Concatenating names from form

2002-07-04 Thread Paul Arsenault

I want to be able to read in names from a web-based form and then take the
first initial from the first name and concatenate it with the whole last
name.  I can do everything except isolate the first initial in the first
name.  Anyone know of an easy way to do this with a regex or reading the
name into an array as individual characters and then using something like:

$first_initial = $name[0];


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Re: Concatenating names from form

2002-07-04 Thread Connie Chan

So what's your input ? and you's your supposed output ?

Connie in sick _

- Original Message -
From: Paul Arsenault [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 7:48 AM
Subject: Concatenating names from form

 I want to be able to read in names from a web-based form and then take the
 first initial from the first name and concatenate it with the whole last
 name.  I can do everything except isolate the first initial in the first
 name.  Anyone know of an easy way to do this with a regex or reading the
 name into an array as individual characters and then using something like:

 $first_initial = $name[0];


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Check Mail then Fax

2002-07-04 Thread Connie Chan

Hi all, 

This is a mess now... I even have no concept on how to start.
I will working on something like this

There are 2 interface as input. One is a Web interface, which will accept
HTML tag and plain text by POST method, but by GET method, the input
would be an URL. Another One is a mail box, like [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
maybe that's not really an interface, just a input channel.
So, there are 3 sources will be needed to handle. GET, POST and Mail box.

Then , whatever GET, POST, or Detected mail arrival, they will write into
a log for waiting handle. What the meaning of handle is to FAX it out.


Problems  :

Q1) For Get method, How can I get the whole content of an URL ( including 
image and html  layout ) and save it to my temp directory ?

Q2) For Detecting mail arrival, I can do this. But how can I fetch those attachment
data (Excel, Word) and dump to my printer driver (actually WinFax) ?

Q3) How can I detect how many attachment(s) in a mail ?  Because I would like
to treat no attachment and attached more then 1 file as error.

Q4) Refer to Q2, should I firstly split the attachemt file to a temp folder at first ?
If so, how can I PICK UP the attachment from the mail ?


Any advice, module recommend, are very welcome.

Thanks a lot,
Connie in sick _''


What could go wrong with closing an FH ?

2002-07-04 Thread David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib

Hi All,

After a couple of emails about opening a file with a lower case FH, I have a 
question. I see everyone opening a file with an or die statement, what I can
fully understand. But I see you also close the FH with an or die statement.

Why ? What can go wrong with closing an FH ?

Can anyone tell me the answer ? I am much interested.

Regs David

 Ok, thank you, but now I'm having another problem with this:
 open(TEXT,text.txt) or die (error:  text.txt failed\n);
   while (TEXT) {
   my $text = TEXT;
 close(TEXT) or die(error:  close text.txt failed\n);

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Re: Concatenating names from form

2002-07-04 Thread Felix Geerinckx

on Wed, 03 Jul 2002 23:48:37 GMT, Paul Arsenault wrote:

 I can do everything except isolate the first
 initial in the first name.  Anyone know of an easy way to do this

my $firstname = 'Paul';
my $initial = substr($firstname, 0, 1);

perldoc -f substr


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Re: Concatenating names from form

2002-07-04 Thread Paul Arsenault

Thanks Felix,

This is exactly what I was looking for!


From: Felix Geerinckx [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Concatenating names from form
Date: 4 Jul 2002 10:37:33 -

on Wed, 03 Jul 2002 23:48:37 GMT, Paul Arsenault wrote:

  I can do everything except isolate the first
  initial in the first name.  Anyone know of an easy way to do this

my $firstname = 'Paul';
my $initial = substr($firstname, 0, 1);

   perldoc -f substr


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Weekly list FAQ posting

2002-07-04 Thread casey

beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners-cgi mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?

Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
(assuming [EMAIL PROTECTED] is your email address):


  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?

Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and wait for a response. Once you
reply to the response, you'll be unsubscribed. If that doesn't work,
find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):


  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?

Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


To unsubscribe from the digest, send an email to:


  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?

This document will be emailed to the list once a month, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?

Casey West owns the beginners-cgi list. You can contact him at

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?

Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?

Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl/CGI beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?

Sept 07, 2001

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners-cgi' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?

A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly
atmosphere. The topic of the list is, of course, CGI with Perl.

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?

* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Non Perl/CGI questions or issues
* Lemurs
  2.3 - Are there any rules?

Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.

* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun
  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?

Basically, if it has to do with Perl/CGI , then it is allowed. If your
question has nothing at all to do with Perl/CGI, it will likely be

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?

Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?

We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?

Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

perldoc perldoc

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

3 - Other Resources
  3.1 - What other websites may be useful to a beginner ?

* Perl Home Page -
* PerlMonks -
* Perldoc -
* Perl Archives -
  3.2 - What resources may be harmful to a beginner?

Beware of Perl4-like code-- You might find some script archives and
unauthorized mirrors with old Perl4 versions of Selena Sol and Matt
Wright scripts. Don't use those scripts. They are outdated and may even
in some cases contain bugs or security problems since many may not have
been updated in 

Re: Fw: 2 Questions

2002-07-04 Thread John Brooking

--- Kyle Babich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry for bothering everyone again, but could
 someone tell me what to change
 so that I can import variables from external files
 and get them to work in
 the current file?  (see original message)
 Thank you,

Copied from perldoc CGI:

-- begin quote --


 $query = new CGI(INPUTFILE);

If you provide a file handle to the new() method,
it will read parameters from the file (or STDIN, or
whatever). The file can be in any of the forms
describing below under debugging (i.e. a series of
newline delimited TAG=VALUE pairs will work).
Conveniently, this type of file is created by the save
() method (see below). Multiple records can be saved
and restored.

-- end quote --

Note that this requires use of CGI's object-oriented
interface. So instead of

   use CGI qw/:standard/;
   print header, start_html;

you instead say

   use CGI;
   my $query = new CGI(INPUTFILE);
   print $query-header, $query-start_html;

or just my $query = new CGI; to get parameters the
normal cgi way, or a variety of other ways which you
can read about in perldoc CGI, which I encourage you
to do.

- John

P.S. I'm about to unsubscribe to go on vacation. I
will probably be back in a few weeks.

Now it's over, I'm dead, and I haven't done anything that I want; or, I'm still 
alive, and there's nothing I want to do. - They Might Be Giants,

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Re: Username Password Question

2002-07-04 Thread zentara

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002 08:30:35 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rhen Hernandez) wrote:

hi everyone!

I created a password and username for my website.  My question is how can i direct 
the user to the homepage or main page of the website.  Right now, the code is set for 
Permission Granted...  I want to direct the user to the main page of the website 
after he/she is successful completed the form.

Maybe I'm wrong here, I'm just quickly reading the code,
but I don't think this approach gives you any REAL password

If you do the password check as you describe in your code,
then redirect to a unprotected page, such as 

what is to stop someone from bypassing your login page
and entering the destination page directly in thier browser?

You need to either .htaccess protect your destination page,
which makes your logon form a waste of time, or you need
to output your html from the cgi-script that does the password

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too many headers from CGI script (max 200)

2002-07-04 Thread John Pitchko

Hello, I keep receiving the following error message, but I have not found any 
information on the net as to what exactly this error means or how to correct it:

[04/Jul/2002:08:53:13] failure (  836): for host trying to GET 
/cgi-bin/template.cgi, cgi_scan_headers reports: the CGI program 
/appl/webdocs/cgi-bin/template.cgi did not produce a valid header (too many headers 
from CGI script (max 200))

Any suggestions?

John Pitchko
Data Services
Saskatchewan Government Insurance

RE: too many headers from CGI script (max 200)

2002-07-04 Thread Joel Hughes

are you able to dump the total output (including headers) for this CGI?


-Original Message-
From: John Pitchko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 July 2002 15:56
Subject: too many headers from CGI script (max 200)

Hello, I keep receiving the following error message, but I have not found
any information on the net as to what exactly this error means or how to
correct it:

[04/Jul/2002:08:53:13] failure (  836): for host trying to
GET /cgi-bin/template.cgi, cgi_scan_headers reports: the CGI program
/appl/webdocs/cgi-bin/template.cgi did not produce a valid header (too many
headers from CGI script (max 200))

Any suggestions?

John Pitchko
Data Services
Saskatchewan Government Insurance

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RE: too many headers from CGI script (max 200)

2002-07-04 Thread John Pitchko

Thanks, but I think I solved the problem. I was loading an array with all the contents 
of a particular directory and I don't think it liked having so many (for some strange 
reason). Either Perl or was unhappy with that.

Anyways, thanks for the help.

John Pitchko
Data Services

 Joel Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/04/02 09:54am 
are you able to dump the total output (including headers) for this CGI?


-Original Message-
From: John Pitchko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 July 2002 15:56
Subject: too many headers from CGI script (max 200)

Hello, I keep receiving the following error message, but I have not found
any information on the net as to what exactly this error means or how to
correct it:

[04/Jul/2002:08:53:13] failure (  836): for host trying to
GET /cgi-bin/template.cgi, cgi_scan_headers reports: the CGI program
/appl/webdocs/cgi-bin/template.cgi did not produce a valid header (too many
headers from CGI script (max 200))

Any suggestions?

John Pitchko
Data Services
Saskatchewan Government Insurance

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