Re: Raffle/check as payment

2003-04-04 Thread Raymond Burgett
We use PayPal for our online business and it is now set up to except
payments by credit card from outside the U.S. Funds can be sent to anyone
with an email address.

If any one is interested we can send PayPal information to you.

Ray & Pat Burgett
Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,Bell, Shadow & Max

Pat Long's Health Disk

2003-04-04 Thread Janice Parky

Can  you give me (us) information of the cost of the BMD Health Articles
disk that you have available?  In the past week I have forwarded articles to
3 differnent Berner owners who were concerned about health problems with
their dogs.   I would like to purchase a number of them to have on hand, to
send to people unfamiliar with the breed or the information available on the
L.  People trying to learn about Berners.  It is such a great resource for
new Berner owner and PPO's.

If you are a new Berner owner, or an "old" (did I say that?) Berner owner
who is beseiged by health or temperament questions, or a breeder who wants
to inform their puppy owners, this  disk is terrific.  It addresses most of
the problems in the breed, temperament issues, how to choose a breeder, and
links to other Berner related websites.  It is awesome.

Janice Parky

re: cracked nose

2003-04-04 Thread Lisa Baldwin
cracking noses can be a sign of autoimmune disease. my bernese has had a
cracked nose & it was diagnosed as lupus. cracking is different than
discolouration. although discolouration can also be a symptom of autoimmune
disease, it can also be caused by diet, light exposure, & genetics.

lisa baldwin 
(dickens, bark & zel)
seattle, wa

Appenzeller-mix in NYC requires rehoming

2003-04-04 Thread Lisa D Allen
A family in New York City seeks to place their three years old, spayed 
female, likely Appenzeller-mix into a new home.  When they adopted Lucy, 
they lived in Georgia.  They are very fond of her but feel an environment 
which provides the stimulation and opportunities for activity suitable for 
an Appenzeller would be better for Lucy.
Appenzellers are very intense and reactive dogs who like to herd.  Like 
Berners, they are devoted and sensitive dogs.  They also can pull a cart and 
do quite well in agility.  They are much smaller than Bernese, quite hardy, 
short coated, and have tails which curl over their backs.  An adult weighs 
about fifty-sixty pounds.  To learn just about everything you ever wanted to 
know about the breed, contact me and I shall put you directly in touch with 
the people in America with expertise regarding the breed.  To offer Lucy a 
home, contact me and I shall put you in touch with her owner.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and my gratitude to Pat Long for 
allowing me to post this to the list.
Lisa Allen

Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online

Getting your dog to take pills

2003-04-04 Thread Amanda
Luckily my Griffon always let me place the pill at the
back side of his mouth and he would just swallow them-
if you place it in the right spot they have no choice
but to swallow it.  But towards the end of his battle
w/ Malignant Histiocytosis, he wasn't too thrilled
about all of the pills he had to take, so I started
dipping the pills in a bit soft butter and he would
just eat them.  

Amanda Harvey
Jersey Shore

"Could someone please walk me through the best way to
get a uncooperative 55 kg Berner to swallow several
giant pills in a row without
food bribes? I would greatly appreciate any

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

RE: Pigment changes (was cracked nose)

2003-04-04 Thread Nancy Melone
There appear to be a number of reasons why pigmentation can fade, but in the
reference texts that I have "snow nose" is listed as specifically affecting
Bernese Mountain Dogs.  Basically it is a common condition in which the dark
pigment of the nose fades during the winter months and darkens again in
spring. Lack of pigmentation is primarily a cosmetic problem. A number of
home remedies have been advocated, but their success is questionable.
Complete depigmention does not occur.

There is also "plastic dish nasal dermatitis".  This is a localized form of
depigmentation that affects teh nose and lips.  It is caused by eatint our
of plastic or rubber dishes that contain the chemical p-benzylhuydroquinone.
This chemical is absorbed thorugh th e skin andinhibits the sythesis of
melanin, the chemical that produces dark picment in the skin.  The involved
skin also becomes irritated and inflamed.  The problem can be corrected by
feeding from glass, ceramic or stainless steel bowls.

There are other causes of depigmentation -- vitiligo, "Dudley nose"
(probably a form of vitiligo).  There is no cure for these, but the odds are
Berners have "snow nose."

Nancy Melone
Mars, PA

Re: BERNER-L digest 4354

2003-04-04 Thread EURAM1942

Re: reverse sneezing-late response, but a good one.

2003-04-04 Thread Kathryn Davis
A late response to Jean's post about 'reverse sneezing':

My old Lab, Babe & Am Eskimo, Klondike go into reverse sneezing fits when
there are a lot of allergens in the air (spring blossoms, etc).  I give them
& all the dogs 1 teasp of kelp with dessicated liver sprinkled over their
food each morning (the Eskie gets 1/2 teasp).  When allergens are really
bad, I give 1 1/2 teasp to the Lab & 1 teasp to the Eskie.  They do not have
any episodes of reverse sneezing.

Windraider Kennels
Bernese Mtn Dogs - Int Am BIS Can CH Windraider's Black Oak v Bevs , HIT,
CGC, TDI  "Tobin"
Windraider's Manjula v Bev's   "Jul"
Windraider's Seven Seas Briggand  "Briggand"
Windraider's Black Oak Conspiracy   "Brenna"
Flat Coated Retv - Int Am CH Twofold Samba Sam, CGC, TDI "Sam" (liver-DK
Labs & Eskie - Scout, Babe & Klondike

Re: Cirrus Falcon

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
NOTE: If you have already deleted the Jdbgmgr.exe file, in most cases, you
do not need to re-install it. The following quote is extracted from the
Microsoft Knowledge Base article, "Virus Hoax: Microsoft Debugger Registrar
for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe) Is Not a Virus (Q322993)."

"The Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe) is only used by
Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 developers.

If you follow the e-mail message instructions and delete this file, you do
not have to recover it unless you use Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 to develop
Java programs on Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 Second Edition,
Windows 98, or Windows 95."

If you need to restore this file, follow the instructions in "Virus Hoax:
Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java (Jdbgmgr.exe) Is Not a Virus

Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

Re: Cirrus Falcon

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
Hi Karen,

Go here:

Restore instructions should be included.

Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

Re: Cirrus Falcon

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
It is a hoax.

Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax
Reported on: April 12, 2002
Last Updated on: March 20, 2003 10:50:15 AM

Symantec Security Response encourages you to ignore any messages regarding
this hoax. It is harmless and is intended only to cause unwarranted concern.

Type: Hoax

This hoax, like the SULFNBK.EXE Warning hoax, tries to encourage you to
delete a legitimate Windows file from your computer. Jdbgmgr.exe is the file
to which the hoax refers, and it is the Microsoft Debugger Registrar for
Java. The Jdbgmgr.exe file may be installed when you install Windows.

NOTE: Recent versions of this hoax take advantage of the recent outbreak of
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] worm. The Jdbgmgr.exe file mentioned in the hoax has a
bear icon. The actual [EMAIL PROTECTED] worm file is a .exe file and does not
have a bear icon.

The Windows Jdbgmgr.exe file has a teddy bear icon in the hoax, as
illustrated below:

Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

Re: Cirrus Falcon

2003-04-04 Thread Karen
Yes I just, like a dummy and being computer illiterate panicked a bit and
did as I was told with the instructions. I did notice that this had been in
there since 1999, but I went ahead and deleted it as instructed. So have I
in fact now opened up an even bigger can of worms some how. I am such a
trusting soul!! Any enlightenment would be appreciated.
thank you
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada
- Original Message -
From: "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Allan Tantillo (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Berner List (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Beth Boyd (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Bob & Lisa Stewart (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Brad Folb
(E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Brian Wilson (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Carol Eyerman (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Cathy Wyngarden (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Cheryl Caplinger
(E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Connie Stewart (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Dan DiCillo (E-mail)" ;
"Dana Douglas (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "David McLaughlin
(E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Debbie Groff (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Denise Steiner (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Doug Dimitroff (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Elle Brink (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Gene Douglas (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Greg - Work (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Janet Majzner (Brown) (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jeff & Michelle Chayka (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jeff Mayo (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jim &
Barbara Mills (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jody Ebstein (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Joe & Nancy (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Kathryn
Bales (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Les Guttman (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lisa & David Gerstein (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lisa Negrycz-Gerstein (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lisa Stewart (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Mary Garilis (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "MaryBeth Scherer
(E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mike Christiansen (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Paula Hickman (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Ron Duskey (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Ronda McDonald (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Sandy Boyle (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Sandy Brown (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Sandy Mikes (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Sherri Duskey-Rinker (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Stacia Straley (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Steve Aites (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Steve Cutler (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Susan Goodwin (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Tom Griffin (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Violetta Fung (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: Cirrus Falcon

> OK,
> What is this all about?
> My computer has this apoplication BUT it has been there since 1998.
> So, it seems it was loaded when the computer was made.
> I don't think this is an application that you should remove from your
> computer.
> Can anyone verify this?
> Thanks,
> Mary
> Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
> SnoBear Berners
> N. California, USA

Re: Cirrus Falcon

2003-04-04 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners

What is this all about?
My computer has this apoplication BUT it has been there since 1998.
So, it seems it was loaded when the computer was made.
I don't think this is an application that you should remove from your
Can anyone verify this?



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

FW: Cirrus Falcon

2003-04-04 Thread Terri Taylor-Mikes
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* This post contains a forbidden message format   *
*  (such as an attached file, a v-card, HTML formatting)  *
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* If your postings display this message your mail program *
* is not set to send PLAIN TEXT ONLY and needs adjusting  *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Specialty Numbers are out!

2003-04-04 Thread Kim Morrow
The numbers for the Specialty are posted at Jack Bradshaw.

They are as follows:

312 Bernese Mountain Dog 88-116-14VD-16VB-31D-(33-19)-14BR-5SD 
  44 Bernese Mt. Dog Futurity 17-27 
  108 Bernese Mt. Dog Sweepstakes 48-60 
  34 Bernese Mt. Dog Veteran Sweepstakes 17-17 
Junior Showmanship Competition 
Junior Showmanship Competition 
  3 Obedience-Brace Class
(Starting number 0310 ) 
  1 Obedience-Graduate Novice Class
(Starting number 0290 ) 
  15 Obedience-Novice Class A
(Starting number 0005 ) 
  14 Obedience-Novice Class B
(Starting number 0075 ) 
  5 Obedience-Open Class A
(Starting number 0125 ) 
  8 Obedience-Open Class B
(Starting number 0170 ) 
  31 Obedience-Rally Class 1
(Starting number  ) 
  26 Obedience-Team Class
(Starting number  ) 
  4 Obedience-Utility Class A
(Starting number 0225 ) 
  3 Obedience-Utility Class B
(Starting number 0275 ) 
  10 Obedience-Veteran Class
(Starting number 0300 ) 

Kim Morrow
Susa Reg'd
Saskatoon, SK

Re: Boys and girls... are they different?

2003-04-04 Thread Alise Burbridge
Hello to all,

I am new to the list, and this will be my second attemt to join in.  I think
I hit reply instead of reply all...
I have two berners, a 3+ year old boy named Eiger, and a 2+ year old girl,
Aspen.  I responded first about adding a second dog to the family.  Eiger
was just a pup, but he thought Aspen was the best toy we ever brought home.
We were careful to keep his play gentle, and Aspen very quickly became his
dog.  They have been inseperable ever since.  I realize it may be different
with an older dog.  As far as the difference between males and females, it's
hard to know how much of their personality ties into family order.  Would
Aspen be more dependant on us if she were first and didn't have Eiger?  In
general she is more independent, but as she gets older she is becoming quite
a mama's girl.  She is very devoted, and does love to snuggle, but not too
needy.  Eiger, on the other hand, is fairly needy, such a big love.  Always
on your feet or lap if he can.  As far as training, Eiger is more eager to
please.  Aspen is obedient, but I think it's more about the cookie than
making me happy:>)
I have really enjoyed the list, it's so informative, lots of laughs as well
as tears...
Alise Burbridge
Seawind Farm

Aeryn the obedience star -- birthday girl too

2003-04-04 Thread Susan Wilkinson
I've been meaning to write this for the last week now -- and by waiting I
now have 2 announcements.  Most timely is that today marks Aeryn's 5th
birthday!!  This is cause for much celebration to mark such a special event
but also bittersweet for me.  I've promised not to dwell on the sadness that
surrounded her birthday last year ... but to focus on the happiness my
girl brings me.  Still a moment of silence was observed to mark the 1 yr.
anniversary of Talon's death.  There are to be no sad tears today!!  And I'm
NOT counting the years either! for sadly far too many of 'Ryn's relatives
have died at age 6 -- we won't even go down that road.

Aeryn remains the perpetual puppy.  She's still capable of being the baddest
of the bad (my poor father just had to buy yet another set of dentures
... ), she's bright, and goofie, and lovely, and she makes me laugh
every day.  Just yesterday she was out in the big yard and was playing
peekaboo around a giant spruce tree.  I'm trying to get her to come in for
breakfast (mine & their's!), but she's just standing staring at me.  I sort
of half turn my back on her and she suddenly launches herself in a huge leap
over/through the spruce branches, tears down to the barn, does a lightning
fast rollback and freight trains it straight up to the back door with the
silliest grin on her face.  I've been ambushed again!!  Goofie girl!

Last week was graduation night from our obedience class -- Rowyn was in
sub-novice and Aeryn did the novice refresher course.  It worked beautifully
for both dogs.  At first Rowyn was totally overwhelmed by the building, the
people, and all the dogs.  The first couple of weeks he was cowering,
sometimes growling he was so nervous, and wouldn't even take the best treats
from me.  We spent several lessons just standing on the sidelines while he
found his confidence.  Even then I was lucky to get 10 mins. worth of
concentration out of him for a class.  For once he found out it wasn't so
scary he was too busy making friends and begging for treats.  On the last
night he suddenly put it all together!  We came out of the ring to find our
instructor with her mouth wide with surprise "he was awesome!  Where did
that come from?!"  On his score sheet Rowyn got "excellent" for his
attention, heeling, and sitting.  I was amazed and very pleased -- but truly
our only goal for the class was to build confidence in the boy!

Aeryn was a real star too.  Our goal out of the class was to finish our CD
and we did that at the trial in February.  'Ryn just had so much fun at
classes too, it was a joy taking her every week.  At graduation she really
shone -- giving the best obedience run she'd ever done.  Her nose was
literally glued to my leg during the entire off-leash portion, speedy and
correct auto sits each time, and her recall had the spectators gasping at
her speed and style.  They gave her an ovation for that!  And at the end of
the night she took home the first place trophy!  Whewee, we can barely fit
our heads in the door still!!!

I had promised Aeryn a field trip for her birthday, but that's not going to
happen today thanks to the freezing rain storm we're getting.  But it also
means I couldn't go to work so she's had me home all day and there have been
lots of cuddles.  And don't tell her, but I do have a special chewie treat
for her hidden in the cupboard  love ya my girlie!

sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn)
with special thoughts for our angels Kellu & Talon

FW: Show recording fee increases

2003-04-04 Thread das4dogs
This came to me from another club I belong to. I thought it might be of interest to 
those here who show their dogs.

Donna & the Wild Berner Bunch
Flagstaff, Arizona
Subject: re:  recording fee increases

Heads up: AKC is considering increasing the recording fee from .50 to $3.00,

IMO we should all be very concerned about this possible increase.  Here is a

link to the letter from the chairman  AKC has more than $10

million dollars in reserve (if you read between the lines) and doesn't think

that is enough!  Wouldn't all companies like to have a $30 million dollar


If you care about how much your next AKC event is going to cost you, you

might consider writing an email to Chairman Ronald H. Menaker at


Permission to cross post and forward is granted.

Vicki May

Membership Chair - Rio Salado Vizsla Club

Auction Chair - Vizsla Rescue Fund

RE: Histiocytic Sarcoma

2003-04-04 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

Here is the quote from Dr. Moore's website on histiocytosis:

"Histiocytic sarcoma and malignant histiocytosis (MH) occur with high
incidence in Bernese Mountain Dogs, Rottweilers, Flat Coated Retrievers,
Golden Retrievers and sporadically in many other breeds. Histiocytic
sarcomas occur as localized lesions in spleen, lymph nodes, lung, bone
marrow, skin and subcutis, brain, and periarticular tissue of large
appendicular(limb) joints. Histiocytic sarcomas can also occur as
multiple lesions in single organs (especially spleen), and rapidly
disseminate to involve multiple organs. Hence, disseminated histiocytic
sarcoma is difficult to distinguish from MH, which is a multi-system,
rapidly progressive disease in which there is simultaneous involvement
of multiple organs such as spleen, lymph nodes, lung, bone marrow, skin
and subcutis. Response of histiocytic sarcomas and MH to chemotherapy is
at best brief."

For more information -

Pat Long, a babysat Maddie and Sadie, (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Finally found the Berner of my life!!!

2003-04-04 Thread terri thompson-brady
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* This post contains a forbidden message format   *
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* is not set to send PLAIN TEXT ONLY and needs adjusting  *
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Histiocytic Sarcoma

2003-04-04 Thread Margareta Strand
Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma - the same as Malignant Histiocytosis?

I saw a notation Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma is what earlier was called
MH? Am I right?

Stockholm - our town had snow in the morning, in the afternoon sunshine!

Re: joint pain diet

2003-04-04 Thread Michaela Simmons
Rose wrote:

>She found
> that her condition was highly aggravated when she ate red and green
> peppers.

Well, that is VERY interesting. My husband doesn't suffer from arthritis per
se, but I have been feeding him a lot of peppers lately and he has been
complaining of achy joints. Harvey refuses to eat peppers, yet Rupsi adores
them and his joints have been clicking for the past week or so. Coincidence?
Maybe. Hmmm.

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert

Help! Berner lost in N. Illinois

2003-04-04 Thread HoneybearB

Lynn Griffin just phoned me crying.  Her Sydney, a medium-sized, in tact, 
out-of-coat Berner female bolted through the front door of a lady's home at 
7:15 this morning.  Sydney was staying there while Lynn and John were going 
away for a short vacation.

It is currently raining in our area and the dog is in completely unfamiliar 
territory.  The house is in Country Walk subdivision in  Round Lake, 
Illinois.  The roads are Montville, Rollins, and Rt. 83.  

If you can help please call Lynn on her cellphone 847 217 6847  

After Saturday, please call Sherry Otto 847 494 4101

Posters are being put up, the police are on the lookout, a club member's 
tracking dog is out, friends are out looking, and if you can help, we would 
appreciate it.

Elaine Squires
815 941 2492

Honeybear Berners(TM) since 1984
Suburban Chicago

Re: Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

2003-04-04 Thread Karen
Dear Maria,
Thank you so much for the insightful information about ticks. But moreso
thank you so much for my early morning smile. The thoughts of "tick hunting"
naked with a bottle of Cabernet just left way too much to my imagination.
Stevie thinks that I have lost what was left of my mind!! Especially sitting
here and laughing out loud at this computer screen. Such a sheltered life!!
First of all I don't own a full length mirror, simply because I found that
the "screaming" just didn't stop that easily!!
We have never had a tick problem here where we live. And I don't think that
we will this year either, ticks and insects do not live very well in snow
and ice!! We are just battening down the hatches for yet another snow and
ice storm tomorrow. Those of you who are concerned about Global warming
should just visit Canada and you will see that there is absolutely nothing
to worry about! Thanks again Maria!!
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada
- Original Message -
From: "Maria Crifasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Berner List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Sue Hoffman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

RE:Pigment changes (was cracked nose)

2003-04-04 Thread Cheryl Otis
Actually our dogs use metal bowls for both food and
water. Does anyone know if it is diet related?

Cheryl, Tessa & Tanner

--- Ellen Lauber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have heard that the lightening of the pigment on
> dog's noses can be caused
> by plastic food dishes.   I read that the plastic
> bowls can get small
> scratches in them and cause bacteria to grow. 
> Whether that causes the
> lightening or not, I can't be sure, but better safe
> then sorry..
> -Ellen & Harper
> -Original Message-
> From: Cheryl Otis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:47 PM
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing
> List
> Subject: Re: cracked nose
> We don't have cracked noses but we do have a
> lightening of the pigment, what causes the noses to
> loose their dark color.
> Cheryl, Tessa & Tanner
> Portland Or.
> --- Michaela Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I noticed that Rupert has a very badly cracked
> nose.
> > It looks really sore.
> > Now I'm feeling guilty ( don't mom's always) since
> I
> > should have noticed
> > sooner but he usually has a thick patina of mud on
> > top of his nose. Gee, I
> > once even found a slug balancing on it!
> >
> > I intended to put some cocoa butter on it but one
> of
> > my friend's said that
> > would block his nose and impair his breathing.
> Can't
> > see how, since I'm not
> > planning on putting the stuff  IN the nose, but I
> > thought I better check
> > before suffocating my youngest Berner boy!
> > Meanwhile, Harvey appears to be
> > loosing most of the pigment from his nose. Must be
> a
> > "bad nose month".
> >
> > Has anyone got a good "cracked nose" remedy to
> > share?
> >
> > Thank you!
> >
> > Michaela, Harvey & Rups
> > Devon/UK
> >
> >
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms,
> and more

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

Chey Girl V. Bear Boy

2003-04-04 Thread Cara
Hi all...its been a while!

I couldn't resist this topic string!  
Cheyenne is 4 and a half and the love of my life.  She
was my first BERNER but eighth dog (all were females.)

I was very reluctant to add a male (what a switch from
you)  But after a lot of L-Counciling I welcomed Bear
into our home April 7, 2002.

The compare and contrast. 
And this is more a listing of MY dogs not so much the
whole breed.

Chey is smarter...better "behaved"

Bear is more playful when I want to play, where Chey
plays when she wants. 

Chey is content to go on long walks and hang out just
the 2 of us. 
Bear feels the more the merrier and the bigger the
spot light.  

Bear will fetch and play ball, Chey likes to watch me
Fetch the ball!

After a humorous incident involving a wall and the bed
when Chey was 4 months old Chey refuses to SLEEP in
bed with me due to my constant fidgeting...BEAR will
plop down RIGHT ON TOP OF ME and think nothing of my
wanting to get out of bed because of the extra
pressure now being applied to my bladder. 

Bear has never been on the Couch, Chey heads there
when she realizes she needs to pull out the ULTRA CUTE
"WHO ME?" act in lieu of shame and remorse.   (For
Instance:  refer to old digests where she ate my 
David Yuman bracelet because I was on a 4 day biz trip
to Benton Harbor, MI) and she MISSED ME

Bear sits and Wags and has no clue that any wrong
doing has occured.  Chey knows who what where and when
the crime was commited and avoids it at all cost. 

Chey knows I am the mommmy, but loves all
unconditionally.  Bear knows Chey is the mommy and
loves all unconditionally. 

Chey was house broken in 3 days...Bear took 3-4 weeks.

So now that I jotted down a few iotas about my
babies...propose the question which gender is "better"

Chey though is my EVERYTHING.  She knows me inside and
out.  Knows when I want to snuggle cuase I am happy or
sad.  Knows when I need a long walk as an outlet for
stress.  Cheyenne knows how to make me smile and laugh
and when its okay to cry.  She knows when I need to be
needed.  She is the closest thing in the world to me
and I thank God for her every day. 

I never thought I could love anything in the world
like I love my Chey and Bear is proof I was wrong...My
next dog?  Well, when the time is right I think I will
let Amy K.  and her crew pick that for me, but I know
that with either I am blessed by big paws, dog hair in
my coffee...and will never leave the house with my
makeup in tact!

Hope that helps...feels like all that was great
therapy for me!


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FW: Mast Cell Tumor - Radiation?

2003-04-04 Thread peggyd
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Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

2003-04-04 Thread Maria Crifasi
Here in the Catoctin Mountains, Spring has sprung.  The herds of deer are
regularly traipsing across our property, the birds are twittering, the
turkeys are gobbling and the deer ticks are multiplying.  Besides using
Frontline, it is time for the daily tick check.  When I call Buddy and
Daisy, saying "Tick Check" -- they line up at the bathroom door.  We have
found a gadget that looks like a 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoon with a slit in
the bowl that works great.

Human tick checks are also necessary since my husband Jack has already
gotten Lyme (which presented itself with the textbook target-like rash). I
must assume Lyme is the reason why Jack sheds his clothes so
enthusiastically. After several winsome poses, he stands while I check him
over for ticks.  So far I have been extremely lucky and have not gotten
Lyme.  I thought I'd share with you my daily (and much more modest) tick
check routine:

1) pour yourself a lovely mellow glass of Cabernet and take it with you into
the bathroom. Turn on all the lights.

2) remove clothes and stand in front of a full-length mirror.

3) promise yourself you will not scream that loudly again and crawl out from
behind the hamper.

4) turn the lights back on

5) go get the bottle of Cabernet.

6) think Freckle and carefully examine your body for "moving" freckles.
Remember, you will have a choice should you discover a deer tick: call your
mate or modestly rise to the challenge on your own. Concentrate on the
freckles and moles liberally scattered across your flesh.  Firmly ignore
whatever else you see.

7)If the tick is ambling along, grab him with a tissue and drop him in
alcohol.  If the tick is embedded, use tweezers or the measuring-spoon
gadget. A hand mirror will aid you in your search.

8) If the tick is embedded in a place you cannot access and you are home
alone and the closest neighbor is a complete idiot, simply call your doctor.
I have done this successfully but had to drink several cups of coffee and
wait an hour before driving. I have since removed #5.

Good luck!

Maria Crifasi
Home of Daisy and Buddy in the Catoctin Mountains

RE: cracked nose

2003-04-04 Thread Ellen Lauber
I have heard that the lightening of the pigment on dog's noses can be caused
by plastic food dishes.   I read that the plastic bowls can get small
scratches in them and cause bacteria to grow.  Whether that causes the
lightening or not, I can't be sure, but better safe then sorry..
-Ellen & Harper

-Original Message-
From: Cheryl Otis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:47 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Re: cracked nose

We don't have cracked noses but we do have a
lightening of the pigment, what causes the noses to
loose their dark color.
Cheryl, Tessa & Tanner
Portland Or.

--- Michaela Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I noticed that Rupert has a very badly cracked nose.
> It looks really sore.
> Now I'm feeling guilty ( don't mom's always) since I
> should have noticed
> sooner but he usually has a thick patina of mud on
> top of his nose. Gee, I
> once even found a slug balancing on it!
> I intended to put some cocoa butter on it but one of
> my friend's said that
> would block his nose and impair his breathing. Can't
> see how, since I'm not
> planning on putting the stuff  IN the nose, but I
> thought I better check
> before suffocating my youngest Berner boy!
> Meanwhile, Harvey appears to be
> loosing most of the pigment from his nose. Must be a
> "bad nose month".
> Has anyone got a good "cracked nose" remedy to
> share?
> Thank you!
> Michaela, Harvey & Rups
> Devon/UK

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giving drugs/Griffin update : )

2003-04-04 Thread margareta . strand

I put the drug deep in the mouth, one by one, Vincent swallow between each
- cuddling under the troath and afterwards something good to eat.
It use to work, we also have these huge drugs at the moment.

An hour ago I had my hands in his mouth of other reasons - Vincent took in
his mouth something big from another dog, we had snow in the morning and
this dirt  was under.

Think I still have stinky hand´s   -   . my dog is very natural child!

diet for arthritis

2003-04-04 Thread P & J Smith
Hi all,

Re' diet for decreasing arthritis symptoms...
It is quite well known that any foods in the "nightshade" family are
considered one of the
irritating or allergy response foods, that aggravates arthritis.
This is re' arthritis in humans, I am not sure if the same would hold true
for dogs whose
disgestive system is much faster.
I think these foods may me be more irritating to rhuematoid types
(inflammatory) than
the osteo' arthritis.
That would include peppers as Rose mentioned, white potatoes (not sweet?)
and eggplant.
Chocolate, caffiene, alcohol, dairy, red meat, wheat, starchy veggies and
there are others
but those are the main ones that I can recall.
Yes I remember pineapple is good for reducing inflammation, cayenne peppers
is said
to help with circulation to the joints, some people swear by Noni juice as
being a benefit
and I am sure there are many other homeopathics that are good too.

Joan and Sophia

 War does not determine who is rightwar determines who is left.

Specialty Raffle/Auction

2003-04-04 Thread Kathy & Tim Kennedy
Have you taken a look at the BMDCC raffle and silent auction items recently?
Check out the original Specialty 2003 Commemorative Painting or the one of
kind Bernese dog bowl.  Many new items have been added to these sites since
they were first posted on berner-l thanks to the generous support of friends
and neighbours.

You can see these lovely items on the  website for the May 2003 BMDCC and
BMDCO combined specialty show to be held in Ottawa at:  for
raffle items and for auctions items.

Robin Camken has done a wonderful job on the web site.  Take a tour to get
complete details on the raffle, auction and all the show events.

Kathy Kennedy

in Ottawa with Orla

Griffin update : )

2003-04-04 Thread Cecilia Ståhl
Dearest List,

Thought I'd mention that Griffin is feeling a tiny bit better already! When
we woke up this morning, the swelling had gone down a bit in his lower right
eyelid although his nose lesions are still holding their ground. Better
breathing sounds too, so my guess is that the swelling in his nasal cavity
is going down as well.

He is a stubborn little devil when it comes to taking pills though  The
100 mg cyclosporin caps are the size of small American footballs. This
morning's battle was endless and resulted in 2 punctured  capsules, all the
medicine (liquid) ran out onto the floor. That was about 40 US dollars down
the drain : (

Although we have struggled successfully with medication before, his life has
never depended upon it like it does now. I need to work on my pill
administration techniques .. Griff is not a food motivated dog - I have
been putting his leash on and rewarding him after every swallowed pill with
a fun run outside, ending off with a walk in the forest when we are done.
This didn't work well today, to say the least. I have never had to shove
stuff down his throat before, but I have the feeling that this is the next
step. Could someone please walk me through the best way to get a
uncooperative 55 kg Berner to swallow several giant pills in a row without
food bribes? I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Pat  the Fred Hutchisson blood sample kit arrived this morning, my
compliments to the US postal service!

Berner Hugs to everyone,
Cecilia Ståhl & Griffin
Stockholm Sweden

Re: Raffle/check as payment

2003-04-04 Thread Cecilia Ståhl
Dearest List,

Re: War Dog

2003-04-04 Thread Marion Brown
I saw this dog on television (Sky News) and he really looked as though he
loved what he was doing. Almost like a Bernese in the way he was trying to
please his Dad!

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)