Re: Fw: Could [you] [please] tell me how to remove white spacees presentbetween delimiter[s]

2005-09-02 Thread James Taylor


my $st1='---'~^  '123PS01D'~^;
for(split(/\~\^/,$st1)) {
  $_ =~ s/\s//g;
  # Do something with your variable

Is that what you're asking? I'm unsure


'---'~^  '123PS01D'~^

here delimiter is ~^ 


Do u see the difference in the two lines 
In the first one there is space is present i want to remove that one 
The second is ok..

I think it will clear u in the better way.

with regards

Mayank Ahuja
Assistant System Engineer
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Ph:- 044-5816
Cell:- 9283199460
- Forwarded by Mayank Ahuja/CHN/TCS on 09/02/2005 09:16 PM -

09/02/2005 09:03 PM

Please respond to
Perl Beginners List

Perl Beginners List
Re: Could [you] [please] tell me how to remove white spacees 
presentbetween  delimiter[s]

On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a file like this in which data is 

means the delimter is comma here

but in the string if it comes abc, def,  xyz, mno

then [please] tell me how to remove this white space.

The popular way to do this around here is with a Perl program.

Can you show the list the Perl program you've tried so far? 

If you can, we can try to give you feedback. 

Good luck!


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Re: Mod_Perl Pass Associative Arrays

2004-12-11 Thread James Taylor
Chris Devers wrote:
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, James Taylor wrote:

Hi everyone, wondering if anyone knew how to pass an associative array 
via POST to mod_perl.  Something like:

HTML forms don't really provide for complex data structures, so any 
solution is going to have to be cobbled together.

I think your best bet is to just have form elements with names like 
'searchname', 'searchemail', etc, and just have code on the server to 
organize it into a hash:

  $search{name}  = $req-param('searchname');
  $search{email} = $req-param('searchemail');


Eh, score 1 for PHP then.  The reason I can't specifically do what 
you're mentioning is that the field names being passed could be 
ANYTHING, as the code is for a module I'm writing.  Anyway, I went ahead 
and just made it cheesy, instead of doing field[something], i made all 
of the input names field=something, send the hash through a foreach 
loop - if the name of the field =~ /field/, i split on the = and ditch 
the first variable.  Feh

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Mod_Perl Pass Associative Arrays

2004-12-10 Thread James Taylor
Hi everyone, wondering if anyone knew how to pass an associative array 
via POST to mod_perl.  Something like:

input type=text name=search[name] /
input type=text name=search[email /
then it posts to say..

my $r=Apache-request;
my $req=Apache::Request-new(shift);
my %stuff=$req-param('search');
That for example doesn't work, but... I'd like it to :)  Anyone know how 
to get this going?  By the way, I *need* the names to preserve, having 
search[] would defeat the purpose of what I'm trying to do here.  Thanks

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Mod_Perl Target Headers

2004-11-04 Thread James Taylor
I posted this to the mod_perl list originally, but noone ever answers my 
questions on there.  Guess my noob questions don't belong on that list:
Again, this is for mod_perl
Should be a pretty simple question, looking for an option in header_out 
to target a frame.

For example...
$r-err_header_out(Pragma, no-cache);
$r-header_out('Location' = '');
Was hoping I could do something like:
but that doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestions?
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Re: Mod Perl Helper Functions

2004-10-05 Thread James Taylor
Bob Showalter wrote:
FWIW, That example works OK for me under Apache 1.3.31, mod_perl 1.29 when I
run under Apache::Registry. I had to add a declaration for %somehash, but
otherwise it runs without error. Is running under Apache::Registry,
or is it a PerlHandler or some other type of handler?
It always makes me nervous to see assumptions about the current working
directory in any web server stuff. You should code the full path to, or better, create a proper module and pull it in with use.

Here's a better example of something that actually might serve a bit 
more purpose along with the error I'm getting for THIS
particular example.

And yes, this is running under Apache::Registry:
use strict;
use Apache::Cookie ();
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
my $rand=genrand(20);
print htmlbody$rand/body/html;
sub genrand {
  my [EMAIL PROTECTED]; my $r;
  my @chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_');
  $r.=$chars[rand @chars] for(1..$l);
  return $r;
When running, I get the following in my logs:
Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at lib/ line 4.
Use of uninitialized value in foreach loop entry at lib/ line 4.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
/export/home/newsite/perl/ line 10.

So, what I can gather is that the value '20' isn't being received by the 
genrand subroutine, and it's getting something else instead.  What 
exactly, I'm not sure
but I know it has to do SOMETHING with Apache::Registry.  To test things 
out, I went ahead and changed the genrand sub to spit out what it was 

sub genrand {
   my @[EMAIL PROTECTED]; my $r;
   $r.=$_br /\n for @blah;
   return $r;
What did it return? 20br /
Now how the hell that happened, I don't know, but it STILL isn't getting 
that value passed.  Any idea what apache's sending here and why it 
doesn't want to
grab the variable?

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Re: Modifying STDIN

2004-03-16 Thread James Taylor
I actually can't do it that way, this is a part of a custom perl module 
that someone wrote, and those are just 2 lines from the module.

On Mar 15, 2004, at 11:01 PM, Randy W. Sims wrote:

On 03/16/04 00:06, James Taylor wrote:
I'm modifying a script someone wrote that basically reads a file file 
into STDIN, and I was curious if there was anyway of modifying the 
stdin value without having to first open the file, modify it, close 
the file, and then open it into stdin.
I think what you want is a traditional filter:

=== ===
use strict;
use warnings;
while (my $line = ) {
  $line =~ s/^/sprintf(%3s , $.)/e;
  print $line\n;

piping it to its own STDIN produces

cat | perl

  1 #!/usr/bin/perl
  3 use strict;
  4 use warnings;
  6 while (my $line = ) {
  7   chomp($line);
  8   $line =~ s/^/sprintf(%3s , $.)/e;
  9   print $line\n;
 10 }
See perldoc perlopentut, section Filters


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Modifying STDIN

2004-03-15 Thread James Taylor
I'm modifying a script someone wrote that basically reads a file file 
into STDIN, and I was curious if there was anyway of modifying the 
stdin value without having to first open the file, modify it, close the 
file, and then open it into stdin.

Basically, looks like:

open(STDIN,$filename) || die whatever\n;
Well, I need to to a search/replace on STDIN, something like:

open(STDIN,$filename) || die blah\n;
STDIN =~ s/one/two/g;
Line 2 isn't intended to work, it's just there to show you what i'm 
trying to accomplish.

Thanks for your help!

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regex multiple lines

2004-01-02 Thread James Taylor
I'm trying to parse a bit out of an HTML file, where the formatting 
could change daily as far as spaces/newlines go.  Say for example I 
have something like this:

pHello this is juts an example/p
p!---begin---a href=nowhere.comblahahahaha/a
/pa href=;
/p!---end---Hello world/body
$repl=Replacement Text;

$str =~ s/\!---begin---\.+?\!---end---\/$repl/im;

Well, that doesn't work.

Any suggestions on this one?  I thought /m was supposed to make regex's 
span multiple lines, which seems to be the problem here, as :

print good\n if $str =~ /!---begin---.+?!---end---/mi

comes up with nothing, though I am able to match them on their own.  

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Re: regex multiple lines

2004-01-02 Thread James Taylor
ok, well I ended up dropping the regex and splitting the strings and 
re-building them after being inspired by another thread.


my $str=text !---begin---
text to
be replac
my $repl=replacement text;
my ($a,$b)=split('!---begin---',$str);
my ($c,$d)=split('!---end---',$b);
I'd still like to know if you can do this via regex however.

On Jan 2, 2004, at 5:38 PM, James Taylor wrote:

I'm trying to parse a bit out of an HTML file, where the formatting 
could change daily as far as spaces/newlines go.  Say for example I 
have something like this:

pHello this is juts an example/p
p!---begin---a href=nowhere.comblahahahaha/a
/pa href=;
/p!---end---Hello world/body
$repl=Replacement Text;

$str =~ s/\!---begin---\.+?\!---end---\/$repl/im;

Well, that doesn't work.

Any suggestions on this one?  I thought /m was supposed to make 
regex's span multiple lines, which seems to be the problem here, as :

print good\n if $str =~ /!---begin---.+?!---end---/mi

comes up with nothing, though I am able to match them on their own.  

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Re: CGI Script Fork

2003-11-22 Thread James Taylor
The reason I need to run it in the background and just display the 
message is that the person that's going to be running this program 
wants to be able to close the window.  The process running in the 
background can take up to 10 minutes and he's afraid that he may 
accidentally close the window while it's running and thus will have to 
start the process again.  So, the reason for the fork isn't for the 
message to be displayed, it's so that it starts the system call in the 
background so we don't have to sit through it.

On Nov 21, 2003, at 11:08 PM, Robert Brown wrote:

If the only real purpose for the fork is so that the message can be
displayed, why don't you just display the message in a form, and then
go do the long operation single threaded.  When the long operation
finishes, continue to output to the same page and use some javascript
to change the contents of the form field where it says please wait.
I wrote a web based chat over a year ago that makes use of the fact
that if you specify a large value in the file size header, the browser
will stay connected for quite a while.  I can output posted messages
to the browser and it will display them as they come.  It will just
patiently wait there with its busy indicator showing, but it works
fine.  If you experience timeout problems, just output a blank space
character every 3 seconds or so.  This will not change anything, as
the text is being set via html rendering, sso spaces don't count.
If, on the other hand, you really need to fork a background task, you
may be thwarted by the apache perl cgi module that keeps the perl
interpreter in apache instead of forking a new perl for every cgi
script.  I do not know if you can fork a background task with
perl-cgi-mod or not.

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CGI Script Fork

2003-11-21 Thread James Taylor
I'm working on a cgi script that basically, upon running it, runs a
separate script in the background, and displays a message saying
Script is running.  Should be done soon. on the web browser and...
that's it.  The browser can be closed, and the script will continue to
run in the background.  Here's the jest of what I have, but... The
problem is that it doesn't work.  When you run it, it does a system()
call to run the script, and then waits for completion, where it then
displays Script is running.  Should be done soon..  I tried using
exec() instead but that didn't work either.  Also tried adding  to the
end of the command, didn't help.
use strict;
use CGI qw(:cgi-lib :cgi :html2);
my $pid=fork();
if($pid) {
system /www/scripts/;   # Run script in background
} else {
# Print confirmation script to browser, that's it
print header.htmlbodyScript is running.  Should be done
Any ideas on how to make this work properly??  This is running on 
Solaris 8 with apache, if it matters at all.  Thanks

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conf files

2002-06-10 Thread James Taylor

I have this app I just wrote, and I wanted to give my users a more 
'standard' .conf file, instead of forcing them to open up the script, 
and dig through and change variables (Some people get confused by 
this... Go figure).  SO, I wanted to give a .conf sort of like the 
apache conf file where you'll see things like:

#Set this to 0 if you don't want encryption
# Path to something

## Sockets #

# Port to connect to
# TCP or UDP
# Hostname

You get the idea.  Anyway, I could make a file like this and then 
'require' it I suppose, then run a regex on the lines and assign the 
variables THAT way, but I was curious if anyone could think of a better 
way to do this instead of forcing myself to make all these un-needed 
lines in my script just to get the variables.  Maybe a module or 
something?  Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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another regex question

2002-04-22 Thread James Taylor

I'm have this program that reads over mail logs looking for spammers, 
and depending on certain conditions, they're marked as a spammer.  If 
the reverse lookup on the relay used matches their email address 
however, no matter what, we're not marking them as a spammer. However, 
I've run across a problem where a users email address can look something 


and the relay used will be reversed to:

How do I match JUST the last part of the address, so that is the only thing picked up, no matter how many 
subdomains are listed, and it also matches if the email address is just 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]? I can't seem to figure this one out.

Also, there is one spammer in particular who's email addresses look 
something like:


When I get one of the emails from this spammer, I get this error with 
the script:

Nested quantifiers before HERE mark in regex 
m/OWNER-NOLIST-3249_Columbia_music*TJUDKINS**  HERE
EXO*[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ at /sbin/ line 10.

I'm assuming the asterisk is breaking the regex already in place somehow. Anyone know 
what might be causing this one, and how to fix it?

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another regex question

2002-04-22 Thread James Taylor

Hmm, it looks like something was wrong with my mail server, so I'm 
sending this question again - If you already got this, I apologize:

I'm have this program that reads over mail logs looking for spammers, 
and depending on certain conditions, they're marked as a spammer.  If 
the reverse lookup on the relay used matches their email address 
however, no matter what, we're not marking them as a spammer. However, 
I've run across a problem where a users email address can look something 


and the relay used will be reversed to:

How do I match JUST the last part of the address, so that is the only thing picked up, no matter how many 
subdomains are listed, and it also matches if the email address is just 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ? I can't seem to figure this one out.

Also, there is one spammer in particular who's email addresses look 
something like:


When I get one of the emails from this spammer, I get this error with 
the script:

Nested quantifiers before HERE mark in regex 
m/OWNER-NOLIST-3249_Columbia_music*TJUDKINS**  HERE
EXO*[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ at /sbin/ line 10.

I'm assuming the asterisk is breaking the regex already in place 
somehow. Anyone know what might be causing this one, and how to fix it?

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TK madness

2002-04-18 Thread James Taylor

I'm trying to develop a user interface for a program I've written - What 
I need the program to do is print out the results of the current process 
to the TK interface.  I absolutely can not figure out how to do a simple 
printing to TK function!@@!#  For example, I would have a program that 
does something like:

for (1 .. 10) {
   print $_\n;

Well, I need to print that into the canvas in TK.  How the hell do I do 
this?! It seems like something so trivial, yet not even the Perl/TK 
tutorial talks about something as simple as this.

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More Bidirectional Sockets w/ Win32 Client

2002-04-16 Thread James Taylor

I have figured out how to set up bidirectional communication through 
sockets by forking the server and the client - The client forks just 
fine under Linux, but if I take the script to Win32 fork doesn't seem to 
work.  This is the code for both the server and client:

Here's the server:


use IO::Socket;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {wait ()};

$main_sock = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost= 'shell',
   LocalPort= 1200,
   Listen   = 5,
   Proto= 'tcp',
   Reuse= 1,) or die Couldn't 
create socket: $!\n;

while ($new_sock = $main_sock-accept()) {
   $pid = fork();
   die Cannot fork: $!\n unless defined($pid);

   if ($pid == 0) {
  # Child Process
  while (defined ($buf = $new_sock)) {
 print Client said: $buf\n;
 print $new_sock You said: $buf\n;

close ($main_sock);

And here's the client:


use IO::Socket;
$client = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr = 'shell',
  PeerPort = 1200,
  Proto = 'tcp'
 ) or die Couldn't create socket: $!\n;

my $pid = fork();  die Cannot fork\n unless defined $pid;

if ($pid) {
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {

sub write_sock {
   for (1 .. 10) {
  print $client $_\n;


sub read_sock {
while (my $line = $client) {
print $line;   # report to stdout

Like I said, this works just fine on Linux-Linux.  When the client is 
Win32 however - it writes to the server just fine, but will just sit 
there and never read.  When I press control-C to escape out of the 
program, it THEN reads the data from the server.   I tried reading into 
IO::Select to see if that would fix my problem with the client, but I 
just can't figure it out. Can someone help me with this??

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Bidirectional Sockets

2002-04-15 Thread James Taylor

I'm sure this is frequently asked, and I am truly sorry if it is, but 
reading through my mail I don't see this question anywhere:

Curious as to how I would go about creating bidirectional sockets, ie. 
client sends information to the server, then server responds to the 
client.  I need to know how to do this so that I can tell whether or not 
an operation was successful or not. The server is currently set up like:

while ($new_sock = $sock-accept()) {
   while (defined ($buf = $new_sock)) {
   (do something);

I tried printing to $new_sock, but the client obviously isn't listening 
- Do I have to create a client/server for both the actual client, AND 
the server? Can someone point me in the right direction here? Thanks

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Fidning the index of an array

2002-04-11 Thread James Taylor

How can I get the current index of an array while processing the array 
in a loop? I know I can do it with a counter type function, but I was 
curious if there was a better way of doing this.

For example:

my @array = (1 .. 100);
my $counter = 0;

for (@array) {
   print index - $counter   element - $_\n;

Well, how do I do that without the counter?

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Re: Regex!

2002-04-10 Thread James Taylor

There's a few problems with your script. This one works:

$money = '$27.50';
$money =~ s/\$//;

Use single quotes instead of double, and don't forget the =~ instead of =

Daniel Falkenberg wrote:

Hi Tim,

I just tried running $money = s/\$//: over

$money = $21.80;

And my returned result was nothing!  I.e it removed everything?

Any ideas,


On Wed, 2002-04-10 at 09:34, Timothy Johnson wrote:

You have to escape the dollar sign in your regex just like you did in the

$money = s/\$//;

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Falkenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 5:10 PM
Subject: Regex!

Hello All,

Just wondering how I can remove unwanted characters from a simple

$money = \$21.85;

Now I simply want to strip the $ sign from that variable.

Easy?  Well I thought it would be :)

$money = s/$//; # Well thats what I thought!



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Looping over Hashes of Arrays

2002-04-03 Thread James Taylor

How do you get a list of all keys in a hash of arrays?  I'll have a hash 
where the data would look something

%myhash = ('client19' = [ 'client2', 'client5', 'client7' ],
 'client20' = ['client3', 'client4', 'client8']);

I need to basically get a list of the hash values and display the array 
values for each one.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Converting Unix time...

2002-04-02 Thread James Taylor

Look into Time::Local

Daniel Falkenberg wrote:

G'day all,

What would be the best way of converting Unix time into a ddmmyy format?
I am a little stuck with this so any ideas would be greatly appriciated.


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Re: random word from array

2002-03-27 Thread James Taylor

Hrm, try this:

@tea = Meba, Shaun, Mark, Jason, Rick, Dan;
srand (time ^ $$ ^ unpack %L*, `ps axww | gzip`);
print $tea[rand(5)]\n;

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:25 pm, you wrote:
 I decided to write a little script to help choose who will make the tea on
 our gaming night [there is always an argument!]

 I thought I was doing quite well but it seems I am picked on by the
 [non]random script I wrote! It seems to default to the first word in the

 I used rand @array;

 I think perhaps that I am thinking about it too simply and perhaps I need
 to involve more math - but I am not good at maths [though I am willing and
 a quick] ! so can anyone point me in the right direction?


 @tea = Meba, Shaun, Mark, Jason, Rick, Dan;

 #below is the problem area I think - perhaps rand is not appropriate here?
 #or I haven't phrased it right?
 #I have looked through masses of documentation and faqs but can't find a
 #Am I blind or just dim?

 $get = rand @tea;
 $who = $tea[$get];

 $affirm = The lucky tea maker is ;

 $result = $affirm.$who;

 $fail = Sorry I wasn't listening. Try again!\n;

 print Enter y to see who will make the tea: ;
 $input = STDIN;
 chomp $input;

 if ($input eq y) {
   $a= true;

 if ($a) {print $result
  print $fail };

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DBI really quick question

2002-03-19 Thread James Taylor

CPAN is running exremely slow (as per usual) and I just have a quick 
question.  How do I CREATE a database from within perl with MySQL? Generally 
the first command you give for DBI will be a statement to connect to a db, 
but what if I have to have the db created first?

This is for a script that will automate the installation of a set of 12 
scripts, and sets up 6 tables, and I don't want to have to tell users to 
first have to run mysql, type in create database blah, quit, and then run 
the script.

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what's the point of Foreach?

2002-03-01 Thread James Taylor

I'm really curious what the point of foreach is considering for does the same 
exact thing? For example:

@myarray = (1 .. 10);

for (@myarray) {
   print $_\n;

Or, you could swap the for for a foreach and the same thing would get 
accomplished...  The only difference I can think of is a slightly different 
handling of hashes.  Is this the only benefit of foreach?  What am I missing 

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Re: what's the point of Foreach?

2002-03-01 Thread James Taylor

Oops, sorry it was just pointed out to me today that this was already asked 
today :) There are over 1000 unread messages in my Perl folder and I didn't 
think to look through them all

On Friday 01 March 2002 11:52 am, you wrote:
 I'm really curious what the point of foreach is considering for does the
 same exact thing? For example:

 @myarray = (1 .. 10);

 for (@myarray) {
print $_\n;

 Or, you could swap the for for a foreach and the same thing would get
 accomplished...  The only difference I can think of is a slightly different
 handling of hashes.  Is this the only benefit of foreach?  What am I
 missing here

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Fwd: Re: Sending email via Postfix

2002-02-20 Thread James Taylor

Hmm, I'm not 100% sure whether or not it comes with this in Mandrake or not,
but if you download postfix and compile it (or install the package I suppose)
it comes with a binary called 'sendmail' which is basically used for this
purpose.  So, you might want to just do a 'locate sendmail'. Maybe you'll be

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 02:38 pm, you wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have a Mandrake 8.1 box running Postfix.  I have a few CGI's that need to
 send email.  I have always used Sendmail and have been come stumped with
 this line in my script after swtiching to postfix:

 # Enter the name of your server's mail program.  Most servers are
 # configured with a program called 'sendmail'.  You may, depending on the
 # server settings, have to enter the complete path in addition to the name.
 $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

 What should I put here?

 All help is appreciated,


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Re: Help can't figure this one out

2002-02-14 Thread James Taylor

Just because you CAN take shortcuts in Perl doesn't necessarily mean that you 
should.  Even though it's less typing, it might be more difficult to 
understand what's going on to someone else reading your code, or to yourself 
after looking at the code some time later.  

That's what I always believed, but that's just me. 

On Thursday 14 February 2002 05:47 am, you wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Bruce Ambraal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:24 AM
  Subject: Help can't figure this one out
  I have written following coding to produce a triangle
  pattern(see below);
  I now want to  produce following paterns I can't figer this out
  # indent by printing num_rows - r spaces
  for ($i = 1; $i = $num_rows - $r; $i++) {print (  \n);}

 A suggestion: if you want to write Perl programs, you should
 resist the temptation to write them like C programs. This kind
 of thing can be simplified to something like:

print   \n for 1 .. ($num_rows - $r);

 or better yet:

print   \n x ($num_rows - $r);

 If you haven't done so already, grab a copy of Schwartz'
 Learning Perl and work through it. That will show you some
 of the idioms that can greatly simplify your programs.

 (BTW, are you aware that this statement does not do what the
 comment says it does. You should fix one or the other.)

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Re: Very Basic Help

2002-02-14 Thread James Taylor

You should probably read about about the CGI module before attempting to 
create CGI programs... BUT, to answer your question, you would do something 
like this:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
use strict;

my $test = 1000;

print header;
print start_html;
print $test\n;
print end_html;

On Thursday 14 February 2002 07:54 am, you wrote:
 Why do I keep getting a premature end of script headers error when I try to
 run this script?  I am going crazy!

 print Content-type:text/html\n\n;

 $test = 100;

 print htmlheadtitleTest/title/head\n;
 print body\n;
 print $test\n;
 print /body\n;
 print /html\n;


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Re: foreach loop problems

2002-02-13 Thread James Taylor

I don't believe this is what he's asking - What the problem is in this code 
is that after the first instance of SSH runs, and then exits, it will not 
continue on to the next key in the array.

I can't figure out why it won't do it, I don't generally write programs using 
system calls :) 

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 02:58 pm, you wrote:
 # Create array @hosts...  So far so good.
 my @hosts=qw( lunar solar venus mars saturn pluto );

 # \@hosts creates a reference to @hosts.  You just want @hosts.
 # The way you've written it, the elements in @hosts will be
 # assigned to the special variable $_.  This is all right, but
 # tends to get confusing, especially for non-veterans.  It may
 # even cause problems down the line if you forget you are
 # already using $_ and nest another loop that uses it.  Instead
 # try declaring your variable as I show below.
 # Also foreach - for.  I think it reads better.
 for my $host (@hosts) {
 # system(/usr/bin/ssh @hosts $ARGV[0]);
 # @hosts is still the array.  You want $_ or $host, see above.
 system(/usr/bin/ssh $host $ARGV[0]);

 dan radom wrote:
 I've got a problem with the following code...
 my @hosts=qw( lunar solar venus mars saturn pluto );
 foreach (\@hosts) {
 system(/usr/bin/ssh @hosts $ARGV[0]);
 What I'm wanting to do is call uname (for example) and have the
  script ssh host uname for each host defined in the @hosts array.  What's
  currently happening is that it does ssh lunar solar and dies trying to
  execute the next @hosts as the ssh commend.  Any ideas?

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Re: foreach loop problems

2002-02-13 Thread James Taylor

I'm curious how you got this script to work, I re-wrote his with something 
like this:

my @hosts = (,,,;

foreach my $key (@hosts) {
   system(ssh -l @ARGV[0] $key);

and it will SSH to ONLY.  After the session with is ended, it 
doesn't continue on to, or, etc.   What's wrong here?

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 03:21 pm, you wrote:
 I was actually surprised to see that ssh worked like this!  I don't
 think you can always get away with it, but I just tested it out and was
 able to call up ssh for 4 different machines using a script similar to
 that one.  I don't think all programs are going to be that nice.

 Can anyone explain how ssh got the keyboard input?!  Doesn't perl have
 control of STDIN or does it pass that off to the spawned process
 during a call to 'system'?

 - Johnathan

 James Taylor wrote:
 I don't believe this is what he's asking - What the problem is in this
  code is that after the first instance of SSH runs, and then exits, it
  will not continue on to the next key in the array.
 I can't figure out why it won't do it, I don't generally write programs
  using system calls :)

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Re: foreach loop problems

2002-02-13 Thread James Taylor

Ha, Ok well that was interesting.  I ran this script on a different machine 
and it works fine... Weird. 
So, nevermind :) 

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 03:35 pm, you wrote:
 I'm curious how you got this script to work, I re-wrote his with something
 like this:

 my @hosts = (,,,;

 foreach my $key (@hosts) {
system(ssh -l @ARGV[0] $key);

 and it will SSH to ONLY.  After the session with is ended, it
 doesn't continue on to, or, etc.   What's wrong here?

 On Wednesday 13 February 2002 03:21 pm, you wrote:
  I was actually surprised to see that ssh worked like this!  I don't
  think you can always get away with it, but I just tested it out and was
  able to call up ssh for 4 different machines using a script similar to
  that one.  I don't think all programs are going to be that nice.
  Can anyone explain how ssh got the keyboard input?!  Doesn't perl have
  control of STDIN or does it pass that off to the spawned process
  during a call to 'system'?
  - Johnathan
  James Taylor wrote:
  I don't believe this is what he's asking - What the problem is in this
   code is that after the first instance of SSH runs, and then exits, it
   will not continue on to the next key in the array.
  I can't figure out why it won't do it, I don't generally write programs
   using system calls :)

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Re: [PHP] Browse and Upload file

2002-02-13 Thread James Taylor

There are scripts like this all over the net, but here's one for you to save 
you searching time:

use CGI qw(:standard);

$| = 1;

open(OUTPUT, /lists/$i) or die cannot find output: $!;

while ($bytes = read($i,$buffer,1024)) {
   $bytesread += $bytes;
   print OUTPUT $buffer;


print header;
print HTML\nBODY
print File UploadedBR\n
print end_html;

of course, the form will call this script in the form action, and 
'fileuploadname' is the name of the field in your form where they browse to a 
file.  This script doesn't really have any error checking, it's just assuming 
everything works, except for the open statement.

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 05:38 pm, you wrote:
 Does anyone know how to upload file using Web Browser as the interface?

 I want to do a web page, where you can click on a button, and then you can
 browse the local directories of the person who are browsing the page, and
 upload a selected file to the web server. Any pointer on how to do that
 will be greatly appreciated.

 Reuben D. Budiardja

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Re: [PHP] Browse and Upload file

2002-02-13 Thread James Taylor

Oh Jesus, I'm on too many mailing lists. Ignore this

On Wednesday 13 February 2002 05:44 pm, you wrote:
 There are scripts like this all over the net, but here's one for you to
 save you searching time:

 use CGI qw(:standard);

 $| = 1;

 open(OUTPUT, /lists/$i) or die cannot find output: $!;

 while ($bytes = read($i,$buffer,1024)) {
$bytesread += $bytes;
print OUTPUT $buffer;


 print header;
 print HTML\nBODY
 print File UploadedBR\n
 print end_html;

 of course, the form will call this script in the form action, and
 'fileuploadname' is the name of the field in your form where they browse to
 a file.  This script doesn't really have any error checking, it's just
 assuming everything works, except for the open statement.

 On Wednesday 13 February 2002 05:38 pm, you wrote:
  Does anyone know how to upload file using Web Browser as the interface?
  I want to do a web page, where you can click on a button, and then you
  can browse the local directories of the person who are browsing the page,
  and upload a selected file to the web server. Any pointer on how to do
  that will be greatly appreciated.
  Reuben D. Budiardja

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