situations. 
  Our newer (Biodynamic Agriculture) organisation 
  has taken a more open and educational position and many farmers are learning 
  to do things for themselves.There will be more mistakes made for sure, 
  but learning always involves mistakes.
  If the traditionalists manage to take over that 
  organisation (and its likely, politics being what it is ) then there are 
  enough of us free thinking loonies on the outside to carry things forward 
  whatever happens. 
  I believe that homeopathic remedies and what I 
  term low level radionics - field broadcasters, potentiser instruments, (and 
  probably some of the paper based systems), combined with dowsing and 
  basic soil remineralising are the way of the future for agriculture. Energy 
  I sure have met some interesting people in the 
  last few years!
  Cheers all 
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Hugh Lovel
Mr. Lovel, what radionic instrument do you recommend???  I will have time to
work with it this season...sstorch
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Dear Steve,

I recommend whatever one or ones you feel at ease and in good humor working
with. I've found both the Hieronymus type (using variable capaticance and
rates) and the Malcolm Rae type (using variable inductance and cards) are
effective in agriculture, though for my taste the Malcolm Rae type is more

What is your sense of what you'd like? Don Mattioda up in Avon, CT by you
makes very good Hieronymus types and so does Peter Kelly in Lakemont, GA by
me. The Malcolm Rae types have to be ordered from England or Australia.

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-24 Thread Hugh Lovel


Dear Hugh
Thanks for an interesting note - your mexican friend is obviously enjoying his success.
I think the major problem with the old guard in Australia was one of communication (lack of it) , that disenchanted farmer that I quoted said  Alex wont address the problem, it should have been up to the farmer himself to recognise the problem in its early stages and to do something positive about it himself, and after twenty or so years as a practicing, certified, Biodynamic producer he should have been equipped to do that without needing to call on the services of the master. 


This is too, too right, and is one of the important differences between Cheryl and Hamish's group and Alex's. Cheryl and Hamish spur their farmers on to ever greater heights and though this makes them a bit dependent on the central leadership for ever more and better learning experiences, in the long run there is a wealth of very, very BD wise and capable farmers out there instead of one Guru.

Striving for certification is part of the problem - there are rewards for organic certified produce - but I think only isolated opportunities for further premiums (above organic) from Demeter and then only for restricted quantities and specific situations.   
Our newer (Biodynamic Agriculture) organisation has taken a more open and educational position and many farmers are learning to do things for themselves. There will be more mistakes made for sure, but learning always involves mistakes. 

Again, too right. If you aren't making any mistakes you aren't learning anything, and you probably aren't even doing very much.

If the traditionalists manage to take over that organisation (and its likely, politics being what it is )

Let's hope it takes them a while. But you're right that it is the way of organizations. Henry David Thoreau said, Just as when there is a lull in a storm a snowdrift piles up, when there is a lull in the truth an organization springs up.


 then there are enough of us free thinking loonies on the outside to carry things forward whatever happens.
I believe that homeopathic remedies and what I term low level radionics - field broadcasters, potentiser instruments, (and probably some of the paper based systems),  combined with dowsing and basic soil remineralising are the way of the future for agriculture. Energy farming!
I sure have met some interesting people in the last few years!
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles 

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: mroiboz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 How does this help if one cannot make all the BD preps except Valerian?
 new EU rules are no animals parts to be used for prep. making.  Same
 for anthr. homeopathic medicine.
Hi  Michael
We have already available the malcolm rae cards representing
all of steiner's remedies plus the horn clays (as well as about 3000 other
homeopatic substances) - using these cards and a small non powered
instrument we bought for $525 (Aussie dollars - thats a whisker under
$US300) - we can make more or less unlimited quantities of these remedies at
practically nil cost and for very little effort. There is no physical
substance involved - the preps used to prepare the cards, I believe, are
Hugh Lovel's, and thats the closest they ever got to my farm.
 As an alternative to this method, with the instrument we
have you can use a small amount of the real substance as input and
potentise that - still there is nil physical substance in the potentised
To say that this way will not or cannot work is to go in total denial of
homeopathic medicine. This may not be the preferred option but it is an
effective one.
Lloyd Charles

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
In N.Z. it is not a great deal different to Europe. There are quite a number
using the preparations in various forms and using other certifications. one
should remember that Steiner's instructions were to farm homoeopathicaly.
This instruction was given to the Koliskos who were attending the lectures
for medical practitioners and pharmacists. They were being instructed in the
use of decimal homoeopathy. During the agricultural lectures they were
commended for their work and after the lectures asked to continue with their
research. Steiner did not want the agricultural lectures made public, only
the work of those who brought it to physical manifestation. We should be
going through the process of trial and peer review, just like other
scientific disciplins. This crisis in Europe may be to help some people to
wake up to what Steiner's intentions really were.
Yes sleep is much more comfortable So leagal action may be needed to
cause a little more discomfort
- Original Message -
From: Arjen Huese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 A lot of European bdgrowers use the Demeter-symbol and get a higher price
 for their products than for ordinary organic products. Part of the
 requirements for using the Demeter-symbol is the ('traditional') use of
 preps, not radionically applied but physically stirring and spraying.
 Manfred Klett (the head of the agricultural section in the
 Goetheanum-Dornach) suggests '... in the meantime we have to feel free to
 act illegally...'

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Garuda
Do you have a email address for the Geotheaneum ag folks?? Pls send.

Head in the sand is not a long term option, sorry. If they can not do
something then the rest of us better get busy.

Eh if preps are necessary for Demeter, preps illegal, therefore anything
with Demeter illegal. Its pretty simple. Cheating is getting harder and
harder, hence all the beaurocracy we live with. Once caught, thats it for
BD.We know so will everyone else. Madness.

I can appreciate they have trouble with radionic preps, sure hard to sell to
the everyman and provide substantial data for. Sure not a definable point of
difference, which afterall, applying the preps is all that separates organic
and BD in NZ.

Homeopathic preps on the other hand, can be quantified and applied
physically and therefore something is done and seen to be done, as they
need. Combine them with a bug source and you have both forces and matter
being applied, as they want.

I would like to obtain some 'official' European preps please, that I can
work up into homeopathics. At least save the ones that are there now for the
Where does one buy them??

What is it about ófficial' BDers that they love shoving their heads in the
sand and maintain their mantra of delusion.
We have had it here for 25 years and it is still running as strong as ever.

BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
- Original Message -
From: Arjen Huese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?

 A lot of European bdgrowers use the Demeter-symbol and get a higher price
 for their products than for ordinary organic products. Part of the
 requirements for using the Demeter-symbol is the ('traditional') use of
 preps, not radionically applied but physically stirring and spraying.
 Manfred Klett (the head of the agricultural section in the
 Goetheanum-Dornach) suggests '... in the meantime we have to feel free to
 act illegally...'
 The Demeter certification bodies in Europe are strict: no application of
 preps: no Demeter symbol. I knew a bdfarmer in Germany who invented his
 preparation and applied it succesfully; he wanted to use it in stead of
 Steiner's preps. The reaction of the Demeterbund was: if you don't use
 Steiner's preps, than it is not Demeter, no matter how well his prep works
 or any discussion.
 I was just wondering what the attitude of the Demeter certification bodies
 in USA, OZ, NZ is towards radionically applied preps/ Malcolm Rae cards,
 etc. Or does nobody carry a Demeter symbol there?

 At 21:57 19/06/2003 -0700, you wrote:
 How does this help if one cannot make all the BD preps except Valerian?
 new EU rules are no animals parts to be used for prep. making.  Same
 for anthr. homeopathic medicine.
 - Original Message -
 From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 6:18 PM
 Subject: Re: Dornachian reactions?
   The best of health to you for visiting our e-mail list. It has bit a
   unfortunate that our English language e-mail list has left out
   should be full participants, but there is the language barrierier.
   So now you want to know about how we can circumvent these rulings.?
   One way would be working withn Malcolm Rae cards and English radionic
   instruments of the biodynamic preparations in homeopathic usages.
   inquire further.
   It is really interesting stuff that people are working with here,
   especially the cosmic pipes, homeopathic peppering and use radionic
   instruments and cards. According to the feedback on this list, it
   like these things work as good, or even better, than the original
   the same time we struggle in Europe with legislation that prohibits
   making of the preparations, but the official point of view (regarding
   ban on burying animal material) from the Goetheanum is (quote Manfred
   Klett) '... in the meantime we have to feel free to act illegally...'
   We only need one malignent journalist to broadcast these 'illegal'
   practices into public and along with some juicy allegations we can
   away our dear Demeter symbol.
   I would be interested to know the different points of view of the
   respective BDAA's in USA, OZ and NZ, as apparently there is a much
   free approach to the use of the preps. Any contact with Dornach? Has
   already delivered a lecture at the Landbautagung?
   Arjen Huese
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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Garuda
 I bet Demeter wont change until the old guard dies out or the organisation
 itself and the farmers it serves are at the point of imminent failure -
If NZ is a guide, another generation has been sporned who believe the crap
the older generation has sold them and they are fighting hard to maintain
their follies.
Sadly they have the facade of authority  as they are an 'Association of
members', who can therefore be taken somewhat seriously by government.
Yes they are fading away, but until some other 'Associationarises with a
Biodynamic trademark Demeter will be seen as the authority.
Once they become illegal it should be easier for something else to arise,
but alas the types of people drawn to dominating groups with any authority
will no doubt produce a similiar organisation to what we have now.
Aquarian anarchy may indeed continue to be the way forward for a bit yet.

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Re: Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-23 Thread Hugh Lovel
Lloyd Charles wrote:

>in Australia Alex Podolinsky
>owns the [Demeter] trademark and would probably suffer a stroke if he caught one of
>his farmers using radionics - the number three Podolinsky man left the fold
>recently and told a friend of mine (another who left) that the farm is
>stuffed, its lost all its energy and Alex wont address the problem which
>these guys say is in the preps being supplied - you use his preps OR ELSE.
>Lloyd Charles

Dear Lloyd, et. al.,

For some time I've questioned whether Alex's preps aren't quite good, and it is the way he is using them that is so wrong. 

For example, I've found it is a serious error to use the 500 without the 501, or the 501 without the 500. That is, I do it occasionally for special reasons such as driving rain away, but I don't do it often. And several other of the preps should be applied in the atmosphere but are not.  506 (fruiting), 507 (blossoming) and 508 (ripening) should all be applied in the atmosphere, but often enough only the 508 is and sometimes even the 508 is left out of atmospheric treatments. I think if Alex had made his current mistakes using radionics he would have noticed them a lot earlier on while he might have been more able to change his ways with little embarassment. Now, however, he would have to have a really secure, expansive ego to admit errors of such magnitude and long standing. It would take a really enormous personality to do that (Like Jeff Poppen, whose conference is coming up in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee in mid September.).

However, my take on this is that radionic/homeopathic biodynamics is so easy and so effective we can do far, far more of it and see a lot more in terms of what results from various applications. Thus we learn a lot more about biodynamics a lot faster. A LOT!

For this reason, if no others, I personally feel we are leaving the old school behind. They cannot possibly grow as fast nor accomplish the kinds of results we are accomplishing using radionics and homeopathy.

Here is an example from a rancher using radionics and biodynamics in Mexico. I made him a set of Malcolm Rae biodynamic prep cards and a grasshopper card for his specific locust pest the way Peter Reuhmkorpf showed me (Field Grasshopper, Shistocera piceifrons , Elizondo, Tamaulipas, Mex. 5-20-03) He has a soil with a cation exchange capacity of 53 and nearly 30% Magnesium, so he has very tight clay that would be terribly expensive to balance minerally. Thus he has some mineral imbalances that result in fierce insect problems on some crops. But look at what he is doing and the success he is having, farming 800 hectares with a couple field broadcasters, a Malcolm Rae one card instrument with built in interrupter ($530 US), a pendulum and a few homeopathic cards. Plus, if he is at one ranch and he calls the other one and they have a problem, he can treat it radionically from his map of the ranch without having to drive over there (about 45 Kilometres). I suspect it won't be long before he gets a second instrument so he can treat both farms at the same time with different treatments. Of course, right now if he wants to give both farms the same treatment all he has to do is use both maps at the same time. Take a look at what he says:




Admitedly he misses out on the charming luxury of stirring and spraying, but he is getting rain, growing better crops than ever before, and getting rid of his grasshoppers without poisons where formerly he had to spray insecticide no matter the danger and expense. He's farming 800 hectares split up into two ranches, one grass dairy and one grass beef, guys. This stuff is not only effective, it is easy and cheap, cheap.

So traditional biodynamics? It simply can't approach the ease and effectiveness of radionic/homeopathic biodynamics. I've heard a few traditional folks grouch that we should state on all our labels on our farms and crops that we are using radionics/homeopathics. I quite agree. We have every reason to be proud of the way we are practicing biodynamics. I'm all for such labeling, as it will make us stand out with considerable distinction.

What do you think, Lloyd, Gil, James, Glen, Peter, Arjen, etc.?

Incidentally, I quite agree that this sort of approach has advanced biodynamics and gotten more people to practice it in the past 5 years than 

Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-18 Thread Arjen Huese

It is really interesting stuff that people are working with here, 
especially the cosmic pipes, homeopathic peppering and use radionic 
instruments and cards. According to the feedback on this list, it seems 
like these things work as good, or even better, than the original thing. At 
the same time we struggle in Europe with legislation that prohibits the 
making of the preparations, but the official point of view (regarding the 
ban on burying animal material) from the Goetheanum is (quote Manfred 
Klett) '... in the meantime we have to feel free to act illegally...'
We only need one malignent journalist to broadcast these 'illegal' 
practices into public and along with some juicy allegations we can throw 
away our dear Demeter symbol.
I would be interested to know the different points of view of the 
respective BDAA's in USA, OZ and NZ, as apparently there is a much more 
free approach to the use of the preps. Any contact with Dornach? Has Hugh 
already delivered a lecture at the Landbautagung?

Arjen Huese

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