Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-25 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Merla,
I think you are trying to change the world single handed and to understand
all in a short time.

The first step is to make the changes you would like to see made generally,
to your own patch.

When you have made a marked improvement to your patch, others will notice
and in time ask. THEN you only tell them a bit at a time and help them make
small changes and give them just enough information to be able to tell
others who to do it. AVOID EXPLANATIONS. Just give the HOW TO. If some one
seeing your land performing better that theirs, they only want to how to
replicate it, not to take on a life long study.

On another tack, I have been very successful in encouraging landowners to
plant trees in big numbers. For years I was involved in planting on public
land - roadsides and the beach front etc, but few planted on their own land.
Then 25 years ago I started planting on my farm. a few years later people
were coming from all around to find how I could grow so many types and so
many. From this came many workshops on seed collection, planing, propagation
etc. There are now millions of tress that can be traced to be a direct
result of my early work. I am now working on a bigger scale and last year
planted ten hectares and this year will do about eight.

It is a lot easier to lead by example than to push by reason and augment.

Just do what you want to do to your land and make it work really well and in
so doing learn the very simplest way that you can show others to do the same
and you are a long way to making impact.

Merla wrote:

 BD AND THE WIDE WORLD:  Last night  was at an organizational meeting of
 the Sandpoint Farmers Market where the State Inspector, who is an
 outrageous creative thinker and gardener, spoke on changes in organic
 certification, etc. Snip

Re: Flowform energising (was Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps)

2002-03-25 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/24/02 1:01:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Steve and Peter - I take your point about stirring with intention, but I

hand-pump the water/prep through my flowform cascade, projecting my

intention into the flow just as I would into the bucket if hand-stirring.  I

hesitate to argue with such an old hand as Steve, but there are two

lemniscatory vortices in each of the 14 flowforms in my cascade and I

dispute that the total effect of these is less energetic than the single

hand-stirred vortex in a bucket.

Were flowforms around when RS was urging hand-stirring?  There seems to be a

prevailing feeling in BDNow these days that, whilst honouring the intuitions

of RS, we shouldn't be afraid to move on - as he apparently wished.

Tony N-S. 

If you look at these forms in Nature, vortex streets, spirals, and all the 
flowing forms in Nature, they are all moving in the direction of the single 
organized vortex.  Few reach the goal, they strive for it and their form 
describes their energetic association to it.  The mushroom and the penis are 
formed by the same energy.  If that form were to reach its goal it would be a 
vortex.  I am not saying that flowforms are not great, I am not saying that a 
fieldbroadcaster is not great, I am saying that I feel that the actual 
creation of the hand or machine stirred vortex is not to be replaced by the 
action of a flowform and certainly the bd remedies in a fieldbroadcaster 
should be exposed to stirred water before being broadcast, or stirred water 
should be one of the reagents. 
The stirring is where we take our energy [chi] and imprint it on the water 
and make the biodynamic remedy our own through the subtle energetic vibration 
of our bodies.  This energetic alteration goes back all the way to those who 
harvest sheath material and the herbacious material that goes into it plus 
the actual preparation process.  If you are using flowforms try hand stirring 
some plain water and add that in as a remedy.  One thing I have learned is 
that Steiner did not waste words.  If he indicated a method or a process I am 
going to do it.  One of these indications we have barely begun to understand 
the value of is stirring the remedies in water.  That's all I have to say 
about that. SStorch

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-24 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

During the Agricultural Course at Kobewitz when Steiner was asked about
mechanical stiring he suggested it was better to stir by hand. Just before
giveing the recipies for the remedies he commended the Kolisko's for their
good work with homoeopathy. When he returned to Dornach he told Ehrenfried
Pfeiffer that the benefits of the recipies given at Koberwitz should be
spread as widely over the World as possible. These statements are still
unresolved challenges to many although many others are getting to work and
doing it to the best of their ability.
One challenge with a stiring machine or flow form is imprinting the intent.
It is too easy to forget while we busy ourselves with some other important
task and leave the machine to get on with the stiring. Working with field
broadcasters has demonstrated the power and importance of intent
Warm regards,  Peter
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

 In a message dated 3/23/02 1:00:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Allan and Steve - why not avoid altogether the controversy between

 hand stirring and contentious mechanical stirring by using a flowform

 cascade? Tony N-S.


 Flowforms work to some degree but without the intensity and organizational
 forces that the stirring process creates.  With flowforms you never
 the vortexial energy that you get by creating a vortex.  Steiner knew what
 was talking about when he said to stir in this fashion.  A vortex created
 stirring from the periphery is a model of the eternally creative
 of the universe that is God.  With a vortex you can imprint your personal
 intent and substance to the spray and effect the farm in that

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-24 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/24/02 6:20:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 One challenge with a stiring machine or flow form is imprinting the 

This is the reason that my stirring machine is manual, you must be there to 
control direction and speed.  I have the technology to do this automatically 
with the hydraulics [much cheaper] than can be done electrically and would 
only do this to accomodate a farm of over five hundred acres.  Still, the 
Podolensky machine is electric and still works.  We must get over this BS 
about machines or give them up completely.  Through Steiner's indications and 
discussions of materialism I believe that I have come to understand Ahriman 
and have successfully made him MY servant and not the other way 

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-24 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/24/02 3:18:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just what is your water implosion device, Steve?  Is it based on

Schauberger's work?

Stephen Barrow 

No, it is based on Storch's work, inspired by Steiner and Schauberger and 
Pfieffer.  SStorch

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-23 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/22/02 11:26:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hmmm. In the commentaries, Steve, RS is pretty emphatic about not 
using machines to stir. At best, isn't using a stirring like having a 
robot eat your buttery cookie for you?

Just asking, of course. 

Steiner was not emphatic about anything in the Agriculture lectures.  He was 
simply laying some basic ground rules for a new agriculture.  Individual 
freedom and will forces will bring the individuals experience to success or 
to failure, you choose.  We all use Ahrimanic devices in our daily work.  
What I have done is used the Ahrimanic elementals to help with my work.  I am 
there in the process body mind and spirit.  My energy and intention is there 
in the stirring process.  The machine has given me the freedom to observe the 
true nature of vortexial motion and observe the fluid dynamics and visually 
see how the water developes its memory and when the water is ready to spray.  
I can have 500/501 ready to spray in less than fifteen minutes by the power 
of my intention and will forces.  I have the soil to prove it.  In addition I 
can restore plant and soil health by just applying stirred water.  If I get 
the invitation I will bring the latest prototype to your conference this fall 
and you can see the future of agriculture...SStorch
ps...I stirred and sprayed for 100 acres the other night, can't do that with 
a bucket, but you could with one hundred starving souls...
pps:  I can, I am, I will, I choose, I have, I love, I create, I enjoy... say 
that one hundred times a day and manifest your own reality

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-23 Thread Anthony Nelson-Smith

Allan and Steve - why not avoid altogether the controversy between 'tedious'
hand stirring and contentious mechanical stirring by using a flowform
cascade? Tony N-S.

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-23 Thread Allan Balliett

If I get
the invitation I will bring the latest prototype to your conference this fall
and you can see the future of agriculture...SStorch

Steve - dunno if it didn't post, or what, but I invited you, your 
stirring machine(s) and your tea brewer to the conference this year, 
October 4-6.

Do you read me?


Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-23 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/23/02 1:00:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Allan and Steve - why not avoid altogether the controversy between 

hand stirring and contentious mechanical stirring by using a flowform

cascade? Tony N-S.


Flowforms work to some degree but without the intensity and organizational 
forces that the stirring process creates.  With flowforms you never achieve 
the vortexial energy that you get by creating a vortex.  Steiner knew what he 
was talking about when he said to stir in this fashion.  A vortex created by 
stirring from the periphery is a model of the eternally creative intelligence 
of the universe that is God.  With a vortex you can imprint your personal 
intent and substance to the spray and effect the farm in that manner...SStorch

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-22 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 3/21/02 1:05:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But at the end of it all
you would have remedies that you could pour into a spray tank full of water
and directly go out and spray instead of doing all the tedious stirring. 

Stirring is only tedious to those who have not come to understand the virtues 
of my beautiful water implosion device.  The vortex is the microcosm of the 
eternally creative intelligence of the universe that is God.  Practicing 
biodynamics without stirring is to me the equivalent of eating cookies baked 
with hydrogenated fat instead of real butter.SStorch

Re: The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-21 Thread Hugh Lovel
Darn, Merla!

$100 each to register biodynamic "amendments" for use in Idaho? What if they were potentized in water and you had something like 8x or 8c potencies? The active ingredient is the water which has been patterned. Does water have to be registered before it can be used as a soil amendment? Or has it been registered in Idaho?

Both Glen and Greg use potentized water, and they combine all the BD remedies into two sprays, one applied in the morning and the other in the evening. I could walk you through the procedure for doing this if you want. You could take each remedy and dowse for the desired potency and combine them. Greg says the sequencing is extremely important, so you would have to work out the sequence for combining them. When potentizing (succussing) large quantities of water it would help to suspend large bottles of water from a sling hooked to a ceiling beam somewhere. But at the end of it all you would have remedies that you could pour into a spray tank full of water and directly go out and spray instead of doing all the tedious stirring.

It gets even easier if you use a radionic instrument like James Hedley or Lorraine Cahill uses. You can put all the potency patterns into the spray tank full of water by transferring them with the radionic instrument. That's VERY easy. Lorraine is getting Malcolm Rae cards made of weed peppers. So far she has the following:

1.  Redroot Pigweed   Amaranthus retroflexus 		
2.  Shoofly, Apple of Peru  Nicandra physalodes
3.  Velvet Leaf, Wild Cotton  Abutilon theophrasti		
4.  Prarie Parsnip  Zizia cordata
5.  Wild Cucumber  Cucumis anguria
6.  Johnson Grass  Holcus halapensis
7.  Wild Oats  Avena fatua		8.  Ironweed  Vernonia novaborascensis
9.  Field Bindweed  Convolvulus repens
10. Water Hemp  Acnida cannabina
11. Canadian Thistle  Cirsium arvense
12. Cheat Grass  Bromus tectorum
14. Cocklebur  Xanthium americanum
15. Smartweed  Persicaria lapathifolia
16. Dock  Rumex crispus
17. Dodder  Cuscuta polygonorum	
18. Greenbriar, Catbriar  Smilax rotundifolia
19  Burdock  Arctium minus		20. Devil's Beggarticks  Bidens frondosa
21. Ragweed  Ambrosia bidentata	
22. Manitoba Cleavers  Galium mollugo
23. Rush Skeleton Weed 	Chondrilla juncea			
24. Medusa Head Rye  Tueniatherum cuput

Or maybe you could use Reiki to transfer the patterns from your feeling through your hand into the water. You might have to take a course in Reiki for this one. Sharon McEachern might be able to walk you through this one.

At some point maybe we can do the field broadcaster experiment on the roadsides of Rapid Lightning Road. It will be a little easier to sell to the county weed board after we see results at Dwight Callaway's down near Boise.

Hugh Lovel 
Visit our website at: 

The Wide World and Testing Preps

2002-03-20 Thread Merla

BD AND THE WIDE WORLD:  Last night  was at an organizational meeting of
the Sandpoint Farmers Market where the State Inspector, who is an
outrageous creative thinker and gardener, spoke on changes in organic
certification, etc.  I spoke to her afterwards and it turns out that she

was consulted over the registration of Pfeiffer Field Spray as a soil
amendment in Idaho.  She gave an analogy to the person who inquired
about BD preps that I will repeat as well as I can.

Suppose someone had demons and enlisted the Pope to cast them out,
would the holy water he sprinkled need to be registered as a pesticide?

The analogy is so far from how we think about BD, yet somewhere there's
some relevance, but if that's the only reference that person gets to BD,

then he'll not have a  chance of understanding WHO WE ARE.
She said the soil amendment laws are there for truth in advertising
related to the claims on the label.

In the meeting she had held up a bag that had held a commercial
fertilizer that was registered in Idaho.  It had in small letters at the

top natural organic.  She said that organic for Idaho registration
meant carbon based.  She told us to always look at the ingredients
which in the case of the bag she was holding was sewage sludge, and
was not acceptable for certified organic growers or any  growers.  She
also went over the clopyralid residue on grass clippings that was in the

compost that was made at Washington State University in Pullman, WA, and

said to me in private that the parameters for Clopyralid usage on the
packaging had fine print that said that the recommendations given were
not adequate for sandy soil which is what we have in this area.  She
said, No one reads the fine print.

To not to have to register Pfeiffer Field Spray, the label that was sent

with the application would need to define it so that it doesn't fit into
definition of a soil amendment in Title 22, Chapter 22, Soil and Plant
Amendments in Idaho statutes.  Otherwise, there's no way to amend the
law to spare 501(c)(3) non-profits from the necessity to pay $100 an
amendment to sell their preparations in Idaho.

I am really wondering how I'm going to be able to live in this
atmosphere.  I just want to withdraw.  I get so angry and then
depressed.  How do you go about communicating to the wide world about
Biodynamics?  I read writings like Jane's Gathering Chi (was re:
agrisynthesis...) and Gil's Frank Moody, and resonate, but can hardly

grasp the full meaning myself.  If I do speak out, I fear
at best and conscious twisting of the meaning at worst.  I'm afraid to
my BD point of view at meetings on composting because people would need
paragraphs and paragraphs of introduction.  The more I understand how
the preps work myself, the more inclined I will be to speak up.  I'm
hoping that my intuition will give me the green light on this soon.

At county weed advisory committee meeting, they talk so fast and throw
acronyms around, they have so much to cover in two hours.   Everything
is mind.  There is heart there underneath, but it is secondary.  There's

such an emphasis on legality.  How to apply a chemical to Eurasian
milfoil while the lake level is down so they don't have to follow
aquatic guidelines, but do it so the half-life will be over before the
water comes up.  I think to myself, What will this do to children
swimming in that water this summer?  They look at my face and they hush

up.  They're afraid for me to know what they're doing.  They're afraid
I'll cause a big stink.  They want to do their job without anyone
noticing.  I worry afterwards whether I should cause a stink or whether
it's better to just have someone organic on the weed committee to
listen, to keep bringing up the other point of view at meetings and to
try to fulfill what they SAY they want organically with holistic
planning on a small scale?

SOIL ANALYSIS:  In the Farmer's Market meeting, a certified organic
friend who helps me with the Why Organic? booth, gave me a handout in
response to a question I asked the Inspector about organic soil
analysis. The title of the handout was something like this:  How to
convert a chemical soil analysis to an organic soil analysis.   Is this

possible?  I didn't get a chance to read it.  It was from U Georgia
Extension and its URL was, but I couldn't

find it on their website.

I'm afraid everyone here in North Idaho (including me) are neophytes in
soil analysis.  I even tried to read Albrecht Papers, but don't have the

patience needed to go through all his graphs.  I think I need a skyhook
before I tackle Albrecht again and some time to read and reread it.  I
wish I could suggest someone who REALLY knows about organic soil
analysis and how to amend deficiencies to give a seminar to the organic
growers here.  They always use someone from the U. of Idaho.

SFI SOIL TESTING:  I would like to vote for Elaine testing Pfeiffer
Field Spray along with all the