use strict / nostrict

2011-07-14 Thread Marc
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use Text::CSV;
>> use DBI;
>> use Data::Dumper;
> There is no "use strict;" and "use warnings;" at the beginning of the file:

I see this quite a bit on this list (and elsewhere) and I think it's 
very good advice, so this morning I got to thinking.  If these pragmas are as 
important as they are, why is it that they aren't turned on in Perl by default? 
 How about if we make them the default settings in 5.16 and then add "use 
nostrict;" and "use nowarnings;" for when someone wants to turn them off?  In 
the grand scheme of things I'm still relatively new to all this, but it makes 
total sense to me.  If they should be used in most every script, why waste the 
time and thought of always having to remember (or remind others) to add them?


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File::Find script questions

2011-07-18 Thread Marc
I've written a script to traverse my web server, find any files called 
"error_log", e-mail them to me, and then delete them.  It is triggered by cron 
twice a day.

The script works great but I'd like to get advice on how I can clean up 
my code, so any comments are welcome.

Also, do I really need the foreach block in there?  I couldn't get it 
to work without it, but it seems like I should be able to. =:\



use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Find;
use File::HomeDir;

my $path_to_search = File::HomeDir->my_home.'/public_html';
my $file_name  = 'error_log';
my $from_address   = '';
my $to_address = '';
my $mail_app   = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
my $subject= 'An "error_log" was found';

find(\&wanted, $path_to_search);

sub wanted {
if ($File::Find::name =~ /$file_name/) {
my $msg = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n".
  "Content-Type: text/plain\n".
  "To: $to_address\n".
  "From: $from_address\n".
  "Subject: $subject\n\n";

open (my $mail_fh, "|$mail_app -t -oi -oem") || die "Can't open 
print {$mail_fh} "$msg";
print $msg;
open (my $file_fh, '<', $File::Find::name) || die 
"Can't open $file_name: $!";
my (@lines) = <$file_fh>;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
print "$line";
print {$mail_fh} "@lines";
close ($file_fh) || die "Can't close file";
close $mail_fh || die "Can't close mail_fh";
unlink ($File::Find::name);

In case anyone's interested, here's the shell script it replaces:


## Variables ##
FILES=`find /home/user/public_html -name error_log`

for file in $FILES
if [ -e "$file" ]
  mail -s "$file" $ADDRESS < $file
  rm -r $file  # delete log file

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Re: File::Find script questions

2011-07-19 Thread Marc
Thanks to both Uri and John for their input.  I've added your 
suggestions and the script is much cleaner and more concise now.

I decided to keep the header info in the sub because I'm now setting 
the subject to the path of the error log, so at a glance I know where there's a 

On Jul 18, 2011, at 8:50 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

> it would be much cleaner IMO to collect the paths of the files you want
> and then process those paths in a sub. the rule is generally to collect
> the data you need and process later and elsewhere.

I'm sorry, but I'm not following you here.  Could you explain a little 

> but beyond this calling sendmail directly isn't cool anymore. there are
> many useful mail modules that make this easier and work with other
> mailers or directly with smtp. 

I searched for mail modules and there seems to be a million of them.  
Could you recommend a couple that you like?

Thanks again,



use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Find;
use File::Slurp;

my $path_to_search = $ENV{HOME}.'/public_html';
my $file_name  = 'error_log';
my $from_address   = '';
my $to_address = '';
my $mail_app   = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

find(\&wanted, $path_to_search);

sub wanted {
return if $_ ne $file_name;

my $subject = substr $File::Find::name, length($path_to_search);  # 
removes "/home/USER/public_html" from the subject
my $log_text = read_file($File::Find::name);
my $message = <

Subdirectories and use lib

2011-07-20 Thread Marc
I'd like to organize a project's files into subdirectories for better 
housekeeping.  I thought that use lib "."; would also include any 
subdirectories, but sadly it doesn't.  Is there a way to include all subdirs 
without having a list a mile long like this?
use lib "/Applications/MAMP/cgi-bin/cart/sql/lib/Module/";
use lib "/Applications/MAMP/cgi-bin/cart/sql/lib/Params/";
use lib "/Applications/MAMP/cgi-bin/cart/sql/Business/CreditFraud/";

Or am I going about it the wrong way?

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Arrow Notation vs. Colon Notation

2011-07-20 Thread Marc
I've noticed that the following two lines seem to be equivalent when 
calling a sub from a module called



Is this just a case of TIMTOWTDI or is there a difference in how they 
do what they do?

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Re: Arrow Notation vs. Colon Notation

2011-07-20 Thread Marc
On Jul 20, 2011, at 4:03 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

> so don't think they are even similar as one is a sub call and the other
> is a class method call. they aren't interchangeble at all

Yep, you're correct.  Why is everything so simple once someone explains 
it to you???  =;)

That also cleared up a strange problem I was having with my code.  Boy, 
am I embarrassed.  On the plus side, this ordeal has helped to solidify it for 
me, so I guess it's O.K. to make stupid mistakes once in awhile, no?

Thanks, Uri.

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Re: Subdirectories and use lib

2011-07-21 Thread Marc
On Jul 21, 2011, at 5:56 AM, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> You can load modules from lib using "use Module::SubModule;" or "use 
> Params::Validate" - no need to load all subdirectories.  Just use "::" for 
> loading stuff in sub-directories.

Thanks, Shlomi.  That's all it took to get it to sink in.


I went back and re-read chapter 10 of "Beginning Perl" and it _finally_ 
makes sense to me now.

Thanks again,

BTW, I would like to thank everyone who responds to questions like these on 
this list.  I've read "Beginning Perl" twice, "Learning Perl", and a couple of 
others, but sometimes things just don't sink in until someone goes out of their 
way to give a simple explanation, and then it's like a switch has been thrown.

So, sincerely, thanks to everyone here who's willing to help.  I'm sure it can 
be frustrating at times to put up with these questions, but it really does make 
a difference.
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Perl modules that "phone home"

2011-07-29 Thread Marc
When placing test orders in my re-factored shopping cart on my MacBook 
Pro, Little Snitch is warning me that Perl is trying to connect to the 
following servers when an order is completed and the confirmation e-mail is 
being sent to the customer:

I don't think that this should be happening.  I mean, who are these 
domains and what info is being sent to them?  I did some digging and found out 
that is owned by GoDaddy, is owned by some Chinese 
company, and is owned by a company in Ghana!

How can I find out which module(s) is doing this?  I don't want to go 
live until I'm able to stop this, since I don't know how much, if any, of the 
customers information may be compromised.

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Re: Perl modules that "phone home"

2011-07-29 Thread Marc
On Jul 29, 2011, at 2:49 PM, Mark Wagner wrote:

> Most Perl modules are ordinary text files, so grepping around in the
> modules directory for things like "mailsrv" or "wdfgh" should tell you
> which modules are responsible.


I was able to do that with TextWrangler, but didn't find anything.  
However, your other suggestions got me thinking.  So I searched our test data 
and found the culprit domains there.  Slightly embarrassing, but I'm glad to 
know that it's not some nefarious plan to steal credit card data! ;-)

Sorry for the false alarm.

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Re: Perl modules that "phone home"

2011-07-29 Thread Marc
On Jul 29, 2011, at 5:34 PM, shawn wilson wrote:

> Hmmm, Acme::CC::Bandit anyone?

I wonder how many others fell for that one? =:\

That's not a nice trick to play on a "beginners" list, ya know. =;)

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Grabbing an element deep inside a nested hash

2011-08-03 Thread Marc
I'm trying to sort a shopping cart basket on the item numbers.  The 
basket is stored in a hash.  There is a hashref called  
%{$main::global->{cart}}  that Data::Dumper prints out like so:

$VAR1 = {
  '1' => '1 1   SL-8206 
73.15   Label 8.25" x 6"0.8 
73.15   ',
  '3' => '3 1   WR-9253 
13.98   Label - 3" x 9" 0.5 
13.98   ',
  '2' => '2 1   APT-46V 
96.43   4"x6" Label, hook   1.8 
96.43   '

I would like to grab the item numbers, i.e. SL-8206, to sort the cart 
on.  Could someone point me to something to read up on this?  What is the above 
actually?  It looks to me like a hash of hashes of arrays(?).

I thought that converting it into an array would help, like so:

my $n = keys($main::global->{cart});
my @cart_lineitems = @{$main::global->{cart}}{0 .. $n};

but dumping the output:

print {$tracelog_fh} Dumper($cart_lineitems[0]);
print {$tracelog_fh} Dumper($cart_lineitems[1]);
print {$tracelog_fh} Dumper($cart_lineitems[2]);
print {$tracelog_fh} Dumper($cart_lineitems[3]);

gives me this:

$VAR1 = '';
$VAR1 = '1  1   SL-8206 73.15   
Label 8.25" x 6"0.8 73.15   
$VAR1 = '2  1   APT-46V 13.98   
Label - 3" x 9" 1.8 13.98   
$VAR1 = '3  1   WR-9253 96.43   
4"x6" Label, hook   0.5 96.43   

Why the first one is empty is beyond me, but that's another story.  I 
then tried to grab just the item numbers using both:

print {$tracelog_fh} Dumper($cart_lineitems[1][2]);


print {$tracelog_fh} Dumper($main::global->{cart}->{1}->{2});

but they produce these errors:

Can't use string ("11   SL-8206 
73.15   Label "...) as an ARRAY ref while 
"strict refs" in use

Can't use string ("11   SL-8206 
73.15   Label "...) as an HASH ref while 
"strict refs" in use

Anyway, maybe I'm going about this the wrong way.  I know enough just 
to be dangerous at this point.  The bottom line is, how would I go about 
grabbing the item numbers from the original hashref so that I can sort the cart 
on them?  I'm over my head with this one, so any pointers would be extremely 
helpful.  I'm reading about references in the "Beginning Perl" book, but so far 
the light hasn't come on.

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Re: Grabbing an element deep inside a nested hash

2011-08-03 Thread Marc
Jim and Rob,

Thanks to both of you for your responses and for the code you supplied. 
 That was a big help.  I was able to get it to work and I've pasted my code 

> No. It is just a one-level hash.

I'm glad you both pointed this out.  It appears that I was over 
thinking it.  Once I was able to see that, a lot of other things fell into 

>> my $n = keys($main::global->{cart});
> I think this can't be what you wrote - it wouldn't compile. You probably want
>  my $n = keys %{$global->{cart}};

Surprisingly, it did compile, but I like your way better.

>> my @cart_lineitems = @{$main::global->{cart}}{0 .. $n};
> That is one way of doing things, but I am surprised you happened upon it 
> without knowing more about Perl.

"Happened upon it" is exactly how I found it. =;)  Google to the 
 And it worked - that's why I used it, but I didn't remember that hash keys 
were strings and not numbers.

> Because the values of the array elements are simple strings, as I explained 
> above, you must find a way of splitting them into individual fields.

I took Rob's advice, since the data was tab separated, merged it with 
Jim's code, and came up with this.  Separating the sort into a sub helps, since 
I need to use it in multiple places.

foreach my $cartitem ( sort sortby_itemid keys %{$main::global->{cart}} ) {
# list the items...

sub sortby_itemid {
(split /\t+/, $main::global->{cart}->{$a})[2] cmp (split /\t+/, 

Thanks again for your help, guys.  I really appreciate it.

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2011-08-04 Thread Marc

> I'm thinking about testdriveing XAMPP. Does anyone have any opinions
> on the product? Good or bad?

I used it for awhile and I thought it was a good package for testing 
purposes, but on the Mac, I prefer MAMP and Perlbrew.  I like being able to 
test my scripts with multiple versions of Perl.  FYI, the Perl version included 
with XAMPP is 5.10.1, so if you want something newer, you'll have to install 
your own.  

If you haven't tried Perlbrew, I can't recommend it enough.  Not only 
can you have multiple versions of Perl installed and switch between them 
easily, but it makes installation SO mush easier, especially with cpanm.

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Re: Hardware?

2011-08-04 Thread Marc
On Aug 4, 2011, at 5:05 PM, wrote:

> I use Perl on my own machine to assemble HTML files (no networking stuff). My 
> current machine is a Mac running OSX Tiger. The MacOS doesn't seem friendly 
> to Perl, so I want to change to something that won't make me feel like 
> throwing it out the window.
> What hardware and OS might be best for my use? I'd prefer a laptop to a 
> desktop. (I once worked for Sun Microsystems, so I'm comfortable with UNIX.)

But Mac OS X _is_ Unix.  What exactly do you mean by "The MacOS doesn't 
seem friendly to Perl"?  If you're messing around with the system Perl, you 
shouldn't be.  If you're trying to install Perl somewhere else, I know that 
Tiger can give you some problems.  If you can upgrade, Snow Leopard is much 

If you can't upgrade your OS, you should really try installing 
Perlbrew.  That has made my programming life an order of magnitude less 
frustrating.  Give it a try!

As far as hardware goes, you don't need to upgrade it to run Perl.  You 
don't say which Mac you have, but as long as you're not running a production 
server with it, whatever you have should work fine.  However, if you can max 
out the RAM, I would at least do that.

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Re: Sandboxing while I am learning

2011-08-30 Thread Marc

> So basically If I want to experiment and toy with different cpan apps
> and so forth I can without messing up my perl install.

All you have to do is install cpanm for each version of Perl and then 
you don't have to worry about them stepping on each other.  With cpan 
configured for each Perl, I have different environments depending on the 
version and it works great.

This post may help:

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Re: Sandboxing while I am learning

2011-08-30 Thread Marc

> The multiple cpan installations is not bad it is dangerous in my opinion. I 
> have seen people go white as a sheet of paper once they realized that they 
> where not on the test but on the production machine and they just executed an 
> rm -rf on the application server directory...
> The risk of such a simple mistake is even larger when all environments are on 
> a single machine. Therefore I would personally not advise this but that might 
> just be paranoid old me ;-)

It's good to be paranoid in situations like this.  But I wouldn't let 
that stop me from using perlbrew.  Once you switch to a particular version of 
Perl, perlbrew keeps you there even through a restart of the computer.  As long 
as you know which version you're in, you won't have any problems.  Also, you 
can't inadvertently switch Perls without knowing it, since you have to manually 
enter the switch command in Terminal.

Perlbrew is one of those apps that, once you start using it, you yell 
out "YES!!!" and scare everyone within earshot around you.

If you're deleting stuff without knowing where you are, well, you 
deserve to lose the data.  Besides, that's what backups are for. =;)

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Re: Sandboxing while I am learning

2011-08-30 Thread Marc

> if you use perlbrew and local::lib you
> can test different perl versions and then different environments.

I haven't looked into local::lib yet.  What advantage does that give 
you over a plain perlbrew install?

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Re: Moose

2011-09-07 Thread Marc

> checking CPAN for Moose gives me a list of about 2000 entries related 
> directly or indirectly to Moose.

In case you're interested, there's also a Moose mailing list which 
would probably be of more help to you with all things Moose.

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Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-09-08 Thread Marc
I'm trying to capitalize 3 and 4 letter words that contain only vowels 
or consonants, but not both.  The code I've come up with is not working 
correctly.  Given the string 'The Kcl Group', it should return 'The KCL Group' 
but it is also capitalizing the word 'THE'.  What am I doing wrong?


use strict;
use warnings;

my $string = 'The Kcl Group';

my @words = split(/ /, $string);
my @new_words;
foreach my $word (@words) {
if ((length $word >= 3 and length $word <= 4) and ($word !~ 
m/[aeiouy]+/gi or $word !~ m/[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+/gi)) {
$word = uc($word);
push @new_words, $word;
$string = "@new_words";

print $string . "\n";
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Re: Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-09-08 Thread Marc
Jim and David,

>  m/^[aeiouy]+$/i

I tried your suggestions but it still gives the same result:

my $string = 'Off The Menu';

my @words = split(/ /, $string);
my @new_words;
foreach my $word (@words) {
if ((length $word >= 3 and length $word <= 4) and ! 
($word =~ m/^[aeiouy]+$/i or $word =~ m/^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+$/i)) {
$word = uc($word);
push @new_words, $word;
$string = "@new_words";

print $string . "\n";

gives me "OFF THE MENU".
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Re: Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-09-08 Thread Marc
Hi Shlomi,

> The problem here that /g confuses Perl and puts it in the \G anchor mode.
> Removing both /g fixes the problem. Some other notes:
> 1. You don't really need to say [...]+ inside the regex. [] here would be
> enough.

Unfortunately, removing the /g and the + doesn't help.  (Updated code 

> 2. You may opt to use perldoc -f map instead of foreach here.

I don't fully understand map yet. =:\  That's why I'm using foreach.

> 3. Since the foreach aliases the variable, you can modify the array in-place.

Sorry, but you've lost me here.  Could you give an example?


my $string = 'Off The Menu';

my @words = split(/ /, $string);
my @new_words;
foreach my $word (@words) {
if ((length $word >= 3 and length $word <= 4) and ! ($word =~ 
m/^[aeiouy]$/i or $word =~ m/^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]$/i)) {
$word = uc($word);
push @new_words, $word;
$string = "@new_words";

print $string . "\n";

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Re: Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-09-08 Thread Marc
On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Rob Dixon wrote:

> $string =~ s/\b([aeiouy]{3,4}|[^aeiouy]{3,4})\b/\U$1/ig;

Thanks to everyone who responded.  I was trying to be concise but I 
went about it the wrong way and ended up creating more work for myself.  I like 
the above code as it allows me to use the original string without having to 
split it and create new arrays just for this one feature, and it's simpler than 
I had hoped for.  Most importantly, I understand it!  =;)

Thanks again,
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Re: Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-10-06 Thread Marc
On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Rob Dixon wrote:

> my $string = 'The Kcl Group';
> $string =~ s/\b([aeiouy]{3,4}|[^aeiouy]{3,4})\b/\U$1/ig;
> print $string, "\n";

I'd like to revisit this, if I could.  I've modified the above regex so 
as not to capitalize ordinal numbers, however I've noticed that it produces 
incorrect output if the word has an apostrophe.  Given:

my $string = "rex's chicken on 51st st. at lkj";
$string =~ s/\b([aeiouy]{3,4}|[^aeiouy0123456789]{3,4})\b/uc($1)/eg;

the output is:
Rex'S Chicken on 51st ST. at LKJ

It should be:
Rex's Chicken on 51st St. at LKJ

I Googled and tried everything I'd found, but I can't fix it.  Again, 
that line should capitalize 3 and 4 letter words that have either all vowels or 
all capitals.  The code I found below works great for capitalization except for 
that one regex which throws a wrench into it.




use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std );

my @small_words = qw( (?

Re: Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-10-06 Thread Marc
On Oct 6, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:

> You should go back to your original character class of [bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]

Making this change fixed the "Rex'S" problem, but it didn't capitalize 
LKJ because the rest of the code had capitalized the acronym as Lkj.  So I 
changed that line to:
$string =~ 

and now it works, even though it's a mile long. ;)  Thanks for helping me to 
think about it differently.

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Re: Capitalizing Acronyms

2011-10-07 Thread Marc
On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:07 AM, Rob Dixon wrote:

> Just add the /i modifer (as you had originally) and there is no need to list 
> both the upper and lower case alphabetics.

Of course.  Err...  :\

> Capturing parenthese should be avoided unless the are needed

This I don't understand.  Since we're using $1 we need them, no?

>  $string =~ s/\b(?:[aeiouy]{3,4}|[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{3,4})\b/\U$1/gi;

This gave me an error of "use of uninitialized value $1 in uc".  
Removing the non-capturing code works though;

$string =~ s/\b([aeiouy]{3,4}|[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{3,4})\b/\U$1/ig;

This now allows me to step it down to {2,4} without capitalizing the 
'st' in 51st.

Thanks again,
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Re: 2 files, 1 package, shared constants

2009-03-01 Thread Marc Lucksch

Stanisław T. Findeisen schrieb:

Hash: SHA1

Hello there

My application consists of several files. Some of them are to be run as
CGI scripts, the others from command line. There is also a "common" file
with constants and shared routines.

The question is: what is the most standard way to export constants from
that common file so that they could be used in the other files?

The Exporter.

package MyPackage;

use warnings;
use strict;

use constant {
~MY_FIRST_CONSTANT => 'hello world!'

*MY_SECOND_CONSTANT = [1, 3, 7];

sub routine1 {
~print "Hello from routine1! $MyPackage::MY_SECOND_CONSTANT\n";

This is scary, what is with the typegobs there?

I would do something like this.
package MyPackage;

use warnings;
use strict;
use constant {
MY_FIRST_CONSTANT => 'hello world!'
use Exporter;

#...@export_ok would be better

our $MY_SECOND_CONSTANT = [1, 3, 7];

sub routine1 {
print "Hello from routine1! $MY_SECOND_CONSTANT\n";

== ==

use MyPackage;


see perldoc Exporter

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Comparison of the comma versus the period in print statements

2009-12-22 Thread Marc Perry

I noticed that most beginner texts will introduce and use print like this:

print $moose, $squirrel, $boris, "\n";

However, when I review code from CPAN, I often (typically) see:

print $bullwinkle . $rocky . $natasha . "\n";

As I recall, print is a list operator (and therefore the comma syntax is
used to separate items in a list), but is catenation somehow faster/more
memory efficient?



What is the difference between: 'my $var = 1' vs. 'my ( $var ) = 1'?

2010-04-20 Thread Marc Perry
At the introductory level it seems like I have often seen code like this:

use strict;

my $var = 1;

And as I review other peoples' scripts I have often encountered code like

use strict;

my ( $this, $that, $the_other );

Which I interpreted as a mechanism to declare a number of scalar variables
with a minimum of typing.  But lately I've been seeing this syntax and I was
wondering if it was fundamentally different (and somehow more desirable):

use strict;

my ( $var ) = 1;

As if $var is being declared in a list context; what, if anything, do I get
by including parentheses when declaring a single variable?



Unintended behavior: Range operator inside a while loop continues to pattern match on the subsequent file

2011-04-21 Thread Marc Perry

I was parsing a collection of HTML files where I wanted to extract a certain
block from each file, like this:

> ./ *.html

my $accumulator;
my $capture_counter;

while ( <> ) {
if ( //.../labelsub/ ) {
$accumulator .= $_ unless /labelsub/;
if ( /labelsub/ && !$capture_counter ) {
print $accumulator;
$capture_counter = 1;
else {
else {
continue { # flush out the variables and clean up
   if ( eof ) {
close ARGV;
$accumulator = '';
$capture_counter = '';

The bit about the $capture_counter is because some of the files have
multiple blocks of text that could be accumulated, and I only want the first
block in the file.

This usually works fine, until I encountered an input file that did not
contain the string 'labelsub' after the first '' regex pattern match.
Then the conditional if test continued to search in the incoming lines in
the next file (because I am processing a whole batch using the while (<>)
operator), which it eventually found, and then printed nothing, because at
the end-of-file of the previous file, the script flushed the contents of the

One solution is to just run the same script individually on each file, but I
was wondering if there was a way to reset the 'state' of the range operator
pattern match at the end of the physical file (or at any other time for that



Re: Unintended behavior: Range operator inside a while loop continues to pattern match on the subsequent file

2011-04-21 Thread Marc Perry
Beautiful; I should've known that brian d foy would have come up with a
solution--I even have a copy of that book!



On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Brian Fraser  wrote:

> Brian.
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Marc Perry wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was parsing a collection of HTML files where I wanted to extract a
>> certain
>> block from each file, like this:
>> > ./ *.html
>> my $accumulator;
>> my $capture_counter;
>> while ( <> ) {
>>if ( //.../labelsub/ ) {
>>$accumulator .= $_ unless /labelsub/;
>>if ( /labelsub/ && !$capture_counter ) {
>>print $accumulator;
>>$capture_counter = 1;
>>else {
>>else {
>> }
>> continue { # flush out the variables and clean up
>>   if ( eof ) {
>>close ARGV;
>>$accumulator = '';
>>$capture_counter = '';
>> }
>> The bit about the $capture_counter is because some of the files have
>> multiple blocks of text that could be accumulated, and I only want the
>> first
>> block in the file.
>> This usually works fine, until I encountered an input file that did not
>> contain the string 'labelsub' after the first '' regex pattern match.
>> Then the conditional if test continued to search in the incoming lines in
>> the next file (because I am processing a whole batch using the while (<>)
>> operator), which it eventually found, and then printed nothing, because at
>> the end-of-file of the previous file, the script flushed the contents of
>> the
>> accumulator.
>> One solution is to just run the same script individually on each file, but
>> I
>> was wondering if there was a way to reset the 'state' of the range
>> operator
>> pattern match at the end of the physical file (or at any other time for
>> that
>> matter)?
>> Thanks,
>> --Marc

Re: Unintended behavior: Range operator inside a while loop continues to pattern match on the subsequent file

2011-04-21 Thread Marc Perry
Thanks, Paul.  A very thoughtful response--I will try this out (I don't
recall every encountering the ?? operator, but if it works as advertised I
will likely use it a lot).


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:29 PM, Paul Johnson  wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 01:42:42PM -0400, Marc Perry wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was parsing a collection of HTML files where I wanted to extract a
> certain
> > block from each file, like this:
> This is where everyone will tell you to use some dedicated HTML parsing
> module.
> > > ./ *.html
> >
> > my $accumulator;
> > my $capture_counter;
> >
> > while ( <> ) {
> > if ( //.../labelsub/ ) {
> > $accumulator .= $_ unless /labelsub/;
> > if ( /labelsub/ && !$capture_counter ) {
> > print $accumulator;
> > $capture_counter = 1;
> > }
> > else {
> > next;
> > }
> > }
> > else {
> > next;
> > }
> > }
> > continue { # flush out the variables and clean up
> >if ( eof ) {
> > close ARGV;
> > $accumulator = '';
> > $capture_counter = '';
> > }
> > }
> >
> > The bit about the $capture_counter is because some of the files have
> > multiple blocks of text that could be accumulated, and I only want the
> first
> > block in the file.
> >
> > This usually works fine, until I encountered an input file that did not
> > contain the string 'labelsub' after the first '' regex pattern match.
> > Then the conditional if test continued to search in the incoming lines in
> > the next file (because I am processing a whole batch using the while (<>)
> > operator), which it eventually found, and then printed nothing, because
> at
> > the end-of-file of the previous file, the script flushed the contents of
> the
> > accumulator.
> >
> > One solution is to just run the same script individually on each file,
> but I
> > was wondering if there was a way to reset the 'state' of the range
> operator
> > pattern match at the end of the physical file (or at any other time for
> that
> > matter)?
> No, there isn't (unless you want to get fancy and use a closure or
> something) and so you'll need to find some other way to "end" the range.
> The obvious other end point is the end of file, and so you can have your
> range operator as:
>if ( // ... /labelsub/ || eof ) {
> This will ensure that the range operator "ends" by the end of each file,
> but you'd need to do extra work because of the logic of the rest of your
> program.  So let's see if we can do something about that.
> Whilst it doesn't make a difference to the logic, I prefer to jump out
> of a loop early if I find it doesn't satisfy the conditions I'm looking
> for.  So I think that:
>next unless // .. /labelsub/ || eof;
> looks tidier than the if else conditional.
> Then there's your logic to ensure you only count the first block in each
> file.  Perl has the little-known ?? counterpart to // which will only
> match once.  So making that line:
>next unless ?? .. /labelsub/ || eof;
> Allows you to get rid of the $capture_counter variable.  But you'll need
> to add a reset to the continue block, to reset the ?? at the start of a
> new file.
> Finally, with this change you may as well just print $accumulator in the
> continue block too.  So we end up with
>my $accumulator;
>while ( <> ) {
>next unless ?? .. /labelsub/ || eof;
>$accumulator .= $_ unless /labelsub/;
> }
>continue { # flush out the variables and clean up
>if ( eof ) {
> print $accumulator;
>$accumulator = '';
> which, I think, does what you are after.
> The docs mention that ?? is vaguely deprecated:
>This usage is vaguely deprecated, which means it just might possibly
>be removed in some distant future version of Perl, perhaps somewhere
>around the year 2168.
> That doesn't sound too bad, but there was some talk of an earlier
> deprecation of the bare ?? syntax, so it might be safer to use m??
> instead.
> Interestingly (for me), this is the first time in over 20 years that I
> have found a legitimate use for ??, and the associated reset.
> --
> Paul Johnson -

Tips or Tricks to print out tab-separated data?

2013-06-21 Thread Marc Perry

I routinely generate rows of tab-separated data like this;

my @array = ( "boris", "natasha", "rocky", "bullwinkle");
print join "\t", @array, "\n";

However this code inserts an extra tab between bullwinkle and the newline

So when it is important I do this instead:
print join "\t", @array;
print "\n";

I suppose you could put both statements on a single line.  Is there a
simpler/faster way to generate this output:


-- Marc

Installing Module::Build::Tiny from CPAN fails . . . because it requires Module::Build::Tiny!?! WTF?

2014-02-15 Thread Marc Perry
Has anyone else encountered this?  I had to dig down deep in my testing
lore and run 'prove -v t/simple.t' before I could find the STDERR that
revealed this.  When I reviewed the files in the Module, sure enough:
use Module::Build::Tiny (which unfortunately I don't have and am trying to
install).  Surely this is a bug?


Re: Installing Module::Build::Tiny from CPAN fails . . . because it requires Module::Build::Tiny!?! WTF?

2014-02-16 Thread Marc Perry
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your reply; it led me to an insight I was lacking.  I was not
making a distinction between using a module that is somewhere in @INC, and
a module that has been successfully installed.  I think the solution for me
lies in Ch. 2 of Intermediate Perl (2nd ed.), I just have to try a few
variations until I get it to work.


On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 7:13 PM,  wrote:

>   Hi Marc,
> Version 0.034 installed ok for me on Strawberry Perl.
> The simple.t test script was unable to unlink a dll it had created and
> produced a few warnings in relation to that – but the tests still passed
> and the module installed.
> (Strawberry Perl ships with Module-Build-Tiny, so in order to emulate your
> situation I removed it before trying to install the module using
> cpan.)
> Cheers,
> Rob
>   *From:* Marc Perry 
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 16, 2014 8:34 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Installing Module::Build::Tiny from CPAN fails . . . because
> it requires Module::Build::Tiny!?! WTF?
>   Has anyone else encountered this?  I had to dig down deep in my testing
> lore and run 'prove -v t/simple.t' before I could find the STDERR that
> revealed this.  When I reviewed the files in the Module, sure enough:
> use Module::Build::Tiny (which unfortunately I don't have and am trying to
> install).  Surely this is a bug?
> --Marc

Re: Installing Module::Build::Tiny from CPAN fails . . . because it requires Module::Build::Tiny!?! WTF?

2014-02-17 Thread Marc Perry
Hi Brian,

Very nicely explained.  I suppose Perl Beginners is not the best forum for
this question.  I clearly didn't understand the various ways to use prove.



On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Brian Fraser  wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Marc Perry wrote:
>> Has anyone else encountered this?  I had to dig down deep in my testing
>> lore and run 'prove -v t/simple.t' before I could find the STDERR that
>> revealed this.  When I reviewed the files in the Module, sure enough:
>> use Module::Build::Tiny (which unfortunately I don't have and am trying
>> to install).  Surely this is a bug?
> Well no, it's not a bug. Step back and consider: How else is a module
> going to test itself, if not by using its own functions?
> What your prove line is missing is a -b, which, after either 'make' or
> './Build', will include the paths to the files the module needs in @INC.
> For what it's worth, M::B::T install fine for me on Android and OS X -- if
> you can still reproduce your build issue, it'd probably be pretty helpful
> to report it in the module's github page.

Re: Help with Perl 6 script

2019-08-12 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Rui,

> I have this Perl 6 script from Rosetta, which I wanted to run on Perl 5
> (due to the Active Sate Perl and App version that I have).

Perl6 and Perl5 are very different. you need to download a perl6
interpretor if you want to run perl6 code.

please check


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Re: perl scalar

2006-09-26 Thread Marc Sacks

Odd. I just tried the same code snippet and it worked fine.

You might try putting a space before and after your "=" signs. I don't 
know if that makes a difference, but it won't hurt.

Marc Sacks

D. Bolliger wrote:

elite elite am Montag, 25. September 2006 22:27:

I not sure what i doing wroung.

I'm not sure either :-)



This is wrong syntax; "Street" is not a scalar variable, while "$street" would 


print "$street\n";

$street is undef here, you didn't assign anything to the $street variable.



That's ok, but never used.


And i get this output.

Weird, I can't explain that. Your code (is it a snippet from the actual code?) 
does not even compile on my box and (correctly) emits the error:

 Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at - line 1,
 near ""Wright";"
 Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.

- How exactly did you invoke your code?
- What is output if you run the code:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $street='Wright'; # ok, why not :-)
print "$street\n";
print "$street\n";





Marc Sacks, Ed.D. | Quality Assurance Manager
Lextranet | 107 Union Wharf | Boston, MA 02109
(617) 227-4469 Extension 228 

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Re: perl scalar

2006-09-26 Thread Marc Sacks
I guess I didn't quite use the original code. I made the mistake of 
typing what it should have been instead of what it was:


print "$street\n";

It's amazing what a dollar sign and a change of case can do.


Hello Marc


Odd. I just tried the same code snippet and it worked fine.

Do you refer to the original code?


 print "$street\n";

This would be very odd?!?


You might try putting a space before and after your "=" signs.

Yes, many people consider this better formatting style...


I don't know if that makes a difference, but it won't hurt.

... but it won't change the interpretation of the code by perl :-)



Marc Sacks, Ed.D. | Quality Assurance Manager
Lextranet | 107 Union Wharf | Boston, MA 02109
(617) 227-4469 Extension 228 

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Re: Standard input errors

2006-09-26 Thread Marc Sacks

elite elite wrote:

Here are my error:

String found where operator expected at line
15, near "print ""
 (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on
line 11)
   (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
Backslash found where operator expected at
line 15, near "print "\"
   (Do you need to predeclare print?)
Backslash found where operator expected at
line 15, near "address\"
String found where operator expected at line
15, at end of line
   (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
syntax error at line 15, near "print ""
Global symbol "$address" requires explicit package
name at line 11.
Global symbol "$name" requires explicit package name
at line 11.
Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF
at line 15.

here my code.I not sure what i did wroung here.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $street='Wright'; 
print "$street\n";

print "$street\n";
print "One major street in madison is Washington\n";
print  "enter your address"/n";
my $address

$name =<>;
print "\nPerl has received your address\n";

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I don't think this is your whole problem, but I did notice this error:

print  "enter your address"/n";

Along with typing a forward slash instead of a backslash, you have an extra double-quote. This means that perl reads 

print  "enter your address"

and has no idea what to with the 

Then, it sees the following text string:

my $address

$name =<>;
print "

It probably takes this as a scalar and has no idea how to process it; and after 
that, it gets some more funny text followed by another unresolved double-quote.


Marc Sacks, Ed.D. | Quality Assurance Manager
Lextranet | 107 Union Wharf | Boston, MA 02109
(617) 227-4469 Extension 228 

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message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in 
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Thank you.

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Non-deprecated way to capture array length

2006-10-09 Thread Marc Sacks
I needed to find out the length of an array and did it by referencing 
the array in scalar context. However, "use warnings" indicated that this 
is a deprecated feature.  Is there a non-deprecated way to do this 
(other than looping through the whole array until I run out of 
elements)? Thanks.

Marc Sacks, Ed.D. | Quality Assurance Manager
Lextranet | 107 Union Wharf | Boston, MA 02109
(617) 227-4469 Extension 228 

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message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in 
error, please notify us immediately by telephone at 617-227-4469 Ext. 228.  
Thank you.

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Using HTTP and LWP

2003-01-14 Thread Dorcel Marc
I'm using an existing program that perform HTTP
Request. In a POST request I found 
this :
my $request = POST($URL
   Content => [ 'user'   => $user,
'pwd' => $pwd,
'no_auth'  => '1',

Can someone says me what means "no_auth" ??

Thanks a lot


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trailing white space

2003-02-07 Thread Fromm, Marc

I created a script that reads a file and attaches a string infront of each read in 
item.  When the file is saved with the changes though, each item has a blank line 
between the next item.  The original text document does is single sapced.

Original tesxt file

Saved text file
string item1

string item2

string item3

I think what his happening is when the items are read in lots of white space is 
attached to the end of the string.

Is there a way to remove only trailing white space, from a string, but retain white 
spaces with in the string?


Marc Fromm
Computer Systems Specialist
University of Montana--Western
710 South Atlantic Street
Dillon, MT 59725


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Re: Perl Newbie - Need good book recommendation

2003-09-27 Thread Marc Adler
* Ed Yost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-27 14:29]:
> Hi all,
> I am a complete newbie to perl and have no programming experience. Do 
> any of you have a good recommendation on a book or resource for a 
> beginner such as myself?

I'm using O'Reilly's _Learning Perl_ and it's very clear. Like you, I
have no programming experience (except for BASIC and Pascal in high
school over ten years ago of which I remember exactly zero), and find
the book's hand-holding style (jokes, focusing on one specific topic at
a time, building on each concept, etc.) reassuring. I tried using online
tutorials like the other replier suggests, but got lost. I think that
method works if you know something about programming already, because
most of the tutorials I came across (granted, they may not have been the
best ones, and I didn't try hundreds before going for the book) assume a
certain level of familiarity with basic programming concepts which I
didn't have.

Sat, 27 Sep 2003 16:17:00 -1000
Linux 2.4.20-20.9
Mutt 1.4.1i (2003-03-19)

A legion of French Bosoms could not match the lucid beauty of your toenails!

-- the surreal compliment generator
Marc Adler

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Re: Perl Vs ...

2003-09-22 Thread Marc Adler
* Tassilo von Parseval <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-09-21 20:27]:
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 09:28:21PM -0400 Paul Kraus wrote:
> > Perl was pretty much my first language. Not counting Business Basic and same
> > old Pascal from high school. The more I learn the more I see that perl can
> > handle just about anything I want to do. How do you go about deciding if you
> > should use another tool such as C++ over perl? I am thinking about learning
> > another language and trying to decide what language would be best to learn.
> > To expand my skill set. Suggestions, Ideas, Book Recommendations?
> I was always of the opinion that knowing C is one of the essential
> things. Too many vital stuff is nowadays hidden away from the user in
> more recent languages (such as portability issues and memory management
> for instance).
> C also has the advantage that it integrates tightly into perl. You can
> write Perl modules as C extensions which is fun and will teach you a lot
> about perl and how interpreters in general work.
> However, C's learning curve is rather steep (but shorter than Perl's).

Would learning C++ do just as well? On many of the C/C++-related
websites/newsgroups they say that there's no point in learning C because
you'll have to unlearn a bunch of "bad habits" when you learn C++ (I
don't know either language, so I don't know what those habits might be).

Also, how commonly is perl learned as a first language?

> $_=q#",}])!JAPH!qq(tsuJ[{@"tnirp}3..0}_$;//::niam/s~=)]3[))_$-3(rellac(=_$({
> pam{rekcahbus})(rekcah{lrePbus})(lreP{rehtonabus})!JAPH!qq(rehtona{tsuJbus#;
> $_=reverse,s+(?<=sub).+q#q!'"qq.\t$&."'!#+sexisexiixesixeseg;y~\n~~;eval

What's all that?

Sun, 21 Sep 2003 21:12:00 -1000
Linux 2.4.20-20.9
Mutt 1.4.1i (2003-03-19)

Fear not the earl lest I had conquered him and peopled else this isle
with Calibans.
-- the surreal compliment generator

Marc Adler

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Re: How to speed up two arrays compare.

2009-02-12 Thread Marc Lucksch

kevin liu schrieb:

But this algorithm takes a long time to compare, could you please
help to improve this piece of
code to less the time needed?

Thanks in advance.

I don't know if it's faster, but you can also use the smart-match 
operator of perl5.10.0.

use feature ':5.10';
use strict;
use warnings;

my @a=qw/A B C/;
my @b=qw/A B C/;
my @c=qw/C A B/;

say "\...@a=\@b" if @a ~~ @b; # True
say "\...@a=\@c" if @a ~~ @c; # Won't work this way, wrong order

my %match;
@mat...@c}=(1) x @c;
say "\...@a=\@c" if @a ~~ %match; # But this works.

Or if you don't have perl5.10.0

print "\...@c=\@a\n" if @{...@match{@a}]} == scalar(@a) ; #Not perl5.10.0 way

Does anyone have a better idea how to force list context in the last line?

scalar(@mat...@a}) returns 1, the first element, not 3

Marc "Maluku" Lucksch

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Re: Reading 2 array lists

2009-02-22 Thread marc ritorto

I installed the latest 5.10 and it does not work

this is the error message

Can't locate List/ in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/site/lib
b .) at C:\scripts\doubletakecheck\ line 4.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\scripts\doubletakecheck\ line

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Chas. Owens  wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 15:19, marc ritorto  wrote:
> > will this module work with activestate perl ?
> snip
> With ActivePerl you need to look at the build status page* to see if a
> given module works.  It looks like it works with Perl 5.8, but not
> Perl 5.6.  You should be able to install it with the PPM**.
> * for Perl 5.6 and
> for Perl 5.8
> **
> --
> Chas. Owens
> The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

which mailing list?

2001-12-19 Thread Marc Grober

I was using CPAN on aix433 with perl5.6 and was installing MD5 when I 
got this error

make:cc_r: Command not found
make: *** [MD5.o] Error 127

To which of the dozens of perl lists should I post to find out what 

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installation under aix

2001-12-19 Thread Marc Grober

I have installed perl 5.6.1 under aix via an lpp from the Bull 
distribution. The file indicates that CC='cc_r' but
there is no such file. If I create a link from /usr/local/bin/gcc
the make runs but it bombs with compiler errors. Does anyone know:
a) if aix requires perl to be compiled with something other than gcc 
(seems I had seen that somewheres) b) where to file the configure 
command in the lpp c) whether there is some way to set gcc to do the 
make successfully and d) which of the now gazillion lists is intended to 
address such issues (I have already posted to aix-l)

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Trying to extract an email address

2002-02-14 Thread Marc Morrison

Hi all,

I am a newbie and really enjoy this list.  I have what
i am sure is a fairly easy question, but I need help.

I have a text file which contains much un-needed data,
but also contains a bunch of email addresses I need. 
I have been succesful in the basics of opening the
file and putting the contents into an array.

However, I have had a problem extracting the email

I used the grep/@/ function an this returned all the
lines that contained an email address.  However, I
don't want the whole line, just the email address.

I tried the nongreedy modifier grep/@?/ but this
didn't work.

Any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.


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Extracting Multiple Lines

2002-02-21 Thread Marc Morrison

I have an online form that has a "Comments" field.  I
need to extract ALL of the information from the
comments field.  

Each "Comments" line begins with Comment: so the
/^Comments/ works to match that, however the user may,
or may not enter a new line in their comments and they
may or may not start from the line where "Comments" is

Also there are no delimiting characters to search. 
And one more problem is that they rarely end the
sentence with a period.  The only good news is that
there are never more than 4 lines.  But because there
is almost always a newline, I can't use:

while <>

because it searches line by line.

Any suggestions on capturing several lines at once?



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Multiple lines - I must be doing something wrong

2002-02-23 Thread Marc Morrison

I have an online form that has a "Comments" field.  I
need to extract ALL of the information from the
comments field.  

Each "Comments" line begins with Comment: so the
/^Comments/ works to match that, however the user may,
or may not enter a new line in their comments and they
may or may not start from the line where "Comments" is

Also there are no delimiting characters to search. 
And one more problem is that they rarely end the
sentence with a period.  The only good news is that
there are never more than 4 lines.  But because there
is almost always a newline, I can't use:

while <>

because it searches line by line.

I posted on line and got a very helpful response to

local $/ = undef;  

However I put this at the beginning of my script and
nothing matched.  I am still using the while<>.  Is
this what is messing it up?



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Re: Multiple lines - I must be doing something wrong

2002-02-23 Thread Marc Morrison

The form generally has input as follows:

Comment:  comment 1 then a new line
then comment two then a new line
then comment three

I am trying to capture all three lines of this
Comment: field.

The script looks like:

$/ = undef;
while <>;
if /^Comment:(\s*)(\w*)/
print $2;

Hope this helps;

Marc Morrison

--- Michael Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/23/02 3:52 PM, Marc Morrison
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have an online form that has a "Comments" field.
>  I
> > need to extract ALL of the information from the
> > comments field.  
> > 
> > Each "Comments" line begins with Comment: so the
> > /^Comments/ works to match that, however the user
> may,
> > or may not enter a new line in their comments and
> they
> > may or may not start from the line where
> "Comments" is
> > written.
> It would help if you could give us some sample data,
> but I think I know what
> you're talking about. Is it something along the
> lines of this?
> Comment: line 1
> Comment: line 2
> Comment: line 3
> > Also there are no delimiting characters to search.
> > And one more problem is that they rarely end the
> > sentence with a period.  The only good news is
> that
> > there are never more than 4 lines.  But because
> there
> > is almost always a newline, I can't use:
> > 
> > while <>
> > 
> > because it searches line by line.
> > 
> > I posted on line and got a very helpful response
> to
> > use:
> > 
> > local $/ = undef;
> > 
> > However I put this at the beginning of my script
> and
> > nothing matched.  I am still using the while<>. 
> Is
> > this what is messing it up?
> It might help if you posted the code you're using
> right now.
> I'm really not sure if this is right (sample data
> and code would help), but
> this might work:
> # assuming this is the kind of data you're talking
> about
> $comments = <<_COMMENTS_;
> Comment: line 1
> Comment: line 2
> Comment: line 3
> my $data;
> # run through each line and collect the data
> while ($comments =~ /^Comment: (.+)$/gm){
> $data .= "$1\n";
> }
> print "$data";
> # END CODE #
> To examine the regex itself:
> /^Comment: (.+)$/gm
> The 'm' switch allows the ^ and $ to match at the
> beginning and end of
> lines, instead of the entire string, and the 'g'
> option allows global
> matching. The '(.+)' traps one or more of anything,
> and sets it to $1.
> NOTE:  This regex assumes there's a space after the
> "Comment:". If you can't
> be sure that there will be either remove the space
> or replace it with " ?"
> (space-question mark; matches 0 or 1 spaces).
> That said, I may have totally misunderstood your
> problem. If so, just ignore
> this email :)
> Hope that helps,
> -- 
> Michael
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

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Re: Text search engine [OT]

2008-08-21 Thread Marc van Driel

Hi Dermont/Ray,

Please check out the MRS system ( It has a SOAP 
interface to perl and other languages, and is extremely fast in indexing 
and retrieval. MRS is a generic tool and you can index yourself, but 
also dowload indexed bio-databanks. The source code is in C++ and is 
available as well.

Teaching material is available but tailored towards biologists.



Raymond Wan schreef:

Hi Dermot,

Off-topic, so I hope no one minds if I reply.

Perl is good at manipulating text strings, but that doesn't usually 
help search engine implementations.  A search engine (or information 
retrieval system) has to be fast and after it has tokenized the 
document collection or query, you're basically comparing integers 
(i.e., a lookup table that maps an integer to a word in a 
dictionary).  Actually, even during the initial mapping, a C-style 
strcmp would be sufficient.  I doubt a fast search engine would actual 
perform string matching using regular expressions.

Of course, a Perl implementation might be interesting as a learning 
tool for students.  But as an IR system that is suppose to be run in 
the "real world" and not in the class room...I don't think you will 
see a Perl system anytime soon.  I think if you wrote quick Perl and 
C/C++ implementations that merely tokenize a collection (let's say of 
the range in GBs), you'll know what I am talking about.  Of course, in 
the classroom, a lecturer might just want the students to play with 
something that is a MB or less...if so, I think Perl would be good and 
students might even prefer it...  :-)


Dermot wrote:

I am looking for a text search engine that has a Perl interface. I
have found a few, Lucene, OpenFTS and Swish-E. OpenFTS hasn't had a
release of the last 3 years. That makes me nervous about using it.
Lucene is java based. I have zero java experience but there is Perl
Module into a 'C++ port API of Lucene'. There is also a thread on
perlmonks about the performance penalty of tying Perl to Java. I am a
bit surprised that the there isn't a more native Perl text search
engine given Perl's agility with text strings.

Could anyone recommend any of the above or suggest an alternative?

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RE: case

2002-04-22 Thread Marc te Vruchte

Well, there isn't a real case statement as in C or Pascal, but, you can emulate
one through a block =)

SWITCH: for ($str_fruit) { 
if (/apple/) {
last SWITCH;
if (/banana/) {
  last SWITCH;
if (/orange/) {
last SWITCH;

Hope this helps,


| Hi,
| there is in Perl a statement "case" like in "C" or in "Pascal" ???
| Walter

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Ok- real dumb question

2002-05-07 Thread Marc M Dawson

I am supposed to parse a text file such as this-
781457  Hartanto Victor Setiawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
777557  Hatfield Benjamin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
779777  Henry James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
777947  Hergert Michael William <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
778097  Iverson Jennifer Marsee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As you can see... some people have middle names and some dont... how would I
go about parsing this text file and putting each into it own seperate
entity, except if there is a middle name, in which case I want it to be
joint first and middle.  I realize that I am supposed to use some kind of
split function, however I am unsure how to use it fully, and the prfessor
didnt go over it too much.
Thanks for any help!

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RE: Perl Cookbook

2002-05-15 Thread Marc te Vruchte

You can checkout the PLEAC sourceforge project, it has all recipes the cookbook
has.. The difference between PLEAC and the book is that PLEAC doesn't offer 
any motivation or explanation with the recipes..

The project:

Perl specific:

Furthermore i must say that buying the cookbook is well worth your money, it's a 
great and very useful book..



| Hi Folks,
| I've just worked my way though the learning perl (lama book) 3rd edition and
| I must say I found it very good, and after lurking in here for a while and
| hearing people talk about the perl cookbook. I took a wander over to amazon
| and read the reviews, pretty so, so I though and for a technical book that
| was written/published in 1998 it seems fairly old. So, my question is, is it
| worth buying or should I just wait till the next/lastest version comes out ?
| Thanks,
| Patrick

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Re: Newbie: Move to next entry

2001-11-30 Thread Marc-André Landry

> I have delimited the fields in the logfile by ","..and delimited the
> last field for each entry with a "*".
> How do I get it to move to the next entry after the *, and print that to
> screen?
> open(READFILE, $log_file) ||
> print "The log file could not be opened",$BR;
> while()
> { @data = split( /\n/);

Why are you looking for the end of line if your next entry should be after a
* ? I'm not a guru perl but this one is seem to be the same error I would do
without thinking to it! Don't be shy, I am to a lower Perl knowledge but I
do lot of my code in Java but there's not only Java in the world... proud to
learn Perl's langage in those Java world...

And also... you may not keep your file open while printing to the screen...
what would append if to user try to one read the file and the other to write
to it... Don't know the code but I know it could be easilly done by
assigning the fille content to an Array, which will contain every line of
the file... Some guru migth help on this one!

By the way pardon me for my english... Ya Foeb With Beg or yet another
french on a english board with bad english grammar :P

> foreach $entry (@data)
> { ($d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j)= split(/,/, $entry);
> print "First Name : ", $d, $BR;
> print "Last Name : ", $e, $BR;
> print "City : ", $f, $BR;
> print "State : ", $g, $BR;
> print "Country : ", $h, $BR;
> print "Email : ", $i, $BR;
> print "Comments : ", $j, $BR;
> }
> }
> close(READFILE);

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Re: DBI driving me nuts ... !

2009-10-29 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Have you tried to print @row?


use Mysql;

$dbh = Mysql->connect("localhost","
> mailscanner","root","c0nc3pt") or
> die ("Error " . Mysql->errno . " - " . Mysql->errstr);
> $sql = "SELECT to_address FROM maillog LIMIT 10;";
> $sth = $dbh->query($sql) or die ("Error " . Mysql->errno . " - " .
> Mysql->errstr);
> while (@row = $sth->fetchrow){
>print "@row /n";
> }


2009/10/6 Gregory Machin 

> Hi
> Please can you advise ?
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use Mysql;
> $dbh = Mysql->connect("localhost","mailscanner","root","c0nc3pt") or
> die ("Error " . Mysql->errno . " - " . Mysql->errstr);
> $sql = "SELECT to_address FROM maillog LIMIT 10;";
> $sth = $dbh->query($sql) or die ("Error " . Mysql->errno . " - " .
> Mysql->errstr);
> while (@row = $sth->fetchrow){
>print "$row /n";
> }
> which gives this
> [r...@mail10 ~]# perl
>  /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n /n[r...@mail10 ~]#
> when it should give the same output as
> Database changed
> mysql> SELECT to_address FROM maillog LIMIT 10
>-> ;
> ++
> | to_address |
> ++
> ||
> | |
> |   |
> | |
> ||
> |  |
> | |
> | |
> ||
> ||
> ++
> 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql>
> what am I doing wrong ?
> Thanks
> --
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> For additional commands, e-mail:

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent Villar

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807
Email :

two errors

2010-10-28 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Hi every body

 recently i compiled a svmlight perl module two use svmlight program with

to compile a patch is needed and as i wanted to run it under linux in a 64
bits machine, i used the flag make " CFLAGS='-fPIC -O3' " after applaying a

 the compilation worked fine, but when ever i try to build  an object i get
get the following error

usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error:
undefined symbol: set_learning_defaults

I would appreciate is some of you could tell me what does "symbol lookup
error" and "undefined symbol" means, by the way,  set_learning_defaults is
deffined at the patch


Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent Villar

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon:  (+34)935 86 89 39
Email :

Re: two errors

2010-10-29 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Hi Shiomi

 Thanks for your answer, i compiled this program with a 32 bits machine and
everything worked, but now this machine is dead, as long as the two versions
of linux are different, can the problem due to different compilers version?


2010/10/29 Shlomi Fish 

> Hi Pau,
> On Thursday 28 October 2010 16:04:19 Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> > Hi every body
> >
> >  recently i compiled a svmlight perl module two use svmlight program with
> > perl
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > to compile a patch is needed and as i wanted to run it under linux in a
> 64
> > bits machine, i used the flag make " CFLAGS='-fPIC -O3' " after applaying
> a
> > patch
> >
> >  the compilation worked fine, but when ever i try to build  an object i
> get
> > get the following error
> >
> > usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error:
> >
> /usr/local/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Algo
> > rithm/SVMLight/ undefined symbol: set_learning_defaults
> >
> > I would appreciate is some of you could tell me what does "symbol lookup
> > error" and "undefined symbol" means, by the way,  set_learning_defaults
> is
> > deffined at the patch
> These are errors of the GNU linker. I don't know what is causing them but
> we
> can try to investigate. Maybe the set_learning_defaults was defined as a
> static function or it was not an external symbol.
> Regards,
>Shlomi Fish
> --
> -
> Shlomi Fish
> Funny Anti-Terrorism Story -
>  She's a hot chick. But she smokes.
>  She can smoke as long as she's smokin'.
> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent Villar

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon:  (+34)935 86 89 39
Email :

dinamic table creation with

2011-10-28 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Hi everbody!

 I just discovered package and i think it's cool, but i still  having
a couple of dubts

 Imagine i got a pice of script like that

 use DBI;

 use CGI;

my $h=new CGI() ;
 ## some DB connection

print $h->header;
print $h->start_html;

my $query=$q->prepare("select name, age from student");


print "";
while(my @data=Sq->featchrow_array()){

   print "$data[0]$data[1]\n";


print "";

print $h->end_html;

How do you would script the table part on, please, notice that the
table could be really hugh and take a long time to be compleatly written, so
, i would like to be printed as long as i'm reciving the data from the



Re: dinamic table creation with

2011-10-28 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

2011/10/28 Shawn H Corey 

> On 11-10-28 09:22 AM, Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
>> Hi everbody!
>>  I just discovered package and i think it's cool, but i still
>>  having
>> a couple of dubts
>>  Imagine i got a pice of script like that
>>  use DBI;
>>  use CGI;
>> my $h=new CGI() ;
>>  ## some DB connection
>> print $h->header;
>> print $h->start_html;
>> my $query=$q->prepare("select name, age from student");
>> $query->execute();
>> print "";
> print $h->start_table();
>  while(my @data=Sq->featchrow_array()){
>>print "$data[0]$**data[1]\n";
> print $h->Tr( td($data[0]), td($data[1]) );
>> }
>> print "";
> print $h->end_table();
>> print $h->end_html;
>> How do you would script the table part on, please, notice that the
>> table could be really hugh and take a long time to be compleatly written,
>> so
>> , i would like to be printed as long as i'm reciving the data from the
>> select.
>> Thanks
>> P
> --
> Just my 0.0002 million dollars worth,
>  Shawn
> Confusion is the first step of understanding.
> Programming is as much about organization and communication
> as it is about coding.
> The secret to great software:  Fail early & often.
> Eliminate software piracy:  use only FLOSS.
> "Make something worthwhile."  -- Dear Hunter
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: dinamic table creation with

2011-10-28 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Hi Shlomi

 thanks you for your advise, next time i would do it carefully


2011/10/28 Shlomi Fish 

> Hi Pau,
> in addition to what Shawn has written, here are a few comments on your
> code:
> On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 15:22:26 +0200
> Pau Marc Munoz Torres  wrote:
> > Hi everbody!
> >
> >  I just discovered package and i think it's cool, but i still
>  having
> > a couple of dubts
> >
> >  Imagine i got a pice of script like that
> >
> >  use DBI;
> >
> >  use CGI;
> >
> Always start with "use strict;" and "use warnings;":
> > my $h=new CGI() ;
> That should be:
>my $h = CGI->new;
> See:
> You should also give a more meaningful variable name to the CGI instance
> than
> "$h". Maybe "$cgi".
> >  ## some DB connection
> >
> > print $h->header;
> > print $h->start_html;
> >
> > my $query=$q->prepare("select name, age from student");
> Where is $q coming from? $dbh is the common name for the DBI handle.
> >
> > $query->execute();
> >
> > print "";
> > while(my @data=Sq->featchrow_array()){
> Well, ignoring the mis-spellings here and the fact that "$q" should be
> "$query".
> >
> >print "$data[0]$data[1]\n";
> Make sure you avoid HTML injection / Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
> here:
> Regards,
>Shlomi Fish
> >
> > }
> >
> > print "";
> >
> > print $h->end_html;
> >
> >
> > How do you would script the table part on, please, notice that
> the
> > table could be really hugh and take a long time to be compleatly written,
> so
> > , i would like to be printed as long as i'm reciving the data from the
> > select.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > P
> --
> -
> Shlomi Fish
> My Aphorisms -
> There is no IGLU Cabal! Its members can be arranged in N! orders to form N!
> different Cabals. The algorithm to find which order formulates the correct
> IGLU Cabal is NP‐Complete.
> Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

recover data generated by jqurety from a form

2013-05-29 Thread Pau Marc Muñoz Torres
Hi guys

 i have a problem recovering from data using my cgi, lets says i got the
following form

And i want to recover the info generated by the javascript funtion (
getCSVdata() ), do you know how i could do it?

 param('submit') returns "Get CSV File"


Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Re: recover data generated by jqurety from a form

2013-05-29 Thread Pau Marc Muñoz Torres
Yes. It works, i fuond out the solution yesterdey, i did not recover the
csv_text parameter propierly

El 30/05/2013 0:29, "lesleyb"  va escriure:

> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 03:09:51PM +0200, Pau Marc Muñoz Torres wrote:
> > Hi guys
> >
> >  i have a problem recovering from data using my cgi, lets says i got the
> > following form
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  >onclick="getCSVData()">
> > 
> >
> >
> > And i want to recover the info generated by the javascript funtion (
> > getCSVdata() ), do you know how i could do it?
> >
> >  param('submit') returns "Get CSV File"
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Pau Marc Muñoz Torres
> Hi
> The form is working perfectly.  You have a submit button with a specific
> value,
> "Get CSV File".  When you query the value of the submit button you get the
> expected result, "Get CSV file".
> Have you queried the value of the hidden parameter, csv_text, yet?
> Kind Regards
> Lesley
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

dinamic cgi with perl

2008-03-14 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Hi everybody

 i got a program that works in a bash environment, and now, i would like to
make a cgi with it, the objective for this program is check the integrity of
the info provided by some text files and if it finds some error ask you for
some info and i would like to be able to introduce it.

To solve it i was thinking on introduce a javascript code into my cgi, but i
don't know how to pass the variable info between perl and javascript.

could any of you tell me how to do it or give me any idea or give me a
solution of how do it?


Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Re: dinamic cgi with perl

2008-04-02 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

is  There  some easy-understanding "how to use ajax with perl" tutorial

i just need to know how to do a cgi script to launch a prompt (javascript)
and use the answer in my script

please help!!

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Can't find string terminator "EOHTML" anywhere before EOF

2008-04-04 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

 I just copied this script from CGI::Ajax manual at page

  use strict;
  use CGI;  # or any other CGI:: form handler/decoder
  use CGI::Ajax;

  my $cgi = new CGI;
  my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax( 'exported_func' => \&perl_func );

  print $pjx->build_html( $cgi, \&Show_HTML);

  sub perl_func {
my $input = shift;
# do something with $input
my $output = $input . " was the input!";
return( $output );

  sub Show_HTML {
my $html = <

  Enter something:


return $html;

And I get the error:

Can't find string terminator "EOHTML" anywhere before EOF at ./ line

What's wrong?

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Re: Can't find string terminator "EOHTML" anywhere before EOF

2008-04-04 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

 i did in a single line and i keep havinh the problem

my $html = <Enter something:EOHTML

return $html;

2008/4/4, Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> >  I just copied this script from CGI::Ajax manual at page
> >
> >   use strict;
> >   use CGI;  # or any other CGI:: form handler/decoder
> >   use CGI::Ajax;
> >
> >   my $cgi = new CGI;
> >   my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax( 'exported_func' => \&perl_func );
> >
> >   print $pjx->build_html( $cgi, \&Show_HTML);
> >
> >   sub perl_func {
> > my $input = shift;
> > # do something with $input
> > my $output = $input . " was the input!";
> > return( $output );
> >   }
> >
> >   sub Show_HTML {
> > my $html = < > 
> > 
> >   Enter something:
> >  >  onkeyup="exported_func( ['val1'], ['resultdiv'] );">
> >   
> >   
> > 
> > 
> >   EOHTML
> > return $html;
> >   }
> >
> > And I get the error:
> >
> > Can't find string terminator "EOHTML" anywhere before EOF at ./
> line
> > 37.
> >
> > What's wrong?
> The here-document terminator EOHTML must be on its own on the line, i.e.
> there can't be any whitespace before or after it or it won't be found.
> Rob
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

assign javascript variables to a perl variables using ajax

2008-04-04 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
Hi ,

 I got a cgi in perl, in this cgi i use ajax to ejecute a javascript code,
in this code i produce a prompt, and i store the value at the res variable.

now i would like to store this variabe, res into a perl variable ($res),
something like $res=res

How can i do that?



use strict;

use CGI;  # or any other CGI:: form handler/decoder

use CGI::Ajax;

my $cgi = new CGI;

my $pjx = new CGI::Ajax( 'exported_func' => \&perl_func );

my $script=&Show_HTML;

print $pjx->build_html( $cgi, $script);

sub Show_HTML {
my $html .= <

function valor(){
var res;
res=prompt("introduir nom","");

return $html;

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

how to refresh between different pages of the same script

2008-04-08 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
I have to modify a script to  upload different data to a server,

until now i did and script that ask you a question and capture the variable
into a hash (see below), now, i would like to modify it and make something
that allows me to ask different questions using the same script

how can i do this?


#! /usr/bin/perl
#use strict;
use CGI::Ajax;
use CGI;

my $q = new CGI;

my $concatter = sub {

  my $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

  my @pairs = split( /&/, $buffer );

  foreach my $pair (@pairs) {

  my ( $name, $value ) = split( /=/, $pair );

  $name  =~ tr/+/ /;

  $name  =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

  $value =~ tr/+/ /;

  $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

  $Variables{$name} = $value;

  print "";
  foreach (%Variables) {print "$_\n"}

  print "";

  return ;

my $Show_Form = sub {

my $html = "";

$html = <
CGI::Ajax Multiple Return Value Example



return $html;

my $Show_Form2 = sub {

my $html = "";

$html = <
CGI::Ajax Multiple Return Value Example



return $html;

my $pjx = CGI::Ajax->new( 'jsFunc' => $concatter);


print $pjx->build_html($q,$Show_Form); # this outputs the html for the page

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Fwd: how to refresh between different pages of the same script

2008-04-08 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres
I have to modify a script to  upload different data to a server,

until now i did and script that ask you a question and capture the variable
into a hash (see below), now, i would like to modify it and make something
that allows me to ask different questions using the same script

how can i do this?


#! /usr/bin/perl
#use strict;
use CGI::Ajax;
use CGI;

my $q = new CGI;

my $concatter = sub {

  my $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

  my @pairs = split( /&/, $buffer );

  foreach my $pair (@pairs) {

  my ( $name, $value ) = split( /=/, $pair );

  $name  =~ tr/+/ /;

  $name  =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

  $value =~ tr/+/ /;

  $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

  $Variables{$name} = $value;

  print "";
  foreach (%Variables) {print "$_\n"}

  print "";

  return ;

my $Show_Form = sub {

my $html = "";

$html = <
CGI::Ajax Multiple Return Value Example



return $html;

my $Show_Form2 = sub {

my $html = "";

$html = <
CGI::Ajax Multiple Return Value Example



return $html;

my $pjx = CGI::Ajax->new( 'jsFunc' => $concatter);


print $pjx->build_html($q,$Show_Form); # this outputs the html for the page

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Re: About FASTA file

2007-11-12 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

 Fasta file is just a  text file,  so you can read it as any other text file
using perl. The name usually is somthing.fasta, but you can keep the old
name (output.txt)

The format is:

> sequence description
sequence (60 letters)
sequence (60 letters)

For more info, reed this link

2007/11/10, Spiros Denaxas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Nov 8, 3:42 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Auxence Sima) wrote:
> > i have Sequence Data in a file that i named "  OUTPUT.TXT",and hereis my
> question. I would like to create a FASTA  data file, and i wonder  how to
> process. do i have to just take out the info inside the OUTPUT.TXT, and
> keep only  Sequences, and then put them ina FASTA format??  DO i keep the
> same name for the data file???
> >
> >   the second question is : After i have created  the fasta file, will i
> read the info just the same way i would with TXT file???
> >
> >  __
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Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

indexing tables using my owns functions

2007-11-13 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

 I've created a function that return a float value the code for it is :

create function IDR(pin1 varchar(20),pin4 varchar(20),pin6 varchar(20),pin7
varchar(20),pin9 varchar(20),MOL varchar(20)) returns float

declare output float;
declare P1 float;
declare P4 float;
declare P6 float;
declare P7 float;
declare P9 float;

select VALUE into P1 from PSSMS where AA=pin1 and POS='1'
select VALUE into P4 from PSSMS where AA=pin4 and POS='4'
select VALUE into P6 from PSSMS where AA=pin6 and POS='6'
select VALUE into P7 from PSSMS where AA=pin7 and POS='7'
select VALUE into P9 from PSSMS where AA=pin9 and POS='9'

select P1+P4+P6+P7+P9 into output;

return output;

And it works, now, i would like index a table using this function.
The table description is:
mysql> describe precalc;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id  | int(6)| NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| P1| char(1) | YES  || NULL||
| P4| char(1) | YES  || NULL||
| P6| char(1) | YES  || NULL||
| P7| char(1) | YES  || NULL||
| P9| char(1) | YES  ||  NULL||
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

and i try index by the following command:

mysql> create index AA on  precalc (IDR(P1,P4,P6,P7,P9,'HLA-DRB13'));

But i Get the following error:

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ''P1','P4','P6','P7','P9','HLA-DRB13'))' at line 1

Some one knows where is the error?



Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807

Re: loading scripts to mysql

2007-11-13 Thread Pau Marc Munoz Torres

 Tanks for your help, finally i found the "source" command. It work like

mysql> source /Lhome/geruppa/mhc/Pack_Ref_web/prova.sql

2007/11/9, Michael Gargiullo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 13:22 +0100, Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
> > Hi everybody
> >
> >  I'm writing a function script in a flat file using vim, now i would
> like
> > load it into my sql, there is some command to do it similar to "load
> data
> > into" to fill tables?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> Sure,
> >From command line:
> mysql -u username -p database  <  file-containing-sql
> -Mike

Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon: 93 5812807