Re: form generator Perl... (The Holy Grail)

2008-10-22 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Pat Rice wrote:
 Hi all
 I'm wondering whats the best tool (preferably) open source, To use to
 generate HTML forms in Perl that I can link in to a database after,
 with optimistically code that is generated in a  readable way.
 The holy grail would be:
 - type out the form names for each value.
 - press the button or run the script and out comes Perl and/or HTML
 - give me place holders for a database connection
 Ideally I can see this web app being session based, so any ideas
 greatly appreciated.
 I suppose I don't ask for much !
 Thanks in advance

You may want to look at Rose::HTML::Objects and Rose::DB::Object... I've
used the latter, not the former.


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Re: how to send a page and a file at a download script?

2008-09-23 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
shnaxe wrote:
 dear readers,
 i recently finished a small perl-cgi download script that sends files
 after some checks and logging. i call this script through a link on a
 static html-page and pass the file-id as a parameter.
 this all works nice so far, the part where i'm stuck at is that with
 clicking on the link, the page containig the link is replaced by a
 white blank page. i wonder how i could instead get either:
 - the page containig the link stays, link is targeted to a new window
 (minimal version)
 - a new page is displayed containg something like 'thank you for
 downloading... you download should start now...' (deluxe solution)
 for the minimal version, i thought putting a simple 'target=_blank'
 into the link should do what i want (only tested with firefox 3.0 so
 far). this indeed works, but the focus changes to the popping up new
 blank tab and further, this tab stays open after the file is
 transferred. i remember having seen this differently on the web.
 for the deluxe verson i think i somehow need to send out two headers,
 one of type 'application/x-download' (for the file) and another of
 type 'text/html' (for the page).
 but how would i do this? i'm afraid that the second header (whichever)
 will not get recognized as a second document but be embedded into the
 first. i guess a short sleep between the first and the second header
 won't do it...

You shouldn't really need a new window at all if you don't want one, at
least not in some browsers. If you return the proper headers followed by
the content then the user should be able to click the download link and
stay right where they are with the standard browser action occuring. If
you return a proper content-type then the browser should just do what
you want, if you return a Content-Disposition header then you will get
to specify a suggested filename, etc. 'application/octet-stream' can
usually be used as a generic download header if you don't have a
specific content-type in mind. So your headers might be:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=some download.pdf

or in the above case if you know it will be a PDF,

Content-type: application/pdf

 thanks for help and suggestions in advance,
 regards, shnaxe


 ps: well, i am unsure if this would have been better posted to another
 group (but which) since its maybe not a pure perl-question. i got to
 admit that from my point of knowledge, the solution to the problem i
 described seems to be somewhere on a blurry line between perl/cgi and

I'd say it is appropriate.

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Re: parsing a line

2008-08-19 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

thunder wrote:

Hello all

I have the following small file that i am parsing one line at a time
(each line consists of hex values)

line 1: 0d
line 2: 
line 3: 2000
line 4: 0064
line 5: 76d457ed462df78c7cfde9f9e33724c6
line 6: bded7a7b9f6d763e
line 7: 0059010081bb300597603b6f90ef4421
line 8: 001608427754e957a0d281bb30059760
line 9: a72f731c3be6

For line 5, for example, i want to break it up into chunks of 8 hex
charaters (ie for example 76d457ed, 462df78c etc).
I tried to use the shift operator (ie  or ) but perl gives an

Any help with the above would be appreciated.


Check out the pack/unpack functions,

perldoc -f unpack

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Re: Extracting TD's from a Text File (Regex Help).

2008-04-08 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 td class=PhorumTableRowAlt thread  style=padding-left: 0px
 a href=;LINK/a
 nbsp;span class=PhorumNewFlag/span/td
  td class=PhorumTableRowAlt nowrap=nowrap width=150
   a href=;LINK/a /td
 td class=PhorumTableRowAlt PhorumSmallFont nowrap=nowrap 
 width=15006/11/2007 12:29AM
 The text file contains hundreds of tds structure like above. All I need is to 
 extract the td with class PhorumTableRowAlt thread. I have tried every 
 possible option, but finally I am coming to you for any Regex for it? TIA.
 pen(TXT, links.txt) or die Unable to open file;
 my @links = TXT;
 close (TXT);
 foreach my $link(@links) {
 if ($link =~ m|td class=PhorumTableRow thread style=padding-left: 
 0px(.*?)/td|gsi) {
 print $1;}
 But NOTHING coming up. No results.
 Thanks for any help.

Parsing HTML with regexes is just a bad idea. Try a module from CPAN,
I've had good luck with HTML::TokeParser::Simple,

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Re: Adding a comma to format localtime

2007-04-09 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Gregg O'Donnell wrote:

  I use this line of code:
  my $datetime = join ' ', (split ' ', localtime)[0,2,1,4,3];

my $localtime = [ split ' ', localtime ];
my $datetime = $localtime-[0] . ', ' . join ' ', @$localtime[2,1,4,3];


  To create this result:

  Mon 9 Apr 2007 09:15:05
  How can I add a comma to this result to get:

  Mon, 9 Apr 2007 09:15:05
  Best and thanks,


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Re: Tweeking a sendmail routine.

2007-03-25 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Greg Schiedler wrote:

I know enough Perl to be dangerous!

I have a form that sends out several different confirmations depending on
who the receipient is.

One particular E-mail I need to be in html format so I can put it into a
specific format.  I added a couple of lines to the sendmail routine I was
using and it fixed my E-mail problem but created a problem with my fax
gateway copy.

#1 gets sent the Joe Enduser plain E-mail(Can be html my tweek forced html)
#2 gets sent to the Office HTML Format.
#3 Fax gateway (Plain E-mail).

Fax gateway is in the US Telephone format ie.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I thought about adding an if statment but it looks like if I added an
if/else to my tweeked else statement the receipient info has already been

Greg :-)

Best suggestion would be to switch to using a module. MIME::Lite for 
instance but there a lot that will work. Check CPAN. Mail while it seems 
simple is incredibly complex, re-inventing the wheel, especially with 
such strict requirements is going to be time consuming.

# Give the server the message header

sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
if (!/[^0-9]*354/) { $Error_Message = $_; return(6) }
print SMTP To: @to$CRLF;
print SMTP From: $from$CRLF;
print SMTP CC: @cc$CRLF if $cc;
print SMTP Subject: $subject$CRLF;

# If there are mime files to attach, we need special headers.

if ($mime_id) {
print SMTP x-sender: $from$CRLF;
print SMTP x-mailer: CGI/Perl Cookbook$CRLF;
print SMTP Mime-Version: 1.0$CRLF;
print SMTP Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
print SMTP --$mime_id$CRLF;
print SMTP Content-Type: text/plain;
# Greg @ Limo.Net 01/24/2007
# Added two header lines for force HTML output.
# else { print SMTP $CRLF }
else {
print SMTP Mime-Version: 1.0$CRLF;
print SMTP Content-Type: text/html;
# End Greg @ Limo.Net 01/24/2007

# Output the message body.

if ($body) {
if (!($body =~ /^[\\\/:]/)  ($body =~ /\s/)) { print SMTP $body }
elsif (-e $body  -T $body) { parse_template($body, *SMTP) }
print SMTP $CRLF;

# Attach each file.

for ($i = 0; $i  @ATTACH_FILES; ++$i) {
$attach_file = $ATTACH_FILES[$i];
$encoding = $ENCODING[$i];

# Split the filename by directories.  / for unix, \ for dos, : for

Scanned for Virus by http://Barracuda.Limo.Net

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Re: CPAN installs

2007-01-15 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Kevin Viel wrote:
I am attempting to install modules on a Solaris v10 computer for which I 
do not have root privileges.  I see in that the build 
directory is local:

'build_dir' = q[/home/kviel/.cpan/build]

Where does it install the (built) module?

Thank you,


The build_dir doesn't mean a lot in this case, assuming you are asking 
what I think you are asking. Instead you want to specify an install 
location in the makepl_arg and or mbuildpl_arg settings. For instance,

makepl_arg = LIB=~/local/lib PREFIX=~/local/lib
mbuildpl_arg = --install_base /home/user/local/lib

Check perldoc CPAN for information about 'o conf'. HTH,

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Re: Formatting/presenting regex

2007-01-03 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Owen wrote:

I have this regex to look at an Apache log.

There are modules to help with that task on CPAN.

m/^(\S+) \S+ \S+ \[(\d{2})\/(\S+)\/(\d{4}):.+\] (\w+) (\S+)
([^]+) (\d{3}) (\d+|-) .+$/;

Would like to set it out in a bit more readable form a la Perl Cook Book and 


^(\S+)  # Comment
 \S+# Comment
 \S+# Comment


but they don't work and I suspect it is something to do with the spaces 
between the elements. I have even tried specifying spaces with \s

The key is to use the /x modifier on the end of the regex to allow this 
type of formatting. You then, according to perldoc perlretut, can either 
backslash real spaces or put them in a character class. See,

perldoc perlretut

for more.

Can someone give me a pointer as to how to go about this. 




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Re: Negate a regular expression

2006-12-29 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Mathew Snyder wrote:

Ken Foskey wrote:

On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 23:36 -0500, Mathew Snyder wrote:

I'm trying to set up an if clause to exit if an answer given is anything but
either any case combination of 'y' or 'yes'.  This is what I have:

exit if $ans =~ m/[^y|^yes]/i;

exit if $ans =~ m/^(y|yes)[ \t\r\n]*$/i;

The brackets are a group,  square brackets are a character class.  It is
probably a good idea to ignore whitespace around the error as well.

Let me clarify though.

I have a script that will grab a bunch of emails which need to be deleted from a
database and displays them.  I then want it to ask if the user wishes to delete
them.  I want 'No' to be the default so that anything other than any case
combination of 'y' or 'yes' will cause the script to exit.  This includes simply
hitting 'enter' or entering anything that ISN'T 'y' or 'yes', case
notwithstanding.  So having the regex look also for whitespace characters will
defeat this goal.

So how do I negate this if classes aren't the proper way to go?

If you want to be so explicit, why not be explicit...

exit unless (lc $ans eq 'y' or lc $ans eq 'yes');


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Re: -e question

2006-12-15 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Lou Hernsen wrote:

I use the -e to check to see if a file is present

  if (-e $Pics/$Game{Page}.jpg)

I can get it to work looking for .pl and .gif but not .jpg

I have checked all the directorie vars and even did this

  print qq|img border=0 src=$Pics/Camera.gif width=$Game{CameraW}
  print qq|BR|;
  print qq|a target=$Game{Page} href=$Pics/$Game{Page}.jpg|;
  print qq|img border=0 src=$Pics/Camera.gif width=$Game{CameraW}
  print qq|/a|;
  print qq|BR|;
  if (-e $Pics/$Game{Page}.jpg)
  print qq|img border=0 src=$Pics/Camera.gif width=$Game{CameraW}

In the above line do you mean to have '.jpg'?


I get the first two images but not the last one.. so I know i have the dirs
are .jpg's not -e able???

-e cares not and knows not of the type of file.

yeah.. i'm nonprofessional hobbiest  my style suck... can someone answer
the question, please?



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Re: trouble with meta http-equiv

2006-11-30 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

David Bear wrote:

I'm trying to put a client side redirect with http-equiv refresh. I'm using
the syntax:

my $req  = CGI-new();

print $req-header( text/html );
print $req-start_html( -head=meta({-http-equiv = 'refresh', 

In the above line the call to meta() is a function call, but you have 
started out with the object syntax. So you likely haven't imported any 
of the function lists, so you either need to import the correct list, or 
switch to the object syntax,


-content = '1;URL=' . $req-refere()}));

Note you probably need $req-referer in the above line...


but I get an error:
Undefined subroutine %main::meta called 

This seems to be what is documented on cpan. I must be missing something
simple. Any ideas?

David Bear
College of Public Programs at Arizona State University

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Re: Best book to update XML via Perl?

2006-11-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

C.R. wrote:
Hi, I have Perl 5.6.0 on Solaris, and on DOS. We have an XML document 
that has many prices in it that need to be changed. They are keyed by 
part number, and each part has a price grade, each grade has a price. 

I know there are many tools that Perl can use to update XML. Which one 
is the most straight forward? 

XML::Simple is very straightforward and fairly simple to use.

What book can I buy to learn this XML in Perl tool? 

ORA has one, but I would skip it. Mostly it covers how to use the 
modules much as the modules' documentation does. Start with the docs...

I know Perl fairly well. 


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Re: Crypt::GPG won't decrypt file...rewrote it to use system, but only partially works

2006-06-30 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 I re-wrote the decryption routine to use system instead of Crypt::GPG,
 and came across another puzzle:
   my @gpg_command = (/usr/bin/gpg --decrypt $encrypted 
 $decrypted 2 /dev/null);
   system(@gpg_command) == 0 or warn system @gpg_command failed:
 works. It decrypts my file successfully. But if I break up the arguments
 like it says in the doco, like so:
   my @gpg_command = (/usr/bin/gpg, --decrypt, $encrypted, ,
 $decrypted, 2 /dev/null);
   system(@gpg_command) == 0 or warn system @gpg_command failed:
 it does not work. Instead I get a usage error.
 Could someone please explain where I've gone wrong? I would like to use
 Crypt::GPG instead of system, but I have to get this finished.

In my various attempts to get the gnupg related modules working on CPAN
I came up with two options Crypt::OpenPGP which is in general slow
because it attempts to do things in Perl, and GnuPG::Interface which
worked almost perfectly but we were using it in a weird fork model kind
of way, for doing a single encrypt/decrypt run at a time it worked
brilliantly. Having said that, one caveat, my analysis was done in early

I would suggest giving GnuPG::Interface a go because it handled calling
out to 'gpg' most correctly. Meaning it uses the status-fd, logger-fd
options properly which is the preferred way to call gpg in an automated

Good luck,

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Re: How to manage around 1000 entries which will constantly be changing

2006-03-31 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-31-03 at 15:45 -0800, Tom Phoenix wrote:
You should loop over the input, pushing each item on to an array. If
at any time you have 2000 items in the array, sort them and discard
any you don't want to keep.

$#data = 999 if $#data  999;# OBperl: one way to discard elements

When you finish looping, sort-and-discard again. You'll never need
more than 2N items in memory at any given time. Does that algorithm
work for your needs?
 Sorting is not necessary. If he keeps an array of the best, that means
 lowest, records then all he has to do is compare every new entry with
 the highest. This is called fail early. This means, if it's going to
 fail, it should at the earliest opportunity. If it succeeds then it
 searches down thru the list, to find its place. This is called succeed
 early. Given that the procedure can flip between these two methods, it
 is faster than any sort.

Unless the sort optimizes out the need to loop through so many elements,
and/or is written at a lower level. If each new item that is entered
goes in the last place then you have to loop over every element of the
list every time. But a sort might be optimized not to have to do that.
Your algorithm is essentially maintaining a sorted list, but doesn't
really have an optimization applied to determine the new place.

Only real way to tell would be benchmarking, but either should be a very
good step in the right direction

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Re: Expect script to install sshkey

2006-03-02 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:
 Hi all,
I have a perl Expect script that install rsa keys for ssh auto login.
 When I run the script on command line it works fine.
 Now when I run it inside a CGI the script simply gets stuck.  I can see
 from the from the SSH server and also the expect logs that the login is
 happenning. But After login nothing happens :-(
 The commands I give to append the authorized_keys2 file are not executed
 at all.

Are the keys readable by the web server user? Sounds like a permissions

 Can someone help me ?

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Re: Help: Math::Pari won't install

2006-02-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 I'm trying to build Math::Pari along the way to building Net::SFTP, but
 the make fails with the following error:
 pariinl.h: In function `mulssmod':
 pariinl.h:887: error: asm-specifier for variable `hiremainder' conflicts
 with asm clobber list
 pariinl.h:887: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
 make[1]: *** [es.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [libPARI/libPARI.a] Error 2
 Not sure what other information is relevant, but I'm doing this on a
 Solaris 8 box using:
 # gcc -v
 Reading specs from
 Configured with: ../configure --with-as=/usr/ccs/bin/as
 --with-ld=/usr/ccs/bin/ld --disable-nls
 Thread model: posix
 gcc version 3.3.2
 Any help would be appreciated!

This has lingered long enough without response. Sorry it took me a while
to get back to it after initially seeing it. I had this same problem a
couple of years ago. It does appear that Math::PARI has an active
maintainer again so you might try dropping him a line about this issue.

I solved it by testing each previous version (of libPARI) until I hit
one that would install cleanly. As much as it stinks to not have the
most recent version of something, a working version is better than no


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Re: Help: Math::Pari won't install

2006-02-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

 Thanks for the response. I did manage to solve the Math::Pari install
 problem by following Jeff Eggen's idea about configuring it with
 machine=none. I have no idea about whether or not, as he mentions, it's
 unusably slow because I proceeded with the rest of the Net::SFTP install
 and got similarly hung up on the install for Math::GMP. (Un)fortunately
 enough time has elapsed on this that the Powers That Be decided to
 shelve this project and go a different way. So for now I'm off the hook.

Ah, hmm... I had the same problem with Math::GMP, though determined that
as long as you only want Protocol 2 it isn't really needed. So doing a
force install on Math::GMP will get it past the testing on Net::SFTP.
Sorry I couldn't be of much help sooner.

 Ironically, we have Net::SFTP running fine in other environments. It's
 just this one box...

 Thanks again for the help!

No worries.


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Re: Help With signals.

2006-01-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Leif Ericksen wrote:
 I am trying to set up a routine to trap signals so that I can pass it to
 a sub that will act on the signals and it does not seem to be
 functioning as I would think.
 I will admit some of the code was taken from the camel book.  :)  I do
 have use strict on.
 my $name = \n;
 my $i = 0;
 defined $Config{sig_name} || die The Stupid System does not support
 foreach $name(split(' ', $Config{sig_name}))
$Config::signo{$name} = $i;
$Config::signame[$i] = $name;
   #print $name:$i \t = SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat\n;
$SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat;

In the above line you are single quoting $name so that it is not


 Now I do have an while (1){}; setup so that I can test the break.  Using
 the above code I do not seem to enter my sub sigcat I do not see my
 'special' signal catch message if I press ^C.  HOWEVER, if I add the
 following lines:
 $SIG{'INT'} = \sigcat;
 $SIG{'HUP'} = \sigcat;
 $SIG{'STOP'} = \sigcat;
 $SIG{'ABRT'} = \sigcat;
 $SIG{'TERM'} = \sigcat;
 It does break out and lets me know that it received a HUP. 
 If I take the single quote ' off of the $name in the loop I get a
 segmentation fault so I guess I need the quotes.
 Can anybody tell me what is wrong with the loop and why it is not
 working?  Also if I uncomment the line:
 #print $name:$i \t = SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat\n;

Might want to examine the output more closely, $name should be being
printed as $name rather than INT, HUP, etc.

 It appears to be running the correct set routine as in the 5 I have
 shown above.  I know I must have something simple but I just can not see
 what it is...

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Re: Help With signals.

2006-01-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post...

Leif Ericksen wrote:
 Actually not quite what you thought on the output...
 $ ./
 ZERO:0   = SIG{'ZERO'} = sigcat
 HUP:1= SIG{'HUP'} = sigcat
 INT:2= SIG{'INT'} = sigcat
 QUIT:3   = SIG{'QUIT'} = sigcat
 ILL:4= SIG{'ILL'} = sigcat
 TRAP:5   = SIG{'TRAP'} = sigcat
 ABRT:6   = SIG{'ABRT'} = sigcat
 BUS:7= SIG{'BUS'} = sigcat
 FPE:8= SIG{'FPE'} = sigcat
 KILL:9   = SIG{'KILL'} = sigcat

Ah yep missed the double quotes.

 Also if I use the double quote as opposed to a single quote in:
 SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat;

The above should be:

$SIG{$name} = \sigcat;

$name can't be single quoted, and you have to call the SIG hash as a hash...

 I get a like result it does not work as desired and a complete lack of quotes 
 gives me a
 segmentation fault.
 On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 15:37 -0700, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Leif Ericksen wrote:

I am trying to set up a routine to trap signals so that I can pass it to
a sub that will act on the signals and it does not seem to be
functioning as I would think.

I will admit some of the code was taken from the camel book.  :)  I do
have use strict on.

my $name = \n;
my $i = 0;

defined $Config{sig_name} || die The Stupid System does not support
foreach $name(split(' ', $Config{sig_name}))
   $Config::signo{$name} = $i;
   $Config::signame[$i] = $name;
  #print $name:$i \t = SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat\n;
   $SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat;

In the above line you are single quoting $name so that it is not



Now I do have an while (1){}; setup so that I can test the break.  Using
the above code I do not seem to enter my sub sigcat I do not see my
'special' signal catch message if I press ^C.  HOWEVER, if I add the
following lines:

$SIG{'INT'} = \sigcat;
$SIG{'HUP'} = \sigcat;
$SIG{'STOP'} = \sigcat;
$SIG{'ABRT'} = \sigcat;
$SIG{'TERM'} = \sigcat;

It does break out and lets me know that it received a HUP. 

If I take the single quote ' off of the $name in the loop I get a
segmentation fault so I guess I need the quotes.

Can anybody tell me what is wrong with the loop and why it is not
working?  Also if I uncomment the line:
#print $name:$i \t = SIG{'$name'} = \sigcat\n;

Might want to examine the output more closely, $name should be being
printed as $name rather than INT, HUP, etc.

It appears to be running the correct set routine as in the 5 I have
shown above.  I know I must have something simple but I just can not see
what it is...

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Re: sub args as pointers or values?

2005-12-16 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Bryan R Harris wrote:
 I remember from my C++ class that when you pass arguments to subroutines you
 can pass them either as a pointer to the real variable (so you modify the
 original if you change it), or as a copy (which you can change all you want
 and not affect the original).
 Is there a perl equivalent of both of those two concepts?
 - B

perldoc perlsub

Sort of is the short answer. Perl uses a sort of smart
pass-by-reference. But unless you pass explicit references then if you
assign the arguments to named variables then you have pass-by-value. The
details are best found in the above docs.

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Re: Constant Hash problem

2005-12-16 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Kevin Old wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 I'm trying to define a constant hash and have the following:
 use constant STOPWORDS = map { lc $_ , 1 } qw(a about above across adj 
 I do not get a hash from this.
 This does work, however:
 my %stopwords = map { lc $_ , 1 } qw(a about above across adj after);
 use constant STOPWORDS = \%stopwords;
 I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong in the first definition.

The second is only sort of constant. It creates a constant reference
to the hash, however the hash itself should still be editable which is
not probably what you wanted.

The problem is that constants are defined at compile time rather than
run time. You might be able to accomplish both, using a BEGIN { }
wrapper around the first.


 Any help is appreciated!
 Kevin Old

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Re: Subst string

2005-12-16 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
MARG wrote:
 I'm trying to subst the string:
 # Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
 Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
 with the command:
 perl -pi~ -e 's/# Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf/Include
 conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf/' /usr/local/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
 but i get an error.
 I've used this before with success.
 Is it because of the white space between Include and conf ?

No, it is because the search string contains the same delimiter as the
expression is using, aka the '/'. You need to either escape the /
characters or change your delimiter,

perl -pi~ -e 's{# Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf}{Include
 conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf}' /usr/local/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

For instance,

 Any help would be apreciated.
 Warm Regards,

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Re: How do you determine if a file is a symlink?

2005-12-15 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 According to the docs, if you stat a symlink, you will get information
 for the target file, and lstat works on symlinks...
 I'm confused. How do you determine if a file is a symlink to begin with?

perldoc -f -l

if (-l $file) {
  # file is a symlink

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Re: running child processes

2005-12-15 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 Is it possible to create more child processes and let them run, but close
 the main program immediately?
 I have read (in perldoc perlfork) that:
 A way to mark a pseudo-processes as running detached from their parent
 (so that the parent would not have to wait() for them if it doesn't want
 to) will be provided in future.
 Thank you.

I think the note above is for the special case when the parent still has
work to do but doesn't want to have to wait on the children, which is
subtly different than what you actually asked, aka can the parent close.
Assuming you really do want to close the parent then you should be able
to, though you may want to take a look at the source of,


Before coding this yourself, it is a handy tool.


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Re: reference assignment - lol

2005-12-13 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Dermot Paikkos wrote:
 I am a bit stuck with references and was hoping someone could help me 
 In File1 I need to isolate the last number in the column and see if 
 it exists in file2. If so, I would like to add the content of the 
 line from file1 and print it out. There may be other ways of doing 
 this but I wanted to try to do it with references as this is my 
 current weak spot :-(
 Below is some sample data and my effort. What is happening with my 
 current attempt is that it is simply looping through the 2nd file and 
 printing the last assignment to the hashref. So I guess the problem 
 is with the way I am creating the hashref rather then dereferencing 

You are not creating a list of lists. You only have a single hashref
which is going to be set to the last line of the first file *always*.

 I am sure this is a simple problem. Can anyone offer a bit of 
 assistance . I promise will do some more reading tonight.
  my ==
 use strict;
 use warnings;

Excellent start!

 my $file = file1.txt;
 my $file2 = file2.txt;

Single quotes are fine above.

 my $in = 0;
 my $found = 0;
 my $hashref;

Generally it is preferred to declare variables when we first use them
rather than in a list at the top of the program.

 open(FH,$file) or die Can't open $file:$!\n;

Nice, parens aren't needed around open above.

 while (FH) {
   my @f = split(/\t/,);
   next if ($f[3] =~ /NULL/i);
   if ($f[3] =~ /(p|s)\d{4}/i){
   my $num = uc($f[3]);
   my $rest = $f[0].\t.$f[1].\t.$f[2].\t;

Are you actually meaning to assign $rest into the hashref below? And in
either case the above can be written much more succinctly as,

my $rest = $f[0]\t$f[1]\t$f[2]\t;

Or using a join and array slice,

my $rest = join \t, @f[0..2];

 # print $num\n;
   $hashref = {
   'number' = $num,
   'rest' =  $_,

Right here you are continually clobbering $hashref. You need to be
assigning to a list of hashes, for instance,

$matches-{$num} = { 'number' = $num, 'rest' = $rest };

Assuming you want duplicates clobbered as well.

 open FH2, $file2 or die Can't open $file2:$!\n;
 while (FH2) {
   next if ($_ !~ /(P|S)\d{4}/);
   (my $num) = ($_ =~ /\s(\w\d{4})/);
   print Comparing $num with $hashref-{'number'}\n;
   if (exists($hashref-{'number'}) ) {
 # print $hashref-{rest} $hashref-{'number'}\n;
 print Done. Found $found / $in\n\n;

I think what might help you the most is to improve your variable naming
conventions. If you named your variables something other than 'hashref'
for instance you might have caught the problems yourself. The first
indication of the problem is that you have nothing named list_of or
matched_numbers or part_numbers or temperatures, etc.  Using
generic names like file1/file2, hashref, f, num, etc. give no context
about what the program is working on or does. When I see 'rest' I think,

sleep 360;


[snip samples]

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Re: aliasing a function

2005-12-11 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Just a mental exercise :)

What is the best way to alias a function, for instance:

you can call it:

 sub say_it_loud( print @_ );

or use a type glob, etc

What I'm trying to figure out is say you wanted to alias a function that 
is context sensitive?

What I mean is say I wanted to have a function that is really carp but 
call it something else?

carp oops;

whine oops;

and the whine is exactly like carp including the caller() point of 

perldoc -f goto

I think the goto-NAME form does exactly what you asked for.


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Re: Parameterizing a module

2005-12-08 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 I see. Thanks Shawn. Since we are at it, would you mind explaining a little 
 about the significance of our keyword. I have never understood it properly.
 Most books that I referred to say that it's a lexically-scoped global
 variable. What does that mean? I understand global variables to be the ones
 which are accessible to all perl program units (modules, packages or scripts).
 But then, what is so lexically-scoped about it? What do the perl compiler and
 opcode interpreter do when encounter a variable name prefixed by our? 
 I do not mean to ask you so many questions at once. It is just to prove how
 confused I am about this keyword!

perldoc -f our
perldoc vars

Those should help. I think the key line is:

The our declaration has no semantic effect unless use strict vars
is in effect, in which case it lets you use the declared global variable
without qualifying it with a package name.


In the above a variable tagged with 'our' is a Package Variable.


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Re: Parameterizing a module

2005-12-07 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 Hi all,
 I have a module which does nothing but include a bunch of use statements 
 Corey, I think you taught me how to do that).It looks like this:
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use statement1;
 use statement2;
 use statement3;
 #and so on...
 In my script, I load the module by saying use PerlMQ;. However, now I want 
 load only certain use statements from the module depending on the parameter I
 give it. For example, in my script, I want to say use PerlMQ
 qw(some_parameter) in order to load the use statements specified by
 some_parameter in the module. Is it possible to do that?

Because 'use' happens at compile time rather than at runtime this is
more difficult to accomplish then just wrapping them in an if statement
for instance. One way to load modules based on conditions is to wrap the
loading of the module in an Ceval EXPR statement. It would look
something like,

if (condition) {
  eval use module name;
  if ($@) {
 die Failed to load module name module at runtime: $@;

You can then use the module as usual, however you must be certain that
all calls to the module's subs are wrapped in a check to make sure they
are available, or you need to make sure a replacement module did get
loaded that handles the same calls. Basically don't call something that
hasn't been loaded, which is the tricky part of loading or not loading a

perldoc -f eval

 Most of the examples on the web seem to use the EXPORT package while providing
 the qw(some_parameter) functionality in the script. How do I do it in my 
 which seems pretty unconventional?

That is for loading items into the symbol table (usually) from the
particular module and can't really help you with runtime loading of modules.

 This mail sent through

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Re: OOP inheritance question (simple)

2005-12-07 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ken Farmer wrote:
 I have tried this question in a couple of other places but the answers are 
 far above my current level of understanding of oop - which is the level of 
 very interested newbie - real newbie.  So here goes again.
  I make an empty (of data) perl object1 with an included method which can be 
 called to put data into the hash inside this object. I can now call that 
 method and insert data.  Simple OOP - it works.
  Now I make another empty object2 and inherit object1.  I can call the 
 inherited method from object1 through object2 and it also works, but not like 
 I assumed it would.
  I am trying to understand whether...
  I have two identical and totally separate objects, each independent of the 
 other with the second being a copy of the first plus whatever might be added 
 later - but nothing in this case.
  Or I have two objects and the second one sees (or calls, or views) the 
 first.  It really doesn't matter except...
  The reason I am asking, is that the second object inherits the methods of 
 object1, but doesn't inherit the data currently inside object1. If I call the 
 add method in object1, ($object1-add_data)  it adds data to object1.  Since 
 object1 is the parent that should be correct.  
  But that new data doesn't appear to object2.  In fact, object2 never sees 
 data in object1 unless that data was put there by the new() constructor when 
 the object was made.  And calling the add method ($object2-add_data) doesn't 
 add data to object1 - it adds it to object2.
  I think I see why by tracing through the process.  When object2 inherits 
 object1, it runs the initalize new() function of object1 and makes a new and 
 empty object.  I can't find any example in my books about how to inherit an 
 object without having the constructor in the inherited object run.  Or if it 
 can be.
  Have I confused everybody?  I am.
  So, is data inheritable?  Or only methods?  I doubt that is correct since it 
 would take away a lot of reason for inheriting in the first place.
  OOP is a lot of fun and I can see where it would be great in a large 
 project, but has a very steep start in the learning curve.

See the other posters responses as well, but I think it might help if
you read through some docs on OOP programming, check out:

perldoc perlboot
perldoc perltoot
perldoc perltooc

And issuing,

perldoc perl

Will give you the full list of what is available.  Additionally Learning
Perl Objects, Refs, and Mods is an excellent book, as is the somewhat
dated Object Oriented Perl.

Good luck,

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Re: Parameterizing a module

2005-12-07 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Shawn Corey wrote:
 In my script, I load the module by saying use PerlMQ;. However, now
 I want to
 load only certain use statements from the module depending on the
 parameter I
 give it. For example, in my script, I want to say use PerlMQ
 qw(some_parameter) in order to load the use statements specified by
 some_parameter in the module. Is it possible to do that?
 Yes, there are ways.


 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use statement1;
 use statement2;
 use statement3;

 # Change to:
 use File::Basename;
 use if ( basename( $0 ) eq 'script1' ), module1 = undef;
 use if ( basename( $0 ) eq 'script1'
   basename( $0 ) eq 'script2' ),
module2 = undef;
 use if ( basename( $0 ) eq 'script3' ), module3 = undef;
 #and so on...



 See `perldoc if` for details.

Huh, very nice. Note that is a new pragma in Perl 5.8.

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Re: Parameterizing a module

2005-12-07 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Todd W wrote:


 you could do something like this:
 $ cat
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 package TestMod;
 use Exporter;
 sub import {
   my $class = shift;
   foreach my $module ( @_ ) {
 require $module;
 $ cat
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use TestMod qw( LWP/ );
 print( UNIVERSAL::can( CGI = 'new' ), \n );
 print( UNIVERSAL::can( 'LWP::Simple' = 'get' ), \n );
 saying use Exporter; in your module means that when your module is use()ed
 by a client program, a function in your module named import will be called
 by Exporter if this import function exists. Heres the output of running that

Just for your info, the call to 'import' has nothing to do with the use
of Exporter. Exporter actually provides a special 'import' method that
does fancy stuff, but the actual calling of 'import' happens *everytime*
you do a 'use' (assuming the module 'can', aka has a sub named 'import')
regardless of whether Exporter has been loaded. And to have this
actually work you would have to inherit from Exporter so that 'import'
can be found in the sub lookup. Though as you have shown you can also
write your own import sub, which can be quite handy.

perldoc -f use
perldoc Exporter

for more info.

 $ perl
 which shows that after saying use TestMod qw( LWP/ );, a
 package named CGI can new() and a package named LWP::Simple can get(). It
 should be pretty safe too, because require() will die if it cant find the
 I just made this up and I've never done anything like this before ( I
 program in mod_perl so I just use() everything I will ever need ), so there
 may be some caveats that aren't immediately obvious to me.
 Todd W.

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Re: OOP inheritance question (simple)

2005-12-07 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ken Farmer wrote:
 Wiggins d'Anconia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See the other posters responses as well, but I think it might help if
 you read through some docs on OOP programming, check out:
 perldoc perlboot
 perldoc perltoot
 perldoc perltooc
 And issuing,
 perldoc perl
 Thanks for the response, and the other responders as well.  Believe me, I 
 have not only read the above many times, but killed several trees and printed 
 them out so I could refer to them.
  I agree that I need a perl object book.  I am using standard perl books, all 
 of which have a chapter on poop but obviously don't go into detail.  In fact, 
 part of the problem is the stuff that is left out is different in each book 
 so some of the info appears to contradict the others.  Plus, a non-perl 
 object book will really lead a newbie out of the promised land - fast.
  I have ordered both of the available books on perl objects and am 
 impatiently waiting for the delivery.
  The problem, I think, is that I have done procedural  - based programming 
 (as a hobby) for decades and in learning OOP I just haven't managed to make 
 that mental shift yet.  I had the same problem back in the '90's when I got 
 my first event-based suite (VB or the like) and it bothered me for weeks that 
 I didn't know what my program was doing when it wasn't executing my code.  
 Suddenly it clicked and off I went.  Same thing should happen with oop, 

Yep and good luck. Stick to it, it will click and once it does should
open another world to you. Like many types of programming at first you
are going to write some pretty crappy code, and it is going to use a
small subset of the features of OOP, but start there and then build. You
won't be writing 100% elegant applications overnight, but you should see
good results fairly quickly.

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Re: when do vars go out of scope in this case?

2005-12-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
JupiterHost.Net wrote:
 I just had a discussion about variables going out of scope (for memory
 The idea was presented that variables go out of scope as soon they're
 last referenced in a block, I always thought it was when the block ended.

When a var goes out of scope and when the memory is available to perl
again are two different things, and when the memory is available to perl
again and when the memory is available on the system are two different
things (at least on Unix systems). A variable can be reclaimed by the
garbage collector as soon as there is no potential for it to be
referenced elsewhere in the application. When the garbage collector will
actually get to it is another question. And regardless, the memory will
still be available to the same process, so it will not be available to
other programs for instance until the program has ended.


 I was just about to search for this and thought I'd ask to see if anyone
 knew offhand...
 In this example is it A or B?
 I'm thinking 'B' but never heard of 'A' before but I suppose it could be
 that way...
 my $foo = load_100M_of_data();
 print $foo; # $foo is using 100M of memeory ±
 # A) $foo is now out of scope (and therefore no longer 100M of
 memory) since its not used anywhere after that print() in this block
 # 100 lines of code without any use of $foo
 } # B) $foo is now out of scope (and therefore no longer using 100M of
 I'm thinking its B and and the best way to reclaim the memory in this
 case is to undef()ine $foo when its no longer used in the block.
 Any insight would be very interesting no doubt :)

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Re: when do vars go out of scope in this case?

2005-12-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Dr.Ruud wrote:
 Wiggins d'Anconia:
the memory will still be available to the same process,
so it will not be available to other programs for instance until the
program has ended.
 And even that is not entirely true, because the memory manager of your
 OS can decide to swap stale stuff from precious RAM to disk, making the
 memory available for the same process or for other programs.

Good point

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Re: A Strange Syntax

2005-12-05 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Adriano Ferreira wrote:
 On 12/5/05, Jennifer Garner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
print ${*{$::{sym}}{HASH}}{name};
How to analyse the last sentence of that code?Thanks.
From perldoc perlref
7.  A reference can be created by using a special syntax, lovingly
known as the *foo{THING} syntax.  *foo{THING} returns a reference
to the THING slot in *foo (which is the symbol table entry which
holds everything known as foo).
$scalarref = *foo{SCALAR};
$arrayref  = *ARGV{ARRAY};
$hashref   = *ENV{HASH};
$coderef   = *handler{CODE};
$ioref = *STDIN{IO};
$globref   = *foo{GLOB};
 So $::{sym} returns the glob symbol sym on the main package ($main::
 or $::), takes a reference to its HASH part, and returns what it got
 in the key name. Piece of cake, ain't it?

Now that you understand it, replace it with $sym-{name} so the next
person doesn't have to ask. Unless you are using a really old Perl.

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Re: File Test Question

2005-11-30 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Dave Adams wrote:
 *My Code:*
 my $logfile = logfile_with_content;
 if (-w $logfile) {
 print (True - file exists but empty);
 if (-s $logfile) {
 print (True - file exist and has content);
 *My Output:*
 True - file exists but empty True - file exist and has content
 *My Question:*
 Why do both test evaluate to true when the file called
 logfile_with_content is 5K in size?  I would expect the second file test
 to only work?  Any advice?

-w tests whether the file is writable by the current effective UID/GID,
it has nothing to do with the contents of the file.

perldoc -f -e

For more details.


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Re: You've read the Llama, now what?

2005-11-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Tom == Tom Yarrish [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tom So it makes it difficult for me to apply what I've read from the
Tom O'Reilly books to real world problems (and I've read the Llama
Tom book a few times).

But have you also read the Alpaca?  That's the natural next book
after the llama.

And as a non-author of said book I recommend it as a good next step. It 
filled a void long overdue in the Perl book space.  (No affiliation with 
the authors or O'Reilly.)

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Re: help with matching

2005-11-09 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Rob.Savino wrote:
 I'm working on a simple script to get a list of users who do not exist
 while () {
   $user = system(echo $_);
   $result = system(dsquery user -samID $_);
 if (!$result) {
   print $user\n;
 Here is my problem,
 dsquery user -samID should return nothing if a user does not exist. I
 was hoping the script would print $user only if there was no $result
 from dsquery user -samID. However, not only does it print every $user
 regardless of the was not $result, it also prints every $result.
 Can someone tell me why this is?

perldoc -q output of a command


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Re: Which logger do I want? Or write my own? How?

2005-11-03 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Siegfried Heintze wrote:
 I have a couple of batch jobs that run every couple of hours. They scrape
 web sites and populate an MSAccess database.
 I would like to write a GUI to monitor them. Presently all my diagnostic
 print statements just scroll by and they are very hard to read.
 I would not want the batch processes to hang just because the GUI logger was
 not being run. 

Right, you should keep the two processes separated.

 I was thinking writing a GUI client that listens for UDP packets and
 displays the results using wxWindows -- maybe one tabbed pane per server
 process. Each tabbed pain would allow me to view the progress of each

Yikes, sounds like over kill for such a simple task.

 What would be the best way to take all these diagnostic print statements
 that are spewing out lots of text and send it somewhere?
 (1) I did a search on CPAN and found there were several matches to Logging.
 They all looked very special purpose. Am I mistake or perhaps I need to
 search CPAN with a different keyword?

Log::Log4perl is excellent and has an incredible array of functionality.

 (2) Regardless of whether CPAN has a module, I'm kinda curious: 
   (2a) is there a way to serialize a hash table and send it thru a socket?
 (and of course, deserialize on the other end)?

Sure there are a bunch, not the least of which is Storable.

   (2b) What about RPC -- I see from Advanced perl program there is such an
 implementation for perl. Would that be an effective logger? I don't think I
 want guaranteed delivery, however. I would like the option of not running
 the client.

Again sounds like overkill to me. Why not just have the app log to a
flat file. Then write whatever kinds of mechanisms you want to read,
listen, parse that file however is appropriate. 'tail -f' might be all
you would need. Start out small, then build on later. Leave the logging
as part of the app, but do it simply; it shouldn't form the core of what
you are doing. Leave log viewing and handling to a separate suite of
apps, scripts, whatever.



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Re: Taking Multiple Values for The Same Form Field.

2005-10-29 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Bob O'Neill wrote:

Use list context:

  my @names = $q-param('name');


I've found this thread very helpful, and have changed it to use Vars (from as I need a hash.  This has 
replaced the following:

foreach $entry (param()) {



my $q=new CGI;
my %fieldhash=$q-Vars;

which is much neater.  My subroutine Checkentry untaints the input.  Is 
there an easier way which will allow the hash values created by Vars to be 
passed to my subroutine without stepping through a foreach loop? 

If I understand correctly then you want a hash reference to pass the 
whole hash around at once.

perldoc CGI

Should help, CVars understands its context, so calling it in scalar 
context will result in it returning a hashref instead of a hash.

my $params_ref = $q-Vars;


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Re: hardcoded paths

2005-10-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Dermot Paikkos wrote:
 I am moving a site from once host to another. There are lots of 
 hardcoded fully qualified paths to the localhost (EG 
 I am pretty sure this isn't good practise but I am not a bit lost as 
 to what are good alternatives. I don't want to make the same mistake 
 and have to do all this editing again next time the hardware changes.
 Should I be trying to create a module with these paths in? Or is 
 there some other way?

Relative URLs as David mentioned would be good whereever they can be
used. The other option I use is to create a module that
contains constants for these things.

use constant CONFIG_URL_BASE = '';
use constant CONFIG_URL_CGI_BASE = '';

Then you need to export those constants into the calling code. The only
bummer about using constants is that they don't interpolate inside
strings, but I have settled on using concatenation and prefer to have
the extra overhead to have the ease of changing all URLs on a site at once.

This also makes module code that generates links reusable across sites.

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Re: CGI Upload() for nonexistent files?

2005-10-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Joby Jones wrote:
 Hello all,
   I have a question about the CGI upload()
   Why does it return a valid file handle to a file
 that does not exist on the client (web browser)
 machine, and what's the best way to handle this?

Presumably because this is really a client side error. It is not an
error to upload a zero length file, a file could need to be created but
empty, and you could want to have a program do that. So it is not
unreasonable to think that a file upload could be empty, which means CGI
has to handle the case where a file is uploaded but empty.  Chances are
good the browser is creating the proper HTTP request despite the local
file not existing, but to me that is a browser fault.  CGI just sees the
header that says there is a file coming, then no data so it creates the
file, puts nothing in it, and happily crunches along.

 1. A user enters a nonexistent file name in an upload
 field in a form handled by my cgi script. (E.g. on
 windows c:\uplaodthis.txt -- note typo). 

 2. My cgi script does something like this:
 my $q = new CGI;
 my $upload_file_handle = 
print Valid file handle to empty file is:\n .
 3. It outputs: 
 Valid file handle ... 
  $VAR1 = bless( \*{FH::uplaodthis.txt ...}, 'Fh' );
 What to do?
 Currently, I write out all valid file handles (checked
 for basic security problems as described in perlsec). 
 If the file is zero length, I delete it and report an
 error.  Which just isn't very satisfying.

Why is it not satisfying? It is a requirement of yours that the file not
be empty NOT the CGI world at large, so this is an error you should be
handling. Sounds like you are doing a fine job.

 What am I missing?
 Is there a better way?

Doubtful. You could write a web server module to handle the case at the
front end of the request but the only thing that really saves is a
little processing time, you still have a server side error to throw.

 All advice and documentation pointers (beyond 'CGI'
 :-) appreciated.

I say move on and work on bigger problems. Faulty user input, is well
the fault of the user. Let them deal with the consequences of having to
resubmit the form, assuming your error message is clear.


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Re: problem using a module

2005-10-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
jm wrote:
 i'm modifying a script to run on a sun box that i do not have
 privileges to install modules in the normal perl paths.  subsequently
 i installed into a modules subdir under my home dir.  below are
 the 2 relevant lines:
 use lib $ENV{HOME}/modules/DBI;
 our $mysql_dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:host=x.x.x.x, user,
 password, {RaiseError = 1});
 this is the error msg i get:
 Can't modify subroutine entry in scalar assignment at ./ca-cisco line
 64, near );
 line 64 being the our $mysql_dbh... line (yes the host is a valid ip 
 this does work on a linux box with DBI installed in the standard
 location, so what do i need to do to get this to work where DBI is
 recognized by the script but not in the normal location?

That seems like a very odd error. One thing I do notice is that you are
including DBI in the path to 'use lib'. This would have to mean that
the DBI module lives in $ENV{HOME}/modules/DBI/ Is that the
case? Or should your use lib line just be $ENV{HOME}/modules??


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Re: problem using a module

2005-10-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
jm wrote:
 On 10/28/05, Wiggins d'Anconia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That seems like a very odd error. One thing I do notice is that you are
including DBI in the path to 'use lib'. This would have to mean that
the DBI module lives in $ENV{HOME}/modules/DBI/ Is that the
case? Or should your use lib line just be $ENV{HOME}/modules??


 you're right; upon further reading (i'm still researching) i
 discovered that discrepancy and removed the /DBI, now i get
 Can't locate loadable object for module DBI in @INC (@INC contains:
 /asi/home/ca/jm5379/modules /usr/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris
 /usr/perl5/5.00503 /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris
 /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at /asi/home/ca/jm5379/modules/
 line 254
 which does show my dir prepended to @INC.  looking just now in
 i see the following notes a little above line 254:
 # If you get an error here like Can't find loadable object ...
 # then you haven't installed the DBI correctly. Read the README
 # then install it again.

 so i guess just copying the file isn't going to cut it this time.  oh
 well.  thanks for the quick response.  back to the drawing board.

Yep. Your best bet is to use CPAN to install the module. One of its
configuration parameters will allow you to specify a prefix of where to
install modules, specifically 'makepl_arg'.

Check the archives of this list or google for further information. How
to install modules into a non-standard location is a widely covered topic.


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Re: Is this script safe?

2005-10-27 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ryan Frantz wrote:

(my $new = $name) =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;  # trans the
 Alternatively, you could use the 'uc' function instead of 'tr'.
 perldoc -f uc

At the very least remove the [], tr does not take a regular expression
so the brackets above do not represent the character class as they would
in a regex. So the above is replacing all '[' with '[' which is
pointless. If you are going to use tr, instead of 'uc' for some reason,

 =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;

Is sufficient.

perldoc perlop look for notes on transliteration.


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Re: how to avoid process die when can't create mysql dbh

2005-10-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Jeff Pan wrote:
 Because of network problem,my script can't create Mysql dbh sometime
 when running,then it died.I have written code like this:
 {PrintError = 1,RaiseError = 0});
 I want to know how to adjust it,thanks a lot.

According to the DBI docs connect should be returning undef on failure
and should not be causing the script to die. Can you show us some code?

In most cases you would catch an exception (death) caused by a module
using eval to wrap the code in a block.

perldoc -f eval

eval {
  # code that could fail
  die ;
if ($@) {
  # handle error condition here, error is in $@


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Re: extract zip file

2005-10-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Tommy Nordgren wrote:
 Oct 25, 2005 kl. 6:21 AM skrev Pant, Hridyesh:
 Hi All,
 How to extract zip file using perl program...


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 system '/usr/bin/unzip',@OPTIONS,$zipfile;

Time for me to rant about how the above is unacceptable for anything
other than a one off script. Shelling out using 'system' or backticks is
a last resort and should be used with care and the proper precautions
taken. The above lacks proper error handling, security safe guards, and
is inefficient and non-portable.

So the ML archives for further discussion of how to properly shell out...

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Re: extract zip file

2005-10-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Tommy Nordgren wrote:
 Oct 26, 2005 kl. 7:56 PM skrev Wiggins d'Anconia:
 Tommy Nordgren wrote:

 Oct 25, 2005 kl. 6:21 AM skrev Pant, Hridyesh:

 Hi All,
 How to extract zip file using perl program...


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 system '/usr/bin/unzip',@OPTIONS,$zipfile;

 Time for me to rant about how the above is unacceptable for anything
 other than a one off script. Shelling out using 'system' or  backticks is
 a last resort and should be used with care and the proper precautions

 Calling system with multiple paramaters don't 'shell out' as you call  it.'
 It launches the tool in question directly, bypassing the shell entirely.
 The main security concern of calling accientally a trojan horse  earlier in
 the users path, don't apply when using the array form of system, with an
 absolute search path

Ok, fork/exec'ing, technically you are correct, the shell doesn't get a
chance to re-interpret the command line. You are also correct that you
avoid a trojan horse when someone places something earlier in the path,
of course there is nothing to say that /usr/bin/unzip isn't a trojan
horse itself, assuming it exists at all. Regardless the above code still
doesn't catch a missing executable, no permissions to run said
executable, or errors thrown by that executable, or on the flip side
that it was actually successful. Though I haven't benchmarked it, for
common practices shelling out is generally also slower than its native
Perl bretheren, and of course portability falls all to pieces.

So for proper applications something like Archive::Zip would be
significantly better from interface, security, portability, and
efficiency standpoints.

 taken. The above lacks proper error handling, security safe guards,  and
 is inefficient and non-portable.

 So the ML archives for further discussion of how to properly shell 

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 This sig is dedicated to the advancement of Nuclear Power
 Tommy Nordgren

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Re: HUP vs signal 9

2005-10-24 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Christopher Spears wrote:
 What is the difference between
 kill 1, SIGNAL
 kill 9, SIGNAL ?
 By reading books and talking to people, I figured out
 that kill 1 is the HUP (hang up signal) and kill 9 is
 the  kill signal.  Don't they do the same thing (i.e.
 terminate a program)?  I was told that kill 1 is a
 nicer way to end a program than kill 9.

HUP is a catchable signal. Meaning the program receives notification
that a signal has occurred and which signal. This allows the program to
then act in a certain appropriate manner. For example, HUP is often used
to restart a server application such as Apache. Generally the server
will clear its configuration, re-read its configuration, and then
re-perform any startup like stuffs. The KILL (9) signal is not catchable
and causes an immediate death without proper cleanup. It is usually
reserved for a runaway process that can't be killed with one of the
other catchable kill signals like TERM or QUIT.

perldoc perlipc

For more about signals and their handling in Perl.

man -s 7 signal

For more about Unix/POSIX signals.

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Re: Finding all the files in a PC

2005-10-22 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Andrew McHorney wrote:
 I am planning on developing a perl script that will find all the
 duplicate files (name, size and content) on a pc and remove the
 duplicate files. I have written a few scripts on a unix platform but non
 yet for a pc in a windows environment. Can someone provide a basic stub
 that will find all the files, the creation date and size and put them in
 a array. I want to avoid putting the directories in the array.
 This is because of various problems with a hard drive and putting files
 on various removeable media disks.

perldoc File::Find

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Re: Project planning

2005-10-20 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Steve Bertrand wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 This question may seem odd, but here goes anyway.
 I've been working at an ISP for a few years now, and have been adding
 to/modifying their current accounting system since I've got here. Of
 course it is all Perl based.
 This isn't a technical problem I'm having, but the system has well over
 100,000 lines of code in several files. I want to change course, and
 take a more organized approach to this.
 My question is if there are any good books (particular to Perl), on how
 to organize a large project like this to make it easier to consolodate
 code, find code, and otherwise prevent myself from continuously
 re-inventing the wheel. I am quite familiar with Packages, but I just
 need some guidance with documenting/planning of the project.
 Any tips very much welcome.

I am sure there are plenty of others, 3 I would suggest,

- Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules
- Object Oriented Perl
- The Pragmatic Programmer

Sounds like the system has grown enough that it should be broken into
objects to prevent duplication, among all of the other things OOP
provides. The first two above should give you the tools to accomplish
the suggestions about general programming that the third provides.

Good luck,

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Re: Need Some Guidance

2005-10-20 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Gladstone Daniel - dglads wrote:
 I noticed that there is various version of 
 Learning Perl + Perl Cookbook
 The most version (Version 4) costs the most. Does it matter the version
 I want to learn or do I need to get the most recent version? 
 What is the groups thoughts? 
 Daniel Gladstone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Please start a new thread with a new subject.

It definitely matters for the Learning series. The newer versions are
much improved over previous ones. For the cookbook chances are it
matters less, though you will want to pay attention to errata. And
obviously the newer the version the more and probably better recipes it
will contain. As far as buying two books, I would get both in the
Learning series before picking up the cookbook.  Some will definitely
disagree about that last part, but I think it depends on how much you
already know and what your plans are. The cookbook provides excellent
*snippets*, but you can find snippets galore on the web, the 2nd in the
learning series will help you build a much stronger foundation that
should allow you to come up with more workable programs.


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Re: Config File Layout

2005-10-20 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ryan Frantz wrote:
 I'm working on a script that will need to email clients if it finds
 files in their respective outbound directories.  I've decided on a
 simple config file:
 I've written a simple parser but it doesn't check for incorrect syntax.
 I looked at some of the Config:: modules and they appear to require
 Name=Value pairs.
 So my question is one of design; should I use the name=value pairing and
 one of the Config:: modules, or just leave it as is?  I'm going to be
 the only one maintaining the config file but, of course, I want the
 script and config file to be maintainable even if I'm not around.

One of the Config:: modules should handle your format above. You might
also consider AppConfig,



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2005-10-18 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Bill Stephenson wrote:
 I've been testing the $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS and $CGI::POST_MAX
 variables and I don't think I've got it feature working as it should.
 The docs say this: also has some simple built-in protections against denial of
 service attacks, but you must activate them before you can use them.
 If set to a non-negative integer, this variable puts a ceiling on
 the size of POSTings, in bytes. If detects a POST that is
 greater than the ceiling, it will immediately exit with an error
 It seems to me that my script will not exit until uploading the entire
 POST has been completed. So, here are my questions about this:

Right, but the script exits immediately. I *suspect* the complete
request must be sent to the web server regardless of whether the script
is going to fail. Exiting immediately just means that CGI will not allow
execution of anything beyond its initial preparations, rather than
meaning it will truncate the request.

At least that would be my interpretation... But I didn't have a look at
the modules source, you might want to check there for confirmation.

 Do I misunderstand the above? (ie. the script should upload the entire
 POST before exiting with an error)
 Is there something wrong with my test script (I suspect this must be the
 case, please see it below)
 Or... is there something wrong with (this seems to be a longshot)
 I'd really appreciate any help you all can give me with this.
 Kindest Regards,
 Bill Stephenson
 # deny_upload.cgi
 use CGI;
 use File::Basename;
 use strict;
 $CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 5;  # max 100K posts
 $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;  # no uploads
 my $Q = new CGI;
 my $message;
 # trap error with this...
 if (!$Q-param('file')  $Q-cgi_error()) {
 $message = $Q-cgi_error();
 error_trap( $message);
 # or this...
 # if ($Q-cgi_error()) {
 # $message = $Q-cgi_error();
 # error_trap( $message);
 # }
 if (!$Q-param) {
 print $Q-header;
 print qq ~!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
 titleUpload Test/title
 form id=upload_logo_form method=post
 action=/cgi-bin/test/deny_upload.cgi enctype=multipart/form-data
 input type=file name=file size=30
 ptextarea name=text rows=4 cols=40put too much text in
 input type=submit name=upload value=Upload Stuff
 exit 0;
 # get on to uploading the file...
 if ($Q-param('file')) {
 my $data;
 my $filePath;
 my $file = $Q-param('file');
 $file = basename($file);
 $filePath = /test/$file;
 open (SAVE,$filePath) or error_trap($message=  Error:: $! ::
 Can Not Upload $file: \n);
 while (read($Q-param('file'),$data,1024)) {print SAVE $data;}
 close SAVE;
 print $Q-header;
 print $Q-start_html(-title = Uploaded it anyway);
 print Uploaded it anyway;
 print $Q-end_html;
 exit 0;
 if ($Q-param('test')) {
 print $Q-header;
 print $Q-start_html(-title = Lotsa Text);
 print $Q-param('test');
 print $Q-end_html;
 exit 0;
 sub error_trap  {
 print $Q-header;
 print  $Q-start_html(-title = MyApp Error Screen);
 print $message;
 print  $Q-end_html;
 exit 0;

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Re: Sending HTML file as mail from mail command (mail -s )

2005-10-13 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Josh Brown wrote:
 Mazhar wrote:
 Hi Folks,
i have a requirement where in i need to send alerts to a set
 of users for which i have developed a script and it is working fine.
 For the body of the mail i am writing into a text file everytime and i
 am sending across using the command,

 cat textfilename | mail -s Subject set of users

 This above is working fine i need help for sending the same
 textfile as a HTML file as the body of the mail please help me.

 Thanx in Advance



 Hi Mazhar,
 What I do is open a filehandle to the sendmail application, then I print
 in the headers I want.
 You can be very flexible with it and there really is no guess work.

There is lots of guess work. What if the path is different, are you
going to code in every possible system location, or just hope the path
is correct and open a security hole. What about necessary switches to
sendmail? What if sendmail isn't even installed? What if no command line
mail handler is installed? What if you want to send both text and html,
then you need to setup boundaries and a proper preamble.

Avoid the headaches, stick with a module that will handle all of that
for you. Dealing with mail messages by hand is or will quickly become a

 Here is a quick example.
open (MAIL, |/usr/sbin/sendmail $recipient) or die Could
 not open sendmail;
print MAIL To: $recipient\n;
print MAIL From: $sender\n;
print MAIL Subject: $subject\n;
print MAIL Content-Type: text/html\n\n;
print MAIL $html\n;
print MAIL \n.;
close MAIL;
 That should work just fine, it is only for one recipient but I think you
 just have to make sure they are seperated by spaces.
 Hope that helps,

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Re: Formatting Variables

2005-10-12 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 Ryan Frantz wrote:
 Is there are way to format a variable before placing it into an array or
 hash?  I have several variables that contain floating point numbers that
 I format prior to printing out:
 my $float = 12.3456;
 print %2.1f\n, $float;

perldoc -f sprintf

 I'd like to place these scalars into an array for later use/output in an
 HTML table and I figured I have to format them before they are entered
 in the array.  Is this possible?  Or is there a different/better

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2005-10-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Peter Scott wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Oct 2005 05:42:59 -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
So make tests that just run the scripts and then examine the outputs. 
If there are unwanted side effects you can't undo from the test then
you need to modify the script in some way.

Is this where 'do' comes into use?
 No, I'd use 'system'.  Otherwise the script will be affecting the calling
 environment in ways I'm not supposed to have to find out about with black
 box testing.
This is why writing the tests *before* writing the code makes life so
much easier.  Still, that's hindsight.

um...  I have one problem with that.
I often don't know what the script is supposed to actually do until I'm
already writing it.  Most of these are variations on a theme of log
analysis or data mining.
 At least one well known person has said the same thing... but he appears
 to be in a minority.  Personally, unless you're doing the programming
 equivalent of doodling, I can't see how you can write something before
 knowing what it does.  Even if you only formulate the idea a moment before
 writing the code, the idea still precedes the code.

This IMHO is a key to the whole test first. Write all of the tests you
can ahead of time, that doesn't mean every tiny single unit test that
you will ever have has to exist up front. Maybe it is just a unit to
test whether your script exits true or not. The key here for me is that
it gets me into the mindset and guarantees I have a testing harness that
more tests can be added to, once I know what they should be.

 Yes, if you're doing a lot of iterative development, you may change the
 public interface that testing uses and have to rewrite the tests.  That's
 the biggest problem I have with test-first.  But I find it well worth it,
 because if I were to wait until the code was stable, I'd never have any
 tests.  Test-first encourages me to think about my public interfaces in a
 good way.

Right. It takes more time to write the individual code upfront, but it
should save time in aggregate because if you have accurate tests then
making additions/changes in the future will be faster (read: safer).

Now if I could just find someplace that actually does this

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Re: Query on sendmail problem

2005-10-05 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Dale wrote:
 I'm hoping someone can help me with an issue I've got with, I assume,
 I've copied part of a script below.  If I use the first To: line (which
 takes the e-mail address from a file - and this works) then a mail
 doesn't arrive.  If, however, I used the second To: line (which is
 currently commented out - the xx is to stop spammers picking the
 address up from this mail) then a mail is received.
 I added a page after the sendmail just to make sure it was reading the
 e-mail address from the file (which it was) but it still doesn't seem to
 send. $manageremail is the correct variable name.
 In the datafile, I've had the e-mail addresses formatted properly (e.g.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]) but also tried with \'s at appropriate places (e.g.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  I just can't get anything to work.
 Anyone have any ideas what I could be doing wrong.

You're not using a module... Don't think that is what you meant though.

 Thanks in advance!
   open(MAIL, |/usr/local/bin/sendmail -t);
 print MAIL To: $manageremail\n;

Are you chomp'ing $manageremail?  If it has a newline on it in the file
and you have added an additional new line above then you have stopped
the header, surprisingly it should still be sending but below should be
in the body. You should probably have a look at the mail logs generated
by sendmail to see if it is complaining, and more specifically about what.

 #   print MAIL To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 print MAIL Subject: Escalation logged\n;
 print MAIL Hi $manager\.\n\n;
 print MAIL The following escalation has been logged from your
 print MAIL Agent's Manager   : $manager\n;
 print MAIL Agent's Name  : $agentname\n;
 print MAIL Date Logged   : $day\-$month\-$year\n;
 print MAIL Escalation Reason : $reason\n;
 print MAIL Short Description : $short\n;
 print MAIL Long  Description : $long\n;
 print MAIL Justified?: $justified\n;
 print MAIL Name of Logger: $logger\n;
   close (MAIL);

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Re: question about # of files in a directory

2005-09-28 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
ZHAO, BING wrote:
 first, I want to thank all who viewed my first question days
 before, especially to those who took time to answer it. It was
 trenmendous encouragement for a beginner perlee like me. Thanks again.
 My question:
  Is there a way to call or maybe get the # of files in a
  I am trying to build a storage directory for files which
 automatically empits itself when the # files reaches 50. If there is
 some commands which do that(like whatever COMMAND(directory) ), the
 problem would be solved, I then will be OK to program the rest of perl.
   To be more specific, I have a CGI online page which takes
 uploaded files(press 'upload' on my website, then upload whatever text
 files, uaually DNA sequence files) then I need to modify the files a bit
 then save the files to the STORAGE directory, the directory can't be
 infinitely increasing, so I need to empty it when the time comes.  And I
 need to keep track of the # of files in that 'damn' directory.
Maybe you got better idea about how to store the files to
 the directory? Let me know then.

perldoc -f opendir
perldoc -f readdir
perldoc -f closedir
perldoc -f unlink

This should get you started. You can also look into file globs though I
have never preferred them, for whatever reason.

perldoc -f stat
perldoc -f sort

Might also come in handy as presumably you want to remove the oldest,
highest number, etc.


opendir my $DIRHANDLE, '/path/to/dir' or die Can't get directory
handle: $!;

my @filelist = grep { $_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..' } readdir $DIRHANDLE;

closedir $DIRHANDLE;

if (@filelist  50) {
  for my $index (50 .. @filelist) {
unlink $filelist[$index] or die Can't remove file
$filelist[$index]: $!;

Thank you all for reading my 'junk'.



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Re: PERL's equivalent to an include file

2005-09-27 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post...

Shelly Brown wrote:
 I would like to display the daily calendar information from a perl script: within an html page so it looks like this: Right now I have to manually enter the calendar
 information. I would like for it to be dynamic. Make sense?

Most likely your web server software has the ability to parse pages, aka
server parsed pages, and you can probably make an include call exec on a
program on the local filesystem. The program should output on STDOUT the
HTML code for the calendar. Depending on which webserver you run you may
also be able to handle this directly with ASP or the like, but then that
wouldn't be Perl.

Going the embedded Perl route is probably more difficult and not the
direction to head...

 On 9/27/05, Shelly Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would like to include a PERL file within an html or asp file. How do I
do that? I'm working on a Windows server.
Shelly Brown

 Shelly Brown

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Re: Shift Question

2005-09-27 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Mulander wrote:
 If I understood you question properly you want to know why people use
 shift in subrutines and how does shift work.
 I will try to make it short:
 shift works on lists, it removes the first element of the list ( the 0
 indexed element ) and returns it as a lvalue ( if there are no more
 elements in a list it returns undef ).
 Here is an example:
 my @list = qw(a b c d);
 print shift @list,\n;
 print my list is now @list\n;
 print shift @list,\n;
 print my list is now @list\n;
 print shift @list,\n;
 print my list is now @list\n;
 print shift @list,\n,
 print my list is now @list\n;
 this should print something like this ( althoug I did not have the
 time to test it )
 my list is now b c d
 my list is now c d
 and so on...
 If you use shift without giving it the list name to work on it will
 refer to @_ or @ARGV ( it is decided upon the file scope ). So when
 you define a sub like this:
 sub somesub {
 my $arg1 = shift;
 You did something simmilar to my $arg1 = $_[0]; but more elegant ( in
 my opinion ) and you removed the first element from the arguments list
 ( witch is quite usefull ).
 Hope this will clear some things up, you can check also:
 perldoc -f shift
 perldoc -f unshift
 perldoc -f pop
 perldoc -f push

Additionally a very common idiom and where you may be seeing this so
much is within OOP style programs/modules. In the case of object
oriented syntax Perl automagically tacks on the class name or instance
object as the first argument to the subroutine (method). So you will
very commonly see,

sub class_method {
  my $class = shift;
  my (%other_args) = @_;


sub instance_method {
  my $self = shift;
  my (@other_args) = @_;

These would be called like,

Class::Object-class_method(key1 = 'val1');


my $object = new Class::Object;

I often use this syntax for writing non-OOP libraries just because it
has become so common otherwise. In which case having the name of the
class really doesn't matter much.

Finally, it is common to use 'shift' with subroutines that take a very
common x # of arguments, and then take a hash like list.


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Re: general retry function

2005-09-27 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Ing. Branislav Gerzo wrote:
 Hi Perlers,
 I have one nice question for you, I was run into common problem:
 need to repeat certain number of times something, until is succesful.
 For example - download webpage, FTP upload, connect to some host and
 so on.
 I ask you for some general (or it can't be possible - FTP upload)
 function, for example I will call:
 ftpupload($cfg, 10);
 will call ftpupload() with $cfg ($cfg-{user}, $cfg-{pass},...)
 and 10 is number of retries.
 Could be anyone so nice and write it ? I have some snippets here,
 using eval {} and catch errors with calling recursive sub, but I don't
 think thats the best option.
 Thanks in advance.

You haven't shown us what you have tried, or where it failed, only
suggested something about eval and recursive subs, which neither of
which should be pertinent here. Show us your attempts...

In any case...

I would write this such that the number of retries is part of your
configuration, assuming you really do want the ftpupload sub to handle
keeping track of that, for now I will assume you do.

In pseudo code this might looking something like...

use Net::FTP;
my $cfg = { 'user' = 'username',
'pass' = 'password',
'host' = '',
'retries' = 10,
'filename' = '/path/to/file',
'dir'  = '/remote_dir',


sub ftp_upload {
  my ($config) = @_;

  # error handling on argument list

  $config-{'retries'} ||= 3;

  my $try = 0;
  while ($try  $config-{'retries'}) {
 # connect
 # change directory
 # upload file
 # disconnect

 if (success) {
  return Failed after $config-{'retries'} attempt(s);

I assume you can read the docs for Net::FTP to handle the actual FTP
code, they are fairly complete and straight forward. It is also a core
module, and the *best* way to handle FTP transfers.

Good luck,

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Re: how to use perl modules

2005-09-27 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Abhishek Dave wrote:
 hello all,
 i've wrote a small test subroutine in my file name and in the same 
 directory i worte 
 a perl file in which i've to call this subroutine in this perl program

Capitals, punctuation, and full words are a good idea when posting to a
public forum. Poor grammar from non-native speakers is certainly
tolerated, but if you can write what you wrote above then you know
enough to punctuate and capitalize. And very few language - English
dictionaries would produce such output.

 I dont know how to use perl modules 
 pls let me knwo abt that as it will solve my lots of problems
 sub ReturnValue()
 my $a=10;
 return ($a);
 use test;
 print ReturnValue();
 --I don't know abt the moduls in perl 

Did you run the program? What did it say and what does that tell you?

 Pls help me in this regard asap

What have you researched, what have you read on the topic? Have you
searched google on How to write Perl modules?

perldoc perlmod
perldoc perlmodlib
perldoc perlmodstyle

 waiting for reply from perl group


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Re: Camel book relevance

2005-09-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Gonzillaaa wrote:
 Hello, another beginner looking for a book...
 Only this time I'm pretty much decided by the Camel book I just wanted
 to know how relevant you guys think is it for Perl today... What I mean
 is how much the language has evolved since the book was last published
 and if that change has render it irrelevant in some areas.

For beginners I would suggest getting Learning Perl rather than the
Camel. The Camel is written as a reference, a very thorough one at that.
The Learning series is written to teach and includes exercises, etc. It
is known as the Llama. Unless you are already very, very familar with
language constructs and are a very good developer, then the camel will
probably not serve you as well.

I have reviews of many of the Perl books on my site:;content=StaticPage;label=perl

And information about most can also be found at:

Just a couple of cents,

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Re: Camel book relevance

2005-09-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post...

Gomez, Juan wrote:
 Hi !
 I am a beginner too 
 and can tell you this I use PERL a lot, I work with a lot of data and PERL 
 helps me to manage all the data, I have started doing some CGI programming 
 with it and it is great now all the text mode information I can put it in a 
 web page for me it has work i think it would work for you 

Perl or perl, but never PERL. The first is the general name for
the language. The second is usually used in reference to the interpreter.

 -Original Message-
 From: news on behalf of Gonzillaaa
 Sent: Sun 9/25/2005 1:50 AM
 Subject:  Camel book relevance
 Hello, another beginner looking for a book...
 Only this time I'm pretty much decided by the Camel book I just 
 wanted to know how relevant you guys think is it for Perl today... What 
 I mean is how much the language has evolved since the book was last 
 published and if that change has render it irrelevant in some areas.

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Re: html file with form and onSubmit=return check_form(this)

2005-09-23 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Edgardo Lust wrote:
 I have a html file (created with Dreamweaver) with one form and submit
 button with 
 form method=POST action=/cgi-bin/ onSubmit=return
   input type=hidden name=success
input type=hidden name=required-to
 input type=hidden name=subject value=-- NEW
 I need my perl script to return a valid value then the user can see
 message.htm page
 How can I do?

What do you mean by return a valid value? You can either redirect to
message.htm or read it in and return the contents.

As a side note the above is basically an open relay, depending on your
other form fields a specially crafted message can probably be used to
send an e-mail to anyone.

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Re: tsv

2005-09-23 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Matthew Sacks wrote:
 Hello Folks,
 Has anybody used Data::Table?
 I am specifically interested munching some huge tab separated file.  When 
 reading/writing it, I want to be very strict about what characters comprise 
 valid data.

Text::CVS_XS is also popular for this type of thing. Despite the name it
will handle data formatted by definitions other than commas. If you are
going to be manipulating the data via similar methods as an SQL database
you may wish to consider DBI using the DBD::CSV driver.

Having said that I don't have specific experience or reasons not to use

Good luck,

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Re: Reverse If and Normal Else

2005-09-22 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Frank Geueke, III wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 Okay, so maybe this one is a silly question.  I have a
 fairly large script and I have a bunch of places where
 I'm following a reverse if with a normal else and perl
 keeps complaining about it.  It seems to make sense to
 me, but I guess its bad syntax.  Here is one of them:
 display_nothing() if ($match_type eq 'none');
 Now I like the reverse if because it takes up one line
 instead of four (I like braces on their own lines -
 see else).  But this error...

Not really because the ; is a statement terminator. If it is really
about the number of lines there is nothing preventing you from just
putting it all on one line.

if ($match_type eq 'none') { display_nothing(); }

Personally I would rather see it just written out, a couple lines make
little difference if the rest of your code is structured well.

I suppose you could also reverse the logic and then your display_nothing
would get shoved to the bottom of the whole block which is typically
what I would do, so,

if ($match_type ne 'none')
else { display_nothing(); }


unless ($match_type eq 'none')
else { display_nothing(); }


 syntax error at
 line 70, near else
 ...keeps coming up.  Is there a way to keep the
 reverse if and use an else (or something like it) that
 anyone knows of?  Thanks.  ~Frank

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Re: trying to run net::ssh::perl have errors

2005-09-22 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post...
Please group reply so others can help and be helped...

O'Brien, Bill wrote:
 Thanks I think that work but know it appears I lost /bin/sh, error below
 any ideas?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.cpan/sources/modules/Crypt-RSA-1.56$ which sh
 sh: Command not found.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.cpan/sources/modules/Crypt-RSA-1.56$ make
 make: /bin/sh: Command not found
 make: *** [blib/lib/Crypt/.exists] Error 127
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.cpan/sources/modules/Crypt-RSA-1.56$ which make
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.cpan/sources/modules/Crypt-RSA-1.56$ /bin/make
 make: /bin/sh: Command not found
 make: *** [blib/lib/Crypt/.exists] Error 127

Yikes, sounds like a very messed up Cygwin install, or something is
clearing your path. Try displaying the PATH env variable, under bash use:

echo $PATH

And see if it has been cleared. If it looks normal then I would
reinstall Cygwin from scratch. This is about the extent of my knowledge
and experience with Cygwin installation.

If that doesn't fix it then you might try posting to a Cygwin list to
get installation assistance. The key for Perl here is that the modules
you are trying to install have a C component that must be compiled,
hence the need for gcc, but that is about the extent of the issue from a
Perl perspective.


 -Original Message-
 From: Wiggins d'Anconia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 5:32 PM
 To: O'Brien, Bill
 Subject: Re: trying to run net::ssh::perl have errors
 O'Brien, Bill wrote:

Not sure if this is correct place, but I need to start somewhere, I
cygwin install on my work station and I'm trying to to use
NET::SSH::Perl but I'm getting an error.
I have installed NET:SSH:Perl-1.28, but I'm getting the following
when I run the script.
Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/cygwin-thread-multi-64int /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/ line 7,
GEN0 line 1.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/ line 7,
GEN0 line 1.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/ line 56, GEN0
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/Key/ line 6, GEN0
line 1.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/ line 13, GEN0
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/ line 13, GEN0
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/ line 52, GEN0 line 1.

I'm trying to install the GMP version MATH::GMP 2.04 but that is
with these errors but I'm not sure why it is failing:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.cpan/sources/modules/Math-GMP-2.04$ make test
gcc -c   -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
-I/usr/local/include -DUSEIMPORTLIB -O2   -DVERSION=\2.04\
-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/cygwin-thread-multi-64int/CORE   GMP.c
gcc: not found
make: *** [GMP.o] Error 127

 gcc not found indicates you don't have the gcc compiler installed. Try
 installing gcc through Cygwin, then re-try the Math::GMP installation.



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Re: RE : Is it possible to force a particular order in a hash?

2005-09-22 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Jose Nyimi wrote:
-Message d'origine-
De : John W. Krahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : jeudi 22 septembre 2005 23:26
À : Perl Beginners
Objet : Re: Is it possible to force a particular order in a hash?

Dave Adams wrote:

I have a hash that I need to use later and display some values in a 
particular order.  Perl comes up with its own way of 

ordering it but I 

am wondering if I can instruct perl to have it listed in 

the way that 

I want.

You could store the ordered keys in a separate array or you 
could use the Tie::IxHash module.
 I'm wondering if Tie::IxHash is suitable here.
 Indeed, from the module doc i'm reading the following:
 This Perl module implements Perl hashes that preserve
 the order in which the hash elements were added.
 It seems that the OP here wants to customize the order,
 not only preserve the order in which elements were added during hash

From the perldoc:


This method can be used to manipulate the internal order of the
IxHash elements by supplying a list of keys in the desired order. Note
however, that any IxHash elements whose keys are not in the list will be
removed from the IxHash.

Based on that and the push,pop,shift,unshift,splice and replace methods
you should be able to simulate just about any reordering operation.

 Desired output order: TITLE AUTHOR LANGUAGE
 Suggestion from Waldemar Jankowski looks promizing ...

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Re: trying to run net::ssh::perl have errors

2005-09-21 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
O'Brien, Bill wrote:
 Not sure if this is correct place, but I need to start somewhere, I have
 cygwin install on my work station and I'm trying to to use
 NET::SSH::Perl but I'm getting an error.
 I have installed NET:SSH:Perl-1.28, but I'm getting the following error,
 when I run the script.
 Can't locate Math/ in @INC (@INC contains:
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/cygwin-thread-multi-64int /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/ line 7,
 GEN0 line 1.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/Util/ line 7,
 GEN0 line 1.
 Compilation failed in require at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/ line 56, GEN0 line
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/Key/ line 6, GEN0
 line 1.
 Compilation failed in require at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/ line 13, GEN0 line
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/Perl/ line 13, GEN0 line
 Compilation failed in require at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Net/SSH/ line 52, GEN0 line 1.
 I'm trying to install the GMP version MATH::GMP 2.04 but that is failing
 with these errors but I'm not sure why it is failing:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.cpan/sources/modules/Math-GMP-2.04$ make test
 gcc -c   -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe
 -I/usr/local/include -DUSEIMPORTLIB -O2   -DVERSION=\2.04\
 -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/cygwin-thread-multi-64int/CORE   GMP.c
 gcc: not found
 make: *** [GMP.o] Error 127

gcc not found indicates you don't have the gcc compiler installed. Try
installing gcc through Cygwin, then re-try the Math::GMP installation.


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Re: perl script for a trace file

2005-09-21 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
oracle s wrote:
 I have a trace file( network simulator trace file) and I need to write a perl 
 script which computes drop probability and delay. The parameters are read 
 from the trace file and I need to do all these calculations in the perl 
 script. Since I have no knowledge of perl, could  you please advise me as to 
 how i need go about writing this script ( the logic of the script and the 
 Thank you,

This is not generally a free script writing service. Most would start


Or offline with the Llama, aka Learning Perl from ORA.

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Re: Forcing a save as' dialogue box to come up on left click

2005-09-19 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Tony Frasketi wrote:
 Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
 Most browsers will provide this functionality if the return header is
 application/octet-stream rather than text/html or the like.  In
 the case of IE you may have to fool the browser into thinking it is
 getting something different than it is based on the URL, because it 
 likes to look there for a file extension to determine the file type too.

 Hi Wiggins
 Thanks... I just tried putting these three lines in a .htaccess file in
 a particular directory...
   AddType application/octet-stream .cgi
   AddType application/octet-stream .txt
   AddType application/octet-stream .htm
 Alternatively, I also triedAddType application/octet-stream .cgi
 .txt .htm

Interesting way to do it, not what I intended. Have you 100% confirmed
that the header is being passed back correctly? I am not sure how Apache
(or whatever web server you are using) handles setting the type, it
might be finding it from somewhere else that is overriding it. There is
a module for Firefox/Mozilla called Live HTTP Headers that will help
you confirm what is being sent.

What I was intending was to call the cgi script and rather than it
printing the normal text/html header it would print the header directly,
that way you are guaranteed to be operating the way you intended.

 Using the Mozilla 5.0 Suite browser, I get the following results
 And then trried clicked on links to a .cgi file, a .txt file, and a .htm
 file in that directory Only  the .htm file automaticaly brought up a
 'Save as...' diaglogue box as I left clicked on the link to the .htm file
 when I clicked on the link to the .txt file, the contents of the .txt
 file appeared in a Wordpad window.

This is windows picking up the association based on the extension
(probably), didn't you know it was smarter than you? ;-)

 When I clicked on the link to the .cgi file, the .cgi file was executed
 and the results displayed in the browser window.
 One out of three right!
 Using the Microsoft IE 6.0 browser, I get the following results
 .htm file - Displays the .htm file in browser window
 .txt file -  Displays the .txt file in browser window
 .cgi file - Executes the .cgi script and displays results in browser
 zero out of three right!

Yeh I suspect that is IE picking up on the URL extension.

 Using Firefox 1.0 browser, I get the following results...
 .htm file - brings up the 'Save as...' dialogue box
 .txt file - brings up the 'Save as...' dialogue box
 .cgi file - Executes the .cgi script and displays results in browser

The .cgi problem is probably because you have a handler setup for .cgi
files that trumps the AddType call. What is the header printed by the
.cgi file? It should be able to print its own header of
application/octet-stream followed by the contents of a file and it
should work correctly.

 SO... Filefox wins by getting two out of the three
 This method doesn't look very hopeful at this point!

I know I have used this method before, and I have done so recently from
within the context of a different web framework (specifically Interchange).

As to your question about Content-Disposition it can be used to preset
the filename that the user sees in the Save as... dialogue, but is
again not standard, it is just convention and will depend on the browser
supporting it, to my knowledge the major browsers[1] do support it.

 Thanks again
 Tony Frasketi

Keep at it, I suspect you will get it to work...

[1] When I say major browsers I mean Mozilla (and variants, Firefox,
etc.), IE (some recent version, probably newer than 4.x), Safari. I know
there are others but I don't have a copy so can't say specifically how
they act, they may work as well.

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Re: Forcing a save as' dialogue box to come up on left click

2005-09-19 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Tony Frasketi wrote:
 What I was intending was to call the cgi script and rather than it
 printing the normal text/html header it would print the header directly,
 that way you are guaranteed to be operating the way you intended.
 Hi Wiggins
 Thanks for this suggestion... I've tried the following bit of CGI script
 with three different file types (.txt, .cgi, .dat) and in each case *DO*
 get the 'Save as...' dialogue box to come up and when I select 'Save to
 disk' and click ok, It appears as if a transfer occurs but only a
 zero-length file is saved to my local hard disk directory.  The code is
 as follows...

Ok, so almost there let's back up a step and understand the whole
thing. The HTTProtocol is very similar to other common net protocols
where there is a header section and a data (or payload) section. The two
are separated by a blank line. So right now you are providing the header
(apparently correctly). The client reads that information and based on
what it knows how to handle it decides on a way to use the payload. In
this case we are giving the browser less than optimal descriptors of the
payload. Basically we are telling it that there is something coming and
that neither I nor you know what it is. So it does the only thing it
can, Save as The only hint you are providing it a suggestion about
what to call that thing. So right now you are providing a header, but
not a payload, let's add it

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 # testoctetstream_1.cgi
 # My base directory and base directory URL
 my($basedir) = base directory;
 my($baseurl) = base URL;
 # Location of the file to be downloaded
 $fileloc = $basedir/cgi-bin/test/xxx.txt;
 #$fileloc = $basedir/cgi-bin/test/testdu1.cgi;
 #$fileloc = $baseurl/cgi-bin/test/testdu.dat;
 # Name of file to be downloaded
 $filename = xxx.txt;
 #$filename = testdu1.cgi;
 #$filename = testdu.dat;
 # NOTE: Uncomment the desired $filename and $fileloc above
 # Set The headers
 print Content-Type: application/octet-stream;\n;
 print Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\$filename\\n;
 # ---
 # Note: Can't figure out what to put in here to actually download
 # the darn file!!!
 # ---

This is the simple part, and probably looks a little like.

open file...
read in file...
print file back to browser...
close file

There are simpler ways to do this, but what I have come to use looks like:

unless (open $READHANDLE, $file) {
# error handling...
binmode $READHANDLE;

$| = 1;

while ( my $length = sysread $READHANDLE, my $buffer, $block_size ) {
next unless defined $length;

my $offset = 0;
while ( $length ) {
my $written  = syswrite STDOUT, $buffer, $length, $offset;
$length -= $written;
$offset += $written;


 print \n;

You will want to remove this as it will be an addition to the actual
data which can break some formats.

 The above cod was tested in both Mozilla and IE browers with the same
 It appears I'm missing some statement that should follow the

Does this hit the mark?

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Re: regd. cgi -apache

2005-09-19 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
 Hi perlers
 I am having IBM http server installed on my unix machine..
 But ro run cgi perl files I think we need apache.
 Though http server supports apache functions.
 But stillI am facing problem could u please tell me what to do
 Actuallly I am totally new to cgi programming in Perl so need 
 Or I have to install the apache also on my machine?
 Plz suggest me..

I am assuming IBM's server isn't open? If you are having it installed,
you should probably consult IBM's tech support. Assuming their web
server is worth anything you shouldn't need to run Apache too. If you
are going to run Apache, I would stick with a single web server and
scrap the IBM one as well.

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Re: Forcing a save as' dialogue box to come up on left click

2005-09-18 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia

Tony Frasketi wrote:

Hello Listers
I'm trying to find a way to force a download dialogue box to come up 
when the user clicks on a link on a web page (the link will primarily be 
for htm, .txt files on the server).  Normally when the user left clikcs 
on the link the .htm or .txt file appears in the browser. And also 
normally when the user right clicks on the link, he is given the choice 
to 'Save Link Target as' in order to download the file.

What I'm looking for is to avoid right clicking and choosing to save the 
file  Is there a way to implement left clicking the link and 
automatically bringing up a Save As dialogue box?

I've googled for such things as mime type download save as etc but 
came up with dead ends

Tony Frasketi

Most browsers will provide this functionality if the return header is 
application/octet-stream rather than text/html or the like.  In the 
case of IE you may have to fool the browser into thinking it is getting 
something different than it is based on the URL, because it  likes to 
look there for a file extension to determine the file type too.


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Re: problems with upload feature

2005-09-17 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Bill Stephenson wrote:
 On Sep 16, 2005, at 7:51 PM, Scott R. Godin wrote:
 Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

 Scott R. Godin wrote:

 script is at

 I followed the instructions in as best I could, and from what I
 read the upload() function is supposed to return a filehandle ? (it
 doesn't say whether this is a direct FH to the tempfile or not)

 I had dome some preliminary testing with one-liners and was pretty sure
 this would work, but what I wind up with in the attachment is a file
 containing the name of the file, not its actual contents.

 what did I do wrong? I can't figure it out. :/
 Possibly used the wrong web browser to upload the file. Not all of them
 support this feature. Firefox does not. It will however provide the CGI
 script with the file name.
 Kindest Regards,
 Bill Stephenson

Firefox doesn't support file uploads?  I use it all the time to test
scripts that accept uploads.


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Re: problems with upload feature

2005-09-16 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Scott R. Godin wrote:
 script is at
 I followed the instructions in as best I could, and from what I
 read the upload() function is supposed to return a filehandle ? (it
 doesn't say whether this is a direct FH to the tempfile or not)
 I had dome some preliminary testing with one-liners and was pretty sure
 this would work, but what I wind up with in the attachment is a file
 containing the name of the file, not its actual contents.
 what did I do wrong? I can't figure it out. :/

Just because it is easy to overlook and fairly common, did you include
the 'enctype' in the form tag?  For instance,

[form enctype=multipart/form-data action=/cgi-bin/request method=POST]


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Re: File Modification Date

2005-09-14 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Vance M. Allen wrote:
 I'm trying to find out how to determine the date and/or time that a file was 
 created in a simple procedure.  I have heard about a few different libraries 
 but the examples I have found haven't been very useful.
 The basic purpose I want to do is a simple footer provided by a package 
 module through CGI to inform users of the latest update to the code based on 
 the URL.  Something simple saying Version x.xx, Last Modified MM/DD/. 
 which would automatically get the file modified timestamp.
 I'd prefer to have, if possible, a simple scalar variable to store the 
 date...for example:
 $modtime = filemoddate_func(filename.cgi);
 If anyone can help me with the libraries I need to use for this (if any 
 special), and a code snippet if possible, I'd really appreciate it.

Generally this type of information is provided by Cstat, see,

perldoc -f stat

For the details.

To get the modification time for example you could use something like,

my $mod_time = (stat 'filename.cgi')[9];

File creation time is rarely if ever available. Obviously you could wrap
the above in a sub, but I suspect there isn't a lot of reason to since
it is so short anyways.


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Re: Why wont this work? Package require question

2005-09-14 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Luinrandir wrote:

You are missing a semi-colon, and there is no reason to use double
quotes above.

 require '$Player{Location}.pl'; #no error here, I think.

Single quotes don't interpolate.

 '$Player{Location}'::HTML(); #error occurs here
 I'd hate to have to make a big if then else just to do this...

Not sure what that would be aimed at.


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Re: Why wont this work? Package require question

2005-09-14 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
No need to top post, please don't.

Luinrandir wrote:
 Ok.. and i'm actually going to top post for this...
 when done is should read
 require '$Player{Location}.pl';
 whixh is the same as
 require ''; 

Same problems exist. Single quotes do NOT interpolate, meaning the value
of the variable is not replaced, the variable name itself is being used.
So Perl is looking for a file called $Player{Location}.pl which probably
doesn't exist.  Double quotes DO interpolate, but when you don't need to
interpolate use single quotes. So,

$Player{Location} = 'Inn';  # single quotes are fine

require $Player{Location}.pl;  # double quotes for interpolation

Theoretically this should work if I remember 'require's specs correctly.
Though these days I would switch to 'use' and bring in both libraries
unless they are really huge, and not worry about the run time consequences.

 and then

Again, you would need to use double quotes, but in the above you might
be able to get away with or may be required to avoid stringification. So




Either way single quotes will NOT work.  The above also assumes that you
have included the proper package statements in the required library.

perldoc -f package

 which is the same as
 Do i have the vars correct so that if I want to change 
 the program would require the correct package
 and the call on the sub HTML in that package?

Not the vars that matter, it is the quoting.

[snip old messages]

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Re: Comparing file contents (code included)

2005-09-13 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Robert wrote:
 When Perl is doing this comparison is it doing it line by line (like an
 actual DIFF) or is it putting the lines into an array and the checking
 that array against the second file?

Well yes and no, to both. It is storing the lines temporarily, but it is
storing them to a hash, not an array. Then it is checking them line by
line. Depending on the purposes there are several large differences
between the code and a DIFF. For one, order is not maintained in a
hash so it is really checking just to see if the line did exist in the
first file, rather than that they are in the same order, which matters
to a diff. Secondly it is checking to see if that line is in fact Perly
true, so if a line consisted of just a 0 it would be false and return a
false negative. Thirdly, because a hash can only store a key a single
time then duplicated lines would be unconditionally kept, and no
indication provided, even if for example the second file contained 43
copies of the same line and the first file only contained 1.

There are other issues, for instance the first three opens check for
success but the others don't.  Additionally there is absolutely no
reason to open/close the file within the loops, this really kills

If you are really looking for a diff creator there are several good ones
on CPAN.

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 open VASH, vash.txt or die Can't open the file: $!\n;
 open MONH, monh.txt or die Can't open the file: $!\n;
 open MANI, mani.txt or die Can't open the file: $!\n;
 my %dict;
 $dict{$_} = 1 while VASH;
 # This will insert in the text files the lines that are in
 # the Vashon but not in the Monhegan
 while (MONH) {
 print VASH2MONH if !$dict{$_};
 close VASH2MONH;
 print Mohegan comparison is done.\n;
 # This will insert in the text files the lines that are in
 # the Vashon but not in the Manitou
 while (MANI) {
 print VASH2MANI if !$dict{$_};
 close VASH2MANI;
 print Manitou comparison is done.\n;
 close MANI;
 close MONH;
 close VASH;
 print Comparison is completed.\n;
 It works. I am just wondering in what fashion it IS working.

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Re: Comparing file contents (code included)

2005-09-13 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
John W. Krahn wrote:
 Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Robert wrote:

When Perl is doing this comparison is it doing it line by line (like an
actual DIFF) or is it putting the lines into an array and the checking
that array against the second file?

Well yes and no, to both. It is storing the lines temporarily, but it is
storing them to a hash, not an array. Then it is checking them line by
line. Depending on the purposes there are several large differences
between the code and a DIFF. For one, order is not maintained in a
hash so it is really checking just to see if the line did exist in the
first file, rather than that they are in the same order, which matters
to a diff. Secondly it is checking to see if that line is in fact Perly
true, so if a line consisted of just a 0 it would be false and return a
false negative.
 No, the line contents are stored in the hash key but the check is done on the
 hash value which is always one.

Ah, good point. Attention to detail

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Re: sendmail, etc.

2005-09-09 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
zentara wrote:
 On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 19:31:11 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (Matthew Sacks) wrote:
I want to send mail from my perl code. (Boy, that's
really unusual)

I am thinking using mail::mailer.
I need a bit more info than what I have so far found
in the online documentation  (perldoc -q mail).

Where I can I find some advice?
E.G., there is always an example of code that defines
a $to argument.  but can $to be a list of addresses?
(a group, that is).  Can $to be a list of 100 email

Do I have to think about tuning my sendmail daemon? 
It is starting automatically upon boot, of course

-matthew sacks
Peace Corps Volunteer

 This is untested, and there may be a more efficient way, like
 not opening and closing SENDMAIL each time thru the loop.
 But this should work.

Ugh, stick with a module. Dealing with sendmail directly is a giant
hassle, formatting complex messages by hand is an even bigger hassle.
Enhancing the code to send attachments which is almost always the next
question is one that should never be answered. This is a wheel that has
been re-invented enough.

The code that was below *may* have been sufficient but it doesn't have
proper error handling and isn't as portable as using most of the mail
modules available on CPAN.

 Just take the following snippet, and loop thru it for
 each value of @to.

[snip code, use a module]


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Re: Exact matching using GREP.

2005-09-08 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post

Sara wrote:
 No, it's not working, probably you didnt' get my question.

How is it not working now?  What Ovid sent is exactly what I would have
answered so you probably need to provide more information. You mention
man pages and switches to grep, there are two greps here, 1) the command
line program used for searching files which is where your -x, etc. come
in and 2) 'grep' the function which is a Perl built-in. For the docs for
it, you need to check:

perldoc -f grep

They are very different things.

 Anyways, thanks for a prompt reply.
 - Original Message - From: Ovid
 Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 12:01 AM
 Subject: Re: Exact matching using GREP.
 --- Sara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 while (my $row = $sth-fetchrow_hashref)
   if (grep /$row-{CAT_TITLE}/, @present) {
   #matching title with @present elements
   print $row-{CAT_TITLE};

 Question is how to do EXACT matching using GREP? because the above
 code prints every element from array for 'php' if the
 $row-{CAT_TITLE} is 'php' it prints php/counters, php/forums and
 every element containing php.

 Assuming I understood your question correctly:

  if (grep { $_ eq $row-{CAT_TITLE} } @present) {
# do something


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Re: %ENV

2005-09-08 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post

Tony Frasketi wrote:
 I've had problems with this in this the past and found your solution to
 work as long as I run my script from the bash command line.
 However if the script is run from a web page, I still do not get the
 value of the environment variable that I had set from the bash prompt or
 even in the .profile file. Can you  shed some light on why the variables
 do not show up on the web page?

The key is what environment the script inherits from. In the case of
your script running from the command line it is inheriting the
environment of the shell, so your .profile and soft settings are
inherited. But when run as CGI it is inheriting the environment of the
web server, which generally controls the environment closely. Most web
servers I suspect, and know Apache does for sure, allow you to add
arbitrary environment settings in the configuration.


This is the same reason why there are user permission/ownership
requirements, because your script isn't running (necessarily) as who
created it, but is instead running as the user running the webserver
(often nobody/apache/www).  The same applies when doing forking
operations from within your script, the fork inherits the same
environment as your Perl script, and so on...

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Re: nice low cost ISP with support for mod_perl, any suggestions

2005-09-06 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Adriano Ferreira wrote:
 I am on the verge of trying to deploy a small web application for
 small business. I would like to see it working  preferably under
 mod_perl. Does anyone has suggestions about possible providers with a
 good compromise between service quality and cost? As it is directed to
 small business, it won't be very demanding on bandwidth or storage and
 cannot be expensive.

I have come to prefer ISPs that provide VPS (Virtual Private Servers)
accounts. This gives you far greater control over the whole
installation, essentially giving you root access. In most cases you can
install your own software and have complete control over the Apache
config.  Right now I use Westhost ( (I am not an
employee, rep, etc. but WH is the first low cost ISP I have actually
been happy with), but there are more and more springing up. There is
also an open source VPS that some use, Westhost does not, so I might
look at one of them soon.

Good luck,

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Re: Force a file download for link

2005-08-30 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Denzil Kruse wrote:
 --- Bob Showalter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   use CGI qw(:standard);

   open FILE, ...blah blah...
   print header('application/octet-stream');
   print while FILE;

 Thanks for the help Bob! Is there another way besides
 the content-disposition to specify an attachment or
 filename?  I was trying to find a way to get a file
 download box to come up to ask where to save the file
 on their local computer.  With just the above, it will
 display it in the browser, and my users will just

The 'header' function can take a key/value list of arguments to include
additional header lines. So you can pass your content-disposition header
as you had it before. The key here is that the content type be set to
'application/octet-stream' and that the disposition header will only
work if the client understands it, but in most cases it is worth a shot.

In one my libraries I use,

my %header_options = ( -Content_Type   = 'application/octet-stream',
   -Content_Length = $content_length,

if (defined $self-{'filename'} and $self-{'filename'} ne '') {
$header_options{-Content_Disposition} = attachment;

It seems to have worked for me. Obviously you need to replace
$self-{'filename'} with your variable, and preferably set
$content_length with the file size.


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Re: Escaping with tr

2005-08-30 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Eric Walker wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 August 2005 04:16 pm, Bernard van de Koppel wrote:
bla bla;bla bla;bla bla
 cat test.file | sed 's/\//g'  editedfile

Quick someone get the can of UUoC Be Gone ... ;-)

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Re: Escaping with tr

2005-08-30 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Scott Taylor wrote:


How can I get all the  characters out of a csv file.

Input looks like
bla bla;bla bla;bla bla

and it has to look like
bla bla;bla bla; bla bla

I tried $text=~ tr(#\##);
but perl keeps complaining about Might be a runaway multi-line ;;

On a more serious note. Simply removing *all* double quotes can be a
dangerous proposition unless your data really does look like bla bla
which I somewhat doubt. Usually a delimited file like this will quote
specific fields because they may contain the delimiter, in this case a
semi-colon. Are you sure bla bla can't be blah; blah blah, and then
in the future need to still be delimited by the semi-colon?

Just checking...

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Re: encrypt the password stored in a file

2005-08-29 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
JupiterHost.Net wrote:
 Ken Perl wrote:
 The password used to access a ftp server is stored in a text file, the
 perl program gets the password from the file, the pass it to the ftp
 server for logon, this is the background.
 The requirement is encrypt the password store in a more secure way,
 and the perl program could still use the encrypted password to logon
 the server. what algorithm should be used in this task?
 Any Crypt:: modules would help but then the way to unencrypt it is still
 in a file. You be better off doing:
 my $password = 'plaintext';
 chown user:user
 chmod 600
 that way only the user can read it so it can safely be in plain text.
 Obscuring it is a lame way to do it because any moron with half sense
 can figure out how you unobscure it if they have access to the file anyway.
 Permissions, permission, permissions :)
 HTH :)
Considering it is FTP who cares about permissions too. It is an insecure
protocol to begin with, the password is sniffable during transmission
anyways, really the words FTP and secure don't belong in a sentence
together, unless they are included with the word NOT.

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Re: Need a list of files in a dir.

2005-08-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Please bottom post...

Daniel Kurtz wrote:
 Ooh ooh ooh! One I know!
 open(COMMAND, dir |);
 @files = COMMAND;

Sort of, while that *may* work it doesn't have proper error checking, is
less secure, less efficient, and less portable than many other ways,
especially those already provided.

This is my same rant as in the past, check the archives if you want the
real details, but shelling out is an *absolute* last resort. Perl
provides built-in functions to handle this, in cases where it does it is
never faster, safer, or more portable to shell out.

 -Original Message-
 From: Luinrandir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 21:33
 Subject: Need a list of files in a dir.
 How do I get the list of files in a DIR and put in an array?
 I'm drawing a blank on my search for this.

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Re: Directories into arrays, again.

2005-08-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Daniel Kurtz wrote:
 From: Daniel Kurtz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Why does @after end up looking exactly like @before? Is there some
 buffering going on here? And if so, how do I clear it? 
 Never mind, I figured it out. The file copying operation is another
 shell operation (c'mon, I'm a newby, and I've only read as far as
 perlopentut!) and the file handle needs to be closed before the second

Ok, but that is why you are here to learn. And a reason why using a
shell command to copy a file is a bad idea. You didn't do any error
checking, so you didn't know where your problem was.

I assume you are using 'strict' and 'warnings'. If you aren't, you need
to be, and want to be. If you are reading a book, and it hasn't advised
you to do so, get a new book, most likely the Llama. If you are reading
the perldocs directly, then I would suggest getting the Llama as it will
make for much better use of your time.

opendir DIR1, '.' or die Can't open directory for reading: $!;

In the above, you don't need the extra parens, there is no need to use
double quotes unless you are using interpolation and you weren't, so I
switched those to singles. And any operation that could fail should be
checked for failure, in the above case opendir will return nothing if it
fails, so we tack on a message, we include $! to learn *why* it failed.

my @before = readdir DIR1;

Declare our variables with the proper scope.

closedir DIR1;

# Execute a command that backs up every file in the directory
# with a .bak extension.

Here I would suggest using the File::Copy module, as it provides a
convenient 'copy' function which is all you are really doing. It is also
designed to be as portable as possible, and happens to be standard on
newer Perl versions.

use File::Copy;
foreach my $file (@before) {
  if (-f $file) {
copy($file, $file\.bak) or die Can't backup file: $!;

opendir DIR2, '.' or die Can't open directory for reading a second
time: $!;
my @after = readdir DIR2;
closedir DIR2;

No need for shell commands...

perldoc -f opendir
perldoc -f readdir
perldoc -f closedir
perldoc File::Copy
perldoc -f -e
perldoc strict
perldoc warnings

As an aside, if you must use a shell command you are better off sticking
with system, until you need the output which is provided by backticks,
only use the piped open form when you need to communicate with the
command you are running.

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Re: odd benchmark result, map vs foreach

2005-08-26 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Scott R. Godin wrote:
 Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
 Your benchmark isn't controlled. In the first instance you are doing a
 ++ on what amounts to a scalar getting autovivified, in the second
 instance you are assigning a pair of values to a list then autovivifying
 it. It isn't necessarily the map vs. foreach that is causing your
 difference. I think for your benchmark to be accurate you are going to
 have to control the actions taken in the loop, otherwise they affect the
 accuracy of your benchmark.
 mm this may be true, but realistically, that is how I'd write them in
 code I actually use -- so it behooves me to test them the way I'd
 normally be using them.. not under artificial circumstances in ways I
 normally wouldn't write code.
 I see what you're saying and it makes sense, but in this instance I'm
 more interested in seeing the results of the idiomatic expression of the
 end result. :)

Right, I was just being strict about your wording. You declared that the
foreach was faster than map, but strictly speaking it should have been
the way I used foreach was faster than the way I used map, which I
wouldn't have argued with. And I am only being that strict because this
is an open, archived forum where there are plenty of people that
wouldn't have recognized the difference and may have taken you as
strictly as I did on purpose, just because they didn't know better.

As far as I am concerned write your code however you wish, make it the
fastest to read...

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Re: Program is exiting on a failure

2005-08-25 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Chris Lyon wrote:
 I seem to be erroring out @ the $session-login portion of my program
 because the module that I am call is saying the password/username is
 bad. How do I trap the error and exit cleanly without just dumping
 from the application:
 login failed: access denied or bad username at ./ line 47
 $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco-new(Host = $ip);
 $session-login($login, $password);

You may want to check the 'errmode' method of Net::Telnet. Otherwise you
can catch the die in the normal Perl exception handling way,

perldoc -f eval

my $return = eval { # some code that might die };
if ($@) {
  print Uh oh, croaked leaving only: $@;

# code after not croaking

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2005-08-24 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Denzil Kruse wrote:
 I want to know the web site that someone came from,
 and so I was planning on reading $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}
 to figure it out.  How reliable is that?  Do browsers
 or other situations block it or obfuscate it?  Is
 there another way to do it or any other issues
 involved?  I'm using apache on red hat.

Depends on your definition of reliable. From experience it would seem
most browsers set it pretty reliably.

Having said that, it is just a value passed as part of the HTTP request
so anyone can spoof it at anytime, so relying on it from a security
stand point, well, isn't secure.

I imagine if you are doing something where someone can benefit from
obfuscating it, they will.  If you want to use it for ease of UI
handling (aka redirects, prepopulating fields, marketing metrics) I
think you are safe.


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Re: two way piped open

2005-08-24 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Bryan R Harris wrote:
 I'd like to open 2-way pipe to a tool that we have here.  It's called
 yprtool and once it's open, you give it 3 numbers to its STDIN and it spits
 out 3 numbers to its STDOUT.  It stays open until you ctrl-c it.
 What's the correct syntax for opening something like this?
 This doesn't work:
 $yprtool = '/Users/bh/Library/models/yprtool';
 open(YPRTOOL, +$yprtool|) or die open error blah;
 print YPRTOOL $a $b $c\n;
 $return = YPRTOOL;
 close(YPRTOOL) or die a cruel death;
 I think the problem is in the +, but I'm not sure.
 - B

Check out the IPC::Open2 and IPC::Open3 modules, they are standard.

perldoc IPC::Open2
perldoc IPC::Open3

Additionally there is good information available in,

perldoc perlipc

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Re: odd benchmark result, map vs foreach

2005-08-24 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Scott R. Godin wrote:
 Interesting .. I would have thought that map would be faster, but it
 appears that foreach is, in this instance. curious.. :)
 4:52pm {193} localhost:/home/webadmin/$ perl
 Benchmark: running Foreach, Map for at least 5 CPU seconds...
Foreach:  9 wallclock secs
 ( 5.24 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.24 CPU) @ 35906.30/s (n=188149)
Map: 11 wallclock secs
 ( 5.29 usr +  0.01 sys =  5.30 CPU) @ 24095.47/s (n=127706)
 4:54pm {194} localhost:/home/webadmin/$ cat
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use Benchmark qw(timethese);
 timethese( -5, {
 Foreach = sub {
 my %nr;
 $nr{$_}++ foreach
 qw{ shipto_company shipto_email billto_company
 billto_email same_bill_ship rkh_quantity rkp_quantity rmh_quantity
 rmp_quantity rbh_quantity rbp_quantity ship_on_account
 shipping_id_number order_number };
 Map = sub {
 my %nr = map {$_ = 1}
 qw{ shipto_company shipto_email billto_company
 billto_email same_bill_ship rkh_quantity rkp_quantity rmh_quantity
 rmp_quantity rbh_quantity rbp_quantity ship_on_account
 shipping_id_number order_number };
 }, }

Your benchmark isn't controlled. In the first instance you are doing a
++ on what amounts to a scalar getting autovivified, in the second
instance you are assigning a pair of values to a list then autovivifying
it. It isn't necessarily the map vs. foreach that is causing your
difference. I think for your benchmark to be accurate you are going to
have to control the actions taken in the loop, otherwise they affect the
accuracy of your benchmark.

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Re: using system to run ssh $host command

2005-08-24 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
grover mitchell wrote:
 I am trying to use system to run a command on a remote machine.
 system ssh, $remote_host[0], sudo, -u, nobody,
 /usr/bin/remote_command, --arg1, $arg1, --arg2, $arg2;
 The problem I run into is that perl will ssh into the remote host and
 give me a shell there, instead of running the remote command on the
 remote system. When I exit, perl will then try and run the remote
 command on my local host. Is there an easy way to accomplish this task
 using system?
 Thanks for any help.

I haven't tested, but there haven't been any other responders yet so I
thought I would chime in.

Have you tried the one argument form of Csystem? There is the
potential for the above to be getting screwed up by the 'exec' rather
than the 'execvp' mentioned in,

perldoc -f system

I suppose. Try joining all of your arguments along with the command into
a single string passed to system and see if that helps. Of course you
could always try Net::SSH::Perl as a substitute.

You also ought to consider using a full path to ssh, and I assume the
above is just a snippet of a larger set of code that does proper error
checking/handling per the Csystem docs ;-)...


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Re: Shell output

2005-08-23 Thread Wiggins d'Anconia
Scott Taylor wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have a CGI script that I need to display the output of a shell program,
 basically a simple C program that parses some text.
 The output is right to the browser, and I don't want it to be creating any
 new files or anything.  I have a data field that has a blob and that blob
 needs to be parsed and the output returned to the browser.
 What is a good way to do this:
 while ( my ($row ) = $sth-fetchrow_hashref ) {
 my $raw_data = $row-{BLOB};
 my $parsed_data = system (echo $raw_data|pasrer);
 of course that doesn't work, but what would be the right way to do it?

You should have a look at the section Pipe Opens in,

perldoc perlopentut

Should be what you are looking for. I do assume you have a good reason
for writing the parser in C

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